
iliketofrolic666how do I change screen saver settings?00:11
MTec007SiDi, I do have an IP that doesn't seem to be the issue.00:26
R1cochetiliketofrolic666: do u have xscreensaver or gnome-screensaver00:49
iliketofrolic666w/e is default for xubuntu01:28
iliketofrolic666i think gnome-ss01:29
iliketofrolic666it recognizes the command in terminal01:29
iliketofrolic666** (gnome-screensaver:7446): WARNING **: screensaver already running in this session01:29
R1cochetapplications>settings>xfce settings manager01:33
R1cochetbut i recommend xscreensaver. u can actually set individual options for each screensaver01:33
R1cochetonly draw back is the screenlock dialog, u cant change it01:34
R1cochetbut other than that its far superior01:34
=== n2diy_ is now known as n2diy
J_Litewskiwhere is the normal install directory?01:56
R1cochet /01:57
J_Litewskii mean, is it in the ~/ directory?02:02
J_Litewskias a dotfile?02:02
R1cochetwhat is it?02:04
J_Litewskiit's a program i'm writing, i'm trying to future proof it02:04
R1cocheti have no idea02:04
R1cochetcan some1 help me get listen music player to open02:42
R1cochetwhen i click on it from apps menu the mouse makes busy cursor then stops and nothing happens02:43
gourdcaptainI upgraded to 9,04 from 8.10 and my USB drives now take about several minutes to be recognized by the system. Any ideas?03:16
R1cochetupgrading slowed everything for me03:23
R1cocheti had to do fresh install and now it runs faster than 8.1003:23
gourdcaptainI plan on either fresh installing this or Arch Linux. BTW, can you get Madwifi or other Atheros 802.11G drivers running off the CD now?03:30
R1cocheti dunno03:40
AllStarhi guys,any idea how to change my bootsplash screen ? i mean the loading screen of Xfce04:31
R1cochetdo u have the new one ud like?04:33
R1cochetinstall startup manager04:34
R1cochetopen it click on appearance tab04:35
R1cochetclick manage usplash themes04:35
R1cochetadd new04:35
AllStaris there anyway to change without using startup manager ?04:35
R1cochetu r talking about the xubuntu screen with the scrollbar right?04:35
R1cochetyea but i dont know how04:36
AllStarim talking about the boot screen04:36
AllStarthe loading scrollbar before login04:36
R1cochetthere is a way i saw somewhere online but using manager was so much easier for me04:37
AllStarso i'll have to download startup manager in source code then compile and install huh04:37
R1cochetget it from synaptic04:37
AllStarlol ok04:37
R1cochetthats how i got it04:38
AllStari typed startup manager in Terminal04:39
AllStarbut package not found o.O04:39
R1cochetsudo apt-get install startupmanager04:39
AllStaroh thanks i works now04:40
AllStarit works now *04:40
R1cochetwhat splash u gonna use?04:40
AllStarfrom deviantart.com04:41
AllStaryou ?04:41
R1cochetive been using a couple from gnome-look04:41
R1cochetbut i have yet to get fingerprint splash to work :(04:41
R1cochetlooks the shit04:41
AllStarfingerprint ?04:42
R1cocheti sec04:42
AllStar one with a human face ?04:42
R1cocheti get a link for u04:42
R1cochetu can also change the bootloader splash if u want04:44
R1cochetand the loging screen04:44
R1cochetthats the finger print splash04:45
AllStarmy old computer freezed when i try to install startup manager04:46
AllStarsometimes its like this04:46
R1cochetlike what04:47
AllStaryou use apache ?04:48
R1cochetwhat is it04:48
AllStari also not sure but i think its something that can let u to host ur own website with your computer04:49
AllStarand totally free04:49
genii!info apache204:51
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.11-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 44 kB, installed size 100 kB04:51
* genii sips04:51
AllStari've tried apache04:52
AllStarbut i end up with an error04:52
AllStarany friendly human can help me out04:52
R1cochetAllStar: u have a link for splash screens on deviant? i cant find them04:53
AllStaroh wait04:54
R1cochetjust did a site search had left out the U04:54
AllStarthere u go04:55
R1cochetmuch better05:01
R1cochetwhich splash are u gonna use?05:01
AllStarmaybe this05:02
AllStaryou ?05:02
R1cocheti dunno yet05:02
R1cocheti have some oldies from gnome-look05:03
AllStarany idea how they change their taskbar ?05:03
AllStarto make it look like mac os05:03
AllStari mean this05:04
AllStarthe things at the bottom05:04
R1cochetthats a gtk theme05:05
R1cochetthe taskbar at the top?05:05
AllStaris it05:05
R1cochetw/ the gnome foot and the .trash tab05:05
AllStarat the bottom05:05
R1cochetohh the dock05:05
R1cochetcairo dock05:05
AllStarthis one05:05
R1cochetthere are a couple diff docks u can use05:06
R1cochetive only used cairo05:06
AllStarwhere can i find them05:06
R1cocheti think u can find some themes at cairo's website05:07
KoshB5I'm haveing internet connect problems on a fresh jaunty install. I suspect the linux native drivers are the culprit. However, when I install ndiswrapper, I get no option for it.05:10
KoshB5I can connect to the local wifi (home) network.05:11
KoshB5I'm using the ndiswrapper package from the ndiswrapper site05:11
R1cochetdid u try opening hardware drivers?05:12
KoshB5system is a Compaq 5441 w/256M ram and a PCI graphics card05:12
AllStarR1cochet:im going to install the dock using startup manager too ?05:12
KoshB5I open hardware drivers and it says no propietary drivers found05:17
R1cochetdid u run a check?05:17
KoshB5The wireless is a Trendnet TEW-424UB05:18
AllStarR1chochet:the boot screen from startup manager = bootloader themes or uplash themes05:18
R1cochetbootlaoder is grub menu05:19
R1cochetu can change that as well05:19
AllStarlol ok05:19
AllStarso Usplash themes using tar.gz ? or .so05:19
KoshB5r1chochet: It ran a check on it's own. Nothing found05:20
R1cochetu need to extract the .so then add that in startup manager05:20
R1cochetKoshB5:  i dunno then sry05:20
AllStarchange tar.gz to .so ?05:21
R1cochetopen it and extract the .so05:21
AllStarsry im new to linux05:22
R1cochetall good05:22
R1cochetu can also add cursors and icons if u like05:22
AllStarbut the splash screen downloaded is in source code mode05:23
AllStaronly makefile , some png inside05:23
R1cochetohh thats the fingerprint one isnt it05:23
R1cochetyea i was having that issue as well05:24
R1cochetgimme a min05:24
R1cochetdid u try to dl the .deb?05:25
AllStarnot yet05:26
AllStardeb works ?05:26
R1cochetmaybe not cuz i dont see a jaunty deb05:26
AllStarhow do i install the dock ?05:28
R1cochettry from synaptic05:28
R1cochetactually u should go to the cairo room on this net05:29
AllStarCairo-Dock2 débarque dans toutes les chaumières des Linuxiens !05:32
AllStarVoici une liste non exhaustive de toutes les nouveautés05:32
AllStarwhat is this05:32
AllStar- -05:32
Amarok___i am getting an error when I load a CD, it claims: "Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:     klauncher said" Unknown protocal05:52
Slonkiehmm say i have an mediacenter with xubuntu, would i be able to play an .avi file by ssh'ing from my laptop ?09:58
SiDithe file is on your lappy ?10:00
SiDii think you can with vlc / totem10:00
SlonkieNo it's on my mediacenter10:00
SlonkieI wanna play it on the mediacenter which is connected to my lcd tv10:00
SiDiErm thats a good question :P10:00
tavastion what display you want it to be shown?10:00
SiDiIf it supports URI's and sftp then yeh :P10:00
SlonkieI wanna play it on the mediacenter / my lcd tv10:00
tavastido you want to see it on your laptop, or on your mediacenter?10:00
Slonkiei just don't wanna have to use vnc like i am right now with windows :(10:01
tavastiare you running X on mediacenter?10:02
tavastiand what is on screen?10:02
Slonkiewell, i'm not running anything yet, going to install xubuntu jaunty if it's possible10:02
tavastiis that lcd tv or computer tft display?10:03
tavastiand how it's connected to computer?10:03
* SiDi dunnoes what the hell a media center is10:03
Slonkiemy mediacenter (just an computer which i use for playing movies/music ;)) is connected to my LCD TV trough VGA10:03
tavastiSiDi, just computer, but used for watching tv, etc10:04
Slonkienothing fancy, SiDi ;)10:04
tavastiSlonkie, then you most like would run X10:04
SiDiSlonkie: then what do you use to play vids on your media center ?10:04
SiDisomething like totem/vlc ?10:04
Slonkiewell atm i'm using vlc @ windows, and i'd prefer vlc in xubuntu too :).10:05
SiDicause vlc supports sftp streams if i'm right ^^10:05
Slonkiewhat would i need sftp stream for?10:05
SiDior either you can create a mountpoint on your media center to access your other pc10:05
Slonkiethe .avi file is on the mediacenter10:05
tavastiand for X, if there is no app that is running ull-screen mode, you can start any X app with remote ssh10:05
SiDiSlonkiehmm say i have an mediacenter with xubuntu, would i be able to play an .avi file by ssh'ing from my laptop ?10:05
SiDithe file is on the media center10:05
Slonkiei wanna ssh to the mediacenter (instead of vnc)10:06
SiDii thought you wanted to pick the file via sftp from your lappy to your media center T_T10:06
tavastiDISPLAY=:0.0 mplayer myfile.avi10:06
* SiDi goes bed.10:06
SiDik i see10:06
SiDiwell as tavasti said :D10:06
Slonkiethanks, tavasti ! :)10:06
SiDior :1 if you use a second X serv :P10:06
adam_how do i get my panels back in xubuntu,i have lost my task bars and start menu.10:46
Slonkiealt+f2 - xfce4-panel10:51
Slonkiei updated from 8.10 to 9.04 some time ago, just now i see that my icons aren't the same as in a newly installed jaunty.. Why is this?11:42
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=== MarcPV is now known as marcPV
SlonkieHello marcPV :)12:36
marcPVi upgrade to 9.04 and i miss the volume fader in the upper bar12:37
marcPVany idea?12:39
Slonkiedid you use it to turn up/down volume, or just to see volume level?12:43
marcPVto up/down12:46
marcPVthe usual fader bar12:46
Slonkieokay, i don't know how to get the old one back12:48
marcPVmaybe its a bug12:49
Slonkieyou chould add the "mixer" which makes you able to up/down too, just place the mouse over the icon and scroll12:49
Slonkienah i don't think it's a bug12:49
marcPVim a rookie, so i dont really know what is a bug... ;)12:50
marcPVi already place the mixer but i dont want the window to pop up anytime12:50
Slonkiewell just place the mouse at the mixer and scroll up down using the scroll12:50
Slonkiedon't click the mixer12:51
SlonkieYou chould also bind buttons for up/down :).12:51
marcPVhow can i scroll down/up?12:53
Slonkiedo you have a scroll on your mouse?12:53
marcPVits laptop old ibm12:53
Slonkieall right12:54
Slonkiewell you chould do buttons for it then :/12:54
Slonkielike.. F11 for down volume and F12 for up or whatever buttons you like12:55
marcPV1min pls12:56
Slonkie!hi | aitap12:58
ubottuaitap: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!12:58
aitapI'm trying to install Xubuntu via Wubi on my second PC12:59
aitapits RAM is 256 MB12:59
aitapwhen i try to run the installation, it says that i have only 255 MB13:00
aitapand then fails13:00
aitapi'll show you the error, wait a moment13:00
aitapwritelines() agrument must be sequence of strings13:02
aitapso, what i can do to install xubuntu?13:02
marcPVi'm little busy, but thanks a lot Slomkie13:19
Cristi_anyone here13:39
Cristi_i need help13:39
Cristi_what is gnome?13:39
SiDiits some kind of creature13:40
SiDiof the mithology13:40
Cristi_o ya?13:40
SiDias big as a dwarf13:40
SiDibut they live in the forests !13:41
Cristi_i think is a desktop enviroment13:41
SiDi(gnome is a desktop environment, just aswell as xfce)13:41
Cristi_i think you are teling lies13:41
Cristi_some kind o13:41
Cristi_im not stuppid13:41
Cristi_so you all use xgace?13:42
blue_skyxubuntu doesn't configure X correctly for my screen/video card. I've got three 'stripes' of screen - the left side, and then two copies of the right side, the whole centre of the screen is missing, so I can't see what to click on in the menus to fix it. Any suggestions?14:25
Pres-Gasblue_sky, do you know what your graphics card is?14:43
blue_skyPres-Gas: It's been a long time since I had to config it. It's an ATI of some kind, 16MB ram, the screen is 1600x120014:44
Pres-GasCan you get to one of the virtual ttys (ctrl+alt+F2 for example) and log in?14:46
Pres-Gasblue_sky, run "lshw -class display" and tell me the vendor and product.14:49
blue_skyPres-Gas: I was just switching to a VT and I've a14:50
blue_skylost all display, gimme a minute!14:50
Pres-Gasnp, blue_sky14:52
blue_skyPres-Gas: had to do a hard reset, just booting...14:52
blue_skyPres-Gas: OK. It says: Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x14:55
blue_skyPres-Gas: Forgot to say, definitely and ATI14:56
Pres-GasWell, I do see this item based on your card, blue_sky:15:02
blue_skyOK, looking it up15:03
Pres-Gasblue_sky, check this one out too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-r128/+bug/28430915:04
blue_skyI know it all works, it's been running Debian for many years, just don't remember how!15:05
Pres-GasYeah, Ubu has not been writing a Xorg.conf for a bit...you may have to hand hold it by actually making that file, blue_sky15:05
blue_skyPres-Gas: Yeah, OK, I may re-boot with an old Knoppix disk here that I know works fine, and extract the info I need under that. Thanks for your help15:06
Pres-GasNP...sorry it was not an easy fix15:07
DetroitLibertyPegod i'm attractive15:14
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:15
blue_skyPres-Gas: Just a quick FYI, that first link you gave me has led to a solution to the problem. Nice clear 1600x1200 24bit display, instead of a chopped about 800x600... Nice! Thanks again.15:20
Pres-Gasblue_sky, w00t!15:29
Pres-GasI wondered about that15:29
Pres-GasNote the 2nd still says this is a bug15:29
Pres-Gas...but as long as you can hand-hold it, all is well15:29
ruadhHi. I have installed Photoshop Elements 6 using 'wine'. The installation went fine, with no problems. However, when I started Elements and attempted to register the product I got an error message saying "We were unable to connect to Adobe to register your product". I have no problems with my internet connection and JaveScript enabled in Firefox. Has anyone experienced any such problems?16:06
Pres-Gasruadh, is Photoshop Elements actually attempting to open up a browser?16:09
ruadhPres-Gas, No. But I guess it needs too16:09
Pres-Gas...and it is likely wanting to open up a windows browser, ruadh...which you do not have because you are running linux.16:10
ruadhPres-Gas, ok, thanks16:11
Pres-Gasruadh, I would guess that or it is wanting to talk via its own client, which may not be fully implemented since you are in wine16:11
Pres-GasSee if you can register it more manually from adobe.com16:11
ruadhPres-Gas, Will do. Thanks for your advice16:12
Pres-GasHope you get it going16:12
Pres-Gasruadh, have you tried the gimp?16:12
Pres-GasIt has more features than Elements, I believe16:13
ruadhPres-Gas, I am not keen on gimp, never have been.16:13
Pres-GasMay I ask why, ruadh?16:14
peturGnome\XFCE is the only diffrence between ubuntu and xubuntu ?17:02
Pres-Gaspetur, there are different other utilities installed, ie Thunderbird instead of Evolution...but they both come from the same software repositories...17:06
Pres-Gasso an ubuntu install can be set up like xubuntu and vice versa17:07
cjrhi. i have a question that i had trouble googling.. i'm running xubuntu on a laptop, and i was wondering if there's a way to preserve the aspect ratio when changing the display resolution?17:32
SlonkieAnyone here able to browse files with bluetooth to their mobilephones with xubuntu?18:02
knomeSlonkie, was with intrepid at least, haven't tried in jaunty.18:02
SlonkieI'm haven't been able to do in either of the versions18:03
SlonkieI'm only able to send files :/18:03
SiDiyou'll need gnome-obex-ftp18:07
SiDiand bluez-gnome18:07
SiDiand it was working just fine here last time i checked18:08
SlonkieFor my problem? :)18:08
Slonkieif it is.. There is no gnome-obex-ftp package :(18:10
F3r0Xjust a question18:15
F3r0Xi've just switced from ubuntu to xubuntu18:15
SiDiFeel free to ask18:15
SlonkieThat diden't help unfortunaitly, SiDi. :(18:16
F3r0Xi cannot find on systray the volulume control  icon  as in ubuntu18:16
F3r0Xi found mixer applet but it's not immediate as in ubuntu18:16
F3r0Xi know it's a stupid thing18:16
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup18:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about obex18:17
SiDiSlonkie, there should be howto's somewhere... it's doable for sure anyways18:17
SiDiF3r0X, you got the mixer applet atm ?18:17
SiDiF3r0X, you can scroll it up / down to increase/decrease volume18:17
F3r0Xbut i have to click it and then change volume18:18
F3r0Xdoes it exists something more immediate?18:18
SiDiF3r0X, scroll it with your mouse18:18
SiDiF3r0X, if you're under jaunty, you can also try to install xfce4-xfapplet-plugin and then add an xfapplet, then go to the applet's properties and turn it into a volume applet18:18
F3r0Xit works18:19
F3r0Xgood start with xubunutu :)18:20
F3r0Xanother question18:31
F3r0Xmy video card is not detected18:31
F3r0Xwith lspci this is the result18:31
F3r0X02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon X1650 Pro (rev 9e)18:32
J_Litewskiis there a way to change the way xubuntu handles when the computer overheats?18:47
J_Litewskii'm tired of my lappy shutting down when it overheats. i would like it to subspend itself instead18:49
tmuraseUh, how hot is it getting?18:58
J_Litewskinot sure18:59
J_Litewskiit just starting happening18:59
tmuraseI think at some point the CPU will just shut the whole thing down (> 100C?)18:59
J_Litewskiafter i took the cmos battery out18:59
tmuraseThe bios settings aren't the same as before, then?19:00
J_Litewskinot sure19:01
J_Litewskithe only thing i change in the bios is the startup settings\19:02
J_Litewskii'll check though19:02
J_Litewskinothing in BIOS19:06
tmurasecan you run xfce4-sensors?19:07
J_Litewskii'll try19:07
J_Litewskiinstalling it now19:08
J_Litewskii think it's the crappy design of the dell inspiron 100019:09
J_LitewskiACPI/THRM is 83.0 C19:11
J_Litewskithats kinda high19:11
J_Litewskithat's not right19:12
tmuraseyeah, that's pretty high19:15
tmurasethe fan is going full throttle too?19:15
J_Litewskiit's on half power19:16
tmurasethat doesn't seem right eitehr19:20
tmuraseOn one of my laptops I had to open the thing up to take out a big dust bunny blocking the vent.  But the fan was desperately trying to cool the system19:20
tmuraseie: the fan was at full speed19:21
J_Litewskii'm just going to be glad when i get my desktop19:21
Xubuntu904InstalHello.  Xubuntu 9.04 fails to install.  It goes black screen and scrolls error messages having to do with a hard drive.  AthlonXP2500+, 2gb ram, nvidia 6800, IDE cdrom, SATA hard drives (x2)  Does Xubuntu not support SATA or something?20:08
Xubuntu904InstalWhen trying to install after booting the livecd (instead of install from boot menu), it only sees one of the SATA hard drives.20:12
Xubuntu904InstalIt hangs at the menu where you enter user information (step 5 of 7)20:15
Slonkiehmm i changed my nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf but it doesn't seem to update? how do i make it update and make it keep the settings for next time i login?20:15
Xubuntu904InstalAny suggestions, anyone?20:15
Xubuntu904Instalslonkie, did you do it as root?20:16
SlonkieYes ofcourse :)20:16
Xubuntu904Instalon this system I'm having trouble installing Gparted hangs when booted from the livecd.  guess ubuntu hates my sata controller.20:34
DetroitLibertyPeyes, Ubuntu has feelings and it HATES your sata controller20:34
Xubuntu904Instalit speaks to me in error messages when I try to install.  they say that "hda" is having problems, but I thought sata shows up as "sda" in /dev20:35
Xubuntu904Instalof course hda has problems... there isn't one.20:36
Xubuntu904Instalcfdisk : "FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive"20:39
Xubuntu904Instalcfdisk fails when pointed at sda, and hangs when pointed at sda120:41
Xubuntu904InstalOkay, I'm guessing that xubuntu 9.04 just plain doesn't like the nforce2 chipset's sata controller.  I've read of others doing a SATA install.  Where to report the bug?20:44
Xubuntu904InstalI did a "dd if=dev/zero of=dev/sda" and it reports that only 1.1gb of zeros were written.  what the heck?20:48
Xubuntu904Instalit's a 80gb drive.20:48
cjoneshow can i create an iso image from a a cd20:49
SlonkieUse brasero20:49
SlonkieIt has a built in function for exactly that :)20:50
Xubuntu904Instalany other apps other than gparted and cfdisk on the xubuntu disk?  neither seem to work...20:52
SiDiXubuntu904Instal, bugs go in bugs.launchpad.net20:52
Xubuntu904InstalI mean for partitioning...  guided partitioning fails.20:52
Xubuntu904Instalthx, sidi20:52
SiDii suppose you should set the project for the bug to the kernel20:52
Xubuntu904Instalsidi, have you gotten xubuntu to install on a SATA drive before?20:53
SiDiAll my PCs use sata drives afaik20:53
SiDiand it works ok on all of them20:53
SiDii guess its a motherboard + kernel problem20:53
Xubuntu904Instalany of your mobos have the nforce2 chipset?20:53
SiDino :p20:53
SiDionly intel here20:53
Xubuntu904Instalguess I'll have to dig up an IDE and try again... :(20:54
alyawnDoes anyone know why Thunar opens 2 windows whenever I connect my external USB hard drive?21:14
geniiTwo partitions?21:17
alyawnOnly one drive appears on my desktop and both windows are in the same folder21:17
alyawnWhen I disable the "Browse removable media when inserted" then I get no windows as expected.21:18
DetroitLibertyPealwyan:becaue you double clicked, so it opened twice21:18
alyawnI didn't click on anything... I just plugged in the drive (USB)21:19
DetroitLibertyPewell, never mind then21:19
DetroitLibertyPe<- Runs sheepisly to the back21:19
cjoneshow can i take an iso image of xubuntu and add files so that when i install it the files would be on the desktop?21:19
SlonkieAnybody know an application in which i'm able to mark x amount of .mp3 files and change the id3 tag album on all of them at once?21:21
alyawnI just tried with another USB hard drive and a flash drive and I always get 2 windows. Any ideas?21:21
cjoneshow do i use braso to save a disk as an iso image?21:23
cjoneshow do i use brasero to save a disk as an iso image?21:24
knomecjones, "disc copy"21:26
cjoneshow can i take an iso image of xubuntu and add files so that when i install it the files would be on the desktop?21:32
R1cochetthere is a program. hold i o forgot what it was called21:34
R1cochetwells theres 2 diff ones.21:35
R1cochetlook at aptoncd, ima try to remember the other21:35
R1cochetaptoncd doesnt add to install disc but will create a cd of all the packs u want21:35
Slonkiecjones open brasero and press the "Disc Copy"21:36
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:36
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning21:36
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:36
SiDicjones, see above :p search help.ubuntu.com for OEM installs too21:37
R1cochetSiDi: what was that program that would let u create ur own installer?21:40
cjonesSiDi all i want to is haveall my roms for my emulators someplace i can find them after install21:40
SiDiR1cochet, dont remember21:42
SlonkieI wonder if anyone know of an "rss" application one can add in the panel which shows latest headlines from an feed?22:15
laisaHi ppl. I have a problem with my resolution. Ecerytime I login, the Resolution change22:18
laisaI whant to use 1024x76822:18
laisaor 1152x86422:19
Slonkiebe patient laisa.22:20
laisaSlonkie can you help?22:21
SlonkieNo if i were able to help i'd had answered. So be patient and when someone whom's able to help they will answer you.22:22
laisaHow can I run xfconf as root in Xubuntu 9.04?22:22
SiDilaisa, did you install your GPU's drivers ?22:25
SiDiIf yes, did you use sudo instead of gksudo for drivers/screen res GUI apps ?22:26
laisaXubuntu doesn't find my GPU22:26
SiDiI can't help on this tho :)22:26
zorofrozohey, i cannot change the login screen on my xubuntu jaunty setup to belgian azerty.23:06
zorofrozothe login screen is in us qwerty23:06
zorofrozocan someone help me???23:06
SiDizorofrozo, edit your xorg.conf's keyboard layout and it should be good23:06
zorofrozohumm, i'll try that, is there no way to do this tru the menus??23:07
SiDiIn Xubuntu i'm not sure :/23:08
zorofrozouwkay, and location of xorg??? i tryed etc, i was wrong:p23:08
zorofrozoright^^ thx23:09
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
zorofrozoopened it tru terminal with mousepad now, problem is, xorg is nearly empty, do you know the exact code?23:10
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:11
ubottuWhile it is common in the computing field to consider 1kB (one kilobyte) = 1024B (1024 bytes), the correct equation, according to standard IEEE 1541, is 1kB = 1000B. On the other hand, 1KiB (one kibibyte) = 1024B  -  Same goes for all multiples23:11
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts23:11
knomesee that xfce one ^23:11
zorofrozonice :d23:11
zorofrozothat will change the layout in the login screen?? because once logged in, it's fine, then it is azerty23:18
zorofrozoi'll try and post back23:19
ubottuuse @login23:22
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts23:23
m200hi guys23:24
knome!hi | m20023:24
ubottum200: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!23:24
m200I need a quick 1-2-3 help with regard to Xubuntu 9.0423:24
m200I just installed through NetBoot Xubuntu 9.0423:24
m200and tried to access my another PC with shared Windows and another PC with SSHFS23:25
m200it seems that I can get authenticated and connected in Gigolo23:25
m200but, when I try open the icon, it doesn't do anything23:25
m200I don't have this problem with Ubuntu and Kubuntu.23:26
m200I really appreciate if if you guys can share some lights23:26
zorofroozostillno azety in login screen, any ideas ??23:27
zorofroozostill no azerty, is what i meant23:28
m200hope some on this list can help out23:29
m200thanks in advance23:29
SiDizoredache, isnt there an option in GDM for language ? :/23:29
SiDizorofroozo, *23:29
SiDizoredache, soz23:29
zorofroozolet me look23:31
zorofroozoi changed the layout at settings-keyboard23:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm23:33
zorofroozowhat did you mean by gdm?23:33
zorofroozognome display manager, kay:p23:34
SiDiits the name of that login thing23:35
SiDithe keyboard settings GUI is only for the xfce session23:35
SiDithere also is the system-wide one in xorg.conf23:36
SiDibut maybe gdm has its own one23:36
SiDithen it'd be in /etc/gdm/somewhere23:36
zorofroozoas though it seems:p23:36
zorofroozofound gdmsetup, but doesn't provide the layout option, thquest continues23:46
SiDigood luck :X23:51
SiDitry #gdm maybe there'll be someone btw :P23:51
SiDiPurée ubuntu server est mieux seedé que Fedora 1023:51
SiDij'ai gagné 3% sur Fedora et 15% sur Ubuntu23:51
SiDiWrong channel23:52
SlonkieAnyone here know an calender which is capable of syncronising with the S60 mobile operative system?23:54

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