
asackklimonda: yeah. i started to clean the messy source up13:09
asacwill take a bit longer though13:10
asacif you can package, go ahead ... should be easy to package. problem are those hundreds of megs of system libs shipped in their source tree ... thats where i am working on ... i clean up the source so it can actually be distributed (e.g. remove 500+M from source tarball and use system libs instead)13:11
gringo_hi, I followed the guide at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions/Packaging but I ran into a problem.13:24
gringo_bzr buiddeb fails when running: dh_link -pmozilla-spellchecker-romanian /usr/share/mozilla-spellchecker-romanian /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/13:25
gringo_dh_link: link destination debian/mozilla-spellchecker-romanian/usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/ is a directory13:25
gringo_the sources ar at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lucian.grijincu/firefox-extensions/mozilla-spellchecker-romanian.upstream and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lucian.grijincu/firefox-extensions/mozilla-spellchecker-romanian.ubuntu13:26
asac#MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND = sh build.sh13:26
gringo_can anyone help me with this? I haven't built .debs before, let alone .debs for mozilla extensions13:26
asacgringo_: create a build script that produces a .xpi file13:27
asaci think the generic xpi.mk build system doesnt know how to do dictionaries13:27
gringo_oh. ok. for this simple extension that means zip-ing all needed files into a .xpi? am I correct?13:28
asacgringo_: try MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND = zip -r mozilla-spellchecker-romainian dictionaries/ COP* install.rdf13:29
asacgringo_: try MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND = zip -r mozilla-spellchecker-romainian.xpi dictionaries/ COP* install.rdf13:29
asacgringo_: also (not sure if this makes a difference for you), use /usr/bin/med-xpi-unpack to create the .upstream source tree13:31
gringo_ok. now it added the files to the xpi, but it still fails at13:31
gringo_dh_link -pmozilla-spellchecker-romanian /usr/share/mozilla-spellchecker-romanian /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/13:31
gringo_dh_link: link destination debian/mozilla-spellchecker-romanian/usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/ is a directory13:31
asacgringo_: maybe the emid autodetection fails13:32
asacgringo_: try:13:32
asacMOZ_XPI_EMID = ro-RO@www.archeus.ro13:32
gringo_cool. fixed! :) thanx a lot!13:33
asacgringo_: arent those dictionaries already available in the language-pack-ro*13:35
kklimondaasac: Nah, I see no reason to make a package from 600M+ sources if you are working on cleaning it up. :)13:38
gringo_there's noting usefull in language-pack-ro. in language-pack-ro I found translations for applications (.po files) and a mozilla.tar.gz, which does not contain the dictionary. only GUI transalations from what I can see.13:40
gringo_sorry, typo, i found the .po files and mozzilla.tar.gz in language-pack-ro-base.13:41
asacgringo_: well, what i thought is that we ship the -ro hunspell/myspell dictionaries13:44
asaclets check whats in there13:45
asacgringo_: do you have those?13:46
asacare those the same that you ship?13:46
asacor maybe they dont work?13:46
gringo_i'm checking to see if they are up-to-date.13:46
asacgringo_: from what i see they should show up in ffox13:47
gringo_diff /usr/share/myspell/dicts/ro-RO.aff ro.aff -u | wc -l13:49
gringo_diff /usr/share/myspell/dicts/ro-RO.dic ro.dic -u | wc -l13:49
asacbut that doesnt even tell that your dicts are newer ;)13:49
gringo_these are the ones from the official romanian dictionary from addons.mozilla.org13:50
asacso point is, if our dictionaries dont work after installed myspell-ro we should rather update myspell-ro instead of packaging an extension13:50
gringo_I'm not the maintainer of that package13:50
asacor if they are not up-to-date of course13:50
asacgringo_: well. those are myspell dictionaries; this means that the addons mozilla folks copy them from somewhere13:51
asacwhich is probably the same place where we pick them from13:51
asacanyway. so if you think our dictionaries aren't updated, just file a bug about that in launchpad against myspell-ro13:51
asacgive me bug id and i will assign someone who takes care of dictionaries13:52
asacwhat is "cedilla" ?13:52
gringo_i think there is a bug related to this (there was a quarrel about imporpper versioning schemes). can dictionaries be updated durring the jaunty release or must this awit for karmic?13:52
asaci am not 100% sure, but dictionaries sound like a safe thing to update in a stable distro ... given they get enough baking in development release and in -proposed13:54
gringo_windows 98 xp 2003  are incapable of displaing some romanina characters out off the box (the characters are șȘțȚ)13:54
gringo_but they can display some characters that look similar that have a cedilla underneath, and not a comma as the correct romanian characters.13:55
gringo_ok. I'll check with myspell-ro and it's maintainer.13:56
gringo_thanks a lot again.13:56
asacgringo_: in ubuntu there is probably a different maitnainer13:57
gringo_ok I know the maintainter (Jani Monoses), he's part of Ubuntu Romania, kickstarter of Xubuntu, maintainer of KiwiLinux - ubuntu derivative for .ro and others :)13:59
gringo_I'll see what we can solve.13:59
asacif you need support let us know13:59
gringo_ok. thank you :)14:00
kklimondahmm.. looks like a noscript extension is "a bit" out of date. Should I contact debian maintainer or make a debdiff for ubuntu?14:06
asac_15:06 < kklimonda> hmm.. looks like a noscript extension is "a bit" out of date. Should I contact debian maintainer or make  a debdiff for ubuntu?14:23
asac_15:21 < asac> kklimonda: is that extension in code.launchpad.net/firefox-extensions `14:24
asac_15:21 < asac> ?14:24
=== asac_ is now known as asac
kklimondaasac: doesn't look like it14:36
asackklimonda: your preference. if debdiff is easy we can do that and file a "please update bug" and attach it to debian14:44
asac(and upload direclty to ubuntu)14:44
gnomefreakdoes firefox use hunspell as spell checker?15:50
gnomefreakasac: you around we need to move ubufox to suggests from reommends in 3.5 3.6 3.0 is fine. not sure why it was moved to recommends. If im not here if you reply please email me but talking about bug 36596516:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365965 in ubufox "ubufox depends on synaptic through another package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36596516:19
gnomefreaki think lp just died16:31
kklimondagnomefreak: you were packaging firegpg (well, you are listed as a contact on wiki)? What has happened to it?16:36
gnomefreakkklimonda: nothing yet i have it in my PPA at the moment. I am waiting for a out come of the Iceweasel branding of our extension packages. I will update it to latest when i get time.16:37
gnomefreakass i recall iceweasel-firegpg ot whatever the name is is in repos but older version than in my PPA and that is old as well16:38
kklimondayou are building it from source or use .xpi ?16:40
kklimondayeah, it's old :)16:40
gnomefreakfrom source using svn IIRC16:41
gnomefreakill be back im doing upgrades and its going to be a while16:44
gnomefreakkklimonda: if i find time thursday or friday or later i will update it16:49
kklimondagnomefreak: k, thanks :)16:49
gnomefreaktheres an issue here damnit16:55
gnomefreaksomething is really fucked up here. cant use firefox cant open thunderbird nor seamonkey can open epiphany or any other browser and email16:59
* gnomefreak has a bad feeling about this :(17:00
gnomefreakfailed in buffer_write(fd) (10, ret=-1):  during updates and email provides low diskspace and i know o have plenty left like 50 gigs left17:01
gnomefreakmaybe a bit longer before i get to firegpg :(17:04
gnomefreakThere is not enough space on the destination. Try to remove files to make space.17:05
gnomefreakwhat the hell borke17:05
gringo_gnomefreak: run a "df" and see if you have mounted file systems with no or little space.17:09
gnomefreakits not reading my disk space correctly17:09
gnomefreakits seeing it as a 20 gig when its 80 gig17:09
gringo_maybe it's trying to write to a full disk.17:09
micahggnomefreak: is it showing your drive smaller that it originally was?17:10
gnomefreakmicahg: yes17:10
micahggnomefreak: did you repartition recently?17:10
gringo_only firefox?17:10
gnomefreakill be back im going to find the problem i hope17:10
gnomefreakmicahg: i installed to use the full disk and it worked fine until today i havent been online in 4 or so days17:11
gnomefreakill be back17:11
micahgok, bug 310207, user says custom font is causing trouble17:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 310207 in firefox-3.0 "Site http://derstandard.at isn't rendered correctly." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31020717:11
micahgI"m guessing we don't support somethingl ike this, right?17:11
micahgDo we support the Mouse Gestures Redox addon?  Is there an Ubuntu package for it?19:37
asacmicahg: yeah. we have that package20:29
asacmozgest ... packaged in a firefox-extensions branch even20:29
micahgasac: is it the redox version though?20:30
asacwell. there is a non-free binary component that we cant ship20:30
asacbut that doesnt work anyway and the author has lost the sources ;)20:30
micahgso I"ll move that bug to the appropriate package20:30
asacmicahg: well. only if they see the bug in the packaged version20:31
micahgI've got the new FF3.0 bugs under 640 now20:31
micahgI'll check the  packaged version20:31
asactell them to use package and uninstall their profile version in toolls -> addons20:31
micahgThey had a fix by changing a setting20:31
asacif there is a simple fix, we can probably do it20:31
asaclet me know what you fincd20:31
micahgI've been using the FF daily version20:32
micahgseems pretty stable20:32
micahgAlso, a new profile in 3.0 fixed FF acting slow20:32
micahgI'm learning a lot triaging20:33
asacif you can identify which parts slow things down that would be another step ;)20:34
micahgI have the profile saves20:34
micahgI just use firefox -p to launch now20:34
micahgI still need to make that flash troubleshooting page20:35
micahgbut I've been busy20:35
BUGabundoI just use the Guest Session so I always have a clean profile20:35
asaci think time woudl be better served by fixing the flash situation rather than investing lots of time in wiki pages that describe workarounds ;)20:35
BUGabundoand that way I don't have to close my Firefox process20:35
BUGabundoasac: documention is always good20:36
asacwell, documentation yes, but workarounds ;) ? ... no.20:37
micahgasac: not workarounds, but troubleshooting20:38
asacif its a bug triage page its definitly better ;)20:38
micahgyep, that's the stuff you gave me20:38
e-jathi asac20:40
asace-jat: cool. so you are malay translator?20:40
e-jata part of the team ..20:40
asacgreat. and how many are you?20:41
e-jatfor ff i think +- 15 people20:42
e-jatbut for ubuntu-l10n-ms currently have 42 active member20:43
e-jatsorry to interrupt your conversation with micahg20:43
micahge-jat: np20:43
e-jatso .. do i need to translate the jar file that u send to me ?20:43
e-jatexample u send to me is ast right ?20:44
asace-jat: do you have a link to the xulrunner-1.9/firefox-3.0 translation state in launchpad?20:44
micahgasac: we have 1.9 in Ubuntu and user was using 2.0.320:45
micahgfor mozgets20:45
e-jatxpi po ?20:45
asacmicahg: yeah. tell him to check the package we have20:45
asace-jat: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/firefox-3.0/+pots/firefox/ms/+translate20:45
asace-jat: thats quite complete20:46
asachowever: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/xulrunner-1.9/+pots/xulrunner/ms/+translate20:46
asacthats incomplete ;)20:46
e-jatowh ..20:46
e-jatnow i got it ..20:47
asace-jat: anyway. looking forward i think we want to translate firefox-3.5 and xulrunner-1.9.2 ...20:47
asachowever there are no translation packages yet avaialble for that20:47
e-jatic ..20:47
asacso what we can do i setup the template for ffox 3.5 in launchpad firefox project20:47
asaclet me try20:47
BUGabundoasac: imagine me as noob: what's the diff between xul and ff ?20:47
micahgasac: should I move the bug from ff3 to mozgest?20:48
asace-jat: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/firefox/3.520:48
e-jatBUGabundo: nice Q20:48
asacBUGabundo: xulrunner is for firefox what gtk and libgnome is for any gnome app ;)20:48
micahgIt's also the basis for Thunderbird and Songbird20:49
asacso in other words: xulrunner is the runtime environment and sdk that allows you to build apps like firefox or thunderbird20:49
BUGabundonow I know a bit more20:49
asacfirefox/thunderbird are in theory just a thin layer on top of all the xulrunner toolkit ...20:49
micahgasac: should I move the bug from ff3 to mozgest?20:50
asacmicahg: yeah20:51
e-jatasac: so its mean .. u will be using ff 3.0 for ff3.5 ?20:51
asace-jat: so ... what i am now trying to do is to upload the ffox 3.5 template to the firefox project20:51
asace-jat: the tradeoff is that the strings wont show up on the ubuntu translation page ... instead you would need to go to the firefox page and translate there20:52
asacto get things started you can probably upload the current ffox 3.0 translations20:52
asacmost likely that will give you a good start20:52
asace-jat: so... i have to build xulrunner 1.9.1 and firefox-3.5 now ... that will take about an hour ... then i have the en-US.xpi templates20:54
asaci can upload20:54
e-jaty not 1.9.2  ?20:55
asace-jat: ffox 3.5 is xulrunner 1.9.120:55
e-jatasac: thanks . so i can tell my team to start work out for 3.5 templates20:55
asacffox 3.6 is xulrunner 1.9.220:55
asace-jat: right20:55
e-jatasac: owh ok ..20:55
e-jathave tested 3.6 .. but not all addon supported right :)20:56
asacmost likely for quite a long time still20:56
asacfirst ffox 3.5 needs to get out20:56
asacthat can take long time ;)20:56
e-jatasac: its good if malays will be in 3.520:57
e-jatso we can push all government agencies to use ff :)20:58
asacyeah. lets work on that20:58
* BUGabundo is using 3.6 as main browser20:58
asacmost likely you will not be ready for the first release20:58
asacbut translations are regularly added after release20:58
e-jateven our loco bank using ff for their kiosk20:58
e-jatasac: its ok ..20:58
asace-jat: now they just need to switch to ubuntu ;)20:58
asacthat would be even better20:59
e-jatasac: huhu20:59
e-jatasac: some of the agencies here already use ubuntu ..20:59
BUGabundoe-jat: that's seems a nice place for a FOSS lover to be20:59
asace-jat: is there a malay windows at all ;)20:59
BUGabundohere its REALLY hard to see that20:59
asaci heard that internationalization for win was really bad21:00
e-jatasac: not sure about it ..21:00
e-jati think here .. they still use EN as default21:00
e-jatasac: i guess so ..21:00
micahgasac: do I get a prize if I can get New FF3 bugs under 600?21:02
e-jatmicahg: winks21:03
asacmicahg: heh ;)21:04
micahgalso, I don't usually get feedback from people21:04
micahgI think I've set about 50 bugs to incomplete in teh past week/week.5, but only got about 3 responses21:05
micahgalso, Is there a doc for what to use tags for on bugs?21:05
asacthats the normal ratio if you ask users to re-test21:05
asacmicahg: we dont use anything specific for tags anymore21:06
asacat lesat for mozilla stuff21:06
micahggood to know21:06
micahgI won't have to worry about tags until finish with mozilla stuff21:06
micahgasac: do you run all the mozilla packages (TB, FF,, ...)?21:06
asacmicahg: if there is a bug you dont know which package they belong to (filed against wrong firefox package), just remove the package name21:06
asacsome folks process bugs without packages (e.g. just Ubuntu) regularly21:06
asacmicahg: well. i dont run all all the time21:07
asaci usually test htem21:07
asacbesides from that i use trunk for ffox and tbird 3 for bugmail21:07
micahgsorry, I meant in Ubuntu21:07
micahgas in PM21:08
e-jatasac: may i ask .. if previouly i use gnome .. then currently i use kde .. how do i make the save as dialog box using kde dialog box rather than nautilus ?21:17
e-jatpreviously i need to hack/edit file in xulrunner ..21:18
BUGabundoe-jat: AFAIK Mozilla uses it own box21:18
e-jatBUGabundo: owh ok ..21:18
e-jatso its mean .. mozilla will use the same box whether in any desktop right /21:19
BUGabundoagain, AFAIK21:19
e-jatowh ok ..21:20

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