
bryce_calc: interesting, I didn't know about that change00:08
bryce_calc: on the plus side, that may result in a reduction of duplicate tasks (I get a lot of tasks that I assign away from xorg, that grow another xorg task after a while - I finally just wrote a script to detect and eliminate these)00:09
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relnevwhat do I need to do to build a replacement snd-usb-audio.ko (a kernel module found in the linux kernel source) that i can load without having to rebuild the kernel and reboot?00:38
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wgrantcalc: It was causing problems because people would click on a bug link in an email after somebody had reassigned a task. They'd then immediately click on the button to recreate the original task. You were always meant to use 'Also affects (project|distribution)...' normally, anyway.00:41
calcwgrant: ok01:16
lifelessis anyone else seeing oddly high load in jaunty/karmic?01:20
lifelessMine is constantly 1001:20
lifelessor 1101:20
lifelessbut no IO, plenty of cache, cpu at 1% use01:20
lifelessoh nevermind, it'll be a stalled sfs process01:20
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dholbachgood morning06:40
robert_ancellany karmic users here?  What is the contents of your /usr/include/linux/errno.h?06:58
robert_ancellmine points to asm/errno.h which does not exist06:58
lifelessrobert_ancell: you're missing libc-dev or something I suspect06:59
lifelessor being hit by a toolchain transition06:59
lifeless<- guessing06:59
hyperairthere are ftbfs errors regarding that particular header06:59
robert_ancellhyperair: ouch07:00
hyperairyeh ouch indeed.07:00
hyperairgnomeui is having issues07:00
hyperairrather, stuff depending on gnomeui07:00
robert_ancellhmm, I was going to use the PPA but that will have the same problems right?07:01
dholbachrobert_ancell: try asking the guys in #ubuntu-kernel - they should know what's going on07:02
dholbach... even if I suspect that most of them are sleeping right now07:02
robert_ancelldholbach: yeah, it's friday afternoon.  I figure it will be fixed by monday :)  I'll go drink beer instead07:03
ajmitchdholbach: it's a known issue, Stuff needs to be done on the buildds I heard :)07:03
dholbachajmitch: oh wow07:03
StevenKIt's a findutils bug that impacted on the linux-libc-dev binary package07:06
geserrobert_ancell: it's bug 37321407:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373214 in findutils "/usr/include/asm/* is not present in linux-libc-dev" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37321407:30
robert_ancellgeser: thx07:30
lifelessrobert_ancell: oh right, you're in aus:)07:33
lifelessbeer sounds good about now ;)07:33
robert_ancelllifeless: it's rapidly approaching beer o'clock07:34
* robert_ancell rubs it in for those who have a day to go07:34
lifelessindeed. and we fly 10000 to actually meet soon :P07:34
Hobbseeslangasek: I did not.07:39
slangasekHobbsee: right - Riddell confessed :-)07:40
Hobbseeslangasek: oh, fair enough.  I'm just looking through my highlights ;)07:40
Hobbseeslangasek: I hope you didn't make him walk the plank?07:40
slangasekno, I just demoted him to multiverse temporarily07:41
Hobbseeoh dear07:41
pittiGood morning07:42
pittislangasek: libltdl-dev> I didn't07:42
pittidoko: nice! is it in c-mismatches?07:42
StevenKslangasek: Along with all of KDE?07:45
slangasekhah, twitch :)07:45
ScottKIt would improve the quality of translations.07:45
* StevenK grins07:46
* pwnguin gets to attend a public meeting about garmin's use of linux07:50
pwnguinanyone have a question they want answered?07:50
Hobbseepwnguin: apart from the obvious ones?  No.  I'd love to know what the answers to the obvious questions are, though.07:51
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Hobbseeif there's a URL from it07:52
pwnguini doubt it will be publicly recorded07:52
pwnguinbut what are the obvious questions?07:53
Hobbseepwnguin: which devices do they use linux in, what are their future plans with linux and their devices, whether people will be able to mod them / write plugins etc for them, etc, etc, etc07:54
pwnguinHobbsee: http://developer.garmin.com/linux/ i'll let you know if they mention a device that isn't one of those07:57
Hobbseepwnguin: ah, sweet!07:58
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pittianyone got a Sony laptop here?10:35
amitkping manjo when he gets online in a few hours if you don't find anybody10:37
amitkpitti: ^10:37
pittiamitk: ah, thanks10:37
pittidirecthex: congratulations for your motu badge! well done!10:42
pitticjwatson, smb: hm, why does the new linux upload bump abi?10:42
pittiif it's just a rebuild?10:42
smbpitti, because i did not found/look far enough/trust the last abi files10:43
directhexpitti, thanks. i still need to bug you over stuff in main though ;)10:43
* cjwatson has no idea but doesn't care enough to worry10:43
pittismb: fair enough; I was just curious10:43
cjwatsonABI changes are cheap enough at this point10:43
smbpitti, So I bumped abi to be sure it passes the abi checks10:43
pittiyeah, we just need to watch out for NEWing10:43
cjwatsonthough it does mean NEW, but meh, lost in the noise of having to deal with the whole thing manually10:44
pittithanks for getting this fixed10:44
dholbachcjwatson, smb: YAY! :)10:44
* TheMuso suspected there would have been an ABI bump for ports also, but avoided enabling checks since all ports kernels are not yet setled.10:46
TheMusoanybody else getting LP timeouts?10:46
pittiintermittently, yes10:46
* TheMuso can't seem to view source package pages, i.e lp.net/ubuntu/+source/linux10:47
TheMusohrm working now10:47
TheMusoanyway I'm off for the evening, will check in tomorrow morning in case anything is needed ports wise, but I think things should be fine.10:50
directhexhad intermitent issues with LP since last night. check /topic in #launchpad10:51
LaneyWhat's up with these "asm/socket.h: No such file or directory" errors? Seen them failing a few builds now.10:54
TheMusoLaney: linux-libc-dev breakage.10:54
james_wbug 37321410:54
* TheMuso thinks a /topic tweak is in order.10:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373214 in linux "/usr/include/asm/* is not present in linux-libc-dev" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37321410:54
Laneyyes, it seems to be affecting builds all over the shop10:55
Laneyjames_w: ta10:55
amitkTheMuso: More correctly, findutils breakage that caused a linux-libc-dev10:56
TheMusoamitk: yes, but linux-libc-dev being broken is enough for most I would think. :)10:56
TheMusoanyway, really off.10:57
apwon an upgrade would i expect to be seeing linux-generic being uninstalled?10:59
apw(on jaunty)10:59
slangasekare you using jaunty-proposed?11:00
apwyes using -proposed11:01
slangasekapw: then it's not surprising; let me check whether the binaries are all built now and ready to be accepted from NEW11:03
apwslangasek, how would lacking binaryies trigger a meta to be removed?11:03
slangasekthe meta packages are currently uninstallable in -proposed, so if you're using the package manager in a way that tells it it's ok to remove packages...11:04
apwi am using it in the default way, it said a partial update was the only way forward, and i said yes11:04
apwas encouraged to do by the defaults11:04
slangasekanyway, lrm/lbm accepted now, which should fix linux-generic with the next publisher cycle11:05
apw(with my behaving like a non-clued up user hat on)11:05
apwi assume once i had lost linux-generic i wouldn't have got it back... sounds problematic for those users11:05
slangasekyeah, I've never quite understood why update-manager calls that a "partial" upgrade; half the time it fails to find a solution at all for me, whereas if I click 'close', it lets me do a real, partial upgrade11:05
apwyeah ... i think there is some kind of bug in there offering that to normal users without a fight11:06
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: most builds broken due to bug 373214, being fixed | Archive: open for development! | Ubuntu 9.04 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
cjwatson(obviously if your build doesn't involve compiling anything then it won't fail. I don't care enough to fine-tune the topic)11:11
smbslangasek, Were the meta package in error or did something else go wrong?11:14
smbslangasek, Have to be off now, but if there is anything that should get back into the linux-meta packages, let me know11:16
slangaseksmb: no package errors; we just needed some jaunty-proposed NEW processing, which is done now11:17
smbslangasek, Ah, ok. Thanks11:17
apwcjwatson, i wonder if you would have some minutes to talk about that kexec reboot bug (bug 251242) today11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251242 in kexec-tools "Always kexecs on shutdown/reboot" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25124211:29
cjwatsonapw: ah yes. I have a PDR panic day today, but have queued up that bug to look at the debdiffs therein11:34
apwcjwatson, heh know _that_ panic ... no worries if busy it'll wait11:34
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=== lamont changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: most builds broken due to bug 373214, being fixed - buildds manual | Archive: open for development! | Ubuntu 9.04 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
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geiseri_hi i am having problems creating my own allternates installer.  it gets pretty far but bombs out with an error of "Couldn't find task standard"13:43
geiseri_is there anyone who would know more about this? google was not very helpful13:43
geiseri_i think i may have missed a step, but im not sure where...13:44
astroliteany developers of ubuntu-vm-builder here?13:52
cjwatsongeiseri_: it's looking for sections with "Task: standard" in the Packages file - if you're missing those then perhaps you generated your own Packages file but didn't use the override file from archive.u.c/ubuntu/indices/ as input?13:53
geiseri_yes, i created my own... but i did not include the indices.13:55
cjwatsonthat'll be your problem then13:55
geiseri_i can download that or do i need to generate that if i am using my own package set13:55
cjwatsonstart out with the downloaded ones, generating your own is a bit complicated13:56
cjwatsonyou may need to edit them a bit13:56
geiseri_ill start there13:57
geiseri_what files will i need?  all of them fro my dist?13:58
liwastrolite, #ubuntu-virt might be a better place to find those people14:00
astroliteliw: ok, thanks!14:00
geiseri_cjwatson: where would be the documentation no how to generate my own indices files?14:07
geiseri_or is it easier to include the tasksel in my Packages file?14:07
geiseri_err Task: standard?14:07
cjwatsongeiseri_: I don't know of any documentation on the subject, but the format should be clear from looking at the first14:16
cjwatsongeiseri_: apt-ftparchive(1) documents how to refer to the index files14:16
cjwatsongeiseri_: if you do that properly in your apt-ftparchive configuration, then it will include appropriate lines in Packages14:17
cjwatsongeiseri_: you'll need all the files for your distribution - the ones with ".extra." in the name include Task fields, while the others deal with getting Priority and Section correct14:18
cjwatson(the latter is mostly rather less important but does matter in some cases)14:18
geiseri_okay ill read up on ftparchive... i have a feeling i may be making this harder than it needs to be14:19
geiseri_because im using my local file based package repo14:20
lamontkernel is building on the afflicted architectures now (linux-libc-dev ftw or some such)14:21
geiseri_cjwatson: okay i think im still missing something here... apt-ftparchive generates the indices files? or it just creates a Packages file that causes me not to need them?14:30
cjwatsonapt-ftparchive generates the Packages files, using the .debs themselves and also the files from /ubuntu/indices/ as inputs14:31
cjwatsonthe installer does not itself use the files from /ubuntu/indices/ directly14:31
geiseri_ah, so really i need the indices files to include when i run the scanpackages then14:32
cjwatsondpkg-scanpackages is what we used to use before we had apt-ftparchive; I don't think it supports "extra overrides" (which contain Task fields)14:33
cjwatson(well, for values of "we" = Debian)14:33
geiseri_okay, so im better off to use apt-ftparchive then14:34
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Awsoonnhi guys, bug 312396 is cramping my workflow and I would like to have some guidance in fixing it. Who would be the best person to talk to?14:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312396 in gvfs "Nautilus opens files over SSH as read-only when not owner." [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31239614:36
cjwatsonAwsoonn: judging from the upstream bug, http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gvfs/commit/?id=4e49395240190526e is supposed to fix it15:07
Awsoonncjwatson: do you think it would be a bad idea to just get the latest version from git and make install?15:30
cjwatsonAwsoonn: I wouldn't like to say, since I have not looked at the changes in detail; it's entirely possible that that would cause problems15:32
pittiinfinity: can we do a mass give-back of failed karmic builds after the new kernel is in?15:32
cjwatsonpitti: lamont's going to15:32
AwsoonnI see there are 4 patches on it15:32
pitticjwatson: nice, thanks15:32
cjwatson(infinity is off sick, I think)15:32
pittiinfinity: uh, get well soon!15:32
cjwatsonAwsoonn: if it were me, I'd backport the change15:32
Awsoonnso just make a patch of that one change and make a new patch based on it?15:33
cjwatsonthat would be the approach I'd take, yes15:33
cjwatsonand report back to the bug if that solves it, of course15:33
Awsoonncool, and adding a patchfile to the patch dir will automagicly cause it to be applied when built right?15:33
Awsoonnif that makes sense15:34
cjwatsonAwsoonn: depends on the patch system; sometimes there's a '00list' or 'series' file that needs to be changed too15:35
Awsoonnit does have a series file, so it looks like I should add it ther too, ok. I"m getting the idea now. :)15:36
Awsoonnwhen I build the package with the patch added should I just use .configure make make install or do I need to make a package of it before installing?15:37
Awsoonni hope you dont mind so many questions. I really want to be MOTU someday so I'm still learning as much as possible. :P15:38
cjwatsonAwsoonn: if it were me, I would make a package of it (so also increment the version number in debian/changelog slightly)15:42
cjwatsonit's entirely possible for packages to lay files out differently from 'make install'15:43
Awsoonnthat is what I was fearing, so I will go the package route, thank you cjwatson !15:45
cjwatsonupload queue index numbers have passed the wow million mark - wow15:45
cjwatsonerr, the one million mark15:45
AwsoonnI think you were right the first time :)15:45
pitticjwatson: what was the 1.000.000th upload?15:50
pitti(and wow! indeed)15:50
amitkpitti: manjo is here now. Hit him with your Sony fixes ;)15:51
pittimanjo: hello!15:51
manjoreferesh my mem pls ?15:51
pittimanjo: do you have some minutes to try out a new udev-extras package for sony fn key handling?15:52
pittimanjo: http://martinpitt.wordpress.com/2009/05/08/devicekit-update-future-handling-of-fn-key-maps/15:52
pittimanjo: unfortunately the packages in my PPA didn't build yet (buildds blocked due to kernel bug)15:52
pittimanjo: but you can build it from the git branch (http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/devkit-devel/2009-May/000171.html)15:52
pittimanjo: I'm interested in whether this package, and hal-info keymaps disabled, works on sony vaios15:52
pittiI need to disappear for 20 minutes for physiotherapy; bbl15:53
manjopitti, my wife took the laptop with her to work... is it ok if I give you results on monday ?15:53
manjoamitk, ?15:54
cjwatsonpitti: what were the odds ... a language pack15:55
cjwatson 1000000 | -B | language-pack-gnome- | 1:9.04+20090504      | 43 hours15:55
cjwatsonlanguage-pack-gnome-om actually15:56
cjwatsonthough confusingly something tried to upload that to jaunty, not jaunty-proposed15:56
cjwatsonArneGoetje: is langpack-o-matic still targeting jaunty rather than jaunty-proposed in its changelogs, by any chance?15:56
cjwatsonArneGoetje: never mind - I see now that it was actually a PPA upload. Pretend I never said anything. :-)15:58
ion_pitti: Could you put the udev-extras package to a separate section in your PPA? I’d feel more easy about adding it to sources.list that way.16:00
ion_I see that it’s the only package in yourppa/karmic, but that can change. :-)16:00
cjwatsonpitti: oh, is *that* why you have enormous LP karma? it still seems to think all language packs are uploaded by you16:00
cjwatsonpitti: at least to the ubuntu-langpacks PPA16:00
* lamont goes to play with karmic16:13
jekiCan anyone look at this report? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/app-install-data-ubuntu/+bug/36858016:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 368580 in app-install-data-ubuntu "aMule should be offered instead of aMule AdunanzA" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:20
pittimanjo: absolutely; thank you!16:27
pitticjwatson: a PPA?16:27
pittiah, right16:27
pitticjwatson: oh, we get karma for uploads now?16:27
cjwatsonI think so16:28
pittiMaintainer: Language pack maintainers <language-packs@ubuntu.com>16:28
pittitimestamp: Thu 2008-02-14 14:50:13 +010016:29
pitti^ date of the change16:29
pittiI can set it to -core-dev, but I'd really keep it as that alias16:29
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pittijust curious why I'd get the karma for it personally16:29
cjwatsondunno, I was just looking at the display on ~ubuntu-langpacks/+archive/ppa16:32
pittiI wonder why I got the Karma then, and ArneGoetje didn't16:33
* pitti files a bug16:33
cjwatsonBTW I haven't actually checked whether you got karma for it16:34
cjwatsonI just saw that the uploader was listed as pitti16:34
pitticjwatson: ~pitti/+karma shows an abysmal soyuz component; it could only be that16:34
cjwatsonyou can't mean abysmal :)16:35
cjwatsonunless soyuz karma is negative16:35
pittiright, seems I slightly misunderstood the word16:36
* pitti looked into dictionary now and adjusted his vocab16:36
pittilike "scary"16:37
* cjwatson wonders if the opposite of abysmal should be empyrean16:37
cjwatsonperhaps not :)16:37
pittianyway, bug 37377216:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373772 in launchpad "pitti gets karma for language pack uploads" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37377216:38
pittiI want to compete on fair terms :)16:38
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calclooks like the archive will be usable again in a few hours :)17:18
calci386/lpia have linux built now17:18
cjwatsonyeah, lamont and I (mostly lamont) have been nursing things through17:18
cjwatsonpowerpc is done, amd64's nearly done17:19
* calc hugs cjwatson and lamont :)17:19
calclooks like ia64 failed for a strange rason17:19
calcer reason17:19
cjwatsonno it didn't, ia64 is built from linux-ports17:19
calcoh i see17:19
cjwatsonand never had this particular problem in the first place (by luck, I assume)17:19
cjwatsonsparc was never broken either17:19
lamontcjwatson: and IA64 is WINNING on the shortest-queue-depth competition. whoda thought?17:24
cjwatsonit had all that time of being non-broken to catch up17:24
geiseri_if i am generating my iso image from a script is it better to just inject my preseed file right into the initrd vs putting it on the cdrom filesystem?17:24
cjwatsonhmm, I clearly should have published lpia rather than waiting for amd64 - oh well, it really is nearly done now17:25
geiseri_or is it better to put the first three questions on the boot arguments17:25
cjwatsongeiseri_: if you're rebuilding the initrd *anyway*, then you might as well inject it in there, but otherwise I'd put it on the cdrom filesystem and edit boot arguments17:25
cjwatsonthe only "better" about it is convenience for you17:25
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shodgeshey, does anyone know of a small command-line utility that wraps the XGetInputFocus function for X11?17:27
shodgesI want to retrieve the ID of the window in focus, but preferably using a tool that is existing on the system already...17:27
shodgesMy searching so far has retrieved nothing, I've written my own program as a test, but I need to support remote Ubuntu systems over SSH, so transmitting the the binary program over the wire is a less desirable than just piggy-backing on an existing utility17:30
Awsoonncjwatson: I was able to manually apply the changes and it works! but what command should I use to generate a patch for it that i can put in the debian folder?17:53
Awsoonnfirst I guess I'm assuming that I'm not allowed to modify anythign outside the debian directory, correct?17:55
cjwatsondepends on the patch, I think you should perhaps read documentation under wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment and wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU which will be ultimately more rewarding that asking me :)17:56
cjwatsonlamont: publisher's running for the linux* packages that have made it so far, BTW18:02
cjwatsonI verified that the diffs against older linux-libc-dev seemed reasonable18:02
apwcan anyone tell me where i might find the uptodate source for gnome-power-manager ... both jaunty and karmic point me to the same bzr branch which seems to have no releveance to either18:04
cjwatsonwell 'apt-get source gnome-power-manager' is always up to date - ask the most recent uploader in its changelog18:05
apwcjwatson, thanks ... i knew that the apt-get source was always reliable, but it bitches at me and tells me not to use that ... will hastle someone :)18:06
apwseb128, pitti you have both updated gnome-power-manager recently.  the package claims to be in bzr but the reference there seems bogus and out of date... what did you use just the package?18:07
cjwatsonif the branch is already out of date, the hassling is not directed at you ...18:07
apwcjwatson, heh yeah :)  but i don't want to make it worse18:08
seb128apw: what bzr did you use?18:08
apwthe one it pointed me to i think in the debian/control file18:08
seb128which one is that?18:08
seb128let me have a look18:08
apwbut that as 2.5.99 on it18:08
apwand neither jaunty nor karmic are at that version18:09
seb128it's lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-power-manager/ubuntu18:09
apwfor which karmic or jaunty?18:09
seb128dunno about karmic18:09
seb128but we usually don't make different versions18:09
seb128we just have a trunk which has the unstable version18:10
apwthey are at rather different versions right now18:10
seb128no they are not18:10
seb128that's the same project18:10
seb128we don't have an hardy bzr, an intrepid bzr, etc18:10
seb128just trunk18:10
apwgnome-power-manager | 2.24.2-2ubuntu8 |        jaunty | source, amd64, i38618:10
apwgnome-power-manager | 2.26.1-0ubuntu1 |        karmic | source18:10
apwthat tip can't be both?18:11
seb128no, as said it's current unstable18:11
seb128unstable = karmic18:11
seb128we don't keep stable series in a different bzr, we just keep upgrading the bzr18:11
seb128if you need to do a sru apt-get source the jaunty version and debdiff on that18:11
apwright so ... to make a change in jaunty, should i just produce a debdiff or should i make a new bzr branch off somwhere in history myself18:11
apwseb128, ok thanks18:11
seb128you're welcome18:12
seb128we don't do enough sru uploads to outweight the cost to carry several bzr versions, etc18:12
apwi'll strip the vcs link for jaunty too at the same time18:12
seb128sru should be minimal changes if you aim for that18:12
seb128I'm not sure starting doing cleaning is a good idea18:13
apwi would have hoped a branch in bzr would be next to free.  but whatever you are doing is ok with me18:13
apwwell having stale information in there is rather confusing ... it pointed me to bzr, when we arn't using it, and to the wrong one even so18:13
apwbut your call, i'll ignore it18:13
Awsoonnapw, you may concider submitting your minimal debdiff for the sru and a second one with the updated link for karmic or something that.18:15
seb128apw: it's probably next to free, we just don't have a policy for naming, where to store those, how to update the vcs field in control, etc18:15
Awsoonnseb128: feel free to correct me on that.18:15
seb128apw: since often we will switch to a new unstable without touching the stable source18:16
seb128ie we work on jaunty, the bzr used is trunk and that's in the uploaded sources18:16
seb128then karmic open18:16
cjwatsonI'm fine with a Vcs-Bzr correction in an SRU, personally18:16
apwseb128, yep some process required for sure.  i would have thought naming by series at the time of release would be appropriate18:17
cjwatsonapw: it's not worth putting lots of effort into putting that in place across the board now - we'll get it once we switch to the new source package branches scheme that james-w and others are working on18:17
apwprobabally something someone should bring up at UDS with a view to producing guidance18:17
seb128apw: you would need to reupload everything to change the vcs18:17
cjwatsonit'll then be lp:ubuntu/jaunty/gnome-power-manager etc.18:17
apwcjwatson, there is a new scheme ...18:17
cjwatsonand probably overrides to set Vcs-Bzr18:18
cjwatsonapw: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment et al18:18
apwcjwatson, that makes a lot of sense i suspect18:18
apwcjwatson, sounds like its already done18:18
cjwatsonalready extensively discussed, not quite done but we're cloe18:18
* apw buts out of that one then :)18:18
seb128the discussions are for a scheme for the whole archive18:19
cjwatsonright, which will account for this case18:19
seb128the current bzr packaging is not consistent accross the board18:19
apwsounds like something to stay well clear of being blamed^Winvolved in18:19
seb128ubuntu-desktop is not an heavy bzr user and we picked easy scheme on the way18:19
seb128it's probably far from perfect but work for what we have to do usually18:19
seb128ie we usually focus on jaunty, spend some times on sru, then switch to karmic18:20
apwseb128, no what you are doing is completely fine.  i care not to be fair, just as someone bumping into your package i am not finding it easy.  in fact this is the second time and its moved every time :/18:20
seb128that's the first sru done after a karmic change, ie usually one bzr fits the work18:20
seb128apw: universal rule is "apt-get source, change, debdiff" and open sponsor request18:21
seb128then let the packagers deal with their bzr etc18:21
apwand get whined at for ingnoring the bzr line (in my experience)18:21
seb128people usually complain when somebody upload without considering bzr18:21
seb128for sponsoring a debdiff should not be an issue18:22
apwbut cool.  i was about to do the right thing, so all is good, which was to push a debdiff to launchpad and ...18:22
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
* Awsoonn is now hungry18:23
Awsoonnsorry to interupt, but when I built my package and installed it appears another package requires a dependancy update to mach my new version. when I submit to LP do i ned to produce a debdiff for every package that needs a bump?18:25
cjwatsonthat's very odd; such dependencies (that require changes when you *increase* a version) are rare in the extreme. Can you give specifics, please?18:26
Awsoonnyea, I and hitting gvfs with that patch, and now libglib2.0-dev seems to be missing a dep18:27
Awsoonnstrangly enough gvfs is not one it's depends. so i'm really confused there..18:29
seb128Awsoonn: could you copy the error on pastebin.ubuntu.com?18:30
cjwatsonyou definitely need to be specific about the exact error message, yes18:31
calchmm did i386 not get published yet?18:32
cjwatsonit's working on it18:32
cjwatsonthe publisher is not all that quick, be gentle with it18:32
cjwatsonI think the guts of it are done now, but it still has to run germinate before poking the mirrors18:32
AwsoonnI'll need some help here, when I rebooted after installing the new gvfs update-manager put an error in my notification area and says  Error: BrokenCount >0 This usually means that your installed packages have unmet dependancies.18:33
cjwatsonrun 'dpkg --configure -a' in a terminal and paste.ubuntu.com what it says18:33
Awsoonnohh cjwatson that is very usefull. I think i have found the problem. :)18:35
Awsoonnwhen I installed all of my .debs that were producded from pbuilder I mistakenly installed all of them, including a -dev package. It didn't automagicly pull in teh dependancies since I used dpkg -i to install it and was now complaining that libgvfscommon-dev needed some dependancies. :)18:37
cjwatsondpkg -iO is your friend18:40
cjwatson(only install packages that were already installed)18:40
Awsoonnoh, yea that would have been good to know indeed18:40
calccjwatson: hmm is -i0 documented anywhere? i didn't see it in the manpage18:42
cjwatsoncalc: O not 018:43
cjwatson       -O, --selected-only18:43
cjwatsonlinux-libc-dev fixed for most architectures (not armel/hppa yet), relevant buildds back to auto18:44
cjwatsongive-backs have been queued, please tell me if you still see failures that indicate missing asm/*.h headers (do not tell me about any failure you happen to see!)18:44
* calc definitely needs new glasses18:44
calccool :)18:45
cjwatsonand the publisher's back to auto as well18:45
pittiseb128: hm, I have used bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnome-power-manager-team/gnome-power/trunk18:53
pittiapw: ^18:53
pittiseb128: and that branch reflects what's in karmic18:54
seb128pitti: ok, apparently that's not uptodate18:54
* pitti pushes18:54
pittioops, sorry18:54
seb128and I though we agreed to move it to ubuntu-desktop bzr?18:54
seb128not that I really care18:54
pittiseb128: can do, I don't mind much; would make sense18:54
pittiapw: so, if you uploaded something already, I'll just commit it18:54
seb128but to have a consistent namespacing18:55
pittiapw: anyway, it's current now18:55
apwpitti, nothing has happened, we are good18:55
seb128pitti: he's working on a jaunty sru so it will not be really useful18:55
pittiapw: I went through my AH talk and ignored IRC18:55
seb128which leaded to a discuss about stable versions and bzr18:55
pittifeel free to create a bzr branch if you prefer18:55
pittiif not, just ignore it18:55
apwyeah i am happy.  and know what to do18:55
calcyipee new linux-libc-dev is now available from mirrors :)18:55
* calc rebuilds OOo locally to track down the other bug18:56
* calc hopes to have OOo 1:3.1.0-1ubuntu1 done today if he can resolve the OOo gcj issue18:58
pittioh, it's released? nice18:58
calcpitti: yea was released late wednesday but we then had the linux-libc-dev headers problem, and some sort of weird failure in building OOo due to gcj on a couple arches18:59
AwsoonnI'd like to share a bit of happienss in my world with you all... http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d66e916ad19:07
mterryyay for linux-libc-dev, may you never die again19:10
lamontmterry: there have been some more interesting events in the past, to be sure, though19:11
mterrylamont: Fine.  How about, "May we live in boring times", then.  :)19:12
lamont"oh meh.  rebuild the archive and then throw the old stuff away. kthx" being my personal favorite.19:14
macoso uh, when syncing has the archive broken six-ways-to-tuesday and pbuilder can't pull dependencies does it make sense to test that packages builds by using jaunty?19:24
cody-somervillemaco, sure19:30
macook thanks19:31
* maco waits19:31
geiseri_grmbl... okay my installer starts now but it keeps complaining that ppoe is not installed.... even though i dont need it... did i screw something up in my preseed file?19:40
gesermaco: but be aware that it might fail in karmic even if it builds in jaunty19:50
macothis early even?19:50
macoi didn't think they'd diverged that far yet19:50
gesernew library versions or gcc-4.4 comes to mind19:51
cody-somervilleShould one use ${source:Version} or ${binary:Version}? ${binary:Version} will only ever mismatch ${source:Version} if the binary specifies a specific version, right?19:53
james_wcody-somerville: or binary rebuilds in Debian19:53
cody-somervillejames_w, so I should use ${binary:Version} for arch:all packages?19:54
james_wany -> all should be source:Version19:54
james_wany -> any should be binary:Version19:55
james_wall -> any should be source:Version19:55
james_wI *think*19:55
james_wI know lintian knows the rules19:55
james_wthe last shouldn't be an exact dependency though19:56
gesercody-somerville: http://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2006/09/msg00230.html and http://wiki.debian.org/binNMU should help you19:56
cody-somervilleThanks :)19:56
cody-somervilleThis is going to get hairy19:59
* cody-somerville is fixing a package with 46 occurrences of ${Source-Version}20:00
cody-somervilleand mismatch of any and all packages20:00
cody-somervilleHopefully lintian will help me20:01
cody-somervillesweet, it does. :)20:02
cody-somervillejames_w, geser: Whats more correct? Lintian suggests to do (>= ${source:Version}) instead of using ${binary:Version}.20:05
geserit probably depends on the use-case20:06
calccody-somerville: >= ${source:Version} probably is better since it won't break cases where debian has to do binary NMU's (At least I think that is why there is a difference)20:07
* cody-somerville nods.20:07
gesercalc: but wouldn't that break -dbg packages? as you could use the -dbg package with a newer package20:08
Awsoonnnow that I have a debdiff for bug #312396 uploaded should I subscribe someone or e-mail someone?20:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312396 in gvfs "Nautilus opens files over SSH as read-only when not owner." [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31239620:09
calcgeser: i'm not sure... wouldn't the dbg package be rebuilt as well in the debian case when a binary NMU is done?20:09
calcgeser: the issue (i think) that source:Version vs binary:Version tries to solve is when there are dependencies between any and all packages in the same source20:10
gesercalc: they would get rebuilt but the dependency wouldn't force to have matching versions installed20:10
cody-somervilleshould an all -> all use source or binary version?20:12
calcgeser: ah well that is a good point in that -dbg packages probably should have binary:Version depends instead of source:Version, other things in particular any vs all packages shouldn't20:12
calccody-somerville: this is probably documented somewhere better than just going by my opinion :)20:12
calccody-somerville: though i think it should be safe using either for a all -> all dependency20:12
calccody-somerville: was lintian telling you to use source:Version on dbg packages that depend on other any packages?20:13
calcif so that is probably a bug20:13
calcalthough if it isn't i would like to hear the reasoning for that :)20:13
gesersource:Version would be more correct but as there aren't any binNMUs for arch:all packages binary:Version should also work20:13
cody-somervilleIts complaining about meta packages20:13
cody-somervilleex., not-binnmuable-all-depends-any pike7.8 -> pike7.8-core20:14
calcok yea that makes sense20:14
calcany time you cross the all<->any line you don't want a binary:Version (afaik)20:14
calcor even a source:Version without the >= for that matter20:15
cody-somervilleWon't the source version stay the same though?20:15
cody-somerville(everything is built out of the same source package)20:15
infinitycody-somerville: The arch:all package might not get rebuilt in a binNMU20:16
infinitycody-somerville: We don't actually DO binNMUs in Ubuntu, mind you, because all this mess annoys me.20:16
cody-somervillewon't the source version for both the rebuilt any package and the not-rebuilt all package be the same though?20:16
infinitycody-somerville: But the correct thing for all->any is "Depends: package_any (>= SourceVersion)"20:16
infinitycody-somerville: No, source version gets the binNMU version on a rebuild.20:17
infinitycody-somerville: binNMU isn't magical, it just increments the source version and pumps through sbuild.20:17
cody-somervilleI thought binNMU was just bumping the binary version and not the source version *specifically*.20:17
gesercody-somerville: yes, but you would probably be more strict than necessary if you use = source:Version20:17
infinitycody-somerville: There's no way to do what you think it does.20:18
infinitycody-somerville: binNMU is literally forcing the source version to rev slightly, then rebuilding.20:18
infinitygeser: "= source:Version" breaks, period.  It's not just "too strict".20:18
calcinfinity: you can rev the output version without changing the source version20:18
cody-somervilleinfinity, I thought the whole point of specifying the version of the source package was to allow for the binary version to mismatch the source version20:18
calcinfinity: OOo does that itself20:18
calcinfinity: at least for the case where source version != binary version20:19
infinitycalc: You can specify versions yourself.  That's not what I'm talking about. :P20:19
calcinfinity: ok20:19
infinitycalc: The binNMU process literally just says "now our source version is 1.2.3-4+b1" and rebuilds.20:19
infinitycalc: What your rules file does with that source version is up to you, obviously. :)20:19
calcinfinity: won't that cause problems if a package has binary packages that has source:Version in it though?20:20
calcinfinity: eg (package all) >= source:Version ?20:20
infinitycody-somerville: Yes, binary package versions and source versions can mismatch, and often do (see gcc-defaults for some serious fun there), but we're talking about different things here.20:20
cody-somervilleoh, okay20:21
infinitycalc: Hence why lintian has checks to make sure you don't use relationships that break on binNMUs. :P20:21
infinitycalc: And now we've come full circle!20:21
calcinfinity: hmm i thought it was suggesting to cody-somerville to put those in20:21
calcinfinity: instead of using eg (package all) binary:Version20:21
cody-somervilleIt says to do: Depends: arch_any (>= ${source:Version})20:22
calcinfinity: if it actually increments the source:Version then that would break any kind of dependency on arch all packages form an arch any package that tries to do a version20:22
calccody-somerville: ok20:22
infinitycalc: any->all should pretty much never have a strict source-version dep, no.20:22
infinitycalc: all->any can have a source-version dep, but it needs to be >=20:23
calcinfinity: any-20:23
infinitycody-somerville: Yeah, for your use case, that's correct.20:23
calcinfinity: any->all is common on packages who have their shared data split out though, so was that case really not catered for?20:23
infinitycalc: If you look at such cases, they never have strict deps.20:23
cody-somervilleinfinity, Would you be kind enough to review my control file after I sort out all the binNMU errors out from lintian?20:23
calcah, well seems pretty boneheaded since that can easily cause major problems if not even the same upstream version is installed of the shared data :\20:24
infinitycalc: (First case I could think of, readline... libreadline5 has an unversioned dep on readline-common)20:24
infinitycalc: Like I said, there are reasons why I *always* push back against people who want to do binNMUs in Ubuntu, and it's not because I couldn't implement it in short order.20:25
infinitycalc: It's all very messy for very little reward, IMO.20:25
calcinfinity: yea20:26
infinitycalc: From the any->all data perspective, though, my best solution (and I've done this in the past) is "Depends: foo-data (>= $Upstream-Version)"20:26
infinitycalc: THat should tend to get you the correct data for the runtime, but not worry about debian revisions and other pain.20:26
calcis Upstream-Version a defined variable or something you have construct yourself?20:27
infinityThere are lots of pre-defined ones now, and that may exist somewhere... I construct it myself, though.20:27
\sha bit late...but congrats to 9.04...I was busy to congrats you all during release time :)20:28
Laneycongrats to you, \sh!20:30
cody-somervilleinfinity, How does this look? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/167087/20:30
\shLaney: thx :)20:31
infinityWow, pastebin.u.c has markup for control files?20:31
infinityOr maybe it just sees it as rfc822 and goes from there.20:32
cody-somervilleinfinity, sure does :]20:32
infinitycody-somerville: How is this changed from grendel's original control files?20:32
infinitycody-somerville: (I have a hard time believing his have been horribly broken for years...)20:33
cody-somervilleinfinity, They were all =${Source-Version}20:33
cody-somervilleAnd the standards version was
infinitycody-somerville: At a glance, it looks fine to me.20:35
cody-somervilleinfinity, Awesome, thanks20:35
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
cjwatsongeiseri_: make sure your Packages file is sorted alphabetically by package. (Yes, really - there's a bug filed about this somewhere ...)20:41
cjwatsongeiseri_: bug 36298920:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362989 in anna "custom ISO breaks due to d-i undefined behavior, Packages file ordering affects issue" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36298920:42
cjwatsongeiseri_: you can just take ppp-udeb off your image as another convenient workaround; you almost certainly don't need it20:43
cjwatsonhppa buildds back on auto20:45
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
cjwatsoninfinity: could you do a mass give-back on ia64 and sparc? they weren't affected by the linux-libc-dev breakage, so lamont didn't do a give-back on them, but there was an earlier problem there which made little things like debhelper and gettext uninstallable (due to some component override breakage) and so I think a give-back would be worthwhile21:05
infinitycjwatson: Doing.21:05
cjwatsonta. I eventually figured it was probably a waste of time having me click around ...21:06
infinitycjwatson: Done.21:06
cjwatsonhmm. can I do a mass give-back, seeing as I'm an archive admin and in launchpad-buildd-admins? or does it need direct access to the buildds?21:07
infinitycjwatson: You can probably do it, yes.  But you'd totally make me redundant if you did! :P21:08
infinityWow.  My brain just shot way in the past.  That can't be healthy.21:08
cjwatson(in theory, I know how to do manual builds of single packages on the buildds. that doesn't mean I want to.)21:08
infinitydrescher.ubuntu.com: forward host lookup failed: Unknown host21:08
infinity^-- Seriously, what now?21:08
infinitycjwatson: Anyhow, "buildd-mass-retry" as "lp_buildd" is the command you'd be after.21:09
infinitycjwatson: Seems to work from cocoplum just as well as cesium, so.. *shrug*21:10
infinitycjwatson: (And it behaves kinda poorly without arguments, so at least throw it a --help)21:10
cjwatsonfair enough, thanks21:10
jdstrandslangasek, Riddell, kirkland, StevenK: has syncbugbot been working for you guys lately? it is failing with "message: An internal server error occurred. Please try again later."21:52
slangasekjdstrand: it worked for me on Monday, after I grabbed a fresh lpcookie21:52
slangasekLP had logged me out, the week before21:52
slangasekkirkland said it wasn't working for him after a cookie change, though, so maybe something else is broken since Monday21:53
jdstrandslangasek: yeah, I saw you mentioned that, but the sum on my cookie is the same21:53
cody-somervilleWhats the best way to deal with a package that requires its self to build?21:53
slangasekcare to give me a bug num for one you're trying to sync, I'll see if it works for me?21:53
jdstrandslangasek: 371796 -f21:53
slangasekcody-somerville: the best way is to fix it so it doesn't require that. :)21:53
slangasekcody-somerville: the other option is to ask for manual bootstrapping by the buildd admins21:54
slangasekjdstrand: WFM21:54
cody-somervilleslangasek, Does python require its self? I'm working on packaging pike7.8 and one of its module (which is included as part of pike) seems to require pike for a script it runs or something.21:55
slangasekpython does not.21:55
Adri2000Keybuk: you around?22:15
calcwhat is the buildd url on lp?22:16
cjwatsoncalc: which buildd url?22:17
calci guess i was looking for launchpad.net/builders22:18
cjwatsonthat's one possible meaning, yes :)22:18
calcok :)22:18
cjwatsonI thought you might have meant URLs for particular builds22:18
calcwow big queues22:18
cjwatsonyeah, the give-backs will take a while to churn through22:19
Adri2000Keybuk: never mind22:49
calcugh this OOo test build is taking forever :-\22:49
Nafallocalc: you act surprised?22:51
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
calcNafallo: well it is taking longer than i expected, at 3.5hr and still unknown amount of time left22:57
* TheMuso sighs in relief at the new ports kernel working.23:23
calcit finally finished and failed in the same way again23:27
calcit builds on amd64 but not on i386/lpia due to claim that libgcj.spec missing23:27
calcdoko: ^23:27
calc/usr/bin/gcj -c -g -O2 -fPIC -findirect-dispatch -fjni LuceneHelpWrapper.jar.1.jar -o LuceneHelpWrapper.jar.1.o23:28
calcgcj: libgcj.spec: No such file or directory23:28
calcbut its there: /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4/libgcj.spec23:28

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