
abinhello everyone13:44
abinI am new here.13:45
mariuzanyone here expert with stack protection ?13:49
mariuzhow do i know if a c++ package is compiled with stack protection ? or is on for all packages :mysql , firebird ...13:50
jpdsmariuz: kees ^^13:52
jpdsmariuz: Or you can: objdump -CR /usr/bin/program | grep chk13:54
mariuzok , i try to find if is stack protection on firebird2.1 related packages13:54
mariuzfor flamerobin is on objdump -CR /usr/bin/flamerobin | grep chk13:55
jpdsThere should be something like: "__stack_chk_fai" I think13:56
mariuzobjdump -CR /usr/lib/firebird/2.1/bin/fbserver | grep chk , I got it 083da28c R_386_JUMP_SLOT   __stack_chk_fail13:57
mariuzthanks so it's on13:57
abincan someone show me how to join motu in launchpad13:58
jpdsmariuz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilerFlags#-fstack-protector13:58
jpdsabin: You can't just join, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted13:59
DktrKranz#!/usr/bin/make -f14:00
abinwho can introduce  me a easy-use IRC client. i am using chatzilla14:05
abinin windows?14:06
directhexirc clients for windows are a little off-topic14:06
abinsorry but i install ubuntu in vmware, ok i stop14:07
Piciabin: If you just want to chat about Ubuntu you can join #ubuntu-offtopic14:08
abinno i am in MOTU i use vmware because i cannot get touch to US internet without windows. I a Chinese14:09
lidaobingabin, you can try #ubuntu-cn14:11
abinok thanks14:12
abinyou chinese?'14:12
lidaobingabin, yes14:12
abinYou now in Chinese?14:13
lidaobingabin, if you want talk, go to #ubuntu-cn, not here14:14
directhexwhy is "dpkg-buildpackage" using a different GPG key to "debsign"?14:31
directhexor to "gpg" as it happens14:31
=== asac_ is now known as asac
james_wdirecthex: do you have DEBSIGN_KEYID set in your devscripts.conf?14:41
directhexjames_w, yeah. everything behaves as it shuold except dpkg-buildpackage14:42
bddebianHeya gang14:43
james_wwell dpkg-buildpackage doesn't use that file14:43
james_whey bddebian14:43
bddebianHi james_w14:43
directhexi think i see the problem14:43
porthosejames_w directhex: congrats ! ;-)15:05
james_wthanks porthose15:06
directhexporthose, thanks15:06
bddebianWhat'd I miss, have james_w and directhex taken over the world? :)15:07
savvasany motu to review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gnote ?15:08
directhexbddebian, yes15:08
directhexfree ice cream for everyone15:08
savvascool, congratulations! :)15:08
directhexexcept microsoft employees. they only get bread & water15:08
james_wtime bzr branch lp:~james-w/ubuntu/karmic/ssss/karmic15:13
james_w4.681 total15:13
james_wtime apt-get source ssss15:13
james_w4.627 total15:13
bddebianw00t congrats guys :)15:14
james_walmost there...15:14
lamothepkern: Given up on Me TV?15:15
lifelessjames_w: format?15:21
hyperairjpds: you around?15:22
james_wlifeless: development-rich-root15:24
james_wlifeless: a few more runs show that bzr doesn't get much quicker than that, but apt can get down to 1.5 seconds on some runs15:25
lifelessjames_w: run with -Dhpss15:25
james_wthere's ~0.5s ssh overhead there15:25
lifelessI wager a fair chunk of that is ssh connections15:25
lifelessbe interesting to toss a master ssh connection up to b.l.n15:25
james_wjust did that15:26
jpdshyperair: Hello.15:30
hyperairjpds: well hello there.15:32
hyperairjpds: may i make my changes to your package directly in svn?15:32
jpdshyperair: Yes.15:32
hyperairanother thing..15:32
hyperairdid you have anything dh7 specific?15:32
hyperairi don't see anything, but you've used a dh >= 7 b-d and compat leel 715:32
jpdsNo, but I like latest stuff.15:33
pkernlamothe: Did I miss something?  Currently, yes.  Had some slowness trouble with it again and used kaffeine in the meantime.  (Which doesn't deactivate gnome-screensaver in jaunty, bah.)15:33
hyperairjpds: may i lower it? or would you prefer to keep it at 7?15:33
pkernlamothe: And I'm also incredibly busy.  If I missed some sponsoring request please resend it.15:33
hyperairjpds: it doesn't look like you use anything above 5.15:33
jpdshyperair: Don't mind really.15:33
hyperairand... i should shift everything into debian/15:34
artfwois there some kind of checklist for the differences between debhelper 5, 6 and 7?15:34
jpdsartfwo: man debhelper15:35
jpdsartfwo: Look for "Debhelper compatibility levels".15:35
artfwojpds: it's not complete, it does not mention dh_lintian for instance15:35
jpdshyperair: Whatever makes it work.15:35
lamothepkern: Yeah, I sent it 1 month ago ... but figured you were busy.15:35
lamothepkern: Of course I've had a few updates since then.  So I'll package those up and send them onto you.15:35
lamothepkern: "slowness" ... like the UI not responding?15:36
* hyperair feels a little awkward reviewing a MOTU's package15:36
jpdshyperair: It worked fine when I packaged it, so *shrug*15:36
artfwoby the way, if anyone feels like reviewing a package, please check http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/scantailor :) thanks!15:37
lamothepkern: There's an issue with the sqlite3 version in Jaunty, it's very slow.  I have put in a Jaunty specific fix where I use a separate thread to persist data.15:39
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
hyperairjpds: W: tomboy-latex source: timewarp-standards-version (2009-01-11 < 2009-03-12)15:48
hyperairjpds: i hope you don't mind me changing the timestamp of your changelog entry15:48
jpdshyperair: Yeah, update it for today, didn't see that when I packaged it..15:48
hyperaircourse you didn't. the Standards-Version was still at that time15:49
keesmariuz: sounds like your question got answered, but yes, everything in Ubuntu is compiled with stack protection.  objdump -CR works, though I tend to use readelf -s15:55
mariuzkees : thanks good to know , i check now every binary to see if is enabled16:01
keesmariuz: what are you trying to determine?16:05
mariuzThere are some issues with udf functions with firebird2.1 classic , i try to solve this bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firebird2.1/+bug/36369416:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 363694 in firebird2.1 "firebird 2.1 compiled without stack protector, so UDF dlopen failed" [Undecided,In progress]16:07
mariuzi checked the supper server and seems to be compiled with stack protector enabled by default , now i'm at the firebird-classic part16:10
keesmariuz: it's not clear to me what the actual bug is -- what doesn't actually work?16:10
mariuzi think in the end both firebird and user defined functions should be compiled with stack protector16:12
mariuzfor this user it seems that his udf works only if he compiles with no-stack-protector , and he says firebird classic is compiled without stack protection16:13
mariuzso i thnk all binaries should be compiled with that enabled right ?16:14
mariuzin the end i want to clarify for all users if they want to create their own UDF libraries16:16
jekiCan anyone look at this report? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/app-install-data-ubuntu/+bug/36858016:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 368580 in app-install-data-ubuntu "aMule should be offered instead of aMule AdunanzA" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:21
keesmariuz: it shouldn't matter since __stack_chk_fail is defined by glibc.16:21
jpdsjeki: Please don't message different channels with the same thing.16:22
mariuzok i will close it then16:22
keesmariuz: since I am unfamiliar with firebird, can you adjust the bug report with specific steps to take to see the problem?16:22
jpdsjeki: If you need general bug help, #ubuntu-bugs would be the place to start.16:22
directhexso... how do i ack a sync request then?16:23
macodirecthex: upstream says "not gnote's bug if tomboy crashes" even though gnote's the one writing incompatible files16:23
directhexmaco, okay. so it's official, gnote is not compatible with tomboy, is that what i'm to infer?16:24
mariuzkees: i will try to create one udf and then I will check if it works16:24
directhexmaco, adding a try{}catch{} to tomboy to not crash is easy (but may impact performance). how much work should go into tomboy to work around idiotic flaws in an aggressive fork?16:26
directhexsavvas, drop any mention of tomboy compatibility, by the looks of it16:26
savvasit just mentions it's a port of Tomboy in C++16:28
macodirecthex: take a look at the bug http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58184416:29
ubottuGnome bug 581844 in main "System.DateTime implementation produces timestamps incompatible with Tomboy" [Major,Unconfirmed]16:29
directhexmaco, so i see. WONTFIX.16:29
macoi'm going to attempt to argue that interoperability = good16:29
macoand so at least be a *compatible* fork16:29
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macodirecthex: i dont think i like that guy's attitude16:36
directhexmaco, don't get me started, i might upset someone16:36
jdongdirecthex: meh if someone gets upset then you are not the one with the problem ;-)16:37
jdongwould it really kill them to output a compatible timestamp?16:38
directhexjdong, with great MOTU hat comes great responsibility16:38
macobeing told "hey, you're breaking this already-well-established-format" and replying with essentially "too bad. i don't care"?  that's the part where you're supposed to go "oh? really? crud...uh....*hack*"16:38
directhexjdong, yes. doing that would enable people switching to tomboy16:38
jdongdirecthex: *gasp* the horror.16:38
jdongbut mo*NO*!16:38
* jdong dies a little inside16:38
macoheh i had a question on one of my finals that was "explain why service-oriented architectures should be based on standards" and i put down that from the customer/user who wants options' perspective they should be, but from the perspective of the provider who doesn't want to lose marketshare, standards are evil16:40
directhexstandards prevent lock-in. that's the *point* of standards16:41
directhexyou know, ECMA 335 is a standard.....16:41
macoi also put down "and sometimes a company will come along and realise that there are people who really really want standards and are willing to pay if you are committed to standards, and then they can market to that niche and hope that recommendations will give them popularity"16:42
directhexand fancy hats16:42
savvaswell the author of gnote says in the readme file "as close as possible to the original"16:42
macoi'm thinking of things like how all us silly fossy people switched from twitter to identi.ca, where we can then export *all* our data as xml16:42
savvasno promise of compatibility :P16:42
macowell seeing as it's 100% possible for them to be exactly the same on timestamps...16:43
macohe's missing "as close as possible" by a bit16:43
directhex"as close to possible... in one direction"16:43
savvasperhaps he'll implement an import function heh16:44
savvasactually I don't know, I'm not arguing something I don't know :P16:44
macoalso, the excuse that "well this is how glib did iso8601" doesn't stand up to the "how many available formats are there for iso8601? OH YEAH there's a localtime version!"16:44
maco(i wikipedia'd it. gnote's using iso8601 UTC and tomboy's using iso8601 local)16:45
macoand then the tomboy dev popped up and said he'd edit tomboy to be able to handle gnote's notes without crashing16:47
pkernlamothe: Sorry, looks like I missed it then.  I thought I synced everything you needed.  Yes, UI slowness, mainly.  I can retest on jaunty next week (that said, I don't want to make promises on that).17:02
artfwohello! is anybody interested in reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/scantailor on this REVU day? thanks!17:29
artfwo(and sorry for spamming the channel, if that's not okay to do)17:30
ivoksRoAkSoAx: hello17:35
RoAkSoAxivoks, heya :) how's it going?17:35
ivoksRoAkSoAx: good, and you?17:36
RoAkSoAxivoks, tired but good...:)17:36
ivoksRoAkSoAx: now remove your patches from drbd merges :)17:36
ivoksso that main sponsors don't take yours, which aren't good :/17:37
ivoksRoAkSoAx: the main issue there is changelog17:37
ivoksRoAkSoAx: it's not your fault, but you should notice the problem17:38
RoAkSoAxivoks, i've already pdated the drbd changelog btw...17:38
ivoksRoAkSoAx: take a look at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26467890/drbd8_8.3.1-1ubuntu1.debdiff17:38
RoAkSoAxivoks, so I should remove this patch: ubuntu-cn-idx.dpatch ??17:38
ivoksRoAkSoAx: that's the last debdiff there17:38
ivoksRoAkSoAx: in this debdiff everything is fine except debian/changelog changes17:39
ivoksRoAkSoAx: in this patch there are lots of changes (removal) on debian's changelog part17:39
ivoksRoAkSoAx: we can not remove debian entries in changelog17:39
ivoksRoAkSoAx: make that we should never remove something from changelog or add changes that we didn't do17:40
ivoksRoAkSoAx: so, while there was some errors in creating debdiff, they weren't your fault17:40
ivoksRoAkSoAx: but once you know that developer cannot remove entries from changelog, you will see that this debdiff does that - and then you would fix it17:41
RoAkSoAxivoks, those entries where removed becuase mathiaz recommended so: could you remove all the changelog entries related to unstable that appear in the diff ( <0.6.12-5)? Only entries relevant to the ubuntu packages should be appear in the debdiff.17:41
ivoksi'm not sure if you understand me :)17:41
ivokscause my english sucks at the momment17:41
ivoksRoAkSoAx: right, mathiaz said that only ubuntu related changes should be in debdiff17:42
ivoksRoAkSoAx: but this debdiff removes debian's changes :)17:42
ivoksRoAkSoAx: so, all changes in changelog, but only ubuntu related changes in debdiff17:42
ivoksbottom line; this wasn't your fault... it could be some mistake in previous merge (probably by me) or debian changed something in changelog17:43
RoAkSoAxivoks, but i did what mathiaz said: Remove all unstable entries < 0.6.15-517:43
ivoksRoAkSoAx: in *debdiff*17:43
ivoksRoAkSoAx: not in debian/changelog17:43
mathiazRoAkSoAx: what I was saying was to remove the entries from the diff, not the changelog17:43
mathiazRoAkSoAx: which means adding them back to the changelog17:44
ivoksRoAkSoAx: take a look at my patch17:44
mathiazRoAkSoAx: so that they don't appear in the debdiff17:44
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, ohhh know i get it .. lol17:44
RoAkSoAxdumb me17:44
RoAkSoAxok will do17:44
ivoksdon't be so hard on your self17:44
ivoksthat's why you are here - to learn17:45
ivoksand we will help you17:45
ivoksRoAkSoAx: once i did merge, i got the same debdiff as you did17:45
RoAkSoAxhaha yeah well i just misunderstood17:46
ivoksRoAkSoAx: but i manualy removed the changes we shouldn't introduce17:46
ivoksRoAkSoAx: as i said, this was a result from some error which wasn't caused by you17:46
RoAkSoAxok :)17:47
ivoksi'd say you did a good job with merges17:47
ivoksi haven't seen others17:48
RoAkSoAxivoks, thanks!! :) btw i am having trouble with paraview.. it won't build  and i don't know why :)17:49
ivoksRoAkSoAx: consider that one as one of FTBS you have to solve :)17:49
ivoksRoAkSoAx: how does it fail?17:49
RoAkSoAxivoks, yes, I've suggested it as FTBS :) and just a sec17:49
ivoksRoAkSoAx: i've put qemu as FTBS you should also look at17:50
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok. do you think we should start working with FTBS after the merges?17:51
ivoksRoAkSoAx: yes17:51
ivoksRoAkSoAx: during that cycle, you'll learn a bit about patching17:51
ivoksyou already worked with dpatch17:51
ivoksRoAkSoAx: i'm looking at irssi merge request17:52
ivoksRoAkSoAx: did you do any changes to irssi or you just merged previous changes?17:52
RoAkSoAxivoks, nxvl said it was ok :)17:52
ivoksRoAkSoAx: that's ok, but answer my question, please :)17:53
RoAkSoAxivoks, i merged previous changes, but fixed the patch: 90irc-ubuntu-com17:53
RoAkSoAxsince the previous patch wasn't working17:54
RoAkSoAxivoks, btw.. I've worked with dpatch and quilt17:54
ivoksRoAkSoAx: have you contacted debian about drbd's control file and double 'dpatch' dependecy?17:54
RoAkSoAxivoks, i've also worked with cdbs before17:54
RoAkSoAxivoks, not yet :)17:55
RoAkSoAxi was planning to do that this weekend17:55
ivoksi see ttx and mathiaz helped you with openvpn...17:56
RoAkSoAxivoks, yes17:58
RoAkSoAxttx last night said it was ok, so I suscribed it17:59
RoAkSoAxivoks, i uploaded the new debdiff, is it ok?18:03
ivoksdebdiff for...?18:05
RoAkSoAxivoks, drbd18:05
ivoksyou didn't have to, but let me check it18:06
ivokslol, which one? :D18:06
ivoksRoAkSoAx: again...18:07
RoAkSoAxivoks, hahaha what's wrong know?18:07
ivoks drbd (0.7_pre10-1) unstable; urgency=low18:07
ivoksyou are deleting some lines in debian's changelog entry18:07
ivoksdon't add any debdiff anymore18:08
ivoksremove all yours and leave mine18:08
RoAkSoAxivoks, i think that was done automatically18:09
ivoksRoAkSoAx: of course it was; as i said before, you should look at debdiff and notice errors like that18:10
ivoksRoAkSoAx: you should *never* change debian's changelog entries18:10
RoAkSoAxbut yes. I don't know why, but that deletion of those two lines was done automatically i didn't even noticed18:11
ivokswell, you should always check debdiff and notice things like that18:13
ivoksotherwise, everything else was good18:13
ivoksRoAkSoAx: you've seen the comments i added on other bugs?18:14
RoAkSoAxivoks, yes18:14
RoAkSoAxivoks, btw.. I guess that you already fixed the things you've commented about in the other bugs18:18
ivoksRoAkSoAx: of course18:19
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok awesome... btw.. did you get to write to the fedora guy regarding on ha?18:22
ivoksnot yet18:22
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok, when we have some time we should discuss the goals and roadmap for the time, so that you can also talk about it on the UDS18:30
RoAkSoAxRoAkSoAx, just let me know when can we talk about it :)... meanwhile I'm gonna work on another merge18:37
RoAkSoAxivoks,  just let me know when can we talk about it :)... meanwhile I'm gonna work on another merge18:39
ivoksRoAkSoAx: it would be much easier with email18:39
ivokssince we aren't in the same parts of the world18:40
ivoksand now my brain isn't in optimum state :)18:40
RoAkSoAxivoks, tell me... i just slept like 4 hours18:41
RoAkSoAxivoks, and ok, i'll bring up the issue in the ubuntu-ha ML18:41
RoAkSoAxivoks, what would be the difference between: libgstreamer0.10-ruby and libgstreamer0.10-ruby1.818:46
ivokslibgstreamer0.10-ruby depends on libgstreamer0.10-ruby1.818:47
RoAkSoAxivoks, what would be the difference in using them in Build-Depends18:49
ivoksi really don't know18:49
ivoksa, i know18:49
ivoks0.10-ruby is a dummy package18:50
ivoksit allways depends on latest libgstreamer0.10-rubyx.y18:50
RoAkSoAxivoks, so we should not use dummy packages in BUild-Depends?18:50
ivoksi would use dummy package18:50
ivoksthat way i wouldn't have to change debian/control when new version of packages comes out18:51
RoAkSoAxivoks, yes, but why would someone would do that change, use libgstreamer0.10-ruby1.8 instead of libgstreamer0.10-ruby ?18:51
ivoksif package builds only with libgstreamer0.10-ruby1.8, but not with libgstreamer0.10-ruby1.7 or libgstreamer0.10-ruby1.918:52
RoAkSoAxivoks, on how do I determine that?18:52
RoAkSoAxivoks, and it is not in Build-Depends, it is in Depends18:53
ivoksbuild it and test it, check changelog18:53
ivoksthere should be some info about that in changelog18:53
RoAkSoAxivoks, It just says this: debian/control{,.in}:   + Replace libgstreamer0.10-ruby with libgstreamer0.10-ruby1.8 in Depends for geekast-binary.18:54
ivoksRoAkSoAx: then you know it wasn't an accident or mistake18:55
ivoksRoAkSoAx: someone did it on purpose18:55
ivoksRoAkSoAx: don't change that18:55
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok because debian added, a knew package that is a dummy package and i wanted to know if it could do the same kind of change, or just use the dummy one18:56
ivoksleave the change debian did18:56
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok, now, when there's a debian/control.in and debian/control and both have conflicts in the same part, but debian/control also has conflicts in other part... we should resolve the conflicts in both files, but doesnt control.in overwrite control?18:58
ivoksRoAkSoAx: you should resolve all conflicts18:58
RoAkSoAxok :)18:59
ivokswell, take care19:03
RoAkSoAxivoks, you too thansk for the help :)19:04
directhex   hnjml19:06
directhex=-u7y6r fewdaMNIL#]19:06
fabrice_spHi. Anyone in a REVU mood willing to have a look at gmerlin (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gmerlin). It's for a merge from Debian Multimedia, and is a mandatory dependency for new openmovieeditor19:15
fabrice_spit's linked to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/28320819:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 283208 in ubuntu "Please merge gmerlin 0.4.0-0.1 from Debian multimedia (unstable)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:16
pace_t_zuludirecthex: you here?19:48
directhexyes, but not for long19:49
pace_t_zuludirecthex: congratulations on MOTU19:49
directhexthank you19:50
pace_t_zuludirecthex: didn't want to trouble the list with that19:51
directhexpace_t_zulu, i had a few thanks via email, but didn't want to flood the list either19:52
pace_t_zuludirecthex: maybe one day I can join you in MOTU19:52
pace_t_zuludirecthex: i suppose i need to accumulate much more karma... perhaps on Karmic Koala19:54
directhexpace_t_zulu, it's not too hard - just contribute on something you enjoy, and don't suck at it for more than a few months. easy peasy!19:54
pace_t_zuludirecthex: that's what i must do19:55
directhexback later. beer festival!19:58
geseryou celebrating your MOTUship there?19:59
pace_t_zuludirecthex: lucky you19:59
kklimondadirecthex: gratz :)20:00
kklimondadirecthex: so, does it mean that banshee will be default media player for KK? ;}20:00
directhexkklimonda, not my decision. entirely up to the desktop team at UDS20:01
kklimondaany MOTU would like to sponsor a sync: bug 373845 ?20:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373845 in python-django-tagging "Sync python-django-tagging 0.2.1+svn154-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37384520:02
pochukklimonda: I hope it doesn't ;-)20:17
macoany of you know your way around piuparts?20:18
kklimondapochu: i guess that whatever the decission would be some people will complain :)20:24
\shmoins world :)20:27
\shdear MOTUs and Hopefulls and all others, if anyone wants to do something, please take care of all packages my name tag is on....I won't have much time to work on them this time (much more important things to do ;)) things like zend-framework will uploaded in time for this release cycle....thanks :)20:35
ScottK\sh: Congratulations.20:47
=== hansk227 is now known as hanska
kklimondaScottK: what happens now with bug 367214 when it spent some time in -proposed and there was no negative feedback? Also the same fix was used by Debian Maintainer and upstream developers aren't responding to my mails.20:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 367214 in python-django-tagging "utils.calculate_cloud() can leave font_size unset for most frequent tag" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36721420:49
ScottKkklimonda: Someone other than you needs to verify it works.20:50
ScottKOnce that happens the tag ccan get changed to verification-done and it'll get copied to -updates20:51
ScottKAlso you need to get Karmic fixed too.20:51
kklimondaI've already filled sync request (bug 373845)20:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373845 in python-django-tagging "Sync python-django-tagging 0.2.1+svn154-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37384520:51
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
Laibschhi, why is there no libarts1-dev package in jaunty anymore?  Debian still has it21:54
directhexyay beer21:54
directhexLaibsch, aRts is dead, no?21:54
Laibschis it?21:55
LaibschI don't know, I want it to recompile the latest twinkle21:55
directhex"On December 2, 2004 aRts' creator and primary developer Stefan Westerfeld announced he was leaving the project due to a variety of fundamental development and technical issues with aRts.21:55
directhexIn KDE 4 developers choose to replace aRts with a new multimedia API known as Phonon"21:55
Laibschbut debian seems to still make releases for the package21:56
Laibschunstable has a more recent version than squeeze21:56
Laibschand I don't see where else to get the mcopidl binary which is being called during compilation of twinkle21:56
james_wdirecthex: hey21:58
james_wI presume you can sponsor your own requests from the queue now21:58
james_wLaibsch: ubuntu decided to kill the package for jaunty, so you'll have to find some way around it, or get consensus to resurrect the package21:59
directhexjames_w, i don't have an unsubscribe other button, so presumably i need to join u-u-s by hand?22:00
LaibschI'll just recompile libarts1-dev in my PPA which is where I recompile twinkle as well22:00
james_wdirecthex: you need to ask one of the admins I think22:00
LaibschI wonder what Ubuntu will do with the later releases of twinkle, though, which apparently need that binary22:00
Laibschfor compilation22:00
james_wdirecthex: if they are sync requests then just move them on to archive and leave the sponsors subscribed for now22:00
james_wLaibsch: prodding twinkle upstream about porting away from arts would be appreciated22:01
Laneydon't drink and subscribe22:01
james_wLaney: my glass of wine disagrees22:01
LaibschRejected: File arts_1.5.9.orig.tar.gz already exists in Primary Archive for Ubuntu, but uploaded version has different contents. See more information about this error in https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors. Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification.22:02
LaibschCan't even upload it to my PPA22:02
james_wLaibsch: you can if you use the same tarball22:03
james_wyou probably can't get that tarball by apt-get source unfortunately22:03
LaibschI was using the Debian orig tarball22:03
LaibschIt is not good if the Debian orig tarball and the Ubuntu one differed22:04
james_wit happens unfortunately22:04
Laibschupstream problem?22:04
james_wtry with the Ubuntu one, and if it fails then it's probably a launchpad bug22:04
LaibschI'm not even sure where to get it22:04
LaibschI'll try a few usual suspects22:04
kklimondaLaibsch: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/arts/1.5.9-0ubuntu1 ?22:06
RainCTSomeone from MOTU SRU please approve bug #206280, thanks :)22:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 206280 in lm-sensors "[hardy] Error opening config file: /etc/sensors.conf" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20628022:35
Laneymotu-sru seems under strength22:46
Laneyshouldn't it have 5 members?22:46
binarymutantI received and email from the archive team and it has an acronym I've never heard of. What is DIF? ie. "If it hasn't happened by DIF then we should act on it"23:18
geserDebian Import Freeze23:19
iulianbinarymutant: Debian Import Freeze - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianImportFreeze23:20
binarymutantiulian, ah thank you23:20
savvasyou should add these in wtf :)23:20
savvas$ wtf DIF23:21
savvasGee...  I don't know what DIF means...23:21
james_wbinarymutant: ah, that was you :-)23:21
james_wthat package will be imported semi-automatically until Debian Import Freeze, so asking for it to be done manually at this stage just creates more work23:22
james_wI left the bug open so that we can check later if the package got missed for some reason, and do it manually then23:22
binarymutantthanks james_w :)23:22
directhexjames_w, my list o' syncs is moatly stuff i intend to update but haven't yet - but are currently unsyncable23:22
directhexjames_w, so just write "ack", change to wishlist/confirmed, and subscribe archive admin?23:23
james_wdirecthex: I was referring to e.g. sublib, giver, moon23:23
james_wyeah that works23:23
james_wI can ubsub sponsors for you until you are a member23:23
directhexwho do i poke for that?23:23
james_wI'm not sure why ~ubuntu-dev isn't a member to be honest23:23
james_wEmmet added me I think23:24
james_wor Luke or Luca according to lp23:24
james_wah, Luke's up23:25
james_wTheMuso: would you add directhex to ~u-u-s please?23:25
Laneybah, sponsorship detection in requestsync is broken23:27
Laneyjames_w: can you unsub the archive from bug 373906?23:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373906 in f-spot "Sync f-spot (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37390623:27
TheMusojames_w: the LP username is directhex?23:27
james_wdirecthex: I assume that's correct?23:27
savvasany motu with some spare time, please review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gnote23:30
directhexyay, thanks TheMuso23:30
TheMusodirecthex: np23:31
savvasor good-what-ever-time-you-have :P23:33
james_wLaney: why am I unsubscribing archive from f-spot?23:51
james_wI *wan't* f-spot to be synced :-)23:51
Laneyit's in main23:52
james_woh, yeah23:52
james_wsilly me23:52
james_wnice work anyway23:52
james_wI presume you want to subscribe u-m-s?23:53
Laneyjust did!23:53
james_wI see it now :-)23:54
binarymutantIf anyone has the time to review my package for lxsplit, I would greatly be appreciate it. It can be found here http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/lxsplit thanks you :)23:56

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