
=== maco_ is now known as maco
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dholbachPackaging Training Session in 1m in #ubuntu-classroom06:59
lamalexyou should have one of these sessions during a time that's not unreasonable for the other side of the ocean07:00
lamalexid love to attend one of the packaging ones, but they're never at times I can attend07:00
maxblamalex: They rotate around the day:07:02
maxb0 6 12 and 18 UTC07:02
lamalexyet i seem to never be able to attend any of them :(07:03
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maxbHmm, karmic seems to be ignoring my /etc/hdparm.conf07:20
maxbusplash broken on karmic for anyone else?08:26
pwnguinwe should just carve these sessions up into a moodle session with video08:28
pwnguinalternatively, lesson08:29
jamieleshawHello are there screenshots of the new look yet?09:27
ienorandjamieleshaw: To put it blankly, don't expect a new look in Karmic, it may very well get postponed even further, and no, nothing has surfaced yet.09:28
jamieleshawPostponed why?09:29
jamieleshawBecause of GNOME 3?09:30
ienorandSince Mark and his DX team hasn't gotten the butt out of the mailbox, basically.09:31
jamieleshawWhat do you mean?09:32
ienorandjamieleshaw: http://www.lamalex.net/2009/05/chasing-the-white-whale-the-year-of-the-linux-desktop-and-new-ubuntu-theme/09:33
ienorandit has taken a long, long time to pull together a design team i had hoped to have that team in place six months ago, but it’s still forming i think we will make good progress in the next cycle you can already see a few things that have borne fruit from that team notifications, time zone selector in installer, etc but it’s fragmentary i’m pretty darn confident09:34
ienorandconfident we’ll have a new look for 10.04 but i think only pieces of that will emerge for 9.1009:34
macvrhi can any one advice me on what to choose for this notebook config? ubuntu/kubuntu/UNR: Sony VAIO PCG-SRX87 Laptop  * Processor: 850 MHz Mobile Intel Pentium III Processor    * RAM: 256 MB    * RAM Type: SDRAM    * L2 Cache: 512 KB Hard Drive    * Size: 20 GB    * Graphics Card: Intel 815EM graphic    * Graphics RAM: 11 MB09:35
ienorandjamieleshaw: quoting sabdfl...09:35
macvroops... wrong room!09:36
jamieleshawI see.09:36
jamieleshawThe screenshots of GNOME 3 look good.09:38
ienorandjamieleshaw: I think they look horrible, interface-wise, but that's just me :D09:39
jamieleshawThe Ubuntu netbook remix loog impressive.09:42
peterzapw: you spelled it wrong, its kinky koala ;-)12:58
apwpeterz, :)  now that would be funny13:00
thewrathlol peterz13:04
vegais jaunty upgradable to karmic atm?13:56
rskisure but not supported13:56
rskiin the sense that you probably have to fix most bugs yourself or at least bugreport everything13:56
vegawhat, no support? it's almost alpha1 time..13:56
thewrathvega: when is alpha1?14:01
thewrathi thought it was later on this month14:01
thewrathlike at the end of it14:02
compengithewrath, when it's ready ;)14:02
vegawell yeah, something like that14:02
thewrathcompengi: i figured as much i was speaking what is just posted on teh scheudle14:02
compengithewrath, sometimes the schedules break14:02
thewrathright i understand but as of the last time i saw the schedule is what i was talking about14:03
thewrathcompengi: what you running jaunty/14:03
thewrathhey AndrewGee14:04
PiciAlpha 1 is scheduled for the 14th I think.14:07
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule14:07
vegai just wanted to know if the basic infrastructure is in place so at least the upgrade is possible in theory14:10
ikoniavega: if you don't know the status of it, why would you want to upgrade ?14:16
thewrathi would wait to the later alphas or even the beata14:16
vegaikonia: test? report bugs?14:22
thewrathalpah 1 is next thursday14:25
thewrathand thent eh deve summit 25-3914:25
ikoniavega: report bugs on what ??? they haven't even decided what's in it14:38
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Superdweebhey guys, what's the plan for eglibc?15:46
ikoniain what respect ?15:46
Superdweebif anyone knows yet, I mean.15:47
SuperdweebI just heard about it.15:47
ikoniaknows what ?15:47
SuperdweebI mean, debian is replacing glibc with eglibc, right?15:47
Superdweebit was on slashdot.15:47
ikoniaeglibc is for embeded platforms15:47
ikoniaI'd be surprised if it was totally replaced, but it could be15:48
mphillikonia: not anymore15:48
ikoniajust reading the blog15:48
mphillikonia: they are so fucking pissed at ulirch they are jumping ship15:48
ikoniacalm down on the language15:48
mphillwhich is fine by me, good ridence15:48
SuperdweebI'm happy. "Support for different shells (GLIBC only supports bash). Support for building with -Os. Configurable components (do we really need NIS or RPC support in debian-installer?)." = super cool stuff.15:49
* mphill tones down15:49
ikoniahow does glibc support a shell ?15:49
SuperdweebI think rpc is one big security hole.15:49
ikonia????? they are seperate components15:49
SuperdweebI think it means using shell syntax as program arguements.15:50
Superdweebsomething deep down under the carpet.15:50
Superdweebprobably related to running sudo in scripts.15:50
ikoniajust reading the redhat bug, nothing to do with sudo15:50
ikoniabug 326615:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 3266 in anewt "Anewt lacks Atom support" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/326615:50
ikoniano - not ubuntu bug15:50
ikoniaI guess this will be on the table at uds15:51
SuperdweebI mean, sudo doesn't always work right with scripts, some guy wrote a script to ensure everything gets handled right, including userspace variables.15:51
ubottusourceware.org bug 3266 in libc "ldd doesn't work when /bin/sh is dash" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]15:51
ikoniaa good description of the issue15:51
SuperdweebThis is an example of how it really interacts beneath the user level. I mean, tons of it is c and assembly : have you ever looked at the code source for dd?15:51
mphillthey pushed the 2.6.30 kernel out before UDS, I think they are already started work on KMS and plymouth15:53
Superdweebsince we have multi-pointer support now, has anyone here got it working?15:53
mphillSuperdweeb: I only need one mouse for now :)15:53
Superdweebwell, I was thinking of setting my touchpad as one pointer and my little red plastic  thingy as another.15:54
mphillas a side note eglibc will also bring better support for embedded systems. Once ARM gets into the netbook market it could start to get very interesting15:54
ikoniaI guess this would be good to take up as a discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic15:55
ikoniaseems like a lot of meat on the bones to chat about15:55
ienorandI'm seeing delays in the stage between grub and kernel (I presume), it stays unusually long at the "booting from hd*,*" stage, what kind of info would I like to get here to populate a bug?17:09
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* hggdh took the plunge... now running karmic19:01
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ienorandhggdh: howsit climbing along?19:02
hggdhso far no issues, except a failure to upgrade ubuntu-desktop19:04
hggdh(which I have not had time to look at, yet, but it seems a script error)19:05
ienorandhmm, I had no probs with that afaik...19:07
ienorandalthough grub slugs, and autologin don't work, bo those are very minor issues...19:08
ienorandAnyhow, off for a reboot and see if the older kernel bugs grub as well, see you.19:10
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Vincemanif camorama works, will your cam work with all other apps?19:35
* BUGabundo is not here... but can't avoid nothing TheInfinity is back!20:43
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maxbI have a rather odd problem - it's not karmic-specific, but I am running karmic - my laptop brightness takes a ridiculous number of keypresses to go from full bright to full dim22:22
maxbThis is on an AAO22:23
maxbany thoughts / reading material for me?22:23
calcmaxb: if it is more than previously in Ubuntu it is probably due to a bug being fixed22:26
calcmaxb: does each press seem to increase brightness, or do you have to press multiple times for single level?22:26
calcmaxb: in the past on at least some laptops the brightness adjust would jump 3x as fast as it should have22:27
BUGabundomine acts fast22:27
calcmaxb: your bios defines how many brightness levels there are, many have 10+ levels22:28
BUGabundoaudio on the other hand is slow....22:28
BUGabundobut I have OSD for audio and not for bright!22:28
calcmaxb: however there was a bug where it would do skip so you could only do eg 3 levels when 10 were defined22:28
kklimondaBUGabundo: you here? :}22:29
BUGabundokklimonda: just a bit... trying to make it as little as possible...22:30
BUGabundonow it's the dog, who is lacking my attention22:30
BUGabundoBug 37300622:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373006 in update-manager "Update-manager should not incentivate to do Partial Updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37300622:33
BUGabundokklimonda: what does OOo have to do with UM ??22:33
BUGabundoalexsey got me lost on that one22:34
kklimondaprobably his OOo packages are held back for some reason ;)22:36
kklimondathat's how it sounds to me22:36
kklimondadunno what does it have in common with bug..22:36
BUGabundojust noise22:36
BUGabundobut then again OOo packages are SO big that they get stuck a lot on UM22:37
BUGabundoI have gnome-do-plugins stuck22:37
BUGabundoI bet it failed to build again on 64bits22:37
BUGabundohave to check on LP22:37
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BUGabundo !repositories23:28
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:28

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