
map7will installing DHCP through mythbuntu's control center automatically start the DHCP server straight away?00:48
Coder53Greetings can someone help me with an install issue please?03:13
foxbuntumap7, it *should*, but if it doesnt, sudo /etc/init.d/dhcpd start (iirc)04:03
nemiroalAnyone know if mythtv now works with pulseaudio in mythbuntu 9.04 release? both analog and spdif pass-thru?06:14
map7I'm trying to setup the dhcp server and keep getting a 'No subnet declaration for eth0' error can anyone help?06:17
foxbuntunemiroal, its a mixed bag...try it out and see what happens06:17
map7here is my dhcpd.conf file http://pastie.org/47188206:17
map7and here is the exact error I get http://pastie.org/47188106:18
nemiroalfoxbuntu: ok... cross my fingers.   but it sounds like you are saying some people are successful.06:18
foxbuntumap7, try this out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/dhcp3-server06:18
foxbuntunemiroal, yes. I have heard good and bad...so just give it a shot and see if it works for you.06:19
nemiroalfoxbuntu: thx.. cheers.06:19
Shadow__Xwhere can i get the autobuild package07:15
psihi all little help i have just brought 2 compro s350's linux seems to have got the installed and myth backend has picked them up as analouge cards (even though there dvb-s's) and it will scan for channels but finds nothing any one able to help13:01
oobepsi you need to set them up using mythtv-setup in section 213:07
psii have added them but there listed as VL$13:08
psisorry V$L13:08
psiany one else?13:18
oobepsi, i dont know for sure but v4l is analogue13:36
oobeso you need to change it till you see it selecting your /dev/dvb device or what ever13:36
psiyeah it is13:36
psiit's dev/videoo but it still doesn twork13:37
psii think there installed correctly13:37
oobeyou will have to look in google13:37
CarlFKupes with pycon too15:12
Coder53Greetings, can someone please direct me to a good Mythbuntu 8.04 for idiots firewire to STB setup tutorial?16:28
rhpot1991is about as good as you are gonna get16:50
ooberhpot1991, but is that for idiots17:40
rhpot1991oobe: not really, firewire is tricky18:49
rhpot1991but you wont find much better docs18:49
afiefI want to have a box sit beside my TV and play videos which I select(from my ultra portable or using a wireless mouse) is mythbuntu what I'm looking for? most of the documentation I found talks about recording22:46

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