
ign0ramuscoleys, kubuntu tries to force you to use Dolphin, but i still like Konqueror00:00
ign0ramusor midnightcommander ;)00:00
Hedge|Hogmaybe a little more resource friendly to use dolphin, dont qoute me on that one though00:00
coleysyou can most likely change the default file manager im assumingg..?00:00
ign0ramuscoleys, yes, but I think sometimes kubuntu 'forgets' defaults00:01
coleysahh, 9.04 is almost done ;))!!!00:01
nameinerHi folks. Does anybody know why when I download a file in Firefox I don't get options to choose from with which application to open the file in the dialog that opens. That worked pretty well on 8.04 from which I upgraded to 9.04.00:02
ign0ramusnameiner, i think its called 'firefox-gnome-support'00:02
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ign0ramusnameiner, try installing that package and restart firefox.  lemme know.00:03
the1corruptedHello everyone!  I was wondering, is there a way to make command shorthands manually?  As in, my typed command "mysql" would actually be "mysql -u root -p"?00:04
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, yes, 'bash aliases' is what you want00:04
Hedge|Hogthe1corrupted: aliases00:04
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, you want to edit ~/bash.rc00:05
the1corruptedign0ramus: Thanks. :)00:05
nameinerign0ramus: that wants to install a ton of other packages (it is a meta package). Do you know if I really need all of those packages? I'm always trying to keep the system as slim as possible.00:05
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, the format is "  alias mysql='mysql -u root -p'  "00:06
the1corruptedign0ramus: Thanks again :P  That --help in the terminal is often very handy.00:06
ign0ramusnameiner, well, you can always uninstall them later, but i'm almost positive that's the package you need.. firefox is gtk after all ;)00:06
Magicman1264Coleys: I'm sorry if I sound stupid, I did the install and I'm at the agreement. Is there someplace I have to click to agree or do I just close out and try to open a new browser.00:08
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, my .bashrc - see the last 9 lines00:08
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, oops --> http://rafb.net/p/cWwhm954.html00:09
coleysMagicman1264: Press the right arrow key, then it will highlight yes.00:09
coleysMagicman1264: Then Press enter00:09
Magicman1264ok  Thank you.00:09
the1corruptedign0ramus: Do you know how to set up localhost aliases with apache?00:11
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, that i've never done... i've actually never configured a server00:12
nameinerign0ramus: I only need the package gnome-mime-data :)00:12
Magicman1264Coleys: Everything works fine now. Thank you so much for your time and help00:12
ign0ramusnameiner, glad you got it sorted out - i knew it was some gnome package that was missing00:12
nameinerign0ramus: it should be recommendet in the firefox meta package and get installed when installing firefox00:13
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Guest99459so kubuntu 9 doesn't come with adept?00:14
ign0ramusnameiner, it definitely doesn't happen all the time, then... i've had the same problem after installing Fx on a new box00:14
ign0ramusGuest99459, no, it uses kpackagekit, but you can still install adept if you like00:14
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ign0ramusGuest99459, i'm not really a big fan of either...00:14
Guest34760hi  @ll00:14
nameinerign0ramus: anyways, thanks for the push in the right direction :)00:15
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ign0ramusnameiner, i'm always good for 'almost help'! ;)00:15
Austin00kpackagehit doesn't have firefox? :|00:15
ign0ramusAustin00, it has nothing to do with kpackagekit; it has everything to do with your repositories00:16
nameinerign0ramus: haha00:16
Austin00well yeah..I just mean by default00:16
Guest34760does anyone know how I can use nepomuk and strigi to search for file content in ubuntu 9.04?? It won't even start on my machine :(00:16
Austin00I dont want to find repositories :|00:16
ign0ramusAustin00, i'm pretty sure if you enable all the available Canonical repos, Firefox is in there00:17
ign0ramusAustin00, you should be able to check them from kpackagekit00:17
Austin00it has Canonical-supported checked in the list00:18
nameinerAustin00: I installed firefox right after installing the system without changing anything in the repositories00:18
Austin00yeah, thats why I am confused00:18
ign0ramusAustin00, what is you were to "sudo apt-get install firefox" in a terminal?00:18
ign0ramus*what if00:18
Austin00Package firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.00:19
Austin00This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or00:19
Austin00is only available from another source00:19
ign0ramusAustin00, what about "firefox-3.0"?00:20
Austin00Couldn't find package firefox-3.000:21
coleysHow can I figure out the md5 checksum of kubuntu.amd64.desktop.iso?00:21
Austin00there is an text file in the iso with it listed I think00:21
ign0ramusAustin00, can you pastebin the result of "kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list" ?00:21
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coleyswhat program in Kubuntu opens .iso?00:23
ign0ramusAustin00, hmm... other than having backports disabled, everything looks fine00:24
Austin00Dont think I have changed anything, just installed kubuntu like 10 minutes ago00:26
ign0ramusAustin00, and you apt-get update 'd without errors?00:27
Austin00I never did apt-get update00:28
ign0ramusAustin00, cant hurt ;)00:28
david_how do i turn off invitation desktop sharing00:28
Austin00so yeah, now everything shows up00:28
Austin00after update00:28
ign0ramusAustin00, :)00:29
nameinerAustin00: then your system doesn't know what packages are available00:29
Austin00I assumed it would auto update the first time it was openned or something00:29
Austin00I guess00:29
ign0ramusAustin00, i thought so too, that's why it wasn't the first thing i asked :/00:29
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:30
st23amis there a known issue where window resizing is really slow?00:32
ign0ramusst23am, depends if you're running compiz or kwin, or if you have integrated Intel graphics, etc.  need more info, in other words.00:33
Hedge|Hogst23am: i experience the same thing with kwin compositing00:33
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st23amya i am running kwin. and I use two Ati 4850's (dont have crossfire working yet)00:38
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ign0ramusst23am, see here, under "Known Issues" http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release00:40
CyberDemon_someone here work's with JTAG interface?00:40
st23amthanks ign0ramus:00:40
Guest55265How do I get back the window style of kile 2.0 for kile 2.1 ?00:41
ign0ramusst23am, this may help, too - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver00:42
MakuseruI seem to be having a problem. For  some reason, a few of my programs arent following my apperance settings. Does anyone know what would be caysing it to do this, and how i could fix it?00:42
lockableWhat security software is recomended so i dont get hacked?00:43
the1corruptedI'm having trouble getting apache started.  I get this error: "(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
the1corruptedno listening sockets available, shutting down00:43
the1corruptedUnable to open logs00:43
ign0ramuslockable, education against social engineering.  seriously.00:43
the1corruptedAnyone know how to change apache permissions?00:44
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, try here http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/could-not-bind-to-address-
* beagleburt is away: Away at the moment00:46
MakuseruI seem to be having a problem. For  some reason, a few of my programs arent following my apperance settings. Does anyone know what would be caysing it to do this, and how i could fix it?00:50
ign0ramusMakuseru, what programs specifically?00:50
Makuseruign0ramus: just Pidgin.00:51
ign0ramusMakuseru, and you're setting your appearance settings in System Settings?00:51
ign0ramusMakuseru, Pidgin is a gtk app... that's most likely your reason.  it's not kde-native00:52
MakuseruFirefox does it also.00:52
the1corruptedign0ramus, those commands didn't do much...  Mostly because they didn't work to begin with :P  But I'm also having a touch of trouble with WINE if you know anything about that.00:52
ign0ramusMakuseru, firefox is also gtk00:52
MakuseruIve never had this problem with them before, i just reinstalled today and now its doing it.00:52
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, not a whole lot, but there are others in here too :)00:52
ign0ramusMakuseru, try getting the gtk-kde4 package... i forget the proper name.  to get kde styles and fonts in gtk apps00:53
the1corruptedign0ramus, well it seems that WINE thinks it's c_drive is in home/user/Documents/.wine when it's actually in /home/user/.wine00:53
Makuseruign0ramus: how would i find out the name of that package?00:54
ign0ramusMakuseru, google or someone here... if you give me some time, i can probably find it for you00:55
ubottuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI00:55
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, ha - mine is the same...00:55
the1corruptedign0ramus, did you try fixing it with a static link?00:56
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, no, i never even noticed until just now... i don't use it that much.  but i'm checking it now00:56
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, you could either link it, or it seems you can map drives if you go to Kmenu>Wine>Configure Wine>Drives00:58
Makuseruign0ramus: is the package "gtk-qt-engine"?00:59
the1corruptedign0ramus, but it seems they don't like you playing with their c drive01:00
ign0ramusMakuseru, i think it is... you can always uninstall if its not01:00
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, yeah, i'm noticing that too... :/01:00
Makuseruign0ramus: It says its already the current version01:00
ign0ramusMakuseru, do you have a "gtk styles and fonts" section in Appearance? (System Settings)?01:03
MakuseruYes i di,.01:03
Guest55265how do I get from kile2.1  http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/1302/kile21.png   to the look of kile2.0   http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/3150/kile20.png01:03
ign0ramusMakuseru, do you have gtk apps set to use kde style?01:03
ign0ramusMakuseru, so what part of the appearance is not adhering?01:04
MakuseruEverything. It's just completely different. Borders, fonts, tabs, everything.01:04
ign0ramusMakuseru, what if you set them to user-defined settings? do those stick?01:05
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MakuseruHow do i do that?01:05
ign0ramusMakuseru, 'use another style' + 'use another font'01:06
MakuseruWhere do i set that at?01:06
ign0ramusMakuseru, in 'gtk styles and fonts', which you just said you had01:07
MakuseruOh, ok, i was misunderstanding you earlier.01:07
ign0ramusMakuseru, after making your settings, you'll have to restart the gtk app01:07
Matissehow do I get from kile2.1  http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/1302/kile21.png   to the look of kile2.0   http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/3150/kile20.png01:08
Makuseruign0ramus: Alright, trying now.01:08
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the1corruptedign0ramus Since you have WINE, you have windows apps too, right?01:10
tkostov91hi there I`ve got a big problem with my video graphic card fan01:10
tkostov91the card is ati radeon x1650 pro01:10
tkostov91with watercooler01:10
AustLawhaving trouble installing the nvidia drivers01:10
tkostov91and the temp is way too high about 90 in celsius01:10
tkostov91any idea how to change that01:11
AustLawwhen I click activate in the restricted hardware drivers, it just stalls at downloading and installing01:11
tkostov91it`s urgent, right now i`m working with that card01:11
ign0ramustkostov91, i wish i knew, my Jaunty runs hot as hell, too :(01:12
Makuseruign0ramus: This is what's happening. http://i41.tinypic.com/i6meyq.png Konversation is the program in the back, and Pidgin is the one in the front.01:12
ign0ramusMakuseru, ooh.. that is ugly.  what style did you set for gtk apps?01:13
the1corruptedign0ramus Since you have WINE and windows apps as well, there are certain fonts in them that I can barely read.  Is there a way to change them?01:14
MakuseruI tried Qt, and nothing changed, so i just changed it back to "use kde settings"01:14
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts01:15
ign0ramusMakuseru, hmm.. here's what i get, using the settings i recommended: http://i43.tinypic.com/309iiyc.jpg01:18
MakuseruThats using what? Qt as the "gtk style"?01:19
ign0ramusMakuseru, QtCurve01:19
MakuseruI dont have that as an option.01:20
MakuseruJust Qt, and Raleigh.01:20
ign0ramusMakuseru, either way, i just remembered that you have to restart kde for it to take effect (ctrl+alt+bckspce)01:20
MakuseruOh, alright.01:21
MakuseruIll try that then, just a second.01:21
lordofthepigsHello, Is it possible to tag files from Dolphin in KDE4?01:23
ebinso.. is there anybody out there?01:24
ign0ramusMakuseru, ...and?01:25
MakuseruNo difference.01:25
ign0ramusMakuseru, hmm... if it helps, i have packages 'gtk2-engines-qtcurve' and 'kde-style-qtcurve' both installed01:26
MakuseruIll try that now. And thanks for all the help.01:26
ign0ramusMakuseru, np.  hope that works for you. gtk burns my eyes! o_O01:26
MakuseruI know man, its just so ugly.01:26
ign0ramusMakuseru, i actually started with ubuntu, and still find gnome more stable, but i don't know how you can look at it all day :P01:27
the1corruptedign0ramus How do you configure the root user?  I know I did it before, but have forgotten how...01:27
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, root user for what?01:28
the1corruptedign0ramus No.  Hard links.01:28
Makuseruign0ramus: alright, set Qtcurve as the syle, restarting X now.01:28
ign0ramusMakuseru, kk01:28
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, a symlink won't work?01:28
the1corruptedign0ramus I'm trying to make windows Fonts read from my linux fonts...01:28
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, i don't understand... you're trying to get windows to render linux fonts?01:29
the1corruptedign0ramus Not Windows really...  WINE.01:29
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, you've copied over new fonts to wine, and its not recognizing them?01:30
Makuseruign0ramus: So much better.01:30
ign0ramusMakuseru, nice :)01:30
MakuseruThanks alot man.01:30
the1corruptedign0ramus Copied?  No I wanted to link them to save space...01:30
the1corruptedign0ramus Plus if I got new fonts, it'd have to be updated...01:30
ign0ramusMakuseru, np.  anything to get away from gtk looks!01:30
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, and again, a symlink won't work in this situation?01:31
the1corruptedign0ramus Tried it.  It doesn't result in Fonts -> (link) /etc/fonts  more like Fonts/fonts01:31
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, crap.01:32
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, i try to avoid hard links... lemme dig up a good tutorial :P01:32
the1corruptedign0ramus You can also use a hard link for those drive_c issues too XD01:33
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, what command(s) have you tried, and what errors (if any) did you get?01:33
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, from the refreshers, hard links use the same syntax as symlinks01:33
the1corruptedign0ramus I trid "ln -d .../windows/Fonts /etc/fonts" and got "Operation not permitted"01:34
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, "-d" requires superuser01:35
the1corruptedign0ramus Right...  So how could I do it as root?01:35
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, "kdesudo .... "01:35
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, or less safely "sudo -i"01:35
the1corruptedign0ramus sudo wouldn't allow it.01:36
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, so if you do "sudo -i", get a root shell, it's still not permitted?01:36
the1corruptedign0ramus It appears I do..01:37
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, huh?01:37
the1corruptedign0ramus But now it says "Fonts hard link not allowed for directory"01:37
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, oh... are you linking directories or files?01:37
the1corruptedign0ramus Directories... hence the -d01:38
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, give me a minute...01:38
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, well, apparently directories cannot be hardlinked in Linux without a workaround :/01:41
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, http://nixcraft.com/linux-software/3300-hard-links-symbolic-links-what-i-need.html#post590201:42
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, also: http://linuxgazette.net/issue93/tag/2.html01:42
afeijoits possible to install Google Earth or other google apps. with apt-get?01:44
Lord_Drachenblutafeijo: I believe if you have the partner repo enabled01:46
Lord_Drachenblutanyone ever have any dealings with wep protected apps and kde4?01:46
ign0ramusafeijo, medibuntu repos01:47
ign0ramusafeijo, np01:50
ign0ramusat least for google earth... all the other apps, i'm not sure01:50
afeijohow to fix invalid public key error on apt-get?02:00
olrraiadd the key02:00
olrraiwhat repository?02:01
olrraigive me the tring02:01
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, you still here?02:02
the1corruptedign0ramus Yeah, fiddling with links right now02:03
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, well heres something:  do "sudo kate /usr/share/applications/wine-browsedrive.desktop"02:03
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, make line 14 (or whatever one looks like this) say THIS: "Exec=xdg-open $HOME/.wine/dosdevices/c:"02:04
afeijoolrrai: did you wrote that for me? I found the keys, and installed what I want, thanks02:04
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, save and exit.  NOW try to "Browse C: Drive"02:04
the1corruptedign0ramus It didn't let me save02:07
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, huh?  if you're editing a file using sudo or kdesudo, you should be able to save02:08
the1corruptedign0ramus Well if I try the command you gave me, it says no protocol specified...02:09
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, ok, if you do "kdesudo dolphin" and navigate to the file, and open with kate, then can you successfully edit and save?02:11
the1corruptedign0ramus No.02:11
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, what error do you get (if any)?02:12
coleysign0ramus: How do I install themes to kvirc? =p02:12
ign0ramuscoleys, don't know; i don't use kvirc :(02:12
coleysign0ramus: Oh sorry! =002:13
the1corruptedign0ramus "The document could not be saved as it was not possible to write to blah-di-blah  Check that you have write access to this file or that enough disk space is available"02:13
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, that's weird.  what if you chmod the file to 770?02:13
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, and then try the original command above02:14
the1corruptedign0ramus "cannot access wine-browserdrive.desktop : no such file or directory"02:15
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, what wine-related files exist in /usr/share/applications ?02:16
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, oh, its not "browser" its "browse"02:16
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, you can copy the command above02:16
afeijowhy google keep suggesting ubuntu instead kubuntu? buuuh :)02:17
ign0ramusafeijo, google doesn't suggest anything except advertisements :)02:17
the1corruptedafreijo, because Ubuntu is more widely supported...02:17
afeijoindeed, but it sounds like kubuntu is wrong02:18
afeijoign0ramus: lol02:18
afeijodamn! I installed google earth 5, it opened as openGL and all map black :(02:18
the1corrupteding0ramus Alright, this is annoying the crap out of me.  Whenever I do "sudo kate wine-browsedrive.desktop" it says Kate: cannot connect to X server: 0.002:19
ign0ramusafeijo, more people use Ubuntu, because gnome is the major DE pushed by Canonical, but I like kde much better02:19
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, hmmm... something is messed up, then.  let me see if we can fix that.  you should not have that error.02:19
afeijoign0ramus: me too02:20
afeijognome visual sux02:20
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, for the time being, can you use kwrite?02:20
the1corruptedign0ramus kwrite isn't a command...02:20
afeijohey, why kubuntu 9 came with gnome and why the default system is gnome if user dont change it on the first login???02:20
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, you must not have it installed.  If you restart X, you should be able to get Kate working, or for the time being you can install and use kwrite02:21
the1corruptedafeijo It came with Gnome?  Do what?  As far as I know, it's KDE...02:21
ign0ramusafeijo, no that's wrong.  Kubuntu comes with KDE.  Ubuntu comes with GNOME02:21
afeijothe1corrupted: I installed from scratch last night02:22
afeijoign0ramus: I thought it wierd too02:22
ign0ramusafeijo, if it was gnome, you installed ubuntu02:22
the1corruptedafeijo I installed it from scratch twice...02:22
ign0ramusafeijo, it's called *K*ubuntu because it ships with KDE02:22
afeijoign0ramus: and how it have kde4 too?02:22
ign0ramusafeijo, KDE 4.2.2 ships by default in Jaunty (9.04)02:23
kyle__i dont even know what kde is02:23
kyle__but  i love my kubuntu02:23
afeijohow to remove gnome?02:23
ign0ramusafeijo, if you got it from the kubuntu web site, it will have KDE02:23
afeijoI am using kde, but I can login with gnome lol02:24
the1corruptedign0ramus I do have kate installed though.. it's just crawling with this massive bug...02:25
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, you can try restarting X or installing kwrite02:25
the1corruptedign0ramus Cannot connect to x server.....  *punts the laptop*02:26
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, it's a very "windows" thing to say, but a reboot is probably your best bet02:27
the1corruptedign0ramus Lol... and people say the benefits of linux is how you *never* reboot... :P02:28
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, those people aren't using Kubuntu Jaunty! :P02:28
the1corruptedShould I use Jaunty?02:28
the1corruptedign0ramus Should I use Jaunty?02:28
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, i'm sticking with it for now... but jeeze, i didn't even have this kind of frustration when i was first learning02:28
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, that's up to you02:29
ign0ramusi was perfectly happy with very solid kde 3.5.9 setup, but wanted to try kde4, as kde3 is not really getting any attention (developing)02:29
geek_er, 3.5.10 was the last version ;)02:30
ign0ramusI have my frustrations, but I make my personal fixes, and the upgrades keep making it better and better, but it is still frustrating02:30
ign0ramusi have to use an RC-kernel just to get my Intel card under control02:30
ign0ramusI find myself restarting X or even rebooting a *lot* more than in kde3, but I'm not sure if it's KDE, my kernel, or Canonical's fault.02:32
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, "sudo kate /usr/share/applications/wine-browsedrive.desktop "02:35
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, do you still get the error?02:35
the1corruptedign0ramus No.  Thankfully02:35
the1corruptedign0ramus And it saved.02:36
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, and now try to Browse C: Drive02:36
the1corruptedign0ramus Somehow, it removed itself from the app menu02:36
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, what?02:36
the1corruptedign0ramus In my wine on my kmenu, it shows Configure Wine, Uninstall Wine and Programs >02:37
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, no "Browse C: Drive"?02:37
the1corruptedign0ramus Nope.  It exorcised itself02:37
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, argh!  well, you can add it there yourself with the proper path02:38
Yud_Zrocwhat program supports *.img files properly02:38
the1corruptedign0ramus I was always wondering how that was done....02:38
Yud_Zrocfor burning02:38
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, you're on kde3?02:39
the1corruptedign0ramus KDE4.2...  Got Kubuntu 9.0402:39
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, do you use traditional menu style or new kickoff style?02:39
Yud_Zrocany burning program that supports .img02:40
the1corruptedign0ramus I wouldn't know the difference....02:40
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, it shouldn't matter.  Right-click Kmenu > Menu Editor02:40
the1corruptedign0ramus Yeah.02:41
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, navigate to the area of the menu you want to edit (in this case, the wine entries)02:41
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, "New Item"02:41
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, type "Browse C: Drive"02:42
the1corruptedign0ramus I see where this goes.  :)02:42
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, easy-peasy!02:42
ubuntuhello tous les gens02:42
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, for "Command", use "xdg-open $HOME/.wine/dosdevices/c:"02:43
=== ubuntu is now known as maxxou
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, did you get it?02:44
the1corruptedign0ramus Complete with that shiny WINE icon.02:44
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, sweet :)  that was easy, right?02:44
the1corruptedign0ramus Now how do I link the friggin' Fonts files?  XP02:45
the1corruptedign0ramus directories, I should say...02:45
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, possibly with a soft link, but if i were you, i'd just pick a couple fonts and copy them over02:45
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, how many fonts do you plan on using for wine?02:45
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, also, i've heard that wine fonts are more readable if you install msttcorefonts... don't know that for sure though.02:46
the1corruptedign0ramus Well when I open PHPDesigner, it has these darn tiny fonts that I can barely read...  It seems to be default.02:46
ign0ramusthe1corrupted, read your mind!02:46
lemonjoin #c02:58
lemonjoin #delphi02:58
luis__hello i have one problem with kubuntu03:01
luis__the resolution is not good for my laptop03:01
luis__someone knows a solution03:02
the1corruptedluis__: Go to the kmenu, click "System Settings" and click "Display"03:10
luis__ok, now03:11
LoreCasterdoes anyone here have any experience with Synergy in 9.04?03:13
luis__hello i have one problem with kubuntu03:19
luis__the resolution is not good for my laptop03:19
luis__someone knows a solution03:19
embraceunity_System Settings -> Display03:20
luis__the 2 resolutions r not good03:20
luis__i think i need to install something03:20
luis__dont know what03:20
superboyhow do i upgrade to the newest kde version03:21
embraceunity_luis_: go to konsole03:23
superboy hello03:23
embraceunity_type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:23
superboywhat does that nana /etc do?03:23
superboyim trying to uupgrade kdeto the newest version03:24
embraceunity_then under the "Screen" section try changing it as specified here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/xorg.conf-custom-screen-resolution-444052/03:24
embraceunity_superboy: I was talking to luis, sorry03:24
superboyoh okay its okay03:24
embraceunity_to upgrade to the newest version of kde, you just need to go to Adept... click the sources tab03:24
embraceunity_and click Edit Sources03:24
superboyi got exited03:24
embraceunity_then go to Third Party Sources03:25
embraceunity_and add this source: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main03:25
embraceunity_that is assuming you have the newest version of Kubuntu03:26
superboyembraceunity thanks so muchfor ur help bro03:27
embraceunity_sure :)03:27
superboyi ony have two souurce in my third-party when i installed kubuntuuu dont i suppose to havve 4 availible sources?03:30
embraceunity_Third Party sources are sources besides the official ubuntu sources03:32
embraceunity_if you want the latest and greatest stuff, or really obscure stuff, you get a third party source03:32
embraceunity_like the latest version of WINE or something03:33
superboy where do i locate third partie stuff?03:33
superboywhat source gives me wine?03:34
embraceunity_superboy: it is usually on the websites for whatever software you are looking for03:34
embraceunity_that is WINE's website03:34
embraceunity_if you click Ubuntu, it gives you the source03:34
embraceunity_deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt jaunty main03:35
superboyhow so theres no specific site that gives uuu source with listings u kinda got to figure out what it has and then look for it?03:35
embraceunity_a new WINE version came out today, and should be packaged for ubuntu soon03:35
embraceunity_well, the official ubuntu sources have all you need03:36
embraceunity_more than you could ever use03:36
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embraceunity_but sometimes that isn't enough for some of us03:36
mermshausyeah, the minority of Eclipse users for instance. ;)03:36
embraceunity_i was speaking to a newbie... haha03:37
embraceunity_but yea03:37
ZengolCould someone tell me how to install mp3 support?03:40
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embraceunity_sudo apt-get install ffmpeg03:40
embraceunity_that should do it, zengol03:40
ZengolThank you.03:41
embraceunity_sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg03:41
ZengolYeah, that is what it was asking for.03:41
ZengolSay's that it has no installation candidate.03:42
ken__Zengol, bring ffmpeg up on adept and see if it will install from there.03:45
mermshausDoesn't the kubuntu-restricted-extras package contain stuff like MP3 support?03:46
embraceunity_yea, and a bunch of shit like sun's version of java which is not necessary anymore03:46
embraceunity_the icedtea implementation on ubuntu is all you need03:47
ken__libxine1-ffmpeg should install with the players, like juk03:47
embraceunity_icedtea is installed by default now03:48
embraceunity_it is fully open source, unlike sun's version which still has lingering closed parts03:48
luis__embra i dont understand anything of how to change my reso03:48
luis__there is not another way for the 1400?03:48
ZengolIt automatically installed this time.03:49
ZengolNo clue what was wrong but oh well.03:49
ZengolThank you anyway guy's.03:49
page_hey i was woundering if anybody had any info on stable secondlife viewers for kubuntu w/ kde403:49
embraceunity_lusi: look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397303:49
ken__what player are you using03:49
mermshausembraceunity_: last time I tried the open version of Java, Eclipse was unuseable. But that's been two years ago or so.03:49
ZengolAmarok 1.2 i believe.03:49
ZengolI'm in Intrepid.03:49
embraceunity_mermshaus: it is much better now03:50
ZengolMy laptop did not get along very well with the new one.03:50
ken__for just music i prefer juk, does a good job03:50
ZengolNow, how would i go about getting java?03:51
ZengolErr, well. How would i go about getting Java and Flash for Firefox?03:52
ken__problem with java, so far I have not been able to get the games on pogo.com to play for my wife. has anyone found this and what is the fix. It states that the java needs installed.03:52
embraceunity_i think it might work better on firefox03:53
embraceunity_konqueror doesnt handle plugins that well03:53
embraceunity_i believe Java should be installed by default with ubuntu03:53
embraceunity_flash needs flashplugin-nonfree03:54
ken__I have tried with about 6 browsers. I have tried to install the java they say they need but have failed.03:55
ZengolIs that under adept?03:55
mermshausI think you can do "java -version" in a terminal to see which version you've installed.03:55
mermshausThis work's at least with Sun's Java.03:55
embraceunity_flashplugin-nonfree is in adept yes03:55
mermshaus*works, doh03:55
ZengolWould it be in Kubuntu restricted extras?03:56
ZengolI don't see a flashplugin-nonfree anywhere.03:56
ZengolOk, kool.03:57
ZengolLong download.03:58
mermshaushi maxxou03:58
embraceunity_ken_: try sudo apt-get install icedtea*   (including the asterics)03:58
embraceunity_ken_: also sudo apt-get install icedtea6-plugin03:59
maxxoui have a probleme with kubuntu 9.04 amd my raid 5 dmraid see my array but don't active any partition?03:59
amstrongclarkwho is using kubuntu90.4?03:59
ken__I have icedtea installed, let me go to pogo and I'll get the file name they are asking for.03:59
nathaliewho chat?03:59
embraceunity_sorry ken, gotta go.... hope you get it figured out03:59
amstrongclarkwho is using kubuntu90.4? i have a problom03:59
amstrongclarkwho is using kubuntu90.4? i have a problom04:00
mermshausamstrongclark: I guess most of the poeple here are using 9.04. You need to be more precise. :)04:00
amstrongclarkI can't update04:03
maxxouamstrongclark: the server is probably down04:03
amstrongclarkthe problem is package install04:04
mermshausamstrongclark: which package manager do you use and does it show an error message?04:05
ken__This is the add for the java pogo says it needs.04:05
amstrongclarkget 60 of 70 is stop04:05
mermshausken__: Can you run "java -version" in a terminal?04:06
ken__I don't know the cammand.04:06
ZengolWas KDE created by Canonical?04:07
amstrongclarkwho can telnet me to help me?04:07
wirechiefii  java-common                                0.30ubuntu404:07
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:07
mermshausken__: try "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre"04:07
mermshausken__: That should install Java 6 on your computer.04:08
amstrongclarki   无法获得锁 /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 资源临时不可用)04:08
amstrongclarkE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:08
amstrongclarkamstrongclark@Amstrongclark:~$ 无法获04:08
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amstrongclarkthe result04:09
maxxoumy problem http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/167391/04:09
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maxxousorry http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/167392/04:10
ken__mermshaus, i have that installed already. the only place I can't get to work is pogo. I have tried since 8.10 now using 9.0404:10
cjaewho is using kpackage with kubuntu 9.04?04:11
ken__Installing a sun java 6 pluging now. maybe this will work.04:12
the1corruptedI have a quick question: can you configure amarok to execute shortcut-keys while minimized?04:12
ZengolDoes Amarok 2 run better than 1.0?04:12
amstrongclark 无法获得锁 /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 资源临时不可用)04:12
amstrongclarkE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:12
amstrongclarkamstrongclark@Amstrongclark:~$ 无法获04:12
ZengolClose Adept.04:13
the1corruptedZengol, if it's of any consequence, I haven't had any issues with Amarok 2.04:13
ZengolI've been thinking about giving Amarok 2 a try.04:13
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kacii've installed 9.04 and kubuntu-restricted-extras.  when i open firefox to a web page i want to use, it says i need to download the "Java Runtime Environment" plugin.  I already have sun-java-jre6 installed.  what do i need to do?  Kubuntu 9.04 32 bit04:14
cjaeMay I remove kpackage and install synaptic instead? Kpackage is not ever asking for password and I am not cool with this04:14
mermshausken__: Yeah, that seems to do the trick. I tried "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin" which seems to work04:18
mermshausken__: Playin' Poppit right now.04:19
ken__mermshaus, it works...at least in firefox. I had all the javas installed but not the plugin one. thanks04:25
mermshausken__: no problem. guess you figured it out on your own. :)04:26
ken__I can't believe i missed that for soo long. getting old i guess04:28
jimmy51_homemermshaus: that did it04:31
jimmy51_home(i was on my wife's machine)04:31
jimmy51_homesun-java6-plugin + a restart of firefox04:31
mermshausjimmy51_home: good to hear. seems to be a popular issue tonight. :)04:32
jimmy51_homeshe needed it for facebook photo uploading ease ... or something04:32
jimmy51_homenight night04:32
cjaeso nobody in here uses kubuntu 9.04 and kpackage?04:35
nellyhey how do I know if I have video drivers04:35
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ken__I use kpackage, works fine for upgrades. have had no problems so far.04:42
mermshausNo broken or held back updates? ^^04:42
ken__I have one held file. don't know why.04:43
ken__gwenview-4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid, this is the blocked update.04:46
david_How do you change directory permissions from Dolphin? I can't seem to get the to stick.04:46
cjaeso anyone using kpackage with kubuntu 9.0404:47
mermshausDo you guys mean KPackageKit when you talk about "kpackage"?04:47
the1corrupteddavid_: Try doing more tasks from the Terminal...  Dolphin's there for conveience.04:48
the1corrupteddavid_: Convenience**04:48
david_You mean 'chown04:48
david_ is more convenient?04:48
david_So how do I set permissions from Dolphin?04:50
amstrongclarkmy system don't reload source04:51
mermshausdavid_: right click -> properties -> permissions ?04:51
amstrongclarkoften stop when update04:52
amstrongclarkhow i do?04:52
david_I can bring up the permissions, and set 'Group' and 'Others' to on the 'Permissions' tab to04:52
david_'Can View and Modify Content'... but the don't stick.04:53
david_That is, the property doesn't change.04:53
mermshausdavid_: That's kind of strange. I'm sure that shouldn't happen.04:55
david_I'm trying to back up my machine so I can install Ubuntu. I'm backing up to a USB drive.04:57
david_Only the directories are created with read permission for others, so it's worthless - I can't back up to the directories because they're read only from other user directories.04:58
ken__mermshaus, I went to adept and it installed the new gwenview. kpackagekit now does not show the blocked upgrade. must be a bug.04:58
mermshausken__: Try to update via "sudo apt-get update" or do a new start or something... If that doesn't work, I have no idea. KPackageKit is strange.04:59
ken__do you mean to reinstall kpackage.05:00
mermshausno. but if kpackagekit shows blocked packages or something, I always try to update via apt-get which works most of the time.05:02
mermshausI had to to do a "apt-get dist-upgrade" a few hours ago to install a new linux-headers package because it was blocked in KPackageKit.05:03
mermshausDon't know if that's a good idea, though.05:03
ken__I understand what you are saying now. I thought it was blocking do to reasons beyound my control. I will now just use apt get when it happens'05:03
tanjirsince jaunty launched, i can't update my 8.10... it always says there is no update available... is it right? :-/05:11
cjaeyeah for apt-get install --reinstall kpackage05:11
cjaegood beans05:11
* cjae remembers about coffee05:12
cjaetanjir: that was thinking out loud05:13
cjaetanjir: I did a clean install of 9.04 but since there was major changes in 8.10 to 9.04 it might be holding you back05:14
cjaealthough yoy should be able to see that with google somewhere05:15
tanjircjae: humm.... i thought i need to change my repo... yah, i can google :P05:15
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cjaefor example I have xubuntu installed on another box of mine and it recommends me not to upgrade to 9.04  on there due to fglrx incompatibilities (ati driver) tanjir05:19
tanjirohh.. i am still in interpid... and not getting any update.05:21
cjaeanyone know how to install the keyring for kde 4.2.3?05:24
cjaesudo wget http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release.gpg -O - | sudo apt-key add -05:38
PhrkOnLshwhat packages other than nvidia-glx-96 do I need to install to enable KDe desktop effects on 9.04?05:41
ZengolCan someone help me install Amarok 2?05:45
PhrkOnLshZengol: apt-get install amarok05:45
PhrkOnLshsudo apt-get install amarok05:45
PhrkOnLshZengol: sudo adept installer05:46
ZengolThat would allow me to get Amarok 2 in Intrepid?05:46
PhrkOnLshis intrepid kde4?05:46
PhrkOnLshthen yes.05:46
ZengolThank you.05:46
PhrkOnLshmhm :)05:46
ZengolI appreciate your assistance.05:47
PhrkOnLshanytime, Ahadiel05:48
PhrkOnLshanytime Zengol05:48
ZengolNo luck.05:49
ZengolIt say's i have the newest version, haha.05:49
PhrkOnLshamarok --version05:49
PhrkOnLshrrix@wanton:~$ amarok --version05:50
PhrkOnLshQt: 4.5.005:50
PhrkOnLshKDE: 4.2.2 (KDE 4.2.2)05:50
PhrkOnLshAmarok: 2.0.205:50
ZengolIt is 1.4.1005:50
PhrkOnLsh:/ wierd05:50
ZengolI believe it is because i do not have teh authority to install it.05:50
PhrkOnLshsudo apt-get install amarok-kde405:51
PhrkOnLsher that is in mulitverse or universe i think.05:51
ZengolSo whatever program i really want i can usually type in sudo apt-get install then the software that i want?05:51
ZengolI believe i have both activated.05:52
ZengolI shall try.05:53
ZengolWill it affect anything if i already have Amarok 1 running?05:53
cjaefor anyone who cares http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-users/2009-05/msg01551.html05:54
Zengol<cjae> What is with the cookie?05:55
cjaeZengol: what05:56
driestrybouhi everyone, is there a way to change the start menu on 9.04?05:56
PhrkOnLshdriestrybou: you have a choice between kickoff the standard launcher and lancelot05:57
PhrkOnLshkickoff is the default, right click it and you can switch to classic menu, or you can add lancelot as a plasmoid05:57
driestrybouthanks, i'll go have a  look at it!05:57
* cjae is getting fuckin sick of ppl asking questions and then not elaborating on them when asked back05:59
Zengol<PhrkOnLsh> New Amarok 2 is installed and it look's fantastic. Thank you again for your help.05:59
Zengolcjae: The link you sent gave me a cookie warning.06:00
Zengolcjae: Quit havin a shit fit.06:00
cjaeZengol: I have been asked over five times today things to that nature and no response when I ask what they mean, so for coming of the handle06:01
cjaeso sorry*06:01
cjaeZengol: many sites give cookies06:01
Zengolcjae: A cookie is a common thing that is installed or ran in the background of your web client, sometime's it can be a virus.06:01
ZengolYeah, well this is the first time i've recieved a malicious warning in Linux from a cookie.06:02
cjaeZengol: your running lin anyway are you not06:02
ZengolDon't matter.06:02
ZengolI am on an Intel processor.06:02
ZengolI am succeptible to crap like that.06:02
ZengolIf i was on a mac i would have gladly accepted the cookie, haha.06:03
cjaeZengol: how can you handle a web browser that prompts for cookies06:03
cjaewhat do you mean on an intel proc06:04
cjaemac have intel procs now06:04
PhrkOnLshZengol: enjoy06:05
cjaerun no script06:05
PhrkOnLshguys chill :)06:05
ZengolI am back.06:06
ZengolOh, on that subject.06:06
cjaeyour saying intel procs are more susceptible than others06:06
ZengolWhen the Intel proc's were implemented into mac's they had an outbreak of pc based viruses in mac's.06:06
cjaeoh I never knew that06:07
ZengolA virus isn't alway's just an invalid scripting in a text document.06:07
cjaethis is good to know, keep going if you like06:07
ZengolViruses come in a lot of form's.06:07
ZengolSuch as a Burner virus.06:07
ZengolIt's what i call them, don't remember the real form.06:08
ZengolA Burner virus can cause damage to hardware.06:08
ZengolAs an example.06:08
ZengolYou open a ReadMe file that has a corrupted scripting imbedded in it.06:08
ZengolIt has now changed the voltage of your USB port.06:08
ZengolThat USB port is now useless because it has been blown out, haha.06:09
ZengolBurn's out your hardware.06:09
zaapielhow do i see a list of services that run on boot?06:09
zaapielany gui for it?06:09
cjaeZengol: ok that really happens, wow  would explain a lot of dead usb ports :(06:10
ZengolMore than that can be of outcome.06:10
ZengolSuch as say, what you know as overclocking.06:11
cjaewell I had a windows box today damn near blow up in my face06:11
ZengolOverclocking is change in firmware for your processor that changes the speed of it.06:11
cjaefixing for a friend06:11
cjaesorry for interrupting06:11
ZengolSame thing with a bad virus.06:11
ZengolOh it's kool, i was reading, haha.06:12
ZengolI was curious as what you meant.06:12
PhrkOnLshZengol: readme files aren't scripted.06:12
ZengolThey can be. =)06:12
PhrkOnLshoh right06:13
ZengolI could explain it easily.06:13
PhrkOnLshI forgot about those readme.py files06:13
PhrkOnLshZengol: i'll meet you in #defocus06:13
cjaewell it acted like he spilt something in it, but it made a lot of horrible noise that seemed to come from the pc speaker or dial up modem06:14
ZengolSound's wonderful.06:14
PhrkOnLshDoes anyone have an idea as to why my nvidia card refuses to start kde desktop effects even though glxinfo says all the necessities are supported?06:14
ZengolI cannot talk in Defocus.06:15
ZengolI get an Error 404.06:15
Zengolone sec.06:15
ZengolI think i know how to activate DRI.06:15
Zengolglxinfo | grep rendering06:16
Zengoltype that into your Terminal.06:16
ZengolIf it does not go well, if you have the availability switch your composition over to Xrender.06:16
PhrkOnLshi have direct rendering enabled06:17
ZengolI have had problem's with the Effect's myself.06:17
Zengol<PhrkOnLsh> What is the offtopic kubuntu channel?06:18
PhrkOnLshjockey says that it's using the proprietary nvidia driver...06:18
PhrkOnLshand I know it's the right version06:18
ZengolI use the Intel driver that came with mine, and i know Intel suck's, so you should be swingin along teh way with an Nvidia.06:19
PhrkOnLshso i thought06:19
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MakuseruHi, how can I add another gtk style to the menu in the "apperance settings"?06:26
zaapielpalm pre june 5th it seemd06:32
zaapiellooks tight06:33
edoceoHow can I get the KDE panel to span across both of my monitors?06:33
MariachiElf_Can anyone recommend a good set of packages to get a dev environment started with KDE?06:38
MariachiElf_I'd like to play with KOffice but am piecemeal installing a bunch of stuff as it fails06:39
MariachiElf_play = hack on/build from svn06:39
andrew____Good afternoon.  Is anyone available to help me figure out how to fix a font-rendering issue with my Plasma Desktop?  I'm using Kubuntu 9.04, KDE 4.206:40
superboywheres all the third-party "Security testing" source's at everyone.....oH YeA WHAt uP KuBuNTu PeEPs06:44
les_trouble configuring a mobility m7 (radeon mobility 7500)06:47
superboywheres all the third-party "Security testing" source's at everyone.....oH YeA WHAt uP KuBuNTu PeEPs06:50
ZengolIs there not an Equalizer in Amarok 2?07:11
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=== Samsung is now known as Serd0tad0
david_I'm trying to back up my computer so I can reinstall Ubuntu, but I'm having a *ton* of problems.07:32
david_The 'keep' backup program creates read-only files that I can't remove (even as su) or even change permissions on.07:32
david_The files I've backed up with 'Keep' can't be restored.07:33
Originooohey, firefox hangs while playin flash-movies on youtube. seems like an soundcrash, because after restarting firefox i have no sound. what can i do?07:33
superboysh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-180.51-pkg2.run says it wont run how do i install the driver for my videocard07:34
superboyand my x desktop effects won qwork07:35
Originoooyou need to stop X-Server07:35
superboybut if i stop x-server wont my screen go blank?07:36
david_Yes, your screen will go blank. He's saying that X is borked, and needs to be restarted.07:37
david_I get the same thing. If I try to restart Firefox, it claims it's still running.07:38
david_You could also kill the Firefox process and not restart X, but I don't recall how to do that in Kubuntu.07:38
Originooodavid_: i killed firefox, i restarted X but stil no sound. only rebooting system works.....i think there is a plugin oder alsa problem07:39
david_Ouch. :-(07:40
david_I've had a lot of problems with Firefox and YouTube lately, it's *very* flakey. I don't have any interesting plugins or video drivers, either.07:40
superboysh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-180.51-pkg2.run says it wont run how do i install the driver for my videocard07:41
Originooorebooot your system in runlevel 3 ;)  then you habe no X enabled...but i never done that in kubuntu07:42
Originooobut the best way i think is to look into teh wiki pages07:43
david_Has anyone used the 'keep' backup tool? I can make backups, but I'll be damned if I can figure out how to restore anything. There's no help file for it, either. Searching for 'keep' is an exercise in futility.07:44
andrew____Good afternoon.  Is anyone available to help me figure out how to fix a font-rendering issue with my Plasma Desktop?  I'm using Kubuntu 9.04, KDE 4.207:45
bb__hey folks07:50
Originooook, i think its non-free problem :)07:52
wizardslovakanyone is using ufw?08:00
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superboyhow do uu find out what architucture ur uusing huh?08:29
rsthreeat a terminal: uname -a08:31
superboyit says x86_64 what architecture is that 32 bit or 64 bit?08:34
rsthreethat would be 64-bit08:34
superboyi cant find syntac pakage manager08:35
Mamaroksuperboy: you mean synaptic?08:35
eagles0513875mornign and bye Mamarok08:35
superboyyra wathchamakall-it08:35
Mamaroksuperboy: English please08:36
superboycant find "synaptic"pakage manager08:36
Mamaroksuperboy: are you using Kubuntu?08:36
geek_its not installed by defualt on kubuntu 9.0408:36
Mamarokbye eagles051387508:37
superboyyea i have kubuntu 9.04 jaunty08:37
wizardslovaki just unzipped file and run ./configure08:37
Mamaroksuperboy: then you have kpackagekit in the system settings08:37
wizardslovaki am still in same folder , when i type make  it says "no target specified and no makefile found" how come?08:38
Mamarokwizardslovak: what are you trying to do?08:38
wizardslovakinstall gtk08:38
geek_wizardslovak: read the readme first ;)08:38
wizardslovaki am following it08:38
Mamarokwizardslovak: install gtk? why? it's in the repos08:38
Mamarokand yu don't need gtk in KDE08:39
wizardslovaki need to run one software which need gtk08:39
Mamarokwizardslovak: search for gtk+ in the package manager...08:39
Mamarokwizardslovak: gtk+ is the development framework beind Gnome, so you need Gnome libraries08:39
Mamarokbut you certainly do not have to install it from source08:40
superboyin kpackage how do i look at packages that arent installed08:40
wizardslovakpacket manager didnt find nothing08:40
Mamaroksuperboy: there is a searchbox on top, type the name of the software you are looking for08:40
Mamarokthen check the package icon on the right which shows you if it is installed or not08:40
Mamarokwizardslovak: what application are you trying to run that needs gtk?08:41
wizardslovakMamarok: perlmon08:41
superboywhat if i dont know what im looking for just want to browse for apps that i might find use ful or do i have to use adept for that?08:41
Mamarokwizardslovak: the package you are looking for would by libmon-perl then?08:42
Mamaroksuperboy: then use the filter instead of the search box08:42
wizardslovakwhen i read readme oon perlmon iit says it need perl and gtk08:43
Mamarokwizardslovak: there is a libmon-perl package in the repos08:43
superboymamarok thanks and my fault for these naive questions hope im not bothering kuz im new08:43
Mamarokwhich is a library for mon using perl08:44
Mamarokwizardslovak: but if you are not developping for the kernel I can't imagine what you would need that for...08:44
Mamaroksuperboy: that's what this support channel is for :)08:44
wizardslovaki just wanted to run that software08:45
superboythats why im sticking to KUBUNTU and not wacki vista08:45
Mamarokwizardslovak: do you know what it does?08:45
wizardslovakits something like cpu-z for linux08:46
wizardslovakshows all info about system08:46
Mamarokwizardslovak: <you don't need that, it's a kernel tool for developers08:46
wizardslovakone more question08:47
Mamarokwizardslovak: try to use the cpu monitor widget08:47
wizardslovaknot in repos08:47
Mamarokwizardslovak: it's installed by default in Kubuntu 9.0408:47
Mamarokwizardslovak: go to your desktop, right click and then use "Add widget..."08:48
wizardslovaki am searching for it08:48
Mamarokwizardslovak: system monitor...08:48
Mamarokwizardslovak: if it's not there, install the package plasma-widget-simplemonitor08:50
wizardslovakok i see08:50
wizardslovakthank you08:50
Mamarokwizardslovak: you are welcome :)08:51
wizardslovakhow can i resize trashcan?08:52
Mamarokwizardslovak: what do you mean, resize? in the panel?08:52
wizardslovaki mean resize for couple more MBs08:53
Mamarokwhy not empty it?08:53
wizardslovaki did08:53
Mamarokand the trashcan is dynamic in size08:53
SteBowizardslovak: Right click on the trash icon and open the Settings dialog.08:55
Mamarokmaximum size is 10% of your partition08:55
MamarokSteBo: thx :)08:55
Mamarok10% by default that is08:55
wizardslovakok i resize for 14%08:56
wizardslovaki got kubuntu dual boot with xp08:56
wizardslovaki want to remove xp and use all pc for kubuntu only08:56
superboy_how do i install adobe flash plugin for 64 bit kuubuntu 9.0408:56
Mamarokwizardslovak: many people have08:56
=== hyper is now known as hyper__ch
wizardslovakdo i have to format all pc and install kubuntu only or is there other way?08:57
Mamarokwizardslovak: you need to run the partition tool08:57
Mamarokno, you cna only format what you want, but you need to know the partition number08:57
wizardslovakso better just format it08:57
Mamaroksuperboy: it's flashplugin-nonfree08:58
wizardslovakis there somethign so i can back up settings?08:58
Mamarokwizardslovak: no, why? you don't have to eras a running system for that!08:58
Mamarokerase* even08:58
superboy_do i get the plugin from adept or kpackage08:58
wizardslovaki think  i will go with 64 bit version08:59
hyper__chwow, running a fully encrypted eeePC with Kubuntu Jaunty and the array kernel and it runs really fine :) I just have to get used to that touchpad :)08:59
wizardslovakhow is it with updates for 64bits?08:59
Mamarokwizardslovak: well, then you will have to reinstall, you can not just upgrade from 32 to 64 bit08:59
wizardslovaki know08:59
hyper__chgood morning Mamarok08:59
wizardslovakhow is it with updates?08:59
Mamarokwizardslovak: do you have a selarate partition for your /home?09:00
wizardslovakare there any cons?09:00
Mamarokwizardslovak: as I said, that is not possible, in no OS09:00
Mamarokhi hyper__ch :)09:00
Mamarokwizardslovak: what do you mean, any cons?09:00
wizardslovaki dont mean update from 32 to 64 without reinstalling09:00
wizardslovaki mean software updates09:01
superboy_do i get the flash-plugin from adept or kpackage09:01
Mamarokwizardslovak: no, impossible, no system or OS allowas that09:01
wizardslovakonce i will install 64 bit09:01
hyper__chwizardslovak: the only negative thing is the adobe flash plugin09:01
Mamaroksuperboy: doesn't matter, both should show it09:01
hyper__chwizardslovak: you'll need to install that manually09:01
Mamarokhyper__ch: you are adressing the wrong person...09:01
wizardslovakwhen i install 64 bit will i have problems with auto updates or not?09:01
SteBowizardslovak: not09:01
Mamarokwizardslovak: no, why?09:01
hyper__chMamarok: am I? ok :)09:01
wizardslovakthats what i am was trying to ask you09:02
hyper__ch(it's still early morning)09:02
superboy_its still nighty09:02
Mamarokwizardslovak: I was asking you previousley, do you have a separate partition for your /home?09:02
rsthreehyper__ch: the package flashplugin-nonfree should automatically install nspluginwrapper and other necessary libs for flash in a 64-bit ubuntu installation09:02
superboy_whats more eficient uTorrent or Ktorrent?09:02
rsthreehyper__ch: but, yes, if you want the native 64-bit plugin, i guess you do need to do that manually yet09:03
hyper__chrsthree: well, that one does not work well at all....09:03
Mamaroksuperboy: ktorrent works fine09:03
hyper__chrsthree: the flash 10 64bit plugin is much superior09:03
Mamarokwhy woulod one by more efficient than the other?09:03
wizardslovakMamarok: no i dont09:03
Mamarokwizardslovak: then you will have to backup your system09:03
Mamarokwizardslovak: and make a fresh install09:03
wizardslovakso when i move to 64 bit , i wont have any problems with updates or software09:04
Mamarokwizardslovak: then make sure to install /home on a separate partition so you don't loose it again09:04
Mamarokwizardslovak: why do you repeat your question? we already answered that, didn't we?09:04
wizardslovakjust want to make sure09:04
hyper__chwizardslovak: how much free disk space have you got and how big is your home folder?09:05
Mamarokwizardslovak: there is no difference in updating a 32bit or a 64bit installation, why should there be one?09:05
Mamarokit's just that the kernel and the package are compiled against 64bit instead of 3209:05
wizardslovaknnever tried and dont want to get into problems09:05
wizardslovakwell all my kubuntu system is 8gb big lol09:05
Mamarokwizardslovak: there is no reason, but make a separate /home :)09:05
Mamarokwizardslovak: what is the size of your harddisk?09:06
Mamarokthe total size I mean09:06
Mamarokwow, and you only have 8 gb for Linux?09:06
wizardslovakit was just for learning09:06
Mamarokand you are sure you want to erase your xp system?09:06
hyper__chAisyu has written a great guide on how to create a seperate /home folder after installation09:07
wizardslovakall files i got on external drive anyways09:07
Mamarokwizardslovak: make a backup of your data first then!09:07
superboy_theres a hiddin partition i cant delete called "X:Boot" aand i dont need it since i got grub any suggestions?09:07
Mamarokhyper__ch: he wants to switch to 64 bit anyway...09:07
hyper__chsupert0nes: can you pastebin the following:   sudo fdisk -l09:07
Mamaroksuperboy_: what does df -h tell you? --> pastebin.com09:08
hyper__chMamarok: well, if he's going to ditch that install anyway then there's no harm in "trying" whether that guide works fine :) if you bork it, well, then you planned to reinstall anyway and if it works you learnt something that might prove useful later on09:08
superboy_whats pastebin.com?09:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:09
Mamarokhyper__ch: with onyl 8 gb making a separate home on a 160 gb disk is not...09:09
wizardslovakdamn i forgot i dont have blank cd home09:10
superboy_the df -h tell's me :09:10
Mamarokthere's not much space left in a 8 gb linux / for a separate /home...09:10
superboy_Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on09:10
superboy_/dev/sda1             582G  4.5G  548G   1% /09:10
superboy_tmpfs                 868M     0  868M   0% /lib/init/rw09:10
superboy_varrun                868M  220K  868M   1% /var/run09:10
Mamaroksuperboy_: NO!09:10
superboy_varlock               868M     0  868M   0% /var/lock09:10
superboy_udev                  868M  148K  868M   1% /dev09:10
superboy_tmpfs                 868M   12K  868M   1% /dev/shm09:10
superboy_lrm                   868M  2.7M  865M   1% /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/volatile09:10
Mamaroksuperboy_: I asked you to paste tis in a pastebin!!!09:10
wizardslovakdamn use pastebin09:10
superboy_i dont know how to use it?09:10
Mamaroksuperboy_: copy-paste?09:10
Mamarokyou select the text, copy it, open http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste it there09:11
Mamarokthen you only give the URL for it09:11
superboy_thats what i did i copy from terminal then i paste in the lil text box right?09:11
SteBoOr just sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit09:11
Mamarokif you can paste here, why not use pastebin09:11
Mamaroksuperboy_: read what I just told you!!!09:11
superboy_ok got u boss my fault09:12
wizardslovaklol its 4am already09:12
Mamarokwizardslovak: not here, its 10:12 am09:12
hyper__chhere it's the same time as in Mamarok's place :)09:13
wizardslovakso ure somewhere in europe09:13
SteBoMamarok: In which country are you located?09:13
Shadowkllrhey, does anyone know where to edit the remote desktop settings in kubuntu 8.10?  I don't have physical access to my machine, but I have ssh open and can edit a file in terminal if I need to09:13
MamarokSteBo: same as hyper__ch :)09:13
hyper__chShadowkllr: let me check what my settings are09:13
MamarokShadowkllr: what settings exactly?09:14
Mamarokhaperthere are like 30 *rc files...09:14
SteBoSwitzerland (because of the ch)... I'm in Germany.09:14
Shadowkllrwell, first i think i need to turn it on, and set a password09:14
wizardslovaki am USA09:14
Mamaroksuperboy_: why would you want to remove that partition?09:14
Shadowkllrbut i'm used to doing it using the gui interface, i didn't know if there was a file I could edit to turn the settings on09:15
superboy_there like that?09:15
Mamarokyes, that's what you just sent to the channel09:15
wizardslovakok people now i am out09:15
Mamaroksuperboy_: do you have a dual boot install?09:15
wizardslovaknice talking to you and good night/morning09:15
superboy_kus when i install vista it syncs wmi and a pre-installed services that that are automaticly aadd and connect to a domain and i cant change the domain for my own network09:16
Mamaroksuperboy_: what does that have to do with removing a boot sector?09:17
superboy_\i dont have dual boot and i cant boot into the hidden partition09:17
Freyrwhat is the best antivirus for linux ?09:17
superboy_i just want to remove it09:17
jussi01!antivirus | Freyr09:17
ubottuFreyr: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus09:17
hyper__chShadowkllr: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/167634/09:17
superboy_but i think its copy-write09:17
FuriousGeorgeI can mount my Windows LDM (dynamic disks) partition manually, but I can't get it to happen on boot...09:18
Mamaroksuperboy_: of course it is, it's your recovery partition for XP09:18
FuriousGeorgei posted about it here-->  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115282409:18
Shadowkllrhyper, what's the name of the file?09:18
superboy_so theres no way of removing it kuz it syncs schemes and wmi images09:18
hyper__chShadowkllr: ~/.kde/share/config/krfbrc09:19
superboy_and a lockwed domain09:19
Mamaroksuperboy_: if you want to keep XP, don't touch it09:19
Mamarokelse, you can wipe the partition with a partitioning tool09:19
superboy_i dont want xp09:19
superboy_and sum partition tools dont show the hiddin partition09:20
Mamaroksuperboy_: well, it will show if you run the partitionin tool as root09:20
superboy_how i do that??09:20
hyper__chsuperboy_: you're in linux or windows right now?09:21
superboy_all the way bro09:22
Mamarokhyper__ch: can you take over, I need another coffee first...09:22
hyper__chsuperboy_: and you don't intend to delete the whole harddisk, right? Just that partition?09:22
superboy_bring me a coffe too mamarok09:22
Mamaroksuperboy_: check with hyper__ch then, please :)09:22
Mamaroksuperboy_: thanks :)09:22
* Mamarok gives superboy_ a cookie09:23
superboy_yes that partition only09:23
superboy_YaY a KoOKiE09:23
hyper__chsuperboy_: pastebin the output of:   sudo fdisk -l09:23
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superboy_how to i pastebin again09:25
hyper__ch!paste | superboy_09:25
ubottusuperboy_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:25
vimalphi buddy,09:25
vimalpmy title bar lost in ubuntu09:26
superboy_hyper u still there?09:26
hyper__chvimalp: ubuntu or kubuntu?09:26
hyper__chsuperboy_: I am09:26
superboy_i dont think its showing thou09:26
hyper__chsuperboy_: are you sure there is one?09:27
hyper__chvimalp: try #ubuntu09:27
superboy_it only showa when i put windows install and run repair computer go to camand prompt the type notepad the when i open it shows the idden partition09:27
hyper__chsuperboy_: hmmmm, then lets try with gparted09:28
hyper__chsuperboy_: sudo apt-get install gparted09:28
superboy_i think when i install kubunt tu it joined in that partition09:28
hyper__chsuperboy_: kdesudo gparterd09:28
hyper__chsuperboy_: sorry,   kdesudo gparted09:28
superboy_wich one kdesudo or sudo one?09:29
Mamaroksuperboy_: read what he just said!09:29
hyper__chsuperboy_: "sudo" is for doing things in the terminal and "kdesudo" is to call an gui application as root from the terminal09:30
superboy_ohhh gotcha09:30
superboy_okay ran kdesudo gparted09:31
hyper__chsuperboy_: what partitions does it show there for the harddisk?09:31
superboy_its not there09:32
superboy_is it kuz its copy-write and for windows?09:32
hyper__chsuperboy_: hmmm, then I don't think that there is a hidden partition....09:32
superboy_i have an acer aspire x170009:33
hyper__chsuperboy_: maybe when you use windows restore cd/dvd it will create a ramdrive09:33
superboy_yea i think thats what it does kuz when i use windows vista install it shows but cant delete it with it09:34
superboy_is there a way tlo wipe the whole drive even the copy-write hidden partition09:35
hyper__chsuperboy_: if you don't mind losing all your data there is a way09:35
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hyper__chsuperboy_: it's called "dd" --> a small utility humurously nicknamed "disk destroyer"09:35
superboy_even if its copy-write09:36
hyper__chsuperboy_: you start from a live cd and then you will issue the following command:   sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX09:36
hyper__chif --> input file ; in that case just a whole bunch of "0"09:36
hyper__chof -> output file ; in that case your harddisk09:36
hyper__chsdX needs to be replaced with your actual harddisk name whgich is sda as it seems09:37
hyper__chthat will just overwrite the whol 640 GB on that disk with 009:37
hyper__ch(and it will take a little while)09:37
Mamaroksuperboy_: but be absolutely sure of the disk name!09:38
Mamarokelse you can break everything09:38
superboy_im scared now09:38
hyper__chMamarok: it seems he has only one harddisk09:38
superboy_from windows install disk its called:"X:Boot"09:38
hyper__chMamarok: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/167638/09:39
Mamarokhyper__ch: he only wants to remove one partition, not wipe a disk...09:39
hyper__chMamarok: [10:35] <superboy_> is there a way tlo wipe the whole drive even the copy-write hidden partition09:40
hyper__chMamarok: that's why I wrote about dd09:40
Mamarokwell, make sure he really wants to do that...09:40
Mamarokit's total data loss, so...09:41
hyper__chMamarok: :)09:41
superboy_so all live cd's come with dd?09:41
hyper__chwell, one always have backups :)09:41
* |eagles051387| needs to make backups big time09:41
hyper__chsuperboy_: I think dd is included09:41
hyper__chsuperboy_: there is only one harddisk in that computer?09:42
hyper__chsuperboy_: and you have a backup of your data from that harddisk?09:42
superboy_yea its one sata ata wdc wd6400AAks-0 640.1 gb09:43
hyper__chsuperboy_: if you have backups, then start a live cd and run there:   sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda09:44
hyper__chsuperboy_: and do something for 2-3h09:44
hyper__chnot sure how fast it is, but it's slow09:45
superboy_before i back-up whats the command to get apt plugin09:49
hyper__chsuperboy_: 32 or 63bit?09:50
superboy_64 bit09:50
hyper__chsuperboy_: install it manually...09:50
hyper__chsuperboy_: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Adobe-Flash-Player-64-bit-on-Ubuntu-8-10-98076.shtml09:52
Mamarokhyper__ch: the flashplugin-nonfree in Kubuntu 8.04 works fine, no need for that...09:54
hyper__chMamarok: 64bit always keeps stopping after a while09:54
RajeshRathodHi Friends09:54
hyper__chMamarok: only way is to restart the browser09:55
Mamarokhyper__ch: not for me, works fine here09:55
hyper__chMamarok: even the flash 10 alpha 64bit plugin was much superior09:55
hyper__chwell, never tried 8.04 on 64bit... but that was the case on 8.10 64bit09:55
RajeshRathodhi friends i am one critical issues09:55
Mamarokhyper__ch: as I said, works fine here, you must have other settings then09:55
jussi01hyper__ch: I have a similar issue09:55
Shadowkllrhyper, i'm still having a hard time turning it on thru the command line, i can't seem to find the correct file09:55
Mamarok!ask | RajeshRathod09:55
ubottuRajeshRathod: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:55
hyper__chjussi01_: flash 64bit?09:56
RajeshRathodwhen i fire any command in terminal window first it shows me "can not resolve host" and after that it execute command09:56
MamarokShadowkllr: turning on what? sry, didn't follow09:56
jussi01hyper__ch: yep09:56
hyper__chShadowkllr: you need to start it... what's the program name again... krfb?   then just run:   krfb &09:56
RajeshRathodproblem is occured when i try to start the jboss server.09:56
superboy_how do i openn nsplugin09:56
hyper__chjussi01_: well, been using on 8.10 the 64bit alpha version from adobe and now on 9.04 using the latest one... and it works great09:57
RajeshRathodjboss start with some short of exception.09:57
jussi01hyper__ch: firefox kept crashing with the alpha, but I might give it a go again09:57
MamarokRajeshRathod: check the host settings, it seems to search for something that is not there09:57
RajeshRathodyes i checked it too.09:58
hyper__chjussi01_: I have no issues here on kde4, using firefox 3.0.x and 3.5 with the plugin... but not using the alpha version anymore09:58
RajeshRathodcheck proper entry in resolve.conf,networking09:58
RajeshRathodeverything is mentioned properly.09:58
RajeshRathodmy pc is under domain of "x"09:59
MamarokRajeshRathod: sry, never used Jboss, I don't do java, but it's likely it tries to connect to some host that is not there09:59
jussi01hyper__ch: ok, Im going to give the actual 64 bit one a go09:59
Mamarokdomain "x"?09:59
RajeshRathodactually ubuntu is not able to resolve host name09:59
hyper__chjussi01: I follow this one usually: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Adobe-Flash-Player-64-bit-on-Ubuntu-8-10-98076.shtml09:59
RajeshRathodits example09:59
Mamarokyou mean x as 192.168.---09:59
RajeshRathodmy hostname is abc-123 and ip address :
RajeshRathodwhen i start jboss it wll try to find out ip address from hostname.10:00
RajeshRathodwhich it does not getting.10:00
MamarokRajeshRathod: then soemthing must be wrong in the host address settings, else you wouldn't get that error10:01
|eagles051387|that sounds like the issue i was having no resolv.conf file with the ips of the name servers10:02
superboy_whats the comand to uninstall nsplugin ?10:02
RajeshRathodok thanks.10:03
RajeshRathodwill check it10:03
jussi01Is anyone here familiar with kdenlive? Im trying to add still photos for set periods of time to a video - kinda like a slideshow with music.... can it be done?10:04
hyper__chjussi01_: I used it once to submit a dvd to a court :)10:05
jussi01hyper__ch: *g*10:06
jacobuHow do you set the default path for the Terminal Emulator to be your home directory instead of your Documents directory?10:06
hyper__chjussi01_: well, we had surveillance material from a PI and just cut the essential part together :)10:06
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* jussi01 headdesks... its actually quite easy to do :D10:11
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austinwhen I attempt to activate the nvidia drivers it stalls at 0% "Downloading and installing driver..."10:13
hyper__chaustin: what nvidia card have you got?10:15
austinits an old kinda rare one, 5950fx I think10:15
austinbut it should use basically the same drivers as any fx series I think10:16
austinany suggestions?10:25
superboyhow do i install java from the comand promp10:28
Mamaroksuperboy: what java do you want?10:29
superboyhyper u there big dawg10:30
superboyi want for limewire  and to be able to use youtube10:30
superboywhat up mamarok10:30
Mamaroksuperboy: you mean javascript then...10:31
Mamarokthat is installed by default10:31
Mamarokand for youtube you need flash10:31
superboyi tried installing limewire but it says i need java enviroment10:32
Mamarokok, the you need sun-java6-jre10:33
Mamaroksuperboy: ^^10:34
Mamaroksudo apt-get isntall sun-java6-jre10:34
superboyokay thanks bro imma try that10:34
superboymamarok it says"E: Invalid operation isntall"10:35
Mamaroktypo, sry10:36
Mamarokinstall :)10:36
Mamaroksudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre10:36
Mamaroksuperboy: which one?10:40
superboyhow u paste bin again?10:40
Mamarokset a bookmark, so you can find it again...10:41
superboyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com:80/167686/ <<mamarok10:43
superboyhow do i upgrade to lxde on the terminal10:53
Mamaroksuperboy: wait...10:54
Mamaroksuperboy: about that paste: just accept the license, else install another java10:54
MamarokTab highlights the <ok> butten, then return10:55
hyper__chaustin: sorry, didn't see you replied... hmmm... I got a newer card and I use the proprietary nvidia drivers for it10:56
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Mamaroksuperboy: you actually run lxde?10:59
Hedge|Hogis there a way to change dolphins recyclebin behaviour? all files i move to the bin ends up in .local/share/Trash even if the files originally is on another partition..which slows the system down alot if i dont delete those files directly10:59
hyper__chwhy not deleting them directly?10:59
Hedge|Hoghyper__ch: thats what i usually do, but its nice to just mark and press delete and then empty the bin when its full11:00
hyper__chshift - delete --> delete completly :)11:01
hyper__chI normally use that11:01
Hedge|Hoghyper__ch: well..yes, but id really prefered if dolphin could use the .trash directories on other partitions as all normal file managers does11:01
hyper__ch(ok, I also make incremental snapshot-style backups every night dating back 90 days)11:01
hyper__chHedge|Hog: define "normal file manager"11:02
Hedge|Hoghaha, everything but dolphin and konqueror =D11:02
Mamaroksuperboy: still here?11:02
hyper__chdon't use them then11:02
Hedge|Hognautilus and thunar does what i want dolphin to do at least11:02
Hedge|Hoghyper__ch: well, all other things are done nicer in dolphin11:02
hyper__chHedge|Hog: check the dolphin settings if there is no such option?11:03
Hedge|Hogive done that already, and googling dont work out for me either11:03
hyper__chHedge|Hog: asked in #kde ?11:03
hyper__chor even #dolphin (if that exists)11:04
Hedge|Hognope, ill try that11:04
sikihey guys11:04
hyper__chHedge|Hog: good luck11:05
Hedge|Hoghyper__ch: well, yes, thats standard keystroke-procedure =D11:05
Hedge|Hogwrong channel, and wrong h + tab user XD11:05
MamarokHedge|Hog: what version of KDE?11:05
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=== Tuhina is now known as jussi01
MamarokHedge|Hog: nromally, every partition has its own trash11:06
Mamaroknormally* even11:07
superboyis lxde better than kde 4?11:07
Mamaroksuperboy: why do you want to install lxde?11:07
Mamarokit's another desktop11:07
Mamarokuses less ressources11:07
Mamarokbut I never tested it, I prefer to enjoy KDE4 in it's original env.11:08
hyper__chcompiled from source? ^^11:08
Hedge|HogMamarok: yeah, i already have .trash-directories on other partitions, but dolphin doesnt seem to want to use them11:08
MamarokHedge|Hog: it does here, the trash on the external HD is used11:09
superboyits for my gurls computer she wants:"aa beutifull top notch looking desktop11:09
Mamaroksuperboy: use KDE411:09
Mamaroklxde is not beautifull to notch IMHO11:09
hyper__chget her a Mac ^^11:09
* Mamarok larts hyper__ch 11:10
Mamarokhyper__ch: behave!11:10
hyper__chMamarok: you know how girls are :)11:10
hyper__chMamarok: they just want their shiny new macbook11:10
Mamarok!ot | hyper__ch11:11
ubottuhyper__ch: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:11
superboylol yup the leopard editition too11:12
Mamarok!ot | superboy11:12
ubottusuperboy: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:12
superboyso kd4 is one of the best desktop?11:12
Mamaroksuperboy: I said IMHO11:12
Mamarok"the Best" is always a personal opinion11:13
Mamarokbut, as I said, there is an -offtopic channel for such discussions11:13
superboythats the desktop u have mamarok11:14
hyper__chalso using kde4 here :)11:14
Mamaroksuperboy: that is obvious, this channel is for Kubuntu support, hence KDE11:14
hyper__chwell, kde 4 was horrible, 4.1 was good... 4.2 is great11:14
superboydo i need any special source repo for IMHO?11:15
Mamarokhyper__ch: kde 4.0 was a developer snapshot...11:15
Mamarokand could you guys take this to the offtopic channel please!11:15
hyper__chsuperboy: IMHO -> In My Humble Opinion11:15
superboyoooh i thought that was a desktop mamarok was using11:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jargon11:16
Mamaroksuperboy: check the Jargon dictionnary on Google11:17
Mamarokit tells you the meaning of the abbreviations11:17
Mamarokwhich are usaully typed in capital letters11:17
* Mamarok gets some food11:18
hyper__ch!shout | superboy11:20
ubottusuperboy: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:20
faileasthey really need to learn irc etiquette11:21
superboyWHATS KRE-MIGRATER?11:23
faileassuperboy: there's this thing called a caps lock. it helps if you turn it off11:24
jussi01superboy: if you continue in caps you will be removed11:24
hyper__chjussi01: tried now the flash 10 64bit plugin?11:24
superboy`my fault11:25
jussi01hyper__ch: yeah, seems ok now11:25
faileasyes it was11:25
superboyhow i get the flash 10 plugin for 64 bit from terminal?11:25
hyper__chso, I'm heading towards zurich now11:26
hyper__chbye bye11:26
waelslt tout le monde11:31
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr11:32
superboy_hello superboy11:33
superboyhi ,supergurl11:33
superboy_what u doing11:33
Mamarok!ot | superboy11:33
ubottusuperboy: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:33
superboyi downloaded java but its asking me to chose a program to runm it or open the folder?11:47
amstrongclarkwho is chinese11:47
superboy!ot| amstrongclark11:48
ubottuamstrongclark: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:48
amstrongclarkmy english isn' good ,i want to find a chinese to talk about problem11:50
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:50
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:51
amstrongclark 谢谢11:52
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:52
superboy!ot| tess_11:53
ubottutess_: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:53
superboyhellp how do i install sun java from terminal??11:56
erxzsudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin12:00
tequili need help12:04
superboy_how do u pastbin again?12:04
tequili want to change permission on files throw terminal12:05
superboyNeED help where u at mamarok or hyper.....http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/167730/12:07
tequilthe command is "chown 667" to give me full access12:07
erxzchmod 777 full access for everyone12:09
superboyhow do i fix broken package12:10
gundam_rx78nt1I keep getting hash sum mismatch errors every time I try to update my kubuntu distro. Is there currently a problem or a fix?12:15
superboy You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:12:17
superboyuperboy@HYSTERIA:~$ sudo apt-get -f install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin12:17
superboy> You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:12:17
superboyuperboy@HYSTERIA:~$ sudo apt-get -f  install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin12:17
superboyYou might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:12:17
superboyuperboy@HYSTERIA:~$ sudo apt-get -f install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin12:17
superboybash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''12:17
superboybash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file12:17
superboybash: You: command not found12:17
superboyrhats what i keep getting12:17
gundam_rx78nt1superboy: is this referring to the hash sum mismatch or something else?12:19
superboy_i forgot add<<12:19
=== _MinusSeven is now known as MinusSeven
Laeborghttp://www.spotify.com/en/help/faq/wine/#Opening_spotify_URIs_from_browsers - where should I add that script ?12:24
superboy_!cn| laeborg12:25
ubottulaeborg: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:25
superboy_!cn| laeborg12:26
Laeborgwhat the?12:26
LaeborgI simple ask where I should add a script. I cant even speak/understand chinese12:27
superboy_!ot| laeborg12:27
ubottulaeborg: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:27
Laeborgshut up. Stop highlighting, if you just laming...12:28
superboy_!cn| laeborg12:28
ubottulaeborg: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:28
Laeborggoing to ignore you...12:28
superboy_!shout| laeborg12:28
ubottulaeborg: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:28
Laeborg *!*@* added to ignore list.12:29
superboy!shout| laeborg12:31
ubottulaeborg: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:31
Laeborg *!*@*cpe-76-168-57-93.socal.res.rr.com added to ignore list.12:32
superboy!cn| laeborg12:32
ubottulaeborg: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about admin12:32
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:32
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.12:35
gundam_rx78nt1I keep getting hash sum mismatch errors every time I try to update my kubuntu distro. Is there currently a problem or a fix?12:36
rosco_yHi everyone: Can anyone recommend a good movie player?12:36
superboy_!cn| gundam_rx78nt112:37
ubottugundam_rx78nt1: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:37
superboy_!shout| rosco_y12:37
ubotturosco_y: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:37
rosco_yubottu: That's strange--I don't see any all cap words in what I typed....(sorry, tho)12:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:38
gundam_rx78nt1superboy_: stop playing around. If you aren't going to help or ask questions, get off the channel! OH, NOW I AM SCREAMING FOR YOUR INFO.12:38
rosco_yoh, excuse me kind bot... :)12:38
faileasrosco_y: i tend to use dragon and vlc12:38
rosco_ygundam_rx78nt1: how are you  calclulating your hash?12:38
rosco_yfaileas: ty :)12:39
faileasrosco_y: add the medibuntu repos and you'll be good ;012:39
superboy_!shout| gundam_rx78nt112:39
ubottugundam_rx78nt1: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:39
gundam_rx78nt1rosco_y: I don't know how the hash is being caluclated. I just use either synaptic or apt-get to perform updates.12:39
rosco_yfaileas: by "add the medibuntu repos, are you saying I should edit a text file somewhere?12:40
gundam_rx78nt1Everytime, it responds with failed to download file because of hash sum mismatch.12:40
faileasrosco_y: there's a howto on their page http://www.medibuntu.org/12:40
rosco_yThank you faileas12:40
faileasyou'll want the win32 codecs for one12:41
rosco_ygundam_rx78nt1: I guess I would have to suspect download errors for some reason....12:41
rosco_ymaybe some freaky glitch going on somewhere12:42
gundam_rx78nt1well, I have just about replaced all of my routers and cables (in case it was my hardware). It still fails.12:42
rosco_ywhew...unfortunately I'm really unqualified to be of much help12:43
rosco_ymaybe you should order a dvd directly from kubuntu, I think they are somewhere between dirt-cheap and free12:44
rosco_yjust in case that might fix it12:45
rosco_yof course you've done a fsck?12:45
rosco_yIf you're suspecting hardware, you might want to peek at the hard drives12:46
altrortlai'd like to cange permission with chmod ... but i like to knoe what kind of permission are setted...13:05
altrortlahow can i do?13:05
altrortlai'd like to to have numeric format ... like 075513:06
altrortlanot clear...13:15
altrortlaI'll retry....13:15
tlvbFirst boot today, and I get no desktop except for kwin, and the krunner bound to alt+f2 (as usual) I've yet to come across any post on ubuntuforums on the same subject, so I guess it's an isolated matter? Remedy?13:16
jussi01tlvb: tried restarting plasma?13:17
tlvbjussi01: is it just $plasma? - Then yes, it gives a load of error messages, some on files not found, many towards the end onthe form plasma (3733): ""max"" - conversion of "-1,-1" to QSizeF failed"13:21
jussi01tlvb: I think so, but not certain on that at all. Id also try moving your .kde folder, as to reset all settings - you can replace it later13:22
tlvbhmm, it seems that everything except plasma works, multiple workspaces transpareny...13:23
tlvbI'll try that13:23
tlvbyes, moving the .kde folder worked, so it is defnitely a config issue13:25
jussi01tlvb: ok, now the fun part - you have to find out what it was :P13:25
tlvbyay me!13:26
altrortlai'd like to change permission with chmod ... but i like to know what kind of permission are setted, to set them as they was in original way ... kubuntu show me a locked banner13:27
altrortlahow can i do?13:27
jussi01altrortla: ls -la13:27
jussi01that will list whats there now13:27
jussi01you nee the whole lot "ls -la"13:28
altrortlayes i have done ... but a need to have numerical string (such as "0755")13:30
Dragnslcraltrortla- r is 4, w is 2, x is 1, then just add them for each part13:31
altrortlaand d?13:31
Dragnslcrd just means it's a directory13:31
altrortlasuch as this ... drwxr-xr-x13:31
altrortlaso it is 75513:32
DragnslcrThat's what most normal directories should be13:33
altrortlainfact it's stange that it won't to make write on it13:33
InforMedMy panel icons change position every reboot! Is there any way to solve this issue?13:37
kyle_i had the same problem13:37
kyle_i kept on retrying it everytime i turned off my puter13:38
InforMedIt's a kde bug! I think!13:38
kyle_and by luck it actually worked13:38
kyle_so keep on drag and dropping them13:38
kyle_try googling to13:38
InforMedkyle I'm trying! But I can't find a solution!13:40
kyle_try editing your start up applications13:41
ubuntuhi i was wondering if anyone could help me, i installed linux, it went wrong, i deleted the partition and stupidly extended the windows one, now i can't boot windows due to grub error, need to resize windows partition but linux won't let me can anyone help13:41
kyle_informed system settings/advanced/auto start13:41
InforMedkyle_:  I don't understand how that could help!13:42
ubuntuhi i was wondering if anyone could help me, i installed linux, it went wrong, i deleted the partition and stupidly extended the windows one, now i can't boot windows due to grub error, need to resize windows partition but linux won't let me can anyone help13:43
kyle_do you have the windows disk?13:44
kyle_you might have to reformat13:44
dbglthey, is there a package for kde-devel ?13:45
dbgltno matter :p13:46
ubuntuthank u but i have a lot of personal data on there13:46
dbgltbad search string heh13:46
kyle_ubuntu try running linex from the disk... so b4 it loads grub and fails press f12 and run the cd13:47
ubuntuim doing that now to talk to u13:48
szadek_ubuntu : http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-restore-grub-in-ubuntu/2008/04/1113:50
szadek_but before , you can enter the windows paritition and take a backup of the data13:50
ubuntuhow would restoring the grub help, i thought my best bet was to somehow get rid of it13:52
kyle_you can delete its partition.. but i dont understand why windows isnt working for you13:52
idran2Hi to all.Some one knows krusader? I ha ve a problem starting it: it appear whit a white screen and no interface. like a clean form.13:54
szadek_ubuntu : before you do anything , with the live cd you will be able to backup your data , this is the first thing you should do , then , with gparted you can do wahtever you want with your partitions13:54
ubuntuwhen i run gparted under livecd it says that i have no devices13:54
ign0ramusubuntu, you have an ntfs partition?13:55
ign0ramusubuntu, ergh... i had a similar problem- it was due to Windows not shutting down properly, but if you can't log in, that may be an issue :/13:56
ubuntuits not a login issue its a boot issue, i can't get past grub stage after deleting the partition13:57
ign0ramusubuntu: can you press 'e' to edit grub?13:59
szadek_ubuntu , with live cd , opening nautilus , on the left side , the ntfs partition doesnt show up?13:59
RootRayhello, just upgraded to ubuntu 9.10, notices the menu in firefox3 is a bit slow13:59
RootRayanyone with same experience? seems like there is an issue with gtk13:59
ign0ramusRootRay, me too... haven't found a fix for that13:59
ubuntui cant igno  because be4 the grub window comes up it says error code 2213:59
ign0ramusRootRay, i have about 25 add-ons, and scrolling from top to bottom takes a full minute13:59
RootRaydont know why, but some gnome apps run slow13:59
=== szadek_ is now known as Szadek
RootRayigno: i believe the problem is with the latest gtk14:00
RootRayit wasnt like this in 9.0414:00
ign0ramusRootRay, could be... i'm hoping there was a fix (and do you mean 8.10?)14:00
RootRayyeh, 8.1014:00
RootRayprior to 9.10 it was ok14:00
ign0ramusdo you mean 9.04? ;-)14:01
RootRayyeh 9.0414:01
ign0ramushaha :-)14:01
RootRayXlib:  extension "Generic Event Extension" missing on display14:01
RootRayalso get this msg all the time14:01
dchi guy14:01
RootRayit looks like the ubuntu team rushed it a lot14:01
ign0ramusRootRay, there's so much pressure to do the 6-month release, sometimes, i think it'd be worth it to wait a little...14:02
ubuntudoes anyone know wat error code 22 is on grub14:02
RootRaythe code base is getting out of control14:03
RootRaytoo many forks and conflicts14:03
ign0ramusubuntu, http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html14:05
ubuntu22 : "Must load Multiboot kernel before modules"14:06
ubuntu This error is returned if the module load command is used before loading a Multiboot kernel. It only makes sense in this case anyway, as GRUB has no idea how to communicate the presence of location of such modules to a non-Multiboot-aware kernel.14:06
ubuntudoes anyone know how to fix that14:07
ign0ramusubuntu, when you tried from liveCD, you ran 'sudo grub'?14:07
ign0ramusubuntu, didn't you say you tried to fix with a liveCD already?14:08
ubuntui think it happened because i deleted my linux partition14:08
ign0ramusubuntu, so you only have windows on the machine now?14:08
ign0ramusubuntu, in that case you could probably fix it using a windows disc, and using 'fixmbr'14:09
=== late_ is now known as Toipilas
ubuntuwould that get rid of my files and does it apply to vista14:09
ign0ramusubuntu, lemme check the vista thing (I know it works on XP), but no, it simply reinstalls the bootloader14:10
idran2Hi to all.Some one knows krusader? I have a problem starting it: it appear whit a white screen and no interface. like a clean form. I try reinstall it but nothig change.14:10
ubuntui thought it wouldnt because vista uses a different boot loader14:10
ubuntuidran2 does ur machine meet minimum reqs14:11
tlvbis it possible to remove the plasma menu button (default position top right of desktop) from the desktop, or to move it into a panel?14:12
ign0ramusubuntu, from what i've read: put in Vista boot disc, restart. Enter recovery console and run FIXBOOT and FIXMBR and you *should* be back in business14:13
ubuntujust need to get the disk from under dads nose14:14
ign0ramusubuntu, again, this does not erase anything, it simply reloads the bootloader needed to start the OS14:14
ubuntuthank u14:14
ign0ramusubuntu, don't thank me until the problem is fixed!  :P14:14
ubuntuwell if i hadnt said thank u ,u could have been w8ing a wk or more14:17
ign0ramusubuntu, haha! hope it works out for you.14:17
ubuntuthk u14:17
ign0ramusyou're welcome :)14:17
ubuntufor ur time14:17
ign0ramusit's a sat. morning with rain scheduled for most of the day.  i have plenty of time :(14:18
ubuntunice and cloudy for me14:18
ign0ramusubuntu, here in mid-atlantic US, we've had rain for like 10 straight days...14:19
ign0ramusgives me some time to tweak my Jaunty install (which it really needs)14:20
ubuntui wouldnt mind d'loading the new 9.04 but i don't have any spare cd's14:20
ubuntubut im stuck with UE 1.614:21
ign0ramusubuntu, i'm pretty sure you can do it via flash drive if you have one with enough capacity14:21
ubuntuwould it work of sd card very slowly14:22
ubuntuoh i can't w8 till i have some money coming in14:23
ign0ramusubuntu, that's a good question... that i'm not sure of14:23
ubuntuit would be very slow and stupid to try if u had a flash drive14:23
ign0ramusubuntu, i don't think most computers are capable of booting from an SD card...14:24
ign0ramusubuntu, maybe if you had a USB device (camera, usb hub) to plug the SD card into, it may work... but would take forever14:25
ubuntuyeah so i wont try and will stick with the old sys14:26
ign0ramusubuntu, probably your best bet.14:26
ubuntuactually dad has 9.04 disk which i could 'borrow'14:27
ign0ramusubuntu, why couldn't you use that then?14:27
ubuntubecause its his and i would probably have to wait till 9.10 comes out to use it because he chucks his old ones14:28
maxxouhello i have a problem with dmraid, i have 3*500Go raid5 (my doc) and 1*160Go non raid for kubuntu 9.04 after install i have grub error 21, http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-1412914:28
ubuntumax, is it installed on the non-raid14:28
ubuntucan windows vista comps see when a linux comp is on the network14:31
maxxouubuntu: yes  but http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-1413014:31
ubuntuwat is it14:31
ubuntuits all french14:32
maxxoui can't mount any partition, yes i'm french14:32
=== edulix_ is now known as Edulix
ubuntui thought u were answering my q sorry14:33
ubuntuno idea then14:34
ubuntui didn't help lol14:34
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu_
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu
ubuntucan windows vista comps see when a linux comp is on the network14:36
ubuntuis there a way so that they can't14:37
embraceunityI think Samba is the program that is used14:37
ubuntuhow do i get samba14:38
embraceunityi think it comes standard14:38
ubuntufound it14:39
idran2ubuntu: you wrote "idran2 does ur machine meet minimum reqs" I thing yes. Only krusader have this problem and whit kubuntu 8.04 I have not this problem. Only now that I have updated to 8.1014:41
BluesKajaha , the new kde4.2.3 konvi version finally seems to work properly, however the empasis ison "seems to " :)14:41
BluesKajerr emphasis14:42
ubuntutry upgrading to 9.04 and seeing if that fixes ur prob14:42
ubuntuand if it dont then go back to ur old 8.0414:42
Unksi!cn | RootRay14:46
BluesKaj!cn | RootRay14:46
ubottuRootRay: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:46
cobra-the-jokerHey there every one .....how can i add themes for KDE ???14:47
ign0ramuscobra-the-joker, www.kde-look.org14:47
cobra-the-jokerign0ramus  , i meen how can i install it ?14:48
ign0ramuscobra-the-joker, not to be an ass, but you have to follow the installation instructions provided on most of the themes found there14:49
ign0ramuscobra-the-joker, if you're used to how gnome 'themes' can be easily installed, you'll find that kde themes are completely different14:49
ign0ramuscobra-the-joker, gnome 'themes' are simply modifications to pixmaps and metacity colors, etc14:49
ign0ramuscobra-the-joker, kde themes are separate entities in their own right, and have to be compiled and installed separately14:50
ign0ramus... if that makes any sense.14:50
ign0ramusJucato could give a much more eloquent explanation, but that's the gist of it14:50
ign0ramusActionParsnip, yo yo yo14:51
ActionParsnipyo yo yo14:53
ActionParsnipi'm installing the windows virtualbox via wine to run a linux gues14:53
white_pelicanwhen I wa using Hardy Heron, and I would right click ona link an an email or other places, a small menu wouldpop-up offering me to do things likeopening it in firefox, mozilla, etc. I upgraded to Jaunty and now that menu no longer comes up. What am I missing?14:53
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: what app is this in?14:54
ubuntuhttp://www.myspace.com/fadedcadence new band14:54
ActionParsnip!ot > ubuntu14:54
ubottuubuntu, please see my private message14:54
white_pelicankmail for one, but I've also seen it in xchat14:54
ActionParsnipubuntu: dont spam in here, this is support14:54
ubuntuwhere do i say offtopic stuff because it says on the official one [13:55] [Error] \kubuntu-offtopic: No such nick/channel.14:56
ActionParsnipubuntu: its /j #ubuntu-offtopic14:57
kevin_how do i change the video driver that x is using14:57
ActionParsnipkevin_: for what video card?14:57
kevin_i know there is someway to run the x setup but i havent done it forever14:58
kevin_it is a radeon m714:58
kevin_i cant enable 3d effects and the utility tells me there is no restricted driver available14:58
kevin_but i think that if i tell x to use the radeon driver then they will work14:59
ActionParsnipkevin_: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/T41_XOrg_Conf14:59
ActionParsnipkevin_: i'd use the screen, device and display sections15:00
white_pelicancan someone answer my question?15:00
kevin_the title of that page says no 3d15:01
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: maybe if you tell the apps what browser to use they will open in that browser15:01
ActionParsnipkevin_: hmmm15:01
white_pelicanI wanted the choice15:02
ActionParsnipkevin_: make sure youare using the radeon driver15:02
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: wow someone who uses more than firefox, i'm shocked15:03
kevin_ActionParsnip: what are the ati drivers that come with x.. radeon and radeonhd and something else right?15:03
ActionParsnipwhite_pelican: it could be a service menu, but i'm not sure they will be used in apps like that15:03
ActionParsnipkevin_: theres frglx which are proprietary15:03
ActionParsnipkevin_: i cant really advise passed this kind of level as I avoid ati like paris hilton15:04
kevin_that one never works as well as the opensource one though from my expirience correct?15:04
kevin_yea tell me about it it isnt my laptop15:04
ActionParsnipkevin_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/363238 may have some clues15:06
faileasActionParsnip: wine dosen't do drivers. so chances are virtualbox won't work15:07
ActionParsnipfaileas: yep, it failed15:08
luisGuys, i have one problem, the resolution of my kubuntu is not good for my laptop15:09
luis1400, can someone help me pls15:09
faileasluis: er.. 1400x1050?15:10
kevin_go to application in your k menu and select system then you'll see the resolution utility15:10
faileasluis: got a sorta split screen thing?15:10
luisits all biger15:10
luisi have installed kubuntu before with the correct resolution15:11
podecoetwould anyone be kind enough to send me a link to the latest NVIDIA linux driver from the website? :( IRC'ing from a shell, X wont start, I'm kinda stuck.15:11
luisall is smaller and sharper15:11
luisi have a nvidia drive too15:11
nightyis there a repository like the neon repository to try out kde 4.3 for jaunty?15:12
ign0ramuspodecoet, what card?15:12
podecoetign0ramus: 8800GTS/51215:12
faileasthen you can do what kevin_ said ;)15:12
ign0ramuspodecoet, hang on15:12
podecoetign0ramus: thanks!15:12
ign0ramuspodecoet, is that a GeForce, ION, etc?15:12
embraceunitypodecoet: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/180.51/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.51-pkg1.run15:12
ign0ramusok there you go! ;)15:13
podecoetign0ramus: Yup, GeForce 8800GTS15:13
embraceunitynighty: no15:13
BluesKajembraceunity , is that driver for his card ?15:14
podecoetign0ramus: legend! I owe you one!15:14
podecoetf*** $($&($#*&15:14
ign0ramuspodecoet, embraceunity actually posted it... but i did check and that is the proper link for the 8800GTS15:14
mkargarhow to install kaffeine 1 pre1 in kubuntu 9.04 from repo15:15
nightyembraceunity: maybe i can use the svn source code?15:15
embraceunityBluesKaj: yea, 8800 isn't legacy15:15
BluesKajembraceunity , or is it a generic thing that nvidia made for linux15:15
podecoethah sorry, everythings chunky... couldn't tell -- Thanks embraceunity15:15
luisembraceunity with what program i open and download de driver?15:15
embraceunityBluesKaj: nvidia makes a big kitchen sink driver for all their new cards, much like ATI, and then relegates everything else to the legacy drivers15:15
podecoetign0ramus: dammit, manual labour, I have to manually write the url out since theres no copy/paste :P15:16
embraceunitynighty: yea you can15:16
embraceunitynighty: but it is a bitch15:16
ign0ramuspodecoet, ah the tortures of typing!15:16
BluesKajembraceunity so whynot use the 180 driver from a package manager , much easier to install15:16
luisembraceunity with what program i open and download de nvidia driver?15:16
embraceunityluis: you just run it with sh i think15:16
podecoetign0ramus: curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!15:16
luisholda i am new srry, whats that15:17
ign0ramuspodecoet, i've heard that before.... :)15:17
embraceunityluis: sudo sh filename.run15:17
podecoetign0ramus: I guess this makes us friends :P15:17
ign0ramuspodecoet, as far as internet standards go, we are bff's15:17
mkargarhow to install kaffeine 1 pre1 in kubuntu 9.04 from repo?15:17
embraceunitypeople still use kaffeine?15:18
ign0ramusi was kind of wondering *why* someone would want to install kaffeine, but i didnt say anything :S15:18
embraceunitymkargar: i thought dragon player superceded it... guess not15:19
embraceunitymkargar: it seems available here: http://kaffeine.kde.org/?q=download15:19
podecoetign0ramus: I forgot to mention, I'm running the AMD64 distro, is there a different driver?15:20
mkargarembraceunity:Kaffeine is bets App for DVB!15:20
ign0ramuspodecoet, ooh, maybe, let me see15:20
embraceunitymkargar: says you can just do sudo apt-get install kaffeine15:20
embraceunitydoesn't even list a repo15:20
ign0ramuspodecoet, nope... same driver (looks like for almost all newer cards)15:20
ActionParsnip!info kaffeine jaunty15:21
ubottukaffeine (source: kaffeine): versatile media player for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.7-1ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 3229 kB, installed size 7084 kB15:21
mkargarembraceunity:i want kaffeine 1pre1!15:21
ign0ramushas anyone been able to get VLC to work in a single window (older behavior)?15:21
ActionParsnipembraceunity: apt-cache search kaff15:21
embraceunityoh, that sucks15:21
embraceunitygotta compile yourself15:22
podecoetign0ramus: Doh -- It's complaining about using the x86 version instead of x64 :P15:22
ign0ramuspodecoet, Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) --> http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/180.51/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-180.51-pkg2.run15:23
ign0ramuspodecoet, oops... yes, it *is* different.  sorry, the urls looked the same to me at first15:24
luiswhats the irc for kubuntu es? pls15:24
podecoetign0ramus: I will destroy you! And thanks once again :P15:24
ign0ramuspodecoet, haha :)  sorry, and no problem15:25
luiswhats the irc for kubuntu es? pls15:25
ign0ramus!es > luis15:25
ubottuluis, please see my private message15:25
t00ranybody tried installing 9.04 on an HP mini note 1000?15:32
embraceunityt00r: no, but do you know about Ubuntu Netbook Remix?15:35
podecoetjust installed intrepid, and it prompted me to install the proprietary drivers. So I did, rebooted, X wouldn't start. Drivers from Nvidia's website don't help15:35
podecoetplease assist :(15:35
t00rembraceunity: yes i do. my question has to do with the speakers on the HP not working.15:35
t00rembraceunity: it's acknowledged as a bug in alsa in the 9.04 kernel. there's a newer kernel package that fixes the speaker issue but breaks wifi. the HP mini note uses a broadcom chip.15:36
embraceunityt00r: well if it is a kernel issue, you could theoretically roll your own kernel using the proper broadcom and speaker stuff... assuming they aren't conflicting15:38
embraceunityt00r: check this out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile15:39
t00rembraceunity: normally i would. but the notebook isn't mine and has been returned to the owner, who is willing to compromise about the sound issue. i'll just wait for a new kernel package.15:39
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.15:42
luisei guys, there was a irc client that it was similiar to MIRC, what was the name?15:43
ActionParsnipluis: xchat15:55
ActionParsnip!irc > luis15:55
ubottuluis, please see my private message15:55
* ActionParsnip hates mirc15:55
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nfiveevd9.04 is running well on my Dell Mini 916:00
podecoetI've officially tried everything I know - I can't get X up and runing after restricted drivers were enabled. Syslog says "X died during startup"16:01
nfiveevdI had to connect to my wired network 4 updates just after I installed 9.0416:01
newbieok I really broke something while trying to reinstall the LAMP stack  can you help this is what happenned: http://pastebin.com/m6f4cfbbf16:03
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone! Since the update from Intrepid to Jaunty my WLAN won't connect anymore. It's a Broadcom BCM4312, the restricted module is loaded and a WPA/WPA2 secure network without any typos in the PSK. Neither NWM (with the latest PPA plasma widget) nor wicd work. Any suggestions where to start troubleshooting?16:04
newbiehi, btw16:04
newbiei tried to reinstall the above list, but it just lists about 55 conflicts and errors out16:06
podecoetMilhousePunkRock: since my install of Intrepid, I cant even boot :P16:06
podecoetI'm [ ] that close to giving up entirely after 18 months of linux, and reverting to windows :(16:07
robinnewbie:try installing the kde metapackages, kde-core, etc16:07
MilhousePunkRockpodecoet: Anything gone bad during the upgrade?16:08
tlvbIs it possible to remove the yin/yang/cashew nut/plasma circle quarter button from the desktop? (the one in the upper right corner)16:08
sunriseparadyseplease i need asistence to install driver grapic card gforce 8800 gt16:08
newbierobin: ok, will do.  but why did it do this?16:08
newbieMilhousePunkRock: did you do a custom install on your drivers to begin with?16:09
newbieMilhousePunkRock: something like this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89671316:09
MilhousePunkRocknewbie: It was already enabled in the Restricted Driver manager...16:09
robinnewbie: because some of the packages were dependencies to packages who were depencies to packages, etc.16:09
MilhousePunkRocknewbie: I think that is outdated...16:10
newbierobin: some sort of circular hiearchy?  that seems dangerous16:11
podecoetMilhousePunkRock: I didn't upgrade, I opted to format and install from scratch - worked fine, it asked me to install proprietary drivers, I did, then everything caught fire16:11
MilhousePunkRocknewbie: The odd thing is, it detects my network, but it will ask for the PSK over and over again.16:11
newbieMilhousePunkRock: it's 8 month outdated16:12
newbieMilhousePunkRock: orly?  so the driver is there, just non functional?16:12
robinnewbie: not particulair circular, but things live mysql are used by some kde packages16:12
MilhousePunkRocknewbie: Yes, but the card is fine, it works with Windows 7 which is installed also16:14
MilhousePunkRockpodecoet: What kind of drivers did you install16:14
newbierobin: ahh mysql is the culprit.  but there should still be some sort of one way on dependencies.  I'm installing kde-core and kdeutils, is there anything you think I might be missing from that list?  kdedesktop is outdated.16:16
olandrusI am a newbie!16:17
robinnewbie:what I know of you have the following metapackages: kdeadmin, kdeaccessibility, kde16:17
newbieMilhousePunkRock: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=927143 maybe?16:18
newbierobin: that's a hell of a list16:19
ferumhi all16:19
MilhousePunkRockI already found descriptions of the same symptom on my entire netbook after the upgrade to jaunty, but none of the things other people did to solve it work for me...16:19
ferumwhat is the blocked updates?16:19
ferumin this section i haave kernel16:20
robinnewbie:the easiest thing to do is just use a package manager, search for kde, and install everything you think is necesary16:20
embraceunityferum: blocked updates are usually missing dependencies16:21
ferumcan i install kernel 2.6.29?16:21
ferumanyone test?16:21
robinferum: I don't think you can install it on ubuntu16:22
robinferum: you will need a distro that uses it16:22
ferumi have a deb16:22
embraceunityferum: i compiled my own from David Airlie's drm-rawhide branch to test out kernel modesetting on ATI16:22
embraceunityit worked16:22
podecoetMilhousePunkRock: the ones in the package repository, and also the ones on the nVidia website, both have the same effect16:23
MilhousePunkRockpodecoet: Do you have a rare configuration maybe?16:23
MilhousePunkRockpodecoet: Like VERY new hardware?16:23
newbierobin: it would be if kpackage wasn't uninstalled16:24
robinnewbie:you can install synaptic16:25
newbieMilhousePunkRock: have you tried setting you network with a PSK password to see if it connects?  That would tell us if it's a CONF issue or otherwise.16:25
newbierobin: I know.16:26
MilhousePunkRocknewbie: You mean without a PSK, don't you?16:26
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ferumhow i can install mysql and configure it16:27
newbieMilhousePunkRock: hmm I guess I do.  so this is a PSK issue, not a hardware issue?  can you connect to an open network (no password)?16:27
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)16:28
ferumand what gui mysql db editor have?16:28
robinferum: you can install phpmyadmin with apt16:28
ferumno i'm need analog heide sql16:29
robina mysql console?16:29
robinphpmyadmin is a gui editor16:30
ferumwhould be better install kernel from deb or from source?16:30
robinI think a deb would be easier16:30
ubuntuthanks to all who helped me16:30
MilhousePunkRocknewbie: I don't have an open network at hand, but I could of course disable encryption briefly, just to try...16:31
ferumbut missing depences16:32
newbieferum: heidisql isn't in the repositories, you will have to get it from http://www.heidisql.com/? if that s what you require16:32
newbieMilhousePunkRock: yeah let's dothat16:33
ferumhow install mysql16:33
newbie!mysql > ferum16:33
ubottuferum, please see my private message16:33
shadowhywindanyone around up with random(many) questions about dd16:33
MilhousePunkRocknewbie: Well then, I'll be right back16:34
newbieMilhousePunkRock: ok.16:34
robinapt-get install mysql-server-5.016:34
ferumi need only mysql16:34
robinand apt-get install mysql-client-5.016:34
robinferum:user apt-get or a package manager16:35
ferumrobin you know any IDE for c++ development16:35
ferumanalog VS 200816:35
ferumanyone update to kde 4.2.3?16:36
ferumanyone have problem?16:37
newbieferum: what is your computer knowledge versus your linux knowledge?  you ask some interesting questions16:37
embraceunityferum: i updated to kde 4.2.316:37
ubuntumine is mostly comp but i am leaving the windy world of windows behind16:37
embraceunityno problems16:37
ferumi don't newbie in linux16:38
ferumbut i don't know about kernel in kubuntu16:38
ferumi ask because i want info about any troubles16:38
newbieferum: what do you know about computers/networking in general?16:39
ubuntuwat do u need to know about networking16:39
ferumI'm learning c++16:40
luis_guys my keyboard is not correct16:40
luis_i think kubuntu has english keyboard turned on16:40
luis_but mine is spanish16:40
newbieubuntu: I'm fine, just gauging what ferum is trying to accomplish16:40
luis_how i can change that16:40
newbieluis > !es16:41
ferumi tryed many distro16:41
newbie!es > luis16:41
ubottuluis, please see my private message16:41
ferumbut kubuntu like me now16:41
newbieluis system settings keyboard16:41
ferumanyone have problem with jockey kde?16:42
newbieMilhousePunkRock: any update? I need to leave soon16:42
MilhousePunkRocknewbie: Interestingly enough, it does connect when it's unprotected16:42
MilhousePunkRockSo it's an WPA issue16:42
ubuntuim installing linux and it says 120%16:42
ferummy jockey kde crashes16:42
luis_newbie, now what16:42
ferumand anyone can help?16:43
ubuntuwho here uses ultimate edit ubuntu16:43
ferummy friend hasn't enternet connection16:43
ferumbut i'm want give him all my updates16:44
ferumhow this doing?16:44
ubuntubye setup finished16:44
ferumexpect copy apt/cache16:44
bazhangferum, aptoncd16:45
bazhang!aptoncd | ferum16:45
ubottuferum: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline16:45
newbieluis: I'm sorry I don't know, I broke my kde, but there should be a keyboard driver in there.  go to the spanish forum for more info16:45
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:45
newbieMilhousePunkRock: you are not alone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111024116:46
drbobbugh, I'm afraid that on my laptop, jaunty is a total failure16:46
drbobbhardy handled the h/w a lot better16:47
* drbobb is considering switching distros (as if that could help)16:47
newbieMilhousePunkRock: try this please https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/5292216:47
embraceunitydrbobb: what problems are you having specifically?16:48
newbieMilhousePunkRock: oops I mean iwlist wlan0 scan16:48
drbobbembraceunity: mostly with the vga driver16:48
ferumwhen i going to my friend i print apt-cdrom add?16:48
drbobbproblems, as in fails to work at all, Xorg either segfaults or causes a system lockup16:49
ferumor if i install on flash16:49
ferumhow connetc repo?16:49
embraceunitydrbobb: what card?16:49
drbobbembraceunity: in 32bit mode, I have managed to make it work with some serious workarounds and with seriously degraded performance16:49
bazhang!info aptoncd16:50
ubottuaptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98-0ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 207 kB, installed size 1528 kB16:50
drbobbin 64bit, nothing works16:50
drbobbembraceunity: a SiS integrated chip16:50
bazhangferum, create the disc, then add as a repo source16:50
drbobbI guess I should be decent and submit a bundle of bug reports before I switch16:51
embraceunitydrbobb: please do16:51
drbobbbut apparently the SiS driver is unmaintained and can't be expected to be fixed16:51
embraceunitydrbobb: xserver can be downgraded though16:52
drbobbembraceunity: i tried that too, an failed16:52
drbobbI believe there must be some serious issues between the sis driver and the newer kernel16:53
t00rsis hardware is flaky.16:53
JukeBoxHerohey fellas, case in point Dolphin, when you boot up fresh into KDE, do you get automounted partitions without the manual entries in /etc/fstab?16:53
t00ri've had nothing but bad experiences with sis chipsets.16:53
embraceunityJukeBoxHero: it will autodetect paritions and give you the option to mount16:55
drbobbt00r: I agree, they're crap. unfortunately I can't afford a new laptop at this time16:55
newbieMilhousePunkRock: did you run that?16:55
drbobbt00r: and it is a fact that hardy worked well enough16:55
JukeBoxHeroembraceunity: in the sense you have to click on the partitions and provide root pass ?16:55
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JukeBoxHeroto mount them16:55
newbieMilhousePunkRock: crap, I'm totally late now.  sorry16:55
embraceunityJukeboxHero: yea, just double clicking should do the trick, though i don't usually remember having to grant root accees16:55
MilhousePunkRocknewbie: Yeah, me too... We'll go on tomorrow, thx a bunch for the help16:56
MilhousePunkRockHave a nice day16:56
Guest75530is there any way to hide ur network from other network users16:56
t00rdrbobb: which sis chipset is it? i have a 1.2 ghz celery + sis chipset running as a server.16:57
JukeBoxHeroembraceunity: so in one word yes or no, you (double)click on the partition, it gets mounted right?16:57
JukeBoxHerogreat, just what i wanted to know, thanks :)16:57
ghoulyhi all, a question about upgrade from jaunty to hardy : i downloaded the jaunty alternate cd iso to speed the upgrade up since i have low bandwidth,  i have to add it to /etc/apt/sources.list  somehow, right ? what's the syntax for adding a cd like that ? i've got it mounted on /media/cdrom016:57
ferumany have prolem with jockey kde?16:57
CoJaBo-AztecDoes anyone know if there is a fix yet for the "A problem we were no" errors in KPackageKit yet?17:00
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ghoulynvm, found it in adept menus17:01
eagles0513875can someone help me out with nfs17:10
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo eagles051387517:11
CoJaBo-AztecDoes anyone know if there is a fix yet for the "A problem we were no" errors in KPackageKit yet?17:12
eagles0513875bazhang: im stuck on a step17:13
eagles0513875im adding the share that i have on the machine that im on but for some reason when it comes to exporting it it says the share doesnt exist17:14
eagles0513875do you have to give the relative path or the absolute17:14
BluesKajCoJaBo-Aztec, there is a solution to the kpackagekit prob , use adept or synaptic or atitude or apt ...kpackagekit doesn't work for me either17:16
BluesKajadept can still be installed thru the cli if needed17:17
CoJaBo-AztecBluesKaj: Right now I am stuck with using apt-get, which doesnt have search AFAIK. What other package manager works well in Jaunty? Adept was the one in Hardy, and that seemed to work well.17:17
Captain_HaddockCoJaBo-Aztec: apt-cache search17:18
cnuif i do Ubuntu Netinstall and choose "Kubuntu Desktop" when selecting package set, will it become the same as downloading kubuntu iso and installing?17:18
Captain_Haddockanybody have any experience installing kubuntu via live USB and the alternate ISO? I'm using unetbootin17:18
BluesKajCoJaBo-Aztec, i would install adept  if you need a gui , but I've been using apt and aptitude to upgrade or update17:19
Captain_HaddockI can't get it to use the USB drive as the CDROM... is there a commandline option for that?17:19
CoJaBo-AztecBluesKaj: I've been using apt-get too, but the problem is it is hard without being able to search through the packages to see what they are.17:20
=== tommy_ is now known as Guest1817
BluesKajCoJaBo-Aztec , sudo apt get-install adept  :)17:21
BluesKajoops sudo apt-get install adept17:21
=== Guest1817 is now known as tommy_
CoJaBo-AztecBluesKaj: Ok, thanks!17:22
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CoJaBo-AztecAppearently Jaunty's version of VLC is also broken...17:23
BluesKajCoJaBo-Aztec, I just tried playback with VLC and it works ok.17:27
BluesKajwhat probs are you having ?17:27
CoJaBo-AztecBluesKaj: The video appears in a seperate window, and fullscreen navigation does not work because of that.17:30
luisei guys can someone help me17:30
luisi cant see youtube videos17:30
luiswhats the problem17:31
CoJaBo-AztecDo you have flash?17:31
pucko-captain_haddock, that's probably up the the bios.17:31
luisnop, can u help me install it?17:31
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash17:31
luisbtw i also have another problem17:31
luismy keyboard is a spanish one17:31
pucko-captain_haddoc, you will have to look there and see if there's any option to set it either way17:31
akiemDownload flash in debian format17:31
luisbut kubuntu has it as an english one17:32
luishow i can correct that?17:32
Captain_Haddockpucko-: I can boot into the USB drive fine and access the installer... the installer however is looking for the install files on a CD-ROM drive17:32
akiemto install Flash.... Use Terminal17:32
akiemsudo dpkg -i install flash.deb17:33
BluesKaj!pm | luis17:33
ubottuluis: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:33
CoJaBo-Aztecluis: In system settings, there is an option to change the layout.17:33
Captain_HaddockRegional & Language17:33
luisi am in keyboard laout17:34
luiswhat now17:34
BluesKaj!kubuntu-restricted-extras | luis17:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:34
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:34
Captain_Haddockluis: in regional and language?17:35
bazhangthat's wrong factoid for extras17:35
luisbtw there is not a button to write ur complete name17:35
Captain_Haddockluis: you see a list of layouts here?17:36
luisok i am in layout tab17:36
luislet me enable keyboard layout17:36
luisalbania, andorra....17:36
luiswhat I choose17:36
luisdone, i choose latin america :)17:37
Captain_Haddockthat works too... double click on it so that it goes to the right pane17:38
Captain_Haddockhighlight the layout and choose any variants from the drop-down below17:38
luisthx, all is done, i have the correct keyboard layout17:38
Captain_Haddockrighto then17:38
luisbtw how i can enter kubuntu irc and not ubuntu irc?17:39
luisin konversation17:39
Captain_HaddockF2 and edit server's default channels17:40
luisbut what i enter there17:41
wizardslovaki need little help with partitioning17:42
wizardslovakmy disk is 160gb ,how many of it should be boot,/,and home?17:42
CoJaBo-Aztecwizardslovak: Depends on what you need to do. Usually I keep everything on one partition, and on this computer I put / on 5GB to make it easy to back up the entire OS.17:44
wizardslovakwell thats what i want17:45
wizardslovakone partition for os17:45
wizardslovak10gb should be good ?!17:45
luisi tried installing the flash player17:46
CoJaBo-Aztecwizardslovak: Probably. Mine runs fine even with 5GB (62% used), but I don't have a very large amount of software installed.17:46
luisbut no sound17:46
luisin the youtube videos17:47
CoJaBo-Aztecluis: Check the volume on the youtube player, it tends to default really lo for some reason.17:47
wizardslovakin mixer settings high PCM17:47
luisthx wizard17:48
ferumanyone can help?17:49
wizardslovakwith what???????????????????/17:49
ferumjockey kde don't install drivers17:49
ferumi'm isnatll kernel
BluesKajluis , install flashplugin-nonfree17:49
wizardslovakif he installed flashplugin and no audio its only with PCM17:50
CoJaBo-Aztecferum: Did you install all software updates before trying the drivers?17:50
wizardslovakok i am out17:50
ferumenvy say that no kernel headers17:50
bazhangferum, where is that kernel from17:50
wizardslovakbe back when format my pc17:50
bazhangferum, envy? oh no17:51
luisi think the original (adobe) is better than the free BluesKaj17:51
luisbut whatever, the youtube video is working very fine anyway :)17:51
ferumi download kernel headers and kernel source17:52
ferummay be i should install kde 4.2.3??17:52
bazhangferum, dont use envy17:52
ferumi'm delete him17:52
bazhang!envy | ferum17:52
ubottuferum: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia drivers, which can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" or "envyng-qt". It is NOT a supported method to install them; please only use it at your own risks if standard methods fail - See !nVidia17:52
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:53
ferummy jockey kde don't download17:54
BluesKajluis, dunno , I don't think there's much difference ..maybe just the name17:54
ferumanyone help how to fix jockey kde?17:56
luisei I closed the desktop and i dont know how to get it back :(17:56
ferumcan i install only package17:57
bazhangferum, the ppa kernel is the problem would be my guess, not jockey-kde17:57
bazhangferum, why do you need that kernel by the way17:58
ferumi may install another kernel17:58
bazhangferum, dont understand you; why do you need that later kernel?17:59
ferumi want))17:59
bazhangferum, then you are on your own.17:59
bazhangferum, ie not supported.17:59
ferumbecause ext4   better support17:59
bazhangferum, of course it will break things. use at your own risk18:00
ferumwhat kernel you use?18:00
bazhangthe standard jaunty one18:00
bazhang!info linux18:00
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB18:00
ferumbazhang you update kernel through package manager?18:04
new_bemberguys, whats wrong with xorg.conf in the 9.04? it seems any changes not applyed18:04
bazhangferum, when a new one comes out, yes.18:05
Guest75530how do u install firefox 318:05
bazhangGuest75530, which version of kubuntu18:05
ferumnow new kernels in blocked updates18:05
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.18:06
bazhangGuest75530, that is no longer supported, consider upgrading18:06
Guest75530ahh i was wondering y i couldnt update18:06
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:07
bazhangGuest75530, /msg ubottu upgrade for links18:07
Guest75530how do i get my updates as i am using a special ver of ubuntu18:12
bazhangGuest75530, ultimate?18:12
bazhangGuest75530, dont bother with that is there is <crickets> support for it18:12
bazhangGuest75530, get the real deal --->www.ubuntu.com or www.kubuntu.org18:13
bazhang<crickets> indicating total silence18:14
Guest75530i haven't got anything to put the file on like a flash drive or cd18:14
bazhangubuntu / kubuntu supported here, not ultimate18:14
bazhangreally no need for 'ultimate'; the real thing is uber as is18:15
Guest75530yep i know, this was my dads old disc which i found and installed as i can't use his new edition18:15
bazhangcd's are cheap btw18:15
Guest75530but i have no money18:16
Guest75530none other than i find on the floor18:16
bazhangthen look for ''ultimate'' support chan I guess18:16
cubei have problem with my samba on arch.. samba uses a lot of memory.. about 1GB.... is something wrong with my config or what. i read on samba FAQ that the problem is rsync but i dont have install it18:17
bazhangcube, archlinux?18:17
cubebut on ubuntu, gentoo is same problem18:18
bazhangcube /j #archlinux18:18
cubeok ty18:18
luisI accidentally closed the desktop18:20
luishow i can get it back?18:20
bazhangctrl alt f7 ?18:20
luisthat doesnt worked18:21
bazhangwhat desktop do you mean then18:21
luisto the mini desktop18:21
kaddihow can I play a cd with amarok?18:22
luisdont know how to get it back?18:23
bazhangluis, what is mini desktop18:23
luisthe little square than...18:23
luishas all the icons18:24
luisof the programs18:24
Guest75530i ran an upgrade script, which then said that there was a newer ver of the script, i installed the new script and opened it, it then appeared for all of a second before dissapearing again. What is Wrong?18:26
bazhangGuest75530, what script18:26
bazhangGuest75530, this is still ultimate you are talking about?18:27
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition18:27
bazhangGuest75530, no idea as that is ubuntu-based. not ubuntu in other words. they do things differently so that script is definitely not supported nor is ultimate18:28
Guest75530oh and it was easy to install firefox, u just extract it and done18:28
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org18:32
Guest75530how do i install flash18:36
bazhangGuest75530, ultimate is not supported. please take the hint.18:36
Guest75530the flash install is nothing to do with ultimate it is the same in that regards, i just want to know which package to download18:37
yao_ziyuananyone really using QuickAccess plasmoid in kubuntu 9.04?18:38
yao_ziyuanand living with the drop-file-to-trashcan bug?18:39
Guest75530kubuntu 9.04 looks crap, too much of a mixture between mac and vista18:40
Guest75530and not enough linux18:40
bazhang!ot > Guest7553018:40
ubottuGuest75530, please see my private message18:40
yao_ziyuanGuest75530: so which distro do you recommend for kde4?18:40
BluesKajyao_ziyuan , he's just trolling ..comes into a chat, trashtalks the applicable OS and leaves18:43
yao_ziyuananyone know the key for ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa ?18:44
* CoJaBo-Aztec is also looking for a recomendation for a KDE4 distro...18:44
BluesKajyao_ziyuan , hang on I'll get it18:45
needhelp1i have a question.. i need to boot into kubuntu live dvd, but i need to burn something to a dvd.. is this possible? because i would have to remove the live dvd to put the new blank dvd in?18:45
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BluesKajyao_ziyuan, do you mean the experimental repos18:46
yao_ziyuanBluesKaj: it claims to have kde 4.2.3 but seems i already upgraded to that some other way18:47
yao_ziyuanso i removed thsi repo18:47
yao_ziyuana guy in #kde said opening the Kicker menu should take no time18:48
yao_ziyuanwhile in kubuntu it takes 1 sec18:48
PSiL0any word of KDE 4.2.3 for intrepid users?18:48
PolitikerALTneedhelp1: Don't think so - however, you could just create a live USB Stick and boot from that - then the DVD-Drive would be free. There are, however, a few small distros running completly in ram (?DSL and Puppy?) but I don't know if they got an application for (?) burning cds18:48
yao_ziyuanamong other things i might try opensuse/kde4 now18:48
PSiL0Damn ATI for preventing me upgrading to Jaunty18:48
PSiL0Just checked the repos, and no... I thought Intrepid Ibex support lasts till 05/201018:50
yao_ziyuanon distrowatch.com,18:50
yao_ziyuanopensuse is second only to ubuntu18:50
yao_ziyuanand kde is opensuse's primary DE18:51
yao_ziyuanso i think they have better support for it18:51
PolitikerALTNo, it is not - but it is better supported than in Ubuntu18:52
PSiL0nothing for intrepid here: http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu/ :(18:52
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CoJaBo-Aztecyao_ziyuan: Have you tried opensuse yet?18:54
PolitikerALTThe major thing worse in OpenSuse (than in Ubuntu) is boot time18:56
rakucohi. where should I report bugs against the 4.2.3 ppa packages?18:56
BluesKajyao_ziyuan , here's my sources.list, choose the ppas you want http://www.pastebin.ca/141756018:57
Shadowkllranybody know how to enable remote desktop via commandline? i don't have physical access to my box atm, but i'm ssh'd into it.18:58
PolitikerALTShadowkllr: ssh -X ?18:59
PolitikerALTif you are sshd to your box, you could use ssh -X username@host19:00
PolitikerALTthen you have some sort of remote desktop19:00
Shadowkllri just need to know how to turn it on, i know how to tunnel with putty19:00
Shadowkllri used to do it all the time, but the latest box i setup i forgot to enable remote desktop in the interface before I left19:01
luisguys there is one problem, i just installed full tilt poker using wine19:04
luisbut there is no sound19:05
luisthere is a way to fix that?19:05
CoJaBo-Aztecluis: Make sure there arent any volume controls muted/turned down, otherwise you might want to try asking in #wine to see if its a wine issue.19:07
luis_guys there is one problem19:07
luislol u have the same nick than mine19:08
luisthere is no one in wine19:08
CoJaBo-Aztecluis:  O, its #winehq19:09
BluesKajok , lucky i have the coloured nicks option enabled , but one of you luis needs to change your nick19:11
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RootRayquestion, how can i upgrade to kde 4.2.3 in ubuntu?19:27
luiswow, in winehq no one helps with my wine problem...19:27
eagles0513875luis:  whats your issue ill try and help ya19:28
luisLOL it just fixed19:28
luisfull tilt poker had no sound19:29
luisi close it and open it again and now it has XDDD19:29
RootRayquestion, how can i upgrade to kde 4.2.3 in ubuntu?19:29
eagles0513875had an issue where i couldnt accept eula on WoW xpac download upgrading to 1.1.20 fixed it19:29
eagles0513875RootRay: ill get ya the link19:29
RootRayi am thinking of apt-get package19:30
RootRayit seems not available yet19:30
eagles0513875RootRay: you need to add a repository19:31
eagles0513875RootRay: take a look here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.319:31
RootRayok thanks19:32
eagles0513875no problem19:32
RootRaythis info should be made to everyone in the world19:34
eagles0513875luis: wine channel has come to life btw if still needed19:34
tuxeduphello everyone, I was wondering does kmail offer any features for the syncronisation of contacts, task lists and caeldars in kubuntu kde4?19:40
tuxedupthank you19:40
luisok here is the sitauation because no one in winehq answer me...19:42
luisi have one problem with full tilt poker installed with wine19:42
luisi have sound in the start19:43
eagles0513875luis: the channel is back to life in there19:43
luisbut when i enter a table there is no sound19:43
luissomeone knows a solution?19:44
MarcoPauhello, is the last paragraph of this page enough in order to convert to ext4? http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto19:47
__Adam__hello, I have a bluetooth phone, which i would like to use for a dial up connection. how do i do this?19:49
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tr_How can I get KDE to quit trying to set screen resolution?20:05
luiswith what i can open rar files20:13
imachineis there any way to use audio servers or so, like on ubuntu with kubuntu?20:14
imachineI use 9.04 and when I for example use amarok, I can't get music in flash on youtube20:14
luiswith what i can open rar files20:14
imachineark works20:15
imachineluis, perhaphs you need to install unrar for full ark functionality20:15
imachineso, any ideas about my sound issues?20:25
imachinemaybe there's a better way than using pulseaudio?20:25
the1corruptedHey, anyone know how I can get my PS2/Synaptics mouse to work with Kubuntu?20:27
Jason_COhi folks - having problems getting compiz working on my jaunty system20:30
luiswhy ubuntu has this problem... is SO ANNOYING20:30
luislast time it could find the wireless and connect my linksys20:30
wizardslovakwhats the command for restricted-formats?20:30
luisi turned off, now i tried to connect to my router, and it cant find the wireless20:30
Jason_COVGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600] (rev a2)20:31
wizardslovakluis: what did you turn off?20:31
Jason_COis my video card -20:31
luisthe notebook20:31
luisi have atheros20:31
Jason_COjockey is reporting that no propritary drivers are in use20:31
luisi turned on also the alternative atheros driver, and no working after alll....20:31
wizardslovakdoes laptop sees your wlan?20:31
luisturned off, and no working also -__-20:32
luisno wizard20:32
luisbut before yes20:32
luisis this a bug?20:32
wizardslovakdid you make any updates?20:32
Project-EmeraldI'm on Kubuntu but I can't find my Adept Program Manager... to add/remove programs20:32
luisnvidia i think...20:32
luisknow a solution?20:32
Jason_COProject-Emerald: if u are on jaunty,  they are using a new package manager20:33
wizardslovakProject-Emerald: go to system there youll find it20:33
Project-EmeraldOh, ok. KPackageManager?20:33
Project-Emeraldor w/e20:33
wizardslovakluis: i had same problem when i u pgraded from 8.04 to 9.0420:33
luisu fix it?20:33
wizardslovakwhen i did clean install it went away20:33
wizardslovakdoes your network manager sees any APs?20:33
luisbefore the NM showed the wireless option20:34
luisnow is bloqued...20:34
wizardslovakProject-Emerald: yes kpackagemanager20:34
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wizardslovakluis: "sudo lshw -C network20:35
luiswhat is that for20:35
wizardslovakProject-Emerald: NP20:35
Guest87731how do u get hotmail to work properly in konquerer20:35
luisthere is not a button here in konversation than let u finish nicks?20:36
enzihallo, kann mir wer helfen den sound einzustellen? KDE4; Phonon; systemsounds gehen, AMAROK geht, DRAGON PLAYER geht auch, sonst bekomme ich von nix sounds20:36
wizardslovakluis: first letter of nick and "tab"20:36
the1corruptedAnyone know how to get my touchpad working?20:36
=== Guest87731 is now known as adam
adamhow do u get hotmail to work properly in konquerer20:36
luisfor what is sudo lshw -C network20:36
wizardslovakGuest87731:  on free version you cant forward hotmail to 3rd party software20:36
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ForgeAuswizardslovak assuming they're the first user asciinumerically? on the nicklist starting with that letter :)20:37
wizardslovakthe1corrupted:  install your touchpad driver20:37
ForgeAustry am tab and you won't get amyoleary for example...20:37
ForgeAus(most ppl tend to type two or three characters before using the tab key)20:37
luiswizardslovak: i already typed ur command, now?20:37
wizardslovakluis: do you see wireless interface?20:38
enzihi there, can anybody help me, to setup my sound? KDE4; Phonon; Systemsounds works, AMAROK and DRAGONPLAYER works too, but nothing else gives my a sound back, can some1 help me?20:38
wizardslovak!restricted formats20:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:38
wizardslovakluis:  it should be first on top20:39
luisits because i am using wired...20:39
wizardslovakenzi:  you mean youtube doesnt work?20:39
luisremember i cant connect with my wireless because it dont appear in knetwork for using it20:39
wizardslovakluis: so youre wireless or wired?20:39
superboyim having     trouble setting up flash 10 plugin for 64 bit20:40
enzii allready have installed flash, but VLC gives no sound, games give no sound, browsers gring no sound20:40
luiswizardslovak: wired right now, i want wireless20:40
wizardslovakluis: hmmmm20:40
luiswhy kubuntu always sucks with atheros...20:41
wizardslovakluis:  do you see your connection in right bottom corner?20:41
wizardslovakenzi: go to mixer settings and max out PCM20:41
superboyim having     trouble setting up flash 10 plugin for 64 bit20:42
wizardslovaksuperboy: i am in mood to help but i dont know nothing about flash sorry20:42
superboyhow do i set up truuu command line20:42
wizardslovaksuperboy: "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:42
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enziwizardslovak: you mean multimedia??20:43
luiswizardslovak: no, it only shows wired, not my wireless20:43
wizardslovakenzi: kmix20:44
Project-EmeraldHow do I install the firefox .tar.bz2 file?20:44
Project-EmeraldI don't know how to install that stuff :(20:44
wizardslovakProject-Emerald: "sudo apt-get install firefox-browser20:44
Jack8899-2How can I set my second Harddisk to automount on startup?20:45
enziwizardslovak: kmix does not start20:45
Project-EmeraldReading state information... Done20:45
Project-EmeraldE: Couldn't find package firefox-browser20:45
wizardslovakProject-Emerald: sorry my fault "sudo apt-get mozilla-browser20:46
wizardslovakshit again20:46
Project-Emeraldit's sudo apt-get install firefox20:46
Project-Emeraldthanks anyways =]20:46
wizardslovakProject-Emerald: i dont know where my head is today lol20:47
Project-EmeraldHow do I use this new package manager? It won't let me install KubuntuRestrictedExtras :$20:50
wizardslovak!restricted formats20:50
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:50
Project-Emerald-,- IT's a package in the package manager. How do I install stuff with it?20:50
enziwizardslovak: kmix does not start, sry20:51
luiswizardslovak: no, it only shows wired, not my wireless20:51
Project-EmeraldHow do I install stuff with it?  It being the new package manager20:54
wizardslovakwhat do you need to install20:54
Project-EmeraldKubuntuRestrictedExtras; the package20:55
wizardslovakProject-Emerald: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"20:56
Project-Emeraldso, for all these packages I just do the sudo apt-get install cmd?20:56
wizardslovakits much faster20:57
Project-EmeraldAnd does anyone here use Kopete?21:00
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BluesKajhmm irssi on windows ...seems to work in the cmd21:01
ForgeAusirssi on windows lol ....21:02
BluesKajit works , ForgeAus21:02
ForgeAusinterix or just a c compiler or a gentoo prefix or andlinux or what?21:02
BluesKajxchat is ugly and mirc is clunky21:02
BluesKajgonna switch to the cygterm21:04
Project-EmeraldBluesKaj: Just code your own IRC client o,O21:04
piksihow about just irssi for any generic unix console?21:06
BluesKajForgeAus: this cygwin (Cygterm)version has a nicer look to it21:07
tangent3anyone having problems with kubuntu 9.04 64bit + kdewin compositing + nvidia-glx-180 ?21:08
ForgeAusI'm not so much a fan of cygwin... I prefer interix (Services for Unix, or Subsystem for Unix-Like Applications)21:08
ForgeAusor say, kde4win, or even andLinux...21:08
ForgeAus(or VMware with a *nuntu guest)21:09
BluesKajwell, I'm on windows XP so unix doesn't apply21:09
ForgeAusI do agree that X-chat is ugly tho21:09
ForgeAusI just gave you several options to apply *nix TO it :)21:09
BluesKajkde4win? just for an irc client ?21:10
ForgeAusI'm using konversation from it right now21:10
BluesKajhow stable is it?21:10
ForgeAusalthough I don't think irssi applies since kde4win is guibased (based on qt toolkit)21:10
ForgeAusstability isn't the issue so much its the apps that need... maturing...21:11
ForgeAusdon't expect a whole lot and you won't be let down :)21:11
tangent3i couldn't get kioslaves working on kde4win so gave up trying to use that21:12
tangent3at least not fish://21:12
BluesKajis there a  serious movement to put a workable kde desktop on windows?21:12
Pliskinhello :) I can't connect to msn with kopete21:13
PliskinI'm using jaunty21:13
Pliskinis there a new version of libmsn ?21:13
JontheEchidnajaunty has the latest version of libmsn21:13
PliskinJontheEchidna : ok, but is there a solution ?21:16
PliskinI can't connect ^^21:16
JontheEchidnadunno, I don't use msn21:19
Pliskinok thanks :)21:19
mkargar_how to install kaffeine 1pre1 from repo?21:20
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kyle_hey does anyone know if Urban Terror or Assault Cube work on Kubuntu21:40
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the1corruptedGrah!  Why does Flash continually refuse to work for me?  -_-21:48
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wirechiefthe1corrupted what do you mean  refuse to work ?21:52
Hystoriker_good evenening. i have a problem with my jaunty. i wanted to install a weeather plasmoid. for that i had to install gettext, build-essential gettext. but after i hit "sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential kdelibs5-dev gettext" there were problems with the setting up and now i cannot install or deinstall anything.21:56
cinexwhere does kmess save its logs21:57
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cjae_anyone hear use klamav, I am trying to scan files before I move them on ntfs filesystems, and I see that you must manually tells klamav how to handle archive files, for .zip I have /usr/bin/unzip and for .rar = unrar, and what do I tell it for 1 .zoo 2 .lzh 3 .jar and 4 .arj22:15
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user1salut all22:19
user1i wente to install acronis  true image in ubuntu ?22:21
__Whipperuser1: back at you22:21
__Whipperuser1: you lost me righ-away.. :)22:23
FuriousGeorgehey all22:26
FuriousGeorgei have a windose dynamic disks stripe that im trying to mount automatically with linux.  i can manually mount it by building the array witha  chunk=64, then mount it with ntfs 3-g, but i want to do it in mdadm.conf(I guess) so that I can define it in fstab22:27
FuriousGeorgei made a post aobut it here, but it needs some help   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115282422:28
Hystoriker_please, can anybody help me getting my apt-get install stuff back working. I tried to install among other things gettext and comerr-dev. but it somehow broke and now i cannot install or deinstall anything22:28
cuznttype apt-get --help22:29
cuzntinto konsole22:29
Hystoriker_cuznt: yes. and then? I tried to purge the two packages, but it won't let me22:30
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Project-Emeraldwhats the terminal command to uninstall?22:36
__WhipperHystoriker_: just re-build the kernel :)22:36
Hystoriker___Whipper: excuse me?22:36
__WhipperHystoriker_: you are excused. :)22:37
Hystoriker___Whipper: what do u mean by that?22:37
__Whipperdmn.. lost my elct.tape..22:37
__WhipperHystoriker_: by what?22:38
Hystoriker___Whipper: rebuilding the kernel. is that really a solution?22:38
__WhipperHystoriker_: yes, but i ment it as a joke..22:40
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__WhipperHystoriker_: i dont recommend it really, if knowledge is in that stage.. :)22:40
Project-Emeraldcan someone show me how to install Java Runtime Environment? Whenever I do it from the java site it doesn't work22:43
AceKingDoes anyone know if it's possible to run "Zoneminder" on Ubuntu 9.04?22:43
luiswizardslovak: the problem of wifi still here :S22:45
Project-Emeraldcan someone show me how to install Java Runtime Environment? Whenever I do it from the java site it doesn't work22:45
TamagotonoProject-Emerald: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre22:46
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AceKingI am new to Ubuntu.. If I have a program downloaded, how do I install it from the folder on the desktop?22:47
luisi have problems with kubuntu, it doesnt detec my wireless connection, i have atheros, can someone help me pls22:48
TamagotonoAceKing: what is the file extention? deb?22:48
AceKingTamagotono: there are a couple of files in there.. the install is .sh22:49
ahmoscan any one help me logging into cvs22:49
TamagotonoAceKing: "./install.sh" should do it22:51
AceKingWhere do I type that.. I am as noobe as you can get22:51
Project-EmeraldAceKing: In your Terminal/Konsole22:53
drbobbok so after lots of searching and experimentation, it looks like I'll have to downgrade my laptop to hardy, on account of serious graphics driver issues. too bad I'll be missing the goodness of kde4.3 :(22:53
Project-EmeraldWhat I do is just click and drag the file in to the Konsole22:53
Jack8899I downloaded Songbird, how can I install it now?22:54
Tamagotonoopen konsole and it will open a window.  Then type "cd Desktop/name_of_application_folder"22:54
AceKingIt said "No such file or directory"22:56
Jack8899AceKing: Insert\ backslashes\ for\ spaces\ in\ filenames22:57
AceKingThis is the name of the folder:22:58
Jack8899ok, then there are no spaces ^^22:58
AceKingThis is what I typed in: cd desktop/ace/ZoneMinder-1.24.122:58
Jack8899you have to put the whole path to the folder, not only the foldername.22:59
AceKingI'm getting this: >22:59
Jack8899oh, ok22:59
luis_guys whats the kubuntu version of this command gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist23:00
AceKingWhen I see: > does that mean I'm in the folder?23:00
AceKingSorry if I sound stupid, this is all new to me23:00
Jack8899luis_: maybe kdesu kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist23:01
TamagotonoJack8899: for SongBird, check out this site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird23:01
Jack8899Tamagotono: thanks for that23:02
Jack8899AceKing: use cd Desktop/ace/ZoneMinder-1.24.123:03
Jack8899AceKing: Desktop with a cap D23:03
AceKingOk, I copied and pasted how you had it and it comes up to: >23:04
Jack8899AceKing: it returns onlay a > ?23:05
TamagotonoAceKing: I think it is wanting additional input, which it shouldn't be.  try hitting ctrl + c to get back to a normal prompt.  then try again.23:05
AceKingOk, I'm back to: ace@ace-desktop:~$23:06
Jack8899Tamagotono: The deb packs of songbird are for Ubuntu, is that ok because I have kubuntu?23:06
Tamagotononow paste Jack8899's suggestion again23:07
AceKingbash: cd: Desktop/ace/ZoneMinder-1.24.1: No such file or directory23:07
Tamagotonoyes, that's fine.23:08
dupondjewhere can I set the display settings ? Don't find anything to change the menubar layout etc23:08
Jack8899Tamagotono: who was that yes meant for?23:09
TamagotonoAceKing: try typing one step at a time.  start with "cd Desktop" then hit enter.  Then try "cd ace" then hit enter... etc.  let us know at what point it errors23:09
TamagotonoJack8899: it was meant for you... sorry23:10
AceKingTamagotono: Ok23:10
AceKingOk, I'm at: ace@ace-desktop:~/Desktop$23:11
TamagotonoAceKing: have you tried the "cd ace" command yet?23:12
AceKingOk, I'm at: ace@ace-desktop:~/Desktop/ZoneMinder-1.24.1$23:12
TamagotonoAceKing: great!  now try the "./install.sh" command23:13
AceKingace@ace-desktop:~/Desktop/ZoneMinder-1.24.1$ ./install23:14
AceKingbash: ./install: No such file or directory23:14
AceKingace@ace-desktop:~/Desktop/ZoneMinder-1.24.1$ ./install.sh23:15
AceKingbash: ./install.sh: No such file or directory23:15
pulaskican someone tell me where in the /etc/init.d start-up scripts the quotad daemon is started?23:15
Jack8899Where do I put programs? Like the songbird I already downloaded but only needs menu integration now.23:16
TamagotonoJack8899: logout and back in, it will be in your menu list under multimedia23:17
pulaskinevermind I found it.23:17
pepperjackah guys i thought rss supports was included in ktorrent (for my free pbs feeds of course). i dont see an rss tab though23:17
TamagotonoAceKing: type "ls *.sh" and let us know what the output is23:18
Jack8899Tamagotono: I already downloaded the non-deb-pack from the songbird website. It seems to be the program already compiled and all.23:18
AceKingace@ace-desktop:~/Desktop/ZoneMinder-1.24.1$ ls *.sh23:18
AceKingls: cannot access *.sh: No such file or directory23:18
Tamagotonopepperjack: ktorrent->settings->configure ktorrent->plugins->SyndicationPlugin23:19
pepperjackTamagotono: ah, ty23:20
TamagotonoJack8899: if you want to compile it, that's fine but I usually just go the easy way and install the deb files.23:22
Jack8899Tamagotono: no, I think it is already compiled23:22
Jack8899Tamagotono: yes, it is already compiled. When I use the command 'songbird' in the downloaded directory it runs songbird23:25
TamagotonoAceKing: earlier you said "there are a couple of files in there.. the install is .sh"  which folder were you in, that you saw the install file?23:25
AceKingTamagotono: in the Zoneminder folder on the destop23:26
Jack8899Tamagotono: oh no wait, maybe it because i already installed songbird with the deb pack ^^23:26
TamagotonoJack8899: that could be  :)23:26
Jack8899Tamagotono: Do you know why I cannot run several programs using audio? Only one application makes sound, then the others cannot make sound...23:27
CoJaBo-AztecIs there anything that can be done to make the Compiz cube work right on Kubuntu 9.04?23:28
TamagotonoJack8899: Not too sure.  Try going into your system settings->multimedia and setting pulseaudio to be lowest on the list.  There seems to be issues with some apps/hardware.23:33
TamagotonoCoJaBo-Aztec: cube works fine on my system.  whats the problem?23:35
Jack8899Tamagotono: It is already lowest.23:38
AceKingTamagotono: could there be something wrong with the install file?23:38
TamagotonoAceKing: if you are still in the ZoneMinder folder, try this "ls install*" and let me know what it says.23:38
the1corruptedI have a quick question.  What's the difference between the KDE desktop and the Gnome desktop?23:39
AceKingace@ace-desktop:~/Desktop/ZoneMinder-1.24.1$ ls install*23:39
AceKingTamagotono: the "install-sh" was in green23:40
AceKingIf that makes a differents23:40
TamagotonoJack8899: try playing with them.  Maybe try setting it as the highest.  maybe your system actually likes pulseaudio!  :0   If you still have problems, I would set them back to the original settings.  Not sure what else to suggest...  :(23:41
TamagotonoAceKing: OK... here is what you need to type "./install-sh"   note the "-" instead of the "."23:42
TamagotonoAceKing: btw, the green comment does help.  It lets me know that the "execute" atribute is set to make it executable.23:42
AceKingace@ace-desktop:~/Desktop/ZoneMinder-1.24.1$ ./install-sh23:43
AceKinginstall:no input file specified23:43
superboyineed help i tried down loading adobe flash plugin from the website and it says wrong architecture ...how do i install flash plugin for youtube on 64 bit23:44
pulaskiI run unbuntu server 8.04.  the rpc.rquotad is not starting as it should.  Does anyone know how I can make the daemon start in the /etc/init.d start-up scripts?23:44
kyle__i got a head ache from kubuntu23:44
kyle__anybody know any other free os23:44
mojomojowhat's wrong with kubuntu? first try tonight, and seems ok to me23:45
Tamagotonokyle__: www.distrowatch.com  for a list of other distros23:46
kaddihi, i'm currently using konversation 1.1.75 on kde 4.2.3, is there a way to make it look like the previous versions? I really don't like the new design :/23:47
TamagotonoAceKing: I just realized we are doing this the hard way.  are you wanting to do this to learn how to install from the command line or because you want to use ZoneMinder?23:47
kyle__just very confusing ive been using kubuntu/ubuntu for 3 weeks now... im tottaly impressed23:47
AceKingBoth kind of.. But I really wanted to install Zoneminder23:48
kyle__but for each non packaged software/game i want its a headacke to figure it out23:48
TamagotonoAceKing: ok, I just checked and realized it is in the repositories so we can install it REALLY easy!  "sudo apt-get install zoneminder" will do it!23:49
pulaskiThere is a /etc/init.d/quota file but it only confuses me so I don't want to mess with it.23:49
AceKingTamagotono: now do I type that in the terminal?23:49
TamagotonoAceKing: yes23:50
superboywhats zoneminder?23:50
AceKingTamagotono: You are the best!23:50
AceKingI appreciate ALL your patients with me23:51
TamagotonoAceKing: yes I know!  I'm modest too     :)23:51
superboywhats zoneminder?'23:51
TamagotonoAceKing: no problem.  just remember to pass it on and help out the other new users when you feel that you can...23:52
AceKingsuperboy: it's a program for surveillance cameras23:52
superboyineed help i tried down loading adobe flash plugin from the website and it says wrong architecture ...how do i install flash plugin for youtube on 64 bit23:52
AceKingTamagotono: I always will help where I can. I got a long way to go but I am loving this OS!23:52
Tamagotonosuperboy: type this in the command line "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"23:53
mojomojoactually i take back what i said re. kubuntu. kpackagekit has crashed 4 times in the last minute =/23:54
TamagotonoAceKing: I love it too!  I am helping out because others helped me out.  OH wait!  They STILL help me out.  The community is one of the things that sets K/Ubuntu apart from many of the other distros23:55
mojomojosynaptic has *never* crashed..23:55
Jack8899Tamagotono: It didnt work with that pulseaudio. I also noticed that I cannot have audio on songbird nor amarok, even when they play alone...23:55
superboyoh do i unistall zoneminder23:55
AceKingTamagotono: I can tell already the support is great!23:56
Tamagotonosuperboy: were you installing zoneminder?23:58
Jack8899Tamagotono: flash videos in firefox dont have sound either23:58
TamagotonoJack8899: what applications DO have audio?23:58
superboylol yea i thought that was the falsh plugin for youtuuube23:59
Tamagotonosuperboy: nope.  did you install it already and need to know how to uninstall?23:59

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