
kwwii_MMA_: dude!00:13
_MMA_kwwii: Preppin' for the weekend. Gonna chill for a bit.00:19
_MMA_kwwii: Counting the days 'till I see the family again. (been 2 weeks so far)00:20
kamelarcossalut tous le monde il y a des francais sil vous plait?00:21
SiDiThere are some but the channel is english speaking00:23
kwwiikamelarcos: no00:23
SiDikwwii, i'm french actually ~ not that i'm proud of it though00:23
kamelarcoskwwii:  ok  sorry :(00:24
kwwiiSiDi: killer!00:24
kwwiikamelarcos: oui :)00:24
SiDikwwii, i didnt choose it :P Neither did i choose our very representative little dwarf !00:24
kwwiiI speak english, german, spanish pertty well and a smattering of french but I have gotten into detailed email conversations in french which went way out of my league so I am carefull these days :p00:25
kwwiiSiDi: lol00:25
kamelarcoskwii genial00:26
SiDiYay : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rezteam/reztorrent/0.1-devel/revision/4?start_revid=400:26
kamelarcospourquoi a tu dit non alors :p00:26
SiDiI'm gonna have to wake up in 6 hours for a travel to spain...00:27
SiDiand i'm playing with bazaar instead00:27
_MMA_'Tis the way of the geek.00:27
kwwiiSiDi: I have no idea what that bzr branch is, but hooray for you anyway :D00:28
SiDikwwii, it's my bittorrent client :)00:28
SiDiit's almost stable now00:28
kwwiiI'll be in spain in 10 days00:28
* SiDi hopes he'll still have the time to come at UDS :p00:28
kwwiiI'll get to experience the amazing catalonian love of football00:29
SiDiI've got an oral exam on wednesday, i don't know if i'll attend it (i'm allowed not to, cause UDS, but i still think it sucks not doing the exam)00:29
SiDikwwii, especially since the FC barcelona seems to have played decently lately00:29
kwwiidrop by if you get the chance, it will be great00:29
kwwiiSiDi: no doubt ;)00:29
SiDii'll come anyways :p but i'm just bugged by the date of the exam T_T00:30
kwwiimy best friend comes from barcelona...when we visit we go to the fan club and watch games00:30
_MMA_kwwii: PM00:30
SiDianyways, time to go rest ! Have fun people.00:30
kwwiiI understand spanish pretty well but I get about 30% of what the commentator is saying in catalan00:31
SiDikwwii, its already a lot for someone neither french nor spanish ;)00:31
kwwiisleep well00:31
dashua_MMA_: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/13745/screenshot_012_u12jJs.png ?13:36
_MMA_dashua: Has a nice feel to it. Either TWF messes up the "add/+" glyph or many people forget to fix it in their theme. :P13:57
_MMA_(it's off-center)14:01
=== _MMA_ is now known as MetalMusicAddict

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