
kirklandhow do i obtain an ubuntu cloak?05:04
tsimpsonyou become an ubuntu member05:17
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember05:18
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
DJonessegle: Have you asked in #ubuntu-irc? /topic08:59
ibralnetHi all11:51
ibralnetI need to make an installer of my (PHP) application on ubuntu11:51
ibralnetcan any body help me please ?11:51
jester-ibralnet: support is in #ubuntu11:52
ibralnetso what can I ask for here ?11:52
jester-that one you asked here11:53
ikoniajpds: ljl or any other spanish #ubuntu-es ops around please ?13:58
ikoniaTiMiDo OberonKing erUSUL dballester Sapote RoAkSoAx uBOTu-fr Lord_Ahriman ping14:00
erUSULikonia: back from lunch...14:02
ikoniaerUSUL: ahhh perfect14:03
ikoniaerUSUL: KZKG^Gaara is in the greylist due to his isp and wants access to #ubuntu-es14:03
erUSULi'll take a look14:03
ikoniaKZKG^Gaara: there you go erUSUL is helping14:03
KZKG^Gaarayep I see14:04
erUSULikonia: *!*@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/*!#ubuntu-graylist <<--- this banforward?14:04
erUSULKZKG^Gaara: are you using mibbit ?14:04
erUSULKZKG^Gaara: usas mibbit14:05
KZKG^GaaraerUSUL si, lo estoy usando desde hace unas pocas semanas14:05
ikoniaerUSUL: yup14:05
ikoniaerUSUL: don't know if the policy is to excempt for the session or just leave in place etc14:06
erUSULikonia: was a ban by Ljl for a annoying banevader troll... i will remove it lets see how it goes14:06
ikoniaerUSUL: I thought you just excepted the one user sessions14:06
ikoniaerUSUL: rather than remove the ban14:06
ikoniait was a spam network as I recall14:06
erUSULhow can i do that14:07
Pici/mode +e *!?=c8378c42@*14:08
erUSULikonia: make an exception for just that user14:08
PicierUSUL: ^^14:08
ikoniaPici: is too quick14:08
erUSUL:) thnaks both14:08
KZKG^GaaraerUSUL then...14:09
erUSULKZKG^Gaara: intenta entrar ahora...14:09
* erUSUL wonders were to get all that irc/freenode lore14:11
KZKG^GaaraerUSUL listo ya pude entrar.14:11
KZKG^GaaraMuchas gracias.... la verdad no tengo ni idea de la razón de ese spam14:11
erUSULAlgunos usan mibbit (para evitar ser reconocidos etc) para entrar a trollear en el canal y un op puso a todo mibbit en un graylist14:12
KZKG^GaaraerUSUL aa ya; ya entendí. Y una pregunta; tengo mi nick registrado pero aún así algún usuario puede ponérselo?14:15
erUSULKZKG^Gaara: si esta registrado y con contrseña no14:16
KZKG^GaaraerUSUL ok gracias por la aclaración14:18
LjLikonia: i had set a redirect from mibbit users to -graylist in #ubuntu-es because there was a persistent mibbit abuser and -graylist had already a spanish topic, spanish ops feel free to remove it14:30
LjLor change it into something more appropriate if that's still required14:30
alefterishi all, in #ubuntu-gr there are 2 ubuntu bots, can we just keep one?16:40
jpdsnalioth, jussi01 ^^17:10
ubot4`CShadowRun called the ops in #ubuntu-uk ()19:40
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phixcan I idle here?23:27
phixikonia: What do you reckon?23:28
ikoniano point23:29
ikonianothing will get resolved in here for you23:29
phixthat is fine, I can't just talk in here?23:29
ikoniait's not a chat/support channel23:29
phixhmmmm and I guess #ubuntu-meta isn't either ay23:30
ikoniaphix: to be honest, why don't you just move away from ubuntu channels as you're just causing issues23:30
ikoniaphix: find generic chat channels23:30
phixikonia: nah I will persist, see you tomorrow!23:32
ikoniaphix: your welcome to keep trying but with your current attitude it will go no-where23:33
phixI mean I just wanted to complain about bugs anyway, like ntfs-3g using a hell of a lot of resources then it should be23:33
phixikonia: what is wrong with ym current attitude?23:33
phixperhaps you are misunderstanding me23:33
ikoniaI'm not disscussing this with you again - or in this channel23:33

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