
Wunderbarwhen I log into xubuntu I keep getting my gnome desktop for a few seconds before it switches to my xubuntu desktop00:13
Wunderbarhow do I stop this?00:13
kora-chanheya, i'm just thinking about installing a 64 bit version of xubuntu. would you guys recommend using the 8,041 lts version or the new jaunty?02:00
xy|oxkora-chan, if you a little more stability use 8.04, if you want the latest packages use the latest release02:08
KoshB5_I've installed Jaunty on a Compaq 5441 (256M ram, PCI graphics). I'm useing a usb wireless for internet. It connects to the router but not the internet.03:01
KoshB5_any ideals on how to fix it?03:02
R1cochetIPv4 settings, did u set the dns?03:05
KoshB5_how do I set the dns?03:17
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satuoni'm back with another problem, lol07:31
satuonnow it's the resolution07:31
satuonpreviously i could choose between various resolutions but now the only choice can be the max resolution (1024x600)07:33
knomewhy would you need lower resolutions?07:33
satuoni have asus eee laptop07:34
knomeand..? :)07:34
satuongames on wine07:34
forcesnetbooks use 1024x60007:34
satuonwant 800x60007:34
forcesconfigure wine07:34
satuonand wine crashes if it can't set the screen07:34
knome800x600 is not a correct ratio resolution anyway07:35
satuonok, i started it07:36
satuondo i go to graphics?07:36
forcescheck emule virtual desktop07:36
forcesand type your resolution07:37
satuonok, i set it07:37
satuonwait a minute, i 'll try to start the game07:37
satuonit works now, wine starts07:40
satuonbut it starts in a window07:40
satuoncan i make that window fullscreen?07:40
valdur55How install Nvidia 96 drivers?07:41
=== valdur55 is now known as valdur55-brb-eat
valdur55-brb-eat01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV25 [GeForce4 Ti 4200] (rev a3)07:47
valdur55-brb-eatMy video card.07:47
knomevaldur55-brb-eat, jockey07:48
=== valdur55-brb-eat is now known as valdur55
valdur55ok.. need use google?07:56
R1cochetdid u open hardware drivers?08:11
R1cochetapps>system>hardware drivers08:11
valdur55But it lagg08:13
valdur55Need use Main server?08:13
R1cochetdude it just looks like it lags08:14
R1cochetit will sit at 0 for a while then jump to like 60 then 80 then done08:15
R1cochetthen restart08:15
valdur55:) Downloading and installing process is 008:15
R1cochetit is rather large also08:15
R1cochetit will sit there08:15
R1cochetbut its working08:15
R1cochettrust me, i have nvidia card08:15
R1cochetit jumps way up after a couple mins08:16
valdur55yea :) i had install in Estobuntu und ubuntu08:16
R1cochetjust go have a smoke08:16
R1cochetwtf is estobuntu?08:16
valdur55lol... I can't smoke08:16
valdur55Based on Ubuntu08:16
valdur55With Kubuntu desktop08:16
R1cochetso y not kubuntu08:16
valdur55like Kubuntu :)08:17
valdur55How terminate the crashed item?08:17
valdur55oK! I will wait :)08:31
valdur55I rebooted my system08:31
valdur55Damn.. Like bug08:35
valdur55Yockey backet crashed08:36
SlonkieDoes anyone know of an RSS reader which can be hidden in the notification area and when a new "feed" is downloaded make an popup with the feed?08:56
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Slonkienvm i found liferea09:09
Duckslammergreetings: I have a ques about setting up ulogd, can anyone help me?09:23
Slonkie!question | Duckslammer09:23
ubottuDuckslammer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:23
Duckslammeri have installed ulogd; I am using ufw; what do I need to do to make the fw reports go to ulogd? the wiki says it needs to be done but not how to do it09:25
Duckslammerwhere else should i ask for help with ulogd?09:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ulogd09:29
SlonkieMight just wanna be a little patient Duckslammer or come back later and ask agian, i believe many people isen't even up yet.09:30
Duckslammerare most people here in north america?09:30
SlonkieI think alot is in europe09:32
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Duckslammeranyone know how to disable touch-click on a touchpad?10:18
sixcornershey uhh.. I recently installed xubuntu onto my PS3 and I think I have a problem.. When I double clicked on one of the icons on the desktop to open it, the window flashed open then closed. I did this several times then toggled some option that said 'let Xfce manage my windows' off then back on again.. anyway, now there are no icons on the desktop and I can't bring up the context menu on the desktop. The toolbars on the top and bottom work fine. The windo10:31
sixcornersanyone able to help?10:32
sixcornersAh.. it still does it.. when I go to 'Places' in the top toolbar and click on something like 'File System' it flashes a window then doesn't do anything..10:38
marcPVquestion: what is better for a 256Mb laptop (pentium M 1,50GHz), xubuntu 9.04 or Ubuntu 8.04?10:41
sixcornershmm.. when I login to a different session I get the desktop back (although the windows still don't open correctly). When I log back into the main session, I get the desktop but when I go to open the context menu it goes away..10:48
sixcornersthe desktop background displays fine until I enable window composting.. then the background doesn't redraw itself when I move windows over it..10:51
sixcornersoh.. xfce was toggled off.. I found the setting I guess..10:52
sixcornersnope, not working10:58
skunk666hi to all11:44
firestormhello. Can you suggest a good messenger supporting Msn and allowing webcam chat?12:01
firestormAmsn not allowed :-)12:01
satuonin xubuntu i get monkey symbols for mp3 tags i know are written with windows cyrillic fonts cp1251 (not UTF-8)15:26
satuoncan i fix that by changing the font or something?15:27
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ruadhHi all15:58
emdash /win 316:45
* Wizard yawns17:35
evilbugwhere can i find the xubuntu help file/manual in romanian?17:40
Wizardhmm.. i don't know.. maybe on some local community website?17:47
Wizardx.*x: hi17:49
Wizardhow to install held upgrades?17:52
Wizard--ignore-holds does not work17:53
kora-chanhi im using jaunty, what i want to do is input japanesse hiragana symbols in text fields. i installed scim with anthy japanese symbols. the scim gui has the japanese installed, but i have no clue how i can activate it. anybody knows about it?19:03
anzoSorry i dont19:04
DuckslammerGreetings!  can someone tell me what I have to do with ufw to make it log to ulogd instead of syslog?19:28
* SiDi has no idea.19:29
Wizardxubuntu/ppc installed :)19:31
artistxeisn't there a default file ( or config) somewhere ?19:31
Duckslammerare you talking to me?19:31
artistxeDuckslammer : yes19:32
Duckslammerulogd capture the exceptions logged by the firewall and does something with them (whatever you tell it) but you have to tell the firewall to talk to ulogd - how to do that isn't clear to me - the docs say there is a command to iptables, but I don't understand if this works seperately from, or along with, ufw19:33
artistxelooking thru info right now19:35
Duckslammerand I want to tell everybody that wicd beats the tar out of NetworkManager19:35
artistxefunny. I was looking at that. is used in Linux Mint I believe.19:36
artistxeNetworkManager is a gnome applet . I had no problem with it though19:36
Duckslammeron jaunty, it doesn't scan for wifi APs, you have to specify the ssid - this means if you go into a public hotspot you have to ask a windoze user what the network name is - humiliating!!19:37
artistxeDuckslammer,   https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/firewall.html      ctrl-f "ulogd" on that page19:38
artistxelol. asking a windows user. what a shame !19:39
Duckslammerartist, that page is where i first learned of ulogd, but there is no info on what to do to ufw to make it use ulogd19:40
artistxesorry. mybad.19:40
Duckslammerregarding wicd, it has much nicer interface that gnome networkmanager and more funtionality - plus it uses gtk, no gnome dependencies, so it works in any window manager19:41
artistxeThe above log will also appear in /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog, and /var/log/kern.log. This behavior can be modified by editing /etc/syslog.conf  appropriately or by installing and configuring ulogd  and using the ULOG target instead of LOG19:41
artistxenow. to change target. fundocs19:41
Duckslammeri'm unclear on what they mean by "ULOG target"19:42
Duckslammerwhat is "fundocs"19:43
artistxesay to config ulogd . do not have it installed but am guessing there is a file somewhere ( has to be)19:43
artistxefundocs is my way of saying "fun documents "  as in unclear19:44
* artistxe coins the term :)19:45
artistxeDuckslammer, sorry I cannot help more at this point.19:46
Duckslammerthank you for trying!19:46
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PaoloITI got a question19:49
PaoloITif somebody can help me :)19:49
PaoloITI migrate from ubuntu to xubuntu (lightweight, better looking)19:50
PaoloITnow I want to update the uspash19:50
PaoloITso that on boot I can see the Xubuntu logo instead the Ubuntu one19:50
PaoloIThow can I?19:50
PaoloITI've just installed xubuntu-artwork-usplash19:54
PaoloIThow can I select the usplash?19:55
PaoloITjust done19:56
PaoloITI used update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so19:56
PaoloITthank you19:56
DetroitLibertysince I've updated to 9.04 I no longer see the tabs on the bottom task bar of any programs, including those that have been minimized, any idea what I can do?20:17
Simplemindmaybe something went wrong with the applets for your menubar, try what happens: rightlclick on task bar, add new items, taskbar20:21
kora-chan heya i'm using ubuntu jaunty since a few days and wanted to reactivate my old screenlets. when i try to load a screenlet it doesnt show up and the following python errors are shown on the console http://paste.ubuntu.com/169020/. any1 got an idea?20:26
DetroitLibertysimplemind: thanks!20:29
DetroitLibertyany idea what happened?20:29
DetroitLibertyIs there a way to set so if I drag a window off of the desktop it is displayed on the next desktop, like you can on KDE?20:49
ochosiDetroitLiberty, go to menu -> settings -> window-manager -> advanced -> wrap workspaces21:00
iliketofrolic666anyone know to use a tv tuner in xubuntu?22:21
iliketofrolic666\j #ubuntu22:22
rpattonim looking for some help installing on an old amd k6 machine23:56
rpattondoes anybody have any knowledge of this proccessor?23:57
rpattoni found a post here http://fixunix.com/ubuntu/346954-ubuntu-amd-k6-2-550mhz.html23:57
rpattonthat says to try xubuntu23:57
rpattonjust was wondering if i was wasting my time or not trying to get it installed23:57

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