
superboysuperboy@HYSTERIA:~$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer00:00
superboyReading package lists... Done00:00
superboyBuilding dependency tree00:00
Jack8899Tamagotono: kaffeine00:00
superboyReading state information... Done00:00
superboyflashplugin-installer is already the newest version.00:00
superboyThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:00:00
AceKingTamagotono: How do I find the app after it installed if it didn't go in the menus?00:00
superboy  python-packagekit libpackagekit-glib11 libpackagekit-qt11 packagekit00:00
superboy  packagekit-backend-apt00:00
superboyUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.00:00
superboy0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:00
superboythats what it says00:00
Project-EmeraldCan someone help me with JRE?00:00
CoJaBo-AztecTamagotono: Still there00:00
Jack8899Tamagotono: smplayer does not have audio too.00:00
Project-EmeraldIt won't work loading a Java game... I have tried KubuntuRestrictedExtras, sudo apt-get install jre6 or w.e and the website DL and it still won't work00:00
TamagotonoAceKing: if it's not in the menu then type "which" then the name of the app.  that should give you the path.00:01
AceKingTamagotono: Thanks!00:01
Jack8899Tamagotono: kaffeine uses the oss-audio-module or something. Is this helpful?00:02
Project-Emerald!ping | Project-Emerald00:03
ubottuProject-Emerald, please see my private message00:03
Tamagotonosuperboy: please avoid pasting multiple lines to keep from flooding the channel.  Use pastbin if needed.00:03
Tamagotonosuperboy: it looks like it is already installed.  was your browser open when you installed it originally?00:03
CoJaBo-AztecTamagotono: The problem is when spinning the cube with the mouse, it jumps around instead of rotating.00:03
superboyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com:80/168193/ need help with this cant play you tube videos00:04
superboyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com:80/168193/ need help with this cant play you tube videos00:05
darkmatterdoes anyone have an idea why the system-monitor-network plasmoid isn't showing any numbers?00:07
superboyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com:80/168193/ need help with this cant play you tube videos00:07
superboyyes my browser was open00:07
Tamagotonosuperboy: try closing then restarting your browser and see if it works.  It may not recognize that it has the plugin to do flash yet.00:09
TamagotonoCoJaBo: what video chipset do you have?  Did it work properly in previous versions of kubuntu?00:09
Project-EmeraldCan someone help me install JavaRuntimeEnvironment?00:11
TamagotonoJack8899: so, is kaffeine working with audio?  if so, oss may be the key00:11
TamagotonoProject-Emerald: what java game are you trying to run?  post a link and I'll try it on my machine...00:12
CoJaBo-AztecTamagotono: I found the problem: I have to boot the system without the external monitor attached. o_O00:16
Project-EmeraldAnyone here know anything about the ATI Radeon 9200PRO / 9250?00:16
TamagotonoCoJaBo: laptop then?  let me guess... intel chipset?00:17
CoJaBo-AztecTamagotono: Yes. Any idea why that happens?00:17
Jack8899Tamagoton: I just installed alsa-firmware. Amarok has sound now. What should I do with oss then? Why is it the key?00:19
Tamagotonointel video chipsets are very underpowered compaired to nvidia or ATI.  You got low framerates because it could not handle all of the video processing required for two screens.  You probably also had a higher resolution on you external, which compounded the problem.00:20
CoJaBo-AztecTamagotono: It works perfectly if I plug the monitor in only affter logging in to KDE, but doing so requires a weird hardware hack (plugging the keyboard input into a PS2/USB mouse adapter) to get the KVM switch to recognize something is attached at that point... This is really confusing o_O00:20
Jack8899Tamagoton: *smplayer and songbird still have no sound00:20
CoJaBo-AztecTamagotono: The problem isn't framerate tho, the animation is perfectly smooth, its the movement of the cube itself that was eratic.00:21
CoJaBo-AztecTamagotono: I'm guessing theres a difference in the way the second output is initialized, but I cannot imagine how that would effect the movement like that...00:22
TamagotonoJack8899: I reasoned that if one application is using a different sound architecture and it was the only one working, then that was important.  I have to admit that I am in over my head a bit with this issue though...00:22
Jack8899Tamagotono: But how do I make the other apps use that audio-module too?00:23
kyle__anybody use fedora?00:24
_Whipper__kyle__: tried for a while.. didnt like it..00:25
TamagotonoCoJaBo: Weird!  I would agree with you that it is probably the way it is initalized.  I would recommend checking out the forums on the compiz website to see if there is a fix for it.00:25
nestorayuda con bandluxe c10000:25
kyle__kubutu your greates os yet?00:25
spirooCould someone tip me about some damn nice PHP editor for KDE environment?00:26
_Whipper__kyle__: nope.. but thats not for discussion .. :)00:26
_Whipper__Kubuntu is great, theres no question.. just too many bugs.. but still its great :)00:27
kyle__pm me and tell me the greatest os lol00:28
_Whipper__kyle__: find out it yourself :)00:28
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kyle__takes way to much time.. i hope its not windows00:29
kyle__but i guess ill pull out my virtual box and try a few00:30
_Whipper__no, not Win :)00:30
K`zanIs there someway in kde4 (9.04) to change the network connection.  The box gets dhcp but it doesn't show up in System Setting->Network Settings.  I can set it manually but if I can do it in kde I'd rather.00:30
_Whipper__kyle__: Debian is a good choise to start :)00:31
_Whipper__kyle__: you'll learn the basics at the same time :)00:32
kyle__costs cash.. ill look for a torrent00:32
TamagotonoJack8899: each app would have to be configured seperatly.  If they can be, it should be in their configuration menus.  afraid I am not much help beyond that... :(00:34
CoJaBo-AztecTamagotono: lol my head hurts just thinking about it!00:35
_Whipper__kyle__: ? no money needed00:35
kyle__Debian 5.0.1 costs 20 bucks at distro00:36
kyle__i got it nvm whipper00:39
pietje_phuckDoes any one know how to get a "Logitech, QuickCam Chat" working?00:44
superboywhen i try to install lime wire it says i need java runtime enviroment00:44
superboyhow do i go about that?00:45
Tamagotonokyle__: http://www.debian.com/distrib/  you can get the direct download or the torrent there.00:45
pietje_phucksuperboy:  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre00:45
superboyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/168204/ this is what it says00:48
kyle__how you like debian?00:48
superboyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/168204/ this is what it says how do i make lime wire run on java00:49
_Whipper__kyle__: its my in my main-machine, figure it out from that :)00:50
pietje_phucksuperboy: sudo apt-get autoremove00:50
superboyonce i do auutoremove i go ahead and do the install00:53
austinwhen I try to install the restricted nvidia drivers, it just sits at 0% of "Downloading and installing driver..."00:53
austinany idea how I fix this?00:53
pietje_phuckDoes any one know how to get a "Logitech, QuickCam Chat" working?00:55
Tamagotonoaustin: I think I have seen my computer do this before.  I think I just gave it more time and it was actually working, just didn't look like it was...00:55
CoJaBo-Aztecaustin: Did you install all software updates first?00:55
austinand I wait until it fails (which is about 5 minutes)00:55
CoJaBo-Aztecaustin: I had to reboot and keep trying the software update and the driver installer before it worked. It took several reboots before the package manager even detected that there were updates.00:56
austinI have rebooted about 10 times00:59
austinand kept trying00:59
superboywhat repo source gives me "security testing tolls"?00:59
jp10558Has anyone gotten a Linksys WMP54GS wireless PCI adapter to work in 9.04?01:00
austinis there some other way to install them outside this little restricted hardware thing?01:00
FuriousGeorgedoes anyone know how to automatically mount windows LDM stripes in linux?01:00
superboyhow couuuld u check if uuu have a wireless adapter?01:01
FuriousGeorgei can manually do it using mdadm --build if I specify a chunk size of 64.  i cant for the life of me figure out how to do this in mdadm.conf01:01
CoJaBo-Aztecaustin: It might be nessacery to install it manually with apt-get, try googling it to see if something comes up.01:01
pietje_phucklspci or lsusb01:01
Tamagotonoaustin: try "sudo apt-get install nvidia-180-kernel source nvidia-glx-180" in a command line01:01
CoJaBo-Aztec^ like that lol01:01
superboywhat repo source gives me "security testing tools"?01:01
superboyhow couuuld u check if u have a wireless adapter?01:02
austinCouldn't find package nvidia-180-kernel01:03
austinim not sure my card is supported in 18001:04
superboyhow couuuld u check if u have a wireless adapter?01:04
Tamagotonooops. "sudo apt-get install nvidia-180-kernel-source nvidia-glx-180"     note the "-" between kernel and source...01:04
Tamagotonoaustin: what chipset does your nvidia card use?01:05
Tamagotonosuperboy: "lspci |grep -i wireless" is likely to show you.  if not then replace "lspci" with "lsusb"01:07
Tamagotonosuperboy: you can also try "lshw" in place of "lspci" if the others don't work...01:09
peterskhello, everyone.  I have been on the Kubuntu forum with my problem and can't seem to get anywhere.  I was hoping to find some help here.  I cannot get my kdm to show video since upgrading from LTS 8.0401:10
peterskWhen booting, it blinks a few times and then goes to a log in prompt.01:10
Tamagotonopetersk: post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to pastbin and post the link here.  I'll take a quick look and see if anything stands out...01:11
superboyok ill try it bro01:13
Tamagotonoaustin: if you type "apt-cache show nvidia-glx-180" it gives a list of supported chipsets, if you are still in need of it.01:13
peterskshould I just copy and paste it here or is there a way to "upload it"?  I'm definately a IRC noob...  My posts on the forum have the file as well at http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3103257.001:13
austinyeah, I dont see it in the list01:14
TamagotonoNO! do not paste multiple lines here.  the link you gave is just fine.01:14
=== kyle_ is now known as kyle__
peterskas shown in the post, I've since added Device "nv"01:15
Tamagotonoaustin: try using "apt-cache search nvidia-glx" to get a list of the drivers then use the previous command (substituting 180 with the other versions) and see if you can find which driver supports your chipset.01:15
austinit is in the list for 17301:15
austinwhich is the one I have been trying to activate01:16
leo_rockwayhello everyone01:16
petersksorry, "Driver "nv"" in the Device section01:16
leo_rockwaycan anybody help me debug an app? I need somebody to install python-qt and see if importing it works.01:16
jp10558does anyone know why a wireless connection would show unavilable in 9.04?01:16
austinI think the package is downloaded fine01:17
austinI just cant seem to activate it01:17
kaddihi, apt-get is blocking 2 updates for amarok, how can i find out why they are blocked and solve the problem01:18
ncfi1013_why can't i delete/load songs to/from my ipod in amarok 2?01:18
ncfi1013__why can't i delete/load songs to/from my ipod in amarok 2?01:19
Dnikrednuwhey, how do i get konversation to open links in swiftox??01:19
jp10558I've gotten wlan0 to show up under wireless in the network manager, but when I hit scan, it doesn't show any wireless networks01:19
spyda9jp10558: type ifconfig |grep inet and see if you have an IP address01:21
adamhi is it possible to mount bt6 images on ubuntu01:22
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=== Guest89713 is now known as adam_
bazhangadam_, what is bt601:23
adam_cd image01:23
adam_similar to iso01:23
bazhangproprietary format?01:24
adam_think so01:25
adam_ive looked on the web and can''t find anything about mounting the image01:26
bazhangwhat created it adam_01:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about esata01:29
Fieldy!external sata01:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about external sata01:29
adam_my freind put some files on to that type of image01:29
adam_i don't know what with01:30
bazhangadam_, no mention of that image type anywhere I can see01:30
bazhangfor any OS, let alone Ubuntu/Kubuntu01:30
Fieldyhi, I'm using 9.04. I attached an external drive via eSATA. it's a seagate 500GB drive. the system doesn't see it at all. I have tried rebooting after attaching it, with no luck. scsiadd -s doesn't show it, and there are no kernel messages regarding it. this same drive works fine over usb. any ideas?01:30
jp10558nothing spyda901:30
jp10558I'm pretty sure it's not getting anything because ifconfig doesn't show wlan001:31
adam_i know daemon tools can mount it, i just don't think that they work on linux01:31
jp10558but iwconfig does. ... but no IP...01:31
bazhangadam_, then you might try daemon tools via wine, check the appdb to see if it works01:31
kaddiwhere can i get a version of amarok2 that plays CDs?01:31
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:31
spyda9jp10558: try typing sudo ifconfig wlan0 up01:34
peterskTamagotono: here's the pastebin:http://pastebin.com/m48cf7bef01:35
Tamagotonopetersk: I don't know what to suggest.  mando_hacker seemed to cover all the bases that I can think of.  Sorry.  I'll bookmark your thread and will chime in if I think of anything...01:43
peterskOK, thanks,  I think it has something to do with 1.6 of xorg, but I don't know what specifically changed from 1.5 other than the xorg.conf doesn't seem to have all the usual stuff in it.01:44
Tamagotonoadam_: you could try mounting it as a loop device. Not sure if it will work, but worth a shot.  "sudo mount -o loop yourFile.bt6 /mnt" will try to mount it in the /mnt folder.01:45
jp10558hmm, I get SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory01:49
austinhow do I run a program from the console without cause it to block console execution?01:50
ncfi1013__why can't i delete/load songs to/from my ipod in amarok 2?01:50
jimmy51_homei used to use an application in windows called "Audiograbber" to veeery easily get CDDB data and rip my CD's to Mp3's.  Is there a Kubuntu equivalent?01:51
kyle__man virtual box is the best thing since sliced bread01:51
AlexZionhi everyone, I got a problem trying to install virtualbox 2.2 on Kubuntu jaunty, I always get an undefined error , someone have an idea about how canI fix it ... ?01:51
Tamagotonoaustin: add "&" after the command (without the quotes) but before hitting enter01:51
Tamagotonoaustin: did you get your driver working?01:52
jp10558hmm, now it says wlan interface not updated yet01:56
jp10558Is there a known working howto for Kubuntu 9.04 And a linksys WMP54GS card?01:59
austinwhere would the option to turn off the monitor after so many minutes be?01:59
kaddiaustin go to system settings, advanced, power management. there you can create (or change) a profile to your taste02:00
ncfi1013__why can't i delete/load songs to/from my ipod in amarok 2?02:01
ncfi1013_why can't i delete/load songs to/from my ipod in amarok 2?02:01
Tamagotonoaustin: system settings->advanced (tab)->power management02:04
WazmynAnybody else having trouble conecting to a wireless router with the SSID hidden?02:04
TamagotonoWazmyn: yup!  I had to switch to using wicd instead of knetworkmanager.  you can also use the gnome network applet, as it supports hidden ssid02:07
WazmynTamagotono: how do i go about switching to another manager?02:08
SJrI don't have any Keyboard Settings, in System Settings?02:08
WazmynTamagotono: it's working now that I unhid the SSID so I'm thinking it might not be worth the bother02:08
superboymy songs dont launch in limewire is there a good music playerfor kubuntu02:09
Tamagotonojimmy51_home: try "grip" it is for gnome but should work fine in KDE and I have heard lots of good things about it.02:16
superboymy songs dont launch in limewire is there a good music playerfor kubuntu02:17
Tamagotonosuperboy: try amarok.  One of the best out there!02:17
kaddionly that its not able to play cds right now XD02:18
Tamagotonotrue, but I haven't used any audio cd's in my computer in years.  I just rip them (or download them) and play the files from my computer.02:19
superboyis there a good video playerfor kubuntu02:20
kaddii spent 2 days trying to figure out how to play cds with amarok, because the idea that a music player would intentionally remove CD-support never crossed my mind02:20
superboymy amarok is sugesting i add packages for extra stuff how i go about that?02:20
kaddiit'll be back in 2.2 though. Till then I'll have to make do... I'm trying out kdsc right now...but maybe I'll just drop amarok for another musicplayer02:22
Tamagotonosuperboy: "sudo apt-get install" followed by the packages it is suggesting02:22
kaddianyhow.. I'm just blabbering and have not much information to offer ;) I wish you all good night and a good time 'til we meet again02:23
Tamagotonokaddi: I just use vlc for most everything that amarok doesn't do (and some of what it does do)02:23
superboywhen i configure collection for amarok what do i do or choose?02:23
kaddiTamagotono: there also is mplayer, kaffeine, totem and I don't know what, but somehow all those apps never crossed my mind while trying to play my cd ;)02:24
kaddicu :)02:24
superboywhat does the debuuuuuugging symbol do for amarok02:26
kyle_has anybody tried mint or open suse02:27
peterskkyle_:  I used to use opensuse.02:31
kyle_any good?02:31
TamagotonoDoh!  My shift is almost over and I have a 3 hour project to finish in .... an hour and a half!  gotta go!02:31
peterskI found there wasn't a good upgrade procedure to new releases of the distros though... For instance going from 9 to 10, 10 to 11.02:31
peterskTamagotono: see you later.02:32
superboywhat does the debuuuuuugging symbol do for amarok02:34
superboywhen i configure collection for amarok what do i do or choose?02:34
magyarhi, trying to install kubuntu, but having a hard time to configure software raid during install. Can anyone help with this issue?02:34
magyarversion 9.0402:34
superboywhats software raid?02:35
magyarthere seems to be no selection for partition type "software raid"02:35
magyarsuperboy:  ^02:35
superboykuz theres a hidden partition im trying to delete i think it has to do with raid02:36
petersksuperboy: have you tried gparted02:37
peterskRun from a knoppix disk or other bootable CD?02:37
superboyyea put it doesent show up only when i try to install windows vista it shows but cant format kus its copy-write02:38
superboyi have an acer aspire x170002:38
peterskso you have booted using knoppix and run gparted?02:38
superboyno i have use windows vista install cd and it shows up as "X:Boot" when i but of kubuntu it doesent show02:40
superboyi have knoppix but no gui shows kuxz x-windows dont work or start up02:40
superboywhen i configure collection for amarok what do i do or choose?02:41
peterskOh, well, Knoppix allows you to try different drivers upon startup , like starting with just a vesa video -- will be like someone drew on your screen with a crayon, but at least you should get a gui02:42
peterskDon't know, I don't use amarok02:42
peterskYou could also try fdisk.02:42
peterskthat might be a little tougher though to delete partitions.02:42
bdizzlehi, when I switched from 8.04 to 9.04, the total volume of my speakers on my laptop went down02:58
bdizzlewhere it used to be able to go much louder than now. Any way to fix that issue?02:58
superboy_yea mines too how do i go about fixing it?02:58
superboy_ hi, when I switched from 8.04 to 9.04, the total volume of my speakers on my laptop went down03:01
superboy_i mean on my pc03:01
jp10558I'm not at all sure how to figure out where my problem is with wireless: http://joshuahoover.com/2009/04/11/kubuntu-904-wifi-problem-solved/ I've tried this, but it doesn't work... scan does nothing... How does one determine if the ndiswrapper drivers actually are working03:04
superboy_ hi, when I switched from 8.04 to 9.04, the total volume of my speakers on my pc went down03:05
superboy_ hi, when I switched from 8.04 to 9.04, the total volume of my speakers on my pc went down03:11
user__alguien aqui?03:13
user__hi.. somebody here?03:14
tdapplewhat up?03:14
user__i am new in kubuntu... i need some help03:14
tdapplei will try....i'm no master though03:14
user__mostly everything good03:15
user__actually nothing about kubuntu.. hehee03:15
user__i am looking for dreamweaver03:15
tdapplelol...whatcha need?03:15
user__for wine of course03:15
bdizzleokay, apparently to partially fix the sound issue, install the alsamixergui and check the level of the master volume03:15
user__somebody have any clue?03:16
tdappleuser__: you would be better off going on the wine channel03:16
tdappleuser__: i personally don't use non kde apps03:16
user__humm.. also is my first time on this irc.. xD03:16
user__tdapple: thanks03:16
kyle_theres so many linux operation systems i have no idea what to pick03:17
user__You have been kicked from channel #wine by ChanServ (Invite only channel)03:17
tdappleuser__: thats odd03:17
Snowsnoopyi test tor03:17
MakuseruHi, I seem to be having a problem with firefox, when ever i middle click on empty space on a page it takes me to what ever url i have copied on my clipboard. Anyone knw how to disable this?03:18
tdappleuser__: join #winehq03:18
user__Makuseru: dont disable it.. use it!03:19
Makuseruuser__: That hardly helps my problem.03:19
user__jaaaaaaaaaa... is not a problem03:19
user__hummm.. i dont know english.. maybe i miss understand.. :S03:20
MakuseruObviously for me it is, or I wouldn't have asked abou tit.03:20
user__sorry.. hehee03:20
user__enjoy linux.. xD03:20
MakuseruI've been using Kubuntu for nearly three years.03:20
user__not me.. I was using ubuntu.. thats my first time using kubuntu.. or k enviroment03:21
DragnslcrMakuseru- you happen to have Tab Mix Plus installed?03:21
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
user__and.. about the way.. i need to found dreamweaver to istall it!!.. any help?03:22
MakuseruDragnslcr: I don't have any add ons.03:22
DragnslcrMakuseru- it's probably somewhere in Preferences, but the only place I see it is in the Tab Mix Plus options, so I don't know where it would be otherwise03:22
MakuseruDragnslcr: I looked all through preferences and couldnt find anything abou tit.03:23
user__Makuseru: sorry.. I just understand your problem.. and.. you are right.. thats a problem.. xD03:24
Makuseruuser__: Lol.03:25
DragnslcrMakuseru- very first result in Google for "firefox middle click linux" says that the about:config option is middlemouse.contentLoadURL03:26
MakuseruDragnslcr: I just found that, Lol.03:27
MakuseruDragnslcr: That apparently isnt the problem here, as i jsut set it to false and its still doing it03:29
user__restart the browser03:30
shawn_have you used the nubuntu yet :)03:35
shan123how are you03:35
shan123kubuntu but not a nub lol03:36
shawn_haha its the netbook version, pretty slick but based off gnome unfortunately03:36
shan123im looking into buying a netbook but would want kde, i like the style much better03:37
ramonHi all...could anybody help??03:37
shan123can try shoot03:37
shawn_oh me too definitely, but if you run the netbook remix of ubuntu, you wouldnt even need kde, it's just all kind of there and very non-gnomish03:37
shawn_ramon> go!03:37
ramonThe problem is, i cannot listen to the music on youtube videos03:38
ramonit's kind of a dirty noise...03:38
shan123what media playerr do you have associated with web browser03:38
ramonthere's no sound...but in videos that I've downloaded i can perfectly listen to the music03:38
user__hey.. i comment.. today is my first day using kubuntu.. and i found it great!!!!!!!03:38
jp10558what does a lock with a red circle thing through it for wireless mean?03:39
user__*a comment03:39
ramonshan123: how do I know that?03:39
shan123not connected03:39
ramonow where can i change it03:39
spyda9ramon: if sound works on local media files just not in your browser its most likely your flash plugin03:39
shan123what web browser are you using03:39
ramonfirefox 3,003:40
shan123i would follow spyda9's advice and install flash as a firefox add on03:41
ramoni have installed in my computer kubuntu-restricted-extras, flashplugin-nonfree03:41
ramonlet me try it03:42
shan123do you have mplayer installed?03:42
ramonyes but i'm using VLC03:42
shan123let me look at something brb03:43
shawn_ramon> try rebooting xp, haha jk. but i agree probably the plugin03:45
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:46
ramonshawn_: what's your advice? reinstall it?03:46
ramonfrom konsole03:46
shan123i have firefox 3.010 and it runs youtube fine, redo install flash and maybe add mplayer add in03:46
shawn_i think there are settings in your home folder under ~/.mozilla you could try removing the firefox settings to reset the plugins03:47
mrunagidoes the new kubuntu just not like wep?03:47
ramonshawn_: how do i reset it? sorry but i'm new on linux03:47
kyle_hey does virtual box only support 32 bit03:47
shan123it seams to work fine here, make sure its not trying to use passkey03:47
mrunagiwhat does it need to us?e03:47
mrunagii have to use hex?03:48
shan123hex yes03:48
shan123most times03:48
mrunagiill give it a try03:48
shan123what encryption are you using on router03:48
ken_ramon, make sure the mozilla mplayer pluging is installed. check this inadept03:49
kyle_i have a 64 bit AMD Athlon and im trying to run 64 bit OpenSuse and its telling me that it doesnt support my 32 bit puter03:49
ramonken_: where can i see it?03:49
ramonor how do i know it?03:49
ken_just type mozilla mplayer pluggin in the seach.03:50
ramonmm  ok...let me try it03:50
ken_or just type in mplayer and look at list to see if the pluggin is installed. if not install it.03:51
shan123mrunagi did it work?03:51
mrunagishan123: i cant even get into the router it keeps telling me that the network is down03:51
shan123what kind of router are you using?03:52
mrunagidlink dir-61503:52
shawn_ramon> to check what plugins firefox is using there is a url you can type into firefox: about:plugins03:52
shan123what version of kubuntu are you using?03:52
mrunagiim not impressed so far03:52
shan123does network manager reconize the network?03:52
mrunagiits always sseen it03:53
ramonshawn_: there's no mplayer plugin03:53
shawn_hmmmm go to your package manager and install mplayer-plugin03:53
shawn_it will be like mozilla mplayer plugin or similar03:53
shawn_close firefox b tw03:53
shan123does it allow attempt to connect and ask for key?03:54
mrunagiit attempts to connect after i put in the key then fails03:54
spyda9ramon: just go to adobe's site and download the adobe flash plugin...if you use package manager search for flashplugin-nonfree03:54
shan123using hex code?03:55
ramonmozila mplayer - there's no result03:55
mrunagii dont have a key set right now03:55
mrunagii hard reset the router03:55
shawn_oh yeah i forgot adobes flash is good you dont have to have mplayer anymore03:55
mrunaginow i cant get into it03:55
shan123alot of them by default do not enable wireless on hard reboot03:56
shan123can you ethernet cable access it?03:56
mrunaginever could03:56
mrunagiwireless is working after hard reset03:56
shan123very odd03:56
mrunagii can get to the auth screen for the router but it wont let me in03:56
spyda9ramon: they should have a .deb package to download.  If not just download the .tar and use the command tar -zxvf to extract it03:56
ramonok...i'm on adobe's website03:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about silverlight03:57
shan123i dont think i can help beyond what we have tried sorry03:58
spyda9i read03:58
shan123if you hard reset there is no key03:59
shan123not in dlinks03:59
mrunagii know thats why im online now03:59
mrunagiso i want to test if hex will work but i cant set the key if it wont let me in the router03:59
shan123sorry now i understand your delama04:00
shan123have you tried the default router password?04:00
mrunagidefault is blank04:00
shan123sorry just covering the basics04:00
mrunagikonq jusst says network unavailable04:00
mrunagiobviously thats false04:00
shan123do you have firefox to try?'04:01
mrunagidoing that now04:03
mrunagiwe are pretty smart =)04:03
austinhow can I use the default application to open a file from the console?04:03
shan123austion give us context04:04
austinis there command that would open an html file with firefox04:04
mrunagifirefox lets me in04:04
austina test editor with kate04:04
austin*text file with kate04:05
shan123sweet mrun04:05
shan123beats me sorry austion never tried04:05
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austinseems as though it would be very common?04:07
mrunagibah it wont let me see the hex value04:07
shawn_these netbooks are pretty awesome, but i wouldnt use it as a workstation like some of my coworkers are trying to do.04:08
shan123i used a hexkeygenerator and copy and pasted it04:08
shan123to router then to netman04:08
shan123and also ported it to a text file04:08
shan123wow is calling bbl04:10
superboyi h8te dragon player any other good movie players yo04:14
DragnslcrAnyone else have Firefox lock up after leaving a page (or closing the tab) with a Flash movie in it?04:15
superboyhow do i uninstall dragon player04:15
embraceunityDragnslcr: yes04:16
DragnslcrGood to know that it isn't just me04:16
embraceunitysuperboty: sudo apt-get remover dragonplayer04:16
embraceunitysuperboty: sudo apt-get remove dragonplayer04:16
embraceunityi really can't spell today04:17
mkassonis there an easy gui scp client?04:19
kyle_Error launching OpenSuse in virtual box.. says it requires a 64 bit computer and i have a AMD Athlon x2 6404:20
agooleis there a good webcam viewer that anyone can recommend ? I can't tell wether its my camera or me :S04:20
tsimpsonmkasson: konqueror04:22
mkassontsimpson, do I need a plugin?04:22
mkassontried fish://04:22
tsimpsonmkasson: try sftp://04:22
mkassontsimpson, et voila! Thanks..  so then what's fish:?04:23
tsimpsonmkasson: fish:// is a kind of hack, it uses a ssh shell and emulates scp. it's really only needed if the server doesn't support scp04:24
tsimpsontechnically fish:// should always work, but it's not well maintained any more04:25
mkassonah k.  working now, so I'm hooked up04:25
Weedykubuntu doesn't have synaptic right?04:25
DragnslcrYou can install it if you really want to04:26
Weedywhat GUI does it use then?04:26
DragnslcrThe default in 9.04 is KPackageKit (8.10 and earlier is Adept)04:26
ramonhey i can't install flash player from website04:26
ramoneven .deb pack04:26
ramonand continue w/ the problem04:27
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mandingoceohow do i add a patch to the kernel to get 810 audio through hdmi ?04:34
mandingoceois any1 home04:36
fungosmy father upgraded his ubuntu last night and the wireless stopped working. It is a sis191 (module sis190) but dmesg shows "wlan0: link is not ready" and nothing more. It worked before upgrade.04:38
mandingoceolooking for a pointer to point me in the right direction04:42
mandingoceohow do i add a patch to the kernel to get 810 audio through hdmi ?04:43
ubottuIf you own an IRC nick that is currently being used, you can make it change nicks by typing: /msg nickserv release <nick> <password> | If you have a dead (ghost) connection, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password>04:45
fungosplease someone, my father upgraded his ubuntu last night and the wireless stopped working. It is a sis191 (module sis190) but dmesg shows "wlan0: link is not ready" and nothing more. It worked before upgrade.04:45
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BluesKajfungos: open widgets and find Network Management or Manager and click on it , then righ tclick on the icon to open manage connections04:50
fungosBluesKaj: I'm there. My connection is set up 802.11 WPA personal .. everything right04:52
BluesKajyes , fungos , that's what i use04:53
fungosBluesKaj: dmesg just displays "link is not ready"04:54
BluesKajuse the gui04:55
austinis there a way to make Konsole interate options when I press tab?04:55
austinif there are multiple posibilities it doesn't seem to iterate threw them04:55
xjjkaustin: iterate options?04:55
xjjkthrough a program you're trying to run?04:55
austinauto completion04:55
xjjkaustin: I assume you're using bash... look at the bash-completion package04:56
xjjkand enable it in /etc/bashrc04:56
xjjkit adds completion for options for many popular programs04:56
austinthat is what is used for directories and such?04:57
draikHello everyone. I'm using irssi. How do I go back and forth with tabs/windows?04:58
* draik loves the computer which was gifted to him. This is a great server build. :)04:59
rgarciahi all, does anybody know how do i change my video card device?05:00
rgarciaanybody could help me?05:02
draikGot it. ALT+# :)05:02
draikrgarcia: I don't know if it works anymore, but you can try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:03
draikrgarcia: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'05:03
spinfusorHubye frebenz... I'm going thru the FAQ's, quick question... did KPackageKit replace the Synaptic in 9.04?05:06
draikspinfusor: Thanks for the reminder. What is KPackageKit?05:07
rgarciathanx.....but draik see if you can help me...05:07
rgarciai have no sound in firefox, for example in youtube, bu i do in amarok...vlc05:07
spinfusorwell, I cant find the Synaptic the FAQ refers to, the KPackageKit appears to be where you install, upgrade etc.05:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tr405:08
spinfusorI can install it but if it is to replace, no need to05:09
draikrgarcia: Check your kMix and assure all levels are up and not muted. If necessary, mute and then un-mute the audio.05:09
rgarciayes...but only on youtube...i cant hear nothing....amarok works perfectly05:10
spinfusorOoops. forgot to mention, Kubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope is what I'm using on an eeePC 1000He; Very impressed BT & Wireless works right outta box, OpenSuse, got tired of trying to make it work w/ no results.05:13
spinfusorAnyone know of a good Howto hack Kubuntu; similar to Hacking OpenSuse?05:14
draikspinfusor: I have the Acer Apsire One myself. Wireless sees the connections, but won't connect. I don't have BT support on it either, but that doesn't matter to me much as I don't have anything with which to pair.05:15
draikI'll be back in a bit. I have somthing to do right now.05:15
austinwhen I open a file in dolphin..it uses the default application05:23
austinis there a similar way to open a file with the default application from a console?05:23
xjjkaustin: yes....05:26
xjjkaustin: run kfmclient exec whatever.pdf05:26
xjjkaustin: I use this as a script, http://paste.ubuntu.com/168400/05:27
xjjkI call it kde-exec, and run kde-exec file.pdf whenever I need to open or run something05:27
austinim new to linux, where is the best place to save this script and make it so I can run it from anywhere?05:30
xjjkaustin: I personally have my own ~/bin directory for scripts05:33
xjjkaustin: but you can place it into /usr/local/bin05:33
alanddI have a problem when ejecting USB devices on Kubuntu 9.04 KDE. I click eject in the USB device notifier, the device ejects, the notifier and the entire panel freezes. Must logout and back in to unfreeze it.05:37
alanddLet me add that I have used a Personal Package Archive (PPA) provided by someone in this channel to make Amarok 1.4 work correctly with my iPod.  I fear this mix may be causing problems that would not exist in a standard Kubuntu installation.05:39
alanddAnyone have some ideas on how to debug what is happening?05:39
* alandd goes to dive into the logs...05:39
austinis there a way to give an application sudo access after I have started it?05:40
austinlike...I have kate open and want to save to /usr/bin05:40
xjjkaustin: no, not realyl05:41
austinso I have to restart kate with sudo access to save to /bin ?05:42
brkdell mini9 default 8.04 install..  trying to understand why fdisk reports a 16gb partition on a SD card,newly done, but df shows 45% used05:42
austinwhat do you save the script file as?05:46
xjjkaustin: yes05:46
xjjkaustin: whatever you want to name it.. I call mine "kde-exec"05:47
austinwhen I tried kde-exec, it said access denied05:47
xjjkyou need to make the script executable05:47
austinhow do I do that? :X05:47
xjjkon the commandline, run sudo +x kde-exec05:47
austin+x command not found05:48
xjjkaustin: er, sorry05:49
xjjksudo chmod +x kde-exec05:49
austink, worked, thanks05:49
austinoops heh05:51
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brkis there a best way to set up an SD card with fat32 so file exchange w/windows is easy? fdisk says it's a done deal, bu5t df shows 45% used and windows is not seeing anything.06:07
brk... and just forget anything real if windowsw formats the card.. df is happy, but the media won't mount proerly06:08
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josh_my system tray icons appear in the middle of my lower panel07:02
naliothcan anyone shed some light on this?  http://pastebin.ca/1418048     TIA07:02
sandhyaHi, is there any way I can get the default kwallet to open automatically when I log in?07:02
josh_how do i make them appear them on the right side?07:02
naliothclean install of jaunty on the box07:03
josh_for who?07:03
ForgeAussandhya I'm fairly sure theres a startup for KDE...07:03
sandhyaForgeAus: a startup? like an autostart?07:05
austinis there any way to get konsole to show the prompt and input text a different color than the printed text?07:06
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jussi01nalioth: ouch.07:08
kwgodthe sound for my comp doesnt work anymore... how do i change to the previous one i had?07:08
naliothjussi01: have you seen anything like thae07:08
naliotht before?07:09
nalioth[sorry, i'm on a weird terminsal, as konsole (obviously) won't start]07:09
naliothkwgod: patience07:09
nalioththis isn't a magic answer channel.  if someone knows, they'll answer, if not, don't bug the channel with useless input (ne1?)07:10
ForgeAussandhya yeah07:10
jussi01nalioth: Ive not, but seems google has seen it several times - weird though07:11
kwgodiknow its not, but i´ve talked to numerous people and no ones been able to help me fix it yet07:11
kwgodso id rather go back to the old one07:11
ForgeAuscheck your /home/(username)/.kde for an Autorun07:12
ForgeAus(note depending on your setup this COULD but isnt all that likely to be a .kde3 or a .kde4)07:13
ForgeAus(or Autostart)07:15
jussi01nalioth: although nightrose did have an issue where kde apps wouldnt start on an upgraded box, but quite likely unrelated.07:15
naliothjussi01: yes, i've seen it on google, too, but no answers  :(07:17
naliothand i find it amazing that this is a newly installed box and kde major kde apps are borkend07:18
jussi01nalioth: me also - seems very weird. I assume you did all the normal md5 checks etc07:19
naliothjussi01: huh? apt-get installed all of kubuntu-desktop07:20
jussi01nalioth: ahh, so its not a clean install of kubuntu... gotcha07:20
naliothhuh? it's a clean install of jaunty with xubuntu-, kubuntu-, ubuntu-desktops, jussi0107:22
naliothjussi01: i'm not sure how much cleaner i could have installed it07:23
jussi01nalioth: I was expecting it was an install from a kubuntu disk, hence my question.... ;)07:24
mandingohow do i pull a sound update using git im noob and very confused07:24
podecoetWheres the control panel in kde4? kcontrol no longer works07:24
jussi01podecoet: system settings07:24
podecoetjussi01: doh, didnt see it :\07:25
naliothjussi01: it's not a big deal, i can always xforward a konsole from another box07:25
naliothit just seems whacked that major apps are miscompiled like that07:25
jussi01nalioth: tis a big deal - if theres a bug we need to fix it... ;)07:25
mandingohow do i pull a sound update using git im noob and very confused07:27
mandingoanyhelp would be appreciated07:27
Hystorikercan anybody please help me with getting rid of some installed packages. I cannot remove two packages which were not installed correctly during a previous installation process.07:28
jussi01Hystoriker: try: sudo apt-get install -f07:30
ForgeAusso next to the karmic koala uh?....07:30
ForgeAusany idea whats the codename for L? (10.04?)07:30
Hystorikerjussi01: that doesnt work, it says that there are no dir files specified and thus a post-installation script returns the error code 107:31
mandingocan any1 help me on how to do a git to pull sound patch please07:37
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superboywhats jargon07:55
dwidmannsuperboy: http://www.hyperdictionary.com/search.aspx?define=jargon07:56
tangent3i should probably upgrade dragon player to something better right? any guides around for doing that?08:15
cybehAloha All08:16
cybehAm facing a proble with kaffiene, I have upgraded to Jaunty from Hardy and my Xorg crashed when i try to play subtitles with kaffiene08:17
cybehnormal video plays fine, bt when I load subtiles Xorg restarts08:18
cybehis it a know bug or something?08:18
jussi01tangent3: just install what you want to use - I personally like vlc08:21
cybehjussi01: any idea about my prob?08:21
tangent3anything similar to media player classic?08:21
jussi01tangent3: no idea :P - though some people lve mplayer08:22
cybehwcan anybody help me with this08:22
tangent3dragon seems nice and simple, but i can't seem to control deblocking settings08:22
jussi01tangent3: I have both kmplayer and vlc, which both work well for me08:22
tangent3ok i'll try them, thanks08:23
tangent3anything special i need to do for realmedia and quicktime support?08:23
cybehtangent3: you can try Kaffiene as well08:23
cybehits a great player08:23
austincant seem to get audio working08:29
austinin setting>multimedia when I click "test" it works08:30
austin(keeping in mind I have multiple sound cards)08:30
austinbut in other applications I get nothing08:30
Newbee_my system (kubuntu 9.04) feezes everytime I try to watch a DVD and nearly always when I try to resize a vlc window during video playback. The weeks before the system even froze randomly on nothing but desktop work08:43
Newbee_this is really annoying. does anybody know what I can do about it?08:43
fornixNewbee: what do you mean by system freeze? are you able to do a Ctrl + Alt + F1 ?08:45
podecoetIs there a way to downgrade from kde4 to kde3.5 under intrepid? It's really pissing me off!08:46
podecoetapparently twinview / dualview isn't supported properly yet08:47
podecoetcant change any setttings on the second monitor desktop (wallpaper etc), can drag windows but not icons over to second screen08:47
embraceunity_podecoet: sudo apt-get remove kde*08:48
embraceunity_then make sure you have the repo for the kde3 stuff08:49
embraceunity_or whatever... i think intrepid is by default kde3... so remove the kde4 repo... then sudo apt-get update08:49
embraceunity_then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:49
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embraceunity_after you have removed all kde packaged08:49
subcoolhey anyone with Fios?08:50
podecoetembraceunity_: doh, I've used up over 3gb of downstream today, I don't think I'd be able to get yet more updates :\08:50
subcoolwow- people08:50
subcoolSerious- bad question that is pissing me off08:50
embraceunity_do you have the CD?08:50
embraceunity_podecoet: the CD should do the trick08:51
podecoetembraceunity_: I have the intrepid install CD, but that's kde4?08:51
embraceunity_oh... you got the remix08:51
podecoetembraceunity_: doh!08:51
podecoeti'll just go to a net cafe and get the kde3.5 version then08:52
embraceunity_kde4 isn't so bad... after 4.208:52
subcoolI have FIOS and i am trying to uplink my linksys to it. I found a guide that turns the FIOS router to a bridge- but.. idk how im screwing  it up08:52
podecoetembraceunity_: I hated it at first, but after learning how to adjust settings, its actually quite pleasant... But I cant live without proper twinview suppport08:53
podecoetwait, how do I find out the version of KDE installed?08:53
embraceunity_one sec08:53
podecoetsubcool: lucky bastard :P08:54
embraceunity_podecoet: try this08:55
embraceunity_kde4-config --version | grep 'KDE' | sed -e 's/.*E //' | sed -e 's/)//'08:55
eagles0513875i have a huge problem i cannot see any folders in my home folder08:55
embraceunity_are you logged on as root?08:56
eagles0513875logged in as i normally do as me08:57
podecoetebraceunity: 4.1.4, would it be worth trying to hack an upgrade to 4.2?08:57
eagles0513875not to mention there is no root account08:57
eagles0513875podecoet: you dont need to try 4.2.3 which is in a ppa the link is on kubuntu.org page08:57
embraceunity_podecoet: lol... yea just reverse engineer it all08:58
eagles0513875lol thats not fun08:58
eagles0513875embraceunity_: any idea as to why i cannot see anything in my home folder08:58
Newbee_Isn't the problem of constantly freezing systems known here? Do I have the "luck" of owning a special hardware configuration or software combination?08:59
embraceunity_eagles: what happens in console when you type "ls"08:59
embraceunity_in the home directory08:59
* podecoet hits head08:59
podecoetok, I'll download 9.04 w/kde4 and 8.10 w/kde308:59
podecoetanother night of mass installs / reinstalls :P08:59
sverihi, how long is gutsy supported?09:00
embraceunity_i just downloaded karmic, but i did the 64 bit and cannot virtualize in my 32 bit environment... oh and i fried my cd burner through a botched firmware install09:00
embraceunity_so im just like screw it09:00
podecoetembraceunity_: you can probably still recover from the dodgy firmware, but its like $20 for another drive :P09:01
embraceunity_i could do unetbootin, but i dont care enough09:01
eagles0513875embraceunity_: unetbootin bootable usb09:01
eagles0513875embraceunity_: any idea as to my issue09:01
embraceunity_eagles: what does it say in console when you type "ls"09:02
eagles0513875gonna take a sec hold on09:02
austinhmm I restarted my machine, now everything is 'ugly'09:04
eagles0513875running too much09:04
austinrunning old gui09:04
embraceunity_austin: is it all grey09:04
eagles0513875no running boinc projects shoutcast server lol09:04
eagles0513875updating WoW09:04
eagles0513875embraceunity_: ill give you ls results in a min09:04
austinits not running KDE?09:05
subcoolbrb - testing a setup09:05
embraceunity_austin: it could be amiwm... its a fallback environment09:05
austinit said something failed to load or something and asked if I wanted to delete it09:05
eagles0513875and also run top in command line see if plasma is running09:05
austinthis environment is running so much faster, almost kinda nice lol09:06
embraceunity_austin: i didn't mind amiwm... made me realize how little the desktop environment actually matters09:06
austinwhat am I looking for in top?09:07
eagles0513875plasma if its running09:07
eagles0513875think a reboot is in order here09:08
austinwell I did, same thing09:08
eagles0513875im not seeing anything in my home folder is my problem austin09:09
embraceunity_austin: when i was stuck with amiwim, the reason was KDE's packages were only half installed during the jaunty alpha period, and  and thus everything was broken09:09
austinit says something about one of your modules has an error or something, and if I want to delete it09:09
austinI said no09:09
eagles0513875brb guys09:09
austinlet me restart again and err, press delete09:09
sveriis gutsy still supported?09:09
austinthe error is09:12
austinThe panel encountered a problem while loading09:12
austinDo you want to delete the applet from your configuration?09:12
eagles0513875a reboot fixed my issue09:15
austinso yeah, I have no idea why it is like this :|09:19
austinhow do I change it back? lol09:20
eagles0513875is plasma running for you or even installed09:21
austinno, I dont think it is running09:21
austinI assume it is installed...as it was running 5 minutes ago09:21
austinI just ran "plasma"09:22
austinnow its like the 2 guis are running on top of each other09:23
austinhmm going to restart again09:24
podecoetis there any real reason to stick to 8.10 as opposed to 8.0409:25
austindidnt fix anything09:26
eagles0513875podecoet: probably only difference is kde version as well as 04 has lts09:26
eagles0513875austin: can you run sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to install any updated packages09:26
austinno updates09:27
eagles0513875do you have any other desktops like gnome or xfce installed09:28
* podecoet burns the 8.04 ISO09:28
eagles0513875podecoet: you coulda created a bootable usb09:28
austinI think this might BE gnome?09:28
eagles0513875austin: no worries09:28
austinI dont know, I didnt intend to09:28
eagles0513875run this sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm09:29
eagles0513875it will ask you what desktop manager you want to use and choose kdm09:29
austindid didnt do/ask me anything09:29
austinnot even for my sudo password09:29
podecoet[18:29] <austin> did didnt do/ask me anything <= *dies*09:30
eagles0513875can  you drop down to init 1 and choose the fsck option and let it check your disk09:30
austinsorry, was that directed at me?09:31
eagles0513875ya austin09:32
austinI dont know what that means09:32
eagles0513875sudo init 1 then a screen pops up choose the fsck option09:32
eagles0513875fsck = like windows check disk09:33
tsimpson"init 1" is single user mode09:33
eagles0513875tsimpson: yes it pops up a dialoge box now giving you a few options09:33
eagles0513875fsck to fix x fix package issues09:33
tsimpsonit's better to do it form a LiveCD though09:33
podecoetCugel: hello09:33
CugelI have a problem (after upgrading to Jaunty) with the KDE desktop position. I can use the complete screen fine (e.g. move a window to the top left) but the plasmoid surface is complete offside. I have an image of it.09:33
eagles0513875tsimpson: i havent had an issues running it from init 109:34
tsimpsonyou can't fix all errors from a mounted FS09:34
eagles0513875tsimpson: it kills desktop and network and everything09:34
tsimpsoneagles0513875: yes, I know. but the root is till mounted09:34
CugelI tried renaming/deleting a few config files but it didn't seem to help yet.09:34
austinI did that09:35
eagles0513875did it do anything09:35
austinit ran for a minute, then said something about are you sure you want to run this on a blah blah file system, it could cause damage09:35
austinI said no09:35
eagles0513875ok  scratch that09:35
austinmy resolution is broken now09:36
eagles0513875austin: sudo dpkg-reconfigre xserver-xorg09:36
eagles0513875austin: that should fix your resolution problem but im not sure about your other issue :(09:37
podecoetargh I need to find an internet cafe O($&)(&$@09:37
eagles0513875lol podecoet09:37
podecoeteagles0513875: you don't understand lol, I've tried Kubuntu 8.10, 9.04 and OpenSuse 1109:38
podecoetI dont know what posessed me to upgrade from 8.04, which worked fine :P09:38
eagles0513875whats the problem you have with kubuntu09:39
podecoetit's being itself. I installed 8.10, then it asked me to enable restricted drivers, I did. It crashed X, I spent a whole night and finally made it work by adding "BusID 03:00:0" to xorg - so that worked09:40
podecoetthen I enabled twinview as I did with my normal setup09:40
eagles0513875and same issue with 9.0409:40
podecoetand I get a blank screen on my second monitor, which is fine, because I can drag windows onto it... But I cant change the wallpaper, and its glitchy09:41
eagles0513875what video card do you have09:41
podecoet2 x 8800GTS's in SLI (worked perfect under Hardy)09:41
eagles0513875ok what nvidia driver are you using version 18009:42
podecoetyep, 180 through nvidia's site09:42
podecoet(I need nvidia-settings)09:42
austinyeah, now there i no gui lol09:42
eagles0513875austin: :(09:42
austinhow do I restart from terminal? :P09:43
Cugelsudo reboot09:43
podecoetcheck it out, it's almost trippy: http://www.podecoet.org/glitchy.png09:44
eagles0513875austin: sudo init 609:44
OxDeadC0depodecoet: The requested URL /glitchy.png was not found on this server.09:45
austinwhen I start it says something about low graphics mode09:45
eagles0513875austin: do you have your video drivers installed09:45
austinnvidia drivers were installed09:46
podecoetdoh, try again: http://www.podecoet.org/glitchy.png09:46
OxDeadC0dewow, very trippy09:47
podecoetOxDeadC0de: yeah, unfortunately it's not helpful at all lol09:47
podecoetdammit the dark side is playing with my head now. "Install windows XP... you know you want to, you're out of download allowance anyway - and look, you have a copy right there!"09:49
EnginAsomething wrong with the repositories ?09:50
EnginAapt-get update gives all 404 s09:50
eagles0513875EnginA: check your connection09:50
EnginAI've tried a few mirros including us. es.09:50
EnginAit is a 404 what is there to check ?09:51
eagles0513875your  not connected to the net09:51
EnginAdo you know what is a http 404 error ?09:51
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austinwhat does sudo init 6 do anyways?09:51
eagles0513875chalcedony: ping09:52
jussi01austin: "sudo init 6" or "sudo telinit 6" more properly, will switch to runlevel 6 (reboo09:52
chalcedony--'--,-{@ --'--,-{@eagles0513875@}-'--,--@}--'--09:52
austinyeah I have no idea what to do now09:53
austinfrom the console, how do I start the xserver or whatever its called?09:53
austinim pretty sure whatever I did to the xserver broke it lol09:55
austinwhat was that command again?09:55
austinwell I got xserver working again it seem10:00
austinbut its still gnome10:00
eagles0513875did you manage to get x started10:02
eagles0513875any better10:03
austinits running gnome, not kde10:03
eagles0513875ahhh so you got rid of kde10:05
austinI did? lol10:05
austinI dont think so10:05
eagles0513875ahhhh ok10:05
austinhow do I kill gnome then start kde?10:05
eagles0513875it should take you back to command line10:06
eagles0513875then to start x and go to the login screen just type startx in command line10:06
austinit takes me to a graphical login screen10:06
eagles0513875at the bottom session choose kde10:06
austin:) yeah, that worked lol10:07
eagles0513875kde working now10:07
austinI wish I knew wtf made gnome start10:07
eagles0513875austin: it saves the last session you wer logged into as the default for the next login10:07
eagles0513875but is everythign in kde displayed right10:07
austinI have never logged into gnome, I didnt even know it was installed10:07
austinyes, kde looks as expected10:08
eagles0513875austin: did you install kubuntu or ubuntu10:08
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eagles0513875you sure you didnt install gnome afterwards10:08
austinnot intentionally10:08
Guest82598hi my wireless adapter keeps failing on me10:08
austinnot that I was aware of..but apparently10:08
eagles0513875Guest66251: what do you mean10:09
austin__thanks tho... everything seems to be normal10:09
eagles0513875Guest66251: is it randomly disconnecting you from your wifi10:10
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eagles0513875austin: no problem10:10
Guest82598after about 10 mins of having internet connection my internet fails and i have to reboot or sometimes leave my comp off for 1/2 hr10:10
eagles0513875guessing this is a laptop right10:10
eagles0513875ok can you do dmesg for me and pastbin it to me plz10:11
Guest82598sorry i am a newb, i don't know how10:11
eagles0513875ahh ok10:12
eagles0513875do you have a konsole opened10:12
Guest24382hmm now to figure out why sound is not working (kinda is)10:13
=== Guest24382 is now known as AustLaw
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AustLawsound works when I login (the login sound) and when I go to multimedia and test10:14
AustLawbut it doesn't seem to work in applications10:14
adamok konsole is up10:14
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Guest92230eagles, konsole is up10:16
austinactually the opengl is no longer working10:16
eagles0513875Guest82598: type in konsole dmesg please10:18
eagles0513875then paste it here10:18
eagles0513875!paste | Guest8259810:18
ubottuGuest82598: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:18
=== austin__ is now known as AustLaw
NetersLandreaui upgraded to kubuntu 9.04 yesterday on my laptop and now i cannot get my xorg to display a login screen.. has anyone had similar problems?10:22
MamarokNetersLandreau: what is your graphic card?10:23
NetersLandreaumoment Mamarok.. i'll find out10:23
NetersLandreauMamarok: Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML10:27
eagles0513875!hi | emil_10:31
ubottuemil_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!10:31
emil_someone could tell me how to change kde3 apps theme to QT Curve (but with my configuration) in kubuntu 9.04???10:31
MamarokNetersLandreau: hm, Intel then= I can't make anything out of these numbers without googling, could you give the relevant line of the lspci output?10:35
Mamarokemil_: SystemSettings -> appearance10:35
eagles0513875Mamarok: can i ask a question re intel10:41
Mamarokeagles0513875: re intel?10:42
eagles0513875regarding intel graphics10:42
AustLawhow do I change the sound output device for programs?10:42
Mamarok!ask | eagles051387510:43
ubottueagles0513875: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:43
NetersLandreaumoment Mamarok.. i tried an alternate config and have to reboot again.. what command should i run? lspci?10:43
eagles0513875Mamarok: was reading in release notes about intel graphics regressions does that effect all or certain models10:43
MamarokNetersLandreau: not needed anymore, I found it in Google now :)10:43
Mamarokeagles0513875: checked the bug in launchpad?10:44
eagles0513875i shall do that10:44
eagles0513875Guest92230: take a look at the last line from what you pasted me [  107.700000] wlan0: duplicate address detected!10:45
eagles0513875seems like there is an ip address conflict on your network that is probably why its dropping your connection10:45
NetersLandreauMamarok: ok, thx10:45
MamarokNetersLandreau: there are known bugs with some Intel graphic cards, likely a driver issue, might be related to your problem10:47
NetersLandreauMamarok: my laptop is my major workhorse.. how can i go back to kubuntu 8.10?10:48
MamarokNetersLandreau: do you have a separate /home partition?10:48
MamarokNetersLandreau: then you can easily reinstall10:49
NetersLandreauno Mamarok.. it is standard partitioning10:49
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Mamarokelse you will have to backup your data first10:49
MamarokNetersLandreau: and if you do reinstall, make sure to make a separate partition for /home, so a reinstall will be no big hassle anymore in the future10:50
* Mamarok thinks that this should be the default behavior on installation anyway10:51
NetersLandreauMamarok: you are talking about my personal data, i.e. stuff that is important?10:51
MamarokNetersLandreau: exactly10:51
Mamarokyou have all your personal data in the /home folder, so that is the part to backup10:52
NetersLandreaui already have those files on an external drive10:52
MamarokNetersLandreau: well, then you can reinstall 8.10 quite easily10:52
Mamarokand stay tuned for changes in the Intel driver problem, so you know when it will be solved10:53
MamarokNetersLandreau: subscribe to this bug:10:54
Mamarokthen you get notified if there are changes10:54
NetersLandreauthx Mamarok.. i will keep an eye on that bug.. what do i do to reinstall kubuntu 8.10?10:56
=== austin__ is now known as Guest50114
NetersLandreauactually Mamarok, reading that bug report does not describe my problem.. my problem is with the display itself.. when xorg starts, it gives me a screen that is basically unreadable and the settings are obviously off11:02
Guest92230hi eagles11:05
MamarokNetersLandreau: did you try move your current .kde/ to .kde_old/ for example? Don't forget to do this in a konsole and don't forget the dot in front11:05
MamarokNetersLandreau: it could be that your current settings are not compatible with 9.0411:05
MamarokNetersLandreau: which KDE did you use before ugrading?11:06
NetersLandreauMamarok: 8.1011:07
Guest92230eagles0513875: what did u find from my pastebin11:07
NetersLandreaui believe it is something with changes to xorg.. i have copied my log file to my windows partition and will get that into a bin11:08
MamarokNetersLandreau: well, yes, 8.10, but did you use the default KDE 4.1 or did you use KDE 4.2 from the experimental repos?11:10
MamarokNetersLandreau: then moving your default .kde/ and restarting X might do the trick11:10
Guest92230can anyone help me my wireless internet laptop adapter keeps shutting down after about 10 mins of moderate usage11:11
Guest92230can anyone help me my wireless internet laptop adapter keeps shutting down after about 10 mins of moderate usage whereas when i was using windows it usuallly lasted about 2-3hrs of maximum usage11:14
ikoniaGuest92230: but it also shuts down in windows ?11:15
Guest92230sometimes but very rarely11:15
=== christian is now known as Guest99434
Guest92230in linux it is very often11:15
ikoniaGuest92230: doesn't sound good for your wirless setup in general if your card is dropping conections on both OSs11:16
Guest92230i think i may be down to overheating11:16
ikoniaGuest92230: interesting suggestion,11:17
NetersLandreauMamarok: here is my Xorg.0.log - http://bin.cakephp.org/view/204153557411:17
MamarokNetersLandreau: according to lines 248 and 249 it is actually a driver problem11:19
ikonia!es > Mamarok11:19
ubottuMamarok, please see my private message11:19
ikoniaMamarok: sorry11:19
ikoniaMamarok: typo11:19
Mamarokikonia: never mind :)11:20
MamarokNetersLandreau: it expects a newer driver11:20
NetersLandreauoh yes, good eye Mamarok.. and it gives me an idea11:21
MamarokNetersLandreau: easy to spot, search for the (EE) entries11:23
MamarokNetersLandreau: maybe you can find a workaround in the bug I told you, somebody with your graphic card used a workaround11:23
Mamarokseems to work for him with EXA uinstead of UXA: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/359392/comments/3811:24
NetersLandreauyes.. i will reread that bug report11:25
MamarokNetersLandreau: beware though, he has font rendering issues, so it's just a stale workaround11:26
eagles0513875Guest92230: seems like your getting a duplicate ip that already exists on your network11:30
NetersLandreauMamarok: how do i set my xorg to use EXA instead of UXA?11:34
MamarokNetersLandreau: I guess in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but never did that11:35
NetersLandreauyes, neither have i11:36
MamarokNetersLandreau: Option "AccelMethod" "EXA" Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"11:36
Mamarokthese are options to set in the "driver" part of xorg.conf11:37
NetersLandreauok.. i'll try that11:37
NetersLandreauMamarok: that would be a monitor option, correct?11:38
NetersLandreauoh.. my bad11:38
oz1337g'day fellow kubuntu users11:39
oz1337anyone experiencing freeezing after upgrading to 9.04?11:41
Mamarokoz1337: be more specific about freezs, in what circumstances?11:42
eagles0513875oz1337: do you have an intel video card11:44
Mamarokeagles0513875: do you mind?11:45
Mamarokeagles0513875: a freeze can happen for a lot of things, not necessarily a GC...11:48
ikoniaI've only seen a known poor performance issue with intel cards, I've not seen anything logged about ssytem or display freezes because of intel cards11:50
NetersLandreauMamarok: i tried the options in my device as you suggested and now when i run xorg, i get a screen with multi-colored vertical lines11:51
MamarokNetersLandreau: well, you really have a bug as it seems :(11:52
adami think i have found the reason for my wireless network cut outs11:53
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Guest61262i think that its down to utorrent(wine)11:54
NetersLandreauyes Mamarok.. i decided to let it go thru a normal boot and when x starts, it starts with a wide blue line about 2/3 from the left of the screen.. the screen refreshes a few times and then it is replaced with a screen showing a wide horiz band of checkerboxes11:55
MamarokGuest61262: why do you use utorrent in wine?11:55
MamarokGuest61262: there is ktorrent11:55
Guest61262ok thanks i didn't know11:55
MamarokNetersLandreau: I guess you need more xorg.conf tuning then, but I'm not a good help here11:56
Guest61262found it and it looks good11:56
Mamarokand it works well :)11:56
Guest61262and it takes less time to start d'loadin11:57
MamarokGuest61262: well, that is normal, you do not have another layer in between :)11:57
Guest61262i mean even than the utorrent running through windows11:58
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Guest44767anyone he can speak german ?12:24
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:25
Guest44767thx bashang and ubottu12:27
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millunhi, anybody got experience with unixodbc?12:38
AustLawwhats a common ftp server?12:43
jussi01!ftpd | AustLaw12:43
ubottuAustLaw: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP12:43
AustLawwhats is the best way to simply find a file or folder from the terminal?13:00
NetersLandreauAustLaw: i use locate13:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gfx13:01
NetersLandreauyou can also use find13:01
Laeborgcan any of you recommend a PCI Expess 16x gfx card there works perfect in kubuntu, and still is pretty good ?13:02
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:02
AustLawhow can I change the autocompletion settings?13:04
AustLawspecifically, when I press tab multiple times, I dont want it to list the options13:05
AustLawI want it to iterate them13:05
MamarokAustLaw: in the IRC client you mean?13:07
AustLawno, in a terminal13:07
Mamaroknot sure this is possible...13:08
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juanhi everybody13:32
kaddi!hi |juan13:32
ubottujuan: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!13:32
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Guest73540morning, how do i add the add/remove thing for Kubuntu?13:40
Guest73540i only see the software management13:41
=== AlexZion is now known as Alex-Zion
Wild_Catokay, I'm not sure whether this should go on #ubuntu or #kubuntu, so forgive me if it's the wrong chan: what's the minimal set of packages I need to install to get KDE 4 on regular Ubuntu (9.04)?13:44
Wild_Catkubuntu-desktop does the trick, but it pulls way too many extra apps that clutter all my menus with redundant programs13:44
icewindGuest7354:you can use KPackageKit,13:48
Guest73540icewind:  last time i had the add/remove and synaptic but i had to format the hd and its not here anymore, and i don't remember how i got both back then13:49
icewindWild_Cat:there are a few kde metapackages like kdecore13:49
zzillezzhello, i just installed kubuntu 9.04 and added the line to the sources to upgrade to kde 2.4.3 , but what do i need to do next ?13:49
Guest73540icewind:  is there any way to get those back?13:49
icewindGuest73540: if you really don't have a packagemanger you can use a conlole and type "sudo apt-get install synaptic"13:50
Guest73540how about the add/remove13:50
icewindGuest73540:either, adept or  kpackagekit13:52
icewindzzillezz: using command line: "apt-get update", "apt-get upgrade"13:53
zzillezzok, i did apt-get dist-upgrade , is that ok too ?13:53
icewindzzillezz: that only works when there is a new version13:54
icewindof ubuntu13:54
zzillezzthinks the system is updating now, we'll see, thanks icewind :-)13:54
tdnHow do I play video files in Kubuntu 9.04? It appears that Kaffeine is not included?!13:54
icewindzzillezz:no problem13:54
icewindtdn: you can iinstall kmplayer, smplayer, dragon player or something simulair using a package manager13:55
icewindtdn: and you have to make sure you have the restriced extra's installed13:56
tdnicewind, why is no media player included with Kubuntu? What was wrong with Kaffeine? How do I install restricted extras?13:56
icewindtdn: there sould be a media player default installed but I'm not sure wich one13:57
Wild_Cattdn: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras13:57
kyle_whats the package fo Wine and can i play star craft with it?13:57
tdnWhy is Kaffeine not used anymore? Does this not work with KDE 4?13:58
kyle_cis there a game list i can play on wine?13:58
tdnIs Ktorrent not included in Kubuntu 9.04? How do I download torrents?13:59
Wild_Catkyle_: appdb.winehq.org , and yes, Starcraft works.13:59
Wild_Catso do War3 and WoW, for what it's worth.13:59
=== fornix_ is now known as fornix
icewindtdn" just install ktorrent using package manager, or in a terminal: "sudo apt-get install ktorrent"14:00
tdnicewind, ok.14:00
icewindtdn:also, kaffeine still work, I'm not sure if uit uses kde4, but try SMPlayer it's a good media player14:00
tdnicewind, ok.14:02
tdnE: Couldn't find package SMPlayer14:02
BluesKajG'morning folks14:02
icewindtdn: "sudo apt-get install smplayer"14:03
tdnicewind, thanks.14:03
tdnicewind, I did not think package names were case sensitive.14:03
JarvellisHaving upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 i seem to have lost adept, will some equivolent have been installed in its stead?14:04
icewindtdn: in linux almost everything is case sensitive14:05
icewindJarvellis:adept is replaced with KPackageKit in 9.0414:05
Jarvellisicewind: thanks a lot14:05
icewindJarvellis: no problem14:06
Jarvellisicewind: the package list is empty, how do i repopulate it?14:06
tdnAfter upgrading to Kubuntu 9.04 in my Thinkpad T61p with an nVidia Corporation Quadro FX 570M the graphics in X seem very slow compared to 8.04. Should I install a proprietary driver? Is there a GUI tool for this? Or should I just download it from the nvidia.com homepage.14:08
BluesKajJarvellis, you can still install adept using apt-get14:09
zzillezztdn: it's in system > hardware drivers14:09
JarvellisBluesKaj: I think i'll have to, but surely KPackageKit can be made to work?14:09
AceKingDoes anyone know of a webcam software that has motion detection and records video?14:10
tdnI am trying to install yakuake, but I get a segfault in zsh(!): zsh: segmentation fault  apt-get install yakuake14:10
AceKingI tried ZoneMinder, but after install I didn't know how to start it.14:10
icewindJarvellis: if you enter a search the packages will show up14:10
Jarvellisicewind: only it doesn't, i tried that14:11
nejodeJarvellis: I don't know why, but in my default kubuntu 9.04 install synaptic was installed14:11
tdnIt seems that apt-get segfaults....14:11
tdnapt-get dist-upgrade segfaults. How to debug this?14:12
icewindtdn: try a package manger to isntall it14:12
icewindJarvellis: try the filter dropdown menu14:13
tdnicewind, I think it is a problem that apt-get segfaults, and I would very much like to fix it...14:13
icewindJarvellis: ehh, I mean the dropdown menu with all packages on it14:13
Jarvellisicewind: O.K. That worked :-) Odd that it should given i didn't change the option, but great to know, thanks14:14
afeijohello folks14:14
nejodetdn: try sudo aptitude install yakuake14:14
ahmedhi i want to install to share files with windows i installed samba , system-config-samba, samba-common then i try to run samba from start-application-system it wouldnt to run ilike to configure smaba with gui14:14
kyle__do you know if im able to use ripped games with wine?14:14
afeijoI installed this week a new kubuntu 9.04 from the live cd14:14
phil_seagatehello everybody14:14
afeijodont know how but I also have gnome14:14
afeijoand it is the default system to new accts14:14
afeijohow can I change it, or remove gnome?14:14
JarvellisNow i just need to find a replacement for kicker :-)14:14
BluesKajJarvellis , the kpackagekit options aren't what I'm used to in adept and synaptic , so I don't bother with it . Adept works just fine.14:14
icewindkyle_: deppend on the installation method in the rip14:15
tdnnejode, Segmentation faulty tree... 50%14:15
JarvellisBluesKaj: Yeah, but adept seems to have changed drastically also, either way i'll have to learn something new14:15
tdnnejode, I get that with aptitude install yakuake.14:15
icewindafeijo: during login, you have a session menu where you can chose a desktop enviroment14:15
afeijoicewind: yes, I know that.  My parents dont, lol14:16
phil_seagatedoes anybody have information about the bogus behaviour of some seagate free agent external hard-drives? the issue apparently occured in 2007 and i wonder whether this is fixed by now!?14:16
afeijoalso, the login screen dont have any button! Enter works, at least14:16
ahmedjoin #samba14:16
icewindafeijo: if you chose one, the next time it would that next time as default14:16
afeijoicewind: I thought it would be like that, but the next day my girl logged, it loaded gnome!14:16
afeijoI hope today it wont happen14:16
afeijobut hth gnome end up here?14:17
flavia_hi, i got no audio on jaunty, what do I do?14:17
icewindafeijo: proberbly when installing a gnome application, like gparted14:17
AceKingDoes anyone know of a webcam software that has motion detection and records video?14:17
ahmedhi i want to install samba to share files with windows i installed samba , system-config-samba, samba-common then i try to run samba from start-application-system it wouldnt to run ilike to configure smaba with gui14:17
afeijoops, I have gparted14:17
nejodetdn: everybody is going to jump on me for saying this: have you tried rebboting?... ouch!14:18
baseman_hi there. does anybody know, if there is a possibility to integrate kuser in systemsettings?14:18
tdnapt-get check gives me: zsh: segmentation fault  apt-get check14:18
afeijono! I dont have gparted, I did installed during live cd14:18
tdnnejode, no. I have not tried rebooting yet.14:18
icewindafeijo: having both kde and gnome doesn't give probelms, it might have a slight preformance decrease because you use both qt and gtk at the same time14:18
JarvellisOh good, adept doesn't work right either14:19
tdnnejode, I think it seems that my package database is somehow broken and makes apt-get aptitude, etc. segfault.14:19
nejodetdn: die-hard geeks say no, but sometimes rebooting fixes things...14:19
BluesKajwell, I just tried toupdate with kpackage and it crashed so .....14:20
nejodeafeijo: and menus get really cluttered14:20
icewindahmed: if you have everythin installed, right click on a folder in dolphin->properties->share->configure file sharing14:20
tdnnejode, well... I am in the middle of some things that makes it very inconvenient to reboot at this moment. I can reboot in a few hours. But it will be a pain if I cannot install programs for that period.14:21
tdnnejode, also, I have my doubts that reboot will fix a broken package tree.14:21
nejodetdn: sure man, it's a pain because tou can't use apt-get to reinstall apt-get14:21
afeijofunny that kde is evolving so much and the version 4 is so improved, and gnome freezed in time, erghs14:22
ahmedicewind: it say u need authorised to share folder14:22
afeijoif I join #ubuntu and call gnome ugly will I be kicked?14:23
tdnnejode, I don't that that would help, to reinstall apt-get.14:23
icewindahmed:close dolpin, in a console: "sudo dolphin" and try it again14:23
tdnnejode, it is not apt-get that is broken, because aptitude also segfaults. So it must be the data that apt-get and aptitude reads.14:23
icewindtdn: try "dpkg-reconfigure"14:23
superboyhow do i remove itunes from the command-line14:23
tdnicewind, which package?14:24
BluesKajafeijo, it's a ,matter of taste , some ppl like gnome and it does have a lot of fans14:24
icewindtdn: just type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure" in a consolre14:24
afeijoBluesKaj: of course ;)14:24
icewindsuperboy: did you installed it using apt/packagemanager14:25
Jarvellistdn: have you tried "sudo apt-get -f"?14:25
afeijoI dont remember who suggested me this week to use dpkg-reconfigure, but after that, I lost keyboard and mouse :( I had to reinstall the whole distro14:25
nejodetdn:how about renaming /var/cache/apt directory and trying apt-get again14:25
tdnicewind, it needs a packge to reconfigure.14:25
tdnJarvellis, yes. Segfaults.14:25
ahmedicewind: same errore14:25
tdnnejode, good idea. Tries.14:25
icewindtdn: try "dpkg-reconfigure -a"14:25
tdnicewind, E: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing.14:26
tdnicewind, sorry. That was for nejode.14:26
tdnnejode, E: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing.14:26
nejodeicewind: that's a pain man... it reconfigures everything!14:26
basyhi, my KDE 3.5... works OK and i want to install KDE4 and use both, optimal choice one in grub loader, how to do this?14:26
superboyhow do i remove itunes from the command-line? its under wine14:26
tdnicewind, trying -a14:27
icewindnejode: yes, but it fixes a lot of problem14:27
superboyice wind would it show if its under wine?14:27
icewindsuperboy: in the wine menu, there is a unistall wine software or something simulair14:28
tdnicewind, but something is clearly wrong somewhere. My system shouldn't be foobar already. It is a clean install. Only a few hours old.14:28
superboytheres a uninstall wine14:29
icewindbasy: I don't think you can have both 3 and 4 installed on the same linux installation, but you can install kubuntu 8.04 besides 9.0414:29
nejodetdn: if you "sudo mv /var/cache/apt /var/cache/apt-bak" you get the missing #partial error?14:30
icewindsuperboy: in a console "wine uninstaller"14:30
basyicewind: so best for me is install new Kubuntu with KDE4 on new patriotion ?14:30
icewindbasy: what kde do you use now?14:31
basykde 3.514:31
tdnnejode, yes.14:31
icewindbasy: then I think the easiest way is to install kubuntu 9.04 desides you current one14:31
Tolucanhi there ... I've got a problem here ... tried some tweeking (amdcccd&system settings) and while doing so my reboot and shutdown buttons just disappeared o.O14:31
AustLawis there some way to make a termal iterate threw autocomplete matches when tab is pressed multiple times, rather than list matches?14:32
basyicewind: thanks14:32
ahmedicewind: same errore14:33
icewindahmed:for samba settings: in system settings->advanced->samba settings14:33
=== peter_ is now known as vital
icewindTolucan:system settings->advanced->session manager and make sure "Offer shutdown options" is enabled14:34
ahmedicewind: i dont find samba setting in system setting- advanced14:34
icewindahmen: then you proberbly need to install some packages14:35
Tolucanthanks! :-)14:35
ahmedicewind: what i have to install??14:35
baseman_as we all know (I hope so) the Kubuntu translations are not that good. I thought I could help a little a bit. When going on launchpad there are always a suggestions for that particular string. My question: When do these suggestions appear in Kubuntu?14:35
icewindahmed: you have "kdenetwork-filesharing" installed?14:36
Tolucanand I had to replace the network-manager with wicd ... is there a status-symbol like the one from network-manager?14:36
nejodetdn: still having fun with the dpkg-reconfigure "everything"?14:36
ahmedicewind: i installed it now what i have to do theen14:38
icewindahmed: try thw system settigns again14:39
tdnnejode, yes. And it *is* a pain.14:39
ahmedicewind: i found it now i run it and when it asked about pass i entered the root pass then nothing happened14:40
tdnI think I am going to reinstall 8.04. This is horrible!14:41
nejodetdn: I said those same words yesterday!14:42
nejodetdn: and the cause of 2 days of suffering was: THE KEYBOARD14:43
ahmedicewind: i found it now i run it and when it asked about pass i entered the root pass then nothing happened14:43
tdnnejode, it is beyond me, why the people behind Kubuntu decided that KDE 4 is ready for use. I am lacking words for this.14:44
tdnnejode, did you go back to 8.04?14:44
nejodetdn: I was using kubuntu since breezy...14:45
zzillezzwhy do i keep losing my desktop icons in windows 7  when i install any linux distribution ? :-)14:45
nejode...up to hardy14:45
nejode...skipped intrepid )used gnome=14:46
nejode... and began trying jaunty a couple of days ago14:46
nejode... man ...what a mess!14:47
kaddibecause win7 ist still rc and still unstable? :p14:47
nejodebut I got it streightened out now14:47
baseman_it's not mess14:48
baseman_i think they are on the right way14:48
nejode"but I got it streightened out now"14:48
tdnbaseman_, I can tell you that it is a mess right here.14:49
zzillezzwell, that might be, but it would be weird if i'm the only one havind this problem, kaddi14:49
ahmedicewind: i found it now i run it and when it asked about pass i entered the root pass then nothing happened14:49
baseman_nejode, I had absolutely no problems14:49
nejodebaseman_: I'm using kubuntu 9.04 right now14:49
baseman_me too14:49
nejodebaseman_: not all hardware is nthe same14:50
nejodeI have a ati Xpress200 in this machine....14:50
baseman_nejode, that's right! It runs on my brand new imac and on my laptop14:50
nejodeand have to use the default ati driver14:51
ahmedicewind: i found it now i run it and when it asked about pass i entered the root pass then nothing happened14:51
baseman_Yup, me too. But that's actually not a problem of Kubuntu. That's the fu**** thing, that ATI has put the support for some cards on legavy support14:51
BluesKajnejode, do you have 3d and DR ?14:51
nejodeBaseman_: I was having many probls with 9.04... until I found out my keyboard was the offender14:52
baseman_nejode: really??? Wow, that is unbelievable! What were your problems?14:53
nejodeBluesKay: I have Kwin 3d effects... kinda slow14:53
nejodebaseman_: sometimes X wouldn't start...14:54
nejode... sometimes copy wouldn't work14:54
nejode...sometimes my harddisks wouldn't be found14:55
baseman_And now it's working?14:55
nejode...problems with disks UUID's14:55
nejodebaseman_: working fine now...a little slow on desktop drawing14:56
tdnicewind, nejode: dpkg-reconfigure -a worked.14:57
nejodetdn: great man!14:57
baseman_nejode: yes, i have some drawing errors with the radeon driver since the propriertary driver does not work with X-Server 1.6 and my Mobility X60014:57
nejodetdn: icewind was right... it's a pain but it works!14:58
nejodebaseman_: well ati is ati :-(14:59
robin0800baseman_: have you tried tweaking your xorg conf file?14:59
baseman_nejode: yup. But they actually did some great work not long ago14:59
ahmedi cannt run system setting - advanced - Samba it try to tun it it ask for password i enter root pass then nothing hAPPENED14:59
nejodebaseman_: I read that if you dowgrade your xorg xserver to 2.4 you can use the 9.3 driver15:00
baseman_robin0800: the xorg.conf is a mystery for me. I don't know where to touch it15:00
robin0800ahmed try a reboot?15:01
baseman_nejode: the downgrade is hell, or not?15:01
nejodebaseman_: mixed opinions about that15:01
ahmedrobin0800: i did it nothing happened15:01
robin0800baseman_: look in xorg log for anything that may be disabled15:02
icewindahmed:maybe you're missing some other packages15:02
baseman_robin0800: thank you for that tip15:02
nejodebaseman_: ther's supposed to be a PPA repository with bleeding-edge video drivers15:03
nejode...give me a minute to give you the link15:03
ahmedicewind: like what?15:03
icewindahmed:try searching for samba in a package manager and install everyting that sounds important15:03
robin0800ahmed:  you need file sharing installed15:03
baseman_nejode: but they surely are not very stable15:04
totixHow can I make USB devices accessible to every user? Currently I need to do chmod 777 /dev/bus/usb/*/* or run my app as root. I'm running kubuntu 8.0415:04
baseman_robin0800: my xorg.conf is empty (default settting)15:05
icewindahmed: not sure, things like samba, samba-tool, samba-common,15:05
nejodebaseman_: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/graphic-video-drivers-ubuntu-repository.html15:05
robin0800baseman_: yes it will be!15:05
fossili got 2 hard drives is it possible to setup the second for an ubuntu install adn still beable to keep my windows install on the first disk15:07
ahmedicewind:i installed samba samba-tools samba-common  system-samba-config15:07
fossila dule boot15:07
baseman_nejode: thank you! That is great15:07
nejodebaseman_: be carefull though15:08
baseman_nejode: Did you make bad experience?15:08
ahmedicewind: what else to install???15:08
nejodebaseman_: no yet man... I'll begin to sufer tomorrow15:09
baseman_nejode: why suffer?15:09
icewindfossil: yes during kubuntu installation, chose for use entire disk, and chose the one not used by windows (proberbly the seccond)15:09
nejodebaseman_: murphy's law15:09
fossilok but is the first disk still bootable adn (fyi they are to PYSICAL harddrives15:10
baseman_nejode: alright15:10
fossili cant raid them15:11
nejodebaseman_: right now everything is working fine (a little bit slow)15:11
icewindfossil: the installer will detect your windows disk and add it to the bootloader15:11
nejode...and I'll still leave ubuntu 8.10 in my laptop for a while15:11
icewindahmed: I don't know15:12
baseman_nejode: I'll try it15:12
fossilwell ill back up and try15:12
baseman_nejode: thank you so far15:12
nejodebaseman_: we've got an install-fest on the 23rd of this month...15:12
fossilcan you doit in wubi since i run wubi at the moment15:13
nejode... and I don't want to screwup the laptop just yet15:13
icewindfossil: I don't now, never used wubi15:13
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fossilanother thing dose anyone have advice on how to go about fixing this?15:15
baseman_nejode: and what will be done on that fest?15:15
fossili have a hd dvdr-rw  cd-r rw and it nolonger runs in windows but in linux it works just fine15:15
fossilfu... MS15:16
fossili read online that theres an error on the registry15:16
fossilVISTA home prem15:16
RootRayhello, what is the maximum amount of hardware RAM that linux can support?15:16
nejodebaseman_: we had a big install-fest last month: Festval Latinoamericano de Instalacion de Software Libre...15:17
baseman_haha: the registry. Sh++15:17
Guest80895depends on the version15:17
icewindRootRay: 32 bits: 4 GiB, 64 bits: something like 16.000. TiB15:17
Guest8089564 bit though.. more than you can put on most desktop PCs i think ;)15:17
fossilRootRay: that is a good question15:17
robin0800ahmed you need kde file-sharing15:17
=== Guest80895 is now known as faileas
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nejodebaseman_: and this is a continuation to bring back the new converts15:17
baseman_nejode: I come from Europe =)15:17
RootRayi heard you can use PAE with linux 32bit to address more ram15:17
RootRayhow can you turn this PAE feature on in Linux?15:18
icewindRootRay: origanal you could only have 2GiB ram, with PAE 4GiB15:18
RootRayanyone has any experience15:18
nejodebaseman_: Caracas, Venezuela15:18
RootRayin that case wouldnt it be nice to have PAE in every linux 32 installation15:19
baseman_nejode: great! My sister lives in Santiago de Chile15:19
ahmedrobin0800: how to install it?15:19
nejodebaseman_: kinda far from here though... about 5000 Ktms15:20
icewindRootRay: I think ever modern OS has PAE default15:20
RootRaytodays ram at 4gb max is ridiculously very low, the ratio to hard disk size is like 1 to 10015:20
baseman_nejode: yes I know. But it's America =)15:20
RootRaytoo much page swapping, when all that is needed is a just a few more gb of memory which is very cheap nowadays to add15:21
lago^bluehey... i got problem with my notebook and establishing the wlan-connection (JJ), while the wlan works great with my desktop here with which i'm writing with atm... any ideas? (II)15:21
lago^bluethe notebook recognizes the connection point15:21
lago^bluebut wont connect15:22
ahmedrobin0800: i already have kdenetwork-filesharing installed15:22
baseman_lago^blue: hey! My problem was KWallet15:22
icewindRootRay:never mind, I confused PAE with something different, PAE support up to 64 GiB15:22
RootRayyes, how do you turn this PAE feature in linux15:23
nejodebaseman_, tdm, icewind: nice talking to you guys, i'll be going..15:23
lago^bluebaseman_: Kwallet? could you tell me sth. more specific plz?15:23
icewindbye nejode15:23
baseman_nejode: yes, seems like here's a communtiy =)! Bye.15:23
lago^bluei'm not so used to kde actually15:24
faileasRootRay: PAE has lower performance than 64 bit tho15:24
faileasso it makes more sense to have a 64 bit OS15:25
icewindRootRay: you would also need a kernel with pae enabled15:25
baseman_lago^blue: KWallet is a program that safely stores passwords. You can also store your wpa-key there. In my case KNetworkManager had a problem getting the stored password. So i completely killed everthiny in there and now it works fine.15:25
BCMMafter upgrading to jaunty, kde is in french. any idea why?15:26
RootRayso that means that I would have to recompile the kernel to turn on this PAE feature, right?15:26
RootRayso that means that I would have to recompile the kernel to turn on this PAE feature, right?15:26
icewindRootRay: I think so, or you will have to find a prebuild kernel with pae15:26
icewindRootRay: but it would be a pain to get it working15:26
RootRayand the motherboard and hardware devices would need to support PAE too15:27
RootRaywhich is not always the case with some computers15:27
RootRayso 64 bit seems the way to go15:27
PhilRodBCMM: have you tried changing it in system settings -> regional and lang?15:28
icewindRootRay: It seems the ubuntu server kernel supports PAE, but it would require some configuring to use the server kernel in a excisting desktop system15:28
BCMMPhilRod, yes, removed all reference to french, but some thigns are still in french15:28
BCMMPhilRod, french was one of the available languages before the upgrade, for spellchecking, but not random bits of the interface are in french15:29
PhilRodBCMM: I've had an issue like this (years ago). I suspect that what happens is that some apps write things into the config files in the current language15:29
m477how can i run folder view like desktop on kd 4.2 ( widget) on gnome ?15:29
PhilRodcan you give an example of something that's in french? I might be able to test my theory15:29
icewindm477: click on the litle weird button in the top-right corner of the desktop, chose appearanse settings15:31
icewindm477: and for type, chose folder view15:32
m477icewind: im on 9.0415:33
m477icewind: there are other options15:33
icewindm477:it should work in 9.0415:34
m477icewind: but u know that im on gnome ?15:34
icewindm477:then I can't help you, I never used gnome15:35
m477icewind: on top right corner i got button to reset log out etc.15:35
PhilRodm477: #gnome or #ubuntu would probably be better places to ask15:35
icewindm477:yeah, I thougt you were using kde15:36
odlahow can i change the theme in firefox to something like clearlooks?15:36
bhnai installd the dmz-black mouse cursor theme, bad there is nodmz in systemsettings. is there any trick?15:37
icewindodla: themes in firefox are used by installing addons, try the mozzila addon site and search for themes15:37
odlaicewind: i thought i need to change the gtk theme somehow in systemsettings?15:37
icewindodla:if you use a firefox theme it will overide the gtk theme15:38
lago^bluebaseman_: you were right, tyvm!15:39
Jack8899I need to kill java, how do I do it?15:39
icewindJack8899: alt+f2->show system activity, search for java and chose kill15:40
Jack8899icewind: cool, thanks15:42
icewindJack8899: no problem15:42
Jack8899icewind: Do you know how I instll jdownloader?15:43
icewindmake mrproper15:43
icewindehh, wrong clipboar15:43
icewindJack8899: sorry, no15:44
Jack8899Dow anyone know how I can install jdownloader? Ithas a jd,sh file but I don't know what to do with it15:45
odlawill 4.2.3 hit 9.04?15:45
millunhi, anybody got experience with unixODBC?15:45
icewindodla: there's a PPA with 4.2.3 for 9.0415:48
odlaicewind: i know i'm curious if it's worth updating ... i get a few crashes here and there but nothing serious15:48
odlaalso i'm glad that kubuntu stuck with the upstream artwork ...it's very nice15:49
MediocreHippie_Whipper: OHA15:51
MediocreHippieshow me what you can do15:51
MediocreHippiestep into the circle15:51
AceKingAnyone know the best program to use for video ipods?15:55
AceKingAnyone know the best program to use for video ipods?16:04
nodeserthello, i just installed kde4 but panel is crashed and i can not bring it back?do you know how can i fix this16:06
aloneawith the upgrade some of my programs have seemed to have lost their icon sets? Ex: Open Office.16:07
aloneaAny idea what the missing packages might be?16:08
icewindnodesert: alt+f2, plasma16:10
steve_Can I set a shortcut key to open a terminal?16:12
icewindsteve_:install yuake, then you can press F12 (or you can configure something else) to show a terminal16:15
podecoethooray! the issues with twinview are solved in 9.0416:16
podecoethopefully installing compiz doesn't break everything now16:16
steve_icewind, typo? Is that the quake-style drop-down thing? I'd prefer a normal window opens16:17
steve_that way I can have many of them16:17
aloneaok, I got icons in open office, but the menu's are still all the ugly blocky gray. What is going on? is it something with gtk or what?16:18
ign0ramusalonea, you're missing a package... i'm looking for the correct one16:19
aloneaign0ramus: thanks! is it gtk related? I got a style installed for open office, so I don't think its that, or is it?16:20
ign0ramusalonea, actually, i'm not sure if OOo is gtk, but it sure as heck ain't Qt16:21
ign0ramusalonea, oh, so all your icons and everything are there, just the menu's look gtk-ish?16:21
aloneaign0ramus: I dunno, I think someone told me once that it was or something rather. well, the icons were not there when I did humane style, so I tried crystal style and the icons are there, but the menus look like blocky windows 95 gray16:22
ign0ramusalonea, do you have the 'gtk-qt-engine' package intalled?16:23
aloneaign0ramus: let me check16:23
aloneaign0ramus: nope, let me try.16:24
ign0ramusalonea, once that is installed, go to System Settings, and you should now have the old "gtk styles and fonts" option available again.16:24
aloneaign0ramus: ok, lets see...16:26
podecoetKubuntu 9.04 = pure win. Everything now works flawlessly!16:26
aloneapodecoet: much better than before, still got graphical issues, but thats more intels fault...16:27
steve_Can I set a keyboard shortcut to open a console?16:27
ign0ramusalonea, also, i would recommend installing "gtk2-engines-qtcurve" and "kde-style-qtcurve"...16:27
aloneaign0ramus: ok, will do. wonder how they got uninstalled...probably got messed up in upgrade16:27
podecoetalonea: I had 8.04 which worked fine aside from random X crashes... moved to 8.10, absolute hell16:27
ign0ramusalonea, then set gtk apps to use Qtcurve... you'll have to restart X to see changes, but it is worth it16:27
AustLawwhen a package is installed from the package manager, is there a typical way to configure it?16:27
ign0ramusAustLaw, "<packagename> --help" will usually tell you16:28
aloneaign0ramus: ok, lemme restart X. brb16:31
ign0ramusalonea, k16:31
AustLawso I guess you always just have to go digging around :/16:32
ign0ramusAustLaw, every app is different as far as configuration goes... it's good to read!16:33
superboyhow could i add freshmeat.net as a repo??16:33
AustLawits nice to know where to start reading16:33
superboyhow could i add freshmeat.net as a repo??16:34
ign0ramussuperboy, you want to add an entire site as a repo?16:35
superboyum i dont know could i16:38
mittmormonwhy does kubuntu stuff have to suck?  Backtrack 3's wireless works on my dads laptop, but not Jaunty.  Firefox is crappier than windows's firefox becuase youtube gets skippy after firefox has been running for a few hours.16:38
eagles0513875superboy: you cant you need to find the link to the specific repository you would like to add16:38
eagles0513875!ohmy | mittmormon16:38
ubottumittmormon: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.16:38
eagles0513875whats wrong with firefox its fine for me here16:38
superboyoh so i i wanted to add vlc how do i do that?16:38
eagles0513875superboy: its already in kubuntu repo type sudo apt-get install vlc16:39
superboyhow bout berlyn??16:40
shashucan anybody tell me different keyboard shortcuts for Kubuntu?16:42
AceKingDoes anyone know if there is an ipod program for the video ipod?16:43
ign0ramusshashu, look at Input Actions in System Settings.  Make as many keyboard shortcuts as you want16:44
superboyhow do i instal beryl?16:44
shashuthanks a lot16:44
shashuI'll try16:44
Eruaran!compiz superboy16:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz superboy16:45
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion16:45
ign0ramussuperboy, i don't even think beryl has been updated for years now16:45
Eruaransuperboy, you may be thinking of Compiz Fusion, but KDE doesn't need Compiz.16:46
helenalguien que hable en castellano?16:46
AceKingAnyone own an Ipod Video? How do you load your videos onto it?16:47
* Eruaran doesn't own an ipod16:47
helentengo problemas con el amsn, desde la actualización del ubutu 9.0416:47
ign0ramus!es | helen16:48
ubottuhelen: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:48
griseldahola helen16:48
AustLawis there some way to make the prompt and input text in konsole a different color?16:56
joaquinzhi everyone!16:57
joaquinzi've trouble with jaunty and strigi in kde 4.2... it doesn'tw work ive tried changing the backend from redladn to sesame2 but it didn't work...16:57
joaquinzdoes anybody know how to use a backend called virtuoso or something like that?16:58
mittmormonwhy does kubuntu stuff never work?  Backtrack 3's wireless works on my dads laptop, but not Jaunty.  Firefox is crappier than windows's firefox becuase youtube gets skippy after firefox has been running for a few hours.17:03
astrommejoaquinz: the virtuoso backend isn't ready yet17:03
astrommejoaquinz: I'm not sure if sesame2 is packaged with kubuntu17:03
astrommejoaquinz: If it isn't, then the strigi <--> nepomuk stuff will not work well17:04
joaquinzsesame2 is packaged and i've installed it, but it didn't work... i know that virtuoso isn't ready yet but i want to use it from source code if its neccesary17:05
astrommeAustLaw: Yes, edit your profile (settings -> manage profiles) and look at the Appearance tab17:05
william_is therer a way to upgrade my KDE to to KDE 4.....?17:05
AustLawI dont see an option for it17:05
astrommemittmormon: The Kubuntu network manager plasmoid is taken from kde svn, some things aren't working :(17:05
JontheEchidnasesame backend is installable. It should prompt you when you go to System Settings -> Desktop Search17:06
susbwoymittmormon: I'm pretty sure the release notes for 9.04 state that you cant connect to WPA2 networks using the plasmoid/kubuntu. It's a pain :(17:06
ign0ramusthere's always wicd, which is now in the repos17:07
mittmormonkubuntu sucks.  are there any other distros with working wifi ?17:08
mittmormonit's not like you can install backtrack to the hard drive17:08
mittmormonnot painlessly that is.17:08
mittmormonwhats plasmoid kubuntu ?17:09
ign0ramusmittmormon, it kind of depends on your card... did you ever try reading the documentation?17:09
astrommemittmormon: but the upstream plasmoid is working better now. I installed it from kde svn and it connects to my complex WPA2 enterprise network17:09
mittmormonign0ramus: what documentation?17:10
mittmormonwhy doesent simple stuff "just work" ?  i thought thats what kubuntu is about.17:10
susbwoymittmormon: if you can get onto the net without wireless, download another network manager and your wireless should be able to connect17:10
mittmormonfor human n00bs17:10
mittmormonsusbwoy: you mean knetworkmanager ?17:10
mittmormonthats what i have been using17:10
ign0ramusmittmormon, release notes.  most of it depends on how nicely the manufacturers play with FOSS17:10
mittmormoni hate reading.  it plays nicely with backtrack 317:11
curiouscuzi have'nt had any major issues with kubuntu17:11
astrommeAustLaw: Settings -> Manage Profiles -> Edit profile -> Appearance tab -> Edit on the right -> change whatever colors you want17:11
AustLawI was hoping to change just the promt and input text color17:11
astrommemittmormon: are you using knetworkmanager or the network manager plasmoid?17:11
astrommeAustLaw: so edit the currently selected one17:11
mittmormoni was using knetworkmanager17:11
ign0ramusmittmormon, ubuntu and derivatives take a very free (libre) stance on drivers, codecs, etc.  Other distros (like Mint) don't care about that stuff and include it all by default.  For someone new, you may want to explore that possibility17:12
astrommemittmormon: oh, I've never had luck with knetworkmanager17:12
mittmormonwhat is teh package name for this plasmoid ?17:12
curiouscuzworks flawlessly with my hardware... installed on a partition on my laptop besides Vista, and I have not booted into Vista since Jaunty release17:12
astrommemittmormon: It's on jaunty, installed by default17:12
mittmormoni was testing with jaunty but as a live cd17:12
AustLawastrolite: is there a way to set the prompt color?17:12
astrommemittmormon: if you upgraded from an earlier ubuntu, you can add it to your desktop through the normal add widgets dialog17:12
astrommeor your panel17:13
mittmormonwhat about apt-get ?17:13
ign0ramusAustLaw, that question was already answered.  It's in Settings>Edit Current Profile17:13
astrommeAustLaw: I've told you how man...17:13
mittmormoni'll run apt-cache search plamoid17:13
astrommeyou'll get a log17:13
astrommesudo apt-get install plasma-widget-network-manager? something like that17:13
AustLawI am looking at the dialog, I see no option to change JUST the prompt and input text color17:13
astrommeI'm not on kubuntu at the moment17:13
* astromme has to go. Sorry17:14
ign0ramusAustLaw, its right there in the "Appearance" tab17:14
mittmormonapt-get install plasmoid-wifi17:14
AustLawwhat, where?17:14
curiouscuzmittmormon: try apt-get install network-manager17:15
ign0ramusAustLaw, dude, are you reading any answers to your questions?  Settings>Edit Current Profile>Appearance17:15
mittmormoni already have network-manager17:15
mittmormonhow do i run it ?17:15
AustLawdude, I am looking at that window..obviously17:15
AustLawis anyone reading the question? lol17:15
AustLawI dont want to change "black" to "red"17:16
AustLawI was wondering if there was a way to change just the "prompt" and "input" text17:16
curiouscuzmittmormon: install plasmoid widget for "Network Management"17:16
ign0ramusAustLaw, that you can edit in ~/.bashrc17:17
mittmormonign0ramus: under add widgets > install new widgets ?17:18
ign0ramusmittmormon, i don't understand you... what is the full question?17:19
mittmormoncuriouscuz: under add widgets > install new widgets ?17:19
mittmormonmy bad17:19
curiouscuzmittmormon: go to http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release and Search "Network Managment" for instructions17:19
mittmormonohok thanx17:19
william_hello yall17:20
AustLawworked, thanks :)17:20
mittmormontf?  there's no search box.17:21
ign0ramusAustLaw, np.  sorry about the miscommunication ;)17:21
ign0ramusAustLaw, kind of weird, though... i have mine set to 'blue' and prompt text is green... whatever though :P17:22
william_Is Kubuntu just the KDE version of Ubuntu?17:22
ign0ramuswilliam_, yes17:22
AustLawyeah I just uncommented the force-colored line or whatever..it made it green17:22
william_I think I have transformed my Ubuntu to Kubuntu17:23
william_ign0ramus, Konveresation connected me to this channel17:23
susbwoyHi, i've got a case where i have around 40+ rar files in a format of .part01.rar .part02.rar  etc, and each rar has an average of 10 files in them, going from AtoZ .part01.rar to .part40.rar. How am i able to extract all the files at once without having to go through each rar? Can i do this with ark?17:24
AceKingWilliam_: You should be able to just extract the first file in the series17:24
curiouscuzsusbwoy: I ran into that situation once. didn't have time to research so installed WinRar over wine and that helped17:24
susbwoycuriouscuz: it's nearly at that point :P17:25
curiouscuzsusbwoy: i feel you pain17:26
ign0ramussorry... battery died on me17:26
jarleWhat is the recommended audio system to use in kubuntu 9.04, is it pulseaudio or is it ALSA?17:28
AceKingDoes anyone know of a webcam motion detector program that records video?17:29
ign0ramusAceKing, check 'zoneminder'17:31
jarleAceKing: http://www.zoneminder.com/17:31
AceKingign0ramus: I installed that one but I couldn't it after install17:32
ign0ramusAceKing, couldn't what?  the whole thing?17:32
susbwoycuriouscuz: beautiful. the program 'rar' did it nicely. rar x *.part01.rar17:32
curiouscuzanyone figured out resolution for webcam issue with kopete and skype?17:33
susbwoycuriouscuz: so you know for future reference17:33
curiouscuzsusbwoy: thanks17:33
AceKingign0ramus: after I installed it I looked for it in the menu and it wasn't there.. I did a 'which ZoneMinder' and had no luck with that either17:34
draikHello everyone. How can I watch video through TTY/konsole/terminal?17:34
ign0ramusAceKing, did you try lowercase?17:34
ign0ramussup draik17:34
AceKingign0ramus: yes17:34
ign0ramusAceKing, "locate zoneminder"17:35
draikign0ramus: Hey there. I'm using irssi on my server edition of 9.04.17:35
ign0ramusAceKing, should be in /usr/bin17:35
AceKingign0ramus: ok, I'll try that17:35
ign0ramusdraik, sweet - headless?17:35
draikign0ramus: headless?17:35
ign0ramusdraik, nvm. i misunderstood :P17:36
draikign0ramus: sever, huh?17:36
ign0ramusdraik, what are you doing with your server?17:36
draikign0ramus: Nothing at all really. I'm just going to end up using it as my storage for pix, docs and music. Then, I can pull it as necessary from the desktop or laptop.17:37
ign0ramusdraik, nice.  which box do you have this on?17:37
draikI'm on the server right now using irssi.17:38
draikThe desktop is off right now.17:38
ign0ramusyou installed server edition on one of the laptops?17:39
ign0ramusdraik, apparently, you can watch video in terminal using mplayer17:40
draikign0ramus: Nope. I worked on someone's computer and they called me back later thanking me and offered me another desktop that they don't need. It was given to me as gratitude (he saw my collection at home) and gifted it to me. Not bad to be honest. 1.8GHz P4 with 1GB RAM and 80GB HDD.17:40
ign0ramusif it's free, it's for me :)17:41
ign0ramusdraik: "sudo mplayer -vo svga -ao sdl _____.avi"17:41
draikign0ramus: I turned it down at first, but then thought about how I've been wanting to build a server so that I can have something to play with, so I called him back up a day or two later to ask for it if it was not given away elsewhere.17:42
ign0ramusdraik, NEVER turn down free electronics (especially if they are in working condition)!17:42
ign0ramusplus now you have what, 5 or 6 computers?17:42
AceKingign0ramus: I found where zoneminder is located but when I click on it it says... ZoneMinder is an executable text file.. I clicked 'Run' and it does nothing17:43
draikHe didn't just give me the tower itself (as expected). He gave me the keyboard, 18" viewable monitor and an external USB 4-port hub.17:44
shashucan someone please tell me what Cntrl + Alt + F4 does in Kubuntu?17:44
draikign0ramus: The count is at 5 right now17:44
ign0ramusdraik, you're a geek.17:45
draikshashu: It takes you to TTY417:45
shashuwhat is that?17:45
ign0ramusAceKing, i don't personally know much about it, just enough to tell you what it's for... here's an ubuntu HOWTO (it's a bit dated, but the commands should still be the same)... http://www.howtoforge.com/video_surveillance_zoneminder_ubuntu17:45
shashuI'm an amateur17:45
draikshashu: Imagine konsole without a border or close buttons. It's just command line entry.17:46
shashuso how do you get out of it?17:46
draikign0ramus: I get a few hook-ups from time to time.17:46
AceKingign0ramus: thanks for your help17:46
curiouscuzCTRL + ALT + F717:46
shashuI thought I got into trouble17:46
shashuand tried many things17:46
ign0ramusAceKing, np bro17:46
draikshashu: F1-F6 are TTY and F7-F12 are GUI17:46
shashuoh cool17:46
shashucan I try17:46
draikYou can do it at any time17:46
ign0ramusdraik, i was helping someone install an nvidia driver, but X could not be running... i had them boot into a root shell.  When dropping into TTY, does that effectively kill X, or is it still running?17:47
draikign0ramus: I got a great hook-up recently with my car's rims. Turns out that model won't be made for another 30 days. It wasn't announced (publicly) or put in any form of finding it online, but I ordered them and didn't realize they weren't even machined yet.17:48
shashuthanks a lot17:48
shashuits exciting17:48
ign0ramusdraik, will need pics.17:48
shashuand scary17:48
draikign0ramus: I don't recall. I do believe it is killed.17:48
curiouscuzshashu: use that trick on family and friends you dont want on you computer :P17:49
ign0ramusdraik, i wasn't sure either, so i just had the kid reboot, but a ctrl+alt+f1 would have been much quicker17:49
draikign0ramus: 'htop' and 'F9 => 9' the X process to be sure.17:49
ign0ramusdraik, and then just "startx" when finished?17:49
draikDoing CTRL+ALT+F1 won't always kill X. You're just telling the system to put you in TTY1 when you do that.17:49
ign0ramusshould have thought of that, but the root shell in recovery kernel option is so easy17:49
ign0ramusdraik, that's what i suspected17:50
=== lisa__ is now known as cyd
draikign0ramus: Something you may or may not know, if I go from TTY1 to TTY2 right now, TTY2 stays active even if I don't login.17:50
ign0ramusdraik, that doesn't sound very secure17:51
ign0ramusi guess for most purposes, it won't matter, though17:51
draikign0ramus: I don't see it as an issue. If I launch TTY2, then go to my GUI (on my desktop), during shutdown in the GUI, I will be informed of all TTY's which were made active. Even those which I didn't login.17:52
ign0ramusdraik, i see what you're saying... that's actually pretty handy17:53
draikign0ramus: Well, breakfast is ready. Then I have to head off to work. I'll TTYL (in about 2 weeks). Going on a trip this upcoming weekend.17:53
curiouscuzanyone figured out resolution for webcam issue with kopete and skype?17:53
ign0ramusdraik, good luck bro. see you around17:53
draikign0ramus: Likewise.17:53
DragnslcrThe repository has the latest version of Flash, right?17:55
sigma_zadoes anyone know if the compro k200 remote works with mythtv / lirc?18:04
=== ubuntu is now known as MDxe
MDxeanyone around? :18:10
MDxeI installed mandriva, and it has corrupted my partition table. I assume this is a common linux thing?18:12
MDxewondering how I can fix this18:12
xjjkMDxe: it's not a common Linux thing...18:13
xjjkwhat do you mean corrupted?18:13
MDxeI get a disc boot failure18:13
bdizzleI recently upgraded my laptop to 9.04 and for some reason, regardless of the level of volume, the startup music plays18:14
raysterdid you install it expecting to be able to dual boot with windows?18:15
bdizzlewhile its playing, I try to lower the volume, and yet the volume of the music stays the same18:15
MDxethis is what i did: i have xp as the main os. I installed mandriva from the live cd, letting it choose the relevent partitions. Set win xp as main os, and rebooted. It booted fine from grub into xp. I went to admin tools, comp managment to see what the partitions looked like.18:15
MDxerebooted and got a disc boot failure18:15
bdizzleI'm also having a problem detecting one of the partitions, where I have about 10 gigs that is unused sadly18:15
bdizzleand unable to be accessed18:16
MDxeputting in the mandriva live disc tells me the partition table is corrupted18:16
MDxethis kubuntu live disc has no partition manager heh18:16
bdizzleuh, shouldn't it through install?18:17
MDxeis there some sort of utility to fix this?18:17
MDxewell I dont want to install it jsut see if this live cd can see it or ifi ts has some util to fix18:18
bdizzleanyone around to help with partitions?18:18
raystercan you boot from a livecd and use grub-install to correct?18:18
bdizzlewow, I'm actually missing two partitions18:22
Dhraakellianhow much does Kubuntu patch KDE?18:28
raysterMDxe this might be helpful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows18:28
deekayhi guys18:29
deekaywell i got a problem18:30
deekayim trying to get my netgear wnda3100 wifi stick to work18:30
deekayand so i installed the compat-wireless package from linuxwireles.org18:30
deekaythose guys in #linux-wireless just told me i gotta upgrade my kernel to 2.6.2918:30
deekayright now i have 2.6.28-1118:30
deekaycan u guys tell me how to upgrade my kernel18:31
coleysdeekay: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?18:31
deekaynothing to upgrade18:31
coleyssudo apt-get update first?18:32
deekaythats what they told me in #linux-wireless18:32
deekay[19:16:14] <NetRolller3D> Oops... you must upgrade your kernel to 2.6.29 to get ar9170, as it needs USB poisoning support.18:32
deekayyeah i've done sudo apt-get update first18:32
MDxesays file not found18:33
deekaythats what i get18:33
deekay0 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert.18:33
bdizzledeekay: try installing wicd, i've found it to be much easier to understand and modify than knetworkmanager18:33
deekaywell i tried wicd once18:33
deekaybut thats not my problem18:33
deekayi first have to get my wifi stick to work18:34
deekayiwconfig says: lo, pan0, eth0 - no wireless extension18:34
coleysdeekay: Whats your stick called?18:34
deekaybut lsusb says: Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0846:9010 NetGear, Inc.18:34
deekaymy stick ist called: Netgear WNDA310018:34
deekaythats the driver i need18:36
deekaybut i dont know how to install that18:36
coleysdeekay: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88552018:36
coleysBrb, restarting!18:37
deekayno way around ndiswrapper?18:39
coleys_deekay: Any luck?18:40
=== coleys_ is now known as coleys
deekaywell thats a solution with ndiswrapper, is there no solution without it?18:41
coleysdeekay: I don't believe so, but I found ndisswrapper drivers to be faster. =p18:42
WazmynWhat's the cli command to see what kernels you have installed?18:42
deekaycat /proc/version18:42
deekaymean this ?18:42
deekaywell then i gotta try it with ndis wrapper18:43
deekayem ndiswrapper :D18:43
coleysWith the gui, it should be pretty simple. I didn't have gui when I had to use ndis :(18:44
Wazmyndeekay I was looking for the command that will tell me all of the options I have installed. I think I need to update grub18:49
=== wolfy is now known as Guest24710
hyper_chanyone knows where I could get Kubuntu stickers from?18:51
deekaywell coleys... im gonna try nativ solutions first and then as my last option ndiswrapper...18:51
deekaybut thanks for that thread-link18:52
deekayokay guys,,, another try18:53
deekayhow do i install kernel version 2.6.29 ?18:53
deekayi have 2.6.28-11 on kubuntu 9.04 and those guys at linux-wireless told me i have to install 2.6.29 for it to work18:53
Guest66251sucks deekay18:54
Guest66251u gotta compile the kernel18:54
hyper_chdeekay: compile it yourself18:54
=== coleys_ is now known as coleys
Guest66251i wish ubuntu had a already compiled vanilla kernel18:55
Guest66251like linux-rt18:55
deekayaha okay and how does that work ?18:55
Guest66251for 2.6.2918:55
=== Guest66251 is now known as triune
hyper_chdeekay: with lots and lots of reading18:55
deekayokay well then ima try it with ndiswrapper...18:55
deekaythe requirements are an already installed driver for that stick under windows and i do have it installed under my win partition18:56
mello_KDE 4.2.3 installed19:03
mello_Performance and stability, nexts19:04
mello_Vanderpool (intel VT), AMD Pacifica, requertment19:04
mello_Virtualization is very pratic system, but VT tecnology requertment19:05
mello_Bad post19:05
Munstermy keyboard and mouse are frozen at the login page , after a jaunty upgrade last night. access to the TTY isn't working either , so i'm using the live cd ..any suggestions how to fix this ?19:05
mello_Where are Ali Tarihi from?19:06
mello_Where is Ali Tarihi from?19:06
mello_My English is bad :)19:06
=== Munster is now known as BluesKaj
exelzurhallo ich habe mal ne frage19:09
exelzurich habe meine festplatten formatiert und habe keine schreibrechte?19:09
exelzurwas muss ich machen19:09
MarcoPauexelzur: ich denke #kubuntu-de19:09
BluesKaj!de | exelzur19:10
ubottuexelzur: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:10
Project-EmeraldI closed thwe widget to see my desktop19:18
Project-EmeraldHow do I get it back?19:18
tdnHow do I get GTK programs to look like QT programs in Kubuntu 9.04?19:21
kyle_Why must i kill people in gta 2 through wine?19:22
Dhraakellian tdn: gtk-qt-engine19:23
Dhraakellianand, according to a quick apt search, it looks like it should be the qt4 one19:23
czarekhi all19:24
czarekis there someone from kdewebdev team?19:25
tdnHow do I install Katapult in Kubuntu 9.04?19:25
tdnOr are there a newer alternative to Katapuklt in KDE4?19:26
Project-EmeraldI closed thwe widget to see my desktop19:27
Project-EmeraldLike, the big desktop where everything saves19:27
Project-EmeraldHow do I get it back?19:27
dwidmanntdn: krunner has absorbed much of katapult's functionality, use it with alt+f2 (key combo can be changed)19:28
armadill0Does skype work for anyone with 9.04?  It's not working for me.19:29
dwidmannProject-Emerald: I don't think the desktop itself can be removed ... try restarting plasma (in a terminal) kquitapp plasma && sleep 5 && plasma19:29
jussi01armadill0: works fine here19:29
tdndwidmann, ah crap. I liked Katapult. I liked having BOTH the runner and katapult. Used them for different things.19:29
czarekDhraakellian: I have gtk-qt-engine installed, but still GTK apps looks like GTK apps... eg. Firefox or Synaptic19:30
jussi01armadill0: installed from medibuntu19:30
Dhraakellianczarek: change your gtk theme to it?19:30
dwidmanntdn: I was traumatized as well ... still miss a couple of katapult's features19:30
carpiii made the mistake of installing 9.04 on a laptop i took away this weekend19:30
armadill0jussi01: yeah so did I.  You are using kubuntu right?  For reasons I don't understand, I've seen some discussion implying skype works fine for gnome users.19:30
carpiiits just unusable19:30
Project-Emeraldkquitapp plasma && sleep 5 && plasma19:31
Project-Emerald<unknown program name>(17435)/ checkComposite: Plasma has an argb visual 0x83fbc78 6501171319:31
Project-Emerald<unknown program name>(17435)/ checkComposite: Plasma is COMPOSITE-less on 0x83f1f6819:31
Project-Emeraldplasma(17435): Communication problem with  "plasma" , it probably crashed.19:31
Project-EmeraldError message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "19:31
jussi01armadill0: huh? Im on straight kubuntu here and its fine19:31
* Dhraakellian only recently installed Kubuntu 9.0419:31
tdnCan anyone please tell me about the rationale behind switching the functionality of PgDn and PgUp in Konsole? This is extremely annoying!19:31
carpiiyou can reassign them i think19:31
armadill0jussi01: Ok, and just to check, you're using 9.04?19:31
dwidmannProject-Emerald: fun ... try typing "plasma" again19:31
carpiibut kde 4 keeps losing my global shortcuts every boot anyway19:31
Project-Emeraldit came back19:31
Project-Emeraldbut the widget for my desktop is gone19:32
jussi01armadill0: again, yes.19:32
Dhraakellianwhat do they do?19:32
czarekDhraakellian: I always lost in Kubuntu settings... where I can check this?19:32
jussi01armadill0: what is going wrong with it?19:32
armadill0jussi01:  Skype produces no sound.19:33
Dhraakellianczarek: systemsettings > Look & Feel > Appearance, maybe?19:33
DhraakellianI don't have gtk-qt installed at the moment19:33
armadill0jussi01:  Sound works with amarok, etc.19:33
Dhraakellian(fairly fresh install)19:33
jussi01armadill0: and youve set skype settings to the correct device?19:33
dwidmannProject-Emerald: hmm, maybe removing your conf for plasma would help ... I forget where it lives though19:33
tdncarpii, WTF?! You are kidding me? I have not rebooted yet. But if it cannot remember my settings between boots, I am not using it anymore.19:33
Dhraakellianwhat GTK theme does Kubuntu use by default?19:34
armadill0jussi01:  I've tried every listed device in skype.  I've also gone to kmix, opened every channel and unmuted everything.19:34
jussi01armadill0: curious....19:35
dwidmannwhatever the (ugly) gtk default theme is, Dhraakellian19:35
carpiitdn, i wouldnt advise using it anyway. its a pofs19:35
dwidmannThough, I think it might be qtcurve in 9.0419:35
Dhraakelliandwidmann: hmm...19:35
jussi01armadill0: check you dont have pulseaudio installed - I had to remove it for some reason19:35
armadill0jussi01:  Very.  It seems like skype is broken for me every other release.  It works fine under 8.0419:35
carpiii went to the yahoo openhack day and kde 4 cut my productivity by about 90%19:35
Dhraakellianbecause the scrollbars almost look oxygen-shaped in firefox19:35
czarekDhraakellian: first... I use hardy, second: I cant find any GTK settings in all Kubuntu system settings (I remember I saw it somewhere in the past)19:35
armadill0jussi01:  Let me check that...19:35
carpiiconstant crashing, retarded bugs and whats worse is that theyre mostly related to the stupid vista gui theyve ripped off19:35
dwidmannDhraakellian: I've noticed things are less ugly on my 9.04, guess that's not a coincidence then19:36
jussi01armadill0: also, Ive had issues with skype not working when amarok/$other-audio-app is running.19:36
tdncarpii, pofs?19:36
Dhraakellianczarek: 8.04... hmm... kcontrol > Appearance (might be Look & Feel) > GTK Themes?19:37
armadill0jussi01:  Hmm, ok.  Good to know.19:37
armadill0jussi01:  Amarok is running now :)19:37
carpiipiece of fkin sht19:37
armadill0jussi01:  Yeah no kidding... skype is making sound now.19:37
tdnHow do I make the panel transperant?19:38
bdizzlehi, I remember on 8.04 with KDE3 there was an option to search for files, looked kinda like the find files box for windows19:38
jussi01armadill0: you uninstalled pulse? or quit amarok?19:38
armadill0jussi01:  Testcalling now...19:38
bdizzleanyone know where that went for KDE 4.2?19:38
armadill0jussi01:  Both19:38
tdnHow do I make the window borders semi transperant?19:38
DhraakellianI usually install gtk-chtheme for controlling GTK theming19:38
jussi01armadill0: :)19:38
armadill0jussi01:  Ok, it works.  Awesome.  jussi01, thank you very much.19:38
* Dhraakellian has no idea what the windows find files box looks like19:38
jussi01armadill0: excellent :)19:38
bdizzleDhraakellian: it was that option to be able to search files and folder by some search string with type of file, date modified, etc etc19:39
czarekDhraakellian: I give up... nothing... I thing GTK settings was removed from kcontroll by something during many updates19:39
dwidmannbdizzle: Not sure if/where it is in the menu, but the app is called kfind19:40
armadill0jussi01:  Also, so anyone who is interested knows, I just tried skype with amarok, they work when both are running.  Thanks again.  :)19:41
jussi01armadill0: excellent19:41
bdizzleyeah, I just read19:41
Dhraakellianczarek: try gtk-chtheme?19:42
bdizzleokay, attempted apt-get install kfind, its already there19:42
bdizzleyet when I try to search for it, its not there19:42
Dhraakellianalt+F2 kfind?19:43
bdizzleoh, there it is19:43
bdizzlenow how do I add this to the k-menu?19:43
Dhraakellianactually, krunner (the alt+F2 thing) should have some search stuff19:43
* Dhraakellian rarely ever uses kmenu or kickoff19:43
bdizzlealright, how do I add something to the favorites menu of the k-menu from cli?19:45
bdizzlenamely, add kfind from it19:45
* Dhraakellian has no idea19:45
DhraakellianI tend to just use krunner and type the first few characters of what I want (or even just a term related to what it is, sometimes)19:46
kyle_are there any ISO buster type programs for kubuntu?19:46
Dhraakellianbdizzle: KDE4's alt+F2/run command program19:47
bdizzleah, okay19:47
bdizzleI'll just have to remember that shortcut to get to it19:47
czarekDhraakellian: I just now install gtk-chtheme, set GTK theme to another one and.. no changes in GTK apps look.. I thing there is something wrong in my Kubuntu at all19:50
Dhraakelliandunno, then19:51
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tomsdaleHi, is anyone using digikam on jaunty? I opened it up gave it a folder with some images but it doesnt display anything19:55
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astrommetomsdale: not on jaunty, but I am using kde4 digikam19:58
astrommeare you looking at the folders on the left hand side?19:59
astromme erm, the correct folder?19:59
tomsdaleastromme: yes, I have several folders with screenshots on the left - I'm testing the software for a friend.19:59
tomsdaleIf I select tools - creat thumbnails I see the images briefly when they get processez but the main panel is always empty20:00
tdnIn Kubuntu 9.04. How do I get the sound volume icon in the lower right corner?20:00
astrommetomsdale: well, let me install it on my Jaunty machine. Just the DigiKam package?20:01
tomsdaleastromme: I installed digikam (90 MB I think) and digikam-doc (60MB)20:02
tomsdaleastromme: Thanks very much - I appreciate this really.20:02
falewill we see Amarok 2.1b1 in the Kubuntu Updates PPA soon?20:02
tomsdalefale - check in #amarok.neon - I think they have a nightly build available for jaunty20:03
astrommetdn: run kmix? (alt-f2 then type kmix)20:03
faletomsdale: yes, there is also in kubuntu-experimental and kubuntu-unstable, but I was asking about kubuntu-updates ;)20:04
tomsdalefale: sorry - I don't know what's planned there ...20:05
fale;) thank oyu20:05
astrommefale: I don't think Kubuntu Updates is a ppa?20:05
astrommeI think it's just a normal repository?20:05
astrommethat one?20:05
tomsdaleastromme: I think I found a problem - It doesn't seem to be updating my metatags - I tried sync all images metadata and it just hangs.20:06
tdnastromme, thanks20:06
faleastrobear: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa ;)20:06
astrommeWatch out fale, you'll wake the sleeping beast :P20:07
tdnHow do I make the window borders semi transparent?20:07
tdnHow do I make the panel transperant?20:07
MushroomKingdomHey everyone! Does anyone know how to run a Java .class file in the console? Or to compile it into a nice little binary for the console to run?20:07
astrommetomsdale: lol I have no images on this machine.. hmm20:07
* fale is sorry, but Tab didn't work correctly20:07
tdnMushroomKingdom, java <classfile>20:07
MushroomKingdomYes, I tried that but I get an error :(20:08
carpiiwell provide some details then20:08
tomsdaletdn check out the theme glassified on kde-look.org for glassy panels. Regarding window borders it's a little harder - I haven'T found a suitable solution so far.20:08
carpiiwas anyone at the Yahoo open hack weekend ?20:08
astrommetdn: for the first, argb window decorations is needed, I think that's in trunk (i.e. 4.3) but not in kubuntu20:08
MushroomKingdomLots of error20:08
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astrommetdn: As for the panels, if you have compositing the panel will be transparent20:09
carpiiMushroom, its probablky an exception giving you a stack trace. You need to work back from the innermost call and see whats causing it20:09
tomsdaleastromme: hm - I just gave it some screenshots - Im not really a fotographer.20:09
tdnastromme, tomsdale: in KDE3.5 I could just set it to transparent under Settings? Do I really need to install third party themes to do this?20:10
astrommetdn: For the panel, no, it is included. KWin supports composite you just need the correct video drivers20:10
astrommetdn: For the window decorations you need argb support which is not there yet20:10
carpiitdn, by compositing, he means 'desktop effects' (or compiz as its called)20:10
carpiicheck in appearance or desktop settings20:11
MushroomKingdomtdn: Try right clicking the top of the window and go advanced, special window properties, preferences, active window opacity?20:11
astrommewell, compiz is a composite manager. KWin is as well20:11
tomsdaleThere is a setting for the window borders in system settings, desktop - all effects - translusency - Decorations20:11
tdnMushroomKingdom, I dont what the whole window to be transparent.20:11
astrommetomsdale: that's what I'm doing now... they're showing up correctly?20:11
tdncarpii, ok. So how do I check if I can get desktop effects? I have an nVidia quattro graphics card.20:12
tomsdaleno - nothing shows up as well. I think Ill start from scratch with just 1 image - maybe one is corrupted.20:12
astrommetdn: Right click any window border, hit configure20:12
carpiiwell, its like i just said. check system settings and then either appearance or desktop. i dont recall which it is20:12
astrommetomsdale You need the "Enable Desktop Effects" to be checked20:12
astrommetomsdale: Then, I find the best way to check is to move a window. I think the transparant while moving should be auto-enabled20:13
tomsdaleastromme: I think tdn was asking for the windows :-)20:13
astrommetomsdale: if you don't get that, then you should go to the Hardware Drivers (search for it in the k menu) and install the drivers20:14
astrommetomsdale: whoops, confusing :)20:14
astrommetdn: See my last 4 lines20:14
tomsdalehehe -  I'm digikam guy :-)20:14
astrommetomsdale: yes. So I have a working digikam with jaunty on my laptop. What are the symptoms again?20:14
tomsdaleno images at all in the main panel although I selected a folder with images.20:15
astrommetomsdale: so on the left you se "My Albums" and then a folder with images (that you have verified are there via the filesystem)?20:15
tdnastromme, well desktop effects is enabled, it seems. But I cannot see anything about transparency.20:15
tomsdaleyes - I can see previews in dolphin20:16
astrommetdn: It's a little confusing in 4.2. The checked box can be there but if kwin detects a problem it will revert back to no desktop effects (and leave it checked)20:16
tomsdaledoes it work on your system.20:16
astrommetomsdale: with the 4 snaps I just took, yes. Can you send/link one of the bad photos?20:16
tdnastromme, then how do I check if it is really enabled?20:16
tomsdaleastromme: don't worry for now - must be one of my images then corrupt. Let me start over with a fresh folder.20:16
astrommetdn: The best I can suggest is moving a window and seeing if you get transparancy20:16
astrommetdn: if not, go to your main menu and search for "hardware drivers" and use that program to install the drivers20:17
astrommetomsdale: try taking some snapshots with ksnapshot, see if those show up. THat's what I did20:17
hyper_chanyone knows where to get nice kubuntu stickers?20:18
millununixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/usr/lib/odbc/psqlodbcw.so' : file not found20:18
carpiidraw your own in gimp20:18
tomsdaleastromme: something is not working right on my system. I have 1 folder with 1 image and it doesn't show up.20:19
tomsdalehyper_ch: I don't know about kubuntu sticker but I bought some ubuntu stickers on metal background the other day.20:20
astrommetomsdale: That's very odd. And it's a subfolder of the main picture folder?20:20
hyper_chtomsdale: where?20:20
astrommetdn: Did that help?20:21
tomsdalehyper_ch: http://www.zareason.com/shop/product.php?productid=16197&cat=0&page=120:21
hyper_chtomsdale: thx20:21
tdnastromme, I checked a few effects and clicked Apply but I still see them working.20:22
tomsdaletomsdale: I'D love to have some kubuntu stickers or a KDE one as well but thats the only I found. I thinks system76 has some free stickers but these are better quality20:22
astrommetdn: You do see them working?20:22
tdnastromme, no.20:22
astrommetdn: Then you need the drivers20:22
tdnastromme, I still do not know how to make the Panel transparent.20:22
tdnastromme, I have already enabled the proprietary drivers under Hardware.20:23
tomsdaleastromme: does tools - syncronize all images with the database work? it hangs on my installation.20:23
astrommetdn: you definitely need to log out and in, and probably restart your whole computer20:23
astrommetdn: (well, unload/reload a kernel module and then restart X if you know how)20:23
tdnastromme, 3D-accelerated proprietary graphics driver for NVIDIA cards. <- This is the one I use.20:23
tdnastromme, ok. Will reboot.20:24
astrommetomsdale: yeah, works in a few seconds20:24
millununixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/usr/lib/odbc/psqlodbcw.so' : file not found ; the file is there, though :)20:24
astrommetomsdale: did you install the package in any weird way, such as specifically blocking dependencies?20:24
astrommemillun: no idea man20:24
tomsdalenope - sudo apt-get and I accepted all changes.20:24
tomsdaleastromme: I had kubuntu since alpha 5 though - but usually this shoudn't make a difference.20:25
tomsdaleastromme: ah well - I'll give it later a try again. digikam looks great though from what I can see - do you use it regularily?20:25
astrommetomsdale: semi-regularly20:26
astrommetomsdale: Yes, I agree, it is some really great software20:26
astrommeand it lets you manage your images how you want20:26
astrommeeither automatically through the software or manually with files/folders20:26
tomsdaleI'm looking into it for a friend who is new to linux and is looking for something to catalogue her images - so I stumbled on digikam.20:26
tomsdaleastromme: If you already have hundrets of images in folder, I guess all you would have to do is let digikam catalog them and start tagging them.20:27
astrommeIt's definitely full featured which might be a little scary for someone not in to exploring things20:27
astrommetomsdale: yep20:27
macoastromme: how's it compare to f-spot?20:27
tomsdaleI guess better than a webbased solution - I was looking into montana before which is imagemagick and php on a server.20:28
astrommetomsdale: for years I managed my collection with year/album/subalbum and digikam works just fine with it20:28
popecan i ask you something ?20:28
astrommemaco: I only used f-spot for a short while while I was still on gnome. I like digikam better, but that was because I kept having weird bugs with f-spot I think20:28
astrommepope: on irc just ask. We don't need the first question20:28
popei have radeon 9200 graphis20:29
popei can put in my linux20:29
popecant *20:29
astrommepope: one line please. Compose your entire message then send it20:29
astrommeand if the above was your question, I don't understand?20:30
popei cant display my graphis card20:31
popedo you understand me ?20:31
astrommeI'm still confused. You have no gui display? You don't have 3d/direct rendering working? something else?20:32
popei cant add my graphis to work in my linux20:32
popei dont speack english werry werry ... sorry20:33
popenow you understand ?20:33
ikoniapope: what is your native language20:34
carpiiwhat problem are you having with your graphics ?20:34
popei cant PUT to work20:34
popeits not work in linux20:34
ikoniapope: what language do you speak20:35
carpiipope, its hard to help when we dont know whats wrong20:35
popei'm from macedonia20:35
mmo|Anyone know how to make keyboard shortcuts to ie. konsole work in kubuntu 9.04?20:38
carpiipope, try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI20:39
carpiimmo, which shortcuts ?20:39
ubuntu_how can I fsck my root partition from the install CD?20:41
ikoniaubuntu_: boot the livecd, and fsck /dev/$device where $device is your root partition20:41
ign0ramusis there a way i can create a 'macro' in which using the prntscrn function will save a .png to my Desktop?20:42
ubuntu_ikonia: thankyouverymuch20:42
ign0ramusI'm currently using Ksnapshot20:43
mmo|carpii: the global shortcuts! For instance my shortcut to konsole is set to ctrl-alt-t in system settings...but NOTHING happens when I press than combo!20:43
adaszi have an problem in kopete, when i drop an metauser into a group and restart kopete the users are not in there groups20:43
ubuntu_ign0ramus: you sould be albe to make a shortcut that would call on ksnapshot - but it will be more than one keystroke20:43
ign0ramusubuntu_, i already have done that, but found i'm only using ksnapshot to save the screenshot to my desktop for editing... i want to integrate that step, and global shortcuts can't handle that20:44
ubuntu_ign0ramus: I'm not sure then. Have you tried to set up a shortcut key just inside of ksnapshot?20:45
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ign0ramusubuntu_, i wouldn't really have to, as saving the file to my desktop is pretty much hitting "enter" "enter" and I'm done, but if there's a way to automate the process, it would make things much easier20:46
ubuntu_what exactly is an inode?20:47
carpiiits like a directory entry which linux (ext3?) uses to organise its filesystem20:47
ikoniaubuntu_: a file pointer, bit offtopic for here, but well documented in the file system info on tldp.org20:47
ign0ramusubuntu_, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inode20:47
carpiiuh, directory not as a file directory, but as a data directory20:47
ubuntu_thanks, i was tring to avoid opening a browser while running on the livecd20:49
ubuntu_ok, fsck is finally done (6,000 "yes" later)20:49
ubuntu_I'm going to reboot, thanks guys20:49
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afeijoI'm having problems to install java, any hint about it?20:51
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ign0ramusafeijo, it should be included in kubuntu-restricted-extras20:56
afeijoign0ramus: how can I enabled that?20:57
ign0ramusdoes anyone know of a CLI-based screenshot tool i can use in Jaunty?20:57
ign0ramusafeijo, did you install the package?20:57
afeijooh is a package, I will20:57
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realmattI've installed grub2 and don't know how to go about configuring it.  I was told that I might be able to use it to boot from my eSATA drive even though the bios didn't have a setting for it.  Can someone point me in the right direction.  I am having a hard time finding any documentation about it.21:07
Luijaei guys, for what is kdewallet?21:08
carpiiit stores remembered passwords21:08
carpiilike a keyring, or whatever21:08
Luijaoh i see, thats why everytime after i log in, it have to give my password to kdewallet, and after that i can connect to wifi?21:09
carpiiwell after that, any app can query kdewallet21:09
carpiiso its probably not related to wifi, just wifi is the first one that tries to use the wallet21:09
Luijaoh ok, thx :)21:09
mmo|Anyone know how to make keyboard shortcuts to ie. konsole work in kubuntu 9.04? <--- posted this before...anyone?21:11
mmo|I'm talking about the global shortcuts...21:11
nowthhi... I have a non-kubuntu-specific problem but #ubuntu is pretty crowded.21:14
kaddimmo| you can set a shortcut for konsole in the systemsettings: input actions ->example -> select start konsole activate it and choose a shortcut21:16
mudgehey kubuntoers21:16
nowthSuspend-to-ram was working great on 9.04 until yesterday. It still resumes, except the TTYs remain "dark". I can type, X comes back up if I start it (or if it's running already) - but TTY1-6 are "blind"21:16
mudgeso you guys like KDE more than GNOME?21:16
mudgeis that the deal?21:16
nowthAnd that wasn't happening before.21:17
mmo|kaddi: THANK YOU SO MUCH!21:17
mmo|kaddi: Damn that has been annoying not having it...this seems to work perfectly!21:17
kaddiyou're welcome :)21:18
nowthI've tried pm-suspend, and /etc/acpi/sleep.sh force, and s2ram --force with various --vbe_ args, and something long and convoluted involving dbus and HAL that I found on ubuntuforums21:18
nowther... never mind21:18
nowthI know I didn't screw with the BIOS setup, change kernel parameters, or change the hardware21:20
afeijowth... if I click konsole on kde menu, it wont open.  But if I do it in a konsole window, it does!21:25
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Xanthomryrj #ubuntu21:34
SanityInAnarchyKopete is segfaulting, but not triggering the crash handler. Is there a way I can force this issue, or another way to get the trace?21:36
helderAlguem tc21:36
helderAlguem quer tc21:37
kupopoHas anyone else had the problem that active desktop borders doesn't seem to work on the bottom border in KDE4?21:38
gerhardHi :-) I have a small problem with my new installation. When booting up, my USB keyboard works fine, but when KDE is started, I can't type in anything. When I unplug it and plug it again, it works. dmesg contains no errors ...22:00
rizvanhelp.. undelete my files22:00
rizvanhow to undelete my Documents folder22:01
rizvanplease help22:01
kaddirizvan how did you delete them?22:03
rizvanrm -rf22:03
kaddiyou're screwed. Don't think there is much you can do22:03
kaddido you have a backup?22:03
kaddinot good22:03
rizvanaren't there any "Undelete" utilities22:03
kaddiwhat format does your home-drive have?22:05
kaddino idea, maybe google will know. you should turn off that hard-drive or mount it read-only in order to not overwrite your files22:06
rizvanok thanks kaddi22:07
kaddimaybe have a look here:http://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/Ext4Undelete22:08
kaddiand here (though it's really ext3): http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html22:09
rizvanthanks for the links22:09
Turtl3Pi3what is the best computer certification to begin with?22:09
rizvankaddi apt-get install e2undel22:11
DarkriftXi installed tightvncserver because i wanted to be able to remotely connect to my current session, but when I run it i get a new session. anyone know what i can do to vnc into an active session?22:12
rizvanthere are 2 packages for undelete/recovery, e2undel and recover in repo22:12
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kaddie2 suggests that it is for ext2, rizvan, I would investigate if it is safe to use it with ext4 before running it.22:15
mnd999Hi all, got a question. How do you stop kubunto turing the monitor off? its really annoying during movies22:16
rizvanmnd999, use smplayer it will stop monitor switch off22:17
curiouscuzchange your power settings mnd99922:17
kaddimnd999: systemsettings->advanced->powermanagement->edit profiles to change your settings for the monitor22:17
kaddithen make sure your using the profile you edited in general settings22:18
mnd999yeah that doesnt work22:18
mnd999oh hold on havent tried that22:20
mnd999how come there are so many different settings for this?22:20
mnd999most of which dont work22:21
mnd999i guess nobody has the answer to that22:21
mnd999ill give this a try - hopefully it will work22:21
mnd999thanks for the advice22:21
ignaciowenas una consulta!22:22
tdnHow do I specify a different wallpaper on each virtual desktop?22:27
tdnWhy can't I use ½ as a short cut for yakuake?22:31
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pm2Hi - I'm on Kubuntu 9.04.  I recently bought a USB DVD drive, which forums say is compatible with Linux.  When I put a DVD in it, I get a pop-up saying that the DVD is in, and I choose to play it using Dragon Player.  However, when I hit play, the hard drive light comes on, and the computer freezes, though I can hear the HDD working and the DVD drive spinning up.22:33
pm2Any advice on how to fix this?22:33
curiouscuzpm2 did u try a different video player?22:34
pm2curiouscuz: yes - kmplayer and VLC22:34
curiouscuzdo they also result in the same way?22:35
curiouscuzhmmm... and I suppose you have already tried different DVDs.22:35
LuisJaei guys, i have downloaded a pogram than comes in a rar file, with what i open it so i can install it with wine?22:36
curiouscuzit could be an issue with the drivers22:36
curiouscuzLuisJa, you may try ark or rar22:36
pm2curiouscuz: I tried different DVDs, different USB ports...22:36
curiouscuzpm2 can you browse to the DVD mount location22:37
pm2curiouscuz: yes22:38
curiouscuzpm2, either the drivers, or perhaps the codecs that might be needed are missing...22:39
curiouscuzone other issue might be that generic drivers may be over stepping on each other22:40
wizardslovakis there any good software to edit pictures??22:40
wizardslovaklike photoshop22:40
pm2curiouscuz: how might I go about fixing that22:40
Jarvelliswizardslovak: tried gimp?22:40
wizardslovaklet me try it22:41
JarvellisIt's turing complete :-)22:41
LuisJacuriouscuz: thx bo22:41
curiouscuzpm2: this would be different for different devices.... however, you may want to start by searching ubuntu forums22:42
astrobeari'm really not a beast once you get to know me22:42
pm2curiouscuz: ok thanks22:43
eukaryoteAny idea why gvim under jaunty+KDE4.2 uses a less than useful file selector that hides dotfiles?22:50
lordvenomhi, can anyone help with 3g cards, they work automatically in ubuntu but I seem to have problems with it in kubuntu?22:50
lordvenom3g as in cellphone connection22:51
donaldis it possible for someone to help me figure out why my sound stopped working after the update?22:56
tomsdaleeukaryote: is there maybe a kvim - just guessing.22:58
tomsdalemaybe the shortcut under gnome works for displaying hidden files.22:59
_Whipper__donald:quite common problm..22:59
donaldcan yoiu help?22:59
donaldi tried alsamixer says that my sound levels are the same as before the update22:59
LuisJaei guys i have one problems when u turn off the notebook23:00
_Whipper__donald: hmm.. i just messed around as long as it was working again :)23:00
eukaryotetomsdale: Nice idea, but there's nothing I can find23:00
LuisJaeverything is alright except when the notebook is goin to finally goin to shutdown23:00
LuisJai have to move the mouse a little, after that appears a code in konsole saying than there is something missing, after that the notebook shut down23:01
LuisJathe problem is than i have to move the mouse to the notebook to shutdown, i dont know why that happens23:01
LuisJasolution to that?23:02
tomsdaleeukaryote: under gnome in nautilus ctrl+h should toggle betwen show/hide hidden files23:02
donaldany advice on how to fix it?23:04
LuisJaei guys i have one problems when u turn off the notebook23:05
LuisJaeverything is alright except when the notebook is goin to finally goin to shutdown23:05
donaldor is there a way to downgrad my sound file or something to before the update?23:05
LuisJai have to move the mouse a little, after that appears a code in konsole saying than there is something missing, after that the notebook shut down23:05
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LuisJathere is a fix to that23:06
Wunderkindokay- how do i get conversation to auto nickserv identify password enter?23:26
blizzzWunderkind: edit you identity (F8), type in "nickserv" as service and your passwort23:27
Dnikrednuwhow do i get konversation to automatically enter the password for my irc username?23:29
blizzzWunderkind: edit you identity (F8), type in "nickserv" as service and your passwort23:30
blizzzrtm Dnikrednuw23:30
blizzzsry for typos, gotta sleep^^23:31
blizzzDnikrednuw: my post before is meant for you23:31
kaddirtm=read the manual23:32
blizzzkaddi: i wanted to typ erm23:32
kaddioh sry XD23:32
kaddiI just assumed ;)23:32
Dnikrednuwis it possible that my password might be too long...23:32
Dnikrednuwit's pretty long23:32
Dnikrednuwand it doesn't appear to want to take it all...23:32
kaddii don't know. I only know it doesn't work on quakenet, because the command used is identify, while quake is expecting auth23:33
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kaddihola guest :)23:34
Guest94843hoka kaddi23:35
andre___alguem do Brasil??23:35
Dnikrednuwalso, what am i doing wrong with kmail to get it to link with gmail- it won't import mail...23:35
kaddidnikrednuw where did you try to enter your password? on which server?23:35
kaddi!es |andre___23:35
ubottuandre___: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:35
Guest94843ok, i am sorry23:35
desumy wget weirdly separates bytes with ',' after two digits (like, 1,23,45,67,890 bytes etc.). how do i modify this behaviour to, say, three digits instead (like 1,234,567,890)?23:36
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neztophi, do somebody know how to set up my dell 1501 modem?????23:38
kaddidnikrednuw (that nick is driving me insane ;) ) I don't think you can identify with the usual "auto identify" but i think you could just enter your identifying command "commands" when you set up your server23:39
kaddiyour identity in the "command"-box, you find it when you hit "edit"- on your server settings underneath "network name" and "identiy"23:40
ali_slm arkadaşlar23:48
kaddihi, is there a way for the devicenotifierwidget to open dolphin in front, when i click a removable device instead of in the background23:53
SonnentaeHi, I have just had my machine fill up it's hard disk and lock up. I then deleted some media files to free space and now it's forgotten my location and other things. Any idea how to restore to normal working order?23:55
Sonnentaeeven system monitor won't work now, it's weird23:55

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