
=== heHATEme is now known as Vorian
seaLnei think something during pre release of jaunty ment i ended up with a gtk password prompt from kpackagekit is there a known fix?00:06
* seaLne watches the instructions for ubuntu one fail miserably on kubuntu :(00:07
seaLnethe install page is scarily lacking in details00:09
* seaLne presumes he is not the first to notice the lack of QA in this00:12
NightroseseaLne: seele had that in her kpackagekit review as well00:17
Nightroseshe fixed it by installing another package00:17
Nightrosedon't remember which one but check her slides00:17
Nightroseshould be in there00:17
Nightroseand let me know which one it was so i can install it here as well :D00:18
seaLneheh, i know its a pre release problem because its fine on machine installed later than this one :)00:18
Nightrosemy upgrade has the problem as well00:18
Nightrosewithout any pre-release versions00:18
ScottKseele: Pong00:19
seaLnei gave up and did a clean install on my work machine upgrading with pre releases from hoary over the years had its tole00:19
Nightrosei think i upgraded this one since gutsy00:20
Nightrosesometimes prerelease sometimes not00:20
txwikingerIs it me, or does the ubuntu one installation does not work with konqueror01:00
Riddellit won't work if it uses apt-url01:18
nellerytxwikinger: you could just install it manually instead of clicking the link01:19
txwikingerwell.. it works with firefox01:19
txwikingerI just wondered if it is only on my machine01:19
nellerytxwikinger: the instructions say01:20
nelleryNote: If you're using a non-Firefox web browser, you can install the client by going to System » Administration » Synaptic Package Manger and searching for ubuntuone-client01:20
txwikingernellery: hehe... reading instructions? I must have lost that ability long time ago ;)01:20
nellerytxwikinger: heheh well I completely missed out the big INSTALL button and just installed it manually01:21
seeleScottK: have you been following the discussion on the ayatana ml? i'm confused about some of the functionality they are talking about01:30
seeleScottK: it doesnt seem like it will be compatible with any kde system01:30
ScottKseele: I have been trying to follow it.  I tend to agree.01:45
a|wenNightrose: too slow; new snapshot already packed in my personal PPA https://launchpad.net/~andreas-wenning/+archive/experimental , Lure would give it a quick test that it wasn't completely broken before it is sent out to a lot of people; but you're welcome to give it a try :)02:17
a|wenof course including the claimed "working with hidden network part" ... snapshot taken 2½ hours before you asked ;)02:22
Hobbseeryanakca: hiding.  And asleep ;)03:02
Nightrosea|wen: wow - i'm impressed :D07:13
Lurea|wen: hidden+wpa2-enterprise+peap+mschapv2 works for the first time with plasma-network-manager!07:23
Lurea|wen: I think your test package is more than ready for wider testing07:23
a|wenLure and Nightrose: sounds almost like we have a winner already :) ... I'll upload and send out a notice later today07:30
Lure_a|wen: yes, I am more than happy with this version07:37
* Lure_ is currently connected both to wire and wireless07:38
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
=== crouic is now known as crouic5
a|wengreat :)07:42
chakersitohi! i have a problem with the update of KDE4.2.308:04
chakersitowhen I run in the console a comand with _sudo_ I got this error08:05
chakersitoCould not start ksmserver. Check yout installation08:05
chakersitoand the KDM restart08:05
faboRiddell: thks for the mails on -talk08:28
faboI merged phonon stuff08:28
fabobtw, I think you should merge firebird/ibase stuff as I rememember a launchpad bug requesting it.08:30
faboRiddell: wrt to phonon global issue, I guess it's a Qt bug and should be fixed there instead of fixing all others packages08:37
Mamarokhi all09:02
Mamarokonce upon a time, there were Qt 4.5 packages available for Intrepid, but I can't remember on which PPA...09:02
MamarokI need those desperately :(09:08
apacheloggerbug 37514509:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375145 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone should have a kde client" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37514509:25
apacheloggerkwwii: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art <= description typo ... should be Qt instead of QT ;-)09:35
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kwwiiapachelogger: thanks, I'll change it10:25
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faboRiddell: thiago fixed phonon global issue11:32
Riddellfabo: yeah saw that, I reverted my the commits I made to KDE SVN11:32
Riddellfabo: are you going to follow the packaging naming I used for phonon from qt?11:33
faboRiddell: libqt4-phonon ?11:35
* fabo goes to lunch11:36
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mok0Why do some apps have several icons in the K-menu?13:40
mok0For example: k3b13:40
ScottKI only have one.13:42
mok0ScottK, did you upgrade or make a fresh install?13:42
mok0ScottK, do you know if the .desktop entries are cached somewhere?13:43
ScottKNo idea.  Sorry.13:43
* ScottK just slams this stuff into pacakges - doesn't know how all the bits actually work.13:44
mok0ScottK, he, you're not the only one I think :-)13:44
=== cmvo_ is now known as cmvo
mok0ScottK, do you know why "hicolor" is special theme? It seems to be default14:04
ScottKThat should be a fallback.14:04
mok0ScottK, I see14:04
mok0ScottK, common for no matter what theme?14:04
ScottKCommon for when whatever theme you are using doesn't provide something.14:05
ScottKOxygen should be the default theme.14:05
mok0ScottK, sounds reasonable... except, it should be called "default" or "fallback" or something...14:05
mok0The following helped clean up my K-menu: right-click on it, select menu-editor -> Edit -> Restore to System Menu14:07
mok0... and also: sudo update-icon-caches /usr/share/icons/hicolor14:08
seelehmm.. i installed notify-osd, but how to i turn it on?14:12
Riddellrun gnome?14:12
seeleoh, it requires gnome? it doesnt work in kde yet?14:13
seelewhy didnt it pull gnome in as a dependency then?14:13
RiddellI don't know I was just guessing, you'd need to be running an app that uses it at least, like pidgen14:14
seelehow am i supposed to evaluate this compared to kde notifications if it doesnt work with kde apps yet..14:16
Riddellwell run it from a gnome app and note the differences.  that notifications don't work cross desktop is one of the more fiddly problem I hope the dx team will solve14:18
ScottKseele: You can use notify-send to send yourself notifications.14:23
ScottKThat requires another package, but it'll tell you which one the first time you try it.14:23
seeleScottK: thanks14:26
ScottKNo problem.14:26
seelehmm.. am i missing something else? that doesn't look right. it's just a regular notification with a close button14:27
* seele gives up14:27
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
apacheloggerseele: I would just install an ubuntu VM :D14:54
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
apacheloggerryanakca: btw, will we ever get a proper tour for kubunt.org?15:19
Tonio_hi there !15:30
Riddellresalut Tonio_15:31
cbranybody else using screen with the new profiles stuff?15:31
agateauseele: the easiest way to try notify-osd is:15:35
agateaukillall notification-daemon15:35
agateauThen "notify-send <something>"15:35
ScottKseele: Based on Mark's reply to you on Ayatana, I guess KDE doesn't have a notification system.15:43
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seeleScottK: heavens forbid anyone care about anything besides ubuntu16:05
seeleagateau: ah, that worked. thanks16:09
=== kubotu_ is now known as kubotu
Mamarokis there a way to convince Strigi to run in Jaunty? I can start nepomuk, but no way to get Strigi running16:21
Riddellmust admit I've not tried16:22
Riddelltried strigi-client?16:22
lex79Mamarok: have you read? http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3102231.016:23
lex79in my system Strigi works after that workaround16:24
Mamaroklex79: that's what I was doing, but I must have missed a step somewhere, sec16:26
* ScottK notes on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-karmic/ he seems to be the only one signed up for Kubuntu stuff.16:29
Mamaroklex79: well, now I could start Strigi, but I get an error message:16:30
MamarokFailed to contact Strigi Indexer....16:31
lex79ignore it and try to restart the system16:32
MamarokCould not get owner of name 'org.kde.nepomuk.services.nepomukstrigiservice': no such name16:32
Mamarokok, restart the whole system or only KDE?16:32
lex79same here but strigi works :) try only kde16:32
apacheloggerScottK: you probably should mail the list with it16:33
ScottKIf I cared enough, sure.16:33
Mamarokhm, that's actually another bug in Jaunty: I can't log out properly, have to go to a console and kill kdm16:33
apacheloggerScottK: man...16:34
ScottKWell currently if it wasn't for bad attitude, I'd have no attitude at all.16:35
apacheloggerScottK: you really need a time out16:38
ScottKYeah, well I'm pretty sure that's what my conclusion will be after UDS.16:38
apacheloggerI recommend taking one in any case, there is nothing like a good shift in perspective by getting as far away from everything as possible :)16:39
Riddellmaybe I need to subscribe to specs I registered16:39
* txwikinger_work wishes he finally finds some time again for kubuntu16:41
Riddelltxwikinger_work: life in canada not as boring as in Birmingham?16:46
txwikinger_workRiddell: yes16:46
txwikinger_workand I have two jobs resulting in 12h per day work16:47
Riddellnow why doesn't that surprise me16:47
txwikinger_workRiddell: You know Bham far too well, I guess16:48
* txwikinger_work thinks about an ubuntuone plasmoid16:55
seelewhat does YMMV stand for in conversation?16:56
Riddellyour milage may very16:57
Riddellroughly  "it should work this way, it has in my experience, but it might not quite when you try it"16:58
Sputseele: FYI, Quassel already speaks the Galago protocol (which should work with the old gNOme notification daemon as well as Ayatana) already if KDE integration is disabled16:58
SputI think for 0.5 I'll explore that a bit more, as well as the new-style KDE systray, and allow it for KDE integration as well (optionally)16:59
* seele tries to parse this email17:00
seelei still dont understand what mark is saying17:00
seele> 2) will notification display systems be interchangable in Karmic?17:00
seeleThey are already interchangeable. YMMV, on Ubuntu we will only test with17:00
Sputseele: as I understand it, Atayana is another implementation of the Galago dbus protocol, so apps that that notify via dbus will work with it17:01
Sputfrom the app point of view, it doesn't matter what sits on the other end of the dbus bus17:01
Sputand that was slightly tautological now :)17:02
seeleright, and assumingly kde notifications will plug into the ayatana thing17:02
SputI'd doubt that17:02
Sputunless KDE agrees to use the Galago spec17:02
Sputwhich they don't, because it's too limited17:02
Riddellit's not far off as I understand it, it just needs galago to agree to use the KDE changes17:02
Sputyes, it's an extended galago API in the KDE namespace17:03
Sputapps that use knotify directly, however, would need knotify to plug into it. I would be surprised if KDE upstream decided to support that; however, certain distros might patch that in :)17:03
seeleif/when galago agrees to use the kde changes, will ubuntu use that spec? i thought they made modifications to galago and so it would still be out of sync?17:04
ScottKSput: Unfortunately the actions in your notifications won't be supported by notify-osd.17:04
SputScottK: well, the dbus interface supports actions, and Quassel offers an action17:04
Sputif the daemon doesn't display them, that's a different matter17:04
ScottKSput: Yes, and it appears Canonical's position is that you should notice their implementation is incomplete and not offer them.17:04
Sputthat is an interesting position :)17:05
SputI'd need to figure out if they offer a capability value for that17:05
ScottKConsidering 0.5 will support notifications with actions to move to another place in the app, that seems pretty invasive to me.17:05
ScottKThey do.17:05
Sputwe already use those for figuring out if HTML needs to be escaped or not17:06
* ScottK wonders how long it will be before an upstream 'supports' this by just not doing notifications if there are no actions (your notification library doesn't meet our minumum requirements, so no notifications for you).17:06
ScottKThat's spec compliant in exactly the same way notify-osd is.17:07
Sputfor Quassel it's not a major change. the action is an additional feature that is treated exactly like a click on the bubble anyway17:07
Sputincidentally, we need the button only because KDE fails to handle bubble clicks properly :)17:07
seeleso in order for kde notifications to use the notify-osd, kde needs to use the galago spec, otherwise the notifications will continue to appear the same way as they do now?17:07
Sputand as a visual hint that there's something to click on17:07
ScottKFor Karmic I'm looking at providing both KDE'ified and non-KDE'ified versions.17:08
Sputseele: that's how I would understand it17:08
ScottKRight, but notify-osd doesn't support clicking on the bubble.17:08
Sputwell, that's the distro's loss then17:08
* apachelogger ain't gonna accept any loss anymore17:08
seeleif kde does use the galago spec (or they get it updates, whatever) will you be able to choose to use notify-osd or notify-kde (whatever it is called)? because in theory all notifications should work perfectly fine regardless of the display17:09
apacheloggerenough loss for the next 5 or 6 development cycles we had :P17:09
seeleand when notify-osd is shipped with kubuntu karmic next fall, will we get an option somewhere so that users can select which way they want to handle notifications?17:09
* seele should probably just ml this for everyone to comment on17:09
Sputafaik, KNotify actually already allows registering other clients. the new plasma systray, for example, plugs into it replacing the old-style bubbles17:10
ScottKseele: Mark seems pretty determined that actions are evil.17:10
* Sput needs to run though17:10
seeleScottK: forget actions for the moment17:11
seelei'm asking if people will be able to switch to KDE-style notifications if they have the choice or not17:11
seeleregardless if they have actions on them or not17:11
apacheloggerdepends on the implementation17:11
seelewill upstream's experience be preserved17:11
ScottKseele: I think it's fundamental to the utliity of application notifications.17:11
ScottKseele: That's also a good question.17:11
* Sput thinks that's a political issue - will kubuntu be allowed to not patch KNotify to be broken :)17:12
apacheloggerultimately notify-osd would be implemented via a plasma widget that binds to the appropriate dbus stuff and thus binds knotify to notify-osd17:12
rickspencer3seele: good discussion for UDS17:12
ScottKseele: I think that upstream KDE's notification experience is already very good and it would be a poor use of resources to make Kubuntu use something else.17:12
apacheloggerso basically it will just have to eat knotify input and throw it out to notify-osd17:12
rickspencer3btw, in Ubuntu, we have a session that you can log in with that gives closer to default GNOME experience17:12
ScottKrickspencer3: In Kubuntu we don't need that and are generally happy for it.17:13
rickspencer3perhaps Kubuntu would want to have a system like that17:13
Sputooh, optional crippling :D17:13
Sputanyway, I'm gone for now.17:13
ScottKSee you later.17:13
rickspencer3It's not crippling, it's just choice for the few users who care about having more of a default GNOME experience17:14
rickspencer3seele: also, I think the KDE developer on the Dx team wants to figure out with sebas, etc... how best to proceed, so good discussion topic for UDS17:15
txwikinger_workGNOME experience on a KDE desktop?17:15
apacheloggerrickspencer3: well, for GNOME it is not crippling, for KDE it might very well be since both the plasma notification as well as the knotification class itself leave the developer with a lot greater choice of what he wants the notification to look like17:15
* txwikinger_work rather has a KDE experience17:15
rickspencer3but what I'm saying is, that you are assuming that it will be separate from KDE, and not part of KDE ... we don't know how they will end up working with upstream on it17:16
seelerickspencer3: also, is there any user research or testing planned for the notification system? there's an awful lot of design going on without any validation17:16
rickspencer3seele: yes17:16
seelenow people are talking about finer details like delay length17:16
rickspencer3you should connect with ivanka in #ayatana17:16
ScottKrickspencer3: Is any of it going to be published?17:16
rickspencer3I only know that the next step in the plan is to have a discussion at UDS17:17
ScottKrickspencer3: I hope it is in fact discussion and not just disclosure of pre-ordained decisions.17:17
rickspencer3regarding notify-osd and KDE/Kubuntu17:17
apacheloggerseele: IMHO that is also something the application developer should be deciding17:17
apacheloggerdepending on what the application spits out you might want longer or shorter delay17:17
seeleapachelogger: yes, the responsibility could be put on the application developer because they are the domain expert. and hopefully know how long someone would want to see their app's message17:18
rickspencer3apachelogger: I believe it may be dynamic depending on text length, not sure thoguh17:18
seelebut i think ubuntu is trying to "fix" all of the app notifications at once17:18
* seele coughs *context*17:18
apacheloggerseele: well, that is a quite good target for gnome :D17:18
seelewhen is karmic feature freeze?17:18
apacheloggerrickspencer3: that is still too unprecise17:19
rickspencer3seele: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule17:19
rickspencer3apachelogger: could be17:19
apacheloggeralso, by seting a general delay either depending on lenght or just use the same for everything17:19
apacheloggeryou prevent users from setting own delays17:19
rickspencer3I believe that is an empirical question and will let the user researchers test that out17:19
ScottKrickspencer3: If research is just going on now, it sounds like Karmic +1 would be a much more reasonable target for implementation.17:20
rickspencer3in my experience, application developers are too generous in how important they believe their apps are for users, so given the option, they'll always turn it up to 1117:20
apacheloggerrickspencer3: those are issues that should be treated individually though17:21
rickspencer3apachelogger: perhaps17:21
apacheloggerthat is like... because arora got rendering problems with the oxygen style you enforce plastique because it works for arora and all other Qt applications17:21
apacheloggera bloody workaround IMHO :P17:21
rickspencer3I can say this:17:22
seelerickspencer3: kde peoples say that their galago messages have gone into a black hole. is there some other way they can work to update the spec?17:22
rickspencer3I believe that the KDE developers on Dx team really wants to work with the Kubuntu and KDE communities17:22
ScottKRight, but they are implementers, not designers.17:22
apacheloggerseele: fd.o ... there just needs to be a discussion between gnome, kde and possibly distributions to establish a spec17:22
ScottKMost of the issues we are discussing are design issues.17:22
rickspencer3so I would advise engaging with a positive attitude and not harping on the past (that he wasn't part of anyway)17:23
apacheloggerbecause the galago spec is no approved spec anyway17:23
apacheloggerso fd.o could just use it as a starting point and create a real cross desktop notification spec17:23
seeleapachelogger: the problem is the galago maintainer.. kde has been trying to communicate with him for a while for that exact reason17:23
agateauseele: our plan regarding galago and kde specs is to ensure notify-osd can handle both17:24
apacheloggerseele: they don't need his approval to implement an fd.o spec17:24
agateauseele: and also work on fdo to achieve consensus on a unified spec17:24
apacheloggerif he does not respond they should just go ahead and establish discussion between the affected parties and leave galago out of the loop17:24
agateauseele: notify-osd is going to be turned into a common library for all the desktop generic code17:25
agateauand two binaries: one for gnome and one for kde17:25
ScottKrickspencer3: I think if the disucssion is about what should be implemented for Kubuntu to improve the user experience for Kubuntu users we can move forward just fine.  I don't think discussions around replicating what was done for Ubuntu in Kubuntu will go well.17:25
agateauat the moment, we are experimenting with using plasma rendering for the kde binary17:25
agateauso it would follow plasma themes on kde17:25
seeleagateau: there was a previous question about kde implementation and if notify-osd and knotify can cooexist so that users can switch between them17:26
agateauseele: yes I think they can coexist17:26
agateauright now knotify works like this:17:26
* txwikinger_work gets an headache17:26
apacheloggerthey are not doing the same thing anyway?17:26
txwikinger_workco-exists means more resource wastage?17:26
ScottKI don't think the notify-osd notifications look at all good in a KDE environment.17:26
apacheloggerknotify is not only about visible notification17:26
ScottKtxwikinger_work: Not necessarily.17:27
apacheloggerit's also doing sound and log and actions and whatnot17:27
agateauseele: if there is someone listening on org.kde.VisualNotification dbus, send it to it17:27
txwikinger_workScottK: ok ;)17:27
agateauseele: otherwise show an old school passive ugly popup17:27
agateauseele: right now plasma systray provides an implementation of org.kde.VisualNotification17:27
agateauseele: which shows plasma notifications17:28
agateauseele: if you disable this (there is an option in the plasma systray dialog)17:28
agateauyou fallback to old school popup17:28
agateauthe idea is to make it possible to switch between plasma notifications and notify-osd notifications17:28
agateauat run time17:29
agateauat least that's my idea, given the constraint I have17:29
agateauseele: will you be at uds?17:29
seeleagateau: no17:29
rickspencer3seele: you'll be able to call in though right?17:29
agateautoo bad :/17:29
seelerickspencer3: hopefully for most of the sessions unless i get meetins scheduled17:30
rickspencer3it would be good if we can get you connected, at least for that discussion17:30
rickspencer3I can change the schedule around if needed to ensure there are no conflicts for you17:30
agateauto avoid confusions: knotify won't be affected by notify-osd17:31
seeleit looks like i might have a meeting on tuesday morning (EST), but it is a phone call and hopefully wont run into the first kubuntu session17:31
agateauyou will still have the classic kde notification configuration system17:31
seelewill that notification system control notifications for notify-osd?17:31
agateauwith ability to play sound and other actions17:31
txwikinger_workyeah... and speech synthesis17:32
seelee.g. turn them off or add a sound, etc.17:32
agateauwhat will happen is that when knotify wants to show a visual notification, notify-osd will do it17:32
apacheloggerseele: take a look at the notifications module in systemsettings17:32
apacheloggereverything you can control there is knotify17:32
seeleyes, i'm familiar with it17:32
apacheloggernotify-osd would just replace what plasma is doing :)17:32
ScottKagateau: I guess I don't see the point in switching to a different system.  I think it would be better to make improvements in what we have now.17:34
agateauScottK: that is not a decision i can take :/17:35
ScottKI understand.17:35
ScottKIf that decision has been taken it would be useful to know.17:36
agateauI tried to lobby for using/extending plasma notification system, but failed17:36
agateauNow I am going to concentrate on making notify-osd on kde rocks as much as possible17:37
agateau(or suck as less as possible, depending on your pov)17:37
ScottKWell traditionally Kubuntu Council would take such a decision for Kubuntu.17:38
ScottKIf that's been overturned, I think it should be said.17:38
apacheloggersabdfl: ^17:39
agateauI am not very aware of the way things are decided atm17:39
agateauthat's just how I understand things17:39
ScottKOf course.17:39
ScottKMaybe rickspencer3 knows.17:39
rickspencer3I'm in a meeting now, I'll ping you back soon17:40
rickspencer3back for a moment17:44
rickspencer3so "who decides"?17:44
rickspencer3I don't think anything has really changed17:44
rickspencer3I expect the Kubuntu Council is still the governing body for Kubuntu17:45
rickspencer3that said, I would recommend striving to be easy to work with and thoughtful about the needs of *all* stakeholders17:45
Nightrosecan someone summarize what the new system would improve (for varying meanings of improve) for us? so far I have heard about taking away actions from notifications17:48
Nightroseis there anything else at the moment?17:48
ScottKThere is making the systray smaller at the expense of making some apps harder to get to via systray icons17:49
Nightrosei see17:50
agateau- avoid notification flood17:51
agateau(notifications are queued)17:51
Nightrosedone in plasma as well in 4.3 right?17:51
agateau- nice feedback for kmix volume17:51
ScottKagateau: Doesn't Knotification in 4.3 have that?17:51
Nightrosemaybe different17:51
* txwikinger_work thought so17:52
agateau- nice feedback for powerdevil brightness17:52
agateauScottK: possible yes17:52
agateau- click through (not everyone likes this one i guess)17:52
txwikinger_workis there a notification log?17:53
agateautxwikinger: yes, in knotify17:53
agateauthis does not change17:53
ScottKagateau: That's also the 'feature' that makes it so that the thing you do to hold the notification from going away (click) also makes it harder to read (transparent)17:53
agateauand there is also ~/.cache/notify-osd17:53
agateauScottK: not sure what you mean17:53
ScottKActually I'm wrong on that.17:54
ScottKJust checked it again.17:54
sebas<agateau> at the moment, we are experimenting with using plasma rendering for the kde binary17:54
sebasWhich binary is that?17:54
ScottKActually there is no way to keep the notification from going away with notify-osd.17:55
agateausebas: notify-osd will be split into a library and two binaries, one for gnome and the other for kde17:55
sebasUhm, and the binary does ... ?17:55
agateauthe work :)17:55
agateauright now, notify-osd is a binary17:55
ScottKagateau: I think it would be very nice if such a binary gave users of non-KDE apps in a KDE session a native feeling experience with their notifications.17:55
agateauwhich is started when someone talks to org.freedesktop.Notifications17:55
* sebas would think that a Plasma applet would do the work, in fact I think that a plasma applet *does* the work right now17:56
sebasnamely the systray17:56
sebasSo you're saying you install a separate binary to do notifications?17:56
sebasWhy not get the system tray (which really is the notification thing) do that work?17:56
agateauScottK: yes, non kde apps will show their notification the same way kde apps do17:56
sebasThat's how we're implementing it right now17:57
agateauwhat would we gain doing it this way?17:57
sebas- No separate implementation from upstream for once17:57
sebas- no separate process running17:58
sebas- standard implementation that does it right17:58
sebas- sharing of developer resources17:58
sebas- feedback from all the people who test KDE17:58
sebas- open process, more likely to be merged upstream17:58
agateausebas: as i said earlier, i tried to lobby for using plasma notification rendering on kde, but failed :/17:58
sebas- saving of resources both upstream and downstream17:58
sebas- no diverging message to app developers17:59
agateauso i am left with ensuring notify-osd does not look completly alien on a kde desktop17:59
ScottKagateau: That's within Ayatana (I gather).  Kubuntu may have a differing view.17:59
sebasagateau: I'm not blaming you, I'm just wondering about the people who take this kind of decision17:59
sebasIt's not like we didn't go over these issues a couple of times17:59
agateauScottK: yes17:59
apacheloggersebas: ubuntu technical board I suppose17:59
sebasThat's ... sad.18:00
ScottKapachelogger: Nope.18:00
agateausebas: will you be at uds?18:00
apacheloggerScottK: so, who is?18:00
agateauthis would be the right place to try to convince people about doing it this way18:00
sebasI've added a systray / notificationarea to the proposed schedule wiki thing18:00
ScottKThe Ayatana project without reference to Kubuntu or Ubuntu.18:00
apacheloggerwe don't have to use ayatana :P18:00
ScottKI agree.18:01
Nightrosewell that's the question18:01
Nightrosedo we?18:01
ScottKI'm expecting we'll get told different and that's why I expect to quit after UDS.18:01
ScottKI do hope that's not the case.18:01
Nightrosethat's not acceptable18:01
txwikinger_workusing ayatana or ScottK quitting?18:02
sebasagateau: I feared this much, though I had hoped that people learnt from the mess they now have with GNOME to do it right this time around and not create a fork18:02
Nightrosetxwikinger: ScottK quitting18:02
* txwikinger_work agrees18:02
sebasAnd that's exactly what I've been talking about with rickspencer3, jono a while ago during a conf call18:02
sebasThen now I see it happened this exact same way is discouraging18:02
* Nightrose notes that sebas is not the only one in that situation18:03
sebasThat's true, makes it even more sad18:03
sebasIt's a lot like "Can we hear your opinion please, it should sound like this: ...., if it doesn't we'll silently ignore it"18:04
agateausebas: I am not that good at convincing people, but I'll support you if you try to convince others about this way of working18:04
sebasagateau: I'm not out to convince anybody, really. I'm just damn sure it won't go into plasma this way, because it's broken in three ways:18:04
sebas- technically: a separate binary ... oh come on18:05
sebas- development behind close doors18:05
agateaui mean: convincing canonical to go the plasma way18:05
sebas- no obvious feedback from the community and we'll have our implementation by that time18:05
sebasI know18:05
Nightrosesebas: well there was feedback from the community specifically by you and seele no?18:06
agateaui do not believe people aim at integrating this work with plasma :/ but at least it should not require patching it18:06
sebasNightrose: yes, very specifically, and from aseigo as well18:06
agateauand users should be able to choose between both solutions18:06
* txwikinger_work wonders if anyone knows who has what decided anyway18:06
sebasAnd we all told the same story18:06
apacheloggertxwikinger_work: we don't18:07
* sebas doesn't decide this kind of stuff btw, I *do* advise how to work with the community18:07
agateautxwikinger: i would say canonical design team decided18:07
sebasAnd it's ... slightly different than how things are going18:07
agateaudesign team != dx team18:07
ScottKagateau: I think the convincing is rather the other way around.  Ayatana/Canonical needs to either convince the Kubuntu community (represented by the KC) they want this or Canonical will have to choose between overthrowing the Kubuntu governance model or not having Ayatana products in Kubuntu.18:07
apacheloggerif so, they probably decided before KDE input18:08
rickspencer3jeez you guys18:08
* txwikinger_work did not know there was a canonical design team18:08
sebasWell, it would certainly help if the kubuntu council said "we'll go with the upstream implementation"18:08
agateauScottK: the thing is: now that canonical is funding people to develop kde stuff, they probably want to have more control on kubuntu18:08
rickspencer3but nothing has really been discussed yet, right?18:08
ScottKagateau: If they do it that way they will lose community developers.18:09
agateauScottK: yes, i guess so18:09
ScottKrickspencer3: But apparetly it's already decided.18:09
rickspencer3I thought that it would be after the discussion at UDS before the council will decide anything18:09
Nightroserickspencer3: yes nothing decided by the council yet18:09
sebasrickspencer3: I understand there are implementation plans already?18:10
rickspencer3sebas: sure, who wouldn't think about how to implement something before discussing it?18:10
sebasdetails like "separate binary" sounds like a very detailed plan18:10
rickspencer3the next real step is to discuss openly at UDS about how to proceed18:10
sebasThat's cool, and I'm all ears18:10
rickspencer3*if* to proceed18:10
agateausebas: the "separate binary" plan is not a new plan, it just is how it's going on with notify-osd18:11
rickspencer3in the meantime, whenever I enter a discussion here, the conversation turns so negative that I am hesitant to continue engaging18:11
ScottKrickspencer3: I think that's the right answer.18:11
agateauin the current implementation18:11
Nightroserickspencer3: it comes from not being listed to I think :/  or not noticably being listened to18:11
ScottKrickspencer3: It only goes negative after people start talking about decisions already taken.  I'd look in that direction for the root cause of the problem.18:11
sebasalright, because we solved this with a lightweight kded module, no bindary needed at all18:12
rickspencer3but whatever the case, let's look forward18:12
rickspencer3the Dx team really wants to engage constructively in Karmic18:12
sebasrickspencer3: It would be really cool if you guys looked at what we've in KDE 4.3, and get us a couple of things that you'd like to see improved18:13
rickspencer3so let's give them the benefit of the doubt and work together in a positive way18:13
sebasThen we can work off of an existing implementation and test along the way18:13
rickspencer3sebas: who's "you guys" per se?18:13
sebasthe Plasma team18:13
sebasBasically, what's in trunk right now and in beta1 tomorrow18:13
rickspencer3interesting approach18:14
sebasIt also contains jobs and such, so it's quite a differnet paradigm altogether18:14
txwikinger_workI don't see anybody not trying to work positively here18:14
agateausebas: the thing is: design team is dead set on this no-action choice, and plasma team is probably dead-set on supporting actions18:14
sebasI can pass this feedback on then, and we see how we can make it smooth18:14
sebasagateau: still, that's only a detail of the whole thing18:14
sebasIf you look at the new systray, it's all waaaaaay beyond that18:15
rickspencer3yeah, I think that at UDS it would be good if the Kubuntu/KDE team went in with the goal of educating the Dx guys about where KDE is going relative to where the #ayatana project thinks desktops need design love18:15
ScottKrickspencer3 and agateau: I didn't get a chance to write the ayatana list yet, but neon is building KDE trunk to run on Jaunty now if people want to try it out.18:15
txwikinger_workconstructive criticism cannot be just pushed away by claiming it is negative18:15
ScottKThanks to apachelogger for that.18:15
agateauScottK: nice!18:15
rickspencer3txwikinger_work: I'm just telling you how I feel18:15
rickspencer3and I'm not particular involved18:15
ScottKSo there's a easy way to try out what sebas is suggesting.18:15
rickspencer3however, I am a good avenue for you guys to build bridges, and also channel resources to help you achieve your goals18:16
txwikinger_workwell.. I feel like being criticized for something I am not even doing18:16
rickspencer3ScottK: yeah18:16
agateauScottK: by night I am a KDE developer, who builds trunk regularly :)18:16
rickspencer3txwikinger_work: I don't think I was directing my feedback to you, sorry about that18:16
ScottKagateau: Yes, but many of your compatriots aren't18:16
agateauoh but you meant for other members, probably18:16
ScottKrickspencer3: I'd like to note that the Kubuntu community provides this service and specifically worked to get it going sooner to aid with working with Ayatana.18:17
rickspencer3agateau: would be interesting to help the wider ubuntu commununity understand #ayatana goals through the lens of what KDE is doing and trying to do18:17
ScottKIt's not all negative.18:17
rickspencer3ScottK: I didn't say it was *all* negative, but please don't be resistant to my feedback18:17
* apachelogger worked night shifts too get neon going :D18:17
agateaurickspencer3: sorry i don't get what you mean18:17
rickspencer3I really want to help, believe it or not18:18
ScottKrickspencer3: I've never seen negativity that didn't seem to me to be a reasonable response to lack of communication and working together from Ayatana.  I am (believe it or not) open to seeing it be different.18:18
rickspencer3agateau: I think one disconnect is that the ubuntu community is overwhelming GNOME users, so when we discuss ayatana, we see it through a GNOME lens18:19
rickspencer3I think someone structuring a view through the KDE lens would be useful18:19
sebasWhat is ayatana?18:19
agateaurickspencer3: ok18:19
ScottKsebas: That's the new name for Canonical's desktop experience people.18:20
ScottKerr design team too18:20
rickspencer3sebas: ayatana is the umbrella project for the effort to make the Linux desktop experience the best (better than Mac, etc...)18:20
* apachelogger finds Windows 7's UX better than Mac's TBH18:20
agateausebas: https://launchpad.net/ayatana18:21
rickspencer3sebas: http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/04/22/ayatana/18:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ayatana18:21
* txwikinger_work wishes the kernel and xorg would be fixed asap.. that would enhance my desktop experience sigh18:21
apacheloggertsimpson: that is a bug18:21
agateauhave to go18:21
* apachelogger hands agateau a cookie for the way and waves18:21
rickspencer3bye agateau18:21
* agateau eats the cookie, thanks!18:21
sebasrickspencer3: thinking in terms of "The Linux Desktop" means that there's a common deminator18:22
rickspencer3sebas: I dunno18:22
sebaswhich is true technically (same base system), but doesn't make sense from a UI point of view18:22
rickspencer3again, I dunno18:22
rickspencer3I think #ayatana will get much better discussion on that18:22
rickspencer3it's really at the very beginnings, so not sure where it will go18:23
sebasrickspencer3: ok, feedback about the current system, and how it relates to Canonical's design vision would be welcome18:23
rickspencer3sebas: ack18:24
sebastomorrow, kde 4.3 beta1 will come out18:24
rickspencer3I think, though, it would be helpful to structure that18:24
rickspencer3as KDE is not the native way that most of us think18:24
sebasit has the start of the new systray implementation, jobs merged into the systray (similar to notifications acutally) and does the notifications through knotify18:24
rickspencer3I used Kubuntu for a week during the beta of Jaunty, and wouldn't be able to give much feedback beyond the "learnability" of it18:25
sebasAnd we're working on those parts, it would be good to do it together since nobody is helped with two different sytems in parallel18:25
rickspencer3I think it would be interesting to see where the ayatana folks see notifications and such going, and comparing that to where KDE sees it going18:25
rickspencer3there's probably much more common ground, at least from a Ux pOV18:25
sebasyet everybody gets hung up on the "no actions" thing18:26
* rickspencer3 nods18:26
sebasWhich is one of those points where the visions are different, but not the only one that's relevant18:26
rickspencer3I also think we have to figure out how to reach out the ayatana folks in a way that they understand18:26
rickspencer3as KDE is not their "language" so to speak18:26
txwikinger_workwho is they?18:27
rickspencer3txwikinger_work: I think of the ayatana folks as the desing/user research team + the Dx team18:27
sebasI was a bit concerned when jono said that he thinks it's OK if Canonical does this kind of design work behind closed doors to be honest18:27
rickspencer3Dx = development team that creates new code18:27
rickspencer3sebas: hmmm18:27
rickspencer3I think *some* of it is behind closed doors because it is for partners18:28
rickspencer3but the design team wants to work open but:18:28
rickspencer31. they don't know how18:28
rickspencer32. they have a hard time parsing input18:28
rickspencer3so starting with the ayatana list and channel was a big step for them18:28
sebasDid seele ever get feedback about her points on the actions?18:29
ScottKrickspencer3: My perception of that list so far is that they are not open to anything other than more of what they've already done.18:29
sebasThose were pretty solid points to me, and a pretty good basis to improve upon18:29
rickspencer3she did get feedback, from both mpt and from me18:29
rickspencer3when she first wrote the email18:29
ScottKseele: ^^?18:30
rickspencer3also, it changed the design team approached the whole problem18:30
rickspencer3they started thinking about how the desktop as a whole notifies users18:30
sebashttp://weblog.obso1337.org/2009/response-to-the-proposed-canonical-notification-system/ this is a pretty excellent read18:31
rickspencer3seele wrote that after sending it as email18:31
sebasAight :)18:32
rickspencer3that's pretty old now, it would be interesting to revisit it now that we have real user feedback, for GNOME at least18:32
rickspencer3that lack of actions has gotten no complaints, the main thing is that people with a lot of buddies hate getting bugged whenever a buddy logs on or off18:33
apacheloggerthat would be configurable in KDE anyway18:33
sebasThat's a configuration issue IMO18:33
sebasHeh, right :-)18:33
rickspencer3I don't mind, since I don't use IM  anymore ;)18:34
apacheloggerScottK: is there actually any work going on for beta1?18:34
apacheloggeror are the merges not finished yet?18:34
* sebas just started to user jabber, didn't use IM for a long time18:34
ScottKrickspencer3: Did you read laserjock's message on the ayatana list about removing the indicator applet?18:34
rickspencer3ScottK: nope18:35
ScottKOK.  He makes a pretty good case for the provided alternative to actions being substandard.18:35
sebasi'd welcome a button to send me to the right channel in quassel though when someone highlights me ... are you reading this Sput? :)18:35
ScottKsebas: Quassel already has that.18:35
Riddellapachelogger: I've been concentrating on just getting the merges compiled and installable, but I have kde4libs done for beta 1 and I'll probably put that in a PPA shortly and start on the other base ones18:35
sebasI should update it then18:36
* apachelogger notes that sebas should be following ScottK's blog more closely ;-)18:36
sebasapachelogger: or git pull once in a while :P18:36
apacheloggerRiddell: ok18:36
ScottKsebas: You'll need a git version to get it.  Either trunk or the 0.4 branch.18:36
NightroseJontheEchidna: any luck with figuring out the amarok 2.1 beta 2 crash?18:36
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, we should have a centralized ninja work flow for the next release18:37
apacheloggergot the important parts already coded18:37
a|wenNightrose: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/PlasmaWidgetNetworkManager/0.0+svn966653-0ubuntu1~ppa1 <-- ready for your test results :)18:38
* sebas loves quassel devs for being faster than I can make up features for them :)18:38
nixternalargh, I decide to not go to UDS and sebas will be there...dangit, I picked the wrong one to miss :)18:38
Nightrosea|wen: hope to have a chance to test it at university tomorrow - no wifi here18:38
sebasnixternal: :(18:38
sebasnixternal: coming to Akademy?18:39
ScottKsebas: Also if you miss the action if you click on the systray icon it'll take you to the channel for the last notification.18:39
apacheloggera|wen: you should promote it a bit more18:39
nixternalunfortunately not...next year I will definitely be there18:39
apacheloggera|wen: blogs, dents and possibly poke various people etc.18:39
nixternalgotta get a job again, I am going nuts without one18:39
ScottKnixternal: What happened to the last one?18:39
* ScottK must have missed something.18:39
nixternalthey don't know how to make money18:39
a|wenapachelogger: well, go blog :)18:39
ScottKnixternal: Ah.  That'll do it.18:40
nixternaland if you don't make money, you can't pay your employees18:40
apacheloggera|wen: I got a date in 20 minutes and then I will be working til saturday18:40
ScottKAnd employees, oddly enough, expect htat.18:40
nixternala friend wants me to move out to cali and work on setting up a system for them based off of the system I helped create...that would mean 18 hour days, and being to far away from my daughter18:40
a|wenapachelogger: loads of time ;)18:40
apacheloggerunfortunately not18:40
apacheloggermaybe I get to it18:41
apacheloggera|wen: get yourself a blog :P18:41
nixternalthough I guess 18 hour days aren't that bad...I put that much into Kubuntu, KDE, and other stuff I am working on18:41
a|wenapachelogger: on the todo ... but feels so stupid getting a blog right now; and then being completely away for 3 weeks...18:41
nixternalhere is an idea, lets get rid of notifications all together, give everyone just tty1-6 :p18:42
apacheloggerdoens't matter :P18:42
apacheloggera|wen: why are you away for 3 weeks?18:42
* sebas pleads for modal full screen notifications that need to be dismissed by typing a 256bit hex key into a password field18:42
a|wentravelling around thailand, before moving back to europe again18:43
apacheloggeruh nice18:43
nixternalsebas: omg, why didn't I think of that18:43
apacheloggera|wen: at least you will be back in time for next KDE release ;-)18:43
a|wenapachelogger: of course ... i'll be back in due time for feature freeze and all :)18:44
txwikinger_workScottK.. well the mortgage company oddly expects that too18:44
txwikinger_workand the supermarket18:44
apacheloggera|wen: you might have noticed that I don't care too much about freeze :P18:44
a|wenapachelogger: i think you're not alone there ;)18:45
apacheloggerit's all made up so that the foundation devs can fix the stuff they broke before freeze :P18:45
apacheloggeranyway, gotta run18:46
apacheloggerhomework for today: everyone think about how we best go about adopting an artist18:47
a|wency apachelogger18:47
nixternalScottK: I don't think anything regarding notifications will get pushed upon us, we in the Kubuntu Council need to bring it up for discussion. I feel we do need to work with ayatana, keep an open mind....I think ayatana needs to work with us, but at the same time we should try to work with them18:49
nixternali think you guys will do good at UDS, and you won't be leaving either!18:49
nixternalI am with you though on a Karmic+1 implementation, especially if they are *researching* still18:50
ScottKnixternal: I hope you are right.  So far I don't think I've seen any proposals I think are suitable for Kubuntu (but keeping an open mind for something different)18:51
ghostcubehello humans :)18:51
* ScottK looks around18:52
nixternalScottK: right18:52
nixternalhopefully that will change at UDS18:52
ghostcubewill openoffice be in german soon ? the updates only contain english versions of the language :)18:52
nixternalHere is an interesting question: If it isn't accepted by KDE, should Kubuntu accept it? I saw a lot of "we look through the glasses of GNOME when researching and thinking" and I don't think those glasses work with KDE. I think we need to look through the glasses of fd.o, collective glasses, like 3D glasses!!!18:53
nixternalGNOME can have the red side of the glasses, we will take the blue side!18:54
nixternalheh, I find it funny that everyone thinks KDE as blue, but isn't a default GNOME install blue as well?18:55
txwikinger_workghostcube: I think you are in the wrong channel ;)18:55
ghostcubethe ppa openoffice is made by apacheloggeror ?18:56
seelejeez.. i go away for an hour and shit hits the fan..18:56
* seele reads backlog, brb18:56
nixternalseele: don't you love it!18:56
nixternalseele: good luck, took me a while to read it18:56
rickspencer3seele: don't, you've read it all before ;)18:56
nixternalrickspencer3: so true!18:57
* txwikinger_work is tired of all the power politics re Gnome/KDE18:57
ghostcubetxwikinger_work: just to know if the deb will be there soon inside the ppa18:57
txwikinger_workI find it refreshing that we have more than one way of doing things in contrast to most other OSs18:58
ghostcubemaybe we should merge kde and gnome18:59
* ghostcube hides and runs fast18:59
* claydoh chucks his old, dead monitor @ ghostcube19:00
txwikinger_workwell... the only result would be the emigration of the KDE community to some other distro19:01
ghostcubemerge != use gnome with kde == let gnome go to whereever they want and keep kde19:01
txwikinger_workIf this is your goal, run with it, I don't think anybody here considers it though19:01
nixternalstep back take a breath...for the longest time people complained that Canonical didn't care about Kubuntu/KDE, and now they want to include us in their Dx/Ayatana stuff...we should be happy, even if we don't agree with the decisions right now, we can hopefully still help mold those decisions19:02
ghostcubetxwikinger_work: heh iam using kde since 3.0 so i think i wont have the goal to mix with gnome19:03
nixternalif it isn't one thing it is the other19:03
claydohnixternal: +119:03
nixternaldamnit, if you are down in the dumps, a bit depressed, or sad...country music isn't good stuff to listen to...19:03
* nixternal hurry ups and fast forwards in Amarok19:03
ghostcubeyeah try minimal elektro19:04
ghostcubebetter in bad moods19:04
* claydoh is a snob, don't touch gnome or country music ;)19:04
nixternalI like everything19:04
seelenixternal: dear god.. FINALLY done reading19:04
* seele gets out her notes19:05
nixternalseele: told you19:05
neversfeldemhh, this was not a good packaging weekend for me :)19:05
seelesebas: i would like to preserve the upstream experience as much as i have the power to. my ideal situation would to keep upstream experience as default but provide the option to switch to canonical's, but i have a feeling it will be the other way around19:05
nixternalI am picturing the notify-osd with the slim glow plasma theme though, that would be hotness19:05
seelenote about the new plasma systray: one of the benefits of the new systray is that it organizes services/jobs into more logical contexts. this could be a way of classifying different types of notification behaviors together19:06
seelerick's "base desktop system"/ayatana comment: kde has identified several different "experiences" which will inevitably result in completely different kde desktop configurations. it's not a goal to design uniformly for all of them, but to specialise each one so it maximizes their potential19:07
nixternalI will admit I am not a fan of the stacking...for instance with choqok, even if I set my feeds to be updated every minute, every minute I will get 10 to 25 easily from twitter and identi.ca19:08
nixternalI ended up shutting off notifications, as I really don't use them anyways19:08
seelethis is a fundamental difference between kde and gnome. gnome insists on universal usability and designing to the median where kde wants to maximize potential. in the past kde is guilty of featuritis, but i think kde4 is an excellent example of working towards functional usability rather than crippling the user with no options19:08
seeleregarding my first comments on notifications: i have been working more in the notification literature and will have another paper out in a few weeks which look at more empirical research regarding awareness, interruption, and notification systems19:09
seeleregarding rick's comment about no complaints about no actions: that's not true, maybe you aren't reading enough blogs/forums. there have been a lot of comments from gnomies about the lack of actions, those comments are just selectively ignored. there is an example of this on the ayatana mailing list where pitti (i think?) linked to a particular comment19:10
TheInfinityhello ... one prob. by supporting a guy in #kubuntu-de i got a strange bug which i also got in a vm installation. kpackagekit does not install meta packages and its dependencys. it just ignores them when i activate and apply them.19:12
TheInfinitythis makes codec installation for newbs quite ... bad ;)19:12
* txwikinger_work recognizes that nixternal is not a Southerner ;)19:13
txwikinger_worknixternal: I want to have the choqok notifications read to me instead of displayed ;)19:15
nixternalhahaha, lazy ass19:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372256 in kpackagekit "kpackagekit can't install meta packages" [Undecided,New]19:16
TheInfinitysoeone else found this too19:16
nixternalapt-get can though :p19:16
TheInfinitynixternal: newbies dont apt-get anything ...19:17
nixternalthey do if you teach them19:17
TheInfinityif they try to solve it alone such things happen: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/116915/19:18
TheInfinity(just got this src.list=19:18
TheInfinityhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagekit/+bug/342671 <-- and it seems to be a bug since alpha6. so time for removing it, huh? :p19:19
nixternalwth? jounty19:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342671 in packagekit "Doesn't support installations which require a removal or updates which require additional software" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:19
ScottKseele: Will your paper be out before UDS?19:20
TheInfinityand i think i will photoshop something the next days for kubuntu default theme. it just looks awfull at 1920 x 120019:21
=== maco_ is now known as maco
ScottKnixternal: I'm in favor of increased investment in Kubuntu and KDE, but forking important pieces of KDE is not something I'm in favor of for Kubuntu.19:22
nixternalwe shouldn't be forking anything, there is way to much forking going on already19:23
nixternalforking just makes the final app a pos19:23
txwikinger_workmy biggest problems with notifications is that they make my machine really slow19:23
nixternallike recycling plastic, you can only do it a few times before the plastic becomes useless19:24
* txwikinger_work images all those waste dumps with old software in it :D19:24
* txwikinger_work thinks about storing notifications in an relational database19:25
* txwikinger_work tries to fork nixternal19:29
txwikinger_workit just doesn't work... nixternal is far too unique for something like that19:29
nixternalpfft, nixternal needs to work first before forking19:30
nixternalso fork you!19:30
* txwikinger_work would like to fork himself19:30
txwikinger_workmaybe I would have finally some time for some essential stuff aside of work19:31
* ScottK hands txwikinger_work a fork and says go for it.19:31
* txwikinger_work appreciates ScottK's support19:31
QuintasanCan someone explain to me why the hell numlock is not turned on at startup?19:36
lex79Quintasan: system settings -> keyboard & mouse19:37
Quintasanlex79: doesn't work19:38
chakersitohi! i have a problem with the update of KDE4.2.319:43
chakersitowhen I run in the console a comand with _sudo_ I got this error19:43
chakersitoCould not start ksmserver. Check yout installation19:43
chakersitoand the KDM restart19:43
chakersitoany idea what can I do to fix it?19:44
Quintasanhurr durr, can anyone tell me why dput doesn't want to upload orig.tar.gz to REVU? the debian revision number is 0 and it uploads everything except orig.tar.gz file :/19:48
ScottKQuintasan: Did you debuild -S -sa?19:49
* ScottK guesses you did -S19:49
QuintasanScottK: hmm, I don't remeber, let me try19:49
QuintasanI did -S -k$GPGKEY19:49
ScottKThat's why.  You need -sa19:49
=== Nightrose_ is now known as Nightrose
QuintasanScottK: It complains about missing GPG keys, I have exported GPGKEY variable but it didn't help19:51
ScottKThen add your -k to it19:51
ScottKSo -S -sa -k$GPGKEY19:52
Quintasanoh, k thanks ScottK19:52
yuriyhave people gotten room information and (if you used the agents) flight info/tickets for uds?19:53
Quintasanapachelogger: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=573819:55
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ScottKFlight info yes, rooms no.19:57
ScottKyuriy: ^^19:57
JontheEchidnaNightrose: Haven't had much time, working on it now20:01
NightroseJontheEchidna: thanks :)20:02
Quintasanapachelogger: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=5739  <-- this one :P20:02
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ^ if you have a second20:03
lex79JontheEchidna: thanks, smack :)20:12
macoyuriy: same as ScottK20:16
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: looks good on the whole, but I did find some minor things20:18
JontheEchidna(I commented on those on the revu page)20:18
Quintasanoh, so I dont need libplasma-dev? :D20:19
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: not for Karmic :)20:21
yuriyScottK: you got tickets? I haven't received anything since I approved them to book it20:21
ScottKI got an e-ticket20:21
QuintasanJontheEchidna: good, I have less things to remember, my memory is good, but short :P20:21
yuriyScottK: huh, thanks, i don't think I have, i'll have to get in touch with them again20:24
QuintasanJontheEchidna: fixed, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-widget-pgame :320:32
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: diffrent -> different20:45
QuintasanI really typed that -_-20:45
JontheEchidnathat is minor enough that I could fix it and upload to ubuntu, though20:46
JontheEchidna...after you get a second revu, of course20:47
Quintasanplease do so :320:47
JontheEchidnaso you should probably update it after all20:47
* JontheEchidna is just used to doing second revus all the time20:47
QuintasanI accidentally my usb drive20:47
JontheEchidnathe whole usb drive?20:48
Quintasanlooks like20:48
Quintasanoh, It's alive20:48
JontheEchidnahttp://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1221756086791fg6.jpg <- my fave20:51
QuintasanJontheEchidna: k, fixed :P20:53
QuintasanJontheEchidna: lol20:53
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: it still has the 0ubuntu2 thing going on in debian/changelog20:54
Quintasanhmm I deleted it :/20:55
Quintasanhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-widget-pgame <-- this one20:56
Quintasanit looks right here20:57
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks for the mail.21:01
Mamarokapachelogger: subscribed to U one bug, sir!21:03
* Quintasan hates when he can't finish what he started21:04
jussi01Wow, my bug seems to have really made people here vent :D21:04
QuintasanI think I need some sleep21:04
QuintasanNight Ladies and Gentleman21:04
lex79night ;)21:05
ScottKjussi01: Which bug?21:05
Quintasanapachelogger: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-widget-pgame21:05
jussi01bug 37541521:05
ubottuBug 375415 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/375415 is private21:05
ScottKI suspect not since we don't even know what it is ....21:05
jussi01ScottK: anyway, the one about ubuntu one not having a kde client...21:06
jussi01ScottK: youd be suprised...21:06
ScottKjussi01: Just a bunch of spammers anyway.  I'd ignore them.21:06
ScottKNot kidding about it being spam.21:06
jussi01ScottK: I dont mind the lack of a KDE client - I can deal with that - however, when the gnome client doesnt work _at all_ on kde, thats when I have an issue.21:08
ryanakcaapachelogger: Hmmm... we should get to that. *jots it down on his eternally growing TODO list* ... it'll sadly get put off to next week or UDS... this week is insane homework-wise21:08
ScottKjussi01: Interesting.  KDE people to busy on notifications I guess.21:08
nixternaljussi01: why is it private?21:08
jussi01nixternal: all of the ubuntuone bugs start private afaik21:09
ScottKjussi01: You should be able to unprivate the bug.21:09
nixternalthat's nice21:09
jussi01ScottK: actually it seems that my bug was marked a dupe of that one21:09
dtchenubuntuone raises some serious flags for me (as do most "cloud" things)21:13
nixternaldtchen: that's why don't put private stuff on the cloud21:15
ScottKdtchen: No kidding.  The class of "Stuff I really care about but don't care about security for" is probably close to nil.21:15
dtchennixternal: it doesn't have anything to do with privacy but auditing.21:15
nixternalthe only flag raised for me is out of the blue I get an invite for smething I had never heard of21:15
nixternalsemantic auditing?21:15
nixternalsocial-semantic, the way of the desktop future?21:16
jussi01ok, that was... err... fun?21:16
jussi01I hit printscreen  and it was like the button was stuck down, not sure if it was hardware or software failure, but it brought up like 2000 printscreen windows...21:17
* ScottK had that happen once.21:17
Sputsebas: :)21:18
txwikinger_workjussi01: does the ubuntu one client work on Gnome?21:21
* txwikinger_work should maybe try that21:22
jussi01txwikinger_work: according to reports it does - I dont have gnome...21:22
txwikinger_workWell.. I have the Gnome desktop installed21:22
ScottKSput: I want a feature to be marked away when I close the lid on my laptop.21:22
txwikinger_workSo I could try it21:22
lex79JontheEchidna: kipi-plugins FTBS in karmic pbuilder :( I think phonon related21:23
txwikinger_workScottK: there is a flatscreen that watches if you sit in front of it... so you could extend it to being marked away when you are away21:23
lex79JontheEchidna: /tmp/buildd/kipi-plugins-0.3.0/advancedslideshow/listsounditems.h:36:25: error: Phonon/Global: No such file or directory21:23
ScottKtxwikinger_work: Interesting.21:23
JontheEchidnalex79: It's being worked on21:30
neversfeldemhh, bilbo was rejected because of license problems and a lintian override. The app uses a modified version of libkblog and I did not split it out in an extra package, because it should not be a public lib. I asked in #ubuntu-motu and they told me to do it like this.21:33
neversfeldeNow I asked upstream again, and they are talking with the libkblog team to backmerge their changes in libkblog21:33
neversfeldeso I still think that there shouldn't be a libbilbokblog package?21:34
lex79JontheEchidna: fine, ok21:36
nixternalScottK: good eyes there in -meeting :)21:37
ScottKnixternal: Yeah, I got lucky on that one.21:37
nixternalI saw his name and it didn't even dawn on me21:37
ScottKI can't imagine he thought it was going to work.21:38
ScottKBut clearly he did.21:38
nixternalya, even without you he wouldn't of got it I don't think21:38
* txwikinger_work wonders why switch user or multiple user session isn't working in jaunty anymore21:38
ScottKI know some o f the board members were aware, so probably not.21:39
nixternalwell even if he didn't do the things he did last year, his wiki and presence didn't warrant membership21:42
SputScottK: I think that'll have to wait until we have a dbus interface22:10
Sputin which case one could probably write up an acpi script for that :)22:10
calcso is kubuntu planning on following Debian in the dropping of KDE3 packages in the near term?22:19
Mamarokje te conseille de jeter un coup d'oeil au wiki ubuntu pour le déboguage du son22:22
Mamarokattends, je te trouve l'adresse22:22
Sputmais oui!22:23
nixternalScottK: heh, there is no way I would even know where to begin on working on OO.o + KDE4 stuff22:23
Mamarokoops, wrong channel :)22:24
nixternaljesus their vcs is one hell of a confusing mess to me22:24
calcnixternal: i think the main bit that needs support is for KDE4 file dialog22:24
Sputwait until you see their build system!22:24
ScottKnixternal: It might be easier just to start with their standard GTK stuff an make something new for KDE4.22:25
nixternalI can't even find the GTK stuff :) HAHAHA22:26
calcnixternal: its under fpicker22:26
nixternalif I could find that, then ya making KDE4 stuff would be easy22:26
calcnixternal: at least for the file dialog22:26
* nixternal looks there22:26
calcnixternal: the extracted and patched ubuntu source also has the fpicker for KDE22:26
nixternali think there needs to be more than just file dialog though22:26
calcnixternal: its not part of Sun source22:26
nixternaloh, so port the kde fpicker to qt4/kde4 then22:27
* nixternal apt-get sources22:27
calcnixternal: you can probably find all the kde specific bits fairly easily, i think it only does file picker and a few other minor bits, it doesn't even have a print dialog for KDE22:27
calcnixternal: yea22:27
calcgetting full KDE integration would be awesome but even with KDE3 we currently don't have that with OOo22:28
nixternalthe oo.o-kde package I am taking it22:28
calcyea its built from ooo source22:28
nixternaljeesh, full integration would be insane...at that point I would just put resources into KOffice22:28
calcheh :)22:28
calcwell file picker, print dialog, etc22:28
calci think that with ooo 3.2 it will be using the openprinting stuff so we won't need kde print support long term anyway22:29
nixternaloh that's cool22:29
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lex79ScottK: this bug http://www.imagebin.ca/view/Nqqci3YU.html is still present in your sistem in 4.2.3/qt 4.5.1?22:36
lex79it is really boring22:37
nixternalI have never seen that before22:38
Mamarokwell, it's a known Qt bug, isn't it?22:39
Mamarokyou should integrate the patch22:39
* JontheEchidna has never seen that one22:40
lex79JontheEchidna: ScottK does22:40
JontheEchidnaif there's a patch I don't see it in qt-copy22:44
MamarokJontheEchidna: markey just told me there was a patch released22:45
Mamarokmaybe check with troubalex22:45
lex79JontheEchidna: this http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/qt-copy/patches/0279-svg-rendering-regression.diff?revision=958573&view=markup22:49
JontheEchidnawe have that one already22:49
JontheEchidnaat least in the packages in karmic and kubuntu-experimental22:50
lex79I have 4.5.1 from experimental22:50
nixternallovely, oo.o-kde is created from a bunch of patches...my eyes just crossed looking at them...looks like some kde4 support has already been started at least22:50
calcnixternal: best bet is to start the OOo build then kill it after it finished patching everything22:56
calcnixternal: its a bit ugly but seems the easiest way to do it22:56
calcnixternal: there is somewhere around 800 patches in ooo-build22:57
calcnixternal: yea there is also a section in ooo-build/patches/dev300/apply to enable the preliminary kde4 support22:57
calcnixternal: you may want to look at what is there, i am not sure if it is in a state that it will currently apply to the code though22:58
calcnixternal: the code is hosted via git from freedesktop.org also so if you want to work on it through that and then generate sets for someone else to commit that would work as well22:58
seeleScottK: hmm.. maybe23:19
txwikingerWell.. that is interesting... ubuntu one is apparently not targeted for KDE users ;)23:19
seeleheh yeah.. i signed up but didnt install the client23:21
blizzzwow, launchpad elements make their getaway in konqui! O.O23:48
blizzzlol.. works again... strange things going on this night..23:50
neversfeldeblizzz: mhhh23:54
blizzzneversfelde: i am sure they wouldn't have flown when they were stop signs ;)23:56

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