
geniiPizza. /away00:23
=== Guest48422 is now known as jrib
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about utf801:08
Seeker`genii: probably isn't against the rules01:09
geniiHehe, likely not. Just for me more annoying than "lol omfg wth" etc etc01:09
Seeker`tell them to stop then :P01:09
geniiIt will pas in a bit01:10
ubottugordonjcp called the ops in #ubuntu (``mEnEkS)01:52
Picimattgyver is a regular, I doubt he messaged this guy.01:54
PiciI'm going to make some dinner (read: put pizza in the oven)01:57
PiciHopefully this doesnt get out of hand.01:57
Seeker`I may ban ``mEnEks in a minute01:57
PiciThe irc stuff, not the pizza.  I think I can handle pizza.01:57
Seeker`I should hope so01:57
geniiGeez. Is it a full moon out or something?02:06
PiciI was just thinking the same thing02:06
LjLdon't tell me.02:07
LjLi have highlights.02:07
PiciThe random comments aren't helping02:08
geniiI agree02:08
Seeker`me too02:08
geniiklownface is a troll02:11
geniiSeeker`: Thanks02:15
Seeker`genii: what client do you use?02:16
Seeker`you have something equivalent to irssi's auto_bleh?02:17
Seeker`jussi uses quassel doesn't he?02:17
Seeker`ask him if he has any kick/ban scripts you can steal when he is around02:17
LjLmy bots are going down02:19
Seeker`genii: Pici ^02:21
geniiYeah that guy is just an idiot02:22
Seeker`genii: with a decent script, banning people is as simple as /abk <nick>02:23
geniiI had to recompile Quassel a lot lately and the scripts I had in it before get lost each time02:24
geniiIf I'd known it was gonna be a full-moon evening I probably wouldn't have drank those 5 beers after work....02:25
Seeker`that was fun02:28
Seeker`apparently "abgctf" would like to "joust" with me02:29
geniiThat guy must be a pretty crappy programmer if his idea of logic is what he's currently doing02:29
Seeker`sadly logic != social skills02:30
Seeker`also, most people aren't as logical as they claim to be02:30
geniiYou have somewhat of a point02:30
Seeker`the number of people that you can have a logical argument /discussion with is rather disappointing actually02:31
Seeker`most people make an attempt, start to fall back on logical fallacies to prove their point, then just resort to "I'm right, you're wrong"02:32
geniiWell, time for me to get out of here and get some rest. Night02:41
Seeker`monestri: how can we hlep you?02:56
Seeker`monestri: please don't idle in here03:02
monestrii wanted to feel spehcial03:02
Seeker`I'm out03:11
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, pokethesmot said: !smot is Simple Magnetic Overunity Toy03:26
ikoniaphix: hello06:56
ikoniaphix: what's up?06:57
ikoniaphix: you've been asked not to idle here yet you've been sat here for over an hour and a half - do you want/need something ?06:59
ikoniajussi01: Myrtti tsimpson Pici ^^ can you remove this guy when you get chance, it's getting an old routine now07:04
ikonianice service !07:04
ikoniatime to get ready for work then07:05
* jussi01 should go to work....07:05
ikoniayes yes07:05
jussi01ikonia: did you get time to make a vid yet?07:06
ikoniastill waiting for my "sony" firewire cable, I can't get anything off without it07:07
ikoniawhy sony use their own connection.....I'll never know07:07
ikoniaright, must get dressed, back on in an hour or so07:08
* ikonia returns09:39
jpdsikonia: morning.09:40
ikoniagood morning09:40
MadpilotOK, why is update-manager trying to run a dist-upgrade on my machine?09:52
ikoniais it trying to update to 9.04 ?09:55
Madpilotalready running that - it's asking to do a partial upgrade09:56
* Madpilot is not impressed with the handling up updates in 9.04... 8.10 worked nicely, but the new treatment of update-notifier is silly09:57
Madpilotgoing to ignore it for now, see if it sorts itself out tomorrow...09:58
ikoniaI have been toying with taking my laptop up to 9.04 but 8.10 is just too solid to not use for work09:58
Madpilotaside from the upgrade handling, 9.04 has actually been better here than 8.10 was. a few niggling little quirks have vanished10:00
ikoniaI have an intel card in my laptop so I'm sitting back waiting for core issues to be solidly fixed10:00
MadpilotI've heard there's been a few Intel graphic card issues10:00
Madpilotironic that 9.04 finally saw my ATI card fully supported (finally!) by the FLOSS drivers :)10:01
ikoniaMadpilot: quite a lot of serious issues actually10:01
Madpilotintel's always been the go-to graphics chipset for Linux goodness, up until now.10:04
MadpilotI've spent whole releases (Dapper, dammit) with no working 3d accel on my ATI, but now it Just Works10:04
elkyMadpilot, my eeepc701 for example, especially considering UNR is either composite or nothing. of course, eeepc701s are rare and stuff ;)10:09
MadpilotI thought unr used metacity?10:09
elkynot for the launcher10:10
elkyit has blingy little animations. which use clutter.10:10
* Madpilot had an opportunity to buy an as-new Dell Mini9 for only $300... but doesn't have a spare $300...10:10
elkyit's functional. but not usable.10:10
Madpilotnot cool10:11
elkyi'm ok for cash at the moment. just bought a really nice new laptop that should be fairly future-proofed.10:12
elkydual core, 4gb ram, 9cell battery.10:13
Madpilotsweet. I upped this desktop to near it's max last fall, but would like to get a netbook for work & coffee shops10:14
elkyi'm looking to upgrade to a future-safe desktop too. ya know, quad core, as much ram as i can, 2-4 screen capacity10:16
elkynow's the perfect time, while prices are low to try get people spending again.10:17
elkyi was going to start looking for a mortgage, but i think i might leave that another year.10:18
Madpilotpity I'm the brokest I've been in a decade :(10:18
Madpilotthis old 32bit desktop will do for another year or two. Brand-new 500GB HDD means I won't run out of space, anyway10:18
Madpilotand 3GB of RAM + swap means the CPU is the chokepoint now, but it'll still run 6 desktops full of stuff w/o complaining10:19
Madpilotyesterday I had Epiphany, XChat, Nautilus x2, Inkscape, GIMP & OOo Writer x2 all open, and it was still responsive. Go GNOME & aggressive Linux RAM use!10:20
elkyyeah. try that in That Other OS.10:20
elkyi mean, with it's common equivalents10:21
Madpilotthe XP machine at work starts to choke after about the 5th Firefox tab, with only two other apps running...10:21
elkyhell, try that with Photoshop/Illustrator on vista. I guarantee tears.10:22
Madpilotand it's actually a much, much newer machine than mine. Except it sucks, and mine doesn't...10:22
elkyi had to upgrade my laptop because my old one was/is not healthy10:23
elkyi know someone with the same make, so i'll donate it to them for parts. they'll have a second half-hour battery.10:23
Madpilotmy brother's old lappy is down to about 12 minutes of battery life, apparently. When it wakes up at all.10:24
elkyyeah, the big bugbear for the old one was that it'd heat up bad and slow to a crawl. a reboot would fix it... but the reboot took an hour as it had to cool down before it'd come back up.10:24
Madpilotand his new one has Vista and some oddball partitioning scheme he hasnt figured out yet. So it's UNR on liveUSB for him for now.10:25
ikoniaUNR.....spreading thing10:25
ubottuLa comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe10:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about arrrrr10:40
Madpilotwhen is Speak Like A Pirate Day, anyway? we need to get the bot trained up10:41
Madpilotlooking for an Arabic tell for the guy on #u?10:41
ikoniaplease don't, I can see the botabuse now10:41
ikoniaMadpilot: got it10:41
elkyMadpilot, same day as software freedom day :-/10:43
MadpilotSpeak Like A Free Software Pirate Day!10:43
Madpilotor something10:43
Madpilotthe concept might need some work10:43
elkythe president of SFI thinks it's a great that it's on the same day and wants to incorporate the two somehow. i dont predict a happy ending10:44
ikonianice way to give something credability - mess around10:45
Madpilot"Use Linux! Make Windows Walk The Plank!"10:46
PiciTalk like a pirate day is September 17th12:58
elkyyou sure?13:01
PiciI was close :)13:01
PiciIts correct on my calendar, I was just guessing.13:02
ikoniaKZKG^Gaara: hello13:51
ikoniahow can we help ?13:51
KZKG^Gaara"You were redirected here because a lot of spam comes from your ISP"13:51
KZKG^GaaraWhat this all about?13:51
ikoniaKZKG^Gaara: you where directed to this channel or #ubuntu-proxy-users ?13:52
KZKG^GaaraTo #ubuntu-graylist13:52
ikoniaahh ok, 13:53
ikoniaso basiclly the ISP you're using is famous as a spam host ISP - so it's banned from the channels you have to have an exception put in place to use #ubuntu13:53
ikoniawhat channel do you want to gain access to ?13:54
KZKG^GaaraYeah I understand that but... this is not my foul; somebody can help me?13:54
ikoniaKZKG^Gaara: yes, we are here to help, what channel do you want to get into ?13:55
KZKG^Gaara#ubuntu-es & #ubuntu-es-offtopic (if i was banned in this second too)13:56
ikoniaKZKG^Gaara: one moment13:56
KZKG^Gaaraok no problem13:57
ikoniajust trying to get hold of one of the ubuntu-es ops for you now, if you join #ubuntu-irc you'll be able to see when one of them comes on line14:01
KZKG^Gaarathe problem is that I donĀ“t remember the nicks of the ops of ubuntu-es14:02
ikoniaif you join #ubuntu-irc you'll see me asking14:03
KZKG^Gaaraooh yeah see you now xD14:04
ikoniaKZKG^Gaara: ok, so if you leave here and work it through in #ubuntu-irc you'll be fine14:04
KZKG^GaaraOk thanks for all14:04
KZKG^GaaraBy the way... sorry for my english14:04
ikoniano problem14:05
KZKG^GaaraBye and thanks again14:05
* genii brews a fresh pot of coffee for everyone14:45
genii@time helsinki14:49
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:49
jussi01@now helsinki15:06
jussi01hrm... is that still turned off...15:06
jussi01thought tsimpson fixed it15:06
tsimpsonubottu: load Stuff15:14
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about load Stuff15:14
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: May 07 2009, 14:14:1315:14
tsimpson@now helsinki15:14
ubottuCurrent time in Europe/Helsinki: May 07 2009, 17:14:2615:14
bazhang@now Taipei15:15
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:15
bazhang@now Taipei15:15
ubottuCurrent time in Asia/Taipei: May 07 2009, 22:15:1815:15
geniiWeird that ubottu says "the operation succeeded", then right after knows nothing about "Stuff"15:20
ubottugartral called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:43
bazhanghe logged into two accounts15:45
Jack_SparrowMorning..  Here anyhow15:45
bazhanghi :)15:45
genii/away for a bit15:50
Piciikonia/everyone: Please make sure that your bans do not have pipes in them.  They are not escaped by the floodbots when it does ban checking and treats them as regex ORs.15:58
ikoniaPici: did I hit a | 15:58
Picii.e: *!*|?=uk@121* 15:58
ikoniayeah, just seen Jack_Sparrow corrected it15:58
ikoniaPici: thanks15:58
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: thanks also 15:58
bazhangpronoy, hi15:59
ikoniano he didn't, I'll fix now15:59
Picipronoy: Whats up, how can we help you today?15:59
Piciikonia: I removed it.15:59
pronoyPici: oh man.....wrong channel...sorry15:59
Jack_SparrowSorry, did I do something.. wrong16:00
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: no, I thought you had fixed something I did wrong16:00
ikoniaPici: corrected now16:00
ikoniapronoy: what's going on ?16:03
pronoysorry to bother i do have a question16:03
pronoythe channel ops .... what does +o mean ?16:04
pronoyand how many types of modes are there ?16:04
ikoniait means grant operator status on that user16:04
ubottuThere are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml16:04
pronoyok..thank you Pici ......sorry to bother ikonia16:04
Piciokay then.16:05
geniiHm... was there a disconnect from this nick?16:12
genii( I came back to the computer to find client disconnected but other stuff here using the connection was still going... wondering if jussi's machine is going up/down again, it would disconnect and our nicks would likely timeout or so)16:16
bazhanggenii, not since you said /away for a bit16:17
geniibazhang: OK, thanks. Something local then, looks like16:17
* genii investigates16:17
screamsayonaracan i get unbanned from the ubuntu offtopic channel, really, im a nice girl16:41
screamsayonarait was just a ridiculous moment of my life16:41
screamsayonarai <3 ubuntu16:41
screamsayonarait was ages ago, also16:41
* genii prods at Pici16:42
geniiscreamsayonara: The op responsible isn't currently available. Please try again later.16:43
screamsayonaraok... vielen dank16:44
mneptokbut ... whatever ...16:48
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)17:46
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)17:46
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)17:46
mneptoktime to clear old bans. the banlist is full.18:08
ubottuIn #kubuntu, hidensoft said: ubottu: problem is not xampp18:34
ubottuIn ubottu, hidensoft said: problem is not xampp friend18:35
Seeker`hidensoft: how can we help you?18:36
hidensofti can't access to some folder18:37
Seeker`hidensoft: this isn't a support channel18:38
hidensoftis this ?18:38
Picihidensoft: You're already getting support in #kubuntu.  I told you ubottu was a bot after you messaged it, you can ignore what it said to you.18:39
hidensofti'm sorry18:40
Seeker`hidensoft: if you don;t have any operator related questions, please leave this channel18:41
=== juliux is now known as juliux_HSV
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:07
* genii-around gargles down a coffee20:10
genii-aroundGive me a minute, need to do the ol switcheroo again here...20:12
* genii sips20:13
ikoniagood evening20:42
geniiikonia: Hello20:44
ubottuDrDerek called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (deany)20:57
ikoniadeany again21:05
Seeker`what else has he done?21:05
ikonianormally just mouthy21:06
jussi01runny nose and sore throat sucks21:26
=== juliux_HSV is now known as juliux
Seeker`swine flu?21:27
jussi01ha... ha... ha21:27
Seeker`dont you mean "oink oink oink"?21:29
Seeker`hmm, tell DrDerek to stop or not?21:34
ikoniaSeeker`: not impressed as I mentioned the topic less than 5 minutes ago 21:36
ikoniaI don't understand why people need to go to #ubuntu-offtopic when they are in ##club-ubuntu as club-ubuntu is basiclly ubuntu offtopic with swearing allowed21:37
* jussi01 waves to ikonia21:37
* jussi01 pms ikonia22:00
ikoniamodmadmike: hi, thanks for joining, I wanted to have a chat with you outside the main content of the ubuntu channel22:08
ikoniamodmadmike: I'm getting the impression (maybe wrongly) you are quite new to ubuntu or linux in general, is that true ?22:09
modmadmikenope used linux for the past 9 years with mandrake linux 722:10
ikoniareally ?22:10
modmadmikeas my first22:10
ikoniathe reason I'm asking is some of the info you're giving out is a little questionable and random22:10
ikoniaI basiclly wanted to ask you to consider what you're offering to people as advice as people have all ranges in the channel22:11
ikonia(which I didn't want to ask in the main channel)22:11
modmadmikethen explain why in 8.04 the HDA intel driver worked in the generic kernel but not the server kernel22:12
ikoniamodmadmike: I can't without research, 22:12
modmadmikewhen it first came out that is22:12
ikoniamodmadmike: but saying the server kernel has better sound support with no subastance is crazy 22:12
ikoniamodmadmike: and that wasn't the only comment - hence why I'm asking you to just consider what your telling the users 22:12
modmadmikethe kernels manage device drivers differently sometimes i have had better support in the server kernel somtimes with the generic22:13
ikoniamodmadmike: they don't, they are the same base kernel 22:13
mneptokmodmadmike: recommending a server kernel to desktop users in a main support channel is not a good idea.22:13
ikoniabut as I said, that wasn't th eonly point I was bringing up - that was just one example22:14
modmadmikeand what are your other examples22:14
ikoniaintel drivers are poor22:15
ikoniacompile vmware22:15
ikoniaI can go through the logs if you want22:15
modmadmikei don;t use vmware so i would not know22:15
ikoniahelping is great, I'm just asking you consider what you say to people22:15
ikoniamodmadmike: so if you don't know - why say something22:15
ikoniamodmadmike: just ignore the question and let someone who does know answer it22:15
ikoniablind help can cause more damage22:15
ikoniathat doesn't mean lose the enthusiasm, just don't be afraid of not answering if you don't know 22:16
modmadmikeI have to leave to go fishing | i wont give blind support anymore ok22:17
ikoniaand think that your experience may not be the norm, so if you don't have good luck with intel video drivers, that doesn't make them "rubbish" - it just means you've had a problem (they may well be bad too) just a little more though t22:17
mneptokmodmadmike: and using "lol" as punctuation immediately makes experienced people think "i have t-shirts older than this guy" ;)22:17
ikoniamodmadmike: thanks for popping in, I won't keep you from your fishing, just food for thought22:17
Mezikonia: fish food?22:18
ikoniahe wasn't paying any attention to that, but it was worth a go22:18
* ikonia ignores mez's pun22:18
ikoniado better....22:19
* Mez sticks tongue out @ ikonia22:19
ikoniathank you22:19
* mneptok can smell the freshly baked H1N122:21
FlannelMmmmmm... tasty piggies.22:21
Flannelis that how engineers say what mathematicians call "oink"22:22
Mezmneptok: I smell freshly baked c21h30o222:22
Seeker`what did we decide about 4chan?22:39
Slarthello.. can someone have a look at HardCockOnCam in #ubuntu.. he's being kind of annoying, besides the name22:42
Seeker`already left22:43
Slartindeed.. nevermind then =)22:43
Seeker`if you see someone with such a blatently wrong nickname, feel free to use the ops factoid22:43
Slartok, will do22:43
* Flannel already tried to remove him, discovered that he wasn't identified.22:43
Seeker`hmm, what should I have on hilight22:46
mneptok"HardCockOnCam." that nick is proof enough that free wifi at truck stops is a Bad Idea(tm)22:47
ikoniaha ha22:48
Seeker`Thats proof that people need to pass a test before they can use the internet :P22:48
phixWould you be a pal and remove the ban for me? :)23:24
ikoniaphix: I don't think it's appropriate personally, and I've read the others comments which seem to lean on it not being removed at the moment so I don't think it would be a good move for me to remove it with them not around23:24
ikoniaI believe it was Pici who banned you initially (I've not checked) 23:25
phixI don't mind waiting23:25
ikoniawell as you've been told this is a no idle channel23:25
ikoniaI'll check on who banned you, one moment23:26
phixcan you make any suggestions for a ubuntu related channel I can idle in?23:26
ikoniaI've just checked and you've been banned from multiple channels by multiple people23:27
phixwas a good night :)23:27
ikoniaok - so I think you need to leave now23:27
phixok, cya later ikonia, thank you for your assistance23:28
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops phix crappy attitude again towards getting the multiple bans removed23:28
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:28
bazhanga good night?23:29
bazhangthat comment is a near guarantee he will start trolling again as soon as unbanned.23:30
ikoniahe's in #ubuntu-irc now, I'm just trying to guide him out23:30
Seeker`entraide-net: how can we help you?23:46
entraide-netyep 1 min please23:46
entraide-netcan you give me an idea how to get easily the most used packages , tutorials , websites , tips and tricks for ubuntu ... I wanna make a big all-in-one tutorial for beginners to help them but I wanna include stuff for average and professionnals users ...23:48
entraide-netI think the forum could help but ...23:48
entraide-netIt's not every ubuntu users that goes there ...23:49
Seeker`isn't that what http://wiki.ubuntu.com23:49
entraide-netIt's good but an easy tutorial as a backup tip as I personnaly use many websites when I reinstall ... I would make it simple in a all in one tutorial23:51
Seeker`you'll just have to search the net I guess23:51
Seeker`this channel isn't really for this sort of discussion, its for channel operator questions23:52
entraide-netsorry I was thinking if you give me a little idea the best would be the forum I guess23:53
* genii slurps a coffee23:53
geniiHi Seeker`23:54

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