
AmigadudeDr_Willis: will have to look into that... only thing I needed was a restricted driver for the replacement Wifi card (so I could use OS X)00:00
Dr_WillisAmigadude:  os-x on a netbook.. :) thats sick. :P00:00
SultansElephantGenii: So I guess I just need to point to an audio player that can play MP3 and OGG.. VLC? Amarok? Audacity?00:00
geniiSultansElephant: One minute00:00
AmigadudeDr_Willis, it's quite smooth00:00
SultansElephantgenii: Thank you very much00:00
Dr_WillisAmigadude:  i will stick with Ubuntu on mine. :) it would be amuseing to have os-x on it. to annoy the apple-addicts at work.00:01
geniiSultansElephant: mpg123 is in a package of the same name. ogg123 is in vorbis-tools00:01
AmigadudeDr_Willis: now triple booting TinyXP, OS X & Ubuntu Netbook00:01
sadsadhow can i remove openntpd from auto running at boot time?00:01
sadsadi've removed all /etc/init.d/rc*.d/S20openntpd scripts00:01
SultansElephantgenii: ha. thanks. new to this.00:01
colleenWoah. This is very cool, I'm new here..00:01
Dr_WillisAmigadude:  put geexbox on there also! :)00:02
Amigadudewas gonna try adding one of those 10second boot micro distros for web & movies00:03
billisnice2how do i just see chat? I am new too...i do not want the mailto:n=stewbacc@hlfxns0169w-142068219127.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net00:03
Dr_WillisAmigadude:  thats geexbox for ya. :)00:04
Dr_Willisbillisnice2:  dependoing on your irc client. theres different ways to hide the parts/joins/extra messages00:04
ubuntu_when I try to resize with gparted it has problems doing00:04
billisnice2i have x chat00:05
ubuntu_ntfsresize -P --force /dev/sda1 -a 38568305663 --no-action00:05
geniisadsad: You didn't want it run at boot, but you sometimes might want to run it? Otherwise not not just uninstall it. Anyhow, perhaps see: man update-rc.d   for how to add/remove stuff in/etc/rcX.d and so on00:05
SultansElephantGenii: Working now, thanks.00:06
geniiSultansElephant: Glad to help.00:06
ActionParsnipubuntu_: youu using it in the livecd?00:06
allowoverridei can not ping my wireless print server, can someone help trbshoot? i am on ubuntu 8.04 LTS00:06
ActionParsnipubuntu_: is the partition mounted?00:06
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro00:06
ubuntu_not mounted00:06
* cllaudyu hello00:06
allowoverrideall other computers can ping this printer server, but this laptop can not, i can ping the gw, all one network... help?00:08
allowoverridehavent work much with wireless and print servers on ubuntu00:08
Dr_Willisallowoverride:  ls that laptop the only wireless machine?00:08
FrankQCallowoverride: check your firewall maybe it's blocking?00:08
allowoverridei turned it off00:08
allowoverridesame thing00:08
ubuntu_ok the simulation run worked00:08
Dr_Willisive seen some routers that auto-block some stuff over wireless.00:09
ubuntu_now gparted is doing the real resize00:09
mib_rls91yhi, how can I make google earth not so laggy?00:09
allowoverrideit used to work00:09
allowoverrideonce i switched to wicd it seems that is when it started00:09
FrankQCallowoverride: Check to make sure your Router doesn't filter MAC addresses00:09
allowoverridewas using networkmanager00:09
allowoverrideno filter on router, checked. never has00:09
allowoverrideits a linksys mind you ;)00:09
FrankQCI use a linksys w/ dd-wrt firmware00:09
sadsadgenii: i want to use it but manually, i'm building a livecd and i wonder how can it be done without running update-rc.d after booting...?00:09
jeiworthallowoverride: so you can only ping the gateway or everything in the network except for the printserver?00:10
allowoverridewicd is using wext, the only proto that works.00:10
allowoverrideyes i can00:10
allowoverridejust not printserver00:10
allowoverrideits usb's to the wireless printserver00:10
allowoverrideit used to have the ethernet to back of printer00:10
allowoverridebut all other computers see with ping, just not this lappy00:11
geniisadsad: Not easily00:11
allowoverrideits confusing the shyt ouf of me00:11
FrankQCIt does sound confusing lol00:11
allowoverrideits something cheesy i know00:11
jeiworthuhm do you use a different ip range for your wireless network maybe00:11
allowoverrideno jeiworth00:12
allowoverridenot even00:12
_duncanDoes anyone have experiance with WoW, Wine, and ubuntu 9.04?00:12
allowoverride1 subnet. it used to work, once i made the switch to wicd it seems to have started00:13
FrankQCAllowoverride, have you DHCP'd your IPv4 to your printer's MAC address?00:13
jeiworthallowoverride: straaaange00:13
allowoverridewicd support is hopeless00:13
allowoverridemy lappy is static00:13
allowoverridemy printserver is static00:13
FrankQCPing your printserver's IPv400:13
allowoverridei tried dhcp'd printserv addy, but same result00:13
allowoverrideno reply00:13
allowoverridePING ( 56(84) bytes of data.00:14
allowoverrideFrom icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable00:14
jeiworthallowoverride: but the other machines on your network can ping it, as i understand'00:14
allowoverridecorrect jeiworth00:14
allowoverrideall of them00:14
SultansElephant_duncan: did you have WoW going with Wine in 8.10?00:14
allowoverrideall wired00:14
FrankQCAre they connected via ethernet?00:14
allowoverrideall wired00:14
FloodBot3allowoverride: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:14
jeiworthallowoverride: and from your laptop you can ping the other machines except for the print server?00:14
FrankQCok, plug your laptop via Ethernet and check to see if it's going to work00:14
allowoverrideyes correct00:14
Magicianwine works the same with wow in 9.04 as it did with 8.1000:15
allowoverridestand by..00:15
sadsadgenii: you know how?00:15
fogusI need to talk to someone about using ubuntu as a file server (NAS like) for approx 10TB of data on a gigabit lan.  All my data must be encrypted with truecrypt.  I would like the drives to be independently mountable (not stripes of data and no files spanning across two drives), but I need these drives to show up as "one drive" (one continuous blob of space) on the network.  how can I do this?00:15
allowoverridegonna switch nets00:15
FrankQCWhat are you going to do?00:15
FrankQCGo ethernet and ping it to see if it works00:16
geniiallowoverride: "" box that does not know how to reach is the default gateway for the other boxes too?00:16
_duncanSultansElephant: Nope, this is my first foray into Ubuntu00:16
modmadmikeYay two routers now and one behind a Linux firewall!00:16
geniisadsad: Not offhand.00:16
FrankQCmodmadmike: What firmware?00:16
boringpacketsi screwed up my sources.list (and did it twice so i no longer have the automatic backup) is there anywhere i can go to download the 9.04 sources.list?00:16
boringpacketsfor amd6400:16
_duncanIt installs perfectly fine, then when I go to play it with opengl it just hangs and uses 100% for a while00:16
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FrankQCallowoverride: working?00:16
jeiworthfogus: not sure, but i think you can join multiple partitions/disks as one with LVM without having to set up a raid00:16
cllaudyuhey can someone help me with something?00:17
boringpacketsi need the 9.04 sources.list00:17
SultansElephant_duncan: check out #winehq, winehq.com forums, search the ubuntuforums. For starters you might make sure your video drivers are installed00:17
Magicianwhat you got cllaudyu00:17
modmadmikethe linux firewall is a ubuntu server machine with Webmin, Firestarter, and Apache200:17
FrankQCmodmadmike: you sound pretty secure ;P00:17
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:17
mrwes!ask | cllaudyu00:17
ubottucllaudyu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:17
Magiciannice modmadike00:18
FrankQCI don't even know what firewall my router uses00:18
cllaudyui cant see what its crashing at startup00:18
_duncanSultansElephant: I did all of that, this is the last place to look00:18
geniiboringpackets: You may already have a prototype one to start from in /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list00:18
fogusjeiworth: so, I could take a bunch of mounted truecrypt volumes and join them together logicaly and then share them?00:18
mrwesFrankQC, well you're not forwarding any ports from the router are you ?00:18
jeiworthallowoverride: hows the pinging coming along?00:19
modmadmikeoh and the 1st router (which everything is behind) also ha a firewall00:19
SultansElephant_duncan: you asked about your specific problem on the forums at winehq.com, in #winehq and on the ubuntuforums?00:19
FrankQCmrwes: Not anymore, no.00:19
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:19
FrankQCallowoverride: Is the pinging working?00:19
jeiworthfogus: well, youd first have to join them, that is their partitions and create one large lvm volume, after that you format it and encrypt it with whatever you like00:19
allowoverride1i knew i would get disco'd lol... anyfoo, yep it pings. like i said, when i changed to wicd from netmanager this started00:20
SultansElephant_duncan: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1415400:20
allowoverride1im static00:20
jeiworthfogus: if you already have data thata you cant backup i fear its a bit more difficult, one solution might be to mount the partitions into the folder structure and share this main folder00:20
allowoverride1diff ip, can ping printserver00:21
allowoverride1hey cool i have a 1 after my nic lol00:21
solexiousHelp, ive just added a pci card with 4 sata ports on it, how other than plugging in sata devices can i check its been detected and has drivers?00:21
FrankQCThen I think you should change your static IP00:21
FrankQCTo something else00:21
FrankQCAnd see if it's going to work00:21
boringpacketswould someone please pastebin their 9.04 sources.list for me?00:21
allowoverride1good idea00:21
jeiworthallowoverride: sorry for not being up to date, but what is wicd?00:21
boringpacketsuh, please?00:21
FrankQCMaybe that specific one is reserved for something else00:21
geniiallowoverride: Looks like you didn't specify proper gateway then in your static settings00:21
fogusjeiworth: truecrypt encrypts entire disks and the result is a particular disk format (e.g. NTFS).  I could not encrypt them after joining them (at least that is how I have understood it)00:21
allowoverride1wireless client00:21
jeiworthsolexious: lspci should do the trick00:21
fogusjeiworth: no, I will be starting with brand new disks00:22
jeiworthsolexious: or better fdisk -l00:22
drbobbhey guys is there some breakage coming from a recent update? seems scrollkeeper is busted on my system and it's preventing a lot of stuff from working correctly00:22
allowoverride1ill try that... ill be back.. said like arnold...00:22
jeiworthfogus: check the howto for lvm, as i said, i am not 100% sure but in the back of mu head it says that that is just one of the bigger use cases for lvm00:22
FrankQCdrbobb: What do you mean breakage? do you mean about the 9.04 update or the kernel 2.6-24-24 upgrade?00:22
magciusCan somebody help me try to compile SPCA5xx http://mxhaard.free.fr/?00:23
solexiousjeiworth, thank you00:23
drbobbno I mean a recent minor update to 9.0400:23
fogusjeiworth: cheers man.  thanks.00:23
MarkJonesCan someone say what the current standing of 64bit ubuntu and Adobe Flash is? Is the official flash plugin still in testing or does the standard v10 work in 64bit?00:23
FrankQCOh. Lots of people are having problems with 9.04 -- see it seems.00:23
allowoverride2ok, same result00:23
FrankQCThat's the main reason why I'm staying with 8.04LTS00:23
jeiworthsolexious: your welcome00:23
memfistomarkjones: its still testing00:23
rob0917why couldn't ubuntu have a start page in firefox like they do in windows with news ,weather ,events etc..00:23
FrankQCallowoverride, not working?00:23
jeiworthfogus: you are of course too ;)00:23
allowoverride2yah i like LTS as well FrankQC00:23
sebsebsebFrankQC: lots of people have problems with like every OS that is popular00:24
allowoverride2nope, same result00:24
FrankQCsebsebseb: Yes but people are noticing more annoying problems with 9.04 and the kernel 2.6-24-24-generic upgrade00:24
magciusrob0917, what start page?00:24
memfistomarkjones: but it works, though. Get it at http://labs.adobe.com/ somewhere...00:24
allowoverride2changed static of wireless on laptop, used diff ip static on laptop - pinged, but still same.. its a wicd issue i think00:24
billisnice2LTS is the best way to go....i can not get my screen resolution to stay after a reboot, i had no problem with 8.0400:24
drbobbFrankQC: ok but I'm asking about a very specific issue and not anybody's general impressions00:24
FrankQCI've stayed with 8.04x86LTS and it's working fine00:24
``mEnEkSDo you guys help with video playing quality?00:24
MarkJonesthank you00:24
rob0917something made by ubuntu00:25
doleyb``mEnEkS: sometimes they do! ask it your hing.00:25
ienorandFrankQC: I'm on Karmic and it working fine ;)00:25
sebsebsebFrankQC: 9.04's kernel works well for most users00:25
magciusrob0917, I meant in Windows.00:25
sebsebsebienorand: Karmic is not even released yet?  is alpha1 already out?00:25
boot_loopheya friends... I am having some trouble with my rewrite module for my website. Some commands get redirected, but some just give me a 404 error. Here is my code: http://pastebin.com/m904ab8c - can anyone look at the last block of code and tell me if there is a reason why that site isn't being redirected?00:25
rob0917aol.or msn00:25
tom_de_tomanyone able to help in install flash on ubuntu with firefox as the browser00:25
modmadmikeim using the 9.04 server kernel, it works better for me00:25
billisnice2i am not sure if ubuntu quality is dropping or linux kernal is not as good as it use to be00:26
``mEnEkSWell recently i just bought a collection of animated pornographical material and well...I just bought this new graphics card and my computer still isnt playing to its full capacity...anyway I can fix this?00:26
psychodrain good night, people! i have a vaio notebook with intel gma965 video driver.... in linux, it cannot run panda samples, but 3d games runs normally00:26
sebsebseb!info flashplugin-nonfree00:26
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)00:26
allowoverride2anywone versed in wicd here? and not point me to their site.. thanks00:26
sebsebsebtom_de_tom: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:26
FrankQCsebsebseb: heh. I updated to 8.10 and it screwed my nvidia drivers up... Had to reformat. I upgraded to the new kernel and it screwed up. So whatever haha. I'ms ticking with 8.04lts until the service ends.00:26
pantangHi just installed ubuntu managed to get my wireless going thank god but im stuck big time with my audio, its a onboard soundmax on a tosh laptop00:26
pantangany ideas on gettin this going?00:26
ienorandsebsebseb: Nah, pre-alpha ftw :)00:26
sebsebsebFrankQC: 9.04 has worked well,  except for a few issues from when I upgraded alpha6 to 8.10.  then to beta and to rc.  I am thinking about when I am actsually going to bother clean installing and yes I am doing Ext4 when I do00:27
rob0917the ubuntu -google start page is too plain00:27
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:27
linxuz3r!dual monitor00:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dual monitor00:27
tom_de_tomReading package lists... Done00:27
tom_de_tomBuilding dependency tree00:27
tom_de_tomReading state information... Done00:27
tom_de_tomflashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.00:27
tom_de_tom0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:27
FloodBot3tom_de_tom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:27
tom_de_tomstill doesnt work though00:27
modmadmikerob0917: then make your own like I did00:27
psychodrainis there any trouble with ubuntu 9.04 and intel gm965 video driver?00:27
sebsebsebienorand: not sure about that00:27
sebsebsebienorand: pre alpha will be 9.04 with some changes00:27
FrankQCsebsebseb: haha I'm still gonna use ext3 until 8.04lts expires.00:27
``mEnEkSWell recently i just bought a collection of animated pornographical material and well...I just bought this new graphics card and my computer still isnt playing to its full capacity...anyway I can fix this?....also to note on another thing the part when the girls cums is when the digital effects seem to make my computer run incredibly slow which is quite annoying00:28
rob0917I can ,just an idea00:28
sebsebsebpsychodrain: intel graphic card issues in 9.04 yes, and it's mentioned in the release notes00:28
sebsebsebFrankQC: well 10.04 the next LTS will be out before 8.04 expires I think00:28
jeiworthsebastien: tell me about it...00:28
boot_loopanyone know of a place where I can ask a question about apache?00:28
pantangsomeone must have some idea, come on ppl realy want to give this a shot but abit useless with out sound. yes ive checked on google and tried 2 solutions from there with no luck00:28
FrankQCsebsebseb: Then I'll wait until 10.04 comes out =)00:28
sebsebsebjeiworth: about what?00:28
ienorandFrankQC: Well, as long as there are no major features that would benefit you from 8.04+....00:28
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Seeker```mEnEkS: less of the graphical description please00:28
jeiworthextra bought intel-hw and they have to go ahead and screw up their driver00:28
sebsebseb!lamp |  boot_loop00:29
ubottuboot_loop: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:29
jeiworthsebastien: i have an intel vga card ;)00:29
pantangonboard soundmax card00:29
modmadmikeI got a LAMP server00:29
FrankQCienorand: 8.04lts to 9.04 or 8.04lts to 10.04lts?00:29
psychodrainsebsebseb: so is it.... i having problems to run panda3d samples... but 3d games are running00:29
boot_loopsebsebseb: i know what lamp is, I have a server set up. I am having a problem I need to ask about00:29
ienorandpsychodrain: There definitely was, dunno if the fixes are released or still in the works...00:29
tom_de_tomaftering doing sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree flash still wont work00:30
sebsebsebienorand  FrankQC  jeiworth       I think some people   would be better off on 8.10 than 9.04.  espeasilly when 8.10 still has about a year of suppourt left on the desktop00:30
modmadmikelol @ guy with porn problems00:30
tom_de_tomsays already newest version00:30
rob0917I had to update manually today ,no notification that there were updates available00:30
jeiworthsebastien: yeah well,  what can i say, i am a version fetishist ;)00:30
magciusAnybody have success compiling SPCA5xx?00:30
Magicianpantang: try this http://www.planetamd64.com/index.php?showtopic=23938&st=0&gopid=243353&#entry24335300:30
psychodrainienorand: so there are not o do right now... just wait for fix?00:30
TeamColtraOkay I tried asking a few days ago but got no response: I tried installing Ubuntu 9.04 on a laptop... and the screen resolution was display larger than the monitor (the display went off the screen) and when I tried to fix it by picking the proper resolution... it made the screen display like three copies of the display on top of eachother00:31
pantangcheers ill have a look now00:31
ienorandsebsebseb: Not on this lppy though, since I have no network access without disabling n-m on 8.10...00:31
FrankQClol just going random I like using irssi as fullscreen00:31
Manos0hello!! i need help! i am trying to install (dual boot) ubuntu but for ine reason i lost my windows xp00:31
FrankQCLooks so nice00:31
mibzzer15ok, so i installed ubuntu, and now when i boot to windows, or i guess it would be the GRUB, i get an error 21, and it almost seems like it wiped my windows vista out of my system, how would i fix?00:31
sebsebsebjeiworth: sure, but newer is not always better,  and that depends on the user, as well as the hardware  that the software is running on00:31
ubuntuquestionHello, all00:31
modmadmikeTeamColtra: what Graphics card00:31
sebsebsebjeiworth: with Ubuntu is not about what is new, it's about what is still suppourted00:31
ienorandpsychodrain: Last time i looked there were some major fixes in proposed, they might not have made it to the recommended updates yet...00:31
TeamColtramodmadmike: Let me look00:32
ubuntuquestionI am now trying to using Ubuntu in text console00:32
jeiworthsebastien: yeah i know, but i do not really need the 3d since i hardly ever play any games so its ok the way it is, just a minor annyance ;)00:32
skylI have python-elementtree installed but I can not import elementtree  .. any ideas?00:32
FrankQCmibzzer15: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-875952.html00:32
rob0917when 9.04 needs to update ,how do you know?00:32
=== cafuego is now known as g-b
sebsebsebjeiworth: 3D??  Compiz?   heh heh yeah I don't really need that either, but  that has worked since 8.04 etc00:33
modmadmikemodmadmike: loop00:33
FrankQCrob0917: Just run the update command once a day00:33
ubuntuquestionI am now trying to using Ubuntu in text console; and everytime I logout it goes back to X session. I don't like this. How can i disable this and stay at original TTY?00:33
ienorandubuntuquestion: state the question please, introduction is nice but unfortunately clogs a busy channel like this one.00:33
ubuntu_how long would00:33
TeamColtramodmadmike: Intel® Extreme 2 Graphics00:33
psychodrainienoran: i've alread downloaded de proposed fixes... now i can run compiz, but no panda3d samples00:33
ubuntu_how long would ntfsresize -P --force /dev/sda1 -s 38568305663 take?00:33
ienorandubuntuquestion: sorry, that was meant for the two pervious posts...00:33
=== g-b is now known as cafuego
jvrmrtnwhit what program i speak whit other person whit mic in msn ?00:34
glitsj16rob0917: the release notes state a change in the update notification, you can get the former behavior back though via gconf --> http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904#Change%20in%20notifications%20of%20available%20updates00:34
modmadmikeTeamColtra: weird I have alwas had problems with the intell ones00:34
jeiworthsebsebseb: i know, i know, i'll just wait till intel fixes the problem, i am too slacker to downgrade ;)00:34
rob0917thank you00:34
wk_bouterjvmrtn, amsn should be able to do this00:34
TeamColtramodmadmike: lol if you always have problems with it, then it isn't that weird00:35
Kage[Work]Is this channel the proper one to ask about doing packaging using apt?00:35
Kage[Work]If not, where should I go?00:35
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FrankQCKage: Is it packaging in Ubuntu?00:35
FrankQCKage: If it's related to '00:35
modmadmikeTeamColtra: try the native Linux intel driver from their site00:35
FrankQCIf it's related to Ubuntu then you're in the right place.00:35
Kage[Work]Well, sort of.  It's Debian's packaging system that Ubuntu uses00:35
Kage[Work]So, yes and no :P00:35
ienorandubuntuquestion: If you use alt+F2 you'll get to the cli, X will still be running in the background though... If you want to kill it completely you could use "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"00:35
Kage[Work]Ok, so here's the thing...00:35
FrankQCIf you can't find anything on this channel00:36
FrankQCTry #debian00:36
jeiworthsebsebseb: at least switching to uxa downed the cpu% to about 20 (using desktop effects00:36
TeamColtramodmadmike: I can't though, because the screen wont let me...00:36
Seeker`Kage[Work]: It depends on whether you are asking about installing packages, or creating your own00:36
Kage[Work]Seeker`, creating one00:36
TeamColtramodmadmike: I can do it with command line... but I wouldn't know how to install a driver via commandline00:36
Seeker`I suspect #ubuntu-motu may be more relevant than here00:36
Kage[Work]I've got it nearly complete, I just can't freakin' figure out this one last step00:36
smacfarlso i just upgraded to 9.04 and my lcd screen goes to sleep when it loads the log in screen. Says unknown signal.00:36
ienorandubuntuquestion: sorry, should be ctrl+alt+F200:36
Kage[Work]Seeker`, Ok, thanks00:37
Seeker`Kage[Work]: If that isn't the right place, they should be able to point you in the rgiht direction00:37
modmadmikeTeamColtra: try to "w3m http://www.google.com/"00:37
shavlirsmacfarl: sounds like you need to force it to use a mode that your monitor can handle00:37
grkblood13hey, whats a good program to transcode in mp3 format to stream radio?00:37
smacfarlI'm guessing I have to manual override some setting because something is not being detected correctly or there is a bug in my monitor identification hardware in the lcd. What do i change00:37
linxuz3rhow do i xdcmp to another system?00:37
ubuntuquestionNo. I am not going to kill X. I just want to using CLI for some time; sometime I want to exit console and login again immediately. I just want X keep running but I don't want to leave the text console after logout because I am going to re-login again.00:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xdcmp00:37
ubottuxdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it00:38
grkblood13ive tried vlc but i get errors, they say its b/c ubuntu cripples ffmpeg but i built ffmpeg from source and it still wont work00:38
TeamColtraLOL WOW... I don't know what I did... I just started clicking on the screen... but I made it go back to the "over sized" resolution instead of the weird one00:38
shavlirsmacfarl: xorg.conf00:38
FrankQCsmacfarl: reinstall gdm and ubuntu-desktop00:38
azazellohi, I'm trying to install kile on ubuntu 9.04 but the only available version is 2.1.0 which is unstable and incomplete. How can I install kile 2.0.3 which is available in 8.10?00:38
FrankQCsmacfarl: hopefully it will work00:38
smacfarlreinstall gdm and ubuntu-desktop? How? Why?00:38
FrankQCMAybe there's something wrong w/ your gdm and ubuntu-desktop, who knows.00:38
mibzzer15ubuntu is starting to piss me off with this GRUB error messages......00:38
smacfarlwhere is my xorg.conf again?00:38
FrankQCThat's how I troubleshoot my gUI problems.00:38
FrankQC /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:39
smacfarldoes ubuntu still even use xorg.conf?00:39
boot_loopWould anyone mind looking at this code "http://pastebin.com/m904ab8c" and tell me why my redirect at the end to drupal.bglz.net isn't working?00:39
wk_bouterazazello, just look at http://kile.sourceforge.net/download.php00:39
smacfarlshavlir: where is xorg.conf again? And what do I override?00:40
azazellowk_bouter, i'd rather use the package manager00:40
FrankQCsudo aptitude remove gdm -y; sudo aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop -y; sudo aptitude install gdm -y; sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop; sudo aptitude update -y; sudo aptitude upgrade -y; sudo aptitude dist-upgrade -y; gdm00:40
FrankQCRun that.00:40
nunyabizhow do i change my identity name in xchat gnome?00:40
TeamColtramodmadmike: if you want to see what the issue is http://www.travismccrea.com/images/1241652872555.jpg  http://www.travismccrea.com/images/1241652922885.jpg00:40
modmadmikemy apache server: http://walkrnd.homelinux.com:90/00:40
teckyAnyone own a system76 desktop / laptop and care to chat for a bit about the purchase and product ?00:40
gm|laphey, i'm running an ircd-irc2 server and am trying to set up an O:Line. what program do i use to generate the password required?00:40
azazelloi'm hoping to find a repo with the package for 8.10 and use that00:40
thomasiteHello. I have a problem connecting to the repositories and updating my 8.10. Last time, I changed the entries in my apt.conf file to something like "Acquire::http::proxy "http://proxy.***.***.**:8080/";" . How do I revert to the original settings. I'm now using a direct connection. Thanks.00:40
gm|lapit mentions a "crypted" password00:40
excitatorynunyabiz, type /nick new_name_here00:41
smacfarlfrankqc: what exactly will doing this do for me? What will be installed that I don't already have installed?00:41
FrankQCthomasite: That's why it's wise to keep a backup of your sources00:41
TeamColtraIs there a way to "print" what my system shows as its graphics card?00:41
nunyabizexcitatory, not my nick, but my identity00:41
linxuz3rdo you guys know how to connect to a xdmcp server?00:41
ienorandubuntuquestion: in that case ctrl+alt+F2 would work fine I think... You'll have to use Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get back to the TTY running X, you might want to log off in the X session so that it is at the login screen, for safety reasons, but it doesn't matter anyways...00:41
elisboalinxuz3r: X -query serverip00:41
faryshta_Have someone tested OOo3.1?00:41
modmadmikeTeamColtra: try the server kernel it seems to have a better intell driver00:41
linxuz3relisboa: how do i enter my username and password?00:42
modmadmikeTeamColtra: sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-server00:42
glitsj16azazello: what about getting the version you need from packages.ubuntu.com?00:42
=== steven is now known as StevenX
jeiworthfaryshta_: apropos, is it available through launchpad ppa repos?00:42
elisboalinxuz3r: after X opens up the login screen00:42
thomasiteFrankQC: Please help me. I know I should've saved those entries.00:42
StevenXGuys, if an external USB hdd was is being mounted as read-only, how can I change it to read / write?00:43
TeamColtramodmadmike: I will do that... but is there a way to see what my graphics card even is? So then there may be an easier fix?00:43
wk_bouterazazello, sometimes in synaptic "package -> force version" would work, but I see it does only list 2.1.0 for kile00:43
StevenXI tried to set this on properties, but after doing that, it wouldn't start up.00:43
TeamColtraI took my graphics card from a listing in ebay :P00:43
ubuntuquestionienorand. Not exactly, I switch to text console pressing C+A+F1 and do some CLI commands. Then I try to logout but the console just automatically switch back to X session. I don't want this. I just want to stay at tty1.00:43
teckyTeamColtra, lspci ?00:43
modmadmikeTeamColtra: lspci to find it00:43
faryshta_jeiworth, I don't know, but the OOo site has deb-packages.00:43
faryshta_want the link?00:43
azazelloglitsj16, I've never done that, I guess I'll try to find it and download it manually00:43
nunyabizhow do i change my identity so that it doesn't say my name in it   n=simonkaz@
linxuz3relisboa: how do i launch it on window mode?00:44
thomasiteubuntuquestion: Hello. I have a problem connecting to the repositories and updating my 8.10. Last time, I changed the entries in my apt.conf file to something like "Acquire::http::proxy "http://proxy.***.***.**:8080/";" . How do I revert to the original settings? I'm now using a direct connection. Thanks.00:44
jeiworthfaryshta_: mmh no thanks, i will try adding the official openoffice ppa: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu jaunty main00:44
gm|lapactually, it's sorted now00:44
teckymodmadmike, i sent you a pm about your site00:44
azazellowk_bouter, yeah I need either the .deb or whatever or to add the repo, I'm new to this so I'm not sure which one is easier at this point00:44
elisboalinxuz3r: install xnest00:44
faryshta_jeiworth, thanks.00:44
nunyabizcan anyone please tell me how i can change my identity so that it doesn't say my name in it   n=simonkaz@
boringpacketsFor some reason my volume in all applications is low. When I put it at 100% it sounds about 20%. I cannot get it loud enough, any suggestions?00:45
james296can anyone here tell me how to reposition the new notification program?00:45
glitsj16azazello: should be easy enough to track it down, and use the force version idea wk_bouter mentioned to stop it from updating00:45
linxuz3relisboa: does it usually take a long time to get connected?00:45
faryshta_But someone have tried OpenOffice 3.1 already?00:45
jeiworthfaryshta_: looks like its available: http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openoffice.org/00:45
elisboalinxuz3r: its pretty fast, no more than 3 sec00:45
linxuz3relisboa: server is @ my school00:46
modmadmikeTeamColtra: oh and its "sudo apt-get install linux-image-server" not what i posted b400:46
TeamColtramodmadmike: is there a way to tell which one of those is my graphics card00:46
ienorandubuntuquestion: Ah, right, I'm afraid I don't know how to do that... Since I guess it autumatically switches to any active tty, which in this case is the one with X running...00:46
elisboalinxuz3r: but you have to have your gdm configured to allow tcp connections00:46
mibzzer15so now this is my problem, i followed the first thing to do in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows , and it still has not helped, i still get a black screen saying Error 21 when i boot00:46
glitsj16james296: i don't think that's configurable just yet00:46
linxuz3relisboa how do i do that00:46
TeamColtraI try not to be a noob, but I am looking through everything, and none of hte things listed looks like a graphics card00:46
elisboalinxuz3r: edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf00:46
james296Im surprised, if it was at least made available, it should be configurable...00:47
modmadmikeTeamColtra: look for one with the words intel and the words graphics or video00:47
nunyabizcan someone please help me00:47
nunyabizcan anyone please tell me how i can change my identity so that it doesn't say my name in it   n=simonkaz@
TeamColtranone do00:47
TeamColtra:P that was the first thing I looked for00:47
modmadmikeTeamColtra: WTF! lol00:47
nunyabizi'm using xchat gnome00:47
ubuntuquestionienorand: thanks anyway, it seems to always go to X session after I logout CLI. If i open more virtual consoles (tty2, tty3...), each of them goes to X session after logout current CLI session.00:47
TeamColtraI will paste it to a pastebin and get on xchat on that system00:47
modmadmikeTeamColtra: lspci | grep video00:47
ienorandubuntuquestion: actually for me it does remain in tty1 after exit, but from tty2 it switches to tty7...00:48
glitsj16james296: compiz might be able to catch it though, with the Place Windows or Windows Rules plugin00:48
TeamColtramodmadmike:  "lspci | grep video" did not come back with anything00:49
ienorandubuntuquestion: but then, I'm not on the same version, so things might be different.00:49
ubuntuquestionienorand: I tried about 20 times to logout from different ttys, 4 of them stay but the rest go to X. I don't know what command/script is behind this.00:49
boringpacketsHow do I access the volume control without the volume control icon in the corner? I seem to have misplaced it.00:49
_duncanadd to panel?00:50
linxuz3relisboa: how do i configure my gconf00:50
linxuz3rwhat settings should i use00:50
modmadmikeTeamColtra: lspci | grep  graphics #in a min im gonna try to figure it out"00:50
Voolooanyone know a proxy server which doesnt require root?00:50
boringpackets_duncan oh ok it was there thanks. For some reason I thought I had looked there already00:50
_duncanKind of hard to find stuff in there00:50
FrankQCboringpackets: gnome-volume-control00:50
boringpacketsand thanks frankQC that'll help when i remove volume control which I plan on doing00:50
boringpacketsfrom the taskbar lol00:51
mibzzer15can anyone help me?00:51
nytusrafter installing the KDE DE, I found that I like gnome better. Why is it when i performed the uninstall of the DE it didn't uninstall all the additional software it installed, like konqueror for example?00:51
FrankQCHeh I'm leaving most things on my taskbar, just in cake00:51
mibzzer15so now this is my problem, i followed the first thing to do in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows , and it still has not helped, i still get a black screen saying Error 21 when i boot00:51
FrankQCEspecially the networking icon00:51
modmadmikeTeamColtra: here's mine "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)"00:51
Tmos22hey guys just got a small prob with my corky im getting this error when i run it              can't open /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state: No such file or directory00:51
mibzzer15but now it is error 25!00:51
modmadmikeTeamCultra: lspci | grep  Graphics #did it for me00:52
ienorandubuntuquestion: I don't know either, sorry.00:52
FrankQCmibzzer15: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117271&highlight=grub+error+2500:52
boringpacketsOdd, when I turn PCM all the way down it sounds like 20 people are talking in morse code00:52
SultansElephantnytusr: if you just reinstalled, why not just reinstall again back to gnome rather than deal with that headache00:53
rand0mbitswhat's a good flash player plugin for firefox? the swfdec freezes a lot00:53
TeamColtramodmadmike: Well now I realised that I keep getting signed in as "guest" and cannot logout and log in to my master account00:53
Tmos22i got this error with my corky , can't open /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state: No such file or directory , how do i fix it???00:53
TeamColtramodmadmike: Its alright ubuntu and I are just not getting along well today...00:53
qrIs there any good open source OCR software out there?00:53
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boringpacketsHmm I smell food, brb00:53
bcTmos22: this help? -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85010200:53
TeamColtramodmadmike: I figured out how I fixed the graphics problem, I switched users to my guest on accedent00:54
Tmos22ill have a look now mate cheers00:54
modmadmikeTeamCultra: lol00:54
Idhanhas firefox a plugin as the opera's speed-dial00:54
modmadmikebut i forgot the name of it00:55
modmadmikefastdial i think00:55
bccan anyone tell me how to make internal hdd label changes to go into effect immediately? (remounting doesn't do it)00:55
nunyabizcan anyone please tell me how i can change my ex-chat identity so that it doesn't say my name in it   n=simonkaz@
Tmos22That works a treat thanks for the help00:55
wk_bouter modmodmike: Idhan, it's just called speeddial00:55
lucaxany ideas why a geforce mx440 doesnt work on hardy??00:55
ubuntu_how long would ntfsresize -P --force /dev/sda1 -s 38568305663 take?00:55
billisnice2i am going back to 8.04 in a few days..Give 9.04 time to mature...00:55
hell_i remove all files in tmp and now i took this error00:55
Idhanthanks :-)00:55
hell_Conf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, how can i fix that00:55
bcTmos22: np, glad it worked00:56
pantangthanks alot, had done everything apart from adding that line to the conf. works a treet now :D00:56
m1rhello, anyone got tips to get 3g usb modem working on 9.04 ? it asks me for password but wont accept it00:56
boringpacketsIn compizconfig what does "Pulse" do under blur windows?00:57
modmadmikem1r: they work fine just plug it in and click on network manager and enable the one called cmda modem00:57
Drikanhello all. I've got an issue and having difficulty finding a solution to.  Any time i place a CD or DVD in my DVDRAM my system locks up hears my hdparm http://pastebin.com/ffd77bb700:57
mibzzer15ok I am just sick of ubuntu, how do i uninstall GRUB?00:57
TeamColtramodmadmike: I don't get it, why is it in full screen terminal... the computer knows the edges of the screen, but soon as gnome boots up.. it doesn't00:58
modmadmikeDrikan: had a similar probem when mine died from age00:58
racecar56why did ubuntu say my disks were SCSI yet they were actually IDE?00:58
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m1rmodmadmike: it asks me for password when i press it on network manager, and it wont accept PIN00:58
jribmibzzer15: what do you plan to replace it with00:58
dtoljI am having issues importing video files in Banshee, specifically .mov files00:58
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy00:58
Drikanmodmadmike: ok i would acept that if it didnt work in windows vista but it works just fine there and i installed ubuntu using that drive00:58
demon_what do i need to type for awn00:58
modmadmikeTeamColtra: wait a min00:58
jrib!software > demon_00:59
ubottudemon_, please see my private message00:59
ienoranddemon_: install avant-window-manager I presume...01:00
SultansElephanti cant stop installing apps01:00
jrib!pm | mibzzer1501:00
ubottumibzzer15: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:00
IdleOneanybody know of a way I can use my cell phone camera as a webcam?01:00
ienorandSultansElephant: :)01:00
modmadmikem1r: look it up i can't help you there, for mine is a verizon and it works fine, its a Novatell USB modem01:00
mibzzer15jirb: i dont know, windows, maybe, i cant get ubuntu GRUB to even start, i keep getting error messages,01:00
mibzzer15, i have windows installed onto my laptop, i tried installing ubuntu onto my external hard drivve, and i tjust didnt work01:00
Strider^i'd like to map Super+c to XF86AudioPlay , how do I do that ?01:01
m1rmodmadmike: mine is huaewi 22001:01
SultansElephantlol at this go kart game01:01
modmadmikeTeamColtra: when it goes to the full screen terminal what colur is the background (its a serius question)01:01
SultansElephantyou can play online??01:01
TeamColtramodmadmike: I logged out, booted into root... and ran lspci | grep video01:01
psychodrainis there any software to configure opengl options for a intel driver video?01:01
SultansElephantwhy must ubuntu rock so hard01:01
Magiciancan;t help you there01:01
Strider^oh no it's the other way around01:01
jribmibzzer15: ask ##windows about fixmbr then (or ask for help with the ubuntu errors here)01:01
TeamColtraBackground is black01:01
Strider^i'd like to map the key that does XF86AudioPlay to Super+c01:02
abgctfIm looking to talk with Mia from Astrakan HIG, you here girl ? .. msg01:02
mibzzer15jirib: the channel name is #windows  ??01:02
komputespsychodrain: what kind of options?01:02
TeamColtramodmadmike: the color is black, unless you are on a page that is designed with color (like recovery menu has a blue background)01:02
SultansElephantubuntu has gotta be the best free thing in the history of the world, maybe second only to water in various developed countries.. lol01:02
modmadmikeDrikan: try is it  a Sata Drive01:02
ienorandSultansElephant: armagetron ftw ;)01:02
jribmibzzer15: ##windows01:02
Amigadudemlr: what problem you having with the 220?01:02
Drikanmodmadmike: no its on an atapi only pata port01:03
sharperguyHow come the pcspkr module still loaded even though its listed on /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist?01:03
saturn__ubuntu is the bestest windows ;D01:03
lookingaroundum..  I am very stuck with a bluetooth issue.  Anyone up for some advice?01:03
XiXaQis there any way to see if an audio interface is sending audio? I have a PCTV card which seems to be working properly, but there is no audio.01:03
t3hp00kyWhat command to restart x11 and then start it up again?01:03
modmadmikeTeamColtra: your in a TTY, so what number does it say at the top01:03
SultansElephantubuntu i feel like im computing, ever since i started using it when i boot into windows i feel like im being raped01:04
SultansElephant!language | SultansElephant01:04
ubottuSultansElephant, please see my private message01:04
* SultansElephant punishes self01:04
TeamColtramodmadmike: There is no number at the top01:04
t3hp00kylove linux now01:04
NetEchoright now I'd have to agree with that assessment01:04
tenseiI need help!  I was dual booting ubuntu 8.04 and windows using grub.  While in Windows I deleted the ubuntu partition and linux swap partion (I was going to reinstall). when I restarted I get a GRUB error 22.  I can't boot into windows, or get to anything but the bios.  I'm on another computer of mine right now.. how do I fix?!01:04
lookingaroundCan ubuntu work with my wireless apple keyboard?01:05
t3hp00kySo much I started to study for my CompTIA Linux+01:05
geniit3hp00ky: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart01:05
wk_boutert3hp00ky, if you have not upgraded to 9.04 yet you can use ctrl+alt+backspace01:05
panfisttensei pop the windows cd in and repair installation, or pop in the ubuntu live cd and repair grub01:05
modmadmikeDrikan: ok the only other time I had your problem was when i was using a sata adaptor , i had to buy a sata CD drive for 40$ on newegg01:05
rodsquick question. My FAT32 and FAT16 options in GParted are greyed out. Any ideas how I can get that fixed?01:05
glitsj16XiXaQ: u can use pavucontrol to check your audio playback stream(s) if you're using pulseaudio01:05
dancool, new server doesnt have the weird disconnect problems that the old one did01:06
lookingaroundok those are alot of questions, and so far no answers.01:06
tomsdaleI could't believe ubuntu came with remte desktop sharing enabled by default. Anyone noticed too.01:06
SultansElephant!patience | lookingaround01:06
komputeslookingaround: i think it may, but it will not be useful before loading ubuntu (meaning you will need a wired keyboard arount at boot)01:06
ubottulookingaround: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:06
tenseipanfist: the only windows CD I have is my factory restore disc I made when I got my computer.  I have an ubuntu live CD.. once I get into that how do I repair grub.  I'd like to just remove it..?01:06
tomsdaleInstalled it at a friends place the other day and he got notifications popping up from some guy in the uk who was keen on seeing his desktop.01:06
modmadmikeTeamColtra: try "sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop" and "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"01:06
lookingaroundwas that so rude? it's only the truth.01:06
lookingaroundand that's the first time someone actually noticed me.01:07
sebsebsebtensei: sounds like you deleted Ubuntu01:07
sebsebsebtensei: and that your left with what is left of the Grub boot loader, and so yeah you can't boot Windows01:07
linxuz3relisboa: still there01:07
rodsquick question. My FAT32 and FAT16 options in GParted are greyed out. Any ideas how I can get that fixed?01:07
ubuntu_how long does it take gparted to resize a partition01:07
panfisttensei well when ubuntu was installed it overwrote the MBR and pointed to grub instead of the windows boot loader. you need to restore the MBR or rewrite it so that it points to C:/windows or whatever01:07
ubuntu_I have been waiting a while01:07
tenseisebsebseb: I did, when I trashed the partitions... but grub is still alive and giving me an error.  I can't do anything...01:07
jriblookingaround: no one said it was rude, but common etiquette here is to ask a question and wait patiently (irrelevant comments just make it harder for people to actually help)01:08
panfisttensei or c:/ntldr or i dunno01:08
sebsebsebrods: why would you want to use FAT32 or FAT16?  espeasilly now when  Ext3 can be used on Windows even with a driver,  and   Desktop Linux has good read and write NTFS support01:08
panfistgoogle "windows repair mbr"01:08
modmadmikeubuntu_: how big is the drive?01:08
rodsubuntu_ seems to take about a second per mb, at least when I do it on USB01:08
sebsebsebtensei: yes I know the  problem01:08
NetEchoanyone here use moblock?01:08
ienorandubuntu_: It can take quite a while, also depending on the speed of drive.01:08
rodssebsebseb: I am putting data on a usb drive for my parents who are no savvy. Takes one less issue away01:08
Terinjokesi'm trying to install 9.04 in Qemu. but no matter what I do, I freeze after the Ubuntu boot logo01:08
tenseisebsebseb: so as panfist and I were thinking, use the ubuntu live cd.. but will it let me remove grub from there?01:09
Drikanmodmadmike: well thats not an option right now there has to be something else we can do to correct the issue.01:09
Terinjokes(i just get a white underscore)01:09
thomasiteHi. As it happens, I have an entirely different proxy setting in Synaptic. I tried changing it but Synaptic always freezes. What do I do? Please help me. Thanks!01:09
tomsdalepanfist: my dell came with a preinstalled fat16 tools partition. Couldnt copy it with gparted either but then used dd01:09
panfist- platius [n=platius@] has joined #ubuntu01:09
panfist20:02 < tensei> panfist: the only windows CD I have is my factory restore disc I made when I got my computer.  I have an ubuntu live CD.. once I get into that how do I repair grub.  I'd like to just remove it..?01:09
jp_sfNetEcho: I don't but have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MoBlock and what is your question ?01:09
panfist20:02 < tomsdale> In- platius [n=platius@] has joined #ubuntu01:09
panfist20:02 < tensei> panfist: the only windows CD I have is my factory restore disc I made when I got my computer.  I have an ubuntu live CD.. once I get into that how do I repair grub.  I'd like to just remove it..?01:09
FloodBot3panfist: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:09
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modmadmikeubuntu_: it took me 5 hours to resize a 996gb partition01:09
rodssebsebseb: do you know why a fresh install of GParted would have the options removed?01:09
NetEchojp_sf let me read that first and I'll see if I still need to ask01:09
=== foobar is now known as I_need_a_nick
V0iD__quick question | any programs for ubuntu that can do ext4 partitions?01:09
sebsebsebtensei: your issue is both  Ubuntu and Windows,  really this is only meant to be used for Ubuntu help,  but there's another channel we can go to.01:09
jp_sfNetEcho: no problem01:09
lookingaroundI wouldn't call the fact that there are next to no actual answers floating around irrelevant.  Just trying to get a feel for this place, guess ubuntu people are touchy.01:09
sebsebsebrods: no and I don't see why you would want to use those partitions now01:10
tenseisebsebseb: i'm willing.. it's really a grub issue, where's the grub help channel at! :-)01:10
usserV0iD__, gparted01:10
aldaekIs there a chat channel for Portable_Ubuntu?01:10
NetEchojp_sf yes I actually did read that , didn't realise that was the URL, I'm trying to find out if MoBlock is using all the lists that come with PeerGuardian or what01:10
ryanewdoes the new notification system in jaunty accept notifications over the network?01:10
panfisti'm very sorry for flooding, i'm trying to get used to irssi...can anyone help me disable some of the hotkeys i'm using accidentally?01:10
Laurencebhi, how do I get something out of trash?01:10
tomsdalerods: maybe you are missing a package. for ntfs you have to install ntfsprogs to be able to resize ntfs, maybe there is a package for fat as well.01:10
dotblank1how well does OCFS run?01:10
modmadmikeDrikan: lspci | grep acpi01:10
I_need_a_nickLaurenceb: open the trash01:10
Dayofswordsdoes anyone know how to get kde, in plain english?01:10
I_need_a_nickright click something01:10
I_need_a_nickclick restore01:10
V0iD__usser: Gparted has no ext4 there? Any ideas!01:10
ryanewiow.. can i sent a udp packet to a daemon running to display a message?01:10
kpasIs this channel the proper place to ask question regarding ubuntu and zenoss or is there another channel01:11
Dayofswordsand be able to switch between desktops01:11
aldaeksudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop01:11
TeamColtramodmadmike: It might take me a second,  ihave to hardwire the computer01:11
rodstomsdale: do I need to do that through synaptic?01:11
usserV0iD__, on jaunty?01:11
* Terinjokes is still frozen trying to install Ubuntu in Qemu01:11
V0iD__usser: Hardy01:11
tomsdalerods: have a look for fat if you find something.01:11
emorrishi, anyone know what script/program is being run when you press the VolumeUp key? I don't mean just amixer or whatever, but the thing which shows the meter at the top?01:11
modmadmikeTeamColtra: oh and also install the server kernel and reboot01:12
=== jes_ is now known as XiXaQ
ienorandtensei: grub has overwritten the mbr, and to restore you'd have to install the windows bootloader stage into mbr, afaik http://www.supergrubdisk.org/ can do that if you don't have a win repair disk...01:12
rodstomsdale: I can use ntfs also (they run XP machines)01:12
Laurencebthere us no restore showing01:12
jp_sfNetEcho: ok this I don't know01:12
usserV0iD__, you need updated packages from jaunty. e2fsprogs at least 1.41 and new gparted01:12
aldaekDayofswords: is that installing kubuntu-desktop ?01:12
tomsdaleV0iD__: ext4 can be only read by gparted which comes with jaunty01:12
NetEchojp_sf thats ok01:12
aldaekIs there a chat channel for Portable_Ubuntu?01:12
usserV0iD__, but then im not sure how its going to behave stability wise01:12
sebsebsebtensei: see my PM and  I guess we could chat here, but  easier to focus on an issue, without all the other peoples chatter as well01:12
sebsebsebaldaek: no don't think so01:12
Dayofswordsfor the sudo you told me?01:12
XiXaQglitsj16, thanks alot! It seems that the audio interface _is_ making some noise, which would suggest that I may not have connected it properly.01:12
Drikanmodmadmike: ~$ sudo lspci | grep acpi | pastebinit01:12
DrikanYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.01:12
Laurencebhi, how do I get something out of trash? - theres no restore showing01:12
aldaekDayofswords: Yes.01:12
V0iD__usser: How can I do that ? Sorry for the Newb queston.01:12
SoylentYellowFor those interested TechReport is having a "Best desktop OS" poll. Go here if you wish to place your vote: http://techreport.com/discussions.x/1687201:12
usserV0iD__, or compile them from source. without installing01:12
tomsdalerods: ntfs is the better choice over fat. But ext3 can be read by windows as well, there is a driver which I have used before.01:12
modmadmikeespeak "I OWN YOU BITCH"01:13
TeamColtramodmadmike: >.< Its not connecting to the internet >.< I will try finding my CD01:13
usserV0iD__, try going to jaunty repo and downloading them01:13
Seeker`modmadmike: watch the language01:13
sebsebsebaldaek: also that program is not offical, but I have an idea01:13
Dayofswordsthings are happening...01:13
glitsj16XiXaQ: mighty handy app indeed ... you're welcome01:13
aldaekDayofswords: It will install all the kde stuff (not KDE4 I dont know, but will have KDE installed with whatever other desktop version you have.01:13
SoylentYellow724 votes so far.01:13
V0iD__usser: Where is Jaunty repo?01:13
lookingaround"espeak "I OWN YOU BITCH"", is an irrelevant comment01:13
eseven73How would I unzip all the .zip files in a directory? I tried sudo unzip *.zip but I get "Caution: Filename not matched"01:13
rodstomsdale: thanks, and thats a good thing about ext3. Only issue is getting my parents to understand how to install a driver...01:13
modmadmikeTeamColtra: ifconfig eth001:13
aldaeksebsebseb: It's based off of colinux.01:13
panfisti apologize for the flooding, i'm trying to get used to irssi in a terminal and i keep accidentally pasting.01:13
Laurencebhi, how do I get something out of trash? - theres no restore showing01:13
thomasiteAs it happens, I have an entirely different proxy setting in Synaptic. I tried changing it but Synaptic always freezes. What do I do? Please help me. Thanks!01:14
SultansElephant!nsfw | lookingaround01:14
ubottulookingaround: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:14
Dayofswords194mb.... sleep time  lol01:14
usserV0iD__, http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/e2fsprogs/01:14
tomsdaleSoylentYellow: just voted. lets see if marblecake is also the game wins again :-)01:14
usserV0iD__, thats e2fsprogs01:14
panfistcan you kick someone off that's attached to a screen session on your machine, so that you can attach?01:14
aldaekDayofswords: it works then.01:14
ienorandtensei: basically, the bootloader consists of two parts, one is in the mbr, and it points to the other part, which was on the ubuntu partition, which you just removed, it seems...01:14
kappabuntulol marblecake01:14
sebsebsebaldaek: yes I know of it  and I used  the other thing01:14
panfistor can both of you be attached at once?01:14
tenseiienorand: thank you!01:14
V0iD__usser: Thanks Dude!01:14
aldaekother? colinux?01:14
sebsebsebaldaek: it's unoffical you can't really get support for it here, but I know another channel where  we can talk about it etc01:14
usserV0iD__, and thats gparted http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gparted/01:14
modmadmikelookingaround: hey I waz bored and thought this was a server that censores stuff01:14
Terinjokesdoes anyone know how to get past the white underscore in installing Ubuntu 9.04 in Qemu?01:14
I_need_a_nickI'm sure this question has been asked and responded to cynically, but why does Jaunty freeze a ton? I have an inspiron 1525 laptop01:14
tomsdalerods: shouldnt be a problem, its a executable they have to double click and then upon reboot they can use it.01:14
aldaeksebsebseb: that would be nice.01:14
ubuntu_gparted is taking its sweet time resizing my partition01:15
SultansElephantmodmadmike: im more having fun playing with ubottu01:15
cllaudyuis there a channel for arch linux?01:15
kappabuntuhey, should I even bother trying to make the resolution stick on a machine with an ati rage xl video??01:15
usserV0iD__, but i strongly not recommend it, recompile them from source if you want to do it the proper way, dont ask for support if it breaks01:15
lookingaround... What was that, there was a little bubble with same text.01:15
rodstomsdale: nice. Got ntfsprog loaded and going. Thanks for the help!01:15
kappabuntuxorg.conf is always blank01:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about arch01:15
usserV0iD__, i mean you can ask, but ppl are probably gonna frown on that :)01:15
SultansElephant!otherdistro | cllaudyu01:15
ubottucllaudyu: we really don't do help for your distro, perhaps if you put a # in front of the distro name you might find yourself in their channels where they would be able to welcome you and help more than we can01:15
modmadmikeSultansElephant: rather multitask lol01:15
SoylentYellowWell it seems Windows7 holds 65%, with Linux at 9%. Althought the poll only started an hour ago.01:15
Picicllaudyu: #archlinux01:15
loosedogwhat is the point of this new libnotify notifications disappearing on mouseover and then reappearing on mouseout ?01:15
tomsdalerods: http://www.fs-driver.org/01:16
tomsdalerods you still there?01:16
Terinjokesdoes anyone know how to get past the white underscore in installing Ubuntu 9.04 in Qemu?01:16
glitsj16kappabuntu: an empty xorg.conf is regular these days, but you can still put your prefered conf settings in there if you need/want to01:16
kpasIs this channel the proper place to ask question regarding ubuntu and zenoss or is there another channel01:16
tomsdaledamn it, if you read this, you have to reduce the blocksize of your ext3 partition, otherwise windows cant load it.01:16
usserV0iD__, just grab the latest versions from those two links i gave you01:16
emorrishi, anyone know what script/program is being run when you press the VolumeUp key? I don't mean just amixer or whatever, but the thing which shows the meter at the top?01:16
modmadmikeDrikan: how do i use the pasted server?01:17
NoneYaserver irc.efnet.net01:17
kappabuntuI guess it would  help if I mentioned that I'm running jaunty... 8.10/8.04 worked just fine :-/01:17
usseremorris, libnotify01:17
SergeySyrotaHow how to troubleshoot kernel segfault messages in /var/log/messages?01:17
thomasitePlease help  me. How do I change my connection preferences in Synaptic without it locking/freezing up? Thanks!01:17
Terinjokesdoes anyone know how to get past the white underscore in installing Ubuntu 9.04 in Qemu?01:17
Yanick_Hi, I installed Orange Box and Wine, and thw whole thing seems to work fine, but the game is laggy, which is weird because I have quite a decent computer :) my older computer plays Portal better than this one. Anyway. I've read that using DX8 improves performance, but I don't know how to procede. can anyone assist?01:17
Drikanmodmadmike: there was no output so it didint go to the pastebin01:17
usseremorris, notifications-properties lets you adjust the behaviour01:17
TeamColtramodmadmike: ifconfig eth0 didn't really help me, it displayed the information01:17
jp_sfkpas: depends if it is a zenoss then you can go to the irc channel #zenoss01:17
Drikandrikan@drikan-desktop:~$ sudo lspci | grep acpi01:18
TeamColtrabut just showed that there was no activity01:18
PiciYanick_: #winehq would be the proper channel to diagnose and fix issues running software under wine.01:18
usserYanick_, in game properties in steam, launch options or something similar, type -dxlevel 8101:18
Optimo!seen db4201:18
ubottuI have no seen command01:18
OSUKid7hi, what is the best way to disable dynamically-generated motd text (from update-motd)? I'm not sure I really want to remove that entire package, but I don't want the motd altered with system info since this is a multi-user shell system01:18
Yanick_Pici, I'll try there01:18
Terinjokesdoes anyone know how to get past the white underscore in installing Ubuntu 9.04 in Qemu?01:19
ienorandtensei: instructions if you need them: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/UninstallGRUB01:19
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modmadmikeTeamColtra: yea so type sudo ifconfig eth0 [your ip address]01:19
emorrisusser: hmm, what i'm trying to do is basically map a mouse button press to the volume adjustment, as well as the volume key01:19
jp_sfTerinjokes: have you asked in #qemu ?01:19
bobohey guys, my nautilus is screwed up, everytime I type 'nautilus' into the terminal it starts konqueror01:20
boboand it also means that I have no desktop01:20
SoylentYellowVista actually got 5% of the vote so far.01:20
bobowhich is wierd01:20
brucealdridgeI get a "EXT2-fs error (device sda1): ext2_get_inode: unable to read inode block" ..... it seems like a serious error, it seems to persist across reboots, (the system might last 2-5mins before erroring)01:20
usseremorris, libnotify only displays notifications, button mapping is probably done by hal. in any case its useful to look in system->preferences->shortcuts01:20
PiciOSUKid7: Take a look at the manpage of motd.tail01:20
usseremorris, it might be there01:20
modmadmikebobo: lol change you current dir then try again01:20
bobochange it to what?01:21
Terinjokesjp_sf: yes01:21
modmadmikebobo: cd /tmp01:21
jp_sfTerinjokes: what did they say ? Ask in #ubuntu ?01:21
bobostill starts konqueror01:21
emorrisusser: yeah, it's there, but it only lets you assign one thing to it. i might try my other option of making the mouse button send the key command01:21
Terinjokesjp_sf: nothing01:21
modmadmikebobo: ok so its not a linker script in your home dir01:22
tenseiienorand: thanks again!01:22
boboi got two files off this site and ran them the other day ( i think that's the source of the problem) http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease01:22
boboI ran the switch to konqueror script and default nautilus script01:22
simotempler_if i have my fist HD split with a dual boot of ubuntu 7.10 and xp and a 2nd HD for media files and file storage can i keep this dual boot setup and install 9.04 along side the current xp using all the same existing paritions??01:22
Terinjokesjp_sf: don't get me wrong, I normally use Gentoo, so I know my way around Linux... I've tried changing video cards, safe video mode, but nothing... can't even switch to a tty01:22
simotempler_just replacing 7.10 with 9.04 effectively01:22
simotempler_the live cd install partition manager doesnt seem to detect the partitions on the 1st HD01:22
SpenceKid_any idea when flash and other shit will be fixed with ubuntu 9.04?01:23
CalypsoLTSHello all01:23
boboFlash works for me01:23
PiciSpenceKid_: Please mind your language here.01:23
usserSpenceKid_, whenever adobe pulls their stuff together01:23
SpenceKid_i'm not sure if it is just me, but youtube has problems as well01:23
SpenceKid_yeah, sorry Pici01:23
jp_sfTerinjokes: what are you trying to run ?01:23
CalypsoLTSFlash works for me as well01:23
usserSpenceKid_, what kind of problems?01:23
Terinjokesjp_sf: the LiveCD x86, trying to install Ubuntu, like any other person01:24
thomasiteHello. I get this error message when I use Update Manager: W: Failed to fetch http://akirad.hfbk.net/dists/akirad-intrepid/main/i18n/Translation-en_PH.bz2  Could not resolve 'proxy.****.****'. How do I change the proxy settings without Synaptic locking up? Please.01:24
jp_sfTerinjokes: you OS is Linux ?01:24
SpenceKid_at the begining of every video, it's grey and has black outlines of everythign for the first 3 seconds or so01:24
jp_sfTerinjokes: your OS is Linux ? and you want to install ubuntu ?01:24
usserSpenceKid_, which flash plugin are you using, flashplugin-nonfree?01:24
jp_sfTerinjokes: or your base OS is windows and you want to install ubuntu in Qemu01:24
CalypsoLTSI have noticed my Ubuntu 9.04 is running a bit sluggish, what can I do to help speed it up01:24
modmadmikebobo: one min01:25
SpenceKid_i'm not quite sure, but i think that is the one01:25
Drikanmodmadmike: im assuming that it should be running off this 07:02.0 Mass storage controller: Integrated Technology Express, Inc. ITE 8211F Single Channel UDMA 133 (rev 11)01:25
SultansElephantCalypsoLTS: how much ram do you have01:25
Terinjokesjp_sf: OSX installing Ubuntu in Qemu (to a physical HDD)01:25
usserSpenceKid_, the issue you're describing really sounds like gnash01:25
CalypsoLTS4 GB01:25
dtoljis there a Multimedia manager that allows for importing video files?01:25
SultansElephantnewer machine?01:25
boboCalypso: it could be because of compiz01:25
CalypsoLTSand I am running the 64bit version of Ubuntu 9.0401:25
Terinjokesjp_sf: but that shouldn't matter to Ubuntu...01:25
usserSpenceKid_, can you pastebin the results of dpkg -l | grep flash01:25
usserSpenceKid_, opensource flash plugin, which at the moment is not very good01:25
SpenceKid_here? or in a pm01:25
dtoljBanshee and Rhythmbox dont work with video01:26
usser!pastebin | SpenceKid_01:26
ubottuSpenceKid_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:26
simotempler_if i have a dual boot of xp and ubuntu can i replace 7.10 with 9.04 and keep my current xp01:26
boboSure you can01:26
schnootopnyone know of a program that will compare a local code base with a live servers code base through SSH ? (ive only ever seen coda (MAC) do it and its really nice)01:26
boboI did that with vista01:26
Terinjokessimotempler_: can't you just update from the LiveCD (or from Update Manager?)01:26
DrikanModmadmike: just a sec i had a thought i im thinking that its using cable select im going to try changing the jumper01:26
bobocuz the upgrade only modifies your linux and all the stuff in it01:27
simotempler_the live cd install partition manager doesnt seem to detect the partitions on the 1st HD01:27
jp_sfTerinjokes: you could go to applications > Utilities > Console to check any error message if Qemu freeze01:27
modmadmikeDrikan: thats a widely used chip, its prob CableSel or you drive01:27
CalypsoLTSis compiz a package that I can remove, and what does compiz do?01:27
boboThen just upgrade from update manager thing01:27
ZeZusimotempler_,  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:27
usserschnootop, you're probably need some sort of a version control system for that, like svn or cvs01:27
boboIts the eye candy stuff like the cube effect01:27
Terinjokesjp_sf: Qemu isn't freezing... just the Ubuntu install is01:27
simotempler_cant from 7.10 to 9.0401:27
SpenceKid_usser, http://pastebin.com/m3c50f9b801:27
boboOhh. Didn't know that01:27
Maximonick Nasra01:27
boboWell I01:27
boboWell I'm not an expert, so idk01:28
=== devananda_ is now known as devananda
jp_sfTerinjokes: yes but you don't have a message or something that could give us a hint like a console message ...01:28
usserschnootop, i see that coda is nothing more than an editor with plugins, among which is svn and cvs, any decent linux ide can do that01:28
SpenceKid_usser, ?01:29
usserschnootop, eclipse with subclipse plugin for example or just plain svn+ssh client01:29
Terinjokesjp_sf: not seeing anything in the Console... checked the log heirarchy too, nothing from Qemu01:29
Terinjokesjp_sf: as far as I can tell, Qemu is just running fine, waiting the the Ubuntu process to do something01:30
usserSpenceKid_, hang on01:30
schnootopusser, im not talking about comparing it with a repository (it compares it to files on a file system based on whats in your ide project)01:30
SpenceKid_usser, alright01:30
usserschnootop, you mean like diff?01:31
jp_sfTerinjokes: so you are able to create an image ?01:31
Terinjokesjp_sf: i stand corrected: "5/6/09 7:48:07 PM qemu-control[776] Index overflow: out of bounds (0)"01:31
usserSpenceKid_, dpkg -l | grep gnash01:31
schnootopkind of but it must do it through SSH01:31
simotempler_why does the 9.04 live cd install partition manager not detect that i have a dual boot01:31
Terinjokesjp_sf: I can boot the iso image, and select my language, then scroll down to "Install01:31
simotempler_of 7.10 and xp01:31
SpenceKid_usser, doesn't do anything.01:32
Terinjokesjp_sf: " watch the pretty boot loader, and then freeze.01:32
usserschnootop, i've never done that but eclipse or netbeans might do that01:32
jp_sfTerinjokes: have you read this ? http://books.google.com/books?id=09xjqE4nvqAC&pg=PA174&lpg=PA174&dq=OSX+qemu+ubuntu&source=bl&ots=e0EagLd9gd&sig=0_ajNMl4ZlcZ6D2gJgKtn5a1Seg&hl=en&ei=nisCSsjBMIS8tgOa8-j5AQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5#PPA174,M101:32
Rabbitbunnywhat's a light mp3 player aside from totem and mplayer?01:32
usserSpenceKid_, hm... what do you have in about:plugins in firefox. just type about:plugins in address bar and pastebin that as well01:33
brucealdridgeI get a "EXT2-fs error (device sda1): ext2_get_inode: unable to read inode block" ..... it seems like a serious error, it seems to persist across reboots, (the system might last 2-5mins before erroring)01:33
xcad3ncexis there a channel for wubi problems?01:33
usserRabbitbunny, bluemindo01:34
* H4ck3rKu Assalamualaikum01:34
Rabbitbunnyusser: Thanks01:34
cpareHello all01:34
Terinjokesjp_sf: hold01:34
coincoin161is there a shell command to get a specific column in a row i mean :01:35
coincoin161echo "tata:titi:ll:mm" | getcolumn --col=2 --delimiter=:01:35
coincoin161would return titi01:35
mrwesRabbitbunny, mpg123 too01:35
SoylentYellowWell, Linux is at 10% in the poll right now. 64% for Win7,  8% for Mac OS X, and 5% for Vista. (remainder is divided amongst the other OS's)01:35
Picicoincoin161: cut   , also #bash would be more help in the future if you need shell help :)01:35
gm|lapSoylentYellow: what poll is this?01:35
jp_sfSoylentYellow: what are you talking about ?01:35
usserSoylentYellow, what kind of poll is that, and why should we care?01:35
kaddicoincoin161 ark might also do what you want01:35
sysdoc'Am I crazy or did Amarok have an EQ and in Amarok 2 there isn't?01:35
jp_sfSoylentYellow: you have #ubuntu-offtopic01:35
usserSoylentYellow, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic01:35
SpenceKid_usser, it's really really sloppy when i paste01:35
Maximosebsebseb: are you around?01:36
usserSpenceKid_, its alright i'll decipher it01:36
sebsebsebMaximo: yes01:36
SpenceKid_usser, is there a neater way to do it to help you out01:36
sebsebsebMaximo: ok  going to pm you01:36
Maximosebsebseb let me talk to you01:36
usserSpenceKid_, just pastebin it its alright01:36
sebsebsebMaximo: you already pmed me ok01:36
FrijolieI cannot burn a data DVD in Jaunty. It says to insert a writeable CD or DVD if I don't want to burn an image. However, a "Blank DVD + R Disc" is mounted on my desktop01:36
jimisrvroxanybody good with wget? I would like to download a dir of my bookmarks for offline viewing but I do not know the switches for that I would also like wget to make a folder and put the websites into that folder w/o calling it index.1 or index.201:36
H4ck3rKuAssalamualaikum Bro...!!!!01:37
Magicianfrijolie   what client are you using to burn01:37
panfisti want to open a hole in my firewall for ssh into my ubuntu box. how do i go about doing this securely01:37
FrijolieMagician, Brasero01:37
Magicianuse gnome01:37
Dr_Willisjimisrvrox:  i belive there are some frontends to wget that make it easier touse01:37
* chico-hoary greetings people!01:37
FrijolieMagician, how do you do that?01:37
Magicianfrijolie  use gnome    it will solve your problem    gnomebaker01:37
usserSpenceKid_, ah, i see sudo apt-get remove --purge swfdec-gnome swfdec-mozilla flashplugin-nonfree adobe-flashplugin flashplugin-installer01:38
jimisrvroxhrm I guess I could try synaptic to find something like what im looking for01:38
Magicianfrijolie : sudo apt-get install gnomebaker01:38
usserSpenceKid_, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound01:38
spooky_i need video drivers for dell latitude d531 i'm running ubuntu 9.0401:38
FrijolieMagician, oh I know how to install software. I was thinking you meant like use Nautilus to burn files01:38
Terinjokesjp_sf: that just locked up Qemu ;)01:38
racecar56why did ubuntu say my disks were SCSI yet they were actually IDE?01:39
FrijolieMagician, thanks, I'll give that a shot01:39
jp_sfTerinjokes: well at least you made some progress01:39
Dr_Willis!libata | racecar5601:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libata01:39
Terinjokesjp_sf: it seems my machine is running, somewhere, and but I don't have control over it01:39
Magicianfrijolie   i have had to many issues with brasero  so i use gnomebaker and it works great01:39
Dr_Willisracecar56:  all drices use the scsi type subsstem now01:39
Terinjokesjp_sf: so, it's taking system resources, without the possibility of stopping01:39
SpenceKid_usser, Errors were encountered while processing:01:39
SpenceKid_ g15daemon01:39
SpenceKid_ g15macro01:39
FrijolieMagician, yeah, why does Ubuntu prefer Brasero over GnomeBaker?01:39
jp_sfTerinjokes: time for you to join #apple01:40
SpenceKid_usser, that was trying to remove01:40
racecar56Dr_Willis, even though the computer is from 2005?01:40
NetEchoubuntu comes with a VNC server on install right?01:40
sebsebsebNetEcho: no01:40
Terinjokesjp_sf: heh... I'm going to reboot, and while that happens, try my disc in an actual computer01:40
sebsebseb!vnc |  NetEcho01:40
ubottuNetEcho: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX01:40
racecar56Dr_Willis, that and gparted live says that it is ide (/dev/hda instead of ubuntu's /dev/sda)01:40
jp_sfTerinjokes: yes maybe your disc is bad01:40
NetEchosebastien last time I looked there was already a remote desktop option under admin or preferences01:41
=== asmoHH is now known as jefinc
NetEchothat vnc clients could connect to01:41
mrwesI perfer growisofs -dvd-compat -Z for burning DVD iso's01:41
sebsebsebNetEcho: that's only a viewer01:41
Terinjokesjp_sf: doesn't make sense though... it's an iso straight from the server01:41
sebsebsebNetEcho: also you need SSH to make  VNC secure01:41
TimReichhartcan anybody help me I need to know how to send a email from command line and I am using mailx01:41
sebsebsebNetEcho: if doing over Internet01:41
NetEchoits gonna be over the lan01:41
sebsebsebNetEcho: ok then you don't really need SSH01:41
NetEchostill gonna have it01:41
usserSpenceKid_, try removing just swfdec-mozilla leave swfdec-gnome there01:42
skotie30need help with conection problems01:42
NetEchoI like having SSH access when I don't need the desktop01:42
jp_sfTimReichhart: you will need a mail server for that too01:42
=== san is now known as Guest33668
TimReichhartI already got that setup jo I am using postfix01:42
skotie30can anyone help with connection problems01:42
Magicianwhat you got skotie3001:43
pantanghey got one more last stupid problem, when using firefox when i click on links to .html it wants to open/save instead of just going to the page any ideas?01:43
jp_sfTimReichhart: any MTA will do it and you need mailutils01:43
pantangoh and thanks magician that link solved it all for me :P01:43
Magiciangood I am glad i could help01:43
skotie30well I see the bars on my connection but it doesnt show the strength01:44
panfisti'm not comfortable right now...i just ssh into my ubuntu box and typed "sudo su" and it let me have root, even though i tried to disable remote root. so even though remote root is disabled, i can still su? but why didn't it even ask me for my password like it would if i opened a terminal that was physically at the box?01:44
rand0mbitsis there anything i can use on ubunutu like PeerGuardian?01:44
TimReichhartok jp I got that installed how now can I get the email to send01:44
pantangdont suppose you've got any ideas on this problem? and where is firefox actually located?01:44
usserpanfist, it probably cached it01:44
Ghost9863nice to see someone here01:44
usserpanfist, asks it here for me01:45
mrwesrand0mbits, either moblock or IPBlock01:45
panfistso for security can i have a different password for root than the user i log in as01:45
Magicianpantang:  hold on just a sec01:45
pantangand sorry about the noobness been a windows man since 3.101:45
jp_sf!tab | TimReichhart01:45
ubottuTimReichhart: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:45
mrwesrand0mbits, I prefer IPblock01:45
Magicianskotie30: can you connect at all01:45
rand0mbitsmrwes: do they have their own block lists or connect to the PG list?01:45
skotie30yes I can01:45
panfistdoes it make your system any safer if the root password is different than the user password?01:45
Magiciannoobness happens we all satrted somewhere01:45
usserpanaggio, if enter it first time and close ssh connection, reconnect and do sudo su again it doesnt ask, sudo caches passwords for like 5 minutes01:45
jp_sfTimReichhart: otherwise I might not see your reply01:45
mrwesrand0mbits, then can download the PG lists, and others01:45
rand0mbitsmrwes: cool, thanks01:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ipblock01:46
Magicianskotie30: let me see if i can find the solution   hold just a sec01:46
ubottuinfo in detail is on this wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MoBlock01:46
usserpanfist, yes, i'm for one is a firm believer in a separate root account01:46
panaggiousser: ?01:46
pantangso can anyone tell me the default path of firefox?01:46
skotie30Ok thanks01:46
usserpanaggio, my bad01:46
pantangas in where to find the progrma01:46
usserpanfist, if enter it first time and close ssh connection, reconnect and do sudo su again it doesnt ask, sudo caches passwords for like 5 minutes01:46
panaggiousser: I see. No problem =)01:46
asdfaasdfqweCan some one help me counterstrike is running slow an choppy01:46
panfistyes i see the password was cached...well in any case i am going to change it01:47
supahboyhey guys when you do ifconfig the inet addr is your LAN ip right? so what is the Bcast?01:47
wk_bouterpantang, type which Firefox01:47
mrwesrand0mbits, IPblock is the linux version of PG2.001:47
Drikanmodmadmike: No Joy on that01:47
gordonjcprecommendations for a sip softphone?01:47
crash1hd_How can I check which network domain I am on? (Trying to see my windows network)01:47
ussergordonjcp, ekiga01:47
jp_sfTimReichhart: just type mail -s yourlogin@youremail01:47
jp_sfTimReichhart: does it work ?01:47
Drikanmodmadmike: thought it could help01:47
TimReichhartalright thaks01:47
=== mj is now known as Guest59054
ussergordonjcp, twinkle is nice too01:47
rand0mbitsmrwes: it seems not to be offered via the ubuntu repo, correct?01:48
asdfaasdfqweCan some one help me counterstrike is running slow an choppy01:48
Magicianskotie30:  try this link    it will show you how to add the icon for the wireless meter   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4217501:48
grkblood13any1 know how to you a rockband mic with ubuntu01:48
mrwesrand0mbits, hold on..01:48
pantangjust the one that comes on the standard ubuntu installation, works fine just for html files from links it wants to open in a text editor instead of just loading the page01:48
gordonjcpusser: don't want to use ekiga, 1) I don't like the pushy advertising, and 2) it has no way to track down errors01:48
gordonjcpusser: twinkle I haven't tried01:48
ussergordonjcp, try twinkle01:48
ussergordonjcp, :)01:48
TimReichhartjp I cant get it to work01:48
Guest59054excuse me but does anybody know how to login the root account of linux mint????please help01:49
ussergordonjcp, its kde though01:49
mrwesrand0mbits, use this link from the Forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53018301:49
gordonjcpusser: I'm surprised ekiga is allowed in a Debiany OS01:49
Frijoliehow do you get rid of the shutdown timer?01:49
ussergordonjcp, why, i have no problem with it, they opensourced didnt they01:49
Guest59054help? please01:50
``mEnEkSExcuse me mods i have a problem01:50
montel_edwardsGuest59054: yeah?01:50
lstarnes!root | Guest5905401:50
ubottuGuest59054: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:50
montel_edwardssudo passwd01:50
montel_edwardswill generate root password01:51
Guest59054ok thanxxxxxx01:51
jefinc``mEnEkS: it is easier to ask a question than to say you need help :\01:51
gordonjcplstarnes: I don't like that factoid, it's confusing to non-native English speakers01:51
gordonjcpmontel_edwards: don't do that01:51
gordonjcpGuest59054: don't do that, either01:51
gordonjcp!sudo | Guest5905401:51
ubottuGuest59054: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)01:51
mattgyverAnyone know how i can run a specific script on my computer when a usb drive is recognized??01:51
``mEnEkScan you stop pming me01:51
Guest59054thanks ubottu01:51
``mEnEkS<mattgyver> i like male sex01:52
``mEnEkSwtf is up with that ?01:52
``mEnEkSmods can there be a ban issued?01:52
mrwesignore him01:52
``mEnEkS<mattgyver> i like fuckin men with large breastices01:52
mattgyverI deffinately am not pming you01:52
gordonjcp!ops | ``mEnEkS01:52
ubottu``mEnEkS: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:52
grkblood13any1 know how to you a rockband mic with ubuntu01:53
``mEnEkSwhy was i kicked?01:53
montel_edwardsgrkblood13: is the mic like a normal mic?01:53
lstarnes``mEnEkS: you shouldn't copy stuff like that into the channel01:53
Guest59054do i need sudo su or just sudo ,,tried both not work01:53
``mEnEkSis there someone i can talk to about it?01:53
genii``mEnEkS: If someone is messaging nasty stuff to you, don't repeat it in the public channel01:53
``mEnEkSOh sorry01:54
gordonjcp``mEnEkS: you could grow up, for a start01:54
montel_edwardslstarnes: what did he do?>01:54
Dr_Willisthe /ignore command does wonders.01:54
jrib``mEnEkS: /ignore him.  There's nothing to be done if he isn't doing anything in the channel01:54
lstarnesDr_Willis: /ignore doesn't keep it from being sent though01:54
montel_edwards``mEnEkS: what did he do?01:54
montel_edwardsyou do*01:54
sequethinhow can I get my wireless connection to stay up even when i log out of gnome?01:54
``mEnEkSgordonjcp: your analysis on me growing up isn't required.01:54
``mEnEkSI didnt do anything/.01:54
montel_edwardssequethin: autoconnect i believe01:55
Pici``mEnEkS: Please join #ubuntu-ops if you wish to discuss it.01:55
asclepiusHey can someone help me. I updated ubuntu and now my resolutions if fixed at 800x600 any suggestions?01:55
montel_edwards``mEnEkS: its not worth joining that channel01:55
asclepius*is fixed01:55
FrankQCmotel_edwards is right.01:55
``mEnEkSUm okay?01:55
lstarnesiirc, Pici is an op01:55
``mEnEkSI'm going to assume nothing helps.01:55
FrankQC''mEnEkS: just ignore it.01:55
montel_edwards``mEnEkS: just forget about it. there are a lot of bogus bans but you just gotta be cool.01:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:55
``mEnEkSBogus bans?01:55
``mEnEkSHow so?01:56
mrwesmenkes: you ever hear of /ignore ?01:56
montel_edwards``mEnEkS:  will like Pici just said offtopic so....lets get on ubuntu01:56
montel_edwardspeople, lets get on topic01:56
``mEnEkSum how many of you are going to tell me  of /ignore01:57
crash1hd_How do you update add/remove apps to make sure you have the latest and greatest?01:57
``mEnEkSthe redundancy is annoying01:57
usserCrash1hd, sudo apt-get update01:57
montel_edwardscrash1hd just run sudo apt-get update01:57
montel_edwardsby opening a terminal01:57
jrib``mEnEkS: please drop the discussion in this channel01:57
crash1hd_hmm ok but is there a way to do this in an app?01:57
crash1hd_I could create an icon to do it but just wondering01:58
``mEnEkSI dropped it, you reminded me of it.01:58
montel_edwardscrash1hd_: you can load synaptic and press reload01:58
``mEnEkSBut thanks for your concern.01:58
mattgyverAnyone know how i can run a specific script on my computer when a usb drive is recognized??01:58
montel_edwardsbut i dont know in add/remove01:58
crash1hd_montel_edwards, ok so hitting reload on synaptic will do it cool :) was wondering that01:58
Guest59054ok got it, how do i change my menu start icion to a diff..01:58
montel_edwardsmattgyver: you can go to nautilus and tell it to run a command01:59
mattgyvermontel_edwards, i dont follow.  Will that work when the drive is plugged in?01:59
montel_edwardsi think if you just right click, properties, then "when drive is insterted" do....01:59
shadow98hey guys getting this error on apt-get install php5-imagick  -> php5-imagick: Depends: libmagickcore1 but it is not going to be installed01:59
mattgyvermontel_edwards, okay, ill take a look.01:59
NoOneImportantwhere is the php executable installed?02:00
NoOneImportantyou know, so I can test php scripts without the server02:00
doleybNoOneImportant: type 'which php'02:00
Tmos22anybody got a link for a site with good apps for ubuntu?02:00
NoOneImportantyeah, I know02:00
NoOneImportantit says "php not found"02:00
NoOneImportanteven though php works from apache02:01
hggdhNoOneImportant, /usr/bin02:01
NoOneImportantonly php in /usr/bin php5-cgi02:01
crash1hd_hmm this is odd I know that on live cd I installed samba and was able to see my windows network yet now that ubuntu is installed on the machine I am not able to see the windows network with samba installed?02:01
PLouishelp me please I can't speak very good english jeje but I have a problem please02:01
doleybNoOneImportant: did you install php5-cli ?02:01
montel_edwardsTmos22: even better, open add/remove apps in applcaitons02:01
doleybPLouis: what is your good language?02:01
Tmos22i know but i have gone through all them :)02:02
montel_edwardsPLouis: just ask a question02:02
mattgyvercrash1hd, see PM02:02
kappabuntubahahahah ^_^)v Victory! finally got this stupid resolution to stick on startup... up yours Jaunty !02:02
montel_edwardsdont ask to ask a questions02:02
NoOneImportantdoleyb: nope! I had found it right when you told me02:02
PLouisdoleyb: pz.... spanish02:02
montel_edwardskappabuntu: lol02:02
doleyb! es02:02
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:02
klownfacehuh ?02:02
klownfacethis is america02:02
PiciNoOneImportant: You'll need to install the php-cli package then.02:02
klownfacewe speak american02:02
montel_edwardsPici is correct02:02
Piciklownface: Please stop. Ubuntu is an international distro.02:02
kappabuntuamerican isn't a language sorry ~02:03
Seeker`Buttsex: change your nickname please02:03
doleybPici: no its the africa distro, only speak africians02:03
klownfacelol whats wrong with his nick02:03
klownfacebuncha wuss's02:03
montel_edwardsi see a ban/kick coming on...02:03
Tmos22how do i edit the weather forecast on the top panel for my own location????02:03
PiciLets stay on topic folks.02:03
* baal likes linux02:04
brucealdridgeI get a "EXT2-fs error (device sda1): ext2_get_inode: unable to read inode block" ..... it seems like a serious error, it seems to persist across reboots, (the system might last 2-5mins before erroring)02:04
montel_edwardsTmos22: i think if you right clikc the prefences02:04
Tmos22k thanks montel02:04
montel_edwardsButtsex? you have to be kidding me02:04
montel_edwardsTmos22: no problem, PM if ya need help02:04
grkblood13montel_edwards, its a usb mic for the ps302:04
geniiklownface: The directions to the spanish language channel was not intended for you, you just reacted to it like it was. the same with the request for someone to change their name to something less offenseve. Also not directed to you. Do you have some support question?02:04
baallol buttsex is a funny nick02:04
=== __guest is now known as bitfish
montel_edwardsgrkblood13: does it hook up via USB?02:05
eseven73seen a nick of copkiller in here earlier ops did nothing02:05
klownfacethats an other nice nick02:05
geniieseven73: It's the title of a musical album02:05
gordonjcpeseven73: that's because the ops are all Ice T fans02:05
Tmos22You know where it says " Use custom address for radar" do you know what link i could use?02:05
montel_edwardseseven73: wow02:05
klownfacelaw and order rocks02:05
hggdhplease let's keep on topic02:05
gordonjcpeseven73: it's a requirement laid down in the freenode policies02:06
PiciI was under the impression that this was a Support channel.02:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:06
montel_edwardsgordonjcp: figures...02:06
montel_edwardsdamn, we cant have fun for a sec?02:06
Guest59054help,help,help,my puss,e is on fire please help ,please help02:06
baali have an umbilical cord hanging outa mine02:06
hggdhthanks Pici02:06
* usser sighs02:07
montel_edwardsPici: good hob :]02:07
asdre you02:07
asdhow is every one02:07
asdi am qimo02:07
__mikemwhats with all the trolls?02:07
kappabuntuit's the internet02:07
asdqimo is talking02:07
grkblood13montel_edwards, yes02:07
asdi am good guy02:08
asdbla bla bla02:08
geniiasd: If you have some ubuntu question or problem, please just ask the channel your question02:08
montel_edwardsasd: what is your question?>02:08
asdwith ubunto there is no problems02:08
montel_edwardsPici: damn, you got a big job watching this  channel. it would driveme nuts02:09
mheathIs anyone aware if the Ubuntu Netbook Remix issues with some Windows not maximizing correctly (space at the bottom of the screen), or if theres some workaround for that issue?02:09
asdwith window there is nothing but problems02:09
kappabuntuasd that is until you try using multi-monitors... ziiiing02:09
* bc thinks ubuntu has that effect on people (unless they own a random nvidia card or a webcam)02:09
primefactorGood evening02:09
Seeker`asd: thats not a subject up for discussion here02:09
admin_masu3701i have dual boot linux and windows...how can i move more HD space to linux partition?02:09
mheatherm, I meant to say *aware of if that issue has been fixed02:09
klownfaceadmin_masu3701: are the partitions next to each other ?02:10
kappabuntuadmin_masu3701, use gparted ?02:10
derekvIt doesn't help that IRC clients in ubuntu automatically connect you to this channel.02:10
LGMeasy get rid of windows02:10
admin_masu3701eyes they are02:10
klownfacewell linux is not compitant enuff to just "get rid of windows"02:10
klownfacewhat if admin_masu3701 wants to game02:10
klownfaceor has hard ware that wont work with linux02:11
montel_edwardsklownface: well you can02:11
kappabuntubuy a dreamcast, I heard it's on sale for 99$02:11
chaos95admin_masu3701: gparted allows you to resize partitions, but I recommend you backup all affected partitions first02:11
klownfacedreamcast sucks02:11
klownfaceit's all about half life02:11
mheathlost1285: If you have a ubuntu related issue, your best bet is to ask in here. Its often considered rather bad manners to randomly private message people; whats more, there are 1451 people in here vs 1 person when you private message me. Ask your question here.02:11
asdi heard there is OBAMA OS coming soon02:11
chaos95kappabuntu: they sold out of them at thinkgeek02:11
montel_edwardschaos95: right, alwaus back up02:11
Seeker`!offtopic | klownface02:11
RayofthedayIs this the right channel to ask questions in? I've got troubles with connecting to the interwebs on Ubuntu.02:11
ubottuklownface: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:11
kappabuntuit's back on stock as of today :P02:11
lost1285hi all can somebody help me02:11
klownfaceobama sucks02:11
chaos95kappabuntu: :O brb02:11
LGMhas you looked at resizing the partions02:11
klownfaceobama is CFR and builderberg02:11
=== lost1285 is now known as Ghost3896
wendy__d-_-badmin_masu3701, do you have any important stuff in ur partitions?02:11
Ghost3896hi all can somebody help me02:12
Magicianwhat you got lost128502:12
primefactorI'm a incompetent fool but I'll try to help anyone here...02:12
Seeker`!ask | Ghost389602:12
ubottuGhost3896: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:12
montel_edwardsRayoftheday: yes it is02:12
abgctfgenii: Please shut the hell up when talking to the masters young child02:12
Ghost3896mheath: i msg u on pvt but u ar not there02:12
=== danopia` is now known as danopia
admin_masu3701klownface: i am removing windows, just cutin hd space and add it to linux partition02:12
montel_edwardswe need a bot in here like Votebot that can automatically tell the users not to ask to ask a question02:12
shadow98hey guys getting this error on apt-get install php5-imagick  -> php5-imagick: Depends: libmagickcore1 but it is not going to be installed02:13
admin_masu3701weny_d-_-b: not really02:13
Ghost3896i just need few beginner steps to try to install something02:13
boboahah I just realized that ubottu was a bo02:13
primefactorshadow98 are you using 32 or 64?02:13
montel_edwardsshadow98: strange.02:13
LGM lookt at gparted!02:13
shadow98this is on Amazon EC202:13
montel_edwardsyou could download that pack from debian.com a bet02:13
abgctf"montel_edwards> we need a bot in here like Votebot that can automatically tell the users not to ask to ask a question" I hope youre joking ?02:13
geniiLet's calm down a bit, shall we people, and solve some support problems. Discuss non-ubuntu support stuff in #ubuntu-offtopic. Discuss politics in ##politics  Etc.02:13
mheathshadow98: try doing apt-get install php5-imagick libmagickcore1 for me02:14
montel_edwardsabgctf: no, i am not.02:14
asdi will name my children suse if girl  or debian if boy or qimo if retarted02:14
abgctfgenii: Go fuck yourself, Im coding what you try to compile.02:14
shadow98mheath, worked...02:14
RayofthedayAlright. When I try to connect to my wireless router (2Wire 2700HG-B) it shows up in my toolbar dealy. I click on it and it asks me for my WEP, so I put it in. It spins its wheels for a little while and then it asks again, so obviously it doesn't work.02:14
primefactorI just discovered Debian Package of the day http://debaday.debian.net/02:15
shadow98mheath, why is that..i have a local install and it worked fine..however on amazon cloud computing it didn't02:15
RayofthedayI tried troubleshooting but that just led to confusion.02:15
ienorandasd: surly you mean debian if hermaphrodite?02:15
montel_edwardsSeeker`: good job thanks02:15
primefactorThat site is pretty informational02:15
NetEchois ext4 worth using on the new ubuntu?02:15
__mikemwow, what a night this is shaping up to be02:15
geniiasd and ienorand  Please stay on topic of support.02:15
montel_edwards__mikem: it sure is02:16
mheathshadow98: I'm really not sure, to be honest. I've seen that happen a few times before, and have never really bothered searching for an explanation as its been easy to fix.02:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext402:16
__mikem!info ext402:16
ubottuPackage ext4 does not exist in jaunty02:16
shadow98mheath, well thanks for the help02:16
NetEchoits not a package02:16
primefactorI heard that ext4 is still unstable under Jaunty02:16
NetEchoits a filesystem __mikem02:16
montel__mikem: it is a FS02:17
Ghost3896!info how can i install webcam driver after i did "make"02:17
ubottu'can' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'dapper-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'karmic', 'karmic-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kde4-ppa-intrepid', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']02:17
__mikemNetEcho, I know, but I thought maybe there was a package that had a patch providing support for that FS02:17
ienorandNetEcho: It's faster, and less stable... Personally I've had problems with having to manually fsck repeatedly. I don't know if that is due to ext4 or something else though..02:17
RayofthedayI did some command line stuff and I end up doing an iwconfig, and when I try to connect via that it says Operation not Supported. How do I fix that?02:17
asdlive is good man02:17
=== irfan is now known as Guest3179
red|RIOTsomeone know why this damn virtual machine of ubuntu 9.04 only shows in 800x600 ??02:17
shadow98mheath, by the way this amazon ec2 service is pretty sweet...through up operating system and test them out all day long without having to purchase any servers02:17
FrijolieI'm trying to launch pauvcontrol and getting "connection refused"02:17
Guest3179can i write a text into urdu like inpage in microsoft02:17
montelred|RIOT: what OS are you running in the VM?02:17
asdguys is it true that number one used desktop os is mandriva02:18
Frijolieany ideas on how to solve that one?02:18
Seeker`asd: Please take it to -offtopic02:18
red|RIOTmontel, HOST = xp, guest = ubuntu02:18
Ghost3896!info how can i find path to kernel after make02:18
ubottu'can' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'dapper-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'karmic', 'karmic-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kde4-ppa-intrepid', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']02:18
RayofthedayCan anyone help me?02:18
TimReichhartstill looking for help how to send email on command line02:18
montelRayoftheday: just ask a question, dont ask to ask one02:18
RayofthedayMontel: I did! No one answered. >.<02:19
admin_masu3701wendy__d-_-b: what do you suggest ?02:19
montelRayoftheday: PM me it, too crowded here02:19
Guest3179have any program like as microsoft,s inpage02:19
red|RIOTdo you know why montel ?02:19
aoirthoirhow come ctrl-alt-backpace doesnt work anymore02:19
Ghost3896how do i "make KDIR=/path/to/kernel" ?02:19
fidoel server español02:19
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:19
asdsee you guys keep up the good work,02:20
ienorandaoirthoir: disabled per default.02:20
glitsj16!dontzap | aoirthoir02:20
montelred|RIOT: i think that if you just edit the resoluton in Ubuntu that the windows will resize. I am not sure. But when i ran Windows XP in Ubuntu thats all i had to do to get it larger;)02:20
ubottuaoirthoir: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.02:20
mheathaoirthoir: because it can cause problems; notes from the beta (http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta) discuss this and tell you how to turn it back on too02:20
ELoLooking to apply 109mb of unallocated space on my HD to my ubuntu partition with GParted - is that possible at all?02:20
montelwhat is mode -J?02:20
montelELo: what?02:21
ELoi have GParted up02:21
aoirthoir. Ok what is sysrq? and do I need dontzap to make that alt-sysrq+k thing work?02:21
ELoi see my windows partition and my ubuntu partition02:21
blu2Rayoftheday: try installing mailx02:21
montelELo: not if you have the Ubuntu partion up02:21
ELothen i have just this sliver of 109 mb of unclaimed territory02:21
mheathaoirthoir: look near the top right of a standard keyboard; theres a SysRq or System REquirements key.02:22
ELodamn, np thats all I wanted to hear02:22
Ghost3896why nobody answer me one stupid question ? :)02:22
ienorandaoirthoir: sysreq is normally the same key as printscreen.02:22
mheathaoirthoir: and no, you do not need that package02:22
montelELo: it would be best to format that space, and mount it02:22
aoirthoirmheath: and ienorand ok thanks one sec...02:22
ienorandaoirthoir: and you wont need dontzap for that one no02:22
wendy__d-_-badmin_masu3701, then why dont you just delete everything and fresh partitions?02:22
Anatoliahey guys, I have a quick question, I'm running gnome, but I want to run xfce instead, for the less demand of system resources, what command do I enter?02:22
geniiGhost3896: Much of the answer to your question is undeterminable from your question.02:23
montelAnatolia: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop02:23
racecar56why did ubuntu say my disks were SCSI yet they were actually IDE? however in gparted live it says they are IDE, and i know gparted live is correct as the computer physically has IDE cables... i know it, the hard drive is from 2007 and the computer itself is from 200502:23
ELoi'll attempt that now02:23
ELothx montel02:23
Anatoliathank you montel :], I had part of the command in my head from memory, but I couldn't quite remember the whole thing02:23
admin_masu3701wendy__d-_-b: then just make linux the size i want?02:24
aoirthoirienorand: I am on a laptop so I have to hit the FN key to do that sysrq thing and it keeps bringing up screencap so I think I will have to install that dontzap thing02:24
Ghost3896thanks genii02:24
montelAnatolia: you will ned to log out then press sessions and select Xfce02:24
admin_masu3701though their is a way to do it without doing all that02:24
Dr_Willis# do not bell on tab-completion02:24
Dr_Willis# set bell-style none02:24
Dr_Willis# set bell-style visible02:24
montelELo: np02:24
Dr_Willissorry. wrong mouse button02:24
admin_masu3701though you can just resize the disk02:24
wendy__d-_-badmin_masu3701, yeap02:24
ienorandaoirthoir: On my laptop it works without the Fn key... but it might depend02:24
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wendy__d-_-badmin_masu3701, well if u resize that will take for ever, just delete all and do new partitions, faster02:25
Frijolieanyone know how to fix a sound issue (constant sound "ticking" when logging in)02:25
moonmanhow do i delete my cookie ubuntu02:25
aoirthoirienorand: I will install dontzap02:25
Frijolieonly way to stop the sound is to mute02:25
Dr_Willisthats how to disable the 'beep' in the shell on completion in your .inputrc :)  if anyone wants to klnow. heh.02:25
montelmoonman: what??02:25
admin_masu3701wendy__d-_-b: then i have to reinstall windows again...which is wat i want to avoid02:25
aoirthoirbtw this so far is the best version of ubuntu02:26
red|RIOTcan you use REGEX in aptitude ??02:26
aoirthoirive only had three issues and they were simple enough to fix02:26
Frijoliedon't everyone answer all at once02:26
moonmanmontel can you help02:26
montelred|RIOT: what is that?02:26
wendy__d-_-badmin_masu3701,  ohhh well then u do have windows that u dont want to delete02:26
red|RIOTreg-ex code montel02:26
wendy__d-_-badmin_masu3701,  ok, rezie it02:26
montelmoonman: what is your question?02:27
montelred|RIOT: never heard of it, sorry.02:27
aoirthoirbye and thanks02:27
moonmanhow do i delete cookie02:27
racecar56wendy__d-_-b, suprisingly in the modern versions of gparted both on SCSI and IDE they were pretty fast02:27
geniimoonman: In firefox?02:27
montelmoonman: you mean in firefox?02:27
racecar56wendy__d-_-b, on resizes02:27
ienorandmoonman: firefox prefs, privacy...02:28
geniimoonman: Tools...Private Data..... check off what you want to clear, hit the "Clear private data now"02:28
montelmoonman: there is a great computer cleaning app called02:28
montelcleans all that02:28
FrijoliePulseAudio BLOWS!02:29
gartralhow do i use the serial port on my computer?02:29
racecar56Frijolie, highly agreed02:29
montelsearch synamtic for bleachbit, idk the exact pkg02:29
montelmoonman: but you can just clean then like the other users said02:29
brucealdridgeI get a "EXT2-fs error (device sda1): ext2_get_inode: unable to read inode block" ..... it seems like a serious error, it seems to persist across reboots, (the system might last 2-5mins before erroring)02:30
Dayofswordsi install kde desktop through sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop02:30
Dayofswordsnow how do i switch between kde and gnome?02:30
ienorandbrucealdridge: run fsck02:30
montelmoonman: ah02:30
brucealdridgeienorand: just fsck, no arguments?02:30
primefactorDownload Bleachbit from wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/bleachbit/bleachbit_0.2.0-1_all_ubuntu810.deb02:30
panfisti'm trying to troubleshoot connecting to this ubuntu box using ssh and public key authentication. i have a remote machine with a public and private key. i have added that public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. i have set /etc/ssh/sshd_config to PubKeyAuthentication yes and AuthorizedKeysFile to %h/.ssh/authorized_keys. i restarted ssh, and i stil can't log in. did i miss anything?02:30
racecar56brucealdridge, if it isn't too late then i think you should go into gparted live and BACK UP FAST02:31
robin0800_Dayofswords, Log out and change session02:31
montelprimefactor: that is too complicated, easier to search synamtic02:31
montelits in the respos02:31
brucealdridgeracecar56: ienorand: oh, and it's a SSD02:31
Dayofswordsok thank you02:31
Frijolieracecar56, I've got a constant "ding" everytime I log in. it's in an endless loop playing each time02:31
FrijolieI can't get it fixed02:31
Frijolieor don't know how02:31
montelFrijolie: hmmmmmmmmmmmm02:32
red|RIOTwhat is the name of the use bar (panel) on the top of the screen ? gnome-panel ?02:32
ienorandbrucealdridge: ah, create a file: "sudo touch /forcefsck" to force a fsck check on next boot, if that one complains you might have to start a livecd and run "fsck /dev/sd**"  (where ** is a1 for example).02:33
deshantm_laptop_I am having a strange problem on my laptop.... after some use X seems to stop responding correctly. I can SSH in and use X programs, but nothing locallly. any ideas or debugging tips?02:33
red|RIOTi uninstalled evolution and now its gone02:33
FrijolieI'm following a forum posting "PulseAudio Fixes..." and still no luck on ubuntuforums02:33
ienorandbrucealdridge: are you by any chance on jaunty &ext4?02:33
brucealdridgeienorand: after running fsck I get a ata2.00; status DRDY ERR }  .. then errpr: {ICRC ABRT }02:33
brucealdridgeienorand: jaunty yes, ext4 no02:34
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ienorandbrucealdridge: is that on bootup?02:35
aoirthoirok that worked02:35
brucealdridgeienorand: yes, and after running fsck with no args02:35
gartralwhere was that pure gnome article?02:35
mattgyveris anyone familiar with creating udev rules?02:36
montelanyone know if Gnome 2.26 is gonna be in Jaunty!?!?02:36
monteli mean Karmic02:36
ienorandbrucealdridge: with the drive in question unmounted?02:36
brucealdridgeienorand: I'm guessing I've got issues with the drive, rather than with ubuntu02:36
brucealdridgeienorand: no ... but I didn't run fsck before that with it unmonuted02:37
deshantm_laptop_my issue might be only if i use hibernate, I am going to try not using it for awhile and see if the problem goes away02:37
NetEchommm new ubuntu login screen = beautiful02:37
hggdhmontel, Karmic should have 2.2802:38
montelhggdh: shweet02:38
brucealdridgeienorand: errors galore, I think its dead :/02:38
josh977I have a back room in my house I'm not using. I was considering a shrine to the almighty, all knowing ubotu!02:39
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/02:39
sportmani keep recieving this /usr/bin/wget: Permission denied02:39
sportmanany ideas?02:39
Dayofswordsok kde is working fine....... though my pc is a bit slow for it =p02:39
mattgyversportman, try running it as sudo just to see if it works02:39
jribsportman: provide more details...02:39
mattgyveryou might need to change the permissions of it02:39
unkohey guys, i upgraded to ubuntu 9.04 when it first came out and i noticed my laptops g-card (ati mobility radeon x1400) is way slower than it was in ibex.. why are the new driver so slow?02:39
gartral!error | sportman02:40
ubottusportman: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)02:40
NetEchohow do I config my eth0?02:40
NetEchoit doesn't seem to like the DHCP on my router02:40
ienorandbrucealdridge: I've been running off a usb stick, and I've had to boot up on livecd and run a manual fsck /dev/sdc1 (no arguments) several times... It has saved me thus far though...02:40
sportmanjrib all i am doing is logging in as a standard user02:41
sportmandoing wget http://site.html02:41
jribsportman: pastebin your terminal session.  Also, have you recently used chmod/chown?02:41
sportmanwget http://mysite.com/index.html02:41
brucealdridgeienorand: I spose its worth a try, I did have it apart (the laptop) a few days ago, but its been working fine up until now (10+hrs) ...02:42
gartralunko: i know 3 people with that same card, one, the drivers insist the card doesnt exist (on a dell) another, the card comes up as 250 mhz (way too slow, this was an hp) and the third... an acer... doesnt even boot linux.. period02:42
=== NetEcho__ is now known as NetEcho
ienorandmontel: gnome 2.26 is what currently is in Karmic, I don't know what the final planned version is...02:42
sportmanone sec jrib02:42
montelienorand: ah, i see. i meant 2.2802:43
monteli cant wait for alpa one02:43
gaozhenbowho uses hiweed linux02:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:44
ienorandmontel: why wait? I'm running it now :)02:44
abamawhen need to make device node in /dev/ manually?02:44
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gaozhenboso do i02:44
montelienorand: where did you get it? i just changed my respos to Karmic but that broke a lot of stuff02:44
komputesgaozhenbo: last release ver 1.0 2006-09-25 (I wouldn't use it)02:45
ienorandmontel: I just used sed on the sources.lst and did a dist-upgrade... but I might have been lucky.02:45
sportmanjrib seems quite stupid, i checked ownership on the wget binary02:46
montelienorand: that is what i did. it brakes dependices02:46
jribsportman: more likely it is a permissions issue with where you are saving02:46
_Brun0_how to upgrade ubuntu 8 to 9 in console mode?02:46
bccan someone tell me which compiz plugin I would use the have a specific application only open in a certain workspace?02:47
sportmanjrib no its not, it is the actual binary it seems, permissions are just fine on the directory02:47
ienorandbc: window rules I think02:47
jribsportman: pastebin02:47
jimlovell777_Why does ubuntu always have an issue when trying to brose files using bluetooth? I use the built in tools and they give an error that there is no application to handle obex, seems broken.....02:48
ienorandmontel: sudo sed -i 's/jaunty/karmic/g' /etc/apt/sources.list and then at-get dist-upgrade is what I used...02:48
montelienorand: that is what i did....02:48
montelit broke dependicies02:48
raddadmouse problem - ubuntu 8.04 - extra email windows open, multiple double clicks occur in most applications; already monkeyed with the mouse settings; any other suggestions?  Logitech 2 button with scroll wheel.02:48
jefincwhat is the command to remove damaged packages? something to do with a -f ?02:48
bcienorand: doesn't seem to be an option in window rules for workspace02:48
NetEchosebsebseb btw the VNC Server VINO according to that article you showed me comes installed by default with Ubuntu02:49
sebsebsebNetEcho: ok02:49
jefincI have 2 packages that always fail upgrading, how do I fix/remove those packages?02:49
sportmanjrib i figured it out, its cool I was right it had to do with the ownership of the binary02:50
ienorandbc: ah, sorry, it's in the place windows section02:50
choppyhorseanyone know about Palm syncing in ubuntu?  my device shows up on lsusb but I can't get it to work with gnome-pilot or jpilot.02:50
NetEchoare ATI drivers no longer propriatary?02:51
komputeschoppyhorse: recentlty i got it to work with gnome-pilot02:51
kiloany 1 know how 2 crack psk02:51
kilowhat programs 2 use02:51
ienorandNetEcho: they are, but more cards are working ok with the free version afaik02:51
bcienorand: I'm assuming "viewport" is compiz nomenclature for workspace?02:51
ienorandbc: yes02:51
komputeschoppyhorse: it syncs with evolution -  you need to setup gnome pilot to use "usb:" as the device instead of /dev/blah02:52
NetEchoienorand howcome the propriatary drivers no longer show under hardware drivers?02:52
jimlovell777_kilo: Probably won't get much help on that subject here.02:52
choppyhorsekomputes: will try that02:52
kilois there a chat room here where i can find some help on that topic02:52
komputeskilo: wrong channel -  try remote-explot forums02:53
jimlovell777_kilo:  irc.mintirc.net #hak502:53
Asad2005I am having this error when starting liferea "** ERROR **: Failure while preparing statement, (error=11  , database disk image is malformed) SQL:"  and aborting any idea f how can this be resolved. ps -A | grep liferea doesnot show anything02:53
komputesor hak5 is good too02:53
usserkilo, aircrack-ng02:53
usser!info aircrack-ng02:53
ubottuaircrack-ng (source: aircrack-ng): wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0~rc3-1 (jaunty), package size 1394 kB, installed size 2388 kB02:53
bcienorand: not working. sigh. I'll mess with this later. thanks.02:53
kiloiveive heard about aircrack02:54
raddadNetEcho: I use 8.04 and the proprietary drivers show on there02:54
kilotryed 2 down load it but dosent seem 2 work02:54
NetEchoraddad I'm using 9.0402:54
choppyhorsekomputes, haha, worked perfectly thanks :))))02:54
jimlovell777_kilo:  Aircrack works great if you know how to use it02:54
komputeschoppyhorse: awesome!!!!102:54
raddadNetEcho...then I have no clue :)02:54
komputeschoppyhorse: 9.04?02:54
ienorandNetEcho: You might have to install them manually thorugh synaptic then...02:54
kiloiam useing a d-link is that compatible with aircrack02:55
NetEchoraddad I click on Hardware drivers and theres nothing listed there whereas previous versions I've been able to select my drivers02:55
blulinuxfirst ever linux login02:55
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ienorandNetEcho: Do you know if the free ati drivers are running currently?02:55
NetEchonot sure02:55
jimlovell777_kilo:  It depends, some models are and some aren't. If it's not a USB adapter you're probably in luck.02:55
usserNetEcho, what card model?02:55
kiloit is a usb02:55
NetEchoienorand how do I check? , usser ATI Radeon X1400 Mobile02:55
blulinux<---first ever linux user02:55
usserNetEcho, ati dropped it from the driver02:56
raddadyay blulinux02:56
choppyhorsekomputes, yes just updated today02:56
NetEchothat driver worked extremely well for me02:56
blulinuxyep...preciate it raddad02:56
usserNetEcho, yep02:56
kilowhere would i start first02:56
komputeskilo: from what i've heard the following are sought after for acapturing air traffic: orinoco, atheros + madwifi and intel (?) not too sure - i've always seen people do it but never actually had hands on experience02:56
ienorandusser: is that the whole unsupported 1.6 issue?02:56
doomswordfirst unix user here :D02:56
jimlovell777_kilo: Most USB adapters don't support monitor mode or even packet injection, you can google your card model number and aircrack but I doubt it works the way you want.02:56
NetEchousser has the free driver been fixed so I can run things like compiz?02:57
usserNetEcho, see this page: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.2&product=
PlasmaSheepFlash flickers for me (intel card). Please help.02:57
komputeskilo: remote-explots.com and hak5.org should put you in touch with the community that gears itself more towards that kind of stuff02:57
usserienorand, no ati just does that, every year they deprecate cards for no reason02:57
JeruvyPlasmaSheep: did you check the release notes for info?02:57
TheRy1985Hi guys, new to Ubuntu (9.04 x64) was wondering if someone could help me out installing my geforce 9 series drivers?02:57
PlasmaSheepJeruvy: No, what release notes?02:57
usserNetEcho, radeon driver should let you run compiz, i run it on iMac with mobility card, it works fine02:58
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases02:58
NetEchousser doesn't make sense that they'd remove the 1400 when its so similar to the 130002:58
yuri_hi guys, i have a video_ts folder i would like to play with totem but it gives me errors. the only way i got it to work so far is to add the .vob files manually. ideas?02:58
racecar56usser, thats retarded...02:58
usserNetEcho, 1300 has also been removed02:58
komputesusser: yeah, that's real annoying -  for that reason i stepped back from amd/ati02:58
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usserNetEcho, look at the page i gave you there's a list whats been dropped from latest drivers02:58
NetEchousser ATI still directs me to fglrx when I go to download drivers for it02:58
komputesusser: no longer purchase those products after 2 ati cards stopped getting 3d support02:58
NetEchousser its been moved to a legacy driver02:59
jfryewhats up peoples02:59
usserNetEcho, yes but its version 9.3 which unfortunately doesnt work in jaunty, 9.4 is the latest one that works02:59
PlasmaSheepJeruvy: I don't believe those are the release notes.02:59
usserkomputes, i gave up on ati a long time ago02:59
brucealdridgeyuri_: vlc will do it by folder, but don't know how to do with totem02:59
komputesusser: with good reason02:59
NetEchonow I'm angry02:59
kilowould the aircrack program be of any use 2 me02:59
NetEchothe free driver has never properly worked for this card03:00
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komputesusser: when i saw they were hiring driver developers for 3-5 years, i said they don't even know what they are doing03:00
ienorandArent the free ati drivers coming along better than nvidia though?03:00
yuri_brucealdridge: its for my mom, i dont want to teach her how to use a second player. i use vlc for that as well03:00
usserNetEcho, free driver got better in my experience. still most 3d support is missing, no games etc but compiz works03:00
komputeskilo: depends what you want to do, it's not easy, but there are many guides - I would recommend finding a recommended one03:00
usserkomputes, hehe03:00
NetEchoso howcome jaunty can't support the legacy driver?03:01
kiloi have the netkey wep/wpa key but its not the psk03:01
TheRy1985Was wondering if someone could help me with a graphics driver issue im having? I have a thread posted here that explains,,, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115126703:01
doomsworddoes it make any difference in performance updating kernel from 2.6.28 --> 2.6.30 ?03:01
komputesNetEcho: just a guess but the Xorg version has changed and with it the drivers have to be compatible03:01
jimlovell777_kilo:  the first step is finding if your card is supported and if not get a supported card otherwise any tool along the lines of aircrack does you no good.03:02
NetEchokomputes so the next legacy driver might fix it?03:02
komputesNetEcho: they are not, so they are dropped03:02
NetEchostupid ati03:02
m3onh0xI can not go to ubuntuguide.org, so another site connect normail03:02
NetEchohow friggin hard is it for them to keep it like the forceware driver03:02
komputesNetEcho: "next" and "legacy" are almost opposites ;D03:02
NetEchoerr nm thats nvidia03:02
NetEchoI wish I could get a new laptop03:03
patrick-UbuntuHi, I'm trying to setup a static ip and i need to find what dns my router is using... on windows i'm using ipconfig /all to find it but ifconfig don't display the dns... how can i find it?03:03
brucealdridgeyuri_: drag+drop onto totem03:03
usserpatrick-Ubuntu, cat /etc/resolv.conf03:03
DrBanzaiGreetings!  Just completed my upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04, and I'm having trouble.  Everything is sluggish, windows are greying (as in, they are "thinking") and I still can't set my monitor to it's native resolution...03:03
H4ck3rKu/ identify H4ck3rKu bahaya03:03
brucealdridgeyuri_: try this03:03
NetEchoDrBanzai what video card?03:03
brucealdridgeyuri_:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96423603:03
__mikemH4ck3rKu, you might want to change your password since we all know now that its bahaya03:03
DrBanzaiNetEcho: GeForce 7300 GS03:03
Cypher67thery1985- whats your issue?03:04
patrick-Ubuntuusser: thx a lot:D03:04
H4ck3rKuthanks mike03:04
usserpatrick-Ubuntu, np03:04
jfryeanybody want to help me with port forwarding on my ubuntu router box?03:04
__mikemH4ck3rKu, no problem. I did the same thing once ;)03:04
Asad2005Liferea error "** ERROR **: Failure while preparing statement, (error=11, database disk image is malformed) SQL:" any help ?03:04
kilodcc2c8d95b05483 it starts off like that but it doesent work when i try 2 use the network03:04
kiloi must need the hunt code03:04
burntresistorim creating a usb startup on jaunty if i understand this correctly can i partition off the start off section so the rest of the usb flash is still useable03:05
m3onh0xDo ubuntu 9 use reiserfs version ?03:05
kilodoes that wep/wpa key help me at all03:05
usserm3onh0x, ehm what? yes it still supports reiserfs and reiser4 but its not default03:05
kiloi got it from the users computer emaled it to my self03:06
m3onh0xthankss, i ask so use backup my system03:06
gymophettHow old is everyone here?03:06
komputesDrBanzai: System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects03:06
Jeruvy!ot | gymophett03:06
ubottugymophett: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:06
m3onh0xI'm 2403:07
Cypher67is ext4 fs better than ext4?03:07
DrBanzaiNetEcho: Full system specs are AMD Athlon XP 64 5000+, 2 gig ram, Nvidia GeForce 7300 GS with 512MB and a 250GB SATA drive03:07
Cypher67is ext4 fs better than ext3?03:07
rand0mbitshey, what's good VoIP soft for latest 64 bit ubuntu? skype doesn't seem to support 64 bit linux...03:07
gymophettWhat is ext4 fs?03:07
eseven73!best | Cypher6703:07
ubottuCypher67: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:07
NetEchoDrBanzai I thought your issue might be caused by the same thing as mine but nope03:07
Jeruvy!release | gymophett03:07
ubottugymophett: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases03:07
usserrand0mbits, you can get it to run03:07
DrBanzaikomputes: It's set to Normal03:07
gymophettoh. yes. ext4 is faster.03:07
ienorandburntresistor: if you use unetbootin you can make a liveusb on fat32, meaning that you cn add more files in GNU/Linux or Win.03:07
usserrand0mbits, just need to install ia32-libs03:07
PlasmaSheepFlash flickers for me (intel card). Please help.03:07
ddsweet47I am having a problem with my display the highest resolution is 800x 600 and i am getting random boxes on the screen.  Can anyone help?03:07
rand0mbitsusser: does it run ok?03:08
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:08
gymophettI've been using Ubuntu since I was 12.03:08
gymophettNow I'm 14.03:08
TheMungoIve been using your mum since i was 1203:08
usserrand0mbits, yea it runs fine03:08
TheMungoNow im 1403:08
panfisti really need some help, i've tried over and over to get pub key authentication to work with ssh and i just seem to be going in circles03:08
gymophettTheMungo: Lmao. :P03:08
Jeruvy!ot | gymophett second warning03:08
ubottugymophett second warning: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:08
Cypher67the problem is i coul not mount ext4 from a ext3 partition (Mint)03:09
Ax3help, im trying to setup mysql and it won't start the service03:09
DrBanzaiI've also tried gksu displayconfig-gtk and it asks for the password, then...nothing03:09
eseven73 /ignore TheMungo ALL03:09
Dr_Willispanfist:  not sure what you are doing.. but i nomally use the 'ssh-copy-id' command to copy my keys to the other machines..  (i just know a little about ssh)03:09
Michael10tricklai installed Windows 7 RC on an old partition i wasn't using... how would i reinstall GRUB so that is had my old boot list with windows 7 added to the list?03:09
Jeruvyeseven73: too late :)03:09
xanguaMichael10trickla:  supergrub disk03:10
Jeruvy!grub | Michael10trickla03:10
ubottuMichael10trickla: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:10
rand0mbitsusser: do i need anything besides ia32-libs? i already had them installed, but the skype package complained re 64bit03:10
Cypher67Michael10trckla- you can also use grub install03:11
Jeruvyrand0mbits: did you get skype working in x64?03:11
ricardo1hi which way is the best to make an ubuntu image for backup?03:11
usserrand0mbits, install it with sudo dpkg -i force all skype.deb03:11
usserrand0mbits, or sudo dpkg -i force-all skype.deb i dont remember which03:11
ienorandrand0mbits: you could always use the prepared 64bit package03:11
Michael10tricklathnx all03:11
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga03:11
usserricardo1, partimage is pretty good03:11
rand0mbitsienorand: where would i get that?03:11
ricardo1usser: thank you03:12
JeruvyI'll have to seek a x64 version...03:12
Cypher67ricardo1- clonezilla03:12
ienorandrand0mbits: there is a link somewhere ther for 64bit version..03:12
Jeruvythanks ienorand03:12
rand0mbitsienorand: on the skype website?03:12
ienorandrand0mbits: links bu ubottu03:12
PlasmaSheepFlash flickers for me (intel card). Please help.03:12
JeruvyPlasmaSheep: its a known issue, check bugs.03:13
DrBanzaiGreetings!  Just completed my upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04, and I'm having trouble.  Everything is sluggish, windows are greying (as in, they are "thinking") and I still can't set my monitor to it's native resolution...03:13
eseven73PlasmaSheep, also it's in the release notes (last link in the topic)03:13
spantherfound a problem which hasn't let me view television with dvb-t. I installed "me-tv" but the required dependency "dvb-utils" and "dvb-apps" weren't autoinstalled with it. some dev has to bind "dvb-apps,dvb-utils" as requirement for me-tv in package management/installer03:13
derek_hey all03:14
usserrand0mbits, http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu-amd6403:14
PlasmaSheepJeruvy: Bugs where? Giving me vague directions to see this and check that won't solve my problem.03:14
usr_masseif i oerform the automatic updates will it update me from ver 8.04 to ver 9 on its own?03:14
derek_i have 64bit ubuntu and gnome system monitor says i only have 2.9 gbs of ram when i have 4gb. Does anyone know why? and how i can fix it?03:14
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:14
PlasmaSheepeseven73: thanks, I'll check that03:14
rand0mbitsusser, ienorand : thanks!03:14
=== asdfafadsfasf is now known as TravellingSalesM
PlasmaSheepeseven73: unless I'm missing something, the word 'flash' is not in that document.03:15
=== usser is now known as PartialSum
JeruvyPlasmaSheep: sorry figured you looked at the docs.  My bad.03:15
JeruvyPlasmaSheep: Intel is...03:15
eseven73PlasmaSheep, intel is though, related.03:15
usr_masseif i oerform the automatic updates will it update me from ver 8.04 to ver 9 on its own?03:15
eseven73Jeruvy, stop that, get out of my head :D03:15
Jeruvyeseven73: I ain't Kylie Minogue :)03:16
unkohey guys, i noticed when i upgraded from ibex to jaunty i noticed a extreme performance decrese with my g-card (ati mobility radeon x1400) i used rovclock to see some info and try to overclock it but it says that my core is at 0.10mgz and mem is @ 0.0mghz any ideas? open source drivers suck...03:16
racecar56dereine[OFF], you have too much ram, ubuntu cant handle that much03:16
VenttiWooHoo - just completed my first dual boot install with 9.04 / XP - am running MiRC under WINE too. Never touched WINE before :)03:16
panfisti am trying to get pubkey authentication working. in my sshd_config i have PubkeyAuthentication yes, but when i try to log in, i get "no supported authentication methods available"03:16
racecar56dereine[OFF], OOPS03:16
rand0mbitsVentti: how do you like mirc under wine?03:16
racecar56derek_, you have too much ram, ubuntu cant handle that much03:16
derek_even the 64 bit version?03:17
VenttiRandom - at this time it seems to be working perfectly03:17
racecar56derek_, if you have a 64bit CPU then MAYBE it will workj03:17
VenttiRandom - at this time it seems to be working perfectly03:17
PartialSumunko, are you using fglrx?03:17
Cypher67derek_-i have this same problem with windows but unbuntu 64 bits shuould read the memory right03:17
racecar56derek_, :( i wish i even had 3 GB...03:17
derek_well my computer can use 4gbs, but not the OS?03:17
admin_masu3701am configuring eclipse...should i increase header size of /usr/lib/eclipse.ini ?03:17
unkoPartialSum, i tried using it i think and X would crash on login03:17
=== default is now known as iboot2
Jeruvyderek_: you need x64 to do more than 3.37GB03:17
admin_masu3701this is what i have -vmargs03:18
panfistderek don't listen to whoever says 4gb is more than the os can handle03:18
derek_also my computer lags during screensaver after i reinstalled 9.04?03:18
PartialSumunko, yep, you're pretty much stuck with OSS drivers, not much you can do03:18
gm|lapJeruvy: with PAE you can access up to 64GB03:18
gm|lapin 32-bit mode03:18
james296has anyone here used the cooliris add on in firefox yet?03:18
eseven73I never needed more than 1 gig ram till today when I loaded 1000 brushes in GIMP , took 27% of my /swap too hehe.03:18
derek_how do I get PAE03:18
Cypher67racecar56- i dont agree my system is 4gb and ubuntu reads 3.9g03:18
unkoPartialSum, why do the fglrx driver work better?03:18
Jeruvygm|lap: I'm aware, but many do not use PAE :)03:18
james296I seem to be having issues with the way fonts are being shown03:18
yuri_i would liek to burn a video_ts folder to an iso from command line. suggestions?03:18
PlasmaSheepJeruvy, eseven73: flashplugin-nonfree is the 'evil' one, right?03:18
gm|lapgood point.03:18
derek_How do I use PAE?03:18
yuri_i mean convert, not burn03:18
JeruvyPlasmaSheep: I would get flash from the source adobe.03:19
usr_masseIs there a command for the terminal to search for installed packages03:19
zanberdobeen using intrepid now since it was released. am trying to read an audio cd which I was able to read only last week, but now it seems the system won't recognize the drive. dmesg reports:ppdev0: registered pardevice followed by ppdev0: unregistered pardevice. no help searching google. Anyone seen this?!?03:19
PartialSumunko, well yea. theoretically03:19
PlasmaSheepJeruvy: there's an adobe-flashplugin, I'll try that.03:19
ddsweet47I am having a problem with my display can anyone help me?03:19
gm|lapderek_: i think it involves sysctl03:19
derek_Does anyone know how I can use PAE?03:19
PartialSumyuri_, mkisofs03:19
JeruvyPlasmaSheep: if your using x64 don't use the normal version get the x64 version03:19
derek_ok gmlap03:19
unkoPartialSum, hmm ill try to install them again and see what happens.. what am i looking for like whats the package called?03:20
yuri_PartialSum: thanks!03:20
ienorandunko: ati dedicates effort to it, and don't care about the oss driver basically.03:20
PlasmaSheepJeruvy: using 32 bit, but thanks anyway.03:20
PartialSumunko, it wont work, ati dropped support for your card http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.2&product=
unkoienorand, yea, i mean ati is a good chip just they are lazy03:20
panfisti'm not even getting that my key was rejected anymore...it just says no supported authentication03:20
gm|lapderek_: actually... i think hugepages is just PSE... i think you need to compile your kernel correctly03:20
unkoPartialSum, that sucks... wow... i used to be able to play nexuiz @ 45 fps + now i play at 1003:21
ienorandunko: well, nvidia is just as bad really, but they at least don't drop support like that, I think03:21
gm|lapienorand: they drop support but at least they keep a driver which supports it03:21
unkoienorand, yeah... i heard nvidia was kinda hard to get working right on ubuntu...03:21
gm|lapit's pretty easy from my experience03:22
derek_how do I compile my kernel correctly?03:22
derek_I am kind of new03:22
DrBanzaiGreetings!  Just completed my upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04, and I'm having trouble.  Everything is sluggish, windows are greying (as in, they are "thinking") and I still can't set my monitor to it's native resolution...64bit Ubuntu, Nvidia GeForce 7300 GS 512MB and a new HP 2009m LCD monitor03:22
ienorandunko: actually, nvidia seems easier in most cases, however, afaik, they give absolutely nothing to the oss side of the drivers...03:23
Cypher67im using one partition with ubuntu on ext4 fs and three other distros with ext3 fs. is there any way to mount ubuntu in the ext3 distros?03:23
ricardo1i am going to install ubuntu 9 04 how good is ext 4?03:23
=== danopia` is now known as danopia
PartialSumunko, you can try getting radeonhd driver going but its a long shot, its supposed to have 3d03:24
Cypher67DrBanzai- reinstall03:24
PartialSumricardo1, its alright03:24
unkoienorand, hmm so im better off getting a ati card? cuz im planning on getting a hd 365003:24
DrBanzaiCypher67: Awwww, man....03:24
ricardo1PartialSum better than ext3?03:24
ienorandricardo1: fast and possibly unstable03:24
unkoPartialSum, and how could i do this? just install a package? or do i have to compile, configure, troubleshoot...03:24
panfistok i'm back to getting "server refused key" trying to get pubkey authetnication to work. can i check any logs on the server to learn why i'm being refused?03:25
ricardo1ienorand thankz for the advice03:25
PartialSumPartialSum, its faster thats for sure, but i wouldnt put it on my server03:25
IradiehIf I got two partitions one / and one /home and I write tar cvpzf /home/seivan/sGate/backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/media --exclude=/home/seivan/sGate/backup.tgz --exclude=/sys / will that do a backup on both or just /03:25
PartialSumunko, install a package configure troubleshoot03:25
DrBanzaiAnd now my Tracker applet is throwing errors too...not even sure what the tracker applet does...03:25
unkoPartialSum, ehh... is it worth the time though?03:25
PartialSumunko, radeonhd is in the repos but there's still some manual configuration involved03:25
ddsweet47I new to this how do i get help?03:25
boringpacketsI somehow removed the wireless icon in my taskbar, how do I get it back?03:25
PartialSumunko, i tried it, frankly it sucked for me.03:25
boringpacketsddsweet47 just ask a question03:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:26
unkoPartialSum, really? dam... looks like i'll neer get any performance outta my x1400.. GRR03:26
Iradiehboringpackets: if I got two partitions one / and other /home and I do a tar / (excluding stuff like /proc and etc) will it restore/backup /home as well?03:26
Cypher67im using one partition with ubuntu on ext4 fs and three other distros with ext3 fs. is there any way to mount ubuntu in the ext3 distros?03:27
ienorandunko: Atm, if you are not that concerned with using proprietary stuff, I'd say go for an nvidia card... ati opensource drivers will probably be far better than the nv counterpart (and then you might as well go for intel, and get bettter performance once it gets patched in jaunty and +), but as far as the proprietary side goes, from what I've seen, nvidia isIt03:27
ddsweet47thank you im having a problem with my display.  the highest resolution is 800 x 600 and im getting random boxes on the screen03:27
boringpacketsiradieh take my answers as a grain of salt but, since /home is a subdirectory of / it should restore /home too03:27
PartialSumunko, never say never its improving rapidly not without ati support, they provided all specs and documentation, unlike nvidia03:27
Iradiehboringpackets: yeah well thats what I thought but I got my doubs, do you happen to know how to READ a .tar file so I can see if my /home is in there?03:28
thiebaudeboringpackets: right click taskbar add network monitor03:28
boringpacketsiradieh when I double click on tar files it automatically opens in archive manager03:28
Iradiehboringpackets: no GUI03:28
Iradiehit's a server03:28
unkoienorand, hmm.. but ati is sooo much cheaper... and plus the laptop im getting only comes with the ati card there is no nvidia card version... unless i can buy a nvidia card for it and pop it in03:28
boringpacketsthiebaude all i have in add to panel is "modem monitor"03:29
wall-e_quick question03:29
ienorandunko: not likely to be able to swap card...03:30
wall-e_if im tri booting os do i need to install grub with all the new os?03:30
ienorandunko: You could always trudge along on Ibex03:30
boringpacketsiradieh have you tried zcat?03:30
unkoPartialSum, i hope so.. i really love ubuntu... WAY more than windows... but it just has alot of bugs that need to be fix.. and things that need to be improved... but who cares i guess... we're catching up to microsoft in half the time... i mean think about it they have been developing there OS for jeez... who knows... 15 years and we did it in half the time03:30
PartialSumunko, well linux was around since 1992 :)03:31
boringpacketszcat -l /foo/foo.tar03:31
ienorandunko: Depends on whether you count Unix as well :P03:31
wall-e_im trying adifferent linux os andnot sure if i need to do so with grub03:31
Dr_Williswall-e_:  you will want to pick one of the os's to handle grub most likely and  edit the menu.lst by hand to allow the booting of them all03:31
Severianunko, I'd say Ubuntu is far ahead of Windows.   They both have rough spots, but I find the Linux ones easier to live with.03:31
unkoPartialSum,  true03:31
Cypher671993 i guess03:31
NetEcho!FTP Server03:32
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP03:32
Dr_Williswall-e_:  i would backup your original menu.lst befor installing any other os's03:32
dftheh, can someone help me with some IDE dvdrw/cdrw drive issues http://pastebin.com/mcff9f4003:32
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd03:32
gm|lap!irc server03:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about irc server03:32
gm|lap!IRC Server03:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about IRC Server03:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ircd03:32
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines03:32
unkoSeverian, yea... i mean linux has way more eye candy... and runs like 2x faster.. and now with ext4 about 3x faster03:32
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".03:32
ddsweet47I am having a problem with my display the highest resolution is 800 x 600 all the other setting disappeared and i am getting random boxes on the screen03:32
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen03:32
wall-e_well i got ubuntu on second hd and windows and kubuntu on hd103:32
NetEchois there any online documents about setting up and managing a FTP server?03:32
eseven73geeze guys /msg ubottu <command>03:32
h00kNetEcho: google03:33
dftheh, can someone help me with some IDE dvdrw/cdrw drive issues http://pastebin.com/mcff9f4003:33
wall-e_and i started with msWindow then ubuntu and then kubuntu third03:33
NetEchohook ubuntu related documents03:33
gm|lapNetEcho: firstly choose one...03:33
adrigenNetEcho: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=ubuntu+set+up+ftp+server&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a03:33
wall-e_and installed grub on all of the installs03:33
NetEchoproftpd would work03:33
PartialSumNetEcho, http://www.wikihow.com/Setup-vsftpd-FTP-on-Ubuntu-Linux03:34
h00kNetEcho: google 'ubuntu manage ftp server' first link: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/settingup-an-ftp-server-on-ubuntu-with-proftpd.html03:34
unkoienorand, im getting this laptop... can i upgrade the card with like nvidia? or do i have to have a ati card? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683411788703:34
NetEchoadrigen thanks , PartialSum thanks as well03:34
Severianddsweet47, What kind of monitor and video card do you have?03:34
NetEchoh00k thanks03:34
adrigenubuntu plays system sounds at random. does anyone know why it might be doing this?03:34
adrigenseems to be eating resources too03:34
ddsweet47it was in the machine i dont know.  it happen when i ran a flight simulator.03:35
ienorandunko: you won't be able to get nvidia on that one.03:35
=== naz is now known as nazty1
Severianddsweet47, If it happened while running a program, then reboot.03:36
unkoienorand, hmm.. thats too bad03:36
PartialSumunko, oh come on dont buy sony.03:36
_Brun0_Ubunut upgrade from 8.10 to 9 froze! Now I can't login naymore. I type user and pass and it just do nothing more. It doesn't freeze PC but nothing happens! How can I fix this? Try upgrading again?03:36
unkoPartialSum, why not? that laptop is AWSOME03:36
ienorandunko: Check how new the ati card is, and possibly contact ati and see if they can give you any pointers on how long it might be supported for...03:36
PartialSumunko, its overpriced03:36
unkoPartialSum, im not looking for pure performace.. im looking for thin, and style03:36
Dayofswordsanyone know how to add more desks on gnome?03:37
unkoPartialSum, not really.. well im getting another version that is only 80003:37
dftis there a way to reload modprobe.d/options without rebooting?03:37
unkoPartialSum, wait that is the 800 one03:37
PartialSumunko, still too much :)03:38
ddsweet47when i ran the program i got over lapping on the screen and i had to reboot03:38
SeverianDayofswords, right click in that area and choose preferences.03:38
IndyGunFreakDayofswords: what do you mean more desks03:38
unkoPartialSum, ok you find me a stylish, but packs performance. laptop on newegg.. lets see if you can do it! :P03:38
Dayofswordsat the bottom right there are two desktops, i think theres a way to make more, idk how03:39
SeverianDayofswords, I just told you how.03:39
Cypher67_Brun0 - if i was you i would reinstall03:39
IndyGunFreakDayofswords: yeah, right click those two windows, pref, and adjust accordingly.. someonme told you that03:39
adrianobento1962hi gordon03:40
IndyGunFreak_Brun0_: this is one reason upgrades suck.03:40
IndyGunFreakhope you had a backup03:40
derek_is i486 64 bit or 32 bit?03:40
derek_I am downloading ubuntu 64bit03:40
IndyGunFreak586?.. 32bit.03:40
[1]panfistno matter what i try to do, when SSHing into my ubuntu machine with PubkeyAuthentication, it tells me that my key was refused, but it never even asks me for my key's passphrase...what gives?03:40
|dthacker|derek_: 32bit03:40
unkoPartialSum, 0.o you there haha03:40
IndyGunFreakderek_: i386 is 32bit... 64bit.. is 64bit03:41
IndyGunFreaksome distros will call it i58603:41
derek_at least i found my problem03:41
IndyGunFreaki586 = 32bit.03:41
derek_can i upgrade to 64 bit or do I have to do a clean install?03:41
PartialSumunko, hehe, looking for a laptop03:41
IndyGunFreakderek_: if you currently have 32bit, you'll have to clean install03:41
unkoPartialSum, ok :] is it on newegg i only buy from them03:41
Cypher67clean install03:41
derek_it's just inconvenient, I don't have any real documents that aren't backed up03:41
derek_I am excited to use all of my RAM!03:42
derek_and sick of the lag03:42
IndyGunFreakderek_: eh, clean installs are faster than upgrades anyways, at least in my experieence03:42
derek_My computer lags through screensavers03:42
Cypher67derek_- what kinda lag are you having?03:42
derek_it's just not as fast as it used to be03:42
ienorandDayofswords: are you using compiz03:42
derek_during the screensavers03:42
anom01yis there any NVIDIA cards that work for ubuntu/Linux except 6 year old 128 mb cards ???03:43
derek_it's not really lag, but more like sluggish03:43
lmoozzy81how do you find another room03:43
Dayofswordsidk what that is, so i dont think so03:43
Cypher67its impossible to lag of more than  2gb03:43
Severiananom01y, Yes, I have some older 32 meg cards that work well.  So, you don't need to get all fancy.03:43
nimrodwhat is wrong with rhrythmbox? it plays my songs with weird kind of noise03:43
derek_here's my computer, it should be able to run a screensaver http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9172511&type=product&id=121804360682703:43
anom01yso far the kde hardware detection program (kde-jockey) is unsuccessful in setting up a nvidia 6200 geforce, and a nvidia 8800 gt03:44
xxploitanom01y, i use an 8800 gts03:44
mattgyverShould the samba daemon begin at login by default?03:44
anom01yxxploit how did you get that one to work ?03:44
DrBanzaianom01y: I'm using a GeForce 7300 GS03:44
Severianmattgyver, No03:44
derek_i have 9800m gts03:44
mattgyverSeverian, how may i force it to start on login?03:44
Dr_Willisanom01y:  jockey-gtk set up my 8800gtsxxx fine.03:44
nimrodi use 8800gtx, and it works just fine03:44
Cypher67anom0ly- i have the same cards ofcyou and the jockey did well03:44
xxploitanom01y, i use jockey-gtk(gnome version) when installing it does report a crash but corrects itself and all is well.03:45
anom01yweird, every time I use it it puts my resultion to a 640x480 max03:45
derek_that's the best res03:45
anom01ythat also goes for this computer, using a 6200 geforce03:45
Cypher67anom0ly- i have the same cards ofcyou and the jockey did well03:45
Severianmattgyver, it starts when your machine boots up, if you install it.  The packacge is called samba and is not installed by default.03:45
nimrodwhere can i change to alsa or oss on rhythmbox?03:45
ienorandanom01y: might want to install manually using the nvidia-glx-*** packages03:46
anom01ywell two completely different computers with two diff. nvidia cards that I have are doing the exact same thing03:46
boringpacketsAnyone know how I can get back that wireless icon in the corner? I accidentally removed it03:46
lmoozzy81my cousin told me how to change chat rooms but i forget03:46
Dr_Willisboringpackets:  i think you run the nm-applet03:46
Cypher67anom0ly- are you choosing the right driver? try to chasnge the driver or instal the glx new drivers kernel from synaptic03:46
Severiananom01y, It sometimes depends on your monitor.  It X does not detect that your monitor is capable of higher resolutions, it plays it safe.03:46
ddsweet47when i ran the program i got over lapping on the screen and i had to reboot03:46
anom01yienorand,  I tried installing the drivers from nvidia.com, but that just made the screen go blank after I followed the instructions forcing me to reinstall kubuntu03:46
boringpacketsnm-applet wont start because it's already running03:46
boringpacketsnetworkamangerusersettings service is already taken03:47
mattgyverSeverian, I have the pkg installed. My laptop is not detected on the network until i restart the samba daemon, it gives this error: 'start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 2261: no such process.' Then the service begins correctly03:47
derek_right click up there and select add panel03:47
derek_then just add it03:47
derek_@boring packets03:47
Cypher67anom0ly- try synaptic or apt-get03:47
anom01ywell, for this computer, it was working well with a 5700, I simply changed the card to a 6200, and everything worked for about 2 days, until 5 mins ago03:47
boringpacketsderek_ it doesn't exist in add to panel, all i have is modem manager03:47
anom01ythe screen flickered several times and X crashed leaving me at the command03:47
gymophettSorry. I'm trying to get the offtopic to show up.03:48
lmoozzy81guess no one cares03:48
Asad2005Liferea error "** ERROR **: Failure while preparing statement, (error=11, database disk image is malformed) SQL:" any help ?03:48
Cypher67anom0ly- do you have the right \\x03:48
anom01yany suggestions on how I can repair this ? I already clicked the check box in kde-jockey03:48
Cypher67anom0ly- do you have the right Xorg version03:48
gymophetthow old is everyone here?03:48
derek_boringpackets did you search for it03:48
xxploitanom01y, you can always install the drivers from nvidia's site if you wish(make sure kernel-headers are install/build-essential)03:48
boringpacketsyes derek, i tried by typing "network, wifi, wire, net, internet" and a few more03:49
boringpacketsits definitely not there03:49
ienorandgymophett: shush03:49
anom01yxxploit tried that, and it ruins the computer03:49
boringpacketsruins the computer lol03:49
derek_did you try connections?03:49
Cypher67xxploit- i would use synaptic because of the dependenciess03:49
poutinewhy on earth would: invoke-rc.d: initscript pulseaudio, action "stop" failed. cause apt-get -f remove pulseaudio to fail? Why would init scripts tell the package manager whether or not something was removed successfully or not?03:49
anom01yscreen remains blank03:49
Severianmattgyver, I'm sorry.  I can't give you a quick answer.  I have to go away for a while.03:49
ienorandboringpackets: the icon is normally in the "notification area"03:50
poutineI should say, why would it rely on init scripts before removing a package03:50
poutineand how do I get around it03:50
boringpacketslenorand thanks man!! it's there03:50
QwellAny ideas why the Stereo Mixer input source is *far* louder than the Mic input source?  Mic is very very quiet.  Stereo Mixer is the "right" volume, but obviously I don't want to record everything that would come out of my speakers03:50
nimrodsomebody who can give a hint about what make my sound weird in rhythmbox?03:50
anom01ybtw: I am running xfce, so is it still ok to use the kde-jockey program ?03:50
xxploitanom01y, use jockey-gtk instead since xfce uses gtk03:51
cWo_sAoSiN_fZco 1803:51
nimrodthe music works fine in vlc-player, but not in rhythmbox...... how can that be?03:52
poutinethis demonstrates the stupid behavior I'm saying: http://www.pastebin.ca/141494403:52
DrBanzaiAny idea why my displayconfig-gtk isn't working?03:53
lmoozzy81how do u find another chat room please03:53
boringpacketsis it normal for vlc to require libqt4? that kinda upsets me, i don't want my system tarnished by QT libraries03:53
xanguaboringpackets: do you have jaunty ¿¿03:53
boringpacketsxangua yes03:53
Venttimoozy  type /list03:54
xxploitlmoozzy81, "/join <roomname>" different server is "/connect <server>"03:54
xanguaboringpackets: you can go to qt config03:54
xanguaand change to the GTK style boringpackets03:54
abamaunder what conditions does it need to manually make device node in /dev ?03:54
anom01yok I ran jockey-gtk, enabled nvidia, but nothing happened, do I have to reboot ???03:54
Dr_Willisanom01y:  yes03:54
DrBanzaianom01y: Yes03:54
xxploitanom01y, yes or restart the x server03:54
boringpacketsxangua thanks but, it's not a matter of prettyness, i just dont want qt anything on here03:54
lmoozzy81thank u03:54
spantheranom01y, if you install nvidia you need reboot to load nvidia kernel module03:55
boringpacketsill find a VLC alternative03:55
xanguaboringpackets: then don¿t use VLC ...............03:55
anom01yspanther, reboot, or reload the x server ?03:55
boringpacketsxanguage ^03:55
spantheranom01y, dunno. i prefer clean reboot03:55
anom01yok I Will try03:55
c0l2ehow can I change the default paper size for openoffice??03:55
anom01ybetter work03:55
PartialSumboringpackets, mplayer03:55
xanguaboringpackets: i use mplayer and totem, mplayer for Firefox and Totem for the local videos03:55
c0l2etried to change the /etc/papersize but no luck03:55
lmoozzy81"/ join music03:56
nimrodwhen i play songs in rhytmbox, it sounds like the music is on overdrive ......03:56
chinosukeHow to import font tahoma, ms san serif from window to ubuntu?03:57
PartialSumchinosuke, sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts03:57
xanguachinosuke: install 'ubuntu restricted extras'03:57
NetEchowill Screensaver and power options such as blanking the screen when  idle be affected by a VNC client?03:57
Dr_Willischinosuke:  if you have other windows fonts you can copy them from your windows fonts directory to the users .fonts directory also03:58
Dr_WillisNetEcho:  from what ive experienced in the past. Yes.03:58
chinosukeDo i need restart the system to work with those fonts03:58
dsabeckychinosuke: This blog post will tell you how to do it. http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/09/installing-microsoft-fonts/03:58
xanguachinosuke: no .......................03:58
NetEchoI wanna find a way to keep my laptop screen off until I need to use the laptop physically and do the rest via VNC03:58
chinosukeThanks for your help03:58
h00kchinosuke: no, run fc-cache from the terminal03:59
Dr_WillisNetEcho:  you can spawn a vnc-session/dektop that is not seen locally on the laptop.  then the lcd can power down.. but that wont be a 'shared' desktop you will actually have 2 desktops going.03:59
PartialSumNetEcho, ssh to it, start the vnc server connect03:59
NetEchothat kinda went over my head lol03:59
NetEchoI'm using the built in VNC server04:00
MushuukyouQuestion: My computer is currently partitioned with 40gigs on C:, and the rest (200 gigs) on D:.  How much drive space should I allocate towards Ubuntu, if I will be using VMware to run Windows to play games?  Is 40 gigs good enough on that one partition, or should I format the whole thing and redo the partitions to allow more for Ubuntu?04:00
Dr_WillisNetEcho:  vnc can do much more then 'share the currently seen desktop'04:00
PartialSumMushuukyou, vmware is not a good choice for gaming04:00
lsadflvirtualbox is better04:00
Dr_WillisNetEcho:  you could have a dozen people all 'vncing' into a box each with their own desktop04:00
nimrodwhat shall i do with rhythmbox to make it play mp3's normaly?04:00
MushuukyouPartial, I was told to get "wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/sun_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -"04:00
NetEchoDr_Willis how do I set it up to do that?04:01
dsabeckyMushuukyou: Seeing as most games use 3d rendering and virtual machines don't, that isn't going to work.04:01
MushuukyouPartial, I meant virtualbox04:01
h00k!codecs | nimrod04:01
ubottunimrod: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:01
lmoozzy81how come nothing happens04:01
spantherdsabecky, but virtualbox has 3D rendering support you can enable in settings of your virtual machine :)04:01
nimrodok, thanks h00k04:01
forensicwannabewhen installing an os, does it write to the first open sectors, and continue to write to the hard drive in a contiguous file?04:01
dragoI dont hav much time but wanted to vent.  Ubuntu 9.04 live cd detected my video/monitor perfectly.  even set my resolution to default 1680x1050, which ive never been able to do in 8.04, despite lots of time.  so i actually upgraded, despite not wanting to break anything else.  now as soon as i reboot, it doesnt detect nothin - back to square 1!  im sure nobody here can tell me how to start that driver setting gui, but i just wante04:01
dragod to vent.  argh.04:01
h00knimrod: no prob :)04:01
PartialSumdsabecky, spanther virtualbox's 3d is very limited04:02
Dr_WillisNetEcho:  I jusdt install the vnc4server, and configure it to run whatever i want by editing .vnc/xstartup   check the wiki/vnc4server page/docs.. it might not be how you want to do things.04:02
spantherPartialSum, what is working then? ^^04:02
MushuukyouPartial, You don't think Virtualbox will run Darkfall Online, for instance?04:02
dsabeckyYou're best off using WINE or dual boot.04:02
tj83!realtek > tj8304:02
ubottutj83, please see my private message04:02
PartialSumspanther, wine can run some games, but dual boot is your best bet04:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vnc4server04:02
spantherPartialSum, i know about both solutions :) i just was curious about virtual machine technology ^^04:02
lmoozzy81i have hit " / join and room name and yet nothing what am i doing wrong04:03
h00klmoozzy81: make sure to use # before the room name04:03
aryahhello! are there any single-player text-only (like interactive fiction, not like rougelikes) RPGs ? at all? for linux? google is not being too helpfull..04:03
lmoozzy81thank u04:03
PartialSumMushuukyou, by the looks no04:03
m3onh0xwhat is best ubuntu clonening tool ?04:03
PartialSumaryah, nethack04:03
lmoozzy81" / join #music04:03
lsadflteeworlds is a good game04:03
PartialSumm3onh0x, partimage is alright also see !backup04:04
traskbtWhen I plug-in my USB drive a "USB Drive" icon appears in "Computer" but when I try to access it it says "No media in the drive"04:04
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:04
anom01y_2I ran jockey-gtk, enabled nvidia, reset, now my monitor gives me a message saying "Ananog      out of range     80.8khz / 65 hz"04:04
traskbtI tried accessing it with gparted but it didn't show up04:04
anom01y_2soreau, I know it was on 60 hz before04:04
anom01y_2er sorry soreau  I meant to say "so"04:04
Frijoliehow do you change the shutdown timer?04:05
h00klmoozzy81: you're going to want:  /join #music04:05
MushuukyouIs looks like Darkfall Online will work in WINE04:05
aryahPartialSum, but, something thats not a rougelike? I though something w more plot and stuff, and less killing; parser interface, room-by-room movement, ASK/TELL NPC conversations, literary descriptions instead of ASCII art04:05
spantheranom01y_2, you need to start sax2 -r and configure your xserver with your new nvidia driver and resolution and hz range :)04:05
Frijolie"will shut down in 60 seconds", I want it to shut down immediately04:05
h00klmoozzy81: for more IRC help, join the #help channel also04:05
PartialSumaryah, hm, i dont know of any04:06
traskbtI can't access my USB drive when I plug it in.04:06
thiebaudeFrijolie: click the shutdown button04:06
anom01y_2spanther, should I run that in the command shell or in xfce ?04:06
spanthercommand shell04:06
Frijoliethiebaude, everytime? I don't want to have to do that...04:06
spantherwithout x running04:06
anom01y_2ok I will try thanks04:06
netunoFrijolie - in the terminal console become root then "shutdown -h now"04:06
aryahhm, thx anyways04:06
Frijolienetuno, yeah, is there no way to change the applet?04:06
Jorge__hi, i need some help. This is my first time on an IRC channel, and I have a big issue with Ubuntu, it's been shutting down suddenly with no aparent reason, Please help me!!!04:07
netunowell why dont you click the button?04:07
m3onh0xhow to system dist-upgrade so keep old apps and my ubuntu config ?04:07
m3onh0xI don't want use old apps04:08
kosharim3onh0x same version?04:08
Frijolieguess that means no04:08
m3onh0xi use ubuntu 904:08
thiebaudeFrijolie: add a shutdown thing to the panel?04:08
h00km3onh0x: ubuntu 9.04 is the latest release04:08
JeruvyJorge__: can you open a terminal?  pastebin your /var/log/messages to the pastebin in the /topic for this channel. and then respond with the link.04:09
Frijoliethiebaude, that's the one that I'm using. The fast-user-switch applet04:09
FrijolieI think it's called04:09
m3onh0xkeep button quit from menu drop to panel04:09
dsabeckyFrijolie: Check out this thread, it explains everything: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109597704:09
MushuukyouSo my question still stands:  HOw much partition space should I give Ubuntu *IF* I wanted to play Windows games, and run vmware/virtualbox/WINE ?04:09
jimisrvroxhey guys im running xubuntu 8.10 and having probs with this 4318 card not showing up in NM04:09
MushuukyouIs 40 gigs good enough04:09
dsabeckyMushuukyou: 40 GB is more than enough04:10
Mushuukyouok great thanks04:10
IdleOneMushuukyou, yup that's enough04:10
MushuukyouI know when you install windows, it loves to use 25 gigs04:10
Frijoliedsabecky, thanks, I'll check it out04:10
thiebaudedsabecky: thanks ,i'll try that link too04:11
dsabeckyjimisrvrox: Check out this thread, it should help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19710204:11
Frijoliedsabecky, don't know why my search terms didn't pull that up. I'm embarassed.04:12
BunnySkankin.... i half to create an NTFS partition, but my whole drive is partitioned for ubuntu... so does anyone have experience with this, using "parted" pm me ty04:13
MK13Mushuukyou: i have installed windows on only 7 gigs b4...04:13
Mushuukyouoh nice04:13
h00k!gparted | BunnySkankin04:13
ubottuBunnySkankin: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:13
MK13mushuukyou: from XP - Windows 704:14
dsabeckyBunnySkankin: You'll have to partition it from a boot CD seeing as you can't unmount an active drive.04:14
thiebaudei dont have a pidgin icon no more, i use to right click on it to exit, now i cant, any suggestion04:14
anom01yspanther, ok I tried killing X and running sax2 -r04:14
anom01ysays command not found04:14
baughtmanhi all has anyone had problems with this video chipset in 9.04 jaunty? 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82830 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller] (rev 04)04:14
anom01yI tried searching apt got a huge list not quite sure where this "sax" program is.04:14
onatshi, how do i connect the vpn client (openvpn) from network-manager-openvpn using command line?04:15
lbaHow can I load Windows XP on a 200 gig partition followed by Kubuntu on another 200 gig primary and protect Kubuntu from being overwritten by Windows on an update or fixpack?04:15
spantheranom01y, i tried to tell you but you was away ^^" i mixed something. sax was in suse04:15
dsabeckybaughtman: Check out this thread, it should help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113673804:15
PLyTheManI'm trying to upgrade from 8.1 to jaunty and I have the .iso mounted to cdrom0 but it keeps saying it "can't find the autorun program"04:15
baughtmandsabecky, TY I will04:15
xanguabaughtman: try to activate proposed and backport updates04:15
ntnhanwhen installing skype, I got an error: "dpkg-deb (subprocess): short read in buffer_copy (failed to write to pipe in copy)"04:15
spantheranom01y, but what is your nvidia graphics card model?04:15
ntnhanany idea?04:15
anom01y6200 geforce04:15
reidwhoever told me to use mpd, thank you very much.. it is the awesomest thing I've ever seen in my life04:16
dsabeckyanom01y: Have you tried using the nVidia video manager?04:16
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ntnhanmy Ubuntu 8.0404:16
thiebaudehow does someone close pidgin, i dont have the pidgin icon in the panel04:16
xangualba: everything is gonna be fine, always install windows and then any other OS04:16
spantherdsabecky, he cant since he cant join x cause out of sync issue04:16
BunnySkankinty becky,h00k04:16
anom01yjockey-gtk installed the nvidia driver fine, I just get that starnge resolution problem on loading X04:16
spantherisnt 6200 nvidia legacy driver and not latest?04:16
anom01y"Analog    out of range   80.8 khz / 65 hz"04:17
xanguaspanther: tools> preferences to activate pidgin icon, to finish it Control + Q04:17
dsabeckyanom01y: Have you tried loading into recovery and trying "Repair video" option?04:17
lbaxangua, OK but I'm worried on how to backup the grub settings so I could go back withour reinstalling everything.04:17
anom01ydsabecky, I am in failsafe mode (640x480)04:17
xanguathiebaude:  tools> preferences to activate pidgin icon, to finish it Control + Q04:17
spantherxand, what? i dont need pidgin icon ^^04:17
anom01ynot sure where this repair video option is04:17
xangualba: the will be always super grub disk04:18
dsabeckyanom01y: What revision of Ubuntu are you running?04:18
anom01ydsabecky, repair video ?04:18
spantheranom01y, you really should have installed nvidia drivers with hardware driver tool in ubuntu ^^04:18
anom01y8.10 or something04:18
thiebaudethanks xangua04:18
lbaxangua, You mean I should create Supergrub just in case?04:18
anom01yspanther hardware driver tool ?04:18
dsabeckyanom01y: First and foremost, update to 9.04. Possibly that will fix it.04:18
chinosukeinstalled msttcorefont but it is not include04:18
anom01yjockey-gtk doesnt work ?04:18
anom01ywhy ?04:18
dsabeckychinosuke: Have you refreshed your font cache?04:18
MK13thiebaude: just go to file > close04:18
xangualba: Super grub disk is a live cd to restore the brub04:18
anom01yI don't like kde 404:18
chinosukeyes fc-cache -fv04:19
PLyTheManI'm trying to upgrade from 8.1 to jaunty and I have the .iso mounted to cdrom0 but it keeps saying it "can't find the autorun program".  I tried the commands here ( http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading ) and they did nothing04:19
chinosukei think i need to import manually04:19
spantheranom01y, at ubuntu you can go at System -> Settings -> Hardware Drivers04:19
thiebaudewhat do i do after preferences?04:19
lbaxangua, Thanks for the tip.  I'll try that first.04:19
anom01yspanther isn't that the jockey program ?04:19
anom01ybtw: I am using xfce04:20
anom01yso I don't have a k menu04:20
h00kPLyTheMan: you can upgrade if you're online already, you don't have to use the ISO04:20
dsabeckyPLyTheMan: Check out this blog thread, it should help you out: http://bicchi.blogspot.com/2007/10/upgrade-ubuntu-from-iso-image.html04:20
MK13thiebaude: don't worry about preferences... just go to tools > close04:20
h00k!upgrade | PLyTheMan04:20
ubottuPLyTheMan: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:20
spantheranom01y,  ooh okay. i use ubuntu so i have another menu as you have mmh i dont know then never used xubuntu04:20
anom01yspanther what is the command name of this "hardware drivers" program04:20
PLyTheManh00k: my internet on that comp is all messed up... it refuses to work with my internet line, just wi-fi from across teh street04:21
anom01yspanther right click it for me and get what the command file name is for it04:21
spantheranom01y, but i know your out of sync issue and i had it some times too in past. there is a fix for it04:21
h00kanom01y: jockey-gtk04:21
thiebaudekewl guys i got it thanks, now i can right click on the icon to close04:21
thiebaudewhy isn't that by default04:21
anom01yI thought so, I tried the jockey-gtk program already04:21
thiebaudeon the panel04:21
spantheranom01y, lol yes its jockey-gtk :D04:21
J-_When install Ubuntu(for the desktop) does ufw come with a bunch of definitions already? If so, would installing it in a minimal installation have the same definitions as the desktop CD? Minimal as in, no GUI/WM. Just plain with xorg installed.04:21
rockohow do you connect to a windows network share from the terminal ?04:21
anom01ymaybe in my xorg.conf file there is a setting for the screen resolution / freq04:21
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spantheranom01y, never watched into it. just clicked at the menu name which was called different04:22
Fede_cba_28simple question here, anybody?04:22
DrikanHello need a little help been poring through the Forums but just can find any one with my issue.      i have HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H40N now ive seen people with that drive and there working fine. but when ever i insert a dvd it fails to mount and after about a minit or so locks the whole system i cant even get switch to a terminal.  the drive works just fine in windows vista no problems what so ever. please some one help!!04:22
spantheranom01y, well as i know the new xorg.conf file is weird. not that easy to set by hand04:22
spantheranom01y, but i bet there's a way you can write your own xorg.conf by tutorial and use it with forced resolutions :)04:23
anom01yh00k, how do I fix my screen settings in xorg ?04:23
JeruvyDrikan: can you pastebin a 'sudo lshw'?04:23
Fede_cba_28hello, i dont find the Live cd for last  Ubuntu release, anybody?04:23
Drikanjeruvy: yes just a sec04:23
xanguaFede_cba_28: ubuntu.com04:23
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:23
anom01yspanther yeah well I need to set the frequency first via the command because I can't even load X11 right now04:23
spantherFede_cba_28, go ubuntu.com and click at it04:23
JeruvyFede_cba_28: use the desktop, its a livecd04:23
J-_anom01y: ^^04:24
Fede_cba_28oh! ok then!04:24
Drikanjeruvy: http://pastebin.com/f6888420b04:24
spantheranom01y, but i dont know it out of my head how to build an xorg.conf resolution line ^^" sorry04:24
rockoHow do i make another linux box connect to my sharing folder on my laptop through the terminal ?04:25
h00k!samba | rocko04:25
ubotturocko: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:25
spantheranom01y, which driver version did you use?04:25
JeruvyDrikan: is this a wubi install?04:25
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anom01yspanther I just used whaever the jockey-gtk installed for me04:26
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anom01yI also tried installing nvidia-glx-new04:26
spantheranom01y, as google says the 6200 is under legacy so nvidia-glx-new cant work04:26
Drikanjeruvy: no ubuntu 9.0404:26
anom01yI am pretty dissapointed in nvidia lately, my friend can't even get his 8800 gt nvidia to work04:26
spantheranom01y, you need legacy driver for old cards04:26
JeruvyDrikan: all I'm seeing is windows partitions...04:26
anom01yspanther, where do I get the legacy driver ?04:26
spantherum :/04:27
vossanom, My 9800 gt iw working fine in 9.04 so that an 8800 doesnt work is kinda weird04:27
spantheri never needed it so i dont know anom01y i have an 8800gt and it works with v180 so latest04:27
anom01yvoss, my buddy has been fighting with it for a month04:27
Drikanjeruvy: yea my windows on on my first hdd ubuntu is on my second04:27
Elonequestion: can i have a machine doing loggings on connections , but i don't want the HDD keep on spinning all the time, is there is away to cache the data on ram and flush it like once a day to the disk? like setting a very large buffer and disable write thru?04:27
h00k!nvidia | anom01y04:27
ubottuanom01y: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:27
vossanom, maybe he needs to try a clean install04:27
anom01yvoss, we've reinstalled 100 times now04:27
Drikanjeruvy: i can dual boot just fine04:27
anom01yahh well04:28
JeruvyDrikan: ah it a dual-boot then?04:28
Drikanjeruvy: yea i booted in to vista just to make sure my drive wasnt the issue and it works just fine04:28
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anom01yevery time we tried that jockey program it forces the resolution to 640x48004:28
PLyTheMandsabecky: I followed the link you sent me, but when I enter: gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"  it says: sh  Can't open /cdrom/cdromupgrade"04:29
h00k!nvidia | anom01y04:29
anom01ythats on the 88004:29
vossanom, are these SLI?04:29
billisnicei have resolution problems too04:29
JeruvyDrikan: is this a retail dvd or a burnt dvd?  If a burnt you may need to install the media drivers for playing dvd's04:29
billisniceit revert back on restart04:29
anom01ythose ubuntu forums never work for me04:29
TimReichhartcould anybody help me getting .citadel to come up on my server04:29
JeruvyDrikan: er 'if a retail'...not burnt sorry.04:29
baughtmandsabecky, ty ty i believe that fixed my video issue (intel)04:30
Cypher67i have problems with brasero to burn dvds04:30
anom01ywhats the difference between a legacy driver, binary driver, or proprietary driver ????04:30
h00kanom01y: perhaps you're doing something wrong04:30
peterloorkehi, i'm trying to boot from usb stick. i configured my bios settings and i created a bootable disk (and i'm sure it's working i tested it in another windoz computer) but i can't from my ubuntu machine04:30
anom01yandry, does jockey-gtk install legacy drivers ?04:30
Drikanjeruvy: the install i downloaded it and burnt it. its not just dvd's its cd's as well any disk i place in the drive locks my system after about a min04:30
anom01yer andry sorry meant to say "and"04:30
baughtmandsabecky, i spoke too soon lol, still broke :(04:30
thiebaudeanom01y: legacy is an older driver, proprietary driver is a non-free driver i dont know about binary04:31
anom01yh00k, does jockey-gtk install the legacy drivers for nvidia ?04:31
h00kanom01y: legacy drivers are older, binary/proprietary drivers are provided and maintained by the manufacturer (ATI/NVIDIA) and bugs must be fixed through those companies04:31
anom01yhow do I get old drivers ?04:31
thiebaudeproprietary=closed source04:32
anom01yso the 6200 requires the legacy drivers apparently (according to spanther)04:32
h00kanom01y: which version are you on?04:32
JeruvyDrikan: your issue sounds like it may be unrelated to the burner...check out the bugs re: 'lock up one minute'.  Ask ubottu about !bugs if you need a pointer to the bug tracker.04:32
anom01yhow do I check ?04:32
baughtmanwhat are some alternate drivers i can list in xorg.conf for older intel chips? besides "intel"04:33
h00kanom01y: you can click System -> About Ubuntu04:33
Drikanubottu: !bugs04:33
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots04:33
h00kanom01y: you can also type: lsb_release -a in a terminal04:33
anom01yhook, I am using xfce04:33
anom01yahh thanks04:33
xanguabaughtman: for intel issues try to activate backports and proposed updates04:33
anom01yhook, 8.0404:34
anom01yI hate upgrading especially with old hardware04:34
Cypher67anom0ly- do yyou use xubuntu?04:34
spantherweird. there's no nvidia-glx-legacy driver inside the repos Oo04:34
baughtmanxangua,  TY can you be more descriptive in the proceedure?04:34
ienorandspanther: its just a different version no. afaik04:34
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anom01yanom01y, I installed kubuntu and installed xfce404:34
bfisherhas anyone implemented a basic mail server with ubuntu with the need to archive all mail?04:34
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spantherienorand, yes but which one :)04:35
Cypher67im on xubuntu04:35
xangua baughtman: Sys> Admon> Software origins (the last one i am not very sure since i use Gnome in spanish)04:35
h00kanom01y: which card did you say you have?04:35
dogdaynoonI need to run a chmod on alot of folders and files in one directory. what would i use for options to make sure that i get every thing in the folder?04:35
anom01yh00k, geforce 620004:35
h00kdogdaynoon: chmod xxx -R /folder/location/here04:35
anom01yshould I try to install nvidia-glx-legacy ?04:35
dogdaynooncapital R?04:36
anom01ywith apt ?04:36
Frijolieis there any sound gurus in here? i'm having difficulty with a sound issue on my lappy04:36
Cypher67anom0ly- synaptic04:36
spantheranom01y, go try  "nvidia-96-kernel-source" together with "nvidia-glx-96"  :-)  driver+kernel package for v9604:36
anom01yor nvidia-glx-legacy-envy04:36
dogdaynoonok... I got it \. Thanks Hook04:36
Frijolieand nothing in the forums are/is helping04:36
h00kanom01y: hold a sec, looking04:36
Cypher67Frijolie whatś your issue?04:37
anom01yspanther kernel source ????????04:37
suCypher...I don't mean to interrupt...I have a xubuntu question04:37
anom01ythat would be a nightmare04:37
spantheranom01y, with "sudo apt-cache search nvidia-glx" you can search all versions04:37
Cypher67su-go on04:38
spantheranom01y, noo its the binary kernel module source not kernel source for own kernel builds04:38
h00kanom01y: do nvidia-glx04:38
suwould you know by chance how to make panels reappear?04:38
sui had 3, removed 1 and they all disappeared04:38
cgkades_is the command04:38
anom01yh00k, I tried nvidia-glx04:38
h00kanom01y: if it requires anything else, it will get it automatically04:38
BunnySkankinwho has tried the pirated Windows 7 already?04:38
anom01yspanther says I need to use the legacy04:39
Felix14It sucks.04:39
martha_Hi, If I have a .deb that is a driver file but is not for my kernel can I alter the .deb to make it work with my kernel04:39
h00k!piracy | BunnySkankin04:39
ubottuBunnySkankin: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o04:39
Felix14Vista part two.04:39
spantheranom01y, yes nvidia 6200 is legacy04:39
BunnySkankinsebsebseb is paranoid that if i install it it will rootkit my machine04:39
BunnySkankinwho's on board with that04:39
xanguasu: alt+f2>gnome-panel>enter04:39
anom01yh00k, see spanther says its legacy04:39
anom01yh00k, I tried the nvidia-glx,04:39
glitsj16su: xfce4-panel04:39
h00kanom01y: okay, grab legacy and remove nvidia-glx04:39
Jeruvy!ot | BunnySkankin one...04:39
ubottuBunnySkankin one...: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:39
anom01yh00k, ok04:39
phixxordid google just go down?04:40
MK13BunnySkankin: you can get the non-pirated Windows 7 direct from their website... and it still doesnt match Ubuntu...04:40
suhmm..says failed to execute child process04:40
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toddyhow do u get msn messenger on linux?04:40
anom01yh00k, do I have to run nvidia-xconfig ?04:40
anom01yor modify my xorg.conf file ??04:40
Jeruvyphixxor: hehe seriously...04:40
h00kanom01y: nvidia-xconfig04:40
MK13toddy: look in the add/remove programs04:40
xxploittoddy, use pidgin04:40
phixxoris google.com working for you guys? it just stopped working for me04:40
anom01ythanks again !04:40
h00kphixxor: works for me04:40
ienorandphixxor: it works04:40
phixxorand searches on other sites stopped working too04:41
Roastedgoogle works04:41
sutoddy, pidgin supports the M$ messenging04:41
spantheranom01y, you can modify your xorg.conf by hand but you need a good tutorial for it. i dont have any as bookmark yet04:41
phixxorok its on my end then04:41
Drikanjeruvy: what program auto mounts cd's?04:41
h00ktoddy: pidgin is already installed by default :)04:41
martha_did anyone catch that04:41
anom01yok brb spanther h00k04:41
MagicDuckhi I am having a problem with gnome-settings-daemon in jaunty. it errors out with: (gnome-settings-daemon:12597): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_propagate_error: assertion `src != NULL' failed04:41
ienorandphixxor: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/04:41
spantherDrikan, isnt it udev? :)04:41
glitsj16su: might be something stuck, killall xfce4-panel and try starting it up again04:41
Tetracommphixxor: It works.04:41
Drikanspanther: i dont know im rather new to linux04:42
phixxornow it's working again04:42
h00kanom01y: any luck?04:42
susays no process killed04:42
phixxorit was taking me to verizon's search page every time before04:42
anom01yh00k no nvidia-xconfig04:42
suare there any dashes or anything to type along with the command?04:42
spantherDrikan, that was no real question. more like "i think it is udev"04:42
anom01yit got removed04:42
h00kanom01y: reinstall that package, then04:42
sui'm running 8.0404:42
glitsj16su: is this a persistent issue ? i mean, do you get the panels back after a logout/login ?04:42
anom01yh00k it wants to remove the legacy drivers lol04:43
suno panels after reboot04:43
Level15hey, on ubuntu 9.04 i try to compile somethind and get error: ‘strlen’ was not declared in this scope. what am i missing04:43
h00kanom01y: d'oh.04:43
spantheranom01y, i dont think the control center works with old legacy drivers04:43
h00kspanther: yeah, thats what it sounds like. :(04:43
spantheranom01y, but you can set resolution and hz in xorg.conf04:43
FrijolieCypher67, At random times my sound will go out and constantly "beep" at me until I reboot the machine04:43
billisniceanyone with experence with Nolapro? for an off the record chat?04:44
xanguasu: alt+f2>gnome-panel>enter doesn't work ¿¿04:44
sui got it.......04:44
TetracommI forgot how to turn  off the splash screen and show the startup process in Ubuntu...How?04:44
anom01yshould my xorg.conf say "nv" or "nvidia"04:44
suinstead of kill04:44
h00kanom01y: try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397304:44
sui just typed in xfce4-panel04:44
JeruvyDrikan: they should automount when you put them in04:44
spantheranom01y, nv = free nvidia driver (opensource) but only 2D rendering.  nvidia = closed source binary nvidia driver04:44
xanguasu. do you use gnome or xfce ¿¿04:44
Drikanyea i know04:44
glitsj16su: nice04:44
Drikanjeruvy: i know but im thinking thats the issue04:44
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suthank you oodles and oodles and oodles!!!04:44
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anom01yspanther so I need "nv"04:45
spantheranom01y, no you need nvidia :)04:45
Level15hello? anyone tried to compile something that uses strlen recently?04:45
spantheranom01y, nv is a free driver. not the original nvidia one with 3D acceleration04:45
anom01yso the legacy driver is closed source ?04:45
suthank you thank you thank you thank you!!04:45
Level15meaning on 9.04?04:45
c0l2ehow can I set the default page size in ubuntu???04:45
Drikanjeruvy: or at lest part of it if i can just manualy mount it and see if it locks up04:45
JeruvyDrikan: I could not see any issue with the hardware, so it may be package related.04:45
spantheranom01y, yes just for old cards but closed source04:45
h00kLevel15: make sure that you have build-essentials installed04:45
h00kLevel15: it could also be something in the code that is wrong04:45
spantheranom01y, they had to split into 2 driver deliverings cause the new driver cant work together with old cards because there is to much tech differences04:46
JeruvyDrikan: or a bad optical ;(04:46
Level15h00k: I have them, and I have seen this code compile on 8.04 and 8.10.04:46
Drikanjeruvy: ive only used apt-get or synaptic package manager04:46
c0l2epage size setting how to in ubuntu??04:46
h00kLevel15: what exactly is it?04:46
Drikanjeruvy: well if its a bad optical then it would not work in vista04:46
JeruvyDrikan: can you put in a blank CD?  Does it recognize it?04:46
Level15h00k: visualizator of wireless simulation trace files for ns2 network simulator...04:47
Frijoliefollowed this URL to attempt to fix it but no dice: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1144687&highlight=ATI+IXP+AC9704:47
Frijoliethat URL explains exactly what happens but doesn't look like theres a fix and it's even the same sound card as verified by lspci04:48
c0l2eplease help me on setting default page size04:48
Frijolie"PulseAudio fixes" didn't/doesn't help04:48
ienorandc0l2e: That == swap innit?04:48
Drikanjeruvy: well it states it cant mount it. but i havent locked up yet04:48
JeruvyDrikan: if so, and it's just dvd's giving you grief, I'd report it as a bug.  Use the lshw report you pasted earlier and other detail you think are pertinent.04:48
h00kLevel15: er...not quite sure, then.04:48
c0l2eienorand ??04:48
JeruvyDrikan: hmm.  You've got me on this one :)04:49
PLyTheManI made a bootable usb stick to upgrade to Jaunty...  If I do this will it upgrade my OS or format/reinstall?04:49
Level15h00k: does anyone know if includes have changed in the version of gcc/g++ of 9.04?04:49
c0l2eienorand: my openoffice always set to A4 I want to change it to letter... already change the /etc/papersize but still after reboot always on A404:49
ienorandc0l2e: pagefile is virtual memory, right?, on GNU/Linux that is normally handled by a separate dedicated partition.04:49
c0l2eienorand: paper size not pagefile04:50
ienorandc0l2e: ah, misunderstood04:50
h00kLevel15: not quite sure,04:50
c0l2eienorand: it's ok04:50
Jeruvyc0l2e: I recall a bug report about that.  Did you take a peek?04:50
IndyGunFreakPLyTheMan: that depends i guess.. typically a bootable disk, is to do a clean install.04:50
IndyGunFreakPLyTheMan: but if you used an alternate install ISO on the thumb drive, you can use the alternate install CD to upgrade an existing install04:50
IndyGunFreak!upgrade | PLyTheMan04:51
ubottuPLyTheMan: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:51
PLyTheManIndyGunFreak: I mounted the .iso to a virtual drive but it "couldn't find autorun program"04:51
PLyTheManI've tried those, no good04:51
IndyGunFreakPLyTheMan: then you've not read it..04:51
PLyTheManwhen I Alt-F2 and enter: gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"04:51
PLyTheMannothing happens04:51
Lyezneed advice.  linux/ubuntu noob.  looking for a html editor that is similar to dreamweaver, any suggestions04:51
cgkadesdo you add the quotes?04:51
Drikanjeruvy: i locked up after my last msg04:52
cgkadestry not using quotes04:52
h00kPLyTheMan: run that from the terminal without quotes04:52
IndyGunFreakPLyTheMan: it answers your questions.. if you use a "Live" ISO.. its going to want to do a clean install... if you want to upgrade w/ a CD, you need to use the alternate cd04:52
PLyTheManokay, I'll give that a shot04:52
cgkadesor from a terminal04:52
IndyGunFreakcgkades: he'd have to use the quotes04:52
IndyGunFreakthe quotes aren't going to matter04:52
PLyTheManaight, lemme get out of this live install and try no quotes04:52
F0rg101Hi Im trying to use gparted to create a new partition on a 750Gb ntsf hd;  i was told to use a live cd but i still cant change the size on the main partition04:52
IndyGunFreakF0rg101: is it mounted?04:53
JeruvyDrikan: try booting to 'recovery mode' and review the /var/log/messages to see  whats causing your lockups?  I have seen many bugs about this problem.04:53
glitsj16Lyez: kompozer might be worth a try if you like dreamweaver04:53
billisniceanyway to change ext3 to ext4 without reinstalling?04:53
F0rg101IndyGunFreak: how would i check? i see it in gparted04:53
IndyGunFreakF0rg101: right click it, is there an unmount option04:53
Drikancant i check the ver/log/messages now?04:54
NewHey guys.. Who wants to be my tutor for a little while?  I just installed ubuntu, and this program is the first one I installed with terminal.. Me=proud04:54
IndyGunFreakF0rg101: hmm, no clue.04:54
IndyGunFreakNew: well what do you need tutored on04:54
Newlol, cracking a wep haha04:54
Esde[irssi]Try(hd0,0):FAT32:NO WUBILDR Try(hd0,1):NTFS5:no wubildr Try(hd0,2):Invalid or Null Try(hd0,3):Invalid or Null Error: Cannot find GRLDR in all devices. Any Help?04:54
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Lyezthank you04:55
IndyGunFreakNew: i doubt you're gonna find many people here to help you w/ that04:55
vossHonestly WYSIWYG Web page creation has been a weak point with ubuntu, as has Desktop publishing04:55
anom01yh00k: ok04:55
zirodayNew: we can't help you with that here, sorry.04:55
cgkadesnew: try forums.remote-exploit.org for cracking wep, just make sure it's your own wep or you'll get the ban04:55
Newwhy is that?04:55
h00kanom01y: any luck with anything?04:55
F0rg101IndyGunFreak:  i get the resize button i get in the resize window but the min and max size is the same04:55
anom01ynow, after installing that legacy driver my computer is mega screwed04:55
F0rg101never had issues before04:55
cgkadesnew or googling aircrack-ng04:55
JeruvyNew: if you have to ask in #ubuntu your a frickin newb04:55
cgkadesthere is a tutorial on there04:55
anom01yI am on the live cd now, so I am going to examine the xorg.conf file with whatever is on the CD's xorg.conf file04:56
IndyGunFreakJeruvy: exactly04:56
vossIf anyone seriously thinks Kompozer is a professional quality web page creator you need your head examined.04:56
h00kJeruvy: please keep it friendly.04:56
anom01yIm thinking about putting back in my old nvidia 570004:56
Newyeah, i JUST installed it haha. I am a newb, no doubt about it04:56
zirodayvoss: if you with to rant about kompozer, please do so in #ubuntu-offtopic04:56
xxploitanom01y, i think xorg.conf should be empty in the latest ubuntu, since everything has been moved out i believe?04:56
anom01yseems to be the only nvidia card I've every seen to work so far04:57
zirodayNew: cracking wep is an activity we are not allowed to help you with here.04:57
Jeruvyhook: I was :)04:57
anom01ynvidia 5700 all the way !!!04:57
Esde[irssi]Try(hd0,0):FAT32:NO WUBILDR Try(hd0,1):NTFS5:no wubildr Try(hd0,2):Invalid or Null Try(hd0,3):Invalid or Null Error: Cannot find GRLDR in all devices. Any Help? AT ALL?04:57
Newok, thats cool04:57
cgkadesnew: check out the information i gave you04:57
anom01yI think the new cards are all hat no horse04:57
ienorandc0l2e: http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=80204:57
Jeruvyh00k: er I was :)04:57
cgkades... or posted on here.. what ever04:57
ienorandc0l2e: is that what you're after?04:58
Newok, cgkades, thanks a lot04:58
c0l2eienorand: gonna check thanks04:58
anom01yh00k since i've installed the legacy driver, all the text/graphics everything is so dim I can't read anything04:58
vossIm not ranting just stating facts, Openoffice writer is professional , Firefox is excellent, Songbird is awesome. But in desktop publishing and webpage design linux in general has a long way to go to even get close.04:58
PLyTheManSo I entered [ gksu sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade ] and got [ sh: Can't open  /cdrom/cdromupgrade ]04:58
cgkadesnew: no problem.04:58
donavan01so does gnome/linux use KDE components without KDE installed.... im trying to learn what all is really needed in an install and whats not04:58
lstarnesPLyTheMan: are you using tha alternate cd?04:58
PLyTheManI think its the normal one...04:59
solorvoxis ext4 stable, or are there still bugs with deleting files/etc?'04:59
lstarnesdonavan01: only if kde programs are installed04:59
PLyTheManhas that been my problem04:59
anom01yhow do I check if the live cd I am using is running nvidia drivers ?04:59
lstarnesPLyTheMan: you need the alternate cd for that upgrade method04:59
PLyTheMani see...  thanks for the heads up, I'll DL that and give it a shot04:59
donavan01lstarnes... dependency issues and all that right ?04:59
PartialSumanom01y, it doesnt04:59
stumpedanom01y: it doesnt04:59
stumpedit uses nv05:00
anom01yuses no video driverS ???05:00
lstarnesdonavan01: kde programs require at least some of kde's libraries05:00
n2diydonavan01: if ubuntu needs a kde library for an app, like kstars, it will install it. It will work fine in gnome.05:00
lstarnesdonavan01: usually they don't conflict with gnome's libraries05:00
anom01yhow can I repair a system that is broke due to the drivers not working so I can't read anything05:00
stumpedbut you can use the nvidia drivers by opening up hardware05:00
freeflying_eleanor, hi05:01
anom01yits like it was 1/2 as dim as origional, then it started getting dimmer and dimmer, so I just shut down the computer05:01
eleanorI see you05:01
h00kI have to run, anom01y try booting to rescue mode05:01
h00kgood luck, anom01y.05:01
h00kPeace, everyone.05:01
donavan01lstarnes , n2diy  ... thats what I was thinking ... like I said just trying to learn more about what is actually running and installed on my netbook (streamlining)05:01
anom01ywell thanks05:01
crash1hd_How do I do a chkdsk in ubuntu on an ntfs drive?05:02
anom01yI am 5 minutes away from installing windows vista05:02
donavan01quick somebody help anom0ly before M$ gets him05:02
markl_anom01y: heh what is your problem?05:03
n2diydonavan01: I'm playing in Xubuntu, and was very happy to get kstars installed, with no problems.05:03
markl_that is a serious threat!05:03
DroodHi, can someone please tell me how to seset my video in ubuntu ? I accidentally messed it up, I am running a live cd at the moment. Can someone please help me with this.05:03
majnoontrying to used cups from vista client jaunty server it looks like it spooling from windows side but not from linux side05:03
markl_anom01y: do you need to re-create your xorg.conf file?05:04
CreativeChemistanyone know if usb startup disk creator will work with a windows 7 iso?05:04
donavan01n2diy... I tried xbuntu .. and it was ok but I have been trying out 9.04 netbook remix05:04
anom01ymarkl_: nvidia and its all seeing eye logo is conspiring against me and a friend of mine05:04
anom01yboth of us have different nvidia's05:04
anom01yI have the 6200, he has the 8800 gt05:05
anom01ywe can't get past 640x480 resolution05:05
anom01yI am trying to fix the 6200 atm05:05
majnoontrying to used cups from vista client jaunty server it looks like it spooling from windows side but not from linux side05:05
n2diydonavan01: roger that, gl, I try to avoid notebooks and stick to desktops, they're a lot easier to work on, and get parts for.05:05
anom01yI am running ubuntu 8.0405:05
majnoonwhat info you needs ??05:05
josbornehow do you get a list of chat rooms05:05
DroodCan someone please help me ?05:06
Jeruvy!xorg > anom01y05:06
ubottuanom01y, please see my private message05:06
lstarnesjosborne: in which client?05:06
Jeruvy!ask | Drood05:06
ubottuDrood: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:06
evilGUII have Jaunty setup where I can do ctrl + alt + backspace, I hit ctrl + alt + somthing eles and x restarted.05:06
Cypher67whatś up drrod05:06
donavan01n2diy... agreed I am actually using a desktop now ... but I really wanted the netbook for portability and the eee aside from a slow HD ( which I will soon fix) and my big fat fingers I love it05:06
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:06
DroodI need to reset my video configurations from the live cd05:06
evilGUIIs ctrl + alt + backspace the only button combo?05:06
josbornewhat do u mean05:07
Droodi messed up my video and now when i try to boot into ubuntu i get a scrambled screen05:07
Cypher67be more especific05:07
lstarnesjosborne: what program are you using to connect to irc?05:07
n2diydonavan01: eee?05:07
markl_anom01y: the driver from nvidia.com rocks05:07
anom01yis there a way I can install this 8.04 live cd I have over my current linux installation without removing my home folder ???05:07
glitsj16!dontzap | evilGUI05:07
ubottuevilGUI: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.05:07
lstarnesjosborne: no, that isn't it05:07
Jeruvy!xorg > Drood05:07
ubottuDrood, please see my private message05:07
markl_i would definitely try that with the 8800gt - i used to have one of those and on 8.04 i couldn't use the debs05:07
anom01ymarkl_: no it doesnt05:07
anom01yI got a black screen when I tried it with a 8800 gt nvidia on ubuntu 8.0405:08
josborneso what am i looking for05:08
Cypher67anomoly only moving /home to anothr partition05:08
evilGUIglitsj16: I've already done that, I just wanted to know if ctrl alt backspace was the only combo that restarts x.05:08
anom01yhad to reinstall (AGAIN)05:08
lstarnesjosborne: the name of the program you are using to chat here05:08
markl_yuck that definitely sucks05:08
rparishhow do i open a samba share with xubuntu05:08
Jeruvyanom01y: simply back up /home then go nuts05:09
anom01yI am seriously thinking about switching to an apple or something05:09
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glitsj16evilGUI: like the factoid says at the end, there's another combo :)05:09
Cypher67never give up linnux05:09
donavan01n2diy... yeah the Asus Eee PC 900a ... got it from bestbuy for like 170$  comes with xandros linux ... which I broke about 15 mins after turning it on so it got ubuntu05:09
racecar56i dont have a netbook D:05:09
josborneas far as i know xchat gnome irc chat05:09
racecar56i have a copy of xandros 3 XD05:09
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racecar56from late 200505:09
lstarnesjosborne: that seems correct05:09
Cpudan80josborne: dont use xchat-gnome05:09
evilGUIglitsj16: And those are the only combos?05:10
Jeruvydonavan01: do you mind if I ask where you are approximately?05:10
Cpudan80josborne: use the regular xchat package05:10
markapCan anyone advise if Ubuntu will run on an i7 920 processor, EVGA 132-BL-E758 MB (intel Chipset X58), 6GB DDR3 memory, Nvidia GeForece GTX 295 Video card.05:10
markl_anom01y: well if you have to reinstall, try ubuntu 9.04 - i'll bet it detects your card better05:10
donavan01west virginia USA05:10
martianIs there a utility in ubuntu to do a filesystem check/recovery of an NTFS volume?05:10
racecar56xchat-gnome dosent pwn as much as xchat05:10
DroodSo does anyone know how to reset the video setting to default from the live cd ? Is there a folder I can delete ? I installed the ati drivers from the ati webpage and then enabled the propietary drivers in ubuntu, when I restarted the login screen never comes, all i get is a scrambled screen. I need to reset it somehow, is that possible without getting to the05:10
glitsj16evilGUI: i believe so, unless you start hacking and reassign keys05:10
josbornewhere do i find regular xchat05:10
markl_markap: it will definitely work with the possible exception of any on-board "raid"05:10
Jeruvymartian: no, run 'chkdsk /r' from windows will do the trick05:11
markapIts hanging on the install screen05:11
Cypher67martian= fsck,ntfs ....etf05:11
asdfacan someone tell me if there is a way to download codes from the terminal.. Just doing it from the player takes FOREVER05:11
markl_markap: nice rig05:11
markl_markap: how far does it get?05:11
lstarnesjosborne: go to Network > Channels05:11
anom01yWOW I can't even back up my home folder (access denied)05:11
markapthe first GUI screen with the bar below the logo05:11
martianJeruvy Cypher67 thanls05:11
lstarnesjosborne: or try an online list like the ones on http://irc.netsplit.de or http://searchirc.com05:11
markapI let it sit for 30 min never moved05:11
evilGUIglitsj16: odd, becuase x seems to restart sometimes when I'm typing.05:11
n2diydonavan01: roger on the broken xandros. Never heard of that. I'm gonna google that box, sounds like it might be fun to play with.05:11
markapI also have 3 1.5 TB drives all eSATA05:11
Droodanomoly, do chown username:password -R /homedirectory05:11
markl_markap: hmm there must be a way to disable that and see the messages as it's booting05:12
anom01ywell its basically impossible to get 9.04 because I don't have a computer that works05:12
Cypher67martian - fsck.ntfs /dev/xxx /mediz/xxx05:12
josbornei get to that via the intenet05:12
asdfaso patience is the only thing_05:12
Jeruvymartian: you can always ask in ##windows if you have further windows questions05:12
Cypher67take a look fsck man05:12
markapIm also on a 64 bot processor, should I dl the 64 bit distro or the 32 bit?05:12
josborneor do i have to find it through my pc05:12
koshariasdfa sudo apt-get install coedecpackagename05:12
Jeruvymarkap: I would05:13
lstarnesjosborne: that's online05:13
glitsj16evilGUI: well, could be a different cause, hard to tell without clues ... if that happens, any errors thrown ?05:13
stumpedwhat are you on now? anom01y?05:13
Cypher67markap - choose any05:13
anom01yif I try and backup my home folder running konqueror as root, will it change the permissions of all the files to "root" ????05:13
lstarnesjosborne: the channel list?05:13
anom01yI am on live cd btw05:13
Cpudan80markap: A few more headaches with 64 bit - but otherwise stable and good05:13
markapIll try the 32 bit first05:13
lstarnesanom01y: in the backup, probably05:13
Cypher67markap - choose any05:13
Cpudan80markap: headaches stem from adobe having their head in the ground05:13
stumpedyeah but whos computer?05:13
lstarnesjosborne: what were you looking for?05:13
Cypher67markap - how many ram do u have?05:13
Cpudan80markap: if adobe would program flash correctly, then there would be no headaches ...05:13
markapThanks, ill DL now.. should get 1-1.5 MB from utah (im in vegas)05:14
JeruvyCpudan80: I have no issues using YouTube with x6405:14
kosharianom01y if its owner is you it will keelp the 1000 ownership,05:14
evilGUIglitsj16: No errors in my logs or anything.05:14
josbornea chat room just to talk about average every day stuff05:14
Cpudan80Jeruvy: unless something changed, the hack to get that going is quite evil05:14
markap6bg DDR3 Corsair05:14
anom01yhow do I copy /media/sda1/home/lsemple if I get access denied05:14
Cypher67flash did well in my _x64 system05:14
Cpudan80Although it is implemented by default05:14
lstarnesmarkap: try the 64-bit version05:14
donavan01n2diy: yeah its pretty slick litte machine ... its got the 1.60ghz atom with 1gb of ram (upgradeable to 2gb)  mine came with a 4gb SSD PCIe HD which is kinda slow which is the major downfall to this model ... but for like 50 you can get a 16gb that way faster from Newegg05:14
JeruvyCpudan80: so the beta is quite unstable?05:14
Cpudan80so no more having to do it yourself05:14
kosharianom01y use cp or rsync to preserve permissians/ownership05:14
Cpudan80Jeruvy: what beta ?05:14
Cypher67markap - you must use x64 to use that amount of ram05:15
glitsj16evilGUI: quite odd indeed, although X has some known issues on jaunty ... are you using that ?05:15
markapthe 64bit is the one that hung05:15
markl_my sound is very distorted on 9.04 :(05:15
lstarnesmarkap: you may not be able to access over 4 GB of RAM on the 32-bit version05:15
JeruvyCpudan80: oh for flash05:15
Cpudan80Jeruvy: I said the hack was evil, not unstable :-)05:15
lstarnesmarkap: try the alternate install disc05:15
JeruvyCpudan80: ah, ok my misunderstand sorry.05:15
markl_it should at least boot though but yeah you will lose 2G most likely05:15
markapwhere do I find that on the site?05:15
markap\I found it05:15
Cypher67just browse there u find markap05:16
georgepI was trying to add a new repository earlier from the software sources program, then i created a keyfile and copied and pasted the key to it. and dbl clicked it and it suposedly added the key. well now when i click on, add and remove programs i get "Failed to check for installed and available applications" and it crashes05:16
n2diydonavan01: thanks for the info, I'll definetly look into it.05:16
markap9.04 torrent for thwe text based atl installer05:16
anom01yso how do I backup my home from a live cd ?05:16
Cpudan80Jeruvy: Flash has gotten better - but to my knowledge adobe is just wrapping 32 bit flash with an emulation layer so it works it in 64 bit ffx05:16
donavan01n2diy... NP05:16
lstarnesmarkap: there's also a direct download somewhere05:16
Cpudan80rather than doing their job and pushing a true 64 bit version ...05:16
ubuntunoobis this the place to ask stupid questions?05:16
Cypher67direct donload are fast05:16
evilGUIglitsj16: Yeah, I'm using Jaunty, it seems to do this atleast once a day, but only when I have alt held down.05:16
lijianhello everyone!05:16
fosadoes desktop drapes still work?05:16
Cpudan80But - I could be mistaken, it might have changed since the last time I checked ...05:16
Cypher67ask noob05:17
markapits ok i am getting over 1mb dl on the torrent05:17
markapmake that 1.405:17
markap1.6 lol05:17
markap2mb nice speeds05:17
Cypher67whats ur link?05:17
JeruvyCpudan80: maybe I am not sure, adobe is evil for sure :)  But x64 .so works great in jaunty05:17
fosawhat program do people recommend to rotate their desktop background?05:17
glitsj16evilGUI: have you checked for a bugreport yet on those symptoms @ bugs.launchpad.net ?05:17
Cpudan80Jeruvy: havent bumped up to JJ yet, I'lll have to find out ...05:18
evilGUIglitsj16: No, I'll check now, this is a new build so I'm hoping it's not hardware.05:18
ubuntunoobcool, when I run terminal, and for example run xchat from there, how can I go back to using terminal for other stuff again?05:18
JeruvyCpudan80: I did it yesterday and worked fine, once I knew where the shared library needed to go :)05:18
CreativeChemistokay im using ubuntu... i want to take a windows iso and be able to install it via a usb drive... anyone know how?05:18
lstarnesubuntunoob: start the program with an & after it (e.g. xchat &)05:18
Cpudan80ubuntunoob: start with & after it05:19
Cypher67noob open a new tab]05:19
ubuntunoobcool, thanks05:19
lstarnesubuntunoob: and try typing "disown" afterwards if you want to close the terminal05:19
Cpudan80sorry to steal your thunder lstarnes05:19
ubuntunoobhow about now, that I already opened xchat?05:19
windowsUsershould i do it? should i install ubuntu? 0.o05:19
ubuntunoobdo it05:19
lstarnesubuntunoob: close xchat then start it again from the terminal05:20
solorvoxis ext4 stable, or are there still bugs with deleting files/etc?'05:20
lstarnesubuntunoob: also, there should be a launcher for it in the menus somewhere05:20
windowsUseri still want windows though..05:20
markapNpw when I install this it should be from a cd or use that WUBI tool?05:20
donavan01windowsuser.... you can always try it out first ... run it on virtual box till you get the hang of it05:20
windowsUseri already like it05:21
windowsUserjust all my files05:21
windowsUserand things like that05:21
windowsUserwindows games too05:21
donavan01windowsuser ... I switch completely one day .... but you can always do a dual boot if you want the games05:21
Cypher67donavan01-do u prefer VMbox ou VMware?05:22
georgepwhats the command to tell what version of ubuntu ur running?05:22
Cypher67windowsuser can try with wine too05:22
markl_georgep: cat /etc/issue05:22
lstarnesgeorgep: lsb_release -a05:22
donavan01cypher67.... Vbox ... I have used them both and vbox seems a little easier to deal with but its been about a year or so since I have used VMware05:23
windowsUserThe installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions:05:23
anom01ybloody hell its busy here05:23
windowsUserDo you want the installer to try to unmount the partitions on these disks before continuing?  If you leave them mounted, you will not be able to create, delete, or resize partitions on these disks, but you may be able to install to existing partitions there.05:23
FloodBot2windowsUser: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:23
Cypher67donavan01- me too05:23
lstarneswindowsUser: are you partitioning in an aleady installed ubuntu system?05:23
lstarneswindowsUser: did you mount anything?05:24
doc_brownwhat to do if an external hard drive shows up in lsusb, but not in gparted?05:24
windowsUserIt's a windows XP system05:24
georgepif i want to install barry software could i use the 8.04 or will that .deb application not work on a 9.04 system?05:24
donavan01windowsuser... all disks are mounted in linux ... its like telling the OS the drive is there05:25
Omar87The update notification bar does not show up where there are new updates available. What do I do?05:25
Cypher67uname -a also gives the info on distro05:25
Omar87Sorry, I meant the update notification icon.05:26
pantanghi has any one used mesa yet? first time using umbuntu and i'm getting a few errors when i try and install, if someone wouldnt mind having a look at what ive got would be very grateful05:26
ienorandOmar87: It's been removed in jaunty05:26
donavan01windowsuser... I think there is a utility on the ubuntu disk that will do a dual boot for you if you run it from windows05:26
Omar87ienorand: Why is that?05:26
ienorandOmar87: replaced with a pop-under05:26
glitsj16Omar87: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904#Change%20in%20notifications%20of%20available%20updates has a way to get the old behavior back if you want05:26
Omar87ienorand: You mean the new notification application? The black rectangle?05:27
=== Boon is now known as BoonSmith
evilGUIglitsj16: I *think* it's just my fault, I use ctrl alt left and right to switch work spaces, I might not be releasing it before hiting backspace in Irssi.05:27
ienorandOmar87: For some reason they though that it was better, I, and seemingly the majority of the userbase think their decision in that was wrong...05:27
ubuntunoobGStreamer encountered a general supporting library error.05:27
ubuntunoobwhat does that mean?05:27
ienorandOmar87: black rectangle?05:28
BreetaiHi all, I am looking at getting a system76 laptop anyone here have experience with their systems?05:28
MagicDuckhi, I am on jaunty. My middle mouse button paste and scroll wheel do not work. What can I do?05:28
Omar87ienorand: I mean the new notification window.05:28
glitsj16evilGUI: that could be it heh, always hard to change your routine, but at least it isn't hardware ;)05:28
User2005Seems I can't get the printer to work for some unknown reason for the new ubuntu...05:28
MagicDuckUser2005: what is the problem?05:29
ienorandOmar87: Look at bug #332945 for loads of information and heated discussion05:29
User2005can't print anything ?05:29
Omar87glitsj16: No, it's not about the old system, but I just want any sort of notification to show up to me when new updates are available. The new system doesn't seem to work with me.05:29
User2005on share or enable....05:30
MagicDucktype the following in your browser: http://localhost:63105:30
glitsj16Omar87: that's what i meant, now i believe only security updates are immediately thrown, regular ones once a week05:30
doc_brownhow do you list hard drives?  /dev/sbd and so on?05:30
skydartDoes anyone know of a newsgroup for phplist?05:30
ienorandOmar87: It pops up the update manager once a week or so per default05:30
ienoranddoc_brown: cat /proc/partitions05:31
MagicDuckUser2005: type the following in your browser: http://localhost:63105:31
windowsUserThe installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions:05:31
windowsUserDo you want the installer to try to unmount the partitions on these disks before continuing?  If you leave them mounted, you will not be able to create, delete, or resize partitions on these disks, but you may be able to install to existing partitions there.05:31
ienorandgnet1_: hello05:31
FloodBot2windowsUser: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
windowsUsercould this be because i'm running it from a live cd?05:31
MagicDucksooo, anybody know how to get mouse wheel to work with the new ubuntu?05:31
dsabeckyienorand: Do you want it to show an icon in the system tray instead of just opening?05:31
ienoranddsabecky: I was talking to anither person...05:32
anom01ywould upgrading from 8.04 to 9.04 fix my nvidia problems ????05:32
dsabeckyienorand: Well don't be a jerk, if I can help, what's the difference?05:32
dsabeckyanom01y: Most likely.05:32
Cypher67windowuser - in what partition is windows?05:32
ienoranddsabecky: sorry05:32
anom01ydsabecky, why ?05:32
dsabeckyanom01y: It uses a new version of X.org.05:33
windowsUserhaven't partitioned anything05:33
anom01yI have older hardware05:33
anom01ymy hardware is 3 years old05:33
dsabeckyanom01y: I have the same video card as you. Just try it.05:33
Cypher67windowuser - so in sda is livecd mounted05:33
anom01ythat means I have to backup everyhting though05:33
dsabeckyanom01y: Yes. nVidia FX 620005:33
glitsj16anom01y: that's not a disadvantage .. it's the brand new spiffy stuff that seems to be hard to get going05:33
dsabeckyanom01y: No you don't, just run the updater.05:34
ienoranddsabecky: sorry, didn't mean to sound rude, I'm fully aware of the new behaviour and how to revert...05:34
racecar56anom01y, i have one that is 5 years old :P05:34
Cypher67anom0ly - can use dd command to backup05:34
windowsUsercypher67:so i just have to unmount it correct05:34
anom01ythanks ienorand05:34
dsabeckyienorand: What is your issue?05:34
agoolehum, does anyone know where I can get help with openoffice stuff? do they have an irc chanel ?05:34
anom01yI hate continually backing up and upgrading05:34
Cypher67windowuser - no need just partition it05:34
lstarnesagoole: /join #openoffice.org05:35
Cypher67anom0ly - i backed up with tar05:35
agoolelstarnes: beautiful, thank you05:35
anom01yglitsj16, I didn't understand what you where saying05:36
glitsj16anom01y: i wanted to say having older hardware isn't a bad thing when moving onto the newer kernel (and the X support that has) in jaunty05:37
RichiVCan someone help me get wine to run guild wars so i can play it and at least see the menu?05:37
agoolelstarnes: seems like the chanel is idle, do you think you could answer a quick question ?05:37
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doc_brownok i found my hdd that i suspect is unhealthy.  its called /dev/sdb  HOW can I check the 'health' of this drive?  fskc or something ?05:37
lstarnesagoole: I wouldn't know I knew what the question was05:38
anom01yglitsj16, I was considering putting back in my old nvidia 5700 and taking this 6200 back to the computer store and getting my $60 back05:38
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agoolelstarnes: know anything about logically sorting data in excel or calc ?05:38
anom01ybecause I was running the 5700 with compiz fusion for a year now05:38
lstarnesagoole: not really05:39
agoolelstarnes: ok thanks anyways05:39
glitsj16anom01y: if you do go the upgrade way, make sure your 8.04 is fully updated before moving to 8.10 and same thing there before jumping onto 9.0405:39
* Jeruvy would not upgrade a LTS with a non-LTS for the record.05:40
RichiVwhat do u guys suggest about getting Beryl?05:41
RichiVworth it?05:41
lstarnesRichiV: I think compiz-fusion replaced beryl05:41
ienorandRichiV: lstarnes : that's what I though as well...05:42
n2diyAnybody know how to set up a notebook, so, in case it is stolen, it will "phone home" and report its location?05:42
RichiVlstarnes: whats compiz version?05:42
RichiVcompiz fusion05:42
lstarnesRichiV: what do you mean?05:42
RichiVwhat is it?05:42
lstarnesRichiV: what is compiz-fusion?05:42
RichiVlol sorr cant type today05:43
lstarnesRichiV: compiz-fusion is a compositing window manager like beryl05:43
danHi guys.05:43
ienorandRichiV: "Beryl has been re-merged back with Compiz and mostly appears in the form of the extra Compiz Fusion plugins." << from c-f homepage05:43
ienoranddan: hia dan05:43
RichiVmk thnx05:43
danWhy is it that I can't find the Epiphany web browser after I installed it?05:44
RichiVis it worth getting? the multiple desktops?05:44
RichiVoh and how do I remove wine?05:44
RoastedRichiV - Compiz FUsion doesn't handle multiple desktops. Multiple desktops are already included as part of Ubuntu.05:44
n2diydan, can you run it from terminal?05:44
lstarnesRichiV: the default window manager should have support for switching between multiple desktops05:44
danI dunno how.05:44
ienorandRichiV: I don't personally use the multiple desktops that much, but I swaer bu the scale plugin.05:44
bullgard4What command line command is equivalent to clicking Location > Connect to Server...?05:44
RoastedRichiV - Compiz Fusion is simply eye candy built on top of everything, allowing you to switch from one workspace to another with 3d flipping and whatnot.05:44
RichiVso basically it controlls the shortcuts?05:45
pantanghey can someone spare a lil time and talk me through installing mesa? already got it extracted, and im pretty sure libdrm is install but it wont compile :(05:45
n2diydan, open a terminal, and type epiphany.05:45
RichiVand graphics ok thnx05:45
ienoranddan: it doesn't show up in the internet submenu?05:45
RoastedRichiV - Sort of. Compiz Fusion has a tremendous amount of features in it, but honestly I don't use any of them in my regular day to day computing.05:45
RichiVi prob wont use it then I wanna keep my RAM for gaming05:45
danoh okay thanks.05:45
danit worked.05:45
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading05:45
RichiVok so can anyone help me uninstall wine?05:45
RoastedRichiV - I find I use the keyboard shortcuts (found in system - preferences - keyboard shortcuts) a lot more. B ut it's still cool to show it off to a Windows fanboy once in a while :)05:45
RoastedRichiV - sudo apt-get uninstall wine? Maybe? Been about 2 yrs since I used wine...05:46
lstarnesRichiV: sudo aptitude remove wine (replace remove with purge if you want to also remove config files)05:46
RichiVRoasted: I see, I set it for alt- f1 and alt- f2 to switch between workspacs05:46
RichiVok  i need to know how use the terminal05:46
ienorandRichiV: you might also have to remove the .wine folder in your home directory after that...05:46
pantangkeep gettin this error http://pastebin.com/m79ea7e2b05:46
User2005Any way to correct a tracker error ?05:46
danYay Xkcd is updated :D05:47
RoastedRichiV - The Terminal is very similar to Window's command prompt. Linux just uses it al ittle more extensively.05:47
ubuntunoobif i download vlc, will I also have to downoald codecs?05:47
ienorandRichiV: you could probably uninstall using the add/remove thing, or synaptic....05:47
RoastedRichiV - Open it under Applications - Accessories - Terminal. Type "sudo apt-get remove wine" and type in your password when prompted.05:47
lstarnesubuntunoob: you might need to05:47
RoastedRichiV - As ienorand  said, you could uninstall it via Synaptic which might be a smoother wya to get started with removing wine.05:47
shauns_pantang: follow http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48773505:47
RoastedRichiV - You can open Sy naptic Package Manager under system - administration - synaptic package manager. Search for wine, and uncheck it and hit the apply button at the top.05:48
pantangyeah i did all that, but for some reason its not compiling properly05:48
n2diyRoasted: no, you have to mark it for removal.05:48
ienorandRichiV: You don't have to use it, but it's preferable when handing out instructions like this, just a single line of commands and you're done, rather  than guide through several windows of choices...05:48
RichiVok thnx alot, but i already used the terminal05:48
shauns_what error are you getting?05:48
pantangmakedepend not found :(05:49
setzhey whats up05:49
RichiVWOW i love how ubuntu works05:49
lstarnespantang: install the xutils-dev package05:50
ienorandRichiV: don't we all :)05:50
RichiVvirtual box i take it is not all that great?05:50
peachesvirtual box is pretty good05:50
ienorandRichiV: It's pretty good I'd say...05:51
BunnySkankinhow do i use virtualbox05:51
* baughtman loves Vbox05:51
RichiVgood for gaming?05:51
RoastedRichiV - I heard of a very good qu ote recently on the UbuntuForums that really spoke very profoundly about Linux.05:51
thomasiteHello. I have just downloaded the ISO file for 9.04 to my Desktop. I followed the instructions to mount it on my laptop (since I don't have a CD) but after that, nothing happens. I double-clicked on the "cdrom" but when I clicked on the "Open with Autorun Prompt," a message saying "Cannot find autorun program" appears. What do I have to do to use the ISO? Thanks!05:51
peachesRichiV: light gaming05:51
pantangk doing that now, cheers get back to you in a mo :D05:51
RoastedRichiV - "For those who understand Linux, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, no explanation is sufficient."05:51
RichiVlol nice quote05:51
ubuntunoobcan I pause a download in terminal? i have to leave and I am downloading vlc05:51
RichiVwell weve alll gone thru the last part of that quote05:51
peachesRichiV: i know eh haha05:51
baughtmanRoasted, mind if i take that? ........... SOOOOOOO true05:51
RoastedBaughtman - take it? Ha, sure. It's not my quote. It's from a poster on UbuntuForums who responded to one of my threads recently.05:52
peachesi played quake live in virtual box full screen. got some lag dunno if it was virtualbox or network but relatively playable05:52
ienorandubuntunoob: are you using wget?05:52
n2diyubuntunoob: let cook, you don't have to be there.05:52
RichiVwait so where do i delete the wine folder?05:52
RichiVin what home folder?05:52
lstarnesRichiV: rm -r ~/.wine05:52
ienorandRichiV: /home/yourloginname/.wine05:53
pantangk its goin crazy now doesn't look like errors this time tho05:53
RoastedRichiV - the wine folder is a hidden folder in your home directory. You can visually see the wine folder if you go to "view" then show hidden files.05:53
ubuntunoobi used this command05:53
ubuntunoobsudo apt-get install vlc05:53
RichiVok thnx05:53
ienorandRichiV: note the dot before the folder name indicating that it is hidden05:53
n2diyubuntunoob: so let it cook.05:53
RichiVok nice05:53
RichiVthis is so useful05:54
ubuntunoobwell im at a coffeshop and i cant leaave my laptop here haha05:54
RichiVis there a perma delet like in windows Shift-Del05:54
lstarnesRichiV: rm is permanent05:54
PLyTheManthomasite: I've had teh same problem, I'm just doing that alternate iso now and updating05:54
RichiVlol i wanna kinda stick with navigation05:54
RoastedRichiV - just be careful using the rm command...05:55
RichiVuntil i find a good book, or class to learn linux from05:55
Roasteddont wanna delete something on accident05:55
setzHey I have a minor issue I was wondering if anyone could help me with05:55
ienorandRichiV: shift+del works in the file browser05:55
thomasitePLyTheMan: How are you planning to solve the problem?05:55
n2diyubuntunoob: Ok, that is a problem, if you can get to your download manager, you can pause it, but I can never remember how to get to it.05:55
RoastedI'm a fast typer and I often type faster than my mind thinks... I've deleted a folder here or there that I didnt mean to05:55
PLyTheManthomasite: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading are instructions for updating with the Alternate iso05:55
mattIs it possible to get function buttons to work on an MS keyboard?05:55
setzI was removing packages I don't use (like the gnome desktop) and replaced some things, one thing I removed was gnome-utils, which included the dictionary05:55
ssmmatt: often, yes05:55
glitsj16RichiV: in a GUI file manager Shift)Del on ubuntu has the same effect yes05:55
Roastedienorand - Does shift+del work with folders that might have different permissions? Or do permissions still apply?05:55
PLyTheManthomasite: I'm just trying to work around it, no idea what the issue is05:55
setzI've since re-installed the package, but programs like pidgin, and xchat are still saying every word is spelled wrong05:55
RichiVok thnx05:55
RichiVis XFburn good?05:56
ienorandRoasted: permissions are enforced, of course.05:56
glitsj16Roasted: permissions always apply05:56
RoastedCan Ubuntu read/write Mac OSX file system?05:56
RichiVi wanna back up some movies05:56
setzDoes anyone know what the issue could be?05:56
ubuntunoobok, thanks.. Ill just start over when I can05:56
RoastedI figured they did - but I thought, why not ask :P05:56
RichiVfor some trips05:56
RoastedRichiV - I use K3B for all of my burning needs. Brasero is also very nice too.05:56
thomasitePLyTheMan: Okay. Thanks.05:56
ienorandRoasted: that thing only decides weather or not it is removed, or moved to the trash05:56
sacarlsonI can't seem to open a terminal window in Ubuntu version 8.04 it was working last night and I havn't even turned this computer off.  Window opens with just a white block no cuser.05:56
Roastedienorand - good tip. Thanks!05:56
RichiVbut what abou copy protection? thats always a pain05:56
PLyTheManthomasite: sure thing, hope that works for you... I've got ~20 minutes till mine is updated05:57
InCryptomornin everyone05:57
RoastedRichiV - I'm not positive to be honest. Wont hurt to try :P05:57
ienorandRichiV: http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html << I've not looked into it but it seems a pretty decent book on ubuntu...05:57
RichiVok kool05:57
RichiVthnx ienorand ill make myself a copy05:57
InCryptoi just upgraded to 9/04 from 8.10 ...everythin wrks fine :) ..except that my dual display is screwwd ...and i cant seem 2 activate the nvidia drivers05:57
RoastedRichiV - how recently did you start on Ubuntu?05:57
RichiVlol like last night05:58
RoastedInCrypto - Did you UPGRADE to 9.04 or do a fresh install?05:58
=== hello is now known as Guest54735
InCryptoi get this error everytime i boot the machine05:58
RichiVim nub to this, but i'm learnign fast05:58
n2diysacarlson: check your foreground color, it may have changed to white?05:58
RoastedRichiV - Good stuff. I've been on Ubuntu for 3-4 years now... I love it.05:58
InCryptoRoasted, an update05:58
RichiVmm i see05:58
RichiVi've known about ubuntu for a while i think since 7.1005:58
InCryptoany idea why i cannot activate the new 180 drivers ?05:59
RichiVnot to long ago, just never got around to installing it05:59
RoastedRichiV - I actually recently set up an Ubuntu desktop at work to run as an imaging software with some open soruce cloning softwaer. IT runs like a champ. It's so nice grabbing a spare PC on the shelf, throwing a free OS and a free cloning software on it and being able to re-image a lab (school district) in a half hour.05:59
RichiVand ITS GR805:59
RoastedInCrypto - I didnt upgrade to 9.04, I did a fresh install... but I'm running dual screen with Nvidia drivers... I picked the 180 drivers out of the hardware device manager.05:59
RichiVlol nice roasted05:59
unkmarIngredients: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, Outlook Express imported emails via Kmail, mutt.  I have been unable to figure out how to read my emails with anything other than kmail.05:59
RichiVwell i gtg diner thnx for the help05:59
RoastedTake it easy RichiV05:59
Roastedhappy Ubuntu-ing05:59
InCryptoRoasted, i see ..i did a fresh install and it wrked fine for me 2 ...but not with the upgrade06:00
RichiVoh last question how do i save my files to a different location rather than desktop06:00
unkmarI am very cli oriented and would like to learn to use mutt for handling my emails.06:00
RichiVits in prefferences?06:00
RichiVof mozilla?06:00
PLyTheManwould reading this book, Unix Complete ( http://www.amazon.com/UNIX-Complete-Peter-Dyson/dp/078212528X ) be a good place to start understanding whats going on with ubuntu and bash?06:00
RoastedRichiV - all files download to desktop by default. I just move them afterwards. This is at least what I experienced anyway.06:00
unkmarRichiV: which mozilla? seamonkey or firefox?  and yes. it is in the settings.06:00
ienorandRoasted: Backups was actually the reason I got into GNU/Linux, I started on SystemRescueCD though, great stuff, although somewhat heavy...06:00
unkmarRoasted: RichiV you can change the default download location.  I created a 0-dl folder and use it.06:01
n2diyRichiV, yes, prefrences.06:01
Roastedienorand - Yeah, I really dig what I can do in Linux. I still live at home, and I have 2 brothers who each have a computer along with the main family computer. I put some free software on their comptuers to auto-sync their my documents to their password protected Samba shares on my computer at 3 am every morning.06:01
RoastedThen, using an rsync script along with crontab, I synchronize their stuff from the Samba drive to an identical hard drive in my system.06:02
RichiVits better to do  stable wine versions rite?06:02
ienorandRoasted: Thats awesomness :)06:02
RoastedSo ultimately, I have 4 drives in my system. 1 as main for me to use. the 2nd for a backup of my home directory. The 3rd is a samba drive. The 4th copies the samba drive. All automated. All by 1 little script with crontab and the use of samba networking.06:02
Roastedienorand - And I had to put it to use recently. My brothers 11 year old PC crashed... had all hsi stuff backed up though!06:02
unkmarI want to import my kmail or Outlook Express emails for use with mutt.06:03
ienorandRoasted: I started using it to take snapshots of windows installs, basically ghosting....06:03
RoastedInCrypto - I'm not too sure, man. I always do fresh installs versus upgrades just to avoid any issues. But I cant imagine why youd have problems downloading the latest drivers in the repos......06:03
RoastedBut you never know.06:03
InCryptoThis is the error i get in /var/log/xorg.006:04
InCryptoEE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!06:04
InCrypto(EE) NVIDIA(0):  *** Aborting ***06:04
InCrypto(II) UnloadModule: "nvidia"06:04
InCrypto(II) UnloadModule: "wfb"06:04
InCrypto(II) UnloadModule: "fb"06:04
FloodBot2InCrypto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:04
thomasitePlease help me. I can't use the ISO file that I downloaded. :(06:04
ienorandRoasted: Just such a great thing to know that a virus isn't really that big of an issue, I can revert the system in like an hour or so :D06:04
Roastedienorand - I havent used systemrescueCD... I use Clonezilla LiveCD though for taking individual snapshots of windows installs. In fact I have one of Vista for my main computer here in case my main drive ever dies, I can pull the Vista image, install 9.04, then pull my backup data with all of my music, pictures, hidden folders iwth my preferences, etc and I'm back in biz.06:04
thomasiteI need to upgrade to 9.04.06:04
Roastedienorand - Have you ever looked at FOG?06:05
unkmarthomasite: which iso did you download?06:05
ienorandRoasted: Not heard of it actually...06:05
thomasiteunkmar: the ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso06:05
Roastedienorand - FOG is an open source cloning utility that can be used over networks. It's free and built on top of Fedora or Ubuntu. I've been using it for 2 months at work. I work at a school district so I have a lot of computers to manage.06:06
pantangok so far so good, wich file do i need to change the paths in tho?06:06
Roastedienorand - I managed to re-image a lab of 30 computers across a gigabit switch in 35 minutes... the image was 7gb in size.06:06
unkmarthomasite: I may be wrong, but my understanding is that the alternate iso is used for upgrades.06:06
sacarlsonn2diy: foreground color?  I don't see any control to change it.  When I try to close the window it pops up with a mesage to force close not responding.06:06
thomasiteunkmar: Please elaborate. I don06:06
InCryptoTHIS IS wht i get in logs06:07
PLyTheManthomasite: fwiw, you can upgrade from System > Admin > Update Manager06:07
anom01ynvidia works fine06:07
PLyTheManI think >_>06:07
thomasiteunkmar: I'm sorry I don't fully understand. My laptop runs on 8.10 and I have already updated everything. I thought that by downloading that ISO, I can just easily click on it and then I could switch to 9.04.06:07
pantangim a tool, ignore me :P06:08
thomasitePLyTheMan: I did run Update Manager and the 9.04 upgrade did not appear. :(06:08
Roastedthomasite - I understand what you're thinking, but it's not entirely accurate. You can upgrade to 9.04 through the update manager. There's an option that'll say there's a new dsitrobution version available. You can also take that ISO, burn it to a CD as an image, boot to it, and install Ubuntu 9.04 from scrathc.06:08
n2diysacarlson: ok, I'm running Xubuntu, so I can't check for you, but I thought there was a color selection? Force the quit, and restart, maybe that will fix it?06:08
Roastedthomasite - Did you upgrade to 9.04 on accident and not realize it, perhaps?????06:08
PLyTheManthomasite: I think it should say it at the top of the window06:08
Roastedthomasite - PlyTheMan is right, it'll be a button at the top of the manager... Up towards the X to exit the window.06:09
chuck_thomasite; try sudo update-manager -d enjoy06:09
chuck_in terminal of course06:09
PLyTheManthomasite: if you want to mount an iso and do it from there, you need to get the Alternate install CD halfway down this page: http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases/9.04/06:09
ienorandRoasted: That does sound nice, although I'm quite getting to like piping ntfsclone and all that, but I migh tempt my dad into using that, since he's a huge ghost fan and hasn't really caught on SystemRescueCD...06:10
PLyTheManthomasite: then follow the "Upgrading from Alternate CD" here : http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:10
PLyTheManthats what I'm doing right now =D06:10
sacarlsonn2diy: I tried that 6 times already forced kill open again.  I haven't loged out yet or rebooted.06:11
sacarlsonn2diy: without a terminal window I can look at any /var/log files to see what is wrong.06:12
Roastedienorand - I definitely recommend testing FOG on a spare machine. I dual boot my laptop at work and Ubuntu is configured with FOG there. I also have a small library of basic XP and 2000 Pro images from the computers I commonly run across with teachers.06:12
thomasiteRoasted, PLyTheMan, chuck: I actually followed the directions at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading. I downloaded the ISO and mounted it using the procedure described in that guide. But nothing happens.06:12
Roastedienorand - My office is in the HS, which is about 5-10 miles from the other 3 schools I manage. I went to a teachers room the other day cause he called me. BSOD. The drive failed. I carry 2 hard drives on me at all times. Popped a new one in, pushed the 2.5gb XP image to his computer, and within 5 minutes he had XP Pro, Office 03, Flash 10, REader 9, Java 6, IE7, virus scanner, and all the basic stuff a teacher would need on a comput06:13
thomasiteRoasted, PlyTheMan, chuck: Or am I not getting it? Where am I supposed to download the Alternate Installation CD?06:13
n2diysacarlson: um, ok, are you sure? Try typing "nano" in the terminal, and see if it opens?06:13
PLyTheManthomasite: was it the right iso though?  if you're updating you need the Alternate, I'll get the link for you06:13
sacarlsonn2diy: nope nano faile to open any new windows06:14
thomasitePLyTheMan: I think it wasn't. Because the name of the file is desktop-i386.iso. Ugh. I made a terrible, terrible mistake (?).06:14
n2diysacarlson: and the hard drive didn't do anything? Logout and in.06:14
sacarlsonn2diy: maybe a keyring thing?  how do you kill or stop the keyring06:14
PLyTheManthomasite: pick a server here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate pick the version you want from the list.  Then scroll down that page till you see "Alternate install CD" and DL from there06:15
n2diysacarlson: what keyring?06:15
sacarlsonall other aplications are working like this one06:15
sacarlsonn2diy: some keyring thing that memorises passwords06:15
sacarlsonn2diy: not passwords but keys06:16
n1c0hi to everyone, i've two question to do06:17
n2diysacarlson: ok, so this is a security issue.06:17
thomasitePLyTheMan: Thanks a lot. Now I know why it's not working. I downloaded the wrong file! :(06:17
ienorandRoasted: That's really nice, I haven't really looked into any larger scale things, since I only ever backup my own laptop, but at home we have several win machines that could use some imaging...06:17
sacarlsonn2diy: well I can't tell since there is no terminal that opens but that's one of the first things that runs06:17
chuck_thomasite; if you want the cd do as Plytheman say's if you just want to upgrade open a terminal window and type "sudo update-manager -d and it will do the work for you06:17
n2diysacarlson: ok, did you log out and in?06:18
bullgard4[Ubuntu 9.04, GNOME 2.26] Does the 'System' menu show now only 5 menu items,  'Quit...' has been deleted?  (Compared with Ubuntu 8.10)06:18
sacarlsonn2diy: no I'll do that now.  if that fails I will reboot.  chat ya all later.06:18
sacarlsonn2diy: and thanks06:19
n2diysacarlson: GL06:19
Roastedienorand - I have a couple hundred computers to deal with, which makes FOG (very similar to Ghost) very handy... but once you use FOG once or twice, you realize how it can be useful on a smaller scale too. I don't know if I'd use FOG for 1 computer, but if you have 3+ in the house, why not?06:19
Roastedienorand - What I'm going to do from now on is if/when a computer fails in the house, I'll set up a basic XP image and save it on file. That way I have a basic XP image handy + their documents on my samba server. If the drive fails again, pop a new one in, deploy the basic XP image, pull the documents down... all done!06:19
khensthothbullgard4: Yes. Shut down is now achieved through the Quick User Switch Applet06:20
hacker_kidim having some trouble with pulseaudio, the signal coming into the line in is clean but when it comes through to a sound recorder (GnomeSound, Audacity, Sound Recorder) its garbage06:20
indushiya khensthoth :)06:20
ienorandRoasted: I do carry around a usb stick with a live 9.04 and sysrCD on it though, VERY handy.06:20
khensthothindus: Hey. =)06:20
induskhensthoth: You need a job :P06:21
PLyTheManthomasite: hope that works for you.  I just restarted my laptop with 9.04... lets see if it cleared up my internet connection problems06:21
ienorandRoasted: The great thing about imaging is that you can improve them as well, since there is inevitably load of things you forget on the first go, just note the missing items down and the next time you revert you add all the missing stuff and make a new image.06:22
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »06:22
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:22
Roastedienorand - Yeah, and even with me at work... I have about 15 images of different computers that we have in the district... and even managing 15 images isn't ab ad thing. I just have a checklist.06:22
wanna_learn_moreubuntu 9.10 already released?06:23
wanna_learn_morei am waiting for it06:23
Roastedienorand - For example, if I realize that a new version of Flash comes out, I'll install it 1 time on each new computer that comse in that needs reimaged and save it. Once I eventually cycle through all 15 images, I check them off and I'm good to go.06:23
Roasted9.10 is not out06:23
Roasted9.04 is06:23
wanna_learn_moreu mean ubuntu janty?06:23
Roasted9.10 = 2009, October (10th month)06:23
Roasted9.04 = Ubuntu Jaunty06:23
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents06:23
Roasted9.04 was released April 23rd.06:23
wanna_learn_morethanks :)06:23
PLyTheManOkay, can someone help me set up my internet...  Its been broken since I upgraded from Hardy this afternoon.  It autoconnects to my neighbor's wifi, but under 'Wired Network' it says "Device not managed" even though I have a line connected to it06:24
ienorandwanna_learn_more: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule06:24
cgkadesi like my 8.1006:24
ienorandI like my 9.10 :P06:24
PLyTheManI'd like 9.10 if I could get it to connect to my wired network06:24
cgkadeswouldnt expect that to be a problem lol06:25
n1c0first of all i'm sorry for my bad english, i'm italian. My first question is: how can i do for setting my video resolution better into shell command? The gui denied me to set my default resolution of 1280x1024. This choice isn't in list.06:25
cgkadesi'm not doing the upgrade06:25
cgkadesevery time i've tried the upgrade feature, it's bricked my system06:25
chris8hey help pls wif Wifi:  my wifi disconx and i can't reconnect it... under Connection Properties it just says disconx and no way to reconnect.  I've installed WiFi Radar but it fails to load when i'm disconx... what can i do?06:26
bcgeez, this many years and sensors aren't picked up. -_-06:26
anom01yhey guyz06:26
Sergeycgkades: release upgrade or just upgrade? =)06:26
doc_brownanyone want to help me test my external hard drive (this can't be THAT difficult) go here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7229978#post722997806:26
cgkadessergey: anytime i've tried to do the upgrade via the update manager06:27
cgkadesin any linux distro06:27
x25alguien en epañol06:27
cgkadesi had to fix a co-workers computer06:27
cgkadeshe upgraded, and it bricked06:27
Sergeycgkades: weird... may be I should disable my automatic security updates =)06:27
Doof_posso hablar en portugues06:27
cgkadessergey: no, updates are different06:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about po06:28
chris8help pls: my wifi diconnects and doesn't reconnect even though setting is "automatic"... i've installed Wifi Radar but it fails to load when i don't have a web connection06:28
cgkadeschris8: have you tried the ubuntu forums?06:28
chris8Cgkades:  I can't read.06:28
Sergeycgkades: hope so =) Although I've done quite a few upgrades (through apt-get) and still working fine... =) May be I'm lucky...06:28
Doof_x25 tien problemas?06:29
chris8Cgkades: actually i can't get WiFi Radar to run at all...06:29
mpontillo!pr | Doof_06:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr06:29
cgkadessergey: i'm talking about the upgrade from 8.10 to 9.0406:29
mpontillo!pt | Doof_06:29
ubottuDoof_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.06:29
Sergeycgkades: tried that too, and worked =) although not on production system =)06:29
Sergeycgkades: and only once =)06:30
ienorandcgkades: might want to test out the fresh install.06:30
ReticentiI just installed Wubi Ubuntu on XP, and when I load it up, everything freezes except my mouse, which moves very slowly. ctrl-alt-bkspc, ctrl-alt-f1, etc doesnt do anything. I am on a tablet laptop06:30
cgkadessergey: yeah, i've never had it work on a configured and tweaked system. i just wait till it's "necessary" then back up everything, note what programs i want, and then do a fresh install06:30
Sergeycgkades: but will know for future reference that I need to make an image before doin that...06:30
Sergeycgkades: yeah, that can take some time...06:31
Sergeycgkades:LTS rules =)06:31
georgepwhats the rm command to remove a dir and all subdirs and files within the dir?06:31
cgkadesienorand: yeah i usually do fresh installs, i had to on a co-workers computer06:31
=== chouchou is now known as kokou
ienorandgeorgep: dangerous!! : rm -r06:31
Doof_So where can I go to report working hardware for 9.04?06:32
georgepwhy is that dangerous, I mean i just unpacked a tarball in opt but now want to remove that dir06:32
gaozhenbowhat is ubuntu"s newest edition06:32
Reticentigaozhenbo: 9.0406:32
Reticentigaozhenbo: but there are newer beta's06:32
chuck_rm- r when it's gone it's gone forever06:32
Sergeygeorgep: if you run something like "rm -r /" - that's dangerous.06:33
cgkadesgeorgep: rm -rf is more dangerous, but you have to be carefull, because it will remove EVERYTHING from that dir and all sub dirs06:33
unkmargeorgep: because, if the wrong location is your target for rm -rf you can lose everything.06:33
ReticentiI just installed Wubi Ubuntu on XP, and when I load it up, everything freezes except my mouse, which moves very slowly. ctrl-alt-bkspc, ctrl-alt-f1, etc doesnt do anything. I am on a tablet laptop06:33
cgkades^what everyone said06:33
Sergeygeorgep: or if you think that youre in folder a,b ut you're in /b06:33
chetnicki just realized how much faster Ubuntu launches apps from panel than from AWN, amazing, blaaazing fast.06:33
knoxvillehow would I go about this Next, you must set up a route on the server-side LAN gateway to route the VPN client subnet ( to the OpenVPN server?06:34
chetnickthere is always some delay with awn, but not at all with panel.06:34
CaivaxHi....  What commercial antivirus for linux do you recommend for production servers?06:34
shadeslayerhi i need some help with a script.whats the commandd to make a user enter something?06:34
cgkadesopenvpn = a pain in the ass06:34
unkmarshadeslayer: read variablename06:35
sparris upgrading from ext3 to ext4 the best way to get a good defrag tool?06:35
unkmarshadeslayer: that assumes bash.06:35
knoxvillecgkades, i have it working just wanted to expand the scope06:35
ienorandshadeslayer: sudo -u username command06:35
chetnicki doubt 5% on the channel use antivirus at all ... if any comercial.06:35
cgkadesknoxville: thats good. i havent gotten it working yet. though i admit i havent given it much effort06:35
ReticentiI just installed Wubi Ubuntu on XP, and when I load it up, everything freezes except my mouse, which moves very slowly. ctrl-alt-bkspc, ctrl-alt-f1, etc doesnt do anything. I am on a tablet laptop, what do you think is wrong?06:35
shadeslayerunkmar: yep. so how do i define variablename?? its supposed to be a string06:35
sacarlsonmy terminal window problem must be something to do with the keychain program.   I was also forced to reset the computer couldn't shutdown.06:35
ienorandshadeslayer: not really sure what you were asking fr...06:36
shadeslayerchar var10]06:36
sacarlsonafter reboot the terminal window is now working and keychain is functioning06:36
hacker_kidim getting a high pitched whine whenever i record audio, what could cause that?06:36
sparrchetnick: I might take that bet...  popcon says 10% of ubuntu users have clamav-base installed06:36
shadeslayerienorand: i need to copy one file from multiple files to a location.the file needs to be chosen by the user06:36
shadeslayerienorand: so like in C++ i declare char var[10]06:37
sparrwhile you could claim that most of those people don't actually USE it, I would counter-claim that this channel is likely populated by the other end of the spectrum, on average06:37
Q_ContinuumOkay, what's the fastest way to copy migrate over from an 8.10 install to a 9.04 install?  (Seperate drives, I'm on the new install, have the old up as an external) - anything I need to worry about having changed?06:38
chetnicksparr: well ok, but clamv is not commercial or i am wrong?06:38
ienorandDoof_: You could contribute in the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport if you want to report working hardware for ubuntu...06:38
sacarlsonI think KeyChain 2.6.8 has a problem06:38
DdayOkay i have ubuntu as a wubi, in songbird whenever i restart or turn off the comp06:39
DdayIt says the files cannot be located06:39
DdayAnd i need to add the songs again06:39
DdayTHe music is on the windows part of the hard drive btw06:39
ienorandshadeslayer: ah, though you wanted a command executed as a specific user, I'm not so savvy on scripting, sorry.06:39
shadeslayerunkmar: did you get my point?06:39
shadeslayerienorand: not a specific user but a specific file from multiple files06:40
ReticentiI just installed Wubi Ubuntu on XP, and when I load it up, everything freezes except my mouse, which moves very slowly. ctrl-alt-bkspc, ctrl-alt-f1, etc doesnt do anything. I am on a tablet laptop, what do you think is wrong?06:40
shadeslayerin the same folder06:40
davexorDday, have you tried moving one of the files over to the Ubuntu "partition"06:40
Counterspell9.04 is so unstable WTF06:40
Counterspell9.04 crashes so much my whole system freezes06:40
DdayI can't, my ubuntu partition is only 30gb06:40
DdayMy music is much larger than that06:40
PLyTheManDoes anyone know why 9.10 won't see my wired network?  All I can get is my neighbors wifi.  I know the network is up, and the router lights up when I plug the jack into my computer, but I can't get anything for a wired connection06:40
davexorOh i know06:40
ienorandCounterspell: intel graphics?06:40
bullgard4Khisanth: Thank you very much for your help.06:40
davexorI meant to try it with just one file06:40
Counterspellienorand: ATI (but with an additional intel card but it's not enabled)06:40
davexorto narrow down the possible problems06:40
shadeslayerCounterspell: try to get your problem solved here,instead of ranting06:41
Counterspellshadeslayer: i'de like to rant :p06:41
NetEchoanyone here use MoBlock?06:41
chunfenghello everyone06:41
chetnickdoes anybody have iptables firewall setup on ubuntu? About year and half ago, i wanted to setup iptables firewall on my ubuntu desktop, but at that time Network Manager had some issues with it. Is that still tha case ?06:41
sparrchetnick: you said at all06:42
ReticentiI just installed Wubi Ubuntu on XP, and when I load it up, everything freezes except my mouse, which moves very slowly. ctrl-alt-bkspc, ctrl-alt-f1, etc doesnt do anything. I am on a tablet laptop, what do you think is wrong?06:42
skifterchet, I use an iptables based fw, no problems here06:42
unkmarshadeslayer: read variablename06:42
unkmarshadeslayer: echo $variablename06:42
ienorandPLyTheMan: if you indeed are on 9.10, the question belongs in #ubuntu+1, and you should prbably see if you can scrape together enough info for a bug report, provided it worked in 9.04...06:42
chetnicksparr: i know, i'm not saying that you are not right, i am just asking about clamv, is it commercial or no?06:43
shadeslayerunkmar: so how do i declare the variable? read is for reading echo is for displaying06:43
shadeslayerunkmar: does it get automaatically declared?06:43
PLyTheManienorand: it wasn't working on 8.1 either06:44
ReticentiI just installed Wubi Ubuntu on XP, and when I load it up, everything freezes except my mouse, which moves very slowly. ctrl-alt-bkspc, ctrl-alt-f1, etc doesnt do anything. I am on a tablet laptop, what do you think is wrong?06:44
sparrchetnick: it is not, alone, although a number of companies sell it as part of a larger package06:44
shadeslayerReticenti: ctrl+alt+backspc has been disabled by upstream06:44
Sergeyshadeslayer: read VAR06:45
Sergeyshadeslayer:echo $VAR;06:45
Reticentictrl-alt-f1 doesnt do anything either shadeslayer06:45
r2r4hello. i want wo know the fileencoding of a file. i know vim can do that . but i need a non-interactive way. any help . plz ?06:45
shadeslayerSergey: ok,read then declares AND reads VAR i think?>06:45
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Reticentiand everything freezes, except for the mouse, which gets updated about every 1 second or so, shadeslayer06:45
EdLin!netbook remix06:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook remix06:45
Sergeyshadeslayer: yes06:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unr06:46
ludditewhats the command line for the gnome themes06:46
macoluddite: what?06:46
luddite? they all disapeared06:46
Reticentir2r4: i think "file <filename>" works06:46
shadeslayerSergey: how do i use it in a location,such as /home/shadeslayer/var or something diff. ?06:46
PLyTheManis there a command for updating all drivers?  or in my case updating my network card?06:46
Sergeyshadeslayer: you read a string, and then you make of it whatever you need =)06:46
ludditemaco : can i run the gnome themes gui from command line (im in fluxbox so have no menu as such)06:46
shadeslayerPLyTheMan: your kernel is your driver database ;)06:47
Sergeyshadeslayer: you want to have auto-completion?06:47
ienorandPLyTheMan: update manager should take care of it...06:47
macoluddite: oh....you can type "gnome-" and hit tab twice and itll show a list of what's available. maybe gnome-appearances?06:47
r2r4Reticenti, ok thanks!. i'll take a try. maybe i need feeding some args for `file`06:47
Reticentir2r4: http://www.foogazi.com/2007/10/26/quickzi-how-to-determine-file-types-on-linux/06:47
EdLinI have a problem, I run ubuntu netbook remix and for some reason it isn't running the panel on boot either in nb remix mode or in standard ubuntu gnome mode06:47
knoxvillehow can I change the default gateway on this entry        *        U     0      0        0 tap006:47
ienorandPLyTheMan: sorry was this wired or wireless?06:47
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PLyTheManwired is not working, wireless is06:48
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RichiVcan you guys tell me how stuffed your desktop looks?06:48
Dayofswords1i got a problem, if leave my computer alone it goes to screen-saver, if i move mouse, i can login and do things, but if wait long enough and the pc go into hibernate , i go back on pc and mouse/click, the screen go to login but the screen goes crazy. everything rapidly fly horizontal, not like any feature would do, is there something wrong?06:48
shadeslayerSergey: no like suppose the user enters ubuntu.png (the files are all icons.png) located in /home/shadeslayer/Desktop/Icons so how do i get the script to ask the user which icon to use ?06:48
PLyTheManwhen I click on networking and look at the list there's nothing under wired06:48
PLyTheManeven tho the router lights up when I plug the jack in06:48
ienorandPLyTheMan: what does "sudo dhclient eth0" give you?06:48
ienorandPLyTheMan: pastebin...06:48
r2r4Reticenti, thanks again. 'the fileencoding', i mean, like 'utf8' 'unicode' or something. it seems that 'file' does not care about this06:48
Soren_is there a god of Ubuntu sound here?  I have been here a number of times with no luck..........my Gateway 4520GZ remains mute.......... the web had quite a few threads showing that there is an issie with this sound card but the suggestions they give donothing for mine. according to other OPs here,my system "thinks" that it is playing sound, but nothing is actuallly playd06:48
PLyTheManwill do, one sec06:48
Sergeyshadeslayer: echo "Please enter the icon filename: "06:49
Sergeyshadeslayer: read ICON06:49
shadeslayerSergey: and how to use the Variable in the location06:49
Sergeyshadeslayer: echo "You've entered $ICON"06:49
chuck_PLyTheMan: If your using 9.10 it is still in beta so any problems you have should be filing a bug report because what you are doing is testing the release.06:49
Sergeyshadeslayer: or something =)06:49
macoSoren_: the guy that knows the most about sound in ubuntu is currently asleep because he had to take allergy medicine06:49
shadeslayerSergey: ok,i got that part,now how to get to that location?06:49
ludditemaco - awesome - tab tab is great. cheers man06:49
PLyTheManchuck_: for what its worth, I had the same problem in 8.1006:49
macoDayofswords1: hibernating can be set in the system -> preferences -> power management (i think that's where it is...)06:50
ienorandshadeslayer: cp /home/me/incons/$ICON  I presume...06:50
shadeslayerchuck_: beta?? the alpha has not been released till now06:50
macoohok then06:50
Soren_maco, ok, ty, what is a good time to catch him................ tell him, to get well soon,ifyou see him06:50
shadeslayerok ill try that06:50
chuck_even worse sorry06:50
ienorandchuck_: I think he is on 9.04 in fact...06:50
FloodBot2goodnet5: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:50
EdLinI have a problem with netbook remix, gnome-panel isn't getting run. help!06:50
tazhello people... update manger...it still there it said linux-restricted-modules-generic  .. how can i fix this...06:51
RichiVi just dl the stable version of wine, 1.01 how do i install it?06:51
Sergeyshadeslayer: just like ieonard said. Just tested =)06:51
=== Dayofswords1 is now known as Dayofswords
macoSoren_: you may want to hang out in #ubuntu-audio-help, though its 2am in our time zone06:51
Dayofswordscan anyone help me?06:51
ReticentiI just installed ubuntu, and everything keeps on freezing, I think it has something to do with the wacom tablet setting (i'm on a talblet laptop), but the xorg.conf file doesn't show anything for it, any help?06:51
macoDayofswords1: hibernating can be set in the system -> preferences -> power management (i think that's where it is...)06:51
Soren_ooooooooo, cool, didn't know it existed06:51
davexorWould anyone happen to know how to get a 42in Vizio HDtv to display correctly as a monitor?  I have been trying but it crops the edges of my screen06:51
Dayofswordsi'm not trying to change the mode, but why does the screen freak out?06:51
unkmarshadeslayer: yes, automatically created, Like back in the BASIC days.06:52
macoDayofswords: if you mean the screen is turning off and goes all stupid when you bring it back, ive seen that before, but i'm not sure what it is. the computer where i saw it was my mom's, and her graphics chip is known to be dying (it did the same thing under windows years before i put ubuntu on it)06:52
RichiVcan someone help me install wine? 1.0.1?06:52
ReticentiRichiV: sudo apt-get intall wine    doesnt work?06:53
PLyTheManienorand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/165882/06:53
RichiVok ill do that06:53
Dayofswordswell, rip my graphic card06:53
ludditedavexor : just plug it in - and itt should be detected. open your Display Preferences06:53
PLyTheManienorand: I copied a bit much, sorry, thats some of my other attempts06:53
ludditedavexor : select mirror screens or whatever you prefer06:53
davexorNo, i have tried that Ludditz.  The issue happens when i load my Nvidia driver.  (sorry forgot to say that part)06:54
Wortmanok I need a very specific ease of access tool for those of us who have synesthesia06:54
ludditeuse your nvidia control gui06:54
RichiVlol l i'm not trying to install the newest version06:54
RichiVi want the stable wine06:54
ReticentiI just installed ubuntu, and everything keeps on freezing, I think it has something to do with the wacom tablet setting (i'm on a talblet laptop), but the xorg.conf file doesn't show anything for it, any help?06:54
EdLinhelp with gnome-panel not running on startup with netbook remix?06:54
Dayofswordsok, i change my power mangement to never hibernate, that should work fine for me06:55
Surlent777hi, uh, I noticed that my mic is suddenly no longer working this evening, and I just tested it in XP and it worked there. Any idea what may have happened?06:55
ienorandPLyTheMan: try just pinging your router, if you can do that I'd say something is bogus with the other end of the connection...06:55
Surlent777Its volume is all the way up in the gnome volume control thing06:55
DivePeakHi all - noob looking for some help setting up iSCSI enterprise target (I part way through the Wiki instructions, and 'make' terminates with an error)06:55
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davexorLuddite, when i use my Nvidia_settings manager, no matter what resolution i set it to it crops the screen.  In Windows the driver has an option to resize the desktop.  Not the case in Ubuntu06:56
Surlent777oh wait nm found it06:56
Surlent777went to capture and it was somehow down all the way06:56
PLyTheManienorand:, right?  I pinged it fine, nothing lost06:56
ludditedavexor : i dont use nvidia only ati - sorry06:56
n2diydavexor: have you checked your aspect ration?06:57
davexorLuddite: Its ok06:57
tom342so what Software do you guys use for web research?06:57
ienorandPLyTheMan: Are you able to connect via that using other compters?06:57
dsabeckytom342: Wikipedia and Google06:57
PLyTheManyeah, this comp I'm on right now is through the same router06:57
DivePeakTom: LimeSurvey06:57
TetracommGood night.06:58
r2r4Reticenti, i got a nice util name 'enca' , which can detect all kinds of fileencoding. perhaps you will be gald to get it. http://freshmeat.net/projects/enca/06:58
n2diydavexor: ok.06:58
dholbachPackaging Training Session in 1m in #ubuntu-classroom06:59
davexorwoops wrong button06:59
shadeslayerienorand: unkmar Sergey thanks06:59
tom342what's a good web research software for extracting & searching?06:59
tom342i want to add notes to it too, and modify the content06:59
shadeslayermy first script :P06:59
n2diytom342: perl06:59
DivePeaktom342: can you define "web research"?06:59
* tom342 sighs :Oo07:00
tom342yes, eg Health web sites.. I want to save parts of web pages easily07:00
IllWhat is the best way to upgrade a server on the command line?07:00
tom342modify their contents easily, & find them easily when i need to07:00
Illdo-upgrade -d07:01
Illdo-dist-upgrade -d?07:01
DivePeaktom342: Oh, I misunderstood. Sorry, can't help with that...07:01
tom342they must offer keywords and not top-down folder hierarchy which is a pain as the nature of information is highly cross-referential usually with many keywords07:01
ReticentiI just installed ubuntu, and everything keeps on freezing, I think it has something to do with the wacom tablet setting (i'm on a talblet laptop), but the xorg.conf file doesn't show anything for it, any help?07:02
DivePeakLinux noob looking for some help setting up iSCSI enterprise target (I get part way through the Wiki instructions, and 'make' terminates with an error) Anyone?07:03
Rohit_kgecI want to connect s video out port of my laptop to the TV. can someone help me?07:04
blackbutterfly_Rohit_kgec: yes, a cable07:04
Rohit_kgeci have a s-video cable. the part that connects to tv is same as that of any dvd players cable. surprisingly there's no connection sign in software part.07:05
Rohit_kgecblackbutterfly_,  i have a s-video cable. the part that connects to tv is same as that of any dvd players cable. surprisingly there's no connection sign in software part.07:05
racecar56i gotta go, bye07:05
ottoshmidtexcuse me, does Accessibility Login Sound use Pulseaudio or Alsa drive?07:06
jacoblylesI have 300 MB of programs listed in my system monitor, but there is 1.7 GB in use. Why is this?07:06
scarlethi all.07:06
scarletany1 know how to add lx 800 on xubuntu jaunty?07:06
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Wortmanis there an ease of access tool for Ubuntu for us synesthetes?07:07
jacoblylesI would prefer to have my 1.4 GB back07:07
sacarlsonjacoblyles: maybe .trash or package cashe?07:07
Rohit_kgecblackbutterfly_, hello?07:07
jacoblylessacarlson: hmmm, I'll take a look07:07
chuck_ottoshmidt: it uses esound deamon07:07
ottoshmidtchuck_, and should it conflict with pulseaudio?07:08
scarlethas try googling but no answer07:08
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DivePeakLinux noob looking for some help setting up iSCSI enterprise target (I get part way through the Wiki instructions, and 'make' terminates with an error) Help? Please? :)07:09
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chuck_ottoshmidt: everything conflicts with pulseaudio, but no it should not07:09
chetnickDivePeak: i guess you are missing some libraries? What are the errors, pastebin them.07:10
ottoshmidtchuck_, I mean when I have login sounds on, no other sound works when logged in07:10
jacoblylessacarlson: I cleared the package cache, system monitor still reports 1.7 GB of RAM used despite only 300 MB of processes listed07:11
jacoblylesnot sure where .trash is07:11
jacoblylesusually I reboot when it does this, seems so Windows-ish07:11
ottoshmidtchuck_, but when I Kill Process Pulseaudio and reload everything works07:11
sacarlson jacoblyles: oh ram sorry is that when you run top07:11
DivePeak@chetnick: I have installed the libraries libssl-dev, build-essentials, and linux-headers-*...07:12
jacoblylessarcarlson: I'll try that, was just looking at system monitor. Is system monitor incomplete?07:12
ReticentiI just installed ubuntu, and everything keeps on freezing, I think it has something to do with the wacom tablet setting (i'm on a talblet laptop), but the xorg.conf file doesn't show anything for it, any help?07:12
rac_hello everyone. I have a hopefully easy question... I just installed ubuntu on this computer, but my graphics card wasn't detected and I can only go up to 800x600. I have an integrated graphics card on a asrock K8NF6G-VSTA mobo. could someone please help me?07:13
DivePeakThen I get:07:13
DivePeakmake -C usr07:13
DivePeakmake[1]: Entering directory `/iscsitarget-0.4.15/usr'07:13
DivePeakcc -O2 -fno-inline -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -g -I../include   -c -o message.o message.c07:13
DivePeakmessage.c: In function ‘ietadm_request_handle’:07:13
DivePeakmessage.c:130: error: storage size of ‘cred’ isn’t known07:13
DivePeakmessage.c:130: warning: unused variable ‘cred’07:13
FloodBot2DivePeak: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:13
Rohit_kgec I want to connect s video out port of my laptop to the TV. i have the convertor (cable):  4 pin s-video to 3 RCA input. can someone help me?07:13
sacarlson jacoblyles:  system monitor I'm not sure I always use top to see what is using ram mem07:13
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jacoblylessacarlson: it's weird. It's reporting   Mem:   2579880k total,  2373700k used,   206180k free. But the top 10 processes or so add up to less than 10% in the  %MEM column, and the rest are trivial07:14
jacoblylesthere seems to be some phantom RAM sink07:14
chetnickdid anybody tried XEN? i've been using VMWare Workstation for few years know, i am wondering is it worth of changing?07:15
karanthello, i am fairly new to Linux/Ubuntu, after upgrading from hardy to jaunty, firefox can no longer connect to the internet, wget inside console works just fine and i can also ping from console without problems, can someone please point me in the right direction? i am using coLinux on Vista, so it is using slirp to connect to the internet07:15
sacarlson jacoblyles: sort it and see what is using the most07:15
peachessacarlson: what are the first 3 characters of that message before "jacoblyles" ? i think my irc client is screwing up or something07:16
PLyTheManshould I be worried that there's a user "mark" on my computer when I never put it there?07:16
schwenkechetnick: depends what you're trying to do.  i don't use xen but i have good success with kvm... however, you want to setup virtual machines using virt-manager07:17
chuck_ottoshmidt: I do not use Pulse so cannot help you to much you might try to disablt the system sounds and see if that helps07:17
chetnickPLyTheMan: Dude, you should be worried.07:17
jacoblylessacarlson: not sure how to sort it, top seems to be updating itself every few seconds. The highest memory use process I can see is using 3.7%  in the %MEM column, and the total of that column is about 10% for all processes listed, yet 80% of my memory is listed as "used"07:17
jacoblylesI believe the highest memory process is my flash player07:17
jacoblyleswhich isn't taking up very much memory07:17
schwenkePLyTheMan: in a terminal, what does "id mark" show?  wondering if it is a strange system account...07:18
PLyTheManchetnick: maybe its related to why my laptop has been running like shit lately07:18
sacarlson jacoblyles:  type h for help07:18
chetnickPLyTheMan: very posible, come on on private.07:18
sacarlson jacoblyles: I think it's the < and > to move the sort one colme one way or the other07:18
valentinexhi anybody here using ubuntu 9.04 and knows about manual partitions?07:18
DivePeakUmmm... is this what I was meant to do to avoid the flood? http://paste.ubuntu.com/165892/07:18
PLyTheManuid=1001(mark) gid=1001(mark) groups=1001(mark)07:19
jacoblylessacarlson: beautiful07:19
jacoblylesthat solves it07:19
schwenkePLyTheMan: looks like a user account rather than a system account07:19
P2Hello Guys. Need your expertise. Recently installed ubuntu 9.04 in T60. After that I am unable to start my firefox. Firefox is complaining an error saying permission denied. But it works through sudo /usr/bin/firefox command from prompt. Your advise please.07:19
schwenkePLyTheMan: lastlog -u mark07:19
valentinexwith auto partitions it was taking 6GB, now i want manual partitions how to set ? i shall set 500mb swap, how much root and ext4 ?07:19
schwenkePLyTheMan: that'll tell you about logins from that user07:20
jacoblylessacarlson: don't know why system monitor won't list the culprit07:20
jacoblylesbut top will07:20
P2Failed to execute child process "firefox" (Permission denied) this is the error, i got when i start firefox from u9.0407:20
EdgEyvalentinex with 6gb you should probably set /home / to the same partition07:20
karantnot sure what the problem is, terminal can ping and wget everything fine but administration > network tools > ping cannot reach anything07:20
Elonequestion: can i have a machine doing loggings on connections , but i don't want the HDD keep on spinning all the time, is there is away to cache the data on ram and flush it like once a day to the disk? like setting a very large buffer and disable write thru?07:21
schwenkePLyTheMan: but if your machine has been broken into, then the culprit might have cleaned up after themselves07:21
blindI need some help with setting up dual monitors. I'm using one nVidia card and the integrated intel card. I'm using 8.1007:21
PLyTheManschwenke: never logged in07:21
sacarlsonjacoblyle: so what was it that used all the mem?07:21
valentinexEdgEy: ext 4 home to 6GB ? ok and how much root? root can also be setted to ext4?07:21
rac_everyone: I have never had to deal with an integrated graphics card before... so I;m not sure how to get the right driver... and google isn't helping me T_T'07:21
BoohbahP2: sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/firefox07:21
EdgEyvalentinex, if you only make "/"07:22
EdgEyand make no "/home" partition07:22
EdgEythen /home will be on the "/" partition07:22
scarlethi all07:22
scarletany1 know how to install epson lx 800?07:22
EdgEyif you have only limited space that is probably better because you won't have "wasted" space that way07:22
P2lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2009-05-07 11:19 firefox -> firefox-3.007:23
P2lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 2009-05-07 11:19 firefox-3.0 -> ../lib/firefox-3.0.10/firefox.sh07:23
schwenkePLyTheMan: hard to say what might have happened without logging in to your system... and that seems like a bad idea for a lot of reasons...  :-)07:23
Viking667hey there. I'm trying to figure out how to get my ATI Radeon 9550 detected as dual-head and to use both heads of the card. What do I need to look at?07:23
P2Boohbah. no luck.07:23
PLyTheManhaha, fair enough07:23
jacoblylessacarlson: a BOINC client doing protein folding for the Rosetta project. Weird that it wouldn't show up on system monitor. I would have changed my preferences on it a long time ago.07:23
valentinexEdgEy:  "/"  ? "/" will auto set home and root?07:23
chuck_p2 try this , sudo chown -R your_username:your_user_group /home/yourname/.mozilla/firefox/jw8613g5.default/Cache07:23
Viking667As in, what does Ubuntu do towards detecting (and configuring) multi-head video cards?07:23
milligan_I have a file that has a lot of <line1blabla>\n<line2blabla> .. line1 will be different from time to time, but line 2 will always have a word repeating. How can I grep for line 2, but only return the line above? (line 1)07:23
P2ok chuck.07:24
jacoblylessacarlson: makes me not trust the program07:24
EdgEyvalentinex, it will put home and root onto the same one - do you have 6gb total available? or just want 6gb for / ?07:24
Slartmilligan_: use capturing parenthesis07:24
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valentinexEdgEy: i want to set 6gb, have total 10gb will give all 10gb to linux07:24
milligan_Slart, que? :)07:24
Slartmilligan_: something like (.*)MySpecialWordsHere07:24
milligan_a regex.07:25
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Slartmilligan_: of course07:25
EdgEyvalentinex, i see :) sorry, then make /home 4gb and / 6gb :)07:25
valentinexEdgEy: and swap? have one GB ram07:25
EdgEyvalentinex, maybe / 5gb and 1gb swap then, 6gb is quite large, unless you really install a lot07:26
EdgEymy "/" is 28gb and only 2.5gb used hehe07:26
valentinexEdgEy: when i was at 8.10 my swap was always not used or only used few mb07:27
P2Chuck no luck07:28
valentinexEdgEy: coz i do not run heavy things and my system have 1gb ram07:28
valentinexEdgEy: are u angry? :P07:30
EdgEyvalentinex, no07:30
valentinexEdgEy: Thanks for help I try if any problem will be back :)07:30
bcfor the shortcut "Volume Up" (and Down) in gnome keyboard shortcuts, when I assign it, what audio device is that affecting? the sound volume doesn't change using that.07:30
EdgEy:) gl07:30
sacarlsonP2: firefox it's probly a sybolic link you may have to look at what it points to and chmod that07:30
mib_a7sy8eseI have gotten the x64 Ubuntu installed, however Im new to it, and trying to get me nvidia card to use the visual effects. It fails to load the driver and when i try to us4e the Synaptic manager im told  sudo does not allow running it as root.....07:30
mib_a7sy8eseany suggestions?07:30
valentinexEdgEy: gl means get lost? :(07:31
EdgEygood luck07:31
bcmib_a7sy8ese: are you using sudo or trying to launch synaptic from a root shell?07:31
ruserso has anyone gotten  ati x1400 working with  direct rendering and  having  compiz with propriateory driver under jaunty?07:32
mib_a7sy8eseNope im in the GUI, and when i try to run it, its asking for a password, if I use My account (not root) it tells me i am root,. same if I use the root password07:32
mib_a7sy8eseno option to tell it a username07:33
bcmib_a7sy8ese: open terminal and type -> id (what number beside uid do you see?)07:33
sacarlsonmib_a7sy8ese:  oh ya can't you login to the user you have setup as admin?07:33
mib_a7sy8eseI cant log on as root, it wont let me, and some of the system setting will only work when logged in as root, what kind of crap is that? lol07:33
sacarlsonmib_a7sy8ese: login adminname07:34
Slartmib_a7sy8ese: don't log on as root.. there's no need.. use sudo ... !root and !sudo for more info07:34
mib_a7sy8eseGUID=1000(mark) groups=1000(mark)07:34
bcmib_a7sy8ese: you have done something strange then. i dont know what.07:34
mib_a7sy8eseI did not log in as root07:34
mib_a7sy8esei logged in as mark07:34
mib_a7sy8eseit would not let me use root07:35
bcmib_a7sy8ese: open a terminal and type sudo synaptic (or just use apt-get)07:35
sacarlsonmib_a7sy8ese: he seems to have created a new user and loged into that.  new users default to not have admin privlige07:35
mib_a7sy8eseI did use adduser to make the mark account07:35
P2Sacarlson no luck07:35
Slart!root | mib_a7sy8ese07:35
ubottumib_a7sy8ese: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:35
Slart!sudo | mib_a7sy8ese07:35
ubottumib_a7sy8ese: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)07:35
mib_a7sy8esesudo synaptic07:35
mib_a7sy8esemark is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.07:36
bcmib_a7sy8ese: is mark in the admin group? :)07:36
sacarlsonP2: ls -l /usr/bin/firefox07:36
bcmib_a7sy8ese: find out with terminal -> groups07:36
rusermib_a7sy8ese:  ouch, looks like he is not in sudoers. boot into recovery mode add him into the admin group07:36
mib_a7sy8eseI tried to open users/group but again no permissions lol07:36
P2lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2009-05-07 11:19 /usr/bin/firefox -> firefox-3.007:36
mib_a7sy8esecan it be done from console?07:36
bcmib_a7sy8ese: boot in 'safe mode' and add mark to group admin07:36
rusermib_a7sy8ese:  yes07:36
bcmib_a7sy8ese: or maybe use telinit, but im not sure if that requires root. probably.07:37
mib_a7sy8eseOk so how do i do it in the console... I am sorry I am new to Linux but I lothe Microsoft..07:37
TTxTanybody has a partial upgrade (update notifier) in jaunty?07:37
P2prem@prem-ubuntu-laptop:/usr/bin$ ls -la fire*07:37
P2lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2009-05-07 11:19 firefox -> firefox-3.007:37
P2lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 2009-05-07 11:19 firefox-3.0 -> ../lib/firefox-3.0.10/firefox.sh07:37
FloodBot2P2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:37
=== alps is now known as c_nick
P2ok flood. will follow07:38
mib_a7sy8eseIll try the reboot I  guess .. hopefully I will be back07:38
sacarlsonmib_a7sy8ese: don't you remember the admin account name that was created on install?07:38
mib_a7sy8eseI do07:38
bebinhi everyone i upgraded for ubuntu 8.10 to ubuntu 9.04 maya 2009 worked fine in 8.10 but in ubuntu9.04 Maya gets `stuck' in an input mode like you were holding down a key on the keyboard continuously...is there any solution07:38
sacarlsonmib_a7sy8ese: login to that07:38
bcmib_a7sy8ese: adduser USER GROUP07:38
mib_a7sy8eseI tried it wont let me07:39
ruserScarEye:  please dont' mislead07:39
TTxTanybody has a partial upgrade (update notifier) in jaunty? distribution upgrade: I have done a clean jaunty install and now the update notifier is asking me for a distribution upgrade07:39
bcmib_a7sy8ese: e.g. adduser USER admin07:39
rusersacarlson: please don't mislead07:39
sacarlsonmib_a7sy8ese: oh root ok07:39
ruserScarEye:  sorry wrong person07:39
sacarlsonmib_a7sy8ese: can't he just from the terminal type >login root ?07:39
bcfor the shortcut "Volume Up" (and Down) in gnome keyboard shortcuts, when I assign it, what audio device is that affecting? the sound volume doesn't change using that.07:40
SlartTTxT: well.. there are lots of updates.. it isn't surprising to get some updates on a newly installed system07:40
sacarlsonmib_a7sy8ese: ya add your guy to the admin group sorry07:40
ruserhe rebooted07:40
ruseralso,   he could have just  su -07:40
TTxTSlart: but a distribution upgrade?07:41
SlartTTxT: nope.. that shouldn't be there.. does it want to upgrade to 9.10?07:41
bcruser: depends on his shadow file i guess07:41
karantdoes anyone know why would wget work but ping fail in terminal?07:41
sonaliHi guys! I can run only 1 app at a time that has to access the system sound...could there be a resolution for this?07:41
bckarant: karant what does ping say?07:42
ruserkarant:  maybe your ISP/firewall not letting ICMP packets out07:42
karantbc: 100% packet loss07:42
DdayWHat's a good text editor?07:42
SlartDday: gedit07:42
karantwget and apt-get works like perfectly fine07:42
TTxTSlart: it says Not all updates can be installed, run a partial upgrade to install  as many updates as possible. ....07:42
bckarant: install hping instead maybe07:43
bcDday: i like ed myself07:43
karantbc: this only happened after i upgraded to 9.0407:43
SlartTTxT: hmm.. never seen that on a fresh system.. I guess it could happen if you upgraded and aborted half way through07:43
bckarant: try ping607:43
mib_rwos94i1TY TY adduser mark admin worked07:43
DdayWhat's ED?07:43
chuck_sonali: it has to do with dmixing the channels there is a how to on the forums that might help you. (ubuntu)07:44
bcDday: the standard text editor07:44
TTxTSlart: its a fresh system07:44
quibblerTTxT-> i had that also this morning. it went fine for me .i believe it is because it wants to update the kernel.07:44
karantbc: says unknown host07:44
sonalichuck_: can you point me to the same?07:44
mgmuscarianybody here know much about java applets?07:45
TTxTquibbler: never seen this kind of message on a kernel update... its really strange07:45
mgmuscariembedded in browsers07:45
karantbc: i am assuming that internet connection is there, since wget works and so does apt-get...07:45
bckarant: try traceroute and see if that even works07:45
karantbc: btw, i am using coLinux07:45
TTxTquibbler: so, its fine to run this upgrades?07:45
snizwickit_with wget, how can you specify where a file gets downloaded to?07:45
bckarant: tell me why you want to use ping07:45
sonalimgmuscari: what do you want to know?07:45
bcDday: http://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed.msg.html07:45
quibblerTTxT-> i haven't either , but i have a complete backup si i figured try it. it went fine.07:46
karantbc: well, because it seems inside gnome (or better put, outside terminal) i cannot connect to the internet via firefox for example, also system > administration > network tools fails to ping as well07:46
karantbc: but i can wget in terminal just fine :/07:47
DdayRofl bc07:47
mutex_Hello all, I'm testing irssi client )07:47
bckarant: people aren't going to want to support coLinux here. check your firewall, iptables -L -n, or maybe something on your network is blocking icmp echo07:47
bcDday: :D07:47
karantbc: ok...thanks for your help07:47
TTxTquibbler: i'll wait a day or 2 to do that upgrade07:48
quibblerTTxT-> you are going to have to reboot after.07:48
karanti don't believe colinux is the problem since i can wget in terminal, i think i am missing something in ubuntu desktop settings07:48
rubydiamondhi guys..07:48
rubydiamondlooks like my crontab does not work07:48
rubydiamondthough I have added it correctly07:48
chuck_sonali: see if this helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206307:48
karantbc: under system > preferences > network connections, i don't have anything there, is that normal?07:49
quibblerTTxT-> make a system backup and if anything goes wrong ..set it back07:49
sonalichuck_: thanks for your help, will take a look at that07:49
bckarant: nothing under wired or wireless?!07:49
sacarlsonkarant: I can't ping hotmail.com eather but they are there maybe the server side is blocking the ping echo07:49
karantbc: nothing07:49
karantbc: all tabs are completely blank07:50
sonalikarant: see if you can ping localhost07:50
bckarant: check /etc/network/interfaces07:50
sonalikarant: have you tried to ping www.google.com?07:50
karantsonali: yes, no problem that worked07:50
=== Butcher is now known as Sneese
karantsonali: yes, ping www.google.com has 100% packet loss07:51
TTxTquibbler: how?07:51
sonalican you paste the output when you ping www.google.com here?07:51
bckarant: you said you can get out to the net, assuming you aren't on that system now? :D07:51
sacarlsonsonali: ya google.com is pingable07:51
karantbc: i am on vista now07:51
sonalisacarlson: yea that's why I asked07:51
bckarant: so your linux system can't connect to the internet then, it's beyond ping right?07:51
karantsonali: one second07:51
karantbc: if that was the case, wget wouldn't work in terminal, correct?07:52
quibblerTTxT->  i use clonezilla and set the backup on an external drive07:52
sonalikarant: I assume you are not behind a proxy>07:52
karanti can wget www.google.com no problem07:52
karantsonali: no, no proxy here07:52
bckarant: wget from a non-local IP?07:52
TTxTquibbler: thanks07:52
bckarant: ahhh07:52
karantbc: yes07:52
sonalikarant: please paste the output of ping www.google.com here, that should help07:52
quibblerTTxT-> no problem07:52
bckarant: what are you trying to ping?07:53
karantsonali: 4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 3000ms07:53
sonalino I want the complete output07:53
sonalias in, is it able to resolve www.google.com ?07:53
karantbc: i've tried www.google.com, ubuntu.com, a number of site07:53
mib_jbrkpo82Im back, got the nvidia drivers working, dual view and the extra visual effects.. very cool stuff07:53
bckarant: any output from `host ubuntu.com`?07:53
bcmib_jbrkpo82: indeed07:53
sonalikarant: is ping able to resolve the ip address of www.google.com?07:54
karantsonali: hmm, sorry i can't say07:54
karantfor sure that is07:54
mib_jbrkpo82once i added mark to admin.. although the nvidia configuration panel would not let me make a backup of the x config file.. strnge07:54
mutex_use dig google.com07:54
karantsonali: there is nothing else in ouput of ping besides "PING www.1.google.com (74...)"07:54
sonalikarant: just check the output, if it has an ip within brackets with www.google.com07:55
karantsonali: i guess that means it did resolve it07:55
sonalikarant: yes07:55
sonalikarant: do you have a firewall then?07:55
bckarant: ping
sonalimaybe your incoming traffic is being blocked07:55
karantbc: host ubuntu.com returns ubuntu.com has address 91...07:55
mib_jbrkpo82Can an ntfs drive be mounted and read from ubuntu?07:55
bckarant: nevermind07:55
sonalikarant: perhaps only ICMP incoming is being blocked or something07:56
bckarant: (on the ping 91.x thing)07:56
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:56
karantbc: kk07:56
blindmib_jbrkpo82: yes07:56
bcsonali: he got a response from google though07:56
karantsonali: well, as far as firewall, i do have it on my vista machine07:56
karantsonali: so maybe thats where the problem is07:56
sonalikarant: I would think so07:57
bckarant: is vista machine your network gateway?07:57
karantsonali: although i did not have this issue until i upgraded to from 6.06 to 9.0407:57
karantbc: yes, ubuntu communicates with the web via the host OS (vista) via slirp07:57
mib_jbrkpo82Where would I find the utility to mount the sata drive?07:57
arvind_khadri!samba | arvind_khadri07:57
karantbc: and as I mentioned that works perfectly fine for wget and apt-get, etc07:57
ubottuarvind_khadri, please see my private message07:57
sonalikarant: well it depends, sometimes some firewalls need to update their firewall rules, even when an application is updated, like if firefox is updated07:57
karantbc: just not ping and firefox07:58
karantsonali: i see your point07:58
bckarant: are you using http or ftp sources in apt?07:58
karantbc: http07:58
map7I'm getting an error: 'error exit status 2' when I try and install anything on my system can anyone help?07:59
sonalimap7: how are you trying to install anything? apt-get ?07:59
map7yes apt-get08:00
map7I've also tried: sudo apt-get install -f emacs-goodies-el08:00
bckarant: is default route in `route -n` the IP of the vista machine?08:00
karantbc: it probably is the firewall, but the fact that network connections in ubuntu is completely blank also doesnt seem right08:00
reidanyone here use fluxbuntu?08:01
=== dani is now known as Guest95052
bckarant: the easy way is to just ifconfig -a08:01
karantbc: hmm, is that the first line in route -n output?08:01
bckarant: the line with
map7sonali here is the error http://pastie.org/47090008:01
mib_jbrkpo82any way to turn SUDO off..?08:01
KerrickHas anybody tried using 3D acceleration in VirtualBox 2.2.2 with Ubuntu 9.04?08:02
KerrickChris Pirillo did it the other day, but I can't get it to work.08:02
karantbc: well i have 2 interfaces08:02
bckarant: lo and eth0?08:02
mib_jbrkpo82Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root.  <-- my account does now belong to the admin group yet sudo is telling me to piss off..08:02
sacarlsonmib_jbrkpo82:  remover user from sudoer?08:02
karantbc: the one that is supposed to be responsible for inet connection is eth0 and its firest destination is
karantbc: eth0 and eth108:02
sonalimap7: try sudo dpkg --configure -a08:03
mib_jbrkpo82sacarlson : how do i do that?08:03
ToshibiGuten Tag!08:03
bckarant: = vista machine?08:03
sacarlsonmib_jbrkpo82: from the sound of it you want to turn it on for this user08:03
map7sonali: I get this error http://pastie.org/47090208:04
karantbc: thats the setup - http://colinux.wikia.com/wiki/Getting_Started_with_coLinux_-_Long_manual08:04
FrozenFireIs there a way for an administrator to reset appearance settings for a non-admin account? Somehow, one of my clients managed to completely mess up their appearance settings so that everything is gigantic, mostly off-screen.08:04
karantbc: under networking08:04
mib_jbrkpo82i just want to be able to install what i need without being asked for a password it doesnt accept... sudo dpkg --configure -a = mark is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.08:04
FrozenFireIt's completely b0rked.08:04
sonalimap7: this error was when you typed sudo dpkg --configure -a ?08:04
Esde[irssi]hi all08:04
map7sonali yes08:05
karantbc: i am pretty sure is not the vist machine...i am sorry i know its totally a colinux thing08:05
bckarant: try setting the default gateway (route) in ubuntu to the same IP that your vista machine uses as its gateway, if ubuntu is running inside vista as a host os. that may work, im not sure.08:05
sonalimap7: seems like something is wrong with the package perl-doc08:05
sonalimap7: perhaps you can try removing it, or reinstalling it?08:06
bckarant: i dont know your network set up, but if you know the ip of your router, try making the default route the ip of your router.08:06
Toshibiperl-doc? Isn't that just the documentation?08:06
karantbc: is the network specified under eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces08:06
sonaliToshibi: yes08:06
Esde[irssi]i got the error Try(0,0) FAT32 NO WUBILDR Try(0,1)NTFS5 no wubildr Try(hd0,2) Invalid or Null Try(0,3) Invalid or Null Error: Cannot Find GRLDR in all devices..08:06
karantbc: network:
bckarant: can you pastebin the contents of interfaces?08:06
Toshibibc: DHCP makes life easier :D08:06
map7sonali I just removed perl-doc with a -f and it's all working again, thanks for the help08:06
karantbc: one sec08:06
sonalimap7: great08:06
sacarlsonmib_jbrkpo82:  you can eather create a new user that has admin priv or add your present user to the admin group08:06
rubydiamondhi guys..08:07
rubydiamondlooks like my crontab does not work08:07
rubydiamondthough I have added it correctly08:07
Guest95052UBUNTU ROCKS!!08:07
bcToshibi: he's having a different problem08:07
mib_jbrkpo82mark was added to the admin group08:07
Guest95052sry i had to get it outta me08:07
Toshibibc: What's the scope of the problem? I may be able to help. I came in in the middle.08:07
sonaliGuest95052: well you're right :008:07
sonaliGuest95052: :)08:07
bcToshibi: http://colinux.wikia.com/wiki/Getting_Started_with_coLinux_-_Long_manual08:07
Guest95052yay! :)08:08
sacarlsonmib_jbrkpo82:  oh mark is already in the admin group but still can't do sudo su08:08
mib_jbrkpo82mark@development:~$ su Password:  root@development:/home/mark# adduser mark admin The user `mark' is already a member of `admin'.08:08
Esde[irssi]i got the error Try(0,0) FAT32 NO WUBILDR Try(0,1)NTFS5 no wubildr Try(hd0,2) Invalid or Null Try(0,3) Invalid or Null Error: Cannot Find GRLDR in all devices.. How do i fix this?08:08
mib_jbrkpo82I can do su in console08:08
sonaliToshibi: well karant is unable to ping, although wget and apt-get works08:08
vegombreihi .. how do i get gimp to save image as jpg? everytime i try it saves it as .xcf .. anyone have a fix for this?08:08
quibblerGuest95052-> it's understandable your joy, however don't shout, it may scare some of the people here!08:09
sacarlsonmib_jbrkpo82:  you want mark to not require a password when sudo is used?08:09
karantbc: http://www.pastie.org/47090508:09
Toshibisonali: If apt-get and wget and so on work then he is routing. Unable to ping? Has he tried to ping as a sudoer?08:09
arvind_khadriikonia: there?08:09
vegombreiangelete2: hi08:09
karantbc: i know eth0 is responsible for internet and eth1 is responsible for internal communication between vista nd linux (vnc for example)08:09
sonalivegombrei: in the save as screen, select JPG in the drop down and save as a .jpg08:09
vegombreiindus: hi08:09
mib_jbrkpo82im trying to install codex's for video and when asked for the root pasword I give it but im still denied, however in the console I can su with it fine08:09
bckarant: are you sure eth0 is the right one? if so, can you ping
Esde[irssi]i got the error Try(0,0) FAT32 NO WUBILDR Try(0,1)NTFS5 no wubildr Try(hd0,2) Invalid or Null Try(0,3) Invalid or Null Error: Cannot Find GRLDR in all devices.. How do i fix this?08:10
sonaliToshibi: I am not sure about that08:10
vegombreisonali: i did that ... still saves as .xcf08:10
vegombreisonali: is there a plug-in for jpgs?08:10
Toshibisonali: Ahhh, I see what's going on. Hmmm....08:10
Esde[irssi]do i need to post in the forums?08:10
mib_jbrkpo82no way to just remove sudo?08:10
sonalivegombrei: are you specifying .jpg when you save the image in the name?08:10
mib_jbrkpo82this tyhing is retarded08:10
angelete2is it possible to upgrade directly from 7.10 to 9 ??08:11
sonaliEsde[irssi]: sorry, but I do not know about that error, perhaps forum also is a good idea08:11
bckarant: also, in vista command line, what does ipconfig /all tell you is the 'default gateway'?08:11
indusangelete2: no08:11
vegombreisonali: yes, thats the reason im here08:11
sonaliangelete2: no recommended either08:11
karantbc: yes, i can ping
crashatauangelete2: Might be possible, but not a good idea.08:11
Esde[irssi]thanks sonali08:11
sonaliEsde[irssi]: no problem08:12
Toshibikarant: Have you tried doing a file transfer from Vista to Ubuntu or vica versa?08:12
bckarant: <bc> karant: also, in vista command line, what does ipconfig /all tell you is the 'default gateway'?08:12
crashatauWow, is this a Vista channel ?08:12
* crashatau looks at channel name08:12
sonalivegombrei: I am not sure of your problem then...maybe you should ask it again08:12
mib_jbrkpo82Ok so... Sudo will not accept my root password but su will in the console.. i cant log in as root, and my user account mark is in the admin group but sido wont recognize it as an admin and requires the root password to modify the system but it rejects the password?08:13
sonalicrashatau: are you alright ?08:13
mib_jbrkpo82And I thought Vista was messed up08:13
karantToshibi: no, i haven't gotten to actually transferring the files between 2 OSs08:13
vegombreihi .. how do i get gimp to save image as jpg? everytime i try it saves it as .xcf .. anyone have a fix for this?08:13
sonalimib_jbrkpo82: sudo accepts your password, not the root password08:13
bckarant: looks like 10 net has no route to 192.16808:13
crashatausonali not really, I'm trying to recover an 8TB xfs filesystem.08:13
bckarant: unless it shows the route in route -n08:13
karantbc: let me pastie everything that route -n returns08:14
mib_jbrkpo82no sudo tells me that my admin account password is not able to modify system settings even though it is in the admin group08:14
angelete2and upgrade from 7.10 to 8.10?08:14
Hymnosissudo passwd08:14
angelete2or should i upgrade 7.10-8.04-8.10-9.04?08:14
sacarlsonmib_jbrkpo82: if mark is admin use his password08:14
mib_jbrkpo82I typed in the mark password, and sudo tells me this : Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root08:14
sonaliangelete2: I would rather suggest you to download the cd of 9.04 and install it instead of doing all that08:14
mib_jbrkpo82Mark is not root08:14
Toshibikarant: What exactly are you trying to accomplish. The way you're doing things seems a bit....difficult....maybe we could come up with an easier way to do it.08:15
mib_jbrkpo82mark and root have very different passwords08:15
karantbc: http://www.pastie.org/47091008:15
sonalimib_jbrkpo82: perhaps you have messed up something in root's permissions?08:15
sacarlsonmib_jbrkpo82: no but mark if set to admin group should be setup in sudoer08:15
mib_jbrkpo82LOL all I am trying to do is install divx codex's to watch a video lol08:15
karantbc: as i mentioned, this setup worked in ubuntu 6.06 :/08:15
mib_jbrkpo82apparently it is not08:15
karantbc: all i did is upgrade 6.06 > 8.04 > 8.10 > 9.0408:16
sonalimib_jbrkpo82: have you tried apt-get ?08:16
Toshibimib_jbrkpo82: have you tried installing VLC player?08:16
mib_jbrkpo82i did adduser mark admin08:16
bckarant: change your gateway in the interfaces file to
sonalimib_jbrkpo82: I would recommend VLC too08:16
sacarlsonmib_jbrkpo82: maybe you will have to login to root and look at sudoer and find out what the problem is08:16
karantbc: for eth1?08:16
boringpacketssomeone should go around emailing everyone who left a dapper drake tutorial and ask them to update or remove it08:16
boringpacketsthere are so many dapper tutorials08:16
mib_jbrkpo82Im not expierenced enough to look at sudoer and know what im looking at08:16
bckarant: eth0, but I have no idea what or where is08:17
indusmib_jbrkpo82: then dont do it08:17
mib_jbrkpo82<-- linux n00b08:17
bckarant: try it for eth008:17
sacarlsonmib_jbrkpo82: the sudoer file is at /etc/sudoer  I think08:17
indusmib_jbrkpo82: tell me what does the terminal prompt tell u? does it have a $ sign?08:17
sonalimib_jbrkpo82: that's alright, have you tried using the Add/Remove programms section? or Synaptic Package Manager ?08:17
bckarant: plus I dont know why apt-get works but nothing else does08:17
Toshibi mib_jbrkpo82: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45059008:17
FrozenFireIs there a way for an administrator to reset appearance settings for a non-admin account? Somehow, one of my clients managed to completely mess up their appearance settings so that everything is gigantic, mostly off-screen.08:18
karantbc: do i need to reboot?08:18
mib_jbrkpo82im in SU with mark08:18
SauLushow do I let vim tell me the flags it was compiled with?08:18
indusmib_jbrkpo82: type exit08:18
bckarant: try /etc/init.d/networking restart08:18
sonalikarant: in my experience rebooting helps sometimes08:18
sacarlson mib_jbrkpo82: sorry it's /etc/sudoers08:18
* vegombrei wonders who all in this room are from india?08:18
sonaliI am08:19
Toshibimib_*: Now try to sudo08:19
sonalifrom India08:19
indusmib_jbrkpo82: so tell me mark what you are trying to do08:19
vegombreisonali: me too ... mumbai .. what about you?08:19
ToshibiUS of Freakin' A here!08:19
sonalivegombrei: well i am in Mumbai as of now, but work in bangalore for most part, and Sonali isn't my name08:19
indusmib_jbrkpo82: like someone said> root and system are two diferent passwords08:19
sonalivegombrei: this is my sis laptop, that's her name :)08:20
mib_jbrkpo82To get this to operate correctly, I need to do some python for linux08:20
karantbc: check this out - http://www.pastie.org/47091308:20
mib_jbrkpo82in any event mark is obviously not set up correctly08:20
indusmib_jbrkpo82: yes remove and recreate it08:20
vegombreisonali: nice to know so many indians are using linux08:21
sonaliindus: be careful in guding him :)08:21
mib_jbrkpo82so i know adduser, what do i use to remove user?08:21
indusmib_jbrkpo82: i suggest you use a gui to create or remove users its damn easy08:21
sonalivegombrei: ubuntu has changed the face of linux08:21
dayomib_jbrkpo82: userdel08:21
bckarant: I guess must be some virtual thing08:21
mib_jbrkpo82ok 1 sec08:21
dayomib_jbrkpo82: check the man pages for options08:21
dayomib_jbrkpo82: man userdel08:21
indusmib_jbrkpo82: sytem>admin>user login08:21
sonaliindus: I meant guiding *08:21
mib_jbrkpo82Im currently logged in it wont let me lol08:21
karantbc: i guess, but clearly there is an issue, since networking restart is throwing errors08:22
dayomib_jbrkpo82: usually, u'll want   userdel -r08:22
mib_jbrkpo82Ill make another account to log into08:22
bccan you ping
bckarant: can you ping after you switch the gateway back to
johanhenkensHey everyone, I was hoping to find some help setting up a cron job to run a wine program every 30 minutes. I've made a shell script that works fine by itself, but I can't get cron to actually execute it. The syslog shows cron job happening and what the CMD is supposed to be, but nothing happens, not even when I use a test script to just print to a file!08:22
sonalikarant: maybe you should try physically disconnecting and reconnecting to the network08:22
mib_jbrkpo82ill brb08:23
Slartjohanhenkens: pastebin the script and crontab entry08:23
dayojohanhenkens: is the script executable?08:23
Slart!pastebin | johanhenkens08:23
ubottujohanhenkens: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:23
karantbc: no, just tried that, but i can ping, that's the static ip of vista OS in the eth1 connection08:23
sonalikarant: oh your using static IPs ?08:23
bckarant: hmm I'm guessing you've disabled the firewall, right?08:23
karantsonali: yes08:23
sonalikarant: Vista has how many interfaces and to which are you connected /08:24
sacarlsonjohanhenkens:  I think I read about a bug put an extra line or line feed between cron jobs in crontab08:24
ha1331How can I reinstall apache2? need to get the /etc/apache2 back08:24
karantbc: yes, doesn't help08:24
reidhey, anyone able to tell me real fast how to put a directory via ftp?08:24
sonaliha1331: what's wrong with your current apache2 package?08:24
Slartha1331: sudo apt-get install --reinstall apache2 might work08:24
reidtells me not a plain file, and cant find an option in 'man ftp'08:25
bckarant: do you actually have two network interfaces in vista?08:25
sonaliha1331: you could do sudo apt-get reinstall apache2 as well08:25
vegombreisonali: true, but still windows tops out as the ultimate pc for dummies08:25
karantsonali: vista has 2 network connections, one to the internet and one to linux via static ips08:25
karantbc: yes08:25
dayoalso for pasting, u guys might want to have a look at pastebinit.   sudo aptitude install pastebinit08:25
sonalivegombrei: things are changing :)08:25
ha1331sonali have done that. Doesn't re-create the contents of /etc/apache08:25
johanhenkensslart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/165920/08:25
dayoor aptitude show pastebinit08:25
karantbc: and again, since wget works, that means i can get out to the internet :)08:26
sonaliha1331: you should then perhaps remove and install apache2 again08:26
sonaliha1331: if you have apache installed as well, I reckon you should remove it08:26
karantbc: check it out - http://www.pastie.org/47091408:26
Guest6262i'm looking for a great downloadmanager for ubuntu....not for firefox....do you know some one?08:26
ha1331sonali not working that way either, done 4 times by now08:26
sonalikarant: are you sure that vista and your pc comes under the same subnet ?08:26
Slartjohanhenkens: is warden a gui program?08:27
bckarant: can you wget ubuntu.com or just teh googlez?08:27
karantsonali: i am not sure :/ but look at wget return - http://www.pastie.org/47091408:27
mib_f1t8oabaOk.. Im back, getting the exact same errors with the new username as i did with mark...08:27
dayotime to get ready for work. later, guys.08:27
Slartjohanhenkens: but nevermind... the echo thingy should work08:27
johanhenkensSlart: I think it may be, but not even the echo call will print to the file during the cron task08:27
karantbc: ubuntu works too, look - http://www.pastie.org/47091508:27
indusmib_f1t8oaba: what errors08:27
sacarlsonGuest6262: I'm not sure but I like wget to download most my stuf,  it can restart if it fails08:27
mib_f1t8oabaand it forgot the display configuration for mark when i logged back in08:27
bckarant: yet firefox does not?08:28
mib_f1t8oabaSudo wont let me modify anything08:28
karantbc: exactly08:28
johanhenkenssacarlson: I read that too, read online to add lines after crontab line, didn't work :(08:28
bckarant: im crazy proxy cofig in firefox?08:28
Guest6262sacarlson: thank you08:28
karantbc: thats why i am still annoying you :)08:28
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Slartjohanhenkens:  you might want to define the whole path for the log file you're echoing to.. I'm not sure what the current directory is when you run the crontab08:28
bckarant: no crazy proxy cofig in firefox?08:28
mib_f1t8oabamark is an admin but sudo doesnt recognize the username08:28
karantbc: its set to no proxy08:28
Slartjohanhenkens: and of course, make sure the script is executable08:28
Guest6262but wget has gui fron end?08:29
bckarant: cat /etc/resolv.conf08:29
bckarant: and if you have lynx or links, try ubuntu.com with one of those08:29
karantbc: nameserver
mib_f1t8oabaSo no way to just kill sudo all together?08:29
mpontillokarant: is 'work offline' checked in Firefox's "file" menu?08:29
lanoxx-is there a way to find similar files in a selection of folders? (im trying to sort my mp3 selection, it could either be based on filenames or on size or on the mp3 it self08:29
indusmib_f1t8oaba: can you tell me how many users you have on the system08:29
johanhenkensSlart: it is executable - it runs fine with ./warden08:30
bckarant: any idea where/what is?08:30
johanhenkensSlart: it is executable - it runs fine with ./warden.sh ***08:30
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: why would you want to do that? if you don't like sudo so much, you could do sudo su and then become root08:30
karantmpontillo: omg, you are the winner08:30
mib_f1t8oaba3 users root mark and dev, mark and dev are part of the admin group08:30
karantbc: unbelievable, so stupid08:30
karanton my part that is08:30
Slartjohanhenkens: hmm.. let me try something similar on my computer here08:30
mpontillokarant: go to about:config and check the value of browser.offline-apps.notify08:30
mib_f1t8oabaI cant even install the updates without sudo permission08:30
bckarant: wow that is crazy! lol08:30
karantmpontillo: you got it work offline was checked08:30
indusmib_f1t8oaba: does synaptic run fine for you?08:31
karantbc: although, ping still doesnt work lol08:31
mpontillokarant:  I bet since you have a "non-standard" coLinux install NetworkManager is not working properly, and it's notifying Firefox that you are offline08:31
bckarant, mpontillo: ok, im stabbing my eyes out then bed08:31
mib_f1t8oabano it also will not run08:31
sonalikarant: lol08:31
johanhenkensSlart: it seems putting the full log helped!08:31
karantsonali: no kidding08:31
johanhenkensSlart: path for the log*08:31
karanthow many IT guys does it take to change a light bulb, right?08:31
indusmib_f1t8oaba: ok in terminal become root andtype synaptic08:31
bckarant: icmp might be blocked by whatever machine the gateway is08:31
sonalikarant: rolf08:31
mib_f1t8oaba1 sec08:31
johanhenkensSlart: still need to figure out how to get my other program to run using the cron08:31
bckarant: vista? o_o08:32
indusmib_f1t8oaba: sudo su08:32
mib_f1t8oabait ran that way08:32
karantbc: yes :)08:32
indusmib_f1t8oaba: which way :D08:32
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karantok guys - bc, sonali , mpontillo - thx for all your help08:32
sonalikarant: mention not :)08:32
mib_f1t8oabaunder SU, it ran from the console line08:32
karantgood night08:33
Slartjohanhenkens: ok, so the echo line works.. then I think I know what is wrong08:33
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: great so you will not be root08:33
bckarant: destroyed by the work offline menu08:33
mib_f1t8oababut that doesnt change the fact i cant run it as an admin08:33
johanhenkensSlart: the program wants a gui? It didn't want to run in ssh either08:33
indusmib_f1t8oaba: maybe you havent set group permissions right08:33
mib_f1t8oabaI did and SU then it ran08:33
mib_f1t8oabaI never set anything08:33
mib_f1t8oabaI just installed this puppy08:33
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: which puppy?08:33
indusmib_f1t8oaba: did u install it as mark ?08:34
Slartjohanhenkens: when you run a gui program it first checks for an enviroment variable to see what display to use.. cron doesn't know of a gui (it doesn't even need a user to be logged on).. so it doesn't have this variable08:34
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: once you do sudo su, you become root, then you no longer need sudo as long as you are root08:34
mib_f1t8oabaI didnt do sudo su08:34
SlartJohnm: there is another command called wineconsole, I think, that can be used for command line programs08:34
mib_f1t8oabaI mark@development:~$ su Password:  root@development:/home/mark# synaptic08:34
mib_f1t8oabathats what made it run08:34
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: you should not be able to use su08:34
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: su expects the root's password, which you do not know08:35
johanhenkens!Slart any way to get around that? The program doesn't actually have a gui, and closes after about 1 minute08:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:35
mib_f1t8oabaUmm ya I know it lol08:35
Slartjohanhenkens: I think wine in itself is a gui program.. even though you may run some non-gui windows program in the wine enviroment08:35
indusmib_f1t8oaba: exactly08:35
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: if you want to be root, you have to do sudo su, not su08:35
Slartjohanhenkens: try running your program with "wineconsole" instead of "wine"08:35
Jack8312Is there a source code of USB modem driver in Ubuntu?08:35
Slartjohanhenkens: if that doesn't work there are other ways08:35
indusmib_f1t8oaba: there is no root user in ubuntu by default08:35
* bc waves good night08:35
sonaliindus: there is...08:36
mib_f1t8oabaOk i typed in sudo su and got no errors or anything just a new prompt08:36
indusbc: bye08:36
sonaliindus: it is just that its password we do not know08:36
indussonali: there isnt :)08:36
sonalibc: bye!08:36
sonaliindus: bye :)08:36
sonaliindus: but there os08:36
indussonali: same thing its disabled08:36
mib_f1t8oabaand it still will not let me run it from the gui08:36
sonaliindus: you can do sudo su08:36
sonaliindus: and be root08:36
indussonali: thats only gives you limited access for some time sudo grants you that privilege08:37
eleanor /join #ubuntu-cn08:37
mib_f1t8oaba[sudo] password for mark:  mark is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.08:37
sonaliindus: the recovery mode also allows you to go to a root shell08:37
indussonali: anyways nvm08:37
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: hmmm08:37
johanhenkensSlart: nope - http://paste.ubuntu.com/165929/08:37
ubottuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)08:37
sonaliindus: :)08:37
Brack10how can I refer to different partitions using /dev/sda*/08:37
indusmib_f1t8oaba: use the command useradd mark08:38
mib_f1t8oabaYa im lost08:38
=== Odo is now known as Odo081
Jack8312Hello, I'm looking for a USB modem driver for refering purpose, can anyone give me some information?08:38
mib_f1t8oabauseradd: user mark exists08:38
sonaliBrack10: use the partition editor08:38
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indusmib_f1t8oaba: change password for it08:38
Slartjohanhenkens: ok.. hang on a sec.. I just need to find the right things to type (I forget between the times I need to use it)08:38
sacarlsonmib_f1t8oaba: just create a mark2 account08:38
Brack10no I mean like....08:38
sonaliBrack10: usually the partitions are named sda2, sda3 etc...08:38
mib_f1t8oabai created a dev account08:38
indusmib_f1t8oaba: ya better create new user08:39
sonaliBrack10: it is better to use the partition editor08:39
mib_f1t8oabaI cant sudo su so I have to su08:39
indusmib_f1t8oaba:are you telling me you cant do a single admin task as mark?08:39
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: it looks like you are not in the sudoers list08:40
mib_f1t8oabaIts told me mark is not in the sudoers list08:40
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: you might have to reboot, go to the recovery boot option, drop as root and add yourself to sudoers08:40
mib_f1t8oabahow do i add myself to sudores?08:40
indusmib_f1t8oaba: dangerous advice08:40
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: you won't be able to do it from your account, you will have to drop into the root shell through the recovery08:41
indusif you dont know what you are doing08:41
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: that is what I think08:41
mib_f1t8oabaPico the sudoers file in etc ?08:41
mib_f1t8oabaIm new to linux not stupid ;)08:41
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: as i said you won't be able to edit/save that file08:41
mib_f1t8oabaso basically nothing I can do08:41
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sacarlsonmib_f1t8oaba: I think you can if he reboots after edit08:42
sonalimib_f1t8oaba: you can reboot, go to recovery mode, drop the root shell and then edit the same08:42
mib_f1t8oabawhat is the exact name of the file i need to edit?08:42
ienorandindus: mib_f1t8oaba indus: any idea why su is enabled in the first place? normally it shouldn't be...08:42
ienorandor rather, su to root.08:43
mib_f1t8oabayes I enabled it in a console08:43
Slartjohanhenkens: ok, try putting this at the start of the crontab command "DISPLAY=:0.0"08:43
Slartjohanhenkens: without the quotes08:43
mib_f1t8oabaim su now in console, what is the command please to add a user via sudo?08:43
johanhenkensSlart: k, gimme a min to try it all out08:44
boringpacketsubuntu x64 9.04 is ridiculously fast, im really impressed08:44
Slartjohanhenkens: so the crontab entry should be "06 * * * * /home/johanhenkens/Servers/warden.sh > /home/johanhenkens/Servers/cronlog.log08:44
mib_f1t8oabaroot@development:/etc# id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)  <-- in console08:44
Slartjohanhenkens: sorry,  the crontab entry should be "DISPLAY=:0.0 06 * * * * /home/johanhenkens/Servers/warden.sh > /home/johanhenkens/Servers/cronlog.log08:44
eduardonewbie at chat hi to all08:45
johanhenkensSlart: the cronlog.log was just temporary in order to test it all out08:45
Guest6262i'm not able to download with flasgot+wget from megashare....in the wget menu the files is in "retrieving" state and doesn't start....what should i do?08:45
Slartjohanhenkens: sorry again,  the crontab entry should be "06 * * * * DISPLAY=:0.0 /home/johanhenkens/Servers/warden.sh > /home/johanhenkens/Servers/cronlog.log08:45
Slartjohanhenkens: I think I need some coffee =)08:45
ienorandmib_f1t8oaba: the "visudo" command brings up the editor for the /etc/sudoers file08:45
johanhenkensSlart: we all need coffee!08:45
sonalijohanhenkens: :)08:46
Jack8312Can anyone tell me if there is a USB modem driver in Ubuntu?08:46
Hymnosis3g modem?08:46
eduardofor motorola sb5101 , tested personally08:46
mib_f1t8oabaok im in it, what is the command to add a line and to quit?08:46
eduardo3g modem, never tried08:47
mib_f1t8oabamark    ALL=(ALL) ALL  - ?08:47
Jack8312Hymnosis, Yes.08:47
johanhenkensSlart: THANK YOU!! :)08:47
ienorandmib_f1t8oaba: add      username ALL=(ALL) ALL      to the end of the sudoers file    where username could be mark.08:47
Slartjohanhenkens: you're welcome08:47
mib_f1t8oabaok got it08:47
vegombreidvd movies not playing too good .. picture seems grainy.. is there a fix?08:47
johanhenkensSlart: It worked! I've been trying to fix this since about 10. :) Very new to ubuntu, but loving it.08:48
mib_f1t8oabarestart sudo ?08:48
Slartjohanhenkens: mm.. the "run gui stuff from cron" is often asked..you're not the only one with that problem =)08:48
mib_f1t8oabaor reboot?08:48
mib_f1t8oabaUser privilege specification root    ALL=(ALL) ALL mark    ALL=(ALL) ALL08:49
Jack8312I heard that some 3G modem driver was included in Ubuntu 8.10, but I only installed 8.04.08:49
mib_f1t8oabanope no reboot needed08:49
freakynlanyone aware of a good front-end to configure vsftpd for non-technical users?08:50
mib_f1t8oabaseems to be working now08:50
mib_f1t8oabaty for all your help08:50
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ienorandThere have been a few events when people have "su root" possibility and no "sudo" , I wonder what could cause such a thing initially...08:52
Hystorikerhello. i have some problems after todays upgrade of openoffice to version 3.1 on hardy via ppa. the program is now fully in english and i am missing the writer2latex export function. can anybody help?08:53
mib_f1t8oabalol now slow movies and no sound lol08:53
mib_f1t8oabaill reboot08:53
Hystorikeri would not mind to downgrade to 3.0.1 either, but is that possible?08:54
ienorandHystoriker: force version in synaptic08:54
Hystorikerienorand: excuse my ignorance, but how exactly is that done? i use kubuntu and normally work with apt-get08:56
mib_74kqi24bplease ignore - just testing access through our proxy08:56
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ursushi! I just upgraded to Xubuntu 9.04 on a HP notebook, but I can't manage the master volume with fn keys. The brightness fn keys work... Is there a way to enable volume function keys?08:57
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sacarlsonursus: maybe system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts09:00
ursusI'm there right now. And simply add manually the shortcut?09:00
ursusfor example: amixer set Master 5+09:00
ursusI just wondering, how the brightness fn keys work, and the volume don't. :)09:01
sacarlsonit has volume and stuf already just change to what you want the key to be09:01
OzTrOuThi all :)09:02
Brack10how can I get the status of a dd command?09:02
hbekelBrack10: kill -USR1 <pid of dd>09:03
hbekelBrack10: this will make dd print out a status message09:04
bingungajaanyone can help me out ? i can't install ubuntu, error drdy, try many times but can't install, now using live cd09:05
Brack10cool thanks09:05
Brack10damn this is slow copying a DVD09:05
archmanAfter the update it reports that it has an updates for linux-generic, linux-headers-generic, linux-image, linux-image-generic, linux-restricted-modules-generic; but they are greyed out and it says "Not all updates can be installed", so I assume I need to do something in Synaptic. If I mark linux-image for update it will remove linux-generic, and will not install a new version of it. What can I do?09:05
sacarlsonbingungaja: error drdy? is that the mesage?09:06
sexcopter1hi, i'm at my laptop (jaunty), and i want to send sound to the pc sitting across the room (also jaunty). i have attempted setting up pulseaudio, and some sounds are playing "remotely", but i can't get an mp3 playing on the laptop to sound on the pc, using vlc. any pointers?09:06
Brack10sexcopter1: shoutcast09:06
Brack10or whatever the OSS guys like09:06
bingungajasacarlson: error in hda or sda (DRDY) .. if i was not wrong, while installing to my PC09:07
sexcopter1Brack10: can you elaborate a bit?09:07
Brack10stream it09:07
Brack10I don't think that pulseaudio was meant to run over a network09:07
Brack10pretty sure it has to be a local comp..anyone?09:07
sacarlsonbingungaja: this is with the live CD version?09:08
sexcopter1Brack10: I'm trying it out because I think it's very much aimed at networking multimedia09:08
sexcopter1Brack10: but i may be wrong of course09:08
Brack10well time to read up I guess09:08
ursussacarlson thank you. I added the hotkey fn+F11/12 manually, and it works. But I don't know that it were simply disabled somewhere...09:08
edoreldI installed the package "network-manager-pptp", I configured a VPN connection and tried to connect. It asked for my username & password (For the VPN connection) and I wrote it and pressed enter. Nothing happened. I already restarted my computer. Is there something I'm missing?09:08
bingungajasacarlson: yes, now i'm using live cd version without instaling to my pc09:09
ursussacarlson it should be recognized automatically on a notebook, shouldn't?09:09
archmancan i remove "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-14 from "local or obsolete" even though apt-get autoremove won't remove it? I'm using
sacarlsonbingungaja: so you want to install it?  or is there something on hda that you still need?09:10
RichiVdoes anyone know where i can DL game blender?09:10
sacarlsonbingungaja: or the live cd won't boot?09:11
RichiVso i can blend graphics and make my game?09:11
ienorandHystoriker: as always, the answer is in the man pages ;) : http://www.mibbit.com/pb/2nbHq109:11
seatownrockshow do i join irc.gimp.net?09:12
bingungajasacarlson: previously installed vista in it with lots of partition, i already deleted them all except 1 partition (should be 1 hdd), i need these files09:12
ienorandseatownrocks: you'll have to specify that in your irc client09:12
icerootseatownrocks: /connect irc.gimp.net09:12
seatownrocksusing xchat09:12
=== Odo is now known as Odo081
sacarlsonbingungaja: ok if you know the partion you want to save just install live cd and don't format that one09:13
icerootseatownrocks: then use the gui to add a server, dont know xchat09:13
bingungajasacarlson: the problem is, when i install ubuntu, it won't install, stated hdd error (DRDY error issues), tried googling but not understand anything09:15
icerootRichiV: http://www.gameblender.org/portal.php  found by google09:15
pcfreak30ok could someone help me out here09:15
pcfreak30this may be a bug09:15
iceroot!ask | pcfreak3009:15
ubottupcfreak30: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:15
RichiViceroot: i dotn see the link for dl09:15
sacarlsonbingungaja: oh sounds like your live cd is maybe corupted burn another one09:16
arvind_khadrihow do i make a windows machine logon to DC which runs samba??09:16
icerootRichiV: click on repository09:16
Brack10can I speed up this dd transfer?09:16
sacarlsonbingungaja: set burn to slow as posible09:16
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Brack10seems awfully slow09:16
RichiVuggg gosh i hate doing these third party installs09:16
sacarlsonbingungaja: you can probly do a check on the live cd if it can boot at all09:17
icerootRichiV: normal blender is in the repos   sudo apt-get install blender09:17
bingungajasacarlson: i try to defect live cd option, no error found, besides, it work well for using the live cd without installing (now using live cd)09:17
icerootRichiV: also see apt-cache search blender09:17
Madpilotany other eiphany browser users out there? mine has just decided not to actually browse, despite Firefox working & every other web-connected app connecting...09:18
RichiVi already installed the normal blender09:18
pcfreak30anytime i put xubuntu to hibernate it screws it up. it shuts the pc down, then the boot wont go through. i had to boot using recovery with the right arrow key. suspend works perfectly tho. grub and bios give no errors09:18
RichiVI just want to make my animations to a game09:18
sacarlsonbingungaja:  what device is hdd?  is that the cd?09:18
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RichiVanyway how do i find out what frivers are runnign?09:18
erikai've just installed jaunty but my audio card is not working anymore09:18
RichiVtry using09:19
zaggynlstick out a foot, the drivers might trip while running09:19
zaggynlalso, lsmod09:19
erikamy cards is: 00:14.5 Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)09:19
sacarlsonbingungaja:  I've had problems before with bad cd that still checked good but burned another and install went ok.  use slow burn.09:19
pcfreak30any ideas09:20
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sacarlsonbingungaja:  if hdd is the cd that's all I can think of.09:20
Hystorikerienorand: Thanks for your help, unfortunately the 3.0.x-versions from ppa are gone, so i cannot do a downgrade09:20
RichiVerika: System -->Admin-->Hardware Drivers09:20
erikasound becomes "broken" after few seconds I listen to any audio09:20
sacarlsonpcfreak30:  ya don't do that hibernate did it ever work?09:21
RichiVoh lol then its not an installation prob09:21
RichiVprobably something crashed?09:21
erikaRichiV: no it isnt09:21
edoreldI installed the package "network-manager-pptp", I configured a VPN connection and tried to connect. It asked for my username & password (For the VPN connection) and I wrote it and pressed enter. Nothing happened. I already restarted my computer. Is there something I'm missing?09:21
pcfreak30sascarlson; please retype that...09:21
erikaRichiV: i dont think so09:21
bingungajasacarlson: hmm so i must burn a new one, is this new ubuntu 9.04 better than previous ? what's it called anyway ?09:22
pcfreak30sascarlson: please retype that...09:22
sexcopter1for anyone interested in that vlc/pulseaudio question, i have found by trial and error that setting the audio output in vlc to OSS, and then running vlc with the pa wrapper ("padsp vlc"), it seems to work!09:22
RichiVerika: ok lol i'm horrible at linux ima newbie to09:22
bingungajaScarey: hdd ? it's harddisk i supposed of course09:22
sacarlsonbingungaja: I don't know I'm running 8.04 sounds like if I installed 9.04 I could get my nvidia card working09:22
erikaRichiV: I've read about this bug on launchpad but fixes haven't worked for me09:23
bingungajasacarlson: hdd ?  it's harddisk i supposed of course09:23
mythmanruning wbar dock how can i add a show desktop button to the dock09:23
erikais Daniel T Chen here now?09:23
RichiVerika: hmm try some google searches.... I suck at this, so id be wasting your time09:23
jamieleshaw!KArmic Koala09:24
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:24
sacarlsonpcfreak30: I don't know I never got it to work I'm sure it works on some systems.09:24
erikaRichiV: thank you anyway09:24
RichiVerika: no problem maybe in a week i'll be pro enough to give out advice!09:24
sacarlsonbingungaja: so what device is your cd drive?09:25
hbekelmythman: what wm?09:25
bingungajasacarlson: what do u mean ? my device harddisk of course ... then dvd rom09:25
erikaRichiV: I'll be happy for you to become a pro user but I think a week is not enough09:25
RichiVerika: i was thinking the same09:26
bingungajasacarlson: how can't i see my partition in my harddisk with this live cd ?09:26
erikaRichiV: and anyway I won't wait a week for my problem to be solved09:26
X-TaZHi. I'm experiencing great difficulties to gget DHCP working. I need to setup on with NIC it should use, but i can't find how to09:26
RichiVerika: thought so :-D09:27
erikaX-TaZ: is your card working?09:27
X-TaZMy 2 cards are working09:27
indusienorand: hi09:27
ali4everi am using logmein.com (to remotly access my home PC "windows" from my workplace) since it provide a web_based interface to controle my home PC i can use it from my workplace, but i couldnt find any client to put on ubuntu to do the same is there any ? or is there an equivilant remote access provider ?09:27
erikaare you checked them using "ifconfig -a"09:27
axelpaxelwho is Brian____?09:28
sacarlsonbingungaja: well I thought it was like hda was one drive hdb was another hdd might be your cd?09:28
axelpaxelHe sent me some opensuse file. virus? Just being careful09:28
erikaX-TaZ: so which card is not getting its ip?09:29
ienorandindus: Hello there09:29
induswas away lunch09:29
X-TaZYes their are up and running. The /etc/init.d/dhcp-server start ... fail. In the syslog i can see i have to declare on witch NIC it have to listen to. I cant find how to do this09:29
bingungajaanyone can help me how can I read my windows partitiion with ubuntu live cd ?09:29
X-TaZerika : I'm runnning a dhcp server...09:29
sacarlsonbingungaja: I think I'm wrong hdd not a cd09:30
indusienorand: su to root is not enabled default is true ,or unless you know the password09:30
sacarlsonbingungaja: oh you can mount your windows partition with the live cd09:30
erikaX-TaZ: ok. so I cant help you anymore. I was thinking  you was having problems on the "client side"09:30
SkyNetMasterhi, after latest update of jaunty I can't have virtual screen as I use to. the only way now is to have desctopts on top of each other, if I try to drag them side by side, I get msg asking to log ou but this does not fix the problem09:31
X-TaZHehe thnaks . Does someone have an idea ?09:31
bingungajasacarlson: how can i do that ?09:31
erikaX-TaZ: I'll suggest you to check the dhcp server doc09:31
X-TaZAlready done ( the man and much more ...09:31
sacarlsonbingungaja: what partition is it do you know?09:31
AbracadabraGood morning09:32
Hymnosishow do i install songbird?09:32
bingungajasacarlson: oh ok, i found it :) now i will write the files to dvd then I will format all the harddisk and try to reinstall09:32
erikaX-TaZ: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/DHCP/x369.html09:32
erikaparagraph 4.409:33
coz_Hymnosis,  did you download from here?09:33
RichiVhow do i gheck my gfx bianaries?09:34
X-TaZerika, it tells me to /usr/sbin/dhcpd eth1 ... it doesnt exist in ubuntu :x09:34
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Hymnosis<coz_> yeah i downloaded from that site09:35
quibblerHymnosis-> look here: http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=songbird09:35
macvrhi can any one advice me on what to choose for this notebook config? ubuntu/kubuntu/UNR: Sony VAIO PCG-SRX87 Laptop  * Processor: 850 MHz Mobile Intel Pentium III Processor    * RAM: 256 MB    * RAM Type: SDRAM    * L2 Cache: 512 KB Hard Drive    * Size: 20 GB    * Graphics Card: Intel 815EM graphic    * Graphics RAM: 11 MB09:35
cirI can't get ubuntu to work with vista, I'm getting an error 17 when grub tries to load09:36
coz_Hymnosis,  yes you can either go to that getdeb  and download and install or just open the folder you downloaded  righ click songbird.bin09:36
coz_Hymnosis,  go to permissions and make sure it is executable09:36
indusX-TaZ:can you try /etc/init.d/dhcpd start09:36
Madpilotmacvr, probably UNR for those spec. old machine, or netbook?09:36
coz_Hymnosis,  then  open a terminal  cd to that folder and then   ./songbird09:36
sacarlsoncir: reload mbr with grub09:37
macvrMadpilot: but UNR says 384 mb ram required!09:37
RichiVcan anyone tell me how i can get into the bianaries for my graphics?09:37
X-TaZindus, there is not dhcpd in init.d only dhcp3-server09:37
cirI don't know how to reload the mbr09:37
ActionParsnipRichiV: define "into"09:37
macvrMadpilot: its an old notebook09:37
graypoodlehi i am trying to write a dvd burning app in python and can't figure out  way to check if there is a dvd in the drive. How can I do that?09:38
RichiVjust view them i geuss09:38
indusX-TaZ: YA thats the one09:38
ActionParsnipRichiV: do you want to know which driver you are currently using?09:38
indusX-TaZ:you are trying to start dhcp server correct?09:38
Madpilotmacvr, try xubuntu perhaps. you might not be able to run any of the desktop/liveCDs, you might have to install from the alternate (text-based) version09:38
sacarlsonRichiV: you want to look at the source code?09:38
ienorandcir: might be of help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294509:38
RichiVsource code is good09:38
ActionParsnipRichiV: sudo lshw -C display | grep driver09:39
RichiVno i do not know what driver09:39
cirI've been looking at that and the problem still exists09:39
macvrMadpilot: xubuntu. why do i need alternate installer? how do i install on this , when there is no cd drive?09:39
ActionParsnipRichiV: that shows you what driver module is currently loaded for your card09:39
X-TaZindus,  i need dhcp3 (it supports the bootpc )09:40
macvrMadpilot: also i'm not able to boot from live usb!09:40
coz_Hymnosis,  you might find it a bit slow  also there is an application names  Miro  a nice player as well09:40
RichiVdoesnt show anything09:40
ActionParsnipRichiV: if you want the source, you will need the source for that driver09:40
Madpilotmacvr, can you change the boot-order bios settings to allow boot from usb?09:40
coz_Hymnosis,   songbird will not comply ...out of the box with compiz things like wobbly09:40
tapiaI have dual head, using the ATI fglrx driver09:40
tapiaeverithing works fine, but when I maximize a window or switch some app to fullscreen, 1/3 of the window remains out of the monitor09:40
ActionParsnipRichiV: try grep module09:40
tapiaanyone knows why?09:40
macvrMadpilot: i tried changing the boot order to removable devices but, its not detecting the usb !09:40
RichiVstill nothing09:41
ActionParsnipRichiV: ok try it without the grep09:41
macvrMadpilot: how is a network install done?09:41
Madpilotmacvr, I've never tried one myself09:41
bullgard4After8.04.2>9.04 Upgrade there are 3 files on my computer whose filenames include 'festival', although I did not a single package having 'festival' in its name. Why did Ubuntu installer load them up?09:41
RichiVbash command not found09:41
RichiVi put vendor at the end09:42
RichiVand it sai ATI tech inc09:42
bullgard4After8.04.2>9.04 Upgrade there are 3 files on my computer whose filenames include 'festival', although I do not have a single package having 'festival' in its name. Why did Ubuntu installer load them up?09:42
KyleKbullgard4: what are the exact file names09:42
KyleK!repeat | bullgard409:42
ubottubullgard4: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:42
penigma_hi, exists any editor which could higlight differences between two files09:42
penigma_I ned editor with GUI09:42
ciris there a way I can configure grub in the livecd interface or do I need to do everything command line09:42
macvrMadpilot: ok... i'm new to it but, i have a doubt, if i connect my laptop via an ethernet cable to this netbook ,is that a network install?09:42
platiusmacvr; http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-ubuntukubuntuedubuntuxubuntu-without-cdrom-drive.html   you might look here09:43
Madpilotmacvr, my browser is being screwy, can't look stuff up, but have a look around https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation if you haven't already09:43
RichiVActionParsnip: nothing09:43
RichiVActionsParsnip: it only says command not found09:43
macvrplatius: Madpilot thanx..09:43
ienorandcir: do you by any chance have media direct?09:44
cirwhat's that09:44
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:44
ienorandcir: extra strtup button ( I would guess not)09:44
bullgard4KyleK: /usr/bin/festival-synthesis-driver, /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver_Festival.server and /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstfestival.so.09:44
Madpilotmacvr, have fun & good luck. Back in five, got to sort this machine's network connection out...09:44
cirno I just installed it and haven't gotten anything to work09:45
cirI don't even see a bootloader menu09:45
ActionParsnipRichiV: you may find it defined in xorg.conf09:45
ActionParsnipRichiV: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i driver09:45
Hymnosis<coz_> so what mp3 player would you recommend or to try out?09:45
RichiVActionParsnip: still nothing09:46
macvrplatius: Madpilot , oh 1 problem, this notebook has virus, it screwed up my live usb files when i connected to the windows xp ,and live usb didnt work... would that affect the alternate cd files too? similarly... or is there a way to wipe the drive?09:46
ActionParsnipRichiV: hmm09:46
KyleKbullgard4: the libgstfestival.so is part of a gstreamer plugins package you installed09:46
coz_Hymnosis,  mm not sure  I generally just use whatenever is onboard  like rhythmbox09:46
ActionParsnipRichiV: maybe someone else can pitch in, i'm out. sorry09:46
RichiVthanx dude09:46
coz_Hymnosis,  or just mouse over the audio file and listen09:46
Hymnosisahh ok09:46
RichiVat lease there was some help XD09:46
turuohi all09:46
ActionParsnipRichiV: could use the output of: lspci | grep -i vga09:47
ActionParsnipRichiV: or read through your x log, it will say what driver is loaded09:47
RichiVthat worked!09:47
turuohow do pdf merge09:47
RichiV01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M24 1P [Radeon Mobility X600]09:47
ActionParsnipRichiV: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:48
RichiVok and scroll thru looking for my driver?09:48
KyleKbullgard4: apt-get remove libgnome-speech7 and see what it'll ask to remove along with it? dont say yes to it without really thinking about its output :)09:49
nnutterbullgard4: expanding on KyleK's last comment. My guess is they are installed by default as part of GNOME as most desktop environments include some level of accesibility for people who can not hear or see.09:49
macvr platius: Madpilot , oh 1 problem, this notebook has virus, it screwed up my live usb files when i connected to the windows xp ,and live usb didnt work... would that affect the alternate cd files too? similarly... or is there a way to wipe the drive?09:52
Madpilotmacvr, Windows viruses won't harm a linux OS - but it might, I guess, have screwed up the file you downloaded09:53
cirshould my rootnoverify in the menu.lst file be (hd0,0)?09:53
KyleKmacvr: hopefully you're being paranoid and burning a cd on a non screwed up OS09:53
arvind_khadrihow do i make a windows machine logon to DC which runs samba09:53
RichiVhow do i get another graphics driver?09:55
serjowhy is my ubuntu x64 is unstable and gets 100 cpu usage?/09:55
macvrMadpilot: KyleK ... no i havent downloaded the alternate cd iso file yet but was asking if it might screw the iso file like it did my live usb files... or any precautions i had to take ... was just checking09:56
shakya tutti09:56
shakyvolevo sapere se e possibile creare un cd d installazione di ubuntu personalizzato09:56
KyleKmacvr: use someone elses computer is my advice unless you can afford a possible coaster and wasted time09:56
ikoniaserjo: is it running at %100 cpu all the time ?09:57
ikonia!it > shaky09:57
ubottushaky, please see my private message09:57
serjonot all the time09:57
ikoniaserjo: what causes it to spike ?09:57
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:57
serjobut sometimes i get black screen09:57
macvrKyleK: ok...09:57
serjoi have no idea09:57
serjoits just unstable09:57
ikoniaserjo: it's not unstable, it sounds like your setup is having a problem09:57
serjoits like says: not enough resources09:57
ikoniaserjo: where does it say that ?09:57
serjoerror message09:58
ikoniaserjo: where is the error message ?09:58
serjoi have verry goood pc09:58
coz_shaky  tu parle inglese?09:59
arvind_khadriikonia: hi how do i make a windows machine logon to DC which runs samba09:59
=== XVar`sleep is now known as XVar
ikoniaarvind_khadri: exactly the same as a windows domain - ask it to join the domain and authenticate it09:59
serjobtw how do i mount a new partition i just made?09:59
Kilominhamount /mnt /dev/sdb*10:00
pcfreak30mount /media/mpoint  /dev/sdb*10:00
ikoniait's neither10:01
hbekelKilominha: how can you be sure that it's sdb and not sda or sdc?10:01
pcfreak30that integrates with gnome/thunar10:01
ikoniasudo mount /dev/$device_file /$mount_point10:01
Kilominhanot sure, but guessed he would understand10:01
pcfreak30got param's mixed up10:01
arvind_khadriikonia: its atually not happening, i get error message that the user doesnt exist10:01
ikoniaarvind_khadri: have you created the user on the domain controller ?10:01
bullgard4KyleK:  apt-get remove libgnome-speech7 asks me if it really should remove gnome orca and libgnome-speech. I did not confirm yet.10:02
=== office` is now known as office
arvind_khadriikonia: yes and i also did smbpsswd -e username10:02
ikoniaarvind_khadri: what is samba authenticating against ?10:02
protocol1there an easy way to reconfigure my display adapter?10:03
arvind_khadriikonia: can you make it sound simpler ?10:03
ikoniaarvind_khadri: what backend are you using for samba to authenticate against10:03
Guest6262hi guys....i have a question....i'm developping on kvm....in tailf i see this message "May  7 08:41:20 metal kernel: kvm: 16761: cpu0 unhandled wrmsr: 0xc0010117 data 0" ....i want to know where is the source code that print that message....how could i do???10:04
ikoniaGuest6262: it will be within the kernel10:04
__Thegodhow can i setup a ftp server on linux ?10:04
__Thegodlivecd ?10:04
__Thegoddo ubuntu hawe a ftp server on livecd ?10:04
ikonia__Thegod: using the livecd is a bit silly for an ftp server, but you can do it if you treat it the same way as an standard install10:04
ActionParsnip__Thegod: you can use livecd or installed system10:04
arvind_khadriikonia: i just followed the community documentation10:05
cirI'm still getting this error and I'm really stuck I have no idea what's wrong10:05
ikonia__Thegod: the livecd does not have an ftp server by default10:05
ActionParsnip__Thegod: the dvd might10:05
ikoniaarvind_khadri: what documentation10:05
KyleKbullgard4: thats not so bad, really you're just wasting a meg or so of space with those packages, do you have something against festival? ;)10:05
ActionParsnip__Thegod: if you have web access, you can install one using apt-get as normal10:05
__Thegodso which ftp application exists for linux/ubuntu or whatwer ?10:06
arvind_khadriikonia: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/samba-dc.html\10:06
Guest6262ikonia: in the kernel or in the kvm kernel-module? and could i know in where?10:06
susscorfais there a way to access a web dav dir quickly nautilus doenst work and gnome commander is very slow10:06
ikoniaGuest6262: the kernel module is the kerne l10:06
ActionParsnip__Thegod: there are many10:06
__Thegodcan you call any ones  neme ?10:06
bullgard4KyleK: My feelings are not important here. I would only like to know why this is so. (Firstly.)10:06
ActionParsnip__Thegod: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/settingup-an-ftp-server-on-ubuntu-with-proftpd.html10:06
cirI just installed ubuntu for the first time, i have 3 sata hard drives, sda is my windows vista drive, sdb is ubuntu, and sdc is just media. when i start the machine I get a grub error 17 and cannot get it to go away10:06
Guest6262ikonia: u're right...i would like to know where is the source code of that message....how can i do that?10:07
ikoniaGuest6262: join ##kernel or #kvm10:07
ikoniaarvind_khadri: what step are you up to in that document ?10:07
cirI checked the device.map and device-map files and they seem fine, I followed the steps in the forum post on error 17 and so far it hasn't helped10:07
C0nn0RCir: I think that error is something with the MBR messing up.10:07
st_does notification-properties program work for you guys in jaunty?10:08
macvrikonia:  hi can u advice me on what to choose for this notebook config? ubuntu/kubuntu/UNR: Sony VAIO PCG-SRX87 Laptop  * Processor: 850 MHz Mobile Intel Pentium III Processor    * RAM: 256 MB    * RAM Type: SDRAM    * L2 Cache: 512 KB Hard Drive    * Size: 20 GB    * Graphics Card: Intel 815EM graphic    * Graphics RAM: 11 MB10:08
KyleKbullgard4: those three files aren't specific to festival, but are needed to hook into it with gnome, so if someone wants to use festival to do stuff, they just apt-get install festival and dont have to track down libgnome-speech which isn't obious10:08
ikoniamacvr: what ever you want,10:08
ikoniamacvr: what ever you like10:08
Madpilotmacvr, any luck on getting your machine to boot from usb?10:08
C0nn0RCir: Ubuntu Forums may help you with debugging this error, I never really had this problem since I only have one hardisk with Ubuntu being my only OS on it.10:08
ActionParsnipmacvr: any ubuntu wil run fine10:09
macvrMadpilot: i'm bustiing my head :(10:09
Madpilotubottu, ask | xking10:09
ubottuxking: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:09
bullgard4KyleK: Thank you very much for your help.10:09
ActionParsnipmacvr: i always recommend xubuntu due to it leaving more ram for apps10:09
circ0nn0r: I don't know how to fix the mbr or even what's wrong with it, do you know how I can configure either the bootloader or the mbr graphically since command line isn't working out so well for me?10:09
arvind_khadriikonia: i did the setup acc to that, but now i am just unable to login from a windows machine10:09
C0nn0RCir: Try this way and see if could help you with your current boot issues, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-348785.html10:10
KyleKbullgard4: yw10:10
macvrikonia: ActionParsnip: i was actually thinking of UNR but the specs for that say 384 mb ram is that correct or a typo[because for ubuntu its 256]10:10
cirthanks c0nn0r I'll read up on it and see if anything works10:10
C0nn0ROkay cool, Hope your woes will disappear.10:10
C0nn0RComputers, fun when they work, a pain in the ass when they refuse to work.10:11
Madpilotxking, Chinese or Japanese?10:11
serjoit says only root can mount10:11
ActionParsnipmacvr: xubuntu is light, you can always install ubuntu then install a lighter DE10:11
serjohow do i login as root in the terminal10:11
C0nn0RSerjo: sudo su10:11
C0nn0RAnd then enter your password10:12
serjosudo su lol?10:12
C0nn0RYou should be in root shell after entering that command and pw.10:12
arvind_khadriikonia: any ideas10:12
sunset46I am having problems with my HP laserjet printing..10:12
st_synaptic package and iceTea java for firefox?!10:12
macvrActionParsnip: ok... xubuntu seems better for this... another silly question... is there a XNR[xubuntu UNR]?10:12
Madpilotxking, please ask before PMing people. Thanks.10:12
st_why it doesnt work10:12
Madpilotubottu, sudo | serjo10:13
ubottuserjo: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)10:13
livingdaylightQuestion: trying to add authentication key from Software Sources/Authentication tab.... I browse but can't see the pgp key saved to Desktop?10:13
MadpilotC0nn0R, just sudo + command is enough, and easier10:13
serjothnx for the help10:13
ActionParsnipmacvr: UNR is just ubuntu with some tweaks as far as i've seen10:13
sunset46I ran a testpage and it tells me that the printer has started a print job and has starting printing, but yet nothing prints??10:13
XRockKidq: i'm an unprivileged user and i try to view the user.log file10:13
ikoniaarvind_khadri: what part of the document are you on10:13
vegombreidvd movies not playing too good .. picture seems grainy.. is there a fix?10:14
sunset46I have only been using ubuntu for 4 months now, but cannot seem to get printer up and running10:14
=== _Ranakah is now known as Ranakah
macvrActionParsnip: yeah, i'v noticed that... so does that mean i could install xubuntu and make it work like the UNR?10:14
ActionParsnipmacvr: if you want UNR, install it dude. Don't clutter the system with extra fluff10:15
jonaskoelkerHi.  I need help getting NetworkManager set up.  Would anyone help me?10:17
macvrActionParsnip: well its not for me, i actually hate the UNR setup, but my mom seems to find it easier...! big icons! well thanx for the help10:17
arvind_khadriikonia: i have finished with the doument, but getting errors10:17
st_why did synaptic package handler crash installing icedTea, and then sudo aptitude install icedTea worked?!10:17
ActionParsnipmacvr: evaluate both against needs / performace and choose the best for the job10:18
ikoniaarvind_khadri: look in the samba log to see why it thinks the user doesn't exist, check what it's authenticating against10:18
XRockKidQuestion: I an an unprivileged ubuntu user and i want to see the ,,user.log''(/var/log/user.log) file but it's locked...know's someone how to unlock it (I'm not in the sudoers files...that means i can't use su, sudo and commands based on them ...for example ,,sudo chmod'') PLZ Help!!!10:18
koshariis udev gone in 9.04?10:18
danboidAnyone here got any experience with debpartial? I've mirrored Jauny i386 + src, I've archived the binaries and now I want to archive thge source debs but I'm not quite sure what the correct debpartial command to do this is10:18
arvind_khadriikonia: ok,you will be around right ?10:18
zirodayXRockKid: if you don't have the permissions you can't.10:19
=== Odo081 is now known as Odo
macvrActionParsnip: its easier for us to evaluate but the old folks!!! i think i might have to do multi installs to get her to choose one!!!  :/10:19
ActionParsnipmacvr: best way, then strip it all out and use the desired one10:19
danboidI followed this guide:10:19
DaveWMok,  i see 3 different ways to install the flash plugin in jaunty package manager,  the flashplugin-nonfree, flashplugin-installer,  and adobe-flashplugin(which as the ubuntu logo beside it)  is there any difference between what it installs and how well it works,  i use firefox btw?10:20
danboidbut it doesn't cover source10:20
XRockKidbut is there a hack tool...or a script ...10:20
DaveWMi'm trying to get better flash video performance in linux,  atm i installed via the flashplugin-installer package10:20
ActionParsnipDaveWM: they will all give you flash10:20
AnacletoAlguien de Gandia?10:20
danboiddebpartial seems to give options for no source and merge source but I can't see any option for source only10:21
DaveWMi realize that,  but does one perform better than the other?10:21
ActionParsnipDaveWM: i dont use any of those myself and keep myself updated with the tar.gz file. but its easier and quicker to use the packages10:21
ActionParsnipDaveWM: as far as i've seen, they all do the same trick10:21
dman777has anyone ever bought a refurbished dell laptop?10:22
ActionParsnip!ot | dman77710:22
ubottudman777: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:22
macvrActionParsnip: is old netbook doesnt boot into the ubuntu liveusb! i checked the BIOS and set the removable drives as the first priority but it only boots into the harddisk... am i missing something? or is there a way to force a usb boot?10:22
MadpilotActionParsnip, given that you can buy Dell machines w/ Ubuntu pre-installed, you might be a bit quick on the ot flag there...10:22
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ActionParsnipMadpilot: then its a badly formed question ;)10:23
ActionParsnipmacvr: if the system doesnt support usb booting then you'll need to use a cd10:23
frikipedista9381Alquien español?10:23
DaveWMmacvr  how did you make the usb media?10:23
kosharihow can you set udev rules in 9.04?10:24
DaveWMsometimes if its not made right,  the bios will just overlook it10:24
Madpilotubottu, es10:24
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.10:24
macvrActionParsnip: netbook... no cd... i'll have to get external cd?10:24
UqbarChuck Norris protects baker - http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_3308615.html10:24
ActionParsnipmacvr: depends entirely on the hardware, i'd investigate10:25
Uqbarwhoops wrong channel, sorry10:25
macvrDaveWM: using usb creator, the usb works in my laptop and another desktop but not for the netbook10:25
st_is there problems with jaunty and java applets?! i cant seem to install icedtea or the java6plugin to firefox10:25
DaveWMwhat netbook is it?10:25
macvr hi can any one advice me on what to choose for this notebook config? ubuntu/kubuntu/UNR: Sony VAIO PCG-SRX87 Laptop  * Processor: 850 MHz Mobile Intel Pentium III Processor    * RAM: 256 MB    * RAM Type: SDRAM    * L2 Cache: 512 KB Hard Drive    * Size: 20 GB    * Graphics Card: Intel 815EM graphic    * Graphics RAM: 11 MB10:25
DaveWMi use unebootin, it hasnt let me down yet10:25
st_macvr: xubuntu?10:25
ActionParsnipmacvr: could install puppy to it10:25
danboidIt seems every guide on the net that covers mirroring and archiving ubuntu always choose to go the --nosource route :(10:26
DaveWMslitaz is cool macvr10:26
macvrActionParsnip: st_ i acccidentally posted the whole post... it was for DaveWM10:26
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit10:26
zirodaydanboid: #ubuntu-mirrors is probably the most helpful for setting up an ubuntu archive10:27
danboidziroday: I had no idea there was such a channel! Thanks!10:27
DaveWMmacvr,  you could try jaunty,  use the alternative install cd,  make it with unebootin,  then skip the install tasks,  and boot into command line and install minimal desktop via apt-get10:27
DrMrHorsethats odd10:28
DrMrHorsetransmission is segfaulting after the update today10:28
zirodayDaveWM: there is a handy mini.iso as well :)10:28
macvrDaveWM: net book... no cd :(10:28
DaveWMyeah,  i like it10:28
DaveWMits nice10:28
zirodayDrMrHorse: pastebin strace transmission10:29
DaveWMi know macvr,  get unebootin,  tell it the iso you wanna use and it'll put it on a usb stick for ya10:29
DaveWMworks with most linux media10:29
DaveWMwell i'm saying that10:29
DaveWMcause i don't know if there's some it fails with10:30
DaveWMits worked for all i've tried it with10:30
macvrDaveWM: yeah i forgot... i could try if that works... i have unetbooting... just thought that usb aint being detected!10:30
DaveWMits possible10:30
incorrectj #tatpu10:30
DaveWMsome usb devices won't get recognized by some bios's10:30
DaveWMif ya got another stick,  try it out10:30
DaveWMi got one that i can boot off of,  but wouldnt get recognized for a bios flash10:30
DaveWMseems odd10:30
ziroday!enter | DaveWM10:31
ubottuDaveWM: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:31
zirodayGuest48238: Hi! What can we help you with?10:32
bakralslm 3lekom10:32
DrMrHorseziroday: how do you dump output to a file again?10:32
zirodayDrMrHorse: command > file.txt10:32
zirodaybakr: is there something we can help you with?10:32
macvrActionParsnip: i have to look into puppy... another silly question...network boot, is that possible when u connect the netbook to another laptop via the ethernet cable?10:32
DrMrHorsecomes out blank?10:33
zirodaymacvr: yes, if the laptop has the necessary services installed. Probably better if you use unetbootin or something similar10:33
RichiVwhy is it when i use my mouse scroll it switches between screens?10:33
edoreldCan someone tell me why I get "The 'VPN connection 'VPN connection 1' failed to start. The VPN service was invalid. " when I try to connect via VPN?10:34
ActionParsnipmacvr: you'll need to configure the other system to share ts connection10:34
ActionParsnipmacvr: but yeah sure10:34
Dallasi know this is a linux irc room but its the only one i know of with a lot of people so i was wondering if anyone knew a visual basic programming room?10:34
ActionParsnip!ics > macvr10:34
ubottumacvr, please see my private message10:34
ikoniaDallas: not here please - this is ubuntu support only10:34
ActionParsnipDallas: #vb  maybe10:34
ikoniaDallas: look at freenodes website10:34
ActionParsnip!channels > Dallas10:34
ubottuDallas, please see my private message10:34
zirodayDrMrHorse: hmm, doesn't appear to work with strace10:34
Dallasgreat thanks guys!10:34
unknown_hello, is it possible to play somehow .swf files in totem?10:34
ikoniaunknown_: no10:35
DrMrHorseit goes beyond the buffer so im not sure what to do10:35
unknown_ikonia: thx10:35
macvrActionParsnip: ziroday: will try unetbootin first... then will have to look into network booting..... thankx guys...10:35
bakrYes, my brother, the program Google Earth to void correctly10:35
zirodayDrMrHorse: err not sure either :)10:35
unknown_ikonia: so maybe something other than gnash? In gnash i'm getting bad colors etc, but when i open in it browser, then it looks ok10:36
ActionParsnipunknown_: i'm sure theres a codec you can get to make it fly10:36
ikoniaunknown_: install the flashplugin-nonfree package and open it in a browser10:36
ScottG_What is a netsplit?10:36
ikonia!netsplit > ScottG_10:36
ubottuScottG_, please see my private message10:36
macvrDaveWM: not... from ubuntu...10:37
unknown_ikonia: in browser it doesn't look so good (too small)10:37
macvrDaveWM: ^no... using ubuntu10:37
unknown_ActionParsnip: I can only hear the voice from this swf10:37
unknown_in totem10:37
DaveWMjust wondering10:37
ActionParsnipunknown_: try: sudo apt-get install swfdec-gnome10:37
ScottG_ikonia: What do they disconnect from each other for?10:37
bakrWhen opening the surprisingly close10:38
ActionParsnipunknown_: it may throw a coddec into the mix so totem can play it10:38
ikoniaScottG_: check the freenode webpage for more info10:38
ScottG_ikonia: eh10:38
ikoniabakr: what are you talking about ?10:38
ikoniaScottG_: detils on a netsplit can be found on freenodes website, or in the channel #freenode10:38
ActionParsnipunknown_: not helpful theres a game named totem destroyer.swf10:39
bakrDoes no one speak the Arabic language, please10:39
=== Dallas is now known as Dallasb86
ikoniabakr: no, let me see if I can find your loco channel10:39
edoreldCan someone tell me why I get "The 'VPN connection 'VPN connection 1' failed to start. The VPN service was invalid. " when I try to connect via VPN?10:40
edoreldMy logs say things like "VPN Plugin failed: 1" and "VPN plugin state changed: 6"10:40
DrMrHorseziroday: got it10:40
DrMrHorsehad to run strace -o <filename> <command>10:40
unknown_ActionParsnip: totem still can't display video.. before i had a problem with even opening file, now i hear the voice, but only not video.. so i think it must be possible somehow :)10:40
OsamaKSynaptic refuses the current public key of "http://sa.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty-updates Release" how to fix that?10:40
ikonia!arabic > bakr10:41
ubottubakr, please see my private message10:41
ActionParsnipunknown_: any player can play file, just needs telling how to read the info (with codecs)10:42
bakrI login the first time here and I thank you, but I Aathdt English, God preserves the Google translation10:42
bakr> تبديل اللغة10:42
FloodBot1bakr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:42
ikonia!arabic > bakr10:43
ubottubakr, please see my private message10:43
bakrI login the first time here and I thank you, but I10:43
ikoniabakr: please check the message from ubottu10:43
bakrAathdt English, God preserves the Google10:43
lianimatorI've just installed jaunty, and the keybindings for Menu (Alt+F1) and Run (Alt+F2) doesn't work. although they are configured as so.10:43
OsamaKbakr: أنا أتحدث العربية10:44
OsamaKbakr: come to #wikipedia-ar10:44
DrMrHorsehaha oh wow10:44
bakrاشهد اﻻ اله اﻻ الله يارجل كنت نايم من الصبح10:44
ActionParsniplianimator: are you fully updated?10:44
DrMrHorseit rendered it right to left for me. i wonder if mirc does that10:44
ActionParsniplianimator: are you running compiz?10:45
lianimatorActionParsnip: yes, just updated. and yes, running compiz.10:45
ActionParsniplianimator: try without compiz messing up the place10:45
OsamaKbakr: هذه قناة إنجليزية، الحديث بالعربية سوف يزعجهم، من فضلك توجه إلى #wikipedia-ar10:45
lianimatorActionParsnip: without compiz, it's the same as well.10:45
ikoniaOsamaK: please take it to a pm10:45
ActionParsniplianimator: hmm10:45
OsamaKikonia: sorry?10:45
lianimatorother keybindings work. like close windows, etc.10:45
ActionParsniplianimator: try assigning the shortcut to something else, then back10:45
bakrطيب اخي اشكرك10:45
ikoniaOsamaK: please take the arabic info to a pm with bakr10:46
OsamaKikonia: He's new, I'm trying to tell him.10:46
ikoniaOsamaK: so please take it to a pm10:46
lianimatorActionParsnip: tried that, doesn't work with the new key also.10:46
ActionParsniplianimator: well thats good info to have10:47
=== ScottG_ is now known as ScottG489
ha1331Any ideas why my apache2 server maps all requests to default virtualhost. I've done exactly what http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/httpd.html instructs. Have trien buch of other things also10:47
ha1331been googling for over a day now...10:47
ActionParsniplianimator: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19391110:47
FlashGordon2000Deluge has stopped downloading or seeding and sits at "Checking 0.00%". It doesnt move or download, but other torrents do.10:47
ikoniaha1331: have you setup other virtual hosts ?10:48
ActionParsniplianimator: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-launch-box/+bug/33256010:48
ha1331ikonia yes10:48
ActionParsniplianimator: seems to be attributed to wrong keyboard layout / keyboard language10:48
ikoniaha1331: can you pastebin the config for one please ?10:48
ha1331ikonia I can. just a sec10:48
ActionParsniplianimator: Turns out this was bug #331556 for me. I enabled 'Gnome Compatibility' in compiz config settings manager and it started working again.10:48
shadeslayercan someone paste their grub menu.lst i need to see something10:49
ikoniashadeslayer: what do you want ?10:49
shadeslayerikonia: what was the line to be added to enable usplash?? ro spalsh quiet?10:49
macvrActionParsnip: : i actually insatlled windows7 on a partition by saving the iso to a different partiton and mounting it... could this be done for ubuntu too? the netbook has 2 partitions...10:49
ikoniashadeslayer: "splash" quiet, yes10:50
ikoniashadeslayer: ro = "read only" nothing to do with splash10:50
lianimatorActionParsnip: thanks a bunch! gnome compatibility was the solution.10:50
monkey_d_luffyMaybe this is a silly question, but... what are good mount point names for new hdd?   I thought on putting the drive capacity in the mount point name, but then it gets confuse for the same hdd with 2 partitions of the same size.  (I already have 3 hdds besides the OS drive)   Any suggestions?10:50
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: someones menu.lst is next to useless to you due to differences in disk setup and partitioning: http://pastebin.com/f3837b34110:50
ikoniamonkey_d_luffy: personal choice10:50
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: theres mine10:50
ActionParsniplianimator: compiz is a pig, and not worth it imho10:50
shadeslayerActionParsnip: meh...i needed to the default options to enable usplash10:51
monkey_d_luffyikonia: I know. But maybe someone has a good naming convention. That's why I asked.10:51
ikoniamonkey_d_luffy: work out what you like10:51
|ntegra|jaunty doesn't treat the /etc/sudoers file like gutsy did10:51
ikonia|ntegra|: in what respect ?10:51
KyleKmonkey_d_luffy: monkey1 monkey2 etc?10:52
indusdoes changing the sources list from hardy to jaunty give me an upgrade to jaunty??10:53
ha1331ikonia http://pastebin.com/d79cb9cbd10:53
monkey_d_luffyKyleK: :]10:53
|ntegra|I did $sudo mousepad /etc/sudoers and added defaults !lecture,tty_tickets,timestamp=0 before but I'm trying to do the same thing and having no luck10:53
Bodsdaindus: you'll be using the jaunty repo's then so sort of yeah, then i think you need to do dist-upgrade and it should skip intrepid (skipping releases is not generally supported)10:54
jimcooncatmonkey_d_luffy: I'd name them according to their usage: spool, vidarchive, iso, pr0n, etc.10:54
ikoniaha1331: your first virtual host doesn't have  aserver name10:54
jimcooncatmonkey_d_luffy: why so many hd's?10:55
__Thegodhm.. is it possible to make some dodifications on livecd isoimage of ubuntulivecd ?10:55
indusBodsda:  i heard its dangerous as it only gets the jaunty packages but doesnt really upgrage the system??10:55
ha1331ikoniashould it, I taught it's the default file it fall's on when requested somthing that doesn't have VirtualHost defined?10:55
lianimatorcan notify-osd or pidgin be configured so the new messages doesn't show?10:55
ikonia__Thegod: yes, but you will need a reasonable understanding of how the livecd is put together as it is a compressed image based on a squashfs file system10:55
Bodsdaindus: be on the safe side then, upgrade to intrepid then to jaunty10:55
ikoniaha1331: wouldn't everything pattern match that and hit that site without a server name ?10:55
indusBodsda: ya thats my question >if it was ok ,wouldnt the ubuntu devs give you a direct update through update manager10:56
indusBodsda: but they dont meaning there is a problem somewhere?10:56
monkey_d_luffyjimcooncat: one of them just got outdated (with the new buy)... but I still don't feel like throwing it away.  My OS drive is small (raptor hdd). So... not that many.10:57
ha1331ikonia pretty sure there shouldn't be ServerName on default file... well not sure about anything anymore, but I definately remember reading that somewhere10:57
Bodsdaindus: uhm, im not sure, I know you can do direct upgrades from LTS to LTS, eg skipping non LTS releases10:57
ikoniaha1331: the default virtual host is still a virtual host - so I can't see how it would work without a servername on it10:57
indusBodsda: hmm ya that does make sense10:57
indusBodsda: so i guess its safe then10:58
indusBodsda: you think i will make it if i upgrade dapper to jaunty?10:58
ha1331ok, now it has... problem remains10:58
Bodsdaindus: it will take time, but yeah should be fine, backups are your friend :)10:59
|ntegra|when I save the file /etc/sudoers it says that I'm trying to save the file on a read-only disk10:59
Bodsda|ntegra|: not sure of the problem, but can you save any other file? eg. is the disk mounted ro?10:59
erUSUL|ntegra|: did you use visudo to edit it ?10:59
indus|ntegra|: you can only do it through recovery console10:59
=== spanther_ is now known as spanther
jonaskoelkerHow do I make NetworkManager run $COMMAND whenever it connects to $SSID?11:00
blackpixelhey, someone know's why im starting to see a lot of issues with choppy sound in fresh installs of jaunty? i know it's something with pulseaudio, but what's exactly the problem?11:00
indus|ntegra|: restart and select recovery mode11:00
jimcooncatmonkey_d_luffy: if I had a bunch and a lot of extra space, I'd put it to use like: two for a raid 0, and backup to a third with multiple versions, like rdiffbackup. Or RAID 5, needs four disks.11:00
jonaskoelkerWhen I bind C-M-n to anything in ccsm and press C-M-n, nothing happens.  How do I fix this?11:01
trwwwHello. I'm not getting copy/paste between portable ubuntu and windows xp.11:01
indusdamn ! or use visudo to edit :)11:01
indusmissed that sh*t11:01
TheFunkbomb2can someone help me play a DVD?11:02
jimcooncattrwww: This probably isn't the place for that, but you need to look at xming documentation11:02
TheFunkbomb2totem keeps saying I may not have permission11:02
Bodsdaindus: dont worry, visudo doesnt seem to work.. for me at least anyway11:03
ActionParsnipTheFunkbomb: Did you install the libdvdcss2 package?11:04
ubuntunoobcan someone direct me to the cracking wep channel?11:06
ikoniaewook: ?11:06
TheFunkbomb2ActionParsnip, how do I do that?11:06
ikoniaubuntunoob: don't ask here -11:06
arvind_khadriikonia: you there?11:06
ikoniaarvind_khadri: yes11:06
ubuntunoobnot even for the channel?11:06
ikoniaubuntunoob: no11:07
ubuntunoobok, sorry11:07
ActionParsnip!medibuntu | TheFunkbomb11:07
ubottuTheFunkbomb: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:07
arvind_khadriikonia: ok, the log is at /var/log/samba/ ?11:07
ikoniaarvind_khadri: I think so yes, I've not got an ubuntu machine to verify11:07
ActionParsnipTheFunkbomb2: you need to add the medibuntu repo than install it like any other package11:07
TheFunkbomb2I see11:07
TheFunkbomb2thanks ActionParsnip I'll let you know how it works11:07
arvind_khadriikonia: ok , i dont see anything unusual in the logs11:08
ikoniaarvind_khadri: try mounting shares as the user you created or looking in the database to see if that user exists11:08
ikoniaarvind_khadri: walk it through logically - it is saying the user doesn't exist, verify it11:08
TheFunkbomb2ActionParsnip, one more question.  Do these packages matter if I'm on the AMD64 version?11:08
arvind_khadriikonia:  Server's Role (logon server) NOT ADVISED with domain-level security11:08
arvind_khadri does this machine11:08
arvind_khadriikonia: does that mean anything ?11:08
ikoniaarvind_khadri: I wouldn't worry11:09
ikoniaarvind_khadri: focus more on the error11:09
indusBodsda: you are right, doenst seem to work11:09
indusBodsda: it doesnt work from a root shell11:09
jimcooncattrwww: I looked and I didn't find anything, except that some versions of xming don't like clipboard managers and viewers. Or whatever starts xming doesn't have "-clipboard" in the command, but I'd think portableUbuntu wouldn't make a mistake like that11:09
arvind_khadriikonia: what backend should i use ?11:10
ActionParsnipTheFunkbomb2: not at all, there will be 64bit versions on the same repo11:10
TheFunkbomb2okay thanks11:10
Bodsdaindus: i guess the devs are "windows'ing" us again -- i think you have to do it from recovery console11:10
ikoniaarvind_khadri: what ever one suits your needs best11:10
arvind_khadriikonia: name one11:11
ikoniaarvind_khadri: ldap, tdbm11:11
ikoniaarvind_khadri: there are many11:11
ikoniaarvind_khadri: they all work different choose the one that works best for your needs11:11
jimcooncattrwww: It also might be a particular thing you're trying to pass along the clipboard, such as copying a large Excel selection will pass a pointer instead of the actual content -- that gets resolved via OLE or DDE (I don't remember), and simple viewers like Xming may not know how to handle.11:11
jimcooncattrwww: Or even graphics instead of plain text.11:12
TheFunkbomb2ActionParsnip, no love :(11:13
ActionParsnipTheFunkbomb2: ok so you have the libdvdcss2 package11:14
TheFunkbomb2ActionParsnip, I believe sp11:14
ActionParsnipTheFunkbomb2: you can do it the easier way: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras11:14
davidf88does anyone know about running virtualbox 64bit?11:14
TheFunkbomb2ActionParsnip, yeah, I did that11:15
ludditehi all- every time i go to a new app or window the first charecter i type is skipped. mouse clicks included. it is so frustrating- is my environment incorrect?11:15
ActionParsnip!dvd | TheFunkbomb11:15
ubottuTheFunkbomb: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:15
arvind_khadriikonia: i would go with ldap11:17
arvind_khadri!ldap > me11:17
ubottuarvind_khadri, please see my private message11:17
TheFunkbomb2ActionParsnip, what region am I in in the US?11:18
jimlovell777TheFunkbomb2: Region 111:18
TheFunkbomb2what about the mask?11:19
ActionParsnipTheFunkbomb2: USA = Reg111:19
TheFunkbomb2"New mask: 0xFFFFFFFE"11:19
TheFunkbomb2it asks if it's correct11:19
TheFunkbomb2how would I know?11:19
ActionParsnipTheFunkbomb2: not sure, try websearching some11:19
thaytanTheFunkbomb: that's a correct mask for region 111:20
thaytan(it has only the lowest bit cleared)11:20
TheFunkbomb2I give up11:20
Szalonookihello everybody11:21
jimlovell777Szalonooki: Hey11:21
TheFunkbomb2brand new computer and ubuntu can't even play a stupid DVD11:22
jimlovell777TheFunkbomb2: is the DVD still in the drive?11:23
trwwwjimcooncat: just trying to do plain text...11:23
TheFunkbomb2jimlovell777, yes11:23
jimlovell777TheFunkbomb2:  Remove the DVD and re-insert it.11:23
trwwwin portable_ubuntu.conf, Xming is started with -clipboard11:23
* TheFunkbomb2 bows to jimlovell777 11:24
ruediixI'm getting a really weird problem.11:24
ruediixHello I need some help with a really weird problem with my fonts11:24
jimlovell777TheFunkbomb2:  lol, I fought that once before and just had to cycle the tray after installing libdvdcss11:24
jimlovell777ruediix: What's the problem?11:25
ikoniaarvind_khadri: why would you go for ldap, is it a big domain ?11:26
thaytanTheFunkbomb2: out of curiosity, are you using totem-xine or totem-gstreamer or other for DVD playback?11:26
ruediixjimlovell Somehow some text characters are just randomly changing to a different font11:26
jimlovell777ruediix: For a specific program or for everything?11:26
sombirhelp on ubuntu11:26
arvind_khadriikonia: yes its a big one, i just installed it, but not able to configure it11:26
ruediixjim lovell most GNOME related programs.11:26
davidequalcuno parla italiano11:26
ikoniaarvind_khadri: how many users (roughly)11:27
davideho un problema!11:27
mikechelen!it | davide11:27
Szalonookihas someone made update from  8.10 to 9.04?11:27
ubottudavide: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:27
ruediixjimlovell most GNOME related programs.11:27
arvind_khadriikonia: 15011:27
sombirfor everything11:27
ikoniaarvind_khadri: you could use tdbm for that, 150 usrs isn't big, but ldap would also work11:27
arvind_khadriikonia: it would be extended to 300 users later, how do i configure ldap now ?11:28
ikoniaarvind_khadri: there are guides for it, it's not a 2 minute job11:28
jimlovell777ruediix: Did you make any changes recently?11:28
arvind_khadriikonia: how about kerberos ??11:28
ikoniaarvind_khadri: what about it ?11:28
arvind_khadriikonia: can it be used for authentication ?11:29
arvind_khadriikonia: ok , setting up which one is easier :)11:29
ikoniadepends on your network and your own ability11:29
arvind_khadriikonia: which one has GUI ?11:30
arvind_khadriikonia: likewise open ?11:30
Baumhi. can i use somehow / in autofs keys e.g. "name/bla -fsoption..... server:/mnt" when i use this i get /nfs/name/name/bla11:31
ruediixjimlovell yes.  I installed some new fonts, and some other stuff.  I'm removing some of them that are from universe and multivers just in case.11:31
smr904hello, did anybody have issues with nvidia cards and low resolution after updating?11:31
ActionParsnipsmr904: reinstall the video driver you use11:32
jimlovell777smr904: I have had that issue before, I had an update wipeout xorg.conf11:32
davidesu ubuntu-it nn mi risponde nessuno :(11:32
smr904I did that - installed and reinstalled several times the drivers from the reps ans from nvidia site... doesn't work11:32
davideho problemi con firefox 3.0!!!11:33
davidehelp me?!11:33
ActionParsnipsmr904: try removing them, then run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:33
ActionParsnipsmr904: then reboot, you can then setup the driver from scratch11:33
jimlovell777smr904: Have you tried nvidia-settings from the command line?11:33
ActionParsnip!ask | davide11:33
ubottudavide: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:33
jimlovell777ruediix: Yea that would be my only suggestion, google turned up nothing and I have no experience with that type of issue. Maybe someone else reading can chime in if they have any ideas.11:34
Hymnosiswhat are the disadvantages of x64?11:34
smr904yes... I did pretty much all that you mention..11:35
JohnNmorning all11:35
jimlovell777smr904: You can't get your old resolution back or the settings are not saved?11:36
arvind_khadriikonia: can likewise be used for authentication ?11:36
smr904I installed the driver from nvidia website - 180.5 - then I had a little bit of a better res but not the one I need11:36
smr904then I installed also the 185.1811:37
smr904and I got an even worse result11:37
smr904now I uninstalled all and working in low res11:37
HinHinheya guys, I'm thinking of getting a TV tuner card that capable of receving digital broadcasts... Does anyone know which is a good one that works in linux?11:40
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HinHinthanks ;)11:40
arvind_khadriikonia: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/samba-ldap.html is this fine for ldap configuration ?11:41
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alan__hello everyone11:41
ActionParsnip!hcl > HinHin11:43
ubottuHinHin, please see my private message11:43
ActionParsnip!hi | alan__11:43
ubottualan__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:43
bakrWorking on a local network consisting of windows xp and it Aasittie entry11:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x6411:44
blackpixelhey, someone know's why im starting to see a lot of issues with choppy sound in fresh installations of jaunty? i know it's something with pulseaudio and how to avoid the problem, but what's exactly the problem?11:44
Bodsdaalan__: what language?11:44
Bodsda!cn | alan__11:45
ubottualan__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:45
bakrWorking on a local network consisting of windows xp and it Aasittie entry11:46
zer0ohi guys i tried to install a deb package that was giving me an error: "libasound2 dependancy missing" so i downloaded the libasound2 deb package, have it installed and tried back to install the previous deb package... still giving me the same error. could anyone help please? thanks11:47
bakrWorking on a local network consisting of windows xp and it Aasittie entry11:51
Bodsdabakr: have fun11:51
gooseI want to move a directory labeled "weekend" from "/home/fonz/weekend/" to "/media/disk/weekend", what's the terminal command to do this?11:52
exnhello every, I have question about gedit. How make gedit show short names in tabs instead full file names ?11:52
bakr<Bodsda> no11:52
Bodsdagoose: mv, or copy it with   cp -rv11:53
bakrI am I can access it11:53
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ibralnetHi all11:53
ibralnetI need to make an installer of my (PHP) application on ubuntu11:53
ibralnetcan any body help me please ?11:53
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bakrUnable to mount location Failed to retrieve share list from server11:54
Bodsdaibralnet: #ubuntu-programming might be able to help11:54
gooseBodsda, what flags do I need with mv? I tried "mv -f /home/fonz/weekend/ /media/disk/" and it didn't work11:54
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ibralnetBodsda: ok thanks11:55
Bodsdagoose: im not sure.. ive never had much joy with moving directories and contents and sub directories with move, i find a   cp -rv /original/folder /new/folder && rm -rf /original/folder11:55
bakr Unable to mount location Failed to retrieve share list from server <Bodsda>11:55
deanyanyone else experience this odd problem with Virtualbox.  random occassions when i run vbox and do something with it like run a machine or just edit settings, i drop to a tty then it comes back on but without all the programs i had running before, meaning it killed em all.11:55
goosethanks Bodsda11:55
Bodsdabakr: please ask your question to the channel, so that everyone can help/benefit from it11:55
Bodsdagoose: your welcome11:55
bakr<Bodsda> ok thnks11:56
PanteraHi for everybody here11:56
Bodsda!hi | Pantera11:57
ubottuPantera: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:57
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smr904hello everybody again... please help - still can't fix the scree resolution - got a SyncMaster 721n flatscreen - NVIDIA GeForce11:58
wiehanhi, I recently received .eml and winmail.dat files as attachments from windows users via e-mail. Evolution can't open this, neither Open Office. Please help, it is very important business documents, which I need to read ASAP11:59
smr904tried to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, then restarted and got an error..11:59
Bodsdasmr904: what error?11:59
arvind_khadriikonia: how do i populate ldap db ??11:59
smr904(EE) unable to find a valid framebuffer device..12:00
erUSULwiehan: eml is a mail format look for a program that can convert them to mbox or something an ubnix mailer can read12:00
smr904and then smth again about failed to open framebuffer...12:00
zanehi i am using ubuntu 9.04 on a dell xps 1530 and when i try and restart my laptop i get very strage colored bars and the laptop appears to be frozen12:00
erUSULwiehan: the same applys to dat12:00
wiehanerUSUL please, tell me which program I should use?12:00
Bodsdawiehan: for the .eml (which i think are forwarded emails?) try thunderbird12:00
erUSULwiehan: i dunno from the top of my head but ggogle search should get you results12:00
PanteraIm russian girl and i nothing understand12:01
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:01
Bodsdasmr904: ok, ditch the xorg fiel   sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf    reboot to recovery console and run the   'xfix' option12:01
peachesanyone know how to fix google earth font12:01
smr904Bodsda: thanks, I'll try that12:02
PanteraI know this12:02
Bodsdasmr904: good luck12:02
erUSULwiehan: http://www.broobles.com/eml2mbox/12:02
wiehanerUSUL: thank you12:03
PanteraWho knew MOSTAFA?12:03
erUSULwiehan: for the winmail.dat archive you need a program called tnef12:03
hareldvdI want to uninstall f-spot and it's dependencies. Does synaptic remove the dependencies automatically?12:04
erUSUL!find tnef12:04
ubottuFound: libconvert-tnef-perl, libytnef0, libytnef0-dev, claws-mail-tnef-parser, tnef (and 1 others)12:04
jimlovell777hareldvd: uninstall f-spot and then run apt-get autoremove12:05
Pantera!see mostafa12:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about see mostafa12:05
hareldvdjimlovell777, is autoremove safe?12:05
msshamshow can i know that windows is on which device? for example (hd0,1). i want use it in menu.lst12:05
jimlovell777hareldvd: yep12:05
erUSULmsshams: sudo fdisk -l12:05
zanehi i am using ubuntu 9.04 on a dell xps 1530 and when i try and restart my laptop i get very strage colored bars and the laptop appears to be frozen12:06
zaneit did not do this with 8.0412:06
hareldvdjimlovell777, I tried "Computer Janitor" and lost quite a big set of tools.12:06
jimlovell777hareldvd: it only removes pacakges that were selected automatically and are no longer needed. I should warn you though that if you remove a core package of Ubuntu it will then force the removal of several other possibly needed core pacakges12:06
maxagazhow to reload fstab config ?12:07
hareldvdjimlovell777, does it have a fake (show only) mode?12:07
msshamserUSUL: i see that ntfs partition is /dev/sda2. how can i convert it to this type: (hd0,1)12:07
`Kryten`anyone a guru on xinerama and dual head using 2 video cards?12:07
jimlovell777hareldvd:  I just checked and f-spot should be safe to remove, it didn't trigger the removal of something like ubuntu-desktop12:08
hareldvdjimlovell777, Thanks.12:08
Kruxercan I update my ext3 FS to ext4?12:08
jimlovell777hareldvd: apt-get --help shows -s might do what you want, only simulate the action, never used it myself though12:09
=== JohnN is now known as Amigadude
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about leave12:11
=== SandGorgon__ is now known as SandGorgon
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:12
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:12
mjnaikwhoa! load of people on this channel!!12:13
=== hook is now known as hook_
chadigood day12:14
indusgood day to you too12:14
arvind_khadriikonia: there ?12:14
ikoniaarvind_khadri: yes12:14
arvind_khadriikonia: ok see i have ldap configured somewhat, how do i replicate the users from the windows server ?12:15
ikoniaarvind_khadri: you need to look at making it a slave, but you also need to get the AD schema12:15
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arvind_khadriikonia: any pointers ?12:16
Bodsdaow can i change the default pastebin of pastebinit?12:16
greenedIs it worth trying 64 bit Ubuntu?12:16
greenedLast time I had issues with Flash12:16
arvind_khadriikonia: am actually using webmin to configure ldap12:16
=== hatah is now known as brEz
mjnaikhey, has anyone had problems connecting to wpa psk tkip router in jaunty?12:16
ActionParsnipgreened: theres a beta native 64bit flash12:16
ikoniaarvind_khadri: then I can't help you as webmin is suicide12:17
ActionParsnipgreened: flash works fine now12:17
arvind_khadriikonia: how about ebox ?12:17
indusActionParsnip: it does?12:17
ikoniaarvind_khadri: if you can't configure it without webmin, you should not be running a server - sorry to be harsh but this is not simple stuff12:17
indusActionParsnip: flash 64 bit alpha12:17
greenedActionParsnip, Ok, thanks. Would you say it's worth running it instead of 32-bit?12:17
ActionParsnipindus: isnt that what i said?12:17
greenedOr are there still too many issues?12:17
sacarlsongreened: I have 64 bit ubuntu installed but I also have 32bit libs and still run firefox in 32bit.  not sure how much better 64bit is.  faster?12:17
=== hook_ is now known as hook
smr904does anybody know how to fix the low resolution problem in jaunty.. after upograde the Nvidia drivers do not work properly12:18
ActionParsnipgreened: if you have less than 2gb ram you wont gain much really12:18
arvind_khadriikonia: how about ebox ? will that do ?12:18
=== mirk_ is now known as mirk
greenedActionParsnip, mine is 2 gb12:18
ActionParsnipBodsda: man pastebinit shows how to use a different pastebin12:18
ikoniaarvind_khadri: no12:19
jerbeari'm trying to install some updates, but it saying that linux-generic, linux-image-generic, linux-restricted-modules-generic have been kept back. what do i do?12:19
indusjerbear: ignore it and instal; the rest12:19
BodsdaActionParsnip: yeah, -b but i would have to do that for each time i used it, or make an alias -- i wondered if there was a way (without editing the code) to change the default12:20
jerbearindus: what does this mean, though? and why?12:20
ActionParsnipjerbear: those are new kernels. You dont need them if you are happy with your current kernel. If you want to get a new kernel as well run: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:20
ActionParsnipBodsda: maybe there is a conf file someplace12:20
indusjerbear: due to some problem its being held back so i suggest you wait a few hours or a day to update12:20
ActionParsnipBodsda: let me see what i can find12:20
BodsdaActionParsnip: cheers dude, ive done a google but it didnt return much12:20
indusjerbear: Ya ActionParsnip is correct i think12:20
jerbearActionParsnip: i do want to upgrade them12:21
pegwoleoops lol12:21
ActionParsnipjerbear: then i gave you the command12:21
BoghI have a ~www-data dir that points to -> ~/var/www, how can i create this type of aliases ?12:21
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jerbearActionParsnip: it's saying it needs to remove linux-generic. is this correct?12:22
=== brEz_ is now known as brEz
mudassarhello experts, I want to use desktop sharing in ubuntu on WAN, how can I do this ?12:22
Hymnosismy audio sounds bad. what to do?12:22
ActionParsnipjerbear: if thats what it needs to do to get the new kernel in then i guess you'll have to play along12:23
indusjerbear: ya just do it12:23
ActionParsnipjerbear: you'll need to compile any kernel modules you configured with the current kerne,l as well as install your video driver if you didnt use a package for it12:23
BoghI have a ~www-data dir that points to -> ~/var/www, how can i create this type of aliases ?12:24
vattshi, can i ask you something, why 9.04 server edition doesn't want to install, when it detects keyboard, it says "cant attach cdrom", but hey, how did it started then, ????? what is wrong, cd img fail?12:25
ActionParsnipBogh: ln -s <source> <destination>12:25
mudassarhello experts, i want to use remote desktop sharing over the WAN in ubuntu 9.04, how can I do that ?12:25
jerbearActionParsnip: ok, thanks12:25
ActionParsnipvatts: did you md5 check the iso and verify the cd was ok once booted to ?12:25
AutumnCatDebian is switching to eglibc. What about ubuntu?12:25
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:26
ActionParsnip!vnc > mudassar12:26
ubottumudassar, please see my private message12:26
arvind_khadriikonia: ldapsearch -xLLL -b cn=config -D cn=admin,cn=config -W olcDatabase={1}hdb , i get invalid credentials12:27
indusActionParsnip: hi how are you today12:27
ActionParsnipindus: not bad, waiting for my colleagues to arrive12:27
BoghActionParsnip, thx12:27
cllaudyui want to install easycam on jaunty how can i do this?12:28
rvechey I'm having some trouble getting php with mysql to work again12:28
ActionParsnipvatts: you there?12:28
rvecphp5 and mysql512:28
cllaudyui want to install easycam or any driver that makes my webcam work... on jaunty how can i do this?12:28
vattsi am ActionParsnip here12:28
vattssry i was on my bnc12:28
ubuntuhi all, just wanted to see how the xchat thingy worked (first time user here :)12:28
sacarlson rvec: works for me with ubuntu 8.0412:28
vattsActionParsnip: it was ok12:28
rvecproblems started when I removed php5, compiled it from php, removed that and reinstalled php5 *feels ashamed*12:29
indusubuntu:lucky to have a nick like that12:29
rvecI have jaunty12:29
vattsActionParsnip: sec12:29
=== vatts[bnc] is now known as vatts
Klonehello people how do you tab between different windows using screen command on ubuntu 9.0412:30
ubuntuthx indus, as you see my creativity sparks everywhere ;p12:30
peachesKlone: ctrl a, "12:31
hdjsakyou may like fluxbox, it can merge several windows into one12:31
peacheshdjsak: yeah thats damn cool12:31
cllaudyuwhy webcams DO NOT work on ubuntu?12:32
zeusesta ca alguem de portugal?12:32
mattycozehey guys i need help troubleshooting the cause of my network card not being able to recognise the wireless router I've set up with a WEP key12:32
peachescause vendors only supprot microshaft12:32
DJones!pt | zeus12:32
ubottuzeus: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:32
ActionParsnipcllaudyu: some do, some dont12:33
vattsActionParsnip: 24ea1163ea6c9f5dae77de8c49ee7c03 ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso << from ubuntu wiki, i have server-i386.iso, what then?12:33
cllaudyua lot wont...12:33
ActionParsnipvatts: why did you not check the iso before burning it?12:33
ActionParsnipcllaudyu: then buy the ones that do12:33
platiuscllaudyu; http://www.ubuntugeek.com/tip-getting-your-webcam-to-work-in-ubuntu.html12:33
ActionParsnipvatts: the desktop iso md5 sum is different to the server iso md512:34
sacarlsonmattycoze: did it all work before you setup encryption?12:34
vattsActionParsnip: because i am used to trust ubuntu.com=12:34
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vattsActionParsnip: that is logically.12:34
ActionParsnipvatts: its not ubuntu.com that you trust12:34
ActionParsnipvatts: its nothing to do with trust12:34
ActionParsnipvatts: its making sure the data didnt get damaged when you download it12:34
exnanybody knows how to dance tango ? I have music, but don't know how. can ubuntu community help me ?12:34
mattycozesacarlson yeah in fact it was working fine today, but after a restart it hasn't been working; or for any restart since12:34
ActionParsnipvatts: data can get mangled as it travels through the very complex network that makes up the internet12:35
rumpel2exn, apt-get install tango12:35
BodsdaActionParsnip: any joy?12:35
ActionParsnipvatts: so if you dont check it you may have a garbaged file, if you do you will need to download12:35
mattycozesacarlson, actually i'm using another laptop at the moment using the same WEP key12:35
vattsActionParsnip: what12:35
cllaudyui wrote dmesg in my terminal... but i dont know what it showing12:35
ActionParsnipBodsda: none really, you could alias pastebinit to pastebinit -b <whatever>12:35
BodsdaActionParsnip: yeah, i think thatswhat im gonna do, thanks :)12:36
cllaudyucan someone help me on this thing12:36
ActionParsnipvatts: md5 isnt anything to do with trust, its about checking the data you downloaded is what you asked for12:36
vattsi know12:36
rumpel2!pastebin > cllaudyu12:36
ubottucllaudyu, please see my private message12:36
Bodsdacllaudyu: run   man dmesg12:36
Bodsdato see what dmseg is12:36
vattsbut i am saying, i trust ubuntu.com for not uploading b0rken files12:36
Hymnosismy audio sounds bad. what to do?12:36
ActionParsnipvatts: so why did you say you trust ubuntu.com when its nothing to do with trust (which is why you said you didnt md5)12:36
BLaiRhi all12:37
Bodsda!hi | BLaiR12:37
ubottuBLaiR: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:37
ActionParsnipvatts: its not about them uploading broken files12:37
=== BLaiR is now known as Newbies
sacarlsonmattycoze: what wifi card or chip set is it?12:37
=== Newbies is now known as Newbies-
Newbies-i want ask about ubuntu12:37
ActionParsnipvatts: its about line noise and transmission errors as the file goes FROM the ubuntu servers TO your system12:37
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd12:37
peachesHymnosis: just curiously what audio card is it12:37
HymnosisPeaches , ac97 or something12:37
ActionParsnipvatts: the images onn the servers are fine, you downloading it may give you a damaged file copy on your system12:37
ActionParsnipvatts: understand?12:38
peachesHymnosis: oh no idea then sorry12:38
mattycozeit's running 8.10 and it's got the Atheros Communications Inc AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev01)12:38
cllaudyucan someone tell me what is that about? is it good?12:38
ActionParsnipvatts: good, MD5 check EVERY time you download an ISO file with a provided MD5 sum12:38
ActionParsnipvatts: the internet and connections use TCP to help reduce data garbaging but it DOES happen12:38
Hymnosispeaches , it is a Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2)12:39
mattycozesacarlson, would i need to install madwifi or ndiswrapper?12:39
Newbies-im using laptop12:39
mattycozebecause i used to use ndiswrapper for an old laptop but it sucked and i thought it was made redundant12:39
cllaudyukonversation just crashed12:39
Newbies-dell - window vista basic.. ram 2 gb - gforce nvidia 8600 gs12:39
Newbies-can i use ubuntu12:39
simplexioNewbies-: sure12:40
peachesNewbies-: you can use like 5 ubuntus12:40
sacarlsonmattycoze: atheros I love them but I think you might need to compile the madwifi modules direct from madwifi guys12:40
simplexioNewbies-: try it with livecd12:40
hdjsaknothing can stop you to use ubuntu, son. your heart is free.12:40
cllaudyui posted what the terminal showd me here http://pastebin.com/m42f2ce55 now i need to know if is something is wrong12:40
mattycozesacarlson bah :( isn't there a deb repo?12:40
peacheshdjsak: hehe12:40
mattycozegot a link?12:41
floatinghas the intel graphics device problems been resolved in ubuntu9.04 yet ?12:41
simplexioNewbies-: like peaches said, if you happen to have quad core + 2G ram, you can run one native +3virtual machines and get pretty much native speeds from it12:41
peachesno, it takes a 2/3 #ubuntu vote to decide whether Newbies may use The Ubuntu12:41
sacarlsonmattycoze: I think my madwifi worked in my easy-peasy out of the box but I wanted more so I compiled madwifi that enables it to go into access point mode.12:41
mattycozeoh okay... hmm,12:42
vattsActionParsnip: just check'd, same md5s12:42
chadii have a TV card.. any specific app to watch TV on Ubuntu?12:43
mattycozesacarlson would svn co https://svn.madwifi.org/madwifi/branches/madwifi-hal- do it?12:43
sacarlsonmattycoze: I would have to check but that sounds like it12:43
vattsROFL ActionParsnip12:43
sacarlsonmattycoze: that's how I got mine svn about  2 weeks ago12:43
vattsmorning, it didn't attach it, now it did >.<12:43
mattycozeokaym thanks sacarlson12:44
mattycozei'll see how that goes12:44
ActionParsnipvatts: ok now check the cd you burned is ok on the first boot screen, cd burners can jitter and screw up burns12:44
ActionParsnipvatts: did you burn the iso as slow as you could?12:44
mattycozei'm downloading some distribution upgrade for the meantime for the old 8.10 OS running on the laptop atm12:44
sacarlsonmattycoze: oh but I never tryed encryption12:44
vattsActionParsnip: i am telling you, now it attached cdrom pr0perly, but nwo it says that there is not same "release" folder or cd is not properly burned? :\12:44
mattycozesacarlson it should be right, it's only 128 WEP security12:44
mattycozei'd be worried if the driver DIDN't support it haha12:45
vattsfack, same error12:45
vattsretarded comp.č12:45
chadiI googled a lot, found mythtv which did not do what I want12:45
sacarlsonmattycoze: ok true12:45
kordou_i am new to linux and ubuntu12:45
kordou_i just install some libs12:45
mib_kacrq8hm ok12:46
kordou_with the apt get command12:46
mib_kacrq8then what happened?12:46
mib_kacrq8what libs did you install and why?12:46
kordou_and i want to find where this libs instolled so i can put them in the bashrc12:46
mcbean_my mouse freezup, why12:47
kordou_ i install the12:47
ActionParsnipkordou_: if the libs are installed using apt-get then they are universally accessible12:47
kordou_and CGNS12:47
mib_kacrq8@ActionParsnip he wants to know the *location* of the files, right?12:47
Hymnosisi have a problem with Add/Remove applications, when i try to install a program it comes with an error " Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic '--hide-main-window' '--non-interactive' '-o' 'Synaptic::closeZvt=true' '--parent-window-id' '85983235' '--set-selections-file' '/tmp/tmpXmwe02' as user root.Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file" what to do?12:47
kordou_so i don't have to declare them in bahrc ?12:48
mib_kacrq8i guess an updatedb + locate should solve the problem12:48
arvind_khadriikonia: which is the client for ldap part ?12:48
ActionParsnipmib_kacrq8: yeah was thinking that12:48
mib_kacrq8@kordou_  depends what you are using em for12:48
chadiKDE apps don't work on GNOME? and vice versa?12:48
ActionParsnipkordou_: they usually reside in /usr/lib12:48
mib_kacrq8@ chadi nothing like that12:48
kordou_thees are requaried to run a cfd apllication that i want12:48
ActionParsnipchadi: yes they will as long as you have the dependancies12:48
mib_kacrq8any apps work if the reqd dependencies are installed12:48
Vincemanhi, what's '/etc/gdm/gdm.conf' for?12:49
mib_kacrq8I am guessing CFD = computational fluid dynamics?12:49
sacarlsonHymnosis:  what user are you logged into when this hapens12:49
chadioh, ok. bcause I know that there's a GNOME version and a KDE (KUbuntu) version, but I don't know why this is the case..12:49
peachesVinceman: im thinking that configures the login manager12:49
RAMcohi there12:50
ActionParsnipchadi: allows you to use a different DE by default12:50
Hymnosis<sacarlson> my normal login user i dont any other user setup12:50
mib_kacrq8kordou_: then you just need to include them whenever you run your cfd progs, unless it's a real time application12:50
ActionParsnipchadi: theres also Xubuntu, fluxbuntu, Lubuntu is in the pipeline afaik12:50
mib_kacrq8chadi: KDE and Gnome vrsion of?12:50
mib_kacrq8oh ok ubuntu12:50
mib_kacrq8my bad12:50
sacarlsonHymnosis:  your normal user is not named root correct?12:50
peacheschadi: so the look and feel of the application matches the environment12:50
chadiActionParsnip: Interesting :)12:51
kordou_mib_kacrq8 i don't know if ti is a real time application12:51
RAMcoi removed ubuntu and resized the harddisk to reinstall windows but the windows installer dose not detct it, and when i boot up with out the CD i get the linux boot screen :S12:51
kordou_mib_kacrq8  this is the manual (http://www.freecfd.com/documentation/users-manual/)12:51
Hymnosis<sacarlson> nah im not logged as a root12:51
ActionParsnipchadi: under the hood its exactly the same12:51
chadipeaches: oh yea, i noticed the different look and feel12:51
sacarlsonHymnosis: this user could install software before?12:51
mib_kacrq8kordou_: ok got it12:52
Vincemanpeaches, but you're not 100% on that one?12:52
Hymnosis<sacarlson> yes12:52
RAMcocan anyone help ?12:52
mib_kacrq8now do one thing12:52
chadithank you for the info, ActionParsnip peaches mib_kacrq812:52
mib_kacrq8kordou_: run updatedb inside a separate terminal12:52
sacarlsonHymnosis: try run synaptic from a terminal window12:52
peachesRAMco: sounds like a windows problem . it should detected the hard drive no matter what in the installer12:52
smr904can somebody help me - the problem is low resolution (800/600) after update u jaunty - installing the nvidia drivers nothing changed - except of a little better res - 1024*700 - instead of a 1280x1024.. any advice??12:52
ysisHi. I want to read from a floppy disk which is formatted to some strange PC98 format on my PC. blkid returns nothing and mounting without specifying the fs doesn't work either. Any ideas how to approach this problem?12:52
sacarlsonHymnosis: sudo synaptic12:52
mib_kacrq8kordou_: that will create a db of your files12:53
aminuramshello im very new to ubuntu.12:53
aminuramsi need some help12:53
mib_kacrq8kordou_: then type locate [filename] from anywhere12:53
mib_kacrq8kordou_: that is solution no. 112:53
aminuramsi have just downloaded and installed 9.04 ubuntu12:53
mib_kacrq8kordou_: got that?12:53
aminuramsbut keep getting password problem12:53
aminuramsi have reset many times12:53
kordou_it just have blank lines12:53
vattsActionParsnip: i check'd CD, no scratches etc :(12:53
aminuramsbut it seems the system keeps forgetting12:53
kordou_after the password i gave12:53
vattsi think it's ubuntu problem12:53
jondglshowdy all! :)12:54
mib_kacrq8kordou_: what has blank lines?12:54
Hymnosis<sacarlson> it says "No protocol specified (synaptic:16136): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0"12:54
kordou_i gave the command sudo updatedb12:54
peachesRAMco: to get rid of the linux boot screen you need to probably use grub uninstall but it's just residual linux cruft12:54
mib_kacrq8it'll take some time to create the db12:54
kordou_mib_kacrq8 and then12:54
RAMcopeaches:  i dont think so i belive so, i have a live CD for windows and it dose not detct the harddisk, the only system detecting the disk now is linux12:54
peachesyou can just overwrite that whenever windows works properly12:54
kordou_mib_kacrq8 the password but after that nothing12:54
smr904can somebody help me - the problem is low resolution (800/600) after update u jaunty - installing the nvidia drivers nothing changed - except of a little better res - 1024*700 - instead of a 1280x1024.. any advice?12:55
aminuramshello? can someone direct me to technical support. this stuff is very confusing12:55
mib_kacrq8kordou_: it'll take a lot of time if you have several files12:55
RAMcopeaches:  how do i unistall the grub ?12:55
peachesRAMco: did you mess with the hardware itself at any point in the installation?12:55
rumpel2aminurams, this IS the technical support :)12:55
mib_kacrq8aminurams: There is no official technical support in ubuntu12:55
mib_kacrq8please get that clear12:55
kordou_mib_kacrq8 ok finished12:55
ActionParsnipvatts: does the self cd check pass o ktoo?12:55
kordou_on loacate12:55
RAMcono im installing on a laptop :D12:55
ActionParsnip*pass ok too12:55
mib_kacrq8kordou_: now type locate [filename]12:55
sacarlsonHymnosis:  wow what does that mean?  can you run any other application as sudo?12:55
mib_kacrq8kordou_: where [filename] is the file you want12:56
sacarlsonHymnosis:  or even without sudo?12:56
peachesRAMco: well the grub thing shouldn't matter for anything but if microsoft installer sucks that much and you need to, you can probably boot the live CD and do it but would require some comman line ninjitsu12:56
hidensofthi every one12:56
mib_kacrq8kordou_: the one that you have to add to your bashrc12:56
Newbies-can i ask something about ubuntu?12:56
kordou_mib_kacrq8 ok just a minute to try it12:56
aminuramsok thanks,,,,,do you know where i can get help in resolving this password problem. i know the problem is not with me. it is a very simple password all in lower case. it works a couple of time and then ubuntu doesnt recognise it12:56
Hymnosis<sacarlson> yeah i type amarok in the terminal and it opens :S12:56
RAMcopeaches:  the live CD is only a system restore not infatct the whole windows system12:56
hidensoftmy sound card is not detected12:56
ewookikonia: what?12:56
ikoniaewook: ?12:56
Newbies-ewook can u help me?12:56
RAMcopeaches:  the live CD is winternal :S12:57
Newbies-ikonia help me pls?12:57
Newbies-anbody help me12:57
ikoniaNewbies-: with what ?12:57
aminuramsrumpel 2?12:57
mib_kacrq8ActionParsnip: Did you get  kordou_  's prob and my soln?12:57
mudassarhello experts, is this "File name:  libflashplayer.so Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22" the right plugin for flash in ubuntu 9.04 ? There is a problem in running youtube videos12:57
sacarlsonHymnosis:  well I guess you could always use apt-get install12:57
Newbies-i want set up ubuntu12:57
Newbies-how come?12:57
mib_kacrq8I have to be AFK for sometime12:57
ikoniaewook: I didn't sasy anthing12:57
kordou_mib kacrq8 nothing12:57
peachesRAMco: i'm thinking what you can do is boot the liveCD and do "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/my/disk bs=512 count=1" to completely destroy the mbr or fiddle around with cfdisk on it12:57
mib_kacrq8kordou_: ok i'll be back in some time12:57
rumpel2aminurams, sounds strange... in 99.99999% of the cases, the password is simply misspelled12:57
ikoniaNewbies-: what's the problem ?12:57
hidensoftmy sound card is not detected12:57
ewookikonia: you questionmarked me a few hours ago.12:57
Hymnosis<sacarlson> im going to reboot and see what happens12:57
hidensoftPLEASE HELP12:57
Newbies-where can i set up12:58
Newbies-i mean12:58
mib_kacrq8kordou_: ok i'll be back in some time.. ask ActionParsnip if you are in a hurry12:58
vattsActionParsnip: 5 SECS PLEASE12:58
ikoniaewook: no idea, can't see it in my log12:58
kordou_locate [cgnslib]12:58
Newbies-i want install this ubuntu12:58
Newbies-help me pls12:58
ikoniaNewbies-: get it from http://www.ubuntu.com12:58
Newbies-i know12:58
mib_kacrq8kordou_: hey wait12:58
Newbies-how can i set up it12:58
Newbies-like a window install?12:58
Newbies-im using laptop12:58
FloodBot1Newbies-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:58
mib_kacrq8kordou_: this doesn't specify *any* files to be added in the bashrc12:58
aminuramsrumpel...no serious..it is such a simple password..every time i go to recovery mode and reset password it works fine but then after using it a few times, it comes up as incorrect12:58
sacarlsonHymnosis:  ok good luck,  1400 people here and know one knows?12:58
ikoniaNewbies-: you burn the image to cdrom, boot from the cdrom and answer the install questions, like a windows install12:58
ewookikonia: you lazytabed :).12:58
RAMcopeaches:  i do NOT have any data on the disk i need so i can do what ever to restore it12:59
mib_kacrq8sacarlson: sorry what was your problem12:59
rumpel2Newbies-, download, burn and boot from CD.... or use Wubi directly in Windows with mounted ISO or burned Ubuntu-Install-CD12:59
dbu_Hi, I am using radeonhd driver with ati radeon 3650, but running "xvinfo" gives me a "no adaptors present"12:59
peachesRAMco: well either way the microshaft installer shouldnt be so finicky, unless the system restore is so anal that it requires some indication youre not trying to just restore onto another disk other than the original and checks mbr for that12:59
mib_kacrq8PPL AFK12:59
Newbies-im using dell laptop 2 gb ram 8600 gs nvidia gforce ..12:59
mudassarhello experts, is this "File name:  libflashplayer.so Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22" the right plugin for flash in ubuntu 9.04 ? There is a problem in running youtube videos13:00
RAMcopeaches:  dose the fact that the drive is SATA efect anything ?13:00
Newbies-this equitment can using ubuntut?13:00
vattsActionParsnip: if that's the prog when it mounts CD and checks for it, no, it fails, it says that Release folder is not same as it should be (cant found something?)13:00
peachesRAMco: in which case you may be able to restore a DOS mbr with fdisk or cfdisk or something. either way it's a microshaft problem13:00
peachesRAMco: it could who knows what microshaft does13:00
sacarlson(06:54:24 PM) Hymnosis: <sacarlson> it says "No protocol specified (synaptic:16136): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open    this is his problem not mine13:00
aminuramsrumple 2, you are my only lifeline here. what do i do?13:00
ikoniapeaches: it's called "Microsoft" please .13:00
ActionParsnipvatts: burn again but burn at 4x13:00
peachesikonia: youre welcome13:00
vattsActionParsnip: i cant get under 8x13:01
peachesRAMco: just put windows 7 RC on there for a year for now13:01
Newbies-where i can find burn software?13:01
ActionParsnipvatts: ok did you burn at 8x?13:01
Newbies-where i can find burn software?13:01
ActionParsnip!burner > Newbies-13:01
ubottuNewbies-, please see my private message13:01
ikoniaNewbies-: you have to buy or download it for your current OS13:01
rumpel2aminurams, really doesnt sound like a ubuntu problem... perhaps buggy keyboard?13:01
vattsActionParsnip: i always do ^^13:01
aminuramsok thanks rumple213:01
=== higgo is now known as higgo22
ActionParsnipvatts: good lad13:01
Horusofoz I've been in brief correspondence with the developer of FormatFactory regarding the development of a Linux version. He has expressed his interest but doesn't know how to program for Linux. He told me if someone was interested he might give them the source code to develop it though he didn't seem interested in it getting GPL'd. Anyway he told it's written in C++. Anyone here a Linux C++ dev or know where I might find an interested one?13:02
mudassarhello experts, is this "File name:  libflashplayer.so Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22" the right plugin for flash in ubuntu 9.04 ? There is a problem in running youtube videos13:02
ActionParsnipvatts: try another disk, or some bootoptions.13:02
phreckhey guys, got an odd thing going on here. Whenever i try to connect to one specific AP, my wifi wont do it13:02
ActionParsnip!bootoptions > vatts13:02
ubottuvatts, please see my private message13:02
PiciHorusofoz: Try ##C++13:02
phrecki have a feeling its my chipset, rtl8187b13:02
ikoniaHorusofoz: open a sourceforge project and people will come13:02
vattsty ActionParsnip13:02
phreckanyone had this experience before?13:02
vattsActionParsnip: those are for live cd :(13:04
metalfan_how can i mount my mp3 player as mass storage in ubuntu 9.04? theres no /dev/sdx entry13:04
yoni9972I new here, this is my first time, maybe ask some-thers person13:05
sacarlsonphreck: maybe the access point is blocking you.  is it your access point?13:05
yoni9972hi Newbies13:05
mudassarhello experts, is this "File name:  libflashplayer.so Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22" the right plugin for flash in ubuntu 9.04 ? There is a problem in running youtube videos13:05
yoni9972someone can help me with my printer13:05
phreckaccess point is not blocking me, have other wifi card that i use to access it13:05
Newbies-im using dell - nvidia gforce 8600 gs 2gm ram.. <-- this can use by ubuntu13:05
phreckso ic an access it, but not with this chipset13:05
phreckworks in windows fine13:06
sacarlsonphreck:  each card has a different mac that can be blocked.  is it your access point?13:06
ikoniaNewbies-: yes13:06
Newbies-im using intel 2 core 2 .. gforce 8600 gs 2gb ram13:06
Newbies-can a?13:06
Newbies-not hang?13:06
phrecksacarlson, i understand this. I have used the card to access the AP today13:06
chadiNewbies- if you don't know how to burn/boot/etc, please take a time to look for tutorials on google13:06
peachesNewbies-: a: yes. hang: maybe13:06
ActionParsnipmudassar: yes thats the right plugin for linux13:06
phreckit is not blocked, im having driver issues i believe13:06
higgo22can anyone recommend me an rss reader besides liferea?13:07
phreckand no it not my AP, its a WLAN we have out here13:07
sjHi guys13:07
phrecki pay to access it.13:07
Newbies-where can i find the new winrar version help me pls..13:07
peachesNewbies-: wrong operating system13:07
sacarlsonphreck:  but this card works on other access points?13:07
chadithis is ubuntu, not win :P13:07
Newbies-sohai a?13:07
sacarlsonphreck: and its not an encrypted network?13:07
Newbies-winrar means - sofware13:08
Newbies-ubuntu also use sofware13:08
sjinstalling nvidia-glx-180 from apt-get should let me use the drivers right?13:08
phreckit works flawlessly in windows, accesses everything, i ncluding these ones im having trouble with i linux13:08
phreckso i know its not the AP13:08
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free13:08
peachesNewbies-: call microshaft tech support13:08
phreckNot encrypted13:08
Newbies-peaches u dont know anything pls shut up13:08
Newbies-thanks actionparsnip13:08
phreckmy BCM4312 chipset accesses it fine13:08
phrecknot the rtl8187b though13:08
phreckddriver issue13:09
phreckgot any tips?13:09
Hymnosis<sacarlson> same problem even when i try to the program pureadmin it comes with an error "Failed to run /usr/bin/pureadmin  as user root. Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."13:09
peachesgot put in my place by a Newbies :(13:09
sacarlsonphreck: well to prove it's not being blocked I guess you could change the mac to a working number that one of your other cards  has.  but you are probly correct it's a driver thing.13:09
phrecksacarlson, i JUST used it in windows ten minutes ago13:09
phreckit is NOT being blocked13:09
phreckim not some new guy.13:09
phreckI was wondering if anyone had experienced the same issues before, thats all13:10
vattsActionParsnip: which should i add (bootoption?)13:10
ActionParsnipvatts: try noacpi noapic nodma13:10
phreckHence, im asking if anyone has any tips on drivers.13:10
ActionParsnipvatts: there may be more13:10
phreckor any use with this chipset.13:10
sacarlsonphreck: ya maybe it's just a iwpriv setting that's different in windows  or a driver13:10
HorusofozHi all13:11
HorusofozI've been in brief correspondence with the developer of FormatFactory regarding the development of a Linux version. He has expressed his interest but doesn't know how to program for Linux. He told me if someone was interested he might give them the source code to develop it though he didn't seem interested in it getting GPL'd. Anyway he told it's written in C++. Anyone here a Linux C++ dev or know where I might find an interested one?13:11
ipodare there any apps that for the ipod that will copy the cover art so it will display on the ipod classic?13:12
phrecksacarlson, any suggstions?13:12
phreckim paying for this internet, and i cant even use it lol13:12
Horusofozanyone interested?13:12
phreckiraq internet blows.13:12
phreckwell, these wifi networks blow.13:13
henriquelm_Hello there13:13
henriquelm_is it possible to upgrade from ubuntu server 8.10 32bits to 8.10 64bits?13:13
DStrevinasHi i can't find System → Administration → Printing. Is there a way to install the service separetely?13:13
PiciHorusofoz: This isn't a discussion channel, besides the channels you were already told you could also try #ubuntu-offtopic.13:13
sacarlsonphreck:  it works in windows so use that windows driver wraper I forget the name13:14
PodeCoetare there any data recovery tools for linux? not trying to recover from ext2/3/etc - just fat3213:15
phreckthem rmmod th r8187 i suppose13:15
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
ranfIinfo photorec13:15
sacarlsonya ndiswrapper13:15
peacheshenriquelm: not in any easy way. gotta reinstall13:15
ranf!info photorec13:15
ubottuPackage photorec does not exist in jaunty13:15
phreckill give it a shot and report back13:15
|AA|After my last update, my maswifi driver has poofed now my wirless is down, any ideas?13:16
phrecki was hoping it wouldnt come to that, but oh well13:16
EdgEyis there a way to resize an ext3 partition without damage ?13:17
yoni9972Hi I install cannon lbp2900, but it isn't work, when I printing this remain in the Qeueu, but not printing. can someone help me13:17
thadooodhello , is there dvd player software i can get in ubuntu ?13:18
thadooodany suggestions ?13:18
yoni9972Hi I install cannon lbp2900, but it isn't work, when I printing this remain in the Qeueu, but not printing. can someone help me13:18
thadooodrecommendations ?13:18
vegaicmHi all13:19
sacarlson|AA|: we just had someone with madwifi problem I told him to try compile drivers from svn from madwifi.  he's not back with the results yet.13:19
thadooodDoes any one know of good dvd player package for ubuntu studio ?13:20
lesshastehow do I fix W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F377ACE334F1303813:20
lesshaste 13:20
DStrevinasHi i can't find System → Administration → Printing. Is there a way to install the service separetely?13:20
Pici!ppagpg | lesshaste13:20
ubottulesshaste: Getting an error about a PPA's GPG key? see https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%27s%20keys%20to%20your%20system13:20
deany"embed video in main interface" is enabled in vlc, yet it doesnt embed, its seperate.. known bug? fix?13:21
|AA|sacarlson,  thank you13:21
=== sean is now known as Guest8161
Guest8161is there a way of telling what version of ubuntu I'm running from a terminal?13:21
PiciGuest8161: lsb_release -a13:21
gnu-dioThey just pushed out an update within the last couple of days for Hardy that broke my compiz. I couldn't log in (to gui desktop, console works fine). I had to remove compiz to get any accounts to log in. The symptom on login = white screen + cursor. Reinstalling compiz still fails, I had to remove it again. I miss my compiz. Any ideas how to fix it?13:22
smr904dear experts!!! please help - how do you make the nvidia card work and have a normal resolution?13:22
MarshWigglesacarlson, hey are you in?13:22
thadooodDVD player for linux ubuntu studio ???? PLEASE ANSWER SOME ONE !13:22
ikonia!dvd > thadoood13:22
ubottuthadoood, please see my private message13:22
ikoniathadoood: don't use caps please13:22
happosade!dvd | thadoood13:22
ubottuthadoood: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:22
thadooodthank you ikonia13:22
sacarlsonMarshWiggle: ya why?13:23
DStrevinasok found it (gnome-cups-manager was not installed)13:23
MarshWigglesacarlson, i solved my resolution problem i had the other day13:23
sacarlsonMarshWiggle: cool the nvidia?13:23
indusMarshWiggle: how13:24
HelplessHello everyone :)13:24
kholerabbihello could someone help? I need to disable a compiz plugin from another profile13:24
MarshWigglesacarlson, yes. Turns out that with nvidia on, ubuntu/kubuntu does not know how to read all the data corectly from my monitor13:24
yoni9972can someone help me with my printer, I have cannon lbp-2900 and ubonto 9.04 and I install the printer but it is not print anything. all documetns remins in Q of Printer13:24
HelplessI tryied to use "gdesklets" with Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope 9.04 but it doesnt work13:24
sacarlsonMarshWiggle: ya I figured that but what's the fix13:24
Helplessany idea ?13:24
lesshastePici, thanks.. there is a script somewhere that goes through all the errors of this sort from apt-get and fixes them13:25
indusyoni9972: restart printer and check again13:25
MarshWigglesacarlson, but this problem is only for the older (blue) monitor connection. So i changed to the newer monitor connection cable (my monitor has both), and it was able to read and interpret all the data, including all of the avaliable resolutions13:25
sugiim looking for a stable software to record the desktop for ubuntu 9.04. I use to use recordmydesktop back a couple of version ago13:25
indusHelpless: u on 64 bit?13:25
Helplessnope 32-bit13:25
MarshWigglesacarlson, what sort of monitor to pc connection do you use?13:25
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.13:26
BromaxSuxdoes turning off bluetooth service ("sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth stop") also shuts down power supply to bluetooth radio?13:26
happosade!hello | Plagman13:26
ubottuPlagman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:26
sacarlsonMarshWiggle: I don't know the old 15 pin vga oh and I just looked and see there is another conector back there13:26
yoni9972indus, about my printer, this not help13:26
ranfBromaxSux, I don't think so13:27
yoni9972I know in windows that is help to restreat the computer, but I think that in linux this not help. i correct?13:27
lance_llyamican i view a vebcam from YM on ubuntu?13:27
Helplessnobody has an idea why gdesklets doesnt work under Ubuntu 9.04 32-bit ?13:27
sacarlsonMarshWiggle: oh but there is only the 15 pin on my computer so I guess that won't help me but thanks any way.13:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:28
MarshWigglesacarlson, is the 15 pin the older blue type?13:28
lance_llyamianyone? im new in ubuntu...13:28
PiciMarshWiggle, sacarlson: This is probably a discussion for ##hardware methinks, not #ubuntu13:28
sacarlsonMarshWiggle: ya it hapens to be a blue color13:28
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MarshWigglesacarlson, it turns out that i don't think jaunty's nvidia support can handle the older 15 pin. but the nvidia drivers for jaunty can handle the newer white DVI connection cables13:29
vattsActionParsnip: still couldn't mount CDrom :(13:29
popeysugi: thats probably still your best bet13:29
kholerabbihow can I disable compiz from starting from another user profile?13:30
MarshWigglePici, it's relevant in that it is ubuntu bug we have observed. but conversation is over now anyways :)13:30
ActionParsnipvatts: id burn again, maybe with a different brand13:30
Shapeshifterhi. Where can I get an .img of the xubuntu 9.04 iso to put on an usb stick (don't have a cd drive on this machine)?13:30
PiciMarshWiggle: Ah, okay :)13:30
gnu-dioThey just pushed out an update within the last couple of days for Hardy that broke my compiz. I couldn't log in (to gui desktop, console works fine). I had to remove compiz to get any accounts to log in. The symptom on login = white screen + cursor. Reinstalling compiz still fails, I had to remove it again. I miss my compiz. Any ideas how to fix it?13:30
ActionParsnip!usb > Shapeshifter13:30
sugiprophet: darn, i had a lot of issues with it. at the end it wasn't working at all13:30
ubottuShapeshifter, please see my private message13:30
sacarlsonMarshWiggle:  ok I'll look and see if that other cable that came with this monitor will fit but I think I will have to wait for a new package or driver to fix it.13:30
csehello, when i plug in my projector to the vga, the screen turns black and i only have output on the projector. how can i have output in both the screen's laptop AND the projector?13:30
MarshWigglesacarlson, good luck mate... ps: it looks real good when if does work again13:31
FlimmCan anyone else access launchpad.net?13:32
ActionParsnipcse: you may have a FN+ F key combo to press on the laptop13:33
pomsegehi there..!please can anyone help me on how to install pear in ubuntu 9.04 ?13:34
ActionParsnipFlimm: yes i can13:34
ConstantineXVIHow well does ubuntu support the eee 1000he?13:34
vattsActionParsnip: brand? you mean, other CD?13:34
sacarlsonConstantineXVI:  I have a eee 701 and easy-peasy is the way to go13:34
ActionParsnipvatts: yeah, worth a try13:34
FlimmActionParsnip: thx, it seems to be working now13:35
Black_phantomHello, I've heard that Windows leave registry junk and it grows by time which makes it very slow, does this thing happens in Linux Ubuntu or it cleans it by itself ? or what exactly ?13:35
gnu-dioThey just pushed out an update within the last couple of days for Hardy that broke my compiz. I couldn't log in (to gui desktop, console works fine). I had to remove compiz to get any accounts to log in. The symptom on login = white screen + cursor. Reinstalling compiz still fails, I had to remove it again. I miss my compiz. Any ideas how to fix it?13:35
ActionParsnipFlimm: np man13:35
vattsActionParsnip: it's strange, how it cant mount it, if it runs from there, but if it does  mount it, Releases/ folder fails >.<13:35
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UbuntusHi guys!13:36
ActionParsnipvatts: not sure, try disabling some of your hardware in bios to see if that helps13:36
vattsActionParsnip: which should i, i have cdrom, floppy and that's all, i have graph card inside, 3-com ethernet and mobo, that's all :\13:37
UbuntusSome of you can help me with Squid3 and Dansguardian in Ubuntu Server 9.04?13:37
ConstantineXVIDoes using ext4 make a difference?13:37
frunskhi i have a feisty system, and i want to upgrade it... am i forced to upgrade it to gutsy? can i skip to the next release?13:38
vattsfrunsk: you cant never skip distro13:38
vattsyou can upgrade only and only to gutsy13:38
SlartConstantineXVI: for day to day use running openoffice and firefox? I doubt it =)13:38
vattsand i think gutsy is before feisty :P13:39
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.13:39
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.13:39
ActionParsnipvatts: onboard sound?13:39
vattsActionParsnip: year, and some x-tra old bios :P13:39
frunskvatts, ok on websites i saw that i have to type gksudo "update-manager -c" in order to upgrade... is there a nogui way to do that?13:39
vattsfrunsk: apt?13:39
vattsi think there is apt way to upgrade distroz13:40
frunskvatts, apt dist-upgrade does nothign13:40
isaac_Got a question about AT&T and Verizon USB aircards.  Will they work with Linux, specifically Ubuntu 9.04?  When I called their tech support to ask, nobody knew what Linux was. :/13:40
jimmacI am having trouble with a video display and the Flashplayer since upgrading to 9.04.  Can I alter the settings to use the display as SVGA?13:40
Slart!ugprade | frunsk, check here.. I think there is a script you can run13:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ugprade13:40
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:40
ActionParsnipvatts: try upgrading that,it mayhelp13:40
Slartugprade.. sheesh.. =)13:40
mib_kacrq8im back13:41
vattsActionParsnip: heh, i'l see, thx for advice13:41
mib_kacrq8avoid upgrades as far as possible13:41
mib_kacrq8specially for those with fast Ethernet connections13:41
Slartmib_kacrq8: thanks for telling us that, anonymous webchat user..=)13:41
mib_kacrq8Slart: tht a problem with you?13:42
mib_kacrq8Slart: i'm not anon I'm called mib_kacrq813:42
ActionParsnipvatts: or reset the bios back to defaults and pull all power from it, inc mobo battery for 30 mins or so13:42
nine_Hi! i copied a large file, first with the help of pythons Simple server between two computers. Then I did a "sha1sum" to check if the copy went right. But the numbers differs. So the next time i copied the same file between the same computers with scp, but it still differs. How come???13:43
Slartmib_kacrq8: not a problem.. but making blanket statements like that isn't exactly common among webchat users13:43
mib_kacrq8Slart: btw Slart = Slartibastfast?13:43
smr904does anyone know how to properly install the new nvidia drivers for jaunty?13:43
|AA|Any reolution yet, regarding madwifi driver, after my last update I lost wireles connectivity13:43
vattshow many users banned with #ubuntu-read-topic13:43
Slartmib_kacrq8: but I guess Slart is just as anonymous if you really want to think about it =)13:43
vattsActionParsnip: will do, sir13:43
Flimm1you can upgrade one Ubuntu LTS to the next one, but apart from that, you can't skip releases13:43
EdgEyanyone know if it's possible to resize an ext3 partition without losing data ?13:43
EdgEyi want to make mine larger by 50gb13:44
Slartmib_kacrq8: yes.. indeed.. its' hard to come up with a decent nick.. I chose the easy route13:44
PiciEdgEy: Sure.  But it needs to be unmounted first.13:44
SlartEdgEy: if you start gnome partition editor it has a menu choice called "features", I think13:44
isaac_Got a question about AT&T and Verizon USB aircards.  Will they work with Linux, specifically Ubuntu 9.04?  When I called their tech support to ask, nobody knew what Linux was. :/13:44
EdgEyPici, i'll do it from live cd, but how ?13:44
PiciEdgEy: Use gparted from your liveCD.13:44
EdgEyah right13:44
SlartEdgEy: there you can see what you can and cant do with different file systems13:44
sacarlsonsmr904: I'm not sure about juanty but they say that new envyng is working now13:45
EdgEyi made 30gb / 30gb / 400gb for /, windows, and /home13:45
EdgEyrealising 30gb is pretty large :D only 2.5gb used atm13:45
gnu-dioI can't get no lovin' at all. They just pushed out an update within the last couple of days for Hardy that broke my compiz. I couldn't log in (to gui desktop, console works fine). I had to remove compiz to get any accounts to log in. The symptom on login = white screen + cursor. Reinstalling compiz still fails, I had to remove it again. I miss my compiz. Any ideas how to fix it? It would be really cool if someone even acknowledged me. So far, I'v13:45
mib_kacrq8gnu-dio: we're here just to acknowledge you13:46
Slartgnu-dio: is hardy the latest LTS release? sounds very .. non-LTS to release an upgrade that kills it like that.. are you using any other repositories than the standard ones?13:46
ActionParsnipEdgEy: yep, its not all bloated and massive like windows13:46
gnu-dioslart: yes, it's the latest LTS. and no, only the base repos.13:47
TarBarIs there an easy way to update all my packages on ubuntu desktop, via ssh.13:47
gnu-dioslart: and the machine is a production machine, so breaking on an update really annoys me.13:47
SlartTarBar: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade13:47
dean__@TarBar: sudo apt-get update13:47
dean__Then sudo apt-get upgrade13:47
pqpqtarbar. sudo apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade13:47
Slartgnu-dio: indeed.. isn't that what LTS releases are all about..13:48
TarBarAhk Thanks.13:48
mib_kacrq8@gnu-dio are you a production or a casual user?13:48
dean__Anyone know of a workaround for the Aspire One SD card issue?13:48
smr904which one is it? the envyngcore?13:48
mib_kacrq8@gnu-dio if you use it for work I'd say ditch the compiz13:48
dean__I've set the pcehi force kernel flag, but that causes a few seconds delay13:49
mib_kacrq8gnu-dio: compiz breaks stuff all over the place, specially in unstable releases13:49
gnu-diomib_kacrq8: Yes, it's a work machine, but I use several of the compiz-plugins constantly. Being without them really slows my work down.13:49
mib_kacrq8gnu-dio: as screenlets?13:50
mib_kacrq8gnu-dio: okay13:50
dirtbag666Hi there! Just got an Behringer UCA-202 audio interface. Input and output work great, just plugged it in on Kubuntu 9.04. Unfortunately it seems like the interface does not provide software input level managment (only one PCM slider for output in kmix/alsamixer). Is there a software on Ubuntu to change the input of an audio device?13:50
dean__@gnu: funny, I thought Compiz slows a person down ;)13:50
TarBarI just tried using - sudo apt-get install update - All it's saying is Hit and Ign >path.to.mirror.net/blah/bah/.13:50
mib_kacrq8gnu-dio: otherwise i was gonna recommend this post [ http://linuxhaters.blogspot.com/2009/01/wobbly-compiz.html ]13:50
mib_kacrq8@TarBar you behind a proxy?13:51
dean__@TarBar: not install update, you need to apt-get update; apt-get upgrade13:51
pqpqTarBar, sudo apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade13:51
mib_kacrq8oh yeah13:51
mib_kacrq8lol missed that13:51
Slartsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade13:51
dean__The first reloads the package list, the second updates you installations13:51
mib_kacrq8dean__ 's the man13:51
TarBarK thanks guys :)13:52
dean__@mib: cheers, and I've only had Linux for two weeks ;)13:52
dean__@TarBar: if you're not root, you might need to append sudo's or gksudos to the start of each13:52
Slart.. prepend?13:53
dean__Incidentally, does anyone know how to recompile the ath5k driver from the source? The one with Ubuntu causes excess power consumption on the Aspire One13:53
dean__Apparently it's an interrupt flag which was accidentally set, but it's fixed in the git13:54
mib_kacrq8dean__: lolz13:54
mib_kacrq8dean_ : I assume there's a working Makefile?13:54
a_oki installed fglrx (or something close to that abriv) drivers and now its all messed up. in safemode i can't do anything since I don't have the root password.... is there a default root password?13:55
thorsten1955ich habe ein nfs mount problem13:55
Slart!root | a_ok13:55
ubottua_ok: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:55
Slart!de | thorsten195513:55
ubottuthorsten1955: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:55
thorsten1955kann mir jemnad helfen?13:55
dean__@mib: Well that's the thing -- the ath5k site *mentions* the git, but doesn't give the location...13:55
a_okSlart: well thats helpfull now tell me how to log in as another user....13:55
Slarta_ok: iirc you don't need the root password in safe-mode.. you get root automagically13:55
thorsten1955ok i have a nfs mount problem under xubuntu 9.0413:55
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Venttijoin #wine13:56
ActionParsnipSlart: correct13:56
thorsten1955can someone help me please?13:56
mib_kacrq8note : on Fedora i think you need to do an su-13:56
a_okSlart: ok than how do I get a console that works automagically... it asks me for root password13:56
ActionParsnipVentti: irc commands are prefixed with /13:56
mib_kacrq8(irrelevant here)13:56
thorsten1955i am trying to figure it out since yesterday13:56
Slartmib_kacrq8: sudo won't work in ubuntu, since there is no root password13:56
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: shoot13:57
Slartmib_kacrq8: sorry.. su, not sudo13:57
Venttiyep. i know... i slipped on the kb :)13:57
hidensofthow i can run diff file13:57
mib_kacrq8Slart: yeah i know13:57
mib_kacrq8Slart: Fedora13:57
dean__@slart: of course sudo works in Ubuntu13:57
mib_kacrq8dean_ : hes talking about safe mode13:57
mib_kacrq8ditch the discussion13:57
ActionParsnipSlart: you san use su to (S)witch (U)user, its not only for moving to root13:57
dean__Righto-o then, my mistake...13:57
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955 has a problem i believe13:58
SlartActionParsnip: that would be "su <username>".. "su" would imply switching to root user ;)13:58
a_oki am talking about safe mode, there is only root shell option in that menu.13:58
mib_kacrq8state your problem thorsten13:58
ActionParsnipSlart: :D bingo13:58
thorsten1955i explain13:58
mib_kacrq8everyone cut non-essential discussions13:58
mib_kacrq8plz :P13:58
thorsten1955we have a nas here13:58
a_okits just stupid if there is no root password13:58
thorsten1955this one does nfs, samba, afp13:58
Slarta_ok: have you tried doing whatever you want to do in safe mode? does you get permission errors?13:58
ActionParsnipa_ok: its really not13:58
carthikif you have sudo-ability and want a root prompt, try sudo -s -H13:58
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: ok, and?13:59
ActionParsnipa_ok: the root account is common to ALL *nix systems13:59
Slarta_ok: no, it's not.. you use sudo for root stuff and enter your user password13:59
vegathorsten1955: don't press enter after 3 words.. write sentences13:59
doglinoplease someone use skype in Ubuntu 9.04(in MB ASUS)?13:59
juanantonio_I am back agian, my PC fell13:59
ActionParsnipa_ok: if you set a password then any attack only needs to guess the password, a disabled root account has 0% chance of capture13:59
Slartdoglino: I use skype on 64bit 9.0413:59
carthikEnabling the root account is real simple. Do a sudo -s -H and then do a passwd13:59
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: you like to continue?13:59
ActionParsnipa_ok: using sudo they must know your username as well as password13:59
ubottuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)14:00
thorsten1955since we upgraded the desktops to xubuntu 9.04 the fstab does not work anymore connecting to the nas. we get error message when doing sudo mount -a saying wrong fs bad superblock....14:00
a_okSlart: i can't do anything in safe mode, only thing i can do is sellect stuff from that menu and root shell is the only option that looks like something that might actually help14:00
Slarta_ok: and root shell asks you for a password?14:00
a_okActionParsnip: i was talking about the stupid root shell option in the safemode think14:00
mib_kacrq8a_ok: weird14:00
a_okSlart: YES!!!14:00
dean__@thorsten: are you trying to mount ext4 as ext3?14:00
ActionParsnipa_ok: oh definately, no password there is daft14:00
phrecksacarlson, ndiswrapper works for now. pretty poorly but hey, better tha nothing14:01
doglinoSlart how is configured your skype sound?14:01
juanantonio_ActioEagle or Action: I have rebooted, and the menu with low-graphics mode appears14:01
ActionParsnipa_ok: lets anyone with physical system access do anything14:01
thorsten1955the carzy thing is that it works on one system with identical fstab: a 400 mhz pc!14:01
Slarta_ok: hm.. let me give it a try in a vm.. how do you get to the safe-mode.. use the grub choice?14:01
ActionParsnipthorsten1955: thats as fast as 2 of my PCs14:01
mib_kacrq8@thorsten1955 : have you tried umount and mount again?14:01
a_okSlart: correct14:01
Slartdoglino: I use pulseaudio for output and ringing, alsa for input14:01
a_okusing 9.414:01
cutthroathi all14:01
mib_kacrq8hi cutthroat14:01
dean__That reminds me, I need to check out KDE and see how it compares to Gnome...14:02
mib_kacrq8cutthroat: problem?14:02
nevar-senseithere is nothing difficult in enabling root login=)14:02
cutthroatwelcamo mib :D14:02
Slarta_ok: hmm.. I've only got intrepid.. I'll give it a try though.. see what happens14:02
doglinoSlart ok I will try14:02
mib_kacrq8dean__:  KDE $ sucks14:02
thorsten1955manual mount gives the error message14:02
sacarlsonphreck: cool14:02
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: what message?14:02
Slartnevar-sensei: noone said it was hard.. it's just not recommended, nor supported in this channel14:02
mib_kacrq8paste it here14:02
mib_kacrq8if you can14:02
thorsten1955i updated the firmware of the nas also to the latest firmware with no effect14:02
a_okare the AIT propritairy drivers compatible with the Radeon X300?14:03
phrecksacarlson, nextissue, ATI drivers =P14:03
mib_kacrq8priya: hi14:03
a_oki only deal with nvidia stuff when i have the choice so i don't know much about them14:03
thorsten1955the error is wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on,14:03
thorsten1955       missing codepage or helper program, or other error14:03
thorsten1955       (for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might14:03
thorsten1955       need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program)14:03
thorsten1955       Manchmal liefert das Syslog wertvolle Informationen – versuchen14:03
FloodBot1thorsten1955: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:03
thorsten1955       Sie  dmesg | tail  oder so14:03
mib_kacrq8priya: state your problem14:03
doglinoSlart please can you show me a printscreen of your System-. preferences-> sound?14:03
Slarta_ok: ok.. in intrepid the "go to root shell" option doesn't ask for a password.. have you checked launchpad? perhaps it's a known bug?14:03
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: can you translate the last  line?14:04
dean__Woohaim: ciao!14:04
thorsten1955try dmesg | tail or so14:04
mib_kacrq8ok got it14:04
a_okSlart: i did not performe the initial install on this machine I did update it however so perhaps the previous sysadmin configured a root password14:04
a_okcould that be possible?14:04
mib_kacrq8listen thorsten1955 : and it works perfectly from the other box14:05
Woohaiamit's a english chan or multilangage ?14:05
Slartdoglino: anything in particual you want to know? it's 4 different screenshots since it's 4 tabs14:05
mib_kacrq8@Woohaiam English mostly14:05
=== ohol1ks is now known as chol
SlartWoohaiam: english.. there are other channels for other languages14:05
mib_kacrq8@Woohaiam can you speak English?14:05
thorsten1955yes it does with the same nas same fstab and same os xubuntu 9.0414:05
mib_kacrq8@Woohaiam you seem french14:05
thorsten1955that does not make any sense does it14:05
Woohaiamyes i am14:05
SlartWoohaiam: type !fr to get info about the french channel.. there are lots of such keywords for other nationalities14:05
thorsten1955i got crazy yesterday14:05
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: do you have the same permissions on both machine?14:05
Woohaiamthx slart14:06
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:06
thorsten1955yes, i guess so14:06
doglinoSlart Iwant the first screen!14:06
mib_kacrq8dean_ : definitely14:06
mib_kacrq8KDE sucks ass14:06
juanantonio_Action & Eagle: Thank you, I reinstalled for the 3rd time Nvidia driver, and at 3rd, I wan, hehehe14:06
mib_kacrq8ok thorsten14:06
juanantonio_Now everything is allriight14:06
fevelhow can I verify if a user changed the password?14:07
Slarta_ok: quite possible... but I still think going to the safe-mode thingy shouldn't require a password.. but who knows.. perhaps there is a reason for it14:07
Woohaiam^^ bye bye14:07
dean__Heh, well I suppose everything seems to be gnome-orientated anyway, and there's no value in switching...14:07
thorsten1955what the hack can be the problem, why do the others not mount?14:07
isaac_Got a question about AT&T and Verizon USB aircards.  Will they work with Linux, specifically Ubuntu 9.04?  When I called their tech support to ask, nobody knew what Linux was. :/14:07
dean__Isaac: what a travesty!14:07
a_okSlart: well i would not want everybody with access to my pc to be able to be root at will14:07
deadduckhello guys does any1 know if MSI PC60G-F WIRELESS 11G TURBO G PCI CARD is easy to configure in ubuntu 9.04? and if so can you point me to a guide or sth that explains how i can do it?14:08
a_okSlart: i will fix it with a livecd14:08
dean__deadduck: Depends on the chipset of the card, chances are it'll work fine14:08
Slarta_ok: I hope you've locked it into a box, removed ability to boot from cd's/usb sticks/external drives and such14:08
smokingHi I have two soundcards and i want to switch the output of my apps (rhythmbox, totem, etc..)from one card to another. Is there a simple way to do this?14:08
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: what command are you using for mounting14:08
Slarta_ok: it's really really hard to keep people out of a computer which they have physical access to14:09
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: sorry stupid question but i need to know14:09
Slartsmoking: pulseaudio14:09
a_okSlart: hd encryption?14:09
dean__slart: "Physical access is root access" ... in this case, literally14:09
Slarta_ok: that might work, if done right14:09
dean__a_ok: ranbow tables?14:09
a_okdean__: well he is right when there is no encryption on it14:09
mib_kacrq8@dean__  Slart obviously14:09
smokingSlart: yes im using pulseaudio sorry i forgot to say14:09
deadduckyea but he cant connect at all.. and the wireless router is like 50 cm away..14:09
thorsten1955sudo mount -a14:10
Slartsmoking: install the package pavucontrol14:10
chuck_isaac_ I have a ATT usb card plugged it in 3g out of the box14:10
bittyxHiya! I remember reading about some key combination you use when your computer freezes, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. It was something like holding CTRL+ALT (I think), and then pressing a few character keys, to do a few things in a particular order. Anyone know what I'm talking about?14:10
mib_kacrq8bittyx : yes14:10
a_okdean__: good luck with that by the time you cracked my HD I don't work here annymore14:10
isaac_chuck_ no drivers required then?14:10
Slartsmoking: then either look in the Applications, Sound & Video menu for Pulseaudio volume control.. or run "pavucontrol" from a terminal14:10
lianimatorduring an installation of ubuntu 8.10, sth went wrong and X wouldn't start. i am redoing it. but there's an error: file system was not cleanly umounted! you should run e2fsck.14:10
lianimatorhow do i run it?14:10
isaac_chuck_ or rather...... no additional drivers needed?14:10
Slartbittyx: REISUB?14:10
bittyxmib_kacrq8: Or was it ALT+SysRq maybe?14:11
bittyxSlart: Yes, this!14:11
a_okSlart: i have problems with gfx driver could you help me with that?14:11
smokingSlart: ok i did this already14:11
bittyxSlart: Is it ALT+CTRL or ALT+SysRq?14:11
dean__li: run it from a safe mode prompt14:11
mib_kacrq8check this14:11
isaac_chuck_ and which one was it, the mercury aircard or the um...... other one, the name of which escapes me?14:11
Slartdoglino: http://imagebin.ca/view/uzIQzI.html14:11
a_okwas trying to switch to ATI drivers have an Ati Radeon X30014:11
bittyxmib_kacrq8: Awesome, thanks!14:11
mib_kacrq8@bittyx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key14:11
mib_kacrq8yeah no probs14:11
Slartbittyx: I can't remember.. google for REISUB.. you should find it pretty quickly14:12
chuck_isaac_ no i have the sierra wireless 875u works great14:12
Slarta_ok: an ati card?14:12
Slartsmoking: it didn't work?14:12
dean__mib: that's got to be the only use of the SysRq key in the history of computing...14:12
dfgasis there a way to install ubuntu to a 4gig sd card on a mac?14:12
arvind_khadrihi, i get invalid credentials even if i enter the correct password in ldap14:12
dfgasfor my eee pc14:12
a_okSlart: was trying to switch to ATI drivers have an Ati Radeon X30014:12
mib_kacrq8dean_ : seriously14:12
Slart!usb | dfgas try this.. might be the same procedure14:12
ubottudfgas try this.. might be the same procedure: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:12
=== jonnyro is now known as Delobox
thorsten1955@mib_kacrq8: any idea?14:13
Slarta_ok: I've never used an ati-card with linux.. so far I've stayed with nvidia14:13
dean__dfafgs: run the Ubuntu live CD, and use the USB install option14:13
smokingSlart: i can see now the apps and where theyre playing the sound but how can i switch the sound cards14:13
mib_kacrq8Slart: I use the integrated graphics : *safest*14:14
archmanMy sound is muted and all the way down on Volume Applet on every boot. How to fix it?14:14
Slartsmoking: there is a button with a down-arrow, kind of.. press it and choose "move stream"14:14
doglinoSlart thanks, but it is different mine, can you send the Input and Output?14:14
mib_kacrq8archman: doubleclick on the speaker icon14:14
dean__Does anyone know how to *force* the volume to muted with every boot?14:14
a_okSlart: lol same here14:14
lolnicHi guys, I'm having issues with my graphics cards.  I'm getting 3d support, however it's pretty poor - for example GLX gears only shows about 4000FPS where i would expect 10000 + with my 8800GT's (SLI)14:14
dean__The AAO i'm on can get a corrupted HD from loud sounds in the integrated speaker...14:15
mib_kacrq8dean__: I guess you go to the sounds, turn off all startup sounds first14:15
archmanmib_kacrq8, i know, but i want it be the same as how i tuned it.14:15
mib_kacrq8then turn the volume down to zero14:15
smokingSlart: Ah thanks! I havent recognized it as clickable ^^14:15
mib_kacrq8when you reboot, it will still be zero14:15
dean__Done that, but I want a safe guard against *all* sounds14:15
a_okSlart: nvidia has always been superior with drivers, so by default I only buy nvidia cards myself to bad this is at the office14:15
dean__Sometimes I turn it on with headphones14:15
Newbies-y i download ubuntu take so much time..14:15
Newbies-y i download ubuntu take so much time..??14:15
dean__But I don't want to leave it enabled and reboot later on14:15
archmanmib_kacrq8, i don't want it to be muted and on zero on boot, and it is14:15
mib_kacrq8dean_ : ok got your problem :P14:16
Newbies-anybody here can send me cd ubuntu pls?14:16
zirodayNewbies-: use bittorrent for a faster download14:16
dean__archman: can I have your PC then? ;)14:16
Pici!shipit | Newbies-14:16
ubottuNewbies-: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send Jaunty (9.04) CDs14:16
sacarlsondfgas: I think you can14:16
archmandean__ heh :)14:16
zirodayNewbies-: or you can ask your LoCo14:16
thorsten1955@mib_kacrq8: any idea?14:16
Newbies-i already request a cd14:16
mib_kacrq8archman: you mean even if you turn it all the way up before rebooting, it *remains* zero after rebooting?14:16
Slartdoglino: http://imagebin.ca/view/Jo0VeSc.html http://imagebin.ca/view/1VSijrv.html14:16
isaac_Maybe Newbies- doesn't have a cd burner?14:16
Newbies-it take 6 week ?14:16
Newbies-i got it14:16
Newbies-i use laptop14:16
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: sorry, not really14:16
zirodayNewbies-: yes, shipit can take up to 6 weeks.14:16
archmanmib_kacrq8 exactly14:17
dean__Newbies: check to see if your ISP offers a mirror - mine does, which means the download is fast and free14:17
Newbies-how to use bittorent?14:17
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: what command did you use for mounting?14:17
Slarta_ok: ah.. you've tried envyng?14:17
* isaac_ shudders14:17
nmvictorWill some one please take me through setting up a bzr account?14:17
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P14:17
thorsten1955sudo mount -a14:17
zirodaynmvictor: you mean launchpad account?14:17
thorsten1955using fstab entry14:17
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:17
Newbies-how to use it14:17
Newbies-tell me pls ..14:18
archmanmib_kacrq8 Newbies, lol...14:18
* nevar-sensei says goodbye and going to play mahjongg14:18
mib_kacrq8did you try mounting the actual paths (with servers) separately14:18
archmanmib_kacrq8 oops, sorry, wrong quote14:18
Slartsmoking: it worked now? great.. now lets hope that the pulseaudio volume control package doesn't disappear.. the padevchooser isn't usable in 9.04 and I'm afraid the volume control will disappear too =/14:18
archmanmib_kacrq8 oops, any ideas about my problem?14:18
a_okSlart: nope what's that?14:18
thorsten1955yes, then i get the error massage i posted14:18
mib_kacrq8Newbies-: go to ubuntu.com, you'll find quite a lotta info there14:18
zirodayNewbies-: go to http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download and follow the instructions14:18
mib_kacrq8archman: not a life-threatening one i'd say14:19
mib_kacrq8unlike thor here14:19
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto14:19
zirodayNewbies-: you can get bittorrent here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt14:19
mib_kacrq8thor can you run a remote fsck on a part of the NAS?14:19
doglinoSlart thanks, this must help me ;)14:19
Newbies-any burner sofware can i use?14:19
dean__So, no idea on forcing mute always on boot?14:19
dean__There must be a mixer config file somewhere...14:19
archmanmib_kacrq8 but annoying and useless error which wasn't on intrepid...(oh god i hate thouse f**king release cycles!!)14:19
thorsten1955what i do not understand, why does it run on the old pc?14:19
zirodayNewbies-: yes see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall14:20
Newbies-im newbie la14:20
tuxFancant capture sound  in ubuntu , playback works fine , any ideas?14:20
archmantuxFan, capture is ON?14:20
thorsten1955i could from the old pc since this one is connected14:20
smokingSlart: That would be bad. Because with this volume control behaviour, I finally understand that pulseaudio could really be more comfortable than without.14:20
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: sorry could you post the error msg again? very sorry14:20
zirodayNewbies-: well what is confusing?14:21
mib_kacrq8at someone who asked for a bzr tutorial14:21
thorsten1955the error is wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock14:21
thorsten1955it is a nfs share14:21
Slart!burn | Newbies-14:22
Newbies-how to use bittorent14:22
Newbies-i already install14:22
Slartubottu? sleeping?14:22
SlartNewbies-: there are several bittorrent clients.. deluge, azureus, transmission are three names14:22
ubottuNewbies-: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto14:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sleeping?14:22
sacarlsonthorsten1955: did you ever paist.ubuntu.com your fstab file?  so we could see that?14:22
zirodayNewbies-: stop. You need to read the install guide we have given you. If you want a CD go to #ubuntu-my and ask there.14:22
doglinoNewbies just click a link14:22
Newbies-i already install bit toreent14:23
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: try mount -t [filesystem]14:23
Newbies-now im open it14:23
thorsten1955@sacarlson no i did not since it works perfect on the old pc and it worked under 6.04 LTS14:23
Newbies-how to set ubuntu download in bittorent?14:23
zirodayNewbies-: you can get bittorrent here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt14:23
Slarta_ok: envyng is a.. well.. a script to install graphics drivers.. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.. it might be worth a try14:24
Slart!envyng | a_ok14:24
ubottua_ok: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia drivers, which can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" or "envyng-qt". It is NOT a supported method to install them; please only use it at your own risks if standard methods fail - See !nVidia14:24
sacarlsonthorsten1955:  that's the only place I would know to look other than the mount -a command.14:24
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: mount -t nfs14:24
Slarta_ok: hm.. I thought it did ati drivers too.. it did when I last used it14:24
a_okSlart: there isn't ad damn thing configured in my Xorg.conf14:24
zirodaySlart: it does :)14:24
thorsten1955mount .t nfs gives me the same error14:25
Slarta_ok: nope.. x tries to autodetect many of the settings you had to configure in the xorg.conf file.. I think it's still read though so you can put stuff there if you want to14:25
dean__Ok, here's one: anyone know how to hide the "Applications" menu text? I want that menu and that menu item only to just use the ubuntu icon to save space14:25
Slartziroday: ah.. thanks.. you've tried it with ati cards?14:25
mattycozehey guys i'm having no luck configuring my laptop to connect to a wireless network; it's running 8.10, it's got an atherosAR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01), and I tried installing a svn of madwifi drivers but that didn't work either :(14:25
zirodaySlart: yep, works so so.14:25
a_okSlart: so how do i disable modules in ubuntu?14:25
thorsten1955mount -t gives me the same error message14:25
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: is nfs-common installed on your system?14:25
mib_kacrq8just check that14:25
a_okevery distro has its own blacklist stuff etc14:26
macvr!ics > macvr14:26
ubottumacvr, please see my private message14:26
thorsten1955i check ...14:26
zirodaymattycoze: do you still have the svn snapshot of the madwifi drivers instaled?14:26
Picidean__: You'd need to remove the entire applet from your panel, there is another one available in the Add To Panel list that is just an icon with sub-menus.  I don't know exactly what its called though.14:26
mattycozeziroday i'm not sure...14:26
zirodaya_ok: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist14:26
Slarta_ok: I think you can blacklist them in "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist14:26
sacarlsonthorsten1955: can nfs mount with a different superblock like I do when I get corrupted supperblocks on my other disks?14:26
thorsten1955no it is not!14:26
wombatunderCould someone please help out an Ubuntu novice, one on one? I'm trying to set up my "fileserver" with Ubuntu Server14:26
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: INSTALL it14:27
zirodaymattycoze: okay, can you go to the madwifi dir and do sudo make uninstall please14:27
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: i think that should kill the problem14:27
Newbies-i use bit toreent14:27
ziroday!anyone | wombatunder14:27
ubottuwombatunder: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:27
ESphynxhi folks, is there a netbook remix 64 bit for Ubuntu ?14:27
Newbies-y the download no move?14:27
a_oki hope than at least i can boot problerly the drivers messed up my screen bad (blockes and stripes everywhere like non supported res or something)14:27
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: now mount again?14:27
kennethHi,i have a problem that i cant fix myself. I'm missing the "line" that contains media view etc, as in this image http://banshee-project.org/theme/images/slides/scaled/banshee-slide-music-browser.png. This happens in most aplication. It's really annoyning as i cant get into settings and stuff like that14:27
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: is it still giving errors?14:28
mattycozeokay ziroday14:28
thorsten1955how come this package was on one system default but not on the other?14:28
thorsten1955i try mounting...14:28
zirodaymattycoze: okay can you give me a sec14:28
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: ok14:28
zirodayESphynx: AFAIK no14:28
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: try mounting, we can worry about packages later14:28
thorsten1955IT WORKS!14:28
thorsten1955thank you so much!14:28
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: no probs man14:29
thorsten1955how come this package was on one system default but not on the other?14:29
thorsten1955after fresh install?14:29
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: go through this thread once too [ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=638713 ]14:29
tomlee263who knows how to convert ubuntu netbook remix img file to iso?14:29
ESphynxziroday thanks... any particular reason? and would I be able to install the normal ubuntu on it?14:29
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: there are some CD packages which are optional i guess14:29
Newbies-Service Temporarily Unavailable14:29
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: so it is probably up to the guy installing it14:30
zirodaymattycoze: now install the linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic package and restart14:30
wombatunderI'm trying to set up Ubuntu Server, 8.06 on a P4 with an 80gb hard drive. I would like to partition the hard drive into 2 lots of 40gb and put linux on one and have the other just for storage for the windows machines on my network. What do I need to select to partition the disks the way I want14:30
thorsten1955ok i learned a lesson14:30
thorsten1955many thanks again14:30
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: no problems man14:30
thorsten1955take care!14:30
deanytomlee263,  why14:30
mib_kacrq8thorsten1955: you work in Germany btw?14:30
mattycozeziroday I think that it's already installed... I checked once in synaptic14:30
a_okwhats the name of that fglrx module?14:30
mattycozeziroday in fact it is.14:30
tomlee263deany:Can I talk with you privately?14:31
zirodayESphynx: yes, you should be able to install the UNR stuffs from a normal install, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR will be more helpful then me :)14:31
zirodaymattycoze: okay, please restart14:31
mattycozeokay then... restarting14:31
tazzhey how do i figure out which .deb package has provided this file, i am sort of looking for the equivalent of rpm -qf14:31
mib_kacrq8tazz: state your problem more clearlt14:32
mib_kacrq8what are you trying to do?14:32
Picitazz: If the package is already installed:  dpkg -S /path/to/file14:32
phoe6the default python in ubuntu is python2.5 and many of gnome program and packages are installed for that; but I installed python2.6 on ubuntu and that has become my default for python. How do I switch it back? In path I see /usr/local/bin is coming before /usr/bin/ and /usr/local/bin is where python installer installs itself.14:32
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:32
tazzPici, this that was i was looking for14:32
mib_kacrq8omg what the hell was that?14:33
Pici!netsplit | mib_kacrq814:33
ubottumib_kacrq8: please see above14:33
mib_kacrq8irc screwup?14:33
tazzmib_kacrq8, netsplit.14:33
mib_kacrq8i was talking about the weird graphics14:34
mattycozeziroday okay then. it's restarted14:34
mib_kacrq8flickering and stuff14:34
mib_kacrq8not used to *that* :P14:34
zirodaymattycoze: and no luck?14:34
fifa-worldwww.fifa-world.pl free cd-keye after the registration14:34
mattycozenah unfortunately not.14:34
mib_kacrq8someone kick the fifa thingy14:34
zirodaymattycoze: hmm, tried a jaunty livecd?14:34
Pici!piracy > fifa-world14:34
ubottufifa-world, please see my private message14:34
mattycozeit's weird... maybe i've set up my network wrong :(14:34
loserhi everyone! how can u install a dependency? i have error like this Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libltdl314:34
mattycozeziroday nah not really; i'm not keen to upgrade though14:35
cemerickscp seems to stall on pipes and sockets on disk.  Any way to get it to ignore them?14:35
mib_kacrq8loser : that means the package is prolly obsolete14:35
mattycoze(not on that laptop anyway)14:35
nmvictorI have flash player installed yet i can play movies in youtube?Anyone to help?14:35
mib_kacrq8loser : what are you trying to install14:35
zirodaymattycoze: mm, that's probably the best way to go. I can't help you any further sorry14:35
Newbies-y cant download ubuntu rite now?14:35
losergyachi is there a way to install it14:35
dean__Darn, when will they make laptops with backlit keys!14:36
mib_kacrq8@mattycoze : just temme your problem once more sorry14:36
Newbies-y cant download ubuntu rite now?14:36
hackoidzloser what is the name of the dependency?14:36
loserError: Dependency is not satisfiable: libltdl314:36
smr904hello - I just installed envyng and then from hardware drivers - chose the nvidia 180 (recommended) driver and it doesn't activate14:36
space_cadetallright guys... this one is offtopic but i don't know where to ask it...    I pay for comcast. but their service sucks.  I want the same channels (which i want to continue paying for) but I don't want their box i want my own14:36
Slartdean__: I remember IBM had a small diod light shining on the keyboard.. sweet bling bling =)14:36
smr904so, does anyone know what's the matter with the drivers?14:36
wombatunderI'm having some connection problems, did anyone answer my question?14:36
mib_kacrq8dean_ they do that already i believe14:36
mattycozemib_kacrq8; i'm having no luck configuring my laptop to connect to a wireless network (secured with WEP key atm - maybe I've set it up wrong... something I didn't explore with ziroday); it's running 8.10, it's got an atherosAR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01), and I tried installing a svn of madwifi drivers but that didn't work either :(14:36
royalwarecasttt sun yat sen14:37
Newbies-y i cant download ubuntu!!14:37
sproatyWhere's python's site-packages directory moved to? I don't see one in /usr/lib/python2.614:37
dean__mib: but not on my laptop14:37
sproaty(on 9.04, sorry)14:37
snekok running jaunty on an imac 7,1 (20" alu intel with ati hd2400xt)14:37
mib_kacrq8Newbies-: please shut it man14:37
kenneth_Hi,i have a problem that i cant fix myself. I'm missing the "line" that contains media view etc, as in this image http://banshee-project.org/theme/images/slides/scaled/banshee-slide-music-browser.png. This happens in most aplication. It's really annoyning as i cant get into settings and stuff like that14:37
space_cadetmattycoze, upgrade to jaunty, the 242 works out of the box14:37
mattycozemib_kacrq8 i actually uninstalled the madwifi drivers now.14:37
dean__Eye-searing backlight yes, but not key light14:37
mib_kacrq8mattycoze: the svn ones?14:37
mattycozemib_kacrq8 yeah the svn ones.14:37
mib_kacrq8mattycoze: are you on a fresh install14:38
space_cadetmattycoze, is it an eeepc or an hp?14:38
mib_kacrq8or an old one?14:38
mattycozespace_cadet yeah i would; i've got the live cd atm and it works nicely on another laptop of mine14:38
mattycozespace_cadet it's an Acer Aspire 5720Z14:38
mattycoze... there's my problem :p14:38
mib_kacrq8ok listen14:38
space_cadeti wrote a script for the 24214:38
Newbies-y i cant download ubuntu!!!!!14:38
space_cadethold on.14:38
ikoniaNewbies-: what is the problem14:39
Newbies-i cant download ubuntu from the website14:39
mib_kacrq8ikonia: is that a bot?14:39
mib_kacrq8ikonia: i think it is14:39
SlartNewbies-: we don't know.. downloading a file from the web shouldn't be a problem..14:39
mib_kacrq8bot bot bot14:39
Newbies-shut up mib14:39
mattycozenice :p space_cadet actually i don't understand why the driver isn't working for this computer... it worked for 2 straight days and now it's dead?14:39
nmvictorhey,guys?I have flash player installed yet I still cant play movies in youtube,isn't anyone willing to help?14:39
mib_kacrq8nom nom14:39
jarzNewbies-, are you getting a particular issue?14:39
Picimib_kacrq8: The random comments don't help the traffic in this channel.14:39
ikoniaNewbies-: please calm down, explain the issue14:39
SlartNewbies-: what is happening, what did you expect would happen.. do you get error messages etc?14:39
mib_kacrq8nmvictor: ok listen14:39
nmvictormib_kacrq8: thanks,go ahead14:40
dean__nmvictor: install the restricted-extras package14:40
mib_kacrq8Newbies-: I'm sorry to say this but using Ubuntu is not recommended for users who cannot download stuff14:40
ikoniamib_kacrq8: whoaaa, clam down, lets find out the issue14:40
mib_kacrq8[anyone back me up here?]14:40
nmvictormib_kacrq8: using synaptic?14:40
indusmib_kacrq8: bad advice14:40
Newbies-shut up14:40
ikoniaNewbies-: explain the problem14:40
mattycoze:o @ Newbies14:40
mib_kacrq8@nmvictor either way14:40
Pici!coc > mib_kacrq814:40
ubottumib_kacrq8, please see my private message14:40
dean__mib: hear hear14:41
mib_kacrq8apt-get is always preferred14:41
Newbies-zzzz i already tell u man.. i cant download ubuntu14:41
nmvictormib_kacrq8: ok,let me try.14:41
ikoniaNewbies-: ok - so what operating system are you in, and where are you downloading from ?14:41
indusNewbies-: from where are you downloading it and what errot are u getting14:41
=== tem is now known as tem_
wombatunder I'm trying to set up Ubuntu Server, 8.06 on a P4 with an 80gb hard drive. I would like to partition the hard drive into 2 lots of 40gb and put linux on one and have the other just for storage for the windows machines on my network. What do I need to select to partition the disks the way I want?14:41
Newbies-wait i try14:41
|AA|Any reolution yet, regarding madwifi driver, after my last update I lost wireles connectivity14:41
mib_kacrq8@Pici  the Ubuntu code of conduct doesn't apply to morons. I like helping well-behaved, moderately intelligent explorers, not spoilt brats14:42
ikoniawombatunder: select custom paartitioning14:42
dean__Newbies: If you're that awful at downloading an ISO, how do you expect to use Linux?14:42
ikoniadean__: calm down - lets find out the issue14:42
jarzNewbies-, can you get to http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download ?14:42
space_cadetmattycoze, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111246414:42
dean__My apologies, Ikonia14:43
Newbies-now can download14:43
ikoniaNewbies-: ok great,14:43
FloodBot3Newbies-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:43
chuck_wombatunder: if i understand what you want download gparted live and you can partition the disk with it.14:43
wombatunderikonia, I have 4 guided options and one manual, do you mean the manual one?14:43
ikoniawombatunder: yes14:43
space_cadetmattycoze, it uses madwifi and steps you through the process.14:43
mattycozespace_cadet cool man, i'll be back in a sec; tell you how it goes14:43
Newbies-45kb/sec .. so slow man..14:43
smr904hello - I just installed envyng and then from hardware drivers - chose the nvidia 180 (recommended) driver and it doesn't activate14:43
Newbies-45kb/sec .. so slow man..14:43
smr904does anyone know what's wrong with the drivers?14:44
ikoniasmr904: hardwaredrivers is nothing to do with envy14:44
nmvictormib_kacrq8: Hey,cant locate them with synaptic,is their a command for the terminal?14:44
SlartNewbies-: we heard you the first time.. do you have another question about ubuntu?14:44
space_cadetsmr904, envyng?14:44
|AA|Any reolution yet, regarding madwifi driver, after my last update I lost wireles connectivity14:44
ikoniasmr904: you need to setup the nvidia components via envy manually14:44
tem_ why use envy14:44
ikonia!nevy > smr90414:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nevy14:44
indus|AA|: worked in intrepid ?14:44
ikonia!env > smr90414:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about env14:44
Slart!envy > smr90414:44
ikonia!envy > smr90414:44
ubottusmr904, please see my private message14:44
dean__nmvictor: It's in the system->administration menu14:44
sacarlson|AA|: mattycoze: above was the one with the madwifi he just came back see above14:44
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia drivers, which can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" or "envyng-qt". It is NOT a supported method to install them; please only use it at your own risks if standard methods fail - See !nVidia14:44
|AA|indus, yes and worked in jaunty until update yesterday14:45
indus|AA|:hmm i guess a bug wil have to be filed then andwait fora fix14:45
nmvictormib_kacrq8: im not talking about synaptic,I mean I cant find the packages in synaptic14:45
indus|AA|:sorry thats all i could do14:45
dean__Who do I complain to to get a package updated? One of my tools' packages are 8 months out of date...14:46
mattycoze|AA| what's the wireless card you've got?14:46
space_cadetnmvictor, did you sudo apt-get update ?14:46
smr904I see.. thanks./.14:46
|AA|indus: no worries am sure it will`be addressed14:46
ikoniadean__: what do you want updating ?14:46
|AA|mattycoze,  atheros14:46
indus|AA|: have you posted on the forum to see if others have the issue after the update?14:46
nmvictormib_kacrq8: no14:46
smr904I just asked here about how to fix the low res and someone told me to use it as it is supposed to be functional..14:46
smr904but it isn't14:46
dean__Ikonia: the avr-libc package -- I know it's niche, but I'm an AVR microcontroller programmer14:46
|AA|indus: checking now14:46
mattycoze242 chipset? space_cadet sent me a link try out some script14:46
wombatunderok, it's been a while since I last used linux, do I need to have 3 partitions for linux then the fat or ntfs partition or can I make 2x50% partitions and the installer will sort out the linux one?14:46
ikoniadean__: launchpad.net - check out the package maintainer and have a conversation14:46
ikoniawombatunder: minimum of 2 is sane, 1 for / one for swap14:47
space_cadetmattycoze, |AA| http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111246414:47
nmvictorspace_cadet: no.why14:47
dean__Thanks ikonia14:47
neodragondoes anyone know of a good command line irc client?14:47
Slartneodragon: irssi14:47
Newbies-ikonia.. if i already download that ubuntu file.. then i need to burn to cd?14:47
induswombatunder: all you need is / and swap partitions for linux14:47
space_cadetnmvictor, because that will update your package list14:47
dean__wombat: Ubuntu figures out the partitions automatically14:47
vekulica_I have problems with installing ATI drivers on my PC...Any help?14:47
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dean__Just point it at some free space14:47
Newbies-ikonia.. if i already download that ubuntu file.. then i need to burn to cd?14:47
ikoniaNewbies-: correct, we spoke about this before if you remember14:47
ikonia!install > Newbies-14:47
ubottuNewbies-, please see my private message14:48
space_cadet|AA| mind you that script has only been tested on 8.1014:48
paul68what is a good vm ware program to use under linux?14:48
Slart!burniso > Newbies-14:48
ikoniapaul68: wmware14:48
Slartpaul68: virtualbox14:48
indusNewbies-: yes you burn it to cd as an image , that means ,when burning to disk select 'burn as image'14:48
neodragonSlart: Thanks14:48
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:48
Newbies-i already got iso14:48
nmvictorspace_cadet: I dont want to do that,besides,the package I have a problem with is not listed14:48
ikoniaNewbies-: read the info ubottu just sent you14:48
jarzDoes anyone know if there a known issue with the version of linux-generic in jaunty-proposed?14:48
paul68!vmware >paul6814:48
ubottupaul68, please see my private message14:48
|AA|space_cadet,  thanks14:48
space_cadetnmvictor, which package?14:48
wombatunderok, so I need to make a total of 3 partitions? or would I be better off with 4? is there a rule of thumb guid for what size to make each linux partition?14:48
Slartjarz: there's probably lots of issues.. anything in particular?14:49
dean__wombat: swap should be 2xram14:49
dean__Others can be as you wish14:49
induswombatunder: minimum partition size for / should be 2 gb?? but keep it 10 i say14:49
vekulica_I have problems with installing ATI drivers on my PC...Can someone help me?14:49
induswombatunder: swap yes 2 times ram14:49
mattycozespace_cadet okay... restarting heh14:49
jarzSlart, linux-generic is supposed to be removed in order to install linux-[image/headers]-2.6.28-12[-generic]14:49
mattgyverWhen i turn on my laptop it is not seen on the network, if i restart the samba daemon there it is.  While restarting it it shows this message, 'Stopping Samba daemons... start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 3427: No such process', then it starts fine.  Does anyone know why this is happening?14:49
dean__womat: You might want a seperate partition for /home however14:50
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space_cadetmattycoze, if by chance it doesn't see your network.14:50
wombatunderok, I have 1gb ram atm but I would like to upgrade later, will making the swap 4gb be ok for now?14:50
space_cadetmattycoze, but it says "connect to hidden network"14:50
dean__wombat: Sure, that's fine14:50
Picijarz: I'm having the same issue on -proposed on my computer.  I haven't run the upgrade itself yet due to that.14:50
mattycozeoh okay...14:50
induswombatunder: sure no issues14:50
space_cadetmattycoze, do it and type in your ssid14:50
mattycozespace_cadet i had nothing in the blacklist or the modules file14:50
mattycozebut I added what you said to do.14:50
mattycoze... okay.14:50
space_cadetmattycoze, that's prolly why it wasn't working for you.14:50
macvrikonia: deep trouble... how do i revert this command> sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT14:50
a_okhow do i prevent the crap drivers from ATI to load?14:51
indusany ubuntu updates today for jaunty? i need to check whether my old update manager behaviour has been restored,14:51
indushavent seen the orange flower in a month14:51
mattycozewell i'll find out in a sec.14:51
hidensofti want path .diff file14:51
Slartjarz: no idea how linux-proposed handles all the new versions.. I haven't heard of anything special though14:51
ikoniamacvr: iptables -X14:51
dean__indus: Not today14:51
hidensofthow i can ?14:51
wombatunderso there's swap, / (is this root?) and a home partition? should I split the remaining 36gig evenly between / and home?14:51
ikoniamacvr: iptables -FX14:51
dean__indus: but there were a few on Monday14:51
indusdean__: when was the last update?14:51
indusdean__: huh monday? which ones? i didnt get any14:52
macvrikonia: that is sudo iptables -FX , and it should revert the above command?14:52
chuck_a_ok blacklist them or uninstall them14:52
jarzSlart, i believed linux-generic was supposed to track the latest kernel in -proposed14:52
dean__Indus: one I remember was, oddly enough, an update to the checkbox GTK component14:52
indusindus: this update manager has left me anxious and irritated14:52
ikoniamacvr: it will flush your chain14:52
indusdean__:  this update manager has left me anxious and irritated14:52
space_cadet!restricted > nmvictor14:52
ubottunmvictor, please see my private message14:52
dean__Indus: do a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade from the terminal14:53
Slartjarz: I'm not sure if it depends on the latest proposed kernel of the latest accepted kernel..14:53
macvrikonia: >>> iptables: No chain/target/match by that name<<< i got this response14:53
indusdean__: no dean i want to see if old update manager behaviour is restored and icon shows itself when updates are ready14:53
Newbies-people said that ubuntu cannot open some program?14:53
jarzlinux-generic has both a jaunty and jaunty-proposed available, but jaunty-proposed doesn't match the rest of the jaunty-proposed kernel versions14:54
indusNewbies-: which program and which people14:54
thadooodi installed the medibuntu dvd package , how do i use it ???14:54
thadooodi installed the medibuntu dvd package , how do i use it ???14:54
SlartNewbies-: "some program" ??? which program? what people?14:54
a_okchuck_: as i can't uninstall them atm how do i blacklist them? i already blacklisted fglxr in /etc/modules.d/blacklist14:54
thadooodsorry for echo14:54
FloodBot3thadoood: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:54
Newbies-i means some games .. cannot run into ubuntu?14:54
indusSlart: :))14:54
dean__Indus: try opening the update manager manually, see if anything comes up14:54
Klonehello my name is adam14:54
jarzthadoood, you've installed medibuntu onto your computer?14:54
space_cadetthadoood, pop a dvd in?14:54
thadooodand yes14:54
jarzare you running it?14:54
dean__Indus: if nothing does, perhaps your package list is incorrect14:54
thadooodhow do i run it is what im asking14:54
SlartNewbies-: many games do not run in ubuntu.. some games can be run using wine.. some games have native versions..14:54
=== moro[ita] is now known as moro
jarzthadoood, did you just download medibuntu?14:55
indusdean__:no i did get updates last week, but only after a manual update14:55
Newbies-hey how to setup 2 windows14:55
Newbies-i means14:55
thadooodi installed it im pretty sure with apt-get install14:55
Newbies-that ubuntu and vista14:55
smr904tem: what else should I use... if nothing else works?14:55
Newbies-in 1 pc14:55
masu3701is there a way to make application run faster in jaunty?14:55
mmili1anybody using netbook remix? I'm loving it, except some applications are too large to fit on my screen. Does anybody have any suggestions as to how this can be fixed? (ubuntu/linux n00b)14:55
=== moro is now known as moro[ita]
jarzthadoood, so you were running ubuntu then installed a medibuntu meta-package?14:55
masu3701it kinda slow14:55
SlartNewbies-: dual boot? if you installed vista first it should be setup for you by the installer14:55
indusmasu3701: yea give it some redbull :)14:56
dean__indus: hmm, well I can't help you with that then, I've no idea how to check the auto update functionality14:56
thadooodim running ubuntu studio and yes i installed that14:56
masu3701indus: i wish14:56
Newbies-my installer?14:56
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:56
FloodBot3Newbies-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:56
mattycozespace_cadet I might just upgrade to 9.04 this is giving me a headache :P14:56
Newbies-i want use 2 window..14:56
nmvictorthe restricted extras is the newest version.I thing my problem with flash player in firefox is about linking some flash layer file to mozilla,anyone know how to do that?14:56
Slartmasu3701: depends on what application we're talking about.. some graphic intensive stuff run faster with compiz disabled..14:56
space_cadetstill not working?14:56
thadooodhow do i run medibuntu ?14:56
mattycozespace_cadet is there an easy way to upgrade with the disk without loosing the current information?14:56
dean__indus: Of course, have you checked that the correct "install updates" checkboxes are checked in the software sources screen?14:56
masu3701am not even using compiz14:56
ikoniathadoood: that's just a repo14:56
indusmasu3701: ya i never use compiz -14:56
mattycozelike an online walk-through?14:56
thadooodwell what do i need next then ?14:57
mattycozecause each time I've tried i end up loosing the home folder :@14:57
jarzthadoood, you use synaptic to install from medibuntu repository14:57
indusdean__: iam getting updates no issues but need to manually run update manager which sucks14:57
space_cadetmattycoze, sure but in involves going back in time and creating a seperate /home partition  :)14:57
Ehsan_mahmoudi_ hi, i tried to coonect to intenet with dialup by sudo pon. but after connecting, i have not any data transmission, it's the output of plog http://paste.ubuntu.com/166110/14:57
thadooodis synaptic already in ubuntu studio ?14:57
Newbies-hey.. if i already burn into cd? what should i do?14:57
macvrikonia: that hasnt worked... i still cant use my wireless.... oh i also used this command>> sudo ifconfig eth0 <<< where is my wlan0 address! i'm not able to use the internet after i used these 2 commands!14:57
jarzshould be14:57
mattycozespace_cadet able to help with that?14:57
dean__indus: perhaps make a cron job as a quick fix?14:57
Ehsan_mahmoudi_ hi, i tried to connect to intenet with dialup by sudo pon. but after connecting, i have not any data transmission, it's the output of plog http://paste.ubuntu.com/166110/14:58
ikoniamacvr: ughhh why did you mess with ifconfig ?14:58
a_okhow do i stop kdm from loading in ubuntu?14:58
ikoniamacvr: just reboot and let the rules and dhcp address reset14:58
macvrikonia: i know !!!114:58
mattycozeor were you implying it's impossible lol without having made the /home partition prior14:58
indusdean__: hehe no i want the ubuntu devs to do their job, or i take money for it :P14:58
a_oki only have filesystem access no console14:58
jarzthadoood, System->Administration->Synaptic14:58
indusNewbies-: restart PC , enter bios and select boot device CDROM as first boot device in boot options14:59
Ehsan_mahmoudi_ hi, i tried to connect to intenet with dialup by sudo pon. but after connecting, i have not any data transmission, it's the output of plog http://paste.ubuntu.com/166110/14:59
thadooodword up , i sudo'ed it and it came up , im looking for the repository now14:59
space_cadetallright   mattycoze i found this, but it was written in 0614:59
wombatunderdo I have to do something special to make it so the windows machines can read and write to the fat32 partition?14:59
jarzby windows do you mean linux?14:59
induswombatunder: nope14:59
macvrikonia: no other way?... would rebooting solve my ifconfig disaster?? i'm trying to reconfirm since i dont want to loose this irc connection also on reboot!!14:59
dean__indus: sorry, other than the auto updates checkboxes I don't know how to ensure it's working14:59
space_cadetmattycoze, then when you install new, make sure you use that partition as /home  and make sure your username is the same14:59
wombatunderit's mount point will be /user. is that ok?15:00
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:00
indusdean__: np dean its not a serious thing15:00
dean__indus: perhaps you're set to auto install updates?15:00
Ehsan_mahmoudi_ hi, i tried to connect to intenet with dialup by sudo pon. but after connecting, i have not any data transmission, it's the output of plog http://paste.ubuntu.com/166110/15:00
space_cadetmattycoze, i have a virtualbox install of 8.10 and 10.4 sharing the same /home partition and it works fine15:00
space_cadet* er 9.0415:00
chuck_a_ok: cd /usr/share/ati  sudo sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh15:00
indusdean__: nvm15:00
indusCan someone help ehsan15:00
mattycozespace_cadet okay i'll take your word on that.15:00
a_okchuck_: I don't have shel access lol15:00
a_okchuck_: i'm in windows with the ext2 driver15:01
indusasking others to help someone is okay i guess? cos i dont know the solution15:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver15:01
vekulica_!x server15:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x server15:01
dean__Well, g'night y'all, it's been fun. Nice to see so many helpful folk around. Cheers!15:01
a_okchuck_: besides the apt-get way is better anyways15:01
mattycozespace_cadet actually I think i'll backup over the network first :p15:01
indusdean__: GNIGHT15:01
arvind_khadriikonia: around ??15:01
jarz@ Ehsan_mahmoudi_ & indus: its possible that no one in the channel knows how to use pon or connecting through dialup15:01
space_cadetmattycoze, good idea15:01
macvrikonia: no other way?... would rebooting solve my ifconfig disaster?? i'm trying to reconfirm since i dont want to loose this irc connection also on reboot!!15:01
space_cadetmattycoze, can never have too many backups15:01
Ehsan_mahmoudi_jarz: thanks dear jarz15:02
indusjarz: hmm really15:02
a_okwhat is the default runlevel in ubuntu 9.04?15:02
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jarzEhsan_mahmoudi_, you might be better off posting in the forums15:02
indusa_ok: what do u mean default run level its 3 btw15:02
Ehsan_mahmoudi_jarz: it seems you're right!15:02
wombatunderhere we go15:02
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=== waltzingalong is now known as yw84ever
indusa_ok: for a user who installed it15:02
indusa_ok: and for some other users added by him15:03
Ehsan_mahmoudi_indus: tnks15:03
Ehsan_mahmoudi_jarz: tnks15:03
lscott3What's up everyone?15:03
indusEhsan_mahmoudi_: welcome15:03
Tom_____Has anyone install openvpn b4 on debian?15:03
a_okindus: ? what are you talking about?15:03
indusEhsan_mahmoudi_: drop in another time15:03
chuck_a_ok: apt will not remove the proprietary ati driver15:03
indusa_ok: u asked runlevel?15:03
indusa_ok: type runlevel in terminal15:03
BassoonQuestion: I have an ATI Radeon 3100 card in my laptop .. when i turn on DEsktop effects ... Things like Google earth and Secondlife go crazy. Kinda flicker ... I have seen this on some of the post .. but can it be worked around ...Sorry .. im a newbie ... and it's ubuntu 9.04 with the hardware drives installed .. from .. "hardware driver"  under system15:04
indusa_ok: hmm it says 2 for me N 215:04
=== n1c3 is now known as ce_maniezzz
vekulica_need help with ATI drivers...I have tried to install downloaded driver package and I see error line :Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version15:04
vekulica_default:v2:i686:lib::none:2.6.28-11-generic; make sure that the version is being15:04
vekulica_correctly set by --iscurrentdistro15:04
DdayHow you choose where downloads are saved in Filezilla?15:04
PiciTom_____: This is the Ubuntu channel. If you need Debian support you'll need to ask in #debian15:04
jarzindus and a_ok, 2-5 are the same thing15:04
nibblerBassoon: switch out desktop effects!15:04
BassoonSwitch off ..?15:05
indusjarz: i thought it was 315:05
=== Lanceee is now known as Lancee_
indusjarz: 5 for graphical yea15:05
Bassoonyeah .. did that .. and things work .. but it would be nice to have some kinda effects...15:05
jarzindus, debian (and therefore ubuntu) make no distinction between 2 through 515:05
indusjarz: sorry redhat hangover15:05
yw84everDday: pick the destination location on the window on the left-hand side15:05
jarzindus, actually, 3 is console logins only15:05
a_okindus: i don't have a terminal i only have fs access i am removing kdm from the runlevel so i can at least boot properly15:05
grdxyxyQuestion:i want to use my zen micro soft on hardy, but mtpfs does not work fine.15:06
indusjarz: 3 is console login with all services iam right?15:06
jarza_ok and indus, info on ubuntu runlevels @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel#Ubuntu15:06
jarzindus, yes15:06
indusjarz: thanks15:06
nibblerBassoon: i had a lot trouble with my ati, and experienced things work a lot better with nvidia, but might be my personal experience only...15:06
jarzindus, that wp page actually gives little info15:07
Luriadoes anyone get hulu to play smoothly in fullscreen? (ubuntu 9.04, x64, flash 10.22)15:07
=== marcules__ is now known as marcules
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
DdayI get this error15:07
DdayError:Failed to open "/Boys Noize - Oi Oi Oi/Oi Oi Oi.cue" for writing15:07
jarzLuria, what graphics controller?15:07
BassoonNibbler .. : yeah ... same thing i was thinking ... my older laptop had nvidia .. worked great ...15:07
IllLuria, it work great for me.15:07
indusgtg bye now15:07
jarzDday, what are you trying to write that file with?15:07
Luriai have 2x2350 opterons, 8gb of ram, and a gtx280.15:08
DdayWhat you mean jarz?15:08
wombatunderis there a way to log into a linux machine from a windows machine to make changes etc?15:08
nibblerBassoon: as as the info says, noone but ati can support their binary drivers.....15:08
DdayI'm trying to download through filezilla15:08
Luriayou would think....15:08
Dr_Williswombatunder:  ssh in, or run vnc, or use xming, and have a remote X session15:08
Slartwombatunder: using ssh/vnc/freenx or similar.. sure15:08
Bassoonnibbler: No open source drivers out?15:08
a_okjarz: i just want to prevent kdm from starting by removing the symlinks will that work?15:08
Slartwombatunder: but you need to setup the linux machine first15:08
erUSULDday: probably you are saving the file where you do not have permissions15:08
jarzLuria, its probably flash thats causing the issue then15:08
Luriaplain vanilla install, no compiz tweaks or changes15:09
nibblerBassoon: no open source drivers with reasonable 3d support out15:09
wombatunderyeah, there's monitors and keyboards everywhere atm :-)15:09
BassoonSUCKS! .. ;O)15:09
Luriais x64 flash much worse?15:09
nibblerBassoon: write one!15:09
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:09
jarzSlart, ssh access is disabled by default?15:09
BassoonNibbler: Thanks for the info .. Peace ...15:09
Slartjarz: yes.. not even installed iirc15:09
Luriaalso, im using twinview15:10
vekulica_nibbler : can you help me with ati drivers?15:10
alinahello, i have installed the new ubuntu destribution, since that I have many problems. i cann not open websides, cause firefox do not work and I cann not use the actualisation program, cann somebody please help me?15:10
Dr_Williswombatunder:  vnc is a very handy and powerfull tool. if you just want 1 monitor.. If you have multi-pc's eac with a display, you can use 'syngery' (i think i spelt it right) to controll them via a single keyboard/mouse.15:10
lscott3Anyone ever tried 3 monitors with 2 video cards 1 ati 1 nvidia? I came across this site http://preview.tinyurl.com/cw5ovn Let me know what you think15:10
nibblervekulica_: no15:10
mattgyverWhen restarting samba i get this message, does anyone know how to fix this? * Stopping Samba daemons... start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 3427: No such process15:10
vekulica_nibbler : ok :)15:11
jarzalina, can you access the internet at all using ubuntu?15:11
vekulica_can anyone help me with  x server 1.5?15:12
alinasorry but what does access mean?( I am german:-))15:12
wombatunderthank you dr_willis15:12
jarzalina, are you using ubuntu right now?15:12
Newbies-ubuntu vs mac :))15:12
alinaI am15:12
Newbies-ubuntu vs mac :))15:12
jarzNewbies-, please don't start anything15:12
Newbies-ubuntu vs mac :))..15:12
=== atom32k is now known as atomekk
SlartNewbies-: nope.. stop spamming15:13
bazhangNewbies-, take chat elsewhere15:13
wtvKingKimi: hi krishna15:13
sacarlsonmattgyver: sounds like it just wasn't running when you restarted.  did it say ok at the last line?15:13
KingKimii have a 32 bit ubuntu on a 64 bit computeer. .... is it possible to upgrade using the alternate iso of 64 bit ubuntu ?15:13
KingKimiwtv, hello !15:13
mattgyversacarlson, yes15:13
vekulica_can anyone help me with  x server 1.5?15:13
ikoniavekulica_: that's very specific, what version of ubuntu ?15:13
sacarlsonmattgyver: they I guess your good to go15:13
SlartKingKimi: I don't think you can update 32bit to 64bit.. I think you need to reinstall15:13
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ikoniaKingKimi: you can't, full re-install15:13
jarzalina, are there any errors that you see from firefox?15:13
vekulica_ikonia : 9.04...I need it to install ATI driver15:14
wombatunderoh crap, is the server version all command line?15:14
mattgyversacarlson, it does that each time i boot however, so in order for me to browse my network computer, after each login i must restart the samba service.15:14
KingKimiSlart, ikonia ok..15:14
ikoniavekulica_: the xserver is a later version than 1.5 in ubuntu 9.0415:14
Slartwombatunder: that's one of the server-features, yes =)15:14
vekulica_ikonia : where can I paste you what error I get when I'm trying to install driver package?15:14
KingKimiis it of use to upgrade to 904  ???? will 810 receive updates anymore ???15:14
wombatunderok the curve just got a lot steeper :-)15:14
Slartwombatunder: I think it's possible to install gnome/KDE though.. if you really want it15:14
jarzwombat, you could install X and Gnome15:14
KingKimi!paste | vekulica_15:14
ubottuvekulica_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:14
lscott3Anyone use 3 monitors with ubuntu with 2 different video cards?15:14
Dr_Williswombatunder:  server = command line. yes.15:14
mattgyversacarlson, so my computer is unknown to the network after i login, until i restart the service.  Is something killing the service?15:14
sacarlsonmattgyver:  is the service checked to run in services15:14
=== wombatunder is now known as wombat1
alinafirefox open, but dont load a webside, and when i want to open it again it says that i have to reatrt the system becouse firefox processes are running15:15
mattgyversacarlson, let me check15:15
KingKimiwill ubuntu shipit the 64 bit of ubuntu ??15:15
ikoniaKingKimi: mail them and ask15:15
Slart!shipit | KingKimi15:15
ubottuKingKimi: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send Jaunty (9.04) CDs15:15
thadooodok when i run MPlayer and tell it to open the dvd i get an error message that says "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device."15:15
thadooodwhat does this mean15:15
KingKimiikonia, @ whom to mail ?15:16
CapAyam2ubuntu vs mac.. who will win!?15:16
KingKimiSlart, thnx for ubottu15:16
vekulica_ikonia : http://paste.ubuntu.com/166127/15:16
bazhangCapAyam2, offtopic here15:16
KingKimiSlart, but my question is not that15:16
jarzalina, go to applications->accessories->terminal15:16
mattgyversacarlson, yes it appears as 'Folder sharing service (samba)' that is correct?15:16
vekulica_ikonia : ikonia this is what I get15:16
ikoniaKingKimi: canonical15:16
jarzalina, if that's in german i don't know what it would be15:16
sacarlsonmattgyver:  yes15:16
thadooodok when i run MPlayer and tell it to open the dvd i get an error message that says "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device."15:16
thadooodwhat does this mean15:16
ikoniavekulica_: doing what ?15:16
macvrikonia: reboot did the trick for the ifconfig... thanx man15:17
jarzthadoood, try a different program like vlc15:17
ikoniamacvr: no problem15:17
thadooodcan i apt-get vlc ?15:17
jarzi believe so15:17
IndyGunFreakthadoood: yes, you can15:17
bazhangthadoood, of course you can15:17
jarzikonia, thank you15:17
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CapAyam2??? i only ask man..15:17
=== CapAyam2 is now known as UbuntuVsMac
ikoniaCapAyam2: you and  newbie are the same person15:18
UbuntuVsMaci only ask15:18
jarzCapAyam2, this is for help, not trolling/flamewars15:18
bazhangUbuntuVsMac, not here15:18
Slartthadoood: I think a video out device in mplayer is something like one module for using SDL.. one module for outputting for example ascii graphics.. one module for xvideo.. the module you,or ubuntu, has chosen didn't work15:18
UbuntuVsMacya im same person15:18
jarzUbuntuVsMac, this is for help, not trolling/flamewars15:18
alinawhat is in german? the terminal?15:18
lscott3Can 2 rival video cards be installed at once?15:18
UbuntuVsMacmy intenet got problem15:18
thadooodSlart: can  i change modules inside of Mplayer ?15:18
Slartthadoood: I would start looking around in the preferences or something like that15:18
thadooodword up , will do15:19
jarzalina, i meant the menus15:19
alinano problem^^15:19
Slartthadoood: you can also run mplayer -vo help for a list of video devices you can choose between15:19
alinaI know how to open the terminal15:19
chuck_thadoood: if not aksed what type of dvd are you trying to play, ie movie bought from store15:19
Slartthadoood: try a few.. see if you can find one that works on your machine15:19
jarzalina, in the terminal run "sudo killall firefox"15:19
TMLIs it acceptable to post an 'enhancement request' via ubuntu-bug?15:19
mattgyversacarlson, if i were to pastebin my log.smbd would you be able to make heads or tails from it?15:20
macvrhi all... i need help installing ubuntu on an old virus infected netbook that is not able to boot into live usb , also has no cd drive... i tried using unetbootin to install, but not able to do a full install... how do i do a net install from my working ubuntu laptop to this netbook?15:20
bazhangTML, wishlist sure15:20
sacarlsonmattgyver: maybe go ahead if not me some else here can figure it out.15:20
TMLbazhang: Should I put 'wishlist' in as a tag?15:21
alinanothing happen15:21
TMLbazhang: Or what's the right way to mark this thing as 'wishlist'?15:21
neodragon_I have Jaunty install on this PC and I have VNC setup using Vino, but when I connect from my work, I can't open anything by clicking with the mouse.15:21
neodragon_I can see my desktop and I can move the mouse but it will not let me click or open anything, Help?15:21
mattycozeguy's what's quickest for a network file transfer, SSH or FTP?15:21
lscott3Anyone with experience in multiple monitors?15:21
ranfmattycoze, ssh encrypts, so it's slower15:22
jarzalina, try running firefox now15:22
mattycozeranf okay, probably best to set up a FTP session for quickest transfer/15:23
bazhangTML, not sure there about tagging15:23
jarzmattycoze, you mean scp vs. sftp?15:23
peterswinkelsHello, I'm using GNOME and have added the "GNOME Main Menu" applet to the panel. On one computer I've "shut down", "log out", and "lock screen" options in the top level menu. On the other computer I don't have them. I can't figure out how to add these options, I've looked everywhere... Does any one here know?15:23
mattycozeneither jarz i just want to backup 8 gig of data :D15:23
jarzlscott3, to some extent yes15:23
sacarlsonmattycoze:  they both work I just already have ssh so that's what I normaly use15:23
neodragon_I have Jaunty install on this PC and I have VNC setup using Vino, but when I connect from my work, I can't open anything by clicking with the mouse, Help?15:23
lscott3jarz: I found this article that explains how to set up 2 rival cards nvidia and ati thats what i have an 8600 GT with x130015:24
neodragon_I already have it set so I can control my desktop remotely as well15:24
metalfan_why does ubuntu 9.04 run my cpu all full speed all the time, trying to change it results in an error..15:24
lscott3let me pop the url up here so you can take a peek if you may15:24
sacarlsonmattycoze: oh 8 gig better to find the fastest15:24
lscott3jarz: http://preview.tinyurl.com/cw5ovn15:24
mattycozelol yeah15:24
mattycozeFTP is fastest i read.15:24
jarzmattycoze, yes ftp is faster15:24
gartralwhy is vegastrike in repos so smegging old?15:25
bazhangpeterswinkels, right click add to panel, scroll through choices and add15:25
thadooodok i got the video playing in MPlayer but its completely choppy15:25
thadooodreally really bad15:25
pqpqneodragon_, system > preferences  > remote desktop > x allow other users to control desktop15:25
peterswinkelsbazhang, add what?15:25
thadooodand video is slow15:25
moro[ita]can anybody help me? if i give "sudo vol_id /dev/sda3" I recive an "unknown or non-unique volume type (--probe-all lists possibly conflicting types)"15:25
bazhangpeterswinkels, the logout/shutdown as your choice15:26
moro[ita]because it can't understand if my filesystem, is vfat or ext315:26
neodragon_pqpq: I already have it set to allow others to control the desktop15:26
bazhangthadoood, compiz running?15:26
jarzlscott3, you're probably going to have to go through that blog post and do whatever the author did15:26
peterswinkelsbazhang, that would make these options appear on the panel itself. I want them in the Main Menu, some how I made that happen on one computer already15:26
thadooodcompiz ???15:26
jarzthadoood, desktop effects == compiz15:26
kolpuri'm unable to view videos with XV in mplayer ...15:27
bazhangpeterswinkels, right click on menu; edit menu15:27
thadooodyeah i have some slight desktop affects , nothing major , just a translucent shell15:27
kolpurWhat may be the problem ?15:27
pqpqneodragon_, how about , "you must confirm each access to this machine"15:27
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lscott3jarz: Here is the thing, I am not to swell at messing with the xorg.conf file. I blow big baby chunks!15:27
neodragon_pqpq: I made sure to uncheck that option15:27
peterswinkelsbazhang, I've looked there already. None of the available selections are related to what I want15:27
jarzpeterswinkels, do you have the "applications, places, settings" menu or do you have the one ubuntu icon that contains everything?15:28
gartralkolpur: can you use vlc/xine?15:28
lscott3jarz: i have no idea how to restore a backup xorg file from command line15:28
=== Tom_____ is now known as tom_de_tom
peterswinkelsbazhang, the one that contains everything all in one menu15:28
kolpurno.. even in vlc/xine i'm unable to view15:28
rainy-dayI have a usb drive and it takes too long to automount on ubuntu 8.10.. takes about 3 minutes or more15:28
neodragon_pqpq: I set a password for myself and it connects just fine, I just can't click on anything even though it will let me move the mouse.15:28
peterswinkelsjarz,  the one that contains everything all in one menu15:28
lscott3thanks though! I will give it a shot, first I am going to search to see how to restore a backup xorg file15:29
gartralkolpur: can you use any other codecs? (dxr3... if your machine has it)15:29
Jack_Sparrowlscott3 Do you have the backup xorg?15:29
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:29
jarzpeterswinkels, thats "Main Menu" in the "Add to Panel" dialog box15:29
chuck_kolpur type in terminal xvinfo15:29
pqpqneodragon_, what  vnc client do you use ?15:30
kolpurpresently i'm using X11 but unable to view them in full screen15:30
macvr hi all... i need help installing ubuntu on an old virus infected netbook that is not able to boot into live usb , also has no cd drive... i tried using unetbootin to install, but not able to do a full install... how do i do a net install from my working ubuntu laptop to this netbook?15:30
peterswinkelsjarz, yes I know, I have that menu on my panel already. It's just missing a few things I would like15:30
jarzkolpur, do you know what graphics card you're using?15:30
lscott3jack_sparrow I made a backup with this line sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak15:30
macvr hi all... i need help installing ubuntu on an old virus infected netbook that is not able to boot into live usb , also has no cd drive... i tried using unetbootin to install, but not able to do a full install... how do i do a net install from my working ubuntu laptop to this netbook?15:30
Jack_Sparrowlscott3 And you need to restore from command line?15:31
neodragon_pqpq: realvnc from work although I did try tightvnc as well and got the same results.15:31
jarzmacvr, please don't repeat yourself so much :)15:31
lscott3jack_sparrow Well not right but if things mess up when i mess with the xorg file when i try to work with my 3rd monitor15:31
Slartmacvr: no external cd/dvd drive you can use either?15:31
macvrjarz: i got disconnected...! sorry15:31
Jack_Sparrowlscott3 sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:31
macvrSlart: nope... :(15:31
peterswinkelsjarz, have a look at this screenshot http://www.euronet.nl/users/swinkels/laptop.png, and then look at http://www.euronet.nl/users/swinkels/pc.png15:31
lscott3jack_sparrow just backwards then?15:32
Jack_Sparrowlscott3 yep15:32
jimcooncatmacvr, you can do it with a pxe netboot install, but takes a while to set up15:32
lscott3Thanks alot15:32
Luriamacvr, pull the hdd, 2.5/3.5 adapter, install on  desktop, or use a network boot if the laptop supports it15:32
Jack_Sparrowcatsugo Please stop15:32
catsugoi don't know how to change room15:32
kolpurxvinfo gave me some information15:32
rainy-dayI have a usb drive and it takes too long to automount on ubuntu 8.10.. takes about 3 minutes or more.. I found this issue listed on support forum but nobody came up with a solution15:32
Jack_Sparrowcatsugo Would you like to join the Kubuntu Channel?15:32
gasullHi.  I have Ubuntu 8.04 still.  I have lots of configuration in /etc, lots of Python packages installed with easy install, and some other software installed in /usr/local/bin.  How should I upgrade to 9.04?15:32
gartralpeterswinkels: you miss windows much? lol15:32
neodragon_pqpq: if it makes any difference my work uses all windows XP PC's.15:33
Jack_Sparrowcatsugo Would you like to join the Kubuntu Channel?  /join #Kubuntu15:33
kolpurbut how does it help me in solving my problem15:33
macvrLuria: it supports a netboot... but the netboot install wiki has too many wiki and i got confused... could u point me to the right one?15:33
catsugothanks jack sparrow15:33
lscott3jack_sparrow jarz wish me luck!15:33
gasull(I meant easy_install)15:33
ryan41hey guys15:33
jarzpeterswinkels, my menu defaulted to the laptop one, i don't know why you wouldn't have the shutdown options15:33
neodragon_pqpq: I was able to do it with Hardy just fine using realvnc, but ever since I upgraded to Intrepid and then Jaunty It doesn't work right15:33
Luriamacvr, why dont you pull the hdd then? adapters are like $10-20.15:33
mattycozehey with the FTP file server i setup how do I target a directory that the FTP server can serve?15:34
ryan41I'm new tio ubuntu15:34
mattycozeranf @15:34
Jack_Sparrowlaura_ Agreed, way easier15:34
peterswinkelsjarz, you don't need to understand why I want them. Do you know how to add these options?15:34
macvrLuria: i'm not too much of an expert so didnt want to disassemble my drive... :(15:34
jarzmacvr, you already have a ubuntu computer?15:34
jarzpeterswinkels, sorry, i don't15:34
macvrjarz: yes a working ubuntu lapop15:34
ryan41how do I get songs to play by placing the mouse on it?15:34
CombatjuanHello.  Is it possible to format a USB drive such that it can boot into linux but it also has a normal fat32 partition for data?15:34
macvrjarz: laptop^15:34
neodragon_Combatjuan: yes it is15:35
Luriayour laptop probably has it on a pullable sled.. its a lot easier than configuring pxe15:35
gartralryan41: thats only a preveiw mode that play a minute of the file15:35
jarzhave you tried the System->Administration->USB Startup Disk Creator?15:35
Luriaand much faster15:35
jarz^^ macvr15:35
pronoy_Combatjuan: yes......but format means something different under linux15:35
ranfmattycoze, what's up?15:35
pqpqneodragon_, i'd try to disable desktop effects15:35
SydneyGuyHi all and how r u?15:35
Jack_SparrowCombatjuan YEs you can.  I wont walk you through it as I have little time left15:35
=== pronoy_ is now known as pronoy
mattycozeif I installed an FTP file server, how do I target a directory that the FTP server can serve? (i.e. the home directory /home/username/15:36
neodragon_pqpq: you think that might be lagging the connection15:36
macvrjarz: i tried using that but the netbook would boot into the live usb... tried unetbootin too..15:36
thadooodok i got Mplayer working great now , just had to play with preferences and do some tweaking to get it right , its working excellent so far now15:36
Combatjuanneodragon_, Jack_Sparrow: Great.  I can take it from here, I wasn't sure how to phrase the question for google.15:36
thadooodtank you all15:36
=== wet is now known as sagi-kun
alberto2000please help: system monitor says that my two cpu's (c2d 2.1ghz) are both all the time on 50% what could be causing this? im not running any intensive tasks15:36
Jack_Sparrowmattycoze Seek help on the actual app you are working with.. Tell people which version of Ubuntu etc15:36
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:36
jarzmacvr, did you make sure to set the bios to boot from usb?15:36
FrankQCalberto20: Check to make sure it's not the xorg15:37
Luriamacvr, another option is to boot floppy install debian15:37
FrankQCalberto20: xorg takes up a lot of cpu15:37
alberto2000FrankQC: how do i check15:37
gartralalberto2000: top in terminal15:37
alberto2000im on 9.0415:37
Luriamacvr, ://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WithFloppies15:37
macvrjarz: s checked the bios, it doesnt have a floppy drive either15:37
FrankQCalberto2000: Type "gnome-system-monitor" in the terminal OR "top"15:37
sacarlsonalberto2000: run top to find out what process is causing it.15:37
kolpurwhen i type mplayer <video.avi> .. its giving me error .. X11 error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)0.9% 0 015:38
gartralalberto2000: xorg, for being a system task, does tend to take a bit more time... but not nearly THAT much unless something went wrong15:38
alberto2000gartral: thanks. wow now i see that firefox is using 78%15:38
macvrLuria: it doesnt have floppy drive15:38
kolpurhow to resolve15:38
Luriamacvr, what laptop is this?15:38
alberto2000why does firefox use that much cpu ??15:38
macvrLuria: stupid 8 yr old netbook!15:38
gartralalberto2000: firefox is a system intensive task :)15:38
FrankQCalberto: kill firefox, there might be new Microsoft add-ons in there such as .net framework that slow down a lot15:38
neodragon_pqpq: the desktop effects never messed with the connect when I did on Hardy, why would it effect it on Jaunty?15:38
Lurianetbook? unless you are using a psion, its not a netbook...15:38
alberto2000i got only firebug add on installed15:39
oioiiiHi, I'm trying to get coredumping to work with apache2.2.8 and ubuntu804server15:39
chuck_kolpur it lets you know that xv is enabled so the problem is not with it. the first line should give you the version then screen # then driver, did it show that15:39
Jack_Sparrowmacvr If you insist on owning and working with a brick that has no input other that the keyboard or mouse, YOU need to do some research.15:39
Lurianot an 8 year old one, anyway15:39
gartralalberto2000: firebug is HORRIBLE15:39
FrankQCalberto: I'd say remove Firefox and use another browser i.e. Opera, Galeon, Midori15:39
FrankQCOr just remove all the add-ons ;P15:39
kolpurX-Video Extension version 2.215:39
kolpurscreen #015:39
kolpur  Adaptor #0: "Intel(R) Video Overlay"15:39
kolpur    number of ports: 115:39
pronoygartral alberto2000 : what does firebug do anyways ?15:39
FloodBot3kolpur: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:39
saivinFrankQC: do you personally use Opera? is that really good?15:40
kolpursorry for that15:40
oioiiiSetup CoreDumpDirectory incl. rights using ulimit in init script and /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpale is 115:40
macvrLuria: i think its 8 yrs.. not sure.. its just an old sony viao notebook...15:40
gartralalberto2000: remove firebug (or disable until you really need it) and restart firefox15:40
FrankQCsaivin: I have used it and it was fast. I use it in Linux when all else goes wrong lol15:40
alberto2000is opera cool on ubuntu? or is there some browser to recommend? i like firefox because of open standards15:40
oioiiibut cant get dumps. Any hints on coredumping with ubu804lts?15:40
gartralpronoy: firebug is supposed to help web devs squash bugs in their pages15:40
alberto2000gartral: need it all the time15:40
Jack_Sparrow!best > alberto200015:40
ubottualberto2000, please see my private message15:40
FrankQCalberto2000: use Galeon15:40
ranfmacvr, the easiest is to take the HD out and install on another laptop.15:41
ryan41how to mount all partitions permanently?15:41
FrankQCalberto2000: sudo aptitude install galeon15:41
saivinFrankQC, I have heard good things about opera from others too. but its not open source!15:41
Jack_Sparrowryan41 create mount points and add them to your etc/fstab15:41
alberto2000FrankQC: ok ill try. but i always need firebug. is there an equivalent?15:41
pqpqneodragon_, do you have nvidia card ?15:41
FrankQCsaivin: It is open source.15:41
chuck_kolpur do you have mplayer gui15:41
nibletscan anyone tell me how to access the keyring, just installed, and i cant seem to find it15:41
pronoy!fstab | ryan1415:41
ubotturyan14: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:41
gartralFrankQC: stop telling him to change browsers, firebug will load in galeon and any other mozilla browser15:41
FrankQCsaivin: Well it's free .... Similar to Firefox.15:41
* Ada2358 waits untill chrome is stable15:41
macvrranf: that is the last option i want to try! if i'm not able to figure out net install!15:41
FrankQCgartal: we're using Firefox for more options, he might prefer the speed of Galeon more15:41
kolpuri do have mplayer gui15:42
neodragon_pqpq: yes, nvidia geforce 7600gs 512MB AGP 8x15:42
FrankQCWe're using ubuntu* lol15:42
kuruminSUCH MY DICK15:42
ranfmacvr, does it offer PXE booting?15:42
alisoneai chicao15:42
ryan41ubottu: found an easier way ntfs-config15:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:42
Superdweebhey, can someone tell me how to turn off the kernel trying to initalize apic resources?15:42
saivinFrankQC: free as in freeware only right?15:42
alisonHello chisco15:42
Jack_SparrowSuperdweeb noapic in the boot line15:42
pronoy!language | kurumin15:42
ubottukurumin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:42
SuperdweebI tried that jack..15:42
FrankQCsaivin: Free as in you can use it for free, you'd have to read their copyright page15:42
gartralFrankQC: regardless... firebug is treated as a core mozilla plugin, and as such, will load with any mozilla browser that its on the same system as15:42
macvrranf: it has network booting option... but i just am not able to figure out the right wiki for the options!15:43
kolpuri changed the video driver to x11(ximage/shm) and viewing the videos but unable to view them in full screen ..15:43
nibletskeyring anyone?15:43
FrankQCgartal: ok so remove Firebug and if it doesn't work then use another browser if it keeps being slow :P15:43
Jack_SparrowSuperdweeb It works when done correctly, I also use noapic as well as acpi=off15:43
alisonhi everbody15:43
saivinFrankQC: is installing it as simple as sudo apt-get install opera? or we have to download bin from opera's site?15:43
gartralFrankQC: he said that he needs it...15:43
alisongo to hell, all of you15:43
Superdweebkernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic root=UUID=706436B164367A44 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro quiet nosplash noapic nosmp single15:43
FloodBot3alison: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:43
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:43
gartraloop, a sec too loate15:43
exodus_ms!info opera15:44
ubottuPackage opera does not exist in jaunty15:44
pronoysaivin: you can also download its .deb package15:44
Jack_Sparrowgartral Please dont call ops.. there are several watching15:44
FrankQCsaivin: I'm not sure. I think you have to download it from the site then "dpkg -i opera.deb"15:44
mattycozedoes anyone know how to configure an FTP server program for full read access to the /home/username directory, i'm using 8.10 atm with the program vsftpd15:44
chuck_kolpur what video card do you have15:44
gartralJack_Sparrow: well.. ya'll are hiding under those cloaks, we can't tell your here :P15:44
arvind_khadriubuntu doesnt use httpd.conf right ?15:44
SuperdweebJack, I'm using an IBM thinkpad t40, I have acpi but no apic.15:44
Luriaif you can't understand how to change the instructions for your system, then pulling your hdd will be hours faster15:44
Jack_Sparrowgartral :)15:44
exodus_msecho "deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list15:44
talcitehi guys. Has anyone set up binary Nvidia drivers with 2xgtx260s before?15:44
* NetEcho is away (I am away - BNC)15:44
Lone_Crowanyone run ubuntu on ps3?15:45
=== NetEcho is now known as netecho
kolpurVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller15:45
=== netecho is now known as NetEcho
arvind_khadriJack_Sparrow: hi15:45
talciteI tried using envy and the Xserver won't restart15:45
saivinHey its not ubuntu specific but I see comments like !info opera, !blah.. what does the one starting with '!' mean?15:45
Luriaoff to install vista15:45
Jack_Sparrowhey arvind_khadri15:45
gartral!ubottu | salvin15:45
ubottusalvin: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:45
arvind_khadriJack_Sparrow: ubuntu doesnt anymore use httpd.conf right in context of apache215:45
nibletsanyone, help with my keyring please?15:45
bigpreshsaivin: They're instructions to bots which sit in the channel15:45
macvrLuria: was the PXE for me?15:45
rainy-dayI have a usb drive and it takes too long to automount on ubuntu 8.10.. takes about 3 minutes or more.. I found this issue listed on support forum but nobody came up with a solution15:45
Jack_Sparrowarvind_khadri No idea, I dont do Apache215:45
Luriaand the following comment15:46
macvrLuria: thanx...15:46
gartralarvind_khadri: i dont understand how you could run a webserver with httpd.conf...15:46
gartralarvind_khadri: without*15:46
mattycozedoes anyone know how to configure an FTP server program for full read access to the /home/username directory, i'm using 8.10 atm with the program vsftpd15:46
saivinbigpresh: n what do they do? are they like link to some info? how to use them?15:46
porter1My laptop shutoff early and now I get the infamous FATAL could not load modules.dep. How might I reinstall the kernel?15:46
jarzmattycoze, look up vsftpd on google for information15:46
Helplesshello again ,15:47
bigpreshsaivin: read what ubottu just told you (in response to gartral's command)15:47
alberto2000can i somehow use firebug with galeon browser?15:47
macvrLuria: not that i wasnt able t figure out the change but , i wasnt able to figure which was the best wiki to use!15:47
alberto2000not firebug lite pls15:47
Helplessdoes anybody have an idea about how to install TOR ?15:47
FrankQCI don't know15:47
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks15:47
exodus_msmattycoze, ---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7958815:47
ryan41I want to find a server for soccer15:47
Benwahi, i renamed a folder in an external drive on fat32. But all the files who were in the folder have disappeard. Any idea?15:47
gartralalberto2000: what do you need firebug for??15:47
Lone_Crowanyone run ubuntu on ps3?  if so how easy is it to set up and run? What is the latest version I should get?15:47
arvind_khadrigartral: but its balnk15:47
Benwanothing with ctrl h15:47
alberto2000gartral: css development15:47
alberto2000and stuff15:47
pronoyHelpless: go to their site and install the linux packge15:47
Luriajust note that was written from the standpoint of having a desktop ubuntu (or at least linux) box around15:47
HelplessI cant find the linux package :s15:48
gpledhas anyone been able to get email from an exchange 2007 server?15:48
gartralalberto2000: nvu... or kompozer...15:48
Helplessjust found the sourcecode15:48
chuck_kolpur are you using ubuntu 9.0415:48
WandererIs Jaunty Production with 5yr support?15:48
Helplessand the windows version15:48
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.15:48
mattycozethanks exodus_ms that makes it much easier15:48
gartral!lts | Wanderer15:48
ubottuWanderer: please see above15:48
exodus_msmattycoze, np15:48
saivini didnot get any message. I use irssi...15:48
Benwawhen i use testdisk i've got similar problems15:49
parapanghelescuhello guys15:49
alberto2000gartral: are those plugins for galeon?15:49
pronoyHelpless: http://vocf.wordpress.com/2008/02/18/using-tor-in-ubuntu-torify-our-life/15:49
Luriai wonder if my 8gb ram order went through on amazon15:49
kolpurya ... i'm using 9.0415:49
parapanghelescuneed a quick help with the configuration of Evolution client with Microsoft exchange server15:49
gartralalberto2000: no, there both stand alone apps that dont have webbrowser dependencies15:49
parapanghelescuanyone in the mood ?15:49
AllStarhey i need some help15:49
nilson_Does anyone else have bugs with the "tracker" app?15:49
Helplesspronoy: Thanks ill check it :)15:49
gpledparapanghelescu: thats what im working on15:49
nilson_It constantly tells me the index is corrupted15:49
gpledparapanghelescu: what version of exchange?15:49
Benwaanybody to help me? i've lost important files!!15:49
Luriahmmm.... not yet shipped15:50
Jack_Sparrow!ask > AllStar15:50
ubottuAllStar, please see my private message15:50
arvind_khadrigartral: httpd.conf is blank, is that the way its meant to be15:50
gartralnilsoni cant get my tracker to complete my drive15:50
parapanghelescugpled ? can I make-it in private ?15:50
pronoyBenwa: ask15:50
nilson_I have to kill `ps waux | awk '/tracker/ {print $2}'` every time I boot15:50
chuck_kolpur try this see if it helps. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.415:50
Benwai already ask...15:50
gartralarvind_khadri: no.... but i dont know how ubuntu is setup15:50
nilson_else it wont leave me alone15:50
Jack_SparrowLuria Please dont chat.. in the support channel15:50
Benwa i renamed a folder in an external drive on fat32. But all the files who were in the folder have disappeard. Any idea?15:50
saivin!ask > saivin15:50
ubottusaivin, please see my private message15:50
Benwanothing with ctrl h15:50
pIsIqhow can i link my ip with my domain ? so if someone enter in a url my domain to see the website from my server15:50
gartralnilsonsame here15:50
Benwawhen i use testdisk i've got similar problems15:50
deanyIve had ubuntu jaunty restart gdm by itself a couple of times today.. first when using vbox,  and just now working with file-roller... it drops to a tty prompt, then couple of seconds later brings me back to the login screen.. I log in and none of my programs are running.15:50
erUSUL!notes | nilson_ is known issue see the solution on the release notes15:50
gartralnilson same here15:50
ubottunilson_ is known issue see the solution on the release notes: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes15:50
Luriasorry, should have made that an away message15:51
AllStari tried to install apche,and i followed the instruction here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#To%20install%20the%20default%20LAMP%20stack%20in%20Ubuntu%207.04%20(Feisty%20Fawn)%20Ubuntu%207.10%20(Gutsy%20Gibbon)%20Ubuntu%208.04%20LTS%20(Hardy%20Heron)%20and%208.10%20(Intrepid%20Ibex)15:51
raven_hi - obvisiousy i have problems making usable AC3 files (with cinelerra) - the files are broken - could someonee help me? tnx...15:51
sacarlsonBenwa: try ls -A15:51
nilson_erUSUL, thank you15:51
Benwai already try it15:51
Jack_SparrowAllStar Apache has a channel here..15:51
gartralraven_: why do you need AC3 files?15:51
AllStarJack_sparrow oh is it. Thanks15:51
sacarlsonBenwa: you sure the disk is mounted  df command15:52
pronoyBenwa: in the drive properties does it show any memory used ?15:52
AllStarhow do i connect apache network ?15:52
WandererJack_Sparrow: I know what LTS means.  Looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames though, none of the versions are tagged as LTS15:52
Benwayes it was mounted when i tried ls -A15:52
scribawflooking for a pckg that will backup/clone HD w/win & Linux any suggestions, please?15:52
Jack_SparrowAllStar /join Apache15:52
raven_gartral i am producing a three-channel-video...15:52
Jack_SparrowWanderer LEt me look15:52
AllStarNothing happen when i type /join Apache15:53
sacarlsonBenwa: ls -A didn't tell you what was mounted on the directory just what was in it.15:53
Wanderersome such as hardy say "5 year support" but Jaunty doesn't say anything15:53
gartralAllStar: /join #apache15:53
Benwa<sacarlson> i know15:53
Jack_SparrowWanderer http://www.ubuntu.com/products/ubuntu/release-cycle15:53
gartralAllStar: you need the pound (#)15:53
Jack_Sparrowmy mistake AllStar15:53
pqpqneodragon_, unless you turn off desktop effects it wont work, there is known bug in jaunty when using nvidia-restricted driver and compiz desktop15:54
WandererJack_Sparrow: so no LTS in 9.X,  thanks for the answer15:54
AgionzHello! I can't get to the ubuntu log in screen or to the shell mode by pressing alt+ctrl+F1. When the boot is finished the screen goes almost black and there's some unreadable text and some purple lines on the top. Could anyone help?15:55
Jack_SparrowAgionz Did this install ever work15:55
AgionzJack sparrow, what install?15:55
=== ubuntu is now known as EdgEy
Jack_SparrowAgionz The ubuntu OS that you are trying to get a shell from15:56
AgionzJack sparrow, I updated hardy 8.10 to 9.04 and 9.04 never worked.. I did it few days ago15:56
EdgEyanyone know the bot command for live usb ?15:56
methodsbrasero keeps burning udf fs to my cdr's!15:56
methodswhy in the world is it not using iso ?15:56
Jack_SparrowAgionz Makes no sense, either it did the did not or it never did15:57
IndyGunFreakmethods: use gnomebaker..15:57
gartralraven_: a three channel video... what?15:57
raven_gartral could you ask a bit more detailed?15:57
methodsIndyGunFreak:  but i've used brasero before or am i mistaken ?15:57
HelplessIve installed TOR15:57
Helplessand Vidalia15:58
Helplessbut Tor doesnt work15:58
Helplessthats the error i get15:58
IndyGunFreakmethods: i've never gotten brasero to burn iso's right, but thats not to say it can't be done15:58
AgionzJack sparrow, I updated it by the upgrade manager. 8.10 worked but 9.04 fails. I can't understand it either. and that's why I'm here.. Could be some graphical problem but xorg.log doesn't show any failiours15:58
Jack_Sparrow!enter ? Helpless15:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:58
Jack_Sparrow!enter > Helpless15:58
gartralraven_: im trying to get details out of you, what the smeg is a "three channel video"?15:58
ubottuHelpless, please see my private message15:58
sacarlsonEdgEy:  I think you have to set the boot sequence in the bios to boot your usb device15:58
_furu_hi all, i have a soundblaster X-fi extreme music and i got a Digit I/O but even if i enable digit I/O on the creative alsa mixer (show as a switch) i still dont get digit I/O. I dualboot xp and there it works but i cant stand being in windows:( any ideas anyone?15:58
ubuntufuck you15:58
HelplessIve installed tor but it crashes when i start vidalia15:59
Helplesshere is the error message15:59
chuck_Agionz: reboot into rescue mode type sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg then reboot what is happening is X is trying to boot the 8.10 drivers15:59
thadooodVLC player blows man15:59
thadooodthis shit sucks15:59
FloodBot3thadoood: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:59
thadooodshuddap stupid bot16:00
khensthoththadoood: : Why does it suck?16:00
Superdweebhey jack, do you think it's all the same guy coming in here and spamming?16:00
Agionzchuck, ok. I'll be back if that doesn't work. Thanks!16:00
bazhangthadoood, watch your language16:00
Boohbahkhensthoth: do not feed the troll16:00
Superdweebif so, just silence the beast.16:00
Superdweebkicking him will result in him coming back and using a different proxy.16:00
khensthothBoohbah: Ah. Just got here. Didn't know he's a troll.16:00
thadooodits really choppy and the audio is choppy , and then like Mplayer still wont play right and it wont play the dvd right and goto the dvd menus and stuff16:00
Superdweebover and over.16:00
Jack_Sparrow!attitude > thadoood16:00
ubottuthadoood, please see my private message16:00
HelplessHere is the error message when vidalia tries to run TOR16:00
Superdweebthadoood, it could be the drivers.16:01
Benwa<pronoy> Benwa: in the drive properties does it show any memory used ? <== what do you mean?16:01
methodsIndyGunFreak:  gnome baker didn't work either16:01
thadooodyeah , im trying to check different combinations right now , its just irratating16:01
Gnom_KillaDoes Gnome killa work LOL16:01
Superdweebthadoood, video card drivers.16:01
=== ward_ is now known as Wardje
raven_gartral ac3 =dd = >2 chan audio || ac3 + avi = video muxx - ok?16:01
Gnom_KillaI need help with compiz I cannot run it without my graphics freaking out16:01
furuCan anyone help me to get Digit I/O to work on jaunty. I got a Soundblaster X-fi music16:01
thadooodATI and thier up to date16:02
Jack_SparrowGnom_Killa try /join #Compiz16:02
Superdweebuse only gstream-ugly + libdvdcss2 for dvd playback.16:02
pronoyBenwa: does the drive show any memory used....just to check whether the data is still in the nodes of the disk ?16:02
Gnom_KillaI am running a 256mb  video card onboard 2.5ghz duel core proc 2 gig ram pc16:02
=== davidf88 is now known as Davidf88
Superdweebthadoood, use radeon instead of fgrlx.16:02
Gnom_KillaI run ubuntu linux 9.0416:02
pIsIqhello, can someone tell me how can i add a domain host to a home server ip address?16:02
ikoniapIsIq: update /etc/hosts16:02
thadooodcan i change that in the video options ?16:02
Gnom_Killapis depends what ur os is16:02
altmanjoin #wesnoth16:02
Superdweebthadoood, I don't really know if that's a logical question.16:03
Gnom_Killausing ubuntu u can goto network settings & configgure it16:03
jarzaltman, don't spam16:03
Superdweebyou should only have one installed at a time.16:03
pIsIqi bought a domain 10 mins ago, and i want to redirect or something the domain host to my ip16:03
thadooodwhy isnt it a logical question ?16:03
porter1Argh recover mode doesn't have wireless support...16:03
Gnom_KillaPis did you goto system administration network?16:04
Gnom_Killayour wanting to serve a host using your domain right?16:04
furuCan anyone help me to get Digit I/O to work on jaunty. I got a Soundblaster X-fi music? have enabled the digit I/O on the creative alsa mixer but it still doesnt work.. it works in xp...but i hate to boot up xp just to get sound... or having to change the cables behind the reciver16:04
Benwa<pronoy> yes16:04
Gnom_KillaI need help with compiz can anyone assist??16:04
pIsIqwell i bought sabinandrei.com so i want when i enter in a browser www.sabinandrei.com to open the page on my computer16:04
pIsIqfrom* my computer16:05
Benwa<pronoy> but right click on the folder ==> nothing, 0 files, o bite16:05
Gnom_Killaok pis what you trying to do? are you tryign to host a webpage from your linux pc using your host?16:05
ikoniapIsIq: update /etc/hosts16:05
Gnom_Killaor you trying to just monitor your site?16:05
pronoyBenwa: so it means the data has been removed16:05
pIsIqim tryeing to make the dns16:05
Jack_SparrowBenwa I would look at some of the usb recovery tools for windows..16:05
ikoniapIsIq: ok - so you need to have multiple dns servers on static ip addresses on the internet16:06
sacarlsonbenwa: yes being like 1 gig or smaller than it might have been16:06
Benwa<pronoy> but how? i just renamed a folder16:06
pronoyJack_sparrow : good idea i was going to suggest the same16:06
pIsIqi have16:06
pronoyBenwa: frankly speaking not clear on that16:06
ikoniapIsIq: ok - so what's the problem then ?16:06
Gnom_KillaPis you hosting website??16:06
pIsIqdont know how to activate it so if u ping sabinandrei.com to ping my ipaddress16:06
Gnom_Killausing linux web hosting??16:07
W_I_L_L_Ihey guys, Ive got a question: when will the fix for the wikipedia fetch problem in amarok 1.4.10 be in the repostitries??16:07
ikoniapIsIq: you need to cnfigure the zones on your dns servers16:07
ikoniapIsIq: update your master dns server and it will propogate to your slaves16:07
Gnom_Killaikon is he tryig to host he not awnsering me16:07
pronoyW_I_L_L_I: not sure on that but you can always register for nightly builds.........google nightly builds+amarok16:07
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox16:08
Gnom_Killa Ineed help configuring compiz anyone know?? I cannot use certain stuff without the graphics freaking out16:08
Benwa<Jack_Sparrow> <pronoy> <sacarlson> when i use testdisk; there is some files in the folder. But this the files of the root of the disk.16:08
pIsIqim trying this : if u open sabinandrei.com to open the    where is my localhost16:08
ikoniaGnom_Killa: 1.) what ubuntu version 2.) what video card16:08
DillizarGnom_Killa, i have the same problem so i have e17 now and its kewl :)16:08
garchotronhello, i'm in ubuntu and have an odd problem with a script: it has to make some symlinks named after the current weekday weekday (as given from date +%A), i have LANG=es_AR (spanish argentina). If i invoke date +%A from command line it gives me the weekday in spanish, but when the script is invoked from cron i creates the symlinks in english! what is wrong? please help me out is for my work16:08
gartralmy pastebitit is broken...16:08
ikoniapIsIq: you need to configure your DNS servers on the internet16:09
DillizarGnom_Killa, you have nvidia right :)16:09
Gnom_KillaI am running ubuntu linux 9.0416:09
ikoniapIsIq: you need to have multiple DNS servers on the internet16:09
Gnom_Killavideo I dunno its universal16:09
ikoniapIsIq: do you have any dns serves16:09
ikoniaGnom_Killa: lspci - look at what video card you have16:09
Gnom_KillaI got a 256mb onboard video card16:09
Gnom_Killabrand new 200916:09
ikoniaGnom_Killa: lspci - look at what video card you have16:09
pIsIqikonia how ?16:09
iceroot!ask | Gnom_Killa16:09
ubottuGnom_Killa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:09
ikoniapIsIq: you need to contact a hosting company to run them for you16:09
ikoniapIsIq: or buy the machines your server and host them16:10
Dillizar!graphic card16:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about graphic card16:10
Gnom_KillaI am not askign to ask I am trying to get help16:10
pronoy!vga | Dillizar16:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vga16:10
ikoniaGnom_Killa: what video card do you have16:10
Gnom_Killahold on distracted by dumb bot16:10
IndyGunFreakGnom_Killa: as said, type "lspci" in a terminal, no quotes, hit enter, and see how it shows your graphics device16:10
thadooodso Superdweeb: how do i get the radeon drivers ?16:10
Gnom_Killayeah I am gotr distracted16:10
sacarlsonBenwa: I know this is stupid but you did look in the .trash dir16:11
DranghekRug users @ here?16:11
DillizarGnom_Killa, sudo lspci |more16:11
Dranghekhet is idd 5 uur geweest!16:11
Benwaand when i use testdisk i've got similar problems16:11
Dranghekover werenk...16:11
Gnom_KillaI got a VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 10)16:11
=== MeLih is now known as EnziM
garchotronDranghek, i use DRUGS, dunnno if it helps tho...16:11
W_I_L_L_Inederlandstaligen onder ons16:11
Gnom_Killaooohh its not using roper drivers16:11
W_I_L_L_Iik heb een vraagje16:11
RuG-Adrikick Drankhek16:12
Gnom_Killahow would I update this in linux16:12
Dillizar!compiz | Gnom_Killa16:12
ubottuGnom_Killa: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion16:12
Benwa<sacarlson> yes i did16:12
garchotroni'm in ubuntu and have an odd problem with a script: it has to make some symlinks named after the current weekday (as given from date +%A), i have LANG=es_AR (spanish argentina). If i invoke date +%A from command line it gives me the weekday in spanish, but when the script is invoked from cron i creates the symlinks in english! what is wrong? please help me out is for my work16:12
Gnom_KillaI can run it problem is when I do the graphics freak & cause it to scramble16:12
Benwa<sacarlson> the trash dir fro, ubuntu and the from the disk16:12
Gnom_Killaquit abusing the bot with random crap16:12
khensthothGnom_Killa: That's an Intel GMA. There are some problems with the Intel Drivers now.16:12
Benwadamn qwerty16:12
Gnom_Killaaawww.. ok I install my other graphics card then also 256mb16:13
Gnom_Killathx for help16:13
Gnom_Killabrb installing another graphics card16:13
jarzGnom_Killa, things should be better with the 2.6.30 kernel16:13
IndyGunFreakGnom_Killa: your best bet is to wait till the intel driver is fixed.. thats what i've done.16:13
thadooodhow do i get the radeon drivers16:13
Gnom_Killawhen that coming out?16:13
thadooodhow do i get the radeon drivers16:13
space_cadetok guys16:13
jarzGnom_Killa, a while16:13
Gnom_KillaI am running 9.04 ubuntu now16:13
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:14
space_cadeti found this thing in my basement16:14
Gnom_Killasigh.. fug it I just run other card :P16:14
Gnom_Killathnsa k u all16:14
FloodBot3Gnom_Killa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:14
foreplayis there a way to upgrade to straight to 9.04 in ubuntu from 8.04 or do i have to upgrade to 8.10 first ?16:14
chuck_Gnome_Killa , jarz try this see if it helps. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.416:14
khensthothforeplay: 8.10 first. Use CD to upgrade to 9.04, if you want to be faster16:15
JPZHello everyone, I'm having a hard time getting ARPwatch to ingore a network. Anyone have experience using it ? I'm using ubuntu 8.10. I'm using the -z flag, but I still receive flip flop alarms about that network.16:15
sacarlsonBenwa: to be sure there is nothing left to see you might just paist.ubuntu.com  the output of both fdisk -l   and  df   beyond that?16:15
dragoI barely understood that advice - I have Intel G45 chipset, but never got it working properly.16:16
pronoyis there an alternative to timidity ?16:16
patrikHi I need some advice on what NAS to buy. I need RAID 1 and to be able to mount it properly on my ubuntu desktop client. Preferably a NAS that runs linux,16:16
pronoyi can't get sound on wine while using guitar pro516:16
sacarlsonBenwa: opps I mispelled paste.unbuntu.com  dislecsic you know16:16
space_cadethttp://i41.tinypic.com/174a41.jpg  << what is this?16:17
space_cadeti got another pic of it16:18
bazhangspace_cadet, try in ##hardware16:18
dmcoeWhat would be some benefits to running a ubuntu server vs. a debian server?16:18
pronoy!ot | space_cadet16:19
ubottuspace_cadet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:19
geniidmcoe: Support16:19
bazhangdmcoe, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic16:19
Gnom_Killaquestion is I have jaunty partner & jaunty partner source unactivated should I activate them in sources?16:19
pronoyGnom_Killa: yes16:19
bazhangGnom_Killa, if you wish to install from them then yes16:19
pronoyGnom_Killa: and do a apt-get update16:19
geniidmcoe: There is also #ubuntu-server for questions relating to that version16:19
Gnom_Killawonder why it was unactive by default...16:19
bazhangGnom_Killa, the jaunty upgrade process disables them16:20
pronoyGnom_Killa: it always is16:20
whatvnhello all!16:20
dmcoegenii: bazhang  thanks16:20
drago<khensthoth> I got Intel G45, what are the problems you mentioned to gnomkilla?16:20
Gnom_Killaok If I come abck in windows then it failed & have 2 re-install ubuntu LOL16:20
Gnom_Killabbs all I hope im afk16:20
jolucarasomeone can help me with settings printfinger Dell16:21
JPZAnyone able to help regarding my arpwatch issue ? -- unable to exclude a network from being monitored.16:21
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:21
jolucarasomeone can help me with settings printfinger Dell16:21
Drangheksomeone can help me with... me with playing counterstrike on ubuntu?16:21
pronoy!hi | administrator__16:21
ubottuadministrator__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:21
khensthothdrago: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 Issues with Intel Drivers are discussed in there.16:21
Drangheki play it on wine But it play not smooth16:21
DranghekWho can help me..16:22
pronoyanybody knows an alternative to timidity..no sound while playing guitar pro5 on wine....16:22
ddurhamanyone using the glassfish packages on Jaunty?16:22
whatvnI'm running ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop (dell vostro 1400), its has no bluetooth device, so I bought a new external bluetooth device, but when a attach to laptop (through usb port), ubuntu don't found this new hardware? my question: how can I force ubuntu to find this new device?16:22
khensthothdrago: Don't think your graphic card was mentioned specifically, but I've read that it has problems too.16:23
ribasushiis the Ubuntu license classic GPL - as in can I charge to install it on computers I sell?16:23
teckywhatvn, if you ' lspci '  does the device show up?16:23
=== Amigadude is now known as AD-AFK
Gnom_KillaOk I am missing somthing for compiz but dunno what I think its manager but when I do sudo apt-get install compiz* it does nto install even after pdate16:23
Benwa<sacarlson> http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-14010   the concerned disk is /dev/sdh1 - FAT16:23
bazhang!ccsm | Gnom_Killa16:23
ubottuGnom_Killa: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:23
Gnom_Killathats whatt I am missing thx16:24
whatvntecky: no :(16:24
drago<khensthoth> whats crazy is that i was using 8.04 and finally got it working ok, not good, then i tried a live cd of 9.04, and it worked really good - automatically.  thats why i upgraded, but now its the same as before16:24
ranfwhatvn, lsusb is better for USB16:24
gartralDranghek: this is potentially dangerous, but I do it... renice hl2.exe as -5 your *system* will lag, but the game will smooth out16:24
TheFunkbomb2is there an easy way to change the colors of the icons in Appearance?16:25
teckywhatvn, try a different usb port, if that fails try also restarting the laptop with the device plugged in, or taken out till the machine is fully started then plug it in for hotswap to detect16:25
Gnom_Killahere we go again LOL16:25
teckywhatvn, see if it shows up then16:25
drago<khensthoth> id like to boot live cd, record which/how the driver is used, then boot back to HD and set those settings.  do you know how can I do that?16:25
=== Gnom_Killa is now known as Gnome_killa_awy
whatvntecky: Bus 006 Device 003: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode), isn't it?16:25
teckywhatvn, thats it16:25
whatvnbut bluetooth manager don't see it16:26
teckywhatvn, sec16:26
thadooodwhat is a text editor i can use in recovery console ?16:26
Benwa<sacarlson> any idea?16:26
thadooodi knew one but i forgot it16:26
Dranghekgartral what do yo udo with hl?16:26
space_cadetthadoood, vi16:26
whatvntecky: sec? what do you mean?16:26
aatacan anyone tell me if the broadcom bcm4138 chipset works in jaunty? ive got a dell inspiron.16:27
Benwamean 2 seconds please16:27
pronoythadooo: vim16:27
whatvntecky: please help, I dont have experience with this16:27
thadooodvim seems to suck , it wont let me do anything16:27
space_cadetthadoood, like?16:28
Dr_Willisthadoood:  learn to use the tool?16:28
Gnome_killa_awyI need to reset to get effects working?16:28
thadooodlike i cant type anything or i cant get past the first screen16:28
space_cadetthadoood, man vim16:28
thadooodi cant man shit right now16:28
Dr_Willisi recall theres a 'vimtutor' command.16:28
Gnome_killa_awyguess not LOL16:28
Gnome_killa_awythats cool16:28
thadooodVIM is being a total homo16:28
Dr_Willisthadoood:   its a poor workman that blames his tools...16:28
sacarlsonBenwa: well it's in french or somthing but from what I think I see is a very small part used like nothing.  so if it had much in it before it must be gone.16:28
thadooodi know it Dr_Willis16:28
teckywhatvn, sudo modprobe hci_usb16:28
space_cadetthadoood, then try vi16:29
bazhangthadoood, watch the language and attitude16:29
thadooodi tryed vi , thats what got me to vim16:29
Dr_Willisvim is an impmention of 'vi'16:29
teckywhatvn, or if that doesn't work ' sudo modprobe btusb '16:29
Dr_Willisif you want a easier console editor, try nano, or mcedit16:29
Drangheknano is very good!16:29
raven_hi - obvisiousy i have problems making usable AC3 files (with cinelerra) - the files are broken - could someonee help me? tnx...16:29
teckywhatvn, its got 2 different options for it that i'm reading16:30
DranghekVi, to diffucult for most people16:30
sacarlson Benwa:  no wait I see still has 80% used16:30
space_cadetrofl @ "cutting and yanking"16:30
gartralDranghek: ps aux | hl2.exe <- that command finds your game and -> renice -5 (number) <- sets the nice level down, giving the game more priority16:30
darksifercan sm1 point me the room for microsoft am having problems with pidgin and live messenger. please16:30
ribasushiis the Ubuntu license classic GPL - as in can I charge to install it on computers I sell?16:30
khensthothdrago: See IM16:30
Benwa<sacarlson> yes all the other files are still there16:30
whatvntecky: fist command gives me an error, 2nd return nothing16:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about licensing16:30
FloodBot3space_cadet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:30
teckypastebin the error please16:30
gcorvalais the grub compiled with netboot support on ubuntu repos ?16:31
whatvnand bt manager still doesn't see it16:31
Benwa <sacarlson> it's just the files of one folder who disapeard16:31
teckywhatvn, pastebin the error please**16:31
sacarlson Benwa: so it looks mounted ok but you look in terminal ls -A /media/FAT16:31
jolucara1someone can help me with settings printfinger Dell16:31
Benwa <sacarlson> sorry for my bad english16:31
jolucara1someone can help me with settings printfinger Dell16:31
space_cadetjolucara, print dell?16:31
space_cadetjolucara, good luck16:31
whatvntecky: FATAL: Module hci_usb not found., only this line16:32
ranfjolucara, or do you mean "thinkfinger"?16:32
Benwa<sacarlson> i already did that. there is nothing in the concerned folder16:32
u2piangiven a system file, how can we tell using dpkg, what package that file belongs to?16:32
jolucara1what happens is that the system recognizes it or me16:32
jtajiu2pian: dpkg -S file16:33
Benwa<sacarlson> except with testdisk16:33
sacarlsonBenwa:  oh just one folder in the partiton sorry  maybe you juts moved it to a location you don't know.  if you know what is in a file you can grep to find where it might be.16:33
whatvntecky: is there any solution for me?16:34
Benwa<sacarlson> no i did not move the folder. I just rena,ed it.16:34
AgionzI can't get to the shell even on recovery mode :/ anyone help?16:34
Benwa*renamed, damn qwerty16:34
sacarlsonBenwa:  rename is moving i guess maybe16:34
thadooodcan some one tell me of a simpler text editor for recovery console16:34
Benwayes ==> mv16:34
aatais anyone using the broadcom bcm4138 chipset in jaunty'?16:35
teckywhatvn, ' sudo hcitool scan '16:35
Benwa<sacarlson> but i did it graphically not in the treminal16:35
gcorvaladoes someone use the ifconfig cmd in grub ?16:35
usser thadoood nano16:35
thadooodnano ?16:35
thadooodyeah thats the one i was looking for16:35
Benwa<thadoood> pico16:35
thadooodi used it before but forgot the name16:35
sacarlsonBenwa:  so last thing I can think of is grep for a string that you know is a file.  if it searches the whole disk without finding it it must be gone.16:36
whatvntecky: no such device, no device found16:36
gcorvala( it seems that nobody use the netboot feature from grub :( )16:36
Benwa!wiki pico > thadoood16:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki pico16:36
mihamina_hi all16:36
Benwa<sacarlson> ok i try it now16:36
Benwa<sacarlson> what is the good syntax?16:37
aatano one?!16:37
mihamina_I lost X on my machine, and I want to burn a bootable ISO, what would be the cdrecord command?16:37
Benwafind | grep NAME_OF_MY_FILE   ??16:37
teckywhatvn, ' lsusb | grep Blue '16:37
sacarlsonBenwa:  grep -r string_you_are_looking_for *16:37
Benwa<sacarlson> thanx16:38
screamsayonarawhat is wrong if i type "apt-get wesnoth" and it says "E: Invalid operation Wesnoth"16:38
whatvntecky: Bus 006 Device 003: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)16:38
rumpel2apt-get install wesnoth16:38
sacarlsonBenwa:  this is looking for something in a file.  if you know a name of a file then use find -name "filename_you_know"16:38
pronoyscreamsayonara: you have to install it !!16:38
screamsayonaraah thx <316:38
alberto2000anyone: how to dump the ram in jaunty?16:38
screamsayonaraim a noob16:39
teckywhatvn, ' sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth start '16:39
usseralberto2000: dd if=/dev/mem of=dump.img16:39
SydneyGuyI installed Ubuntu 9.04 on iMac 24" ... I have Mac OS X and Windows Vista Ultimate ..I can not make a Swap Partition .. how can I make a Swap file ..I am chatting from it now16:40
alberto2000usser thx16:40
chuck__screamsayon, sudo apt-get install package name16:40
antonio_Hi! i have a laptop computer, and i have microphones integrated in it... i'm not able to use theme (i think i need some drivers), could anybody help me fixing that problem?16:40
SydneyGuyI have 4 GB of RAM16:40
Cousssanyone know how to change the mouse scroll from switching between workspaces16:40
jarzSydneyGuy, you don't *need* swap i think16:40
pronoyCousss: go to ccsm16:40
whatvntecky: start ok16:40
usseralberto2000: scratch that, it doesnt work that way16:41
AgionzHi! After upgrading to ubuntu 9.04 my computer hasn't worked. Boot seems to work fine but I can't het to the log in window- Anyone help?16:41
teckywhatvn, ' sudo hcitool dev'16:41
AgionzI can't even get to the shell in recovery mode16:41
usseralberto2000: i dont think you can have direct access to ram like that16:41
Gnome_KillaYep did nto work I activate blur & ahve to remove compiz to get my screen back after reset...16:41
pokolokoHello everybody16:41
alberto2000usser: doesnt matter anyways but thx tho16:42
Gnome_KillaDoes anyone know if I could get the old beryl working? might function better then compiz fusion16:42
whatvntecky: devices: hci000:19:86:00:02:9016:42
teckythere you go : )16:42
teckywhatvn, check the devices16:42
khensthothQuick question: Is amd64 essentially the same thing as x86_64?16:42
Gnome_Killappl say it died but ya know what the graphics in beryl more impressive16:42
jarzkhensthoth, yes16:42
usserGnome_Killa: nah it wont, beryl is a dead end16:42
khensthothThanks, jarz16:42
=== powwo is now known as Mujava
whatvntecky: bt manager dont see it16:43
Gnome_KillaI seen video of beryl its impresive. there any way 2 install it?16:43
pronoyGnome_Killa: its dead...16:43
Gnome_KillaI cannot get alot of compiz to work right16:43
pokolokoQuestion: Are there any essential programs for keeping my computer safe in ubuntu ?16:43
whatvntecky: how can I use it when bt manager dont see it?16:43
rumpel2pokoloko, what do you meant "safe"?16:43
antonio_Hi! i have a laptop computer, and i have microphones integrated in it... i'm not able to use theme (i think i need some drivers), could anybody help me fixing that problem?16:43
teckywhatvn,   ' sudo hidd --connect 00:19:86:00:02:90 '16:44
jarzpokoloko, it depends on what you want16:44
pronoyGnome_Killa: you might wanna try #compiz-fusion16:44
chazcoHi... does anyone know how to use the remote desktop utility in fullscreen at an actual resolution, not scaling. The remote computer runs at 1024x600 and the viewer at 1440x900.16:44
Gnome_Killacompiz mine as well be dead also  I try use blur it freaks.. any idea's I did driver update also16:44
jarza firewall might be a good place to start16:44
whatvntecky: hidd command not found?16:45
pokolokoTo further elaborate something like a firewall, so i can see incoming and outgoing connections16:45
blancouSAlut alll16:45
shal3ris there text-based installer on Hardy installation CD?16:45
blancouje suis francais16:45
pronoy!fr | blancou16:45
ubottublancou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:45
rumpel2shal3r, try alternate-install-cd16:45
teckywhatvn, sudo apt-get install bluez-utils16:46
albechanyone else experience that menus in firefox always appear on the main monitor in a twinview setup?16:46
shal3rrumpel2, i don`t have alternate install cd at this time.16:46
aatacan anyone see my messages? i dont think my irc is working :P16:46
pronoyaata: your fine16:47
albechaata, ping16:47
whatvntecky: it says bt utils is already newest version16:47
SauLuswhich command line tool filters for duplicated lines in a text file?16:47
AgionzHi! After upgrading to ubuntu 9.04 my computer hasn't worked. Boot seems to work fine but I can't get to the log in window. Instead of it it shows some unreadable text and purple lines. I can't even get to the shell by pressing alt+ctrl+F2. Anyone help? I've tried the recovery mode. Xorg.log didn't show any problems.16:47
HinHinheya guys, how do i switch the default audio source? e.g. make audio play over my headset16:47
HinHin(instead over my speakers)16:47
aatathanks guys :) has anyone had any experience with the bcm4138 chipset in jaunty?16:47
=== aata is now known as aata_
=== aata_ is now known as aata
blancouj'ai un probleme16:48
aatablancou tu parles francais?16:49
dankingHi, I'm trying to install the package "hugs" and I'm getting a couple of unsatisfiable dependencies.  Should I be concerned about this?  Also, how do I go about resolving these dependencies/making someone aware that this happens?16:49
aatablancou #ubuntu-fr16:49
mihamina1I lost X on my machine, and I want to burn a bootable ISO, what would be the cdrecord command?16:49
Armageddonwhat's the program to record what's happening on the screen ?16:49
teckywhatvn, ' sudo hciconfig hci0 reset '16:49
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX16:49
whatvntecky: next?16:50
teckywhatvn, sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart16:50
aata!FreeNX > aata16:50
ubottuaata, please see my private message16:50
RichiHis there a linux equivalent of mhdd?16:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cdrecord16:51
adeodatusHey all. I've got a question posted on the ubuntu forums ... might some of you take a look and give me some of your thoughts on whats going on with the kernel?16:51
teckywhatvn, ' sudo hcitool dev ' (make sure its listed again)16:51
ubuntuSo in February my computer crashed and after a bit of hassle, I installed 8.10 to a flash drive in early April. Then, this week I had access to a good enough network to upgrade to 9.04, thinking it would be much better and it is, with one huge problem – the changes I make don't get saved upon reboot.  I have heard that there is some work around involving partitioning the drive in ext2 format with a specific name. I would need more information to even begin 16:51
mattgyverMy 9.04 laptop cannot be seen from the network, however it can see everything on the network.  Does anyone know why this might be?16:51
Armageddonwhat's the program to record what's happening on the screen ? or desktop ?16:51
RichiHhttp://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Hard-Disk-Utils/MHDD.shtml in case you don't know what it is16:51
whatvntecky: yes it listed again16:51
aatano one?16:52
pokolokoSorry for wasting your time found a program for my specific needs in add/remove, thank you16:52
mneptokmattgyver: define "seen from the network." can you ping the IP?16:52
teckywhatvn, ' sudo hciconfig hci0 up '16:52
mneptokmattgyver: IOW, "my Windows machines do not see it as an available file server" is NOT indicative of a broken network connection.16:53
whatvntecky: and next :)?16:53
mattgyvermneptok, i believe so however let me test something.  The full details of my issue are @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7232560#post723256016:53
altmanHELP! After i upgraded my ubuntu to 9.04, I could not shut down my laptop that its power could not be off and the screen was still lighted16:53
teckywhatvn, gimme a min ... reading16:53
shal3rIs there any way to use text-based installery on Ubuntu Hardy from installation LiveCD?16:53
pronoyaltman: sudo shutdown -h now16:53
xanguashal3r: server edition ¿16:53
aatawhats freenx?16:53
whatvntecky: I give you a hour :d16:54
mneptokmattgyver: Samba is not "the network."16:54
ubuntuSo in February my computer crashed and after a bit of hassle, I installed 8.10 to a flash drive in early April. Then, this week I had access to a good enough network to upgrade to 9.04, thinking it would be much better and it is, with one huge problem – the changes I make don't get saved upon reboot.  I have heard that there is some work around involving partitioning the drive in ext2 format with a specific name. I would need more information to even begin 16:54
shal3rxangua, no.16:54
mneptok!repeat > ubuntu16:54
ubottuubuntu, please see my private message16:54
altmanpronoy: i tried , but it did not work16:54
cl0sshal3r, i wish... you have to grab the alternate install for that :(16:54
Armageddonwhat's the program to record what's happening on the screen ? or desktop ?16:54
mneptok!info recordmydesktop16:54
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 52 kB, installed size 152 kB16:54
popeyArmageddon: what mneptok says :)16:55
pronoyaltman: you mean your system won't shutdown ????16:55
chazcoAnyone able to explain how to setup VNC that supports different resolutions? The default one (built in) isnt suitable...16:55
Armageddonpopey: thanks16:55
mneptokpopey: my wife just got a chill up her back. such statements are ... dicey ...  ;)16:55
mattgyvermneptok, i can ping the machine16:56
whatvntecky: stop, it works16:56
altmanpronoy: yes, indeed the screen is still lighted16:56
sharperguyis keysever.ubuntu.com down?16:56
teckywhatvn, does it?16:56
AgionzHi! After upgrading to ubuntu 9.04 my computer hasn't worked. Boot seems to work fine but I can't get to the log in window. Instead of it it shows some unreadable text and purple lines. I can't even get to the shell by pressing alt+ctrl+F2. Anyone help? I've tried the recovery mode. Xorg.log didn't show any problems.16:56
pronoyaltman: wierd....16:56
mneptokmattgyver: then you have Samba issues, not network issues.16:56
Gnome_KillaI just downloaded from it16:56
aatais anyone here?!?!16:56
sharperguy^ relay that question... I think the port might be blocked here. Actually is there any way to get around that and still be able to use apt-key with it?16:56
mneptokaata: no.16:57
Vincemanmy sound doesn't work yet my speakers do.. it happened a couple of days ago.. what could cause it?16:57
miquel_puigaata: no one at all16:57
mattgyvermneptok, do you have any suggestions as to why samba may be doing this?16:57
altmanand i start it without splash and when shut down i get "umount / is busy" or something like that16:57
teckywhatvn, if you ever want to read a little further about bluetooth + ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup16:57
mneptokmattgyver: i wouldn;t touch Samba with a 10 foot pole. sorry. but you might try putting your Samba config files into a pastebin and asking in #samba16:57
whatvntecky: yes, thank you very much16:57
teckywhatvn, np ;)16:58
whatvntecky: if you were here, i will kiss you :X16:58
gartralanyone here play vegastrike?16:58
altmanpronoy:and i start it without splash and when shut down i get "umount / is busy" or something like that16:58
teckywhatvn, lets not, and call it even :)16:58
whatvntecky: thank again16:58
trippcan i please get help installing a mounted filesystem?16:58
aatamneptok miquel_puig i keep thinking my irc isnt working! i know its a noob thing to say but no one seems to know anything baout my problem its pretty common in ubuntu (bcm4138 wireless chipset) and i dont get any replies16:58
pronoyaltman: no idea...i'll check the web however16:58
mattgyvermneptok, well thanks for clarifying that its samba related16:58
raphaHi all!16:59
raphaWhat can you recommend for parental control?16:59
aatahas anyone noticed what happens when you send ubottu !ping16:59
mneptokmattgyver: np np. hope you get it sorted. i'm NOT the guy to ask about Samba, so i don't want to waste your time.16:59
mneptokrapha: the Web Of Trust plugin for Firefox16:59
mneptokrapha: sec, i'll get you a URL16:59
Gnome_Killalotta crashes you all using windows LOL16:59
altmanpronoy: that jaunty is so unstable for my laptop,:(17:00
mneptokrapha: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/345617:00
pronoyaltman: i am still on intrepid i prefer it.........its rock solid17:00
raphacool, thanks mneptok!17:00
Gnome_Killauumm try another one ther 2 others decides jaunty17:00
mneptokrapha: rawk awn17:00
Gnome_Killayeah was typing same :P17:01
raphamneptok: what does that mean, rawk awn?17:01
pace_t_zuluis it currently 16:00 UTC?17:01
mneptokrapha: "rock on" (think Bawstawn accent) ;)17:01
altman_pronoy: i do agree with you17:01
mneptokrapha: be aware, the only parental controls that REALLY work are watching what your kids do.17:01
raphamneptok: ah now I understand ... tho being German I've no idea where Bawstawn is :)17:01
pace_t_zuluis it currently 16:00 UTC17:02
teckymneptok, or you could use something like squid + dansguardian ?17:02
Gnome_KillaDeath to KDE!!17:02
khensthothpace_t_zulu: Nope, It's 16:02 UTC now =)17:02
pace_t_zulukhensthoth: thank you... much appreciated17:02
xanguaGnome_Killa: why do you want to kill kde ¿¿17:02
Gnome_Killacus its bugged & broken 8.04 & 8.1017:03
mneptokrapha: eine Stadt in den USA. Sie haben einen interessanten Akzent dort. " rock" wird " rawk"17:03
raphamneptok: yeah I figure - but since I don't have kids myself and have been asked to find something for someone else I'll just pass on the advice ... it's probably okay since girls are less likely to actively try and circumvent anything than boys. This is more about preventing accidental stuff.17:03
trippcan i please get help installing a mounted filesystem?17:03
adeodatuswhat is http://paste.ubuntu.com/ ? I dont get it17:03
raphamneptok: got any videos? :)17:03
khensthothGnome_Killa: It's much better in 9.0417:03
mneptokrapha: verstanden17:03
Gnome_Killatripp what linux distro you using?17:03
AgionzHi! After upgrading to ubuntu 9.04 my computer hasn't worked. Boot seems to work fine but I can't get to the log in window. Instead of it it shows some unreadable text and purple lines. I can't even get to the shell by pressing alt+ctrl+F2. Anyone help? I've tried the recovery mode. Xorg.log didn't show any problems.17:03
trippmint 617:03
teckyrapha, squid + dansguardian   solves most browsing parental woes17:03
aboSamoorhello, can anyone help me to diagnose the problem with my mic ?17:04
Gnome_KillaI was so disapointed with 8.10 I did nto bother downloading 9.04 kde I using ubuntu 9.0417:04
mneptokrapha: Auf deutsch17:04
trippi have an install script but i cant navigate to the dir of the mounted system17:04
raphamneptok: is glaub keine so gute Idee hier drin ;)17:04
mneptokrapha: versuchen Sie den Film "The Departed" (auf Engels)17:04
Gnome_Killasorry trip I duno mint 617:04
trippGnome_Killa: any ideas?17:04
raphamneptok: aber den film werd ich mir anschauen :)17:04
mneptokrapha: ausgezeichnet Filme17:04
Gnome_KillaI run ubuntu kubuntu linux desktops :P17:04
trippGnome_Killa thanks anyways17:04
fructoseNew 9.04 install results in some really static noise coming out of my speakers when I get/send an IM. Anyone know how to fix this?17:05
* mneptok switches back to English to avoid the "!de > mneptok" ;)17:05
Gnome_KillaI would suggest somthing more simple like ubuntu tripp17:05
genii!mce | tripp17:05
ubottutripp: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce)17:05
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Gnome_Killau can download it online only a 600+mb file :P17:05
churleasy question:  How do I make it "icons only" in the "task list" (xubuntu-jaunty)17:05
raphamneptok: did you have german in school?17:05
* Agionz needs help: After upgrading to ubuntu 9.04 my computer hasn't worked. Boot seems to work fine but I can't get to the log in window. Instead of it it shows some unreadable text and purple lines. I can't even get to the shell by pressing alt+ctrl+F2. Anyone help? I've tried the recovery mode. Xorg.log didn't show any problems.17:05
chuck__Agionz: nothing happened when you reconfigured xserver17:05
mneptokrapha: mein Opa wast Deutsch.17:05
mneptokrapha: /whois mneptok ;)17:06
Ugywhat r the packets i have to instal to program with xlib.h and others headers ?17:06
Agionzchuck_: I couldn't get to reconfigure it. :/17:06
mattgyverfructose, maybe check adjust your volume control levels and see if that fixes anything17:06
tecky!mintsupport > tripp17:06
ubottutripp, please see my private message17:06
fructosemattgyver: I did that. Doesn't seem to help.17:06
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mattgyverfructose, you could also select a different driver17:06
Gnome_Killaif update fails try getting & burning the iso of 9.04 & re-install.. might of had bad download or failed packages17:06
mneptoktripp: this channel is for Ubuntu support. please do respect that.17:06
Gnome_Killatripp try #Linux or ask for a link to teh mint 6 channel17:07
Agionzchuck_: should I go to recovery mode and try to get to the shell? When I tried it asked me a password. When I entered the root password it didn't get me through.17:07
trippmneptok my apologies, I thought mint was just a derivative of ubuntu17:07
chuck__Agionz  what happens when you try to boot into rescue17:08
mneptoktripp: Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian. and Debian questions are referred to #debian. such is the nature of things.17:08
* Gnome_Killa Tripp hold on I see if I can find ur chan17:08
aspoorwhats the nickseve?17:08
Agionzchuck_; on the recovery mode? The same thing.17:08
trippmneptok: thank you17:09
mneptoktripp: np np.17:09
SydneyGuyHow can I change my hostname and domain name?17:09
sipiorUgy: the package libx11-dev should have what you need.17:09
mneptoktripp: thanks for understanding.17:09
Gnome_Killabtw trip do not fall on the way :P17:09
Ugysipior: thanks ;)17:09
mneptokSydneyGuy: /etc/hosts17:10
andrewbishophow do i change the boot configuration on an Ubuntu installation?17:10
teckySydneyGuy, ' man hostname '17:10
Gnome_Killagrub editor17:10
andrewbishopin single user mode17:10
Gnome_Killaandrew use grub manager17:11
SydneyGuyI did it already .. thanx17:11
pepperjackandrewbishop: you want to change the boot order?17:11
xanguaandrewbishop: 'start up manager'17:11
andrewbishopno, I have a laptop that i need to add "vga=771" to in order to get the video to work17:11
Gnome_Killaoh lol im thinking kde :P17:11
andrewbishopthe desktop manager won't load17:11
pepperjackandrewbishop: or just edit the file. its a pretty easy config file.   gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst  you ll want to add the vga to end of kernel line17:11
Gnome_Killathe somthing manager lol17:12
mneptokandrewbishop: edit /boot/grub/menu.list and add the option to each kernel line, and to the defaults17:12
andrewbishoplet me give it a shot17:12
churleasy question:  How do I make it "icons only" in the "task list" (xubuntu-jaunty)17:12
ienorandxangua: is there a startup manager ('part from menu.lst)? where?17:12
pepperjackandrewbishop: add a splash screen and some cool colors while youre at it17:12
mneptokandrewbishop: be *sure* to add it to the default options, so that when new kernels are installed they pick up that option automagically17:12
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xanguaubottu: startup manager17:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about startup manager17:12
Agionzchuck_: any suggestions?17:13
andrewbishopso add "vga=771" to the end of the "kernal" line?17:14
andrewbishopsry "kernel"17:15
mneptokandrewbishop: there is no "kernal" line. it's "kernel" ;)17:15
mneptokandrewbishop: see "splash quiet" etc?17:15
mneptokandrewbishop: add it to the end of that17:15
Gnome_Killaok wher is the gnome startup manager on the gnome menu? I do not see it17:15
mneptokandrewbishop: and the defoptions17:15
chuck__Agionz  i do not understand when you type in you root password what happens17:16
Ugysipior: I still have a problem, after apt-get install lix11-dev I can't find the X11 include directory :(17:16
Agionzchuch__: probably it isn't the right password.. though I have no idea what else it could be.. it becomes the same text again and I have to press ctrl+D17:16
sipiorUgy: should be /usr/include/X11. dpkg -L libx11-dev will show everything that was installed.17:17
BesogonWhat for do we need keyring? I have one that was created by default. I know it has got some passwords from my computer. But I dont undestand how should we use it.17:18
Ugysipior: Ok i try it17:18
QwellIs there some hidden volume control setting that would make an input source of Stereo Mixer much louder than Mic?  Mic is very very quiet.17:18
scuniziQwell: mic should have a 20db boost option someplace17:19
Qwellscunizi: didn't see it.  pretty sure that's card specific.17:19
lolobuenas tardes!17:20
BesogonWhy keyrings were included in UBUNTU??? Do many people realy so need it?17:20
sipiorBesogon: they are useful, yes.17:20
dragoonHey, does anyone use tumgreyspf with ubuntu? there's a bug in the install script that I want someone to confirm17:20
loloalguién sabe si hay un addon para entrar en salas de cht de Inforchat,mediante X-chat o bitchx?17:21
Agionzchuck__: probably it isn't the right password.. though I have no idea what else it could be.. it becomes the same text again and I have to press ctrl+D17:21
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:21
Besogonsipior, all people that I know delete it. And I save default keyring without password, becouse no one know what for it need and why it usefull if it so useless17:22
sipiorBesogon: wow, that's so interesting.17:22
churlHow do I make it "icons only" in the "task list" (xubuntu-jaunty)  Didn't see it in:  preferences17:23
Besogonsipior, what is interesting exactly?17:23
toehioRecently my 9.04 has 'randomly' crashed when it was running very few programs (of which one of them was rythmbox). I looked at the system logs and believe it is related to pulseaudio. Is this normal - is it happening to anyone else? How do I fix it?17:24
jonj1hi, I've just done the distribution upgrade to jaunty and X doesn't work now. can anyone set me in the right direction to fix it?17:24
Qwelltoehio: good old PA...17:24
pepperjack!fixres | jonj1 good place to start17:24
ubottujonj1 good place to start: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:24
toehioQwell: do you use PA?17:25
Besogonsipior, I hope only that in future version UBUNTU keyring will be deleted by default...17:25
Ugysipior: ok I found Xlib.h thanks17:25
Qwelltoehio: not when I can avoid it17:25
pepperjackjonj1: if you cant get it to work pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf file if you are using one17:25
jonj1ubottu: thanks, I'll take a look at that link17:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:25
toehioQwell: I heard it was possible to use ALSA. Is it easy to switch all the programs on my computers to it?17:25
pepperjackjonj1: might just sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-bak as a test and restart if you are using a file. x defaults to autodetect now so..17:25
{g}Hey People! Just installed Ubuntu 9. If I remember correctly, Ubuntu comes with some annoying index-service enabled by default. Any idea where to disable it?17:25
Qwelltoehio: they already are using alsa :)17:26
pepperjack{g}: you mean locate/updatedb?17:26
{g}pepperjack: something like that.17:26
toehioQwell: So what is PA for then and why does it crash my system?17:26
Qwelltoehio: app > alsa > PA-alsa plugin > PA > alsa output > hardware.  it's ridiculous.17:26
khensthoth{g{: Don't think it's enabled by default anymore. I could be wrong.17:26
tecky{g}, why would you want to disable locate ?17:26
{g}khensthoth: hurray :)17:26
{g}tecky: because i dont use it.17:27
toehioQwell: why would the ubuntu people do it like that?17:27
Qwelltoehio: That's how PA works.17:27
Besogon{g} delete compiz17:27
pepperjack{g}: Menu System> Preferences> Indexing Preferences  should be some checkboxes there you can uncheck if they are enabled17:27
{g}tecky: and i only want data in places i want data. not somewhere within ubuntu.17:27
yogamamaHow to find out the model numbers of the motherboard using command line?17:27
{g}pepperjack: there is no "Indexing Preferences" in system>preferences here.17:27
toehioQwell: so how do I avoid these crashes then? How do you do it?17:28
Besogon{g} delete all programs you not in use17:28
pepperjack{g}: probably moved im in an older ver17:28
Qwelltoehio: on my 8.10 box I was able to apt-get remove the PA stuff, and there was one file (in /etc/?) I had to edit to make it not use the PA plugin17:28
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Qwellit was easily googleable, iirc17:28
Besogon{g}, delete tracker17:28
{g}Besogon: whats that?17:28
tom_de_tomhi all17:29
Besogon{g}, delete firefox and install Opera. (It work faster on Ubuntu)17:29
gartralhow do i remove the tracker?17:29
jonj1pepperjack: I moved xorg.conf and /etc/init.d/gdm restart17:29
toehioQwell: thanks, I will look for a tutorial. Find it surprising that ubuntu is having issues with such simple matters.17:29
Qwelltoehio: No comment.17:29
jonj1no change, getting vertical blue lines and garbage17:29
JDahlwill 64bit Ubuntu run 32bit applications without much tweaking? I saw theres a 24h sale on LGP tomorrow17:30
tom_de_tomI have been messing with OpenVPN and it isnt working so bascially i wont to remove OpenVPN and all certficicates I created, hows the best way of doing this?17:30
Gnome_Killaok compiz chan got quiet what package am I missing for compiz17:30
Gnome_Killacompizmanager sumthing17:30
QwellGnome_Killa: ccsm?17:30
Gnome_Killano teh config17:30
PiciGnome_Killa: ccsm = compizconfig-settings-manager17:30
Sk1ttishAlguem pode me dar uma ajuda no samba?17:30
Gnome_Killaapt-get install compiz-config??17:30
PiciGnome_Killa: no, the package name is compizconfig-settings-manager17:31
Gnome_Killathats it thx17:31
ienorandJDahl: what kind of applications?17:31
Besogon{g}, open Synaptic and find Tracker. It not usefull program if you want fast computer17:31
tom_de_tomI have been messing with OpenVPN and it isnt working so bascially i wont to remove OpenVPN and all certficicates I created, hows the best way of doing this?17:31
pepperjackjacket: ah. what video card? do you know the driver you are using?  lsmod should show it17:31
JDahlienorand: games from Linux Game Publishing17:31
Gnome_Killanope its installed17:31
Gnome_Killabut my compiz not working & everything installed17:32
Gnome_Killalemem try reset of X-server17:32
khensthothBesogon: Don't think tracker is installed by default on 9.04.17:32
Besogonkhensthoth, OK. If it is not installed then better17:33
dragoontom_de_tom, apt-get purge openvpn17:34
tom_de_tomdragoon: thanks - will that clear certificates?17:34
rhythmsoupHi folks, question on clamAV - the updater shows only partial options under "important security updates" so only "clamav-base" can be selected, "clamav" and "clamav-freshclam" cannot17:34
dragoontom_de_tom, purge will remove a package and its configuration files, but files you created by hand will still remain17:34
tom_de_tomdragoon: as it wornt work and i want to redo the whole setup17:34
tom_de_tomdragoon: pl17:35
tom_de_tomdragoon: ok17:35
=== einar is now known as refuser
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=== quicken is now known as Gnome_Killa
Gnome_KillaOK I disabled everything cus it still not functioning..17:36
refuserhi, I have this problem with burnng cds. I have googled and found out that it could be due to the new kernel but I find no info on how to fix it. Can anyone help me?17:36
Gnome_Killawhy is my compiz not working now?17:37
jonj1Having trouble with X not starting, basically garbage on screen. Worked before upgrade to jaunty, Intel GMA 950 graphics card. Posted Xorg.0.log here: http://pastebin.com/m14d847c4 any ideas?17:37
connyHi how do i find out my internet ip address?17:37
Qwellrefuser: without knowing "this problem", no, nobody can help17:37
Qwellconny: whatismyip.com17:37
connyno my internet one i need to get online17:37
Gnome_Killaconney ipchicken.com works too17:37
tom_de_tomor whatsip.dk17:37
gartralor theres whatsmyip.com17:38
pepperjackconny:  ;p17:38
Gnome_Killaanyone can help? I have compiz re-insatlled no errors but nothing functions now17:38
Qwellpepperjack: cheater17:38
=== nicholas is now known as Guest75919
Guest75919Hey I need some quick help17:38
connynoing me i will get bots sent to me now ;(17:39
Gnome_Killalose the guest nick17:39
Guest75919How do I do that?17:39
Gnome_Killause /nick yournickhere17:39
pepperjack!register | Guest75919  also this17:39
ubottuGuest75919  also this: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode17:39
=== tom_de_tom is now known as ToM_de_ToM
connyi want to connect through wireless. My friend told me to run some commands through terminal and then i was online17:40
connydoes anybody no them?17:40
dragoonAnyone know a site that just returns your IP, no html, suitable for curl ?17:40
sarociao a ttt17:40
m3Fhi all17:40
Qwelldragoon: whatismyip.com can.  go there and look for the automation link17:40
TwiztidChefok, I got a small problem with ubuntu can someone help?17:40
teckydragoon, ipchicken.com ?17:40
jonj1alias my_ip='IP="$(curl -s http://jackson.io/ip/)"; echo $IP'17:40
cgkadestwiztidchef: whats your problem?17:41
m3Fplease, could somebody help me to find a way to start in the world of linux? learning linux to roockies17:41
raven_hi - obvisiousy i have problems making usable AC3 files (with cinelerra) - the files are broken - could someonee help me? tnx...17:41
TwiztidChefI cant load any websites17:41
jefinc!Newbies > m3F17:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Newbies17:41
cgkadesm3f: http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz17:41
ToM_de_ToMm3f: tinker...install it on a machine ideally u dont need so much that if u break it does matter17:41
ToM_de_ToMand just star install stuff17:41
ToM_de_ToMtahts what im doing17:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about L8mrs17:42
TwiztidChefI'm obviously connected to internet, by torrents are working, but after like 5 minutes of web browsing no sites will load17:42
ToM_de_ToMi also have a vps which runs as a mail server17:42
ToM_de_ToMso tinker with that17:42
sebsebsebm3F: see my pm,  I can help17:42
spacebearhi im having problems with getting my secondary display  a 22 " show correct fonts in terminal .. tty1 works with weird and not right fonts but not 23456 .,. 7 is just fine.,17:42
dragoonQwell, tecky, thanks for the links17:42
walrus_Hey! I'm trying to recompil a kdegame (ksirk) and I got the whole kdegames source I think, but when I go into ksirk dir there is no ./onfigure or make, nothing... I saw around google the command cmakekde to compile kdegames, but it's not recognized on my system.. any suggestion?17:42
cgkadestwiztidchef: are you using a proxy17:42
aninhumerI have a minor graphical problem, I get white corners on  the firefox address + search bars, they go away if I mouseover, but they come back again if I do something else17:43
TwiztidChefdont think so, I use firefox, and have a lynksys wireless router, and my computer is dual booted with vista17:43
gte351shi - is there a way to 'refresh' a mounted drive without having to remount it?17:43
cgkadesthats a strange issue, since you can connect to everything else17:44
connyi want to connect through wireless. My friend told me to run some commands through terminal and then i was online does anyone no them>17:44
TwiztidChefvista works fine, and my internet connection is fine, but after a few minutes all the sites I'm trying to visit say loading and never do17:44
sacarlsonconny: you could try the network-manager gui first in the upper right corner17:44
cgkadesmy guess would be to try to adjust your upload on your torrents17:44
teckyjonj1, that your website?17:44
cgkadestry making your upload only 1kbs17:44
cgkadesor whatever the minmum is17:44
TwiztidChefI have the uploads capped at 50 k/b s17:44
jonj1techy: no, although my name is jackson !17:44
sipiorwalrus_: probably a top-level makefile which builds all of the games. see if there's a configure script at the root directory of the source you downloaded.17:44
cgkadestry stopping the torrents and your mail server17:44
TwiztidChefok I'll try, hold on17:45
cgkadessee if that fixes it.. if it does, then you know you have an issue with one of those, if not, leave them stopped while you troubleshoot17:45
sipiorwalrus_: i imagine building kde apps from source is at least as painful as building gnome apps (i.e., incredibly painful :-)17:45
EdgEyif i format / delete everything in /home, will that cause any problems or just mean i have to reconfigure some apps?17:45
deaglewhat does ubuntu use to display the usb devices that are plugged in under the "Places" menu?17:45
tanveeris it possible to make ubuntu look like vista?17:46
EdgEygoing to backup first17:46
TwiztidChefI capped them at 1 and now they work, I have a strong internet connection, how could an upload rate of 18 k/b s stop my brand new toshiba laptop?17:46
sebsebsebtanveer: yes, but why would you want to?17:46
cgkadestanveer: yes, but i dont know off hand, i know there for sure is one to make it look exaclty like xp17:46
sipiorEdgEy: as long as you're confident of your backups, you should be fine.17:46
cgkadestwiztidchef: it depends on your ISP and what they allow17:47
EdgEysipior, well i'll only restore if things break majorly17:47
EdgEyi'm just guessing that app settings will be gone, that's what i want17:47
cgkadestwiztidchef: the 50kbs is kind of alot17:47
jefincdeagle: not quite sure what you mean by that, what is it that you're trying to do?17:47
sipiorEdgEy: there are simpler ways to do that...17:47
cgkadesi set mine to 117:47
cgkadesor 0 if i can17:47
sipiorEdgEy: which settings did you want to reset?17:47
EdgEysipior, everything ;)17:47
cgkadesyour upload will choke your network because of yoru ISP restrictions on your max upload rate17:48
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.17:48
EdgEyxchat, pidgin, all my xfce settings, and so on17:48
tanveercan any 1 help me get into this directory as well as give me a link for a vista theme in .deb package?17:48
sacarlsonEdgEy: you could just create a new user and try that. it will start anew.  if17:48
tanveerhow do i get into it17:48
jefincTwiztidChef: it may not be the speed but the amount of connections that is the problem17:48
xanguaa vista theme in .deb .........................................jum17:48
cgkadestanveer: pretty sure you wont be able to find a .deb for it17:48
TwiztidChefok, whatever I'm just happy its working again, thanks guys17:48
gartralwhy does E17 (Enlightenment 17) not appear in ubuntu repos?17:48
tanveerwell can you help me get into /home/$USERNAME/.fonts/17:49
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cgkadestwiztidchef: np17:49
tanveeri cant find it17:49
awilkinsGah, this is a horrible one - just booted my daughters new netbook on Jaunty UNR, the wifi works perfectly. Install it, and it doesn't. It's an Atheros 242x - anyone else run into this?17:49
joheyI need to configure my ubuntu server 8.04 to act as a router. I have set it up using ipmasq and dnsmasq. It works fine with no configuration, but now I want to set up some forwarding rules. Where do I start? I don't find any useful examples out there.17:49
jefincdeagle: try asking your question again, but with what you're tryinig to do, maybe then it will spark an answer as your question seemed unclear17:49
Dr_Willistanveer:  make the directory if it dosent exist17:50
tanveercan u help em17:50
quickenHow would I force an Xserver restart??17:50
tanveeri dont were to start17:50
Dr_Willistanveer:  mkdir .fonts17:50
tanveerwere is it?17:50
Dr_Willistanveer:  in your home directory17:51
spacebearmy X is showing black screen on vt7 .. wich process to kill to restart..17:51
tanveerso i click home then wat?17:51
joheyspacebear, gdm maybe?17:51
quickenHow can I force a restart of X-server???17:51
tanveersomeone tell me plzzzz17:51
Dr_Willistanveer:  make a new directory/folder name it .fonts17:51
mphx2quicken, control+alt+backspace17:52
tanveerit says .fonts  is already in use17:52
joheyNobody know how to set up an ubuntu server to be a router, with port forwarding rules?17:52
quickendoes not do anything17:52
Dr_Willistanveer:  then you allready have that directory made.17:52
aninhumerquicken, it used to be ctrl-alt-backspace, but they disabled it by default in jaunty I think17:52
tanveerbut i cant find it17:52
quickenrunning ubuntu 9.0417:52
awilkinsquicken: That keyboard shortcut is disabled in jaunty17:52
Dr_Willistanveer:  type the path to it in the gnome address bar.  or use the 'show hidden' files option17:52
scunizimphx2: quicken ctrl +prnt scrn + k17:52
quickenwhats the command then?17:52
gartralquicken: alt sysrq (printscreen) k17:52
tanveerwere the show hidden files option?17:52
Dr_Willistanveer:  put forth a little effort and look in the menus..17:53
tanveeri found it17:53
dragoongartral, it doesn't look as if e17 is packaged in the later ubuntu repos. try http://packages.enlightenment.org/17:53
quickenboth failed17:53
Dr_Willisits not hidden. :)17:53
=== etnalubma is now known as etnalubmalunch
quickenalt printscreen prints screen17:53
tanveerso what now i opened the .fonts17:53
awilkinsWell, things with "." at the front are hidden by convention on *nix17:53
quickenctrl or alt even combination faield what is command?17:53
Dr_Willistanveer:  ive no idea.. you just asked how to get there/open it...17:53
tanveeroh yh...17:53
awilkinsThere isn't a hidden flag in the filesystem AFAIK17:54
gartraldragoon: it was NEVER packaged with ubuntu!17:54
reversebladeHow can I be a jedi ?17:54
maikeHi, I replaced my wifi card (mici pci) but it doesn't appear with lscpi  -- Is it ubuntu's fault or the bios ?17:54
raven_hi - obvisiousy i have problems making usable AC3 files (with cinelerra) - the files are broken - could someonee help me? tnx...17:54
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churl2How do I make it "icons only" in the "task list" (xubuntu-jaunty) I think it used to be in preferences17:54
awilkinsreverseblade: The Jundland wastes are not to be travelled lightly. Why don't you go back to ##csharp    :-P17:54
happosadeHow well is Mac PowerBook G4 drivers (wlan) supporrted?17:55
happosadeReally need wlan.17:55
reversebladeawilkins, hehe17:55
aninhumerquicken, you need to enable the combo with "dontzap -d"17:55
happosade!G4 > me17:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about G417:55
deaglejefinc: i'm trying to get rid of gnome-panel and just use Openbox's menu, the only reason I keep gnome-panel around is for the usb deal17:55
pepperjackhapposade: livecd should let you know17:56
maikeHi, I replaced my wifi card on my netbook but it doesn't appear with lspci  -- Is it ubuntu's fault or the bios ?17:56
aapzakanyone here know if intel xorg UXA bug has been fixed? After half a day X only consumes 120MB here, which is very good17:56
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Qwellmaike: doesn't appear at all, or does it show up as unknown?17:56
aninhumerGnome_Killa, you need to enable the combo with "dontzap -d"17:56
maikeQwell, not at all..17:56
walrus_I ask my question again, anyone already tried to recompile some of the KDE games and know how to do it? I mean there isn't any ./configure or make anywhere in the sources folders... :/17:56
Gnome_Killagah need install hold on17:56
Qwellmaike: it's either your fault (didn't insert it right, for example) or the BIOS.17:56
usser walrus_ kde uses qmake as far as i know17:57
Dr_Willismaike:  ive seen some laptop machnes thta some how ONLY work with specific wireless cards.    if lspci isent seeing it.. well thats not a good sign17:57
QwellDr_Willis: typically when that happens though (*cough*HP*cough*), the machine will fail to boot17:57
tanveeri downloda a aero file what do i do now.. i got it from herehttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-make-ubuntu-look-like-windows-vista.html17:57
walrus_usser: thanks, how should i use that? i'm fairly new to linux :)17:57
lancel00thi everyone. I need some help. I recently got bluez 4.38 working and now it stopped and I am trying to recompile the bluez but it errors with not being able to find libsbc.17:58
maikeDr_Willis, that is what i was fearing17:58
usserwalrus_: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/qmake-using.html#building-a-project17:58
forensicwannabecan a program be installed while using the live cd?17:58
mattgyverim having some issues with sharing one of my computers, would anyone be able to help?17:58
Dr_WillisQwell:  ive never looked into it much. :) i just rember an issue with it from some froums on some brand laptops.17:58
walrus_usser:  thanks again ;)17:58
usserwalrus_: also here http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/qmake-running.html17:58
pielordHello, how could I limit incoming connections to LAN IP addresses with iptables?17:58
maikeI changed the card because it was too slow, I tried everything (new driver, ndiswrapper)17:59
maikebut now I'm wondering whether it could be an IRQ problem ?18:00
maikedmesg says there is an error with DRM18:01
maikewhat is that18:01
maikeis there a way to set manually the IRQ ?18:02
aninhumerDoes anyone know if there's a way to make the very bottom pixel of the taskbar clickable?18:03
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Gnome_KillaOk that failed18:03
Gnome_Killawhat was that sudo command again?18:04
zleap to do what18:04
jefincdeagle: I was unable to find a solution to your problem, maybe someone more familiar with openbox could help you, sorry18:04
Gnome_Killareset my X-server18:04
sproatyMy MP3 player is being mounted as read-only?18:04
Gnome_KillaI cannot get compiz 2 function18:04
aninhumerGnome_Killa, what happened, you disconnected, I assumed it was a because you'd reset it?18:04
deaglejefinc: no worries, I appreciate your help  :)18:04
remanyone know how to modify the right click menu? I would like to add some launchers (such as gterm, etc) to it.18:05
Gnome_Killayeah it reset the screen when I did ctrl alt F1 then second time went to the login scren18:05
Gnome_Killahow would I get rid of the old compiz config & clean it up18:05
jefincGnome_Killa: restarting xserver is ctrl+alt+backspace18:06
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Armageddonhow do i install the vga card driver ?18:06
Gnome_Killawhen I re-instaleld it kpt ol config setting but nothing worked18:06
Gnome_KillaI thnk thats why it not working now18:06
Gnome_KillaNO it is not18:06
walrus_usser: it seems qmake needs a .pro or something if I understood correctly but there isn't any either... Actually I think kdegames uses cmake instead, im trying to figure it out. Thanks for the info anyway, didn't even know there was other type of make =)18:06
Gnome_Killaubuntu 9.04 disables it18:06
cllaudyui cant hear no sound in ubuntu everything is ok the volume is at 100%18:06
mehdi__join #schizo18:07
mehdi__#join schizo18:07
jefincGnome_Killa: hardy heroin for me, sorry18:07
tanveeri need help!!!!!!!!!!!18:07
cllaudyuHELP i cant hear no sound in ubuntu everything is ok the volume is at 100%18:07
aninhumerGnome_Killa, ctrl-alt-backspace is the command to kill the xserver, people have misunderstood your request sorry18:07
tanveeri downloaded a areo theme and it wont install18:07
aninhumerGnome_Killa, You want to reset the configuration instead18:07
Gnome_KillaI need the sudo command to reset gdm forgot what chan I asked on18:07
* Gnome_Killa B slappsa anin with a linux penguin & then a Linux Gnome18:08
jefincGnome_Killa: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart18:08
Armageddonhow do i install my ATI graphic card driver ?18:09
aninhumerDoes anyone know if you can make the bottom pixel of the gnome taskbar panel clickable?18:09
cllaudyui have a problem with the sound! i open a stream with VLC but i hear no sound18:09
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rippsArmageddon: what's your card, older cards where discontinued from the proprietary ati driver18:10
Armageddonripps: ATI 3650 512MB registered (Laptop)18:10
ArmageddonHD Raedon of course18:10
AgionzHi. Is there any change of recovering the root password with a live cd? I'm now on live cd and neet my root password (which I obviously don't know) to get my ubuntu work. Thanks for help!18:10
quickenok this al not workign I try total remove of compiz18:10
tanveeri try installing a theme and it says it failed ebcause it cant move from directory to directory what do i do?!!?!?18:10
Dr_Willis!changethemes | tanveer18:11
ubottutanveer: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes18:11
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tanveerim trying to change themes18:11
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:11
tanveerits not working!!!18:11
quickenhow do I total remove compiz so I do not have anting left & update & reinstall?18:11
aninhumerAgionz, you can use "sudo su" to become root, and then "passwd" to set the root password18:11
Dr_Willistanveer:  instll/use the gnome-art tool to handle getting new gnome themes.. makes it much easier18:11
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Dr_Willis!info gnome-art | tanveer18:12
ubottutanveer: gnome-art (source: gnome-art): install GNOME themes from art.gnome.org. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-12 (jaunty), package size 26 kB, installed size 204 kB18:12
panfisti'm trying to learn more about the shell. i want to execute a command, but i want to filter the files that i pass into that command18:12
aninhumerAgionz, or can you not log in to the system?18:12
Agionzaninhumer: to change the ubuntu root password by live cd? won't that change the live cd root password?18:12
MeXTuXI have an old PC and installed JWM (Joe's Windows Manager). I'm trying to customize a little the menu but the menu icons look so small. Do I need to increase the height attribute value in order to get the icons to look bigger or is there another way??18:12
Agionzaninhumer: I can't log into the system18:12
ZeZupanfist, filter where ?  in the shell itself ?18:12
NarbeHUbuntu 9.04 can't find any wireless. why?18:13
ZeZupanfist, you could use an alias plus a bash script easily18:13
panfistbasically i have a folder hierarchy that is like /images/*/HiRes, /images/*/Thumbnails , etc and i want the command to execute only on /images/*/HiRes18:13
parapanghelescu1hello there ...can someone recommend the best torrent client for linux ???18:13
aninhumerAgionz, how far does it get in loading?18:13
panfistwhere can read more about aliases and bash scripts18:13
ZeZupanfist, google18:13
quickenI can apt-get remove compiz but how do I fully remove it so I start with default settings?18:14
Agionzaninhumer: stops when it should load the log in screen. I updated 8.10 to 9.04 and it stopped working. I can't get to the shell either..18:14
NarbeHUbuntu 9.04 can't find any wireless. why?18:14
ZeZupanfist, alias is simple,  bash scripting not as simple18:14
tanveernoooooooo i deleted the panel? at the top now i cant access aplications or anything what do i do??18:14
aninhumerAgionz, you might be able to use ctrl-alt-f1 to open a terminal, even if the xserver doesn't work18:14
panfistzezu, if google. why #ubuntu at all?18:14
aninhumerAgionz, oh you can't do that?18:14
chillitomanyone know why a bunch of gnome games in /usr/games e.g. /usr/games/battlestar are setuid?18:14
churl2How do I make it "icons only" in the "task list" (xubuntu-jaunty)  didn't find it in preferences anymore.  google is turning up nothing on the subject18:14
ZeZupanfist,  well lets see its for ubuntu help,  your asking development questions now really ...18:14
tanveeri deleted the panel at the top of the screen now i cant access aplications or anything what do i do??18:15
Dr_Willispanfist:  advanced bash scripting guide. a MUST read. :) also the 'find' command can proberly do par tof what you want18:15
Agionzaninhumer: No, I can't do that..18:15
Crash1hd_hmm after installing ubuntu on my drive (no problem loading by the way) I went to boot into windows and now I get a blue screen that says unmountable boot volume if I do what the support page says and do a fixmbr will that wreck my access to grub?18:15
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about restoregnome18:15
sebsebsebtanveer: got the panel at the bottom of screen still, if so just right click and add panel if not18:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about panel18:15
panfistzezu what is "ubuntu" help, ubuntu is nothing more than a collection of other programs, we should have #gnome, #bash, etc and no #ubuntu then18:15
raven_hi - obvisiousy i have problems making usable AC3 files (with cinelerra) - the files are broken - could someonee help me? tnx...18:15
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:15
NarbeHUbuntu 9.04 can't find any wireless. why?18:15
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ZeZupanfist, all of them exists ... ubuntu has specific issues that users have with it18:16
sebsebsebNarbeH: depends on the type of wireless you got18:16
panfisti'm asking a question about how to use a shell tha comes with ubuntu so i think it's on topic or at least closely related18:16
aninhumerAgionz, sorry then, I'm not sure, you might be able to google password retrievers? but I can't help18:16
sebsebsebNarbeH: if it's atheros it will probably work now, if it's not you will probably get issue18:16
tanveerit doesnt say add panel18:16
ZeZupanfist, which relate to ubuntu itself ,, what your asking many of the people in here dont  even know how to do !18:16
Agionzaninhumer: thanks anyway =)18:16
ZeZupanfist, #bash would be a good place18:16
parapanghelescu1crush1 > It happened to me ...if you make run fixmbr this will solve the issue for Windows ..but you'll have no access to grub anymore18:16
panfistif there is a better forum to ask my question i will go there. i'll try there, thanks18:16
sebsebsebtanveer: see abover for the panel resetting command18:16
NarbeHsebsebseb: wireless modem. nothing found now. but when i starting ubuntu with wireless ON it found18:17
ZeZupanfist, no prob,  not that i care either, just trying to tell you where you will find what you want18:17
sebsebseb!wireless |  NarbeH18:17
ubottuNarbeH: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:17
parapanghelescu1ello there ...can someone recommend the best torrent client for ubuntu ???18:17
NarbeHsebsebseb: thq18:17
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samir11111any 1 help me?18:17
tanveermy top panels gone and i cant fix it18:18
ZeZuparapanghelescu1, whatever azureus has turned into is probably still java ... but the "best" application is probably user-centric .. just pick a few and try them and use the one you like !18:18
JosephMarcPlease help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114965318:18
sebsebsebpanfist: see my PM18:18
samir11111are i am getting USB 1.0 speeds with my usb 2.018:18
=== quicken is now known as Gnome_Killa
sebsebsebtanveer: I already told you two ways on how tod o that18:19
samir11111are i am getting USB 1.0 speeds with my usb 2.0 help18:19
sebsebsebtanveer: if you got another panel just right click and  put new panel18:19
sebsebsebtanveer: if not18:19
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:19
evertI'm having some troubles on jaunty with sound. According to 'pavumeter and pavucontrol' i'm getting sound on my laptop (ihc8 intel hd audio chip) tough i'm not getting any sound. All items are unmouted in both pavusettings and alsamixer18:19
panfistsebsebseb i am trying to learn irssi and i'm not sure you are getting my responses18:20
Dr_Willistanveer:  right click on bottom panel, new panel then on the new panel 'add to panel'18:20
sebsebsebpanfist: yeah PM dosan't just work on IRSSI I think18:20
sebsebsebpanfist: also their site explains how to set IRSSI up18:20
samir11111are i am getting USB 1.0 speeds with my usb 2.018:20
Dr_Williswith IRSSI - you DO want to read the docs. :)18:20
chuck__evert what sound card18:20
panfistsebsebseb i saw your messages but hen i tried to /query sebsebseb message and i got "no such channel or nick" on another server i'm connected to18:20
ZeZuwhats up Dr_Willis btw18:21
evertchuck__: hda intel alc888818:21
ZeZuhmm  Dr_Willis != DjWillis, but hi anyhow18:21
sebsebsebpanfist: nevermind about pm,  I  was thinking about sending you to another channel, but  no need now18:21
Dr_WillisZeZu:  reading the irssi docs :) :)18:21
samir11111anybody help me18:21
sebsebsebpanfist: just check out  the documentation on  the IRSSI website, that will tell you how to set up IRSSI nicely18:21
JosephMarcsamir1111:what's the speed of your transfer? if it's between 2-10mb/sec that's fine18:21
sebsebsebDr_Willis: why help?18:21
panfisti just started using it18:21
samir11111how to obtain usb speeds with my apple ipod 80gb18:22
sebsebsebDr_Willis: uh I meant, why heh?18:22
samir11111no my speed18:22
samir11111is only1mbps18:22
sebsebseb!helpme |  samir1111118:22
ubottusamir11111: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience18:22
gartralsamir11111: you need to edit a file that holds the device info for gphoto218:22
cdoublejj|linuxi did sudo apt-get install doom-wad-shareware so now when i sudo apt-get install prboom it says it is set to manual install how do i fix this18:22
samir11111now less than 1mbps18:22
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JosephMarcPlease help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149653 , error :audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.18:23
chuck__type aplay -l in terminal find the card number and device it should be 0 0 if one card18:23
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samir11111gartral how to edit file18:24
cjhey folks.  any folks here use vmware?18:24
gartralsamir11111: hold on please18:24
jarzcj, i used to18:24
sebsebsebcj: I have done so,  VMware Player and Server,  but  Virtualbox is better than both of those18:24
cdoublejj|linuxi did sudo apt-get install doom-wad-shareware so now when i sudo apt-get install prboom it says it is set to manual install how do i fix this18:25
sysdoccj, yea18:25
chuck__evert: type aplay -l in terminal find the card number and device it should be 0 0 if one card18:25
evertyeah, it is18:26
m3Fsebsebseb, hi, sorry, i was busy here in my work office18:26
JosephMarcPlease help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149653 , error :audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.18:26
sebsebsebcj: also VMware  VMDK files work in Virtualbox :)18:26
Gnome_Killawho knows the location of the compiz saed config file?18:26
cdoublejj|linuxthat sounds like driver support18:26
Guest57461hello guys! I have a problem: i shut down my ubuntu 9.04 in guest session before saving my guest's files. Do you know where can i recover them? Thank you!18:26
gartralsamir11111: the file you need to edit is /usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/10osvendor/20-libgphoto2.fdi, you need to go through, and remove the <Match>block of data</match> segment for your device and either reboot, or restart hal18:26
cdoublejj|linuxalos note your using altec lansing not creative18:27
evertchuck__: it's not my own laptop, but somebody elses, i'm used to debian and just alsa without the pulse. Maybay just removing pulse would fix it?18:27
wildc4rdanyone here runing the netbook remix on an acer aspire?18:27
samir11111whats restart hal???18:27
JosephMarccdoublejjlinux:is there a fix?18:27
gartralsamir11111: if you have to ask, dont bother and just reboot after you've done your edit18:28
pepperjacksamir11111: sudo /etc/init.d/hald restart or somesuch  im not sure of the exact script name18:28
Scryeis the quagga maintainer here?18:28
gartralpepperjack: drop the "d" it's just hal18:28
samir11111pepprjck ???18:28
samir11111shuld i type that or edit whats gartral sed???18:29
gartralsamir11111: pepperjack gave you the command to restart hal... but its just as easy to reboot18:29
PiciScrye: Try #ubuntu-devel, as the package is listed as being maintained by them.18:29
Jeev4how do i make an FTP account for a super user, that can access any directory ?18:29
ScryeOk thank you18:30
pepperjackJeev4: very very carefully18:30
evertJeev4: you  never want that :/18:30
Jeev4why not ?18:30
Jeev4its for my pc next to me18:30
Jeev4not like anyone is going to access it18:30
cdoublejj|linuxJosephMarc i have no idea but my guess is you stand alone this issue. weather not some one can help you i don't know18:30
Jeev4just want to easily move files over18:30
=== Jeev4 is now known as Jeeva
Jeevaits my fileserver18:30
pepperjackJeev4: consider just using sftp     just sudo apt-get install openssh-server18:30
JyZyXEL sudo fsck.ext3 -v -n /dev/sda18:30
JyZyXELe2fsck 1.41.3 (12-Oct-2008)18:30
JyZyXELfsck.ext3: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks...18:30
JyZyXELfsck.ext3: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda18:30
FloodBot2JyZyXEL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:30
chuck__evert: sudo nano /etc/pulse/default.pa  find this line ###Load audio drivers statically at the bottom of this put (load-module module-alsa-sink device=hw:0,0)18:30
evertJeeva: i guess it depends on the ftp client, mostely just a setting in the ftp client config files, like Allow-root login enabled18:30
cdoublejj|linuxi cant even figure outhow to get doom shar ware files back oof18:30
Jeevai've got proFTPD installed18:30
Jeevamy only users login details is "jeeva" and password18:31
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JosephMarccdoublejjlinux:thanks for trying18:31
Jeevai want to create an ftp for it18:31
dibberhi all, my external backup drive keeps remounting, unmounting, remounting all within seconds; getting some errors. any suggestions?18:31
Jeevabut proftp only makes virtual logins18:31
NuLLeri am new to ubuntu and i have just installed it for the first time ever...18:31
evertJeeva: afaik not?18:31
pepperjackNuLLer: welcome :)  any questions?18:31
NuLLeri have just restarted and i cant see anything18:31
boringpacketsWhen I use my webcam it works for a bit, but then crashes randomly. The error in terminal is this: error converting / decoding frame data: v4l-convert: error parsing JPEG header: Not a JPG file ?18:31
forensicwannabecan you install a program, and/or shell command into a live cd session that is running without writing to disk?18:31
gartralJyZyXEL: good luck... magic number corruption is serious18:31
JyZyXELgartral the partition still mounts fine18:32
cdoublejj|linuxjesus c it's a flood of problems18:32
gartralJyZyXEL: get EVERYTHING off that partition and reformat..18:32
Jeevayes, but why cant i just by default login with my useraccount as an FTP user ?18:32
JyZyXELgartral oh ok18:32
forensicwannabecan you install a program, and/or shell command into a live cd session that is running with or without writing to disk?18:32
chuck__evert: you need to retart pulse for it to work  it's not ideal but works for me18:32
JosephMarcNuller:Maybe it's an Xserver fail try to restart18:33
enrico_kein deutscher anwesend?18:33
NuLLercause it happened again18:33
NuLLerwill try that now18:33
Jeevawhen i try to FTP with my default login, i get invalid password18:33
NuLLeri just tried to restart and it happened again18:33
NuLLerwill try one more time18:33
JosephMarcPlease help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149653 , error :audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.18:34
evertchuck__: how to restart pulse? The init script isn't working, since it is configured 'per-user' sessions :)18:35
Vestaspeaking of sound issues... anyone know if it's possible to get the speaker volume to something reasonable on an eee 1000 with ubuntu on it?  I've cranked up all the sliders I can find18:36
Gnome_KillaOMG whats the delete command in shell??18:36
rakeleerVesta:  I had a hard time getting decent volume on ANY distro on the eee PCs.18:36
=== Marvin_ is now known as Guest69531
evertGnome_Killa: rm -Rf18:36
JosephMarcVesta:In terminal type "alsamixer"18:36
Vestarakeleer, bugger. :(18:36
Gnome_Killaoh yeah18:36
eseven73Gnome_Killa, be very careful with that command, there's no undelete18:37
fluxdudewhich is better: fai, system-imager or d-i preseed?18:37
dibbercan anyone help with USB drive errors please? DBus error .org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply18:37
VestaJosephMarc, everything's right up already18:37
Gnome_Killahope not18:37
Gnome_Killathe config of compiz will not die18:37
chuck__evert: pulseaudio restart18:37
Gnome_Killaso nothing functions18:38
harlemdavveyhey is there any way to upgrade my 8.10 to the 9.04 without having to loose every data contained in my hard disk?18:38
chuck__evert: ignore the complaints18:38
Gnome_Killayeah use the updater18:38
zhanxi changed my screen resolution to watch a movie on my tv and after it changed back to the laptop display i can no longer plaay moives18:38
harlemdavveyGnome_Killa: how?18:38
dibberdrive was working fine till I emptied my trash, now just repeatedly mounts/unmounts; tried chkdsk in XP; holds up my BIOS at boot even18:38
rakeleerVesta:  I don't know if this will help you.  http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=2802318:39
harlemdavveyGnome_Killa: first of all, is it worth to upgrade the 8.10 to the 9.04?18:39
evertchuck__: complaints like 'user not in pulse-rt group? Seems like the problem is found?18:39
EdgEyharlemdavvey, it's just an update18:39
samir11111are gartral when i change the contents and deleted the  match block i am unable to save that file there is access denied error18:39
Gnome_Killauuuumm in kde Hell yeah in gnome hell yeah18:39
EdgEyyour applications will get newer18:39
zhanxis there a way to reset the xorg config18:39
Gnome_Killa8.10 is broken in kde18:39
chuck__evert: well i guess you cannot ignore that one18:40
harlemdavveyok guys.. how can i use the updater?18:40
harlemdavveyi'm just asking coz i have never did this before..18:40
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:40
JosephMarcharle,davvey: i think it's sudo apt-get upgrade18:40
__cpod__using bash, how do i move all files with a certain extension to a different folder?  "ls | grep .jpg" will give me the list, but how do i pipe that to "mv"?18:40
Gnome_Killaits in settings administration18:41
EdgEy__cpod__, mv *.jpg /dir/ should work18:41
Gnome_Killawhat u using gnome or kde??18:41
samir11111gartral i am not ab;e to save the file its getting me access denied errror18:41
evertchuck__: hmm, strange, after a 'usermod -a -G pulse-rt <my user>' it's giving the same error18:41
madrabbithello may I ask someone for little advice about buy new laptop - I have two possibilities and I need some experience of Yours - with HP6735b and 6730b, thx18:41
__cpod__EdgEy: ::facepalm:: i should've known that haha thanks!18:41
JosephMarcPlease help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149653 , error :audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.18:41
harlemdavveyGnome_Killa: i'm on gnome18:41
Gnome_Killaok system dministartion at bottom sasy update manager18:42
mib_i6m96361I am having some nvidia driver issues, my system cannot write the config file out to save the settings. Does anyone have an idea as to why?18:42
harlemdavveyoh great i'm there18:42
harlemdavveythank you everyone so much anyway:)18:42
=== elpargo is now known as elpargo|lunch
Gnome_Killaim about to re-install this compiz pissing me off18:43
mib_i6m96361Unable to open X config file '/etc/X11/xorg2.conf' for writing.  <-- Has anyone had expierence with this error before?18:43
darkvertexmib_i6m96361: not enough previlege?18:43
mib_i6m96361Probabily, how do I fix that ?18:43
evertdoing it als root18:44
pqpqmib_i6m96361,   ls -a -l /etc/X11/xorg2.conf18:44
S33PlusPlusHello, how is #ubuntu doing today?18:44
undauntedspiritmib: Go to a console and type gksu nvidia-settings18:45
mib_i6m96361the file name is xorg.conf, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 326 2009-05-06 23:43 /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:45
chuck__evert: go to system/admin/user and groups you need administration rights to unlock it then manage groups find the 3 pulse audio settings click properties and but a check by your name18:45
JosephMarcPlease help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149653 , error :audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.18:45
evertchuck__: only having root terminal, no password to achieve that action18:45
Gnome_Killayou can also use sudo its same thing18:45
imachineanyone can tell me when will we have 180.51 nvidia drviers?18:46
mib_i6m96361gksu nvidia-settings <-- worked18:46
imachineor how I could install them?18:46
imachineI have memleaks problems with X in jaunty.18:46
samir11111i need to modify a file in the HAL directory how to do it i am getting  access denied error18:46
imachineI get X eating about 2-3GB of ram18:46
imachinethen just dying18:46
mib_i6m96361So can anyone tell me how to fix the permissions problem so I do not have to console everytime i want to run an app?18:46
undauntedspiritmib:  Edit your Gnome menu and just add the gksu before the nvidia-settings command.18:47
refuseri was here a while ago asking about cd burning in 9.04 x64. I could not see if anyone answered since I had a small crach =(. The problem is that brasero (or cdrtools) won't detect my drive. Any suggestions?18:47
imachineI end up using swap on a 3gb machine just using a terminal18:47
Gnome_KillaDIE compiz DIE18:47
imachineand that's nto even with compiz on18:47
MaticHi guys, I have been using static ip connection for quite a while but just the other day I went somewhere where I was required to use DHCP to no avail, what would cause this to happen?18:47
eseven73imachine, have you tried turning off effects? or using a lighter weighted window manager like xfce, fluxbox to see if same thing happens?18:47
Gnome_Killawe all have compiz probs18:47
mib_i6m96361where  do I go to edit the menu?18:48
undauntedspiritmib_i6m96361:  System -> preferences -> main menu18:48
darkvertexmib_i6m96361: System->Preferences->MainMenu18:48
JosephMarcPlease help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149653 , error :audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.18:48
samir11111i need help with my apple ipod giving me usb 1.0 speed ith ubuntu18:48
jonj1Hi folks, what are the config files that control drivers for X now? I have a box where X is fine from the live CD but won't start for an install that was upgraded from intrepid to jaunty. Would like to figure out where the config is different18:48
tyler_dMatic: need a little more.. ie. what error? wired or wireless? is static configured in /etc/network/interfaces? what is in that file >> pastebin? what version of ubuntu are you using?18:48
jimcooncatMatic: you moved your machine to another network, and now you're forced to use DHCP? Isn't that expected?18:49
TeamColtraCan someone help me out with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1151339 ? I am really at a loss18:49
KnoppixNoobsomebody got an idea whats going wrong?18:49
chuck__evert: you changed usermod pulse -rt, try changing  pulse and pulse-access18:49
imachineeseven73, dude, it's not gnome or compiz.18:49
Snicks|TWwgot a little question, for some reason my keybard can't 'read' three keys if they're too near, for example: F1, F2, F4 together gives just two keys, not all three, is this an ubuntu-related problem, is it my keyboard or is it something else?18:49
imachineeseven73, it's nvidai being crap.18:50
imachineeseven73, I need newer drivers, period.18:50
imachineany idea how to get them highly welcome.18:50
imachine(aside using binary .sh from nvidia.com)18:50
Gnome_Killauumm Nvidia was made for it actually compiz made for nvidia18:50
imachineI'd like a repository, like ppa.plaunchpad.18:50
imachineGnome_Killa, anywho! it works not.18:50
Gnome_Killayou have updated x-server drivers for nvidia18:50
imachineI have all the latest and greatest, in ubuntu world that is.18:51
imachineofficial repos.18:51
imachinebut that is like outdated.18:51
mib_i6m96361Ok 1 more question, is there a workaround for the Adobe flash player and x64 Ubuntu?18:51
imachine180.44 in repos, 180.51 on nvidias site.18:51
Gnome_Killathen u need to update them if outdated18:51
Gnome_Killacould be your video card not likeing old outdated drivers18:51
imachinenvidia mentions memleaks fixes on their site.18:51
imachineGnome_Killa, d'ohhhhhhhh18:51
eseven73imachine, im having the same issues every time I upgrade, my nvidia breaks, this time im leaving it broke, I don't really need all the eyecandy anyways since my computers are old18:51
samir11111how to get good USB 2.0 speeds18:51
imachineeseven73, I play games.18:51
undauntedspiritmib_i6m96361:  Got no idea on that one.  :-)  Still using 32-bit.18:51
JosephMarcimachine:180.51 is beta i think18:51
imachineeseven73, settlers 2 10th aniversary edition ;)18:51
eseven73ouch, good luck then :D18:51
imachineJosephMarc, it is not.18:51
Rahiem'Terminal as root' stopped working for me. Command = gksu /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator. It asks for admin passwords, then says it is starting, then it just disappears. Any thought anybody, please?18:52
mib_i6m96361undauntedspirit: bah, i feared id have to install the 32 bit o/s..18:52
imachineeseven73, well it works okay flawless even with this machine (c2d, g7600)18:52
pepperjackmib_i6m96361: im not aware of the flash issue but generally i just download firefox from the mozilla site and keep it as like /home/$USER/local/firefox  then just download the adobe plugin and drop it in firefox/plugins18:52
imachineeseven73, but it memleaks like crazy18:52
imachineX.org takes up 3GB as a process after 2-3 hours of gameplay18:52
Gnome_Killaif it memleaks then get some virtual gum & patch it up Lol18:52
pepperjackRahiem: gksudo work?18:52
imachinenever had that with 8.10, it could be that it's the game or wine itself, but there's nothing pointing it to them.18:52
jimcooncatRahiem: "gksudo  /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator" and use your own password?18:52
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eseven73imachine, have you checked if theirs a bug listed? someone probably has same issues18:53
JosephMarcimachine:Please help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149653 , error :audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.18:53
Rahiemjimcoomcat: will try18:53
mib_i6m96361The plugin tells me invalid OS x64 requires 138618:53
* imachine fails18:53
imachinelook. listen.18:53
pepperjackmib_i6m96361: sounds like youre not installing the 64 bit flash18:53
imachineall I need is a ppa.launchpad.net source with updated nvidia drivers.18:53
eseven73imachine, I meant a bug with xorg server, not nvidia18:53
Gnome_Killa8.20 kde is buggy broken gnome might have same issues I am running ubuntu 9.04 & it runs very well18:53
imachineis tehre such a thing ?18:53
mib_i6m96361there is no 64bit flash for ubuntu18:54
Rahiemjimcoomcat: no, same behaviour18:54
mib_i6m96361not that I can find anyway18:54
imachinemib_i6m96361, there's no 64bit flash at all.18:54
imachinemib_i6m96361, bug adobe.18:54
imachinemib_i6m96361, just install a wrapper. apt-get install linuxflashplugin18:54
imachineor so18:54
pepperjackah there is18:54
* awilkins thinks he has fash 6418:54
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava18:54
imachinemib_i6m96361, apt-cache search flash18:54
Gnome_Killaimachine kde has issues with 8.10 gnome might have same bugs try update to 9.0418:54
mib_i6m96361ill try that18:54
pepperjackit may still be alpha or beta but it works18:55
samir11111help me  obtain usb 2.0 speeds with apple ipod18:55
quibblerimachine-> look here: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html18:55
Gnome_Killa64x is a pos & waste on any os. just shoot it & get a real machine :P18:55
mib_i6m96361what would the package name be?18:55
Snicks|TWwgot a little question, for some reason my keybard can't 'read' three keys if they're too near, for example: F1, F2, F4 together gives just two keys, not all three, is this an ubuntu-related problem, is it my keyboard or is it something else?18:55
imachinequibbler, 64bit is out?18:55
imachinequibbler, not for linux is it?18:55
mib_i6m96361sorry I like my i7 4 core 8 threaded system18:55
hateballimachine: it's been for about 6 months or so18:55
mib_i6m96361and 6gigs of ddr3 corsair ram18:55
imachineI remember now :)18:55
imachinehateball, do we have that in ubuntu repos?18:56
quibblerimachine-> did you look at the url?18:56
imachineit's a pre18:56
hateballimachine: in 9.04, flashplugin-nonfree should pull down the 64bit18:56
imachinehateball, so prolly not18:56
imachineit's a prerelease18:56
jimcooncatRahiem:  you want to add a root terminal to your menu, correct?18:56
imachinethey wouldn't include taht, imho18:56
Armageddonhow do i install the HD Radeon 3650 ATI Mobility Graphic card driver ?18:56
imachinethey = devs18:56
darthanubishateball, really? I have been installing the 64bit plugin myself18:56
Gnome_Killaimachine u read my awnser? update to 9.04 it might help18:56
keepitsimpleengiFlash on 64 http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/2008/05/install-adobe-flash-player-10-on-ubuntu-using-nspluginwrapper.html18:56
mattgyverwould anyone be able to help me wit an issue im having with samba?18:56
Rahiemjimcoomcat: I have it on my menu. It used to work well.18:57
imachineGnome_Killa, your answer was irrelevant.18:57
darthanubis!ask | mattgyver18:57
ubottumattgyver: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:57
Gnome_KillaNo 8.10 is buggy broken18:57
JosephMarcplease help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149653 , error :audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.18:57
mib_i6m96361apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree <-- worked18:57
Gnome_Killa9.04 is updated.. u could be using broken buggy linux..18:57
youbuntu41hello everybody18:57
youbuntu41i want to ask that18:57
jimcooncatRaheim: right-click the Applications menu, click "Edit Menus", go to "System Tools", check "Root Terminal".18:58
NativeAngelsi have just installed ubuntu server 9.04 and would like to know how easy xen is to setup on it18:58
Lone_Crowanyone run ubuntu on ps3?  if so how easy is it to set up and run? What is the latest version I should get?18:58
chuck__Armageddon what driver do you want18:58
JyZyXELdoes anyone know what TrueCrypt means when they say "I will mount the volume on other platform" and ask if you wanna enable Cross-Platform Support18:58
Armageddonhow do i install the HD Radeon 3650 ATI Mobility Graphic card driver, chuck__18:58
JyZyXELhow can the magically make ext3 "Cross platform"18:58
youbuntu41when im connecting wired i download with a speed of 110 kb  but when i connect with wireless my speed is 35 kb   :(18:58
pepperjack!ati | Armageddon should help18:58
ubottuArmageddon should help: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:58
hateballLone_Crow: Jaunty works ootb on it, rather easy to install. check out psubuntu.com18:58
Armageddonpepperjack: it has a bug issued for it thats why i asked18:59
* Gnome_Killa slaps imachine with the ubuntu 9.04 update..18:59
mattgyverdarthanubis, i believe thats the easiest way for me to ask it... its a rather long problem :(18:59
JosephMarclone_crow: you should try yellow dog linux made specially for the ps318:59
jimcooncatNativeAngels: definitely possible but not simple -- couldn't you use kvm instead?18:59
Rahiemjimcooncat: It's already there. That's not the problem.18:59
imachineGnome_Killa, don't talk to me any more please.18:59
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Lone_Crowthanks .. I'm just wondering - I thought of yellowdog but I'm familiar with ubuntu and would feel at home with it.. how well does it work?  Is it pretty stable?18:59
Armageddonpepperjack: somewhere it says it needs fglrx others says it doesnt18:59
hateballJosephMarc: You might want to check his question, and also the channel you're in :)18:59
Gnome_Killaimachine I had same issues with video using 8.10 & I fied them with update to 9.0418:59
Lone_CrowI'm just interested in really using it for a vpn to work and working from home sometimes.. mostly just web, email and shells19:00
youbuntu41pls can anybody help me?  when im connecting wired i download with a speed of 110 kb  but when i connect with wireless my speed is 35 kb/sn19:00
rob0917I have to disable desktop -effects or my 3d games are slow ,any way around this?19:00
benjaminibusHi, I need support for a problem with wired network, is this the good place?19:00
Gnome_Killabrb reset of pc19:00
hateballLone_Crow: Stability is no issue. The only trouble I had during alpha was the bootloader didnt work so I had to use petitboot. Not sure if thats been fixed now in final19:00
pepperjackArmageddon: i never use the closed drivers myself. it depends on if you need heavy 3d support. if just 2d good video etc just use the open driver19:00
keepitsimpleengiLone_crow Ubuntu on PS3 VERY SLOW...19:00
douglbenjaminibus, yes19:00
Lone_CrowOh it is.. probably due to the memory eh?19:00
darthanubis!ask | youbuntu4119:00
ubottuyoubuntu41: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:00
mib_ee7lxmqjDoes anyone know of a package like k-lite for windows to insyall most video codecs?19:01
Lone_CrowWouldn't it be great though sitting in your lazyboy with a 53 inch LCD tv and working and getting paid19:01
jimcooncatRaheim, what do you get for errors if you open a normal terminal, then "gksu /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator" ?19:01
youbuntu41ubottu:  oke :)19:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oke :)19:01
hateballLone_Crow: It's not super speedy, but with ext4 a few tweaks, it's quite ok for browsing and using OOo19:01
keepitsimpleengiLone-crow  dosn't use four pipe processors, only two weak ones19:01
keepitsimpleengiSony restricts it19:01
Rahiemjimcooncat: no errors at all, it just dies19:01
=== elpargo|lunch is now known as elpargo
JosephMarcplease help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149653 , error :audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.19:02
Lone_CrowAhh well I'm not going to be doing any 3d stuff mostly working inside a vpn and shell stuff so I could strip it down a bit19:02
sacarlsonyoubuntu41:  you might be able to change the rate of eater you access point or you wifi device19:02
=== dr0ppy is now known as dr0pknutz
Lone_Crowhow fast does yellowdog run on it?19:02
Slasher`does anyone know how i can allow the apache user (www-data) to be able to access my bluetooth port in ubuntu? i've done it before and had it working but i cant remember how i did it and now im kinda tearing my hair out after messing about with it for like, half the day :|19:02
keepitsimpleengii use ps3 to watch .iso films, not great video19:02
benjaminibusI am on the last Xubuntu ; the wired network in my workplace work fine for everybody except me (there is no networs under "Wired" in network manager). The wireless seems to be working fine at home.19:02
mbeierlyoubuntu41: what is the difference in ping times to the server from which you are receiving data for wired vs. wireless?19:02
sacarlsonyoubuntu41: can look at your wifi device rate settings with iwconfig19:02
hateballLone_Crow: Dog slow. Also for non-support questions you'd want to head over to #ubuntu-offtopic :)19:03
jimcooncatRaheim, how about a normal terminal, then "sudo -i"?19:03
keepitsimpleengiyellowdog about the same but ubuntu much easier19:03
youbuntu41i dont know anything about ping but i can try iwconfig19:03
mib_ee7lxmqjAnyone have any expierence with Beryl?19:03
mattgyverCould anyone help me with an issue im having with configuring samba, the full details can be read here- http://tinyurl.com/restartsamba90419:03
quickenberyl is dead19:03
Lone_CrowDang I was hoping linux would run like a dream on a ps319:04
* [_FireSoul_] ... Evening.. 19:04
shanixquestions about cups: Where is the printed history located? -> http://localhost:631/jobs?which_jobs=completed19:04
keepitsimpleengiso did I19:04
shanixI assume it is a db somewhere, but couldn't find it19:04
Lone_CrowWell I have a couple spare laptop HD's so I'll try a copy of each to compare this weekend :)19:04
quickencompiz-fusion is the software used in place of beryl19:04
Rahiemjimcooncat: yes, that works. I had also tried sudo bash in a normal terminal. That works as well.19:04
mib_ee7lxmqjany packages like beryl or other nice desktop enhancements?19:04
sacarlsonyoubuntu41: you can change your device rate with iwconfig wlan0 rate X  where X is the speed you want it to be and wlan0 is the wifi device name ( maybe different)19:04
Dr_Willissudo bash is a bad habbit.. use 'sudo -s' or 'sudo -i'19:04
quickenBERYL is DEAD.. compiz used19:04
keepitsimpleengips3 is good if you don't have anything else...19:04
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:05
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:05
jimcooncatRahiem: sorry, I don't know -- at least you got a way to do it.19:05
Dr_Willishttp://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/   for reasons to NOT use sudo bash, or other variantions19:05
dto`hello. i'm using ubuntu on a dual-head setup. the dual-head works, but things are on the wrong monitor. i can't make the gnome panel move to the other (main) monitor.19:05
quickenMiB goto #compiz they help u19:05
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Rahiemjimcooncat: yes, right. Thank for trying to help.19:05
sacarlsonyoubuntu41: on the access point side you can normaly login to it and set the rate but they normaly default to max speed.19:05
jimcooncatRahiem: yw19:05
awilkinsdto`: nvidia or ati?19:05
=== keepitsimpleengi is now known as keepitsimpleengr
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JosephMarcplease help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149653 , error :audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.19:06
dto`awilkins: ati, default driver19:06
youbuntu41if normally it is max so why i download with a speed of 30 and my brother downloads with 110  :)    he uses ubuntu too and same wireless we are conecting19:06
awilkinsdto`: Hmmph. My advice was to do with nvidia.19:06
sacarlsonyoubuntu41: it will auto fall back if it gets a bad signal to whatever works best19:07
blixtgreets!  how do i control the messageri (black info blips in the upper right corner)? are they logged somewhere? can i dissable it? (ubuntu 9.04)19:07
youbuntu41maybe my wireless card driver doeasnt installed corretly by ubuntu ?  how can i understand this?19:07
benjaminibusExcuse me, I was disconnected. My problem was : I am on the last Xubuntu ; the wired network in my workplace work fine for everybody except me (there is no networs under "Wired" in network manager). The wireless seems to be working fine at home. ifconfig eth0 gives a base address 0xdead.19:07
sacarlsonyoubuntu41: what did it return with iwconfig?19:08
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youbuntu41now im connecting wired, do you want me to connect with wireless than iwconfig ?19:08
npobajlhey guys! Can somebody tell me how to connect remotely to another PC using.. different dist of linux?19:08
sacarlsonyoubuntu41: no just iwconfig without conect may return results19:09
jimcooncatnpobajl: with graphics, or just command line?19:09
[_FireSoul_]dado1, how about keeping the discussion in the channel19:09
youbuntu41no wireless extensions.19:09
youbuntu41it says19:09
glenn|workhttp://pastebin.ca/1415511 Need a little help figuring out wtf went wrong with the update... Was using update-manager and it blew up telling me to run dpkg --configure -a and it appears as though dpkg is seg faulting19:10
glenn|workthis is 8.1019:10
npobajljimcooncat: doesn't matter. I just need to login so a ftp service can start... I don't know why but it won't start unless the PC is logged in...19:10
youbuntu41IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:""19:10
youbuntu41          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated19:10
youbuntu41          Tx-Power=20 dBm19:10
youbuntu41          Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2352 B19:10
youbuntu41          Power Management:off19:10
FloodBot2youbuntu41: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:10
youbuntu41          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:019:10
youbuntu41          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:019:10
youbuntu41          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:019:10
sacarlsonyoubuntu41: the line with rate in it19:10
jimcooncatnpobajl: normally most use ssh19:10
npobajljimcooncat: I'll need a little help with that...19:11
jimcooncat!ssh | npobajl19:11
ubottunpobajl: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/19:11
npobajljimcooncat: I'm using ubuntu 8.1019:11
=== atari__ is now known as atari
youbuntu41sacarlson:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/166244/19:11
JosephMarcplease help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149653 , error :audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.19:12
jimcooncatnpobajl: ssh is available for about anything. See first link that ubottu sent you19:12
sacarlsonyoubuntu41:  I don't see rate so maybe its set in iwpriv  paste.ubuntu.com that one19:12
parapanghelescu1hi there everyone ...someone experienced with TOR installation on Ubuntu 9.04 ????19:12
JosephMarcIt's been a while no one has an insight?19:12
npobajljimcooncat: thanks! That should do it19:12
nimrodwhere should i ask about soundcard in ubuntu?19:12
youbuntu41it says no privite iocls19:13
pqpqyoubuntu41,  what wifi card do you have ?19:13
blueeyezSomeone in here using xchat?19:13
nimroddont know19:13
jimcooncatnpobajl: there's a lot to ssh, but learning and using it is very useful.19:13
benjaminibusExcuse me for asking again. My problem was : I am on the last Xubuntu ; the wired network in my workplace work fine for everybody except me (there is no networs under "Wired" in network manager). The wireless seems to be working fine at home. ifconfig eth0 gives a base address 0xdead. (if you don't want to flood, you can come in #help-b)19:13
nimrodi'm using gnome x19:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about soundcard19:13
hateballblueeyez: Quite a few I'd imagine, me included19:14
sacarlsonyoubuntu41:  I have a ralink let me look and see if I can find rate19:14
npobajljimcooncat: I think you're right. The link definetly goes do favourites and all will be read a bit lately ;-)19:14
blueeyeznice hateball is it okay if we talk in a dialog?:)19:14
samir11111ubottu help me in getting usb 2.0 sppeeds19:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:14
youbuntu41how can i understand what wifi card im using ?19:14
youbuntu41i donw know if it is ralink or marvell :D19:14
hateballblueeyez: I'd rather not. Keeping it in channel lets other learn from whatever questions you might have :)19:14
samir11111any1 help me19:15
nimrodany experts on soundcards in ubuntu here?19:15
sacarlsonyoubuntu41: you can do a lsusb  I asume it's a usb ralink19:15
parapanghelescu1TOR on Ubuntu 9.04 ? anyone have an ideea ???19:15
DranghekIS there anyone Playing Counterstrike on his Ubuntu machine? I can play but it don't Run very smooth...Who can help me so the game run Smooth?19:15
chuck__nimrod try alsa channel19:15
nimrodchuck_: ok19:15
blueeyezokay:) well i want to connect to more then one channel when i start xchat but when i put new channels into my favorits they are not there when i restart xchat and i did not have that problem in win xp19:16
benjaminibusI have an issue with wired connection but not wireless (my base address in ifconfig if 0xdead) - i need somebody help19:16
zzzparapanghelescu1: You can try to install tor using "sudo apt-get install tor". Then install "Tork" or "Vidalia": they are two GUI programs for controlling tor.19:16
hwildeHey Ubuntu people - I figured out how to launch Firefox in both Xwindows when using two monitors and separate Xdisplays!   Hit me up if you need this info19:17
NuLLeri have just installed ubuntu. i restarted it and there was oly a blak screen with some pixalation. i have restarted it 4 times with no change. im a first timer with ubuntu as well :D so very little knowlege19:17
lanoxx-????????? ? ?               ?        ?                ? Safire-Pulp.avi19:17
lanoxxrm -rf Safire-Pulp.avi19:17
lanoxxrm: cannot remove `Safire-Pulp.avi': Input/output error19:17
parapanghelescu1zzz > mind if I cantact you private ?19:17
npobajlDranghek: go private19:17
sacarlsonyoubuntu41: strange my ralink returns bit rate in iwconfig19:17
Vincemanwhat's wrong if your videoconferencing outgoing signal looks like this? members.home.nl/v.vanbruchem/wrong%20image.gif19:18
NuLLeri have just installed ubuntu. i restarted it and there was oly a blak screen with some pixalation. i have restarted it 4 times with no change. im a first timer with ubuntu as well :D so very little knowlege19:18
mattgyverWould anyone with samba expertise be able to help me with my issue, please take a moment and read my dilemma here, http://tinyurl.com/restartsamba90419:18
sacarlsonyoubuntu41:  what version of ubuntu do you have?19:18
youbuntu41how can i understandt what wifi card im using ?19:18
Vincemanhow  can you fix it? I heard it has something to do with resolutions19:18
hateballblueeyez: That does sound odd, I've not had that problem myself. Have you tried connecting to the network after you've added them, before closing the client, and verified it's working?19:18
sacarlsonyoubuntu41: the lsusb command should dump the name19:18
benjaminibusHello, I have an issue with wired connection but not wireless (my base address in ifconfig if 0xdead) - can somebody please help me?19:19
hateball!pm | blueeyez19:19
ubottublueeyez: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:19
chuck__Nuller: reboot into rescue mode type sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg then reboot19:19
JosephMarcNuLLer:you may need to check that your graphic card is not blacklisted19:19
pepperjackyoubuntu41: lspci -v or as said lsusb if plugged into usb19:19
zzzparapanghelescu1: I am kind of busy now. Sorry19:19
pepperjackyoubuntu41: or sudo lshw19:19
FloodBot2NuLLer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
sacarlsonyoubuntu41:  lsmod should tell you what driver module it is using19:19
blueeyezno but i can just try it:)19:19
parapanghelescu1zzz> OK maybe later . . . . .19:20
cirI'm trying to fix a grub error 17 and when I chroot the partition giving me trouble fstab doesn't seem to be available and the grub commandline doesn't see the disk it's on19:20
rgs_where do I get the source for a .deb package that I want to build to debug?19:20
fogus1hello.  when I log on to a PC at my university on a windows machine, I am prompted to enter a password to "mount CN filespace".  I need to implement something similar in my network.  does anyone know how to have an authenticated, linux-hosted file space that is mounted to a network share at logon (protected by a password)?19:20
benjaminibusHello, I have an issue with wired connection but not wireless (my base address in ifconfig eth0 is 0xdead) - can somebody please help me?19:21
geniirgs_: Usually something like... sudo apt-get source packagename19:21
carpiiare there known problems in accessing 9.04 with a vnc client? on mine the vnc display is corrupted19:21
jimcooncatwhat to use to set up my own irc server, only available on my LAN?19:21
hateball!source | rgs_19:21
ubotturgs_: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html19:21
rgs_genii: thanks19:21
tyler_dI have a 680i sli motherboard with sw raid 5 over 3 300GB drives... ubuntu 8.04 is installed(server) and running... / is mounted on /dev/sda1, I have done dmraid -r to determine the raid however when attempting to format it I get the error that /dev/sdb is in use... df -h doesn't show it; how do I determine whats using the device/stop it?19:21
youbuntu412 gün önce okulda arkadaşımla birlikte aynı cd den 9.04 kurduk19:22
geniijimcooncat: I set up ircd-hybrid before in this way for a LAN. It's in the repos19:22
Vincemanis dexxa UVC-compatible?19:23
jimcooncatthanks genii, I'll check it out19:23
AlxandrI've got a question. I managed to crash my ubuntu-running system trying to manually install a graphic-driver, no I can't access it. I used 'sh %driverinstallfile%' to do the installation.19:23
sacarlsoncir:  did you look at this yet  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294519:23
geniijimcooncat: You'll likely also want to look into eggdrop or another irc bot as well19:23
AlxandrAny way I can reset the grapics-driver without accessing the system?19:23
rascal999I've installed xen-server on 9.04 and i need xen enabled kernel, is one about yet?19:24
JosephMarcplease help with my sound issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149653 , error :audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.19:24
tyler_dAlxandr: rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf to something else and bounce it19:24
jimcooncatgenii: yes, I'd love my own ubottu19:24
pepperjackAlxandr: boot into recovery (tap esc key during bootup for recovery option) then fix from there maybe a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or somesuch19:24
blixtis it the indicator applet that posts black messages in my right upper corner?19:24
JosephMarcis there another channel I might have more luck in?19:24
jimcooncatgenii: can I forward irc through ssh?19:24
billybigriggerdid anyone here loose their Applications Places and System menu's after an update yesterday? i've tried restarting gnome-panel (killall gnome-panel) and they still dont come back...any suggestions?19:24
cirsacarlson: yes I did, when I get to the part about chrooting the mounted partition things stop working, if I do it all without chrooting it then I don't have problems following the steps but the error still exists19:24
AlxandrI've tried the recovery. And I also reset the xorg.conf to a backup of an old one.19:25
nazis anyone here very good with vmware as windows vista as the host and ubuntu 64 as the guest?!?!19:25
geniijimcooncat: ubottu is more complex than the eggdrop bot from the repos. But it is something to experiment with, anyhow19:25
blixthow do i control it?19:25
AlxandrMy screen is just black. I get the loading-ubuntu splash screen, but than it turns black. If I click the power-button, ubuntu "unloading" screen shows up.19:25
jimcooncatgenii: I found my ssh answer -- is yes19:25
* genii sips19:26
AlxandrAnd sorry to ask, but what does it mean to "bounce" a file?19:26
geniiAlxandr: In email systems, bouncing an email means to send it back, or refuse to accept it, etc19:27
gartralglenn|work: i recomend, if its possible.. to save everything you want off that drive and repartition with a new install..19:27
Yanick_Hi, what is "Guest session" ? I just clicked it and the whole system froze19:27
Yanick_had to hard reboot19:27
glenn|workgartral: well I was going to upgrade I wanted to go to jaunty but didn't feel like downloading the iso19:27
glenn|workgbrown@us002lxwkst01:/var/crash$ lsb_release -a19:27
glenn|workSegmentation fault19:27
Snicks|TWwgot a little question, for some reason my keybard can't 'read' three keys if they're too near, for example: F1, F2, F4 together gives just two keys, not all three, is this an ubuntu-related problem, is it my keyboard or is it something else?19:27
FloodBot2glenn|work: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:27
lindenlehow do I upgrade to 9.04 from the command line?19:28
AlxandrCan I uinstall my grapic-driver using a live-cd?19:28
rascal999I've installed xen-server on 9.04 and i need xen enabled kernel, is one about yet?19:28
JosephMarcis there a channel specialised in sound issues or surround issues in ubuntu ir GNU/Linux in general?19:28
glenn|worklindenle: sudo do-release-upgrade19:28
lindenleglenn|work: thanks brody19:28
littlegreenhey guys! Erm... how do I auto-mount my NTFS drives on startup?19:28
pepperjackAlxandr: yes. boot livecd and then mount it then chroot /media/mountpoint   is one option19:29
gartralglenn|work: save your stuff, pick a version, and download the iso... theres no recovering that mess either way at this point19:29
Slasher`hey, does anyone know how i can give the apache user (www-data) access to my bluetooth ports please?19:29
tyler_dNo love for raid in cahnnel?19:29
rgs_genii: I am trying to build network-manager-gnome with -g in order to be able to trace something with gdb.. how do I rebuild the package from the source?19:29
Yanick_<what is "Guest session" ? I just clicked it and the whole system froze19:29
gartraltyler_d: whats a cahnnel?19:29
tyler_dgartral: channel **19:29
glenn|workgartral: it is from what I can tell totem-plugins that is seriously jacked19:29
glenn|workiso is downloading right now.19:30
sopnzor will this be someday fixed? i run firefox on ubuntu 9.04 and if i have more tabs opened, its freezing and working very slow, youtube etc..19:30
AlxandrHow do you think XUbuntu will rune from a memory-stick in Sun VirtualBox?19:30
geniirgs_: It's beyond the scope of this channel. Perhaps enquire in #ubuntu-motu19:30
rgs_genii: ok, thanks19:30
teckySlasher`, why, if i might ask?19:30
sacarlson cir: see my private message19:30
Torrierilittlegreen, /etc/fstab19:31
Slasher`tecky; i want to use gnokii to setup an sms sending service for local users on my network via my phone19:31
=== npobajl is now known as littlegreen
bcsopnzor: check and see if it does the same thing in `firefox -safemode` -- if not it might be an extension causing it19:31
Vincemando you need to set chmod 777 for browsers to access your webcam?19:31
littlegreenTorrieri: bash: cd: fstab: Not a directory19:32
teckysladen, isn't there another way around doing that other than opening up the ability for any web user to access any bluetooth device?19:32
littlegreenTorrieri: bash: I'm really newbish ;-)19:32
teckysorry Slasher` ***19:32
Torrierilittlegreen, add ur partition to fstab19:32
teckySlasher`, please see the comment that i sent to sladen on accident19:32
Torrierilittlegreen, #nano /etc/fstab19:33
Slasher`tecky; i'm not sure, there might be, but not that i know of. I've had it working before but can't get it working again now for some reason. it works from the command line19:33
Vincemando you use Jaunty too now?19:33
Slasher`tecky; don't worry, we all make typo's, i was watching anyway so i knew who you meant hehe19:33
sopnzorok tnx19:33
Agionzhi! can someone help me with getting my ubuntu work and figuring out my problems reasons? I can't get to the log in screen after boot.19:33
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littlegreenTorrieri: thanks19:33
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:33
littlegreenTorrieri: one more thing.... I'm on the dualboot train and my ubuntu is installed "Inside windows" .... but not on the same partition. Now I know how to access the partition that ubuntu is installed on, but how do I access the partition, that win is installed on?19:35
sharperguyHow do I modify settings for system users?19:35
caimlashi, I've got a printer I can print to/scan to in Ubuntu if I'm using KDE/GNOME/XFCE. However, if I use another window manager, it's not visible as a source or destination. What service or process makes these things available (so I might be able to start it)?19:35
Slasher`tecky; it's only going to be for local network users anyway so it's not a big deal really to open the bluetooth port to the apache user, as long as it's only bluetooth and nothing more19:35
teckySlasher`, hrm the only thing i can think of is setting permissions to directory's / mount points for the webuser / adding www-*** to the accesspoint19:36
Lark007i'm trying yo get past a problem i'm having: /dev/ttyS0: not a tty19:36
vieqhello, I want to convert my ext3 to ext4, is there is any noticeable drawbacks?19:36
sbasuitaLark007, where did you get that error?19:36
teckySlasher`, i can think of a lot of ways to take advantage of a open bluetooth device >.< , just from a security standpoint it worried me when you said you wanted to open it up to any http user19:36
doc^i want to ask questions about some stuff related to my computer but not directly to Ubuntu, perhaps theres a better place to ask and i'd like to know if such place exist on that network19:37
darkvertexcaimlas: cups19:37
Lark007for the lego nxt19:37
sbasuitavieq, any existing files won't see benefits. Obviously, new files will be much faster.19:37
vieqsbasuita: what about /boot19:37
littlegreenI'm on the dualboot train and my ubuntu is installed "Inside windows" .... but not on the same partition. Now I know how to access the partition that ubuntu is installed on, but how do I access the partition, that win is installed on?19:37
vieqit's not on a separate partition19:37
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems19:37
DracofodderI am moving some configuration files from my old kde/suse desktop over to ubuntu... everything has been straightforward except this ..  amarok.  I cannot figure out where the configurations are kept.  on kde it was under .kde/apps/amarok  where is the equivalent in a gnome desktop?19:37
sacarlsonsharperguy: I think you should look at System>administratoin>Users and groups19:37
Seeker`doc^: depends on what you want to ask about19:37
fevellittlegreen: in that case you cant19:37
sbasuitavieq, i'm not sure what you're asking about /boot19:37
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages19:37
fogus1hello.  when I log on to a PC at my university on a windows machine, I am prompted to enter a password to "mount CN filespace".  I need to implement something similar in my network.  does anyone know how to have an authenticated, linux-hosted file space that is mounted to a network share at logon (protected by a password)?19:37
fevellittlegreen: since your not really dualbooting from the hard disk19:38
littlegreenfevel: I have 4 partitions and I can access 3 of them. Why not win's partition?19:38
vieqsbasuita: I read some where that grub do not play nicely with ext419:38
Slasher`tecky; ah ok, i see... i thought of changing the permission of the mount points for the webuser but i have no idea how to actually do that :( that's why i came to ask, as if i go to browse files on the device it shows up as obex://[<MACADDRESS>]/19:38
sharperguysacarlson, yeah but doesn't show system users like www-data (although I've now found a guide on how to achieve that)19:38
fevellittlegreen: did you use wubi?19:38
doc^Seeker` : normal hardware temperature19:38
erUSULfogus1: samba can do such things19:38
sbasuitaDracofodder, ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok19:38
caimlasdarkvertex, what about cups? it's already started... and the biggest thing is scanning at this point (I don't use it for printing, use an LJ for that).19:38
littlegreenfevel: yeah...19:38
Dracofodderoh crumbs, nvr mind,19:38
vieqso if I have /boot /root, then I should keep the /boot partition as ext319:38
doc^and whats abnormal19:38
Dracofoddersbasuita: .. yea, I just noticed that one19:38
Dracofodderstupid of me19:38
caimlasdarkhelmetlive, and I just noticed the printer -is- listed/available; it's just the ability to scan.19:38
Seeker`doc^: you could try #ubuntu-offtopic19:38
caimlasdarkhelmetlive, sorry for that confusion19:38
teckySlasher`, have you set it up in your /fstab as a mounted device to a mount point?19:38
fevellittlegreen: then due to the fact that your not booting from a partition, your booting from a virtual image on a mounted partition19:39
teckySlasher`, like /mnt/foobar19:39
littlegreenfevel: got it... I don't like it but I got it ;-) Thanks19:39
lianimatorwhere are the session startup commands stored in ~/ ?19:39
teckyer /etc/fstab19:39
Slasher`tecky; no, i didn't try that, i'm not really that experienced playing about with new things like that19:39
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fevellittlegreen: its a technicall issue... not something chosen to be so19:39
Torrierilittlegreen, sorry. I cant help u with that, i havent installed my ubuntu inside windows19:40
teckytry setting it as a mounted device and giving the httpd read / exe perms to the directory, or write if you dare :X19:40
vieqsbasuita: are you following me ?19:40
fevellittlegreen: you can ditch that by removing windows installing ubuntu on the partition and then installing windows inside virtualbox19:40
sbasuitavieq, yes19:40
sbasuitavieq, I don't have a seperate /boot19:40
vieqI mean did you read the last message?19:40
littlegreenfevel: sure thing. I can just reboot and copy/paste the items I need and then reboot again and use what I want... or I can just make a seperate installation ;-)19:40
sbasuitavieq, haven't noticed any problems19:40
Slasher`read / exec should be enough19:40
sbasuitavieq, my whole root (/) is ext419:40
fevellittlegreen: sure19:41
teckySlasher`, i just cant imagine that someone hasn't wanted to do this before and written a script / app for this >.>19:41
littlegreenfevel: I don't think I have enough RAM to do so :)19:41
tanveer:password <hello123>19:41
teckySlasher`, have you google'd for a result?19:41
littlegreenfevel: anyways... thanks again! bb19:41
regjavaHow can i see a minimized cube with compiz?19:41
vieqsbasuita: awesome, I 'll try to back up and start converting19:41
vieq:) thx19:41
tanveeralternative for remote desktop assistance?19:41
fevellittlegreen: virtualbox has been re written to consume as little resources as possible19:41
Slasher`tecky; i have, i can't seem to find anything much... nothing bluetooth related anyway, it's all via usb cable19:41
ToM_de_ToMIs the following command then best way to update debian: apt-get update  ?19:41
sbasuitavieq, I would recommend you don't convert as you won't see much performance gain19:41
fevellittlegreen: you should give it a try unless you have less than 512 ram19:41
teckySlasher`, you said your connecting to a phone right?19:41
ToM_de_ToMAlso how often is it advised to do this?19:42
Slasher`tecky; that's correct19:42
tanveeralternative for windows remote desktop assistance?19:42
BaattiHello, I'm having an issue watching videos on the NBC website. I can watch videos on any other site. Any ideas on how to fix this issue?19:42
sbasuitaToM_de_ToM, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:42
hateballregjava: Are you refering to a zoomed out view?19:42
teckySlasher`, specific make / model ?19:42
erUSULToM_de_ToM: debian questions belong to #debian19:42
tanveergstreamer baati19:42
littlegreenfevel: that's exactly what I have so... I won't be trying anything. I'll just make separate installation ;-)19:42
feveltanveer: logmein free19:42
sbasuitaToM_de_ToM, the first checks for updates, the second actually performs them19:42
sbasuitaToM_de_ToM, running the second alone won't work19:42
fevellittlegreen: even better19:42
tanveerlog me in ?why?19:42
Baattitanveer ok, I think I have that, but lemme double check19:42
Slasher`tecky; nokia 6300, it's using a shell_exec command from php to run gnokii to connect to my phone and send the sms19:42
sacarlsonsharperguy: cat /etc/group  will list all groups19:42
littlegreenyup... bye bye19:42
littlegreenI better begin backing up now if I want to finish today...... ;-)19:43
feveltanveer: well..id really say vnc but I doubt you havent heard of it19:43
sharperguysacarlson, thanks19:43
Slasher`tecky; but it gives errors.... Gnokii serial_open: open: Permission denied // Couldn't open FBUS device: Permission denied19:43
=== Sandeep is now known as Guest69357
tanveercan someone use a remote desktop with me ?19:43
regjavahateball: yES19:43
ToM_de_ToMrunning that wont loose anything will it?19:44
hateballregjava: Well it's called zoom, and it's... somewhere in the options. Let me try and find it19:44
ToM_de_ToMlike wipe files or settings?19:44
teckySlasher`, gimme a min / two ... gonna do a bit of digging19:44
chuck__tanveer think about what your asking19:44
sbasuitaToM_de_ToM, nope19:44
Slasher`tecky; no rush, thanks a bunch, i really do appreciate your help19:44
ToM_de_ToMcool thanks19:44
msshams1Hi, i install 9.04 about 2 week ago. nut until now, every day my ubuntu hanged! i haven't same problem in oldest versions. can you help me?19:44
sysdocregjava, Rotate Cube>General>Zoom19:44
caimlasI've got a MFD that works as a scanner in Ubuntu if I'm using xfce, kde, or gnome. However, if I use a different, minimalist WM it doesn't work (not viewable in the OO.org acquire list). What do I need to start to make it accessible?19:45
sbasuitaToM_de_ToM, all of your personal settings are kept in your home directory (in folders beginning with a '.', for example .mozilla)19:45
hateballregjava: it's under rotate cube, adjust zoom like you want it :)19:45
sbasuitaToM_de_ToM, but they're usually hidden by nautilus, and the ls command unless you specify you want to see them19:45
teckySlasher`, ' sudo hcitool scan '19:45
mib_ee7lxmqjanyone know anything about wine / winetricks, I have the latest wine installe but it cannot open winetricks19:45
ToM_de_ToMso iptbales etc wont be changed19:45
geniimib_ee7lxmqj: Might want to enquire in #winehq19:45
Slasher`tecky; got a result there, my phone19:45
teckycan you pastebin the result please?19:46
sbasuitaToM_de_ToM, afaik, iptables doesn't have settings in home directories. I doubt a package upgrade would change your iptables configs though.19:46
ToM_de_ToMwanted to check :)19:46
Baattitanveer, which gstreamer plugins SHOULD I have? I have a lot of the gstreamer packages already19:46
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Slasher`tecky; should be ok to paste in here, it's only one line19:46
Slasher`tecky;00:1B:EE:7F:B8:EENokia 630019:46
tanveerdont no19:46
=== dr0ppy is now known as dr0pknutz
lancel00thow do i get libsbc in jaunty19:47
Schiz0|2Can Ubuntu read UFS? FreeBSD's filesystem?19:47
erUSULSchiz0|2: yep19:47
teckySlasher`, ' sudo hcitool dev '19:47
Schiz0|2erUSUL: thanks19:47
drbobbhey I got myself a serious problem, I think it was because my laptop crashed in the middle of an update: the scrollkeeper package is badly broken, and so is a big part of gnome, due to dependency19:47
Slasher`tecky; hci000:16:41:DA:C0:4D19:47
tecky1 min19:47
drbobbI tried all the tricks I know but nothing seems to solve it19:48
wrektjet(minor q) how do i get the controller on the panel to control music in rhythmbox?19:48
teckySlasher`, you have the device mounted to any /dev/***** ?19:48
bullgard4Where can I find a manual for the GNOME 2.26 dialog System > Preferences > 'Network Connections'? '~$ man nm-connection-editor; No manual entry for nm-connection-editor'19:48
teckyor you not even getting that far?19:48
Slasher`tecky; i haven't mounted it, no, not that i'm aware of anyway19:48
bcdoes anyone know how to adjust the "per increase" volume level in gnome? for example, I have a key shortcut to increase the volume, and the volume jump is too drastic per key press.19:48
erUSULbullgard4: i do not think a manual page exist for that program/dialog19:49
lancel00thow do i get libsbc in jaunty please19:49
dbu_who invented the stack?=19:49
erUSULSchiz0|2: man mount (scroll down to the ufs section)19:49
Slasher`tecky; if i want to access it, it takes me to "obex://[00:1B:EE:7F:B8:EE]/"19:49
bullgard4erUSUL: hm.19:50
bcdbu_: im apparently google. http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/bauer.html19:50
hateballbullgard4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager/ could be of some help perhaps19:50
bcno love on my volume question? :D19:51
bcmaybe I'm using the wrong google keywords. can someone suggest what to call this problem?19:51
coz_bc,  sorry just got here what is it?19:51
bcdoes anyone know how to adjust the "per increase" volume level in gnome? for example, I have a key shortcut to increase the volume, and the volume jump is too drastic per key press.19:51
mib_ee7lxmqjAny good dvd/cd emulators ?19:51
wrektjetanyone know where to get the "now playing" applet for the panel? please19:52
erUSULbc: maybe in some hidden key in the gconf-editor19:52
coz_bc,   open terminal   alsamixer  perhaps19:52
wildc4rdinstalling (or trying to install) Ubuntu netbook flavour onto an Acer Aspire, it won't recognise the usb drive with the IMG on it to boot19:52
bccoz_: looking in gconf-editor, already checked alsamixer19:52
regjavahateball: is there any way to have diff wallpapers on diff desktop19:53
Slasher`regeya; the wallpaper plugin in compiz fusion does that i think19:53
bullgard4hateball: I am reading it...19:53
=== dbu_ is now known as dbu
teckySlasher`, still reading, bbs19:54
Slasher`tecky; thanks, much appreciated, i'm looking about too19:54
drbobbok I guess reinstalling is my best option. I would in fact install a 64bit ubuntu on another lvm logical volume.. but my guess is it couldn't share the /boot partition with my current 32bit installation?19:54
hateballregjava: I dont know, never toyed with that I'm afraid19:55
teckySlasher`, mind pastebin'n your /etc/gnokiirc19:55
Slasher`tecky; ooo hold on19:56
=== AD-AFK is now known as Amigadude
Slasher`tecky; http://pastebin.com/m27b83d5f19:57
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bccoz_: it may be in there somewhere, or I may have to add a key. this is a good starting point, thanks19:57
coz_bc,  ok guy19:57
teckyuncomment the line for linux please, and look in /etc/init.d/*** and see if there's a gnokii that you can restart19:58
wrektjeti had the rhythmbox now playing applet on 8.10. its gotta be downloadable from somewhere.19:59
wrektjetim pretty sure it was on the applet list then. does anyone know where i can get it from now?20:00
gcorvala`can someone help me to use the "root (nd)" in grub ?20:00
Guest82740What is the best msn client on ubuntu? i need something slim just like the old icq20:00
gcorvala`I dont know how to enable netboot on grub20:00
mobi-sheepGuest82740: Pidgin?20:00
fevelGuest21747:  miranda20:00
nmvictorGuest82740: try aMSN.its perfect.Im on it20:01
teckyomg i'm gonna kill my neighbors dog, stupid thing wont stop barking!20:01
feveltecky: just give him a bone20:01
Guest82740oki doki thanks guyz20:01
AmigadudeaMSN is ugly as sin20:01
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:01
fevelhate amsn20:01
fevelbut its gpl20:01
fevelso ok20:01
teckyfevel, i still say adium needs to be ported to linux :\20:01
kesiodewhy would my speaker volume be significantly lower under my ubuntu partition than my vista partition?20:02
Amigadudebest linux client I used was the one in linpus supplied with the AAO20:02
feveltecky: very indeed20:02
Slasher`tecky, we get that with our neighbours dogs at stupid o' clock in the morning20:02
Gnome_Killait would't be20:02
feveltecky: why isnt it? its a pidgin engine20:02
Amigadudeshame about the rest of the OS20:02
Amigadudeshame about the rest of the OS20:02
FloodBot2Amigadude: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:02
wrektjetregjava - still asking about diff wallpapers? u have to disable nautilus from writing desktop20:02
teckyfevel, i have no clue :(20:02
wrektjetjoin #compiz20:03
Gnome_KillaI run ubuntu & windows 7 :P my sound works fine on both what you using as linux distro?20:03
Guest82740how do you install a tar.gz file?20:03
Gnome_Killalose the guest nick20:03
teckySlasher`, any luck restarting the gnokii ?20:03
kesiodeGuest82740, you have to extract it20:03
fevelGuest21747: best to google for a quick tutorial20:03
Amigadudebot is picking on me cos I accidently pressed shift + enter and end up with 2 lines... :(20:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about guest20:03
mobi-sheep!tar | Guest8274020:03
ubottuGuest82740: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression20:03
Agionzhi! I got a problem starting ubuntu. I can boot but I can't get to the log in screen.. I'm now on live cd. Anyone help?20:03
Slasher`tecky; i'm about to reboot my system after i just changed something... i'll let you know how it goes20:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nick\20:04
PiciAmigadude: I'm not a bot. And I was referring to the rest of the offtopic conversation here.20:04
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode20:04
Guest82740oki doki thanks!!20:04
AmigadudePici: wasn't on channel it was a msg/notice from the bot20:04
PiciAmigadude: oh20:04
vip984hello? test test20:04
Gnome_Killaas for your sound issue what distro you using & version?20:05
mattgyverin 8.10 i was able to to mount -t cifs without a problem, am i stupid or is it not installed by default?20:05
fevelI cant see the test... so test failed20:05
mattgyverwhen i try it i get an error20:05
unitedpotsmokershey guys, i did an update but it show error, how to fix it20:05
Gnome_Killawell 8.10 is broken & buggy try upgrading to 9.0420:05
Dr_Willismattgyver:  i think theres a smbfs package?20:05
mattgyverill try that20:05
PiciGnome_Killa: Thats not helpful at all.20:05
hart1ganawk question: can i set FS=" " for print NF and after set again FS="\n" for print the new NF? i can't :(20:05
Picivip984: We see you20:05
Dr_Willismattgyver:  i recall seeing/installing it.. but not sure what it did :)20:06
vip984does this someone read?20:06
Gnome_Killawas helpfull when asomeone sugested it to me in this same channel20:06
Agionzhi! I got a problem starting ubuntu. I can boot but I can't get to the log in screen.. I'm now on live cd. Anyone help?20:06
Picivip984: yes20:06
Gnome_Killanow I have no issues with mounting or anything20:06
nmvictorHey,anyone know how to configure flash player for firefox,i have the latest version installed yet I cant play videos in youtube.20:06
Gnome_Killanmvictor what is your distro? you should be able 2 install it via install/remove20:07
Gnome_Killaif you goto a website that requires it it will update it for you20:07
whodevilis there a channel specific for the netbook remix?20:07
bcnmvictor: on jaunty, I installed flashplugin-installer and it just worked20:07
Gnome_Killayeah I did same I went to a flash oriented webasite to get it to install what I needed20:08
deanyi just upped a file to a mate over pidgin, hes on msn im on yahoo.. it sent straight away without askin him, and he didnt even get a notification of it.. where is it stored?20:08
kebomixhello , how to add registery key to wine ?20:08
Guest82740Ok! i extracted the files outta that tar.gz file BUT the tutorial doesn't say how to install the program20:09
Gnome_Killaregistry key? this aint windows :P wine does not function very well20:09
puddle 666720:09
Gnome_Killather is another emulator u can use or u can just use partition resizer & install on the other partition20:09
nmvictorbc: Im on interpid,i updated my system,and since then,no video.Im told their is some linkking to be done,ever heard of that?20:09
QwellGnome_Killa: how other than having a registry, is wine going to emulate the registry?20:09
voraciouscompiz setting has ? marks in each configuration option20:09
voraciouswhat should be the problem??20:09
voraciousis there should be installed anything except compiz?20:10
Gnome_Killawine emulates the ntfs partition & everything in it liek its aplain old ntfs hd20:10
kesiodewhy is my speaker volume so low under ubuntu when it's fine on the vista partition?  I' ve checked all the volume settings I can find20:10
bcnmvictor: I can't help you with the video issues, I'd probably only make it worse20:10
apoti have a .deb file for debian lenny, will the packaged program (nmap 4.62-1) work under ubuntu?20:10
wildc4rdhow do I set a USB stick with a boot flag please, to allow installation from it20:11
Gnome_KillaI would suggest using partition manager using the ubuntu cd & slitting the partition & installing winblows on that partition20:11
bcnmvictor: if you mean flash, you could try removing all flash related stuff and try reinstalling flashplugin-installer20:11
Gnome_Killaemulation is a pain & very unstable20:11
nmvictorbc: how do i do that,what stuff exactly?20:12
Guest82740how do i install tar.gz? ive extracted the files into a folder20:12
chuck__Guest82740: depending on what you are trying to install cd to the dir with the untared package and look for a readme file or install file for dir20:12
tdg911Good day all.  I'm running Ubuntu x86 9.0.4.  I'm converting my FreeBSD boxes over to ubuntu.  I have a vpn server currently running bsd 6.x converting it over to ubuntu server.  I have set my inside and outside ip addresses (both different sub-nets).  I am able to make a connection from an osx client, win xp client etc.  Once connected, the clients can ping the vpn ip address but cannot route outside of the box.  Also, the vpn s20:12
teckyafk lunch... be back in a bit20:12
darcknightcan someone here give me a list of games that runs without hassle on intel 945 mobile chipset? my other specs include 1.8 Ghz single core centrino, 2GB ram20:12
Gnome_Killafirst of all guest type /nick yournickhere20:12
Gnome_Killathen Iawnser you20:12
drbobbhart1gan: FS is used by awk at the time it reads a record, once the record has been read and split into fields it's too late20:13
Guest82740i see the install file, im in terminal now inside the folder, but make install command doesn't work20:13
plex0roh lawd20:13
teckyfevel, if slasher` comes back please let him know i'm grabbing lunch and i'll return shortly20:13
bcnmvictor: find out what flash related stuff you have installed via dpkg -l. then you can try removing the names with `sudo apt-get -s remove <package>` to see if it will break anything before you run it again removing the -s20:13
Gnome_Killanm load ubuntu from cd & use partiton manager & resize your partition20:13
plex0rsomeone DCC send -_-20:13
feveltecky: kay20:13
drbobbhart1gan: you might want too look at the split() function though20:13
plex0rno i'm joking don't20:13
bcnmvictor: or try it with synaptic20:13
pqpqGuest82740,  most likely ./configure ; make install20:13
nmvictorbc: thnx,im on it20:14
arvernesjust installed ubuntu 9.04. Is it possible to write an alias in my .bashrc file as "alias cp=`cp -i` I ask that question because it gives me an error message when I copy a file20:14
bcnmvictor: e.g. if you try to remove flash stuff and it says it wants to remove firefox, i'd stop there and ask someone else here more knowledgable about how to resolve the conflict(s)20:14
UrikHi guys I have a question. I need to check if a file DOESN'T exist. How could i negate [ -e $1 ] ?20:15
chuck__Guest82740: make install is normally the last step you could try ./configure then make then sudo make install20:15
colonelqubitHow do I add a comment to a "blueprint" on lanchpad?20:15
=== Zlogger is now known as toothy
Guest82740oki doki thanks!20:15
Guest82740i'll try that20:15
erbisharvernes, i gues it should be alias cp='cp -i', not alias cp=`cp -i`20:15
nmvictorbc:Im carefull about that20:15
drbobbUrik: `!' is the negation operator20:16
arverneserbish: yeap, I write it 'cp -i' (a type here on the chanel)20:17
Urikdrbobb I know, but could find how to use it. I just found out how. Thanks anyway.20:19
peepsalotdoes anyone know if there is a repo to get a very up to date virtualbox version?20:19
julian__hi im unable to install 9.0420:19
voraciousThere is ? mark in compiz setting option and it is not responding to any configuration! Solution?20:19
tom_de_tomHi anyone have any good guides for install opensvn?20:19
julian__i had 8.19 installed before without problems20:19
voraciousEach icon for setting change has ? mark20:19
tom_de_tomas i have tried many a time and just not sure if im doing it right20:19
julian__but after choosing keyboard layut20:19
Schiz0|2What is OpenSVN?20:20
julian__the percentage of the partition goes up to 100% window disappears and nothing is happening anymore20:20
apoti have a .deb file for debian lenny, will the packaged program (nmap 4.62-1) work under ubuntu?20:20
Schiz0|2Do you mean Subversion?20:20
tom_de_tomsorry i mean openvpn20:20
Dr_Willisapot:  not reccomended to  use debian packages.20:20
apotDr_Willis, thanks20:21
Schiz0|2ah...there are guides around...OpenVPN tends to be complex to setup20:21
deanyi just upped a file to a mate over pidgin, hes on msn im on yahoo.. it sent straight away without askin him, and he didnt even get a notification of it.. where is it stored?20:21
darcknightanyone playing hunting unlimited 2009 usiing an intel 945  in hardy here?20:21
yoni9972Hi, i have problem with cannon lbp 2009 at ubunto 9/04 I have the trroubleshout.txt file. Can someone help me plaese20:22
apotanyone have a newer verson than 4.53 of nmap installed on there ubuntu box?20:23
Advohi there. i need to delete some files in a certain directory, all of these have an extension .eps  Any ideas how i can do this please?20:23
yoni9972Advi try this:20:23
yoni9972find . -name *.eps -exec rm -f  \}20:24
kebomixanybody here was luck to run pes 6 on ubuntu  ?20:24
gartralkebomix: do a grammar check and reask20:25
joseph_Hello - is there a channel for Ubuntu apps, for fairly new users?20:25
plex0rgartral: you're funny20:25
komputesjoseph_: which app?20:25
MrMiteshahHow 2 shutdown my xp pc through ubuntu in lan20:25
Slasher`tecky; i got it working with some help from a guy in #gnokii20:25
kebomixanybody here was lucky to run pes 6 on ubuntu  ?20:25
komputesjoseph_: each app is a different open source project, many have irc channels of their own20:26
doc^hi, i'd like to know how to configure my mouse button, i'd like to be able to use the left and right wheel click to switch from a workspace to another20:26
Gnome_Killaall I get is same old zoom in & zoom out effect for all windows actions20:26
joseph_I need a better/different remote log viewer than less; if one exists20:26
hart1gananyone know how can i print the first parameter in a awk script? for example: ./script param1 ..... i need print param1, $1 don't work20:26
robuntuHey quick question, Linksys WMP54GS v1.1, is it compatible with linux, if so anyone know what chipset, and drivers?20:27
gb-orhart1gan, maybe you're not using bash?20:27
sbasuitarobuntu, best way to find out if your hardware is supported is to boot a livecd and try it out20:27
=== gb-or is now known as lightpriest
xmetalcorexcan some one help me20:27
xmetalcorex im look for the u- classroom20:27
joseph_robuntu - may want to look at DDWRT to replace firmware if not20:27
Magicianrobuntu: you should not need any drivers20:27
sbasuitaxmetalcorex, #ubuntu-classroom?20:27
hart1gangb-or no, im using #!/usr/bin/awk -f / BEGIN { print $1 }20:27
xmetalcorexthanx aloot <sbasuita>20:28
teckySlasher`, gratz : )20:28
Slasher`tecky; thanks for your help though, much much much appreciated :)20:29
teckyfevel, and to be honest, i have no freaking clue why adium hasn't ever been ported to linux from Mac OSX : ( its one of the better IM clients20:29
komputesMrMiteshah: cygwin, can let you use openssh to connect to your windows box20:29
xmetalcorex<sbasuita> but can u explain too me how join it in interfac mode and in the terlinal mode20:29
teckyfevel, i'd use it long before i'd ever consider using pidgen20:29
DocileDossierCan someone help me set up the native resolution with the NVIDIA X server? I've edited my x11.conf file in the past, but it doesn't take.20:30
feveltecky: its quite the same as pidgin20:30
lightpriesthart1gan, sec20:30
feveltecky: just with cocoa api20:30
teckysladen, what was it that he told you to do to /etc/gnokii ?20:30
sbasuitaxmetalcorex, which IRC client are you using?20:30
gartralplex0r: how so.. i doubt there's a soul here who understood his question20:30
feveltecky: the plugins work and all20:30
yoni9972Hi, i have problem with cannon lbp 2009 at ubunto 9/04 I have the trroubleshout.txt file. Can someone help me plaese. I can send him/her the file and explain this.20:30
teckyfevel, it feels much smoother, and imho the setup and configuration of it feels smoother :\20:30
feveltecky: yes... I guess youre right20:31
teckyfevel, any reason behind why it hasn't been ported yet? pidgen works on mac does it not?20:32
xmetalcorexim a debian one in ubuntu and my teachers has told my yesterday to join this room20:32
teckyerm pidgin ***20:32
feveltecky: yes, and adium uses pidgin code20:32
teckyfevel, death to the adium dev's for not making it for linux :P20:32
xmetalcorex<sbasuita> yes i use IRC20:32
komputesdoc^:  For much more on input device configuration please see:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input20:33
UbuntuNewbHello. I have a question that may not be so easy to answer.20:33
sbasuitaxmetalcorex, we are all using IRC. What _client_ are you using to connect?20:33
feveltecky: well... its gpl and opensource.. so why dont you? =P20:33
sbasuitaUbuntuNewb, let the channel be the judge of that.20:33
teckyfevel,  /lazy?20:33
geniitecky and fevel :   why they say no linux client: http://trac.adium.im/wiki/AdiumForLinux20:33
UbuntuNewbI need to deploy an automated ubuntu install to my computer at home.20:33
shiznebiti have a problem with WAKE-ON-LAN. after shutting down the pc and sending the magic packet. it doesn't turn on. It seems that by turning off the computer the NIC is also fully turned off. does anyone know how to get around this or fix this ?20:34
sbasuitaUbuntuNewb, define 'automated'20:34
nmvictorUbuntuNewb: was that a querry,here to help?20:34
fevelgenii: thanks20:34
geniifevel: np20:34
Qwellshiznebit: it can't be *off* when you do it...20:34
UbuntuNewbPut the CD in, boot from CD, ubuntu installs, and presented with the login screen with no user input.20:35
Qwellthat's why it's called "wake-on-lan" and not "turn-the-power-on-on-lan"20:35
xmetalcorex<sbasuita> i use xCHat gnome20:35
sbasuita!alternate | UbuntuNewb20:35
ubottuUbuntuNewb: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal20:35
UbuntuNewbYou see, It's display is a Panasonic PT-AX200U - This display is very particular about the resolution, and it won't display anything during the install.20:35
sbasuitaUbuntuNewb, that is what you need20:35
teckyshiznebit, usually thats enabled in the bios, as a option under networking / wake on lan, try taking a look there20:35
sbasuitaxmetalcorex, type the following into the chat box and press enter: /join #ubuntu-classroom20:35
Guest82740isn't there a linux software that would automatically install tar's and whatever other compiled files?20:35
sbasuitaGuest82740, no20:36
shiznebittecky: it is enabled in bios20:36
Jack_SparrowGuest82740 It does not work quite like that20:36
komputesMrMiteshah: http://pigtail.net/LRP/printsrv/cygwin-sshd.html20:36
sbasuitaGuest82740, that's why the lovely people of Ubuntu turn those .tars into .debs which can be automatically installed20:36
UbuntuNewbsbasuita: So, the install needs to be automated. And the resolution must already be set to whatever I specify. Is this possible?20:36
sbasuitaUbuntuNewb, yes20:36
padgeWhere would I find the apache binary, assuming it was installed?20:36
voyagersHi,, which file do I need to edit to make the command "mount --bind /home /glftpd/site" auto on startup ?20:36
sbasuitaUbuntuNewb, another option would be to install over ssh20:36
Guest82740ooooooo oki doki20:36
teckyshiznebit,  and your machine is fully powering down and your not able to power it back up? does the nic card support WOL? (sometimes a header cable must be connected to the MBoard to 'fully' enable this feature20:37
MagicianLinux is not meant to be easy to use but to expand your mind to see what you really can do.20:37
padgeOh, and I'm on a journey creating a LAMP stack, learning PHP, and MySQL at the same time.  I'm worried about creating a secure configuration.20:37
sbasuitapadge, use the command `dpkg -L apache2 | grep bin'20:37
=== Zambezi_ is now known as Zambezi
MagicianDOWN WITH WINDOWS!!20:37
Jack_SparrowUbuntuNewb To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F4 and select safe graphics mode then press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"20:38
padgesbasuita: Thanks: enlightening :)20:38
shiznebittecky: yes i have done sudo ethtool eth020:38
Qwellshiznebit: Do you have PME settings enabled?20:38
tom_de_tomhi is there a command to use to see what packages are install in debian?20:38
Jack_SparrowMagician We appreciate your enthusiasm.  Did you have a question or did you need directions to a chat channel20:38
shiznebitQwell: PME20:38
KIAazehi, is it possible to install ubuntu to a logical partition?20:39
Seeker`Magician: not in here please20:39
UbuntuNewbThanks Jack_Sparrow. Before I install, any idea if the ATI HD4950 runs on Linux?20:39
Jack_SparrowKIAaze yes20:39
chuck__UbuntuNewb install cd reboot press f4 chose install in safe graphics mode should have a graphical interface for installation20:39
Qwellshiznebit: check your bios, look for wakeup on PME (power management events)20:39
komputesMagician: I appreciate your intensity, but please, this is a support channel20:39
UbuntuNewbTotal newb here, installed ubuntu today at work.20:39
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:39
Magiciannope i am good  just makin a statement   I am done now20:39
chazcoHi... is it possible to install a remote desktop server on Ubuntu 9.04?20:39
KIAazeit's strange, because, the Live-CD just stops on an empty background after installation. reboot from hard disk fails with grub error 1720:39
shiznebitQwell: oh, yes I have PME enable20:39
komputeschazco: it's included20:40
shiznebith/o ill send the link about something i found20:40
chazcokomputes - The remote access thats included doesnt support my resolution :(20:40
fevelremote desktop is proprietary no good microsoft product20:40
MagicianKIaze:  run disk check rom the live cd and see if you have errors20:40
fevelso legally no20:40
komputeschazco: system > preferences > remote desktop20:40
Jack_SparrowKIAaze empty background is most likely video detection.. at the black screen try  ctrl-alt   F2  and see if you get a text screen20:40
chazcokomputes - Yep, tried it, but it doesnt work correctly :(20:40
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fevelhe means real remote desktop utilities20:40
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komputeschazco: ok, lets talk20:40
KIAazectrl+alt+Fx not working20:40
tom_de_tomhi is there a command to use to see what packages are install in debian?20:41
Jack_Sparrowtom_de_tom No idea.. ask in Debian..20:41
sbasuitatom_de_tom, yes; unfortunately it does not spring to mind :(20:41
tom_de_tomoh sorry20:41
sbasuitatom_de_tom, take a look at `man apt-cache'20:41
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:41
chazcokomputes / fevel - I have a netbook running at 1024x600 which is my development system... i have a desktop running at 1440x900 (both Ubuntu 9.04). I'd like to control the laptop from the desktop using the full resolution (not stretched). SSH with X forwarding is setup but not ideal...20:41
tom_de_tomjoin/ #debian20:42
UbuntuNewbJack_Sparrow: You were saying something about SSH. Do you mean I can deploy the OS to an unformatted drive from another system using the LiveCD?20:42
xmetalcorex<sbasuita>  thanx alot man20:42
fevelchazco: then komputes tip is the way to go20:42
Jack_SparrowUbuntuNewb That was not me20:42
shiznebitQwell: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/howto-make-wake-on-lan-wol-work-712283/20:42
UbuntuNewbIt was sbasuita, sorry!20:42
chazcofevel - If you mean the built in system it only uses the resolution on the laptop20:43
KB1JWQUbuntuNewb: There are ways to do that, yes.20:43
sbasuitaUbuntuNewb, yes20:43
UbuntuNewbKB1JWQ: Care to point me in the right direction?20:43
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate20:43
markl_why does compiz have a completely different Workspace Switcher behavior than running without any desktop effects?20:43
taylor__hi all20:43
sbasuitaUbuntuNewb, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetworkConsole20:43
markl_is there any plan to unify them?20:43
youbuntu41can i install amarok to gnome ?20:44
sysdocyoubuntu41, yup20:44
Picassotamus youbuntu41: yes20:44
ohemgy1hi i need help...i am in need of a portable antivirus for linux...any suggestions?20:44
youbuntu41ok thanks20:44
UbuntuNewbsbasuita: Thank you very much, having a look at it now.20:44
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2120:44
xmetalcorexi have one problem with the apt -get install20:44
Vincemancan anyone help me change the resolution of my webcam please?20:45
pisecxGuys. Is it possible to setup language change event to KEY_UP, not KEY_DOWN. Why do I need it: I use ctrl+shift to change language. Also I use application that has ctrl+shift+n hotkey. And this key doesn't work.20:45
sysdocyoubuntu41, U may not want to install the Amarok 2 that comes with Juanty, however..20:45
Qwellsysdoc: why?20:45
KIAaze"This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB. " -> I do have ext4...20:45
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts20:45
fevelis there any online tutorial to set up sarg on ubuntu?20:45
sysdocQwell, No EQ, No support for MySQL etc.20:45
arvernesI added an alias in my .bashrc file as : alias rm='rm -i' Now when I type "rm the_file" I get the following message : rm: cannot remove '\255i' : No such file or directory20:45
Gnome_KillaYEAH compiz working wwhhoohoo20:46
VincemanI'm just back from a refreshing run, please help me now kick my PC's ass back into order20:46
ohemgy1yeah linux does not really need an antivirus...but this is really important...i need a portable antivirus for linux20:46
fevelohemgy1: clamwin20:46
sysdocVinceman, lol20:46
Jack_Sparrowohemgy1 To scan linux files or windows files20:46
nmvictorIs it possible to change my $HOSTNAME?20:46
fevelclamwin portable20:46
Vincemansysdoc, do you know much about webcams?20:47
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:47
usserarvernes: did you copy/paste it from somewhere?20:47
fevelohemgy1: there are no antiviruses for linux, there are rootkit hunters20:47
arvernesusser: yes20:47
michaeldobrovitshello, can someone help ?20:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:47
ohemgy1rootkit hunters?20:47
usserarvernes: type it in explicitly, it has some problems doing unicode translation20:47
fevelohemgy1: take a look at clamwin portable see if it fits20:48
arvernesusser: ok20:48
fevelanyone know how I can set up sarg?20:48
caimlashi, I've got a MFD I can scan from in Ubuntu if I'm using KDE/GNOME/XFCE. However, if I use another window manager, it's not visible as a source or destination. What service or process makes these things available (so I might be able to start it)?20:48
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KIAazegrub wasn't installed apparently: /boot/grub does not exist. :/20:49
yoni9972Hi, i have problem with cannon lbp 2009 at ubunto 9/04 I have the trroubleshout.txt file. Can someone help me plaese. I can send him/her the file and explain this20:51
offipsoI don't like how Ubuntu 9.04 has no icons on the desktop. How can I change this?20:52
mneptokoffipso: what icons do you want?20:53
offipsomneptok: Trash and Home20:53
mneptokoffipso: see /msg20:53
sysdocmneptok, rt clk any launcher from the panel and choose. add to desktop20:54
DocTomoeok, updated to jaunty, now flash has no sound. (I am a kubuntu user, but the channel is not-too-helpful at this moment in time). Are there any FAQs out there on how to get flash to have sound in forefox on KDEI haven't found?20:54
michaeldobrovitscan somebody give me a some info about the connection of udev and kernel module loading20:55
padgeWhat tools can help you determine what partitions directories are on?20:56
caimlaspadge, dff20:56
caimlaspadge, make that 'df'20:56
oshua86_Hello guys, how can I modify the vnc configuration trhough the command line20:56
oshua86_whne i try to VNC to my box I can control it20:56
mneptoksysdoc: gconf-editor is easier20:56
oshua86_do you know why?20:56
caimlasoshua86_, not w/o more info.20:56
pigwrangleranyone know if bind has recursion enabled by default?20:57
th0roshua86_: 'man vncviewer' will get you all the options20:57
oshua86_caimlas, I can ssh to my box, I try to vnc to it, I can connect, see the desktop but I can control anything20:57
padgeOkay... What is 'var' typically used for?20:57
arvernesusser: when you say :  type it in explicitly, it has some problems doing unicode translation. Is it a problem with ubuntu 9.04 or a problem with my .bashrc file explicitely ?20:57
oshua86_th0r, yeah, I can connect, but Im wondering if there is a setting on the server side that is not letting me control it20:58
oshua86_just see the desktop20:58
HaraballisWhat is this partial upgrade in the 9.4 netbook remix about?20:58
jimcooncatxmetalcorex: you want dhcp? you have two main choices: dhcp3-server or dnsmasq20:58
BarrySoulHi all.  I am new to linux and I am trying out unbuntu 9  -- I cant seem to see wireless networks or connect to them at all.  Can anyone help?20:59
DocTomoeBarrySoul: at first, you need to get info on the chipset your wifi card uses. dmesg should help. next step depends on the chipset20:59
black_13is the a group package that installs mysql/php stack?21:00
pqpqBarrySoul, what wifi car do you have ?21:00
usserarvernes: its a problem with websites using nonstandard characters, ie they often use ` instead of ' theres a whole bunch of similar characters21:00
LegateI can't install mit-scheme. The package exists (http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/mit-scheme ), but when I try to apt-get it I get "Package mit-scheme is not available, but is referred to by another package.". What can I do? (other than compiling from source)21:00
BarrySoulbroadcom 43xx I installed a proprietary driver as prompted by hardware drivers..  Seemed to make my light on the laptop come on indicating it was active.  Linux also reported it as active.21:02
hatter243Legate, you don't happen to be running the 64-bit version of Ubuntu are you?21:02
melodiehi :)21:02
hatter243!hi | melodie21:02
ubottumelodie: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:02
BarrySouljust no wireless networks showing and I cannot connect to hidden network either21:02
LegateYes, I do hatter243.21:02
hatter243!broadcom | BarrySoul21:02
ubottuBarrySoul: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:02
shiznebitI have followed the instructions posted here http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/howto-make-wake-on-lan-wol-work-712283. Thel issue is i can't do that because after i setting it up through the /etc/network/interfaces. I reboot my pc and end up having no net connection at all.21:03
hatter243!info mit-scheme | Legate21:03
ubottuLegate: mit-scheme (source: mit-scheme): MIT/GNU Scheme development environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.7.90+20090107-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 6662 kB, installed size 18380 kB (Only available for i386)21:03
hatter243Last four words say it isn't available for 64bit21:03
PuKahi, i am having trouble getting flash to work on ubuntu 9.04 64-bit.21:03
melodieI'm trying to run Ubuntu 9.04 in a Virtualbox machine, it's not easy to succeed. :?21:03
caimlasoshua86_, ssh'ing from a windows or linux machine?21:03
LegateOk. Is there a reason why it's not for 64-bit?21:03
hatter243Legate, I don't know :(21:03
rascal999What's faster? Qemu or VirtualBox?21:03
BarrySoulI tried a fedora 11 prerelease and it seemed to have the same network connection tool, but it was able to connect21:04
melodierascal999, Virtualbox is faster, even with kqemu hang after qemu21:04
caimlasoshua86_, enable X forwarding for ssh if in linux then run the control panel to enable remote control via vinagre21:04
BugeyeDhi all - xorg/nvidia question: two external monitors connected to laptop via docking station - one vga and one dvi. how do i enable both externals (CRT, DFP-1) and disable the laptop display (DFP-0)?21:04
melodieit's faster, when the distro is ok to boot in there !21:04
rascal999melodie: ok will ubuntu server work in virtual box?21:05
PuKai am having trouble getting flash to work on ubuntu 9.04 64-bit can anyone help me with this?21:05
melodiePuKa, no idea whatsoever : is there vboxvideo driver in there ?21:05
PuKamelodie i have no idea. Im not running anything threw virtualbox right now tho. justrunning ubuntu 64-bit.21:06
PuKathe download comes with a libflashplayer.so file21:07
PuKai just dont know what to do with it.21:07
offipsoHmm, another question: how do I disable the crash notifier in Ubuntu 9.04? It annoys me21:07
oshua86_caimlas, from linux to linux21:07
melodiethis chan is very buzy indeed !21:07
hart1gananyone know how can i print files of dir with awk ? in bash i used for i in `ls` .... but here?21:07
voyagersHi,, which file do I need to edit to make the command "mount --bind /home /glftpd/site" auto on startup ?21:08
chazcoHi... anyone know how to setup VNC server that offers the login screen and full gnome session?21:08
black_13where does ubuntu store the apache conf files?21:08
Schiz0|2black_13: /etc/apache22/ i'm guessing21:08
Schiz0|2chazco: /etc/fstab21:08
thiebaudeoffipso: should be able to disable that through Services21:10
djungelkraemhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/166315/ - why does it stop there sometimes? not always, only sometimes it stops there and doesnt continue21:10
SJrXAre the K scripts in /etc/rcX.d to disable it from starting, or to KILL an existing version.21:10
andrewbishophow do i modify the xorg.conf file? When i open it in VI , I don't see any text21:10
user___voyagers: /etc/rc.local21:10
hart1gananyone know how can i print files of dir with awk ? in bash i used for i in `ls` .... but here?21:10
hart1gananyone know how can i print files of dir with awk ? in bash i used for i in `ls` .... but here?21:10
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CaneToadOn Jaunty, system performance on an otherwise powerful system during tracker indexing is absolutely abysmal!!21:10
thiebaudeCaneToad: thats why i turned tracker off21:11
user___hart1gan: (try #awk, check the channel topic for a link and you're done)21:11
andrewbishopdo I need to stop gdm before modifing the xorg.conf file?21:11
CaneToadthiebaude, seriously, while tracker-indexer is running, it has taken more than three minutes to close GIMP and it still isn't closed yet, on a system with 4Gb RAM21:12
pepperjackandrewbishop: no but you need to restart it before it can use the new file21:12
BarrySoulOK, more info here about my wireless problem I typed the lspci command and it is bcm4306 rev3.  the docs you sent me to had something for ubuntu 8 at newest.21:12
jimcooncatCaneToad: sounds like a job for ionice21:12
arverneshow do I know if I use utf-8 ?21:12
thiebaudeCaneToad: you on 9.04?21:12
pepperjackarvernes: locale -a ?21:12
CaneToadthiebaude, yes on an up-to-date 9.0421:13
arvernespepperjack: I have fr_FR.utf8 Do I have to add a setting to my .bashrc for example ?21:13
crankharderhow might I get 32-bit GRE installed on my 64-bit OS?21:14
user___crankharder: why? :-)21:15
pepperjackarvernes: nope it appears you are already using a utf8 locale env21:15
mbeierlcrankharder: apt-get install ia32-sun-java6-bin21:15
crankharderuser___: because stupid app won't run on 64-bit?21:15
pepperjackarvernes: what are you trying to do?21:15
mbeierlcrankharder: or ia32-sun-java5-bin for java 1.521:15
pepperjack!chroot | crankharder21:15
ubottucrankharder: chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)21:15
arvernesI have pb with an alias in my .bashrc file21:15
arvernespepperjack: I have a pb with an alias in my .bashrc fiel21:16
crankhardermbeierl: now that's installed -- any idea how to specify it be used when I launch this installer?21:18
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mbeierlcrankharder: you could use update-java-alternatives and make it the default21:19
Rockergirl777I am having trouble with Xvidcap... When I install libavcodec51 it crashes... when I try with libavcodec-unstripped-51 it dosen't crash, but the little green meter thingy dosen't move and I have to kill Xvidcap.21:19
mbeierlcrankharder: is it an applet or a java application that you are trying to run?21:19
melodie(nothing to do for me here today)21:19
crankharderit's a plugin for eclipse21:20
seventjeHI there guys, one of my hd's just crashed21:20
crankharderAdobe's flex builder21:20
Seveasseventje, time to buy a new one and restore from backup :)21:20
nmvictorseventje: really sorry21:20
usagican someone tell me how to install nvidia drivers?21:20
Seveas!nvidia | usagi21:20
ubottuusagi: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:20
Rockergirl777usagi, e-z21:20
pepperjackseventje: put it in freezer i hear that works every (almost never) time21:20
Rockergirl777usagi, www.nvidia.com21:20
Mew-ChanOkay so i realized i may have done something silly, if i have files located on a remote server, is there a way i can download those files? to my current laptop21:21
seventjepepperjack: can I put it in the freezer tomorrow? I'm trying to get a working enviroment right now :21:21
bencis there a gui ftp client installed by default on ubuntu? if not can you recommend one?21:21
SeveasMew-Chan, rsync, ftp, http....21:21
black_13ok the layout of the conf system for apache in ubuntu is different than fedora21:21
=== default is now known as bootui
mbeierlcrankharder: that runs natively under linux?  ok, well then update-java-alt is probably the best bet, to make it the default.  either that or start it from a terminal, but set your path first, like so:21:21
Mew-ChanSeveas: is ftp installed on server ubuntu by default?21:21
usagiSeveas, i checked that but no luck. im a bit confused about all the packages.21:21
Seveasbenc, gftp is decent, but the standard filemanager and browser both can do ftp too21:21
Rockergirl777I am having trouble with Xvidcap... When I install libavcodec51 it crashes... when I try with libavcodec-unstripped-51 it dosen't crash, but the little green meter thingy dosen't move and I have to kill Xvidcap.21:21
mbeierlcrankharder:  export PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/bin/:$PATH21:21
SeveasMew-Chan, no, but rsync is21:21
pepperjackseventje: if hard drive is going out about all you can do is replace.  if you mean the OS or data on HD became corrupted.. maybe you can do something21:21
wrektjetrhythmbox panel applet? anyone? please? had it in 8.1021:21
nflamelbenc: You can use nautilus21:21
Mew-Chanthanks i'll google rsync21:21
bencSeveas: thanks21:22
SeveasMew-Chan, (ssh not though, neither an active rsync daemon)21:22
seventjeI booted from ubuntu livecd right now, and I still have a HD that works and has windows vista installed on it, BUT it doesn't have a bootloader installed in it, is it possible to fix it so I can boot from windows on that disk?21:22
bencnflamel: I didn't know that. I'll serach. thanks21:22
crankharderman I hate eclipse, what trash :(21:22
pepperjackseventje: yes easy.  you have 2 options 1, reinstall windows boot loarder or 2 install grub to the mbr21:22
mbeierlcrankharder: sorry ;) I love eclipse!21:22
Rockergirl777seventje, maybe install grub, copy a NTLDR file from another vista install... idk really21:22
Mew-ChanSeveas: (i don't understand your last statement) about (ssh not thoug, neither an active rsync daemon)21:22
Mew-Chanwhats that mean in idiot terms?21:22
pepperjackseventje: do you have ubuntu installed on the HD?21:23
seventjepepperjack: what option do you suggest? and can you help me with whatever option? I'm not that used to such stuff, and I don't want to screw over another hd :(21:23
crankhardermbeierl: ;) big bloated programs kill me21:23
SeveasMew-Chan, that unless you installed openssh-server on that box you're screwed :)21:23
seventjepepperjack: the HD that had ubuntu installed crashed :p21:23
abicskahey guys! can smbdy pls help me protecting samba with an username and pswd??21:23
ikoniaabicska: in what way ?21:23
Mew-ChanSeveas: (if i can ssh into the box already im good?)21:23
SeveasMew-Chan, yes21:23
mbeierlcrankharder: I tuned the vm startup options so that eclipse is only allowed to use 512mb of memory21:23
raedhow are u every body21:23
Mew-Chanone last question does ubottu have links on rsync?21:23
pepperjackseventje: ah ok got it.  so use gparted to resize the existing windows install and then make a small partition to install grub to OR.. but from windows recovery cd and run whatever tool it is to fixmbr21:24
pepperjack!fixmbr | seventje21:24
ubottuseventje: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:24
abicskaikonia: to set the smb.conf21:24
Seveasin that case do this: rsync name.of.the.server:/path/to/files/on/server /path/to/local/dir/where/you/want/the/copy21:24
usagican someone tell me whats the package name of the app in system > administration > hardware ?21:24
SeveasMew-Chan, --^21:24
Mew-Chanthanks Seveas21:24
Seveasusagi, jockey21:24
seventjepepperjack: treid to boot from my vista cd, but well, I'm not that tidy with cd's.. equals : cd scratched and unbootable21:24
raedsoey all one here no like spoke withe me21:24
ikoniaabicska: you don't auth in smb.conf - you auth against your backend auth system21:24
seventjepepperjack: the hd has a NTFS partition and a linux swap partition21:25
seventjedelete swap one and then what?21:25
abicskaikonia: the file sharing is working properly with guest account but im on a large LAN network therefore id like to protect it with an username and pswd21:25
pepperjackseventje: use gparted to free up space for a new partition and but grub on that partition.  that way you arent stuck with a windows boot loader.  or just free up a few gigs (8+ preferably) and install ubuntu and ubuntu will fix everything for ya21:25
abicskaikonia: how can i do this easily?21:26
ikoniaabicska: and like I said, you need username and password in the backend21:26
pepperjackseventje: basically just install ubuntu to the good hd21:26
abicskaikonia: what shall i do?21:26
seventjeI'm trying to run gparted now but it gives an error msg though21:26
ikoniaabicska: password the "guest" account in your backend21:26
seventjeerror: libhal_acquire_global_interface_lock: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.InterfaceAlreadyLocked: The interface org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Storage is already exclusively locked either by someone else or it's already locked by yourself21:27
revygttamseventje whats the message?21:27
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Seveasseventje, that usually means you're running gparted or the ubuntu installer already21:27
abicskaikonia: with sud psswd guest?21:27
ikoniaabicska: no,21:27
ikoniaabicska: what backend are you authing against ?21:27
seventjeSeveas: I booted from the ubuntu disk and have chosen "install to disk"21:28
seventjebut the "installer" program isn't running atm21:28
TacI know fedora doesn't... but does ubuntu come out of the box with flash and java support in browsers... and mp3 support?21:28
ikoniaTac: no21:28
abicskaikonia: ubuntu server?21:28
Seveasseventje, choose the 'try ubuntu' option21:28
Tacno on all counts?21:28
ikoniaabicska: thats not an auth backend, what auth backend have you setup21:28
SeveasTac, no on all counts.21:28
seventjeSeveas: I'll be right back (I hope, if my other hd doesn't die :()21:28
thiebaudeTac flash and java are not installed by default21:28
thiebaudejust like windows xp21:29
abicskaikonia: than i dont have an auth backend21:29
ikoniaabicska: you must have ?21:29
Tacnot trying to cause a fuss, but I thought that was one of the main advantages of ubuntu, that it worked for normal users right outta the box21:29
abicskaikonia: like what? :S srry21:29
ikoniaTac: it does21:29
pepperjackTac: typically.21:29
Samual-LaptopCould someone help me set up wireless on my HP/Compaq 6715b Laptop?21:29
ikoniaabicska: how did you setup samba ?21:29
SeveasTac, it's dead easy to install these things but there are still some legal hurdles to overcome before we can provide it by default21:29
amerinesehi i got a dumb question on permissions... if i want to give a group permissions to create files in a directory, what do i do? it seems group read/write permissions for the parent directory is not enough21:29
TacSeveas, so a normal user can click something to install them?21:30
abicskaikonia: i followed a guide on ubuntu forums exactly this: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html21:30
Seveasamerinese, group r/w/x on the directory you want them to be able to create files in.21:30
Tacbecause in fedora, it takes someone with linux knowledge to get things like flash/java working21:30
SeveasTac, yes. Well documented 3-click process :)21:30
abicskaikonia: and that only what ive done21:30
thiebaudeTac ubuntu-restricted-extras21:30
ikoniaabicska: ahhh ok21:30
Seveas(I might have that count wrong, but more than 10 clicks is not needed)21:31
Tacthiebaude, I mean easy for someone who doesn't know anything about repositories :-p21:31
ikoniaabicska: ok so you need to remove guest ok = no then create an auth backend21:31
ikoniaabicska: then create users in that auth backend21:31
Tacthiebaude, like my sister could see a 'you need to install this plugin to view this page' and click it to install....21:31
Samual-LaptopAnyone?.. Wireless drivers?.. Heh21:31
ikoniaTac: that happens21:31
abicskaikonia: ive removed that line shall i search for the auth backed on google?21:32
thiebaudeTac; as in windows xp like ubuntu when you goto a web site that needs flash it tells you to install it21:32
Tacikonia, that happens in fedora too, but it doesn't do you any good to follow those prompts :-p21:32
ikoniaabicska: I'm sure there are guides on https://help.ubuntu.com21:32
Seveas!wifi  Samual-Laptop21:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:32
Seveas!wifi  | Samual-Laptop21:32
ubottuSamual-Laptop: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:32
Tacthiebaude, ^^21:32
ikoniaTac: why ?21:32
Mew-Chanin the case of rsync do i do that from the remote server i'm trying to download the files from? or do i rysnc from my local computer?21:32
Tacikonia, fedora just doesn't work like that...21:32
ikoniaTac: it also happens in windows "you need this, click here to download it"21:32
ikoniaTac: ubuntu does21:32
Samual-LaptopSeveas, i'm not new to Ubuntu-I tried there.21:32
SeveasTac, ubuntu isn't fedora :)21:32
Tacikonia, which is what i was asking :)21:32
abicskaikonia: which backend would you recommend for me?21:33
ikoniaTac: no - you asked if it came with flash installed out of the box21:33
modmadmikeMew-Chan: either way21:33
ikoniaabicska: tdbm21:33
SeveasSamual-Laptop, then be more specific. What is the problem and what have you tried?21:33
Mew-Chank thanks modmadmike21:33
abicskaikonia: searching21:33
thiebaudeyup, ikonia, in windows xp flash and java are not installed by default21:33
seatownrockshow do i kill a misbehaving program?21:33
modmadmikeMew-Chan: np21:33
Seveasseatownrocks, kill/pkill/xkill/killall21:33
modmadmikeseatownrocks: sudo killall <app>21:34
TacSeveas, right, but all I know is fedora... so thats all I can refer to ..... my thing is I always try to push linux on people, but when I set them up with fedora, I have to do too much work or they complain and want windows back .... ...21:34
seatownrocksk, thx21:34
Samual-LaptopI tried ndiswrapper and installing things through Wine, and I still don't have internet. I have a Compaq (HP) 6715b Laptop with a broadcom device21:34
Mew-Chanpkill reminds me of video games player kill (anywho enough idiot comments don't want to sound like a windows user)21:34
SeveasTac, give ubuntu a try :)21:34
TacSeveas, I.E. in fedora, you can't just click a 'you need this plugin' box and download/install flash21:34
Samual-LaptopI'll find the exact broadcom device for you real quick.21:34
pepperjackMew-Chan: try xkill21:34
Mew-Chanpepperjack: im familiar with xkill (its been my saving grace many times :)21:34
TacSeveas, in fedora, I have to go install repos, and manually install flash21:34
SeveasSamual-Laptop, the b43 driver + firmware don't work for you?21:34
seventjeokay, got gparted to run, will resize to have 20Gigs free and install ubuntu21:34
seatownrockshmm... didn't seem to work21:35
seventjeand hopefully be able toboot windows too21:35
seatownrockshow do i know what the name of the thing i need to kill is?21:35
TopBunny88Samual-Laptop: Lspci21:35
modmadmikeseatownrocks: top21:35
=== tomppa is now known as merc1
Samual-LaptopWell i'm not sure I installed it right Seveas... And yeah I just remembered the command, TopBunny88 thanks.21:35
Mew-ChanTac, if your trying to help convert people to linux, imo Kubuntu would be better then ubuntu21:35
Mew-Chanand im pretty sure KDE has a Windows Look A Like theme21:35
Mew-ChanHowever of course you will have to config a lil21:36
dsabeckyMew-Chan: It's called Redmond.21:36
modmadmikeMew-Chan: lol i have always been a linux user, no windows for me lol21:36
Mew-Chanthats part of linux is the config21:36
seventjefree space 1 megabyte21:36
seventjethats not good21:36
TopBunny88Is there a redmond theam for gnome21:36
thiebaudeno windows on this computer,:)21:36
jimcooncatMew-Chan: Depends on who you're talking about. If a person doesn't have much experience with Windows, Gnome is a better fit.21:36
thiebaudeTopBunny88: yes21:36
modmadmikeseventje: any lower than that and firefox won't work lol21:36
seventjeguess Ill mount the partition and delete some stuff21:36
TopBunny88 Tux only on this N50021:36
seatownrockshmm... i dont see it in top21:36
SeveasTopBunny88, you can probably find windows-like skins21:36
abicskaikonia: could you help me with this tdbm? first can i install it with apt-get?21:37
Chakercoucou les juifs21:37
xanguadoes someone here uses EASYSTROKE (mouse gestures for gnome) ¿, since jaunty i haven't been able to use it, is there someone who can ¿¿21:37
Mew-Chanit was hell for me to set up ubuntu 8.04 to this laptop (i upgraded later on to 9.04 while it was still beta (GREAT choice)21:37
Seveasor Os X ones21:37
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:37
Seveas!fr | Chaker21:37
ubottuChaker: please see above21:37
ikoniaabicska: you don't need to install it, it's part of samba21:37
Mew-ChanHowever the best thing of linux is after you do all your inital configing its pretty much leave alone21:37
modmadmikeseatownrocks: gnome-system-monitor21:37
Mew-Chanand problem free21:37
modmadmikeMew-Chan: true21:37
UbuntuNewbAny overclock stability utilities you guys know off of the top of your head for Linux?21:38
Mew-Chanvs Windows, where if its not a virus its bsod, if its not bsod then its spyware, if its not spyware its malware21:38
abicskaikonia: ohh im still learning ubuntu so sorry for my ignorance could you please help me step by step if you have time for me21:38
SeveasUbuntuNewb, yes: selfcontrol. Don't overclock if you want a stable system :)21:38
thiebaudeMew-Chan: soo true21:38
modmadmikeUbuntuNewb: i use bios overclocking and it works fine with my phenom21:39
TacMew-Chan, kubuntu IS what I have to give people actually ... default gnome is gross21:39
ikoniaabicska: it's not a step by step thing really, you'll need to have a read on samba and understand the auth system21:39
Samual-Laptop_HAH, that... is... odd.21:39
UbuntuNewbmodmadmike: And to test the stability of your phenom?21:39
xanguadoes someone here uses EASYSTROKE (mouse gestures for gnome) ¿, since jaunty i haven't been able to use it, is there someone who can ¿¿21:39
seatownrocksok, its dead... thx21:39
Samual-Laptop_I just... I did, NOTHING, and my wireless suddenly started to work21:39
Samual-Laptop_WITHOUT drivers21:39
Mew-Chandefault linux is gross :), thats why linux users config21:39
modmadmikeUbuntuNewb: yea run boinc to use your cpu to the max21:39
Samual-Laptop_I actually had another wireless card installed, (Temporarily), and it "kicked it off"21:39
Samual-Laptop_THAT, IS, FUNNY.21:39
Mew-Chanpersonaly i like Emerald(sp)21:40
UbuntuNewbmodmadmike: Great. Thanks.21:40
abicskaikonia: is help.ubuntu.com a good choice for understanding it?21:40
Mew-ChanEmerald or Fluxbox21:40
thiebaudeMew-Chan: i use openbox21:40
ikoniaabicska: it has some good info on there21:40
modmadmikeUbuntuNewb: np21:40
Mew-Channever tried OpenBox21:40
Samual-Laptop_That is the funniest happy thing that has ever happened to me on Ubuntu.... I'll be right back, gonna see if it still works.21:40
shiznebittaci love default linux, its so clean and pretty21:40
abicskaikonia: okay thank you21:40
modmadmikeMew-Chan: openbox is great21:40
dsabeckyshiznebit: "Default Linux" is just the kernal, which isn't functional alone.21:41
Mew-Chani want my computer so when people get on my computer there are like WTF wheres the buttons(not to mention since flux and emerald use so lil system resources all the resources goes into whatever i'm actually doing)21:41
modmadmikeMew-Chan: then openbox is 4 u21:41
ikoniaMew-Chan: please control comments like "wtf" we know what it means and don't need to hear it21:41
shiznebitlol thats why i just let it sit there and bum around on irc21:41
modmadmikeikonia: you mean what the fudge lol21:41
seventjeokay I mounted my /dev/sda1 to free up some space, now Im trying to do gparted to resize but it doesnt work, gives free space but not the option anymore I suppose I have to unmount /dev/sda1 now ? however, it says device or resource is busy21:42
Mew-Chani didn't know people got offended by that acronym i'll keep that in mind ikonia21:42
* jimcooncat thinks it's time to get back to being a support channel21:42
pepperjackseventje: yep i would not want to run gparted on a mounted drive21:42
ikoniaMew-Chan: thanks21:42
dsabeckyseventje: You can't partition a mounted drive.21:42
modmadmikeMew-Chan: there is no censoring on this chat page21:42
hatter243!ot | modmadmike21:43
seventjehow do I force unmounting ? tried sudo umount   -f but didnt work21:43
ubottumodmadmike: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:43
pepperjackseventje: -l for lazy21:43
clearscreenshiznebit: I think what dsabecky was trying to say is that Linux is 'just' a kernel running on the GNU operating system, you probably mean GNU/Linux21:43
=== Steffy_ is now known as Steffy
modmadmikeubottu: just saying that they should implement something21:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:43
dsabeckyLinux itself is just the kernal.21:43
hatter243seventje, you can also   fuser -k [path] to kill all processes that are accessing the folder, then you can unmount properly21:43
seventjety pepperjack :)21:43
xanguadoes someone here uses EASYSTROKE (mouse gestures for gnome) ¿, since jaunty i haven't been able to use it, is there someone who can ¿¿21:43
seventjesigh now it doesnt show up any free space on the drive anymore21:44
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox. To replace metacity with Openbox please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReplaceMetacityWithOpenbox21:44
modmadmikexangua: sounds like xstroke21:44
xeeanyone with experience creating a Ubuntu derivative?21:45
thiebaudewhat does this mean, The 'Manual' browser command has been chosen, but no command has been set21:45
ikoniaxee: thats offtopic here21:45
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox. To replace metacity with Openbox please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReplaceMetacityWithOpenbox21:45
thiebaudeim trying to open a link21:45
xanguamodmadmike: what's xstroke ¿¿21:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xstroke21:45
xeeikonia: I'd appreciate any pointers21:46
ikoniaxee: it's offtopic for this channel21:46
xanguamodmadmike: jum it looks prety hard, easystroke is easier21:46
modmadmikexangua: what Easystroke is based off of21:46
modmadmikexangua: i use cellwriter, for i have a tablet21:47
xeeikonia: ok thanks21:47
tom_de_tompostfix/master[18268]: terminating on signal 1521:47
tom_de_tomanyone know what that means21:47
tom_de_tompostfix mail logs ^21:47
ablerthello, I'd like to pin a PPA repo higher than everything else, I'm not sure how to go about it though21:48
xanguajum, i just want to usea mouse gestures, it looks i will have to wait21:48
ikoniatom_de_tom: means postfix decided to die - signal 15 as I recall is "didn't know what to do"21:48
mrwesablert, for a specific program? or app?21:48
ikoniatom_de_tom: does it even start up ? or does it die straight after start up21:48
matttrying to install vmware through tar.gz.  I made a directory /usr/local/src and placed the tar.gz file there.  Then I extracted it to the same directory.  I *THINK* the install file is vmware-install.pl but I need some help.21:48
ikoniamatt: read the vmware site21:49
ikoniamatt: the docs are all on there21:49
modmadmikematt: try to compile it21:49
ikoniamodmadmike: vmware is closed source21:49
ikoniamodmadmike: you don't compile it21:49
ablertmrwes, for the entire repo - preferably. There shouldn't be anything there that's lower priority (the only reason they're there at all is to supercede ubuntu's packages)21:49
modmadmikeikonia: lol forgot21:49
Mew-ChanWhich would you all suggest for plaiyng video games21:49
derekvwhere is it (xchat) getting this autojoin #ubuntu from? I don't see that in the preferences.21:49
modmadmikeikonia: Virtualbox OSE is though lol21:49
Mew-ChanPartion? or VirtalBox?21:50
mattikonia, why does it matter?21:50
ikoniamodmadmike: how is that anything to do with anything ?21:50
dsabeckyMew-Chan: WINE or dual boot.21:50
ikoniamatt: you can't compile closed source applications as you don't have the source code, so yes it matters21:50
mattlet me rephrase... how do you install "brand X file.tar.gz?21:50
mechdavetom_de_tom, you could try #postfix they might be able to help you more perhaps21:50
modmadmikeikonia: there both virtualization suites21:50
lucaxcould someone tell me if intel gma x3100 is now fully supported for jaunty?21:50
ikoniamatt: it depends on the contents of the tar file21:50
ikoniamodmadmike: he was asking about vmware21:50
modmadmikelucax: intel has poor drivers21:51
ikoniamatt: what do YOU want to install now - what areyou having a problem21:51
* matt is not upset, not upset at all21:51
ikoniamodmadmike: that's just nonsense noce21:51
youbuntu41when i add a link (shortcut) to my desktop, its appearence is too bad with an arrow on it, how can or can i change it ?21:51
modmadmikelucax: it should work fine though21:51
ikoniamodmadmike: intel make very solid open drivers21:51
mattikonia, just nevermind man21:51
ikoniamatt: you asked how to install vmware from a tar file - you can't ask what the is the process to install a tar file as it depends what's in the tar file21:51
modmadmikelucax: yes but try playing a game that has alot of 3d functions21:51
modmadmikeopps ikonia**21:52
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC21:52
lucaxive tried intel gma x3100 and didnt work on jaunty plus it was really unstable, but ive read on bugs launchpad that it was fiexed...21:52
ikoniamodmadmike: what ?21:52
seventjefound out the problem with not being able to resize the NTFS disk .. it's inconsitent and I have to run chkdsk /f from windows.. which I cannot boot into *shrugs*21:52
treyhwhat would you guys recommend software was for a creative zen player?21:52
lucaxi dont play games just use for internet, but i want to make sure compiz will run ok and wont have problems with stability21:52
modmadmikeikonia: i can't get nearly as much power out of the intel cards in linux as windows21:52
ikoniamodmadmike: very much depends on your configuration21:53
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC21:53
mattgyveris anyone familiar with Samba?21:53
modmadmikeikonia: true but there is a huge differeince for some games21:53
DaskreechIs there an eee PC for ubuntu IRC chan?21:54
dpnuxhow to know memory use in Ubuntu on terminal?21:54
ikoniamodmadmike: in the same way there is on any software product, it depends how the applications use the "driver"21:54
modmadmikedpnux: less than 70mb21:54
Daskreechdpnux: free21:54
youbuntu41when i add a link (shortcut) to my desktop, its appearence is too bad with an arrow on it, how can or can i change it ?21:54
modmadmikeikonia: true but I have always had bad luck with intel cards21:54
ikoniamodmadmike: that doesn't mean "intel make bad drivers"21:55
modmadmikeikonia: on my eee pc i cant even use compiz21:55
[Esde]My problem is here, so it is easier for you to read; all details are here as well http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115160121:55
ZipmaOHi, wondering if someone can help me find out how my ubuntu server was shut down a short while ago21:55
dpnuxups, I mean to list every application memory.21:56
nicros_thinking about going out and buying a high end video card tonight, what works well in Ubuntu 9?21:56
Daskreechmodmadmike: Is there an Ubuntu EEE pc IRC chan?21:56
Daskreechdpnux: top21:56
lucaxis anyone usind intel gma x3100 on jaunty?21:56
modmadmikenicros_: nvidia seems best21:56
oshua86does anyone know how to list all the listening ports?21:56
Daskreechoshua86: nmap21:56
dpnuxDaskreech: thanks21:56
ikoniaoshua86: netstat -A | grep LIST21:56
clearscreennicros_: depends... if you have no problem with running proprietary (closed source) drivers, then nvidia is your best bet21:56
ZipmaOI just ran "$cat syslog | grep restart" and found out when it was switched on again21:56
modmadmikenicros_: nvidia seems best: idk i have not used IRC thatmuch21:56
ZipmaObut there is no trace of a shutdown command just before that21:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnubuntu21:57
clearscreennicros_: the general consensus I think is: whatever you do, don't get an ATI card :P21:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gbuntu21:57
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pganHi all. How can I set the icon for xterm that shows in the Gnome task list (panel applet) and in the window switch overlay?21:57
[Esde]i have been working on finding an answer to my question for about 3 days. no one seems to have an answer....does ANYONE in here have ideas.....? http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115160121:57
Daskreechclearscreen: I have one. Works fine. Much better than the hellstorm of Intel21:57
EdicoI followed this tutorial step by step https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/Networking to configure networking on my virtualbox machine. When I try to configure the network card with host interface in virtualbox I cant see the virtual cards I have created vbox0, vbox1 ...21:57
DaskreechIs there an eee PC for ubuntu IRC chan?21:57
lucax!intel gma21:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel gma21:57
mib_ekbyv0wqCan anyone tell me where I can adjust the volume levels in ubuntu? they are very low for me21:58
clearscreenDaskreech: I don't have any personal experiences with ATI cards in ubuntu.. but I heard it's a hell getting direct rendering to work etc21:58
[Esde]!intel | gma21:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel21:58
Daskreechclearscreen: Maybe for brand new ones.21:58
teckylucax, whats your question about the 3100 ?21:58
ikonia[Esde]: the problem is wubi's boot loader is messed up21:58
[Esde]>.< there MUST be some genius on here that can help me....21:58
[Esde]ikonia: any ideas on how to fix?21:59
ikonia[Esde]: wubi boots slightly different with it being run from within a windows file system21:59
youbuntu41how can i understand if my soundcard driver was installed truely21:59
Daskreechyoubuntu41: You have sound?21:59
lucaxtecky: just want to know if it is now fully supported, when 9.04 came out i couldnt use compiz, just want to know if that bug is fixed and if stability with this video card is ok21:59
Daskreechyoubuntu41: It would probably be in the output of modprobe21:59
userxto install network on ubuntu select bridged21:59
ikonia[Esde]: a common issue from what I'm seeing on your screen would be an overall issue with your hard disk, can you access/mount it from within your livecd environment21:59
DaskreechIs there an eee PC for ubuntu IRC chan?21:59
userxon virtualbox22:00
ikoniaDaskreech: #ubuntu-eee22:00
denthi. how can I ugrade from 8.04 to 9.04 using the command line?22:00
ikonia!upgrade > dent22:00
ubottudent, please see my private message22:00
teckylucax, as far as i know its fully supported in 8.10... I dont know about 9.04 but one would think if its in 8.10 it wouldn't be "removed" from support22:00
[Esde]yes ikonia i can see all local files.22:00
lucaxdent: cant need to go from 8.04 to 8.10 then 9.0422:00
youbuntu41daskreech: 'ta ta ta ta taaaaaa'   on startup and  no sound while running mp3 or video22:00
seventje /dev/sda1, is that (hd0,0) ? or 022:00
Daskreechikonia: one with people22:00
seventje0,1 ?22:00
ikonia[Esde]: that's a good start, so the issue must be with wubis acual boot loader,22:00
dentlucax: thought so, thanks. now I need to find out how to do that remotely from the command line22:00
ikoniaDaskreech: #ubuntu-eeepc sorry22:00
youbuntu41just 'ta ta ta ta taaaaaa'   on startup and  no sound while running mp3 or video22:01
[Esde]so i need to replace the files?22:01
ikoniadent: read the pm ubottu sent you22:01
ikonia[Esde]: no22:01
Daskreechikonia: thanks22:01
ikonia[Esde]: I'm trying to think how wubi works from a boot loader point of view22:01
dentikonia: will do, thx22:01
lucaxtecky: well... the card was ok with hardy... intrepid was not that good, now jaunty sucks22:01
dpnuxGnome-ppp keep telling me about PPPD permission. Is there any workaround to thus?22:01
lucaxdent: cant, type sudo update-manager -d22:01
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome22:01
teckylucax,   I was looking at a dell with 8.10 preinstalled, and it happens to have a Intel x3100 chipset, so that should say something22:02
dentcome on... don't want to run X remotely... anyway I'll read what that bot hinted22:02
[Esde]ikonia: i will leave you to think for a few minutes. lol.22:02
ikonia[Esde]: just trying to find some docs on how wubi's boot loader works, I don't use it myself so I don't know off the top of my head22:02
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.22:02
youbuntu41pls help me how can i understand if my soundcard driver was installed truely by ubuntu?  i just hear  ta ta ta ta taa on ubuntu startup  and i hear no sound while playing mp3 or video...22:03
[Esde]ikonia: can i move the full install to a true dual boot? or is that not possible?22:03
ikoniayoubuntu41: you need to install the codecs22:03
Daskreechyoubuntu41: Do you know what your soundcard driver was named ?22:03
ikonia[Esde]: I don't believe that possible, but I often see people (who I consider questionable skillset) say it is22:03
youbuntu41ati chipset sigmatel soundcard22:03
modmadmikeyoubuntu41: what trye of soundcard do you have22:03
kkrustyHello Im getting "Could not link test program to Python." while running configure on something22:03
clearscreen!info ubuntu-restricted-extras > youbuntu4122:04
ikonia[Esde]: as I said I don't use it so I only know what I actually know and what I can work out22:04
clearscreenwhy doesnt it work :(22:04
ikoniakkrusty: what are you tyring to build22:04
Daskreechclearscreen: why doesn't what work?22:04
[Esde]then i will not do it. i simply dont want to recustomize everything, i would rather get this working.22:04
Daskreech[Esde]: You should be able to22:04
clearscreenDaskreech: ubottu isn't doing what I want, damnit :)22:04
modmadmikeyoubuntu: i think my moms laptop has the same one22:04
kkrustyikonia: Im trying to build compiz python22:04
Daskreechclearscreen: what do you want ubottu to do?22:04
[Esde]Daskreech: while saving all settings etc...?22:04
ikoniakkrusty: compiz python ?22:05
youbuntu41modmadmike:  so?  did she solve problem ?22:05
lucaxtecky: ok thanks but im looking for another answer22:05
Daskreech[Esde]: Hit the forums. The creator of wubi lives there and is very helpful22:05
ikoniakkrusty: what is compiz python?22:05
[Esde]i made a thread...http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115160122:05
modmadmikeyoubuntu41: idk she only has 8.10 (or 8.04 i forgot) on her machine22:05
youbuntu41mine is 9.0422:05
kkrustyikonia: Its actually a plugin for using python with compiz. http://www.anykeysoftware.co.uk/compiz/python/doc/html/22:05
jawallHow do you log onto a Windows Network with Ubuntu.  I can Samba to folder, could at least..22:06
modmadmikeyoubuntu41: thought so22:06
youbuntu41so what must i do ?22:06
Daskreech[Esde]: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33122:06
ikonia!codecs > youbuntu4122:06
ubottuyoubuntu41, please see my private message22:06
ikonia!mp3 > youbuntu4122:06
Soul_Shadowanyone know how to get 3d cube working on compiz? I played with settigns it only gives 2d movment of desktop22:07
modmadmikeyoubuntu41: try a differient kernel22:07
ikoniakkrusty: never worked with that before, maybe mail mike dransfield for support, as it looks like his project22:07
Soul_ShadowI also need to kow how I set my desktops using gnome desktop22:07
DaskreechSoul_Shadow: add more desktops22:07
ikoniamodmadmike: don't be silly22:07
[Esde]Daskreech: why that link? http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1151601 <--my thread.22:07
ikoniamodmadmike: how is a different kernel going to help22:07
youbuntu41modmadmike and ubottu  ok i will try22:07
modmadmikeyoubuntu41: on one of my ps's the server kernel had better sound support22:07
Daskreech[Esde]: reference that thread in the forum I gave you22:07
kkrustyikonia: I'll do that. I was just wondering whether theres something missing/specific about ubuntu jaunty regarding python22:08
ikoniamodmadmike: please join #ubuntu-ops22:08
[Esde]http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1151601   thats it this link here.22:08
ikoniayoubuntu41: please disregard that, the server kernel is the same as the desktop one so won't have different sound support22:08
youbuntu41always the latest kernel doesnt work best  you say so ?22:08
Soul_ShadowHOW do I set more desktops22:08
modmadmikeikonia: not entirely true22:08
Soul_Shadowyoubuntu 9.04 works well22:09
ikoniamodmadmike: very true22:09
edmonti cannot play this file, only sound works:22:09
edmontSoma - uma terapia anarquista.divx: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 624 x 448, 29.97 fps, video: DivX 5, audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3 (stereo, 48000 Hz)22:09
edmonti tryed totem, vlc, mplayer and smplayer22:09
edmontits ubuntu 9.04 with w32codecs installed22:10
maxbHi, can anyone tell me how to control laptop panel brightness from the command line?22:10
jonaskoelkerHi all.  How do I make elisa use all my screen real estate when playing video?22:10
jonaskoelkerit's full screen (no visible decoration), but there's a huge black frame around the video...22:11
Soul_Shadowhow do I set more desktops on ubuntu 9.04 gnome desktop??22:11
=== maco_ is now known as maco
jonaskoelkerSoul_Shadow: right-click your workspace switcher panel app22:11
jonaskoelkerSoul_Shadow: pick preferences22:11
computa_mikeGot a question about monodevelop on Ibex...  Seems to not compile vb.net apps...  Anyone got any ideas?22:11
Soul_ShadowGnome desktop 9.0422:12
LeeJunFanAny chance there's a reverse dependency search kind of like packages.ubuntu.com, only one that I could type in a library name and see what packages depend on it?22:12
jonaskoelkerSoul_Shadow: wrong, how?22:12
mgolischcomputa_mike: did you install the vb stuff for mono?22:12
dn4how do I kill gdm?22:12
dn4!killing gdm22:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about killing gdm22:12
Soul_ShadowI have change desktop background & setting not there22:12
jonaskoelkerdn4: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop22:12
Soul_ShadowI am not using 8.04 or 8.10 I am using 9.04 new one22:12
Soul_Shadowthat panle not thre22:12
jonaskoelkerSoul_Shadow: you don't have a panel?22:12
mgolischcomputa_mike: like did you install mono-vbnc?22:12
Soul_ShadowI right click dsktop & have change desktop background22:13
Soul_Shadowthem options have no setting for desktops22:13
dn4jonaskoelker: how do I change stop to kill?22:13
mgolischbut vb.net sucks you dont realy want that anyways22:13
caimlashi, I've got a MFD I can scan from in Ubuntu if I'm using KDE/GNOME/XFCE. However, if I use another window manager, it's not visible as a source or destination. What service or process makes these things available (so I might be able to start it)?22:13
jonaskoelkerSoul_Shadow: you shouldn't right click the desktop22:13
thiebaudeSoul_Shadow: workspaces22:13
[Esde]ok NEW question....can i "Back-Up" my Ubuntu as it is now, put it all on my external hard drive, then reinstall Ubuntu as a true dual boot, and use the backup to restore the original configuration?22:13
computa_mikemgolisch : ahh - so that's what it's called... I was looking for vbnc...I shall install it now...22:13
jonaskoelkerdn4: you don't; "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" kills gdm22:13
computa_mikeeasy win!22:13
dn4jonaskoelker: thanks22:13
jonaskoelkerSoul_Shadow: there should be two small squares in the upper right corner of your screen; are they there?22:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about capslock22:14
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:14
=== Lunar_La1p is now known as Lunar_Lamp
Soul_ShadowNO thats my shutdown button22:14
Soul_ShadowI AM NOT USING 8.04 or 8.10 I am using 9.0422:14
Soul_ShadowGnome desktop22:14
[Esde]Soul_Shadow: stop caps please.22:14
jonaskoelkerSoul_Shadow: please post a screenshot of your desktop on imagehost22:14
Soul_ShadowNot kde not anything else Ubuntu 9.0422:14
DaskreechSoul_Shadow: lower right I think he means22:15
ablertsorry, I was afk mrwes, I wasn't sure if you had answered my question re: pinning a ppa22:15
Soul_Shadowmy trash can22:15
jonaskoelkerSoul_Shadow: next to that?22:15
[Esde]http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=331&order=desc&page=18 Daskreech my thread is on this page.22:15
=== carlo is now known as Guest89821
jonaskoelkerDaskreech: probably :)  I forget22:15
cllaudyuI DONT HAVE SOUND! i run tests on sound it works but in vlc or anything else is muted why is this happening?????22:15
Soul_Shadowmy desktops but no options to change em22:15
jonaskoelkerSoul_Shadow: if you right-click on them?22:15
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:15
Daskreechjonaskoelker: It's lower right on all the UNix DEs  I can think of except for CDE22:15
Soul_Shadowcolums 2 rows 122:16
cllaudyuall your troubles are capslock22:16
jonaskoelkerDaskreech: yeah, but I reorganize...22:16
Daskreechsoul change columns to 422:16
caimlascllaudyu, switch the output device. you probably have it wrongly defined, or the audio muted. use alsamixer to set levels/umute.22:16
Soul_Shadowoh thats stupid why not just call em what they are Desktops....22:16
* Soul_Shadow steps on another Gnome running by22:16
Soul_Shadowevil gnomes22:17
jonaskoelkerSoul_Shadow: well, they're organized in rows and columns... should they be called "desktops" and "desktops" instead?22:17
LordQuackstarI've got a small problem here: I made a usb boot cd for my computer, since it dosen't support booting directly to usb, and followed all the directions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB. However, its not persistant. All changes are lost when i restart. This is on an external hd on a partion ext3 formatted, made in windows with unetbootin. Am i doing something wrong?22:17
* [Esde] so theres no answers..........22:17
=== Guest89821 is now known as ubublues
Daskreech[Esde]: bump it22:17
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:17
LordQuackstar(BTW, why is help.ubuntu.com on https?22:17
Soul_ShadowNo they should be desktops only & pane rows22:18
Daskreech[Esde]: In Gnome they are called workspaces22:18
* dent loves do-release-upgrade22:18
carpiiLordQuackstar, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:18
DaskreechUnless it's Gnome 3. then they are called activites22:18
carpiiI think the install to usb option is severely limited in what it persists22:18
Soul_Shadowok then # of desktops & # of rows22:18
[Esde]Daskreech: whaaat?22:18
carpiiso you need to do it differently to get a fully writeable system22:18
[Esde]i know what a workspace is....22:18
LordQuackstarcarpii: trying...22:18
Soul_Shadowas do I22:18
Daskreech[Esde]: Add the new information that you have found and ask for more specific help. Any time you make a post in that thread it "bumps" it back to the front page so more people are likely to see it22:19
Soul_Shadowbut I am looking for desktop amounts & rows colums says nothing about the desktops22:19
Soul_Shadowit specifies how many tows & colums for the window22:19
[Esde]Daskreech: i know about bumping, but what info am i adding?22:19
Daskreech[Esde]: oh sorry wrong person for workspaces22:19
dbruynbcan someone plz help me with my display card drivers??22:19
* Soul_Shadow beats gnome to death with the word KISS22:19
DaskreechSoul_Shadow: In Gnome they are called Worksaces unless you have Gnome 3 then they are called activities22:19
jonaskoelkerSoul_Shadow: ah, so you want multiple desktops with multiple workspaces?22:19
DaskreechSoul_Shadow: Gnome is the beater of KISS22:20
dn4where can I get some wine version > 1.0.1 in jaunty22:20
Soul_Shadowdn4 why do u want wine?22:20
jonaskoelkerdn4: I think "the internet" is a correct but also useless answer :)22:20
[Esde]!wine dn422:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wine dn422:20
Daskreech[Esde]: That your Wubi loader has gone wrong and you would like to either retireve your data from wubi install or fix the wubi loader.22:20
Soul_Shadowits easyer to resize partition & install a windos os in that partition22:20
Soul_Shadowthen u got a menu to choose between em22:20
rascal999can virtualbox run amd64 iso's?22:20
dn4my system keeps locking up when I try to do env WINEPREFIX="/home/dn4/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe"22:20
Ryouga_Hibikiso do you guys recommend WUBI?22:21
lstarnesrascal999: it should be able to if your host OS is 64-bit22:21
rumpelRyouga_Hibiki, for beginners... why not?22:21
rascal999lstarnes: shiiiiiii22:21
Soul_ShadowDn4 I suggest resize ur partition & make a ntfs partition with that extra space to play ur windows games22:21
rumpelRyouga_Hibiki, less performance, less risk22:21
Ryouga_Hibikierr sorry I mean its fully funtioncal right?22:21
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:21
Soul_Shadowusing wine & a game only cause your pc to lag & die22:21
dn4Soul_Shadow: um no but dually noted22:21
rumpelRyouga_Hibiki, mostly22:22
jonaskoelkerSoul_Shadow: my experience with wine has been pleasing...22:22
lstarnesdn4: is your home directory /home/dn4?22:22
dn4lstarnes: always22:22
=== danopia` is now known as danopia
Soul_Shadowso it takes me 30 sec to switch from windoews to linux22:22
[Esde]http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7234395#post7234395  Daskreech better?22:22
Titan8990Soul_Shadow, you are giving windows too much credit on boot time there22:23
Soul_ShadowI use windows 7 & it boots fine 1 min to load22:23
Soul_Shadowbut shutdown is fast from windows to linux 30 sec22:23
lstarnesdn4: then you could try wine "C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe"22:23
[Esde]Soul_Shadow: boot time is marginally greater for me on linux, but so far it is far more stable. pros>cons.22:24
Titan8990Soul_Shadow, one of my gentoo systems boots in < 20 secs22:24
rumpelboot time is only interesting, because you have to wait ^^22:24
Soul_ShadowI a mrunning a 2.5gig duel core with 2 gig ram 256mb video ram22:24
Titan8990lstarnes, that would never work22:24
computa_mikemgolisch: Hi mgolisch - I've tried everywhere to find VBNC or some variation in the repositories...22:24
lstarnesTitan8990: why not?22:24
=== mc__ is now known as m`
mgolischcomputa_mike: and?22:24
dn4_ok my alt+ctrl+f7 is totalled22:24
Titan8990lstarnes, wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Warcraft\ III/Frozen\ Throne.exe22:25
computa_mikemgolisch: oh - and I agree - .net totally does suck ... but the company I work for are still using VB5, and they think that VB.NET will be a smoother transition...22:25
dn4_I just tried to run wine in a terminal22:25
rascal999will the i386 iso of ubuntu server work on virtualbox i686?22:25
Titan8990lstarnes, C:\ is not a directory22:25
lstarnesrascal999: it shou;d22:25
mgolischcomputa_mike: hm dotnet rocks, but all vb languages sucks due to their weird syntax22:25
Titan8990lstarnes, above is the full path to wine's C:\ drive22:25
computa_mikemgolisch: to fill you in further : no VBNC in the repositories.22:26
mgolischcomputa_mike: it is for me, in the universe repo22:26
mgolischin jaunty atleast22:26
Soul_Shadowwhy don't you just install xp as a secondary save u dys of greif22:26
Titan8990rascal999, i686 machines can handle 386 and 48622:26
rascal999lstarnes: ok, for some reason ubuntu.com gave me the amd64 iso. I should read url links22:26
faryshtaHow can I see rm videos?22:26
jonaskoelkerfaryshta: rm?22:26
faryshta.rm (real media).22:27
ihasnanyone know about postfix?22:27
mgolischcomputa_mike: maybe its named differently before, or they use some old mono version where the vb.net part wasnt developed by an external party22:27
computa_mikemgolisch: I'm still in Ibex... I'll make sure Universe is enabled...  Sorry I tool so long getting back...  At least I know that the reason it won't compile is : there is no compiler...  Sort of a matrix style "there is no spoon" thing going on.22:27
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:27
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer22:27
ablertI'm looking to try to figure out how to pin a everything in a repo higher than the standard ubuntu repos - i've added an /etc/apt/preferences file22:27
computa_mikemgolisch: Personally - iprefer C# anyday.22:27
jonaskoelkerfaryshta: got a link to an .rm file?22:27
faryshtajonaskoelker, well I am using mplayer but only reads .rmvb videos (not .rm)22:27
lstarnescomputa_mike: do you have build-essential installed?22:27
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html22:28
computa_mikelstarnes: I thought build essentials was for proper c build environments, and not mono?22:28
lstarnescomputa_mike: for c22:28
ablertbut - I'm not sure what this line should read => Pin: release o=??22:28
Shivamhow can i post a video on a vbulletin forum thread?22:28
lstarnescomputa_mike: what about mcs and gmcs?22:28
=== Crash|hd is now known as Crash1hd
faryshtajonaskoelker, yes but is a porno.... :) let me find one descent video.22:29
jonaskoelkerfaryshta: nvm22:29
computa_mikelstarnes: i'll have a look...22:29
mgolischits c#22:29
jonaskoelkerfaryshta: unless you're afraid some stranger on the internet is going to learn what kind of sick porno you like looking at...22:29
Titan8990computa_mike, build essentials also contains things needed for all compiled binaries such as gnu make22:29
Titan8990computa_mike, aside from gcc/g++22:29
computa_mikelstarnes: i have them tagged for install but they don't support vb.net...22:30
faryshtajajaja jonaskoelker ok let me find the link. Will send it to you by PM.22:30
mgolischcomputa_mike: you might need to search for newer mono packages or maybe just build mono and related stuff from source22:31
[biabia]does linux have a built in program to save a text file as a pdf22:31
computa_mikelstarnes: As an asside, mgolisch said that s/he could see the mono-vbnc (which I think will be the compiler for vb.net) on the universe repository.  Is there some way I can check what repositories I have enabled?22:31
mgolischshouldnt be too hard22:31
lstarnescomputa_mike: graphically, or via the terminal?22:31
mgolischcomputa_mike: i checked on packages.ubuntu.com, intrepid doenst seem to have that22:31
rumpel[biabia], try to print it into a pdf...22:32
computa_mikemgolisch: I am planning to upgrade to Jaunty - so that should (in theory) solve that problem22:32
ablertif anyone wants the answer: turns out, if you want to pin a repo (say a ppa repo) the preferences line is: Pin: release o=LL-PPA-$ppa_id (you can find your $ppa_id in /ppa/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Release22:32
mgolischcomputa_mike: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono/+bug/12952422:32
[biabia]rumpel thanks i'll try that22:32
Slart[biabia]: I think there is a ascii2pdf  ... not sure if it's installed by default though22:33
computa_mikemgolisch: Infact I feel rather bad for not upgrading almost instantly - I upgrade my brother's laptop from windows to Ibex, and he had upgraded himself all on his own without me having to prompt him.  Can I upgrade from the live CD?  If I boot from the live CD and install will it wreck my current install, or is it just best to let it dist-upgrade?22:34
tom_de_tomanyone know any install which puts a graph on the menu or like a side bar that shows cp usuage etc?22:35
neotenygot this zen media player.  when i plug it in rythmbox fires up and nautilus shows it's mounted.  but from the command line i can cd to where nautilius say it is: gphoto2://[usb:001,004]/  what's the magic involved in cding there?22:35
tom_de_tombit like system monitor but in a bar or near the clock in ubuntu22:35
mgolischcomputa_mike: i think you can only upgrade using the alternatecd but i might be wrong22:35
Mew-Chani installed an eggdrop on a remote server, can i install ftp via aptitude to access those files (and if so how would do i do that) a lot of FTP results show up when i search for FTP22:35
kkrustyis there a different "development version of the python package" than what is available by default in jaunty?22:35
mgolischcomputa_mike: but maybe you can use the livecd as a installation source too22:35
Dr_Willistom_de_tom:  theres numerous monitoring tools like that, conky is one, gkrellm is another.22:35
mgolischnever tried that, i allways reinstall22:35
tom_de_tomDr_Willis: cheers22:35
Dr_Willistom_de_tom:  proberly otehrs  - check the package manager22:35
computa_mikemgolisch: an interesting idea - I'll try it.22:36
lupine_85Mew-Chan, proftpd or pureftpd for the daemon, set it up to serve wherever the eggdrop is22:36
lupine_85personally, I'd just use sftp22:36
lupine_85if you've got ssh working, it "just works" too22:36
faryshtajonaskoelker, link sended.22:36
V0iD__could anyone tell me how to set gparted to use ext4 on hardy !22:37
subspiderhow do i know if my graphic card is installed??22:37
computa_mikemgolisch: thanks for all the help - I just popped over to the pidgin forum becuase I was having such a terrible time trying to type users names, and they clued me in on the Tab auto complete function.  I feel like I've taken my first steps into a a larger world.22:37
pronik`hello, has anyone experienced system stalling for a couple of minutes on jaunty?22:37
pepperjacksubspider: what card? nvidia or ati or intel?22:37
pepperjackpronik`: id investigate turning off indexing maybe22:37
pronik`it's happening every so often (four times this evening)22:37
SlartV0iD__: for some filesystems you have to install a package before they show up in gparted.. ntfstools for ntfs support is one such example22:38
jonaskoelkerfaryshta: downloading...22:38
mgolischcomputa_mike: hehe22:38
seventjepepperjack: can query you ? things are going from bad to worse :p22:38
lupine_85pronik`, anything in dmesg ?22:38
hmaaderpronik`: you could run top and "vmstat 1" while its stalling22:38
pronik`pepperjack: I doubt it's the indexing (it's disabled anyway AFAIK) since overloading would cause the beep to hang for example22:38
pepperjacksubspider: lsmod command in terminal see if intel module shows up.  you can also just run glxgears and see if it runs ok22:38
V0iD__Slart: I know but cant I get a package from jaunty22:38
pronik`it seems connected to the disk activity somehow -- all disk reading/writing stall in that time too22:38
subspiderok thnks22:38
faryshtaSoo... anyone else have information why .rmvb videos work but .rm videos doesn't?22:39
pronik`lupine_85: nothign in dmesg22:39
pronik`hmaader: I'll try that, can't be long till it hangs again22:39
Dr_Willispronik`:  next time it happens check the output of the 'dmesg' command its possible a hard drive is going out.22:39
lupine_85probably not I/O stalling then22:39
computa_mikepronik`: are you running etx3 or ext4?22:39
jonaskoelkerWhen I close my laptop, the external monitor (my tv) turns off.  How do I make it stop turning off?22:39
SlartV0iD__: in jaunty efs2progs handles ext2/3/4 .. not sure if that's what is needed for gparted22:39
lupine_85hardy won't have support in the kernel, amirite?22:39
pronik`I'll try the vmstat stuff for now, thanks guys22:39
lupine_85(needs a .28 kernel really)22:40
Slart!info e2fsprogs | V0iD__22:40
ubottuV0iD__: e2fsprogs (source: e2fsprogs): ext2/ext3/ext4 file system utilities. In component main, is required. Version 1.41.4-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 751 kB, installed size 2068 kB22:40
seventjeit seems my ubuntu install cd is borked.. I can still boot into the cd enviroment however, I now downloaded a new ubuntu iso to install, but I have no idea how Im going to burn an iso while being on the livecd22:40
Slartseventje: mount some hard drive with some free space and store it there22:40
V0iD__ubottu: How do I install it?22:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:40
hmaaderpronik`: good luck22:40
Slartseventje: just because you boot from the live cd doesn't mean you can't access hard drives22:40
jonaskoelkerSlart: and remove the livecd and put in the blank how?  ...22:41
hmaaderubottu: glad to meet you. do you know elvira?22:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:41
jonaskoelkerSlart: has this been solved for jaunty?22:41
Vincemanthere's no shut down entry in the system menu in Jaunty anymore22:41
loquitusHi. How do I install the 32 bit version of a C++ library that I have on my system? I am assuming that the version on my system is the 64 bit version since I installed 64 bit Ubuntu and compiling my app to 32 bit says that the library I currently have is not compatible22:41
seventjeSlart: okay, but I still have to be able to boot into ubuntu without using a cdrom, else I cannot write to a cd right?22:41
Slartjonaskoelker: does it really need the cd once it has created the ram drive?22:41
hmaaderubottu: help22:41
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:41
hardcockoncam0645064506430646 062806460648062a0647 062806310627064a0641062a22:41
* lupine_85 twiddles his fingers at slooooooooooooooooooooow mirrors22:41
Slartseventje: I'm not really sure... I kind of seem to remember being able to remove the cd even when running the live cd system22:42
computa_mikeseventje: could you write a bootable USB drive?22:42
V0iD__Slart: How can I install EXT4 support for parted on Hardy?22:42
sebsebsebfrindly: HI22:42
seventjecomputa_mike: I have an external usb hd available, yes22:42
deanyhow come i post a silly nothing pic and get pounded on, and hardcockoncam hasnt been kicked lol22:42
lupine_85 hardcockoncam@* added to ignore list. <-- that's a new one22:42
frindlyhi sebsebseb, evertything ok?22:42
sebsebsebV0iD__: you can't22:42
sebsebsebfrindly: yeah I guess, you got an Ubuntu issue?22:43
SlartV0iD__: I'm not sure you can.. you need a kernel that supports it, I think22:43
frindlyi am here for talking a little bit...22:43
lupine_85sebsebseb, well, if one updated the e2fs tools and the kernel, you could22:43
Jaberwhere is SeX ?22:43
lupine_85switching to jaunty would be less effort22:43
V0iD__Oh thanks for the help, I shall try google...22:43
Jaberlupine_85: sex with me22:43
* lupine_85 has a lenny machine running ext4 on lvm on software raid that he accesses over nfs22:43
hmaader!search *22:43
ubottuFound: logs-#ubuntuforums, tvout, abs, hdbug, picard, gary, artteam, ubunto, officialdocs, winkey22:43
lupine_85what a bloody mess22:43
sebsebsebfrindly: this channel isn't really for  talking it's for  Ubuntu  chat, but i'll tell you in pm about a channel where we can talk22:43
sebsebsebfrindly: if you want22:44
spideymanso whats the skinny should i upgrade to jaunty or wait a bit?22:44
frindlyi want to talk about ubuntu...22:44
sebsebseblupine_85: oh right22:44
computa_mikeseventje: this might be helpful - i'm not an expert about this: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/22:44
sebsebsebfrindly: ok just ask your question22:44
lupine_85spideyman, jaunty is good22:44
hmaaderspideyman: i had some bad experiences...22:44
lupine_85really good22:44
frindlyis ext4 ready for productiv use?22:44
lupine_85especially compared to intrepid22:44
hmaaderintel centrino wlan was dead22:44
sebsebsebfrindly: and their are loads of channels where you can talk about Ubuntu22:44
sebsebseblupine_85: didn't know that, and dosan't really sound worth it either22:45
black_13what minimum packages give me mysql?22:45
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:45
spideyman<hmaader> thats what i was afraid of!22:45
sebsebseb!info mysql22:45
ubottuPackage mysql does not exist in jaunty22:45
lupine_85frindly, from linux kernel .28 it's considered stable22:45
sebsebseb!find mysql22:45
ubottuFound: bacula-director-mysql, bacula-sd-mysql, libapache2-mod-auth-mysql, libaprutil1, libdbd-mysql-perl (and 117 others)22:45
pisecxHi, I can not upgrade server kernel. It says unresolved dependencies.22:45
lupine_85I'm possibly being a bit silly entrusting my media partition to it, but meh :D22:45
hmaaderspideyman: and sound also sucks now... firefox, flash, and pulseaudio seems to be a bad combination22:45
pisecxI tried to change servers - it didn't help22:45
hmaaderspideyman: but YMMV :)22:45
Slartseventje: I'm going to try booting a live cd in a vm and see if I can eject the cd while running it22:46
hmaaderspideyman: be brave :)22:46
pepperjackpisecx: try a sudo apt-get update.  do you see any failures?22:46
faryshtasebsebseb, pepperjack if you want to install a server I recommend you Xampp22:46
seventjeSlart: ty22:46
seventjeSlart: I really don't have that much more options available atm22:46
lupine_85Slart, as far as I know, it sticks everything into a ramdisk22:46
grkblood13last night i was messing with the volume control panel and today i have no sound. ive tried to fix it but i cant. does any1 know why im nto getting sound?22:46
pisecxpepperjack: no, everything is ok22:46
macKindaBusyWhat does apt-get build-dep do?22:46
SoDoMahow can i hack in ubuntu!?22:46
=== macKindaBusy is now known as mac9416
lupine_85macKindaBusy, installs build dependencies22:46
Slartlupine_85: mm.. I hope so =)22:46
lupine_85for, you know, building22:46
hmaaderSoDoMa: use the source ;-)22:46
pisecxpepperjack: I tried to change servers. One of them even had no idea about updates.22:46
lupine_85SoDoMa, apt-get install nmap ; man nmap22:46
histoSoDoMa: what do you  mean?22:46
pepperjackSoDoMa: start with assembly work you way to cobol22:47
hmaaderpepperjack: lol22:47
histoSoDoMa: did you lose your password?22:47
lupine_85it's how Trinity did it ;)22:47
FlannelSoDoMa: There's all sorts of languages available to hack on.  You'll have to figure out what you want to do.22:47
sebsebsebsheena1: ok  yeah  ways to install Ubuntu,  is what your after22:47
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate22:47
SoDoMai am learning C22:47
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning22:47
hmaaderSoDoMa: great, C is pretty much essential22:47
younderTrying to build ImageMagic I find it fails to find per.lib. I have Perl installed. How do I get per.lib?22:47
bohicastupid thing22:48
mac9416What does apt-get build-dep do?22:48
=== bohica is now known as Gnome_killa
SoDoMabut what a hacker can do?22:48
mattgyverIm hoping someone here has experience with samba, i got a real nasty problem to solve but its too big to ask here, please read my post @ubuntuforums; http://tinyurl.com/restartsamba90422:48
Flannelmac9416: it grabs the build dependencies for a package22:48
Gnome_killaon linux nothing22:48
SoDoMaoutside the films22:48
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histomac9416: install the dependencacies for the package.22:48
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=== to is now known as mquin
mac9416Flannel, histo, Thanks!22:49
Gnome_killaa ahcker can only do somthing if they got ur root pass22:49
frindlyi have an old pc with only 128mb ram. which ubuntu can i use?22:49
lupine_85frindly, ubuntu-minimal22:49
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:49
trancefatfrindly: Xubuntu22:49
SoDoMato be a hacker ,..what i have to do22:49
Gnome_killaU can use ubuntu 0.10 LMFAO22:49
josh977xubuntu, but get the alternate install cd. You may have to use text mode to install22:49
FlannelGnome_killa: Please stop that.22:49
YiamiYohi...i need help...i just installed via apt-get on my xubuntu apache2-php5-mysql-server5.1 but when i'm trying to open a php page with firefox it downloads it istead of display it...22:49
lupine_85frindly, basically a debootstrap22:49
hophophopou ou22:49
Gnome_killaSodoma to be a hacker you need the brains not to ask how to be a hacker & learn it22:49
Jack_SparrowFlannel He was warned in PM22:50
BlinkizHi there. I have changed some settings for file-roller in gconf. Do I need to restart gnome for this changes to take affect?22:50
Gnome_killaGet outta here22:50
frindlyxubuntu works with 128mb?22:50
histofrindly: you can probably get away with running xubuntu on it.22:50
Farearg... UNR has sucky super slow eyecandy interface -- how do I disable it?22:50
Gnome_killaflannel this fool asking how to be a hacker22:50
Jack_SparrowGnome_killa It is handled22:50
trancefatfrindly: yes22:50
Dr_WillisFare:  check the menus for the 'switch desktop' item.. and you may need to manually disabvle 'maximus22:50
FlannelGnome_killa: Yes, and he's been taken care of.  You don't need to add to the noise.22:50
lupine_85pity the fool?22:50
mhelddoes anybody know how the packages for the 64 bit version of ubuntu are compiled? do they use SSE2 or 3?22:50
frindlybetter ext4 or ext2 with such less ram?22:50
trancefatfrindly: http://www.xubuntu.org/22:51
SP3C7R3nerds fighting is funny22:51
derekvhow can I hack web?22:51
histofrindly: ext4 might offer some speed improvements too.22:51
Crash1hdumm gparted livecd says that there is 931.51 gb of unallocated space (what happend to my install?) and if that is the case why doesnt it see the whole 1000GB?22:51
Gnome_killafrindly  ucan use old ubuntu 1.04 probly with ur pc22:51
histo!ot | derekv22:51
ubottuderekv: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:51
Gnome_killamaybe 2.1022:51
computa_mikegood night / morning all.22:51
Jack_Sparrowderekv Stop or be removed22:51
frindly1.04 :-)))22:51
lupine_851000GB != 1000GiB22:51
Gnome_killabut good luck finding them :P22:51
frindlydo ext4 need more ram, than ext2?22:51
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate22:51
Farewhy put a super CPU intensive interface on a distro meant for CPU-starved machines???22:51
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Gnome_killajack he is aking what version he can install on a old pc with 128mb ram22:52
Dr_Willisfrindly:  i dont see why it would. ext3 dosent need more ram then ext2 from what ive seen22:52
lupine_85I'd say xubuntu is still pushing it a bit22:52
Gnome_killaonly thing I know runs that low is the old 1 & 2.0 ubuntu22:52
histo!who | fare22:52
ubottufare: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:52
YiamiYocan anyone help me here?22:52
Crash1hdsure I know that 1000gb != 1000 GB but I didnt think it would take 69gb away22:52
Jack_SparrowGnome_killa HE was told minimal.  If he wants to know what others might work.. He is in the wrong channel22:52
Gnome_killaoh lol22:53
pepperjackxubuntu doesnt give you a great advantage to gnome as far as the de goes but the included apps like text editor etc are a little lighter22:53
roy_hobbsWill OO.o 3.1 come to Jaunty or will we have to wait until Karmic?  In general, where can I look up information like this?22:53
Dr_WillisFare:  i dident find the UNR interface slow on my Aceraspireone. SOme others have had issues with the intel drivers making things slower.22:53
histofrindly: if you odn't need a gui then just install a command line based system with the mini iso22:53
lupine_85Crash1hd, it takes 24 bytes in every thosand22:53
lupine_85I lost 40GB in 500GB so it seems reasonably22:53
FareDr_Willis: it's unbearably slow on this EeePC 70122:53
Crash1hdok but where did my install go lol22:53
darksk1ez/var/lib/gconf/defaults/%gconf-tree.xml seems corrupted, how can i regenerate it22:53
Dr_WillisFare:  check the wiki/forums for any info/tips22:53
Gnome_killayou can run the new ubuntu in command line interface mode actually as long as u do not try run the graphic side22:53
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC22:53
lupine_85well, that's another question entirely. What did you do before you lost it?22:54
Crash1hdI had a 20gig xp install and ubuntu install both gone22:54
zakidineJai installer le Driver de ma carte graphique Nvidiam et maintenant jai Le Clavier en qwerty22:54
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:54
ubuntunoobneedinwhen i upgraded to 9.04 from 8.10 my wifi quit i think it has to do with proprietary drivers as when i installed 8.1 it asked to install proprietary drivers and with 9.04 it never asked its a broadcom 4312 i believe22:54
finitesetwhat does byte-copy to a USB drive mean?22:54
zakidineet aussi jai plus les boutons de Fermer/reduirAgrandir sur les fenetres22:54
histo!broadcomm | ubuntunoobneedin22:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about broadcomm22:54
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:54
Gnome_killaZaki !English22:54
pepperjackFare: is the eee an x86 proc?  maybe arch linux would be better suited for ya22:54
histo!broadcom > ubuntunoobneedin22:54
ubottuubuntunoobneedin, please see my private message22:54
frindlyi install my work pc with ubuntu 9.04 and ext4 at the moment...22:55
lupine_85Crash1hd, sounds like the partition table is gone22:55
Gnome_killayes your partition was baked u can use the linux cd to check your partitions22:55
Crash1hdvery odd for sure (going to run a partition recovery tool) at first I thought that the system couldnt see the drive lol22:55
Farepepperjack, yes, it's x8622:55
finitesetdoes anyone know how to burn .img files to a CD?22:55
Gnome_killajust run the linux from the cd not install22:55
ubuntunoobneedinI have tried that tutorial it seems to be alittle above my knowledge level22:55
Fareand it's for my gf22:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about img22:55
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:56
darksk1ezahh, gconf-schemas --register-all22:56
Mew-Chanhow do i set local LC_ALL and Language (not lang)22:56
Crash1hdGnome_killa: I did and gparted says that its all unpartitioned empty22:56
lupine_85Mew-Chan, export LC_ALL='blah'22:56
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:56
ubuntunoobneedincan anyone help get my wifi working22:56
YiamiYoguys...need help asap here!!!22:56
Mew-Chanlupine_85: what should i put for blah :)22:56
Gnome_killawel crash your partition is gone, uumm u can find erd commander & burn a copy & can use it to possibly recover teh lost data22:56
Jack_Sparrow!helpme > YiamiYo22:56
ubottuYiamiYo, please see my private message22:56
FareDr_Willis, where are the forums/wiki?22:56
lupine_85whatever you want to change it to, of course - e.g. en_GB.UTF-822:56
Gnome_killabut that would take a long time depending how big the HD & amount of info22:57
Edicothere is an ubuntu irc channel where can I get support for a virtualbox configuration?22:57
Jack_SparrowEdico #vbox22:57
Crash1hdGnome_killa: I have a program called resqdisk supposed to do that (havnt used it in years gonna give it a try :) )22:57
histoEdico: not necessarily a ubuntu one but a virtual box one is #vbox22:57
Dr_WillisFare:  check the ubuntu.com site or google for ubuntu forums22:58
Crash1hdIf all else fails I will just reinstall lol22:58
lupine_85apt-get remove virtualbox ; apt-get install kvm ;)22:58
jawallsetting up bind and wondering what "realm" is in the smb.conf file...22:58
jawallis that the domain?22:58
Gnome_killaGL with that crash22:58
ubuntunoobneedinis there a broadcom room22:58
finitesetI want to test moblin and I cannot find any burner to burn .img files on Linux....the other option is to byte-copy .img file to a USB drive which I don't know how22:58
EdicoJack_Sparrow, histo I was there before and I found the most unwilling to help community in my life22:58
Dr_Willisfiniteset:  k3b can burn img.. its sort of odd that a linux disrto would use .img22:58
lupine_85finiteset, k3b ftw22:59
Dr_Willisfiniteset:  or is it for a Thumbdrive?  if so.. just use 'dd' if its a usb drive image.22:59
Jack_SparrowEdico They have always been helpful when I asked a well thought out question22:59
Crash1hdyep its not a fun program thats for sure but it sure saved my but in the past :) but this time its not that big of a deal since well I didnt have any data on the drive.22:59
l7why does a folder called "rules" keep showing up on my desktop?22:59
l7there's a 0 byte filed called fieldRules.txt inside it23:00
finitesetDr_Willis: It says it can be copied to a CD or a Thumbdrive...23:00
Crash1hdBut the annoying part is that its all because windows wouldnt boot (kept giving me a blue screen something about unmountable boot volume soo odd23:00
EdicoJack_Sparrow, I asked them many well  thought questions and ... nothing23:00
lupine_85sounds more like a symptom than a cause23:00
Dr_Willisfiniteset:  that would be weird.. does it say that FILE can be on eoither one.. or are they saying they have .img AND .iso images avail...23:01
Gnome_killacrash your hard drive is probalby destroyed23:01
Dr_Willisfiniteset:  its easy to get a .img to a thumbdrive.23:01
Jack_SparrowEdico That is the place to go for support, if you dont like their support consider another product23:01
lupine_85...like KVM ;)23:01
Crash1hdGnome_killa: what do you mean?23:01
Crash1hdGnome_killa: its brand new23:01
Gnome_killare-do the entier partition using erd comander with erd commander u can delete the mbr & als ore-do the partition23:01
EdicoJack_Sparrow, thank you I haven't thought at that23:01
Gnome_killathat might fix it23:01
finitesetDr_Willis: they just have a .img file which can be byte-copied to a USB drive or burnt on a CD23:02
Gnome_killawell does it detect in ur bios?23:02
=== default is now known as bootui
Dr_Willisfiniteset:  thats a neat trick. try k3b i guess.. rename it to .iso perhaps.23:02
Crash1hdGnome_killa: yes23:02
Gnome_killawhat does your bios say about hte HD type & size?23:02
* lupine_85 is using k3b right now :)23:02
Crash1hdGnome_killa: that comes up correct23:02
bootuii have a hp cp1518ni printer and when i go to print a document the color is all wrong- what is wrong?23:02
Gnome_killalook at he HD & see if it matches the size23:02
lupine_85<3 <323:02
jdul7, some program must be creating it.   try:  lsof | grep fieldRules.tx     to see if a program is using it and what its process id is.23:02
TuGahello ppl23:03
Crash1hdGnome_killa: nah I think I just somehow screwed up the partitions23:03
Gnome_killaok do you have a normal program for partitioning a HD aka Dos 6.2223:03
Gnome_killau might have to use a normal partitioner liek dos to re-do the MBR23:03
TuGai'm on a ubuntu9 64bit and what to play swf files but the add-on on firefox dont let me play them.23:03
Jack_SparrowGnome_killa why not gparted live?23:03
seventjeany grub guru's around ? I want to reinstall the bootmanager to be able to boot into windows, grub-install /dev/sda1 gives error : Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.23:03
TuGaany ideia for a prog?23:03
lupine_85Gnome_killa, you realise you're not making sense, right?23:03
ZyrionFor some reason I cannot remove postgresq2l 8.323:03
sidewalkwhat does Ubuntu 9.04 run on port 990?23:03
Gnome_killaGparted does nto redo teh MBR main bot reigon23:03
Jack_Sparrowseventje tryiong to install on your second partition?23:04
Zyrionpostgresql 8.3 even23:04
lupine_85neither does DOS. GRUB does tgat23:04
Gnome_killaright lupin I only had this problem befoer with new HD & fixed it using fdisk /mbr23:04
lupine_85or LILO, or whatever windows does23:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 99023:04
seventjeJack_Sparrow: how do you mean?23:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about postgresql23:04
lupine_85yoj mean you didn't have a bootloader installed. good stuff23:04
lupine_85mbr != partition table23:05
Gnome_killado not worry about the partition just do fdisk /mbr tehn fdisk & delete all partitions23:05
Gnome_killathen try install your os23:05
Jack_Sparrowseventje I was just heading out, someone will be by to help23:05
lupine_85don't forget to kill a rooster23:05
ubuntunoobI am trying to access my home directory.. how.. Sorry about the stupid question23:05
michalski-bjhey problem: how do I re-enable compiz?23:05
Gnome_killalupine u know nothing of dos MBR is main boot reigon track 0, u can scramle it by incorectyly parttioning23:05
lupine_85scatter the blood widdershins around the PC, chanting IA IA AZORAK23:06
TuGai'm on a ubuntu9 64bit and what to play swf files but the add-on on firefox dont let me play them. what app could i use?23:06
ikonialupine_85: ok - can we stop the random noise please23:06
sebsebsebubuntunoob: places > home23:06
lupine_85apologies - I just hate to see bad advice23:06
ikonialupine_85: then don't give it out either23:06
sebsebsebubuntunoob: top panel/bar >  places > home folder23:06
zakidinei did install ;y grqphic cqrd qnd now my keyboqrd is on qwerty mode23:07
mattycozehey guys i'm trying to set up an FTP session atm but i'm having no luck; I'm using vsftp as the server and gFTP as the client23:07
sebsebsebTetracomm: hi23:07
Gnome_killaLupine I fixed my problems with same advice your wrong & ignored, have a nice day23:07
zakidineand i only use Azerty..23:07
ikoniamattycoze: test it by ftp'ing to localhost23:07
TetracommWhen using modprobe, typing modprobe modulename will only load, it, and not do anything else, right?23:07
Gnome_killau still here crash?23:07
jdul7, of course if that displays nothing, it means no program is using it right now.  Might also grep for rules.23:07
mattycozeikonia you mean all on the same computer?23:07
TetracommIs there a command which I can use to tell me the model of a computer in the terminal?23:07
ikoniamattycoze: yup,23:07
ubuntunoobgod i feel dumb.. thought it was file system->home.. haha.. and then figured i cant store shit in there lol23:07
finitesetDr_Willis: renamed it to .iso and now its being burnt to  a CD by brasero... hope it will work.23:07
lupine_85kids these days23:08
pepperjackTetracomm: see /proc  you can for instance cat /proc/cpuinfo23:08
jduTetracomm, lshw  tell that and much more23:08
michalski-bjSOMEONE ---> what do I have to do to get some attention here, yes your volunteers, I know, thank you, but noone ever answers my questions. How do I re-enable compiz fusion?23:08
black_13on apache2 under under ubuntu who should own the web directories ?23:08
ikoniamattycoze: system->administration->desktop effects23:09
ikoniamattycoze: sorry - not you23:09
mattycozelol sok23:09
lupine_85black_13, www-data:www-data23:09
ikoniamichalski-bj: system->administration->desktop effects23:09
mattycozeikonia nah i can't for some reason i can't kick it into anonymous mode on the client23:09
Crash1hdstill here :)23:09
ikoniamattycoze: pastebin your vsftpd.conf23:09
michalski-bjikonia: thank you, greatly appreciated23:09
jdumichalski-bj, not that...   I assume you have tried the graphical way by going to appearance> visual affects.23:09
mattycozeikonia okay brb23:09
macoTetracomm: sudo lshw | head23:09
michalski-bjjdu: yes23:09
macoTetracomm: the first few lines will tell you the model and vendor23:10
Gnome_killacan you access ur HD with a dos based system?23:10
mattycozeikonia; http://pastebin.com/m5e5674cc23:10
TetracommOk, thank you. What about my modprobe question?23:10
finitesetDr_Willis: your idea worked.... good job.. thanks23:10
Gnome_killaonly way to fix a partition error liek this is reset ur mbr I done this with HD's before & saved em23:10
sebsebsebGnome_killa: maybe, but why would you want to  and #windows would be a better channel for such a question I think23:10
Caesihi all, can anyone help me with the desktop cube? for some reason, it's not working23:10
jdumichalski-bj, how did it stop working?23:10
michalski-bjjdu: it says "Desktop effects could not be enabled"23:10
ikoniamattycoze: ok - so open a terminal and lets work this through23:10
sebsebsebGnome_killa: access the partitions on the system you meant?23:10
Gnome_killaseb he is trying to fix his HD23:10
ikoniamattycoze: are you comfortable working in a terminal ?23:10
Gnome_killapartition is damaged23:10
jdumichalski-bj, but it worked before?23:10
sebsebsebmattycoze: have you tried Gparted?23:11
ikoniamattycoze: ok so in the terminal do "ftp localhost" just like that, exactly like that23:11
Gnome_killaonly thing I know to re-do the mbr is dos & erd commander23:11
michalski-bjjdu: I plugged in an additional monitor, it disapled the eye candy, the monitor is gone now, it would be nice to have the eye candy back23:11
glitsj16zakidine: have you tried changing your keyboard layout through the menu item yet ? running xubuntu here and i don't know the exact name of the menu item for keyboard in regular ubuntu, but you should be able to track it down easily ...23:11
xeerwhat are the steps in redirecting sound output from one computer to a remote computer?23:11
jeppcan anyone tell me how to mount a device during live cd_23:11
mattycozeikonia it says its connected23:12
rumpeljepp, mount /dev/hda /media/myaddedmountpoint23:12
seventjeubuntu@ubuntu:/boot$ cat /etc/mtab23:12
seventjeproc /proc proc rw 0 023:12
seventjesysfs /sys sysfs rw 0 023:12
seventjetmpfs /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/volatile tmpfs rw,mode=0755 0 023:12
seventjetmpfs /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/volatile tmpfs rw,mode=0755 0 023:12
FloodBot2seventje: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:12
ikoniamattycoze: ok so login as user "anonymous" what happens ?23:12
rumpeljepp, you have to adapt to the right device-name23:12
xeerI have another computer on the local network that is hooked up to the sound device, but another computer on the network is emitting the sound. is it possible to direct sound output via sockets?23:12
jdumichalski-bj, try regenerating xorg.conf.   command:   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg23:12
Brendenis mark here23:12
jepprumpel: mount: only root can do that23:12
glitsj16xeer: you'll need to configure pulseaudio for remote access via paprefs (network access tab)23:12
mattycozeit asks for a password23:13
michalski-bjjdu: ok, hold on23:13
mattycozeand I don't put anything in23:13
Gnome_killayou need 2 use !pastebin  to do that23:13
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jdumichaeldobrovits, then restart the computer (or just X)23:13
xeerglitsj16: I'm afraid I have removed pulseaudio from my system. It never worked from the beginning. I use alsa and oss23:13
rumpeljepp, sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/yourmountpointwhichhastoexist23:13
mattycozeikonia it then says; 500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable anonymous root23:13
Gnome_killa!pastebin seventie23:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:13
gordonjcphow do I stop evolution asking for a password for the keyring when I start it?23:13
Gnome_killa!paste seventie23:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paste seventie23:13
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:13
glitsj16xeer: too bad, don't know how alsa or oss do that23:13
mattycozeikonia should I edit the .conf file and restart the backend?23:13
jeppthank you rumpel23:13
michalski-bjjdu:  xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration    file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009050719130823:14
ikoniamattycoze: ok - there is the key23:14
ikoniamattycoze: let me see if I can see the line in the config23:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about keyring23:14
l7jdu: ah thanks. it turned out that a firefox extension was creating it, though strangely, i could not find it with lsof23:14
michalski-bjjdu: how do I overide that?23:14
mattycozeline 26 and 29 seems to be wrong?23:14
mattycoze@ ikonia23:14
xeerglitsj16: thanks though for your mention of how to do it in pa, I'll eventually get that installed correctly.23:14
ikoniamattycoze: they are commented out so I doubt that is the problem23:14
Gnome_killaanyway crash any luck?23:14
mattycozeokay ikonia23:14
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion23:15
thiemsterHELP! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115229323:15
TetracommWhen using modprobe, typing modprobe modulename will only load, it, and not do anything else, right?23:15
jdumichalski-bj, I think in that case it overwrote after doing the backup.  The 'possible-customized' was what happened when you added a the new monitor.  You could also delete xorg.conf then regenerate it.23:15
lupine_85Tetracomm, it'll load it plus its dependencies23:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about modprobe23:15
lupine_85the module could do anything onload23:15
jdumichalski, so it should be fine.  Try restarting X.23:16
glitsj16xeer: you're welcome, for future reference, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 if you haven't seen that yet23:16
lupine_85it should tell you all about it in dmesg23:16
ikoniamattycoze: uncomment anon_mkdir_write_enabled=yes23:16
michalski-bjjdu: ok, back in a minute23:16
sidewalkwhat is running on port 990 in Ubuntu 9.04?23:16
ikoniamattycoze: then restart vsftpd and try again23:16
Gnome_killahhmm.. side you have any remote services on?23:16
TetracommI want to read the third line of output after typing a command into a variable in the terminal, how do I?23:17
thiemsterI can't get my iPod to stay mounted for more than 10 seconds. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115229323:17
jdul7, so now I know if that happens to me.  What plugin was it?23:17
jdul7, lsof will only work if the plugin still has it open23:17
lupine_85anyone used ubuntu for doing advanced switching & routing stuff (vlans, etc)? I've built an appliance box which I'm planning on turning into a media-server-cum-switch-cum-router-cum-loadbalancer for home23:18
jduTetracomm, command | tail 3 | head23:18
jduTetracomm, sorry command | tail -3 | head -123:18
Gnome_killasidewalk you using any remote services like remote desktop?23:18
ikonialupine_85: I've done some solid routing with iptables before, and I've done routing and vlans with iptables+fwbuilder23:18
lupine_85I guess it's not particularly ubuntu-specific ;)23:19
jduTetracomm, sorry, perhaps I didn't read what you said carefully enough ;/23:19
mattycozeikonia nah unfortunately same problem; http://pastebin.com/m5778741c23:19
ikonialupine_85: nope, but #netfilter will help well23:19
TetracommThank you. :) How do I get line three into the variable?23:19
* Gnome_killa slaps sidewalk around with a gnome23:19
pepperjacklupine_85: you want to use ubuntu for this?23:19
thiemsterI can't get my iPod to stay mounted for more than 10 seconds. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115229323:19
ikoniamattycoze: one moment23:20
mattycozeactually; should the user be 'anon'?23:20
jduTetracomm, var=$(command | tail -3 | head -1)23:20
mib_9dd98zhi, when i right click the ntfs partition in gparted "resize/move" is grayed out. How can I resize this parition. also, it is mounted23:20
youbuntu41hello, does anyone knows about how to solve wireless problem with Ralink wireless card23:20
jduTetracomm, if from file the command can be   cat filename23:20
Gnome_killaright click mount it23:20
thiemstermib_9dd98z: are you using gparted as root?23:21
TetracommNot from a file.23:21
TetracommThank you.23:21
david4hello room23:21
thiemsterdavid4: hello david423:21
david4how do I switch room or add a room23:21
lupine_85youbuntu41, last time I used an ralink card, the driver was flaky in the extreme23:21
michalski-bjjdu: back in a sec23:21
lupine_85what symptoms are you seeing?23:21
pepperjackdavid4: /join #channel23:21
david4I want to add drupal support room23:21
Gnome_killamib you using asroot & can u right click & mouth em?23:21
david4thanks pepperjack23:22
lupine_85pepperjack, last time I did something like this, I used AspisOS23:22
jduTetracomm, np.   man tail     man  head    for more info.  They can be quite useful23:22
lupine_85that doesn't seem to exist any more23:22
Jeevahi, i've got a system user "jeeva" on my ubuntu 9.04 & running pure-ftp (with its virtual users), how do i get my system user to login via FTP ? because when i do, it says invalid password for "jeeva", so what password or what settings do i need to change ?23:22
ikoniamattycoze: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/alt.os.linux/2004-03/2091.html23:22
youbuntu41lupine_85:  what you mean flaky23:23
usagii made a minimal install. can someone tell me what the name of the app thats responsible for startup services?23:23
ikoniausagi: upstart23:23
michalski-bjjdu: no change23:23
lupine_85dropping association because of missed L2 packets from the wireless router23:23
usagiikonia, thanks23:23
pepperjackJeeva: you likely need to enable user login in the config file.  there is a front end to pureftp in the repos called pureadmin i think. give you a gui tool to edit the file. the only ftp server im aware of with a gui config tool in repos23:23
youbuntu41my problem is about download speed with Ralink wireless card23:23
lupine_85"no AuthResp from router, assuming out of range", or something like it, in dmesg23:23
lupine_85ah, well, that's easy to fix. Get closer to the AP23:24
mattycozelol ikonia; how about making a user to login with? it's not such a big deal23:24
LaurencebI'm trying to make skype work23:24
Jeevapepperjack: i'm currently running pureftp,23:24
Laurencebmy microphone isnt picking anything up23:24
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/23:24
ubottusongbird is a web-browser based media player based on Mozilla. Information and installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird23:24
keithI installed Ubuntu 9.04 to a flash drive, but when I take it to a different computer it seems that it is only using basic drivers. Do I need to manually install the drivers, or is there a way to make it autodetect the different card?23:24
keith(video drivers)23:24
* Gnome_killa freezes hell_ over23:24
lupine_85keith, you'll need to configure the video drivers for each machine, really23:25
lupine_85at least, one for nvidia and one for fglrx23:25
sebsebsebLaurenceb: what's the issue?23:25
jdumichalski-bj, after retrying to set it in appearance....  drats.   You may need to pick a different graphics driver.  Google the card you have and see if there is something is better.  If there is not, I don't know.  I was sure the problem sounded like something having to do with a change xorg.conf and that a new default one would fix it.23:25
lupine_85(the Free drivers tend to get picked up automagically these days)23:25
Laurencebmicrophone isnt working23:25
ghindoIs there a good way to extract the audio out of a video file in Ubuntu?23:25
keithlupine_85: There is no way to have it do it automatically like it does when installing?23:25
Gnome_killawb crased1hd23:25
Laurencebits an acer laptop23:25
lupine_85ghindo, mplayer23:25
Gnome_killaany success?23:25
younderfound it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20490823:25
merdorhi all ì=23:25
jdughindo, perhaps  ffmpeg23:25
lupine_85keith, AFAIK, it doesn't automatically set up restricted drivers on setup23:25
ihasnwhat does rm -rf * do?23:25
sebsebsebLaurenceb: you need to change the sound settings and that in  the Skype config probably23:26
* jdu has to go.23:26
Gnome_killadeleets files & folders23:26
michalski-bjjdu: hmm ok thank you very much for your time jdu23:26
ghindolupine_85, jdu: Thank you!23:26
ihasnreall? killa...oops23:26
* michalski-bj waves bye to jdu23:26
Gnome_killacarefull with that ther eis no undelete23:26
keithlupine_85: But the restricted driver manager displays them. No proprietary drivers are detected when I try on the other system.23:26
lupine_85what card's in there?23:26
pepperjackJeeva: see this url and do a find on the page for "Pure-ftpd also allows a local system user to login"    http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/18281.html23:26
lupine_85(lspci |grep VGA if unsure)23:27
Jeevapepperjack: okay let me check it out, because in pureadmin i create a user & password, but when i type in that user from another pc, to FTP, it gives invalid password23:27
keithlupine_85: The output from from lspci seems to lean toward Intel, though that might just be the chipset?23:27
Jeevaeven after i stop start the pureftp23:27
Gnome_killaOK if anyone can see my text SAY somthing23:27
lupine_85chipset is all that matters really23:27
sebsebsebLaurenceb: it won't even work in  the sound recorder?23:27
mattycozeikonia: i think this has been an issue for many users http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79588&page=10023:27
keithoh, say... not type.23:27
mattycozethis threads gone for 4 years23:27
cgkadesGnome_killa: it's visible23:28
pepperjackJeeva: if you are wanting to setup ftp users then i would recommend that i thought you were trying to login using a local user account23:28
lupine_85keith,  intel should "just work" - it doesn't have any restricted drivers23:28
lupine_85glxinfo should indicate you have full-3D acceleration23:28
Jeevapepperjack: trying to do both23:28
l_rhow does the dhcp server register the DNS name of an host which claims to have the same hostname as another registered host in the same network?23:28
ikoniamattycoze: looks plausable (skim reading now, it's a big thread)23:28
=== elementz_ is now known as elementz
billHello. I am trying to connect my laptop to the internet via a wireless network. In the help manual, it refers, in step three, to 'radio buttons under Wireless Network'. How do I get those to appear?23:28
keithlupine, well... I have display. What I mean is that I want compositing and such.23:28
Gnome_killacrashed did you get it working?23:28
keithlupine_85: I know the computers can do it23:29
lupine_85keith, like I said, it should just work. what's glxinfo say?23:29
lupine_85and which driver are you actually using? (/var/log/Xorg.0.log)23:29
pepperjackJeeva: have you considered sftp?23:29
keithlupine_85: one moment.23:29
Jeevawhats the difference ?23:29
Gnome_killasftp is easyer to use23:29
stanis_shhello. I've tried to uninstall pulseaudio from my 9.04 install and now "asoundconf list" tells me that there's no soundcards at all. what can I do and how can I fix it?23:29
sebsebseb!wireless | bill23:29
ubottubill: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:29
e4300having a 'simple' initramfs problem trying to install ubuntu on an ibm X32.23:29
pepperjackbill: just click on the signal meter top right of toolbar i believe23:29
lupine_85worst-case, you have a bunch of xorg.conf files and you (automatical|manual)ly swap them over per-machine23:29
=== spastic_teapot is now known as spasticteapot
pepperjackJeeva: and more naturally secure if you are using system accounts to login.23:30
Gnome_killastanis its attached to your soundcard re-install teh software23:30
pepperjackJeeva: are you trying to connect from a windows box?23:30
lupine_85e4300, what's missing from the initramfs?23:30
Jeevapepperjack: today i've used pureftp, proftp, vsftp, all of them, nothing works23:30
Jeevanone of them lets my system user login23:30
Jeevapepperjack: yes23:30
billThanks, I'll have a look.23:30
lupine_85use filezilla+sftp, have win23:31
stanis_shGnome_killa: the ideal is to use pure alsa without any pulseaudio ;) is it possible?23:31
youbuntu41who has ralink rt2500 wirelesscard ??23:31
pepperjackJeeva: sudo apt-get install openssh-server   <-- thats it.  then from the windows box install winscp as your sftp client23:31
acr0nymoh my god23:31
Gnome_killayeah if you goto soud settings & confire it for alsa23:31
pepperjackJeeva: that will 'just work' assuming that you dont have a firewall problem23:31
grkblood13my audio wont work23:31
* acr0nym needs help very very fast23:31
Gnome_killait probly stil looking for the other one23:31
pepperjackJeeva: are these on the same local network?23:31
Jeevapepperjack: firewall is configured correctly,23:31
grkblood13can some1 tell me how to completely rmeove all the audio crap and reinstall it23:31
=== thiras_ is now known as Thiras
ActionParsnipacr0nym: try asking your question, its quicker23:32
pepperjackJeeva: youll need to add port 22 to be forwarded as well if you use sftp23:32
Gnome_killathen ask acro23:32
usagiikonia, i actually meant the one in the system menu23:32
acr0nymI just used sudo tasksel to install lamp and it removed my ubuntu-desktop I interrupted with control+c and my gnome desktop got partly removed and couldn't boot up. So I installed xfce and that's what I am on now23:32
_micahHey! I have a noob question...23:32
ikoniausagi: sorry, don't know what your talking about23:32
Jeevapepperjack: http://pastebin.com/d4809ebc23:32
e4300lupine_85: hmmm. not sure what you mean23:32
_micahHow do I burn an ISO of a DVD to disk via the command line in ubuntu?23:32
acr0nymHow do I recover my normal gnome (ubuntu-desktop) without the million applications23:32
seventjeanyone here who can guide me installing grub to be able to boot windows again ? there's no bootloader installed atm23:32
lupine_85to rephrase: what initramfs problem are you having?23:32
stanis_shGnome_killa: the sound settings devices select box is empty23:32
ActionParsnipacr0nym: why does that need resolving "very fast"?23:32
grkblood13some1, any123:33
pepperjackJeeva: my concert is that if this is facing the internet you are really opening yourself up for a security nightmare if just learning about configuring ftp and using local user accounts to login. ftp is .. not secure23:33
ikonia_micah: cdrecord23:33
Gnome_killaoohoh ok u need 2 re-install the other audio ten change it23:33
Gnome_killait obviously removed your sound drivers23:33
keithlupine_85: What am I looking for in the log file?23:33
acr0nymActionParsnip, any ideas?23:33
usagiikonia, i meant the startup services or whatever. the gui where you can control what services get launched at startup. kinda like autorun23:33
Jeevapepperjack: pc is not on the internet, so i dont care23:33
Gnome_killaor it could be your sound card requireds the other settings23:33
stanis_shGnome_killa: which audio?23:33
ActionParsnipacr0nym: if you answer my question I will give you the fix23:33
youbuntu41on ubuntu startup i hear i sound like 'ta ta ta ta taa'  and while playing mp3 or video i hear no sound..  what must i do ?23:33
Gnome_killateh one u removed23:33
ikoniausagi: that will actually be gnome desktop23:34
acr0nymbecause I need to write an essay for tomorrow morning and I don't want to do it with xfce23:34
ActionParsnipacr0nym: sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop23:34
lupine_85keith, something like (II) LoadModule: "nvidia"23:34
_micahikonia: cdrecord?23:34
nimrodi need help with sound setup.23:34
acr0nymActionParsnip, I know that... that's my whole point23:34
lupine_85except it mnight be intel, or vesa, or...23:34
ikoniampontillo: correct23:34
ikonia_micah: correct23:34
acr0nymActionParsnip, if I do that it will install all the other applications like openoffice and totem etc etc... and I don't want that23:34
acr0nymJust want the basic ubuntu gnome desktop without the programs23:35
_micahikonia: I don't have that tool installed.23:35
youbuntu41hi, on ubuntu startup i hear i sound like 'ta ta ta ta taa'  and while playing mp3 or video i hear no sound..  what must i do ?  someone told me to install some codecs but which ones23:35
ActionParsnipacr0nym: well it'll sort you out quick so you can write your essay, then remove what you dont need when you are less pressed for time23:35
keithlupine_85: I see glx, vgahw, nvidia, and intel among others23:35
nimrodavi files plays normal sound, but mp3 doesn't.     Why is that?23:35
ikonia_micah: install it ?23:35
Gnome_killaacr0 try installing ubuntu then removing the crap u do not need using add remove23:35
pepperjackJeeva: try installing openssh-server and using winscp to connect after you make sure port 22 is forwarded.  OR  try this ftp -p  or whatever ip.  the -p is for passive23:36
stanis_shGnome_killa: http://paste.org.ru/?2fmnfj - here it is...23:36
keithnimrod: Do you have an mp3 codec installed?23:36
pepperjackJeeva: make sure ports 20-21 are forwarded properly23:36
nimrodkeith: i have gstreamer installed23:36
Jeevapepperjack: okay i've just installed WINCP now, works fine23:36
Jeevapepperjack: thanks,23:36
pepperjackJeeva: active ftp requires other ports is the problem.  np23:36
ActionParsnipJeeva: if you install putty and xming, you can use x forwardingin windows23:36
keithnimrod: Ubuntu can't legally distribute mp3 support with the distro23:37
Gnome_killaok did you try to re-install alsa using sudo apt-get install alsa*23:37
_micahikonia: Okay its installed, how do I use it?23:37
Gnome_killaopen a terminal & install using sudo apt-get install alsa*23:37
Jeevajust playing around with FTP, wanted to create a FTP upload dump, for peeps on my local network23:37
nimrodkeith: so i must uninstall gstreamer and try another codec?23:37
Amigadudeanyone know the yourbase & yoursize for the intel/mtrr fix  on the aspire one23:37
ikonia_micah: cdrecord --help or man cdrecord will give you a quick overview23:37
Gnome_killaif that does not work do sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install alsa*23:37
stanis_shGnome_killa: I tryed. It says "E: Couldn't find package alsa-info.sh"23:38
Amigadudethe description of how to find it is well vague23:38
keithnimrod: gstreamer is not a codec, read my personal message23:38
Gnome_killause sudo apt-get update first23:38
mattycozeikonia bah this whole thing is rooed.23:38
stanis_shGnome_killa: I did.23:38
nimrodkeith: i read it. With distro you mean Ubuntu?23:38
leffehello ppl23:39
keithnimrod, yes23:39
fermulatorQ for someone ;-0 -- Does anyone know where the "drawer" in the gnome panel stores it's files?23:39
Gnome_killaopen pkg manager search alsa23:39
=== ampersand is now known as Guest14445
nimrodkeith: ok23:39
EliteHey guys  is it possible to tell ubuntu where to mount a drie?23:39
Gnome_killasee if it let u do re-install might update & instal missing file23:39
lupine_85keith, ...in the USA, as I understand it23:39
keithnimrod: well, mp3 is legally supposed to be paid in order to distribute.23:39
mattycozeikonia i'll just ssh the files even though it's slower23:39
keithlupine_85: Well, yeah... good call.23:39
grkblood13i have no sound23:39
grkblood13can some1 help me23:39
grkblood13it was working yesterday23:39
lupine_85<3 EU :)23:39
Gnome_killahold on grk heling another with sound issue23:40
nimrodkeith, so if i rip my cd's as ogg or flac, then i get support?23:40
lupine_85so, query - does radeonhd in jaunty support 3D yet?23:40
grkblood13ok, ill be right here :)23:40
Brando753guys im trying to connect a wacom Pen Partner to my laptop via serial and ps2 usb adapters, It powers on but the pc dosent recognize it ;(23:40
fermulatorlupine_85:  The open source Radeon is fairing pretty well, but RadeonHD is a little behind I believe23:40
meoblast001i have a file i'm trying to encrypt.. i can't figure out the Passwords and Encryption keys dialog.. can anyone help?23:40
keithnimrod: You can install mp3 easily enough, it's just not there by default because of the legal issues.23:40
keithnimrod: That said, I usually prefer ogg, granted many media players don't support ogg23:41
pik{how do i change the port to a irc server in irssi?23:41
fermulatorDoes anyone know where the "drawer" in the gnome panel stores it's files?23:41
Elitepik{: ask in #irssi23:41
fermulatorpik{: use "-p ###"23:41
nimrodkeith, ok.23:42
lupine_85fermulator, ah, so no actual 3D yet :)23:42
jribpik{: http://irssi.org/documentation/startup#c323:42
pik{fermulator: like /server irc.lol.net -p 31337 ?23:42
* lupine_85 will fglrx it for now23:42
pik{allready tryed that23:42
lupine_85this one's not for me23:42
keithfermulator: I would guess in .gconf23:42
MaT-dgrunning 2 upnp servers (XMBC and vuze) on jaunty but they can't be discovered by other devices. XMBC doesn't even discover the local vuze server. Network (router) seems ok, WMP11 upnp server is discovered by other devices23:42
sidewalkhow do i check which process is opening a certain port?23:43
ayandeI need to access my /home/vmail/mails but I have no access, how can i get in?23:43
vladwhat is gvfsd23:43
sidewalknetstat -natp doesn't show which process is opening the port23:43
keithfermulator: You might try making changes to it and then looking for recently changed files that look promising if nothing else.23:43
ActionParsnipsidewalk: netstat -a23:43
fermulatorkeith:  and if it's from an 'unused system'? (i.e. it's an old ubuntu installation, and I have the partition mounted, just not sure where to find the files (figured they'd just be XML files somwhere...)23:43
jribsidewalk: you can use fuser as well iirc23:43
jribsidewalk: or lsof...23:43
keithfermulator: I know ~/.gconf/panel stores information on panel configuration23:43
zimbresayande, did you try sudo?23:43
sidewalkwhat flags should i use?23:44
keithfermulator: I am just guessing. Not sure about the widget things.23:44
ayandesudo only?23:44
mabusI'm using an ubuntu system as a gateway to the internet, but whenevever the ammount of connections gets high I have to run iptables -F on it. How can I change these settings?23:44
lupine_85ah, that's why I came here those several hours ago - my aforementioned ext4 mounted over nfs, on the client end, doesn't seem to be showing permissions correctly. I get a long string of numbers for owner:group23:44
ayandezimbres, should i only type sudo23:44
_micahikonia: Okay I used "cdrecord -v dev=/dev/dvdrw myiso.iso" it did stuff but didn't actually seem to write to the disk.23:44
fermulatorpik{: like: /connect irc.freenode.net 800023:44
lupine_85I think I might be because I enabled POSIX ACLs on the server23:44
lupine_85so my question is/was: how do I convince ubuntu to swallow that pill?23:44
fermulatorkeith: ok thanks, i'll just try fiddling then ;-023:44
pik{fermulator: yeah i just found it. damn, so simple :P23:44
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unoobtuHi, how can I expand my linux partition from gparted?23:45
grkblood13Gnome_killa, free?23:45
zimbresayande, What do you whant to do?23:45
Jeevapepperjack: is SFTP quite slow ? i only get about 72 KBps, and its on local network23:45
Gnome_killano response from oher guy so whats ru prob?23:45
plex0rDo I need to edit boot.conf to set acpi=off everytime I boot?23:45
ayandezimbres i want to backup my emails23:45
keithfermulator: I have had pretty good success by using the find files option in places, searching for all files in the home directory (including hidden) and then sorting by modification time.23:45
_micahikonia: http://pastebin.com/d55d5a43123:45
grkblood13i had sound yesterday, mucked with the control panel after installign skype, now i have no aduio23:45
grkblood13can i PM u?23:46
_micahikonia: I noticed it said it can't open the session...23:46
BlinkizWhen new drives, like usb and network units, is mounted to my local computer, a desktop icon is created for easy access. I want ubuntu to stop doing this. How can I remove so ubuntu does not create desktop icons of mounted removable devices?23:46
keithlupine_85: Did you get my message about the video?23:46
lupine_85unoobtu, you need free space at the end of the partition - do you have that?23:46
Gnome_killauummm try resetting the setting in your sound options23:46
fermulatorkeith: so ... like ." find . ..?"23:46
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zimbresayande, don't you have read permission to /home/vmail/mail?23:46
lupine_85keith, no, must have misssed it, sorry23:46
Gneaargh! mysql refuses to start and there's nothing in mysql.err ... syslog says that it doesn't have permission to bind to the IP (localhost) and if i change the user that it runs as from 'mysql' to 'root', the same error occurs... it's 8.10 intrepid23:46
grkblood13theres not a default23:46
unoobtulupine_85: yes i do, however, it is on the other side of my ntfs partition like so; [UNALLOACATED][NTFS][LINUX]23:47
ayandezimbres no i dont, thats what it sais23:47
Gnome_killahold on lemem look at my settings, what did u change?23:47
keithfermulator: You could use find, but I am not sure of the flags off hand. I tend to be lazy and using the GUI ubuntu gives you.23:47
grkblood13who knows23:47
lupine_85unoobtu, you can't expand your partition in a discontiguous manner23:47
Gnome_killaif u changes from asla to somthing back set back to asla23:47
grkblood13i had sound last night though23:47
Gneaand mysql isn't starting on a 8.04 system as well23:47
Dr_Willisunoobtu:  what ersion of windows do you have on that thing?23:47
lupine_85you could migrate to LVM if you have the space23:47
Gneasame error23:47
keithlupine_85: I see glx, vgahw, nvidia, and intel among others23:47
Gnome_killagrk did u change from asla to another sound setting?23:47
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_micahAnyone familiar with cdrecord?23:48
lupine_85keith, which OpenGL vendor does glxinfo say you're using?23:48
unoobtulupine_85: how can I move the unallowacted space? I have windows 7 and vista Dr_Willis23:48
zimbresayande, You can use root password to read it.23:48
grkblood13im using Audigy 2 Value <Unknown) (Alsa mixer)23:48
Gnome_killaok change it to asla23:48
ayandezimbres, how do i do that?23:48
lupine_85unoobtu, you can't23:48
ayandezimbres, sorry im a linux beginner23:48
Dr_Willisunoobtu:  you could use windows 7 to 'resize' teh ntfs partition to take up the space on the left side.. then use it again to shrink it from the right side..23:48
keithlupine_85: I don't have access to the computer right now. Just the flash drive and log files.23:49
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lupine_85if you were feeling brave, you could use dd to move the partition data further along, then edit the partition table manually23:49
Dr_Willisubottu:  i find windows7 MUCH faster at resizing ntfs then gparted does23:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:49
fermulatorkeith: oh, the gui can?23:49
Dr_Willisunoobtu:  i ment. :)23:49
lupine_85I so don't recommend it23:49
unoobtuDr_Willis: nice, how do I do that?23:49
zimbresayande, type: sudo su, and then, cd /home/...23:49
Gneagot the syslog entry here: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d7e6593e4  mysql just won't start.  no matter how I tweak my.cnf, it just won't.23:49
ayandezimbres, thanks ill try that23:49
keithfermulator: Yeah, Places->Search For Files23:49
Dr_Willisunoobtu:  check the win7 tools/disk management stuff. I found it to be like 1000x faster then gparted at those tasks.23:49
unoobtuDr_Willis: I can't boot into windows 7, I can only mount it and access it's files from linux23:50
ayandezimbres, thanks alot m8 I appriciate it23:50
EliteCan anyone help me?23:50
lupine_85keith, to me it sounds like you should have had 3D acceleration in the second machine, but without having it up to debug, it's hard to do much23:50
Dr_Willisunoobtu:   that sucks then.  You can resize ntfs from linux, but yopu would have to grow it to the left.. then shrink it fromn the right... and that will take.. err... a long time.23:50
zimbresayande,  I think you should use a program to read it instead of read it directly23:51
Dr_Willisunoobtu:  this is just a ntfs-data partition? or what exactly?23:51
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:51
ayandezimbres ill check for that thanks23:51
unoobtuDr_Willis: it's a windows 7 partition with a corrupted mbr23:51
_micahAnyone one familiar with cdrecorder? I'm trying to burn a dvd and it's failing.23:51
zimbresElite, how could we/23:51
Dr_Willisunoobtu:  cant just boot a win7 cd and fix the mbr?23:51
unoobtuDr_Willis: there is no windows 7 cd :)23:52
* lupine_85 finds it amusing that his LAMP stack is actually a LARP stack23:52
stanis_shGnome_killa: alsactl store23:52
stanis_shalsactl: save_state:1513: No soundcards found...23:52
lupine_85no it's not23:52
lupine_85LAMR stack, rather23:52
Dr_Willisunoobtu:  or are you going to get rid of windows 7? You can find windows 7   at various places still. :)23:52
ienorandfermulator: You could do find / 2>/dev/null | grep part-of-name-of-file-or-folder23:52
stanis_shI guess, I need to reinstall something. :)23:52
Gnome_killaok ur soundcard was removed23:52
plex0rDoes anyone know what I need to edit so that acpi=off is automatically set when the system is booted? Rather than me having to enter it everytime?23:52
Elitezimbres: is it possible to tell ubuntu where to mound a disk drive on boot rather than the standarad /dev/sda etc?23:52
unoobtuDr_Willis: at least not one that I have. anyway, I figured out how to solve this problem: download windows again into a VM and delete the partition. expand.23:52
chuck_Blinkiz open Applications system tools  configuration editor  then find apps expand find nautilus expand t find desktop click on it uncheck what you do not want shown23:52
Gnome_killatry restarrting ur os & see if it re-dete4cts23:52
lupine_85Elite, /boot/grub/menu.lst23:53
Dr_Willisplex0r:  check the /boot/grub/menu.lst file - thers a place for it in there.23:53
unoobtuthanks for the help Dr_Willis23:53
lupine_85read the comments carefully23:53
stanis_shGnome_killa: okay, one minute23:53
Gnome_killaif not you need to find out what kind of sound card u have23:53
fermulatorkeith: ienorand: hum ... it doesn't find it.23:53
plex0rthank you mucho Dr_Willis23:53
ienorandfermulator: That'll search through everything in / for the string after grep23:53
Dr_Willisunoobtu:  delete? if you wanted to delete the ntfs - thats easially done..23:53
unoobtuDr_Willis: I know :) easy and fast23:53
makoshark86just installed a fresh copy of ubuntu 9.10, and my mouse wheel is stuck scrolling up. have tried three different mice with the same results, and xev confirms that it is sending a signal constantly.23:53
ienorandfermulator: what is it you're looking for?23:53
makoshark86is this ak nown issue with 9.10/ how do i go about fixing it?23:53
fermulator(created a "Custom App" called "my_funny_guy" in a drawer) -- trying to find out where "drawer" saves it's XML files23:53
Blinkizchuck_, Thanks! The value to change was "columes_visible". :)23:54
vladwhat is gvfsd23:54
vladcome on23:54
Dr_Willisgnome virtual file system i think23:54
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Jeevawhy is SFTP so slow...23:55
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Jeeva85 KBps23:55
vladwhat exactly odoes it do23:55
Dr_Willisvlad:  it hanles the special gnome places like smb:// and stuff i think23:55
fermulatorienorand: (created a "Custom App" called "my_funny_guy" in a drawer) -- trying to find out where "drawer" saves it's XML files23:55
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makoshark86does anyone have any ideas for fixing my mouse?23:55
_micahI need some help burning a DVD!23:56
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto23:56
issaHi, does ubuntu support tablet laptops "touch-smart" to have what vista provides like the pen tablet and all these stuff?23:56
chuck_Blinkiz your welcome23:56
ActionParsnip!burning > _micah23:56
ubottu_micah, please see my private message23:56
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor23:56
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vladand what is the http traffic coming from it?23:56
vladand going to sites that i have browsed?23:57
ienorandfermulator: A guess would be: ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-settings/gnome-panel/%gconf.xml23:57
subspideri have a file with extension .bin i want to install what i have to do23:58
Dr_Willissubspider:  what is it anyway?  normally one does 'sh ./whatever.bin'23:58
Dr_Willissubspider:  or chmod +x whatever.bin  && ./whaever.bin23:58

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