
=== heHATEme is now known as Vorian
* Seeker` ->sleep00:22
* genii sips00:39
TheFunkbombanyone around?00:55
=== popey_ is now known as popey
geniiTheFunkbomb: The op who is responsible for your ban in #ubuntu-offtopic is currently unavailable. Please try again later00:59
TheFunkbombhe told me to ask someone else00:59
geniiTheFunkbomb: As I understand you had some issue with an op and you wer referred to the !appeals factoid01:01
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or at irc-council@list.ubuntu.com.01:01
TheFunkbombno, he told me to ask someone else01:01
TheFunkbombgenii, would you be interested in listening?01:02
geniiTheFunkbomb: I'm reading logs concerning it. Be patient .01:02
geniiTheFunkbomb: Ikonia referred you to Pici, who I belive is not present right now. Please return here later to try again.01:06
TheFunkbombactually, ikonia referred me to anyone who will read it.01:06
TheFunkbomb<ikonia> TheFunkbomb: I suggest you wait for someone else to deal with your issue,01:07
TheFunkbombso genii, what do you think?01:08
geniiTheFunkbomb: No op will usually unban another op's without extenuating circumstances of some sort. This does not appear to exist in this case. Your next step of course would be to follow the appeals procedure, etc01:09
TheFunkbombI believe ikonia gave permission...  <ikonia> however if the others disagree and want to remove the ban , I have zero issue with that01:10
popey_if_ others disagree01:10
TheFunkbombright... and I'm asking for others to review what happened.01:11
geniiI have, and feel your ban should stand until the original op feels like removing it. Others may have other views. So far it does not seem that anyone feels inclined to remove it.01:12
TheFunkbombmay I ask why?01:13
geniiTheFunkbomb: Why I have this view, or why it seems others are not inclined also to lift the ban?01:14
TheFunkbombwhy you have this view.  I wouldn't expect you to speak for others.01:15
TheFunkbombI honestly think a simple misunderstanding has gone too far.01:16
geniiTheFunkbomb: Your original ban was valid. If there was some op impropriety it should have been taken up by you in the manner suggested (eg: !appeals). Rather than insisting on beleaguering it in this channel, which you were subsequently not helping your situation by being argumentative, etc.01:17
TheFunkbombI don't see it as argumentative.  I become nasty when I argue.  I was defending myself.01:17
popeyThat isnt compliant with the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.01:20
geniiTheFunkbomb: Regardless, you were given direction to remedy what you felt was improper op behaviour. Rather than take this course, you decided to idle in the operator channel and try to convince others to lift your ban, etc etc. To an extent in fact where you had to be removed from the channel.01:21
popeyIt's not the kind of behaviour we expect from members of the community.01:21
TheFunkbombgenii, I wasn't idling.  It wasn't like I was afk.  He told me to ask another Op.  I was waiting for another Op01:21
TheFunkbombthen he didn't like me waiting for another op01:21
TheFunkbombdon't tell someone to find another Op and then get pissy when he tries01:23
popeyhe specifically said come back later01:23
popeynot hang around and nag other ops01:23
geniiTheFunkbomb: You were told to return "in an hour" or so, etc. But did not leave the channel and then return at the suggested time, but rather idled.01:23
TheFunkbombsome people have lives.01:24
TheFunkbombYou do know that, right?\01:24
popeythinly veiled insults dont help your cause01:25
geniiTheFunkbomb: That is not in dispute. The operators here live in many timezones, and are not always available at a time convenient to you.01:25
TheFunkbombpopey, where is the insult?01:25
popeyimplying we have no lives01:26
TheFunkbombgenii, I realize that but Pici said he got held up with work.  I figured he'd be back in a short while.  I don't have the time to pop in here every hour in the hopes of someone being around.01:26
TheFunkbombpopey, where did I imply that?01:26
popeylook up a 7-8 lines01:27
TheFunkbombRight, I don't see where I implied you don't have lives.01:27
popeysaying you do implies we dont01:27
TheFunkbombNo it doesn't01:28
TheFunkbombSo neither of you are interested in looking at this incident?01:31
popeygenii just said he did look at it01:31
geniiTheFunkbomb: Since none of the parties more directly involved, such as ikonia, Pici, or Myrtti seem to be responding right now, and no one currently available has shown any inclination to unban, your courses of action currently seem to be: return later when one of them IS here  or: follow the appeals process if you feel you have been gravely wronged01:31
TheFunkbombwhy can't you just undo it?  The problem has been resolved.01:32
geniiTheFunkbomb: I personally would not unban another op's ban without consulting them first. In this instance: They are not available and: I feel it was just in the first case.01:33
geniiWell that was 20 minutes of my life I'll never get back ;)01:34
geniiI expect we'll see them again later01:35
* genii makes more coffee03:09
geniiOK, I'm out.04:55
ubottufaileas called the ops in #kubuntu ()05:01
ubottuIn ubottu, clug said: !lol is lol07:28
clugsorry about that07:29
clugI accidently gave obottu a fake fact, I didn't realize it worked like that07:29
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:39
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:39
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:39
ikonia@mark #ubuntu cycrosism@ spamming rickroll URL's in multiple channels - ubuntu was one of them. According to other channels has a history of it, check #srl 09:12
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:12
Madpilotah, was going to ask what that was about09:13
Madpilotgah. what's the syntax to restrict a !tell to one specific channel?09:23
tonyyarussoMadpilot: !factoid-#channel is foo09:24
ikonia#window 4009:26
TheFunkbombanyone around?09:53
* tonyyarusso too09:54
Madpilotproblem somewhere, TheFunkbomb?09:54
TheFunkbombYes.  I would like to have my ban from #ubuntu-offtopic lifted please09:54
TheFunkbombor, at the very least, if we could discuss it09:57
tonyyarussoikonia, topyli: This seems to be yours.10:00
TheFunkbombno, they said others may weigh in.  ikonia said if others feel it should be overturned, they are free to do so10:00
tonyyarussoThat's fine, although I'm afraid I should be spending my time on my homework that's due in six hours this time.10:01
TheFunkbombokay :/10:01
TheFunkbombMadpilot, how about you?10:01
MadpilotI'm going to leave it up to the ops who were there and set the bans.10:02
topyliTheFunkbomb: so10:03
TheFunkbombtopyli, hello10:03
Madpilotalthough what I've read in the logs doesn't impress me. Misogyny much?10:03
TheFunkbombwhat misogyny?10:04
topyliTheFunkbomb: you were *originally* banned for your sexist behavior on #offtopic. that should be remedied10:05
TheFunkbombokay, I'm confused here.  What was sexist?10:05
topylilater, you have made matters a lot worse by being a smartass when confronted with the original issue10:05
Madpilot"<TheFunkbomb> hey, who wants to help harass a stupid woman?" and then asinine defense that it wasn't breaking the CoC because the harassment wouldn't be on IRC...10:06
topylithat has been expained to you numerous times with all possible words. i'm not going to do it all over again10:06
TheFunkbombHow is that sexism or misogyny?10:06
TheFunkbombI don't understand how that's sexism10:06
Madpilotforget specifics, how is a statement like that remotely in compliance with the Ubuntu CoC?10:06
TheFunkbombI felt it fell into a gray area.10:07
topyliright now the worst issue is that you come here every day to play dumb. i'm not playing, sorry10:07
TheFunkbombactually, no one explained to me how it was sexism10:07
elkyTheFunkbomb, how is enrolling assistance to harrass someone 'respectful' or 'considerate'?10:07
TheFunkbombone topic at a time please.10:08
TheFunkbombExplain to me how it is sexism10:08
Madpilotasking for help targeting *anyone* for harassment would have earned you the ban. stop playing dumb.10:08
elkyTheFunkbomb, it is sexism because it displays 'misogyny' which is summed up as 'hatred or disrespect for women and women's issues'10:09
elkyyou intended to persecute a woman for something she said in a womens' advice community10:10
TheFunkbombokay elky, and I agree with that definition but where did I say I was harassing this woman because she is a woman?  Calling her a woman is completely just a descriptor10:10
elkyTheFunkbomb, you stalk womens' advice websites often?10:11
TheFunkbombnah, I hit it through stumbleupon10:11
TheFunkbombI'm quite active in women's rights10:11
elkyand you decided to harass the person why?10:11
TheFunkbombbecause it was such a ridiculous question.10:12
elkyTheFunkbomb, actually, it's not.10:12
TheFunkbombI thought it was.10:12
elkyTheFunkbomb, you may have been given an in-depth course in biology and reproduction, but people who are excluded from those subjects for whatever reasons their parents decide often dont understand the specifics.10:13
TheFunkbombIf you threw a rock in the air and 5 seconds later, you got hit in the head with a rock, would you question where that rock came from?10:13
elkyif i had not been taught about gravity, sure.10:13
TheFunkbombYes, but you could also use reasoning.  That's where the funny came in.  The woman and her husband's lack of reasoning10:14
TheFunkbomband their desires to breed.10:14
elkyyou are applying hindsight. she may not have had that opportunity.10:15
TheFunkbombNow, that's a funny image that I won't even start to explain10:15
zirodayHi, someone might want to put an eye on Bacta, thanks!10:16
elkyoh not that pest again10:16
TheFunkbombSo, I will admit I was wrong, if you folks can agree that my intent was not to be misogynistic or sexist.10:16
topyliTheFunkbomb: i can not know what your intent was. it appeared sexist, you got banned. you should say "sorry" and promise to avoid such language. that's what most people do when misunderstood in an unfortunate way10:19
topylithen your ban would be lifted10:19
elkywell, it would have been if he'd not been a moron afterwards.10:19
topylinow i'm not very happy with having you on any channel because you obviously don't have any intention to respect the rules or those why try to uphold them10:20
TheFunkbombI apologize that you believe my comment to be sexist but it truly wasn't.10:20
elkyTheFunkbomb, you still have not explained how recriuiting harrassment assistance is in compliance with the Code of Conduct.10:21
TheFunkbombBecause the harassment would have happened off of IRC.10:21
Madpilotand that makes it all right to ask for help in an Ubuntu IRC channel?10:21
elkyTheFunkbomb, no, that's the wrong answer.10:22
TheFunkbombI already said it was not right and by stopping, I showed that it wouldn't happen again10:23
Madpilot"Hey, who wants to help me harass some stupid noob on WoW?" would have gotten pretty much the same response - not appropriate for an Ubuntu IRC channel...10:23
* popey notes the weasel words used in the "apology"10:25
* tonyyarusso took a break from reading PoliSci to read IRC logs, and joins in recommending against removal of anything, even more so from ensuing conversations than the original, then goes back to reading PoliSci10:26
popeynot apologising for the act, apologising that others believe the comment is sexist isnt an apology10:26
TheFunkbombpopey, why should I apologize for something that wasn't sexist.  I apologize for it being wrong and I apologize that I misunderstood ikonia's comments as ball busting but there was nothing sexist about it.10:27
Madpilotput down the shovel, man. You're digging yourself deeper and deeper...10:29
popeyif you dont intend to apolgise then don't, but don't try to appear to apologise to engraciate yourself with the ops with a view to being unbanned10:29
popeyIt just makes you look less and less like the kind of person that the Ubuntu community wants kicking around with each step.10:29
TheFunkbombthe word "woman" was just a descriptor.  No where does it show intent of harassing a woman simply because she's a woman10:30
elkyyou still haven't shown a single bit of remorse for anything other than getting caught. you're not appearing in the least remorseful for the act of recruiting trolls.10:31
* Madpilot wonders when TheFunkbomb will reach China, at the rate he's going...10:31
TheFunkbombelky, I already apologized for it.10:31
popeyI disagree. However even if one were to put that aside, you're still not acting like the kind of person _I_ would want in this community. I've seen no positive contribution.10:32
topyliTheFunkbomb: you can't apologize for what others think. you can only answer for your own actions10:32
elkyan apology isn't remorse. you've apologised for getting caught. you've not expressed any indication that you are genuinely sorry for breaking the community's rules.10:32
TheFunkbombelky, did you miss this?  " I apologize for it being wrong and I apologize that I misunderstood ikonia's comments as ball busting but there was nothing sexist about it."10:33
tonyyarussoTheFunkbomb: That was not missed - it is *precisely* the problem.10:34
elky"I apologize for it being wrong" <-- this is 'i'm sorry for getting caught'10:34
elky'I apologize that I misunderstood ikonia's comments' <-- this is 'i'm sorry i started digging'10:35
tonyyarusso"it being wrong" is not "I was wrong".  The latter is what you need if you want any prayer of being taken seriously, although at this point you're going to need far more than that.10:35
Madpilotand the rest after 'wrong' is 'but I really didn't do anything wrong, you're being mean!'10:35
TheFunkbombI apologized!  What else do you want?10:36
popeyAn apology for what you did10:36
popeynot an apology for getting caught10:36
elkyi want you to explain *why* it was wrong for a start.10:36
topyliTheFunkbomb: so far you have apologized for women who don't like being dissed. you have no intention to admit what you did was wrong. you have no respect for the community rules, and you certainly don't seem to appreciate the time and effort of those who work to uphold them10:37
TheFunkbombI broke the CoC10:37
elkyTheFunkbomb, how was it a break of the CoC?10:38
TheFunkbombI really don't even see the point of this.  Even if I do get unbanned, you're just going to bust my balls over something else immediately10:38
topylilike what? got something planned?10:38
TheFunkbombno, but giving your history of reading into things that don't exist, I'm sure you'll find something10:39
popeyHow is this even remotely helping?10:39
topyliso this particular thing "doesn't exist" either?10:39
Madpilotgiven how busy the ubuntu channels are, if you behave most of us will forget the whole episode in a week or two... but that time gets longer the more you act the twit...10:40
TheFunkbombtopyli, mainly the sexism thing.10:40
ubottuiulian called the ops in #ubuntu-motu ()10:40
topyliTheFunkbomb: yes that one10:41
elkyTheFunkbomb, you've been instructed a dozen times already to take this through the appeals process if you're unhappy with the resolution here. I suggest taking it up there, or dropping it. This is a cyclical waste of resource right now.10:41
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or at irc-council@list.ubuntu.com.10:41
elkyjussi01, did you roll the db back at all?10:42
Hobbseeheads up on the spammer that just hit -motu and +110:42
* elky huggles Hobbsee10:42
* Hobbsee huggles elky10:42
Hobbseeif a staffer wants to smack him over the head, that would be lovely10:43
Madpilotyou just missed all the fun here, Hobbsee 10:43
HobbseeMadpilot: oh?  who was it?10:43
MadpilotTheFunkBomb, who thinks it's everyone elses fault but his that he's a clueless misogynists prat.10:44
Hobbseeoh, fun10:44
Hobbseehey, jussi01, your friend is back10:44
Hobbseethat IP is dynamic.10:44
jussi01Hobbsee: who? where?10:45
Hobbseejussi01: the one you banned half an hour ago10:45
elkyMadpilot, i believe that he didn't intend to be misogynistic. most sexist pigs dont realise they're doing it.10:45
elkyno seriously. it's a culturally bred thing. it's how they're raised to behave and they dont know why they do it, since it's 90% reflex.10:46
Hobbseejussi01: fixed (hopefully)10:47
MadpilotI know, I've seen it in practice IRL too, elky 10:47
elkyyeah, i know. i just felt like saying it10:47
Madpilotco-worker says something incredibly, stupidly sexist, someone calls them on it, gets a totally blank look in response. 10:48
Madpilotthe whole "I thought recruiting trolls would be OK because I wasn't going to be trolling this channel" crap was also charming10:48
elkywhat hurts more is the girls who say stuff like 'oh, hooters is a family restaurant! my husband takes me and the kids there all the time!' or 'i make the coffee because that's what girls are made for'10:48
elkythe latter is an almost direct quote from Brunette Barbie, the resident ditz at work.10:49
elkythe former is an almost direct quote from the other woman on the test team10:49
wgrant... really?10:49
wgrant... wow.10:50
Madpilotthe coffee one... there's a chromosome-linked coffee-making gene? O Rly?10:50
elkyMadpilot, explains why i make damn good espresso!10:50
Madpilotexplains why I've never made decent coffee, don't like it much, and now drink lots of tea, I guess.10:51
tonyyarussoYou can have ur coffee-makin' skillz - I got the real food covered.10:51
* wgrant is a tea person too.10:51
tonyyarussoMmm French toast10:51
wgrantThis must prove that she was right.10:51
* tonyyarusso also goes for tea10:51
elkybut seriously, you can follow the adventures of brunette barbie on my twitter/identi.ca/facebook feeds10:52
* popey hugs -ops10:52
* Nafallo rather have someone good at making coffee making his coffee10:53
Nafallomore often than not, that's a machine... :-P10:54
elkythe trick is to use an espresso machine, not that dirty instant stuff.10:54
* elky ^5's Nafallo10:54
Madpilotinstant coffee isn't coffee, it's just wasted water10:54
Nafalloelky: hehe. reading my caotic mind again, are we? ;-)10:54
ubottuziroday called the ops in #ubuntu (Bacta)10:54
Nafallochaotic as well :-)10:55
Madpilotpileon in #u10:55
Madpilotthat spammer hitting other channels has us all edgy :)10:55
elkyMadpilot, i hate probably iddnt need a ban...10:55
MadpilotI'll remove it10:56
MadpilotI did /cs kb by reflex10:56
* tonyyarusso kinda likes the 60-second bans - keeps 'em from popping right back with something dumber10:57
Daviey /knockout $nick10:57
Hobbseetonyyarusso: i hadn't heard about those - what are they?10:57
BactaCan I please come back?10:58
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Madpilot just demonstrated accidentally.10:58
Hobbseetonyyarusso: i wasn't there :(10:58
tonyyarussoHobbsee: It's not like it's a special setting or anything fun (although you can modify /at to do it in bleh)10:58
tonyyarussoHobbsee: You were here - that's plenty of info.10:58
Hobbseegood point10:59
BactaI won't be bad anymore10:59
elkyBacta, i do not trust you at all. you're a perpetual pest with a long history across multiple networks.11:00
tonyyarussoum, Madpilot - I think you actually took out a bystander.11:00
Bactaacross multiple networks? Name one other than Freenode?11:00
* tonyyarusso has PARTS ignored, so isn't positive, but your +b is wrong11:00
elkytonyyarusso, he kind of joined in11:00
elkyBacta, Linuxchix.11:00
Madpilottonyyarusso, not entirely "I_Hate_Freedom> After Choking Chicken"11:00
* tonyyarusso didn't see who11:00
tonyyarussoI thought perhaps you'd pulled a tonyyarusso on the the tabcomplete :P11:00
BactaAnd there was almost a police investigation over that elky11:01
BactaI don't know how the people over at Linuxchix got access to my personal information but it is very worrying, especially when one has a family11:02
elkyBacta, quit the bullcrap. You're not getting back into #ubuntu. period.11:02
BactaThat make you angry elky?11:03
BactaI'm in #ubuntu right now btw11:04
Madpilotdid you just admit to ban-evading? on a logged channel?11:05
Hobbseein which case, why are you pointing this out, and why are you here?11:05
ikoniaBacta: no problem I'll speak to freenode11:06
BactaMy question now is how long this ban is set for11:06
Hobbseeseems the only smart thing to do is to keep as quiet as possible, in the hope people don't notice, really...11:06
ikoniaBacta: you've done the masterbarting monkey line multiple times - 11:06
ikoniaBacta: I can only assume this is "what you do" 11:07
Hobbseehey RichiH 11:07
elkyhi RichiH. bacta just admitted to us he's ban evading.11:07
ikoniaahh staff, bang on time11:07
BactaSome people are gullible11:07
BactaWhy evade a ban on a channel when there are dozens of other Linux channels on Freenode I can ask my questions in?11:08
ikoniayou shouldn't say things that will get you into trouble if they are not true11:08
* Hobbsee watches Bacta's chances expontentially decrease11:08
ikoniaBacta: ok - so lets not remove the ban then, and you can use those other channels11:08
ikoniaBacta: in the mean time freenode can look at your bragging about ban evading11:08
ikoniahow does that sound ?11:08
BactaSure, I can just go into #debian instead11:08
ikoniaok, bye 11:08
BactaPractically the same thing11:08
ikoniaproblem solved 11:09
Madpilotya, #debian LOVES Ubuntu questions... <evil grin>11:09
BactaAny staff on Freenode can see my IP11:09
BactaWith or without a cloak11:09
ikoniaBacta: well if you lose your cloak for bragging about ban evading - others will be able to see it too to verify 11:09
elkyBacta, they can also see a history of previous connections, and which hosts those were from.11:09
ikoniaBacta: but anyway, the ubuntu issue is resolved so lets leave it there11:09
Madpilotwow, it's like two-for-one night on sexist trolls with a compulsion to get themselves in more trouble...11:11
ikoniaelky: apologies for stepping in there, but I wasn't going to allow his comapling about his other network issues get brougth into it 11:11
wgrantI must remember to try something like that when I'm next going through airport security.11:11
elkyikonia, it's an intertwined issue.11:11
Nafallowgrant: "are sheep allowed on the plane?"11:12
elkyikonia, a long running one RichiH is familiar with, hence why i called on him11:12
ikoniaI didn't wwant him moaning about it in here "it's not fair" etc etc11:12
wgrantNafallo: I'm not from NZ!11:12
MadpilotNafallo, only in NZ, .au, and Scotland </me ducks>11:12
elkyhe doesnt usually go to that. at least he hasnt taken residence in my PM yet11:13
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Three countries, and you pick three separate ways of indicating them?11:13
wgranttonyyarusso: Nobody says New Zealand, so there's only two ways there.11:13
Madpilottonyyarusso, consistency is the sign of.. something-or-other. Nothing good, anyway.11:13
elkyMadpilot, certainly not a sign of US standards...11:14
Madpilotgood thing I'm from Darkest Canuckistan, then11:14
tonyyarussoelky: You must mean US                                                                                          standards11:14
elkyindeed. your trillion is a real trillion, unlike those pitiful USian ones.11:14
tonyyarusso"There must be this much white space between completely opposing concepts."11:15
Nafallowgrant, Madpilot: you people so haven't heard Mastering Swedish apparently...11:15
Nafallowgrant, Madpilot: http://home.nafallo.info/tmp/mastering_swedish_-_lesson_1.mp311:15
* Madpilot is scared to click that link...11:16
Nafallopublic_html/tmp/mastering_swedish_-_lesson_1.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 23.0 tag, MP3 encoding11:16
Nafallostop being scared :-P11:16
Madpilotjust because it really is an mp3 doesn't make me less nervous :)11:17
tonyyarussorofl, what is this?11:18
Nafallothere is 2 3 4 and 5 as well if you like the first one ;-)11:19
Nafallojust change the URL11:19
tonyyarussooh god11:19
tonyyarussoI hate you.11:19
tonyyarussoI have homework to do!11:19
tonyyarussoNafallo: Are these actually right?11:20
Nafallotonyyarusso: with concerns to translation, yes :-)11:20
Madpilotand utter nonsense in both languages?11:20
* Nafallo is heading for a visit of the buildds.11:20
Nafallobbiab :-)11:21
tonyyarusso"The duck turned into the Holy Spirit."???11:21
Madpilottranssubquackiation. well known phenomenomomomom11:24
ubottuappeal has no aliases - added by elky on 2009-04-25 19:01:44 - last edited by elky on 2009-05-10 14:32:1711:30
elkyit's reverted my s/email-addy/please read the page for the email addy/ thing or something...11:31
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.11:31
Madpilotwhat should it say, elky?11:33
elkyhold on...11:35
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.11:36
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or at irc-council@list.ubuntu.com.11:36
* elky headdesks11:36
elky!forget appeals11:36
ubottuI'll forget that, elky11:36
elky!appeals is <alias> appeal11:36
ubottuBut appeals already means something else!11:36
elkyjussi01, around?11:38
ikoniaBacta: whats up now ?11:41
BactaCan I msg you?11:42
ikoniawhy ?11:42
BactaI would prefer to bring up this issue in a more closed setting11:43
ikoniaok then11:43
tonyyarussoBacta: The appeals process wiki page already directed you to a more closed setting.  You must use that one, not just keep messing around in here.11:43
BactaI would like to appeal my ban11:51
ikoniaBacta: you now have the appeals process information, please follow it through 11:51
BactaI have11:51
BactaTo the letter11:51
ikoniathen if there is nothing else, could you please leave the channel 11:51
BactaI have not sworn11:52
BactaI have msg'd the op11:52
BactaNow I am taking it here since step 2 has failed11:52
* tonyyarusso briefly points out that your ban was from elky, not me - I just did the remove11:52
BactaI have that individual on ignore, please don't make me explain why11:53
ikoniaBacta: ok - well I'll follow up step 311:53
ikoniaBacta: your behaviour is unacceptable - you know this, you still do it11:53
ikoniaBacta: anything else ?11:57
elky'that individual'?11:58
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:12
elkypopey, know ianto?12:22
popeyyes :S12:22
popeyI'd vote -112:22
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember12:23
popeybecause he's caused some conflict in -uk, he has been incredibly impatient12:23
popeyits quite a long story12:23
elkyis he likely to have a cheersquad at all?12:24
popeyhe was asked to work with the -uk loco (as wales is in the uk) and accepts that but then refuses to do so, changes mind when it suits him12:24
popeyhasn't actually contirbuted much12:24
popeytwo people he asked to cheer for him a few mins agio12:24
popeyone of which i dont think even understands what membership is12:24
ikoniainteresting bugabundo's applying for membership also12:24
popeyianto managed to get a loco cd pack even after I told him that non-approved locos dont get them12:25
elkypopey, i like my membership meetings to have both sides of the story.12:25
popeyhe went to canonical and asked for one (and they stupidly gave it to him)12:25
ikoniaI don't see ianto on the list ?12:25
popeyhe is on the asia one probably12:26
popeybecause he cant make the emea one tonight12:26
ikoniaooh, yet he' in -uk working for whales12:26
ikoniaahhh he's not in apac12:26
ikonianope, not on the apec list either, although I think it's an old list12:27
ikoniaI see him12:27
ikoniaodd list, ziro day is on the list, yet he's already been approved, and ianto is on the same list ?12:27
popeyhis contribution isn't large12:27
TheFunkbombhow long does it take to get a reply from !appeals?12:28
ikoniaTheFunkbomb: I think it depends on when the appeals guys all get a chance to read the mail and get together12:29
TheFunkbombI see.12:29
ikoniaI don't know for a fact though, keep in mind that irc is spread out aross the world, I'd expect 24 hours to pass12:29
ikonia(again not fact) 12:29
TheFunkbombYou gonna let the ban up or not?12:29
ikoniaI explained to you yesterday I won't progress this myself 12:30
TheFunkbombI thought I would ask again.  Perhaps you had a change of heart.12:30
TheFunkbombwell, toodles12:31
ikoniapopey: ianto's page looks like he's very active ?12:32
* popey checks it12:32
ikoniajpds is mentoring him, so maybe that's sorted out some of your worries ?12:32
popeynot at all12:33
popeyhe has rubbed people up the wrong way12:33
popeythat page doesn't show a big list to me12:33
ikoniapackaging, translating, leading a loco, documenting, it reads to the glancing eye as quite busy 12:34
ikoniabig helper providing support in #ubuntu-uk 12:34
elkythe translating is little more than copypasting12:34
ikoniawhich conflicts with your assement, 12:34
popeyhe's not _that_ active in -uk12:34
popeyspent most of his first few months trying to say enough to appear on the irc stats page12:35
Madpilottranslating from... English to... English?12:35
elkyMadpilot, yep12:35
Madpilotsometimes surprisingly difficult, but in the case of Ubuntu's docs, I'd say not.12:35
jpdspopey: Did you tell him about the non-LoCo pack thing on the loco-contacts list?12:51
popeyhe asked on the loco contacts list if non-locos could have one12:51
popeyi explicitly said "no"12:51
popeyhe went around me to canonical and got one12:51
popeyand then on irc he told me that I "wasnt clear"12:51
popey(basically he lied to get one)12:51
popeywhen i say non-loco, I meant non-approved-loco12:52
jpdsI know. I'm just checking me logs.12:53
popeyit's his impatience that irritates people. he asked the uk loco team lead about starting a welsh loco, the team lead said he'd get back to him after speaking to jono, ianto _agreed_ to this and then went around him and requested the dns key and mailing list anyway12:53
popeyI also witnessed some anti-English sentiment in #ubuntu-cym recently which didn't get stamped on until I said something12:55
elkypopey, did you see how he snapped at us in -meeting?12:55
elkyhrm... i need something long enough to pound my ceiling with.12:56
* ikonia smirks12:57
elkyi dont know what they're doing upstairs, but i can *feel* the reverberations through the solid concrete these apartments are made of12:57
* popey hands elky a viking with a stick12:59
* popey pokes Nafallo 12:59
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:17
bazhang@bansearch sp0rtily13:17
ubottuNo matches found for sp0rtily!*@* in any channel13:18
elkyis grossgrape back? :-/13:28
elkybazhang, please tell me he's not back...13:28
bazhangelky, just noticing that nick 'abra' is on the same serverloft address13:32
elkybehaving the same way?13:35
bazhangnot spoken in #ubuntu that I have seen, but in the same exact channels that groovyorange/etc was in before he stopped trolling -ot13:37
bazhangthough now he is in -ru as well :/13:37
elkygrepping logs13:38
elky'abra' has only ever spoken 7 lines in #u13:38
TheFunkbombanyone want to undo my ban yet?13:54
bazhangTheFunkbomb, no13:54
TheFunkbombbazhang, why not?13:54
bazhangTheFunkbomb, this has been made amply clear.13:54
TheFunkbombwhat has been made clear?13:55
bazhangTheFunkbomb, hang on a second13:55
bazhangmprice, what can we do for you13:55
TheFunkbomberr okay13:55
mpricequick questions is wtf, considering cussing on the channels?13:55
ikoniamprice: yes, 13:55
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:55
ikoniamprice: it means "what the fuck" to most people - so it's not really needed13:56
mpricethat might be true but it wasn't directed at anybody  13:56
ikoniamprice: yes, but saying "what the fuck" in the channel would not be acceptable, so neither is wtf 13:56
ikoniamprice: maybe a good idea to scan over the guidelines link I sent you 13:57
ikoniajust get an idea of the basic rules13:57
mpriceI know the basic rules, to me wtf is not cussing its merely expressing something without actually cussing all over the channel13:58
TheFunkbombdon't argue with them13:59
bazhangno need to type/share though13:59
TheFunkbombtrust me13:59
mpriceim stating a point13:59
mpriceI used to be on irc all the time and never got warned for saying that 13:59
bazhang'darn' is preferable13:59
ikoniamprice: the point is - those are the channels rules13:59
mpriceto bad its not stated in the channel rules14:00
mpriceI read them all14:00
bazhangit is. the bot factoids are included.14:00
ikoniamprice: bad language - 14:00
ikoniamprice: and you now, so it shouldnt be a problem14:00
mpriceI read it 14:00
mpriceso because it might offend somebody its banned14:01
mpriceso is Mohammed banned from IRC14:01
mpricewell it might offend somebody14:01
bazhangmprice, well, you know the rules now,14:01
bazhangmprice, if there is nothing else14:01
mpriceits not listed in the rules14:01
mpriceif wtf the is considered cussing then these channels have gone way to conservative them14:02
bazhangmprice, you have stated your opinion.14:02
mpricewell then I guess I will go somewhere else where I don't get yelled at for saying wtf14:03
bazhangTheFunkbomb, you have said you will go through the appeals process. 14:04
TheFunkbombright, but we could settle this nicely14:04
bazhangTheFunkbomb, joining here /step is completed.14:04
TheFunkbombI have another question.  Why are some people who aren't Ops allowed to idle here?14:05
bazhangsome are freenode st aff, others are loco channel operators or other trusted individuals14:06
TheFunkbombwhy are they "trusted"?14:06
Nafallopopey: lol. I was in transit :-P14:06
bazhangwell mostly ^^ :)14:07
popeyTheFunkbomb: because they have shown through their actions that they can be trusted.14:08
bazhangat any rate TheFunkbomb please give it some time to go through the full appeals process14:08
TheFunkbombI was hoping we could just settling things amicably.14:08
TheFunkbombI'm not an unreasonable person.14:08
bazhangTheFunkbomb, well that step is completed. re-joining here to plead /step is past.14:09
TheFunkbombokey dokey...14:09
ikoniawow - he changed his nick14:19
ikoniaI wonder if that was an attempt to get around the ban14:19
bazhangis is a forward?14:19
bazhangerr it14:19
ikoniahis nick didn't change in #ubuntu - so he obviously started a client to try to get around it14:19
ikoniaa second client I mean 14:19
bazhangso much for amicable14:20
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops thefunkbomb started a second client to his existing one in #ubuntu, called thefunkbomb_ to try to get back into #ubuntu-offtopic but caught forwarded here, quit as soon as he realised he was back in here14:20
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:20
ikoniahowdy 14:25
* genii makes more coffee14:26
bazhang[SkamanSam1] #ubuntu #ubuntards <-- that cant be an official channel14:27
ikoniaare you sure ;)14:28
LjLit could be debated14:28
ikonia##club-ubuntards ?14:29
ikoniais that next ?14:29
LjLyou need to understand them, they take up too much space to fit in #archlinux-offtopic alone :)14:29
Piciikonia: I wouldn't waste your time on erry15:07
ikoniashe's nuts15:09
ikoniaI thought someone was supposed to be mentoring her15:09
LjLwhat's she doing15:09
PiciNothing new15:10
jussi01bazhang: rootray a troll do you not think?15:10
bazhangjussi01, judging by his whois I would say yes :)15:11
bazhang#gentoo-cn :(15:11
LjLwhat's with #gentoo-cn?15:12
bazhangafraid to look15:12
bazhangthe -cn channels can be rough as it is15:13
LjLwell if someone is chinese they'd be in there though, no? makes them a troll by definition? :o15:13
jussi01LjL: I said he was a troll because of what he was saying in #k...15:15
bazhangand he is tons of linux channels15:15
bazhangerr in15:15
bazhang'no flash for linux'15:15
PiciSo is LjL, does that make him a troll too?15:15
LjLPici: ...yes?15:16
PiciLjL: Darn, you weren't supposed to answer.15:16
jussi01LjL: is the biggest troll we have...15:16
LjLoh sorry15:16
bazhangis devendra !ot for all the router chatter?15:16
LjLbut i did because, well, because i'm a troll maybe? :P15:16
LjLfact 1: erry is, indeed, nuts. fact 2: that channel is more nuts than her.15:20
wgrantBe warned that there is a non-Ubuntu channel (#ubuntuone) that seems to want ubottu. I'd recommend not complying.16:23
LjLyou mean a Canonical-sponsored channel with the IRC Council as a founder? ;)16:24
wgrantA channel for a commercial Canonical project.16:25
LjLyesterday someone spammed the link in #ubuntu too16:27
* Pici got an invite yesterday16:28
jdongyesterday someone spammed the link in my inbox too16:28
wgrantIt was quite literally spam, too.16:28
wgrantThey haven't got a very good mark in my book...16:29
jdongcomplete with a vague description and time sensitive referal link16:29
wgrantAnd arguable trademark abuse.16:30
LjLtrademark abuse...? they own the trademark, don't they?16:31
wgrantAbuse, not violation.16:31
wgrantThey do own it, but they should be at least trying to follow the guidelines they impose on the rest of the world.16:31
wgrant(Ubuntu One falls afoul of most of the guidelines)16:32
jdongI still dont fully see from their marketing speak what the service actually is.16:32
jdongsounds like some sort of "let us store your home directory" cloud service16:32
Garysimilar to mobile me16:32
LjLit is "cloud" indeed16:33
PiciI think it is.16:33
wgrantjdong: It's a bad Dropbox clone.16:33
wgrantWith cloud cloud cloudd!16:33
PiciI signed up, but then realized that I really don't have a use for it.16:33
jdongGary: well if that is what it is supposed to be then it seems to be a bad clone at that16:33
wgrantI signed up, broke it a bit, then realised that I don't trust it.16:33
LjLway to go Pici, fuel their silly expectations!16:33
Garythey have you now Pici mwhahaha16:33
jdongit is only file syncing right?16:33
jdongNo PIM, etc?16:34
LjLand "sharing them with others".16:34
LjLespecially sharing them with Canonical, i would imagine.16:34
jdongoooh aaah :)16:34
wgrantjdong: Only file syncing for now.16:34
jdong"You aren't logged in, so you may not have a subscription"16:34
* jdong is amused by the phrasing.16:34
LjLand they "require 9.04 or later"16:35
wgrantLjL: If Launchpad is anything to go by, it means "sharing with everyone"16:35
LjLso they sent me an invitation, but i'm on hardy so i couldn't use it anyway16:35
LjLso much for LTS16:35
wgrantLjL: It can be fairly easily run on earlier releases.16:35
LjLbut they don't support it.16:35
* genii-around pokes in jussi01's general direction with a coffee mug16:35
jdong*takes a look at the deb*16:36
LjLwgrant: i don't know much about launchpad tbh, aside from not particularly liking it :P16:36
wgrantLjL: It's pretty nice, but I've found some terrible vulnerabilities in it.16:36
wgrantLjL: But people fixed them very quickly, so it wasn't all bad.16:36
wgrantBut I don't want to trust my ~ to it!16:37
mneptokLjL: seriosuly? it requires >/=9.04?16:37
LjLmneptok: it claims it does on the site, then whether or not it actually works with earlier versions... well', i'm not trying it out16:37
jdongwhat on earth is a "private PPA"?16:37
jdongmneptok: it claims so16:37
wgrantjdong: A PPA that is private, aka. a P3A.16:37
wgrantjdong: Accessible only by subscribers.16:37
LjLjdong: it's a bit like an IRC chat, or a DOS system, or a SMS service16:38
wgrantLjL: Personal Package Archive vs Private Personal Package Archive, I'm afraid.16:38
mneptokLjL: i keep pronouncing UbuntuOne in the Italian fashion, and wondering if it goes well with the marinara arrabiata16:38
wgrantIt's not actually reduntant.16:38
jdongand who does LP provide private PPA services for?16:39
LjLmneptok: that's funny, as we have the airline company AirOne which we actually pronounce the English fashion (most of the time)16:39
wgrantjdong: The security team was the primary motivation. But other parties may purchase them.16:39
wgrantjdong: THey are frequently used to distribute stuff like Ubuntu One while it's still internal.16:39
wgrantjdong: kubuntu-ninjas also has one, because KDE is on crack and embargos their normal releases.16:39
mneptokLjL: "If you enjoyed your ubuntuone, may I suggest the cannoli?"16:40
jdongI see16:40
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
genii-aroundJust keeping this nick on in case the quassel box conks out again17:09
jumbersI'm not sure what happened, but it looks like ubottu timed out and vanished17:33
Picinow you did it17:35
Picijumbers: But seriously, thanks for letting us know17:36
jumbersPici: No problem17:36
ubottugordonjcp called the ops in #ubuntu (DeadLy_sp spamming)18:26
Picijussi01: Around?18:34
jussi01Pici: no :P18:35
Picijussi01: Care to ask ubottu to leave #ubuntu-bugs ?18:35
PiciLjL: The person did ask "Anyone french here", I admit I missed that on my first read through too.  Although I do find the recent over-use of factoids to be quite annoying19:13
LjLPici: [20:12:46] <darthanubis> so what19:13
LjLthis is the attitude19:14
LjL"we gave them a bad factoid, so what"19:14
LjLso what? he left the channel.19:14
LjLon the other hand, how about an automatic banforward on saying "ciao a tutti" >:19:17
PiciI'm waiting for the !list19:17
LjLPici: they already joined -it19:18
LjLapparently "ciao a tutti" is compulsory whether or not you know you're not on an italian channel19:18
LjLstew: this is irc, not a phone...19:20
* genii sips20:17
ubottutekteen called the ops in #kubuntu ()20:37
genii /me gets back to keyboard, feeds jussi01 more coffee20:41
* genii gets back to keyboard, feeds jussi01 more coffee20:41
geniiBah. Spaces20:41
TheFunkbombanyone want to review my case?20:41
ikoniaTheFunkbomb: please stop20:41
jussi01TheFunkbomb: your request is being dealt with by the IRC council. We will get back to you soon.20:42
TheFunkbombI was told to check back20:42
ikoniaTheFunkbomb: you have informed us you have followed the appeal process20:42
TheFunkbombthought I would try since #ubuntu-offtopic loads when I start IRC20:42
ikoniaTheFunkbomb: disable autojoin20:42
TheFunkbombIt's set up exactly how I want it20:42
* ikonia is fed up20:43
geniiikonia: He was here yesterday again too carrying on20:43
jussi01ikonia: go watch a movie :)20:43
ikoniagenii: not bothered about that - he can do what he wants and show himself up as he wants20:43
ikoniajussi01: not until 9:15 - had to be put back20:43
jussi01ikonia: ahh20:43
ikoniahence my sulking20:44
Seeker`what movie?20:49
ikoniaStar Trek20:49
znhGood day lads21:58
Seeker`how can we help you?21:58
znhSeems my connection had a hick up and caused some trouble; thus the redirect to ##fix_your_connection21:58
znhand my touchpad is causing trouble..21:59
Seeker`did you read the instructions there?21:59
znhanyhow i'd like to request some mercy21:59
znhwhich? Haven't seen any21:59
Seeker`sorry, my mistake22:01
Seeker`what channel are you trying to access?22:01
Myrttiwatch out for YYYYYY and bigsmoke in #u22:01
Seeker`Myrtti: yeah, saw them being abit odd22:02
ubottu(mark [<channel>] <nick|hostmask> [<comment>]) -- Creates an entry in the Bantracker as if <nick|hostmask> was kicked from <channel> with the comment <comment>, if <comment> is given it will be uses as the comment on the Bantracker, <channel> is only needed when send in /msg22:02
Myrtti@mark #ubuntu bigsmoke acting weird, flooding22:02
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:02
Seeker`znh: what channel are you trying to join?22:02
Myrtti@bansearch znh 22:03
ubottuMatch: *!*@a12248.upc-a.chello.nl!##fix_your_connection by Pici in #ubuntu on May 12 2009 17:44:53 (ID: 8933)22:04
ubottuMatch: *!*@a12248.upc-a.chello.nl!##fix_your_Connection by Pici in #ubuntu+1 on May 12 2009 17:43:49 (ID: 8932)22:04
Seeker`Myrtti: i'll rmove it then22:04
Seeker`from #ubuntu anyway22:04
Seeker`eugh, "channel not fully synchronised yet"22:05
MyrttiSeeker`: irssi problem then22:06
Myrttichannel_max_who_sync = 200022:07
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (qiLberto)22:07
Seeker`grr, that was the wrong one22:09
znhThanks lads!22:10
znhmind if I stick around?22:11
Seeker`we would prefer it if you didn't22:11
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:11
Seeker`bot isn't letting me in22:12
znhSeeker`, how so?22:13
znhI won't be loudy at all22:13
ubottuPlease keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.22:13
Seeker`znh: what Myrtti said22:14
znhactually, what ubottu said22:14
znhanyhow. thanks for the blazing fast help. Keep up the good work!22:15
Seeker`znh: please don't idle in here22:18
znhGeez. Just waiting for someone to end a twist to the conversation22:19
Flannelwhich twist?22:20
Seeker`the twist where he doesn't leave22:20
Seeker`Pici: Looks like znh has fixed his connection; I can't remove the ban from +1.22:21
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:23
Seeker`fscking bot; apparently the BT isn't available for anonymous users22:23
FlannelSeeker`: Its not, but login isn't anonymous.22:24
MyrttiFlannel: the login is borked22:24
FlannelTry deleting your cookies related to that domain, and then following the login link again22:24
Myrttioh sigh22:24
tsimpsonit appears that ubottu is not on ubottu.com22:24
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
FlannelIt works for me.  Although I had that issue a month ago or os.22:25
Seeker`same error22:26
FlannelDoes your URL have one or two slashes after the domain?22:26
tsimpsonSeeker`: [22:24:56] <tsimpson> it appears that ubottu is not on ubottu.com22:26
Seeker`Flannel: 122:27
FlannelSeeker`: Try two.22:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about com//whatever22:27
Seeker`no better22:28
FlannelSeeker`: even after deleting your cookies?22:28
Flannel(the ubottu ones)22:28
Seeker`Flannel: yup22:28
elkytry a new firefox maybe?22:28
tsimpsonyou can read what I'm saying?22:29
Flanneltsimpson: No!22:29
Seeker`tsimpson: yes22:29
Seeker`tsimpson: where is it then?22:29
tsimpsonright now on jussi01.com22:29
elkyFlannel, i just tried in opera. i've never used it in opera. it still doesnt work for me.22:29
tsimpsondid someone restart the bot via the web interface?22:30
Flannelelky: Apparently its due to a bad link between them.22:30
tsimpsonthere is no link between ubottu.com and jussi01.com, they are different servers22:30
* Myrtti hides22:30
jussi01Myrtti: back in your box!22:31
elkyoh, there he is...22:31
Picitsimpson: I did earlier... the bot dropped its connection.  22:32
elkyi hit the reset button22:32
tsimpsonPici: please update your bookmarks to ubottu.com :)22:32
Picitsimpson: will do22:32
popeyMyrtti: /7922:33
Myrttidon't see those too often22:34
elkyjussi01, did the killswitch actually kill it? :(22:34
Myrttiusually it's Dave2 that's full of /fail 7922:34
elkyit's only crawled into 3 channels so far22:35
Seeker`ienorand: how can we help you?22:35
jussi01elky: what?22:35
elkyienorand, if it's about ubottu, we're working on it.22:35
Myrttielky: it's just slow, poor girl22:36
ienorandyea, it was, just saw a comment that you were aware of it...22:36
Seeker`popey: No need to talk about yourself like that :P22:38
tsimpsongive it a minute, and prey it doesn't flood off22:38
jussi01popey: just leave her to sync!!!22:38
* jussi01 wonders how many times he has to say that...22:38
ubottuSomething stupid this way comes22:39
=== stew_ is now known as stew
Myrttibe vewwy vewwy gentle to her22:40
* Seeker` pets Myrtti22:40
Seeker`its amazing how crazy everyone gets when the bot disappears for 30 secs22:42
MyrttiSeeker`: it's like our left hand nowadays22:42
Myrttiyou can do without for a while, but try to ride a bike and you're doomed22:42
Seeker`riding a bike one-handed isn't too bad22:43
Flannelno, popey:  .o/22:44
Seeker`Flannel: why are you standing behind popey?22:47
FlannelSeeker`: I'm a ninja?22:47
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Dave2Myrtti, indeed :(</late>23:47
Dave2(I was full of it constantly today)23:48

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