
michaellarabelbryce_: http://global.phoronix-test-suite.com/?k=profile&u=phoronix-16000-27009-5265 no major change in 3D performance at least with smokin-guns, but bugs in other tests.00:50
* bryce_ nods00:51
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tjaaltonheh, so dropping patch 107 from the server killed fglrx performance18:06
mnemoseems so18:13
tjaaltonthe corruption happens on ati and nvidia too18:15
tjaaltonso uxa is not a solution18:15
tjaaltonand fglrx should be obsolete RSN anyway :)18:18
mnemoRSN ?18:18
tjaaltonreal soon now18:18
mnemoyou mean with radeon rewrite branch or are you being ironical? i only use intel so I have no clue18:19
tjaaltonr6/7xx support in mesa18:19
mnemowill be fast enough to play 3d games etc?18:19
tjaaltonI guess18:20
mnemothat'd be great18:20
bryce_apw: hey, how is the backporting going?  anything I could help on?18:38
* jbarnes builds his first compiz deb19:50
tormodSarvatt: the mesa build fails in karmic - bug 37321420:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373214 in linux-ports "/usr/include/asm/* is not present in linux-libc-dev" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37321420:43
Sarvattah glad theres already a bug report on it, i was going to give it a few hours before digging into it20:46
Sarvattyuck, www.woodtv.com is crashing UXA 100% of the time for me and another person. anyone on 2.6.3 or 2.7.0 using uxa that could try to load that site?22:48
Sarvattoh Duke`, fixed that libglew1.5-dev problem, they started shipping the headers in mesa starting in 7.5 and the mesa-common-dev.install was grabbing one. sorry about that22:50
bryce_heya Sarvatt23:23
bryce_tormod: btw I've finally redirected the ubuntu X bug mail to the x-swat mailing list, so you can safely join the ubuntu-x-swat team now if you wish.23:30
tormodbryce_: cool, thanks23:31

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