
mathiazslangasek: I don't think it's a no-op00:03
mathiazslangasek: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-k5-afs/debian-krb5.git00:03
mathiazslangasek: the last two commits show some version changes in debian/libgssapi-krb5-2.symbols, etc...00:03
slangasekmathiaz: changes, yes; but if as stated there's nothing yet using the new symbols, then there's no need to relax the versioned dep...00:05
TheMusodtchen: hrm ok.00:10
mathiazslangasek: ok - I'm gonna ask the debian maintainer what's the purpose of the last change00:12
mathiazslangasek: may be we should go with 1.7dfsg~beta1-2 instead of 1.7dfsg~beta1-300:13
anderskMy understanding is that it allows packages built against krb5 1.7dfsg~beta1-3 in unstable to migrate to testing before krb5 migrates to testing itself.00:15
anderskSince this doesn't apply to Ubuntu and the change will be reverted in Debian by the end of the month, it may indeed be better to sync -2 rather than -3 (and prevent -3 from being synced automatically).00:17
slangasekas best I can tell, the symbol versions in -3 are /correct/ (all these symbols are also provided by the libkrb53 we currently have)00:21
anderskThe Debian changelog mentions "new functionality", which I assume refers to new functionality in the existing symbols.00:22
slangasekwhich is out of scope for symbol versioning anyway...00:22
anderskSo it is not in general the case that a package built against krb5 1.7 will work with libkrb53 1.6, even if the package uses only the existing symbols.00:22
anderskThis just happens to be the case for all packages currently in Debian.00:23
directhexwhat's the current fashion for 0ubuntu1 upstream updates - a mahoosive debdiff, or a new diff.gz?00:28
anderskBTW, you're aware that uploading krb5 1.7dfsg before all its rdeps are rebuilt against 1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-7 or higher will break those rdeps, right?00:33
Ampelbeindirecthex: i usually attach diff.gz when it's a -0ubuntu1, debdiff only if we have the same base version in ubuntu as in debian.00:33
Ampelbeinalso i use debdiff when merging00:34
james_wdirecthex: diff.gz and pointer to the upstream tarball please00:45
james_wsome sponsors ask for .dsc as well00:46
james_wthe pointer can be in a watch file in the version currently in the archive, but I find that a bit more of a pain00:46
calcwhat is the program that can tell you what nautilus thinks the file type is of a file?00:47
mathiazandersk: yes - the plan is to upload krb5 1.7 and then upload all relevant rdeps00:49
james_wcalc: "xdg-mime query filetype <file>"?00:49
anderskOkay, as long as you're fine with temporarily making lots of Karmic packages uninstallable, skipping 1.6 should be okay.00:50
mathiazandersk: right - karmic is a development release and we're very early in the release cycle00:52
mathiazslangasek: ^^ I think that's ok in the current position in the release cycle00:53
slangasekmathiaz: eh, what packages are going to be made uninstallable?00:54
slangasekwe do have an alpha release next week :)00:54
andersk270 of them. `aptitude search '~D^libkrb53$'`00:54
pochucalc, james_w: I'd say gvfs-info, but am not sure00:55
james_wsounds more likely00:56
slangasekandersk: they're not going to be uninstallable immediately.  We don't remove old binary packages until the reverse-deps get rebuilt00:56
anderskWell, right, they'll become uninstallable as soon as the first package depends on libkrb5-3, since you can't install the old libkrb53 along with the new libkrb5-3.01:10
slangasekandersk: yes, they can; libkrb5-3 Replaces: libkrb53, but doesn't have a Conflicts: with it01:35
slangasekso everything should work fine01:35
slangasekmathiaz: ^^ so krb5 sync is no problem for the alpha01:35
anderskHmm, okay.  I didn't notice that.01:35
mathiazslangasek: ok - the remaining question is whether to sync -2 or -301:36
slangasekI think -3 is fine01:36
slangasek(and -2 would have to be a fakesync)01:36
mathiazslangasek: ok - so the plan is: 1. ask for a sync of -3. 2. once -3 is built, upload new packages for all rdeps of libkrb5301:37
mathiazslangasek: cool - thanks for your input on that issue :)01:40
slangasekn/p :)01:40
hartmansanders suggested I might want to comment on whether Ubuntu wants krb5 1.7~beta1-2 or -3.01:41
mathiazhartmans: hi - sure. Your input would be useful01:42
hartmans-3 was uploaded only  to avoid autobuilders making the transition harder in Debian. -2 will give  more correct symbol versions01:42
hartmansOTOH, -3 is relatively harmless as well, so it doesn't matter much01:43
mathiazhartmans: IIUC in a few weeks -4 will be uploaded with the symbol versions reverted to -2?01:44
hartmansmathiaz: Correct.01:44
mathiazhartmans: ok. And packages built against -3 won't need to be rebuilt with -4?01:45
hartmansmathiaz: I believe that is true for everything in Debian. If you have a package that uses some of the 1.7 extensions  to symbols that exist in 1.6, but uses no new 1.7 symbols, you will get incorrect dependencies generated. For ubuntu that's probably not actually an issue because you will never had had the 1.6 libraries with new names01:46
hartmansSuch a package would of course work provided that you had the 1.7 libs installed, but might produce strange results (although not a segfault) if you pulled the 1.6 packages that never appeared in Ubuntu01:48
mathiazhartmans: ok. So the easiest option for ubuntu is to use -3 so that ubuntu is kept in sync with debian.01:49
hartmansmathiaz: that certainly is a sane thing to do01:49
mathiazUsing -2 would require a fake sync and some manual work to get -4 in ubuntu once it's available in debian01:49
hartmansWell, feel free to drop me e-mail or give me a call if you run into any questions about the krb5 package now or in the future. I don't currently happen to use Ubuntu much myself, although I've used it more in the past and may well again in the future, but I'm certainly happy to answer questions or coordinate01:53
mathiazhartmans: sure. Thanks for stopping by and giving your input on this.01:54
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calcdoko: do you know why unixodbc-dev is not installable on armel even after depending on libltdl7-dev ?02:35
calcgah launchpad is hosed its always giving me error screens :\02:36
orangeyhello all03:14
orangeyI'm trying to install martian-modem modules on jaunty, but I'm getting the following:03:14
orangeymport.c:8:41: error: asm/page.h: No such file or directory03:14
orangeyhow can I beat that?03:15
cody-somervilleorangey, Install linux header files03:15
orangeycody-somerville: naturally, they are all already installed..03:15
orangeythen what?03:15
orangeyI've installed them03:15
orangeythen done make oldconfig in them03:15
orangeyI installed the source03:15
orangeyI followed : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile03:16
orangeyneedless to say linux-kernel-devel doesn't appear to exist any more though03:16
orangeyappears already installed or whatnot.03:18
orangeyanyhow, can somebody with the right setup maybe try?03:18
orangeysudo apt-get source martian-modem03:19
orangeythen get into the dir and make03:19
calcdoko: is libgcj.spec missing on lpia, i got a build failure for OOo because gcj couldn't find that file on lpia03:59
calcdoko: or at least it claims that is why it failed03:59
calcdoko: hmm make that i think that is what it is saying04:00
calchmm maybe it was just aot-compile.py that broke somehow04:02
calcwhatever is wrong it worked fine on amd64 :\04:06
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dholbachgood morning05:54
robert_ancelldholbach: hello06:12
dholbach_hiya robert_ancell06:12
dholbach_how are you doing?06:12
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robert_ancellnot bad.  Upgrading to Karmic currently so will be able to tell you in a few minutes :)06:13
dholbachrobert_ancell: enjoy :-)06:13
dholbachrobert_ancell: I'm still running it in a VM :)06:13
robert_ancelli'm living life on the edge! (not enough space for the VM at the moment)06:14
dholbachrobert_ancell: I'll start collecting some money for a new harddrive for you :)06:15
robert_ancelldholbach: I really just need to get around to resizing the windows partition on it - and you can never have enough space for VMs!06:16
robert_ancelldholbach: where are you based?06:16
dholbachBerlin, Germany06:16
robert_ancellnice city, I look forward to going back sometime06:17
dholbachwe should pester Mark about having the next summer UDS in Berlin :)06:17
robert_ancell+1 from me06:17
robert_ancell(I think it's going to take a lot of pestering to get a UDS down under)06:18
StevenKOne has happened06:18
dholbachwe had one there... after hoary I think06:18
robert_ancellStevenK: and that's why it will be hard to pester again I think :) Especially with the size of the company now06:19
StevenKdholbach: Breezy's UDS was UDU06:19
dholbachI wouldn't mind going to someplace in Asia - at least you guys down there probably wouldn't have to travel that far :)06:19
StevenK(Ubuntu Down Under)06:20
dholbachStevenK: so after hoary :)06:20
dholbachStevenK: I was there06:20
* StevenK wasn't06:20
lifelessdholbach: asia is very big :P06:20
dholbachlifeless: that's why I said "probably" :)06:20
lifelessdholbach: hell, spain nearly is asia :>06:20
robert_ancellyeah asia would be good.  Could do Dubai as that's not too far from Europe06:20
dholbachlifeless: you're exaggerating a fair bit my friend :)06:21
lifelessdholbach: a tad ;)06:21
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pittiGood morning07:03
Hobbseemorning pitti!07:04
* pitti hugs Hobbsee, good morning!07:04
StevenKMorning pitti07:06
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* NCommander sighs07:08
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dholbachArneGoetje: is ibus the way to go in the future?07:23
NCommanderhey pitti07:28
tkamppeterpitti, can you have a look at bug 369850? Why does parport_pc not get loaded automatically any more?07:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369850 in linux "Cannot set up parallel port printer on Ubuntu 9.04" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36985007:30
pittitkamppeter: it should, it has plenty of modaliases; I'll ask for some debugging07:31
geserhow detailed should a MIR for dh-ocaml (helper tools for maintaining OCaml-related Debian packages) be? it's needed to build ocaml09:16
pittigeser: I'd say a bug report with the most important QA data is enough09:16
pittigeser: it sounds trivial09:16
pittigeser: don't waste time on a complete wiki page09:16
pittigeser: so, security/i18n/etc. isn't an issue, just maintenance and pacakging standard09:17
geserpitti: filed as bug 373149. Anything missing?09:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373149 in dh-ocaml "Move dh-ocaml to main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37314909:38
pittigeser: looks good to me09:38
pittiyay, I managed to push a git branch to people.u.c., and it only took me 20 minutes until it worked10:17
* pitti *headdesk*10:17
* dholbach hugs pitti :)10:18
directhexgit's a git10:20
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sorenpitti: Why not put it on kernel.ubuntu.com?10:24
sorenpitti: ...let's just say that you wouldn't be the first to put non-kernel-related git branches on there. :)10:24
pittisoren: I don't have an account there10:27
pittisoren: yes, I have a branch of udev-extras, whose trunk is on git.k.o.10:27
sorenpitti: Ah, ok.10:31
directhexember, i prepped a 0ubuntu1 for the latest development release of tomboy, hopefully that helps. looks like you've been the one touching that package lately10:31
pittigosh, and it still doesn't work properly10:35
pittithis is just plain madness10:35
* pitti will just use format-patches10:35
ogracjwatson, is it deliberate that armel live images were not built today ? (i cant find a log under http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/karmic/ubuntu/latest/)10:59
NCommanderogra, I got a build failure when Xubuntu/armel tried to build; probably something gone wrong w/ the build environment :-/11:08
ograwell, then there should be a log at least ... to me it looks like it wasnt attempted ... /me checks antimony directly11:10
ograoh, right, looks like there is no livefs on manoao11:11
NCommanderogra, I can run the livefs build script and see what went boom11:12
NCommanderogra, (I'm running it now, it takes about an hour on my Babbage to do a full run so I'll know then)11:13
Keybuk/usr/include/linux/errno.h:4:23: error: asm/errno.h: No such file or directory11:22
KeybukI'm guessing there are some issues with the buildds today <g>11:22
pittiah, that's why everything is just blowing up here11:22
pittiasm/ seems completely gone from linux-libc-dev11:23
cjwatsonogra: please don't stress about images11:25
cjwatsonogra: we haven't got *anything* working for karmic image-wise yet11:25
cjwatsonogra: expecting armel to be the first is ... optimistic!11:25
ogracjwatson, right, but i'm supposed to make 100% sure all mobile images are there for A1 ... sorry if i'm a PITA through checking and asking every day11:26
ograi wont push more but will still check11:26
cjwatsonfeel free to check, just please don't nag about it. everything is already on the list.11:26
NCommandercjwatson, I've built a few live rootfs's so hopefully when the scripts updated, it should all just work :-)11:26
cjwatsonwhat script updated how?11:27
NCommandercjwatson, whatever crontabs need to be updated to generate karmic images (if any, I'm not too familar with cdimage's crontabs)11:27
cjwatsonthey already were11:27
ograNCommander, just leave it to cjwatson, he knows whats missing and what needs adding11:28
ograi'm sure we'll be pinged to check if its supposed to work ;)11:28
NCommanderogra, oh, I trust cjwatson 100%, I was just noting that from the perpsective of building live rootfs's things seem to look OK-ish11:28
cjwatsonthere's no indication of why it wouldn't have tried to do a build11:29
* NCommander notes that a few packages are uninstallable on armel :-/11:30
cjwatsonah, BuildLiveCD needs to be updated to default to karmic11:31
elmoon the buildds?11:31
cjwatsonit's clearly already been done on some of them11:32
cjwatsonhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/jaunty/ubuntu/latest/ shows that at least manoao, weddell, and royal need to be fixed, though11:32
elmocjwatson: it was only done on i386/amd64; I've done the rest now11:34
elmo(lpia, hppa, powerpc, sparc, ia64 and armel)11:35
* ogra hugs elmo11:35
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ograKeybuk, blkid ? i thought using it was a bad thing because of the chache it uses13:04
ogra(/me sees the initramfs-tools upload)13:05
Keybukit doesn't anymore13:06
Keybukit now looks in /dev/disk/by-uuid etc. instead13:06
ograah, great13:06
ograso it doesnt matter what i use ? or should my scripts also switch over ?13:06
Keybukyou should use blkid13:07
cjwatsonelmo: cool, thanks13:10
cjwatsonsuperm1: could you change 'include platform.jaunty' in lp:~mythbuntu/ubuntu-seeds/mythbuntu.karmic/STRUCTURE to 'include platform.karmic', please?13:46
cjwatsonKeybuk,pitti: are either of you chasing up the linux-libc-dev asm/ bug?13:48
Ampelbeinhi. i got a problem with building jabberd2 in pbuilder. I can't get the current version in the archives to be successfully built. The problem seems to be that configure does not find the headerfile resolv.h. but it is there if i login to the pbuilder environment. can someone give me a hint on where to start debugging this?13:49
Ampelbeinand building the package with 'fakeroot debian/rules build' works13:50
cjwatsonAmpelbein: what release?13:51
Ampelbeincjwatson: karmic13:52
Ampelbeincjwatson: and jabberd2 version is 2.2.1-1.1ubuntu1, grabbed from the source-package's page.13:52
cjwatsonAmpelbein: probably due to linux-libc-dev being totally busted at the moment in karmic then - it's missing /usr/include/asm/13:53
devfil_seb128: can you take a look at bug 372833 please?14:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372833 in pidgin "Pidgin doesn't show all MSN smileys using msn-pecan protocol" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37283314:01
seb128the sponsor team seems to be subscribed it will get reviewed14:02
seb128I'm attending a sprint right now and I'm too busy to do reviews14:02
seb128is there anything specially urgent there than you ping on IRC?14:03
devfil_seb128: no, don't worry14:04
seb128commented on the bug14:05
seb128I'm not sure where this list come from but there should be an upstream pointer there14:05
seb128that will not change in jaunty and if the next pidgin version fixes the bug mentioned that will be fixed in karmic14:05
amitkcjwatson: I am looking at bug 373214 right now14:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373214 in linux-ports "/usr/include/asm/* is not present in linux-libc-dev" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37321414:06
cjwatsonamitk: thanks14:07
amitkdiscussion on #u-k14:07
Ampelbeincjwatson: thanks! that was indeed the problem. i reverted the version in the pbuilder-chroot and now it works.14:07
ogramumble, nautilus-share FTBFS on lpia and arm ...14:10
ograah, its gnomecanvas14:10
ograand gnomeui14:11
* hyperair hears nautilus-share14:11
devfil_seb128: replied, thanks14:12
superm1cjwatson, sure. switched. thanks for reminding14:14
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* ogra gives back nautilus-share on armel14:14
hyperair/usr/include/linux/errno.h:4:23: error: asm/errno.h: No such file or directory14:15
hyperairthis is the error on ppc.14:16
cjwatsonogra: while that particular error is fixed, there's really not much point giving stuff back right now14:16
cjwatsonthe linux-libc-dev bug means that lots of builds are completely busted14:16
ograwell, there is a weird bonmobo dep issue in the ftbfs log i would like to see if its fixed ... i know it will fail on linux-libc-dev but would like to see it surviving up to there at least :)14:17
cjwatsonhyperair: ^- this isn't just you and it's being investigated14:17
hyperaircjwatson: that's from the build log14:18
ograhyperair, right and its being worked on14:18
hyperairi see14:18
ogramvo, any idea about http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26407435/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-armel.python-apt_0.7.10.3ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?14:19
ograln -sf ../../../../javascript/jquery/jquery.js debian/python-apt/usr/share/doc/python-apt/html/_static/jquery.js14:19
ograln: creating symbolic link `debian/python-apt/usr/share/doc/python-apt/html/_static/jquery.js': No such file or directory14:19
mvoogra: impressive, I have seen something similar yesterday for debian-installer14:20
ograoh, wait there is a former error further up14:20
mvoogra: the package in jaunty seems to be ok, but a recompile seems to be not ok14:20
ograException occurred:14:20
ogra  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/debian_bundle/debian_support.py", line 25, in <module>14:20
ogra    import apt_pkg14:20
ograImportError: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: undefined symbol: __sync_val_compare_and_swap_414:20
cjwatsonhyperair: yes, we're aware14:22
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mvoogra: I log into the porting machine to have a closer look, but that looks pretty strongly like a libstd++/g++ issue14:30
ogramvo, seems totem has the same prob ... so its /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.614:30
ogra/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: undefined reference to `__sync_lock_test_and_set_1'14:30
ogra/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: undefined reference to `__sync_sub_and_fetch_4'14:30
ogra/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: undefined reference to `__sync_lock_test_and_set_4'14:30
ogra/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: undefined reference to `__sync_add_and_fetch_4'14:30
ogra/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: undefined reference to `__sync_val_compare_and_swap_4'14:30
ogra/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: undefined reference to `__sync_fetch_and_add_4'14:30
ogracollect2: ld returned 1 exit status14:30
ogra^^^ from the totem log14:30
mvoogra: cjwatson had a similar one with debian-installer too14:31
mweichertis there a way to suppress or preseed options to "dpkg --configure" when using "apt-get install" in a script?14:32
mvomweichert: what problem do you try to solve this way?14:32
mweichertmvo, I'm preseeding an installation. We have a standard config that we deploy and I'm trying a script that gets called as d-i's late command14:34
pitticjwatson: I'll file a bug about it and talk to the kernel team14:34
mvomweichert: thanks, sorry I don't know a great deal about the installer preseeding14:35
ograpitti, happening already bug 37321414:36
mweichertmvo, ok, thanks for your help. Though my questions is more about dpkg/apt-get then preseeding.14:36
pittiogra: ah, thanks14:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373214 in linux-ports "/usr/include/asm/* is not present in linux-libc-dev" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37321414:36
ogradoko, any idea about the /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 stuff above ?14:36
cjwatson15:14 <doko> infinity: libstdc++6 is currently broken on armel. new gcc-4.4 (4.4.0-3ubuntu3) won't build with the 4.4.0-3ubuntu1 version in the archive. any earlier version will do. so one manual build will be14:37
cjwatson             needed ...14:37
cjwatson15:15 <cjwatson> ah, is that why apt-ftparchive is busted14:38
cjwatson15:45 <doko> cjwatson: yes, likely14:38
cjwatson15:46 <doko> I hate symbols files for C++ libs14:38
ogracjwatson, TA !14:38
mvomweichert: there is "-o Dpkg::Post-Invoke"14:38
mweichertmvo, oh - I'll take a look at that.14:38
dokoogra: you could use the debs from rimu:~doko/gcc/install14:38
ogradoko, i'm checking whats missing to build a livefs on armel atm i guess that wont help much :)14:39
ograjust looking at the broken deps etc, if it gets fixed in the archive within the next 6 days i'm fine14:39
dokoogra: not really, lamont is currently working on the manual build14:39
ogragood then, thats enough14:40
apacheloggerjames_w: I was thinking about something more productive ;-)14:43
apacheloggerI guess I'll just have to create one14:43
james_wapachelogger: can you explain a bit more about what you want to achieve?14:43
apacheloggerjames_w: branch all the kde packaging branches to /jaunty for SRU use14:44
james_wah, ok14:44
james_wI don't think there is anything pre-canned14:44
apacheloggerjames_w: well, shouldn't be a problem to enhance our existing batch-action-script to do that as well14:45
apacheloggerthanks anyway :)14:45
james_wdo you really want to pre-populate the branches?14:46
james_wwouldn't use just branch when you first want to do something with an SRU?14:46
apacheloggerjames_w: that would mean that $developer needs to know how to branch a revision and how to push it to the proper path ... you really don't want them have to worry about that ... they certainly won't ;-)14:50
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Unggnuhi all15:49
primes2hjdong: There are a lot of bugs to close about gutsy https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gutsy-backports/ but I can't set them as "Won't Fix" because they are backports. Can I set them as "Invalid" instead?16:15
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Scryehello, is the quagga maintainer here?18:30
soren-> #ubuntu-server, probably.18:30
Scryethank you18:38
taconehello, I'm experiencing freezes on jaunty with gksu2.ask_password_full() (python stuff). everything worked on Intrepid. any clue ?18:51
imachineI was wondering, are we getting 180.51 nvidia drivers in the repos any time soon?18:58
imachineI'm having numerous issues with memleaks, could help testing the new drivers on 64bit too.18:59
imachinerunning jaunty.18:59
jdongcalc: out of pure curiousity, are the OOo3.1 jaunty packages in ~openoffice-pkgs PPA usable?19:09
imachinemaybe there's a ppa about nvidia drivers too?19:11
jdongimachine: the x-updates PPA you mean?19:11
jdongcalc: well I guess the two FTBFSes answer my question :)19:12
imachinejdong, just found it ;-P19:17
imachinethanks ;-)19:17
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calcjdong: hmm?19:58
calcjdong: well the ooo-l10n ftbfs yea19:58
slangasekcalc: just saw the same gcj "libgcj.spec: no such file or directory" error on an amd64 build20:13
slangasekseems that the .spec file has moved from libgcjNN-dev to gcj-4.4-jdk?20:16
mathiazsbeattie: hi - re bug 326768 - I'd rather not get this update go to -updates for now20:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326768 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "mysqld_safe thinks mysqld has crashed when it hasn't" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32676820:17
mathiazsbeattie: it has already landed in -proposed20:17
slangasekbut that's installed for the build in question here, and there doesn't appear to be any version skew, so no idea why it's not working20:17
mathiazsbeattie: I've remove the verification-needed tag and set back the bug status to confirmed20:18
mathiazsbeattie: however I cannot unsubscribe ubuntu-sru and the sru-verification team20:18
mathiazsbeattie: is there anything else I should do?20:18
sbeattiemathiaz: do you still want it in -proposed?20:19
mathiazsbeattie: it's already in -proposed20:19
mathiazsbeattie: I'd rather not get it in -updates20:19
sbeattiemathiaz: I'm asking do you want it pulled from proposed?20:20
mathiazsbeattie: ah - yes if that's possible20:21
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sbeattieslangasek: ^^^20:24
slangasekmathiaz: you could set the 'verification-failed' tag?20:25
slangasekor is that not actually the issue?20:25
mathiazslangasek: well - technically it's not a verification failed - the proposed solution fixes the symptoms20:32
mathiazslangasek: however I'm not confident enough to push it directly to -updates20:33
mathiazslangasek: I'd have more time to spend debugging the issue20:33
mathiazslangasek: so I wanna make sure it doesn't get in -updates by mistake20:34
slangasekwell, I'll use the verification-failed tag for that then; I don't think we should retract updates from -proposed if we don't have to20:34
mathiazslangasek: ok - I'll use the verification-failed tag20:34
mnemowhat happens if a user has a custom PPA version of something and ubuntu issues a security fix? does it uninstall his PPA version or does he miss the security fix?20:35
ScottKIt depends on how the PPA pacakge is versioned, but generally you miss the security fix.20:37
mnemoare security fixes using the same incremental counter as SRU's ??20:38
mnemofor example if the current SRU version is BLAH.2 will a security fix be called BLAH.3 then?20:38
keesmnemo: generally, yes.20:38
ScottKmnemo: There's no guarantee at all about anything about a PPA package, so except for from people you trust, you're already accepting some risk if you use them.20:39
calcslangasek: yea i thought it might have been somehow related to the linux-libc-dev mess, but i am not sure20:40
slangasekI can't imagine why that would be the case20:40
slangasekanyway, your comments were before the broken linux-libc-dev got published, AFAICS20:41
calcslangasek: i was going to do a test build locally but by the time i got my build setup it was failing due to the cups issue on i386 also20:41
slangasek"the cups issue"?20:41
calcslangasek: cups headers can't be "found" now for several archs20:41
calcslangasek: see build failure for powerpc: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26415416/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-powerpc.openoffice.org_1%3A3.1.0~rc2-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz20:43
calcslangasek: same thing happens for me when i try to build it on i38620:43
calcslangasek: the fact i386 previously failed from the gcj bit makes me think that the cups bit at least is related to the linux-libc-dev header mess20:43
slangasekcalc: yes, that's almost certainly just linux-libc-dev20:44
calci'm not sure what the issue is with the armel OOo build failure20:44
calcit claims unixodbc-dev can't be installed20:45
calcwhatever is causing the gcj problem on i386/lpia didn't happen on amd64 which was why i was looking into it when i saw it failed due to cups now :\20:46
cjwatsonI'm making good progress on the linux-libc-dev bug, and have more or less found what's wrong - just trying to construct a minimal test case for upstream now20:48
* calc hugs cjwatson 20:49
slangasekcalc: unixodbc-dev> another instance of a package winding up in the wrong section out of NEW, WTF20:50
calcso i only have on real failure issue to look into, thats much better :)20:52
slangasekcjwatson: armel binaries of libtool landed 24h after all the other archs; if libtool was NEWed on those archs before it was available on armel, what happens/is supposed to happen?20:52
cjwatsonslangasek: each architecture should show up in NEW separately20:53
cjwatson(not that this is ideal from the POV of archive admin workflow, and dak was more reasonable about it, but that's how Soyuz has always done it)20:53
slangasekkirkland: yesterday was your archive day; do you recall putting a libtool-dev package through NEW on armel?20:59
slangasekkirkland: libltdl-dev, rather20:59
kirklandslangasek: i did work on archive stuff yesterday, spent my whole day doing sync's, didn't get to any NEW's21:00
kirklandslangasek: need help with something?21:00
slangasekRiddell: did you do any NEWing yesterday?21:00
slangasekkirkland: I'm trying to figure out what's going wrong that's causing all these new packages to end up in the wrong section21:01
kirklandslangasek: hmm, sorry, i don't know21:02
slangasekgiven that it's happened all of a sudden, I really suspect (worry) that it's a soyuz behavior change21:02
kirklandslangasek: on an unrelated note ...  I need an arch admin to process the rename of the screen-profiles source/binary package to it's new name, byobu21:05
kirklandslangasek: any idea where i need to request that?21:06
slangasekpackages don't get renamed21:06
kirklandslangasek: just file a bug, and subscribe arch admin?21:06
slangasekyou upload a new one under the new name21:06
kirklandslangasek: okay, i did that21:06
kirklandslangasek: and it's in the new queue21:06
slangasekthen whoever processes NEW next will get it21:06
kirklandslangasek: oh, okay, that's surprisingly easy21:06
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slangasekinfinity, james_w, jdstrand, Riddell, pitti, mdz, Hobbsee, ScottK, StevenK: do any of you remember having done NEW processing of libltdl-dev on armel yesterday (May 6)?21:41
mdzslangasek: I don't think I even have an account on the appropriate machine anymore21:41
ScottKslangasek: I did not do any.21:41
slangasekmdz: can be done through the web interface these days, but ok :)21:42
mdzslangasek: ooh, shiny21:42
jdstrandslangasek: not I21:43
jdstrandor even me...21:44
james_wslangasek: nope21:46
xeeis there a channel for Ubuntu re-branding and derivatives?21:48
Riddellslangasek: yes that was probably me21:48
slangasekRiddell: ok - just trying to get a handle on why all these NEW binary packages have been landing in universe22:01
lamontdear oo.o, more, smaller packages.  srsly. kthx22:02
slangasekwe can obviously fix them up after accept if we're not sure at first where they belong, but I've been worried there's some systemic problem22:02
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cjwatsonlamont: yes, the findutils bug will get in the way of libstdc++. I'm about to upload a fix which will probably need to be built manually against an older linux-libc-dev22:18
lamontI see my morning going wonderfully manual22:18
cjwatsonlamont: OK. I've uploaded findutils 4.4.1-1ubuntu2. That needs to be built with the old linux-libc-dev. Then linux and linux-ports need to be reuploaded (hi, Tim ...) and once findutils is published they need to be built against new findutils and old linux-libc-dev22:22
lamonthooray for no-change uploads, eh?22:22
cjwatsonI'm sure the kernel guys have something to put in there22:23
lamontcjwatson: which means I'm most likely to pin linux-libc-dev in the tarball and put the buildds on manual while we cycle through22:23
lamontthe always do22:23
cjwatsonpinning linux-libc-dev in the tarball will let other stuff build anyway22:23
cjwatsonbut yes22:23
lamontwhen I bastardize the production tarball, the buildds go manual... iz RULE.22:24
cjwatsonlamont: WFM22:24
lamontcjwatson: and I'm totally EOD, with family obligations for a few hours... with any luck, I'll manage to smack things a bit this evening wearing my ubuntu-hat, but it might be 1000 UTC before I actually get there :-(22:26
cjwatsonlamont: right :-/22:26
cjwatsonlamont: if you can at least stick the buildds on manual so that we stop getting build failures, that would probably be good22:26
cjwatsonpull the big shutdown switch22:26
lamontoh, that's easy22:27
lamontbut if I kill the buildd sequencer, then we get alarms... I think I'll go the manual route. :-D22:27
lamontcjwatson: just to confirm, all buildds, all architectures, but not ppa buildds22:27
cjwatsonno PPAs for karmic yet22:28
cjwatsonoh, hmm22:28
cjwatsonshutting down all the buildds will kill non-karmic builds too22:28
cjwatsonmaybe best leave them going in case there's something for security :-/22:28
lamontah, right22:28
cjwatsonor even -proposed/-updates22:28
lamontkeeps the DC warmer and all that22:28
cjwatsonwe'll just have to cope with the failure mails22:28
lamontand then we just mass-give-back karmic when fixed22:28
imachinejdong, it's so much better after upgrading to the X.org+friends from ubuntu-x-updates ppa22:31
imachinejdong, spot on22:31
mbanawhat's this tracker applet about?22:31
mbanai just had a prompt about a corrupt index22:32
ScottKcjwatson: There are PPAs for Karmic.22:35
cjwatsonScottK: I was told recently that they hadn't been enabled yet, but I didn't check; if they have been, I stand corrected22:35
ScottKcjwatson: ubuntu-clamav PPA has one Karmic package in it, so it appears they are.22:36
cjwatsonfair enough22:36
slangasekyes, they're up, with refreshed documentation in NewReleaseCycleProcess22:37
cjwatsonfor anyone who's interested, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26447089/findutils_4.4.1-1ubuntu1_4.4.1-1ubuntu2.diff.gz is the basic fix; a more complete patch with a test case is on its way upstream22:39
mheldanybody know if the 64 bit packages for ubuntu are compiled with SSE2 or SSE3 flags?22:56
dokocjwatson, pitti: now that java-gcj-compat is gone, there's a very nice list of java packages ready for demotion :-)23:36
calcsome of those demotion also are due to OOo needing a different set of packages23:39
calconce linux-libc-dev is fixed i will be uploading a new OOo with the new build-deps added23:40
calcthat reminds me to write the bug report23:42
calcerm how do i add another package to a bug report23:47
calci used to replace the previous package name in the url with the new one and a 'also report here' dialog would show up, but it seems to no longer do this23:47
calcnow it seems too 'smart' and goes back to the previous url23:48
calcslangasek: do you happen to know? ^23:49
slangasekcalc: 'also affects distribution'?23:50
Ampelbeincalc: 'also affects distribution' -> ubuntu -> packagename23:50
calcwow that sucks23:50
calcso they now made it from one step into several23:51
calcthanks for the workaround though :)23:51
Ampelbeincalc: i think the 'also report here' caused some trouble so they changed it. i remember seeing a discussion in IRC, probably in #launchpad23:52

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