
rickspencer3robert_ancell: hi00:03
robert_ancellrickspencer3: good evening00:03
rickspencer3robert_ancell: I see we have a meeting schedule, shall I call?00:04
robert_ancellrickspencer3: yes, I had forgot00:04
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didrocksrobert_ancell: don't steal my updates (for vte ;)) :p07:41
robert_ancelldidrocks: yeah, sorry about that!  I did all the work and then I went to look at recent changes and you'd done it!07:42
robert_ancelldidrocks: Do you normally do vte? If so I'll take it off my list07:42
didrocksrobert_ancell: just kidding ^^07:42
pittiGood morning07:42
robert_ancelldidrocks: did you merge with Debian?07:42
robert_ancellpitti: hey pitti07:42
didrocksrobert_ancell: hum, well, there is no real attributed packages. I do what we split in IRC during a new GNOME release07:43
didrockshey pitti07:43
didrocksrobert_ancell: hum, not yet, it's on my list07:43
didrocksrobert_ancell: I will do it for Monday, surely07:43
robert_ancelldidrocks: I did some merging before I'd seen you were working on it, can send you the diff if you want07:44
didrocksrobert_ancell: oh yes, please :)07:44
didrocksrobert_ancell: normally, I do the merges where I was the last uploader07:44
didrocksrobert_ancell: it's the normal merge process. If you want to take a merge in the last, the best practice is to contact the last uploader07:45
didrockswe really need to have something to "lock upgrades", telling "I'm working on it"07:45
robert_ancellwiki page should do the trick07:46
didrocksrobert_ancell: we used a wiki page, for some ages07:47
didrocksrobert_ancell: it's with more than suboptimal :)07:47
robert_ancellI guess the timezone means I can't check what people are working on.  The only packages I need to check are stuff that you guys leave overnight07:48
robert_ancellI'm checking the Launchpad summary now to see before I start07:49
didrocksrobert_ancell: I know. I think we will discuss about it at UDS07:49
didrocksrobert_ancell: yes, but here, the bug was closed07:49
didrocksjust keep in mind this "rule" for merges07:49
didrocksfor the other stuff, yes, checking LP is a good practice07:49
didrockseverybody has failed at least once, I think for parallel works :)07:50
didrocksand then… you checked LP ^^07:50
robert_ancelldidrocks: are there packages you tend to favour?07:50
didrocksrobert_ancell: not really. I just take what needs to be updated :)07:51
didrocksrobert_ancell: that's what I like with ubuntu, you can see a lot of different packaging technics07:51
robert_ancellI'm currently focussing on: gcalctool, gnome-games, glade, glade-3, totem, vinagre, ekiga, gnome-terminal, metacity, compiz, avahi07:51
didrocksok, from that list, I'm used to update : gnome-games, totem, vinagre and gnome-terminal07:52
didrocksbut well, I think that a locking daemon will do the trick07:53
robert_ancellsure, let me know if I need to go hunt some more packages07:53
didrocksrobert_ancell: I think we will see that with the first update :)07:54
didrocksas I'm part of the community, I don't really have the time to check for bugs, appart when updating, though :/07:54
robert_ancellsee you all next week08:02
pittirobert_ancell: enjoy the weekend!08:02
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didrockspitti: if you have any free time today, please, give a look at bug #37358209:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373582 in vte "Please, merge vte 1:0.20.1 from debian unstable" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37358209:07
pittididrocks: won't have time for merges, but I can do some sponsoring09:12
didrockspitti: the merge is done, it's just for sponsoring it :)09:12
pittididrocks: ah, nice09:12
didrocks(see related branch)09:12
didrocksno emergency on that, it's just if you have some time ;)09:12
didrocksHave a good day everybody! I'm going to seize my off day :)09:15
pittididrocks: enjoy the long weekend!09:16
pittididrocks: are those patches sent upstream, too?09:20
pittididrocks: they don't have patch tag headers09:20
pittididrocks: 93_add_alt_screen_scroll_toggle.patch has, but not 91_keep_fds.patch09:21
didrocks(back for few minutes)09:38
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
didrockspitti: yes, they are sent upstream. I just added the upstream tag now (btw, is there a wiki page for patch tag guidelines?)09:50
didrockspitti: and thanks for the long week-end. Have a nice week-end too :)09:50
pittididrocks: yes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PatchTaggingGuidelines09:50
pittididrocks: meh, it doesn't build due to the kernel header breakage09:50
pittididrocks: you tested this on karmic?09:50
pitti(with the earlier l-k-h?)09:51
didrockspitti: no, on jaunty as pbuilder scripts seems to not be ready09:51
pittiah, ok09:51
pittibut it works on jaunty?09:51
didrocksyes, it builds and run successfully09:51
pittiokay, thanks09:51
didrocksyou're welcome :)09:51
* pitti downgrades to previous linux-libc-dev09:51
pittididrocks: enjoy your weekend, and thanks!09:51
didrockspitti: you too ;)09:52
Laneysyncable f-spot is go10:40
seb128Laney: cool11:05
Laneywell, if half the archive weren't broken currently11:06
seb128Laney: you have upload rights to debian now or did you get this one sponsored?11:06
Laneymeebey sponsored it for me11:06
LaneyI pretty much just copied the changes and wrote a new changelog entry11:08
seb128I will sync it later when it's on the mirrors11:09
Laneyok, be warned that it does ftbfs due to the libc stuff11:09
seb128I know about the libc issue11:10
seb128I expect the buildd admin will auto-retry everything once it's fixed though11:11
Laneyyeah, cjwatson said as much on the bug11:11
pittihey seb128, wb!11:11
pitti~, sweet ~11:11
* seb128 hugs pitti11:11
seb128how are you?11:11
pittipretty good11:12
pittimade it back in one piece?11:12
seb128it seems so ;-)11:12
seb128yeah, the travel was eventless, that's a short flight and small airports11:13
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seb128pitti: could you look at bug #372746?14:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372746 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon vs OO.o fonts" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37274614:17
seb128it's a change which has been dropped in a sru and the update is in -updates now14:18
seb128asac didn't push to bzr, I did copy the patch but forgot to bzr add and bzr-buildpackage ignored it14:18
pittiseb128: ah, good catch14:25
pittiseb128: please upload, I'll process ASAP14:25
seb128pitti: it's already uploaded14:25
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seb128vuntz: is there a way to lock menu editing in GNOME?14:40
slomoseb128: gst currently FTBFS in ubuntu because linux-libc-dev is broken btw14:47
seb128slomo: right everything ftbfs I upload anyway that will be retried when the issue is resolved14:47
slomook :)14:47
jbaileyseb128, Oy, seb! =)15:11
jbaileyWie Gehtz?15:11
seb128hello jbailey!15:11
seb128wrong language but gut, danke ;-)15:11
jbaileyseb128, Keeping busy? =)15:11
jbaileyYou live *near* Germany.15:11
seb128jbailey: as always ;-)15:11
jbaileyGot a sec for an Ubuntu-related question?15:12
pittihey jbailey, long time no see! how are you?15:12
jbaileyThe Chromium-Linux folks pinged me yesterday to ask me about sane ways of doing auto-update in Ubuntu.15:12
jbaileypitti, I'm doing well!  I don't know if you followed any of the adventures over the last year, but it's nice to be back home and healthy. =)15:12
pittijbailey: that's indeed why I asked; I followed your blog15:13
seb128yeah, me too15:13
pittimust have been a hell of a ride15:13
jbaileyseb128, apt is a reasonable solution, and the security update manager has it almost right.15:13
jbaileypitti, Yeah, I'm totally up and around.  I'm able to lift 12kg (the weight of my son).15:13
seb128jbailey: "auto-update" ... we don't do that ;-)15:13
jbaileyI'm employed, I'm back in my home.  It's all good.15:13
seb128jbailey: we have maintainers and we do manual updates15:13
jbaileyWell, I'm not thinking of the package.15:13
pittijbailey: \o/15:14
jbaileyThat we can handle with an apt repo and us uploading.15:14
jbaileyThe security updater apparently has an option to say "do these security updates automatically"15:14
jbaileywhich looks like it just run apt-get upgrade.15:14
jbaileyBut the option is hard to find.  So we're wondering if we can send along a patch to make a check box to set that on the first screen where you say "yes, I want to do update" and type in your password.15:15
seb128ah right, you want to do upgrades in the background in a transparent way15:15
jbaileyBrowser security being what it is, and more and more things relying on it (Or hey, so we hope. *g*)15:15
seb128better to talk to mvo when he's around (he should be around but he has internet issues right now)15:15
jbaileyWe really really want to make sure that a user is doing the right thing.15:15
seb128he's the package manager guy ;-)15:15
jbaileyAh cool.  I didn't see him online and haven't talked to him for a bit so wasn't sure if he was still around.15:16
seb128he's still around, but disconnected 25 minutes ago15:16
seb128and dholbach said he has dsl issues15:16
seb128so let's wait for him to be back15:16
jbaileyCool.  I can hang out for him.15:16
jbaileyI'm not seeing star trek for another 3 hours. =)15:17
jbaileyseb128, pitti: You guys are well?15:17
jbaileyI was sad not to catch you guys in Mountain View last year.15:17
jbaileyOur move got delayed by a month, so I couldn't make it back that quickly.15:17
pittijbailey: I'm great, thanks! desktop team is still rocking15:17
pittijbailey: Canonical underwent quite some changes since you left, we keep growing and restructuring15:18
seb128would have been nice to see you again, maybe at one of the next UDSes ;-)15:18
pittijbailey: enjoy Star Trek tonight then!15:18
jbaileypitti, Nice.  I hear about them from jkakar sometimes and from the locals in the Montréal office.15:18
pittiI don't have high expectations for the movie, but of course I'm going to see it anyway :)15:18
jbaileyseb128, Yup, I hope so.  If you guys follow your tradition of east-coast/west-coast in the US, then I should be able to make the fall one.15:19
jbaileyOr hey, talk them into having it in Montréal to celebrate the new office.15:19
seb128that would be an idea indeed ;-)15:21
seb128I've never been to any montréal canonical office yet15:22
awe+1 for Montreal!15:22
pittihey awe, good morning; how is it goign?15:25
awepretty good.  I'm about to head into the office to finish packing ( construction next week )15:25
pittiawe: you'll be working from home next week then?15:26
aweand mostly from home during the karmic cycle.  ;)15:26
aweanyways, i need to run before i get another parking ticket.  i'll touch base when i get to the office15:27
calcpitti: followed up to your comments on bug 37346015:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373460 in pentaho-reporting-flow-engine-openoffice.org "OOo 3.1.0 Build-Depends: move from universe to main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37346015:33
* pitti crawls into a hole to catch up with performance reviews and allhands presentations15:33
pitticalc: thanks, will read soon15:33
calcok, ttyl15:33
artirwhere are the canonical's offices? montreal, london and?15:36
calc... a few others :)15:38
seb128bah, bzr-buildpackage download new tarballs twice16:00
james_wseb128: logs or it didn't happen!16:02
seb128james_w: mkdir dir; cd dir; bzr get lp:~robert-ancell/gnome-games/ubuntu; cd ubuntu; bzr-buildpackage16:03
seb128james_w: it starts doing a16:03
seb128wget -nv -T10 -t3 -O ../tarballs/gnome-games_2.27.1.orig.tar.gz http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gnome-games/2.27/gnome-games-2.27.1.tar.gz16:03
seb128get-orig-source did not create gnome-games_2.27.1.orig.tar.gz16:03
seb128Using uscan to look for the upstream tarball.16:03
seb128 16:03
seb128I'm wondering if that's because I've no "tarballs" directory16:03
james_wit's because the get-orig-source rule doesn't comply with policy16:04
seb128but it finds the tarball16:04
seb128download it16:04
seb128and start again, that doesn't really make sense to me16:04
james_wbzr doesn't parse the makefile, interpret it, and work out where the tarball ends up16:05
james_wit relies on get-orig-source being policy compliant16:05
seb128which means?16:06
seb128I don't know what get-orig-source is and what it does16:06
seb128for the record that's a standard GNOME package using cdbs16:06
james_wget-orig-source (optional): This target fetches the most recent version of the original source package [...] and leaves it in the current directory16:07
seb128that page is not really useful, I guessed it was a tarball download target ;-)16:07
james_wI really don't like the target16:07
seb128ok, worded different16:07
james_wbut some people rely on it, and not having it run at that point didn't work for pitti for instance16:08
seb128what do I need to change in the package to make it work with bzr-buildpackage?16:08
james_wfix /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/gnome-get-source.mk by the look of it16:09
james_wor set DEB_TARBALL_DOWNLOAD_DIR = .16:09
james_wto override it16:09
seb128ok, the issue is the tarball against current directory thing?16:09
seb128you couldn't special case bzr-buildpackage to look in tarballs too? ;-)16:10
james_wnot really16:10
james_wwell, actually I might be able to16:10
james_wit's kind of stupid though16:11
seb128I can argue with the debian guys for the tarballs directory16:12
seb128but that's how their svn is layouted16:12
james_wit kind of makes sense, but it's also kind of silly16:12
james_wI can file a bug if you like16:12
seb128please do16:13
james_wjust checking it's not an Ubuntu change :-)16:13
seb128james_w: no, we only change a recommends to suggests there16:14
seb128otherwise gnome-pkg-tools is in sync16:14
seb128I guess I will use "DEB_TARBALL_DOWNLOAD_DIR = ." as a workaround for now16:25
pittijames_w: if it breaks anything, revert the change16:31
pittijames_w: it was really just a suggestion back then, and it's not a major inconvenience to call it manually16:32
james_wpitti: it still worked, it just caused an extra download16:32
calcif a users system is set to 96dpi under font section shouldn't xdpyinfo | grep resolution also show 96 dpi there?16:40
pitticalc: didn't we reintroduce the hardcoded 96 dpi default late in jaunty?16:41
pittibecause the dynamic detection didn't work sufficiently yet?16:41
calci have a case of a user running jaunty (final afaict) which it shows 96dpi in the font config area but doesn't in xdpyinfo16:42
pittiwell, that would be because of that hardcoded default, no?16:42
calci thought hardcoded default made the xserver think it is 96 dpi also?16:43
pittino, just gnome16:43
calchmm i thought prior to jaunty xdpyinfo reported 96 dpi as well16:43
mclasencalc: check xprop -root | grep dpi16:43
mclasenso many places to report different dpi values...16:43
* calc grabs a intrepid disk to boot to see what it says16:45
calchmm yea it always worked that way16:58
calcin intrepid xorg didn't seem to even know to calculate DPI right even given the correct screen size16:58
calcit claimed my screen was 100dpi x 120dpi16:58
calcjaunty gets it right though at 125 dpi16:59
dholbachbuenos dias :)17:34
seb128guten tag dholbach17:34
* dholbach hugs y'all17:34
* seb128 hugs dholbach17:34
seb128nice to see you around ;-)17:34
dholbachhow has the desktop contributor situation been lately?17:35
dholbachseb128: ^17:37
seb128oh pretty good17:38
seb128there is some turn-over17:38
seb128the french mafia seems to relax a bit after the jaunty rush ;-)17:38
seb128(didrocks and huats)17:38
seb128but we have new people rocking too ;-)17:38
seb128Ampelbein and chrisccoulson for example ;-)17:39
dholbachwhen is chrisccoulson going to apply for MOTU?17:39
seb128dholbach: funny I was just typing a "is chrisccoulson a MOTU btw"17:40
dholbachAmpelbein, chrisccoulson: great to have you guys!17:40
seb128chrisccoulson: you should reapply apply ;-)17:40
huatshello guys !17:40
dholbachhiya huats!17:40
seb128Oh, a french slacker ;-)17:40
huatsseb128: and dholbach it is a pleasure :)17:40
seb128hey huats17:40
huatsseb128:  ;)17:40
dholbachhow's France?17:40
huatsdholbach: always NIC17:40
dholbachgreat :)17:41
seb128dholbach: celebrating the end of the second war today ;-)17:41
huatshow are you dholbach ?17:41
dholbachseb128: there's a few demonstrations and stuff going on over here too - I saw some posters17:41
dholbachhuats: very good - ready for the WE :)17:41
jbaileydholbach, Protesting the end of the war?17:41
huatsdholbach: yeah !17:41
seb128dholbach: here it's a national holiday17:41
dholbachjbailey: the folks who want to do demonstrations pick a random day with some historical importance and demonstrate whatever their favourite topic is17:42
dholbachjbailey: nice to see you around - how are you doing?17:43
jbaileydholbach, I have a friend who used to call those "rent-a-protester"s17:43
jbaileyI'm doing well.  Keeping busy with work, toddler, wife and settling in. =)17:44
dholbachI'm good - very very ready for WE though :)17:44
jbaileyStar trek time.  Have to catch mvo later.17:48
didrocksdholbach: seb128 : check my merges and you will see if I really relax myself :)18:12
dholbachdidrocks: not today, I'm going out for dinner in a sec :)18:13
seb128didrocks: I've been polling on the list waiting on those gnome-python-* updates18:13
seb128did I miss those?18:13
seb128didrocks: if you are busy with other things let me know so I stop blocking on you for that18:14
didrocksseb128: I still have some merges to do, but I think that there is already 5-6 (mostly in universe), ready now :)18:14
seb128ah ok18:14
didrocksseb128: no, my plan is to finish my pending merge for Monday18:14
didrocksseb128: so, be ready to have some sponsoring work then ^^18:14
seb128we really need a better way to track who is doing what ;-)18:14
seb128I want those gnome-python-* early because of the re-split18:15
seb128we will need to transition all the rdepends18:15
didrocksseb128: ok. It will be ready on Monday and we will achieve the re-split :)18:15
didrocksand +1 for tracking18:15
didrocks(pitti sponsored vte this morning, FYI)18:16
seb128I've noticed18:18
seb128I was really surprised because I though you claimed only the gnome-python-*18:18
didrocksno, I claimed gnome-python* and keepalived, tracker18:19
didrocksbasically, those where I was the last uploaders18:19
didrocksvte was in the list too :)18:19
didrockstime to have my dinner. Have a good evening!18:20
seb128didrocks: ok good, you too!18:23
pittihave a nice weekend everyone!19:26
huatspitti: you too!19:28
groverblueLooking at the Hardware Driver panel and "ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver" is listed, but gray-ed out as "A different version of this driver is in use."  dmesg lists "module loaded - fglrx 8.60.40 [Mar 14 2009] with 1 minors"  Isn't that the same driver?  running Ubuntu 9.0419:50

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