
m200Is there any one who has a way to access smb and sftp using Xunbuun 9.04?01:01
R1cochetsry i dont know01:05
R1cochettry google or the forums01:05
martha_genii,  you around01:21
martha_ Communication controller [0780]: Agere Systems LT WinModem [11c1:044e]01:26
martha_ anyone got one of these working01:26
martha_anyone else here good with winmodems unuder linux?01:50
martha_how does one run a file that ends in .pl?01:58
R1cocheti would think w/ pearl02:01
martha_? ok02:06
martha_I thought something like ./ or sh02:06
R1cocheti dunno honestly02:06
R1cochetjust a guess02:06
R1cochetwhat can i use to create an iso of a dvd movie i have? like if i just want to make a 1:1 copy of it03:15
R1cochetbrasero should work fine03:17
J_Litewskizoredache_, can you verify that if you run xfce4-sensors from a terminal and exit it from the 'X' button, the terminal hangs until you press Ctrl+C03:49
artistxeJ_Litewski, you are assuming that he has them installed04:02
Yud_Zrocwhats more stable 8.04 ot 9.0404:49
R1cochetboth seem equal to me04:52
Yud_Zrochm i guess ill try 9.0404:52
R1cochetu can always try the livecd's04:54
Yud_Zrocim using kubuntu, but it is too buggy for me.....and i want simplicity and it to be very light\04:55
Yud_Zroci dont care much about eye candy04:55
R1cochetyes kde is buggy04:56
R1cocheti liked xfce more than gnome04:56
Yud_Zrocgnome is turning to a vista its making my want to cry04:56
R1cochetwell then i wont recommend compiz04:57
Yud_Zrocdoes xu come with pigin im, and open office org04:57
infdois anyone here?05:04
Yud_Zroci am05:04
infdowhy does xubuntu need its own channel?05:04
Yud_Zroccause it uses another DE05:05
Yud_Zrocand coding could be different idk05:05
infdowhat does a different DE include?05:05
infdoare there different packages?05:06
Yud_Zrocdifferent repos05:06
R1cochetYud_Zroc: it comes w/ pidgin but ull have to dl OOo from repos05:06
infdodifferent commands?05:06
R1cochetits comes w/ abiword and gnumeris05:06
Yud_ZrocR1cochet: can i remove them\05:06
R1cochetof course05:06
R1cochetu can remove from synaptic or terminal05:07
infdoR1cochet: can i install open office if i want?05:07
R1cochetthats the first thing i do :)05:07
R1cochetget rid of abiword and gnumeris05:07
R1cochetits in repos05:07
Yud_Zrocdoes it use apt-get05:07
R1cochetsudo apt-get remove abiword gnumeric05:07
infdoR1cochet: does it have the "add/remove programs" feature?05:08
R1cochetor sudo apt-get purge abiword, and sudo apt-get autoremove05:08
R1cochetit has add/remove as well as synaptic package manager05:08
infdoso why would anyone choose ubuntu over xubuntu?05:09
R1cochetubuntu uses gnome and xubuntu uses xfce05:09
R1cochetits all preference05:09
R1cocheti prefer xfce05:09
R1cochetalso i recommend after u install that u remove gnome-screensaver and opt for xscreensaver05:10
R1cochetmore options, u can fine tune each screensaver05:10
infdoso if i install xfce then my system is officially xubuntu?05:11
R1cocheti guess yea05:11
R1cochetr u on ubuntu now?05:11
R1cocheti think theres a howto somewhere on switching to xfce05:12
Yud_Zrocopen up syn05:12
Yud_Zrocthe search xfce-desktop-enviornment (spelling might be off)05:12
R1cochetxscreensaver is the aplet that lets u control the screensavers05:12
R1cochetfar superior to gnome-screensaver05:13
infdocan i go to the ubuntu channel for xubuntu support?05:13
R1cochetyes on some things05:14
R1cocheti have05:14
R1cochetjust depends on what it is05:14
infdowhat things cant i go there for?05:14
R1cocheti have no idea05:14
R1cochetprolly xfce issues05:15
infdowhat does ubuntu have that xubuntu doesnt?05:15
infdoi remember installing xubuntu once05:15
R1cochetnothing that ive needed05:16
infdoand it didnt have something that ubuntu did have05:16
infdoi forgot what05:16
infdoare there any compatibility issues with any third party programs?05:17
R1cochetalso xfce can run gnome and kde apps05:17
R1cochetud have to google that05:17
Yud_Zrocbecause xu and u use the same base most things such as drivers are the same (nvidia, audio, wireless, etc)05:18
infdoR1cochet, Yud_Zroc: how does xubuntu make itself more lightweight?05:27
infdospecifically, how does it make the desktop environment more lightweight?05:27
Yud_Zrocless clutter and your memery locations types05:28
Yud_Zrocit manages memery easier cause it uses programs that use less ram05:28
Yud_Zrocmaking calculations faster by using less memery05:28
infdowhat do you mean by less clutter?05:29
R1cochetless shit05:29
infdoless packages?05:29
Yud_Zroclike a car that is almost the same except for the casing...one has fiborglass the other is metal05:29
R1cochet.comparison xfce  to gnome05:30
R1cochetwrong channel sry05:30
nikolamI just want to express my rage over Whole system blocking (and sound and video twitching and everything) while updates are installing.06:56
nikolamThey Should do that in Background aargh06:56
nikolam8.04 LTS 64bit06:56
DICKBOYZhi all08:09
=== DICKBOYZ is now known as CokyJazz
SiDinikolam, its DONE in background08:14
SiDidon't think its DESIGNED to eat all your CPU..08:14
SiDiIf your PC is _really_ old though, it might just lag because of it08:14
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
nikolamMy PC is Dual core AMD at 2.5Ghz09:36
nikolamIt seems it is designed to destroy all interactive usefulness while installing packages in background.09:37
nikolami am not sure, maybe its priority could be changed somewhere09:38
R1cochetwhat are u talking about09:44
R1cocheti have no such issues here09:44
nikolamVery nice, I am on 64-bit Xubuntu Hardy/8.04 and you?09:45
nikolamI use software Raid1 device and 2 sata hdd`s, maybe that is bottleneck or something09:46
nikolamSince I see that every disk operation also slow things down very much, even f process is of no high priority etc09:47
nikolamI am also using fglrx driver maybe that is something to consider, too09:47
R1cocheti dunno maybe09:49
nikolamor i could try rt kernel or something09:49
R1cochetim on 32b xubuntu 9.04, amd 4400 2g ddr1 3sata, 1 which is partitioned to 2 drives for dual boot09:50
nikolamhey, Could you boot with kernel 2.6.24-24, I can only boot with 2.6.24-2309:50
R1cocheti only used 8.04 for about 2mo then 8.10 came out09:50
nikolamOk, I see.09:50
nikolamI have testing partition on first drive for 9.0409:51
nikolamBut I don`t think I will migrate any time soon, I have all new programs on this LTS I need.09:51
R1cochetgotcha, that alwats is a pain09:52
R1cochethow do i find out the kernal im running?09:52
nikolamuname -a :)09:52
R1cochetLinux Linux 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux09:53
R1cochetive read that unless u have more than 4g ram that its pointless to run 64bit version09:53
nikolammm maybe..09:58
histoR1cochet: not really10:09
histoR1cochet: I run 64bit and see no difference from 32bit.10:10
histoR1cochet: as far as usability. However I get performance increases in folding etc...10:10
zoredache_contribute your spare cpu cycles to curing cancer today :)10:12
nikolami run 64bit. maybe 64bit os and programs use more Ram10:12
histonikolam: they cache more memory10:12
nikolamBut if you add memory lately to, say 8 gogs, you are ready for it.10:12
nikolamops, new measurement for memory, gOgs ;) heeh10:13
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needhi - anyone who could help with bluetooth keyboard?10:20
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SlonkieHow do i make an static IP in xubuntu?11:17
nikolamSlonkie, http://www.google.com/cse?cx=003883529982892832976%3Ae2vwumte3fq&ie=UTF-8&q=static+IP&sa=Search12:01
qwerkusDoes anyone know how to set up a working LAN chessgame between ubuntu and winxp hosts ?12:38
nikolamqwerkus, http://www.linux.com/feature/6085912:42
nikolamThat`s it gnu chess with linux and windows gui backend12:49
nikolamqwerkus, http://www.tim-mann.org/ics.html12:51
qwerkusGreat; thank you very much13:10
Skizoboyhey there13:15
=== flako is now known as Falco7
valdur55I have lost my panels.15:05
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/15:05
valdur55Nice :)15:06
valdur55panels are back.15:06
valdur55I have been in linux two weeks :)15:07
charlie-tcaWelcome to Xubuntu. It only gets better15:08
valdur55yea :) Like four days in xfce.15:09
valdur55Damn.. My cpu is 100%15:12
charlie-tcaYou can use system monitor from Applications -> System -> System Monitor to see what is causing that.15:13
valdur55CPU Graph give false alarm?15:16
charlie-tcaIn System Monitor?15:17
valdur55In panel :)15:17
charlie-tcaI don't know. It might not be giving correct increments15:18
valdur55i think. X-serv restart is best way15:18
valdur55;) BRB!15:18
valdur55How can get my keyboard Hot keys?15:36
valdur55Like Seach,Home,Back,Favourites, Play, Pause, AP1 etc.15:36
valdur55How can make my Bottom bar larger?15:45
charlie-tcawhat version of Xubuntu?15:45
valdur55I want to two rows.15:45
valdur559.04 maybe15:46
valdur55lastest ;)15:46
charlie-tcaDon't know how to make it two rows.15:46
valdur55Nice :)15:51
valdur55I changed syse of panel to 50 pixels15:51
=== Darth_Tux is now known as Raggs_
=== jussi01 is now known as tuhina
Wunderbaris there a way to remove the excess options from the menu...a lot of kde apps that I don't use in xubuntu..18:04
Yud_Zrocwhy doesnt my cell phone automaticly mount like it does in kubuntu and/or ubuntu18:24
J_LitewskiYud_Zroc, what do you mean?18:29
J_Litewskilike, when you plug it in?18:29
Yud_Zrocusually it popped up18:35
Yud_Zrocbut it aint18:35
Yud_Zrocit wont even detect it in the file manager18:36
Yud_Zrocbut my phone knows it is plugged in18:36
J_Litewskisounds like a problem or feature left out of Exo18:40
SlonkieAnybody know's where emesene keeps it's configuration files?18:42
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satuonI've got a problem, I installed compiz and Alt+F2 stopped working.20:24
artistxestrange. works here20:24
artistxedid you check your keyboard settings ( settings manager ) ?20:25
satuonactually it works after i go to settings->keyboard and re-set the shortcut to be Alt+F2 (and it was Alt+F2 before that, so i haven't changed anything)20:28
satuonbut each time i start compiz it stops working again :(20:29
knomesatuon, sounds like compiz is stealing that shortcut for some other use.20:33
knomesatuon, once running compiz, what does alt+f2 do?20:33
satuoni mean, nothing that i can see20:36
BesogonHow can I find out driver of my Cd-rom?20:36
satuonis there any way to see to what's Alt+F2 binding?20:37
satuonsome file that i can text-search for 'alt+f2'?20:37
charlie-tcaBesogon: look in /var/log/dmesg for cd-rom20:40
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:40
charlie-tcaAll you have to do is open it in mousepad and search for cd-rom20:40
charlie-tcaUniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20 is what mine says20:41
Besogoncharlie-tca, http://paste.ubuntu.com/168111/ How can I know where is word of the name driver?20:42
charlie-tcaMine is about 2 lines after that20:43
charlie-tcaMy second cd-rw drive doesn't show any driver. It might be built into the kernel20:44
Besogon'Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods' what is mean that string? It has just after 2 lines that was pasted there by me20:48
charlie-tcaI don't know20:52
Besogoncdrecord dont work for me. I'v been trying burning dvd-rw with multisession and without result. hm...(20:52
SlonkieEvening slow-motion :)21:15
slow-motionhi Slonkie21:16
artistxeI know that this is the Xubuntu room. but I was curious . does anyone have any opinions on switching over to Linux Mint XFCE ?21:19
artistxeas in. reasons not to ?21:19
artistxeI keep reading that Mint is an "improved" version of xubuntu and besides newbie friendliness I cannot figure out why.21:21
charlie-tcaDoesn't Mint have all the codecs?21:22
artistxe"all the codecs"  ? by that you mean media ?21:23
artistxedownloading the iso right now. I am not sure if it will run live though.21:24
charlie-tcayeah, Isn't Mint a mulimedia distro?21:25
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce)21:25
SlonkieIs Mint build on ubuntu too?21:29
artistxecharlie-tca, did not know that it was a multimedia distro. I have what I need with Xubuntu though21:29
artistxesupposed to be lighter and "out of the box"21:30
charlie-tcaSlonkie: yes21:30
SlonkieI must say, it does look quite nice21:30
charlie-tcaJust because it is not xubuntu doesn't mean it can not look nice...21:31
artistxewell. it is not going to kill me to try it out. but I would hate to reconfig my entire setup . I could save my home dir I think and swap it out ...update the installed programs. but the OS would have to impress me to do that.21:33
artistxethe I would have to start #mint21:34
Brad777Hi anyone here have a mic working successfully? I tried to follow the guides but I don't understand what they are telling me to do I'm a noob at linux and it's hard to follow unless i'm given specific commands to type :-(.22:11
* artistxe will report back tomorrow after doing extensive testing on Mint23:11
T`hi, anyone here have issues with getting xfce to store the keybaord shortcut settings?23:19
KoshB5How do I log into the root?  ndiswrapper instrucions says I need to do so in order to install it23:35
knomeKoshB5, prefix every command with "sudo"23:37
KoshB5Knome; thanx23:38

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