
=== ember_ is now known as ember
keesKeybuk: MoM is marking changelogs as jaunty instead of karmic00:50
Keali found a severe glitch in ubuntu for athlon64xp cpu machines01:05
Kealthe same glitch is in windows xp01:05
Kealmass storage devices with a boot partition on them lose power via usb 2.0 as soon as the kernel loads01:06
Kealcausing the kernel to halt loading01:06
lifelessKeal: you should start by filing a bug01:08
geiseri_is there a way to force apt to redownload all of the currently installed packages?01:12
geiseri_apt-get -d install $(dpkg --get-selections | awk '{print $1}') seems to not do it01:12
StevenKapt-get -d --reinstall ?01:13
geiseri_oh /me tries that01:13
geofftSomething like rm -r /var/cache/apt; aptitude -d install '~i'?01:14
geiseri_it seems the apt-get -d --reinstall is doing the trick... i just need to create a local repo of a currently installed system.  it seems apt-move needs a fully populated /var/cache/apt/archives folder though01:15
directhexKeal, that would be an issue related to a specific motherboard chipset, not the CPU01:20
Anonroll call01:43
Anonwhere can I get a copy of the libdvdcss library?01:48
Anoni can't seem to find the LINUX version with a google search01:49
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:50
Anonun erstood01:50
Anonstupid keyboard01:51
Hobbseethere's a script that will install it for you, too01:51
Hobbseein libdvdread4.  However, i think that page will tell you more01:51
Hobbseeoh, it points directly to medibuntu now01:52
Anonhobbsee, thanks for the tip on the libdvdcss01:58
HobbseeAnon: you're welcome01:58
Anoni guess I'll see you guys later.01:59
Anonand thanks for giving version 9.04 the ability to use my sprint wireless air card01:59
Anonnow i can finally get rid of windows01:59
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pace_t_zulucan someone point me to some documentation regarding install time package detection with dpkg/apt?03:11
lifelesspace_t_zulu: what do you mean03:22
pace_t_zului am working on a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/matplotlib/+bug/30100703:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 301007 in matplotlib "python-matplotlib: missing package dependency (python-tk)" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:22
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-devel's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:23
lifelesspace_t_zulu: it looks like there is a fix as far as packaging is concerned03:25
geofftpace_t_zulu: why not try: import Tkinter, except: try: import ...?03:25
lifelesspace_t_zulu: to do an auto backend, you don't need package detection - that would be slow. Instead just try importing the various python modules03:26
lifeless    import tkbackend03:26
pace_t_zuluare you referring to this fix? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26327836/matplotlib_0.98.5.2-1ubuntu4.debdiff03:26
lifeless    return tkbackend03:26
lifelessexcept ImportError:03:26
lifeless    pass03:26
lifeless    import gtkbackend03:26
lifeless      return gtkbackend03:26
lifelessexcept ImportError:03:26
lifeless    pass03:26
geofftright, what he said, but in fewer words. :) do it at runtime, not install time, because packages can change later03:27
geofftand check for the python packages, not debian packages. What if I easy_install something?03:27
pace_t_zululifeless thank you03:29
ScottKgeofft: If you easy_install something, the Debian packaging system can't help you.03:30
geofftsure... that's an argument to do this check outside of the Debian packaging system :)03:31
geofftfor example, I can easy_install something into ~. I can't do that to a Debian package03:31
geofftthe point is that dpkg -l python-tk is not the same as try: import Tkinter, and the latter is what you actually care about03:31
pace_t_zuluthis is a UX problem i am trying to address... i agree that a backend fix is optimal03:33
ScottKpace_t_zulu: If you're trying to fix a Debian package, use the Debian packaging system.  Just add it as a depends.03:34
pace_t_zuluScottK: it is already a depend03:34
ScottKThen it's not missing.  I don't understand.03:34
* ScottK goes to read the actual bug and not just the title.03:34
pace_t_zuluScottK: problem is that the python-tk depend is ORed with python-gtk2 which is available on ubuntu systems03:35
geofftEr, can't you add a patch to it to do the try/import test if /etc/matplotlibrc doesn't exist?03:35
pace_t_zulubut the default backend is set to python-tk03:35
geofft(and not install an /etc/matplotlibrc)03:35
pace_t_zuluso the python-tk should have an exclusive depend03:35
pace_t_zulufor a quick fix... but i agree that a more optimal fix should be implemented next03:36
lifelessits been quick fixed03:36
pace_t_zululifeless: it has not03:36
lifelessthe quick fix for ubuntu is incompatible with a quick fix for kubuntu is incompatible with a quick fix xubuntu03:36
ScottKOK.  I read the bug.  I understand it now.03:36
pace_t_zulupython-tk is not installed with python-matplotlib03:36
lifelessbecause they all want a different backend03:36
pace_t_zululifeless: exactly03:36
lifelessso it has been quick fixed. You can't quick fix it any more. Do the real fix.03:36
pace_t_zuluthere are a lot of different ideas about how to be fixed03:37
lifelessits probably about as much time as has been spent discussing it here to do it.03:37
pace_t_zululifeless: that debdiff that i provided has not been accepted03:37
pace_t_zululifeless: i'm fine with that... do you think it should be implement at the backend?03:38
calcok so i don't know if i am the moron or if doko is... bug 37391103:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373911 in gcj-4.4 "gcj fails to build OOo 3.1.0 on i386/lpia due to claim that libgcj.spec missing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37391103:38
calche's telling me to use openjdk for building OOo which I already do (except for ia64 which was due to openjdk bugs) so I close the bug after telling him as much... he reopens the bug AGAIN telling me the same thing without addressing the fact that I already told him I am using openjdk03:40
calcso either i am having a severe reading comprehension issue or he is, lol03:40
lifelesspace_t_zulu: an auto backend was proposed; and the bug seems to claim there is an upstream bug for that already03:41
calcdoko: ping... you are confusing the hell out of me wrt 37391103:42
pace_t_zululifeless: i still think that short term an ubuntu4 should be created that depends 'python-tk' and ubuntu5 can do the proper fix03:43
* calc bbl03:43
lifelesspace_t_zulu: have you had much luck convincing people of that?03:44
pittiGood morning06:43
ScottKGood morning pitti.06:44
pittidtchen: right, I was following along; let's revert the patch, unless you find a better solution; thank you!06:45
pittiScottK: hey, how are you? had a nice weekend?06:45
ScottKpitti: Not bad.  It was Mother's Day here on Sunday, so that was a big day at our house.06:46
ScottKI worked 6PM to 2AM last week and I'm still trying to get my clock re-adjusted (thus am up at ~2am).06:46
pittihere, too06:48
pittiScottK: ugh, recently came from Europe or so? :-)06:48
ScottKpitti: No, just had some testing I was involved with and that was the only time we could get all the necessary facilities.06:49
dholbachgood morning06:54
* pitti hugs dholbach07:00
pittiKeybuk: good morning07:00
* dholbach hugs pitti back07:00
=== TheMuso_ is now known as TheMuso
pittiKeybuk: would you mind doing a git update in udev-extra ubuntu branch? I uploaded usbutils 0.82 yesterday (new build dep) and committed running the build tests (I added one to upstream git yesterday)07:12
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iulianTheMuso: Hi.  The policykit merge was already done.  I've also included a patch which would have allowed a SRU to go ahead.  See bug #372599.07:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372599 in policykit "Merge policykit 0.9-3" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37259907:27
iulianHaving that said, would you like to take care of that SRU as well, please?07:27
* iulian wonders what he should do with that bug.07:28
TheMusoiulian: hrm I don't remember seeing any policykit bugs.07:28
iulianSet its status to Fix released or Invalid?07:28
TheMusofor merging07:28
* TheMuso checks again07:28
TheMusoiulian: sorry, I totally and utterly missed it. I'll deal with that bug.07:29
iulianTheMuso: No problem, thanks!07:30
pittiasac: I was going to propose udev-extras for main today, to switch keymap handling from hal to it07:39
pittiasac: that will bring the modem prober to main as well07:39
pittiasac: I wondered, how could n-m use the modem prober in jaunty with udev-extras still being in universe? did it copy the code?07:40
pittiasac: ah, apparently so; could we try using the ones from udev-extras in karmic soon?07:42
dholbachrobert_ancell: good work on the gcalctool merge/update07:42
robert_ancelldholbach: cheers07:43
loolHi all07:57
pittihey lool, good morning!08:01
loolHey pitti!08:02
didrockshey everybody :)08:45
didrocksdoko: around?08:45
djsiegel_hey didrocks08:51
didrockshello djsiegel_08:53
=== djsiegel_ is now known as davidsiegel
tkamppeterpitti, hi09:39
pittihi takm09:39
pittihi tkamppeter09:40
tkamppeterpitti: Can you upload CUPS to Debian and Ubuntu? I have done a one-line patch to fix three bugs. This one will also be an SRU.09:41
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
pittitkamppeter: will do09:41
tkamppeterpitti, is the last SRU of CUPS already in -updates09:44
pittitkamppeter: see "rmadison cups", it is09:45
pittitkamppeter: you forgot to bzr add the new patch; please do, commit, and push09:46
tkamppeterpitti, done09:48
lifelessTheMuso: patch sent off09:48
TheMusolifeless: thanks09:49
pittitkamppeter: the ps2write patch doesn't look like an appropriate SRU09:50
pittitkamppeter: if you change the gs backend, that has a high regression potential, doesn't it?09:50
loolIs this a good time to upgrade to karmic?  Anything I should be careful with or hold back?09:55
lool(/me returns from holidays and wants to jump into karmic)09:55
pittilool: works pretty well; UXA might be a bit unstable if you enable it, but it's not by default09:59
tkamppeterpitti, perhaps we let it go into Karmic and wait for a month to see whether it causes any bug reports. If it does not cause bug reports there, we SRU it? WDYT?09:59
pittitkamppeter: it would help certainly, but switching the entire implementation is still regression prone09:59
pittitkamppeter: if there's a focused workaround for the particular affected driver/printer model, this would be more appropriate10:00
tkamppeterpitti, bug 361772 has the foomatic-db-engine SRU as workaround, the Ricoh PPDs I will soon update on OpenPrinting, so this bug is not a problem. bug 369503 shows that the PostScript of pswrite is not compatible with a proprietary Canon driver, at least for  some PDF files. We can provide tha alternative pdftops to the individual users here, bug 362186 shows that the PostScript of pswrite is incompatible with the PostScript interpreter10:07
tkamppeterof some HP printers, we could tell the users to use PCL-XL mode here.10:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361772 in foomatic-db-engine "black squares appearing instead of some letters when printing" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36177210:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369503 in cups "Evince and Firefox fails to print but OpenOffice prints normaly in Jaunty" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36950310:07
tkamppeterpitt WDYT?10:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362186 in cups "Spurious lines on print outs" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36218610:07
* ogra sees lots and lots of users that haed probs with their manually edited menu.lst, didnt know what to do when update-manager/debconf asked and ended up with only the old .lst file that just boots their intrepid kernel ... 10:08
ograi wonder if we should have a spec about a way to improve that, seems ucf in that case is a bit strictr10:08
ogra(or rather "not userfriendly enough")10:09
pittitkamppeter: Is that something they can influence, by picking another driver?10:15
cjwatsonogra: last time this came up, Steve reckoned the current situation was pretty close to the best we could do given grub's shoddy update-grub design, and that switching to grub2 was a better long-term approach10:16
cjwatsonwe might not be that far off the latter10:16
ograah, if thats a possibility even better, i just notice that about 10% of the upgrade probs i see on IRC or in lists are menu.lst related ... people often get advised to edit the kernel lines directly so there are many where the question comes up10:17
ogra(or even tools that edit the file the wrong way)10:17
tkamppeterpitti, for the incompatibility of HP's PS interpreter with pswrite output they could switch to the pxlmono driver. Currently, this does not happen automatically, but I also do not know which HP printers have the problem (LJ 1320 and LJ 4050 have the problem according to bug report, my LJ 3390 and LJ P3005 do not have the problem).10:24
pittiKeybuk: hal with libblkd uploaded, FYI; so the only remaining thing is redhat-cluster10:24
asacpitti: sorry, NM does not use the modem prober from udev-extras. it ships its own modem-prober; so at best remove it from udev-extras for the time being10:24
pittiasac: oh, that's not just a copy?10:24
asacpitti: no. the udev-extras thing was an experiment afaik10:24
tkamppeterpitti, for the incompatibility with the Canon driver one will need the ps2write device.10:25
pittiasac: if it should permanently live in n-m, then we should remove it from udev-extras completely IMHO10:25
lifelessTheMuso: please read my patch; if you're happy with it we could just land it in karmic ;)10:25
pittiasac: (and I agree that it would make sense to keep it in NM)10:25
TheMusolifeless: will have a look in a bit.10:25
asacpitti: i will check with Dan, for now i would think it should be removed ... it might do harm10:26
asacby probing some modem ports its not supposed to probe etc.10:26
pittiasac: thanks; indeed it should just be probed once, and the code should just live in one place10:26
lifelessTheMuso: thanks10:28
directhexhm, i wish i didn't need to restart my printer every print10:29
pittitkamppeter: hm, current cups test suite hangs on "Waiting for jobs to complete..."10:32
pittitkamppeter: that worked in the previous upload10:32
TheMusolifeless: that looks ok to me. I've not had a lot to do with the isw code so I don't know it that well, so if it works for users with older signatures, and newer signatures, thats fine. I have ICH8 here, and can try your patch as part of dmraid for reading a pair of disks I can use for testing, but will do that tomorrow.10:42
lifelessTheMuso: cool10:43
lifelessTheMuso: I can't see how I would have broken older disks :)10:43
TheMusolifeless: Neither can I, but it doesn't hurt to test.10:43
* TheMuso doesn't use dmraid at all, but ensures he has spare disks available for testing. :)10:43
TheMusouse as in use full-time.10:43
pittitkamppeter: can you please try to build current cups on current karmic? test suite fails pretty badly (and hangs in sid)10:47
looldirecthex: Congrats on MOTY!10:56
tkamppeterpitti, strange, as botth changes which I did after your 1.3.10 update seem to be harmless, or can perhaps one of them have torn down the tests? I could build the whole thing on Jaunty.10:58
pittitkamppeter: could also be newer ghostscript in karmic/sid, etc>?10:58
* TheMuso sighs. Even though mdadm 3 will have support for isw metadata, it won't support others, which means a combination os dmraid and mdadm will have to be used.10:59
tkamppeterpitti, I did not replace Ghostscript by something newer after Jaunty. Did there come a new Ghostscript from Debian?11:00
pittitkamppeter: no, apparently not11:00
StevenKTheMuso: Does that at least solve the reconstruction problem?11:00
TheMusoStevenK: For isw it will.11:00
TheMusoStevenK: as it is now, only isw can be reconstructed with dmraid and even then I'm not sure how thats supposed to work.11:01
lifelessTheMuso: Score!11:01
lifelessTheMuso: have you looked at the 2.4 isw kernel module?11:01
TheMusolifeless: yeah11:01
TheMusolifeless: no11:01
ogracould someone rescore python-apt on armel ?11:07
ograas well as nautilus-share11:08
ograand totem11:09
* StevenK waits for ogra to ask for *11:10
ograthese three for now, just checking what breaks openoffice11:10
ograseems thats the last one holding up livecd-rootfs on armel11:10
\shogra: when do you have time to visit KA? we need to celebrate :)11:11
ogra\sh, probably on my way back from barcelona11:11
Hobbseeogra: trying to11:11
ogra(going by car, should be easy to drop by in KA)11:11
* ogra hugs Hobbsee 11:12
\shogra: please do :) just tell me when that is :) I need to plan my life a bit different now :)11:12
pittitkamppeter: hah, I get a lot of gs segfaults in kern.log indeed11:13
StevenK\sh: Next 18 years: raise child; After that: everything else11:13
ogra\sh, oh, yeah, congrats btw :D11:14
Hobbseeright.  What magic runes do I have to do to make launchpad happy this time?11:14
\shStevenK: oh well...raising child and taking care of family ==> prio 1 :) then work and universe and then the rest :)11:14
\shogra: thx :)11:14
StevenKHobbsee: You need to sacrafice a rubber chicken on the stroke of 9pm with a silver handled knife11:15
HobbseeStevenK: heh.  Seems like it11:15
lifelessHobbsee: what is it unhappy with11:15
HobbseeRescoring https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus-share/0.7.2-5/+build/989902 (armel).11:15
HobbseeUnable to request rescore on armel.11:15
Hobbseelifeless: ^11:15
Hobbseei've regenerated my LP cookie11:15
lifelesscprov: ^11:15
* ogra guesses there was not enough sugar in the cookie ... LP likes it sweet :)11:16
StevenKEstimated build start:  2009-05-1211:16
cprovHobbsee: apparently I am, what's the value you want to set ?11:17
Hobbseeah, damn11:18
ogra*high even11:18
Hobbseethe syntax has changed - it needed to be ~/.lpcookie.txt now, not just ~/.lpcookie, which was what my logs had11:18
Hobbseelifeless, cprov: sorry for the noise11:18
cprovHobbsee: np11:19
Hobbseeogra: all tweaked11:21
ograthanks a lot11:21
* Hobbsee adds the new version to her ~/UsefulCommands11:22
tkamppeterpitti, I have also many gs segfaults. Which gs drivers is the CUPS test suite using?11:23
pittitkamppeter: I don't know by heart11:23
ograseb128, do you plan to switch RB from libnautilus-burn to brasero in karmic ? (it currently ftbfs on armel because of the nautilus dep)11:26
seb128no opinion on the topic11:27
seb128but it should not be an issue right now11:27
seb128what is the issue exactly?11:27
tkamppeterpitti, there is a queue using rastertohp in the test suite, so the cups device of GS is crashing.11:28
ograThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:28
ogra  libnautilus-burn-dev: Depends: libeel2-dev but it is not installable11:28
ograseb128, ^^11:28
ografrom http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26525134/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-armel.rhythmbox_0.12.1-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:28
seb128did nautilus-cd-burner ftbfsed too?11:28
ogra(yes i know its eel's fault, but i was curious)11:28
seb128no it's not11:28
seb128that's a deprecated lib and it's not used nowadays11:28
seb128it has been cleaned in karmic11:29
seb128I expect your issue is that nautilus-cd-burner didn't build on armel11:29
seb128it did 8 hours ago in fact11:29
ograi see no further trace of nautilus on http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ ... but havent checked all nautilus builds yet, nautilus-share was clearly sitting and not even built yet, not sure about the other nautilus packages, just going through them11:29
seb128ogra: did you apt-get update?11:29
seb128ogra: should be fixed since 6 hours ago or so11:30
ograon the buildd ?11:30
ograah, k, so a give back will fix it11:30
seb128it should11:30
ogragood, thanks11:30
seb128you're welcome11:30
tkamppeterpitti: For me also the pdftops filter segfaults, but this is the filter written in C which comes from CUPS
Keybukcjwatson: a build failure is baffling me11:40
Keybukcjwatson: it honestly looks like dpkg hasn't applied the full diff.gz11:41
pittiKeybuk: Keybuk: would you mind doing a git update in udev-extra ubuntu branch? I uploaded usbutils 0.82 yesterday (new build dep) and committed running the build tests (I added one to upstream git yesterday)11:50
Keybukooh, your stuff got merged?11:50
Keybuk3044c4e ok?11:50
pittiKeybuk: I committed it myself with Kay's approval11:50
pittiKeybuk: 3044c4e ack11:50
pittiKeybuk: also, asac said that we should not install the modem prober for now, since it's already in NM11:51
pittiKeybuk: unless you want to do that, I can work on it later11:51
Keybukmodem-probe is empty now, no?11:51
pittioh right, that was modem-modeswitch11:51
ograhrm, no mvo today ?11:51
pittiogra: holiday11:52
pittiKeybuk: ok, thanks11:52
Keybukogra: holiday this week11:52
* pitti -> physiotherapy and lunch, back in ~ 1 hour11:52
* ogra wonders whom to poke for python-apt then :/11:52
cjwatsonKeybuk: oh?11:55
Keybukcjwatson: looks like the diff.gz was corrupted11:55
cjwatsonodd that it didn't bail if so11:56
cjwatsonor was it corrupted such that that was justifiable?11:56
KeybukI think that things were just missing from it11:59
Keybuksince they're clearly in my working directory as changes ;)11:59
Keybukregenerated it and it looks ok now11:59
=== azeem_ is now known as azeem
james_wjdstrand, kirkland: syncbugbot failed for me too. Regenerating my lpcookie fixed it though12:39
cjwatsonjames_w: there's an RT request open for diffstat12:42
james_wcjwatson: cool, thanks12:42
pittiasac: okay, so the modem prober went away in udev-extras; modem-modeswitch is still left; do you know whether that should/will move to nm as well?12:56
pittiKeybuk: whoops, missed new gperf build dep; I'll upload a new version13:00
pittiKeybuk: hm, can you please bzr push udev-extras?13:01
asacpitti: will check on that. a bunch of drivers already do the modeswitch automatically afaik. so maybe this wont be needed at all.13:04
pittiasac: cool13:04
pittiasac: do you know whether the modem prober makes all those hal-info FDIs obsolete already?13:05
pittiasac: I wonder what's missing in order to drop them13:05
Keybukpitti: weird "these branches have diverged" <g>13:05
pittiKeybuk: did you pull first? I added a test suite call to debian/rules13:05
KeybukI did pull13:05
Keybukbut of course, bzr pulled from the wrong place13:06
asacpitti: in theory it makes them obsolete ... however, we still use them to tie-break if the modem prober is unsure13:06
Keybukso said everything was fine13:06
pittiKeybuk: I told you in the morning, but I guess you weren't sufficiently caffeinated yet or so :)13:06
Keybukpitti: I don't read IRC scrollback13:06
asacpitti: you are looking in removing hal-info completely? or just the 10-modem.fdi?13:06
pittiasac: eventually it needs to go away completely13:07
pittibut of course we should remove stuff part by part, once we know that it can go13:07
Keybukpitti: ok, pushed13:07
asacpitti: i think we cannot remove 10-modem.fdi upstream ... we still need SRUs for hardy/intrepid for a while i guess13:08
pittiasac: yes, but we shoudl eventually stop shipping them in karmic13:08
pitti./configure --without-modem or so13:08
tkamppeterpitti, I have looked into the error_log of the test suite of CUPS. pdftops segfaults in job 4.13:11
pittiKeybuk: what do you do after a git import to get configure etc.? Just run autogen.sh in the ubuntu tree? or a make dist upstream, and untar into your package tree?13:11
asacpitti: i will verify what exactly we are still using hal for ... i think there are some corner cases where having the fdi helps NM to tie-break, but that could be obsolete as we improved the modem prober considerably in the last few 0.7.1 commits - stay tune13:11
pittiasac: yeah, I wondered whether we should disable them early and ask for regression testing13:12
Keybukpitti: autoreconf -i13:12
pittiKeybuk: great, will do that13:12
Keybukusually bzr clean-tree first13:12
pittialready done13:12
TheMusopitti: if you're talking about hal deprecation, pulseaudio still relies on it somewhat heavily, and upstream doesn't appear to be moving away from it just yet.13:12
pittiKeybuk: why not do that in debian/rules then, in build/ ?13:12
pittiTheMuso: right, I know; X.org input needs work as well13:13
pittiTheMuso: I guess there is a fair chance that we have to ship hal by default in karmic, but I'd like to see as many parts as possible migrated early13:13
pittito minimize the structural changes in the lazy lizzard (LTS)13:13
TheMusoOk, I'll see what upstream plans on doing.13:14
Keybukpitti: I don't like putting that kind of thing in debian/rules13:14
pittiooh, we can have orig.tar.bz2 now?13:15
Keybuksince it means you're uploading something that you haven't actually tested the build of13:15
asacpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/169518/13:16
asacpitti: so removing hal would make all modems get deferred initialization ... looked at code, and i think it should be fine.13:16
pittiasac: it looks like only d) is the remaining concern then?13:17
asacpitti: in any case. i think we shouldnt remove 10-modem.fdi13:17
asacmodemmanager uses hal atm and we want to experiment with that (hopefully moving it to udev as well)13:17
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
pittiKeybuk: it doesn't like me when building in build/: make[4]: *** No rule to make target `keymaps/*', needed by `all-am'.  Stop.13:18
asacpitti: yeah. i checked ... d) shouldnt be a concern from what i see. its actually the right thing. however, if we could keep 10-modem.fdi until we have ported modemmanager to udev that would be precious13:18
Keybukpitti: keymaps/* doesn't look like a valid taget?13:18
pittiasac: sure13:18
Keybukpitti: you can't use wildcards like that ;)13:19
asacok i will tell you once we have made progress13:19
pittiKeybuk: keymap/Makefile.am has udevkeymap_DATA = keymaps/*13:19
Keybukpitti: exactly, you can't use wildcards in make like that13:19
Keybukthat means a file *called* keymaps/*13:19
pittiKeybuk: $(shell ls keymaps/*) then?13:20
Keybukpitti: Automake will forbid it13:20
Keybukpitti: just list them13:20
Keybuk27.3 Why doesn't Automake support wildcards?13:21
KeybukDevelopers are lazy.13:21
pittithat's stupid13:21
Keybuk(and then with sensible rationale)13:21
Keybukread that info page13:21
pittihaving to explicitly list all files in a subdir?13:21
Keybukpitti: then you'll end up accidentally distributing keymap~13:22
pittithat reminds me why I ripped out the automake stuff from human-icon-theme and friends13:22
Keybukthe usual rationale is "since you have to 'bzr add' the new file, you should also add it to Makefile.am as the same reflex"13:23
tkamppeterpitti, if you run "filter/pdftops 1 1 1 1 "" test/testfile.pdf" from within the CUPS source directory (after compiling) you get a segfault in pdftops.13:26
pittiKeybuk: glob -> explicit list committed to trunk13:31
pittiKeybuk: and gperf build dep committed as well; could I ask you for another git pull?13:32
Keybukpitti: pulled, merged, pushed13:34
pittiKeybuk: thanks13:34
directhexyay james_w13:35
sveinung__Hello! I'm trying to get a fix for bug 345706 into Ubuntu main. This is the first time I have tried to get anything into Ubuntu main.13:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345706 in packagekit "CMake can't find QPackageKit by default" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34570613:36
sveinung__I have already done one mistake. (I assumed I needed permission from those responsible for the package before I could subscribe main sponsors) Could anyone check if I have done others or if there is anything I can do better (more details in the bug report etc)?13:36
sveinung__By the way: How long should a package be in Karmic before I can suggest a sru to jaunty?13:37
cjwatsoni/wg 16913:39
mnemosveinung__: which bugs is it?13:39
pittitkamppeter: is that due to one of our patches? I know that it didn't happen in 1.3.10-113:39
sveinung__pitti: bug 34570613:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345706 in packagekit "CMake can't find QPackageKit by default" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34570613:40
pittisveinung__: you probably meant "mnemo"?13:40
sveinung__pitti: mnemo?13:42
pittisveinung__: "mnemo| sveinung__: which bugs is it?" and you pinged me13:42
sveinung__pitti: sorry about that13:42
pittisveinung__: np :)13:42
sveinung__mnemo: bug 34570613:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345706 in packagekit "CMake can't find QPackageKit by default" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34570613:43
mnemosveinung__: i think you should just preapre the sru debdiff, fixup the bug according to the SRU guidelines and subscribe the SRU team so they can give you feedback on what they feel is necessary (and whether this bug is suitable for SRU)... I assume you have read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#When etc right? im not part of that team but to me a dev tools bug seems non-critical? isnt most of the dev work done on karmic anyway? im no13:46
pittiKeybuk: *sigh* I committed another build fix to trunk, sorry; but this is the last one, it really works now13:49
Keybukpitti: pulled, merged, pushed13:51
* pitti hugs Keybuk13:51
sveinung__mnemo: the fix is not in Karmic yet. Point 1 of the procedure say that it should be there first. So was if I should fix anything in the report to get it into Karmic I was wondering now. :)13:51
pittiseems that "bzr-git" is really called "Keybuk"13:52
Chipzzsveinung__: I think that what mnemo means is, SRUs happen occasionally rather than often.13:56
Chipzznot just everything gets SRU'd; there needs to be a very good reason to make an SRU13:56
pittiasac: I would be grateful if you could process bug 374844, since I wrote it, and it affects you most (with n-m)13:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374844 in udev-extras "Please move to main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37484413:59
TheMusopitti: Lennart's plan is to drop hal support in the Fedora 12 timeframe. Without seeing their release schedule I am not sure what this is yet, but I do know they release later than us.14:00
pittiasac: if possible, I'd like to get it into alpha-1, but if you are swamped, it's not that urgent14:00
asacpitti: will do14:01
asacwill review today14:01
MacSlowbryce, hey there14:01
ograseb128, oh, intresting now RB failed at a different point on armel ... seems it doesnt install libgnome2-dev, is there a build-dep missing somewhere ?14:04
ograPackage libgnome-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.14:05
ograPerhaps you should add the directory containing `libgnome-2.0.pc'14:05
directhexogra, missing comma perhaps?14:05
ogra... Package 'libgnome-2.0', required by 'GNOME Media Profiles', not found ...14:05
ogradirecthex, hmm, only on armel ?14:05
directhexogra, okay, it just hates you then14:06
ograoh, wait, i'm blind, it failed everywhere :P14:06
ograhrm, apart from i38614:06
ogranow thats intresting :)14:06
seb128ogra: it probably didn't pick the fixed gnome-media14:07
directhexogra, link to build log?14:07
seb128didn't build on armel14:07
loolHmm there's a weird issue in krb514:07
seb128https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/2.27.1-0ubuntu1 built now14:07
seb128so a retry will do14:07
loolIt picked a bunch of deps on a bunch of arches14:07
loolDepends: libkrb5-3 (= 1.7dfsg~beta1-4), libkadm5srv6 (= 1.7dfsg~beta1-4), comerr-dev, libk5crypto3 (= 1.7dfsg~beta1-4), libgssapi-krb5-2 (= 1.7dfsg~beta1-4), libgssrpc4 (= 1.7dfsg~beta1-4)14:08
lool(that's lpia for instance)14:08
* ogra spends his day with RB retries, funny :)14:08
loolon amd64 it's just:14:08
loolDepends: libkrb53 (= 1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-5ubuntu2), libkadm55 (= 1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-5ubuntu2), comerr-dev14:08
directhexogra, well, you could score up the build of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/banshee/1.4.3-4 on arm ;)14:08
ograi'm not intrested in banshee atm :) .... A1 is my whole focus14:09
sveinung__Chipzz: ok. My main consern was to get it into the development version. Any bug in my bugreport that reduses the chance for an upload to Karmic?14:10
loolAh no, I'm just stupidly looking at jaunty versus karmic14:11
loolSo it's just some bogus NEW14:11
seb128james_w: ok, let's try there maybe then ;-)14:12
loolpitti: libkadm5srv6 is in universe, but libkrb5-dev depends on it (and is in main)14:12
ogralool, yeah there werte component issues the last week with karmic, might be another fallout of that14:13
loolOh it's not your day at all14:13
loolslangasek, Riddell: libkadm5srv6 is in universe, but libkrb5-dev (in main) depends on it14:13
ogra(things ended up in the wrong place after syncs or some such)14:14
seb128does anybody knows if the original copyright holder has to be listed when translating code in an another languages?14:14
seb128some people have been copying the tomboy code in c++, doing a line by line translation14:14
seb128should the tomboy copyright holders still be listed?14:14
seb128elmo: ^ do you know?14:14
loolslangasek, Riddell: and libgssrpc4 as well14:14
loolseb128: Yes, they do14:15
loolseb128: It's really a derivative work14:15
directhexseb128, my understanding is it's a very sticky situation, since it pretty much defines "derived work" - best practice should be "just include it, to remove ambiguity" IMHO14:15
loolseb128: There was an LWN article on this case BTW :)14:15
seb128lool: I should perhaps read LWN regularly ;-)14:15
seb128directhex: right, it would be nicer for sure, we were wondering if that's a reason to not accept the upload though14:15
Riddellseb128: new glib recently?14:16
seb128Riddell: not yet, but coming soon, why?14:16
directhexseb128, that's up to the archive admi... oh, right.14:16
looldirecthex: There's no doubt that automatically or manually translating code at this scale between languages is a derivative work  :)14:17
Riddellseb128: actually, never mind14:17
Riddelllool: one sec14:17
tkamppeterpitti, I have investigated the GS segfault now, "ps2write" is not able to render test/testfile.pdf14:21
tkamppetergs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=ps2write -sOUTPUTFILE=%stdout -dLanguageLevel=2  ../build-area/cups-1.3.10/test/testfile.pdf > x14:21
* ogra tickles lamont 14:21
pittitkamppeter: hah, that's what I meant with "high regression potential" :-)14:22
pittitkamppeter: do you think that's easily fixable, or should we rollback the patch for now?14:23
tkamppeterpitti, when I return to pswrite the file gets correctly rendered. Seems that I have to work with the GS developers to get a correctly working PS output device. Seems that PS generation must be done by other for at least a year before we can take the software.14:23
pittitkamppeter: it seems that we keep switching backends (poppler, ghostscript, ps -> pdf), and this often leads to replacing old and understood bugs with new and untriaged bugs :-(14:23
Riddelllool: done14:23
tkamppeterYes, finding that one filter solves one bug causes always another bug.14:24
Riddelllet me know if anything else needs fixing for that, it's breaking all the KDE builds too (and slangasek is on holiday)14:24
tkamppeterpitti, GS developers are tending to switch to ps2write as standard PS output device. So perhaps we should support them by 1. reporting this bug, and 2. in Karmic stay with ps2write to collect more bug reports and so to tell GS developers what to fix.14:26
=== asac_ is now known as asac
tkamppeterpitti, if we get close to Karmic release and GS developers did not fix the reported bugs we go back to pswrite.14:26
pittitkamppeter: but if the test suite fails, we can't even build the package14:27
tkamppeterpitti, the most important is to report all bugs upstream.14:27
pittiand I'm reluctant to upload a known regression into debian sid, too14:27
directhexseb128, at any rate, i absolutely cannot give advice on that particular decision for political reasons, just offer personal opinions. IANAL, YMMV, IDDQD14:28
tkamppeterpitti, perhaps we can temporarily replace the test/testfile.pdf until GS developers fix this bug.14:28
pittitkamppeter: that would work for me14:31
pittitkamppeter: but I would like to see the test suite pass with some real pdf file14:31
pittitkamppeter: why not back out the patch entirely until it's fixed in gs?14:32
elmoseb128: yes, they should14:32
loolRiddell: Ok; will tell you if anything else shows up; how long does it take to be able to kick rebuilds?14:32
loolRiddell: Will you mass give back?14:32
Riddelllool: next publisher run, should be within the half hour I guess14:34
Riddelllool: no I'm not a buildd admin14:34
ograelmo, pkern notified me that the new gobby version in karmic might have incompatibilities with the former gobby server (just a heads up in case we have karmic users at UDS)14:37
james_wogra: it's a new binary package name14:37
ograjames_w, yes14:38
james_wso they can just use the old one14:38
ograstill the new one is protocol incompatible he said but has undo :)14:38
loolRiddell: ok thanks14:39
seb128elmo: thanks14:42
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pittijames_w, jdstrand, seb128: did any of you run sync-source -a and flushed without NOMAILS=-M?14:45
james_wpitti: ah, me, sorry14:45
pittijames_w: NP, just a reminder14:45
seb128pitti: not today, but when I that previous time it didn't email the list14:45
pittiI saw that several times already, and wanted to send a reminder14:45
james_wpitti: I'll remember for next time14:46
seb128pitti: I think NOMAILS is not required nowadays14:47
seb128pitti: it seems that when you don't specify a -b login it doesn't email14:47
pittiseb128: apparently it is, look at karmic-changes@ ?14:47
seb128pitti: those are manual syncs14:47
pittiseb128: sync-source.py -a doesn't use -b AFAIK14:47
pittioh really, that many?14:47
pittijames_w: ^14:47
pittifor manual syncs it's fine of course14:47
seb128I've only 39 emails listed14:47
pittibut over the weekend I got a bunch of like 8014:47
james_wI did none over the weekend14:48
seb128and I've the equivalent account in the ubuntu-archive list14:48
james_wit was a long list of requests today though14:48
pittijames_w: ok, sorry for the noise then14:48
james_wgood reminder though :-)14:48
seb128I'm pretty sure that the list doesn't get mailed if you don't -b, I tried to figure why my syncs where not listed the other day14:48
seb128and I figured that only -b ones are showing there14:48
james_wyeah, they were all manual14:48
pittikees, asac: could either of you please process bug 369185 and bug 369191? they are an alpha-1 blocker15:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369185 in devicekit "include into main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36918515:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369191 in devicekit-power "include into main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36919115:01
pitti(since g-p-m needs it now)15:01
tkamppeterpitti, so I will take it out and report a bug to GS. Should I simply do another commit removing it or can you roll back the BZR to remove it?15:07
pittitkamppeter: just disable it in patches/00list and remove it from the changelog15:07
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
mterryHow do you leave comments or bug links in m-o-m?15:10
tkamppeterpitti, seems that pdftops filters have still to mature. I would like to go Ghostscript as they seem to get forward more quickly with color management and they support files with more than one paper size ...15:10
asacmterry: i think m-o-m is just read-only15:10
asacwhat are you trying to do?15:10
mterryasac: See https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html on the right side15:11
mterryasac: Seems some people have noted that something is claimed or left a link to the bug for it15:11
asacinteresting ;)15:12
Keybukpitti: random non-udev-extras related question for you, as a security head15:12
Keybukwhy are people regenerating their gpg keys?15:12
KeybukI thought the problem was SHA-1, not DSA?15:12
Keybukyou can use SHA-2 with DSA no?15:12
pittiKeybuk: TBH I haven't even followed that incident, I just noticed people on planet.d.o and other places going crazy15:12
Keybukof course, more amusingly, isn't SHA-1 somewhat fundamental to git's operatio15:14
Keybukwhere changing from SHA-1 to something else is a "burn the archive"-level operation?15:14
=== awe is now known as awe-afk
broonieIt's not a realistic attack yet; for git you've got the added thing that since it's a SCM any replacement plaintext needs to be buildable source code too.15:15
tkamppeterpitti, done. Now a CUPS build is not urgent any more, so if you have more important to do ...15:16
pittitkamppeter: ok, understood; yes, I have another pending patch from Martin-Eric, so I'll do an upload later then15:16
pittitkamppeter: thanks for having looked into that!15:16
Keybukbroonie: which is what confuses me15:17
Keybuksince surely for Debian, any replacement plaintext needs to be a valid changes file as well15:17
Keybukso why the OMG-level panic15:17
broonieKeybuk: It's basically people overreacting, plus the idea that it'd be better to transition now rather than when it's an emergancy.15:17
cjwatsonKeybuk: nobody's saying "panic" AFAICS15:18
cjwatsonlots of people are producing lots of noise but I don't think it's panic15:18
Keybukcjwatson: "The general consensus is that we should be "moving in an orderly fashion toward the theater exits,"" is not exactly calling for calm15:19
cjwatsonKeybuk: see Schneier's post on the subject; it's "walk, don't run"15:20
directhexor "oh, oops, openssl is meant to have entropy isn't it"15:20
cjwatsonKeybuk: DSA keys can in theory use non-SHA-1 hashes, although (a) the original specification calls for SHA-1 (b) it's set at key generation time so if you want to change it you have to regenerate the key anyway *shrug*15:20
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cjwatsonSchneier: http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2005/02/cryptanalysis_o.html15:21
cjwatsonKeybuk: and yes, of course collision weakness is not the same as a second-preimage attack, let alone a practical attack on real protocols where of course you need collisions to take a specified form; but it's a good early-warning sign15:22
Keybukbut didn't one come up years ago anyway?15:22
Keybukabout the time Debian started added SHA-256 to things?15:22
cjwatsonKeybuk: one thing most people miss is that collisions in hash functions are actually not all that much different from the original message, so I'm not sure the "real-protocol" defence is quite as strong as it looks15:22
cjwatsonKeybuk: this one is orders of magnitude better15:22
brooniecjwatson: Well, you can issue new prefernces later on but ATM it's not possible to remove SHA-1 since the spec iwll insert it by default.15:22
cjwatsonbroonie: I mean for the key itself15:23
cjwatsonthe DSA key length is a function of the hash you choose at the start15:23
Keybukcjwatson: shouldn't the proper key ordering be gnupg defaults rather than requiring everyone to update, if it's a real problem?15:23
cjwatsonKeybuk: specifically, this one appears to be in the "$20K machine to crack in eminently practical time" range15:23
cjwatsonwell, for "crack" => "find collision"15:24
geofftgah, my client sucks. Ignore me.15:24
d1bcjwatson: how much of that message can be modified ?15:24
cjwatsonKeybuk: the gnupg people are indeed in the process of changing the defaults15:24
cjwatsond1b: which message?15:24
d1ba potential message.15:24
cjwatsonhow long is a piece of string?15:24
d1b4 yarns15:25
directhexcjwatson, 18 inches15:25
d1bi take it then that it is not currently know how effective the attack is then.15:25
d1b / how similiarthe collision version would be.15:25
cjwatsontaking a practical example, signed .changes files contain descriptions of the packages and of the changes made in that upload; lots of room for manoeuvre there15:25
cjwatsond1b: do you know the difference between collision and second-preimage?15:26
d1bcjwatson: no.15:26
cjwatsonthis is a demonstration of collision weakness: in other words, the ease of constructing two messages from scratch with the same SHA-1 hash has been demonstrated to be on the order of 2%215:26
cjwatsonerr, "on the order of 2^52"15:26
cjwatsonan attack on a real cryptosystem would involve a second-preimage attack: in other words, constructing another message with a given SHA-1 hash15:27
cjwatsoncollision resistance and second-preimage resistance are not the same, and this is about the former, not the latter. *However*, once collision resistance goes, it usually turns out that second-preimage resistance is not far behind15:27
cjwatsonso nobody is alleging a practical attack on real cryptosystems yet; what they are saying is that this is an alarm signal that sensible people would do well to pay attention to before the real alarms go off15:28
cjwatsonso yes, it is a bit silly for everyone to panic and change their keys over. On the other hand it takes a while to reestablish a web of trust and it probably makes sense to do that sooner rather than later.15:29
d1bcjwatson: i don't follow how the second preimage is "not far behind"15:29
jdstrandslangasek: re launchpad api> yes, I suppose that is true. I haven't looked at it too closely, but I assumed it was saving the info somewhere like a cookie that could be copied over.15:30
james_wif it is possible to find a collision in reasonable time, then it is likely to be able to find a second preimage also in reasonable time15:30
cjwatsond1b: e.g. http://eprint.iacr.org/2004/304.pdf15:31
tkamppeterpitti, http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69047515:31
jdstrandslangasek: though, everyone is claiming just regenerating the lpcookie file should do it, so I guess I'll try... (odd that it works at home and not on cocoplum, but *shrug*)15:31
ubottubugs.ghostscript.com bug 690475 in PS Writer ""ps2write" segfaults on PDF file of CUPS test suite" [Major,Unconfirmed]15:31
pittitkamppeter: feel free to add that reference to the dpatch header15:31
cjwatsonbriefly, as I understand it: if you can construct messages that collide, and then come up with a method for composing them, that forms part of a toolkit for attempting second-preimage attacks15:31
d1bwhat about the recent development on prime numbers, does this affect the situation ?15:32
cjwatsonKeybuk: on SHA-1 and git: http://kitenet.net/~joey/blog/entry/sha-1/15:32
pitticalc: ok, seems that all those -openoffice.org libs weren't as bad as I thought; it's by and large just package renamings15:33
cjwatsond1b: which recent development is that?15:33
pitticalc: so, sorry for freaking out a bit15:33
Keybukcjwatson: if collisions can be made relatively similar enough such that they satisfy a changes parser15:34
Keybuksurely one can write colliding source that differs only in areas such as buffer bounds numbers?15:34
cjwatsonKeybuk: YM for git?15:35
Keybukyou might not be able to sneak a web server into the code15:35
Keybukbut you might be able to sneak in enough of a gap to use as your own backdoor15:35
Keybukcjwatson: indeed15:35
cjwatsonKeybuk: theoretically, yes. Nobody's yet demonstrated it but that means that now is the time to prepare rather than leaving it until it's too late15:35
KeybukI'd extend joey's example15:36
Keybukyou commit the bad code to your git repo15:36
Keybukbut you send the good patch to LKML15:36
Keybukwith a note that you pull from the bad repo to get it15:36
Keybukpeople will review the good patch, but pull the bad patch15:36
Keybukthe SHA-1 will match, so nobody knows what happened15:36
tkamppeterpitti, done15:39
calcpitti: ok15:42
pitticalc: I'm done with the bug now; they all need gcj->default-jdk conversion, and there are two FTBFS, but otherwise look alright15:42
calcpitti: ok15:42
pitticalc: I cleaned up the old packages while I was at it15:43
pittiso duplication is basically null15:43
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pittiasac: yay, thanks16:09
pittiasac: I'll go ahead and disable keymaps in hal then, and add udev-extras to the standard platform seed16:10
pittiKeybuk: ^ any objection?16:10
* Keybuk does a little dance16:10
pittiKeybuk: gvfs migration to devkit-disks is in our PPA, and g-p-m is converted in karmic16:11
pittiso by now we dropped a fair bit of HALness16:11
Keybukwhy in the PPA? :p16:11
Keybukit'd be nice to get X moved from HAL to libudev16:11
pittiKeybuk: the packages took a while to get built in karmic, only got them on the weekend16:11
Keybukthat's probably one of the last pieces, no?16:11
Keybukevand was overjoyed that he could use devkit-disks for usb-creator16:12
pittiand the gvfs-devkit thing has some major regressions still16:12
pittiKeybuk: we still have pulseaudio, X.org input, pm-utils quirks at least16:12
* evand hugs pitti16:12
pittithe former two are in the works, AFAIUI16:12
pittibut I didn't see any discussion about suspend quirks16:12
tkamppeterpitti, what about the SRU for foomatic-db-engine on bug 373371 and bug 361772?16:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373371 in foomatic-db-engine "Installation of Kyocera Mita FS-1020D failes with error: There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'server-error-internal-error'" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37337116:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361772 in foomatic-db-engine "black squares appearing instead of some letters when printing" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36177216:15
pittitkamppeter: I'll get to them, don't worry16:16
pittikirkland: please update screen's recommends: to screen-profiles16:22
pittikirkland: I'll move byobu to main and remove screen-profiles from karmic16:22
kirklandpitti: i did16:22
kirklandpitti: uploaded that this morning16:22
pittikirkland: ah, then I guess it just didn't build yet; thans16:22
ion_pitti: Would it be possible to put all the devkit changes under a specific repository component in your PPA, so users could select the amount of potential breakage they’re happy with? :-)16:22
kirklandpitti: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/screen/4.0.3-11ubuntu616:23
pittiion_: it's in the ubuntu-desktop PPA, and it's just gvfs16:23
pittiion_: the rest is already in karmic16:23
pittiion_: also, there's nothing else worthwhile in u-desktop PPA ATM16:23
ion_pitti: I see. I was thinking of stuff that may appear in the PPA in the future, though.16:24
seb128the gvfs bits should lande to karmic soon since they have commited to upstream git now16:25
pittiseb128: it still breaks the libgphoto backend16:25
pittiand two smaller ones (cdda and another one I forgot)16:25
seb128in which way?16:26
pittiI'd miss libgphoto, though16:26
pittiseb128: it doesn't build16:26
pittihaven't spend much time on that yet16:26
seb128I doubt FC11 will ship without that backend so they must have fixed it16:26
seb128or do we need a newer libgphoto?16:26
pittiseb128: might just be PEBCAK16:26
pittiI'll get to it16:26
seb128I can do a git build for the fun of it if you want16:27
seb128and let you know if that builds here16:27
pittiseb128: I built it from David's gvfs branch back then16:31
pittiseb128: if it costs you nothing, sure :)16:31
geiseri_hi, i am having problems with setting up custom partition recipes in the preseed file.  The partition looks right, but for some reason the installer is complaining that there is no root filesystem defined16:31
seb128pitti: it's in gnome git now, I will give it a try16:31
pittiperhaps they did some further fixes in the meantime16:31
pittiseb128: I'll merge libgphoto now, we need to do that anyway16:31
geiseri_did i miss a step? or is some more examples of how this works?16:32
seb128pitti: ok thanks16:32
pittiKeybuk: I guess you wouldn't hurt me if I merged libgphoto?16:32
pitti(it's assigned to you ATM)16:32
cjwatsongeiseri_: need to see preseed file plus syslog16:32
cjwatsongeiseri_: this happens when something goes wrong in applying the partitioning recipe16:32
cjwatsongeiseri_: am I misremembering or did we not already discuss this last week or so?16:33
geiseri_cjwatson: we discussed setting up the package sets, that i solved over the weekend with apt-move... this week is setting up the partition and im good to go :)16:33
geiseri_let me bring up pastebin and ill get you the preeseed recipie16:34
keespitti: re: devicekit.  can you tell me quickly how it interfaces with the system?  aiui, hal listens for udev events, and rules pattern matches, adds stuff to the dbus tree, and sometimes runs helper scripts.  is that the same for DK?16:34
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pittikees: DK itself is significantly simpler; it just provides a d-bus interface to the udev db16:35
pittikees: it doesn't store anything, nor read files etc.16:35
keespitti: ah, much nicer.  :)16:36
pittikees: it's all in the MIR16:36
Keybukpitti: I would not16:36
keesyup, just read it now, and wanted to clarify.16:36
pittikees: DK itself will go away entirely at some point, but for now we need it16:36
cjwatsonthis dpkg-vendor thing is nice16:36
keessince the recent dbus and udev security glitches, I'm suspicious of anything near them.  ;)16:37
cjwatsonyou can test 'dpkg-vendor --derives-from Ubuntu' or 'dpkg-vendor --is Debian' or that kind of thing16:37
keescjwatson: ooh, neato16:37
cjwatsonand (as of base-files 5.0.0ubuntu2, just uploaded) it knows that Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian16:37
geiseri_cjwatson: http://rafb.net/p/GRfG7p20.html here is the section of the preseed file16:38
* geiseri_ is still trying to get syslog from qemu16:38
cjwatsonwell, even before that, I see two syntax errors there16:38
geiseri_cjwatson: oh good :\16:38
cjwatsonoptions/errors{errors=remount-ro} options/data{data=writeback}16:38
cjwatsonyou need spaces inside the {} (so "options/errors{ errors=remount-ro } options/data{ data=writeback }")16:39
cjwatsonyes, the syntax is a bit strange16:39
geiseri_ah, okay16:39
cjwatsonI don't know whether that's the problem here16:39
cjwatsonI'm also not sure partman actually supports options files like that but anyway :-)16:39
* geiseri_ can do some sedfu on the fstab as a post install if needed16:39
keespitti: is it possible for devicekit to use PR_SET_SECCOMP?  (see man prctl)  or does it need access to open() ?16:39
cjwatsongeiseri_: *probably* shouldn't matter for this purpose16:40
pittikees: I guess it open()s quite often through libdbus, but I have to check; perhaps you can ask that in the MIR bug? (busy ATM, sorry)16:41
pittikees: PR_SET_SECCOMP> interesting, I didn't know that one16:41
keespitti: well, I've approved it, but it's more of a curiosity.16:41
pittiah, thansk16:41
keespitti: yeah, just learned about it myself, which is why I've been posing that question to every service I can think of.  :)16:42
cjwatsongeiseri_: oh and delete your preseeding of partman-auto/init_automatically_partition16:42
keespitti: the answers tend to be "no".  :P16:42
geiseri_cjwatson: okay16:42
cjwatsonprobably irrelevant here but it is definitely confusing to have automatic partitioning preseeding and then also ask for manual partitioning at the same time ...16:42
pittikees: it might work, though, if it opens netlink and dbus sockets and then keeps them open16:42
pittikees: please post it anyway, I'll keep the mail to investigate16:43
geiseri_ah, okay... i apologize i am still a bit fuzzzy on some of the parts so i am guessing16:43
geiseri_cjwatson: im going to try the install run again with those changes...16:43
geiseri_cjwatson: im assuming a single syntax error can cause the entire thing to abort?16:44
cjwatsonI'm happy to look at the syslog before that16:44
cjwatsonand it would probably be better if I looked at the syslog before that, since it may be none of these things16:44
cjwatsonit's possible16:44
cjwatsonerror reporting isn't always quite brilliant, as you're discovering16:44
geiseri_well syslog said nothing but starting partitioner16:44
geiseri_is there a way to crank up the debug level?16:44
cjwatsonDEBCONF_DEBUG=developer can help16:44
cjwatsonas a boot parameter16:45
geiseri_ah, okay16:45
* geiseri_ tries that too16:45
cjwatsondon't expect to be able to read it yourself though; it's best to pass the result to an installer developer16:45
geiseri_:D with pleasure16:45
cjwatsondefinitely needs to be read in conjunction with the code16:45
geiseri_cjwatson: okay its booting up in qemu now, should have a syslog here in a minute or two...16:46
geiseri_cjwatson: qemu is not a speed demon here16:46
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ograThe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:48
ogra  udev: Breaks: dmsetup (<= 2:1.02.27-4ubuntu5) but 2:1.02.27-4ubuntu5 is installed16:48
ograE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.16:48
* ogra grumbles at Keybuk 16:48
keespitti: oh, btw, can I hand the sudo merge over to you?  I touched it late in the cycle, but am not too familiar with the standard ubuntu changes.16:48
pittikees: okay16:49
geiseri_cjwatson: okay i am back at the error point.... what might be the best way to get the syslog off of here?16:52
pittikees: in exchange for sudo, would you mind looking at devicekit-power as well?16:53
keespitti: already done (and approved)  :)  (so, yes)16:53
* pitti hugs kees, thanks16:54
geiseri_cjwatson: im doing something wrong here because its not even touching the partition table...16:54
ikoniawould it be appropriate to ask about the setup for how ssh/ssh-agent is intergrated into gnome for ubuntu, I can't find anything design related to it and I think there may have been a change between 8.10 and 9.04 ?16:55
pittikees: what would chroot()ing gain? just robustness against stupid programming errors?16:56
keespitti: yeah.  just random thoughts.16:57
keespitti: if it's easy to do, it's an easy benefit.  if it's not easy, ignore the idea.16:57
Keybukogra: ?16:57
Keybukyou're grumbling at me for saving your system from not booting?16:57
ograKeybuk, i dont care ... my livefs build chokes on it now16:58
ogra(on armel)16:58
geiseri_cjwatson: okay this i _think_ is the problem:  GETAGET full-disk description \n 10 full-disk doesn't exist... full-disk is the entry i put in my script17:00
geiseri_could it be that i am still missing some information to cause it to use my recipe?17:01
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maxbThat seems possibly more weird than alsdorf!17:06
mterryasac: woah!  To leave comments in m-o-m, you just enter text in an invisible text box in the comment column, press enter, and it updates.  Neat.17:06
ograwhats wrong with alsdorf ? its an existing german village :)17:06
asacmterry: omg17:06
maxbRenaming screen-profiles to byobu seems a bit incongruous considering alsdorf got renamed to notify-osd :-)17:07
ograwell, you surely avoid naming conflicts :)17:08
ScottKBetween byobu and ayatana, there may well be a random word generator involved.17:09
maxbFeels that way :-)17:09
maxbPerhaps they're naming projects using pwgen :-)17:10
pittiScottK: or Mark learning Japanese17:10
ScottKCould be.17:10
mterryasac: Added comment in wiki (UbuntuDevelopment/Merging) about it; it's useful but not discoverable17:13
cjwatsongeiseri_: go back to the main menu and select "Save debug logs"17:17
cjwatsongeiseri_: or, if you prefer, switch to tty2, 'anna-install openssh-client-udeb', and use scp17:17
geiseri_oh i like scp, let me try that17:18
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macopitti: gjiten doesnt recognize ayatana as a japanese word17:21
geiseri_cjwatson: May 11 16:21:30 debconf: --> SET partman-auto/disk      /dev/sda \n May 11 16:21:30 debconf: <-- 10 partman-auto/disk doesn't exist17:30
geiseri_this looks telling17:30
geiseri_but fdisk sees it as /dev/sda17:30
cjwatsongeiseri_: I really can't deal with fragments of the syslog like this; I need the whole thing17:40
cjwatsongeiseri_: I think it's likely that you're misreading normal behaviour17:40
cjwatsonit's normal for questions not to exist when they're initially preseeded17:41
geiseri_cjwatson: okay, sorry, give me a minute, as rfab.net is choking on it....17:46
cjwatsongeiseri_: paste.ubuntu.com?17:47
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geiseri_ah, i was using the kde one17:49
geiseri_cjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/169797/17:54
geiseri_cjwatson: that is the entire syslog17:54
cjwatsongeiseri_: this syslog doesn't match the preseed file you gave me earlier; it says you set partman-auto/method to "manual" (which is wrong) instead of the correct "regular"18:07
geiseri_oh i used the wrong file... sorry :(  one sec18:12
geiseri_i have too many copies of these damn files rolling around18:13
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geiseri_cjwatson: okay, here is the preseed code again (http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/169827/) if i run this it keeps creating a root partition but also a swap partition, that i dont want...18:40
geiseri_but other than that it keeps going correctly18:40
cjwatsongeiseri_: can I have the syslog again?18:40
cjwatson(preferably with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer if you have it)18:41
geiseri_okay, let me spin up the vm with that flag in the boot line...18:41
geiseri_cjwatson: here is the mess: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/169834/ for the preseed file i posted.18:50
geiseri_cjwatson: its almost correct save for the problem that its adding swap when i dont want it too do so18:51
cjwatson"Expert recipe too large (523837440 > 2147); skipping"18:52
cjwatsonso it isn't using your recipe because it declares that it needs 523 TB of disk space and you only have 2 GB18:53
* geiseri_ must have calculated the offset wrong...18:53
cjwatsongeiseri_: remember that the first field is a minimum18:54
cjwatsonsurely you can just make it relatively small and let partman automatically grow it18:54
cjwatsonand the sizes are in megabytes18:54
geiseri_okay, that makes a few things make sense :)18:54
geiseri_will it make sure its the size of the base install?18:54
cjwatsonTheMuso: are you likely to have a brltty merge available soon? I ask because it's one of the packages that still require libicu38 rather than libicu40, and those two packages are each very big18:55
geiseri_my ideal is that it creates 1 partition the entire size of the disk...18:55
cjwatsongeiseri_: no, but if you only have one partition in your recipe it will use the whole disk for it anyway18:55
cjwatsonI don't think partman actually *can* leave free space right now :-) It'll give up if you try to force it to do so18:55
cjwatson(this is a bug ...)18:55
geiseri_okay, i can live with that constraint18:56
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geiseri_cjwatson: okay that worked, but now it asks me if i want to keep going without swap space..... can i look in the syslog to see what d-i field that is?19:09
geiseri_afaik it should be partman-basicfilesystem/no_swap boolean true?19:10
ion_keybuk: libdbus-1-3 1.2.14-2ubuntu3 causes hal to hang on startup. I didn’t get around to testing whether other dbus programs have problems as well. Installing libdbus-1-3/jaunty made the system work again. Is this known, or should i investigate more and report at launchpad?19:12
Keybukion_: probably a bug ;)19:15
ion_No kidding :-)19:15
* Keybuk has had it installed for ages without encountering it though19:15
ion_I guess i’ll investigate further.19:16
Keybukalmost certainly the timeout patches19:16
Keybukdunno whether davidz has code in HAL to expect them that he hasn't tested19:16
Keybuk(using INT_MAX was his original idea)19:17
Keybukindeed, I can see two instances of that in the source19:18
Keybukso it's likely david has pre-empted a timeout-less D-Bus without testing ;)19:18
Keybukion_: I'd wager it's blocking inside hald_runner_run_sync() ?19:19
geiseri_cjwatson: sweet everything seems to be working now!19:32
geiseri_cjwatson: thanks a ton for your help19:32
cjwatsongeiseri_: yes, partman-basicfilesystem/no_swap is correct. Glad it works for you now19:47
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Keybukion_: can you think of an example of another HAL service?20:29
ion_keybuk: What do you mean?20:29
Keybukion_: other than HAL that is hanging?20:30
ion_keybuk: Ah. I didn’t get to investigating the issue yet. As soon as i do, i’ll try various dbus services.20:30
KeybukHAL seems to get to the main loop for me20:30
Keybukbut then simply doesn't accept connections20:31
Keybukempathy/telepathy seem to work20:32
chrisccoulsonhey mbiebl - you there?20:34
chrisccoulsonkees - good spot on the vala MIR - thanks20:40
chrisccoulsoni just noticed from the latest build log that one of the tests does fail20:40
keeschrisccoulson: cool20:42
chrisccoulsoni'll take a look at sorting that over the next few days. might need some help though, although i suppose i could start by looking at some other packages with test suites20:42
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calcpitti: i have all of the packages except pentaho fixed and uploaded21:00
hyperairdoes anyone know why the kernel method of suspend/hibernate is preferred over uswsusp?21:02
hyperairit seems to me that the kernel method is considerably slower than uswsusp.21:03
pace_t_zuluI have a question regarding PPA in Launchpad... is this the right place to ask it?21:11
maxbpace_t_zulu: #launchpad or #ubuntu-motu21:11
Keybukhyperair: probably because it works21:17
hyperairKeybuk: don't both "just work"?21:17
DarkRavincan anybody tell me why everytime i click on places and click on pictures and it opens my music player21:22
seb128because you associated the player with directories21:23
DarkRavinhow do i fix it21:24
seb128what ubuntu version do you use?21:24
DarkRavinthe new one i just upgraded but it started from the first time i installed 8.xx21:25
Keybukion_: I assume it was only libdbus that you needed to change?21:25
ion_keybuk: Yep21:26
DarkRavinwhere do i find nautilus properties21:29
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ubuntuwinciao raga21:39
DarkRavinwhy does my folders say root is owner21:39
ubuntuwinciao DktrKranz21:39
DarkRavinit wont let me make changes because of it21:39
ubuntuwincome faccio a firmare un pacchetto generato con debuild -S -sa?21:40
ubuntuwinla firma l'ho creata con gpg21:41
mbieblchrisccoulson: hi21:41
Keybukubuntuwin: you will be unlikely to get an answer here unless you ask the question in English, also note that this is not a support channel so you may wish to try #ubuntu or #ubuntu-it21:41
mbieblchrisccoulson: you pinged an hour ago?21:42
ubuntuwinhow can I sign a packet generated with 'debuild -S -sa'?21:42
ubuntuwini've made a key with gpg21:42
chrisccoulsonmbiebl - hi. i'm currently looking at packaging a snapshot of tracker from git master in karmic at the moment21:42
mbiebloh, is master usable already?21:43
chrisccoulsonthey've changed the library versioning in 0.7.x, and i was just wondering if you plan to change some of the package names in debian when you do the 0.7.0 update21:43
mbieblI tried a week ago, and it crashed immediately21:43
Keybukubuntuwin: "debsign"21:43
chrisccoulsoni've been told master is sort of useable, but it doesn't matter too much at this stage. i'd like to try and get it in quite early, to avoid some of the issues we had with 0.6.9x (where we introduced it within the last few weeks of the jaunty cycle)21:44
chrisccoulsonmbiebl - the libraries in tracker are now versioned similar to gtk21:44
mbieblchrisccoulson: Yeah, I think of renaming the library packages to match the soname21:44
chrisccoulsoni was going to rename libtracker-gtk0 to libtracker-gtk0.7-021:45
chrisccoulsonis that what you were thinking?21:45
chrisccoulsonthe library so files are now libtracker-gtk-0.7.so.0.0.0 as opposed to libtracker-gtk.so.0.0.0 i think21:46
mbieblI would have used libtrackerclient-0.7-0 and libtracker-gtk-0.7-0, as that is the scheme we use in dbus(-glib)21:46
mbieblbut libtracker-gtk0.7-0 would be ok too.21:46
chrisccoulsonmbiebl - that makes sense too21:46
LLStarkspitti. you here? hal is in real bad shape on karmic right now.21:47
mbieblIt's mostly a matter of personal preference21:47
chrisccoulsoni only suggested libtracker-gtk0.7-0 as that is how the gtk packages are named21:47
chrisccoulsonit's up to you then. i'd like to name them the way you intend to do it in debian21:47
chrisccoulsonLLStarks - pitti is finished for the evening i think21:48
chrisccoulsonwhat's wrong with hal?21:48
mbieblI prefer the additional dash as, but have no strong opinion either way21:48
LLStarksprevents boots and hal initialization on karmic21:49
LLStarkswith latest 2 updates21:49
chrisccoulsonmbiebl - i can add the dash - that's no problem.21:49
ion_chrisccoulson: Install libdbus-1-3 from jaunty to get a working system while waiting for the fix.21:49
LLStarksit's a huge break21:49
chrisccoulsonmbiebl - it won't get updated for another week or so as it is currently blocked on promoting another package in to main, but i'll use that time to get the package ready anyway21:49
mbieblchrisccoulson: I'm wondering if we should also version the -dev packages.21:50
chrisccoulsoni was going to do that in the same way - libtracker-gtk-0.7-dev i think21:50
mbieblApparently the API will be completely different, so packages will need sourceful changes.21:50
mnemomy karmic computer just broke as well.... hal failed to install and now it won't boot anymore... when I run "netroot" and try to reinstall hal it says it can find .../run/dbus/system_bus_socket something21:50
mbieblchrisccoulson: yeah, sounds ok21:51
Keybukmnemo: well, if you will run karmic21:51
mnemoyea I know its not a problem, I just wanted to let you know in case you want to block the update or so21:51
ion_llstarks, mnemo: See my previous message.21:52
Keybukmnemo: it's karmic, we don't block updates there21:52
mnemoah ok21:52
mnemoion_: oh.. thanks21:52
chrisccoulsonmbiebl - i'm not too worried about API change - there's currently no other packages in the archive that depend on the tracker libraries21:52
* Keybuk has already tracked down the HAL bug21:52
chrisccoulsonactually, totem-plugins depends on libtrackerclient21:52
ion_keybuk: Cool21:53
Keybukjust haven't figured out whether it's HAL misbehaving or D-Bus21:53
mbieblchrisccoulson: don't you also build nautilus with tracker support on ubuntu?21:53
KeybukHAL is asking for an infinite timeout, and the new D-Bus gives it that21:53
chrisccoulsoni didn't even know there was a HAL bug. should i try and reboot to find out? ;)21:53
LLStarksion thx21:53
Keybukwhat I'm not sure about is why this method call never completes as a result21:53
chrisccoulsonmbiebl - we disabled the tracker support in nautilus21:53
Keybukiz probably bug21:54
mnemoseems libdbus-1-3 was already installed on my system and install hal still wont work.. anyone got any other ideas for working around it?21:54
LordKowyay thank you libvolumeid is gone forever21:54
chrisccoulsonusers expect the nautilus search to just look at filenames, and the tracker results confused a lot of users21:54
Keybukmnemo: you need the libdbus-1-3 from jaunty, not from karmic21:55
KeybukLordKow: well....  kiiiinda21:55
mnemoah ok21:55
KeybukLordKow: libblkid now mostly consists of libvolume-id's old code21:55
KeybukLordKow: so it's not so much dead as moved into a different body21:55
mbieblchrisccoulson: I've played around with tracker 0.7 some time ago21:56
mbieblMaybe you can use the debian/ I sent you as a starting point21:56
Keybukmnemo: it's the -0ubuntu3 that seems to be specifically upsetting HAL21:56
chrisccoulsonmbiebl - thanks. the transfer hasn't started yet though. not sure if that's an issue with my router or not21:56
Keybukironically this is because the HAL author wrote the code expecting the behaviour that the patches in D-Bus 0ubuntu3 finally, years later, provide21:56
mbieblchrisccoulson: I'll send you an email...21:57
chrisccoulsonmbiebl - thanks:)21:58
mbieblchrisccoulson: stupid gmail. It rejects the tarball because it contains a executable (debian/rules)...22:01
chrisccoulsonthat's a pain. i didn't realise gmail was that clever22:01
mbieblchrisccoulson: do you have another email addy?22:01
chrisccoulsoni have my work e-mail address bug i'm pretty sure that will reject it too. the filters on that are failry strict22:02
mbieblok, I'll just chmod -x and retar it then22:03
chrisccoulsonif it were a few weeks ago i'd still have a server here i could just let you ssh in to22:03
loolkees: How many rebuilds are there for FORTIFY?  I'm a bit worried that the buildds are already lagging and we need to build /something/ for A1  :)22:05
mbieblchrisccoulson: email should be out22:06
chrisccoulsonmbiebl - thanks. i'll take a look at that over the next day or so22:06
keeslool: it was just a short list.  I personally rebuilt them all in about 45 minutes.22:07
loolOk, fine then22:07
keeslool: "zip" would mark the end of them.22:07
keeslool: though "zip" is not a no-change rebuild.22:08
hyperairdoes anyone know where i can find (if any) usplash api documentation? i'm referring to the C documentation, not usplash_write's interface.22:08
maxbSpeaking of usplash, is it dying with a "general protection" message for anyone else on Karmic?22:08
dokokees: wow! xfonts-75dpi did gain fortify defaults!22:08
loolYeah, the chars have a small square drawn around each glyph22:09
Keybukion_: basically it looks like the pending call for the pm-is-supported runner never "completes"22:13
Keybukit doesn't help that whenever I compile this, the line numbers don't match up in gdb22:15
keesdoko: yeah, my ELF-finder glitched on a few22:17
ion_keybuk: Heh22:17
Keybukion_: I'm going to assume there's a bug in D-Bus causing this22:18
Keybuksince HAL appears to be basically correct22:18
Keybukit uses INT_MAX because it doesn't mind how long the runner takes22:18
Keybukso in this case, INT_MAX should mean "forever"22:18
Keybukand that's when it hangs22:18
Keybukthis may be one of those "the patch keybuk uploaded wasn't the patch keybuk tested" issues22:22
Keybukthe patch I put into the package is not the patch in git22:25
Keybukand is not the one I've been testing for the best part of the year22:25
Keybukla la la22:25
seb128_Keybuk: btw do you plan to ever review the patch on bug #258491?22:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258491 in libtool "link_all_deplibs=no patch no longer working well" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25849122:29
seb128_Keybuk: would be nice to get it off the sponsoring list either way, ie apply or unsubscribe the team and add a comment22:29
Keybukit's a complex path22:30
KeybukI've been on/off testing/reviewing it for ages22:30
waltersKeybuk: you shipping the timeout stuff now?22:30
Keybukwalters: yes22:30
Keybukwalters: I was going to nag you about whether I could just commit to to trunk ;)22:30
waltersKeybuk: i think it's probably right, rereading the thread again22:32
Keybukwalters: it's still the client's choice, after all - the default timeout is still low22:33
waltersKeybuk: are there no changes since the patches attached in bugzilla?22:33
Keybukyou have to give very large numbers, or INT_MAX, as a timeout22:33
Keybukwalters: there's one change to the first one22:33
waltersKeybuk: can you attach then and say what changed?22:33
Keybukwhich ironically is the very bug hit today - I applied the patches from the ML not the patches that worked <g>22:33
Keybukwalters: which bug# was it?22:34
waltersKeybuk: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1684122:34
ubottuFreedesktop bug 16841 in core "Patches to allow NULL timeout for pending call" [Normal,Assigned]22:34
Keybukah yes22:34
KeybukI'll reattach the first one22:34
waltersKeybuk: did you have any thoughts on testing?  we should have at least one test call where we pass INT_MAX, and maybe just timeout after 5 seconds or something for the test suite22:35
waltersKeybuk: so there's at least some exercise of the code path22:36
Keybukwalters: that seems reasonable22:37
dazjorzSo this is the place to talk about huge breakage in karmic if it's not already known?22:55
dazjorz#ubuntu+1 doesn't seem like the place, too22:55
dazjorzor is it?22:56
Keybuk#ubuntu+1 may be appropriate22:56
ienoranddazjorz: it is, hal issues?22:56
Keybukthis is the place to talk about the patches you're writing to fix the huge breakage you found ;)22:56
dazjorzI don't have patches, but I do have solutions22:56
dazjorzdoes that do? :)22:56
dazjorzienorand: not only that22:56
Keybukit depends on your solution22:56
dazjorzalso KDE package breakage22:56
dazjorzkde-icons-oxygen: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/status/meeting-organizer.png', which is also in package libkdepim422:57
Keybukif your solution is "zomg! karmic is broken! go back to jaunty versions" then no, that's not really helpful22:57
Keybukdazjorz: file a bug?22:57
dazjorzonly that one isn't that easy - earlier, kdelibs5 would conflict with libplasma-dev, uninstalling libplasma-dev fixed it, but kdelibs5 doesn't Conflict with libplasma-dev22:57
dazjorzI filed that, and a fix was committed; weird that the original maintainer didn't even know22:57
Keybuknot especially22:57
Keybukour maintainers test things more often than not :p22:58
dazjorzKeybuk: don't worry, any solutions I will bring up won't be braindead22:58
Riddell"would conflict...doesn't conflict" I don't follow22:58
dazjorzconflict without a capital c: conflict in theory22:58
dazjorzConflict with a capital c: have that package as a conflicting package in debian/contro22:59
dazjorzor, conflict in practice, actually22:59
ion_I’d call ubuntu-minimal’s postinst calling rm -fr / “huge breakage”. It’s a development version. A package here and another there is expected to break every once in a while. :-)22:59
dazjorzKeybuk: the thing about bugreporting things like kde-icons-oxygen conflicting with libkdepim4 is22:59
dazjorzKeybuk: it's so *obvious* the new package won't install, the maintainer *must* already know :/23:00
dazjorzso why bother to file a bug anyway23:00
Keybukdazjorz: hah23:01
Keybukthe maintainer clearly doesn't know23:01
Keybukotherwise they wouldn't have uploaded it in the first place23:01
dazjorzmaybe it wasn't uploaded at the same time, or something23:02
dazjorzI mean23:02
=== evanrmurphy_ is now known as evanrmurphy
Keybukfile a bug anyway23:02
dazjorzmaybe it was uploaded, then the other package uploaded at the same time, causing both maintainers to think everything was OK, when in fact it wasn't23:02
dazjorzokay, will do23:02
Keybukat the very least, it gives the QA team something to do23:02
* dazjorz wonders why apport didn't pop up with "Package foo failed to install!" yet, usually it does that23:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 374348 in oxygen-icons "package oxygen-icons failed to install" [Undecided,Invalid]23:04
dazjorzYeah, yeah. The rest of KDE needs upgraded to KDE 4.3 beta. At this point bug reports would be counterproductive.23:04
dazjorzooh, updating to 4.2.85, that makes sense, the 4.3 beta23:05
Keybukwell, it is karmic23:05
dazjorzyep - we just need to wait until the upload of kde 4.3 is done, I guess23:06
TheMusocjwatson: oh right. I hadn't seen that pop up. I'll make it top priority for this morning.23:07
dazjorz[00000496] alsa audio output error: cannot write: Broken pipe    # another sign of the HAL problems, isn't it?23:08
dazjorzby the way: is there a way to get apt to completely ignore the current breakage of the system, and still do what I ask it to do? I read the manpage, tried some options, but it's still begging me to run -f23:09
TheMusocjwatson: actually there is no merge available, but I can do a rebuild to use the newer library.23:11
directhexevand1, ping23:29
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cjwatsonTheMuso: oh, right, I misread rmadison's output or else I'd have just done a simple rebuild myself - sorry to bother you about that23:35
TheMusocjwatson: np23:36
=== Keybuk changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open for development! | dbus 1.2.14-2ubuntu4 fixes HAL not starting in karmic | Ubuntu 9.04 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
dazjorzKeybuk: is there a deb yet? :)23:49
dazjorzit's not on packages.ubuntu.com, anyway23:49
ajmitchpackages.ubuntu.com is often a little out of date23:50
Keybukno, and we can't stop for ice cream23:50
dazjorzany sources link ?23:50
dazjorzhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/dbus still shows -2ubuntu3, and modifying the download URL doesn't work, it doesn't seem to be on the mirrors yet23:51
Keybukdo they not teach patience these days?23:51
Keybukthe upload process takes between one and three hours23:52
Keybukafter which sources, and if you're lucky, binaries will appear23:52
Keybukafter that, mirrors update whenever they feel like it23:52
Keybukin practice, within an hour or so23:52
dazjorzI just figured if there was an URL to get the new .diff.gz and .dsc, you'd be the one to know23:52
dazjorzor, anyone else in this channel, for that matter23:52
directhexhas someone done something funny with apache2 on lpia/armel? i got a ftbfs for mod-mono23:53
cjwatsonif it's not on Launchpad then it isn't sufficiently published yet for there to be any such URL23:53
Keybukthat's the URL I have ;)23:53
* dazjorz ssh scott@that-machine23:53
cjwatsonactually though you just aren't looking in the right places. start at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus23:53
ajmitchKeybuk: fwiw, LP is showing build failures for -2ubuntu4 so far, failing to apply the patch23:53
maxbAll of the buildds except lpia are a bit backlogged at the moment anyway23:53
Keybukajmitch: really?23:53
Keybukthat's vexing23:54
dazjorzcjwatson: right... thanks23:54
directhexKeybuk, computers are vexatious.23:54
ajmitchKeybuk: at least on lpia, i386 is still sitting on currently building23:54
* dazjorz remembers that23:54
Keybuktypically it's the patch that adds the tests ;)23:55
TheMusohrm i386 FTBFs as well.23:55
dazjorzpatches fine here23:55
KeybukI bet it's complaining about .gitignore23:56
cjwatsonlooks like it23:56
* TheMuso chuckles23:56
Keybukmy life would be so much easier if the bzr developers were killed in a freak unit testing accident23:56

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