
BUGabundo** e [[]]00:58
joetheoddIs there a schedule for when the repositories get updated with new packages?02:00
joetheoddOr is it just at random?02:00
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maxbDoes anyone have working usplash in karmic?13:55
ikoniamaxb: is there even a usplash package forr karmick yet ?14:03
maxbIt's not changed since Jaunty, but that doesn't mean it's not in the archive.14:04
tgpraveenikonia: maybe they are moving to plymouth already14:04
ienorandmaxb: my usplash seems to be working fine, but presumably I'm still on the old one from jaunty14:09
ikoniamaxb: so why test a jaunty package ?14:09
maxbBut you've upgraded to karmic?14:09
maxbikonia: Just because a package has not yet been updated since the start of the karmic cycle does not make it "not a karmic package"14:10
maxbThe karmic archive is seeded with all the packages from jaunty14:10
ikoniamaxb: yes but what's the point of testing it until it's packaged for karmick14:10
maxbIt *is* packaged for Karmic14:11
PiciI don't remember usplash ever being active when I installed pre-releases.14:11
PiciI don't remember whether that was something I did or not though :/14:11
maxbJust because a new release cycle is opened doesn't magically make all the old packages invalid14:11
ikoniano it doesn't but it is probably it will be rebuilt14:12
maxbUnless you have a concrete reason for believing that a rebuild will fix the problem, that's entirely irrelevant14:13
ikoniaI didn't say "fix the problem", I said I didn't see the point of it being tested as it would probably be rebuilt14:14
maxbikonia: I find what you are saying to be very weird. That's like saying "I've found a bug, but I won't bother reporting it yet in case the next version fixes it."14:18
ikoniamaxb: no, not quite what I was saying14:19
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G__81hi everyone16:08
G__81has the 9.10 process started coz i would like to be part of it and installing 9.04 in vbox and going to upgrade it to 9.1016:13
G__81should i download an other 700 MB again after installing 9.04 or is it gonna be less?16:15
gnomefreakthere are no ISO's yet16:15
G__81true i am gonna do update-manager -d16:15
ondiski'm pretty sure there's daily ISOs16:16
ienorandG__81: there is dailys atm16:17
G__81so if i do update-manager -d should i download 700 MB again ? :(16:17
ienorandG__81: I think that will only download ~400 :/16:18
G__81my 9.10 is upgrade is almost done but its trying to get the 522nd package for a very long time but the progress bar is almost complete17:38
G__81but its not hung17:38
G__81its not getting completed17:38
G__81the 9.10 is not booting in Vbox VM18:27
G__81it just waits in starting HALD18:27
wilus-ppl, does this install JauntyJackalope, have ext4 in install?19:24
lamalexwilus-: yeah19:25
wilus-lamalex: i can add it in install cd?19:25
lamalexwhat do you mean add it19:25
lamalexselect it?19:25
wilus-select yea!19:25
lamalexyeah, desktop or alt19:26
lamalexboth have it19:26
wilus-ok i'll burn the alt cd now, dunno aboaut desktop ? what diff?19:26
wilus-ppl, does this install Jaunty UbuntuStudio, have ext4 in install?19:38
Piciwilus-: This is the Karmic Koala channel. Juanty support in #ubuntu and #ubuntustudio19:39
wilus-well sorry was meaning karmic !19:40
taavikkoups, sorry, :) trying to kill screen...20:40
maxbHmm, I think I have my first broken Karmic system, with a non-starting hald :-)20:45
ienorandmaxb: yay! \o/ :P20:45
ienorandmaxb: any particular upgrade that might be guilty?20:46
maxbI'm guessing hal itself or dbus20:46
ienorandYea, there was a recent upgrade of hal... wonder if i dare restart the computer now...20:49
maxbWell, if it helps any, hal wouldn't restart after the upgrade, so if it did for you, you're probably safe20:49
ienorandAh ok, phewie.20:50
* maxb boots into jaunty and invokes the power of chroot20:50
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LordKowyay finally some breakage, things are back to normality21:16
maxbHmm. So, my hald is still refusing to start up. Any idea where it might send any debug output?21:27
kklimondamaxb: launchpad maybe?21:28
ikoniamaxb: doesn't it log to the syslog ?21:28
kklimondatry ubuntu-bug hal21:28
maxbErm, no.21:28
kklimondaoh god.. I'm blind :D21:28
ikoniakklimonda: ?? he's asking where the applicatoin logs21:28
kklimondaikonia: i know, i know - sorry.. I was just reading too many bugs and obviously lost my sight ;)21:29
ikoniamaxb: I can see some logging for hal interaction in xorg's logs and some debug info in the syslog21:29
kklimondamaxb: you can run it with --daemon=no --verbose=true and it will dump all info to terminal21:30
kklimondamaxb: you could also add --use-syslog --verbose=yes to /etc/default/hal and it should report everything to syslog..21:32
ikoniathats handy to know21:32
maxbThanks!  hmm, this is annoying. If X actually starts up, then because HAL is missing, X has no input devices, so you can't even change VT!21:32
ienorandbtw, is all of openoffice held back for you to? Seems to want to remove it if I do dist-upgrade, so I'm kinda sceptical on that...21:33
kklimondaienorand: probably not all packages needed by new OOo were upgraded or uploaded to mirrors..21:34
BUGabundoguud evening21:35
ienorandhello there :)21:35
BUGabundoola ienorand21:35
GatoLokomaxb maybe hal is being replaced with devicekit21:42
LLStarksugh. anyone else having hal woes?21:47
BUGabundohal woes??21:49
maxbhal blocking at bootup21:49
LLStarkslatest 2 hal updates are killing karmic boxes21:49
maxbwhoops, didn't spot there had been two today21:52
BUGabundoLLStarks: guess I shouldn't update then21:55
ienorandI updated hal and had no issues, I haven't tried the reboot yet though, but it seems to break before that if ever.21:56
maxbHow do I make Ubuntu do everything *except* start gdm ?21:57
LordKowif you watch what's going on in ubuntu-dev the problem is known.21:58
BUGabundoold bug: any one noticing low transfer speed but much IO when coping files from one USB device to another?21:58
BUGabundomaxb: start on init2?21:58
BUGabundoI think for a LONG time we don't have that!21:58
maxbWhoops I'm an idiot, I tried to roll back dbus but only rolled back dbus* not including libdbus*22:00
LordKowcurse myself for accidentally deleting the jaunty livecd earlier22:01
LordKowmaybe that was the jinx ;)22:01
maxbyes, it's unwise to run karmic without alternative bootable media just in case :-)22:04
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maxbHuh, new icon theme, interesting22:05
BUGabundobad resume from hibernate.... killing laptop with IO22:13
BUGabundo1kklimonda: ping22:47
BUGabundo1kklimonda: they are now active22:47
* ienorand : Hmm, dbus upgrades...22:57
kklimondaheh ;)23:00
ienorandand a big sucker as well, kinda hesitating on this one, maybe one should do a backup...23:00
BUGabundo1kklimonda: what happened to you ?23:03
BUGabundo1hey ingenius23:03
kklimondaBUGabundo1: i went to a store to buy something to drink ;D23:03
BUGabundo1empty fridge?23:03
kklimondaexactly :)23:04
BUGabundo1kklimonda: that's a waste of electricy23:07
kklimondaBUGabundo1: i know, i know ;)23:10
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pace_t_zuluanyone else having HALD problems today?23:55
pace_t_zuluwith karmic23:55
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DanielRMpace_t_zulu: yes, quite major.23:56
pace_t_zuluDanielRM: my install got nuked this morning23:57
BUGabundo1pace_t_zulu: HAL23:57
DanielRMpace_t_zulu: it's made X unusable following a reboot.23:57
BUGabundo1and yes, some users reporting it too, like maxb23:57
DanielRMAnd I can't remember how to set up mouse and keyboard manually in xorg.conf23:57
maxbThe fix is well-known and being worked on right now23:57
* BUGabundo1 is so glad to have made todays updates... can wait for a reboot... NOT23:57
DanielRMmaxb: is it something users can apply manually until then?23:57
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo1: how do you go straight to cli at boot time?23:58
DanielRMBUGabundo1: what annoys me is that I *just* got back from the shower.23:58
maxbMeanwhile, dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*dbus*_1.2.12-0ubuntu2_*.deb23:58
DanielRMpace_t_zulu: just use SysRq and R to get keyboard in raw mode; then you can drop from X.23:58
maxbAssuming you haven't cleaned your apt cache23:58
BUGabundo1pace_t_zulu: choose recovery console on GRUB23:58
DanielRMmaxb: problem there. I always clean. :(23:58
DanielRMI know.23:58
DanielRMBut so's running out of space.23:59
DanielRMAlthough at least I'm not at risk from the main problem there since I started having /home on a separate partition.23:59

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