
glguycool, ubuntu on overo06:12
glguythis is working much better than the angstrom distro that I got from gumstix06:12
glguythat rootfs building script worked except that it set the uid for the home directory to 500 when the user was 100006:13
Martynhere too06:15
Martynbut that's easy to fix06:15
Martynhow much filesystem space do you have on the overo?06:15
glguyit was easy to fix, but wasn't obviously wrong at first06:25
glguylxterminal and conkerer just crash on startup when that is the case06:25
glguyI have a 2GB microsd06:25
glguydo you know if 1024x768 is the only supported resolution?06:26
glguyIs this channel logged?07:24
glguyI just wanted to write down somewhere that the way to change the resolution on the overo was to add a boot.scr file to my boot partition containing: setenv dvimode 1280x1024MR-16@6007:32
glguyThat might come up for someone else so I want to make sure that it is known by more people07:32
glguynot really documented anywhere special07:32
Stskeepsmorning meiz08:27
Meiz_n810morning Sts08:27
* Stskeeps yawns14:30
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kblinhm, how long would I expect loading the uboot image from the sd card to take?15:03
kblinI guess this depends on my setup, but 5 minutes seem a bit long15:04
kblincrap, i19:06
kblinknew I forgot something :)19:06
* kblin goes to reformat his sd card to add some swap19:06
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glguyfor a package like ffmpeg that was built with --disable-neon, are there any pre-built versions available that don't disable the extra processor features? Will I just need to rebuild that package myself?23:25

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