
micahgDId Intrepid have support for an official moonlight plugin?00:35
nhandlerWhat would be a good place to start if I am interested in helping out with the Mozilla Team?03:18
nhandlermicahg: I was thinking of something along the patching/packaging lines. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions/List appears to be a little out of date (although I could be mistaking)03:20
micahgasac would be the one to talk to03:27
micahgbut it's 5AM for him now03:27
nhandlerOk, I guess I'll try asac tomorrow.03:29
micahgThe wiki's in genral seem out of date03:33
e-jatwelcome to nhandler03:38
nhandlerThank you e-jat03:38
* e-jat wanna learn from nhandler :)03:38
* micahg wants to learn also03:49
micahgI'm almost ready to get into packagingh03:49
micahgfigured I'd start triaging first03:49
nhandlermicahg: If you are interested in generic packaging, we have weekly packaging training sessions (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training) in #ubuntu-classroom every Thursday03:51
* nhandler -> bed03:54
e-jatnite nhandler03:58
micahgnite nhandler04:05
micahgI attended 1 already :)04:05
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
ftaasac, what happened with the +karmic thingy in the umd ppa?10:55
asacfta: he11:38
asacfta: welcome back ;)11:38
ftajcastro, http://paste.ubuntu.com/169441/  help :)11:38
asacfta: i did a manual upload to karmic and because we had ~umd1 in jaunty i used +karmic ;)11:39
ftaasac, thanks, sooner than expected though :(11:39
asacfta: we have problems with launchpad11:39
asacfta: e.g. after launchpad got a new disk array for ppa uploads11:39
asacfta: the uploads are now processed in random order11:39
asacmeaning that we are out of luck and often the non-orig uploads are processed firest11:39
asaci have filed a bug on that and celso is o nit11:40
fta# ?11:40
asacfor the time being we either should wait 5-10 minutes11:40
asacor upload orig everyhwere11:40
asaclet me check11:40
ftaI can do that, i don't mind uploading more11:40
asacfta: yeah. but to prevent that you dont overwrite stuff you would need to push to the right pocket directly11:41
asacwait a second11:41
asacbug 37164011:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 371640 in soyuz "Upload processing order is unstable" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37164011:42
asacfta: so you can directly push to release pockets like:11:42
asacfor incoming11:43
ftawell, requires too many changes to my setup11:45
asacfta: there are two options: a) one batch for jaunty (with orig) ... 10 minutes later do the other11:49
asacb) push to release pockets11:49
asacwith all having orig11:49
asacfta: you could also just push everything ... 10 minutes later push everythig again ;)11:50
ftai think it's safe to just push the full thing each time, it's the same file, so no md5 mismatch11:50
asacfta: its not safe11:50
asacfta: if you upload ... and in the middle of the upload the first .changes gets processed11:51
asacyour orig is busted and all is dropped11:51
asacso thats not an option11:51
asacif you dont want to change your setup, just re-run the whole thing 1 hour later or so11:51
asacwithout changing upstream version of course11:52
asacfta: celso said he will fix it asap11:53
asacso use the easiest workaround11:53
asaci think just repushing everything after 10 minutes is fine11:53
ftawhere does that 10 min come from? a guess?11:53
asacfta: the incoming queue runs every 5 minute11:54
asacso in case there is delay, 1 minutes should be safe11:54
asacfta: i even fixed chromium once ;)12:12
ftayep, thanks12:12
asacfta: we need to add gconf stuff to ia32-chromium thing12:12
ftajust fixed the amd64 part12:12
asacat least on hardy/intrepid12:12
asacfta: so one thing i didnt want to change, but why the hell are you hard depending on mstcorefonts?12:12
ftabecause it's needed12:13
asacthats really devastating ... we dont want mstcorefonts to be installed anywhere ;)12:13
asacfta: why is it needed?12:13
asacor in which way ;)?12:13
ftaotherwise you get a white screen, not text12:13
ftai know12:13
asacok. lets put that on the chromium agenda ;)12:14
asacelimnating font stuff12:14
asacooh you have  bug12:14
asacbut even "AriaL" should map to something12:15
fta543   firefox                        992714  8771 442485  3225 538233 (Alexander Sack)12:15
fta1023  firefox-3.0                    597402 74140 424204 99021    37 (Alexander Sack)12:15
fta1328  msttcorefonts                  390295    13 62736     5 327541 (Thijs Kinkhorst)12:15
asace.g. with ttf-liberation installed12:15
asacyeah i know12:15
asacits a mess12:15
fta1/3 of ubuntu users already have msttcorefonts12:15
asacit needs to go12:15
fta9384  chromium-browser                3651   333   819  2498     1 (Unknown)12:15
fta9581  cxchromium                      3493   331  2935   167    60 (Unknown)12:15
fta17663 ia32-libs-chromium-browser       823     0     0     0   823 (Unknown)12:16
fta17889 ia32-cxchromium                  796    81   661    39    15 (Unknown)12:16
asacare there other rdepends on msttcorefonts in the archive or have all installed that voluntarily12:16
ftaand openoffice.org12:16
asacflashplugin-installer ;)12:16
asachmm. wonder if thats really needed12:17
gnomefreakwhy the hell would bookmark-brindge or whatever the name is depends on libqt*12:17
gnomefreakfta: welcome back. did you happen to announce chromium does not use GTK?12:21
gnomefreakfta: i was told that someone (owner of daily chromium PPA that it is not yet use gtk212:24
asacgnomefreak: fta is owner of that PPA ;)12:24
ftaowner of daily chromium PPA???12:24
gnomefreakfta: yes12:25
gnomefreakAFAIK it depends on gtk2 so i dont get why it isnt built on it12:25
asacgnomefreak: why do you think its not built on it?12:25
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/169486/12:25
gnomefreakasac: i was told it wasnt thats why i asked12:26
asacfta: hm. is that after pushing all uploads that have origs?12:26
ftahmmm, damn, right, won't work for umd :p12:27
asacfta: why not just dput ppa-umd-$distro12:31
asacand add a few rules to your dput.cf12:32
asacfqdn = ppa.launchpad.net12:32
asacincoming = ~ubuntu-mozilla-security/ppa/ubuntu/jaunty/12:32
asaclogin = anonymous12:32
ftaiirc, there's a feature allowing wildcards12:33
asacincoming=..../$1 ?12:33
asacthat would be neat12:33
asaclunch ... bbl12:45
ftaasac, should work, http://paste.ubuntu.com/169495/12:47
asacjtv: hi. could you approve https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/xulrunner/1.9.1/+imports and https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/firefox/3.5/+imports ?13:22
jtvasac: looking...13:22
asacjtv: if we could enable firefox-3.5 and xulrunner-1.9.1 from universe that would work as well13:23
asacbut we have now selected two locales with upstream to work on getting "running an upstream team" going13:23
jtvasac: so this is really an incipient upstream involvement on LP?13:23
asacjtv: yes. Malay and Asturian want to run upstream team on LP13:24
jtvasac: that's great!13:24
asacAsturian translation is 100% complete and we even include it13:24
asacin ubuntu13:24
asacjtv: so for this we will touch the po2xpi script mess to produce proper upstream-tree format13:25
asacjtv: unless you say that you will land something new soon ;)13:25
asaclike .xpi export13:25
jtvasac: no, unfortunately, still on the back burner.13:26
jtvasac: files approved.13:26
asacjtv: i saw that i can import templates/translations from bzr branch ... i guess that wont work for .xpi?13:27
asacor what kind of tree structure would that be?13:27
jtvasac: should work, actually.  Feel like experimenting?  :-)13:27
asacjtv: so just a branch with all the .xpi's on top level?13:27
jtvYou'd have to keep full XPI files in the tree.13:27
asacjtv: hmm. it only allows imports from the "official" branch for a seris13:29
asacthat wouldnt really be proper for this case i guess ... the .xpi branch would defiinitly not the main branch for a series ;)13:30
asacso feature request: allow to set an alternative translation branch for a release series13:30
ftahmm.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/169554/13:40
ftahe was maintaining that page?? i'm quite sure i created it and no one touched it since13:41
ftaoh, nm, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Chromium?action=recall&rev=2013:50
asacfta: i talked to him13:50
asacfta: i told him to set his environment up to build chromium13:51
asace.g. pick the branches, get familiar with how to build using bzr bd13:51
asache said he wanted to do that13:51
asacand then come back13:51
asacfta: ^^113:51
asacthat was like one week ago13:52
ftaa few people wanted the same thing, they disappeared13:53
asaci think its easy to guess why ;)13:53
fta"A new mailing list has been created for Ubuntu Mozilla Daily Build Team (ubuntu-mozilla-daily)."  what is that for?13:54
asacfta: well. i tried to get more folks involved in keeping dailies alive ... they wondered where to get mails about build failures without joining team13:55
asacunfortunately it turned out tha tthe launchpad mailing lists are really useless13:55
asacyou can only subscribe if you are member of the team13:55
asacso we should revert that i guess13:55
asacfta: or at least you should subscribe to that ml too13:56
asaci couldnt even subscribe anyone13:56
ftai'm still getting the emails13:56
asaccould be that i disabled the mailing list for the ppa mail again after i couldnt subscribe you13:57
asacfta: maybe it works even if you are not in a team13:58
asaci was just confused about it not having the normal mailman "subscribe" feature here13:58
asacfta: hmm. odd14:00
asacso https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+contactaddress14:00
asacis still the maling list14:00
asacand afaics the build failures go there now14:00
ftaNot allowed here14:00
ftaSorry, you don't have permission to access this page.14:00
ftawtf? am i not admin of this team?14:01
ftaoh no, you are14:01
asacfta: you are admin now14:07
ftaasac, thanks14:08
=== asac_ is now known as asac
sveinung__is this the right place to ask questions related to mozilla-devscripts?14:38
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
ftasveinung__, yes it is but i don't have much time right now, i have to run. maybe asac could help.14:47
asacsveinung__: ask ;) ... and be patient14:57
sveinung__asac: ok. I was just wondering if you have considered uploading the extension stuff in mozilla-devscripts to Debian?14:58
sveinung__I asked a question about it on Launchpad a while ago. https://answers.launchpad.net/mozilla-devscripts/+question/6064214:59
asacsveinung__: yes, we can do that14:59
asacsveinung__: if you could file a RFP bug in debian, i will upload14:59
sveinung__asac: thanks! Should I ask for mozilla-devscripts or something else (since my impression is that mozilla-devscripts also contains other functionality)?15:00
asacsveinung__: just ask for mozilla-devscripts ... i dont see why anything would hurt for debian15:02
asac(even though some might not want all features)15:03
sveinung__asac: ok. Thank you again!15:03
asacwelcome ... sveinung__ give me the bug id when you have it15:03
jcastrofta: you're all set15:15
asacjcastro: what powers did fta just gain?15:19
jcastroasac: his bug control thing was expiring15:20
asachmm ok15:20
asacjcastro: are there teams where you cannot renew on your own?15:20
jcastroyeah, bug control15:21
jcastrothere might be others, but that's the largest one I think15:21
sveinung__asac: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=52822515:26
ubottuDebian bug 528225 in wnpp "RFP: mozilla-devscripts" [Wishlist,Open]15:26
asacsveinung__: good. i retitled and took ownershipt ... lets see ;)15:28
gnomefreakwhere is gwibber's profile located? i cant find it anywhere16:50
asacgnomefreak: ~/.config/gwibber?16:54
asacno its just ~/.gwibber16:54
asaci think most stuff is saved in gconf/gnome-keyring though16:54
gnomefreakasac: i dont have a ~gwibber16:54
gnomefreak~/.gwibber even16:54
micahgasac: what do I do if someone reports a bug fixed, but I don't know where16:54
asacmicahg: close the bug as invalid ;)16:55
micahgasac: even if it was confirse?med by someone el16:55
micahgeven if it was confirmed by someone else?16:55
asacwell. claiming its "fix released" without knowing where and how is similarly wrong ;)16:56
gnomefreakah its in ~/.gconf/apps/gwibber16:56
asacmicahg: in the end it doesnt matter ... if someone feels offended by invalid you can use fix released16:56
micahgalso, should I join mozsquad if I only work on bugs?16:56
asacgnomefreak: yeah. thats the gconf database16:56
asacgnomefreak: you can use gconf-editor to navigate and edit that kind of stuff16:57
gnomefreakasac: i was thinking of backup but not sure if i really want to back up the whole ~/.gconf but maybe ill grab gwibber out of it and than add it to that dir when needed16:58
gnomefreakit seems the pictures are help in ~/.cache/gwibber17:00
gnomefreaklol i have 2 of you for some strange reason17:00
asacgnomefreak: i think one is twitter, the other is identi.ca17:03
gnomefreakasac: makes sense17:03
ftai'm back17:05
micahgasac: is it worth it for me to join this : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozillasquad17:05
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
asacmicahg: it expresses your affiliation, so yeah17:05
gnomefreaki would17:06
asacwelcome back reed ;)17:06
asaceven with a pristine nick17:06
asacfta: i read the news that chromium doesnt need patches for webkit anymore ;)17:09
asacso we can push harder on doing system libs soonish17:09
ftabut it needs webkit from trunk, we're probably too old17:10
ftathey perform a weekly sync with trunk17:10
asacdo we know anything about webkit release cycle?17:10
ftai don't17:11
LaPingvino1hello here then17:15
asacLaPingvino1: hi17:15
LaPingvino1thanks for the redirect asac17:15
asacLaPingvino1: what question do you have?17:16
LaPingvino1I want to know how I can get the translations of the Esperanto translation team (outside of ubuntu) into ubuntu17:16
asacLaPingvino1: what does "outside of ubuntu" mean?17:16
LaPingvino1that it's just a firefox translation team17:17
LaPingvino1and that their translation is not available in ubuntu yet17:17
asacLaPingvino1: ok. how do you release your translations?17:17
asacis that translation complete?17:17
LaPingvino1quite complete yes17:17
asacLaPingvino1: ok. is that translation already an official mozilla translation?17:17
LaPingvino1it is17:17
gnomefreakwho the hell are these people in these pictures :( ill be back17:18
LaPingvino1any idea? how do the translations normally come in?17:20
asacLaPingvino1: if its released http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.0.10/linux-i686/xpi/ it will automatically come when we update translations next time17:20
asacwhich should happen regularly17:20
LaPingvino1ah great :)17:21
LaPingvino1yeah it's in there :)17:21
LaPingvino1so it should get in for the next translation update then I guess...17:22
LaPingvino1when will that be?17:22
asacno idea ... i have to manually update the .xpis at some place. please ping me daily until i said i did that ;)17:23
asacLaPingvino1: ^^17:23
asaci will try to slip that into next slot17:23
LaPingvino1aha :)17:26
asacfta: did we restructure anything in the ffox packaging since 3.0? like improved how branding works?17:28
ftai don't think so17:28
asacsomehow the -devscripts lp-export-langpack filter thing doesnt catch the branding bits anymore17:28
ftabut during the last 3 weeks, i forgot almost everything17:29
ftahard reset17:29
LaPingvino1Anyhow, as I see now the language packs in firefox are still on 3.0.7 as Firefox is already on 3.0.10...17:29
LaPingvino1so it wouldn't do harm to update it :P17:29
asacfta: yeah ... be assured things will come back. the brain is an interesting type of device ;)17:30
asacLaPingvino1: it doesnt and it should17:30
asacthats why i want to fast-path that now ;)17:30
LaPingvino1aha :D17:31
LaPingvino1great then17:31
ftaasac, too bad i had to come back sooner than expected. it was a really nice experience17:31
LaPingvino1ey, sidestep... any idea why my nick LaPingvino automatically gets LaPingvino1?17:31
LaPingvino1guess it's for that I'm already registered once... :S17:31
asacfta: yeah. thats what i already wondered. thoguth you were going to be away another week ... hope nothing bad happens17:32
asachmm. not17:34
gnomefreakcan you have empty lines in your .bashrc in the alias' section?17:38
asacalias section?17:38
asaci only know about alias lines ;)17:38
gnomefreakasac: i have a ton of alias' in my bashrc17:38
asaceach alias is one line17:38
asacyou probably forgot a '17:38
gnomefreakcan i add an empty line between them?17:38
asacyes you can17:39
gnomefreakok cool thanks :)17:39
gnomefreakok im gone for a while17:41
ftaasac, could you push your gtk patch in karmic for bug 362939?17:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362939 in ia32-libs "sync ia32libs with libs shipped in jaunty RC" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36293917:49
ftai mean bug 36949817:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369498 in ia32-libs "Errors when running acroread in 9.04 (fully updated)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36949817:49
=== reed is now known as [reed]
ftajcastro, thanks! (bug-squad)18:07
asacfta: couldnt you renew yourself?18:07
asacsounds like a bug18:07
asaccurrently looking for the patch (modules)18:08
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/169441/18:09
asachmm. o18:10
asacso maybe they want a review for that ... not sure why ,)18:10
asacJazzva: hi! could you check whether you can subscribe to the daily mailing list in launchpad ;)18:10
Jazzvaasac: sure, that would be ood :)18:10
asacJazzva: this mail liist feature of launchpad feels a bit inferior18:11
asaclet me know if you can subscribe as a being a nono-member for daily at all18:11
asacif thats not possible its definitly useless ;)18:12
Jazzvaasac: It's the same as it was few days ago ... "Policy:  You must be a team member to subscribe to the team mailing list. "18:12
asacoh sorry18:12
asacforgot that you already tested that18:12
asacwhat a mess18:12
Jazzvaasac: no problem. I thought somebody fixed that :).18:12
ftaasac, what does it say: http://www.googlewatchblog.de/2009/05/09/chromium-fuer-mac-und-linux-verfuegbar/ ?18:12
asacfta: i dont see your name at least ;)18:13
asacfta: just a blog about a user testing this18:14
asaci mean the official linux builds18:14
asacsimilar to the official mozilla builds as it seems18:14
asacseems for him the tabs are broken18:14
[reed]asac: hiya18:15
[reed]yeah, been busy :)18:15
asachey ;)18:15
asaci figured that18:15
asacthoguht you were on university action18:15
asacexams et al18:15
[reed]yeah, and then I moved out to California for the summer ;)18:15
[reed]see my host ;)18:15
asacwhere are you living?18:16
[reed]in MV18:16
asacalready found a final occupation18:16
asacor something intermediate?18:16
asacoccupation is wrong word ;)18:16
[reed]I'm staying at corporate apartments with some of the Mozilla interns18:16
[reed]for the summer18:16
asacyeah cool. thats what i thought18:17
asacmust be fun18:17
[reed]yeah, I was in SF on Saturday18:17
[reed]got sunburned ;)18:17
asac[reed]: so "reed" is still not abandoned on freenode?18:18
[reed]it's owned by some FSF Europe guy18:19
asacfta: so for this patch you need to create a HOST link in /usr/lib/gtk+2.0/modules/ similar to the one in .../2.10.0/18:25
asacjust pointing to the modules dir of ia32libs18:26
asacits created in ia32libs ... so maybe check how they guess that GTK_HOST thing18:26
asacfta: so currently we have: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/i686-pc-linux-gnu18:26
asacwe also need18:26
asacwell in karmic thats hopefully i486 again18:27
asacand not 86818:27
asacbut in jaunty it was i68618:27
asaconce you have that you probably need the gtk from my sandbox ppa -- currently building18:27
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
ftaasac, we own the builders: https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/ :)18:33
asacfta: i tell you ...18:33
asacyou were really happy to not be here over the release time18:33
asacthat was a real mess ;)18:33
asaclike 2000 builds on i386 ;) both official and ppa builders ;)18:33
asaci thinkn the removed a bunch of builds from ppa before the release18:34
asacso they could add them to the the auto-import18:34
asacso while we were in hard freeze everybody uploadded to PPA ... as they seemingly had nothing to do ;)18:34
asacthen when stuff opened everybody also uploaded to PPA because they thought they might see results earlier18:34
ftai think it's dynamically allocated18:35
asacso it was kind of free market regulation ... both ppa and builders took the same time ;)18:35
asacfta: yeah. but they definitly had less virtual instances after archive opened18:35
asacnow there is a whole lot18:35
asacbefore it was 3-4 builders for each arch18:35
fta2 official builders per arch now18:36
asacyou should be able to see that in log ... like dailies starting 8-10 hours after upload ;)18:37
asacfta: yeah ... the official builders are about the same ... not sure where all the PPA builders were at that time18:37
asacthere definitly were 4-5 in parallel ... not more18:37
asacfta: so one thing i will do for jaunty is to move the gnome-support components to the main package ... and manually sedding shlibs so the gnome depends dont show up in the main package18:39
asacthe gnome-support package would then be just a "depends" only package18:39
asacproblem is that we cannot make -gnome-support a recommends ... kde folks hated us when we did that18:40
asacso people installing thunderbird will not geet a complete user experience18:40
asacsame if you did not have firefox installed ... which is a bit better situation because its usually installed by default18:41
asacbut its the same for the dailies18:41
asacfolks installing just firefox-3.6 won't get gnome-support18:41
asacthe code is already in thunderbird.head18:41
asaci did it before release, but then retracted to push that ;)18:42
asachttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/thunderbird/thunderbird.dev/revision/99 and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/thunderbird/thunderbird.dev/revision/10018:43
asaci am not completely happy with the strip lib thing18:44
asacto do it right we would need some on-the-fly dependency tree traversal code i think18:44
asac.... which sounds bad. maybe misusing dh_shlibs might help18:45
asacor maybe moving the libs after dependencies are generated from the -gnome-support to the normal tree18:45
asacugly trick ;)I18:45
asacfta: too bad. seems like gtk fro mkarmic doesnt build on amd6418:51
asacwell ... but we need i386 which looks good18:51
asacat least lpia worked18:51
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
asachmm so the patch was wrong ;)19:08
asacwtf ;)19:08
asacfta: ok second attempt19:19
asacfta: second attempt19:22
asacfta: could we add the patch for the Sans font to chromium and demote the depends to recommends for now ;)?19:23
asaclater hopefully dropping it to suggests or completely19:23
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
asacfta: great. the latest gtk in my ppa built everywhere and works ;)20:23
asacwill upload later ... have to take a break20:23
asacfta: there seem to be a bunch more libs not in ia32libs20:30
asac/usr/lib/gio/modules/libgioremote-volume-monitor.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6420:31
asacFailed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgioremote-volume-monitor.so20:31
asac/usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6420:31
asacFailed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so20:31
asac/usr/lib/gio/modules/libgiogconf.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6420:31
asacFailed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgiogconf.so20:31
asacgio probably has its own busted module thing20:31
asaclet me check20:31
asacso glib ... checking20:33
ftappas are turning greener and greener...20:58
Nafallojust because the servers have green HDD leds...21:02
ftai meant this: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa21:02
ftait was all red 2 hours ago21:03
asacat least i dont have to manually reupload dailies anymore ;)21:03
asacthat was painful21:03
Nafalloasac: you like pain. stop complaining.21:03
asacmy constant pain level is fine now ... no need to add more ;)21:03
Nafalloasac: up your limits? *grins*21:04
ftahmm.. Estimated repository size: 9.3 GiB (93.09%) of 10.0 GiB21:05
asacfta: do you need mroe info on the ia32libs part from 369498 ?21:05
asacbug 36949821:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369498 in gtk+2.0 "Errors when running acroread in 9.04 (fully updated)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36949821:05
asacfta: chromium?21:05
Nafallobah. he ignored me :-(21:06
ftait will be worse tomorrow, i added lpia21:06
asacNafallo: my limits are tuned well .. without harware upgrade there is nothing i would like to bump ;)21:06
asacfta: you should ask a question then ;)21:07
asacotherwise you will end up with randome "rejects"21:07
ftait's caused by the -testsuite-dbg debs21:08
asacdo you really need those?21:08
fta400M each21:08
asacsoudns a bit like a waste of space ;)21:08
asacone reason we started to do dbgsym packages was to lower weight for mirrors21:08
asacand archives21:08
ftawell, it's useful to debug crashes, but not sure who is interested by that, if any21:09
ftai read that ppas now support dbgsym21:09
asacthe reason why we have -dbg for firefox/xulrunner was that dbgsym are broken for security updates21:10
asacso i think dropping them for chromium wouild be ok ... especially if there is a ppa dbgsym now21:10
asacat least dropping the testsuite parts ;)21:10
asaci think if somebody really wants to test that he can just build the package ;)21:10
asacfta: the gio dir is completely missing in ia32lib21:14
asacfta: those files in /usr/lib/gio/ are from gvfs ... not sure if thats in ia32libs at all already21:16
ftanope, no gio/gvfs in ia32-libs21:17
asacfta: libgio is part of glib ... so i guess just gvfs needs to be added ... and of course you need the $(host) link similar to the gtk modules21:17
ftai'll have a closer look tomorrow21:21
ftastill digging into chromium21:21
ftastrange it worked on jaunty. is gcc different in karmic?21:24
asacnext version is default21:24
asacusually next version is stricter21:24
ftawhere is the spec?21:25
k-sguys, is XPI.TEMPLATE working with hardy?21:26
k-si got this error while trying hardy: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26600452/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.tinymenu-extension_1.4.10-0hardy1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:26
k-sworks fine with jaunty: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26600308/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.tinymenu-extension_1.4.10-0jaunty1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz21:26
k-sthe only difference is about changelog21:26
ftaasac, it's not mentioned in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilerFlags21:28
asack-s: the error message you are seeing seems odd21:28
asacnot sure why you have .o there21:28
asack-s: run a find  and paste that ;)21:28
k-sasac: where?21:35
BUGabundoguud evening21:35
asack-s: did you use med-xpi-unpack? if so, it might be you need a more modern devscripts package21:35
asacis that ok?21:35
asacwe have a hardy build in our daily ppa iirc21:35
k-sasac: might be that21:35
k-sI used the most automatic as possible21:36
k-sasac: so depend on that ppa?21:36
asack-s: yeah. so use that devscripts21:36
asack-s: no ... you can also upload that to whatever ppa you need it to be21:36
asacdepending on daily might not be the best idea ;)21:36
k-sasac: you say I upload to your ppa instead of making mine depend on yours?21:39
k-sasac: worked depending on your repo21:45
asack-s: no. i say: upload mozilla-devscripts from that daily ppa (or from jaunty) to your ppa ;)21:46
asacso you dont need to depend on it21:46
k-sok, so far it worked depending, if it break i'll let you know21:47
jhass840Hi, I have a small problem and I'm not sure if you can help me but I'll ask anyway.  My university just outsourced all of our e-mail accounts to windows live mail.  I want to continue checking my e-mail via thunderbird, however after following a tutorial online I get the error "Mail server localhost responded: live.kutztown.edu is an unsupported domain" what do I do about this?21:48
nhandler_asac: ping21:59
k-ssomeone with full firefox source could grep where 'Use Small Icons' option is defined?22:00
ftak-s, http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/global/customizeToolbar.dtd#822:01
k-sfta: thanks22:01
ftathat's trunk / 3.622:01
jhass840and the entire PA state university system is implementing the same system, so this will be a huge problem in the months to come22:02
BUGabundohey fta! you are back! how was vacation ? nbice I hope! missed you dude!22:03
ftaBUGabundo, nice, thanks. I hurt my knees so i had to come back sooner than expected though :P22:04
k-sfta: how to make a profile where this is set by default?22:04
BUGabundok-s: firefox -P22:05
BUGabundofta: sorry to hear about that! hope you make a speedy recover22:05
nhandler_Would any of you guys know a good place to start getting involved with patching/packaging for the Mozilla Team. The extension list on the wiki seemed very outdated22:06
k-si mean, how to patch/modify ubufox to make that smallicons to be on by default (netbooks)22:07
ftanhandler_, asac & Jazzva_ are the extension guys here ;)22:07
nhandler_fta: I know that, but due to time zones, it is difficult to catch them on IRC to have a real conversation.22:09
Jazzva_nhandler_: present at the moment...22:09
Jazzva_nhandler_: yeah, the list is a bit outdated, iirc. but you can pick any unmaintained (or maintained) extension, and start working :)22:10
Jazzva_nhandler_: there is a wiki page that explains how to prepare a new package, or an update for the existing one, just let me find the link22:11
nhandler_Jazzva_: I have it bookmarked on my other computer22:11
nhandler_I'll start looking for a good extension now and then try to package it up later tonight22:11
Jazzva_nhandler_: it should be easy for most extensions. if you have any trouble, just ping me, i'll be around for 2-3 hours tonight (maybe more)22:12
ftak-s, sorry, i don't know. doesn't seem to be a pref for that22:14
fta[reed], do you know? ^^22:14
k-sfta: right click toolbar icons, you'll see it there22:15
ftai know, but you want to preset it, right?22:15
k-shttp://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/toolkit/content/customizeToolbar.js#662 that checkbox calls this function22:15
nhandler_Jazzva_: From looking through lp:~mozillateam/firefox-extensions/XPI.TEMPLATE, it does not appear that we use watch files or get-orig-source in the extensions, is this correct?22:15
k-smaybe it helps?22:15
Jazzva_nhandler_: yes, that's true22:16
k-sfta: in my localstore.rdf I have a bunch of descriptions <RDF:Description ...iconsize="small"22:18
k-sbut maybe it's not the right way to set it in all toolbars22:18
k-swell, I see no references to smallicons on firefox other than that dialog22:21
k-sso it's not checking for it on startup22:21
k-sfta: ok, figured out what I need to do22:42
k-sbut still not how to do22:42
k-si need to add: <RDF:Description RDF:about="chrome://browser/content/browser.xul#navigator-toolbox" iconsize="small" />22:43
k-sanyone knows how to do that?22:47
nhandler_The majority of the FF extensions that I have looked at simply put "MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1" in there license file. They do not ship a copy of any of these licenses. Should I contact the upstream developer about this or is there something else that should be done?23:09
kklimondacould someone check bug 374106? Right now adblock extension with EasyList is hiding some subscribers, maybe we could add launchpad.net and edge to whitelist?23:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374106 in malone "adblock rule "##*[id$="sponsors"]" from EasyList is hiding "Ubuntu Sponsors for Universe" from Subscribers list." [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37410623:12
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