
=== kklimonda_ is now known as kklimonda
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=== kurrele_away is now known as kurrele
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=== world is now known as mimir|on
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=== mimir|afk is now known as mimir|on
abinwho can introduce  me a easy-use IRC client. i am using chatzilla14:03
jpds!irc | abin14:08
ubot2abin: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:08
=== olujicz_ is now known as olujicz
=== xq_ is now known as xq
oldsilverbearddoes anyone know of any classes being held today?15:32
pleia2oldsilverbeard: the next class is on the 14th15:32
* pleia2 points to /topic15:32
oldsilverbeardthe patch+systems and packaging ... kool <yes...i'm learning :-) >15:34
oldsilverbeardwell pleia2...i guess i'm out of here...i'll be back on the 14th.  thanks for listening!15:35
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
=== oscc is now known as goo1
=== mimir|on is now known as mimir|beer
xmetalcorexcan some help me22:46
Shriramxmetalcorex: yes what is your question?22:57
xmetalcorexi have two partition of hard disk22:59
xmetalcorexwhen i click to open it he show me cannot mount volume22:59
xmetalcorexSHriram i with for u23:06

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