
_Groo_hi/2 all00:42
_Groo_any dev alive?00:42
nixternalthey all died :p00:52
nixternalaccidentally dropped the fish bowl holding the devs00:53
* claydoh goes back to quassel01:18
JontheEchidnablah, power outages suck03:24
freeflyi1gRiddell: a plasma applet for input method, its provide a univeral panel for some input methods, like scim, fcitx, ibus03:27
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
jussi01Out of curiousity, Ive just come across someone with this on clean ubuntu install of jaunty, with kubutnu-desktop install through apt get. anyone seen it before? http://pastebin.ca/141804807:29
nixternalis that nalioth's issue?07:30
jussi01nixternal: yeah07:30
nixternalserves him right :p07:33
nixternaljussi01: ask if he is using his old PowerPC still07:33
jussi01nixternal: be nice :P07:33
nixternalI am07:35
nixternalhe uses, or used to us a ppc07:35
jussi01nixternal: [09:29:46] <nalioth> no, the powermac died several months ago.  i'm on a dualcore Intel emt64 platform now, using the amd64 distro07:36
nixternaljussi01: tell him to fix the ppc then and quit complaining ;p07:36
jussi01hahahq... but I said be nice... :D07:37
nixternalthat is me being nice :p07:38
nixternalthat is definitely an odd issue07:38
jussi01yeah, I agree - hence I brought it here...07:38
nixternalit seems libk* didn't install correctly, that would be my guess....i wonder if it keeps happening, and if it does if he tried a different cd07:38
jussi01but he apt-getted the libk* stuff07:39
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Mamarokhere we go again, eagles doing support10:14
* Mamarok waits what comes out of that10:14
tsimpsonif it's really bad support, call ops. giving bad advice/support is against the IRC Guidelines10:15
* a|wen steadies Mamarok10:15
tsimpsonthen we'll have an excuse to discuss it in great detail with him...10:15
Mamarokwe will see10:15
=== freinhar1 is now known as freinhard
Jack8899I use Kubuntu 9.04. I just found out why I had no sound. Because in the mixer Surround, Center, LFE and PCM were set to mute. Why would the developers set it to mute from start...11:23
MamarokJack8899: that is not set by the developers, rather a missmatch on startup11:25
Mamarokand an old sound problem with Kubuntu, coming back for some people with almost every release11:26
Jack8899Mamarok: Should I report this?11:26
MamarokJack8899: well, AFAIK there should already be a bug on launchpad for that, closed and repoenend numerous times11:27
Jack8899they should solve this... ;)11:28
Nightroseanyone here on 4.2.2 to check something for me?11:40
Mamarokikonia: there is a freeze with the fglrx driver for ATI though11:52
ikoniaMamarok: I don't doubt it11:53
Mamarokthat Intel GC issue puzzles me though, he has a card that should work11:53
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 47133 ... wokaround: move libaudiocd_encoder_lame.so to seperate package12:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 47133 in kdemultimedia "MP3-support should be hidden when lame is not installed" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4713312:46
apacheloggerat least the KCM will not show the mp3 stuff then ... and I suppose the same applies for the actual slave12:46
apacheloggerif you do that workaround make sure you add the package to restircted-extras and implement magic so that user gets notified about missing mp3 support upon accessing the slave and/or the kcm12:47
apacheloggeranyway, gotta go12:47
freeflyinganyone here need use scim?12:57
jussi01not I said the hedgehog...13:00
ryanakcanixternal: Any luck?13:18
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Riddellyay, kde4libs finally compiled14:37
Riddellyay, oxygen icons too14:37
* Riddell uploads kdepimlibs14:37
Mamarokapachelogger: any news?14:48
JontheEchidnaRiddell: got time to sponsor 3 things?15:11
lex79can you upload this launchpad bug 374290?15:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374290 in skrooge "New upstream release skrooge 0.2.8 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37429015:50
lex79testbuild is ok :)15:50
JontheEchidnalex79: looking15:57
lex79many thanks15:57
JontheEchidnasorry, had to take the phone, really looking now ;-)16:05
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RiddellJontheEchidna: sure16:24
Riddellyay, kdepimlibs done16:29
Riddellwe're finally getting somewhere with these merges16:29
* Riddell upload kdebases16:29
JontheEchidnabug 37422816:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374228 in strigi "Sync strigi 0.6.5-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37422816:29
JontheEchidnabug 37270016:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372700 in akonadi "akonadi 1.1.2: new changes from Debian require merging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37270016:29
JontheEchidnaand bug 37394716:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373947 in konversation "New upstream svn snapshot (1.1.75)/merge from Debian experimental" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37394716:30
Riddellis that kde 4 konversation?16:30
JontheEchidnameh, kdegraphics beta FTBFS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/168846/16:31
Riddelllibkdcraw/kdcraw.h: No such file or directory16:31
Riddellshouldn't that be part of kdegraphics16:31
JontheEchidna...does this mean kdegraphics has a circular dependency on itself?16:32
Riddellwell suggests its build system is broken16:32
Riddelllook at the includes in the compile line   -I. -I../../../thumbnailers/raw -I../../.. -I../.. -I../../../libs/libkexiv216:32
Riddellone of those should point to kdcraw16:32
Lureanybody else having problem with quassel notifications staying open fowever after upgrade to kde 4.2.3?16:47
SputLure: that is fixed in git (both 0.4 branch and master)16:51
Sputand will be in 0.4.2 due in a week or two16:51
LureSput: ok, I though kde 4.2.3 broke something in general16:51
* Lure searches for ScottK's ppa ;-)16:51
SputLure: no, they fixed something :)16:51
SputLure: yeah, ScottK has the fix.16:51
SputLure: knotify up to 4.2.3 ignored the persistance flag for notifications, so we didn't notice it being set until they fixed it :)16:52
LureSput: good one ;-)16:52
* Lure restarts quassel to get fix16:54
LureSput: much better now ;-)16:56
JontheEchidnalex79: uploaded, thanks for your contribution to kubuntu16:57
LureSput: any plans for "start minimized" option?16:57
lex79JontheEchidna: thanks16:57
* Lure would prefer to have it started in systray16:57
SputLure: mmmh, I'd like to fix the "remember last state" thingy (which proves amazingly hard to do right since QMainWindow's restoreState() fails)16:58
Sputthat should probably fix that issue16:58
LureSput: that would be even better16:58
Sputso if you quit quassel while it's minimized, it'll start up like that16:58
Luregood, just that it is on your radar screen16:58
RiddellJontheEchidna: were you working on kdegraphics merge?17:04
JontheEchidnaRiddell: it's in bzr17:04
* JontheEchidna going out for mother's day lunch17:06
RiddellJontheEchidna: super, uploading17:07
RiddellJontheEchidna: have a nice dinner17:07
=== santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve
lex79Riddell: launchpad bug 37391217:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373912 in kdeutils "kdeutils 4.2.2: new changes from Debian require merging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37391217:40
Mamarokapachelogger: ping17:40
nixternalare we merging in debian's pkg-kde-tools any time soon? I have a package where the .pot file gets eaten and never regenerated17:50
Riddellnixternal: it got merged ages ago.  is this still ktorrent?17:56
nixternalktorrent doing the same thing?17:58
nixternalderr, I am a moron17:58
nixternalI grabbed the damn jaunty pkg-kde-tools pkg17:58
Riddellyou'll need to add   export KUBUNTU_NO_DELETE_POT=117:59
Riddellto debian/rules17:59
nixternaloh rock on, thanks for that!18:02
* Mamarok wants her sound back in Jaunty18:06
Mamarokand Strigi and a lot of other things that should work in kde 4.2.3 and don't btw :(18:07
RiddellMamarok: your sound and strigi broke with 4.2.3?18:11
Riddelllex79: thanks, needs to wait for a few more depends to be uploaded before kdeutils does but with luck that'll happen today18:12
RiddellMamarok: neither phonon nor strigi has changed in 4.2.318:14
MamarokRiddell: no, my sound broke from Jaunty alpha 6, and strigi never started19:17
dtchen..."sound broke"?19:17
cbrsnapped in two19:18
Mamarokwell, I sometimes have sound, most of the time not19:18
MamarokI get phonon messages of sound switching to . on KDE start, sometimes on Amarok start, sometimes on track change19:19
Mamarokover all, I have had sound about 10% of the time since I switched to Jaunty19:19
Mamarokand Strigi never started, even with the workaround in the Nepomuk bug reported in Launchpad, strigi never starts, and Nepomux still uses redland, although sesame2 is installed since the beginning19:20
dtchenMamarok: are you unlucky enough to have pulseaudio installed?19:21
Mamarokdtchen: yes, and I never installed it deliberately, it came in through god knows what, and now I can't get rid of it anymore19:23
Mamarokand I removed phonodevicesrc numerous times, it always comes back19:23
dtchenMamarok: that was release-noted for 9.04; just use "sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio"19:24
Mamarokdid so, it is still is visible in phonon19:24
Mamarokthere is a remaining libpulse package I can't remove without removing all kde19:25
a|wenMamarok: libpulse doesn't matter ... just be sure that "pulseaudio" is gone19:25
Mamarokit is, first thing I removed19:26
Mamarokthen why is it still showing in phonon?19:26
a|wenMamarok: "aptitude search pulseaudio" ... is the status of all those "p" ?19:27
Mamarokand why does phonon try to remove my soundcard every now and then?19:27
Mamaroka|wen: yes, of course, as I said, I purged it19:27
Mamarokvery handy to help in Amarok development when you don't have sound most of the time19:28
a|wenMamarok: and i guess you have tried to remove ".kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc" and start all over?19:28
Mamarokand we get "no sound" reports in Jaunty for Amarok all the time, not from other distros though...19:28
Mamaroksomething is strange somewhere, but where?19:29
a|wenmy sound disappears every time hal is restarted which is pretty annoying ... but luckily not at strange other times anymore (did prior to jaunty release)19:30
dtchenwell, the first place to start is by asking those reporters to use http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh19:30
dtchenit's a bash script, so please inform them that they need to invoke it explicitly with bash19:30
jjessea|wen: i still ma using an older kernel for my sound to work19:30
dtchenwe've cobbled just about everything one needs to know into that script19:30
Mamarokisn't that script installed already somewhere?19:31
a|wenjjesse: an intrepid kernel?19:31
jjessea|wen: Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.27-11-generic19:32
a|weni had trouble sometime in jaunty development as well ... it worked, but then disappeared sometimes; but it was fixed for me19:33
Mamarokdtchen: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=33518ebd4020d907539fef201dcae13d12f602a219:33
Mamarokdtchen: and of course it tells you that there is no soundcard19:35
Mamarokalthough lspci says otherwise19:35
dtchenhuh? there's a recognised sound card19:35
dtchensee "!!Soundcards recognised by ALSA19:35
dtcheni'll check if you need any quirks, sec19:37
dtchenMamarok: add your user to the audio group, log out and back in19:46
dtchenMamarok: when you had pulseaudio installed, it used consolekit to grant @audio permissions to your user19:47
dtchenMamarok: now that pulseaudio is no longer running, you need to ensure that your user is in @audio19:47
dtchenMamarok: also, you can remove ~/.asoundrc19:47
dtchen(it's unnecessary)19:48
Mamarokok, will do so19:48
Mamarokthere is also a .asoundrc.asoundconf, I guess I don't need this neither?19:49
dtchennot really, but it's ~/.asoundrc that matters19:50
Mamarokok, removed, will log out and report back, sec19:51
Mamarokif Jaunty actually let's me logout without crashing...19:51
Mamarokwe will see... that never worked till now19:51
=== nellery_ is now known as nellery
JontheEchidnaCould I get a revu please? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=571819:53
JontheEchidnahuh, no clue why kdeaccessibility FTBFS19:57
RiddellJontheEchidna: description is a bit negative for plasma-widget-makestatus, should focus on what it can do rather than what it doesn't19:59
Riddellpackaging lovely otherwise20:00
JontheEchidnaI was trying to find a way to be more verbose, but I suppose you're right20:00
Mamarokdtchen: works great!20:00
Mamarokmille grazie!20:00
JontheEchidnait's hard to be verbose with plasmoid package descriptions :(20:00
JontheEchidnaIt will work for all software projects that use CMake as their20:01
JontheEchidna build system20:01
Mamaroklearned something :)20:02
JontheEchidnaphonon trouble with kdemultimedia: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26538333/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.kdemultimedia_4%3A4.2.2-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz20:02
naliothhowdy.  I have a fresh install of jaunty (from an Ubuntu iso image) and have apt-gotten kubuntu-desktop.  anyone seen these errors?  http://pastebin.ca/141804820:03
a|wenJontheEchidna: is Riddell enough or do you need another revu? ... if so, i can take a look in 15 mins20:03
JontheEchidnaa|wen: wouldn't hurt I suppose20:05
* a|wen likes "...patience..." being part of a build output20:05
Riddell"cp: cannot stat `debian/tmp/usr/lib/kde4/libkttsd_alsaplugin.so': No such file or directory"  hmm, sound related issue on kdeaccessiblity20:05
RiddellJontheEchidna: ^^ this could be our chance to get dtchen into KDE packaging :)20:05
JontheEchidnaI didn't add or remove that file from any of the .installs, so it might be a lower-down issue20:06
Riddellwell I try and compile it in a bit20:06
JontheEchidnathe kdegraphics FTBFS was a stupid issue from me20:06
Riddelllooking at kdemultimedia now, which needs building qt to look at phonon20:06
JontheEchidna(I accidentally merged the debian docpath for ksnapshot.install20:07
Riddellit happens, I fixed it20:07
* JontheEchidna wonders if it'd be feasible to get kphotoalbum to its KDE4 version soon so that it doesn't depend on libkdcraw320:09
JontheEchidnait's the last rdepend of libkdcraw320:09
RiddellJontheEchidna: plasma-widget-makestatus compiles and installs without problems20:09
JontheEchidnaI should backport that plasmoid, it's neat20:10
apacheloggerpretty please20:12
apacheloggerMamarok: pong20:13
JontheEchidnaso how many revu's do you need when you are an MOTU?20:13
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: did you have time to look at the audiocd bug?20:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: one revu20:14
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: move the plugin to another package?20:14
apacheloggerit's more of political value though, otherwise you will be boned if the package is crap ;-)20:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yes20:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: and force upstream into fixing it properly20:14
* JontheEchidna was a bit busy merging kdegraphics20:15
JontheEchidnaI'll get on that after I fix FTBFS20:15
apacheloggerreally, I think they just didn't refactor the design when they changed from using liblame to the lame binary20:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: okies :)20:15
Mamarokapachelogger: any news?20:16
apacheloggerMamarok: on?20:18
Mamarokon the dw packages...20:18
apacheloggerjust need to upload them to the ppa20:19
a|wenJontheEchidna: you need to file an LP bug for it ;P20:20
a|wenJontheEchidna: apart from that and the description it looks good20:24
* a|wen testbuilds20:24
JontheEchidnaoh, yeah. I do need to file a bug...20:28
a|wenargh, crappy debian patching!20:31
* a|wen just needed to get it off his chest20:32
Riddelljings, will I ever get kdebase-runtime to compile20:39
* a|wen tests getting "hello world" to compile ... cross fingers!20:40
a|wenJontheEchidna: oh, and a present from lintian: "binary-without-manpage usr/bin/makeinvoker"21:00
naliothI have a fresh install of jaunty (from an Ubuntu iso image) and have apt-gotten kubuntu-desktop.  anyone seen these errors?  http://pastebin.ca/141804821:12
apacheloggernalioth: does .xsession-errors contain anything useful?21:13
naliothapachelogger: none for any kde app21:16
apacheloggernalioth: my guess is that something with the installation of libqt went wrong21:18
apacheloggerI only know that error in a version-incompability context21:18
apacheloggernalioth: maybe the google knows more :)21:18
naliothi did a apt-get install --reinstall of several libqt components, esp the ones that contain that file it's erroring on21:19
apacheloggernalioth: try kdelibs521:22
* jussi01 waves to nalioth - did you sleep well?21:22
apacheloggera reinstall that is21:22
naliothhi jussi01_21:23
naliothapachelogger: that did not fix it21:26
apacheloggerno clue then21:27
apacheloggernalioth: do you use any 3rd party repositories?21:27
naliothapachelogger: this is a fresh install, and i've not added any 3d party stuff yet (although i'm weird and usually only add deb-src repos and have apt-get compile it)21:28
apacheloggerwell, maybe that is the problem :)21:29
naliothapachelogger: not having any 3d party repos is causing the problem?21:34
naliothi don't consider universe and multiverse to be 3d party repos21:34
apacheloggernalioth: nah, the apt-get compiling ;-)21:39
jussi01apachelogger: but he hasnt done that yet on this install?21:40
apacheloggerI am clueless anyway21:40
apacheloggerthat issue is way too weird21:40
naliothno, not weird.21:45
naliothi have missed my calling as "product tester", because if it can generate a weird error, it happens to me21:45
nixternalgo back to your ppc!21:49
jussi01nixternal: I told you to be nice!!!21:50
nixternalit is nalioth, we are never nice!21:50
nixternalbrlcad build is causing smoke to rise from the keyboard....B E A S T ! ! !21:51
JontheEchidnashouldn't update-notifier-kde at least recommend kpackagekit?21:59
JontheEchidnaseveral gnomies are whining ;-)22:00
Riddellalthough i'm surprised they have update-notifier-kde installed22:01
JontheEchidnawith KDE 4.3 persistent notifications work again, so we may want to look in to using Kpackagekit's notifications for 9.1022:02
JontheEchidnaupdate-notifier-kde is somewhat of a pig when it comes to checking for updates... but maybe that's update-notifier-common's problem ;-)22:03
=== fregl_ is now known as fregl
Riddellqt has been linking for the last hour22:44
Riddelljust linking one library22:44
Riddellsomething suspicious going on, even qt isn't that bad22:44
claydohRiddell: will there be any new KDE packages for Intrepid?22:49
claydohcool, thanks22:50
jussi01Riddell: have you seen nalioth's issue? I was curious if you had seen it before/knew what could cause it22:56
jussi01[23:12:56] <nalioth> I have a fresh install of jaunty (from an Ubuntu iso image) and have apt-gotten kubuntu-desktop.  anyone seen these errors?  http://pastebin.ca/141804822:57
Riddelljussi01: no I don't think I have23:01
Riddellwell, we do have a patch about loading qt localisation stuff for packages compiled on qt 4.4 and running qt 4.523:02
Riddellmaybe he's running something compiled with qt 4.423:02
naliothRiddell: this is as delivered via apt-get on a new install23:02
jussi01Riddell: but how can that be - its a clean install?23:03
Riddellcouldn't say23:04
Riddellit shouldn't be different from a standalone kubuntu-desktop install23:04
naliothi am available for any testing23:05
Riddelldoes it cause any problems?23:05
naliothother than none of those programs start?23:07
naliothi've not sat and checked every kde program for this, but those 3 i use regularly23:07
dtchenjust for amusement, has strace -f helped?23:08
naliothi am a t-da about this stuff.  can you elaborate?23:09
dtchenstrace -f theapp23:10
dtchenyou may wish to use strace -f -o somelogfile theapp23:10
naliothyeah, the > isn't working  :(23:13
dtchenyeah, strace requires the -o23:14
naliothhttp://pastebin.ca/1418697   dtchen23:16
Nightroseapachelogger: used whatever is currently in bzr23:48
dtchennalioth: sorry, reading now23:49

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