
xy|oxrpatton, how much ram00:06
xy|oxi think you should have at least 256 mb00:07
rpattonok but the processor should run it right ?00:08
xy|oxwell, processor is commonly not a big concern, always you use a light desktop environment like xfce00:09
xy|oxwhats the speed00:09
xy|oxyeah its alright, im running on a 500 mhz with 384 mb00:11
DetroitLibertywhy is sharing my printer so fucking hard!00:17
DetroitLibertyI keep getting it working, and then the next day it doesn't work again00:17
sound_fxHello, I just recently upgraded to 9.04, and my sound isn't working anymore. I tried reinstalling but still doesn't work. Audio through my headphones works fine.00:18
xerxesHi! i used the alternate cd install, do i miss some realtime options for the kernel now?00:28
xerxescan i tweak something...the scheduler or so?00:29
=== R1coch3t is now known as R1cochet
mib_6kur4b0jJust installed my first official distro, ever... and need a hand up trying to get something. Anyone have a second?02:53
R1cochetwhat u need?02:58
ZapperHey all03:06
Zapperwhos on03:06
mib_6kur4b0jWell, I'd like to get a lightweight CD player.03:10
mib_6kur4b0jBecause Totem gives me an error when I put my CD in.03:10
Zapperget a ipod03:10
Zapperwait... thats mp303:10
mib_6kur4b0jOkay. I'm familiar with it.03:12
R1cochetmib_6kur4b0j: did u try listen music player?03:12
mib_6kur4b0jI didn't see it in my menus.03:12
mib_6kur4b0jWhere do I need to look for it.03:13
zoredachemaybe audacious?03:13
R1cochetyea i like audacious myself03:13
mib_6kur4b0jAll right, all I really need is "play" and "repeat" anyway. Nothing fancy.03:14
R1cochetwell w/ audacious u can use older winamp skins :)03:14
mib_6kur4b0jNow, to do things the linux way is to use get-apt... right? Never used it. =\ How do I get-apt Audacious?03:14
R1cochetwell yes u can use apt-get or u can open: Apps>system>synaptic03:15
R1cochetthen search for audacious03:15
R1cochetmight be easier03:15
R1cochethowever to do apt-get open terminal and type "sudo apt-get install audacious"03:15
R1cochetw/out the ""03:15
R1cochetalso u might wanna make sure that u have install xubuntu-restricted-extras03:16
R1cochetand if u wanna watch dvds u need to get libdvdread4 and libdvdcss203:17
mib_6kur4b0jWhy? What's that?03:17
mib_6kur4b0jNah. It's an old P3 with 384 MB ram.03:17
mib_6kur4b0jI'm not watching any DVDs on tht.03:17
R1cochetthat will install all the plugins u need to watch flash movies and other online stuff03:17
mib_6kur4b0jSynaptec just got me audacious.03:19
R1cochetnow play ur music away03:19
mib_6kur4b0jExcept it's not..03:19
mib_6kur4b0jTotem opened again and told me "location not found."03:19
mib_6kur4b0jMy CD doesn't seem to have... mounted?03:20
R1cochetdid u check through places menu?03:24
mib_6kur4b0jYea. Not there. "username" trash desktop file system floppy drive recent documents03:25
=== Duckslammer is now known as Duckslammer_
=== Duckslammer_ is now known as Duckslammer
mib_6kur4b0jIt's cool. You got me audacious, which is good enough for now.03:29
mib_6kur4b0jI need to crash for the night. Thanks for the help so far, though. I'll pop my head back in.03:29
mib_6kur4b0j(I'm doing this over a web interface... what do you recommend for IRC xubuntu?)03:29
R1cochetxchat all the way03:30
mib_6kur4b0jThank you kindly.03:30
R1cochetpidgin is only good for msn type chat03:30
mib_6kur4b0jAll right.03:31
mib_6kur4b0jI'll pick up xchat next time I come through, and I'll have an actual handle for these channels.03:31
mib_6kur4b0j(btw, if you're ever stuck w/o your comp or xchat... mibbit is what I found, and it's a BIG help)03:32
R1cochetis there an EQ for listen music player? my music is coming out a bit odd and would like to be able to adjust the settings04:18
R1cochetnvm i guess not04:35
R1cochetcan any1 recommend a good music player w/ an eq besides audacious?04:36
R1cochetis there a p2p app similar to frostwire that isnt frostwire?05:21
Zappervuze isnt similar05:36
Zapperits 832749874368736938473498976 times better05:36
R1cochetnaw to commercial and i have deluge05:36
R1cochetso vuze is more than a torrent client?05:36
R1cochetbut is it safe?05:37
xerxes__in what way?05:37
R1cochetsending my info to the feds05:38
xerxes__well, I think you can do ssl-connections05:39
xerxes__im not sure05:39
Zapperor .net05:39
Zapperor w/e sourceforge is05:39
xerxes__whats wrong with transmission?05:39
zoredacheR1cochet: the only safe thing to do is to no steal 'share' stuff you don't ahve rights to share05:40
zoredacheeverything can probably be detected if the interested party is concerned enough05:40
R1cocheti have a torrent client; deluge and i love it. but i was looking for a napster tyoe of client05:40
xerxes__with transmission you can connect to a tracker through the tor-network and download via ssl05:41
R1cochetzoredache: i do have the rights to the music i was looking for but my disc is messed to hell and i cant rip it to hdd05:41
Zapperis anyone on to answer my questions?06:47
Duckslammerzapper, just ask and see what happens07:05
Zapperhere goes07:43
Zapperwhat is xubuntus purpose? i mean my desktop can handle ubuntu fine, but apart from being lightweight what is its use? and what are the downsides with it?07:45
Zapperi mean, im going to get it, but will my other linux programs be compatible with it?07:45
forcesjust an alternative07:46
Zapperim going to mainly use it for internet and media...07:46
forcesdesktop alternative07:46
forces+ xfce07:46
Zapperim going to install windows for native game playing and photoshop etc*07:46
Zapperwill i have any problems installing programs designed for ubuntu?07:47
RoylapIn some cases you will have to dl some extra dependencies because of missing GNOME librarys and whatnot but apt-get gets you everything you need anyway.07:48
RoylapXubuntu is just nice to look at, and fast.07:49
Zapperwould the extra repositories affect my speed in anyway?07:51
RoylapI cant answere that for certian but i really dont think you will notice any speed issues with that.07:52
Duckslammeranyone help with sound card problem?08:03
R1cochetyea xubuntu is the way to go08:14
nikolamhi, what should i do? - My Quit button in Xfce does not work08:14
nikolamI am on hardy 64bit08:15
nikolamAlso on other netbook machine with 32bit hardy I have same issue but is is there from last upgrade nowon08:15
nikolamon third machine , also on 32 bit hardy, firefox and seamonkey get frozen after few minutes of activity08:16
nikolamOn all 3 machines, problems started after last upgrades (and 2.6.24-24)08:16
R1cocheti had issues when i upgraded also w/ it slowing way down. i did a fresh install and it runs faster than 8.10 did08:17
R1cochetnikolam: did u try both quit buttons? 1 on panel 1 in menu?08:21
nikolaminteresting.. i just added quit button on the panel and it pops up08:24
nikolambut i tried that on netbook and didn`t work.08:24
nikolamalso on netbook, it doesn`t remember panel settings08:25
nikolamalso, 2.6.24-24 didn`t want to boot machine (restarting) until i re-installed fglrx driver with different version08:28
nikolamAnd at the end, newer kernel after upgrade is just added to /boot , so disk space on /boot partition is wasted very quickly and fails to bot from time to time, since /boot gets filled08:29
nikolamI will try to restart now.. cu all08:29
frereHello there, I'm new to IRC... Can anyone tell me how to recover the Catfish search function under Places (Thunar)? I played with PCman and seem to have lost the Catfish menu item under Places now... Thank you for your patience with a newbee...10:18
R1cochetrt click on it in the panel and enter "catfish" as the command10:20
R1cochetrt click> properties10:20
frereHi there R1cochet, this is absolutely awesome real-time time help! I can't believe I discovered RIC and solved my problem in 30 secs! Heartfelt thanks from Madrid!!!!10:21
R1cochetno problemo mi amigo10:22
frereUn abrazo y que tengas un dia estupendo!10:22
R1cochetnot always this fast tho. i just happend to be passing by10:22
frereI'm sold!!10:22
R1cochetlo siento. hablo poquito espanol10:23
R1cochetawesome i think ull find that linux is great10:23
=== KO9_ is now known as ollie
=== ollie is now known as ollie_
Pres-GasHey, all14:02
vixusHi, can anyone tell me how to edit the Applications menu in 9.04?14:03
vixusi want to edit the structure of the menu rather than the applications in it14:09
Kangarooo I have 2 folders open with thunar and will now restart and want thouse 2 folders to be open on start14:10
Kangarooohow to make folders to restore on startup ?14:11
SiDiKangarooo: at the quit dialog, click on "save session"14:12
DetroitLibertyPeKangroo: As long as when you shutdown/restart you choose "Save session" it should14:12
Kangaroooand what saving session also does? I've used sessions long time ago but I think its adding services and slowing computer- hiden proceses.. and it also opens all programms so some hidden programms slows pc14:13
vixussession saving just saves all open programs on logout14:16
vixusif you had 'hidden' programs running they might be restarted as well14:17
=== Marty is now known as Guest15320
Guest15320Hello there, can anyone help me. I'm having trouble getting my sound to work. I recently installeb Xubuntu 9 Jackalope on my old iBook G3 (PPC)14:38
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:06
* Pres-Gas points Guest15320 to the links from ubottu.15:06
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=== illusha is now known as illu45
Skinkiehi all, how can i recover the 'standard ubuntu applications menu'?17:08
Skinkiefor some reason it disapeared after upgrading17:08
sinelawhi, i have a low end system, is xubuntu really better for that?19:33
vinnlDepends, compared to what and how low-end :P19:33
sinelawvery low end19:34
sinelaw192Mb ram is the worst stat :(19:34
vinnlOh, I've heard worse :P19:34
vinnlBut it won't really be pleasant, I think19:34
SiDii think thats enough for Xubuntu ;)19:34
sinelawis there something that will run better? all i want is to surf the web19:34
SiDiIf you shutdown update-notifier, and hardware-drivers notifier, too19:35
SiDisinelaw: surely openbox on arch will run better, but it'll also be much harder to setup ;)19:35
vinnlThere's Puppy Linux, Damn Small Linux, Elive, and many more19:35
vinnlNot that easy to use but for just browsing it should be fine19:35
sinelawah great, but  too many options is also bad19:36
SiDiThat's why you should stick with *our* option xD19:37
sinelawSiDi, i want to, but i also want the system to be usable19:38
Wizardhow does lts work? will i get latest software or just security updates?19:38
vinnlWizard, just security updates19:38
SiDisinelaw: its usable with 192 afaik19:38
Wizardah, i understand19:38
sinelawSiDi, the xubuntu web page doesn't even mention that it's supposed to be ligher than ubuntu19:38
sinelawis that at all a goal?19:39
SiDisinelaw: just remove stuff you don't need on startup if you want to get a little more RAM. As for the web browser i recommand Opera...19:39
SiDisinelaw: ah, thats weird to hear :P the goal is OF COURSE to be lighter :)19:39
SiDiknome will make us a new website in the next 2 days anyways... </this _is_ a troll>19:39
* SiDi hides.19:39
vinnl*One of* the goals is to be high-performant19:40
sinelawyeah it's weird - doesn't mention even what the diference is w.r. to Ubuntu19:40
SiDi(sinelaw, about Opera, i warn you that it's proprietary ! but it uses less ram than ff/midori, afaik)19:40
vinnlIt's not supposed to be "a light-weight version of Ubuntu"19:40
SiDithe difference is xfce instead of gnome19:40
vinnlSiDi, Opera uses Qt19:40
sinelawthat's the whole difference?19:40
SiDivinnl: aw. well thats a shame cause their engine is lighter19:40
vinnlAlso a different package selection and mentality in general :)19:40
vinnlSiDi, last time I checked WebKit was really light, which is what Midori uses (though Midori is quite unstable)19:41
vinnlAnd Gecko has made lots of improvement as well, I'm eagerly awaiting Firefox 3.5 ;-)19:41
SiDivinnl: i tested the RAM used by ff 3.0, ff 3.6 and midori 1.1.6 about a week ago19:41
SiDimidori was worse than 3.0 :X19:41
SiDiand 3.6 was better than 3.0 :P19:41
SiDiWith only gmail opened, ff 3.0 was ~90, midori ~110, ff 3.6 ~8019:42
SiDiI've been shocked too.19:42
SiDiI don't use swap at all, btw !19:42
vinnlHow did you test it?19:42
SiDiwell, gnome-system-monitor xD19:42
vinnl(Unfortunately Midori crashes for me so I can't reproduce)19:43
SiDiI wasnt gonna run it in valgrind and read 3000 lines of logs just to test :p19:43
vinnlSiDi, which value did you check? You're supposed to be looking at "Writable Memory" IIRC19:43
SiDii can check again19:44
SiDii'll have to kill irc tho19:44
SiDiits in firefox xD19:44
pteaguei have to say thank you for being the most usable main stream window manager in jaunty19:44
vinnlHaha xD19:44
sinelawbtw, does it make sense for a motherboard to accept max. 192mb? or is that rare19:45
SiDipteague: thats because xfwm is pawnage !19:45
vinnlpteague, heh, there aren't many Xfce developers here I think ;-)19:45
sinelaw(i would expect 256...)19:45
SiDisinelaw: its probably 128+6419:45
SiDithe RAM was very expensive at this time19:45
sinelawyes i remember19:45
SiDiand usually when you were upgrading you weren't buying a new 128MB card19:45
sinelawi remember when we had a 486DX2 with...wait for it....16 mb of ram! that was insane back then19:46
pteague"oh look, kde4 does shadows..." <crash>  "oh look, clear vista like title bars" <crash> "oh, it has a nifty mac like thingy" <crash>19:46
SiDisinelaw: :) i still got a 256 MB ram machine around, i guess i'll use it for some testing purpose19:47
Wizardand /me still uses dwm at work19:47
SiDiCause my machine here runs with 4GB of ram, but with xubuntu of course \o/19:47
sinelawwhat i like about this channel... you don't have "users"19:47
sinelawlike #ubuntu19:47
Wizardsinelaw: like 'help! internets iz br0ken!'19:48
SiDivinnl: 105,5MB average writable mem for midori19:48
pteagueintel e6750 dual core, 4gb ram, nvidia 9600gt ...  i'm only having problems with running eve-online & i'm hoping that last wine update will fix it19:48
SiDigonna kill ff and start it in gmail to check, see you :P19:48
Wizardhelp! my powerbook does not wake from suspend19:48
Wizard(and i forgot how to fix it)19:48
pteagueisn't pushing the power button supposed to bring it back?19:49
SiDivinnl: firefox is the winner19:51
SiDiff 3.0 80MB, and 80.6 for ff 3.619:51
SiDiwith of course all the numerous plugins loaded19:51
vinnlBut hey, it's not exactly scientific, so it might be your setup :P19:52
SiDimight be but still :)19:52
SiDithat proves wrong people who claim gecko sucks !19:52
vinnlYeah it's a bit of a shocker19:52
SiDii think they took the advantage with ff 3.0.119:52
SiDi(or is it 3.1 ?)19:52
SiDigmail is responsible of a good 40 MBs of ram usage btw19:53
SiDiits an heavy page :p19:53
SiDibut typically, i'm on gmail/mibbit/another site when i browse, so thats a good use case for me19:53
vinnlYeah Gmail will definitely perform a lot better in Firefox 3.5 because of the improved Javascript performance19:53
SiDii can test with a foo.html basic page if you want :p19:54
SiDibut i gotta kill irc again :x19:54
vinnlNo don't bother :P19:54
sinelawSiDi, did you try "basic html" on gmail?19:55
sinelawand why don't you use xchat or something...19:55
SiDino sorry :p19:55
SiDii believe ff would be around 30 MB with just a basic html page in one tab + swap19:55
SiDisinelaw: i'm behind a firewall, i need port 8019:55
SiDiand i cant find a freenode serv with port 8019:56
vinnlSiDi, there's also Chatzilla :)19:56
sinelawah ok19:56
SiDivinnl: it sucks compared to mibbit, imo :P19:56
SiDiand it doesnt solve the ff dependency ^^19:57
vinnlSure :)19:57
SiDii got a box i can ssh into and irssi with19:57
SiDibut mibbit has much more features :P19:57
SiDiand the box is a P II, it lags19:57
sinelaw can i upgrade from ubuntu 8.0.1 to xubuntu  9.0.4?19:58
vinnlsinelaw, you mean 8.04.1?19:58
vinnlYou can first upgrade to 8.10 and then to 9.04, and then convert it to a Xubuntu installation, but doing a fresh install is probably easier, especially if you installed your home directory on a separate partition19:59
sinelawah forget it, it's xububntu 8.0.420:00
pteaguessh tunnel proxy ftw20:01
sinelawoops, i forgot my username/password on that machine, i guess it's a fresh install then20:02
SiDisinelaw: congrats ;)20:03
sinelawoh now, neighbor is doing karaoke.... oh the pain20:11
sinelawoh *no20:12
SiDimine would better not tonight !20:12
vinnlI wish I found a room, wouldn't mind a karaoke now and then :P20:13
Wizarddoes anybody know svn for xfce?20:24
vinnlhttp://svn.xfce.org/? :P20:24
Wizard /trunk? :P20:25
vinnlWizard, http://www.xfce.org/download/development20:25
Wizardany xfce dev here? :P20:25
vinnlYou'll want to check the mailinglists for that, or perhaps #xfce20:26
SiDixfce's site isnt up-to-date :D20:28
vinnlWhy not? Jerome has been updating it all over with the release of 4.620:29
SiDithe url above20:29
SiDiit says latest stable 4.420:30
SiDiand latest devel 4.520:30
vinnlSiDi, have you pressed Ctrl+Shift+R20:30
vinnlOh wait, perhaps the mirror in your area hasn't been updated yet... Which would be worrisome20:30
SiDiah yeh20:31
SiDifrench mirror it was !20:31
vinnl:S Might want to mention that somewhere20:32
alyawnis there a setting buried somewhere that will force a UID/GID when an external hard drive is mounted?20:49
Drew3Hi folks, the control-panels (Application bar) has disappeared. Two things I have done new and or different are get Wicd (wifi) working and play with the Fn buttons to suspend the laptop.   How do I get the menus/application bars back?20:51
SiDithe whole panels ?20:52
SiDi"xfce4-panel &" in a terminal20:52
SiDivinnl: i got the svn version of translations, i'll update it in a few days :p20:53
vinnlSiDi, ah, you wanted to do translations... There's a special script for that20:54
Drew3SiDi ty, yes the whole panel,20:55
vinnlDrew3, Alt+F2, run "xfce4-panel"20:56
SiDivinnl: for the website part i meant20:56
Drew3vinnl: that was my next question, ty20:56
SiDii'll probably work on translations/doc in the future, but not now, got enough work20:57
vinnlHeh, well if you do that be sure to check http://i18n.xfce.org/ :)20:57
Drew3Ty again it worked.21:04
Drew3My laptop is a 10yr old Thinkpad, I tried LXDE, but the wifi wouldn't work, has anyone seen or heard of that happening?   Lxde (desktop) probably will not be something I need whe I get more than the 192 ram but I was curious if it was a common issue when changing desktops?21:07
Drew3I will get an additional 512 of ram this week.21:07
SiDiYou know, we're using XFCE, not LXDE.21:11
Drew3A philosophical question, at when point does Xubuntu no longer be Xubuntu, is it when you try Lxde?    Sure, and I'll probably stop even trying using lxde-in xubuntu when the ram gets here.21:16
vinnlWhen you install everything Xubuntu :P21:17
Drew3I always screw up a punch line, too. vinnl :-)21:18
vinnlHehe :P21:18
=== [o_O] is now known as danopia
Wunderkindhi guys21:41
terminalDrew3: maybe networkmanager isn't running21:42
terminalthis is probably what you're using to manage your wifi connections21:42
vinnl!hi | Wunderkind21:42
ubottuWunderkind: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!21:42
Wunderkindhallo, how do i delete an erroneous xubuntu session?21:44
vinnlI think you'll have to delete the contents of the ~/.cache/sessions directory, according to http://wiki.xfce.org/faq?s[]=session#session_manager21:47
vinnlAnyway, I'm off to bed, good luck :)21:50
Name141where can I find a list of the min/recommended requirements for Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Kubuntu ?22:32
gravityreloadedhi can anyone tell me if 256Mb Ram is enough to run xubuntu?22:36
gravityreloadedand only 1.2Mhz processor22:37
kennyjb402Name141, http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/ this may help22:37
gravityreloadedwith normal ubuntu I have problems22:37
kennyjb402or you can try this http://www.easy-ubuntu-linux.com/ubuntu-system-requirements.html22:38
gravityreloadedok good. Another question: does it include network manager like in Ubuntu? It's the only way I can get online with mobile internet22:41
kennyjb402it has an applet which can connect you22:42
gravityreloadedthanks. Only I tried with Sabayon and Dreamlinux and they can't connect with the wi-ci manager22:43
knomegravityreloaded, it's the same network manager applet. with 256 memory, you can run xubuntu, but it might be a bit slow. should be faster than ubuntu, though.22:43
gravityreloadedubuntu freezes on the referred laptop - reqs are 360Mb, right?22:44
kennyjb402I belive it is knome22:44
knomekennyjb402, i believe it is as well, but i don't have any own experience, i've only heard this from others.22:44
kennyjb402I see :)22:45
knomegravityreloaded, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements22:45
gravityreloadedI'll give it a try22:45
kennyjb402working pretty good for me so far22:45
gravityreloadedy I have jaunty 9.04 Ubuntu on my PC22:45
gravityreloadedworking great22:45
gravityreloadedjust haven't yet tried xubuntu22:46
kennyjb402cool :)22:46
gravityreloadedI just managed two screens :-822:46
gravityreloadedbut 2nd screen does't accept windows22:46
gravityreloadedIt's just destop and menu22:46
* knome runs xubuntu on two screens with no problems22:47
gravityreloadedy but I have 2nd screen @ 640x48022:47
gravityreloadedand 1st at 1280x96022:47
gravityreloadedthat's not easy22:47
gravityreloadedeven Windows has a few objections22:47
knomei suppose that is not a blocker, but can be a bit nasty, yeah.22:47
gravityreloadedI find it strange that I can't drag across to other screent though22:48
gravityreloadedCompiz bug I suppose :p22:48
gravityreloadedIt just goes to other face22:48
knomecompiz is booo :P22:48
gravityreloadedI like it22:49
knomei like a plain clean desktop. i don't even run the xfce compositor.22:49
kennyjb402I just installed it, I like it too22:49
gravityreloadedIt's gr8 to have different work areas available so easily22:50
gravityreloadedand nice looking as well22:50
gravityreloadedbut is a memory hogger22:50
knomemight be a bit with 256 RAM at least22:50
gravityreloadedon my system I have 1Gb22:50
gravityreloadedmore than enough22:50
gravityreloadedwith a 2.66 processor22:51
gravityreloadedand 256Mb graphics hehe22:51
gravityreloadedthe referred 256Ram was my mum's laptop22:51
gravityreloadedwith windows it takes 5-6 minutes just to start up22:52

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