
bdmurraydtchen: Did you see my response regarding speaker-test?00:00
dtchenbdmurray: when? it's not in the first of my e-mail crawl, so, no.00:00
dtchenugh, MUAs suck when searching through 7mil+ e-mails00:01
dtchenright, on answers, looking now.00:03
dtchenbdmurray: you can't use plug for that definition; you need to use type route and wrap it in a plug00:07
dtchenbdmurray: i'm a bit confused as to why you're trying to use the existing 5.1 (6-channel) configuration with only 4 channels, however.00:10
bdmurraydtchen: I only have 4 speakers?00:10
dtchenbdmurray: you would still use channels 600:11
dtchenor just omit that bit completely and continue to use type plug with slave.pcm "surround51"00:11
dtchenit's designed to do the right thing regardless whether you have 1, 2, ..., 6 speakers00:11
bdmurraywell, hey that's neat ;-)00:12
bdmurraydtchen: Thanks, I was originally trying test the alsa-driver hook for apport00:15
dtchenbdmurray: np. i've extended the hook in my branch (~crimsun/apport/alsa/)00:17
dtchenwe're missing quite a bit of necessary information that's collected by alsa-info.sh00:17
bdmurraydtchen: do you have any thoughts on how people should report sound bugs right now?  Maybe ubuntu-bug linux-sound-base then move them to linux?00:20
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dtchenbdmurray: for interactive debugging, i've been asking people who use GNOME to use "ubuntu-bug pulseaudio"02:01
dtchenbdmurray: if the interactive debugging is just ALSA-related, then i request "ubuntu-bug alsa-base"02:01
dtchenbdmurray: in either case, i move the bugs to the appropriate affected source package02:02
dtchen(or invalidate, etc.)02:02
dtchenit's interesting to note that a nontrivial amount of bugs reported that way turn out to be caused by people attempting to beat Ubuntu - e.g., they install OSSv4 then balk when everything collapses, so when they remove OSSv4, reinstall the userspace ALSA bits, and reload the ALSA driver modules, they're surprised to see that PulseAudio actually works02:04
jtholmesif a bug report has been generated by a kernelOops report is that bug considered confirmed?02:24
jtholmeshggdh, ^^^02:25
hggdhjtholmes, what's the bug#?02:25
jtholmesbug 36770102:26
ubot4`Launchpad bug 367701 in pm-utils "[] hibernate/resume failure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36770102:26
hggdhjtholmes, even though it still has to go through triage02:26
jtholmeshggdh, so do i alter the status or anything?02:26
jtholmesor just leave it be02:26
hggdhleave it be. I have been out of kernel for quite a long time, so I would rather have somebody up-to-date with it look at it02:27
jtholmesok i ran across about 6-7 with the same or very similar problems, thx02:28
kklimondacan it even be debugged without actual oops log?02:29
kklimondaor am I just blind?02:29
jtholmesyou are not blind, there is no oops log afaics02:30
jtholmesis there a move afoot to kind of gently force bug reporters to use ubuntu-bug  XYZ  and stop just random bug reporting to launchpad?02:32
hggdhjtholmes, yes (and we were discussing it today), but ubuntu-bug is yet not easy to use (the casual user will be lost with it)02:34
kklimondawell, we could somehow ecourage people to use Help->Report Bug but ubuntu-bug is a black magic to most of them imo ;)02:34
jtholmesyes, we needd more structure and we need to grab certain hardware info and not have the hardware type in the summary line02:34
kklimondathings like PIDs, bug numbers, package names sound scary :)02:35
hggdhand command-line...02:35
kklimondamaybe some kind of link in launchpad?02:36
kklimondasomething like apport:bug number?02:36
kklimondaso people could click it and apport would launch and gather more info..02:36
jtholmeswell how about a sub-set of ubuntu-bug that at least gathers some miniminal info and then we can poke the reporter for more definitive info after we receive the initial info02:36
kklimondaeven try to integrate it with launchpad bug reporting (some firefox extension?)02:37
hggdhthese are all options, and I am sure they will receive attention at UDS02:37
jtholmessure we need to gain more control of the process as there are many similar bugs but they get reported differently02:37
jtholmeswe dont want to be restrictive, but right now it is a free for all gallery02:38
hggdhit is indeed. Look at it as growing pains02:39
jtholmesyeah, almost 400k of pains :)02:39
hggdhas we grow, we adapt. But, most of the times, we adapt to events we perceive, so it takes a while for the new schema to be implemented02:40
jtholmeshggdh, say, one thing i have culled tonight is a lot of hibernation problems, any fix u kno about on the horizon02:40
jtholmesim tagging them so i can go back to them02:41
hggdhjtholmes, no, I do not know the current status (I *never* hibernate ;-) )02:41
kklimondais it even possible to hibernate without swap partition?02:42
jtholmesme either but lots of folks do02:42
jtholmeskklimonda, that is discussed in several bugs, and some did not have swap and I believe you cant hib w/o swap02:43
kklimondajtholmes: I wonder if swap file is enough02:43
jtholmeskklimonda, I dont know much about the overall process02:43
jtholmeskklimonda, while we are on it, where is the definition of the  S1-S6 whatever states02:44
jtholmesI know where they are in /proc is just dont know where they are defined02:45
hggdhyou can hibernate to memory, as far as I can remember02:46
kklimondahggdh: is it called suspend to ram? ;}02:46
hggdhkklimonda, heh yes.02:47
jtholmeshggdh, kklimonda well there is suspend to ram, suspend to disk, and I think there is a network element too02:47
kklimondasuspend and hibernate are entirely different things - i remember great article about state of suspend/hibernation in linux but I can't find it..02:48
kklimondajtholmes: network?02:48
jtholmeskklimonda, in the acpi/wakeup  there is an ILAN  S4  Status event so I figured network related02:50
jtholmesI'll poke around on google to see what I find out about it02:50
kklimondajtholmes: maybe it's related to WOL? S4 is suspend to disk afair..02:51
kklimondabut this stuff is scary :)02:51
jtholmesah, ok one down, few to go great02:51
kklimondaS3 is suspend to ram02:51
kklimondaS0 or S1 is running02:51
kklimondaand S5 or S6 is power down02:51
kklimondaI don't remember if it counts from 0 or 102:52
kklimondajtholmes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Configuration_and_Power_Interface02:52
jtholmesohhhh, wait is this the inittab  init states?02:52
kklimondaPower States02:52
jtholmesok things are rattling around in the old noggin02:53
jtholmesstarting to rattle02:53
jtholmesthx for the ref02:53
hggdhthere is http://www.acpi.info/ (I used it some years ago, when I was recoding it for one brand of laptop02:53
jtholmesthx folks, it is all there will stuff it away, both of them02:54
kklimondaBinary package hint: firefox-3.002:58
kklimondaSince I upgraded my Dell Inspiron 1420 to ubuntu 9.04 the laptop has been getting hotter quicker and does not02:58
kklimondaI wonder what does it have to do with Firefox (other that it is processor hog ;) )02:58
hggdhkklimonda, try epiphany for a while02:59
jtholmeskklimonda, you are not alone, i have seen several of those bugs on laptops02:59
kklimondahggdh: i'm addicted to various firefox extensions ;}03:00
kklimondajtholmes: should it be reported against linux ?03:00
kklimonda(as in kernel)?03:00
hggdhkklimonda, run htop on a terminal, and check your CPU usage. But it may well be acpi-related03:01
kklimondaanother gem: bug 37304003:01
ubot4`Launchpad bug 373040 in linux "Adding the Medibuntu repository" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37304003:01
jtholmeshggdh, what process actually reported that bug03:03
hggdhseems to have been the boot process -- kernel03:05
hggdhlook at the current dmesg03:06
jtholmesyeah didnt like fd0 for some reason03:10
jtholmeslooks like it found two USB storage devices, on two different hubs03:12
jtholmeswrong on is mouse03:12
hggdhand many errors on the usb stick, it seems03:14
jtholmesor the  usb-creator command did something wrong if that was what created the usb stick03:15
jtholmeswell folks i am going to call it a night, tomorrow will be here in about 7.5 hours thereabouts enjoyed it03:37
micahghggdh: did ubuntu home dir permissions change recently?04:27
micahgthis can be open to anyone04:28
Hobbseenot that i'm aware of04:36
micahgI just discovered there seem to be 2 different types of ATI drivers for linux04:40
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micahgis there a place to throw wireless bugs?05:37
micahgexample bug 36511905:37
ubot4`Launchpad bug 365119 in firefox-3.0 "cant use 'N' frequency with new netgear pcmcia laptop adapter/wireless network issues." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36511905:37
micahgit's obviously misclassified05:37
micahgI'm thinking convert to Q05:38
micahgsince he just needs help05:38
hggdhmicahg, shoot05:39
micahgshoot what?05:40
micahgoh, did you not see the Q hggdh?05:41
micahgI was saying bug 365119 is for sure misclassified05:47
ubot4`Launchpad bug 365119 in firefox-3.0 "cant use 'N' frequency with new netgear pcmcia laptop adapter/wireless network issues." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36511905:47
micahgbut should I convert to Q05:47
micahgor could there be an actual bug?05:48
micahgdoes this work now?05:50
micahgso, I should convert to Q05:50
micahgor jsut remove from FF and troubleshoot?05:50
hggdhthe reporter states having tried windows drivers05:50
hggdhso -- this sounds like ndiswrapper05:51
micahgI was trying to find out if there were native drivers05:51
hggdhask if ndiswrapper is in use. This is the only use I know for network-related .inf files05:52
micahgyes, definitely, but isn't user just asking if there is a normal way to get it working?05:52
micahgrather than asking if we can get the windows drivers to work?05:53
hggdhthe point is we do not have access to the windows blobs. ndiswrapper emulates the Windows NDIS component, and the driver believes it is talking with windows05:54
dholbachgood morning05:54
hggdhmorning, dholbach05:54
micahgyes, I'm very familiar with the package05:54
dholbachhi hggdh05:54
micahgbut, i'm asking a psychology type Q05:54
micahgis the user asking for help with ndiswrapper or would user be happy with native drivers05:55
hggdh*if* there are native drivers...05:55
micahgthat's my Q05:55
micahgyou have any resources you use to check?05:55
hggdhthe user seems to be able to connect, just cannot connect on N05:56
hggdhof old I used, and did some work, with ndiswrapper. Nowadays I am quite rusty there05:56
hggdhso first we need to find out *why* the user tried windows drivers05:56
micahgjust found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported05:57
micahgI';ll mark as ndiswrapper and ask user for lshw -C network05:58
hggdhoh, wg511 uses atheros, so there might be a native driver for it05:59
micahgdepends which revision05:59
hggdhyes. But I do not see a wn511, so it may just not work with the native driver06:00
micahgright, or the wiki hasn;t been updated :)06:00
hggdhor that ;-)06:00
hggdhand time for googling on it, I guess06:01
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micahghggdh: do we do anything for linuxmint? bug 36035206:15
ubot4`Launchpad bug 360352 in firefox-3.0 "[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [nsIPrefBranch.getIntPref]"  nsresult: "0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED)"  location: "JS frame :: chrome://speeddial/content/speeddial.js :: generateTabCells :: line 405"  data: no]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36035206:15
micahgor should I just move to their project?06:17
hggdhjust move to their project. We only deal with Ubuntu here06:18
dholbachPackaging Training Session in 1m in #ubuntu-classroom06:59
micahg6AM UTC?07:00
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towolfon my thinkpad x server restarts when resuming from suspend. how would i get to the bottom of this? how to log, etc?13:08
pedro_Happy hug day!, remember we're celebrating a hug day based on compiz today https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20090507 feel free to grab any bug out the list13:24
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YoBoYhi pedro_13:48
pedro_hello YoBoY!13:48
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kklimondahey, does "This attachment is a patch" should be checked only for .debdiffs or all patches in general?15:09
andresmujicaping pedro15:12
pedro_hola andresmujica15:12
andresmujicahola pedro15:12
andresmujicai'm revamping the bugsquad/meetings page using the QA page as template, so i can publish it at the fridge calendar and send the email to the list15:13
james_wkklimonda: all patches15:13
andresmujicabut i wonder which topics should i propose.. the ones sent to the mailing list? what do you think?15:14
pedro_andresmujica: yeap the ones sent to the mailing list orderer by the date they were proposed seems fine15:16
pedro_andresmujica: don't forget to add the name of the person who proposed the topic in () at the agenda15:17
andresmujicaok, great15:17
pedro_andresmujica: are you setting all at BugSquad/Meeting ?15:17
andresmujicaalso i'm planning to update the bugsquad header to insert the meeting date below the Hug Day announcement, woud it be fine?15:17
andresmujicayeap that one15:18
pedro_andresmujica: yep feel free to do it15:18
pedro_you can use as an example the one of the Hugdays15:18
andresmujicait's really old, however i've moved the old one to BugSquad/Meeting/200715:18
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hggdhbdmurray, dpkg done17:32
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mrooneyAnyone know if mirrors are selected at install time, besides the US repository?18:29
mrooneyOr are all stock installs using the Main or US update repository?18:30
bdmurraymrooney: I believe they are selected18:32
hggdhbdmurray, I understand we are *not* closing invalid bugs that fail apport-retrace. But I thought there was a movement to do so...19:11
bdmurrayI don't recall that, plus it would suck to lose a test case if there is one.19:12
micahghggdh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Unusable%20stack%20trace%20after%20retracing19:35
hggdhmicahg, yes, thanks19:41
hggdhbug 31538719:52
ubot4`Launchpad bug 315387 in malone "[API] add method to delete attachments" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31538719:52
bdmurraypedro_: any idea where 299165 belongs?19:52
pedro_bdmurray: looking19:52
pedro_grgr i'm really hating the "Please try again" messages...19:53
micahghddgh: I was just thinking, if hte policy changed, someone should update the wiki19:59
pedro_bdmurray: mm i don't think it's a gnome-keybinding issue. Would be better to send that upstream at bugs.opencompositing.org20:02
hggdhmicahg, no, it did not change (Brian confirmed it)20:04
bdmurraypedro_: The same thing happens w/o compiz though.  You have to hold ctrl+alt to navigate20:04
ienorandHia. Widely different boot times on Karmic, with .30 being considerably slower than .28, would that be something to put down in a bug?20:07
colonelqubitI'd like to make a comment on a blueprint on launchpad, but I can't find an "Add a comment" button or similar. How can I comment on the blueprint?20:09
colonelqubitthere's a "status whiteboard" that I could add text to, but that seems kind of hackish.20:11
colonelqubit(as my comment doesn't really have anything to do with the status of the blueprint)20:12
Picicolonelqubit: You may want to ask that in #launchpad20:15
colonelqubitPici: thanks20:16
bdmurrayThe blueprint should have a corresponding wiki page20:16
colonelqubitbdmurray: would the blueprint page have a link to the wiki, and if so, how would it be labeled?20:18
bdmurraycolonelqubit: there should be / may be a Read the full specification link20:21
colonelqubitbdmurray: I've got a "Set the URL for this specification" link -- maybe that's supposed to be set to a wiki page.20:22
bdmurrayyes, that's correct20:22
colonelqubitbdmurray: Ahh.. the launchpad docs go into this: https://help.launchpad.net/Blueprint20:25
colonelqubitbdmurray: so if the page isn't set, and I'd like to comment.... is it suggested that I add a wiki page?20:25
colonelqubitbdmurray: and how does notification work -- if I update the wiki page does the blueprint page get some kind of ping-back?20:26
hggdhwhich package carries /usr/include/asm/errno.h?21:54
chrisccoulsonhggdh - the kernel21:55
BUGabundowhy is the "asm" name so familiar to me ?21:57
hggdhah, linux-libc-dev...21:59
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hggdh:-( I lost my /usr/include/asm/errno.h :-(22:08
chrisccoulsonhggdh - bug 37321422:08
ubot4`Launchpad bug 373214 in linux-ports "/usr/include/asm/* is not present in linux-libc-dev" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37321422:08
chrisccoulsonits breaking a lot of builds currently22:08
hggdhchrisccoulson, ah, thanks. I was staring to think I was crazy: apt-file stated it was in linux-libc-dev, and still...22:09
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BUGabundowhere can I find upstream for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netspeed/+bug/373461 ?23:49
ubot4`Launchpad bug 373461 in netspeed "netspeed applet no longer allows to set font size" [Undecided,New]23:49
BUGabundois it gnome too?23:50
kklimondawell, it is an url in watch..23:50
kklimondaya, looks like a gnome project23:50
kklimondaweird that they are not using gnome ftp..23:51
hggdhbut they use b.g.o for the bugs23:52
BUGabundoupstreaming the bug / regression now23:54
BUGabundodo you guys if NM handles PPPoE? asac and #nm is silence23:54
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jtholmesBUGabundo, evening,  bug 363533 says removing all proprietary viedo drivers causes black screen of death etc. to go away is anyone aware of this behavior23:56
ubot4`Launchpad bug 363533 in pm-utils "ATI Radeon HD 3670 Proprietary FGLRX Drivers break Suspend, Hibernate and major performance issues." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36353323:56
BUGabundojtholmes: I know I some times sound like a bot, but im not GOD and omnipresent ehehe23:58
jtholmesBUGabundo, i lol when folks ask, is BUGabundo a bot :) :)23:59
BUGabundothat's one of the reasons why I'm cutting down my online activities.... getting tired of that :\23:59

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