
brycetjaalton: you around?02:40
brycetjaalton: I'm trying to sort out how to update libdrm by doing a merge in git, but the directions in X/GitUsage aren't clear02:41
brycehmm, ok nevermind, I'll just do it by hand04:11
tjaaltonbryce: done already?05:03
tjaaltonI wonder if most of the libdrm changes could be dropped now05:19
mikaelhmHi, is there anyone good at finde the problem of my X restarting, i have the Backtrace from the Xorg.log?12:42
mnemomikaelhm: what does "lspci -nn | grep VGA" print for your machine?13:13
mikaelhm01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X1400 [1002:7145]13:14
mnemomikaelhm: do you know some special action that is guaranteed to trigger the crash?13:15
mikaelhmno, earlier i had problem with mesa13:15
mikaelhmbut it is not the same backtrace in the log13:15
mnemopaste the stack from xorg.log into paste.ubuntu.com13:16
mnemoactually paste your whole xorg.log please :)13:16
mnemoand when does the crash happen you say?13:19
mikaelhmi was writing latex in kile.13:19
mikaelhmi have activated Compiz, and some of its features, but i was not using them.13:20
mnemohave you restarted the computer since the crash happened?13:20
mikaelhmI just logged in agian13:20
mnemoright, so you still have the backtrace in the xorg.log.old then?13:21
mikaelhmi have made a backup also.13:21
mnemoplease use the command "ubuntu-bug xorg" to open a bug on it (it will attach all the logs automatically)13:21
mikaelhmoki, but how should i describe the bug?13:22
mnemojust say "-radeon driver segv while editing latex in kile" or something13:22
mnemoand please install the packages xserver-xorg-core-dbg and xserver-xorg-video-ati in case the crash happens again (if you have these packages installed, the stackframe will be much better with proper function names instead of binary return addresses only)13:23
mikaelhmhehe, oki ill install them now.13:23
mnemoif the crash happens again and you see similar (but more complete stacktrace in xorg.log.old then find your bug on launchpad and add the improved stacktrace there)13:23
mnemomikaelhm: and paste the LP bug number to me here as well13:24
mikaelhmLPB bug numbet?13:24
mikaelhmsorry, LP Bug no, where do i find it?13:24
mnemoyeah the URL to the bug inside launchpad (the bug you're opening using the ubuntu-bug command)13:24
mnemowhen you run "ubuntu-bug xorg" from a terminal it will open up firefox with the bug report13:25
mikaelhmahh, i didn't notisfy that...13:27
mikaelhm2 sec13:27
mikaelhmwhat to fill in the 13:33
mikaelhmFurther information:13:33
mnemoskip it for now13:33
mnemoyou can edit the bug later and it's also to post comments to it, so we can request more info if needed etc13:34
mikaelhmoki, I just wrote, you told me to report it :-)13:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 375414 in ubuntu "-radeon driver segv while editing latex in kile" [Undecided,New]13:36
mnemomikaelhm: ok great, can you attach the output of the "dmesg" command as well please?13:37
mikaelhmlike that?13:39
mnemothanks for the bug report13:40
mikaelhmno problem.13:41
mnemomikaelhm: i'd like to see one of data point from you system... can you attach the output of "dpkg -l" as well please?13:45
mikaelhm2 sec13:48
mikaelhmmnemo, done :-)13:49
mikaelhmmnemo, isn't the card r300?13:50
mikaelhmno, i guess thats just me....13:51
mnemoim not entirely, sure but wikipedia seems to indicate it's r520? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radeon_R520#X1300_-_X1550_series13:52
mnemomikaelhm: how old is the card?13:52
mikaelhmhmm dunno, its in my T60 laptop13:54
mikaelhmoki, i thin its r50013:55
mnemoyea, T60 is reasonably new... r300 is like radeon 9600 and stuff like that... was sold around 2003 or so13:56
mnemoanyway your bug was previously reported actually13:56
mnemoI will mark it as duplicate soonish13:56
mnemosome norwegian guy found the same bug in the end april it seems --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/36507413:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 365074 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Spontaneous Xorg crash [EXA, radeon]" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:57
mnemobut his stack was also partial ;(13:57
mikaelhmbut i will add a comment, with the backtrace if it happeds again.14:02
mnemoyes please do, that would be very useful14:02
mikaelhmoki.. i will leave for now. Thx for the help with reporting my first bug :-)14:04
mnemono problem, please keep the reports coming :)14:04
stgraberbryce: any opinion on bug 375417 ?14:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375417 in inkscape "inkscape and gimp takes a minute to start when run remotely through X x11 in Jaunty - and inkscape draws slowly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37541714:09
stgraberbryce: it makes inkscape impossible to use and gimp is way too slow to start14:09
mnemostgraber: maybe you can try to generate a graph based on the system calls (strace) and see which ones are causing the delay?14:12
mnemothis has been done to analyze nautilus startup delays for example14:13
mnemosee --> http://www.gnome.org/~federico/news-2006-03.html#login-time-114:13
mikaelhmhey mnemo  i think i just happend again14:28
mnemomikaelhm: aah too bad (and good) ... hehe14:28
mnemoso you got a better stack this time?14:28
mikaelhmbut theres no backtrace in Xorg.0.log.old14:29
mnemoso what happened, did it log you out so you returned to gdm login prompt?14:29
mikaelhmjust blink, and then gdm login promt14:30
mnemoand no stacktrace in xorg.log and nothing in xorg.log.old either?14:30
mnemorun "dmesg"14:31
mnemoanything about segv at the bottom of dmesg?14:31
mikaelhmits funny., the xorg.log.old has not been modified since 14:3614:31
mnemofor example, my firefox just crashed and at the bottom of dmesg I have this:14:31
mnemo[179033.395844] firefox[28705]: segfault at a7bfad6c ip b03e73c3 sp a8ffe390 error 4 in libflashplayer.so[aff70000+96d000]14:31
mnemohmm ok so your xorg segv's doesnt show up in dmesg I guess14:32
mnemomikaelhm: i suggest you activate the apport crash reporter14:33
mnemoplease run this command:14:33
mnemosudo force_start=1 /etc/init.d/apport start14:33
mikaelhmthis time i was writing in pidgin,:-p14:33
mnemoit will start the crash monitor in the background (the crash monitor tool will be activate until you reboot, if you reboot you just manually run this command again because the crash reporter is off by default in the "stable" version of ubuntu)14:34
mnemohopefully apport will detect your crash and tell you to submit a new bug report... if it asks, please do open a new bug14:34
mikaelhmcan i put it in bashrc or14:35
mnemoyeah sure, that works14:35
mnemowell I never tried that myself but I mean.. think it works14:35
mikaelhmwhat about the sudo...14:37
mnemoaah, right that requires a password14:37
mnemonot sure how to solve that14:37
mnemo..hmm and maybe .bashrc runs once for every terminal you start? that'd be bad I think14:40
mikaelhmdon't mind i just start i every time.14:42
brycetjaalton: it'd be good if you could take a look at the libdrm merge.  The bulk of the stuff we're carrying is nouveau which we'll still need, but there's some intel bits and pieces that could use review.17:31
brycetjaalton: also I didn't commit to git, since I'm not sure how to do upstream+debian merges in git, so you could look at doing that17:32
apwbryce, that change to the i915 works for me.  just need to clean up the kernel changes needed and will then write the conclusion in the bug and we can get things pushed17:35
jbarnesapw: is there an apt source for the vanilla kernel builds?18:11
jbarnesfor jaunty I mean18:12
apwnope.  ppa's just get all pissed off if you have more than one thing of the same source package in them18:12
jbarnesoh lame18:12
apwyeah its annoying18:12
apwthough they are also massive18:12
superm1apw, cant you just append a ~jaunty1 and ~karmic1 etc to the source package version and it would be fine?18:14
apwno cause one or other is still newer18:14
superm1apw, we end up doing that for weekly mythbuntu builds of mythtv -fixes and -trunk and the PPAs appear to handle it sanely18:14
apwand that deletes the binary packages for the previous one18:14
superm1oh right18:14
apwto put it a different way, yes we could have jsut the latest one in a ppa and we don't and we prolly should18:14
apwas we wanted them all available for testing18:15
jbarnesyeah a 'latest' ppa with just the last -rc or something would be helpful18:15
jbarnesolder ones can always be downloaded by hand, e.g. for bisection18:15
jbarnesI just wanted one because I'm trying to narrow down a boot failure18:16
tjaaltonbryce: sure thing. what do you mean by "upstream merge"? there shouldn't be any git-pulls from upstream18:19
mnemojbarnes: not sure if this is what you need but you can just click the "image deb" for the correct arch from here and install it using gdebi --> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ 18:19
jbarnesyeah thanks, already grabbed them from there18:20
jbarnesand found that the boot failure seems to be generic with 2.6.30ish on my aspireone18:20
tjaaltonbryce: also, do you have the debdiff at hand, it would help in doing the merge in git18:21
brycetjaalton: sure - people.ubuntu.com/~bryce18:23
brycetjaalton: by upstream merge I mean the case where you are not just merging new debian -N, but also pulling in a new upstream version18:24
tjaaltonah, well it shouldn't be any different18:25
bryceseems this scenario isn't documented in the wiki, and I didn't find it obvious how to do it on my own18:25
tjaaltonI'll see what happens18:26
brycewell, I guess even the -N case isn't explicitly documented, although one section referred to updating against debian18:26
tjaaltonbtw, it seems that hal has been dropped from the desktop seed, but we are the ones pulling it in :)18:26
superm1is the only thing left needing hal xorg input stuff?18:27
tjaaltonsuperm1: I think so18:27
bryceyou're kidding18:27
tjaaltonI'm not sure though18:27
bryceoh, wait, they're all moving from hal to that new thing aren't they18:27
tjaaltonthe quirks are moved to udev-extras, and the disk stuff to devicekit-disks18:28
superm1so what about apps that say needed to rely on hal info to find stuff on the system via hal python interfaces.  are there equivalents made for device kit already?18:28
tjaaltonno idea :)18:29
tjaaltonI guess hal will still be around for some time though18:30
tjaaltonjust that I'm not sure what's the way forward18:30
superm1yeah. i'll just keep an eye open for what happens when it does disappear18:31
bryceI find it ironically humorous18:32
tormodbryce: ...that as soon as xorg has adopted it, hal is being ditched?18:50
brycetormod: right18:51
brycetormod: and all the pain we had to go through in switching over to it18:52
superm1i dont think there is any devicekit equivalent for input devices yet is there then18:53
superm1so it probably will be around a while18:53
bryceI suppose now someone will contribute a really spiffy GUI admin tool for configuring input devices with hal, and then right after that someone will switch X from hal to something else18:53
crevettebryce: just to inform you, I heard thay upstream decide to drop hal18:55
crevettethay -> that18:56
crevettedecided also18:56
brycecrevette: seriously?  Do you have a link handy?18:59
tjaaltonit's probably going to be replaced by udev rules19:03
bryceideas on a timeframe?  something we need to be worried about for karmic?19:04
crevettethe plan is to use libudev19:04
crevettepitti should know I guess19:04
tjaaltonbryce: btw, I don't know if 'git pull . debian-foo <tag>' is even supposed to work, but I've used 'git merge <tag>', and it works just as fine even though the upstream version has changed19:04
crevettetrying to find a link19:04
brycetjaalton: yeah I couldn't get that to work.  Tried a bunch of permutations.19:05
tjaaltonok, I'm to blame here, so fixing it in a minute :)19:08
=== maco_ is now known as maco
tjaaltonbryce: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/GitUsage?action=diff&rev2=20&rev1=1919:22
brycetjaalton: thanks... I *think* I may have tried that too, but it failed.  Possibly my tree wasn't clean at the time or something19:25
tjaaltonfirst you need to rebase to origin19:26
brycedo you mean by doing `git checkout -b ubuntu origin/ubuntu`?19:27
tjaaltonno, git rebase origin/ubuntu19:29
tjaaltonwhen you are in the local ubuntu branch19:30
brycetjaalton: the docs ought to include that step then, I'd never think to do that ;-)19:30
tjaalton'checkout -b foo origin/foo' would create a local branch, and would fail if foo already exists19:30
tjaaltonheh, ok I'll add it19:30
brycetjaalton: btw, I've merged/syncreq'd most of the outstanding X packages19:31
tjaaltonsometimes just doing 'git pull' works19:32
brycetjaalton: the input stuff is left to do, plus xorg/mesa/xorg-server19:32
bryceguess xorg/mesa/xserver can wait until after UDS19:34
tjaaltonbryce: ok, the wiki is now updated19:51
tormodI think you should look at mesa soon19:54
tjaaltontormod: you'd like 7.5?19:54
tormodtjaalton: right :)19:55
tjaaltonfigures ;)19:55
tormodit could need some testing and is already past RC19:55
brycetormod: I'm starting to lean in the direction of "needs some more testing" != "ready to put into archive" ;-)19:56
tjaaltons/more //19:56
bryceheh, even worse19:56
tormodkarmic is playground isn't it?19:57
tjaaltonOTOH, upstream has changed the meaning of the versions.. 7.5 isn't a dev-snapshot anymore, it'll have bugfixes as 7.5.x19:57
tormodupstream already starts to comment in bug reports "this should be fixed in 7.5"19:58
tjaaltonwe'd probably want 7.6 for karmic if it's released in time19:58
tormodin that case we should definitely start using 7.519:58
tjaaltonhopefully it'll have r6/7xx support, and the radeon-rewrite branch19:58
brycealright, well if either of you feel like doing the merge, go for it.  Probably post-alpha1 since we're frozen at the moment.19:59
tjaaltonof course19:59
brycemainly my concern is this19:59
bryceit's good for upstream to get widespread testing feedback on rc's19:59
tjaaltonI'll ask on #debian-x if it could go to experimental as well19:59
brycehowever users are going to do this by filing bugs through us19:59
brycewe simply don't have the manpower to forward those bug reports up to them in a timely manner19:59
brycemeanwhile, we get buried under more bug reports :-)20:00
tjaaltonwe need to keep the devel version unstable enough to keep the random-joe out ;)20:00
bryceI would rather see users test rcs in a ppa (like edgers) on an opt-in basis and report problems directly to upstream, so they get the feedback more swiftly20:00
brycefor stuff where upstream says "fixed in 1.2.3", to just update our bug's title to include "(Needs 1.2.3)", so when we pull in that released version, we can easily close all the bugs20:02
brycehowever, I'm still kind of mulling all these thoughts about20:03
tormodyes, there seems to be plenty of people trying out PPAs, and the most eager are also those who would report upstream themselves20:03
bryceI suppose to follow the logic through, we'd need some kind of an xorg-proposed ppa or something for putting rc's and pending package updates20:03
brycewhich seems like a bit extra overhead, not sure20:03
brycewe've had good luck and results from xorg-edgers though20:04
tormodisn't karmic = proposed ATM?20:04
brycexorg-proposed-proposed ?  ;-)20:04
tormodwe don't need something between xorg-edgers and karmic IMO20:04
brycecertainly we're early enough in development that it's probably not a huge deal, esp. for mesa which we know is going to get many updates and a couple releases before we're through20:05
bryceI guess it depends a lot on how desperately we need the fixes it contains, and how vigorously we plan to follow up on bug reports20:05
tormodI am just thinking we will get the bug reports anyway, but better have them now 5 months before release than 1 month before20:06
brycebut I'm reminded of the situation we went through with -intel in jaunty, where we merged it in fairly early on, and just got buried under bug reports20:06
tormodminus the ones being fixed "by themselves"20:06
tjaaltonbryce: but that can't happen anymore <g>20:07
tormodbryce: I think that tells more about intel than of early merging...20:07
tormodof course, we save bug work by waiting, but we don't do our community duties20:08
bryceI just think if we got a >little< bit more testing before sticking it in the archive, we could have had a better chance of making a better choice there20:08
brycecommunity duties?20:09
tormodhelping upstream20:09
bryceI think that's orthogonal though - if we have fewer bug reports about Ubuntu, we'd have more time to do upstream work / toolsmithing / etc.20:10
tjaaltonbryce: sure, I'll upgrade to karmic and test every package that it works somewhat before uploading20:10
brycemm, on the other hand, I guess we could get better about reverting things once they start accumulating a lot of bugs20:11
bryceI'm not sure reverting -intel would have gained anything in the end really, but we've typically been more of the "damn the torpedo's, we'll fix the bugs as we go", which ends up with a lot of work to do late in the release20:12
brycetjaalton: unfortunately IIRC both you and I tested the -intel upload and didn't see the problems.  I think I did not test on compiz (I never saw problems until turning on compiz).20:13
bryceanyway, hope I'm not sounding to ranty :-)20:17
tjaaltonand I didn't think the slowdown was critical20:17
bryceheh, me either but seems we were in the minority ;-)20:17
tjaaltonx11perf --aa10text became faster though20:18
brycetjaalton: fwiw, lately I've noticed a lot of the remaining perf/freeze bugs are being reported by kubuntu users, so I've wondered if Qt is misbehaving with X somehow20:18
bryceI found a bug where the KDE upstream was lamenting that Ubuntu moved to the newer Qt since it wasn't as well tested and was expected to have problems (corruption, etc.) so I wonder if some of this is an outcome of that20:19
tjaaltonI've heard about that too20:20
tjaaltontoo bad I have to maintain both DE's..20:20
bryceyeah, we need another X guy from the Kubuntu side of things20:21
mnemoto avoid uploading things with completely "unknown" quality we could create a "about-to-be-merged-version" that we then test ourselves by checking a finite set of core use cases / scenarios that we feel any upload _must_ pass... it would be a table with "core use case" on one axis and "chipset" on the other axis... if we offer a finite and fairly small todo list like that we could probably get more people to complete this sanity test20:22
mnemoimo the focus for karmic should be to get kms, uxa and radeon-rewrite in a good state for the LTS... i'd rather have some mayhem now and then get something rock solid for the LTS20:23
brycethat is a good point20:23
brycemnemo: certainly for 10.4 I think an "about-to-be-merged-version" ppa could be of value20:27
brycefor karmic, I guess tormod is right, that it's intended to be a playground, so the extra overhead would slow us down20:28
tjaaltonand it's hard to track all the ppa's20:29
bryceat least, up until alpha-5 or so20:29
brycetjaalton: well, presumably we'd use xorg-edgers as tormod says20:29
brycealthough, I'm not sure about a case where we have 1.0 in the archive, and want to go to 1.1, but xorg-edgers has 1.2~git1234 in it20:30
tormodmeanwhile, I suggest updating mesa in git, which we'll pick up in xorg-edgers, and ask for testing there until alpha-1 is out20:54
tjaaltonvery well then ;)20:55
brycesounds fine by me20:55
tjaaltonlibdrm git merge pushed20:56
tormodby the time we get really conservative and consider a released 1.1, a "proposed" PPA would make sense, since xorg-edgers should stay on the edge20:57
tormod(referring to Bryce's example above)20:57
tormodmnemo: radeon-rewrite = mayhem :)21:02
=== Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt
mnemohehe :)  bring it on21:03
mnemo(my main machine is intel)21:03
Sarvattphew, fix for the no dri on intel in mesa 7.6 the past few days finally got fixed21:04
tormodmnemo: you have mayhem enough on intel from what I hear21:05
tormodSarvatt: btw what's the status of the 102_dont-vblank patch?21:09
Sarvattthat was me updating at 5 am and canceling auto-xorg-git after changelog update to edit it and it not having reverted 102 before, when i looked at the source it was patched but i didnt realize that till after21:11
Sarvattwas planning on fixing it when i got home, just got done with 7.6 and doing 7.5 now21:12
tormodSarvatt: 5 am :)21:13
Sarvattyeah, bad idea to update mesa at 5 am, of course things go wrong and i end up staying up an extra hour or two :D21:14
Sarvattya missed all the fun with dri being broken on intel and fixing the libglew1.5-dev conflicts while you were on vacation! :D21:15
tormodSarvatt: you can wait for tjaalton to update ubuntu/origin now :)21:16
Sarvatttjaalton,:you know about mesa shipping libglew headers in 7.5+ to build demos now so a change is needed for mesa-common-dev.install right?21:17
Sarvattthat darn glxew.h gets installed and causes a conflict without changing it since it calls usr/include/GL/glx*.h in the .install21:19
tormodbryce, does blender (the menus) work on your radeons? blender was always good for testing since it uses OpenGL exclusively21:24
* bryce fires it up21:25
bryceoops, not installed... standby21:26
tjaaltonSarvatt: nope21:28
tjaaltonSarvatt: I mean, no idea21:29
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brycetormod: seems to work ok21:32
tormodbryce: which card? on stock jaunty?21:32
bryce01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV535 [Radeon X1650 Series] (rev 9e)21:33
bryceyes, stock jaunty; I've not upped to karmic yet21:33
jpdsHey, does anyone here have any experience with Wacom?21:36
* tjaalton wishes for a intuos421:38
jpdsThis was the original error I was getting: http://paste.ubuntu.com/170946/21:38
jpdsI've managed to fix it, GDM starts, it just doesn't recognize the keyboard and mouse.21:38
tjaaltonremove it from xorg.conf21:39
bryceapw: for bug 314928, is that going to be fixed kernel side, or should I push the patch jbarnes suggested into -proposed, or?21:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314928 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i915GM] MTRR entry gets removed when restarting xorg - causes corruption on ttys" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31492821:39
jpdstjaalton: I did, now it's not recognized.21:39
jbarnesbryce: that one has to be fixed in the 2d driver21:39
tjaaltonjpds: ok, then I'd like to see the lshal output, and the logfile21:39
jpdsI even tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:40
jpdstjaalton: One sec.21:40
jbarnesbryce: have you received test results for it?21:40
brycejbarnes: no not yet21:40
brycejbarnes: apw made a comment that it worked for him, but I was a little unsure what that meant we should do21:40
brycejbarnes, apw: anyway, if we want to push this to -proposed I've got it packaged and am good to go, I just need a go ahead from both of you that this is the right solution21:41
mnemotormod: fwiw, i have an old ATI machine with a radeon 9600 (r300) and karmic... and there the menus look fine21:42
jpdstjaalton: New log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/170960/21:43
jpdstjaalton: For some reason HAL can't seem start up.21:43
tjaaltonjpds: you've disabled it in xorg.conf?21:44
tjaaltonjust move the whole file aside and restart gdm21:44
jpdstjaalton: I did that too, not recognized.21:44
tjaaltonjpds: so start hal? X doesn't do that21:45
brycejbarnes: do you think bug 370292 is a dupe of 314928?21:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 370292 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i855] Jaunty - X freezing on intel 855GM - MTRR issue (UXA/EXA)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37029221:46
jpdstjaalton: Weird, all fixed now.21:53
jpdsI wonder why dbus wasn't starting on boot the other times.21:53
jbarnesbryce: sounds different21:53
tjaaltonjpds: heh, ok21:53
jbarnesthe mtrr thing should just cause a big slowdown but not a hang21:53
Sarvattare you using karmic jpds? there was a dbus problem all day yesterday screwing up hal that got fixed last night22:03
mnemoSarvatt: is it safe to run update manager normally in karmic now?22:14
Sarvattunless you're on kubuntu that is :D22:16
mnemonah im not22:16
Sarvattgood to see the progress bar works in KMS usplash now with 2.6.30-rc522:30
tjaaltonusplash works with kms?22:32
Sarvattit always has, only the progress bar didnt work before22:33
tjaaltonI'll defer the new mesa until "later", it has a truckload of conflicts with the previous version, just like I feared22:34
Sarvattif it helps any the changelogs have what we have to do to build it on here https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa22:35
tjaaltonit could, thanks22:37
tjaaltonjust merging the upstream branch is painful, like with every major mesa release22:38
Sarvatt--disable-egl in the confflags-[dos] targets, making the glx*.h change in mesa-common-dev.install and disabling patches 02 103 104 106 are the only things needed really after merging debian from origin/ubuntu 22:44
mnemobryce: once intel 2.7.1 is out we're gonna put it into X-Updates right?23:49
mnemojust wanted to confirm23:50
mnemobryce: what should put in title for a bug that's fixed in 2.7.1 and later... suffix with "(needs intel 2.7.1 or later)" or do you have some specific string you search for?23:54
Sarvattanother bug I'm hitting on -intel UXA now in 2.7+ - font corruption when the system starts swapping. I didn't notice because I dont usually use a swap file :(23:55
bryce(needs intel 2.7.1) is good23:55
mnemoSarvatt: interesting.. i've never seen that either (but I have 8gb of ram) however I've seen many people with old intel chipsets talk about such corruption... I guess those boxes tend to have less ram as well so their are more likely to swap23:57
ubottuFreedesktop bug 21415 in Driver/intel "corrupted layout with intel-2.7.0 and xorg-1.6.1" [Normal,New]23:58

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