
rockstararuetten, what exactly do you want to put in the description field?00:10
aruettenrockstar: a few word what i plan to have in my branch00:17
aruettenI think there should be a possibility to say a bit more as with the branch name00:18
rockstararuetten, how are you naming your branches?00:25
aruetten<project>/<feature>_<short description>00:26
aruettenIs there any argument against a description field?00:28
aruettenI don't whan't huge text fields, maybe only 5-10 lines00:28
wgrantbarry: I think you improperly closed bug 372165. The error message on the new form still has the wrong text, at least on staging.00:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372165 in launchpad-registry "Misleading error message leads users to do silly things" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37216500:34
rockstararuetten, I have an argument against a description field.00:38
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aruettenrockstar: ok, would you break the secret ;-)00:41
rockstararuetten, what's the exact text that you would put in a description field?00:42
wgrantrockstar: I would describe what I plan to address in the branch.00:43
rockstarwgrant, like feature, or a bug?00:43
wgrantAs the three or four words that fit nicely in the branch name aren't sufficient, often.00:43
wgrantrockstar: Hmmm, perhaps. But it might only be a bit of the fix.00:43
rockstarwgrant, I don't think there's anything you could put in a description that you can't express some other way in Launchpad.00:45
rockstarAlso, we had branch summaries (which I removed after a chat with beuno). VERY few branches used them.00:45
aruettenrockstar: my idear is to inform the project maintainer (or other people) what will be the content of the branch, sometimes its not a specialfeature or a single bugfix00:46
rockstararuetten, in an ideal world, every branch you create is either linked to a bug or a spec00:48
rockstar...or is a series branch.00:48
wgrantrockstar: But it's not the ideal world, because Blueprint sucks.00:49
wgrantAlthough I suppose most people just overload Bugs for that purpose now.00:49
rockstarAlso, the project maintainer has ways of seeing what you're up to outside of reading a branch description.00:52
rockstarHe/she has feeds of revisions, branches, etc.  As a project maintainer myself, I don't care two craps about someone branching my project until they propose for merge anyway.00:52
wgrantrockstar: I do care, because I want to know if I can suggest an improvement to their approach.00:53
wgrantRevision histories are only good for history.00:53
aruettenmaybe but there are project maintainer outside in the world which merge branches without speaking to the branch owner and without the branch is proposed for merge.my idear was to help these one by discribing in a few word what they can find in that branch and don't have to read the whole revisions00:55
wgrantaruetten: Those project maintainers need to be told off (I had a very annoying case once where an X change of mine was merged prematurely, without anybody asking me), but otherwise good points.00:56
aruettenIt's only for other the convenience ofpeople,I know what is in my branches, I don't need a description00:56
rockstarwgrant, wow.  There's an issue there too.  If you don't propose it for merge, why is it being merged?  :)00:56
wgrantrockstar: Exactly. Who knows.00:57
aruettenbecause some maintainer lose the patience to talk with allbranch owner, and only grab the code00:59
aruettenIt's notthe right way,but sometimes the reality01:00
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ub3rst4rdoes anyone know how to link a revision to a newly created release series?02:41
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evanrmurphyI recently modified the URL and display name on my Launchpad account, and now my user data on the Ubuntu Wiki is outdated. I've looked for a good while and can't find how to fix it. Any suggestions?07:53
savvasoutdated in what way? it doesn't track your additions after the date you changed it? Did you change the username or the display name by the way?07:58
evanrmurphyAhhh, I just fixed it.07:59
evanrmurphyAll that was necessary was to log out and back in to the Ubuntu Wiki, then my user information there was updated to match the changes on my Launchpad page.07:59
evanrmurphysavvas: Thanks for your response, anyway.08:00
evanrmurphysavvas: To answer your question, I had changed both the username and the display name. Contributions I had made to the wiki showed my old display name and broken links, pointing to the old username's URL in Launchpad.08:03
savvasoh ok :\08:04
windopaincan i use launchpad for personal projects which have nothing to do with linux?08:11
mwhudsonwindopain: sure08:13
mwhudsonwindopain: they need to be open source to get free hosting08:14
windopainawesome.  i've been looking for a service like this for a while.  my own db isn't nearly as functional.08:14
windopaini'm mainly interested in tracking bugs and q/a at this point08:15
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savvaslaunchpad edge doesn't show the ubuntu-universe-sponsors in bug #367735 - normal launchpad does08:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 367735 in calf "upgrade to newer upstream version" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36773508:28
windopaini feel like having my project name in the public list just makes it clutter up launchpad especially since it's just a personal project.08:30
savvasif  you need bugs and q/a that makes it a project of public interest :)08:35
windopainwell, me and about two other people,but good point.08:38
savvaswindopain: you can't limit the bug reporting to a certain group, everyone can file bugs09:25
windopainwell, i mean, only a few people know about the program09:26
savvasok, just saying so you are aware of it :)09:26
windopainnot a problem unless i end up with spam bugs :)09:29
savvasneahh... not yet at least :P09:30
windopaincould always add captchas if that starts :)09:31
savvasnow, that's a good question, is launchpad using some sort of antispam?09:31
lifelessyes, it does a mail round trip to sign up09:47
lifelessno working email, no account09:47
lifelessthis stops most botnets, doesn't stop humans or spammers with dedicated machines09:47
tohmshi there ... r there any probs with ppa package building at the moment?09:54
cprovtohms: apparently, no. The build queue is empty.09:58
tohmsstrange ... tried yesterday evening to upload ... upload self was fine but no mail and no package ... in both of my ppa ... tried today again ... same matter09:58
LarstiQtohms: are you sure you're uploading to launchpad and not somewhere else?10:00
cprovtohms: it looks like a gpg key problem (no mail back). What's the source name ?10:00
tohmsabsolutely ... source is splashy_0.3.13-3ubuntu210:01
lifelesstohms: last night there was maintenance going on10:01
tohmsyeah i noticed as server was sometimes away for a few seconds but as said: today same problem10:02
cprovtohms: FatalUploadError: GPG verification of splashy_0.3.13-3ubuntu2_source.changes failed: Verification failed 3 times: ["(7, 9, 'No public key')", "(7, 9, 'No public key')", "(7, 9, 'No public key')"]10:03
tohmsdamn ... why didn't I get this as an email notification?10:04
tohmsi've forgotten that I renewd my key ... thx for help!10:05
cprovtohms: because the system couldn't identify who exactly should be notified, it's a bit of chicken-egg problem :-/10:06
tohmsok but now I know :)10:07
tohmsthx again!10:08
cprovtohms: for the meantime, remember that 'no-email within 10 minutes' == 'your gpg key setup in LP has issues'10:08
cprovtohms: no worries, sorry for the inconvenience, we are working on a fix.10:08
tohmsat least you could help me now :)10:09
lifelesscprov: we could show something on the ppa page10:23
lifeless'uploads recently rejected without notification'10:23
cprovlifeless: if we avoid to notify people when we can't authenticate the changesfiles, I doubt we would like to store that information in the DB10:24
cprovlifeless: anyone could easily inject an annoying number of rejected uploads in someone else PPA.10:25
lifelesscprov: just thinking it would let them answer the problem without you haveing to read a log10:25
lifelesscprov: so limit it to one notification10:25
cprovlifeless: yes, I see, but I think we have to do something on the upload client/server10:26
lifelesscprov: worth a bug ?10:26
cprovlifeless: yes, there is already one, let me find it.10:26
wgrantThere is a blueprint.10:27
wgrantAbout 18 months ago, IIRC.10:27
wgrantBut I thought there was suggestion that it wouldn't be implemented, because FTP-based uploads were going to be deprecated soon.10:28
cprovwgrant: yes, we plain to use a ssh-based one.10:30
tohmssounds good :)10:30
popeyhow come people are spamming wiki.ubuntu.com yet when i visit their launchpad pages they dont seem to exist?10:30
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Home/PicedaRaticoc https://edge.launchpad.net/~picedaraticoc for example10:30
wgrantpopey: They've probably been suspended and renamed.10:30
popeythey only just did it10:30
popeyliterally in the last minute10:30
cprovwgrant: although hooking a changesfile existence + valid-signature on top of the ftp or the ssh session looks pretty much the same to me.10:31
tohmscprov: ok got my new key into launchpad and uploaded again ... could you have a look again?10:31
lifelesscprov: key question is; should I write something down somewhere, and if so, where.10:32
cprovtohms: you have email10:32
cprovlifeless: yes, please, file a new bug.10:32
wgrantpopey: It's possible that they've since renamed their Launchpad account, I suppose.10:32
cprovlifeless: clearly we can't wait for a magical/ideal solution while users are suffering like that.10:32
popeywgrant: possible I guess10:33
popeywgrant: is there a launchpad page that shows brand new accounts?10:33
wgrantpopey: No.10:34
wgrantUnless psql counts.10:34
lifelesscprov: bug sent10:36
cprovlifeless: thanks10:36
tohmscprov: it worked thx again now i back again :)10:41
cprovtohms: cool!10:43
cprovlifeless: I didn't receive bugmail for the bug you just filed. Did you file it on soyuz ?10:43
maxbHmm... I used to be able to upload a package to my PPA, immediately followed by ~intrepid1 and ~hardy1 ones which omitted the .orig.tar.gz, and launchpad processed them in the right order. Now it seems to not be doing that10:44
cprovlifeless: same thing for the bug from yesterday (unclear name for the default PPA)10:44
cprovmaxb: I've fixed it, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/37164010:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 371640 in soyuz "Upload processing order is unstable" [Medium,Fix committed]10:45
cprovmaxb: the code change is so simple that it might be worth of a cherrypick.10:45
maxbAh, excellent. Meanwhile, I could just have my script sleep for 5 minutes before doing the secondary uploads?10:46
lifelesscprov: no, launchpad10:47
cprovlifeless: yes, found them, np.10:47
cprovmaxb: yes, that guarantees the orig will be available.10:48
savvaswoa! when did they enable ppa builds for all those? :)10:54
wgrantsavvas: All what?10:54
savvasall those archs, sorry :)10:54
wgrantThe buildds?10:54
wgrantStill only the three archs...10:54
wgrant(unless you have a non-virtual PPA, which is unlikely)10:55
savvasI just copied from one PPA to another, and got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/167692/10:56
wgrantThose are architecture-independ (ie. arch: all) packages, most probably.10:56
wgrantPPAs publish on all architectures, so arch-indep ones will appear on the other archs. It's just the building that's restricted.10:57
savvasbaaah, and I got excited :P10:57
savvasok thanks10:57
popeywgrant: is there any history in launchpad (in the databse, not necessarily presented to the web) which shows a user history in respect of renaming10:58
wgrantpopey: I can't know for sure, but I've never seen any mention of it.10:59
wgrantSo I presume not.10:59
wgrantHmmm. I suppose that user could not have a Person, only an Account.11:04
wgrantBut I suspect only a sysadmin can know that...11:05
wgrant(that would explain why there is no matching user visible on Launchpad)11:05
* cprov goes for a walk.11:08
tohmsanother thing of interest to me: is launchpad or it's framework itself somewhere available as source code?11:10
wgranttohms: No, but most of it will be open sourced on July 21st.11:12
tohmswgrant: cool :) ... i really like the system behind ... thx for url11:13
* wgrant is eagerly waiting too.11:13
lifelessisn't a bunch of lazr already open?11:13
lifelessthing like lazr.uri are on pypi11:14
lifelessthats framework stuff for lp, which builds on zope11:14
wgrantRight, lazr.restful and its dependencies are free.11:14
wgrantThey even accept patches.11:15
wgrantlazr.publisher and lazr.canonicalurl are listed on LP, but not yet public, IIRC.11:15
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* maxb wonders why the amd64 builders are so slow in comparison to the lpia ones12:16
* maxb hugs whoever made the bug "Subscribe" button Just Do It, and not bounce you through a confirmation page :-)12:21
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asachmm ... i cannot push to launchpad (bzr) ... ssh server problem?16:07
asacanyone else sees this?16:11
jmehdiare there bazaar or launchap problems currently?16:14
asac17:07 < asac> hmm ... i cannot push to launchpad (bzr) ... ssh server problem?16:14
asac17:11 < asac> anyone else sees this?16:15
asacjmehdi: didnt get an answer yet16:15
asacjmehdi: so seems it just takes really really long to login through ssh16:15
asacnow its pushing (after waiting a few minutes)16:15
MTecknologykiko: hi?16:18
jmehdiasac: ok16:18
kikoMTecknology, hey! I wanted to ask you about two of your projects which still have branches tied to them16:18
kikoMTecknology, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal-launchpad16:19
kikoMTecknology, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal-teams16:19
kikocan I delete all the branches and their associations?16:19
MTecknology404 for me. go for it16:20
MTecknologynow that I let you do that - buy me breakfast :)16:21
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julianbyes, it's very long..16:50
julianbgot a Permission denied (publickey). at the end. but I'm not sure if it come from me or launchpad, since it's sooo lonnng..16:51
julianbhmm.. looks like lp works again.16:53
Laneyjames_w: have you experience with getUploadersForPackage? I can't figure out how to actually get at the members...17:10
james_wI lied yesterday17:10
LaneyI saw that. I'm just poor at the raw api -> lplib translation17:10
james_wwhat is returned isn't the uploaders, but a permission structure17:10
james_witerate over it17:11
james_wand look at .person from each member17:11
james_wthen recursively walk those to find everyone17:11
Laney>>> for i in uploaders:17:12
Laney...     print "have an uploader"17:12
james_wthough I'm not sure what "permission (writeable) The permission type being granted. " might have to do with it17:12
james_wah, you need to take the union with the uploaders for the componetn17:17
james_wcomponent_name = u_archive.getPublishedSources(source_name="ssss", status="Published", exact_match=True, distro_series=ubuntu.current_series)[0].component_name17:17
james_wuploaders = u_archive.getUploadersForComponent(component_name=component_name)17:17
Laneyaha, got something there17:20
bencrisford_is launchpad down?  or is it just me :(17:20
jelmer_launchpad is slow the last few days for some reason :-(17:21
Laneydoes UploadersForPackage just get the per-package uploaders then?17:21
cprovjames_w: with the required permission in that area, you can modify an archive_permission.permission17:21
bencrisford_yeah i know, but its loading at lest now :) jelmer_17:21
cprovjames_w: it can be upload/queue_admin, etc17:21
james_wcprov: ah, thanks17:22
Ampelbeinhi. the new subscribe/unsubscribe feature on edge is quite cool. however, i can't seem to unsubscribe from duplicates anymore. if i click on the "-" sign next to my name under the "from duplicates", only the sign disappears, but my name stays there.17:22
cprovjames_w: currently, only these 2 (to be precise)17:22
james_wcprov: for this script should we check it is the upload permission then?17:23
james_wis it a string?17:23
cprovjames_w: it's implicitly checked by getUploadersForComponents()17:23
Laneyedge doesn't show teams i've subscribed to a bug any more17:23
james_wcprov: ah, ok, thanks17:23
cprovjames_w: it doesn't return people with 'queue permission17:24
james_wLaney: really? it's been working for me17:24
cprovand, yes, it's a string in the webservice domain17:24
Laneyjames_w: just looking at that f-spot sync bug17:24
Laneybug 37390617:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373906 in f-spot "Sync f-spot (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37390617:24
Laneydo you see u-m-s?17:24
james_wit would be great if we could get lplib documentation from the wadl documentation17:25
james_wLaney: yup17:25
Laneyhuh, I don't17:25
james_wLaney: there has been work in this area, can you see them in the source?17:25
Laneyyes, actually17:28
Laneyrendering issue then17:28
Laneyhow am I supposed to compare people for equality? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/168037/18:17
james_wLaney: odd, I would have thought that worked18:19
Laneyjames_w: Quite. I guess I could just str() them both as that's supposed to be unique18:20
james_wcompare .name?18:20
Laneystr() gives the URL18:20
Laneyseems to work, cool beans18:21
cprovor in a more general approach, compare .self_link.18:23
DemophobieSomeone here who is informed about bug 4?18:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 4 in rosetta "Importing finished po doesn't change progressbar" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/418:24
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taurusso what exactly is launchpad20:45
Nafallotaurus: https://help.launchpad.net/NewToLaunchpad20:46
taurusah sweet20:48
Nafalloalso http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launchpad_(website)20:49
jacobseems lists.launchpad.net's security cert just expired - oops?20:49
james_wwhat's going on with http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-dev-tools/trunk/annotate/head%3A/requestsync ?20:50
box02somebody there?21:28
box02I would like to ask you about ppa.21:28
box02Can I ask a few question?21:29
bencrisfordgo for it, i cant guaruntee i can answer21:30
bencrisfordbut fire away21:30
box02yes, I would like to know about authenticated package21:30
bencrisfordi wont be able to help you much in that area im afraid :/21:31
bencrisfordim more of a bugs person21:31
bencrisfordme and the PPAs havent crossed paths yet21:31
box02ok anyway thank you :)21:31
bencrisfordok :)21:32
box02bye then bencrisford :)21:32
bencrisford:) bye21:32
box02bye :)21:32
tgm4883what about authenticated packages?21:34
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jedcHi, I have lost my private key due to a bad HD, what can i do to the key associated with my name and email on launchpad?22:29
jedcI want to replace it with a new key.22:30
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