
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
BUGabundoasac: ping11:43
BUGabundoMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9.2a1pre) Gecko/20090503 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Minefield/3.6a1pre ID:2009050317555811:43
BUGabundobut I'm on karmic11:43
BUGabundowhy didn't FF update?11:43
asacBUGabundo: karmic dailies == non-existing ;)11:51
BUGabundoahhhh right11:51
BUGabundohow I miss fta11:51
BUGabundolong vacation, enh ?11:51
BUGabundohe is not even updating identica11:52
asache has no access to computer afaik11:52
BUGabundohe went DEEP offline11:52
BUGabundoFTA: @bugabundo: ask @macno  ;) Published about  23 days ago11:53
BUGabundoasac: how can any geek leave 23 days without a computer?11:53
BUGabundoso asac I've been hearding about this PGO thing for FF11:53
BUGabundois it any good ?11:53
asacwe dont know yet for sure. but most likely it helps getting a performance boost11:54
BUGabundoand are we having it ?11:54
asacno ... not yet.11:55
asacbut really soon i hope11:55
BUGabundoppl love to make charts11:56
BUGabundoasac: more on PGO http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104359211:58
Drunehi guys. There is any problem building firefox with PGO? Or it just _don't_build?12:06
BUGabundoDrune: asac said it would be soon12:08
BUGabundoI just don't know what it blocking it12:08
BUGabundo[free] time I guess12:08
Drunemaybe it's just dont build with gcc and PGO enable.12:09
ubottuMozilla bug 418866 in Build Config "turn on profile-guided optimization (pgo) on linux" [Normal,New]12:09
DruneLot's of problems going here12:09
asacDrune: problem is a) nobody found time to do it ... and b) its a bit different to upstream PGO, because we need to profile xulrunner and not firefox (or well at least xulrunner is the main code)12:09
Drunec) Building it with GCC4 is so hard that everybody gives up :)12:12
asacwe build stuff with gcc4 since ages12:14
Drunebut without PGO12:14
asacwhy is that hard?12:15
Drunebecause it just don't build, jemalloc errors, corrputed profiling files, etc12:16
DruneDo you know anybody who have made a build of firefox pgo on ubuntu? :)12:16
asaci would think you are doing somthing wrong ;)12:17
asacbut we will see12:17
asacmaybe there are patches needed12:17
asaci will be looking at this real soon12:18
Druneme and the rest of the world who tries to build it :)12:18
Druneit's so hard that already exists a path to skip PGO on jemalloc build :)12:18
Druneasac, thanks for your explanation12:19
asacDrune: yeah. sorry i cant tell more. i just know that other distros already have pgo builds12:19
asacat least someone pointed me to a pgo build at some point ;)12:20
asacbut i will see soon12:20
Druneyes, seems that ArchLinux it's getting there12:20
Drunenot a clean PGO build, but it's satisfatory12:20
asacDrune: how can oyu have a non-clean PGO build?12:20
Drunepatching it to skip several things of PGO scope. On Windows you don't need to skip jemalloc from being compiled with PGO. On Linux you need that, otherwise you won't be able to compile it.12:22
DruneCheck this patch: https://bug418866.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=30538512:22
asacmozillla bug 41886612:23
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 418866 could not be found12:23
asacmozillla bug 41886612:23
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 418866 could not be found12:23
asacmozilla bug 41886612:23
ubottuMozilla bug 418866 in Build Config "turn on profile-guided optimization (pgo) on linux" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41886612:23
asacDrune: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=418866#c3613:11
ubottuMozilla bug 418866 in Build Config "turn on profile-guided optimization (pgo) on linux" [Normal,New]13:11
asacso 4.4 seems to be fine13:11
asacwhich we have in karmic13:11
asacyeah. still seems to be problematic though13:16
asacjemalloc was always a mess13:16
asacwonder if anyone has tried something simple like using g_malloc ;)13:24
asacinstead of jemalloc13:24
Drunenot possible i guess13:27
asacthats stupid13:28
asacits definitly possible ,)13:28
asacits a nspr thing13:28
asacmy bet is either they tried it or want to have the same stuff on all platforms ;)13:29
asacthey tried it == tried it and found that it doesnt give the same boost as jemalloc13:29
Drunejemalloc is called as new feature13:32
asaci know about all that. i still dont like it ;)13:32
Drunefirefox with some javascript eats all my cpu13:35
Drunethat's sad :(13:35
asaci dont think it will go away because of PGO13:36
asacmost performance issues are in graphics driveres13:36
asaceverything else is just fun-sport on top13:36
asacnot sure what your javascript does13:36
asacDrune: you should try firefox-3.5/3.6 from daily archive13:37
asaclet us know if it works better13:37
Druneasac, yes i know13:37
Drunecan you point me the link for download plz?13:37
asacDrune: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa13:37
Druneit's working fine for now13:44
asacDrune: 3.5? or 3.6?13:44
Drunenever heard of 3.613:46
asac3.6 is trunk13:46
asace.g. where all the current development happens13:46
Druneah ok :)13:47
Drunestill prefer 3.513:47
Drunei need a stable desktop13:47
asac_another reconnect14:25
asac_what a messy connection again ;)14:25
BUGabundoasac mine is on 2G and as been for 15min14:27
BUGabundoas stable as 2G can be14:27
BUGabundoasac by the way: 50% when I press disconect nothing happens! known bug?14:28
asac_i think i heard something yeah14:30
asac_i thought it was the modemmanager build that had that14:30
BUGabundoNM here14:31
BUGabundoshould I file it and search for dupes?14:31
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacgimme a few minutes ... have to download all bugmails ;)14:35
BUGabundoeheh asac14:41
BUGabundoI'm out too14:41
BUGabundo LUG meeting14:41
asac17:07 < asac> hmm ... i cannot push to launchpad (bzr) ... ssh server problem?16:11
asac17:11 < asac> anyone else sees this?16:11
BUGabundo1asac: I don't push much16:15
BUGabundo1but it could be the timeouts16:15
asacsomeone in launchpad showed up with the same problem16:15
asacso seems there is a general issue with lp16:15
sebnerthe issue is lp  ^^  /me waves at asac btw :D16:16
asachehe yeah. hi!16:16
asaci managed to push now16:16
asacjust took ages16:16
asacBUGabundo: pushed dailies for karmic manually ;)18:05
asacso in 1-2 hours or so it might be your time ;)18:05
dtchenasac: does linux-image-2.6.28-12.43-generic (jaunty-proposed) make pulseaudio work (or be tolerable) for you, whereas the release (linux-image-2.6.28-11.42-generic) does not?18:06
dtchenasac: if so, please comment in bug 34562718:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345627 in linux "Crackling / scratching noise using Pulseaudio" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34562718:07
dtcheni need to get a feel whether my commits need to be reverted, because so many people are complaining about other errors18:07
asacdtchen: i am running #43 and that works well18:07
asacbut it worked well now since you said to me to test proposed18:07
asace.g. i think #42 was good as well18:08
BUGabundoasac: thanks18:08
BUGabundoasac: even for 64 bits? are buildds back online?18:08
asacdtchen: when was #43 rolled out?18:08
dtchenasac: ok, so what i'm interested in - if you have the time - is if you see regressions between 11.42 and 12.43 in terms of audio18:08
asacdtchen: #43 works really good so far. so i definitly dont see regressions from #4218:09
dtchenmay 2nd-ish18:09
asacwas that when you said i should add the ppa?18:09
asacerr -proposed18:09
asacanyway ... lets see if i can downgrade the kernel18:09
asacdtchen: is #42 still the normal archive?18:10
asacoh i even still have it18:10
dtchenasac: it should be available in your grub menu choices if you haven't manually removed it18:10
asac(it was -11)18:10
asacdtchen: do i need to downgrade pulse too?18:10
asacor are you only interested in kernel18:10
asacah ok18:10
asacyeah ... let me reboot18:10
asacok bbim18:11
asacdtchen: seems still good. guess for me most issues were in pulse?18:25
asacdtchen: only problem that - afaik came back - is that totem kills sound18:25
asacbut i havent used totem with the other kernel18:26
dtchencan you try totem on the other kernel, too, to attempt to reproduce it?18:26
asacso i dont know if its the same ... let me boot the other kernel again18:26
asaci can check that18:26
asacbut the real problems i had were really worth. now after the totem issues things recover and flash and all stuff work again after reload18:26
asacpreviously once i managed to kill sound it would go nuts ... e.g. strange sounds18:27
asacwith accellerated video and stuff like that18:27
asacand dying pulse process18:27
asacok rebooting again18:27
asacdtchen: yeah so that problem also exists in the new kernel18:33
asacgstreamer seems to have a general issue i guess18:33
dtchenok, thanks much18:33
asacbut totem is a mess anyway ... whatever it uses for video its just plain slow with my driver18:33
asacso maybe its a buffer underflow thing or something :)18:33
asacso i didnt really use -11 for a long time now, but from what i saw there are no regressions if those changes get backed out18:34
asaci will switch more permanently to -11 if you want18:34
asacdtchen: ?18:34
asace.g. is backing out the -12 changes currently the idea?18:34
asacdtchen: May  9 19:32:08 hector pulseaudio[4066]: cpulimit.c: Received request to terminate due to CPU overload.18:35
asacthats what i see in syslog when totem kills sound18:35
asacinterestingly restarting totem didnt fix it (e.g. sound was off)18:35
asacbut i had to start gmplayer with -ao pulse once (which worked)18:35
asacand then totem worked again until it killed sound18:36
dtchenright, ok.18:36
asacdtchen: so CPU overload sounds really like gstreamer has issues with overload + pulse18:36
dtchenthat's the symptom everyone else is seeing18:36
asacah ...so thats the bug you are currently investigating?18:36
asacok. in anycase. whatever came through -proposed fixed a bunch of much worse issues18:36
asac(except the kernel)18:37
asacso i guess the pulse changes are fine18:37
asaci remember that i had this totem issue even when i had all the other issues18:37
dtchenwhat a clusterfsck18:38
asacdtchen: smells a bit like gstreamer bug to me ... flash + gmplayer with pulse works perfect18:38
asacwell at least gstreamer uncovered bug18:38
asacpulse could probably recover better ;)18:38
asaclet me check if its an issue in gnash too ... which uses gstreamer18:39
asachopefully it doesnt cause this excessive CPU usage18:39
asacdtchen: gnash is ok too ... doesnt trigger this issue18:50
asaceven when i slow down system18:50
dtchenthere are a ton of pulsesink fixes in git GSt/plugins/good18:52
dtchenasac: how about multiple writers to the pulsesink, like multiple youtube videos simultaneously?18:54
asacdtchen: with adobe? or gnash?18:57
dtchenasac: both, preferably18:58
asacdtchen: how many == multiple?18:59
dtchenthree or more18:59
asacdtchen: so #43 is unbreakable .…. except totem19:02
asacgnash ... adobe flash ... gmplayer with -ao pulse work well in parallel19:03
dtchenwhat the heck is totem (or GSt or whatever) doing?19:03
asacit must be totem ... gnash uses gst too19:03
asacbut i definitly had CPU utilized too with gnash now19:03
asacdidnt see any pulseaudio "CPU overloaded" message19:03
asacesdsink.c(411): gst_esdsink_write (): /GstPlayBin:play/GstBin:abin/GstBin:audiosinkbin/GstGConfAudioSink:audio-sink/GstBin:bin5/GstEsdSink:esdsink1:19:04
asacsystem error: Connection reset by peer19:05
asacMay  9 20:06:05 hector pulseaudio[6179]: cpulimit.c: Received request to terminate due to CPU overload.19:06
asacwhy do i need to start gmplayer once? and that helps?19:06
asaclet me check if gnash cures the state too19:06
asacyeah ... so gnash cures ... even though it uses gstreamer19:08
dtchenif the pulse daemon die, it will respawn automatically upon the next client attempting to connect19:08
asacdtchen: yeah. but why doesnt it do that for totem?19:09
asacor well. totem doesnt complain that no sound server is there19:09
asacits just that there is no sound at all until i use some other sound app19:09
asaclet me try multiple times ;)19:09
asacso yeah totem doesnt restart pulse19:10
dtchenthanks so much for testing19:12
asacdtchen: what would trigger the pulse restart? e.g. which lib does it ... and when?19:13
asacgrabbing some food19:19
dtchenasac: libpulse0 -> libpulsecore9 -> pulseaudio19:22
kklimondahey, is someone working on google gears package?20:13
dtchenouch, those GSt fixes are incredibly invasive20:53
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