
hggdhthey should be grateful00:00
hggdhBUGabundo1, if userspace is affecting the kernel, then this is really a kernel bug00:00
hggdhwow, tons of updates for karmic!00:01
BUGabundo1hggdh: more??00:03
BUGabundo1I just manage to get 100MiBs of them00:03
BUGabundo1damn build dds00:03
hggdhoh, then you are ahead of me00:04
hggdhheh. This is cool (when selecting a package to update): "<packageA>: depends on <packageA> but it is not installable"00:07
hggdhI love auto-dependencies00:07
kklimondahggdh: bug 300359 is a wishlist (or maybe a bug as it worked in older version?)00:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 300359 in transmission "Transmission does not sort correctly in details pane -> Files tab" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30035900:14
kklimondaheh.. 6 more bugs in transmission to triage..00:17
kklimondachrisccoulson: is my fixed debdiff for transmission enough to unmark bug as incomplete? :)00:19
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think so00:19
kklimondai think i've found all bugs that are related to this merge..00:20
kklimondais it possible to download .torrent files for old alpha releases?00:25
kklimondaand are they still seeded?00:25
hggdhkklimonda, this may be a regression. We would have to look at the changelogs to see if it was intended00:26
BUGabundo1JSSmith: english please00:28
BUGabundo1kklimonda: AFAIK NO00:28
BUGabundo1kklimonda: alphas go away00:28
kklimondadamn, i'll have to wait for new alphas then :)00:29
JSSmithdtchen, Hello, I've a mobo Intel, with audio device Intel Corporation 82801G (IHC7 Family) and Ubuntu 9.04. My mic is Buggg.. Help me!00:29
JSSmithBUGabundo1, ok, eu não falo muito bem...00:30
BUGabundo1JSSmith: please run on teminal: $ ubuntu-bug alsa-base00:30
JSSmithBUGabundo1, a tá..00:30
JSSmithBUGabundo1, ok00:30
kklimondahggdh: I'll ask on #transmission about it as digging though sources doesn't sound like fun ;)00:33
jeffffffhas anyone announced a fix for a 9.04 upgrade that broke wireless?00:37
dtchenthat's a bit vague. can you point to a bug report # (or set of bug reports)?00:39
dtchen(what you've done is akin to screaming "my leg hurts, make it stop!")00:39
jeffffffsure ill go get a bug #00:39
jeffffffgot it00:39
evanrmurphyI've decided to take a stab at the Hug Day bug list. First thing's first, I just want to be confident I know how to assign the correct package. So I've opened up the first bug on the list (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/371266), and at first glance it seems to affect the firefox-3.0 and gdebi packages. Is it that simple? Any suggestions would be appreciated.00:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 371266 in ubuntu "firefox and gdebi" [Undecided,New]00:45
kklimondaevanrmurphy: hmm.. I think you could assign it to firefox.. but it sounds like an user error - maybe he has changed something in settings? We need more informations about it.. Maybe ask him to check if he can reproduce it when running firefox with new, clean profile.00:48
jeffffffthis is exactly the problem I am having after the upgrade to 9.04. I've read thru this and there doesn't seem to be a real fix.00:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 348204 in linux "[Jaunty] Intel wireless 3945ABG is unstable and disconnects frequently" [Undecided,New]00:51
evanrmurphykklimonda: Thanks for replying. Can you explain how you ruled out gdebi? Does it just take some experience before these things are obvious?00:53
JSSmithdtchen, Can you help me? snd-hda-intel microphone not working in Desktop Ubuntu 9.04, with an Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02), which has the STAC92xx codec chip. The sound it's nice.00:53
JSSmithdtchen, please00:54
dtchenJSSmith: busy atm, will look in 15 minutes if you've filed a bug.00:54
evanrmurphykklimonda: I guess I can see what you're saying, reading more closely. He says gdebi works in all other cases, so it seems more related to Firefox. Is that sort of how your thought process went?00:55
JSSmithdtchen, thanks00:55
kklimondaevanrmurphy: I'm guessing... error comes from firefox, all other .debs open just fine and gdebi when run from terminal also open this file fine..00:56
kklimondaevanrmurphy: it may be something more but it should be forwarded to ubuntu mozilla team imo..00:56
evanrmurphykklimonda: Thanks again. :)00:57
kklimondaalso I can confirm this bug..00:57
dtchenJSSmith: i.e., which bug report # did you file?00:57
JSSmithdtchen, what file?00:59
dtchenJSSmith: you were asked to use "ubuntu-bug alsa-base", which should have generated a bug report on Launchpad01:00
dtchenJSSmith: what's the bug # that was filed?01:00
JSSmithdtchen, ok01:01
JSSmithdtchen, Bug #28223301:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 282233 in alsa-driver "snd-hda-intel microphone not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28223301:01
evanrmurphykklimonda: You can confirm the Firefox/gdebi bug, or were you referring to something else?01:01
kklimondaevanrmurphy: I've confirmed this bug as I can reproduce it..01:01
kklimondaevanrmurphy: don't forget to mark this bug as done on HugDays wiki page01:02
evanrmurphykklimonda: OK! At what stage does that happen? After the bug is confirmed, or after it's received any attention, or...01:03
kklimondaevanrmurphy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status01:04
kklimondaevanrmurphy: on this page you can check what has to be done to change bug's status.01:05
dtchenJSSmith: ok, please wait a tick01:05
JSSmithdtchen, The bug # was posted by JACC. I is with the same problem, only that use Desktop Ubuntu 9.04.01:05
JSSmithdtchen, thanks01:05
jeffffffI will wait for a reply when someone has time: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/34820401:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 348204 in linux "[Jaunty] Intel wireless 3945ABG is unstable and disconnects frequently" [Undecided,New]01:09
evanrmurphykklimonda: Sorry, I meant on the HugDay wiki. You said to mark the bug as done there, and I see people changing the rows to light green. Do you know when that's to be marked? After package assignation, bug confirmation, fix, etc.?01:09
kklimondaevanrmurphy: you have to either confirm a bug or request additional information and assign it to yourself.01:15
hggdhkklimonda, actually, you do not need to assign a bug being traiged to yourself -- add yourself as a subscriber instead01:15
kklimondaevanrmurphy: no, you don't even have to assign it to yourself..01:16
kklimondahggdh: yeah, my bad01:16
hggdhan assignment is considered like a "do not touch this"01:16
hggdhkklimonda, no probs01:16
hggdhand *usually* means you are working on the *FIX*01:16
evanrmurphyhggdh, kklimonda: Thanks for clearing that up. I was starting to stress out about the assign vs. subscribe distinction.01:16
hggdhevanrmurphy, glad to help. Please do not get stressed... there are other things we should get stressed on, instead of bugs01:17
kklimondayeah.. like more bugs ;)01:18
hggdhyes ;-)01:18
evanrmurphykklimonda: I'm crediting you as a triager for that bug as well. Is that alright?01:26
kklimondaevanrmurphy: fine by me01:32
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bcurtiswxbdmurray: whats the site for your LP greasemonkey scripts?03:31
hggdh_bcurtiswx, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gm-dev-launchpad/launchpad-gm-scripts/master/files03:50
bcurtiswxhggdh_: ty03:53
kklimondahggdh_: about bug 300359 - it is confirmed in 1.60/1.61 and quoting a developer: "I took out the sorting because they caused gtk to go crazy for some reason when you resized the column widths.  the grip wouldn't let go when you released the mouse button, so you could never stop resizing"03:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 300359 in transmission "Unable to sort files in torrent by Progress, Download nor Priority." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30035903:56
hggdh_kklimonda, hum03:58
hggdh_so there will not be sort anymore, or at least until the developer figures out what is wrong...03:58
kklimondayeah, looks like it03:59
hggdh_OK. I guess we could still leave it open (wishlist), and quote the dev on that03:59
hggdh_this might have been caused by code error, either at transmission, or even at gtk; but I would expect that -- when this is figured out -- it would be put back04:01
kklimondahe said that he had removed it few gtk+ releases ago so it may be safe to put it back.04:03
kklimondahggdh_: if fix exists in upstream package and bug is going to be fixed when the package is merged should I confirm bug or mark it fix commited? (I've seen both versions)04:07
hggdh_kklimonda, we will have to add an upstream task ; the ubuntu task will stay triaged until we build it locally (either via sync or merge, or local patch)04:09
kklimondai see04:10
hggdh_so if there is an upstream bug on that, we add it in; otherwise we can just say this is known upstream, and add the upstream task without linking a bug (then we manually update the upstream status)04:11
kklimondai see..04:11
hggdh_and yes, I have seen it done both ways, but it is better to follow the guidelines (even if I personally do not agree with them here)04:12
kklimondawell, I can't triage bugs? :<04:12
kklimondai mean set them to triaged..04:12
hggdh_you will, when you apply (and are accepted) in -control04:13
kklimondaya, i know04:13
hggdh_meanwhile one of us in -control can do it for you04:13
hggdh_you are getting to the point where you can apply, BTW04:13
hggdh_(i.e., you will have a +1 from me)04:14
kklimondaand what about bugs like 338671 - there is still no fix but they are working on it upstream04:14
kklimondabug 33867104:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 338671 in transmission "Transmission does not connect to ipv6 trackers" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33867104:14
kklimondais it confirmed or triaged?04:14
kklimondahggdh_: and thanks for your support - when i get some more experience i'll apply for sure :)04:15
hggdh_it can be set to triaged, since upstream is working on it. Just document what you found, and tell me when it is ready04:16
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
kklimondahmm.. document? Like the status of the bug - i.e. what are they doing about it and when will it be fixed?04:17
hggdhyes, so that later on we can read it and know what happened. Usually, the best way is to have an upstream bug opened, so that it can be tracked by both sides04:18
kklimondahggdh: it is opened.04:18
hggdhwhich of the bugs?04:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 338671 in transmission "Transmission does not connect to ipv6 trackers" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:20
hggdhkklimonda, set to triaged/wishlist. Thanks04:22
kklimondadescription of upstream bug 1731 is a bit misleading but 338671 was marked as (sort of) duplicate of 1731 in their bts (http://trac.transmissionbt.com/ticket/1998)04:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 1731 in soyuz "SourcePackageSet claims to implement ISourcePackageSet, but doesn't" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173104:22
hggdhthat's OK...04:23
kklimondahggdh: and if the bug was fixed in mainstream but there is no bug report I should add project and set Fix released manually?04:24
hggdhfor the sake of completeness, yes. This always help when a passer-by tried to find out how things are04:25
hggdhperhaps this is a bit pedantic, but ah well04:26
evanrmurphybdmurray: Hi Brian, I just made some modifications to the stock response provided on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20090514. I think this is an improvement, though I'd be happy to have a discussion if people disagree, and I certainly don't want it to seem like a rude gesture, my messing with someone's writing like that. I'm also aware that this breaches some precedents for the stock responses established in htt04:28
evanrmurphyps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses, so either way (if any of my changes are accepted or not) some consistency should probably be reattained. Let me know what you think!04:28
kklimondahggdh: for now bug 353774, 338671, 294151 are to be marked as "triaged"04:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 353774 in transmission "Remember options in filter bar" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35377404:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 338671 in transmission "Transmission does not connect to ipv6 trackers" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33867104:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 294151 in transmission "Add the ability to sort by estimated time of completion" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29415104:29
hggdhkklimonda, and what about the importance?04:29
kklimonda353774 and 294151 wishlist04:30
kklimonda338671 probably Low04:30
kklimonda183473 is worked upstream but fix wasn't commited to ubuntu yet so probably Triaged?04:31
hggdhtriaged it is;bug 18347304:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 183473 in transmission "show thumbnails next to torrents" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18347304:32
kklimondaalso I'd mark bug 300359 as Low as it is a cosmetic issue and it worked in some previous release. I'll add comment about why it was removed soon..04:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 300359 in transmission "Unable to sort files in torrent by Progress, Download nor Priority." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30035904:33
hggdh183473 has been reverted to triaged, thanks04:34
hggdhI *think* I got them all...04:35
kklimondayes, looks like it - there are still 5 new, undecided bugs for transmission..04:36
kklimondabut it looks pretty nice :)04:36
hggdhbut you did a lot on them already... thank you!04:36
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kklimondahggdh: I like it - it's pretty funny to triage bugs when you know something about a package you are working on :)04:38
micahghggdh: can yo umark 371800 wishlist?04:39
hggdhbug 37180004:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 371800 in ubufox "Ubufox should install Adobe flash by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37180004:39
kklimondabug 374385 should be marked wishlist04:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 374385 in transmission "keep torrents in the "downloading" category for some secs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37438504:39
micahgIt's my contribution to huugday04:39
kklimondaNow all I have to do is forward them all to upstream T_T04:40
hggdhmicahg, what should be the status of the bug?04:41
hggdhand there might be some licence issues with installing the plugins by default (since they are proprietary)04:41
micahgit's a wishlist04:42
hggdhwelcome. Thank you for helping...04:42
micahgshould I give you hugday credit?04:42
hggdhno, you get it04:43
hggdh*you* did the work04:43
micahgI'm going to try the command line tool04:43
hggdhit is simpler than going and editing it by hand04:43
micahgif I can figure it out :)04:44
kklimondahggdh: bug 374385 - please, mark it as a wishlist and I'm done with transmission for now :)04:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 374385 in transmission "keep torrents in the "downloading" category for some secs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37438504:44
kklimondahggdh: and thanks for you assistance :)04:46
hggdhkklimonda, my pleasure04:46
hggdhand it is done, BTW04:46
micahghggdh: it worked (the cli)04:46
micahgI feel like an evil genius04:47
kklimonda13 wishlist bugs.. upstream developers are going to hug me to death ;)04:47
kklimondaah, only 5 are to be forwarded04:47
kklimondaI'll live..04:47
hggdhand the hugday is just starting...04:48
hggdh(well, it officially started some 4 hours ago, UTC-wise)04:48
micahghggdh: hugday isn't till thursday04:49
micahga comment was made earlier today that there's no reason not to start early04:49
hggdhoh, yes, sorry, forgot (1) when it was; (2) what day was today04:49
ubot4Factoid 'hugday' not found04:49
hggdhthanks micahg04:50
micahgthe bot doesn't know when it is either :)04:50
micahghggdh: what do I do for something for bug 30843705:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 308437 in firefox-3.0 "browser/mail crash on mouse click after update to 8.10 - glibc/memory problem ?" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30843705:00
hggdhI think we could close it (no real hard data to work on...) and state that if it happens again, to please reopen05:02
micahgCan I suggest using a Desktop CD to test a new release?05:03
hggdhyes, the live CD -- if the reporter is willing to do it05:03
micahgkklimonda: was that nod for me?05:03
kklimondamicahg: I afree with hggdh that without any real data (valgrind logs, tracebacks) there is no way of working on this bug..05:04
kklimondahggdh: Can he submit traceback if he crashes those applications using live cd?05:05
kklimondahggdh: It would probably be markes as outdated by apport retrace...05:05
hggdhI doubt, because there will be no symbols installed -- so the BTs will be unusable05:05
kklimondawell, maybe it was fixed :)05:05
micahgIs this the right link for the live media?05:05
micahgDid Ubuntu just start with live DVDs?05:07
micahgare there no longer Live CDs?05:07
kklimondahggdh: shouldn't apport retrace try to retrace bug with symbols? But as I said packages are outdated so it would be probably marked as invalid..05:07
kklimondalive dvds?05:07
hggdhmicahg, this link is for the DVDs, the first line gives the link for the CDs05:08
hggdhkklimonda, no, apport just collects the data (and the coredump) and uploads it. backtracing is done at the backstage canonical/ubuntu servers05:08
micahgthe Live DVD will probably have a better chance of compatability, right?05:08
hggdhkklimonda, oh, apport-retrace will do it, but if you are running a liveCD you are probably already outdated... also there might be problems in disk space (the live CD does not install anything)05:09
hggdhmicahg, the live DVD pretty much has all of Ubuntu, no need to download other packages05:10
hggdhthe live CD has the most common packages05:10
micahghggdh: right, so if someone needs a special driver, it'll probably be in teh live DVD, right?05:12
micahghggdh: is bug 298303 enough of a test case?05:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 298303 in firefox-3.0 "Full storage unit glitched download service" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29830305:19
hggdhit is an interesting scenario05:23
hggdhthis should have happened elsewhere already -- try searching for a duplicate05:24
micahgI"m trying05:24
hggdhbut I would like to have more data on that. It does sound plausible, but we cannot yet confirm it05:24
micahgI know, I'll look upstream05:25
micahghggdh: is this ok upstream?05:26
ubot4Mozilla bug 489737 in General "can not cancel a download when disk full." [Normal,Unconfirmed]05:26
hggdhoh yes!05:28
micahgthis one also05:28
ubot4Mozilla bug 471067 in Download Manager "download manager non-responsive after "disk is full" error message" [Normal,Unconfirmed]05:28
hggdhyes, both of them match. I would go with the older one05:29
micahgCan I not link both?05:29
hggdhmicahg, if you can, please add a comment upstream giving the link to the LP bug05:29
hggdhno, you cannot link both (and it does not make sense, anyway)05:30
micahgI'm embarrased to say that I don't have a bugzilla account yet :(05:30
micahgI'll make one now05:30
hggdhbut you can comment in our bug about both05:30
hggdhI do not know what are the procedures on mozilla, but it does look like the new is a duplicate of the old bug05:31
micahgso, it's triaged now?05:32
micahgI'm working on the text05:32
micahgshould I update the desription with the second bug find?05:33
micahgor comment?05:33
hggdhmicahg, did you get the mozilla account set? If so, do not forget to add there a link to our bug, and a link to the other bugzilla bug that is a duplicate05:34
micahgI will after I take care of the one in our tracker05:34
micahgregarding teh dupe upstream, is that a description update or a comment?05:35
hggdhideally, every major change we make in a bug we should document -- what was done, and *why* it was done05:35
hggdha comment05:35
micahgshould I preface it with Developer's Note05:35
micahgso the submitter doesn't worry?05:35
hggdhI am sorry, I do not follow you05:35
hggdhI would not say "developer's note" -- you are not a ffox developer, and it sounds like one... just do the note as you yourself05:40
micahgTriager's note?05:40
hggdhjust state you found the bugs upstream -- they are already under your user, so no need05:41
* hggdh is used to work this way05:41
micahghggdh: what do I say to upstream about the bug?05:43
hggdhadd a comment stating "original ubuntu bug <link>", and that you also foung mozilla bug xxxx on that05:44
hggdhideally, every bug we find upstream (and link downstream) we should add a reference to our bug05:44
hggdhso we get to have a double-linked relationship05:45
micahgDo I need to fix the title on our bug?05:45
hggdhif you consider the title not to correctly identify the issue, yes, certainly you should05:46
micahgI feel like I did a lot tonight05:47
micahgshould I mark it master as well since i have the upstream?05:47
hggdhyou did do a lot...05:47
hggdhno, not really -- there are not enough duplicates to warrant it being a master05:48
hggdhok. I have been here long enough...05:51
hggdhsee you all tomorrow05:51
micahggood night hggdh05:53
hggdhgood night micahg05:53
kklimondais there a won't fix status that members of ubuntu bug control can assign to a bug?06:28
micahgkklimonda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status06:28
kklimondathen I'd like to have bug 291207 set as won't fix06:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 291207 in transmission "Missing apply-button in the webui configuration tab." [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29120706:29
micahgkklimonda: are you the developer upstream?06:30
micahgah, I see06:31
micahgupstream rejected it06:31
micahgsomeone else would have to do it06:32
micahgI don't have permission yet06:32
ubot4Madpilot: Error: This bug is private07:30
Madpilotthank you, bot, for pointing out the problem with it07:30
Madpilotanyone able to tell me why it's private? my brother filed it, sez he didn't mark it as security or anything07:31
dholbachgood morning07:35
thekornhi dholbach07:36
dholbachhiya thekorn07:37
thekornMadpilot, all new bugreports for the ubunet project are automatically marked as private07:38
thekornMadpilot, no idea why, easiest way to get it visible for public is to ask your brother to remove the private flag07:39
Maelvonhi bugsquad!08:07
MaelvonI want to report a bug from a ubuntu server, how?08:08
Flannel!bugs | Maelvon08:09
ubot4Maelvon: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:09
Maelvonwith ubuntu-bug, it seems it opens a web page, but on a server no X08:09
Maelvonthanks, i'll try launchpad...08:10
evanrmurphyI've been working on this bug report (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/371288). It was missing the affected package field, so I did that (hope it's correct), but I'm unsure of the next step. The report seems pretty thorough, containing all the important information. I haven't found a duplicate yet. Any suggestions?08:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 371288 in xorg "X crashes after starting video" [Undecided,New]08:23
evanrmurphyFYI, I'm going to classify the report as Confirmed, even though I haven't reproduced it myself. I think it's a solid report.09:02
askandWhat  dbgsymbols do I need to get a backtrace for firefox? Installed for firefox and xulrunner12:35
mnemoaskand: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs#Crashes12:40
askandmnemo: thanks but there is a lot of packages mentioned there that are not in the repos, including firefox and xulrunner debugpackages12:44
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kklimondawould someone from bug control mark bug 183501 as triaged?14:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 183501 in transmission "some way to tell finished torrents from unfinished ones" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18350114:44
pedro_kklimonda: done14:45
kklimondathanks pedro_14:46
pedro_you're welcome14:46
hggdhkklimonda, will any transmission bug be left over, or are you pretty much done with all? ;-)15:18
kklimondahggdh: there are still 3 more bugs I have to check :)15:20
kklimondaProbably I'll be able to move bug 346714 one way or another - I'll have to re-read it.. :)15:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 346714 in transmission "transmission downloads files I've unselected in the torrent" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34671415:23
kklimondahggdh: I think you can mark ^^^^ as triaged.. they are working on a fix of some sorts - It is impossible not to download part of files because of the way bittorrent protocol works - so instead they are going to move downloaded parts of unwanted files to some sort of cache that doesn't show up in file browser. But I think it will take them a while - bug was created over a year ago ;)15:30
kklimondaand a wishlist15:32
kklimondahggdh: bug 374013 triaged/low15:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 374013 in transmission "Maximum peers can't be limited in Transmission" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37401315:37
kklimondaand btw hey :)15:38
hggdhdoing it now, kklimonda15:54
kklimondadamn, it sounds like a pretty cool thing: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/DebuginfoFS :)15:55
hggdhkklimonda, done15:56
kklimondahggdh: thanks15:56
hggdhkklimonda, yes indeed would be nice...15:56
hggdhbut there is a potential issue with scaling: it will work for one/two/twenty users, but what about hundreds?15:59
andresmujica1hey ya!16:50
andresmujica1don't forget our meeting in about 10 minutes...16:51
andresmujica1at #ubuntu-meeting16:51
hggdhandresmujica1, thanks for the reminder16:55
andresmujica1hggdh: sure!! :-D16:55
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kklimondahggdh: I was going to ask you - there is a "Won't fix" status for bugs? If so could you set bug 291207 as a such?17:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 291207 in transmission "Missing apply-button in the webui configuration tab." [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29120717:12
hggdhkklimonda, yes, there is a wontfix. Will do it17:13
hggdhkklimonda, done. Sorry for the delay17:41
hggdhandresmujica1, good work, sir18:00
hggdhyo pace_t_zulu18:00
andresmujica1that was hard...18:00
pace_t_zuluhggdh: less formal in here..18:00
andresmujica1i believe i missed a lot of IDEAS and a lot of ACTIONS...18:00
hggdhLOL it is always hard18:00
pace_t_zuluhggdh: so I think I should get a mentor so I can be more helpful with triaging...18:01
hggdhyes, but this was the first one, so we learn from it18:01
charlie-tcagets better with experience, andre_______18:01
hggdhpace_t_zulu, anyone here can mentor you...18:01
pace_t_zuluhggdh: would you mind being my mentor?18:01
showard_what's the difference between the qa meeting and bugsquad meeting18:01
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hggdhthe qa deals with all of quality assurance (including triaging). But triaging usually does not get time there18:02
hggdhshoward_, ^^18:02
showard_ok, thanks18:02
andresmujica1ok, so i'm gonna summarize at the wiki and ML, so we can streamline the topics for the next meeting a litle bit better, right?18:03
hggdhso. andresmujica1, what gives with the LP thingy?18:03
pace_t_zuluhggdh: could you recommend a mentor?18:03
hggdhandresmujica1, yes, please do that. You can follow the other meeting reports18:03
andresmujica1the LP improvements, i don't really now bcurtiswx was the one who proposed it, but sure there're a lot of things needed...18:03
hggdhpace_t_zulu, I cannot recommend anybody else (it would not be fair). But any of us here can help18:04
pace_t_zuluis anyone here willing to be my mentor?18:04
hggdhandresmujica1, OK, we wait for bcurtiswx, and then pester him18:04
hggdhpace_t_zulu, I am willing to help you :-)18:04
andresmujica1i'm gonna write the report and update wiki page.18:05
pace_t_zuluhggdh: so you'd be my mentor then18:05
hggdhthanks, andresmujica118:05
showard_thank you andres18:05
andresmujica1thanks to all for attending,18:05
azimoutpace_t_zulu: i suggest you just ask any questions you have in this channel, you will have a wider audience and more immediate responses than asking a single person by email18:05
hggdhpace_t_zulu, keep in mind that most of the questions are asked here -- this would help any others wit doubts18:05
hggdhheh. Again, I am a slow typer18:06
pace_t_zuluazimout: i am looking for someone to help with my efficacy as a bug triager18:06
azimoutso, are we suggesting lp improvements?18:06
hggdhazimout, non, the person that raised the issue is not here, so we do not know what it is about18:06
hggdhpace_t_zulu, shoot18:07
pace_t_zuluhggdh: what is some "low hanging fruit" i can go after18:07
azimoutpace_t_zulu, try to read anything you can on the wiki18:07
azimoutI also keep a collection of useful links for myself (and others) here: http://azitech.wordpress.com/bugs/18:07
pedro_btw if you're looking for low hanging fruit , you might be interested on the target for the hug day18:08
azimout+1 pedro_18:08
hggdhpace_t_zulu, yes. Then you *have* to seach LP for bugs you feel less unconfortable with. There are no real "low hanging" things, because it depends on what is the issue18:08
hggdhas usual pedro_ is straight on the target18:08
pedro_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20090514 <- there's quite a lot of bugs to triage and assigning bugs to a right package is one of the easier tasks to do if you're starting with bug triage18:09
pace_t_zuluso is it helpful for me to nominate bugs for certain releases?18:09
hggdhpace_t_zulu, nomination is an open action (i.e., anyone can do it). But not all bugs would profit from that18:09
hggdhthe fix may have been provided on a newer release, and we do not bump released on a relase18:10
andresmujica1anyone of you works with perl?18:10
hggdhthe fix *may* be rebased to a previous release, though18:10
hggdhandresmujica1, sometimes I do, but it is mostly hacks18:11
pace_t_zuluhggdh, azimout, and pedro_: thank you for the guidance18:11
showard_what exactly does nominating for release do? I've never used it18:11
hggdhpace_t_zulu, nomination should be reserved for serious impacting bugs18:11
pace_t_zuluhggdh: so what would be helpful? adding the "Stock" response?18:12
hggdhshoward_, you are asking the fix for the bug to be made available on another release than the one fixed18:12
pace_t_zuluhggdh: trying to replicate the bug on my system?18:12
hggdhpace_t_zulu, trying to replicate is always the best action we can do (not always possible, though, see X for an example)18:12
hggdhshoward_, which is something that requires a LOT of care and testing18:13
hggdhbut -- pace_t_zulu the hugday target is as near to low hanging as possible. Start there now, no need to wait for the hugday18:14
hggdhand ask here when in doubt18:14
andresmujica1me too, mostly hacks..18:14
pace_t_zuluhggdh: i am going through the UbuntuBugDay list and replying to reports there for now18:16
kklimondahggdh: when can be a bug marked off the HugDay list? Does assigning it to the right package is enough or Do I have to ask for more informations or confirm it?18:19
kklimondahggdh: you are very popular here for some reason ;}18:19
pace_t_zulukklimonda: because he is so frequently around to answer questions18:20
pace_t_zuluis anyone else experiencing serious latency with LP?18:21
hggdhkklimonda, whenever you act on the bug -- asking for more data, marking it confirmed, etc18:22
hggdhwhenever I am idling... I can answer18:23
kklimondahmm.. i can't add link to python bts to bug report?18:29
kklimondabug 371720 and upstream bts link is http://bugs.python.org/issue387218:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 371720 in python2.6 "python-tkinter-tix program has unknown color error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37172018:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 371720 in python2.6 "python-tkinter-tix program has unknown color error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37172018:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 371720 in python2.6 "python-tkinter-tix program has unknown color error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37172018:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 371720 in python2.6 "python-tkinter-tix program has unknown color error" [Undecided,New]18:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 371720 in python2.6 "python-tkinter-tix program has unknown color error" [Undecided,New]18:30
rormmm the bots liked that one :)18:30
* charlie-tca thinks about trying to get bots to work, half the time18:31
PiciI'll have the bot removed, but that will work for now.18:33
jussi01ubottu: part18:35
kklimondahggdh:  bug 371720 should be Low priority I think.. It was supposed to be fixed in upstream Python 2.6.2c1 release but for some reason I still can reproduce it now.. Maybe something is wrong with our python2.6?18:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 371720 in python2.6 "python-tkinter-tix program has unknown color error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37172018:40
kklimondahmm.. maybe even Medium ?18:41
hggdhkklimonda, was this fix put available for us18:43
kklimondahggdh: according to last comment fix was released in python 2.6.2c1 which ir release candidate of 2.6.218:44
kklimondawe have 2.6.2 so it should work18:44
pace_t_zului found an interesting bug launchpad #37311118:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 373111 in ubuntu "Keyboard 'Custom Shortcut' for terminal does not retain environment" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37311118:44
pace_t_zuluit only occurs with a "Custom Shortcut" not the predefined "Desktop" > "Run a terminal" shortcut18:45
kklimondahggdh: user in http://bugs.python.org/issue3970 suggests that "Tix seems really broken with tcl8.5..."18:46
kklimondahggdh: according to http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=192737 tix 8.4.3 fixes this issue - I'll try to rebuild it and see if it helps18:47
pace_t_zulucould someone please confirm launchpad bug #371789 ? As the reporter of the bug i feel as if it would be inappropriate for me to confirm it18:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 371789 in python-scipy "[Jaunty]python-scipy install SyntaxWarning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37178918:49
hggdhkklimonda, please update the bug accordingly -- this will help others18:51
pace_t_zuluhggdh or kklimonda could either of you please confirm launchpad bug #371789 ? As the reporter of the bug i feel as if it would be inappropriate for me to confirm it18:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 371789 in python-scipy "[Jaunty]python-scipy install SyntaxWarning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37178918:53
hggdhpace_t_zulu, done18:54
pace_t_zuluhggdh: thank you18:55
pace_t_zuluhggdh: perhaps you would be able to add something to launchpad #37311118:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 373111 in ubuntu "Keyboard 'Custom Shortcut' for terminal does not retain environment" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37311118:55
hggdhpace_t_zulu, now, re. 371789 -- this is probably a low-hanging one for you to keep on and check upstream to see if it has been already reported (and, perhaps, fixed); if not, to report it and add the upstream bug into ours18:56
pace_t_zuluhggdh: upstream as in Debian?18:57
hggdheither debian, or the real upstream (which I do not know where it is)18:58
pace_t_zuluhggdh: i'm on it... if it isn't reported at debian, should i bother them with it?19:00
hggdhit depends on from where we get it. If we get -scipy from debian, then yes, we should open there (helps them); if not, just the real upstream19:01
hggdhpace_t_zulu, I cannot confirm or deny the shortcut one -- my gnome is a bit zonked right now19:01
pace_t_zuluhggdh: i was able to confirm it... i was wondering if you'd know what package to assign it to19:02
hggdhpace_t_zulu, ah, sorry, gnome-control-center19:05
pace_t_zuluhggdh: i'll take care of it if you don't mind19:05
pace_t_zuluhggdh: do you know who that would be assigned to?19:06
hggdhnobody. We do not assign bugs19:06
hggdhgnome-control-center (and all of desktop) is assigned to desktop-bugs19:07
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pace_t_zuluhggdh: i reported both Launchpad # 371789 and Launchpad # 335646 upstream19:25
pace_t_zuluhggdh: what is CVE?19:26
mnemoCVE is a way to track security problems in software19:27
mnemoeven though everyone has different bug numbers etc there is usually just one CVE issued19:27
ubot4Factoid 'CVE' not found19:28
pace_t_zulusbeattie and hggdh: thank you19:30
pace_t_zulumnemo: thank you19:31
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Strider^when marking a bug as duplicate, should i also set the bug as confirmed ?20:27
kklimondaanyone can help me? I'd like to set a link to a debian bts but i get a following info: "Please select the appropriate upstream project. This step can be avoided by updating the packaging information for ircd-hybrid (Ubuntu)."20:28
kklimondawhat upstream project should I select? debian?20:28
charlie-tcaStrider^: set it invalid20:28
charlie-tcakklimonda: anything with (ubuntu) is not upstream, it is in ubuntu20:29
Strider^ok charlie-tca20:29
charlie-tcawhat is the bug number on launchpad20:29
kklimondabug 37561920:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 375619 in ircd-hybrid "ircd-hybrid conflicts with inspircd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37561920:29
kklimondaand debian bug is http://bugs.debian.org/51161120:30
charlie-tcaSo there is no upstream project for ircd-hybrid yet.20:30
charlie-tcaYou can add one, or I can.20:31
kklimondacharlie-tca: hmm.. it works this way? i see..20:31
kklimondacharlie-tca: if you can point me to some docs I'd try to add it :)20:32
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charlie-tcaIt gets a little complicated at times. You should be able to add "ircd-hybrid" as the source package for upstream20:33
charlie-tcaThey call it project20:33
kklimondahmm.. I think it was a mistake on my side - there is a button also affect distribution next to it..20:34
charlie-tcaNo, shouldn't be distribution, it should go against a project20:34
kklimondabut this is a problem with package and not with project itself.20:34
charlie-tcadistribution is another OS, project is a package within ubuntu that is maintained upstream20:35
charlie-tcaThe package is not a separate Operating System?20:35
kklimondahmm? I think you lost me :)20:36
charlie-tcaDebian, Fedora, RedHat are distributions.20:36
charlie-tcaThey are operating systems that stand on their own20:36
kklimondaand this bug is in debian package20:36
charlie-tcaProjects are source packages that we import to ubuntu from other sources, they can not be installed the way Debian, Fedora, and RedHat can be20:37
charlie-tcaYou need ubuntu installed to use the package, then it is a project20:37
charlie-tcaI can install Debian instead of Ubuntu, it is a distribution20:37
kklimondacharlie-tca: let's rewind - 375619 was also reported in debian bts - I wanted to link to bts report so there is some kind of connection between those two reports.20:38
charlie-tcaThen you simply add a project to the existing bug.20:39
bdmurrayalso affects distribution not project20:44
bdmurraykklimonda: see further https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Watches20:46
kklimondabdmurray: thanks, i've already found it. :)20:47
jcastrokklimonda: "also affects distribution" would be where you link debian bugs, if it was a bug in upstream itself and you had a report you would do "also affects" and then add the project20:52
jcastroand then you would link to the ircd-hybrid bug tracker20:53
jcastrobut sometimes you have to add the tracker if it's not in lp already20:53
jcastroor launchpad will ask you to fill in something like a series or some other thing.20:54
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BUGabundoguud evening21:06
kklimondahey BUGabundo21:07
BUGabundokklimonda: hey21:10
kklimondahttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/375345 - here we go, it looks like it may be a really nice flame war :)21:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 375345 in ubunet ""Ubuntu One" name infringes on Ubuntu trademark policy and creates confusion" [Undecided,New]21:12
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* hggdh sits down to watch22:09
BUGabundohggdh: what's playing?22:10
hggdhthe bug kklimonda found on trademark issues22:10
BUGabundoahh bug one U122:10
BUGabundowhat? now that I finally have access to it?22:10
rornice spot kklimonda, wait til that gets's all over slashdot ;o22:55
BUGabundostill haven read it22:57
BUGabundoI'm realy that busy22:57
kklimondayou are? :)22:58
BUGabundoI am22:58
BUGabundobeeing offline, make my backlog huge22:58
BUGabundo30 emails on my main inbox22:58
BUGabundonot counting other accounts22:58
BUGabundojust manage to triage them, and put IM backlog to zero22:59
BUGabundonow trying to kill open webpages, including your bug22:59
kklimondasounds like fun :)23:01
BUGabundonot for me... can't even watch bones, or repair my GPS23:02
* BUGabundo is going ot again aint I ?23:02
kklimondamaybe a little :}23:02
BUGabundokklimonda: check my last dent :)23:03
bdrungseb128: ping23:22
seb128contextless ping warning23:22
bdrungseb128: i saw your comment on bug #23087323:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 230873 in easytag "[karmic] Doesn't load the choosen directory when opening easytag with "open with ..." nautilus right click menu" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23087323:23
BUGabundoseb128: you love pings don't you?23:24
bdrungi want to mention that i prepared a new upstream version and uploaded it to mentors.debian.net. so if you work on the package please have a look at this.23:24
BUGabundoseb128: ill buy you a *pingo* when you come to Portugal23:24
seb128bdrung: way to go, don't contact the maintainer but upload to a mentor website ...23:25
seb128bdrung: thanks for the notice, I don't know how to use mentors.debian.net though I will probably not look at it but if it's in the bts I will have a look23:25
bdrungseb128: here is a link to the dsc file: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/e/easytag/easytag_2.1.6-0.1.dsc23:27
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seb128bdrung: ok23:27
seb128bdrung: any reason you didn't open a classic bug in the bts?23:27
seb128thanks for the work but that's an highlight inefficient way to work23:27
bdrungseb128: when someone uploads a file to mentors a mail is send to the maintainer.23:28
seb128no it's not23:28
bdrungseb128: the bug report was already opened (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=490979)23:28
ubot4Debian bug 490979 in easytag "easytag: New version 2.1.6 with various bugfixes available" [Wishlist,Open]23:28
bdrungseb128: next time i will use the bts.23:28
seb128bdrung: I know about the bug but there is no clue than somebody did work there23:29
seb128bdrung: thanks23:29
seb128bdrung: you could perhaps comment on the bug for the record?23:29
bdrungseb128: ok23:29
bdrungseb128: done23:39

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