
afeijoI found out that I can change all sources.list file to point to http://br..., so it will get files from my country :)00:00
afeijoops, usb-creator couldn't format my usb drive00:00
afeijoI'll try with another usb00:01
xjjkafeijo: er, you're using an unformatted usb drive?00:01
wirechiefafeijo are you trying to make a usb startup disk with usb-creator ?00:02
afeijoI did try with a usb that isnt that good, lol. The other one is working00:02
afeijowirechief: yes00:02
afeijocopying files... 30%00:03
wirechiefafeijo you need a couple more files associated with it00:03
afeijowirechief: its all working now00:03
sebrhey dudes, i just updated to jaunty, and kwin/plasma doesn't seem to respond to shortcuts00:03
sebralt-f2 doesn't work, ctrl-f1/f2/f3/f4 etc00:03
wirechiefafeijo well if you reboot with it and you get only a initramfs fs with busy box you will know you need these lupin-casper and ubiquity-casper too00:04
afeijowirechief: argh, what do I need to do them?00:05
wirechiefapt-get install  them00:05
wirechiefdo before making a usb stick00:05
afeijoinstall where? I'm using livecd, I need the live usb to burn with my cd drive00:06
xjjkwirechief: er, you do NOT need to do any of that with usb-creator00:06
wirechiefthis is because they didnt make the RC and only on the final were they made00:06
afeijowell, usb-creator told me to reboot, I will try it ...00:06
wirechiefxjjk if you have the final you do not need them, only before it.00:06
sebri think i found the culprit00:07
sebrFailed to contact the KDE global shortcuts daemon00:07
sebrMessage: Could not get owner of name 'org.kde.kded': no such name00:07
sebrError: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner00:07
xjjkwirechief: OK, though I don't see why00:07
xjjkwirechief: you're implying they released CD images that didn't boot00:07
wirechiefxjjk if it works then you wont need to know but if doesnt then you will00:07
wirechiefxjjk  the files were not in the RC but were in the final00:07
david__is there any other way to open rar files other than arc?00:08
wirechiefxjjk there is a bug filed on it.00:08
xjjkdavid__: what version are you using00:08
david__xjjk watever one comes with jaunty00:09
wirechiefxjjk there is a bug filed on it. bug 276682200:09
xjjkdavid: did you install rar, unrar, or unrar-free?00:09
xjjkwirechief: thanks00:09
david__xjjk yes00:09
wirechiefbug 27682200:09
xjjkdavid__: AFAIK that's all you need to do00:10
wirechiefxjjk   sorry its bug 27682200:10
david__xjjk yes well its not working00:10
xjjkdavid__: mm, I'm not sure00:11
wirechiefxjjk another way to find out if you need those files is just dpkg  -l lupin-casper    or ubiquity-casper00:13
wirechiefxjjk dpkg -l |grep lupin-casper or ubiquity-casper00:13
xjjkwirechief: interesting, OK00:14
xjjkI've not had problems00:14
wirechiefxjjk you wont if you have those along with casper00:14
=== ubuntu is now known as afeijo
afeijoyou can all call me very stupid. I have a notebook to burn the kubuntu 9.04 iso00:18
afeijothe usb didnt work, btw00:18
=== alessandro is now known as hammer_abc
xjjkafeijo: blah.... what happened00:18
afeijoxjjk: my computer didnt find it bootable00:19
=== mike is now known as Guest52227
xjjkafeijo: are you sure you have your computer configured properly00:19
xjjksetting to boot from USB key can be tricky00:19
afeijoI did selected usb, yes00:19
afeijoF10 load the boot drive option00:19
xjjkthe name of your USB key appeared there?00:19
afeijobut this is now secondary, I'm burning the CD with my kubuntu note :)00:20
afeijoyes, it was KingstonTrav00:20
afeijoI hope I can manage to install kubuntu 9 in my desktop HD without losing my data :)00:20
NickPrestaafeijo: you should always back up first if you're concerned :)00:21
afeijomy plan is to set the /home to the temp partition I will use, than I move it away and mount the current /home00:21
afeijoNickPresta: I did cp -a /home and /etc to my new 1tb disk00:21
afeijoany other folder should I copy?00:21
NickPrestaafeijo: it depends what you want to back up. /home and /etc should be fine00:23
NickPrestaafeijo: why what?00:23
geniiafeijo: /home contains your user files. /etc contains program configuration settings00:24
NickPrestahey genii00:24
afeijooh I copy /etc too00:24
geniiNickPresta: Hiya00:24
=== Guest52227 is now known as Serideth
afeijodamn, 1h15m to repartition :(00:33
afeijohow to update my livecd codecs ?00:44
geniiafeijo: Lucky. Sometimes it takes upwards of 2 days to rebuild my raid00:45
afeijo2 days ??? lol00:45
afeijoI dont use raid00:45
afeijodo you guys now in what repository I can find w32codecs ?00:48
afeijoto Hardy00:48
afeijono public key ?? whats that?00:50
the1corruptedHello everyone....00:52
afeijowhat happened here? netsplit?00:52
the1corruptedI was wondering if I could get help with a couple issues?00:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:53
the1corruptedThanks.  Alright, before I got on, my WLan was bugging out and I had to restart the system and fiddle with it to get it working again.  Is there a work-around so I can reset the WLan and get the same effect? -- Question 2:  My flash player suddenly exploded after I change something to do with Pulse Audio.  Originally, I had flash video without sound, now after (I believe asoundconf or something of the like) was executed,00:57
the1corrupted have no sound OR video...  I also have the flash nonfree plugin but it still doesn't work.00:57
afeijotry to reinstall flash nonfree00:57
the1corruptedShould I uninstall the original flash too?00:58
afeijoremove it all, than reinstall flash with: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:59
afeijouse apt-cache to find what flash you have installed00:59
=== bk|away is now known as bk
vbgunzdoes anyone know of a command I can use from a *live-cd* that will dump diagnostic information about the host computer? I am mainly interested in how many drives and total size of data per drive. can someone help me out here?01:02
the1corruptedThanks for your help.  That worked.01:04
afeijothe1corrupted: great!01:06
afeijoI finally give some back, lol01:06
afeijovbgunz: df -h?01:06
peachesok people google earth has ugly small fonts out of the box on kubuntu even with msttfonts installed. wth01:06
afeijovbgunz: you may want to mount all your disk first, with dolphin01:07
the1corruptedNow for another issue that just came up.  Despite the fact my sound continues to work, I'm getting a repeated error about some device not working, and it's the same one every time.  (HDA ATI SB (Conexant Analog)).  I'm just wondering what the deal is with this thing...01:08
vbgunzafeijo: thats not what I am looking for... man, there is something else that dumps everything about the computer to stdout. I cannot find it :(01:08
geniivbgunz: sudo lshw -vv01:09
vbgunzgenii: yeah, I think thats it01:10
geniivbgunz: Thats for everything on your box. If you want just HD info, probably you want something more like: sudo fdisk -l01:10
vbgunzthe -vv option doesn't work though01:10
vbgunzI assume that should have been a bit more verbose01:10
afeijolshw -short01:11
geniivbgunz: Yes... without any verbosity it shows a lot however.01:11
vbgunzgenii: yeah thats cool right there01:11
vbgunzsudo fdisk -l works from the live-cd too? I can try... I just need someone to pass this information to me. they know nothing about Kubuntu and have no internet connection to boot. family phone support :)01:12
vbgunzgenii: you saved the day on that one... thanks!01:14
geniivbgunz: np01:14
djprofessorki dont understand how to regisster my nickname can anyone help>01:17
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode01:17
afeijodjprofessork: type /nickserv help01:17
djprofessorkthank you guys01:17
djprofessorkso do i type01:18
djprofessork    /msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email>01:18
djprofessorkinto this place?01:18
djprofessorki tried and it told me my email was invalid01:18
djprofessorkhold up...01:18
afeijouse a valid email :p01:18
djprofessorklol why isnt it valid01:19
djprofessorkthis isn't cool01:19
afeijoweird !01:19
afeijoyou password dont have space, right?01:20
djprofessorkall letters and numbers01:20
afeijoI did that to register mine last year, no problems01:20
djprofessorkis it gmail01:21
winter_so... i've got kubuntu up and running, but no audio01:22
winter_(or really, what i should say is: when i go into system settings/multimedia and hit "test" i get audio, but nowhere else it appears)01:22
djprofessorkso now @yahoo @live.com and @rit.edu wont work01:22
djprofessorki tried all three emails01:22
afeijodjprofessork: try on the #freenode channel, there is irc experts there01:23
=== kyle_ is now known as kyle__
kyle__is it illegal to sell kubuntu disks for large amount of money?01:36
BluesKajany amount of money01:36
kyle__alright kewl01:36
peachesit's not illegal01:37
kyle__im going to make 600 bucks off some dumn kids lol01:37
peachessaw some youtube video some kid got a lot of uubuntu cds sent to him and he smashed them all01:39
afeijocan google maps works offline?01:40
djprofessorkis there a reason i cant see anyone typing on a channel with 200+ people?01:43
afeijodjprofessork: netsplit my guess01:47
kyle__kubuntu is way easier to figure out then ubuntu01:48
kyle__im amazed01:48
djprofessorklies lol01:48
djprofessorkdamn lies01:48
st23amwhat is the default shortcut key to switch desktops?01:51
st23amis there a default shortcut key?01:54
kyle__not that i know of01:55
xjjkst23am: control + alt + left or right, I think?01:55
st23amxjjk: that works in gnome but not kde4.201:56
subcoolcan anyone suggest a good burner program? i dont like wasting my CD-Rs01:56
kyle__ahead nero01:57
subcoolfor ubuntu?01:57
xjjkst23am: hrm, OK... it works on my KDE3 desktop01:57
xjjkst23am: you can check by looking in system settings01:57
xjjkthere's a control panel applet that lets you change associated keys01:57
kyle__google for packages im not to sure01:57
st23amxjjk: ya I cant find a setting for it in system settings :(01:57
xjjkst23am: OK, let me look01:57
subcooli cant get any program01:57
subcooli cant waste cd's i only have like 301:58
kyle__k3b the default one you get on the disk works fine01:58
subcoolanyone have anything they can suggest?01:58
st23amk3b should work fine kyle__:01:59
st23amer subcool:01:59
xjjkst23am: apparently I have nothing set01:59
xjjkst23am: go to systemsettings, the Keyboard & Mouse applet01:59
xjjkand pick the last section, Global Keyboard Shortcuts, select Kwin01:59
xjjksearch for "desktop"01:59
st23amah thats what I was missing thanks xjjk: (new to KDE )02:00
st23amfor anyone who cares the default in kde 4.2 is ctrl+f1-*02:01
xjjkst23am: there is a keybinding slot availab efor next/previous desktop02:01
xjjkI set it to control+alt+left and right personally02:01
xjjkkde3.x and gnome-compatible02:01
st23amcool thanks xjjk:02:02
kyle__man kubuntu game selection makes Vista look good02:04
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st23amthe default install sure. Look in the repo there are plenty02:07
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 9.04 Released http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | KDE 4.2.3 for 9.04 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.3 | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic
kyle__a bunch of 2d knock offs02:08
kyle__you find anything good?02:08
st23amdefine good02:09
st23amthere are a few 3d first person shooters02:09
st23amnexeus I think is a good one (like quake 3)02:09
kyle__yeh there all right02:09
st23amalso kyle__: alot of games will run under wine02:09
kyle__i like a good single player02:09
st23ampersonally I play team fortress 2 and WOW in wine02:10
kyle__im just lookin at the free ware02:10
st23amhmm kyle__: good single player 3d hmm02:10
st23amkyle__: its not "freeware" but world of goo is fun (indy game only costs a few bucks)02:11
kyle__world of goo is good i have on my XP02:12
st23amah it has a linux version but ya same game02:13
st23amI believe Gabe & Tyco from penny-arcade have a linux version of OTRSPOD02:13
kyle__OTRSPOD is that the full name of the game?02:15
st23amkyle__: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness02:15
st23amkyle__: www.rainslick.com02:16
kyle__ill check it out02:16
kyle__doesnt look half bad02:17
st23amkyle__: there are alot more linux games out there. Google more when your bored :P02:18
kyle__sounds like thats the rest of my night lol02:19
subcoolst23am: K- ill give it a whirl. THanks.02:22
winter_where's a good kubuntu audio howto?02:22
shameerwhats going on here ppl02:25
levmattahello all02:25
=== shameer is now known as Zapata
Zapatahow are we doing tonite all02:26
ZapataNY in the house02:26
PSiL0does anyone know if kde 4.2.3 will come to intrepid?02:26
Zapatathats like sign language to me02:27
kyle__i thought it was chinese02:28
p_quarlesPSiL0: did the kubuntu-members repository not package it for intrepid?02:29
PSiL0p_quarles: currently, the repository only lists jaunty :(02:29
PSiL0p_quarles: I would have updated to jaunty if I had an nvidia chip rather than an ati chip in my 1.5 year old laptop02:30
p_quarlesPSiL0: yes, I guess it would be complicated by the need for Qt4.5; I'd imagine it will show up eventually though02:30
PSiL0p_quarles: ahhh, I thought kde 4.3 was going to make the qt4.5 jump02:31
Zapataanyone knows whats a good free chat server I can install on Ubuntu?02:35
Zapatasomething other than Jaber02:35
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin02:36
Zapatais this just a client?02:36
Zapataneed server02:36
tsimpsonyou want to install a chat server?02:36
tsimpsonprobably only choice is jabber or IRC, or write your own02:39
geniiZapata: You might find some java chat servers someplace but I'd go with jabber, myself02:43
kyle__where do i find and edit startup programs02:51
digdeepkyle__: System Settings->Advanced->Autostart (It is there, but it doesn't work for me somehow :-D)02:54
loud-loudhi guys, how can i show 'Computer' and 'Trash' icons on desktop?03:02
loud-loudhi guys, how can i show 'Computer' and 'Trash' icons on desktop?03:05
Zapatathank U genii03:06
geniiZapata: You're welcome. Did you make some decision yet on a chat server software?03:06
Zapatayep, I am installing Jab now, but it requires some sunjava5-jdk, but i get some dependenc error while installing it03:07
ahmoshi, i want to mount ntfs paritions at boot time with read write support,so any help03:08
ZapataI have to check what the dependencies are03:08
m_tadeu__does anyone here know how to use kplato?03:30
Zapatalater all03:30
Zapatahave to take nap03:30
=== carlos is now known as Guest69532
=== max is now known as Guest23133
Guest23133Hi, I just installed Kubuntu 9.04. How would I go about installing KDE 3.5 onto it?03:48
Guest23133tsimpson: That page doesnt say anything about installing kde3.5 on 9.04, it just links to cd images.03:55
ramonHi all, does anybody know the best p2p program???03:56
ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page03:57
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information03:59
ramoncould anybody help me?04:03
genii!info ktorrent04:04
ubottuktorrent (source: ktorrent): BitTorrent client based on the KDE 4 technology platform. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1+dfsg.1-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 1612 kB, installed size 4500 kB04:04
geniiramon: See above04:04
ramonmm right...thankx a lot04:04
=== root is now known as Guest94707
mattgyverIt seems samba might not be making a connection on boot my log.smbd shows this error 'ERROR: Could not determine network interfaces, you must use a interfaces config line' how can i fix this?04:29
geniimattgyver: Put into smb.conf something like interfaces = eth1 or whicever one you want it to use, in the global section.04:33
* genii sips04:33
mattgyvergenii, i use eth0, or wlan0 to connect.  When i added just one or the other and uncomment the interfaces line the os wont boot04:34
mattgyverit fails on starting samba service.  should i not be removing the ; from in front of interfaces?04:34
geniimattgyver: Thats the idea yes. If you want it to use both, put something like      interfaces = eth0, wlan004:36
mattgyverOkay, ill try it again to make sure im not a dummy04:36
geniimattgyver: How uncommenting a samba config variable would make your operating system unbootable is somewhat of a mystery04:36
mattgyverYeah its wierd.  But happens.04:37
tomsdalesound sucks on linux!!! ahhhhh04:37
geniitomsdale: I agree. Luckily i don't care if my box has music.04:37
mattgyverLet me try this again.04:37
=== subcool_ is now known as subcool
Crash1hdCan someone tell me if this sounds right.  I have a 1Tb Drive and I installed windows xp pro (pre sp1) onto the first 20 gigs of the drive xp pro only saw the first 120gigs of the drive.  I rebooted had no problem didnt do any service pack updates installed ubuntu which filled up the rest of the drives with ext3 rebooted into windows and got a blue screen with this unmountable boot volume now all my partitions are corrupted comple04:38
Crash1hdtly? does this make sense to anyone?04:38
tomsdalegenii: I just think thouse countless hours of development time who must have gone into pulse alsa and what not and it just gets worst04:40
geniitomsdale: I've given up for the time being to get my Intel HDA behaving04:41
mattgyvergenii; yeah, after adding it it drops the boot loading screen and shows; Configuring network interfaces... [fail], and hangs @ Starting Samba daemons04:41
tomsdalegenii: and at the same time so many gifted linux programmers are real music freaks at the same time -04:41
tomsdalehow can this happened that they abandoned (or overengeneered) this important aspect04:42
geniimattgyver: Just hit ctrl-c  at that point to abort samba daemon04:42
mattgyvergenii; that didnt do anything :(04:42
geniimattgyver: It will eventually timeout. Might be a while though04:43
mattgyverIve done this before though so i can just load into terminal and change back over to my backup smb though04:43
mattgyverI dont know why it does this..Doesnt make any sense to me.04:43
judgenhmm i got no sound in jaunty..04:44
mattgyveri can undersand the hang.  But after boot, if i restart the samba service, all works again04:44
tomsdalewell, not really pissed off - just talking my mind. Happy that I can listen to some smooth Jimmy Rainey after shutting down my development virtualbox04:44
mattgyverThen i can browse my network shares on that machine.04:44
geniimattgyver: Maybe run the:  testparm     to check the syntax in the smb.conf04:44
Crash1hdgeek_: do you know why the first 2 partitions on my system are green inside TestDisk? after testing04:44
geek_"green" ?04:45
Crash1hdyeah the rest are white04:45
* geek_ dosen't recall teskdisk having a gui04:45
Crash1hdin terminal04:45
Crash1hdthe text is green the rest of the text is white (normal)04:45
geek_don't remember sadly04:46
geek_i haven't needed it in a while04:46
Crash1hdnp :) just thought I would ask04:46
Crash1hdIts finished now it shows *hpfs - ntfs then p Linux D Linux Swap D Linux and D Linux again04:47
Crash1hdnot sure why its showing more then what I had04:47
Crash1hdI had one ntfs one boot, one swap, and /04:47
sardanoHi for all!04:51
sardanoWhere a found .md5 and .sha1 files to verify DVD iso image of Kubuntu 9.04?04:52
mattgyvergenii; it says that everything works.  However, thats the case from here on out.  On boot it does not work.  (this is without the changes to the interfaces line)04:52
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:53
geniisardano: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes04:54
sardanoubottu: Thanks you very much!04:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:54
sardanogenii: Thanks you very much!04:54
geniimattgyver: Command:  testparm                       will alert you to any inconsistencies in the smb.conf04:54
mattgyveroh okay, nm i thought it actually tried to process the file.04:56
mattgyvergenii: i dont want to beat a dead horse but in the interfaces line i had, should i maybe change the 127 to my routers
linuxguyhey guys anyone try putting the news applet on the screensaver?05:07
linuxguyit doesnt seem to work right for me.05:07
linuxguyit shows the time stamps and nothing else.  is it just me?05:08
geniimattgyver: You mean /etc/network/interfaces file?   or the "interfaces = eth0" or so in /etc/samba/smb.conf  ?05:08
linuxguybut when I put it on my desktop no problem.05:08
mattgyversmb.conf, sorry05:08
mattgyverThe default read ' interfaces = eth0'05:09
linuxguybtw how can I upgrad to 4.2.3?05:09
geniimattgyver: Since eth0 and wlan0   etc don't ever get assigned 127.x.x.x why would you have it there when it belongs to interface lo ?05:09
geniimattgyver: All you should need is something like:  interfaces = eth0               and nothing else05:10
mattgyverI dont know, its how the file read by default, im wondering if thats where my issue lies.  Ive never messed with this before05:10
geniimattgyver: Remember to do after, something like:   sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart05:12
mattgyveryeah, the daemons dont restart after that.  gets hung.05:15
mattgyverwith eth0 it restarts.  Its as if it doesnt like wlan005:15
geniimattgyver: wlan0 has to be up and default gateway likely05:16
geniiOr at least up05:16
mattgyverIf i understand what you mean, it is.05:16
mattgyverits up, cuz thats how its connected right now05:16
mattgyveris it okay to have 2 interface entries as opposed to 1 combined.  It will restart correctly as interfaces = eth0, or interfaces = wlan0, but interfaces = eth0, wlan005:19
amarok--hey guys anyone know how i can put videos on my ipod classic i mean i know there is gtkpod for audio but what about video05:20
=== amarok-- is now known as Amarok___
geniimattgyver: Is there a value in smb.conf like: bind interfaces only              ?05:23
mattgyveryeah, but its not uncommented05:23
tomsdaleI've been on kubuntu since alpha 5 - is it possible that because of the alpha version there is some junk left in my system which keeps me from enjoying kubuntu. I have problems with updates, CPU, nvidia crashes05:24
sardanoIs Kubuntu 9.04 stable?05:26
tomsdalewell, its kind of late as well. Amarok___ I HATE IPOD. or maybe not ....05:26
tomsdalebut I'm getting send these .mp4 files from my band mate and I just hate it because he just copies it from his iöd05:27
=== hemathor__ is now known as hemathor_
bdizzleI'm having an issue when trying to burn a CD on K3b05:28
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
mattgyverbdizzle, what happens?05:28
bdizzlewhen I load a CD, it claims: "Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:     klauncher said" Unknown protocal05:28
geniimattgyver: Hm. I would suggest to have: bind interfaces only = yes          and: interfaces =, eth0, wlan0          ..make sure to put a space after every comma and spaces on each side of each = sign05:29
tomsdalesardano: it's officially stable. I had my share of problems but thats far from a generalisation. what do you want to do with your OS?05:29
mattgyverokay, ill try that.05:29
bdizzleany idea what might be causing it?05:30
sardanotomsdale: Develop software (web software and C/C++ with Oracle batch software)05:30
tomsdalebdizzle: is that for all your cd's the same message? i'm asking because there are also encrypted cd's afaia05:30
bdizzleI'm not sure. I was trying to burn 9.04 onto a CD-RW05:31
bdizzleright now I'm just running updates and seeing if upgrading to the newest version of k3b will help at all05:31
tomsdalesardano: I would say definatly yes - just don't go crazy about having the most sexy desktop system on earth and start modifieng things05:32
sardanotomsdale: Thanks!05:32
tomsdalesardano: the default of KDE is very usable and for me as well stable. but then I had to impress the GF :-) KDE4 is still young if you know what I mean05:33
sardanotomsdale: I'll test Mandriva 2009 Spring and Kubuntu 9.04 for these goals.05:33
doleybHi, how can I make gtk-qt-engine work ?05:33
p_quarlesdoleyb: enable it in systemsettings > appearance > gtk styles and fonts05:34
sardanotomsdale: I'm using XFXForce 9400GT 512mb with KDE 4.1 without problems and in max effects, very good!05:35
tomsdaleI read a lot about Mandriva and KDE these days. But I need a system which does server Gnome and KDE which is why I use (K)ubuntu05:35
sardanotomsdale: ...and stable.05:35
sardanotomsdale: Mandriva have both.05:36
mattgyvergenii: yeah, same error.  Well, i guess im doomed.05:36
doleybWhat about turning off button-click noises in gtk apps?05:37
Crash1hdgeek_: got it working well at least got ubuntu back :) now to get windows booting all I see after clicking on it in grub is a black screen with Starting up... and there it sits05:37
tomsdalesardano: how's about server. I have several servers on ubuntu 8.04 and I like the fact that I stay in one distribution for all my needs05:37
geniimattgyver: Looks like wlan0 is problemmatic for it, some reason I can't quite figure out at this moment. I'd just go for now with the eth0 and keep tinkering05:38
mattgyverWhat boggles me the most is, this is only a problem when i boot up the machine05:38
mattgyverafter i login, with the default config once i restart the samba service, everything is normal05:38
mattgyver... i have no clue...05:38
xjjkhallo, is kde 4.2.3 going to be available in jaunty-backports?05:42
xjjkrather than the PPA05:42
tomsdalexjjk: that's the plan from what I heard05:42
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xjjktomsdale: neat, thanks... will wait rather than adding the PPA05:43
xjjkthere are some KMail fixes that look interesting05:43
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sardanoHow can I export ubuntu public key for a file?05:47
dhs_Hi All05:50
dhs_How to upgrade from kde-4.0 to kde-4.2.3???05:50
sardanotomsdale: Thank you very much!05:53
sardanogenii: Thank you very much!05:53
afeijohey, Im back ! :D05:56
afeijojust by mounting my original home partition, lots of progs just worked as it was before! amazing05:56
kav_38Help with X freeze on jaunty uxa intel 945G!05:56
linuxguydhs I asked that earlier as well05:56
p_quarleskav_38: yeah, the Intel uxa driver is very crashy05:57
afeijobut one problem remains, my account dont open konsole cmd/shortcut, only shell cmd, why?05:57
p_quarleskav_38: best bet for a bad experience with Intel in 9.04 is to revert to the Intrepid driver and exa: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.405:58
kav_38p_quarles: I know about old driver, but perfomance is poor06:00
p_quarleskav_38: yes, but it doesn't crash; and uxa is known to do that; short of joining the intel driver development team, not much to do about it06:01
Amarok___is ext4 reliable enough to store my doc in06:03
tsimpsondhs_: what version of kubuntu do you have?06:04
p_quarlesAmarok___: unless it's been fixed in the past couple weeks, there's a serious data loss bug that's being worked through for ext4; I wouldn't use it except for tinkering06:05
* genii hands tsimpson more coffee and Krispy Kremes06:05
linuxguyI am running kbuntu off a thumb drive, but I was reading the debian docs on how to install debian to a thumb drive and it said to disable hibernation otherwise it would cause file corruption, is that true with kubuntu as well?06:06
tsimpsonlinuxguy: hibernation powers down the device, but doesn't necessarily flush all the data to the device. so it's true for all types of linux06:07
linuxguybut why would it be different for a thumb drive? i dont understand?06:07
tsimpsonit should be the same for any external device06:08
linuxguyif I hibernate to disk.  shouldnt that write everything to disk?06:08
tsimpsonit writes the RAM to swap, but not necessarily to the filesystem06:09
linuxguyso if the swap file is not on the thumb drive and I un hibernate on a different computer I could lose data.06:09
linuxguybut my swap file is on the thumb driv.e06:09
linuxguyI know it will eventually kill my thumb drive but 16 gb thumbs are 25 bucks so I06:10
tsimpsonhow will you resume from the drive?06:11
linuxguyam not all that worried. just wish I could get raid 1 to work with thumb drives.06:11
linuxguyI would boot to the thumb drive and it notices that the swap file contains a hibernation data and loads it into memory06:12
dhs_tsimpson: i am using 9.0406:13
tsimpsonlinuxguy: try it out for a while and see if it's an issue, it's possible that the drivers are smarter now than before06:13
tsimpsondhq_: then you don't have 4.006:13
dhq_tsimpson: ??06:13
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tsimpsondhq_: 9.04 came with 4.2.206:14
p_quarlestsimpson: dhq_ != dhs_ :)06:14
dhq_but i am using 8.0406:14
* tsimpson hates similar nicks early in the morning06:14
dhq_ok no probs06:15
dhs_tsimpson: after installing ubuntu manually installed that kubuntu06:17
tsimpsondhs_: see the topic for information on installing 4.2.306:18
MakuseruHi, I just upgraded to 9.04 from my previous install on 8.04 and i seem to be having a problem. I can't set any resolution higher than 1024x786. When i was using 8.04 i had a program called "displayconfig-gtk" that would let me force a large resolution, but that isn't included in 9.04. So are there any other ways to force a larger resolution?06:18
draikHello all06:24
draikHow do I view pictures in TTY?06:24
draikgenii: Got it installed (svgalib1-bin). How do I use/run it to view the image?06:29
draikDisregard the '1'06:30
draiksvgalib-bin is the package06:30
geniidraik: Apps use the svga libraries to display graphics in a console. You don't run some bin for it. Depending on what kind of image it is the app to view it will vary.06:30
geniidraik: elinks for example is a console based browser which will show graphics in console if svga libs version (of elinks) is installed06:31
draikgenii: No GUI, just TTY (Ubuntu Server).06:32
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* draik is calling it a night. Working 12-hour days is great OT, but not too great on the body and mind.06:35
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Shtlhow to set the compiz?06:50
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MaksueruHi, I just upgraded to 9.04 from 8.04. But now I can't set my resolution any larger than 1024x786. When I was using 8.04 i used a program called "displayconfig-gtk" that allowed me to force 1400x1200 resolution, but apparently that program is no longer available. Does anyone know any other program or wya to force a larger resolution?06:52
the_curatorHas anyone's wireless interfaces stopped working after a recent (48h) package update and reboot?06:52
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ghassanhello there06:53
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doleybMaksueru: if you have nvidia chip, run nvidia-settings07:06
Maksuerudoleyb: ATI.07:07
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:08
doleybMaksueru: did you try Display in systemsettings?07:10
Maksuerudoleyb: Yes, it only goes up to 1024x786.07:10
doleybMaksueru: well maybe try following that link to see about drivers... however, the system for adding drivers shouldn't be really different.  The problem that might arise is if ATI corporation has been slow in releasing compatible driver binaries.07:11
MaksueruIve been going through that link, and its just talking about editing xorg. And from what I understand video is not handled in the xorg.config file anymore, correct?07:12
doleybMaksueru: basically not anything to do in xorg.07:12
MaksueruYa, thats what I thought.07:13
MaksueruThats how i use to force resolutions, but then they removed all that and i found that program.07:13
MaksueruAnd now that that is going im not sure what to do. Since that wiki is apparently severely outdated.07:13
doleybMaksueru: prehaps you'd like to ask #ubuntu07:13
MaksueruIm in there also.07:13
tibyhow can i get the air theme?07:14
tibyfor the new kde4.2.307:14
doleybMaksueru: well the xorg.conf stuff should be just needless if you have the modules in07:15
tibyopensuse got it as plasma-theme-air, but here, i can't fin dit07:15
tiby*find it07:15
tibydoes anyone know?07:19
ActionParsnipsup tiby, i missed your question07:20
tibyi asked about kde4 air theme07:21
ActionParsnipwhat of it?07:21
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ActionParsniptiby: installing it? removing it?07:22
tiby'where i can find it07:22
tibywhat else would it be ;) ?07:22
ActionParsniptiby: well its a piece of software so, bugs, glitches, changing it07:23
ActionParsniporremoving, installation, who makes it, where is the dev website, where was it devoped, why,07:23
ActionParsniptiby: i can keep going if you want07:24
tibyi think i'll build kde4 to have new features07:24
ActionParsniptiby: in irc with problems you need to be specific07:24
tibyi know all about it07:24
tibyi use it in opensuse07:24
tibyjust i can't find in the repos07:24
ActionParsniptiby: this is not the channel for opensuse07:24
tiby*the kubuntu07:24
tibyi mean i want to use it here too07:25
tibyor maybe i'07:25
tiby*i'll drom kubuntu07:25
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ActionParsniplet me search the theme out07:26
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ActionParsniptiby: seems to be part of kde 4.307:29
ActionParsniptiby: i'd ask in #kde personally07:29
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ActionParsniptiby: i dont thinnk anythings been released from what ive read07:29
tibyAFAIK, i could find in the repos the plasma-theme- stuff, but not the air one07:30
ActionParsniptiby: thats because its not released07:30
tibyso i have to manually build it from svn07:30
ActionParsniptiby: one of the guys in #kde may know a link07:30
ActionParsniptiby: considering its only a theme I wouldnt bust a ball trying to get it07:31
mot_anybody else gettign a huge segfaultw hen trying to upgrade to kde 4.2.3 in kubuntu 9.04?07:31
tibyit installs succesfully07:31
mot_i'm getting that07:31
mot_and i have no idea why...07:31
supert0nessounds like an apt-get problem did you try rebooting?07:32
mot_let's see what happens...brb07:32
Amarok--bye guys07:38
chalcedonydoes anyone know how to get the icons back to the bottom bar in Kubuntu? they spring back when you try to move them08:01
chalcedonythey are stuck on the top bar08:01
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:08
devilciao a tutti08:11
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jussi01!it | devil08:16
ubottudevil: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)08:16
L1NuXtnx jussi0108:16
ketchcan someone tell me how to get Krusader root to open?  I get this:  failed to execute child process "kdesu" (No such file or directory)08:16
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yao_ziyuanopensuse seems to be kde.org's only recommended distro for kde408:30
yao_ziyuananyone having luck with the QuickAccess plasmoid?08:32
yao_ziyuanwhen dragging an item from it to Trashcan,08:32
yao_ziyuandoes it require two clicks still?08:32
devilsadvocateso my recent upgrades broke the kernel packages with dependency errors08:40
devilsadvocateattempting to fix it manually cause my wireless to go away08:40
devilsadvocatewhich package contains the wireless drivers? (intel, i think)08:40
Tm_Tdevilsadvocate: what recent upgrades? can you specify?08:44
mth`MAWHi there,08:44
devilsadvocateTm_T: i recently did an aptitude update and full-upgrade, that left a package or two broken (linux-image-restricted, i think, not sure)08:45
devilsadvocateon 9.0408:45
mth`MAWis there a possibility to configure kde4 like osx - using the menubar from every programm at the top of the desktop?08:45
mth`MAWI searched for it, but did not find anything08:45
Tm_Tmth`MAW: not yet, feel free to file wish in bugs.kde.org (:08:45
Tm_Tdevilsadvocate: I guess you have non-standard repositories in use, like, jaunty-proposed ?08:46
devilsadvocateTm_T: ah08:46
devilsadvocateTm_T: that probably explains it08:46
Tm_Tdevilsadvocate: aye, proposed are packages going to main repositories after testing in proposed repository08:47
devilsadvocateTm_T: interestingly, i enabled proposed because i needed that kernel so that usbserial can go into a module :\08:48
mth`MAWTm_T: Thats sad, because a friend of mine (really a friend - not me ;) ) has this problem... he has kde4 and the menü-thing is at the top... Take a look: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/259946/Bildschirmfoto2.png The problem is, he did not know how to change this back... and I do not either.08:48
carpiihow do i resize a taskbar widget? Somehow my systray is now taking up 90% of taskbar08:50
soonI've USB connected my Fujifilm camera - dmesg: new full USB device using ehci_hcd and address 8 - but it doesnt show up in KDE devices widget ??08:51
carpiimeh, kde 4 is like some cruel joke08:51
carpiinothing works08:51
geek_carpii: hit the yin yang symbol08:54
altrortlahei... buddy.08:54
altrortlaI need to do a complete reinstallation of Kubuntu .... what kind of file it's better to save .... (for the fact that all the system seems to works fine)08:55
soonany suggestions what I should do? My camera doesnt even get a /dev/sd* reference08:56
soonaltrortla -- why reinstall if it works fine? Back-up /home/*user*?08:56
altrortlasoon: it works fine but Lamp installation gets several error08:57
altrortlasoon: permission Error...08:57
soonwell thats always annoying08:58
altrortlasoon: and i don't know what sould i do ... so I've decided to format all08:58
soonwhy not just chmod your /var/www files instead?08:58
altrortlasoon: I give you the last situation.... when I do localhost it try to open a phtml file....08:59
altrortlawhat is?09:00
soonthat I dont know09:00
soondid you google 'apache phtml localhost' ?09:00
Tm_Tmth`MAW: ah, does he have some "menubar" plasma widget/applet in use?09:00
carpiigeek, yin yang lets me move the widget but i cant find a way to resize it09:01
mth`MAWgonna ask him... I have no idea...09:01
behnamWhy are some packages marked as " blocked " ?09:03
behnamI can't update the kernel because of that ...09:03
Tm_Tmth`MAW: if so, removing that should solve the issue (its old and unmaintained widget)09:04
mth`MAWDo reach him by know... But I will tell him, and giving you some creds :=09:05
mth`MAWDo not reach him ...09:06
Tm_Tmth`MAW: one of those things I rather would see working, btw09:06
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behnam( ok I found ... )09:09
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Havoc][is there any way to get kde 4.2.3 into intrepid?09:24
SteBoHi! When upgrading my Jaunty system with KDE 4.2.3 from ppa, there is a conflict between the packages kdebase-runtime and kdesudo. The file /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu seems to be contained in both packages.09:29
SteBoIs this a known problem? Is there a workaround of some kind?09:29
SteBoOr do I do something wrong?09:29
jussi01JontheEchidna: you are maintianing those, no? ^^09:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about src09:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about scr09:41
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/09:41
FuriousGeorgehey all09:50
FuriousGeorgei want to add my windows ldm array partitions to my fstab / mdadm.conf, but i want to do it the kubuntu way (i'm a gentoo migrant)...  that means I have to go by UUID, right?09:51
FuriousGeorgeor is there some automagic kubuntuness that does it for me?09:51
dwidmannFuriousGeorge: I can't think of anything particularly magical. I say use what you know works is always a good plan.10:00
FuriousGeorgedwidmann: where do i get the UUIDs out of the DevFS again?10:00
staar2how to i can set firefox downloaded files default programs ?10:02
FuriousGeorgehmmmm....  it appears mdadm.conf makes a UUID for the array, and I can just reference that in fstab10:02
happyhessiani just did a clean install from ubuntu 9.04 to kubunto 9.04 and for some reason my sound is not working correctly.  it identifies two devices HDA NVidia (ALC888 Analog) and PulseAudio.  The first one works with the test sound and the second one does not.  In vlc I can force it to use this device and then it works.  But in mplayer I can't and things like youtube don't work at all.  I've never had a problem like this before so I'm not sure how to deal 10:33
happyhessian Is there a way to globally force these apps to use the correct device?10:33
happyhessianwhere would one even begin?10:33
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happyhessianseems like this guy is having a similar problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=719336910:34
SteBoHi! When upgrading my Jaunty system with KDE 4.2.3 from ppa, there is a conflict between the packages kdebase-runtime and kdesudo. The file /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu seems to be contained in both packages.10:51
SteBoIs this a known problem? Is there a workaround of some kind?10:51
SteBoHi! When upgrading my Jaunty system with KDE 4.2.3 from ppa, there is a conflict between the packages kdebase-runtime and kdesudo. The file /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu seems to be contained in both packages.10:51
SteBoIs this a known problem? Is there a workaround of some kind?10:51
SteBooops, sorry10:51
tlvbIs there a way to get my logitech mx518 thumb buttons to work in konqueror? (they've worked in gnome+ff) When I search the net I get pages about configuring x11.conf and they seem a bit dated...10:53
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larsaaHi! Anyone else lost their sound after upgrading to Jaunty?11:31
devilsadvocatewhat is the channel to discuss issues with jaunty-proposed?11:37
devilsadvocate(specifically some kernel and drivers stuff)11:37
le_coqG * O * O * D   M * O * R * N * I * N * G   evrybdy11:43
eagles0513875mornign le_coq11:44
eagles0513875larsaa: does an error box come up saying a driver ahs failed reverting to then name of another one11:44
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.11:45
larsaaeagles0513875: no error message pops up, but I get this:11:46
larsaaalsactl init11:47
larsaaUnknown hardware: "HDA-Intel" "Intel G45 DEVCTG" "HDA:111d76b2,1028024d,00100302 HDA:80862802,80860101,00100000" "" ""11:47
eagles0513875open up system settings and open the multimedia tool in system settings11:47
eagles0513875and let me know what devices are listed for music that somehow manages to fix system wide issues11:47
mackk431what is the reason of the existenz of /etc/apt/sources.list?11:48
eagles0513875mackk431: its the list of all the repositories where updates are gotten from and new software is downloaded from11:48
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:48
mackk431so if i add something there manually it will be downloaded after sudo apt-get update?11:48
eagles0513875you also have to add its pgp key to the keyring11:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aptkeyring11:49
eagles0513875mackk431: you can also edit that list via the gui11:49
eagles0513875are you on intrepid or jaunty11:49
larsaaeagles0513875: listed there are: HDA Intel (STAC92xx Analog), PulseAudio, HDA Intel(INTEL HDMI), HDA Intel INTEL (HDMI Output)11:50
mackk431is this an aptkeyring11:50
mackk431$ gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 94C09C7F11:50
mackk431  $ gpg --fingerprint 94C09C7F11:50
eagles0513875if you open up kpackagekit and hit the 3rd option type in your password after hitting edit sources you can edit your third party repos as well as authentication of that repo in the authentication tab11:50
eagles0513875larsaa: is pulseaudio an option11:51
mackk431ok i see11:51
eagles0513875thats just for security reasons we need to import the key11:51
mackk431i am in the progress to get install as source and install it its not quite easy11:51
eagles0513875what are you trying to install from source11:52
larsaaeagles0513875: yes, but no sound when I click "Test",11:52
mackk431cause sudo apt-get install tor doesnt work11:52
larsaamackk431: maybe sudo aptitude install tork will do it?11:53
mackk431ok i try11:53
eagles0513875larsaa: move it to the very first option on the list then test itewsh11:53
eagles0513875mackk431: whats the name of the program you want to install and ill try and see if its in the repos for you11:53
mackk431yes aptitude works install in progress now11:53
eagles0513875!info tork11:54
ubottutork (source: tork): anonymity manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.30-2 (jaunty), package size 1375 kB, installed size 3884 kB11:54
larsaaeagles0513875: maybe tork is just a frontend?11:54
mackk431hm no wasnt working he says "no version found vor tor"11:55
eagles0513875larsaa: no just seeing what it is and if it is front end it will pull the backend as a dependency11:55
eagles0513875mackk431: you want to install tork right11:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tork11:55
mackk431no its called tor11:55
SteBoHi! When upgrading my Jaunty system with KDE 4.2.3 from ppa, there is a conflict between the packages kdebase-runtime and kdesudo. The file /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu seems to be contained in both packages.11:55
SteBoIs this a known problem? Is there a workaround of some kind?11:55
mackk431what is tork?11:55
eagles0513875!info tork > mackk43111:56
mackk431tor ist this annonimyser network11:56
eagles0513875SteBo: not sure i am having no issues with it did you get it from the kubuntu experimental ppa11:56
eagles0513875mackk431: you can get your nick cloaked btw if you go into freenode channel they can cloak it11:57
eagles0513875larsaa: did you move pulse audo to the top11:57
SteBoeagles0513875: From deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main11:57
eagles0513875SteBo: i thought it was still in the ppa kubuntu-experimental11:58
eagles0513875hold on im asking in the devel channel i could be wrong11:58
eagles0513875SteBo: havent had your issue though give me a 2nd11:58
SteBoeagles0513875: ok, thank you11:58
mackk431oh i see tork is for kde11:58
eagles0513875mackk431: you on gnome11:59
eagles0513875and also mackk431 it should work on either desktop11:59
mackk431kubuntu kde11:59
mackk431thanks for help11:59
eagles0513875SteBo: can you remove kdesudo and see if kdesudo functionality still works11:59
eagles0513875no problem mackk43112:01
eagles0513875larsaa: you still around12:01
larsaaeagles0513875: yes, tried to move PulseAudio to the top, and test, but no luck...12:02
SteBoeagles0513875: when trying to remove kdesudo it wants to remove some more important packages like update-manager-kde12:02
eagles0513875larsaa: run this in command sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart12:02
eagles0513875then test again12:03
eagles0513875SteBo: can you file a bug and link it here to me please that way i can get it expedited to the devs12:03
SteBoeagles0513875: against package kdebase-runtime?12:03
SteBoeagles0513875: is it ok to file bugs against package versions that are not part of the official distribution?12:04
eagles0513875SteBo: yes12:04
eagles0513875SteBo: and yes it is. give as much detail as you can it makes life easier12:04
SteBoeagles0513875: ok, will do12:05
eagles0513875SteBo: can you link me once you post it please and thanks12:06
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mackk431he says now that he cant find trustworthy keys :(12:07
mackk431so i dont know if i can trust the sourcecode of the tor client software12:07
eagles0513875mackk431:  its in the repositories12:09
mackk431Öffentlicher Schlüssel "Roger Dingledine <arma@mit.edu>" importiert12:09
mackk431gpg: kein uneingeschränkt vertrauenswürdiger Schlüssel 016212F0 gefunden12:09
eagles0513875mackk431: type this into command line sudo apt-get install tork12:09
eagles0513875!paste | mackk43112:09
ubottumackk431: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:09
mackk431yes i did i am in the configuration process of tork12:10
eagles0513875i never used tork before12:10
mackk431in step one i shall import the keys12:10
SteBoeagles0513875: Looks like this bug is known already https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/+bug/34577612:11
mackk431if i copy the command to terminal he says that he cant find trustworthy key but he found a key that he dont trust12:11
SteBoeagles0513875: But I haven't had this problem when upgrading from 8.04 to 9.04 a few days ago.12:11
eagles0513875SteBo: subscribe your self to that bug so you can see whats goign on with it12:12
mackk431but it will work i think12:12
eagles0513875SteBo: recommend clean install normally12:12
eagles0513875some things have changed12:12
eagles0513875from intrepid to jaunty12:12
SteBoeagles0513875: the upgrade worked fine for me.12:12
eagles0513875SteBo: granted but for instance adept has been replaced with kpackagekit12:13
mackk431it imported a public key12:13
SteBoeagles0513875: I had to tweak some things, but most of my settings were preserverd.12:13
eagles0513875SteBo: well your luck i always have issues12:13
SteBoeagles0513875: thanks for yout help. :-) I'm out for lunch. bbiab12:13
eagles0513875SteBo: no problem12:14
mackk431jurgen@schrabbel:~/debian-packages$ gpg --verify /tmp/kde-jurgen/torkXhExlb.tmp /tmp/kde-jurgen/torkzPRmec.tmp12:14
mackk431gpg: Signatur am So 12 Apr 2009 10:11:38 CEST mit DSA Schlüssel, ID 28988BF5, erfolgt12:14
mackk431gpg: Korrekte Unterschrift von 'Roger Dingledine <arma@mit.edu>'12:14
mackk431gpg: WARNUNG: Dieser Schlüssel trägt keine vertrauenswürdige Signatur!12:14
mackk431gpg:          Es gibt keinen Hinweis, daß die Signatur wirklich dem vorgeblichen Besitzer gehört.12:14
mackk431Haupt-Fingerabdruck  = B117 2656 DFF9 83C3 042B  C699 EB5A 896A 2898 8BF512:14
mackk431i think i cant use it12:14
eagles0513875mackk431: please dont do that12:15
eagles0513875!paste | mackk43112:15
ubottumackk431: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:15
eagles0513875use that link ans also if you have tork working dont need to let us know what you are doing if you have questions or issues please feel free to post here12:15
eagles0513875SteBo: you there right quick12:17
asranielhow can this happen? suddendly my gf could not open her cd-rom drive anymore (there was no cd in it)12:17
SteBoeagles0513875: yes12:17
eagles0513875SteBo: can you add some info that you can confirm on kde 4.2.3 and some information about your rig like kernel architecture etc12:17
SteBoeagles0513875: ok, will do after lunch.12:17
le_coqwhy is it that my ubuntu after updating from 8.10 to 9.04 especially on FF and other i-net applications slows down dramatically?12:21
eagles0513875le_coq: if you are on gnome #ubuntu is the channel for you if you are on kde you are in the right channel12:23
eagles0513875larsaa: any luck12:23
larsaaeagles0513875: unfortunately, thanks for all the help anyways, I see that I'm not alone with sound problems, will try again later12:25
eagles0513875well i have that issue as well larsaa but im not on an intel audio card me switching to pulse audio works im on an nvidia mcp51 hd audio card12:25
eagles0513875it seems like its a bug with either phonon or something else12:26
lokaiAre there any utilities that will merge mutiple PDFs into one?12:29
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)12:30
eagles0513875lokai: not sure to be honest i know adobe read pro does it on windows not sure on linux12:30
bazhang!info pdfedit12:32
ubottupdfedit (source: pdfedit): Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-2 (jaunty), package size 2481 kB, installed size 7564 kB12:32
eagles0513875thanks bazhang didnt know bout that :)12:32
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)12:38
larsaaeagles0513875: Seems like the sound problem is described here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/36470612:38
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.12:38
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code12:38
TefZe1hello world =)12:38
eagles0513875thanks for the link larsaa12:40
ikoniaTefZe1: better to query the bot in a pm if you wawnt to do multiple queries12:41
TefZe1it was just a test12:42
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
ikoniaTefZe1: no problem, maybe test in a pm next time, so the channel doesn't get flooded12:43
TefZe1no prob12:43
ikoniaTefZe1: thank you12:45
asranieli hate beeing a computer scientist sometimes12:47
asranieli just spent 2 hours trying to explain to my gf how to get a cd on her ipod with linux12:47
asranielfirst k3b had a bug that it could not rip cds12:47
asranielthen the dolphin music cd rip thing didn't work either12:48
asranielthen i had to explain grip to her12:48
asranielthat at least worked12:48
asranielthen amarok could not see the ipod, because there is a packaging bug in 2.1 beta 112:48
asranielthen i tried to make her use gtkpod12:48
asranielwhich then complained that she has to recharge the ipod first (even though the ipod is completely recharged)12:49
asranieland all i wanted is to get in the park and get some sun12:49
ikoniaasraniel: this is offtopic in hre12:50
ikoniaasraniel: this channel is for kubuntu support only12:50
asranielikonia: not really, this was kubuntu i'm talking about12:50
ikoniaasraniel: yes, but your not asking for support/discussion your just explaining about how bad you had to tell someone12:50
bazhangasraniel, was there a question in there?12:51
asranielcomon, it's not like the channel is crowded right now, i just had to express my feelings ;) but yes of course there are questions in it12:51
asranielfor example12:51
ikoniaasraniel: doesn't matter if the channel is busy, there are off topic channels for chatting12:51
asranielikonia: but it is not offtopic, because i was listing a bunch of bugs. But i'll start again in that case:12:52
ikoniaasraniel: then list the issue clearly without the 12 lines of pre-amble12:52
asranielanyone knows how to rip cds with k3b? even if lame is installed k3b gives a error about lame12:52
ikoniaasraniel: what's the error ?12:53
asranielikonia: command failed: lame -h --tt12:53
ikoniaasraniel: is that it ?12:54
asranielikonia: pretty much yes. i actually found somebody with the same problem: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3b/+question/56092 , but there was no real solution12:54
ikoniaasraniel: have you tried running the command manually ?12:55
ahmedi cannt install virtualbox the closed source it give me error12:55
ikoniaahmed: then join #vbox as the closed source one we can't do anything about12:55
bazhanglibk3b3-extracodecs is installed asraniel ?12:56
eagles0513875touche ikonia lol12:56
asranielikonia: does not give a error here. But i don't have a audio cd here to test anyway, had to debug over icq on my gfs computer12:56
ikoniaasraniel: thats something thats worth trying when you get home12:57
asranielbazhang: i think so yes, they should be installed anyway when you install the nonfree stuff, no?  but sadly my gf is not online anymore, so i can't ask12:57
bazhangasraniel, you need to install it separate from the -restricted-extras stuff12:58
asranielbazhang: ok, then i have to check that when she gets home. would be nice if it was possible to give more expressive error messages12:59
bazhangasraniel, for future reference, apt-cache search package (in this case k3b) shows what you may be missing12:59
shadowhywindhay all I saw that KDE 4.2.3 came out, so I went to add the repo , but everytime i update the lists, it come back saying it can't be verified13:00
eagles0513875shadowhywind: your missing the repo pgp key13:01
shadowhywindeagles0513875: how would I go about adding/creating that?13:02
eagles0513875shadowhywind: give me a sec to give you a link13:02
shadowhywindeagles0513875: thanks13:02
eagles0513875shadowhywind: sry for taking so long13:05
shadowhywindeagles0513875: ah no problems13:05
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »13:07
eagles0513875easier than what i was gonna suggest13:07
shadowhywindah hehe, giving that a try now13:08
* eagles0513875 makes not of that bot command13:08
shadowhywindeagles0513875: thanks! that works!13:10
eagles0513875shadowhywind: dont thank me thank bazhang13:10
adaszhow can i boot with a virtualbox from the other partision13:10
eagles0513875shadowhywind: what is the key for that repo13:12
eagles0513875shadowhywind: which command you use the first one13:13
eagles0513875nm it works13:13
eagles0513875actually doesnt13:13
shadowhywindi ran gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 2836CB0A8AC93F7A ; gpg --export --armor 2836CB0A8AC93F7A | sudo apt-key add -13:14
FloridaGuyhow do i access my digital camera13:15
eagles0513875shadowhywind: 2nd command isnt working13:16
shadowhywindi know for me when I ran it, it kind of stalled out for like a min or two13:16
eagles0513875i keep getting an error about no such file or directory13:17
macoFloridaGuy: usually if you plug a digital camera in or insert its memory card into the computer, it'll be treated the same as a flash drive13:17
eagles0513875shadowhywind: fixed it didnt know you needed the -13:17
FloridaGuymaco, i have a kodac easyshare C813....windows dont even treat it as a flash drive13:18
shadowhywindeagles0513875: ah, hehe well brb reboot time13:19
eagles0513875shadowhywind: probably need to reboot as well13:19
macoFloridaGuy: its fairly common for linux to treat things like usb mass storage when windows doesn't, but if that doesn't happen with this particular camera, i recommend just popping out the memory card and using that13:19
FloridaGuymaco, i have picture in the camera's built in memory that i want13:20
macoFloridaGuy: many laptops have a slot for camera memory cards. if yours doesn't, there are usb adapters or...actually, some HP printers (if you have one of those) have camera card slots so they can act as usb adapters13:20
tlvbIs it possible to add a keyboard shortcut in kate so that alt+# will switch to open document #?13:20
tlvb(like in gedit)13:20
macooh :-/13:21
macois it possible to move pics from internal memory to card on one of those cameras?13:21
macothat's actually one piece of hardware i *haven't* tried13:21
macoi mean, ive tried *my* camera, but not the family kodak easy share one13:22
macoFloridaGuy: when you plug it in, if run "dmesg" on the command line right after, does it say anything about a device being plugged in?13:22
lvjiabinHere ,no man ?13:26
lvjiabinmy kubuntu can not  reboot in x-window,  anyone know why?13:26
FloridaGuymaco, it gives a tone of stuff13:26
lvjiabin_shit ,dead again13:29
adaszhow can i boot from my windows partition in the virtualbox?13:30
adaszhow can i boot from my windows partition in the virtualbox?13:30
eagles0513875adasz: you cannot you can accss stuff on it using ntfs-eg13:31
eagles0513875!ntfs-3g | adasz13:31
ubottuadasz: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions13:31
oleghi. installed ubuntu dual boot with lilo boot loader but it sees only linux and boots it by default, but no Windows. Can anyone help?13:33
sheytanoleg: try sudo liloconfig13:33
SteBoeagles0513875: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/+bug/345776/comments/1213:33
adaszeagles0513875: i think you dont understand me, i want boot my windows partiotion in the virtualbox, so that i can play there games13:33
shadowhywindeagles0513875: how'd the reboot go?13:34
macooh he left...ok then13:34
olegsheytan: i tried but in vain. It doesn't give me a choice but loads linux by default13:34
SteBobye :-)13:34
pushraxoleg have you tried using a grrub editor?13:35
sheytanhe's using lilo13:35
sheytantry expert mode13:35
pushraxoh ok13:35
pushraxonly read part13:35
olegsheytan: when i make liloconfig it tells me it adds windows but does,t give a choice at boot13:35
sheytanmaybe try grub13:35
olegsheytan: grub doesn't work on my machine for some reasons13:36
adaszeagles0513875: i think you dont understand me, i want boot my windows partiotion in the virtualbox, so that i can play there games13:36
lvjiabin_Hi ,maco,please13:36
sheytanoleg: maybe you're writing wrong windows partition in the liloconfig?13:37
pushraxoleg: do you have a modern mobo13:37
lvjiabin_my problem13:37
macooleg: is it a mac or some other type of hardwre that uses EFI?13:37
Mamaroklvjiabin_: patience :)13:37
olegmaco: no. it's standard amd thing13:37
eagles0513875adasz: you wont have very good performance running it a virtual machine performance will seriously be reduced that way13:37
olegsheytan: no i wrote correct partition13:37
pushraxoleg: have you got it in legacy IDE mode?13:37
lvjiabin_kubuntu can not  shutdown easly  in x-window,please why?13:37
olegpushrax: no I have sata drive13:38
Mamaroklvjiabin_: you need to be more specific on what version you use, what graphic card, etc.13:38
lvjiabin_Mamarok,thank you very much ,Ee ,kde4.22  and with SB700  ati320013:39
olegmaybe I should make windows the default choice in lilo.conf?13:39
Mamaroklvjiabin_: I don't have this architecture, sry, can't help you13:40
weedarHow do I get the keys for the kubuntu-ppa mentioned in this channel's topic?13:41
weedarThere's no info on it on kubuntu.org13:41
pushraxsata still works with legacy ide mode.  all that does is set the bridge to be more compatible and not go into AHCI mode13:41
lvjiabin_Mamarok: and the kubuntu has been installed  in ubuntu !  Do you know  why?13:42
jimmy51_homeis anyone else's KRDC screen resolution really messed up since 9.04?13:42
adaszeagles0513875: wayne xD can you tell me how can i boot it?13:43
Mamaroklvjiabin_: sry, I don't understand your question13:43
olegpushrax: i have award bios - where is that option?13:43
adaszeagles0513875: i have the virtualbox from sun13:43
Mamaroklvjiabin_: how did you install it?13:43
pushraxoleg: most likely in prefs13:43
bentob0xhi, for some reason I cannot listen to amarok and having sound on a flash video at the same time.  It depends on what software I start first.  If I start Amarok, play music and then watch youtube, Amarok has sound and not youtube and vice versa.  This is also true with amarok/VLC or VLC/flash etc13:44
Mamarokweedar: check the launchpad website of the PPA, you can find the key there13:44
adaszeagles0513875: i have the virtualbox from sun13:44
weedarMamarok: I'm trying, but I can't seem to find it for some weird reason...13:44
pushraxoleg: guessing though. AHCI mode makes most mobo's detect hardrives differently then what we are all used to.  AHCI only offers hotpluging and soem queuing features.13:45
pushraxoleg: just look over your bios settings as it seesm your prolbem is base level, not os.13:45
olegpushrax: so to what mode should I switch?13:45
pushraxoleg: IDE13:45
sheytanoleg: what's the lilo error massage? (is there any?)13:46
Mamarokweedar: the key is in the middle of the page, right below the sources-list entries box13:46
pushraxoleg: you shouldn't see any speed loss.  you'll probably get more speed.13:46
olegsheytan: no errors, just loads Linux and doesn't give a choice13:47
sheytanoleg: did you select the right wait time?13:47
weedarMamarok: found it just when you wrote your reply, thanks though :) I think my brain has already started it's weekend =)13:47
olegsheytan: yes 20s but now I set windows to default - maybe this will help?13:47
lvjiabin_Mamarok:  Oh,I am sorry !  that  is ,my computer is a desktop  with the ati_3200  graphic card. and  the  soft  systerm is  kubuntu with kde4.22(the last upgrade)13:48
sheytani don't know13:48
Mamaroklvjiabin_: you said Ee previousley...13:48
pushraxoleg: also was your windows partition on a primary partition and set for boot flag?13:49
Mamaroklvjiabin_: how did you install Kubuntu?13:49
olegpushrax: yes it is - i mean the boot flag and primary partition13:49
eagles0513875!wine | adasz13:49
ubottuadasz: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:49
pushraxoleg: well I' be checkign your bios13:50
Mamarokeagles0513875: what has wine to do with virtualbox?13:50
lvjiabin_Mamarok:  installed in gnome enviroment13:51
olegpushrax: well i had mandriva dual-booted with windows 2 days ago  and it worked. Don't think is bios problem13:51
eagles0513875Mamarok: trying to give him another alternative to what hes asking cuz i have never seen booting another partition on the same drive in virtual box13:51
pushraxQuestion.  is there a way to select keyboard type without editing xorg manually?13:51
Mamarokeagles0513875: that's not exactly what he is looking for I guess...13:52
eagles0513875Mamarok: is what he wants even possible13:52
Mamarokpushrax: system settings -> keyboard and locale13:52
pushraxMamarok: ok looking13:52
lvjiabin_pushrax :  maybe can setup the keyboard in x-window13:52
Mamarokeagles0513875: well, that's the whole point of virtualization, isn't it?13:53
lvjiabin_pushrax:something like systerm-setup13:53
pushraxlvjiabin_: ok thx too.  Mamarok looked in systemsettings and you can't pick brand.13:53
Mamaroklvjiabin_: so it's normal you have both Gnomw and KDE, why do you ask?13:53
eagles0513875Mamarok: true but i have yet to see a way to access another non virtual partition or drive from the same machien that one is on linux on13:53
lvjiabin_Mamarok: But ,for nomal, I cant shutdown in x-window  with kde13:55
Mamaroklvjiabin_: well, yes, if you started KDE from the beginning13:55
lvjiabin_Mamarok:something may  brush13:55
lvjiabin_Mamarok:yes, of course,I  started from beginning13:56
Mamaroklvjiabin_: what is your native language? I think you would better ask in your mothertongue as I don't really understand your questions13:56
lvjiabin_Mamarok:sorry,my poor  english13:57
Mamaroklvjiabin_: you don't have to excuse yourself, just tell me what is your native language, there might be a channel for it13:57
Mamarok!cz | lvjiabin_13:58
ubottulvjiabin_: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.13:58
Mamarokoops, that was wrong...13:58
Mamarok!ch | lvjiabin_13:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch13:58
Mamarok!cn | lvjiabin_13:59
ubottulvjiabin_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:59
Mamarokthere you go :)13:59
sheytanok, time for bike :D see ya all13:59
lvjiabin_Mamarok:Ok,i have known,But there is no man can solve such problem13:59
Mamaroklvjiabin_: ok, let's try again then13:59
Mamaroklvjiabin_: you say you can't shutdown your computer?14:00
Mamaroklvjiabin_: what happens exactly, does it close KDE?14:00
lvjiabin_Mamarok:no ,just black screen with the mouse14:01
icewindI also have the same problem when shutting down, sometimes KDE won't quit14:01
Mamaroklvjiabin_: you mean, it goes black without shutting down KDE?14:01
Mamaroklvjiabin_: did you do a clean install of Jaunty?14:02
eagles0513875Mamarok: it does that to me as well sometimes but also there is osmething that keeps cancelling my logout restart or shutdown14:02
lvjiabin_Mamarok:what is Jaunty?14:02
Mamaroklvjiabin_: you have installed Kubuntu 9.04 or did you upgrade a distribution?14:03
Mamarokp.04 = Jaunty14:03
Mamarok9.04 even14:03
BluesKajHowdy folks14:04
Mamaroklvjiabin_: no what?14:04
folkfacehello, can someone help me? My screen is stuck in 640 x 480 and nothing i do will change it?14:04
lvjiabin_Mamarok:I install 9.04  at the beginning14:04
xeenonhi, where i can find help in german here?14:04
Pici!de | xeenon14:04
Mamarok!de | xeenon14:04
ubottuxeenon: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:04
Mamarokxeenon: try #kubuntu-de14:05
Mamarokthe bot semms not to know about :(14:05
lvjiabin_Mamarok:the  ubuntu 9.04 DVD14:05
Mamaroklvjiabin_: ok, that was my question about the clean install14:05
ToreadorVampireHey all - the Network Manager widget in Kubuntu Jaunty (that replaced knetworkmanager) - is there any way to tell it to store wireless keys outside of kwallet?14:06
Mamaroklvjiabin_: there is a known problem with logging out of KDE in Jaunty on some systems, but not for shutdown AFAIK14:06
icewindMamarok: I don't think the shutdown problem is related to any version of Kubuntu14:06
BluesKajfolkface , what graphics card ?14:06
icewindI had the problem on 3 different kubuntu  instalation, both clean 8.10, 8.10 upgraded to 9.04 and clean 9.0414:06
ToreadorVampireI'm getting ticked off that [the second I log into my laptop] I am immediately prompted for my kwallet password just to connect to the wireless network (that I use every day)14:06
MamarokToreadorVampire: kwallet is the only place to store passwords14:07
ToreadorVampireMamarok> Argh :(14:07
MamarokToreadorVampire: enable the "Allow always" setting and it will not ask you all the time14:07
folkfaceBluesKaj: an old geforce4 nvidia thing - nvidia settings shows it detects crt monitor14:07
lvjiabin_Mamarok:somthing can do to solve this ?14:07
BluesKajToreadorVampire , if you find a solution let me know ..that wallet thing is nothing but a PITA14:07
MamarokToreadorVampire: then you only need the kwallet password once you log in, that's it14:07
kyle_my amorok isnt working you guys getting any problems?14:07
lvjiabin_kyle:of course no14:08
Mamarokhey , kwallet can store the passwords for all the session, just configure it right14:08
MamarokI only get prompted once, that's it14:08
ToreadorVampireMamarok> Yeah, that's what I mean - the second I have [already authenticated] using my usual username/password I am immediately prompted to authenticate again14:08
folkfaceBluesKaj: onboard graphics do the same thing :(14:08
kyle_everytime i click on it it shows the logo and thats it14:08
Mamarokkyle_: which Amarok14:08
ToreadorVampireMamarok> Indeed - kwallet only prompts me once - but I don't want it to prompt me "the second I log in, just to be able to use my laptop"14:09
kyle_audio player the one that comes with the disk14:09
MamarokToreadorVampire: if you disable kwallet, you will have to enter *all* the passwords by hand every time14:09
lvjiabin_kyle:but  it  is always no-friendly with chinese14:09
Mamarokthese are the basics of Linux security, without you don't have a secure system14:09
BluesKajfolkface, lspci | grep VGA . then search adept or package manager with the make & model and you get a list of driver, look in the lists for your card14:10
ToreadorVampireMamarok> Yes ... but knetworkmanager had a setting "store this wireless key outside kwallet in a plain text file - INSECURE, NOT ADVISED" - but it was a godsend14:10
kyle_lol im not chinese14:10
Mamaroklvjiabin_: bring us chinese developers then the situation will improve...14:10
Mamarokkyle_: which version14:10
=== olujicz_ is now known as olujicz
kyle_im not to sure.. how do you check14:10
kyle_its the default one that comes with kubuntu14:10
lvjiabin_Mamarok:Haha ,that is a problem for me14:10
MamarokToreadorVampire: there is a fundamental difference between a user login and password authentication, from the security POV14:11
Mamarokkyle_: what version of Kubuntu do yu have?14:11
BluesKajfolkface , i disabled my onboard graphics in thew BIOS sfter installing my new nvidia pci card14:11
kyle_how do you check what version it is14:12
ToreadorVampireMamarok> Right, but it's annoying as hell that - from the user perspective - I have two authentications to go through before I can do anything at all14:12
Mamaroklvjiabin_: well, then don't complain, no chiese developers who give a hand, no improvement14:12
MamarokToreadorVampire: don't complain, at least you have a secure system, unless other OS..14:12
folkfaceBluesKaj: I may try that then, did you have this problem?14:12
MamarokToreadorVampire: typing 2 passwords a day is not much14:12
ToreadorVampireMamarok> I'm not saying I mind typing 2 passwords per day14:13
ToreadorVampireI appreciate what kwallet does14:13
ToreadorVampireAnd I like it14:13
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
ToreadorVampireBut I don't want kwallet to get involved in my wireless config14:13
jimmy51_homehow do i browse to a windows file share in dolphin?14:13
Mamarokkyle_: you don't know which version of Kubuntu you have you mean?14:13
BluesKajfolkface. yes but it was in intrepid not jaunty14:13
MamarokToreadorVampire: it doesn't get "involved"14:13
lvjiabin_Mamarok: Just for a juke !In China ,there is rere linuxser!  and i  just a student for hardware!14:14
Mamarokif you don't want it to store the password, remove it, and type all the Passwords separately every time14:14
kyle_oww* i got jaunty14:14
ToreadorVampireBecause my wireless config is low-security enough that I really don't give a stuff whether the wireless key is encrypted in a kwallet or just sits in a plain text file in my home directory14:14
lvjiabin_Mamarok:thank you ,also!14:14
Mamarokkyle_: sou you have Amarok 2.0.2 then14:14
kyle_i dont know the version of amarok i got14:14
BluesKajMamarok , is there a tutorial somewhere for configuring Wallet , I don't understand it very well.14:14
MamarokToreadorVampire: there is no alternative AFAIK14:14
ToreadorVampireAnd it's aggravating that the kwallet dialog appears immediately on login, because my wireless networking is requesting a password from kwallet14:15
MamarokBluesKaj: open the wallet in your system tray14:15
yoshiyHello, does anyone know how i can get the sound of more than one programm at a time working? I am using Jaunty 9.0414:15
MamarokToreadorVampire: you really don't want to understand, don't you?14:15
icewindjimmy51_home: If it's a samba file share (most probably), Goto network in the places menu -> Smaba shares -> Name of share14:15
ToreadorVampireMamarok> No, I do understand, and I really really do - but you seem to be talking at a cross-purpose to me14:16
ToreadorVampireYou're banging the security drum, and in that regard you're preaching to the converted14:16
folkfaceBluesKaj: i have nvidia-glx-96 - should i have 71? it's a GeForce4 MX 46014:16
MamarokToreadorVampire: well, you have two possibilities, use kwallet or not use it :)14:16
jimmy51_homeicewind: i don't see a places menu14:17
jimmy51_homeis it in dolphin?14:17
Mamaroknot using it means typing all the passwords separately, I don't see where the problem is14:17
ToreadorVampireMmm, but nm doesn't seem to have a "don't use kwallet and just store the password in a plaintext file" option14:17
BluesKajMamarok. yeah , what now .set the time to 999?14:17
ToreadorVampireWhich is what's anoying me14:17
jimmy51_homeicewind: oh, duh.  the bar on the left14:17
ToreadorVampireI DO want to use kwallet for all of my other passwords14:17
MamarokBluesKaj: ?14:17
ToreadorVampireJust no wireless14:17
pushraxfolkface: have you tired adding the repository https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates14:17
MamarokToreadorVampire: then don't14:18
kyle_god damnit even kplayer is having problems with my mp3s14:18
BluesKajMamarok , I don't see any wireless optins14:18
ToreadorVampireHmm, lemme see then14:18
MamarokToreadorVampire: there is an option "Never use kwallet" for that particular password14:18
ToreadorVampireMamarok> Oh?  Where?  I don't see that14:18
MamarokBluesKaj: wireless options? You were asking about kwallet14:18
MamarokToreadorVampire: when you are asked if you want to store it14:19
folkfacepushrax: no, but i will, can't hurt? (me anymore)14:19
MamarokToreadorVampire: but kwallet loads always on KDE login, unless you change it's settings14:19
pushraxfolkface: add that with the pgp key then refresh kpackage a few time to register the new items14:20
MamarokBluesKaj: open the wallet, go to the passwords and remove those you don't want to have in14:20
ToreadorVampireMamarok> Yeah, that's fine - I just don't want to 'authenticate' to kwallet immediately on login (because networkmanger was asking for a password) - I want to authenticate to kwallet when I actually use something that has a significant password - like an sftp share or something14:20
Mamarokand next time it asks you if you want to use kwallet for that partivular password, tell it not to14:20
MamarokToreadorVampire: kwallet loads as soon as an app needs it14:21
MamarokToreadorVampire: and you only have to open it once per session14:21
BluesKajMamarok, where are the oprions to store the wireless pw in wallet14:21
ToreadorVampireI know that - I don't want network manager to "need it"14:21
ToreadorVampireThat's the whole issue14:21
MamarokBluesKaj: open the wallet, click on the wallet icon, the rest is self explaining IMHO14:22
BluesKajMamarok , self explanatory ...I'm not a genius but no dummy either, but there's nothing self explanatory about it14:24
MamarokBluesKaj, ToreadorVampire : check this picture: http://myriam.kollide.net/kwallet.png14:24
ToreadorVampireYeah, I see that now - I can edit the wallet manually14:25
ToreadorVampireAlso, as an aside I do hate when a system-tray icon doesn't present it's "on left click" action in the popup menu that appears "on right click"14:26
ToreadorVampireCoz I generally explore the options by right-clicking, if there is an 'undocumented in the popup menu" action on left click I will usually not notice its existence :(14:26
ToreadorVampireBut oh well14:26
MamarokToreadorVampire: right click on the panel, Configure kdewallet, Authentication Policy14:26
Mamarokwell, actually Access Control14:27
ToreadorVampireMmm, I see that14:27
BluesKajMamarok, yeah Ive had that up for 5 mins , but what do i do with it ?14:27
ToreadorVampireRight, brb, gonna log out and then log back in14:28
MamarokBluesKaj: you mean the picture I showed you?14:28
Mamarokclick on the maps section of each app that uses the wallet to locat the passwords14:28
Mamarokremove those you don't want kdewallet to use14:29
Mamarokthere is an option to see the password in clear once you are on the setting14:29
BluesKajwhy remove ? , I want the passwords to work automatically ...isn't that what this thing does ?14:29
Mamarokthe check box above the right window part: "Show values"14:29
MamarokBluesKaj: then I don't understand your problem :)14:30
Mamarokit does, and very well for me14:30
Mamarokjust don't expect it to store your user password for the X login, as kdewallet is a GUI app and only works once you are logged in14:31
=== usuario is now known as p4tr0p1
BluesKajMamarok, I must be missing the point here ...doesn't wallet remember your pws for various functions and autmatically open apps that require them ?14:31
Mamarokno, the other way round, it stores the passwords and is opened by the app using it14:32
BluesKajwhat good is that ?14:32
Mamarokso if you open Kmail as the first app in KDE it will promt you to open kwallet14:32
BluesKajif it keeps asking for bloody pws14:32
MamarokBluesKaj: a wallet is to store various passwords, and you use a master password to acceed those14:33
Mamarokno need to type the other passwords again14:33
Mamarokwith the wallet you use *one* password for all the apps14:33
Mamarokjust allow the app to use the wallet allways and yo will not be promted every time14:34
lokaiAnyone have experience in photoshop?14:34
Mamaroklokai: photoshop is not Free Software, you will have to ask in a photoshop channel14:35
lokaiI'm not allowed in, unfortunately.14:35
lokaiHave to be invited =(14:35
BluesKajMamarok, I'm looking for a way to avoid using pws every time they're required , not be prompted for them :)14:36
MamarokBluesKaj: that doesn't work in Linux14:37
kyle_how come my audio is realiying on the pulse driver instead of my ATI .. is there a way i can change this14:37
Mamarokelse it would make the system insecure14:37
Mamarokkyle_: change the order in systemsettings -> multimedia14:38
Mamarokpush pulseaudio to the bottom14:38
kyle_its at the bottom14:38
kyle_still it runs it first14:38
kyle_i test my ATI and it works fine14:39
Mamarokkyle_: I have the same problem, try removing phononrc in .kde/share/config/14:39
BluesKajMamarok, yeah ,l 'm aware of that , but I'm the only person using this box so why should I need all that security when most stuff like banking and wifi already has it's own security already set up .14:40
Mamarokkyle_: actually it is called phonondevicesrc14:40
MamarokBluesKaj: then use the login without password14:40
kyle_ill search my computer.. do you know where i can find it14:41
Mamarokkyle_: told you the path already ^^14:41
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kyle_so its root/ then what14:41
Mamarokkyle_: no, it's in your home directory14:42
Mamarokdon't use sudo, not needed14:42
kyle_not there14:42
p4tr0p1hi folks14:43
Mamarokkyle_: it is, don't forget the dot in front of .kde...14:44
Mamarokkyle_: if you use Dolphin for that, you will have to use the "Show hidden files" option from the View menu14:44
SteBoHi! How can I integrate KNotes into Kontact (I'm using KDE 4.2.3). I know this was possible in earlier KDE releases, but I cannot find how to do it with the current release.14:46
Fabien__Bonjour, je pense avoir un probleme il m est impossible de me connecter à mon reseau wifi ( NETGEAR)14:47
Mamarok!fr | Fabien__14:48
ubottuFabien__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:48
AceKingHi everyone, I'm a super noob to Ubuntu. I downloaded a security cam program that I want to install. The extension is .tar.gz I extracted the archive but don't know how to install it14:48
SteBoAceKing: Is there no README or INSTALL file included?14:48
icewindAceKing: look if the is a makefile in the folder14:49
geniiAceKing: Is it called "zoneminder" ?14:49
MamarokSteBo: about Kontact: Menu Settings ->configure Knotact14:49
Mamarokthen you can chosse what app you want to show in kontact14:49
AceKingYes Zoneminder14:49
Mamarokchoose even14:49
geniiAceKing: You didn't need to get anything for that from outside the repositories then14:50
MamarokSteBo: what would you need a README or INSTALL for in a binary package?14:50
SteBoMamarok: KNotes is not available in this dialog.14:50
geniiAceKing: You can already install zoneminder from Add/Remove14:50
MamarokSteBo: is it installed?14:50
SteBoMamarok: To read the install instructions.14:50
SteBoMamarok: Yes, KNotes is installed.14:50
AceKinggenii, I didn't see it in there14:50
genii!info zoneminder14:51
ubottuzoneminder (source: zoneminder): Linux video camera security and surveillance solution. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.23.3-3ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 980 kB, installed size 4336 kB14:51
geniiAceKing: Make sure the "universe" repository is enabled14:51
MamarokSteBo: which version of KDE do you use?14:51
SteBoMamarok: 4.2.3 from ppa14:51
Mamarokoh, just seen it, never mind14:51
Mamarokit shows up here in kontact without problem, didn't even have to configure it14:52
AceKingI am so new at this I feel stupid... How do I do that genii?14:52
SteBoMamarok: not for me :-(14:52
MamarokSteBo: which version does Kontact show for you?14:53
SteBoMamarok: 1.4.314:53
SteBoMamarok: perhaps this bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=172139 ?14:55
SteBoMamarok: investigating...14:55
MamarokSteBo: same version here, strange14:55
geniiAceKing: Usually from within the Add/Remove system... I am on an older version which uses Adept, if you have that go to "Edit software sources" or so on bottom left and then check off "Community-maintained Open-source software"14:56
geniiBah netsplit14:56
MamarokSteBo: I have kjots installed too, and knotes shows in Kontact...14:57
scherfaHello, has anyone else problems installing kde 4.2.3 -> kdebase-runtime (>= 4:4.2.3) brocken ?14:58
SteBoscherfa: had the same problem. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/+bug/345776/comments/1214:58
scherfaSteBo: Thanks.14:59
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SteBoMamarok: I haven't had KJots installed. Now I installed it and I have a Notes component in Kontact. But the Notes from KNotes and KJots seem to be distinct from each other. Kind of confusing...15:00
Mamarokthose are different apps, it's getting stranger and stranger :)15:01
kyle_i deleted it and it still goes to pulse15:02
SteBoMamarok: Yes, the notes-component in Kontact is KJots... the systray-thing is KNotes.... reminds me about KEdit, KWrite, Kate, ... ;-)15:03
geniiAceKing: From before the netsplit: Usually from within the Add/Remove system... I am on an older version which uses Adept, if you have that go to "Edit software sources" or so on bottom left and then check off "Community-maintained Open-source software"15:03
MamarokSteBo: right, very strange, I always assumed it was Knotes that was used by Kontact15:04
AceKingLet me check15:04
geniiAceKing: The newer system of kpackage ot so I don't know yet.15:04
SteBoMamarok: Me too. Hopefully these apps will be unified one day. Makes no sense to have ones notes distributed in different apps.15:05
AceKingThere is nothing there that I see15:05
kyle_i just want to delete the pulse drive15:06
kyle_i dont know why its even there15:06
AceKingHow would I do an install from the extracted folder?15:07
Mamarokkyle_: I think it comes in through another app, like libxine1-all-plugins15:08
Mamarokkyle_: there already is a bug filed for that in Launchpd15:08
kyle_whens the launchpd and how an i get it15:09
kyle_i like my media more than anything.. and it was perfectly fine yesterday15:09
Mamarokkyle_: it will not help you, there is no fix for that bug yet I fear15:09
Mamarokkyle_: did you remove the phonondevicesrc file?15:10
kyle_is ur media working?15:10
kyle_still no improvements15:10
Mamarokkyle_: it works when I start KDE again15:10
pushraxquestion. any hints on a ISO mount that will act as a dvd once mounted, not a part of the filesystem of the hd?15:10
Mamarokpushrax: could you reformulate your question please? not that clear to me15:11
pushraxsorry should say that again.  isot hat also triggers as a device15:12
Mamarokpushrax: I still don't get it, maybe someone else, sry :)15:12
pushraxMamarok: I have a windows game dvd which I want to mount to install through wine15:12
Mamarokoh, right15:12
pushraxMamarok: using fuseiso to mount the image but it's not triggering the device list15:12
pushraxMamarok: even though I can see the mnount files in the place I mounted it to15:13
kyle_im going to try reformating it15:13
kyle_cause it was working when i first installed15:13
AceKinggenii: Did you mean you don't know if it would work for me?15:13
Mamarokpushrax: can't you just mount it as a normal device and then launch the install.exe?15:13
Mamarokkyle_: what do you want to reformat?15:14
pushraxMamarok: yep but the game will want to think it's a cd/dvd as there's two iso's15:14
pushraxMamarok: I think I can tell winecgf to read the directory as a drive letter.15:14
geniiAceKing: Since I'm not familiar with the newer default package manager (which is named something like kpackagekit) If you are using that and not Adept someone else would need to tell you how to enable "universe" repository in that application.15:14
Mamarokpushrax: oh, now I get it, but still, I'm not a wine expert, you have to find someone else to help you, sry15:14
pushraxMamarok: the game is Retun to Krondor. It probably wont work anyway15:14
Mamarokkyle_: don't, that will not solve your prblem15:15
Mamarokkyle_: formatting is a Windows solution to a non-solution, no need to do that in Windows15:15
kyle_well it was working when i installed it yesterday15:15
pushraxMamarok: I've workied it out.  I thought there maybe a application that did it all.  I tried a gtk one but it couldn't detect the image as iso15:15
AceKinggenii: Ok, thanks for helping me15:15
Mamarokstill, you don't have to reformat your drive, it's useless15:15
geniiAceKing: You're welcome15:16
kyle_well there is no solution lol15:16
Mamarokkyle_: yes, there is, remove the phonondevicesrc, then start kde again15:16
SteBoBye! Thanks for your support! :-)15:16
kyle_im going to try a day of googling reformat for a answere and if theres nothing im going to15:16
MamarokSteBo: bye...15:16
Mamarokkyle_: reformat is not a solution15:17
Mamaroknot in Linux15:17
Mamarokright, so much for patience...15:17
geniiMamarok: Kids these days. ;)15:18
Mamarokgenii: ;)15:18
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MamarokI have to go, still some work lying around here...15:19
bentob0xhi, for some reason I cannot listen to amarok and having sound on a flash video at the same time.  It depends on what software I start first.  If I start Amarok, play music and then watch youtube, Amarok has sound and not youtube and vice versa.  This is also true with amarok/VLC or VLC/flash etc15:23
bentob0xit seems that whatever the first software that 'takes' control of the sound card will keep it without sharing it15:24
Mamarokbentob0x: do you have pulseaudio installed?15:24
bentob0xyes Mamarok15:25
Mamarokbentob0x: there you have the culprit15:25
Mamaroktry to remove as many pulseaudio packages you can15:25
Mamarokthen remove .kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc15:25
Mamarokrestart kde15:25
pucko-is pulseaudio not compatible with kde, or is it just that pulseaudio is buggy?15:26
Mamarokit will work for some time, but no guarantee15:26
Mamarokpulseudio is buggy15:26
Mamarokand kde doesn't need it, it's getting installed by some other app15:26
bentob0xcan I not install the dev packages for instance?15:26
Mamarokbentob0x: how could that help?15:26
bentob0xmight be an update that fix things up but that isn't yet into mainstream packages?15:27
Mamarokbentob0x: the dev packages don't update stuff, they only give you packages needed for development15:27
Mamarokso unless you are a developer you don't need them15:28
Mamarokbentob0x: actually, I have the same problem than you do, since Jaunty Alpha 615:28
Mamarokok, I'm off for now, later15:31
geniiMamarok: Have fun.15:31
bentob0xMamarok: yes, it started with the 9.04 RC15:32
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asiBenliktürkçe bilen var mı? aramızda15:45
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.15:46
=== RatPackSopra- is now known as RPS
eagles0513875is there an mirc client for linux15:51
geek_eagles0513875: no.15:53
eagles0513875:( ok or somethign that is based of mirc15:53
geek_there are many IRC clients, but mirc woul need to run in wine15:53
eagles0513875geek_: all i really need is something that will work wiht mirc written scripts15:53
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org15:53
Dragnslcreagles0513875- most IRC clients support scripting, they just use a real language instead of the annoying mIRC language15:57
Dragnslcreagles0513875- unfortunately, neither Konversation nor Quassel can do event-based triggers15:58
eagles0513875ok Dragnslcr thanks15:58
eagles0513875reason im asking is there is this friends msn based chatrooms that if you dont have ie you can use this mirc script to connect15:59
geek_eagles0513875: wine !15:59
eagles0513875ok geek just explaining what im trying to do16:00
ToreadorVampireUrgh :(  Well that was a frustrating hour, or however long that took16:04
eagles0513875anyone else on quassel who has a nick that is cloaked16:05
ToreadorVampireSo - first annoyance with the new network manager basically seems to have no solution except "cripple kwallet" :(16:06
eagles0513875ToreadorVampire: are you trying out the newer snapshot that is in kubuntu-experimental ppa16:07
reinholdAfter upgrading to jaunty, my Xorg permanently uses between 20 and 100% CPU and the fan is on permanently. Does anyone have an idea what might be wrong?16:07
ToreadorVampireeagles0513875> No, I'm using the Jaunty repos/stable version16:07
eagles0513875ToreadorVampire: there is a way you can bypass kwallet and using the network manager widget16:08
eagles0513875its not pretty though16:08
reinholdBTW, my graphics card is a 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)16:08
ToreadorVampireThis is a production machine, so I don't like installing any software from svn16:08
ToreadorVampireeagles0513875> Ack, I asked that ~an hour ago and was told "no you can't"16:08
eagles0513875ToreadorVampire: last night i was working on getting a connection and i was able to but using a static ip and not dhcp16:08
Dragnslcrreinhold- I know there have been issues with the Intel drivers lately, but I don't know any of the details. The wiki and/or forums probably have plenty of info though16:09
eagles0513875if you are willing to use a static ip its a quick easy fix and just ignore the network manager all together16:09
eagles0513875reinhold: the release notes have mention of issues with intel graphics16:09
ToreadorVampireAnyway - I have crippled kwallet now and it works kind-of-satisfactorially, except I'm aware that kwallet is basically now doing basically nothing16:09
ToreadorVampireIE:  I configured kwallet with an empty/blank password16:09
eagles0513875ToreadorVampire: is this wired connection or wifi16:09
ToreadorVampireeagles0513875> wifi16:10
eagles0513875then my solution wont apply :(16:10
eagles0513875my solution was for a wired desktop though16:11
ToreadorVampireI have no problems with my wired connection, but the wifi connection I use pretty much daily - I got so angry that network-manager was storing the wireless key in kwallet, because it caused a kwallet "open your wallet" dialog immediately on logging in :(16:11
eagles0513875ToreadorVampire: granted but actually i like it storing my pass in there16:11
eagles0513875ToreadorVampire: from what i have been testing of a newer snapshot of it even if you dc close the wallet entierly dc your wifi connection then have it auto connect it will auto connect without kwallet even open16:12
ToreadorVampireAnyway - second annoyance is that in "Use manual DNS" mode the manually-configured DNS servers go below the DHCP-handed-out DNS servers in my resolv.conf16:13
ToreadorVampireAnd that's a pain, I want my manually-configured DNS server FIRST (because it is providing me with overrides for my local network)16:13
mkargarhow to install packages from way kubuntu DVD's?16:13
eagles0513875also be warned about another issue and upstream dev and i cannot be sure if this is caused by a driver issue or something else. there is obviously a hardware switch to control turning on and off the card as well as a software one and sometimes the software one turns the hardware off causing the software to work but only partially and eventually youll dc from your network and the only way to reconnect is to reboot.16:14
=== ubuntu1 is now known as ubuntu99
eagles0513875ToreadorVampire: there is an option16:14
eagles0513875ToreadorVampire: open up your wifi connection you should see dhcp with manual dns. a reboot will be required to get that up and running as i have found out using static ip on wifi16:15
ToreadorVampireBut - I can't seem to find a way of getting network manager to prioritise my own manually configured DNS server :(  I was wondering if there was a way to catch that as network manager writes to /etc/resolv.conf - and either delete the DHCP-given DNS server or move it to the bottom of the list16:15
ikoniasurly if it's a driver issue it will depend on the network card ?16:15
ToreadorVampireeagles0513875> Nah, I tried that - it does add my manually-configured DNS server into my /etc/resolv.conf but not in the order I wanted it16:15
eagles0513875ikonia: thats a possibility as well thing is neither the upstream dev nor i can be sure at this point16:15
ToreadorVampireThe DNS server I manually configured goes below the one that DHCP gave me16:16
ToreadorVampireI want it above16:16
ikoniaeagles0513875: thats what I mean, if it was a network card driver issue wouldn't it be speciic to a network card16:16
ToreadorVampireBecause the DNS system uses DNS servers in the order it finds them16:16
ikoniaeagles0513875: or are you suggesting it's a problem with all wireless network card open/closed source ?16:16
ubuntu99hmm quassel irc looks nice16:17
eagles0513875ikonia: i dunno as of right now i have yet to see another bug of the same issue. dunno right now if its with all open and closed sourc cards16:17
peachesubuntu99: yeah kvirc is good too16:18
ikoniaeagles0513875: well.......if no-one else has mentioned it yet, I doubt it's "all" cards16:18
eagles0513875ikonia: im starting to think its the b43-fwcutter reverse engineerd driver16:18
eagles0513875Peace-: there is a newer snapshot of it in kubuntu-experimental if you want to be able to test out the themes feature16:19
ikoniaeagles0513875: a specific card/module is a possability16:19
eagles0513875miss type peaches see what i said above16:19
ikoniaeagles0513875: why are you suggesting people start using experimental16:19
peacheseagles0513875: oh i compile the svn16:19
ikoniaeagles0513875: this is support16:19
eagles0513875sry i go back to trying to get crysis to work under wine16:20
peacheseagles0513875: i saw a youtube video about that. it had horrible graphics in the end though16:20
ubuntu99cu && have a nice day16:20
eagles0513875peaches: pm16:21
mkargarhow to install packages from way kubuntu DVD's?16:23
baxeicohi, i've a question. kde 4.2.3 will be ever published as a recommended update to Kubuntu Jaunty?16:29
JontheEchidnabaxeico: eventually, it'll need a bit of testing first to make sure there are no regressiosn16:32
=== ubuntu is now known as wirechief
kyle_im having problems with my wireless not saving my SSID and security key16:33
kyle_so each time i log in i have to re-tye it16:34
TefZe1_i have the same probleme16:34
ikoniaJontheEchidna: do you have 2 minutes for a pm please ?16:34
TefZe1_the only way to save it is to use kdewallet16:34
kyle_KD wallet starts up on start up.. and im 99% sure i already saved it on it16:36
kyle_still having problems16:36
JontheEchidnaikonia: sure16:38
draikHello everyone. Quick question. How do I get DVD playback to work? I followed all instructions and made the necessary upgrades16:47
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:52
jason_froebedraik - follow instructions for installing the medibuntu repos16:52
mandingoceogot a question im have been getting my ass kicked i have 810 installed with alsa 19 but i cant get my audio working over hdmi16:55
eagles0513875!ohmy | mandingoceo16:56
ubottumandingoceo: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.16:56
mandingoceocan any1 help me with audio from hdmi under kubuntu 810 with alsa 1916:59
jussi01mandingoceo: can you explain a little more of what you have done, and exactly what isnt working?17:03
draikHow do I get DVD playback to work? I followed all of the instructions and made the necessary upgrades. DVD playback won't work because of encryption.17:03
=== robin____ is now known as icewind
icewinddraik:do you have the medibuntu packages installed?17:05
draikicewind: Yes.17:05
icewinddraik:can you make sure that you also installed libdvdcss217:06
BluesKajdraik , kubuntu-restricted-extras , ffmpeg17:06
draikicewind: Yes, I did that17:07
BluesKajdid what ?17:07
mandingoceowell i installed 810 and all updates with alsa 19 but i cant get audio over hdmi17:07
a_okalthough LOCK_SCREEN=true i still do not get a lock when i hibernate17:08
draikBluesKaj: libdvdcss217:08
pucko-mandingoceo, are you using an intel video card?17:08
BluesKajdraik , install kubuntu-restricted-extras17:08
mandingoceooh sorry no its onboard geforce 820017:09
BluesKajit contains the updated version of libdvdcss17:09
icewinddraik:did you try it with multiply dvds?17:09
draikLost internet. :(17:09
kyle__im having problems saving my icons in the quick launch widget17:10
kyle__as soon as i restart it goes back to default17:10
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mandingoceopucko any ideas17:11
draik_BluesKaj: Sorry, I lost internet connection on the desktop17:12
mandingoceoi have been fighting this for about a week and i dont know what im doing wrong17:12
draik_Sadly, that still happens after the upgrade to 9.0417:12
afeijoI had to install from the scratch 9.04 last night17:12
icewinddraij_:did you try multiply dvd's?17:15
draik_icewind: multiply dvds?17:15
draik_Got it. It works now. Thanks BluesKaj. I guess I was just missing the extra codecs.17:16
icewinddraik_: if you tried it with one or with more dvds17:16
draik_icewind: It's an ISO and no, I haven't tried it otherwise17:16
pucko-mandingoceo, sorry, no. but I assume nvidia has some documentation about it?17:16
BluesKajdraik_, yeah libdvdcss2 was fine for hardy but the latest restricted extras includes it so as to save time17:17
draik_BluesKaj: Great. Thanks for the help on the package17:18
BluesKajdraik_, np :)17:19
eagles0513875how can i force umount to unmount a device17:24
icewindumount -f I think17:24
kyle__does anyone know if theres a p2p like lime wire for kubuntu17:24
geniieagles0513875: You should start reading more of the manpages ;)17:26
eagles0513875genii: i do17:26
eagles0513875this is upsetting it keeps telling me 2nd cd that is in drive and not installing anything that device is busy17:27
Dragnslcrkyle__- if you're looking for just a BitTorrent client, ktorrent works well17:29
macowhat package provides the "gtk themes" section of systemsettings -> appearance? that whole chunk is missing from above emoticons on the left17:30
geniieagles0513875: If you have something using the mountpoint it won't be able to umount. like if command prompt is in /media/cdrom       or file browser is looking at it, etc etc17:30
kyle__yeh i got my torrents17:31
eagles0513875genii: i have an installer in wine running that is all and if i cancel it then the install gets cancelled17:31
kyle__but sometimes i like downloading single songs17:31
devilsadvocatekyle__: i believe amule works17:32
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* i3ooi3oo wins17:35
i3ooi3oodamn did not thinkg of that17:36
draik_most higherst17:37
Deekayyo, how do i add the Knetworkmanager icon to the systray?17:37
Deekayactually i don't even know where that program went after i downloaded it17:38
icewindmore higherest17:38
icewindI think just by starting knetworkmanager17:38
Deekaywhere do i even find it, its not showing here17:38
cinexu could put knetworkmanager.desktop into ~/.kde/Autostart17:38
eagles0513875Deekay: just type knetworkmanager in konsole and it will start17:38
icewindor you can use alt+f217:39
Deekaynow it will boot when i start kubuntu?17:39
icewindfor that you can do what cinex said17:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sslnow17:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rssnow17:40
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...17:41
Kovert? after upgrading to jaunty I find the rssnow engine is notr installed17:41
Koverthow can I fix17:41
eagles0513875!info rssnow17:41
ubottuPackage rssnow does not exist in jaunty17:41
icewindDeekay:copying "/usr/share/applications/knetworkmanager.desktop" to "/home/username/.kde/autostart"17:41
icewindwill make networkmanager start with kde17:41
eagles0513875Kovert: it doesnt exist in jaunty17:41
Koverteagles0513875: however the plazmoid still does17:41
Deekaythanks ^.^17:43
eagles0513875Kovert: from looking at it on the widget open up settings and set the rssfeeds you want to connect to17:44
Koverteagles0513875: correct however if the engine is not installed it doesnt work17:45
eagles0513875Kovert: do you mind asking in plasma about that not sure the status of development of that widget17:46
Kovertok there is a plasma channel?17:46
eagles0513875Kovert: yep17:47
eagles0513875im in there as well Kovert17:47
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beagleburtG'day from New Zealand evry1- K-6.06 LTS (Desktop) expires next month - will there be a new  3xyr cycle started with a new LTS version? - OR - will one have to do a fresh Install of K-8.04 LTS which will result in LESS than 3xyrs support?17:54
=== tokeefe is now known as slashstar
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tsimpsonbeagleburt: Kubuntu 8.04 is not LTS, but the base is. so it's only the KDE packages which have the standard 18 month support17:58
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BluesKaj!it | ranieri18:03
ubotturanieri: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:03
=== rmrfslash is now known as rmrfslash_
ranierigrazie e scusate18:05
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OceanwatcherJust upgraded to KDE 4.2.3 and my favourite annoyance is gone! Very happy to see things improving!18:16
rmrfslashOceanwatcher: 4.2.3?18:17
OceanwatcherThank you for making the best OS I have used so far!18:17
rmrfslash4.2.3 :)18:19
SSJ_GZOceanwatcher: Which annoyance was that? :)18:19
Oceanwatcherrmrfslash: Yes, you are probably on 4.2.2, but 4.2.3 has been made available in a ppa. Check this post: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3103637.018:20
eagles0513875rmrfslash: the link is on the front of kubuntu.org site :)18:20
rmrfslasheagles0513875: I see that.... haven't been on there in a while18:20
OceanwatcherSSJ_GZ: The bug where you get a lot of confirmation dialog boxes if you have a contact with more than one e-mail address. I have 1600+ addresses and many of them have multiple addresses....18:21
OceanwatcherMoving around in the addressbook was a major pain!18:21
SSJ_GZOceanwatcher: Ouch!18:21
OceanwatcherSSJ_GZ: But it is solved in KDE 4.2.3 that I just upgraded to. Happy today :-D18:21
cuznti need to upgrade from 3.518:22
e-jatOceanwatcher: hows 4.2.3 ?18:22
e-jatim otw upgrading it now ..18:22
Oceanwatchere-jat: So far pretty boring... It just works :-D I have to go through all of the release notes to find out more about the improvements.18:23
e-jatOceanwatcher: :)18:23
nameinerWhen will KDE 4.2.3 be available in the normal repos?18:23
rmrfslashI added this to the Third Part software sources list18:24
eagles0513875anyone know the gpg key for the repo that kde 4.2.3 is in18:24
rmrfslashrefresh, nothin18:24
Oceanwatchernameiner: Check http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3103637.018:24
rmrfslashDo I need to check off18:24
eagles0513875nameiner: i dont think for some time as upstream kde released it bout 3 days ago or so18:24
rmrfslash"Pre-released updates"18:24
Oceanwatchereagles0513875: The info is in the thread I just mentioned18:25
eagles0513875Oceanwatcher: thanks hard to see when everyone hyped over 4.2.318:25
Oceanwatchereagles0513875: I can find the link for you.18:26
eagles0513875i found it is it the forum post18:26
rmrfslashOceanwatcher: did you just put the new deb listing in Kpackagekit Third Party Updates list and reload?18:26
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rmrfslashI see why. When I run apt-get update I get the error: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A18:28
rmrfslashand I forgot how to fix this.18:28
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eagles0513875Oceanwatcher: thanks for that link it worked18:30
kyle__hey whats the point of the dash board?18:32
e-jatgpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys ####18:32
e-jatgpg --export --armor #### | sudo apt-key add -18:32
rmrfslashTrying this18:32
e-jatreplace #### with ppa pubkey18:33
rmrfslashe-jat: gpgkeys: key 2836CB0A8AC93F7A not found on keyserver18:33
e-jatsudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com ####18:33
rmrfslashe-jat: there we go18:33
e-jatsudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 2836CB0A8AC93F7A18:34
* genii sips18:34
rmrfslashe-jat: works18:34
rmrfslashe-jat: thanks! :)18:34
e-jatrmrfslash: welcome ..18:35
rmrfslashe-jat: I consistently get a gwenview blocked update. What am I supposed to do w/ this? Any idea?18:35
rmrfslashe-jat: I got this after upgradin from 8.1018:35
afeijoI cant install vmware 1.0.9 on kubuntu 9.04, some error with vmmon18:35
afeijoin the config.pl part18:35
rmrfslashafeijo: vmware player?18:36
afeijormrfslash: server18:36
e-jatrmrfslash: no idea .. sorry18:37
rmrfslashafeijo: I have experience w/ workstation/player and ESX (Infrastructure) so I can't help w/ this one.18:37
geniiafeijo: They may know more or some fix, etc in #vmware18:37
afeijooh yeah18:38
genn28i've got some problems with my microphone in kubuntu 9.0418:39
genn28could you help me?18:40
nameinergenn28: if you tell us what your problem is, we can try to help18:40
genn28ok. thnks18:40
genn28i've got laptop BENQ s53e18:41
genn280:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 04) - my sound card18:41
genn28i cannot use mic in all applications18:42
genn28but i listen to music, watch movies and etc18:42
nameinergenn28: did you change anything in the mixer already?18:43
david__having problems updating jaunty http://pastebin.com/m23cc906 any help appreciated18:43
e-jatafeijo: try look at this bugs .. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36346218:43
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genn28http://kubuntu.ru/node/3905#comment-26733 - could you see images from 1 post18:44
ActionParsnipdavid__: kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list18:45
genn28it's my alsamixer snapshot18:45
ActionParsnipdavid__: comment out the line that references the Jaunty CD18:45
ActionParsnipdavid__: put a # character at the start of the line and it will be ignored18:46
genn28<nameiner> genn28: did you change anything in the mixer already?  - can you check my snapshot18:46
nameinergenn28: I have not worked with alsamixer yet18:46
nameinergenn28: are you OK with trying something in Kmix?18:49
genn28i tryed, but it doesn't work18:50
david__ActtionParsnip how do i save it after i put the # sighn?18:50
genn28i can snapshot of my kmix for you18:50
genn28should i do?18:51
nameinergenn28: that would be good18:52
genn28ok. wait a minute18:52
nameinergenn28: where is your micro plugged in? front or back? or is it build in?18:53
david__ActtionParsnip also have 4 blocked updates what do i do with them?18:53
genn28i think it is front. my laptop has got one jack for mic18:53
OceanwatcherI am back. Sorry, had to have a quick late lunch with the family.18:55
afeijothanks e-jat18:55
e-jatafeijo: welcome18:55
Oceanwatchereagles0513875: Just in case you did not find the key yet: I saved the text in this file: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x2836CB0A8AC93F7A as a text file and imported it as the key.18:56
genn28есть из россии ко-нибудь?18:57
OceanwatcherApart from that, if anyone else is wondering how to do things: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa18:57
nameiner!ru | genn2818:58
ubottugenn28: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:58
kyle__anyone know a good free ware singke player game thats not arcade like?18:58
nameinergenn28: I can read what you write (had Russian for a while in school) but I don18:59
genn28nameiner check private18:59
andrew___good evening.  is anyone available to help me figure out how to re-map the volume-slide buttons on my keyboard?  i seem to have disconnected them somehow.  i'm pretty new to kubuntu, and to linux in general.19:08
nameinerandrew__: in System Settings > Keyboard and Mouse you can set Global Keyboard Shortcuts19:11
espereguhow to select the Xorg driver?19:11
andrew___nameiner: thank you, however the shortcuts are already set properly.  for some reason, the controls don't respond.19:12
bob_how do I install tar-balls?19:12
Ursinhabob_, you don't :)19:12
Ursinhabob_, you have to untar it, and see what's inside19:12
andrew___i have been through a bit of a process getting my internal mic to work, which it now does.  somehow in the process i knocked out the volume-slide controls that kubuntu had mapped out of the box correctly.19:13
Ursinhaif it's source code, you've to compile it, and then install19:13
bob_Ursinha: you know where some documentation that would better explain this?19:13
letalormy kpackage not working keep getting an error19:13
Ursinhabob_, it depends on the project where you got it19:13
nameinerandrew__: you can try to set custom shortcuts19:13
Ursinhabob_, you didn't find it in apt-cache search?19:14
bob_Ursinha: so a tar-ball is like a zip file then?19:14
{127hello, is there any repository where I can get kopete-cryptography for kde 4.2.3? it is not in kubuntu-ppa yet :-(19:14
Ursinhabob_, yes19:14
bob_Ursinha: thats correct, the particualr ball I want to use is at remote-exploits.org19:14
andrew___nameiner: yes, i tried to set the controls to custom shortcuts, however the new shortcuts don't respond either.  it's almost like there is something else overriding my keyboard settings.19:14
Ursinhabob_, sorry I wasn't clear, a tarball is a compressed file like a rar or a zip file19:15
espereguAnyone knows how to select the display driver?19:15
bob_Ursinha: hmm, so whats with the makedir and checkinstall and all that?19:15
bob_Ursinha: sorry i answered my own question19:15
Ursinhabob_, :)19:15
bob_Ursinha: basicly im confused about compiling, but now that I know that, i can employ my googlefoo19:16
nameinerandrew__: did you maybe select a different master channel in Kmix? That's my last guess.19:16
bob_Ursinha: thanks for letting me waste your time19:16
Ursinhahahaha no problem bob_19:17
Ursinhabob_, thanks for using googlefoo :)19:18
bob_Ursinha: yeah man, I learned real quick that google is the *nix newb's friend19:18
Ursinhabob_, that's awesome19:19
* Ursinha starts to enjoy this channel19:19
bob_Ursinha: Its because of google that im using a *nix distro in the first place. I got the conficker and said screw Microsuk.19:20
andrew___nameiner: how do i check the kmix master channel settings?19:20
bob_thats a good question19:20
bob_*cough* google *cough*19:21
nameinerandrew__: right click on the little icon in the system tray and you can "Select Master Channel..."19:21
bibliotecadesconectar tudo19:21
andrew___nameiner: don't have a kmix icon in system tray...is there a way to get it to show up there?  i'm on kde 4.219:22
eagles0513875Oceanwatcher: thanks for the other alternative option i already knew about that :)19:25
Pici!br | biblioteca19:25
ubottubiblioteca: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:25
Oceanwatchereagles0513875: No problem. Good that you knew :-) Did you upgrade yet?19:26
ivan__dthacker,r u busy19:27
andrew___nameiner: i see i don't have kmix installed.  i'm installing in now, will check in with the master channel thing.  thanks!19:28
nameinerandrew__: no problem, sorry that I'm not more of help19:29
andrew___nameiner: hey, good news!  i don't know how kmix got uninstalled...but now that it's back on, the keys are mapped and the mic and everything still works.  fingers crossed for the final test: reboot!19:30
andrew___with gratitude,19:30
=== GodFather__ is now known as GodFather
espereguany grub experts around? I get: find /boot/grub/stage119:40
espereguError 15: File not found19:40
esperegu(I did a sudo apt-get install grub)19:41
oomWhere can I find a list of servers?  I noticed that Konversation doesn't provide one for you.19:45
Dragnslcroom- servers for what network?19:45
jeiworth__say, in compiz there is an option to elevate the windows of a desktop in cube mode, so that the open windows of one desktop appear floating above the desktop when you rotate the cube.. is there a way to do this with the kde desktop effects? i haven't found any option for that so far19:58
bdizzlehi, I was wondering if anyone had a working copy of the .iso file for 9.04? I've tried downloading and burning four different times of the same file, burned onto fresh CD's on both my current kubuntu and windows and keep getting Boot I/O errors when I try to load it19:58
bdizzlejeiworth__: look into 3D cube effect I believe19:59
bdizzleyes, there is an option, I'm not entirely sure what it is called though19:59
jeiworth__bdizzle: hmm thought i checked there, let me check again...20:00
nameinerI run firefox 3.0.10 on Kubuntu 9.04 and I'm used to (in 2.5) being asked with what application to open a downloaded file. Now I don't get this options anymore and have to choose the actual application file in the file system. Is there a way to change that?20:00
e-jatbdizzle: have u check the md5sum b4 u burn the ISO20:02
bdizzleokay, if you download the Advanced Desktop Effects Settings, you can get to 3D windows under Effects20:02
bdizzlenot yet, I'm downloading another copy now20:02
bdizzlefrom a different site20:02
darkhamwhy in jackalope live i can't run network manager properly??????????20:05
bdizzledarkham: I just read in one of the reviews that it is causing issues20:07
jeiworth__bdizzle: sorry, cant find it in the cube settings20:07
bdizzleI'm not sure then20:08
darkhambdizzle: i configure properly my "manual" wired network, i insert manually the mac address too, but nothing, network can't work20:08
jeiworth__mmh me neither  ;)20:08
darkhamvery annoying in 2009...20:08
bdizzledarkham: I never said I knew how to fix it, just that I was aware there was an issue20:08
bdizzleright now I'm having a hard enough time downloading the .iso file for 9.04 and burning it to a CD without a I/O error20:08
=== max is now known as Guest16587
=== Guest16587 is now known as Makuseru
darkhamnetwork manager sucks20:18
Unksidarkham: wicd is great if you dont need to use 3g devices20:20
=== i3ooi3oo_ is now known as i3ooi3oo
MakuseruHi, I upgraded to 9.04 from 8.04 lastnight and I cant set any resolution higher than 1024x768. When I was using 8.04 I used a program called "displayconfig-gtk" that let me force a larger resolution, but that program is no longer in 9.04.Does anyone know any other program, or any other way to force a larger resolution?20:23
jussi01Makuseru: your graphics card is?20:24
Makuserujussi01: ATI Radeon 9200.20:24
* jussi01 doesnt know this in 9.04 terms, tbh20:25
MakuseruOne card before the cutoff for using flgrx.20:25
jussi01Makuseru: yeah, I had one not too long ago, but before jaunty and it just worked...20:25
MakuseruIf i could just get this program to install i could use it, but even as a .deb i can't get it to install.20:26
jussi01Makuseru: I _think_ thats because xorg has changed significantly20:27
MakuseruXorg didnt handle resolution in 8.04 either.20:27
i3ooi3ooThe closed source ati driver works fine...20:27
jussi01i3ooi3oo: the 9200 doesnt use that20:27
i3ooi3ooand the amdccc to control stuff like res and monitors20:27
i3ooi3ooreally ?20:28
jussi01really really20:28
MakuseruIn all the 6 and 7 releases I would just edit it manually, but then in 8.04 they stopped doing that so i found that program and it did it. But now that it's gone I cant figure out what to do.20:28
jussi01Makuseru: you can still edit it maunally afaik20:28
jussi01just add the parts you need20:29
MakuseruI tried, it didnt do anything.20:29
coleysIs there a way to get more effects? (Normally an ubuntu user, but kubuntu seems pretty good =p)20:29
i3ooi3ooMakuseru: http://support.amd.com/us/psearch/Pages/psearch.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
bdizzleand so yet again, K3b has frozen up while burning a disk20:33
coleysbdizzle: k3b is for burning videos right?20:33
bdizzlecoleys: burning anything20:34
=== ubuntu is now known as wirechief
bdizzleI'm trying to burn the 9.04 ISO image right now20:35
bdizzleI've been trying for two hours now20:35
coleysbdizzle: ohh. okay. =) What's the Add/Remove for KDE?20:35
Makuserui3ooi3oo: That link is just drivers for flgrx, which my card doesnt support.20:36
bdizzlecoleys: which version?20:38
coleysbdizzle: 9.0420:38
bdizzleyeah, I haven't used that one yet20:38
bdizzleoh, duh, its called Adept20:38
bdizzleI'm using 8.10 on one computer, so I can look at it. Go from K-menu -> Computer -> Adept Installer20:39
coleysbdizzle: Thanks for your help :)20:40
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bdizzlesomeone help me through this please, I have been trying for three hours now to burn the 9.04 iso to a cd20:56
ymlwhat is the recommended way to disable ipv6 on 9.04 ?20:56
jason_froebebdizzle - what are you using to burn the cdrom?20:57
bdizzlethis latest time I got it to burn, but now when I try to open it, it claims that it was unable to read the i/o slave20:57
ymlI tryed this : sudo sh -c 'echo blacklist ipv6 >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local' without success20:57
bdizzlek3b on kubuntu 8.04, nero on Windows XP, NTI on windows XP (different system)20:57
jason_froebebdizzle - all fail with the i/o error?20:58
bdizzleI've already burned through 5 disks in all trying to get this to work20:58
bdizzlesomehow, yeah20:58
jason_froebesame drive?20:58
bdizzleno, two different computers, same issue20:58
bdizzlewhen I booted  and it read, it would get me to the screen to choose language, then it would load the options (run from LiveCD, install, check disk, memory test, etc), then just freeze20:59
bdizzleeach time it actually ruins the disk (CD-RW) so that it cannot even be erased to retry20:59
jason_froebebdizzle - did you try starting with noacpi ?  just a thought21:00
i3ooi3ooMakuseru: then why is that the driver for your card per ATI ?21:01
bdizzlenoacpi ?21:01
Makuserui3ooi3oo: I don't know. I just know my card is too old for fglrx.21:01
jason_froebebdizzle - when you get to the boot screen, select the livecd, but hit F6 (I think) for more options.  add "noapic" to the command line21:02
i3ooi3oowhere did you hear that ?21:02
jason_froebethen hit enter21:02
jason_froebesorry noacpi21:02
bdizzleI can't, the CD is messing up again21:02
bdizzlelet me see if I can try to burn yet another CD21:03
jason_froebebdizzle - can you try another cd drive in that computer?21:03
bdizzlenot with the burner21:03
ymlthis does not work either ?21:04
ghoulsbladegood evening to all, i just started that update manager from jaunty to hardy, and it says 17 hours remaining for downloading packets (i have low bandwidth), when i shutdown the computer and restart it later, does it have to restart all over ?21:04
ymlsudo sh -c 'echo alias net-pf-10 off >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local'21:04
bdizzlehold on, the CD that was only partly working has been over written and I'd love to throw the disks into a microwave right now just for stress relief21:04
jason_froebebdizzle - gotcha..  you may want to try installing via a usb thumbdrive - requires a 2gb or larger thumbdrive21:04
ghoulsblade(from hardy to jaunty even)21:04
bdizzlegive me 10 minutes21:04
bdizzlealright, what is this about installing from USB? I've heard of it, but never done it before21:05
jason_froebeghoulsblade - if you stop update manager, you might not have a useable installation - better to either let it run all night or install from the alternate cd21:05
bdizzlethen just hope like hell that wicd doesn't have any major dependency issues, as I heard that the wireless system is messed up on 9.0421:06
jason_froebebdizzle - take a look at unetbootin - it will create a bootable linux installer for various distros - works on linux/windows21:06
jason_froebebdizzle - the only problem I ran into with the wireless is that to use it, you have to open kwallet21:07
ghoulsbladejason_froebe, hmm that'd be bad, but i'm afraid letting it run is not an option.  i was just wondering wether it was worth letting it download for a few hours now, or if it would be all in vain anyway21:07
jason_froebewhich may need a password21:07
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:07
jason_froebeghoulsblade - understood, your best bet then is to download the alternate cd iso and upgrade from it21:08
ghoulsbladeok, thanks =)21:08
bdizzlejason_froebe: can you help me out over PM with it? I downloaded it for the linux side and it comes up "access denied" through a wine prompt21:10
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jason_froebeno no - you need to download the linux version and then run it with sudo21:10
jason_froebe^^ for bdizzle21:10
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bdizzlesudo what?21:11
bdizzlesudo <filename> ?21:11
yao_ziyuankubuntu sucks21:11
yao_ziyuankicker menu takes 1 sec to open21:11
CugelHello people.21:11
bdizzlenevermind, I'll download it in windows where it has the GUI interface21:12
yao_ziyuanmanually compiled kde4 takes no time21:12
Cugel Question: is there a way of getting the 2.1 beta of Amarok on Kubuntu Intrepid? I'm not too astounded by 2.0.1 so far.21:12
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jason_froebebdizzle - one sec21:14
afeijothis will be weird... my kNotes dont work the color options! it is transparent :( very anoying21:15
jason_froebebdizzle - how to (from windows) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=811397  looking for a howto for ubuntu21:15
jason_froebebdizzle - here is a youtube video for ubuntu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIdQ_N8nwZw21:17
afeijoanyone know how to reset my knotes entirely?21:17
bdizzleyeah, I've got it running over windows on my desktop right now21:17
jason_froebezao_ziyuan - right click on kicker and select "classic menu" - much faster21:18
afeijohow to uninstall a widget ?21:23
bdizzlejason_froebe: okay, so it installed, I booted, and it just went to GRUB, it didn't read the jump drive21:24
jeremy__Hi everyone21:24
jason_froebebdizzle - you will need to tell your computer to boot off of usb.  usually it is F12 when starting but you might have to change the bios to enable it21:25
jason_froebeafeijo - a widget?21:26
bdizzleyeah, I'm checking. USB-FDD, USB-ZIP, USB-CDROM, USB-HDD ?21:26
afeijojason_froebe: yes, my notes widget have a problem, I was thinking in remove it from my widget list, and than click on the install new widgets to download it again21:26
jason_froebebdizzle - usb-hdd is my guess21:26
jeremy__I'm a kubuntu newbie, and am having some trouble getting openssh working, if anyone has a few seconds to help21:27
jason_froebejeremy__ - outgoing or incoming?21:28
bibliotecaseus bichasss21:29
afeijo!br | biblioteca21:30
jason_froebejeremy__ - in the chatroom please - I have private chat disabled21:30
ubottubiblioteca: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:30
jeremy__jason_froebe - np, my bad21:30
jeremy__jason_froebe - incoming - It's on a private LAN not connected to the internet, and all I want is to ssh via my single user's password, but it keeps telling me it's incorrect.21:31
jason_froebejeremy__ when you try "ssh login@localhost" does it still say bad password?  (replacing login with whatever login you're trying)21:32
jeremy__jason_froebe yup.21:32
jason_froebejeremy__ but when you log into the console, it works?21:32
jeremy__jason_froebe that's right.  password works everywhere else for the user.21:33
jason_froebejeremy__ - check your /etc/ssh/sshd_config to make sure 1) that the user is not disallowed from logging in via ssh 2) password authentication is allowed21:34
jeremy__jason_froebe k, just a sec.21:34
jeremy__jason_froebe yeah, all looks good there.  PasswordAuthentication is on, and the user is not explicitly disallowed.21:37
jason_froebejeremy__ - if you "su - login", that works?  if so, something might be screwy with the pam setup21:38
gesgeoris kde 4.2.3 available for intrepid ?21:39
jeremy__jason_froebe hmm, if I do that, it tells me "Cannot execute zsh: No such file or directory"21:40
jason_froebejeremy__ check their entry in /etc/passwd - their shell might not be installed (zsh) but that shouldn't cause a password denied21:41
jason_froebeoh wait, it would21:42
jeremy__jason_froebe aha! I'm an idiot - I totally didn't prefix the shell entry in /etc/passwd with "/bin/".  Just had "zsh".21:42
jeremy__jason_froebe thanks for the help man, that would've driven me up a wall. ;)21:42
jason_froebejeremy__ no worries... :)21:43
ja2ui0I'm beating my head against the wall trying to automatically mount my usb drives at bootup in jaunty, which worked fine in hardy.21:43
dekkongHello guys .. .I have major flash lags, dont know why21:43
dekkongcant even visit some websites because of lag21:43
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jason_froebeja2ui0 - check your udev scripts /etc/udev/ - they were probably overwritten21:44
ja2ui0it is a fresh install21:44
nameinerDoes anybody know why firefox doesn't give me options with what application to open a downloaded file? Or how to get that back.21:45
ja2ui0I've checked forums and googled for about the past 4 hours21:45
ja2ui0after adding usb_storage to /etc/modules, the usb drives all show up in /dev/disks21:46
jason_froebeja2ui0 - if you want the usb drives automatically mounted at specified locations, you will need to customize the udev scripts...  google for udev usb mount21:46
jason_froebeja2ui0 - so it is working correctly now?21:48
geniinameiner: From url of        about:config         what value has the variable:  browser.helperApps.neverAsk.openFile                ?21:48
ja2ui0no, i'm still reading on udev - i never had to do that in hardy21:48
geniinameiner: (you can put the name in the search bar there)21:48
dbglthey is there something like gdebi for kde? kdebi ?21:49
ja2ui0jason_froebe - I have several lines in my fstab that look like this: LABEL=lore      /media/lore     ext3    defaults        0       021:49
ja2ui0and that's all it took in hardy21:49
ja2ui0right now, i have to log in a session and sudo mount -a, and all 5 drives come up21:50
ja2ui0but the 0 0 should make them auto mount21:50
nameinerja2ui0: it's false and that is not the problem. It askes me if I want to open or save the file. What I mean is, that I'm used to have a dropdown menu with applications to open the file with. And now I can only search and have to find the actual application in the file system.21:51
nameinerja2ui0: for example: download a png-file and it offers you to open it with gwenview or gimp ...21:52
jason_froebeja2ui0 - not sure why it was changed or if it is a bug.  in any case, udev script is the way to go imho21:52
jussi01nameiner: you mean edit -> preferences -> applications?21:53
nameinerjussi01: no, I mean in the box that opens when I download a file. But in the applications there is not much to change too.21:54
ja2ui0jason_froebe - so I should put in a rule like 99-mount.rules, reading something like SUBSYSTEM=="block", run+="/bin/mount -a"21:58
ja2ui0however, I don't know what the SUBSYSTEM== should be, or some other argument, if I want it to execute at boot21:58
afeijodoes kubuntu come with a handwrite style font?21:59
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beagleburttsimpson: am stuck upgrading from K-6.06 > K-8.04 Plze Help!22:05
jason_froebeja2ui0 - check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16822122:08
jason_froebeit should help22:08
odlaIIwill kde 4.2.3 hit 9.04 and if not is there really any reason to add the PPA and upgrade to it?22:09
ja2ui0jason_froebe - udevinfo command not found, and can't find the package that has it in kpackagemanager or apt-get22:13
jason_froebeja2ui0 - udevadm provides udevinfo, so you will need to add it22:14
ja2ui0E: Couldn't find package udevadm22:15
jason_froebemy bad - udev-extras22:17
ja2ui0udev info command not found22:21
jason_froebechecking - looks like jaunty moved things around22:21
billybigriggerhey all, quick question, its a kdenlive question...im in gnome, running kdenlive, and im trying to convert an .mts (avchd) file to something i can watch on my pc, and i need to deinterlace it, well it seems my flash, h264, xvid, mpeg2, mpeg4 options are all greyed out, all i can convert to is raw dv, avi dv, realvideo or theora, is this right? did i forget to install something?22:22
jason_froebeja2ui0 - /sbin/udevadm info22:22
jason_froebebillybigrigger - did you install the codecs via medibuntu repos?  !medibuntu22:23
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:23
Caldavien_does any one know if there is a way to make the analog click widget stay above all windows in kubuntu 9.04 with kde422:23
billybigriggerjason_froebe, these formats work with everything else though...ill install medibuntu repo anyway22:24
billybigriggeralso is anyone aware of something similar to kdenlive but written in gtk?22:24
billybigriggerjason_froebe, is there a codec pack i can install that will install them all in 1 shot?22:26
xjjkbillybigrigger: try kubuntu-restricted-extras22:27
jason_froebebillybigrigger - Cinelerra will work in place of kdenlive http://cinelerra.org/22:27
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billybigriggerdoes cinelerra convert mts (avchd)???22:27
jason_froebebillybigrigger - you will also want to run sudo aptitude safe-upgrade to pull in ffmpeg /mencoder / etc22:28
bdizzleabout how much space do I need on my hard drive partition to install just the kubuntu files. I am setting up the partitions so that the home directory is a partition on its own.22:28
jason_froebefrom medibuntu repos22:28
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ja2ui0none of this is helping22:28
jason_froebebillybigrigger - I think so22:28
ja2ui0thank you for your time, but this is way over my head.22:28
ja2ui0all I want to do is mount -a on boot.22:29
jason_froebeja2ui0 - no worries...22:29
ja2ui0that should be really simple22:29
bdizzleanyone know about how much space 9.04 takes up without the home directory?22:29
jason_froebeja2ui0 - you can put "/sbin/mount -a" in /etc/rc.local22:29
MakuseruWhat is the name of the window manager for kde? I seem to have lost all my window borders.22:30
SSJ_GZMakuseru: kwin22:31
MakuseruSSJ_GZ: Thanks.22:31
reagleBRKLNi'm using kde 3.5.10; in kate i sometimes edit text files editing by win32 apps, and get doesn't seem to detect the latin-1, if I don't notice and save Kate will break it by saving as uf-8 is there any sort of autodetect function/plugin?22:31
jason_froebeja2ui0 - looks like LABEL doesn't work any more in /etc/fstab according to http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904  - you need to use UUID instead22:31
jason_froebereagleBRKLN - if they are just text files, there is no way to determine what character set they are in.  if they are xml, html, rtf, etc, then yes22:33
reagleBRKLNjust text files (markdown)22:33
reagleBRKLNi could keep everything in utf-8 (prefer) but then when Word 2003 opens such a file it bugs me with a dialog -- though it does guess it correclty, but wants me to confirm. keeping it in latin-1 --as windows likes -- causes me to corrupt files with kate22:35
lovrehi all22:37
lovredoes anyone have an account on springerlink.com? (sorry for oftopic)22:38
jason_froebereagleBRKLN - yup, Word scans the file looking at what it thinks are characters and makes a semi-intelligent guess as to what character set it is22:39
jussi01lovre: -> #kubuntu-offtopic please22:39
lovrejussi01: ok ty22:39
bdizzlecould someone give me some quick help on the partition setup for 9.04?22:41
alumno0Hallo. I've a tv card in a computer. Do you know any program to see the tv in another computer? A program like vnc (but vnc doesn't work)22:41
bdizzleI can't get one of the partitions to write itself as an ntfs, (a bridge partition between windows and linux since its stuck due to the way they originally installed windows)22:42
bdizzleso I've got it as a FAT32, and it keeps wanting to set the mount point as /dos22:42
beagleburtG'day from New Zealand again folks! Am trying to upgrade from K-6.06 LTS > K-8.04 LTS with help from: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20from%206.06%20for%20Kubuntu%20Desktops%20%28Recommended%29 but i get stuck at: "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)" What do i do next, please?22:43
bdizzleif its just a normal partition with no boot files on it, why would it matter?22:43
bdizzlealso, what are the differences between primary and logical drive?22:44
jason_froebebdizzle - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_(computing)  <- info on partitions22:48
bdizzlejason_froebe: I'm mostly familiar with them, but since I seem to only do them once every year or two, its something I have to nearly re-learn each time22:49
tnI've installed kubuntu not having used linux for a while. I'm really happy to see that alot is looking good :-)22:50
tnI have a couple of questions I hope someone might know the answer to. I notice that the wireless connection only starts after loading the gui. In older linux distros the wireless connection starts as part of init.d/network. Is this a distro-thing or kde-thing?22:52
tnSecondly I notice that my cd-rom is always spinning (constantly) when there is a cd in the drive. Not a big issue, just eject when not using :-P22:53
tnI was unable to play mp3's in amarok, But a quick apt-get resolved that. Guess it's because I'm using the rc22:57
alumno0tn: About the questions. You can configure /etc/init.d/interfaces and put there the wifi parameters. About the second, My DVD have a CD and only works when I access it.22:58
tnalumno0: Cool thanx!22:59
ja2ui0here's a fun one22:59
ja2ui0I'm trying to run 'moc' remotely from my laptop on my audio server.23:00
ja2ui0as long as I'm logged in a session, console or KDE, it works fine over ssh23:00
ja2ui0but if I'm not logged in, alsa craps out23:00
ja2ui0any thoughts?23:00
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dylan_shy can't my nvidia drivers installed on jaunty display 1280x1024 ? I get every other resolution less than and greater than, plus the wide screens, but no 1280x1024.. My XP installation is capable of 1280x1024 (which is what I run), on the same screen23:07
lorecasterHey all :D Konversation was replaced by another product in 9.04, anyone have experience as to the pros and cons of that software?23:11
Dragnslcrlorecaster- I've found a couple rather minor annoyances, but so far it seems to work as well as Konversation23:13
lorecasterDragnslcr: very good... i'm having problems with the notifications in Konversation... the .OOG files won't play... but i can listen to -most- MP3's perfectly well. am i missing a synaptic?23:14
DragnslcrI dunno, I don't think I ever used any of the notifications in Konversation23:15
lorecasterwith my dual monitors, i do some sick multitasking, i've come to rely on notifications23:16
lorecastergoogle it is! :D thanks anyway Dragnslcr23:16
DragnslcrHeh, good luck23:16
ja2ui0just learned that I can execute 'sudo mocp' over ssh, and it works perfectly.  This makes me think there is a permission issue, or I could add my user to a group that might be able to make moc work without sudo.23:17
ja2ui0any idea?23:17
* Cam42 is liking KDE23:20
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ja2ui0in case anyone's interested, adding a user to group 'audio' solved that problem23:26
Cam42May be the wrong place to ask this, but how do I install Xfce on an ubuntu system?23:28
Dragnslcr!info xubuntu-desktop23:29
ubottuxubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.82 (jaunty), package size 15 kB, installed size 44 kB23:29
DragnslcrThat's the package you want, Cam4223:29
Cam42 In the Universe repository?23:29
Cam42nevermind, I found it.23:31
Cam42Why don't some people like KDE?23:31
bfarahhelp needed to install webcam on 9.0423:33
bfarahhas anybody got his webcam working with 9.04????23:33
Cam42what webcam do you have?23:34
bfarahlogitech quickcam 350023:34
Cam42what happens when you plug it in?23:34
bfarahno /dev/video023:34
Cam42is it usb?23:34
bfarahyes it is23:34
Cam42did you try a different port?23:35
bfarahi was trying to install the spca5xx23:35
bfarahyes i have23:35
bfarahit is not been detected as i can't see it in /dev/video023:35
Cam42is it going directly into the computer, or through a hub?23:35
bfarahyes, no hub, nothing ,23:35
Cam42I have no idea, sorry23:35
bfarahit is fine, thanks anyway, ;)23:36
lorecasterI would LOVE a hand here... my Konversation program won't let me play events. The ogg files play fine in movie-player and others, but they will not play in konversation. i have the sound activated, selected, but when i click on the play button on configure notifications... nothing happens.23:43
coleysIs Quassel or Konversation better in your oppinions?23:44
bob_Is there a way to create live disc of *buntu from the desktop environment? If so where can I find out about how to do that?23:44
coleysUmm. Search Adept bob_ I know there is some, you'll probably find with search of keywords.23:45
bob_coleys: thanks23:46
Magicman1264Hi Can anyone help me with a Java problem in Firefox. I am new at this an kind of lost23:46
coleysbob_: Np :) good luck23:46
coleysMagicman1264: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin23:47
moukahi all23:47
moukaanybody knows how I can view arabic newspapers with better fonts online?23:48
moukamy current fonts are extremely ugly23:48
bob_coleys: Q answered. Its and app called remastersys, thought you might want to know23:48
moukaand I know that it's possible to have way better fonts, I have seen it under openSUSE23:48
moukaanybody has any ideas as to what I can do to get better arabic fonts?23:50
coleysWhat you guys prefer, quassel or Konversation?23:51
Hedge|Hogcoleys: kvirc =D23:51
lorecasterKonversation has a bug in the sound notifications... and i need notifications... so what do i move onto? KVIRC or Quassel?23:52
coleysHedge|Hog: Ahh, is that gui? or...?23:52
Hedge|Hogcoleys: of course23:52
ign0ramuscoleys, the KDE4 port of Konversation ftw23:52
coleysHedge|Hog: Im coming from ubuntu so i don't know KDE programs =P23:52
lorecasteryeah, GNOME here too23:52
ign0ramuscoleys, http://konversation.kde.org/wiki/SVN23:53
coleysign0ramus: Thanks!!23:53
Hedge|Hogcoleys: http://files.mint-space.com/getfile,20090508225307,irc3.png.html23:53
ign0ramuscoleys, np!  plus, the devs are always in #konversation if you ever have any questions23:53
Hedge|Hogcoleys: just recently switched to kde myself, was very disappointed about konversation though23:53
lorecasterwhat about Irssi?23:53
ign0ramuslorecaster, irssi is pretty sweet too, but the question was quassel vs konversation23:54
coleysI liked the command feature that konversation has... I just noticed it, and it auto /msg nickserv'd me =p23:54
Hedge|Hogcoleys: kvirc is in a fairly recent version in ubuntus repositories also23:54
coleysIll give kvirc a try.23:54
lorecasteri asked a similar question though :P23:54
coleysWell I generally avoided any K programs just cause people make me scared of KDE =p23:54
Hedge|Hogand all that auto thinges can be done in kvirc23:54
coleysHedge|Hog: Thanks guys, definitly will be logged in IRC... you all seem helpful.23:55
Hedge|Hogheh np23:55
Magicman1264Coleys:  After I tried what you said to do this is the message I got (0 upgraded, 6 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.23:55
Magicman1264Need to get 35.0MB of archives.23:55
Magicman1264After this operation, 101MB of additional disk space will be used.23:55
Magicman1264Do you want to continue [Y/n]? )  What do I do at this point?23:55
coleysJust waiting for 9.04 kubuntu to finish downloading =(23:56
coleysMagicman1264: Y23:56
Hedge|Hogforcing a filesystem check on boot is sudo touch /forcefsck eh?23:56
coleysMagicman1264: Type y and enter23:56
Magicman1264ok thank you23:56
coleysAnd as for browser, should I stick with Konqueror?23:56
Hedge|Hogcoleys: definetely not23:57
Hedge|Hogkonqueror is really unstable23:57
coleysHedge|Hog: Was hoping for that answer =)23:57
ign0ramusHedge|Hog, yes, that command will work23:57
Hedge|Hogign0ramus: thx23:57
ign0ramusHedge|Hog, np23:57
coleysHedge|Hog: Suggest just firefox?23:57
Hedge|Hogcoleys: ff does however look ugly in kde, follow this guide to make it look better integrated23:57
Hedge|Hogcoleys: http://forum.kde.org/how-to-integrate-firefox-into-kde-t-17786.html23:58
coleysOh thanks!23:58
coleysI really like how everything in the kde desktop is like integrated. Its pimp :p23:58
ign0ramusthey *were* making a Qt-based Fx, but i think the project was abandoned :(23:58
Hedge|Hogign0ramus: too bad23:58
Hedge|Hogkonqeror as a webbrowser was a big disappintment23:59
Hedge|Hogvery unstable23:59
ign0ramusHedge|Hog, I never use konqueror as a browser23:59
coleysDolphin or Konqueorr for file browsing?23:59
ign0ramusHedge|Hog, i always liked it as a file manager23:59
Hedge|Hogcoleys: basically the same =D23:59

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