
=== bryce_ is now known as bryce
=== bradf_afk is now known as bjf
cjwatsoncould somebody please do linux and linux-ports uploads with Build-Conflicts: findutils (= 4.4.1-1ubuntu1), so that they're available when lamont starts work on the manual recovery? bug 37321409:21
ubot3Malone bug 373214 in linux "/usr/include/asm/* is not present in linux-libc-dev" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37321409:21
ramzaihello all. Is this channel a right place to ask a question related to building & packaging a custom kernel (rather a newbie one)?09:26
ramzaiI've compiled a current intrepid git for generic flavour (2.6.27-14.34), which resulted in two debs: linux-image-2.6.27-14-generic_2.6.27-14.34_i386.deb and linux-headers-2.6.27-14-generic_2.6.27-14.34_i386.deb. The latter one depends on linux-headers-2.6.27-14 package, how can I get one?09:29
smbramzai, you have to build binary-headers if you do not build the complete binary-arch09:41
ramzaiI'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile and compiling with CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=2 AUTOBUILD=1 NOEXTRAS=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic09:42
ramzaiI need to add binary-headers, correct?09:43
smbramzai, You would add a secound step with binary-headers instead of binary-generic. binary-arch would do all (but also -server, which you probably don't want)09:44
ramzaiyes, I don't need -server. Thanks!09:45
cjwatsonsmb: don't suppose you could do a karmic upload? it just needs http://paste.ubuntu.com/166616/plain/ applied09:51
smbcjwatson, By the rights I certainly can do. Let me have a look at it09:51
cjwatsonreasonably urgent as nearly all other builds are broken at the moment :)09:52
smbcjwatson, Is now reasonable :)09:52
TheMusocjwatson: linux-ports going up now, give it half an hour or so for it to be uploaded09:52
cjwatsonTheMuso: kewl, thanks. I'm not sure lamont is up yet anyway, I just want them to be in place when he is ...10:25
cjwatsonfindutils patch accepted upstream AFAICT, pending copyright assignment10:28
TheMusogood to hear10:33
smbcjwatson, The kernel upload just finished. It is test-compiling in parallel. So I will give another ping if that is successful and you wait until that before pulling the accept(-flush)-chain.10:36
TheMusosmb: its already on the buildds10:37
TheMusosmb: how recently have you updated the chroot you are using for the test build?10:37
smbTheMuso, Should be ok. I normally are a bit parnoid, but it passed the abi check on generic, so it should be fine10:37
smbTheMuso, Actually I am way too much back10:38
smbI do not have a karmic chroot yet10:38
smbIts in a Jaunty chroot10:38
cjwatsonit would be a pain to stop it being automatically accepted on karmic, but it doesn't matter - we expect the automatic build on LP to fail, but lamont will take care of it manually10:38
smbcjwatson, Oh, well. Seems I am too much used to stable. Nothing is automatic there10:39
cjwatsonso don't worry about the rather explosive failures10:40
cjwatsongood to see that build-conflicts works anyway ;-)10:40
smbHeh, ok. :)10:40
apwlinux-generic is what makes me keep my generic kernel up to date right?10:59
apwthat being uninstalled would be pretty bad no?10:59
amitkumm, yes11:01
amitkit is the meta package11:01
apwthats what i thought ... somethign is bust out there me thinks11:02
apwseems having some packages not NEW'd to the archive leads to this ... not good11:06
rokr1hello all12:14
rokr1i actually got problem regarding COMPIZ FUSION ... my question is, will it work fine in 2.5.30RC2 kernel??12:15
rokr1using UBUNTU 9.04 with 2.6.28-1112:15
rokr1any one??12:16
amitkrokr1: sounds like a userspace problem.12:16
amitktry #ubuntu for help12:16
ograhow is compiz related to the kernel ?12:16
ograogra@osiris:~$ modprobe compiz12:17
ograFATAL: Module compiz not found.12:17
ogradang ...12:17
rokr1because of the optimization in Intel driver mesa release 2.7 i think i will work fine in latest kernel12:17
rokr1dats y12:17
ograif its about mesa, probably try #ubuntu-x then ...12:18
amitkrokr1: mesa is still userspace. There are some bugs about performance on intel graphics cards. Try search launchpad for them.12:18
rokr1ok wats the latest kernel which can b used with UBUNTU 9.0412:18
rokr1is 2.6.30RC released12:19
ograwhat would you think the RC means ? :)12:19
amitkrokr1: what ogra said. You can try mainline kernels from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/, but we won't support them.12:20
rokr1release candidate12:20
ograright ... 12:20
rokr1i know it ogra12:20
ogracanididate :)12:20
rokr1wat ever i am poor in englis so i accept ogra12:20
rokr1well nice meetin u ogra12:20
rokr1thanks amitk i will try it12:21
rokr1i would like to know will there be upgrade kernel version to in ubuntu 9.04??12:24
rokr1in future12:24
rokr1why is that so??12:24
ograsome bugfixes will be backported to the .28 kernel from .29 or .30 though12:25
rokr1i am not a geek so i dont know much infos regarding kernels!!;) so dont mind me12:26
ograand indeed security fixes ... either will come to you via jaunty-updates or jaunty-security12:26
rokr1as i know from kernel.org it seems is a stable release12:26
macoright, but if we change things all willy-nilly, it can make other parts break12:26
ograbut not tested in context with the rest of the distro12:26
macoif we keep the same version, we at least know what works & what doesn't then can fix some of the bugs to make that "what works" list increase while "what doesn't" decreases12:27
rokr1so i can expect it in 9.10 in future!!12:27
ograif you change the full kernel you might need to change userspace and test that ... which we do, we call it karmic (9.10) :)12:27
amitkrokr1: 9.10 will get you a 2.6.30 or 2.6.31 kernel12:28
rokr1so if we add new kernel and check it in a userspace we need to apply it to all the core programs regarding devices, and other hardware oriented application am i correct ??12:29
macorokr1: for example, changes in the kernel may require rebuilding X or getting a newer X which could in turn require rebuilding large graphical libraries12:30
maco(someone correct me if that's not how changes to linux-drm work)12:30
amitkmaco: that is correct12:31
ograwell, there are other dependency chains ... imagine the kernel changes, that induces changes to hal ... which in turn changes gnome-power-manager ... so you also have impact on gui tools in some cases12:31
ograeven though they dont interact *directly* with hardware or the kernel, the underlying layer might change 12:32
rokr1humh, Digital Right Management12:32
rokr1humh, Digital Rights Management12:32
macono, the other drm12:32
amitkDirect Rendering Management12:32
macoyeah that one12:32
rokr1thanks!! to inform me !!12:32
rokr1i really dont know those abbre..12:33
ograMopper :)12:33
macoheh, i forgot what it stood for, just that it's a "talk to the graphics card" thing12:33
rokr1to say is system freezing due to kernel12:34
rokr1because of wrong drivers??12:34
rokr1is wrongly programmed drivers12:35
rokr1correct me12:35
rokr1wats the difference between restricted, nd backport kernel modules12:36
macorokr1: yes, bad drivers can be a cause of a system lockup. so can bad hardware.12:39
rokr1then i will have to use bad words to INTEL12:40
macousually intel's pretty good, but not necessarily when their hardware is very very new12:40
rokr1i agree except the processor12:40
rokr1all the other hardware's are useless12:41
macohmm? i meant if you get the newest intel wireless card, it may take 6 months or so for the driver to get up to speed12:41
macooh, i only use intel hardware because the support is generally very good12:41
macoeasier to get working than many other vendors12:41
rokr1i am using 3945 wifi card nd  GMA X3100 which both have lost support by intel12:41
macobut depending on how that hardware is integrated into your motherboard, you can hit snags12:42
macono they haven't12:42
macoi'm using X3100 right now. enable Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy" in xorg.conf if your graphics are locking up. that's one thing i ran into12:42
macoand my other laptop uses 3945 wireless just fine. the one i'm on right now uses 4965 which was, admittedly, a pain in 8.04 and the early weeks of 8.1012:43
macoanyway, backports modules contain patches pulled from newer upstream kernels to fix hardware compatibility issues in the one that ubuntu ships12:44
macorestricted modules contains drivers that are not free/libre open source12:44
macobecause not all hardware vendors are willing to release totally free drivers12:45
rokr1so is there any new backport for intel graphics available???12:45
macotry what i just said about that setting12:46
macomy experience with the X3100 is that it just needs to be using the settings it had in 8.10 to work well, and that means adding: Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"12:46
macoto the video device part of your xorg.conf12:47
maco(granted, there are multiple chips out there that are called X3100, but it's worth a try)12:47
lagamy x3100 is slow as hell with jaunty and kde 4. :(12:47
macothere's also the ~x-swat team on launchpad. they have newer graphics drivers for intel available and somewhere you can get the old drivers from 8.10 recompiled for 9.0412:47
rokr1ya in 8.10 it worked fine12:47
rokr1but using compiz slows the performance a bit but it worked12:48
macolaga: for me in that setup, it was locking up X a few times a day. greedy makes it stable *shrug* and i think that's a bug introduced like 2 weeks before release too12:49
rokr1had to use nidiswrapper to run 394512:49
rokr1hate windows12:49
macothat doesnt make any sense at all12:49
macoX wasn't locking up on me, then i added greedy and it was still fine. then i did a clean install the day after release and is started getitng X lockups. put greedy back in, and it was stable again12:49
macorokr1: 3945's driver is included by defalut12:50
macoit should've worked out of the box, even from the live cd12:50
rokr1but it wont work12:50
macothere's absolutely zero effort required in any ubuntu release at least back to 6.06 for that chip12:50
rokr1u mean iwl3945??12:50
macoit used to be ipw3945 and have somewhat better range....12:51
rokr1i tried it but it was waste of tine12:51
macohow so?12:51
rokr1but when i used ndiswrapper it worked out of box12:51
macoi dont understand12:51
macowhat was a waste of time about iwl3945?12:51
macowhy was there even time involved?12:52
macoit should've worked as soon as you booted12:52
macoif it didn't that's VERY weird12:52
rokr1using the iwl3945, & ipw3945 the device goes to an unstable state i have no control with the device 12:53
macounstable state?12:53
rokr1the becon in device is constant it cannot connect to network!!12:54
macoif by "no control" you mean you cant do fun things with hacker tools....yeah, iwl3945 didn't have some of the modes ipw3945 had that made it nice for use with wireless cracking tools12:54
rokr1i love to use BT3 nd now BT4b12:54
rokr1with ipw394512:54
macoer...*thinking* i'm about 99% sure i successfully used aircrack-ng with iwl3945 in december12:55
rokr1but it wont work in UBUNTU12:55
rokr1is kill switch prob solved??12:55
macokill switch problem?12:55
macoi dont use my kill switch...so no idea12:55
rokr1yes to disable nd enable wifi device12:56
macoi also dont use that laptop unless this one's being repaired because it's HEAVY12:56
rokr1its availabe in most of the new laptops12:56
macoaye, i know what it is, i just dont use the kill switch12:56
rokr1yes dats y u dont know12:56
macoi know you can't trust the LED12:57
macobecause there are many devices where you press the kill switch and the LED turns off. you press it again and the device powers back up but the LED stays off so it *looks* like the device is off12:57
macorokr1: well, give that xorg.conf thing a shot, and maybe try linux-backports-modules for the wireless (maybe i had that installed when i got aircrack to work with iw3945)13:08
macobut both of those bits of hardware *should* be well-supported13:08
eagles0513875update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/linux-restricted-modules-common missing LSB information13:28
tjaaltonI'm trying to debug why the load on one jaunty server (eight-core amd64) periodically gets high, even though there are no processes taking cpu time, nor is the disk-io to blame (it has 64GB of RAM)13:48
tjaaltonso how to find out what's going on? it happens ~every 15min but is not caused by cron13:50
tjaaltonany ideas..13:50
tjaaltonthe load jumps to ~3-4, which is not that alarming, but when there are 6x more users than now..13:51
smbtjaalton, Is it only the load that gets up or any of the other stats?13:56
tjaaltonsmb: iotop/iftop both are fairly quiet, just like (h)top13:57
tjaaltonI'm not sure where to look next13:57
smbAny virtualisation involved?13:59
tjaaltonnope, real hw13:59
smbHm, ok...14:00
amitktjaalton: I/O or CPU?14:00
tjaaltonamitk: the cpu usage seems to be <10% on all cores14:00
tjaaltonso it's not that14:01
amitktjaalton: try 'vmstat 1' to see if it is I/O. Then you could look at sar (sysstat) for more detailed debugging14:02
tjaaltonamitk: cool, thanks14:02
tjaaltonyeah, looks like sar should cut it14:04
tjaaltonI'll investigate...14:04
tjaaltonwell, it's not I/O14:25
smbtjaalton, Which values go up? Only load? 14:29
rokr1hello all14:32
rokr1sorry for unexpected disconnection!! all especially maco14:33
rokr1had power cut !!14:33
tjaaltonsmb: yeah14:36
smbtjaalton, So nothing seen in syscalls, wait, et all. Hard to tell probably, does it "feel" loaded14:37
tjaaltonsmb: well, no. it has plenty of power.. it's just distracting to see it on the graph :)14:39
amitktjaalton: how long does the load last?14:39
smbtjaalton, Yeah, as said, hard to tell on an 8core. I wonder whether just the load number goes nuts14:40
amitkit _could_ be a bug in load calculations. 8-core machines haven't exactly been popular desktops until a few months ago :)14:41
tjaaltonamitk: it lasts a couple of minutes, enough to keep the long time average above 0.514:41
smbHm, what was the definition of that? The number of processes in the run queue or something like that...14:41
tjaaltonthis is a blade server14:41
tjaaltonfor ssh shell sessions14:42
amitktjaalton: so every 15min for 2mins?14:42
tjaaltonamitk: yeah, something like that14:42
amitktjaalton: can you ship me one? I'll fix it ;)14:43
tjaaltonamitk: you'd need the HP blade frame too :)14:43
tjaaltonor what's it called14:43
amitkhehe... just kidding14:43
smbtjaalton, is the blade 1U?14:43
tjaaltonsmb: yes14:43
smbamitk, So you ont want it14:43
amitktjaalton: try latencytop14:44
amitksmb: no, not a 1U. I just managed to get rid of the one I had14:44
smbamitk, yeah, me too14:44
smbNot very office friendly14:44
amitknot very head friendly14:45
tjaaltonit's not rack-wide either, so probably not 1U.. there are nine of them besides one another, in an upright position14:45
tjaaltonyeah, the frame isn't that quiet :)14:46
tjaaltonHP BL460c is the blade model14:46
amitktjaalton: see if latencytop shows something. I wonder if it is something like kernel IPI (interrupt rescheduling) causing bouncing14:47
amitktjaalton: powertop too14:47
tjaalton(it's replacing an old alphaserver ES40, 4*EV67, which barely ever get's over 0.5 load with ~600 users)14:48
tjaaltoncool, installed both14:48
tjaaltonCause                                                Maximum     Percentage14:49
tjaaltonsys_rt_sigsuspend system_call_fastpath            18446744073334896.0 msec        -86214:49
tjaaltoncould be mpath-related?14:50
tjaaltonhmm, powertop suggests enabling usb autosuspend14:52
mistersparkshi all, I am currently looking for literature/documentation on the internet on the work done on the ubuntu kernel14:52
mistersparksI am specifically looking for info on how the stock kernel (upstream) is different from the final ubuntu kernel14:52
amitktjaalton: lol14:52
mistersparksanyone that can point me in the right direction ?14:52
tjaaltonamitk: http://pastebin.com/m4098cd9614:53
amitkmistersparks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam14:53
mistersparksamitk thats the page that brought me here14:53
mistersparkswhich isnt what im looking for14:53
mistersparksamitk, oh just read your a kernel engineer , sweet14:54
amitktjaalton: let it run over the 15 minute period (to capture the load)14:54
tjaaltonamitk: yeah, should happen within 5min14:55
mistersparksmy final goal is to build a kernel that is more "lighter" than the default14:56
mistersparksI want it to match my hardware configuration as per lspci14:56
amitkmistersparks: then you will have to custom compile it14:56
mistersparksim getting the git tree clone as we speak14:56
mistersparksand im gonna follow the wiki doc on it14:57
amitkmistersparks: though a lot of the stuff is modules these days, so I am unsure of the net gain14:57
mistersparksis there a way to identify which module corresponds to my entries in lspci automatically ?14:57
amitkmistersparks: in most cases the names are self-explanatory14:59
mistersparks,man I hope i dont screw this up14:59
mistersparkstheoretically would an ubuntu kernel package install on debian ?15:00
amitkjust don't erase the default kernel, so you always have a backup kernel to boot into15:00
amitkmistersparks: yes, I know several people that use it15:00
mistersparksthey use it for the hw support ?15:00
jpoirier_mistersparks: you might try, http://kroah.com/lkn and see chapter 815:00
mistersparkswhy do debian ppl use the ubu kernel ? for hw supp?15:01
amitkmistersparks: sometimes..15:01
mistersparksI just cant think of another reason to use the ubuntu kernel on debian except hw support and maybe a more desktop-friendly kernel15:02
amitkand the stable kernel is a bit old IIRC15:02
mistersparksbecause essentially my problem is indeed hw support15:02
amitkI don't really keep track of the debian kernel15:02
mistersparksbtw chapter 8 is exactly what I was looking for15:03
mistersparksso I download the ubuntu kernel and simply use dpkg to install it ?15:03
jpoirier_or rather, try chapter 715:03
mistersparksOr does it need any special treatment ?15:03
mistersparksthis book is top notch stuff btw15:04
jpoirier_great, send a check to the author15:05
mistersparksi wouldnt mind donating :)15:05
mistersparksim not the cheap mofo that just wants a solution to his problem15:05
mistersparksso how do I go about getting the ubuntu kernel in debian ? dpkg and thats it ?15:07
amitkmistersparks: basically, yes. But I've never done it15:09
tjaaltonamitk: nothing new in powertop..15:18
tjaaltonacpi isn't too useful on the machine anyway15:19
amitkand latencytop?15:19
tjaaltonnothing there either15:19
cjwatsonlpia build verified happier following the findutils fix15:30
rokr1oops working on terminal console made me to type that Apologies!!18:31

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