
jtholmeswondered if anyone is interested that reporter of bug 363533 says not installing the proprietary drivers cures the hibernation problem?00:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363533 in pm-utils "ATI Radeon HD 3670 Proprietary FGLRX Drivers break Suspend, Hibernate and major performance issues." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36353300:17
bryce_jtholmes: that's interesting info, although in Karmic we're going to be pushing to move away from -fglrx and favor -ati more heavily00:34
bryce_so while it is useful to have that bug there for other users that encounter the problem, it's unlikely we'll do anything about it ourselves.00:34
bryce_jtholmes: well, aside from redoubling efforts to fix whatever issues with -ati drove the user to try -fglrx to begin with ;-)00:35
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jtholmesbryce, ok thanks, i have had lots of hibernation bugs i have responded to and wondered what the status quo was concerning them and you answered that, thx01:29
Sarvattwell thats not good, findutils in karmic was broken causing linux-libc-dev to not build right but still get published, but the fixed findutils cant build because linux-libc-dev is broken and most builds are failing02:00
Sarvattlooks like https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20152 is still rearing its ugly head for me on intel, at least i've never triggered the crash unless it was on purpose03:36
ubottuFreedesktop bug 20152 in Driver/intel "[G45/GM965 UXA] cannot view JPG in firefox when running UXA (lots of errors in dmesg)" [Major,New]03:36
apwanyone know why the xserver is directly interfering with mtrr assignments10:28
apwbryce, ... need some intsite into the x-servers mind when you are about10:37
mnemoim speculating but maybe intel cards use mtrr to reserve a chunk of memory for their graphics memory?10:55
tseliotjcristau: I'm getting this error? Any ideas as to why this is happening?  undefined reference to `_XiGetDevicePresenceNotifyEvent(_XDisplay*)'13:34
tseliots/I'm getting this error?/I'm getting this error/13:35
tseliotjcristau: I get that when I call DevicePresence (display, device_presence_event_type, event_class)13:36
tjaaltontseliot: don't be shy, just try #xorg-devel ;)13:40
tseliottjaalton: you're right, I wrote it in the wrong chatroom (I clicked on the wrong tab in pidgin) ;)13:41
tseliottjaalton: now that I think about it, isn't this a bug in the ubuntu package? nm /usr/lib/libXi.so | grep _XiGetDevicePresenceNotifyEvent13:44
tseliotnm: /usr/lib/libXi.so: no symbols13:44
seb128tseliot: nm --dynamic /usr/lib/libXi.so ?13:45
tseliotseb128: ah, now it says 00006920 T _XiGetDevicePresenceNotifyEvent13:46
seb128so it seems correctly defined13:47
seb128ldd binary | grep libXi13:47
seb128you might have a local install taking over?13:47
seb128is your error a build time or run time one ?13:48
tseliotno, I didn't install libXi from external sources13:48
tseliotbuild time13:48
seb128you lack a -lXi then13:48
seb128you pkg-config call might not be listing xi13:48
tseliotseb128: but I can use Xi otherwise: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m399e04a913:49
tseliotthis is the first time it happens13:49
seb128you get the same issue by running13:51
seb128"g++  -o daemon debug/main.o debug/xmlhandler.o debug/loopthread.o debug/xevents.o debug/moc_inputdaemon.o debug/moc_loopthread.o debug/moc_xevents.o    -L/usr/lib -lXi -lQtDBus -lQtXml -lQtGui -lQtCore -lpthread"13:51
seb128in your source?13:51
seb128what is xevents.cpp:110 exactly?13:52
seb128can you copy the line there ?13:52
tseliotDevicePresence (display, device_presence_event_type, event_class);13:52
seb128where is the `_XiGetDevicePresenceNotifyEvent(_XDisplay*)' call?13:53
tseliotDevicePresence() in XInput.h: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d2b978c0513:55
tseliotin /usr/include/X11/extensions/XInput.h that is13:56
seb128ok so I don't know, maybe that's a c++ thing or a libxi issue13:57
seb128usually if you have the correct .h included and the -lXi that should work13:58
tseliotok, thanks13:58
jcristauthe _XiGetDevicePresenceNotifyEvent decl should be protected by extern "C" in c++13:59
tseliotjcristau: how do I do that?14:00
tseliotaah, I get it14:01
tseliotjcristau: ok, so I would have to patch the ubuntu package to do that in the header file14:04
tseliotjcristau: that did it, thanks a lot14:11
tseliottjaalton: do you mind if I write a patch about it ^^ for an SRU? 14:13
tjaaltontseliot: no, it's needed in jaunty?14:15
tseliottjaalton: yes, otherwise we can't use Xinput notifications in C++14:16
tjaaltontseliot: sure, go ahead14:17
tseliottjaalton: ok14:17
jcristautseliot: preventing use of c++ sounds like a feature :)14:18
mnemobryce: just FYI --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/368049/comments/36   im not sure at all it's something to be concerned about but I thought you might want to know about it17:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 368049 in mesa "compiz crashes gnome desktop using default ati driver (radeon X600)" [Undecided,Fix committed]17:04
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jbarneshm according to 358608 claws plugins have been 'synced', but apparently only in karmic, according to the claws-mail-extra-plugins page17:18
tjaaltonjbarnes: yes, syncing happens only in the devel release, but it appears jaunty needs fixing too17:35
tjaaltonso the bug needs a jaunty task17:35
jbarnesyeah I can't see html mail! :)17:35
tjaaltonwhat a drag :)17:36
tjaaltonjbarnes: I opened a jaunty task, so hopefully it'll be fixed soon ;)17:43
jbarnestjaalton: cool thanks17:43
tjaaltonthe problem is that claws-mail in jaunty is 3.6.1, when karmic has 3.7.1, so a matching -extra-plugins should be obtained somewhere17:46
jbarnesright I think it's mainly a matter of building the plugins against what's in jaunty though17:49
tjaaltonok so it's really trivial.. I'll upload it to proposed17:54
jbarnestjaalton: thanks a lot17:55
jbarneswhat's the url for that?  I can try it now17:55
tjaaltonwe only have source uploads, so the binary will be ready once it is17:56
jbarnesah ok17:58
tjaaltonjbarnes: 32 or 64bit?18:05
tjaaltonwould've built it for you :)18:06
tjaaltonbecause I think it'll take a while until it's accepted18:06
jbarnesoh there's no big hurry18:07
jbarneson my other machine I just downloaded the karmic packages18:07
jbarnesbut I'd rather not do that this time18:07
tjaaltonheh, ok18:07
bdmurraybryce: with regards to libGL.so crashes it can be provided by how many packages?18:55
brycemesa, fglrx, and -nvidia19:12
bryceso, counting the 3 nvidia source packages, there are 5 packages that provide it afaik19:13
bdmurrayOkay, I was thinking about a package hook for rss-glx and xscreensaver but if there are basically 3 choices it may be unnecessary19:15
bdmurraybecause fglrx and nvidia should show up as proprietary modules19:16
tseliotbdmurray: do you still have that script that you used on launchpad with X-Kit to validate xorg.conf files?19:23
bdmurraytseliot: probably19:26
bdmurraytseliot: However, it was written using python-launchpad-bugs and not launchpadlib.  Then again I think launchpadlib would be inadequate for part of it.19:27
tseliotbdmurray: I have to give a speech on X-Kit at an event organised by a LUG and I was wondering if I could show a snippet from your script to show the different uses of X-Kit19:27
tseliotit doesn't have to work, it should be something that I can show19:27
tseliotwell, only some small parts19:28
bdmurraytseliot: when do you need it by?19:29
tseliotbdmurray: my presentation will be on May 1519:29
tseliotbut I'm writing it with Latex so it would be nice to have the script a few days before that date19:30
brycetseliot: where are you presenting?19:30
bryceer sorry19:30
brycebdmurray: where are you presenting?19:30
bdmurraybryce: you were right the first time19:31
tseliotbryce: here in Lecce, Italy19:31
tseliotit's a "geek evening"19:31
bdmurraytseliot: I've e-mailed it to you19:33
tseliotbdmurray: fantastic! Thanks19:33
bryceheya jbarnes19:34
Sarvattohh, didnt notice the 2.7.1 updates already started making it in 2.7 branch, lets see if it was those 3 commits that fixed the random UXA hangs I got20:54
bryceI've just finished merging 2.7.0 and uploaded it to karmic21:14
bryceSarvatt: if you can match up 2.7.1 patches to bug's in launchpad that get fixed, would you mind mentioning that on the bug report, or updating the title to say (Needs 2.7.1)?21:15
brycethat way when I pull in 2.7.1 it'll make it easier to know what bugs get closed by it21:16
jbarnesbryce: likewise if there are patches in git master that you want in 2.7.1 send a note to intel-gfx21:16
brycejbarnes: ok, when does that release?21:17
jbarnescworth is soliciting nominations21:17
brycehrm, ok well technically I'm supposed to be off today, so guess I'll wait and cherrypick later as needed21:18
Sarvattsure, i really need to sit down and figure out which commit fixed the random UXA hangs I got for months, it was fixed somewhere between snapshot and Call down to lower CloseScreen before shutting down DRM allocator, only8 commits between those21:18
jbarnesbryce: heh yeah enjoy your time off :)21:18
Sarvatt3 of those are already in 2.7.1 so i'm testing that right now :D21:19
brycejbarnes: I've got a few quirks I should send in, but not critical for 2.7.121:20
brycealso patch 119_drm_bo_unreference_needs_null.patch seems like it should be upstreamed... I'm fairly sure I had sent a bug report in on it so not sure why it wasn't in 2.7.0 so need to research that some more21:21
bryceit fixed a bunch of crashers for us, and I think you thumbed up it for us21:21
jbarnesthe libdrm patch? I think that's in libdrm already, though maybe not part of a release yet21:21
bryceno, this one:21:22
bryce             if (!pPriv->textured && drm_intel_bo_pin(pPriv->buf, 4096) != 0) {21:22
bryce                 drm_intel_bo_unreference(pPriv->buf);21:22
bryce+                pPriv->buf = NULL;21:22
bryce                 xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_ERROR,21:22
bryce                            "Failed to pin xv buffer\n");21:22
jbarneshm I thought we had a fix like that included21:23
jbarnesbut if not yeah you should raise it on the list21:23
bryceyeah maybe it got fixed some other way... I need to research it more21:23
albert23bryce: that one was only fixed in master (fdo 21060)21:32
Sarvattwow that was fast albert23 :D21:51
brycealbert23: ok21:52
Sarvattits in 2.7 branch as of 8 minutes ago now bryce21:53
Sarvatthmm 116_8xx_disable_dri.patch doesn't apply even though src/i830_driver.c hasnt been touched since 2.7.0, i dont think debian merged the actual 2.7.0 release21:55
Sarvattyep they merged and called it xserver-xorg-video-intel-2_2.7.0-121:57
Sarvattno front buffer tiling in KMS in that..21:58
jcristauSarvatt: what?22:15
jcristauSarvatt: that's not true afaict22:16
SarvattI was building 2.7.1 using bryce's debian/ from the karmic package he just pushed and one of the patches didn't apply, so i looked through debian's git at what its based off of22:18
Sarvatthttp://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-xorg/driver/xserver-xorg-video-intel.git;a=commit;h=3663596a9d918283442493e5e3f61ff912f4a97a was the merge22:18
Sarvattlast commit was    1 commit 121bd7ff7cfd9a43fbb61fa56f06ba2d2b55035e22:18
Sarvatt   2 Author: Carl Worth <cworth@cworth.org>22:18
Sarvatt   3 Date:   Fri Apr 10 14:08:00 2009 -070022:18
Sarvatt   4 22:18
Sarvatt   5     Increment version to for release22:18
jcristauwell, http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-xorg/driver/xserver-xorg-video-intel.git;a=log;h=3663596a9d918283442493e5e3f61ff912f4a97a22:19
Sarvattoh you're right, I'm sorry22:20
jcristauthe only diff with the 2.7.0 tag is in the NEWS, RELEASING and README files.  not sure why, but not very important.22:21
Sarvattxserver-xorg-video-intel 2.7.1 is looking really good, haven't been able to crash it for 45 minutes when I could crash UXA on 2.7.0 and earlier in 5 tops before. i guess those backported post fixes were the ones that fixed me up if I dont end up crashing soon :)23:18

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