
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Nehyxhi, in #ubuntu-es is _tty0 guy, I don't know, but people is very angry with him, and there are insulting09:06
diwashello everyone. I have a problem in ubuntu, is this the right place to discuss about it?10:02
diwasanyone here?10:03
jester-US ppl still sleeping10:03
diwasoh. so umm this aint the right place i guess :)10:04
diwas..rather the right time.10:04
=== jussi01 is now known as Tuhina
=== Tuhina is now known as jussi01
Myrttijester-: this isn't a support channel - åeriod. If someone requests common support help, the right place os #ubuntu. And btw, most of us are _not_ in US11:28
jester-Myrtti: ok11:29
jester-Myrtti: but didn't understood what he did need11:30
Myrttijester-: then you could've asked and directed him to the right place instead of just "us is still sleeping"11:31
Myrttianyway, I'm off11:32
jester-Myrtti: i will remember it in the future11:32
Flare183Flannel: What should I said when a person join #ubuntu and has a inappropriate nick?14:31
elkyFlare183, you could tell us who.15:18
Flare183elky: its ohmygod15:21
Flare183they shouldn't be using god on the IRC unless they are talking about him15:21
erUSULit is not a pretty standar expression on english language ? (i'm not native speaker so just courious)15:24
elkyi've asked them in PM, but that's all i can do.15:25
elkyFlare183, you need to understand however that not everyone on the internet holds the same religious views as you, and you will tire very very quickly if you try to rectify that.15:34
Flare183elky: I understand15:35
Flare183I'll let it be15:35
Flare183Its not that big of a deal15:35
Flare183so yeah15:35
elkys/he has gone now anyway.15:35
=== jussi01 is now known as tuhina
=== tuhina is now known as jussi01
=== jester1- is now known as jester-
DraconicusI have a small suggestion for the #ubuntu channel's management, and this seems like the place to present it. Ever thought of splitting the channel up with freenode managing an automatic redirect based on a user cap? Like #ubuntu1 #ubuntu2 and #ubuntu3 - you already have an overflow channel, but #ubuntu remains massively overpopulated and very difficult to work in. There are plenty of assistants to go around these days.20:57
DraconicusIt's probably been brought up before... but...20:57
NafalloDraconicus: did you mean to ask #ubuntu-ops ?21:01
NafalloDraconicus: considering #ubuntu is NOT a loco channel :-)21:01
* Draconicus spins.21:01
DraconicusI don't know where to ask. D:21:01
DraconicusWhat do you mean by 'loco'?21:01
Nafalloloco == local community21:02
DraconicusI'm afraid I don't follow entirely.21:03
Nafallowhat part isn't clear?21:04
Nafalloanyway. you seem to have got the main point :-)21:04
DraconicusIndeed. :\21:12
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx

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