
ub3rst4rdoes anyone know how to remove a release?00:00
mwhudsonub3rst4r: there is a little trashcan icon up near the top of the page00:05
ub3rst4rit doesnt have it00:06
wgrantub3rst4r: I see it on my release pages at the end of the 'Released' row in the table at the top of the release page.00:09
wgrantMake sure you're on the actual release page, not on the lists of releases.00:09
wgrantOh, it's also at the top of that page.00:10
wgrantAh, no, that deletes the milestone.00:10
wgrantThat is confusing.00:10
wgrantbeuno: If you're around, what do you think of that?00:10
ub3rst4rand milestones...00:29
ub3rst4rim trying to attach a bug report to one but its not listed00:30
wgrantub3rst4r: A milestone won't show up in the list on a bug report if it's inactive. It will be inactive if you've created a release from it.00:32
wgrantYou can reactivate it, if you wish.00:32
ub3rst4rahh duh00:33
pooliehello all00:54
wgrantNot even 10am, and I've reported 8 bugs against Launchpad already :(00:57
lifelesswgrant: score00:57
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cody-somervillewgrant, Are there any bugs re: karma at the moment?00:58
wgrantcody-somerville: What about it?00:58
cody-somervilleMy karma is degrading faster than I can gain it now00:58
wgrantI haven't seen any bugs about that.00:58
wgrantThings are probably still out of balance after Soyuz karma appeared, but that shouldn't affect depreciation AFAICT.00:59
cody-somervilleI find my bzr commits give me almost nothing it seems00:59
thumpercody-somerville: the karma score isn't calculated until a daily script runs01:00
cody-somervillethumper, I know01:00
cody-somervillebut my karma has been going down and not up anymore :P01:00
thumpercody-somerville: then work harder :P01:00
wgrantCode karma is worth a lot less than a few months ago, because there's so much more of it now.01:00
wgrantAlthough it's still almost half of my total.01:01
cody-somervilleMaybe I need to do some uploads01:01
wgrantOr just create a couple of blueprints. You'll never have to work again.01:03
spmwork on answers helps nicely for karma too. /me is currently the #6 launchpad contributor ;-)01:04
wgrantDoes dogfood still accept PPA uploads? staging of course doesn't...01:06
pooliespm:is it just me or does https://lists.ubuntu.com/ not respond?01:44
pooliespecifically https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/admindb/bazaar01:44
lifelesspoolie: trying01:46
spmpoolie: no not just you. chlorine is dead. time to ring james...01:46
pooliespm: strangely enough actual mail still seems to be getting through at least until recently?01:46
spmpoolie: it appears to have died about 25 mins ago. so...01:47
pooliei guess it's not the most awful possible time for london01:47
lifelessI have to wonder you consider the most awful possible time ;)01:48
mwhudson4am is pretty bad01:48
spmhe knew and is working on it atm01:48
poolieah i forgot they're +1 now01:50
pooliei think about 3-4 is the worst01:50
pooliei wonder if it would be any faster to serve the icing and css from the same vhost as the page you're looking at02:01
pooliethereby potentially avoiding some ssl connections02:02
lifelessyes, except you'd then download it per host02:02
lifelessswings & roundabouts I suspect02:02
poolielifeless: if it's being kept in the memory cache?02:24
pooliei guess sprites would make that stronger02:25
ninixi'm trying to upload the same package (taken from debian, with no modifications) in my ppa, for intrepid and jaunty02:48
ninixi've added the appropriate "/intrepid/" and "/jaunty/" to the incoming variable in the dput.cf02:48
ninixbut .. the second has been rejected...02:48
ninixFile ... .diff.gz  already exists.02:49
lifelesshave you rebuilt it (dpkg-buildpackage -S)02:49
ninixi built it with it..... i dit a debuild -S -sd02:49
lifelessyou need to do that and change the changelog too02:49
lifelessthe target is in the changelog02:49
lifelessnot indput02:49
ninixlifeless: i don't need to do any change to the package. so i don't change the changelog file02:50
lifelessninix: unfortunately you are wrong :)02:50
ninixdoes the -sd could be the problem ?02:51
ninixlifeless: we can specify the different path in the dput02:51
ninixwhy should I add a ... fake entry in the changelog if i've made no change :/02:52
lifelessyou don't need to add an entry02:52
lifelessyou needto change the target02:52
ninixi can do that ? just change the codename and that's it ?02:53
lifelessassuming it builds ok yes02:54
ninixemm ok02:54
ninixno, that change nothing03:02
ninixwe can't just change the codename03:02
ninixi'll need to change the version for each codename o_O03:04
wgrantninix: Whatyou can do is upload to the oldest series, and copy to the new ones. But you'll need to check that it doesn't actually need rebuilding in the new ones.03:23
wgrantThat's how we do it in Ubuntu - most of the binaries in each release were copied from the previous release.03:24
mwhudsonwgrant: do you have numbers or an intuition for how many packages do/don't get rebuilt for each release?03:26
wgrantI do - I generate those lists myself, and they're available somewhere on qa.ubuntuwire.org... let me find them.03:26
mwhudsonwgrant: btw, thanks for recommending evolution03:28
mwhudsonseems less annoying so far than tbird03:28
wgrantmwhudson: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/unchanged/03:29
wgrantmwhudson: Right, that's what I thought... I've been trying it periodically for years, and finally found it to be workable.03:30
mwhudsonwgrant: ta03:31
pooliespm: have you seen the two recent posts about launchpad oopses?06:16
poolieto l-users06:16
poolieit seems to be working for me though06:17
spmpoolie: nope. but looking now...06:17
noshelterhey, for the launchpad question/answer system, are the questions present on a newsgroup server?06:23
noshelterit would be easier to use than the web id assume...06:23
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spmnoshelter: 1. not that I'm aware of and would be highly surprised if it was. and 2. you can use email as well. having said that, I personally prefer the web ui (tho will deny having said so if beuno ever reads this). is just easier to get around - for me - to the various tasks the questions refer to. ymmv.06:31
noshelterthx spm, good to know :)06:32
spmpoolie: we don't appear to be doing worse than usual (gee isn't that nicely phrased... :-) ) at the moment?06:39
spmthe 2nd email appears to be referencing the issues we had until our sat06:40
spm... well till hopefully our sat when tom pushed out the latest CP with fixes for it.06:40
wgrantspm: The 57000 of the one OOPS in a day issues?07:26
wgrantThat's fixed now?07:26
spmwgrant: if we're talking the same "problem" (was 3 related ones aiui) - hopefully yes.07:27
wgrantspm: Good, good.07:28
wgrantShould it be removed from the topic?07:28
spmchecking what actually went out on sat - and if it addresses that bug. certainly francis' discussion reflects the one I saw fri morning.07:31
spmwgrant: yes, I think it can. we are seeing some translation issues atm - but only on edge.07:31
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scuba-Hi, anyone in here familiar with the build system? I get a an error with sed-expressions which I don't get in Ubuntu and wondering whats different?07:51
wgrantscuba-: You might want to post a link to your build log.07:54
wgrantstaging's broken?09:46
* apw notes he has just been warned that his membership of a group was about to expire. and that he was given 6 days warning only. if i had been on vacation ... i'd have been expired before i even saw the first of the daily warnings ?? is this expected behaviour or broken?10:03
Nafalloapw: don't go on vacation? ;-)10:05
wgrantapw: That's normal behaviour. File a bug asking for something more - maybe a one-month warning as well?10:34
apwwgrant, ack10:34
MTecknologyI tried to add a new project using the link on the frontpage on  edge.lp.net and got OOPS-1227EA8110:38
MTecknologyI tried going to just +new instead of +new-guided and it brought me to a login form10:39
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bigjoolsMTecknology: can you file a bug about that please10:44
MTecknologybigjools: I'm going to take a nap, but I will when I wake up :)10:53
bigjoolsMTecknology: I'm jealous :)10:53
MTecknologyno you're not...10:53
MTecknologyIt's 04:53 and I woke up for work 20:00. I have about 4hr nap after work10:54
MTecknologyand the pads on the bottom of my laptop are worn out. I ordered a new battery for the thing a 5 months ago and I'm still fighting to get it...10:55
MTecknologyg'night :)10:55
joaopintodoes a team renaming applies the change to the associated mailing list ?11:54
bigjoolsjoaopinto: I'm not sure, but I can find out for you, one moment12:20
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barrywgrant: just checked now, re bug 372165. it's possible it took a little while for the change to land on staging.13:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372165 in launchpad-registry "Misleading error message leads users to do silly things" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37216513:20
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wgrantbarry: I still see the problematic error on staging now: "Select all licenses for this software or select Other/Proprietary or Other/Open Source."13:28
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wgrantbarry: To clarify, the subject of that bug is the error message, not the caption of the mass of checkboxes.13:44
jblountI'm getting consistent oopes when changing the branding of a lp project:  (Error ID: OOPS-1227EC134)  any insight? (2 projects worked, 1 didn't)13:50
beunoShortListTooBigError: Hard limit of 1000 exceeded.13:58
beunosinzui, flacoste, does that sound familiar?  ^13:58
sinzuino familiar13:58
beunojblount, I'd say file a bug with that OOOPs ID13:59
sinzuibeuno: jblount it may be the same error I get when I review the license of launchpad itself. we cannot make a snapshot to complete the transaction13:59
sinzuijblount: which project?14:00
beunosinzui, "ubunet" apparently14:00
jblountbeuno: yes14:00
barrywgrant: thanks, reopening14:04
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jblountsinzui, beuno: #37486714:16
beunojblount, thanks14:16
flacostesinzu, beuno, jblount: that sounds like a call site that shouldn't use shortlist somehow14:21
sinzuiflacoste: I suspect that is the case.14:22
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radixI'm getting a "Not allowed here" when I visit code.launchpad.net or code.edge.launchpad.net (just the front page)16:16
radixit seems to only happen when I'm logged in16:17
beunoflacoste, ^16:18
beunokiko, ^16:18
kikoradix, do you get an OOPS ID?16:18
kikoit's a problem in the code which is fetching private projects in the cloud16:18
radixno, it's just "Not allowed here" header16:19
radix Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page.16:19
radixYou are logged in as Christopher Armstrong.16:19
flacostekiko: we don't show OOPS id on unauthorized page16:19
kikoradix, hmmm16:19
kikoflacoste, we could though16:19
kikoanyway, matsubara, help me find that OOPS ID when it shows up?16:19
matsubarakiko: I think we don't log them anymore.16:20
flacostematsubara: we do16:21
flacostematsubara: when the user is logged in16:21
matsubaraah ok16:21
radixneed me to do it again?16:24
matsubararadix: that's probably bug 342467. I'm waiting the oopses to sync to devpad16:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342467 in launchpad-code "code.launchpad.net returns a forbidden error" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34246716:25
matsubarakiko: radix ^16:28
kikothanks matsubara16:29
* MTecknology tickles kiko16:29
kikohey MTecknology16:30
kikodid you ever answer me about those projects the last time I asked you?16:30
kikoI certainly didn't do anything about them!16:30
MTecknologygo for it16:30
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kikomatsubara, the root cause is we are attempting to display a private branch on that page to a person who can't see it16:34
kikoyay for security wrappers16:35
matsubarakiko: yeah, I added that OOPS to the bug report and set it to high. I'll ask someone from Code to have a look16:35
kikothanks matsubara and radix16:36
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radixsure thing16:37
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MTecknologybigjools: have a good day :)17:02
bigjoolsMTecknology: thanks :)  time for my medication17:02
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LaPingvino1ping asac (refered by Joey Stanford)17:11
LaPingvino1I have a question about firefox translations in launchpad17:11
LaPingvino1anybody here?17:12
asacLaPingvino1: sure. anything secret? otherwise i prefer #ubuntu-mozillateam on irc.freenode.net for ffox discussions.17:14
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asacLaPingvino1: yeah. so #ubuntu-mozilateam would be better17:14
LaPingvino1sorry, new here in the ubuntu irc17:15
asacLaPingvino1: thats fine17:15
ninixHow can i solve this error: (same version already has published binaries in the destination archive) when i try to copy a packages from intrepid to jaunty17:23
ninixi've deleted all packages in jaunty17:23
beunoninix, bump the version17:24
bigjoolsninix: it means that your source is already built in the same PPA, you need to copy binaries as well17:24
ninixok, so i have to select copy existing binaries 617:25
bigjoolsninix: if copying binaries is not the right thing for you, then bump the version and upload a new source as beuno says17:27
ninixok, that's worked. But why the source has been built for jaunty? if i explicitly uploaded it in /myppa/ubuntu/intrepid/17:27
bigjoolsninix: it's an artifact of using a pool-based repository, you can't have the same binaries in there twice17:28
ninixcopying binaries implies that everything built properly in jaunty also?17:28
bigjoolsit simply re-publishes the same source and binaries in jaunty17:28
ninixHmm.. that doesn't sound safe17:30
bigjoolsninix: well it's what happens when a new Ubuntu series opens :)17:30
ninixi would prefer that launchpad retry to build it in jaunty to be sure17:30
bigjoolsninix: then you need to upload a new source with a higher version, targeted to jaunty17:31
ninixOk, i thought i could do that, with the copy option. (I know that the source build properly in jaunty), but it needs to be rebuild17:32
bigjoolsninix: it prevents the copy because it would generate the same binary package versions that were already in the pool, but likely with different contents, so would fail to upload the build,17:33
bigjoolsit's quite valid to build for an older series and promote the packages to newer ones17:34
bigjoolsas long as the binary works, of course17:35
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Jordan_UHow can I make my PPA a signed PPA?18:38
beunoJordan_U, it will sign all packages as soon as you upload the first one18:39
Jordan_Ubeuno: Odd, a few days ago I didn't see the "This repository is signed with..." message on my PPA page a few days ago, I guess I just missed it because it's there now :)18:41
beunoJordan_U, it triggers signing it after the first package is uploaded18:42
Jordan_Ubeuno: I had uploaded a package, I probably just missed the message somehow18:43
LarstiQit also takes some time to generate the signing key.18:43
LarstiQ4 minutes for the creation, and a 20 minute cronjob, iirc18:43
Jordan_UHow can I remove a PPA?18:44
apacheloggercprov: ping18:45
cprovJordan_U: ifw, you can't. What's your problem ?18:47
cprovJordan_U: you can just leave it there ... and create a new one, the same signing key will be used for signing packages in the new PPA18:47
Jordan_Ucprov: I created a PPA named "test" just for experimentation, I'd like to get rid of it though it's not really important18:48
cprovJordan_U: obviously you can delete all packages yourself and 'start again'18:48
cprovJordan_U: oh, right, leave it alone.18:49
Jordan_Ucprov: Any reason why PPAs can't be removed?18:49
apacheloggercprov: the Packages* files of private PPAs are pretty broken ... take a glimps at kubuntu-ninjas/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/binary-amd64/ for example18:50
cprovJordan_U: few, one of then is that it involved disk operations.18:50
cprovapachelogger: empty18:51
apacheloggerexactly :)18:51
apacheloggerworks for normal ppas though http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/binary-amd64/18:52
thekornmrevell, hi, I got my launchpad shirt today, thanks a lot18:52
apacheloggercprov: I suppose there is no quick fix?18:52
cprovapachelogger: fix for what ?18:53
apacheloggercprov: the files being empty18:53
cprovapachelogger: is there anything published in jaunty ?18:53
apacheloggercprov: yes, also in intrepid, neither of them is working18:53
cprovapachelogger: I can't view your P3A18:54
apacheloggercprov: maybe I am wrong18:54
apacheloggerapparently jontheechidna did nuke them all18:54
apacheloggercprov: sorry, for the noise :)18:54
cprovapachelogger: check the PPA page, it will tell you18:54
cprovapachelogger: cool, np.18:54
beunoso, for those of you on edge, you will probably be able to edit bug tags inline tomorrow19:34
beunoyou can send chocolates to intellectronica and mars19:34
intellectronicacan you please send lettuce instead? i'm on a diet19:44
LarstiQintellectronica: whereto?19:45
beunochocolate lettuce for intellectronica then19:45
intellectronicaLarstiQ: anywhere in the world, really. sooner or later there will be a sprint there and i'll pick it up19:45
Nafallointellectronica: lol19:45
LarstiQintellectronica: I'll bring it with me to EuroPython then19:46
intellectronicaLarstiQ: is it in the uk this year? i might even go19:47
LarstiQintellectronica: indeed it is.19:47
mrooneyAnyone know if there is a problem with mailing list password reminders? I have tried a bunch of times over the past week to get a reminder for https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/options/ubuntu-art but it never comes19:59
mrooneySo unfortunately I can't change my address to the correct one so I can respond19:59
beunomthaddon, ^20:00
beunobarry, ^20:00
mthaddonbeuno: those are ubuntu mailing lists, not LP mailing lists20:00
barrymthaddon: that's what i was going to say :)20:01
beunoelmo, ^   :)20:01
mrooneyoh ok20:01
mrooneythere are too many types of mailing lists :)20:01
mrooneywhere might I go for support in that arena?20:01
mthaddonmrooney: your best bet would be to check in #canonical-sysadmin20:02
mthaddonmrooney: and/or file an RT ("please mail requests to rt@ubuntu.com")20:02
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sorenOn the /+activereviews page, there's "Reviews I need to do" and "Reviews I can do". How are they defined (and thus: what's the difference)?21:06
beunosoren, when s review was explictely requested from you21:08
intellectronicasoren: reviews you need to do were requested specifically from you. reviews you can do are ones you have the option to review, because you're a member of a team21:08
sorenbeuno, intellectronica: Ah, I see. Thanks.21:09
pace_t_zuluI have a question regarding PPA... how do you produce the P_V_source.changes file?21:12
maxbIt should be produced by the same process which builds the .dsc, tar.gz and diff.gz21:13
pace_t_zulumaxb: with pbuilder?21:13
LarstiQfor me that is bzr-builddeb invoking debuild invoking dpkg-buildpackage invoking..21:14
LarstiQpace_t_zulu: pdebuild would do that I think21:14
pace_t_zuluLarstiQ: thank you21:14
maxbWhatever your build environment, it eventually involves something running dpkg-buildpackage21:14
pace_t_zulumaxb: thank you21:17
pace_t_zulupbuilder doesn't seem to do everything needed for launchpad21:18
pace_t_zulunor does pdebuild21:18
maxbAre you really not getting a .changes file?21:19
pace_t_zului do but it is not signed21:20
pace_t_zuluand it has the old version number21:20
maxbum. You must have done something wrong then21:21
LarstiQ`debsign` is the tool used (under the hood) for signing .changes files21:21
maxbAnyway pbuilder is overkill for building a source package for upload, IMO21:21
LarstiQthe old version number though..21:21
maxbI would use just dpkg-buildpackage -S21:21
pace_t_zuluthat's the error i guet21:23
pace_t_zulumaxb: will try dpkg-buildpackage -S21:23
maxbpace_t_zulu: As launchpad only accepts source uploads, you must have a _source.changes for it to accept it21:25
maxbpractically that means building the source with and -S flag "source only build"21:25
pace_t_zulumaxb: thank you21:25
pace_t_zulumaxb: will do the 'dpkg-buildpackage -S' as soon as the build deps are installed21:26
maxbYou may or may not also need -sa or -sd21:26
maxbThese specify whether to include the .orig.tar.gz, or to omit it because it can already be found in your PPA or in Ubuntu itself21:27
pace_t_zulumaxb: i have a new problem21:37
pace_t_zuluwill pastbin21:37
pace_t_zulumaxb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/169946/21:38
pace_t_zulumaxb: right at the end when gpg gets involved21:39
maxbThis simply means that the username and email found in the changelog entry do not have a secret key available matching them21:40
maxbChange the changelog entry footer to match the identity of your key, or manually specify the keyid (-k)21:40
maxbYou can use debsign to sign the produced package after the build, rather than rebuilding21:41
Shockhi I got this error: File linux_2.6.28-11.42.diff.gz already exists in PPA, but uploaded version has different content. How do I fix it?21:41
LarstiQShock: bump the version21:41
Shockwhat else?21:42
pace_t_zulumaxb: so should I produce a new debdiff?21:42
maxbShock: Once you have uploaded any versioned file to an archive, you can never change it21:42
Shockmaxb: huh?\21:42
Shockthat's kinda nasty21:43
maxbNo it's not21:43
Shockwhy is it useful?21:43
maxbIt's fundamental to having version numbers actually be reliable identifiers of packages21:43
Shockthat's like saying people are morons and we don't trust them with version numbers :)21:44
Shockthere's gotta be a way to fix this21:44
LarstiQShock: the normal thing to do is bump the version, why is that not an option?21:45
ShockLarstiQ: if I bump the version the build will fail (version ABI checks)21:45
LarstiQit checks the version of the package? *blinks*21:46
LarstiQShock: I'm not suggesting you bump the upstream version, but the packaging version.21:47
ShockLarstiQ: it checks the changelog version21:47
LarstiQoh wow21:47
ShockLarstiQ: is there another way to bump the version without involving the changelog?21:47
maxbShock: But only the "11" bit of it, no?21:47
Shockmaxb: unfortunately np21:47
LarstiQShock: no21:48
Shockis it ok to paste 2 lines?21:50
LarstiQShock: 2 lines sounds sane21:51
ShockEE: Previous or current ABI file missing!21:52
Shock    prevabidir: /build/buildd/linux-2.6.28/debian/abi/2.6.28-11.42ubuntu1/amd64/generic21:52
Shockthat's what happens when I bump the version21:52
LarstiQthat's a shame21:53
* LarstiQ doesn't know about kernel build specifics21:53
Shockmight be a kernel build system bug, but i'm too tired to look into that now21:53
LarstiQand I'm falling asleep, so gnight21:53
pace_t_zulumaxb: should the changelog have the key in it?21:54
pace_t_zulumaxb: or is it that i hadn't specified my GPGKEY in my ~/.bashrc?21:54
maxbEither the -- line at the end of the top changelog entry must exactly correspond to the user id printed by "gpg --list-secret-keys" or you must specify the hex keyid with a -k option when building or signing21:56
bdmurrayI get a weird error on a bug package if I click on a hyperlink in the bug (like an attachment) if I don't let the subscriber portlet finish loading.21:58
intellectronicabdmurray: whoa. what happens?21:59
bdmurrayintellectronica: the attachment continues to load but I see a brief pop up regarding couldn't find you(?)22:01
intellectronicabdmurray: "couldn't find you"?22:02
bdmurrayintellectronica: it's really brief22:02
bdmurray"Cound not find your account"22:03
intellectronicabdmurray: yup, i can reproduce22:03
intellectronicabdmurray: care to file a bug? deryck or myself will look at it tomorrow22:04
bdmurrayintellectronica: doing so now, shall I subscribe you?22:05
intellectronicabdmurray: no need. i get all bug mail for malone anyway22:06
intellectronicabdmurray: and thanks a lot22:06
intellectronicaall this dynamic ui is quite hard to get right, and the help we're getting with testing and reporting bugs is extremely valuable22:07
pace_t_zulumaxb: thank you for the -k switch for dpgk-buildpackage22:09
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pace_t_zuluis it possible to have a private PPA?22:48
intellectronicapace_t_zulu: it is, for a fee. if interested, talk to bac22:51
ninixIs it possible to people to Report a bug directly associated to our PPA ?23:04
beunoninix, not at the moment, no23:05
beunojust against Ubuntu packages or Projects23:05
beunoit's something we want to do, but it will take a while (6-12 months maybe)23:05
ninixOk, thx for the info23:05
wgrantintellectronica, bdmurray: I filed a bug on that subscriber portlet error yesterday.23:06
wgrantAh, I see matsubara has already duped it.23:06
intellectronicawgrant: yeah, looks like i missed it, and by now matsubara duped it appropriately23:07
intellectronicaon my way to bed, but will look at this tomorrow23:07
matsubarawgrant: yep, even though your was older, the newer one was already triaged and targeted to a milestone.23:07
wgrantintellectronica: I filed it against launchpad rather than malone, so you probably wouldn't have seen it.23:07
wgrantmatsubara: Right.23:07
matsubaraand had a easier way to reproduce23:07
gilirhi, can someone kill the build https://edge.launchpad.net/~gilir/+archive/unstable/+build/999312 ? I think it's in a loop23:07
intellectronicawgrant: right, that would explain why i didn't spot it23:08
maxbOOI, does anyone know why the amd64 buildds are so much slower than the lpia ones?23:14
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
ninixarf :|, i just realized that If i have a package X (no dependencies) for hardy,intrepid,jaunty in my PPA. and i have also a package Y(3 codenames also) that has the X packages as dependency. and also a package Z that has X,Y has dependencies...... and i have an update of the package X..... i'll need to reupload/rebuild all the package X, Y, Z for each codename :S23:44
ninixHow do you deal with that ? Am I wrong ?23:44
wgrantninix: Do the packages actually need rebuilding every time in each release?23:45
ninixand that's a small example... i'll probably have ~50 packages in the ppa23:46
wgrantAnd can you not copy most of the packages from older releases to newer ones?23:46
ninixNot necessary... but if i want that my package Z can benefit the change in the package X.... yes.23:48
ninixwgrant: i'm trying to maintain my packages up-to-date for 3 codenames at the time. (1 year of ubuntu release)23:48
wgrantninix: You could script it.23:48
ninixthe fake version change + upload you mean?23:50
wgrantninix: Yes.23:50
wgrantBut I'm really not sure that you need to build them in all three releases...23:51
maxbI'm also not sure why you need to rebuild Y and Z when you change X23:51
wgrantI was wondering that, but it is possible.23:52
ninixper example... my software Z try to detect if the package X has a few support (depending on version), if it has... it enable the code etc..23:53
lifeless'win 7223:55
ninixwgrant: i suppose that i can do a copy if my package need no change in both release ?23:56
wgrantninix: Exactly.23:57
ninixbut what i don't understand is.....23:57
ninixif my package needs no change in both...... but there is a version of a dependency in the higher release that could add some support in my package (if rebuilded) ... a simple copy will not allow that, right?23:58

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