
ign0ramusgenetics_, i'm not sure, as i don't use kpackagekit; it very well may not use kde wallet, but for some reason, i thought it did...00:00
ign0ramusgenetics_, as far as the crashing goes, well, it is a kde4 app ;)00:00
ZengolIs it a bad idea to remove old kernels from grub?00:06
ign0ramusZengol, not if you're current ones are working fine00:06
tsimpsonyou only need to remove the packages, then it'll be automatically removed from grub00:06
ZengolI have no problem with my current kernel.00:07
tsimpsonthe linux-image-(version) packages00:07
ZengolI'm not that good at using linux yet, i just want to use the grub editor to remove it from the boot loader.00:07
ign0ramusZengol, then you should be fine removing older ones.  i always keep one older (stable) kernel available, and currently run 2.6.30-rc500:07
=== guest is now known as Guest56170
tsimpsonZengol: bug when you upgrade the kernel or install a new one, the'll re-appear00:08
Guest56170hi everyone, Is it always the best decision to upgrade to the latest linux version???00:08
ign0ramusGuest56170, simple answer- no.00:08
=== ricky is now known as Guest52130
Guest56170ok thanks ign0ramus00:09
Guest56170because I have hardy and i know there's an 8.10 and a new 9.0 version00:10
ign0ramusGuest56170, i guess i should qualify that... if your current version is running fine, and doesn't limit any new apps/features you want to try, then there's no hurry to upgrade00:10
ign0ramusyear/month format00:10
Guest56170ok :) yes that one00:11
ign0ramusi upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04 as i was ready to try 'stable' kde 4.2.2... i've got it mostly under control, but honestly, my user experience was better in 8.04 :/00:11
ign0ramus...not that it was all kde issues - the default kernel has some drastic regressions, especially with an Intel chipset00:12
Guest56170So I should be fine staying with 8.04 hardy as long as everything works.... yes I wanted to try how kde4 is like00:12
ign0ramusGuest56170, you can still install kde4 and log into it separately, if you'd like00:13
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
joedjheya folks.  i'm about to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy. the wiki says "Be sure that you have all updates applied to your current version of Ubuntu before you upgrade.".  how can i do this?  they au.archive gutsy apt repo i have been using has disappeared00:13
Guest56170ign0ramus: it would give me that option at boot up or sign in?00:13
ign0ramusGuest56170, the login screen - you pick what session you'd like to log into00:14
Guest56170that'd be cool to try :)00:15
ign0ramusGuest56170, kde4 is certainly visually appealing00:16
Guest56170ign0ramus: how do I do this and would I be able to uninstall if I didn't like it?  I know that tar.gz cant be uninstalled once installed00:16
=== geek is now known as Guest78101
ign0ramusGuest56170, there are plenty of tutorials... i'll find you one.  and if you install tar.gz packages with checkinstall, they are easily removed00:16
Guest56170i'm not a total newbie but I am far from advanced concerning linux lol00:16
ign0ramus!checkinstall | Guest5617000:17
ubottuGuest56170: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!00:17
mot_can i get a spot of help please? i'm using the old knetworkmanager app on kubuntu 9.04 and it won't connect to any wireless networks IF i try to manually enter in any password/security info00:19
=== Guest78101 is now known as faileas
mot_however, it doesn't prompt for a password if i just hit 'connect' without entering my password, either00:19
mot_is there a better, more reliable applet/network management service in kubuntu 9.04 that i should be using being knetworkmanager?00:19
Guest56170ign0ramus: thanks for that link :)00:20
jake[19:07] <jake> [19:07] <jake> [19:06] <jake>  redwyrm (n=nil@pool-96-249-196-155.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) has left #ubuntu ("Leaving")00:20
jake[19:07] <jake> [19:07] <jake> [19:06] <jake> <funkyHat> amanda-b: it's quite easy, but I can't talk you through it as I'm chatting on my phone. googling ubuntu initramfs modules will probably help :)00:20
jake[19:07] <jake> [19:07] <jake> [19:06] <jake> --> katakaio (n=katakaio@x-134-84-51-184.uofm-secure.wireless.umn.edu) has joined #ubuntu00:20
jake[19:07] <jake> [19:07] <jake> [19:06] <jake> <-- juha1 (n=juha@cs181054042.pp.htv.fi) has left #ubuntu00:20
ign0ramusmot_, wicd00:20
jake[19:07] <jake> [19:07] <jake> [19:06] <jake>  poweradapter (n=e@unaffiliated/poweradapter) has left #ubuntu ("Konversation terminated!")00:20
ign0ramus!wicd | mot_00:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd00:20
ign0ramusi think it's even in the repos now00:20
mot_yea, it is00:20
mot_is it any good?00:20
tsimpsonhave you tried the network manager applet?00:20
ign0ramusmot_, used it religiously in 8.04... never a problem00:20
* kaddi loves it :) it's the only network manager that works for me on jaunty00:21
mot_can i remove the knetworkmanager package?00:21
ign0ramusmot_, installing wicd will do it automagically00:21
mark____i tried connecting to the net yesterday in KDE using wicd00:21
mot_running wicd as root and nothing pops up...00:22
mot_nm here it comes00:22
kaddimot: try wicd-client without root00:22
mot_says "network requires encryption to be enabled"00:22
mot_am i missing some packages? ....00:23
mark____only way i found i can connect in KDE is to type nm-applet into terminal then i can connect using mobile braodband00:23
ign0ramusmot_, do you have a password on your wireless?00:23
ign0ramusmot_, that's what it's saying00:23
mot_yea, i do have a password on my wireless00:23
mot_i didn't know i needed to manually confire it00:23
mot_i wish there was one central, working wireless app for kubuntu instead of 5 crappy ones :P00:23
ign0ramusmot_, it can't guess it for you! :P00:23
ign0ramusmot_, wicd is not crappy, imho00:23
ign0ramusmot_, *every* wireless manager requires you to enter your password for wireless... how else would it connect?00:24
mot_that's not what i'm asking; i'd expect it to prompt for a password first00:24
dwidmannmot_: that's an area that's surely recieving attention right about now, seeing as it's a very well known fact that knetworkmanager was one of the worst parts of the 9.04 release ...00:24
mot_instead of something obscure like "encryption required"00:24
ign0ramusmot_, maybe we just differ on what's 'obscure' in using a wireless manager00:25
genetics_ign0ramus: i added kdesudo inthe "command" line for kdepackagekit but still no permissions00:25
dwidmannFrom what I've read, networkmanager is difficult to make a frontend for00:25
ign0ramusgenetics_, well, it's not a fix for your issue, but you can always use adept, synaptic, or (recommended) terminal00:26
=== tony__ is now known as kappa
Guest56170ign0ramus: so where can I get the kde4, in the repository?00:27
genetics_hmm, that sucks00:27
ign0ramusGuest56170, adept? yeah.  it will remove kpackagekit00:27
Guest56170ign0ramus: but I will still have kde3.5 installed correct??00:27
ign0ramusGuest56170, oh, if you're on kde 3.5.x, you will pull the kde3 version of Adept00:28
ign0ramus(which is actually better than the kde4 version, at least for now)00:28
=== kappa is now known as linux
tsimpsoninstalling adept will NOT remove kpackagekit, or vice-versa00:29
Guest56170ign0ramus: so best to just leave it alone right, I don't want to experiment and crash this pc lol00:29
ign0ramustsimpson, you are right... i must have removed it manually (probably sub-consciously) ;)00:30
ign0ramusGuest56170, you should be fine installing core kde apps, but what you're looking for are all just frontends for APT00:32
Guest56170ign0ramus: ok... what I was just wondering is if there's an advantage of kde4 over kde3.500:33
ign0ramusGuest56170, umm... i guess it looks snazzy(?)00:33
tsimpsonkde3 is not maintained any more, it will not get any updates00:34
Guest56170lol snazzy, awesome incentive00:34
ign0ramusGuest56170, well, it's definitely a WIP... as much as i complain about it, it does get better and better.  3.5.10 is about as solid as you can get, but as tsimpson said, no more updates00:35
=== linux is now known as kappa
Guest56170is kde4 stable yet tho, because kde3.5 has been doin great so far00:35
tsimpsonkde4 is stable, it's not a alpha, beta or RC. it's released, it's stable ;)00:35
ign0ramusGuest56170, is 4.2.2 (or 4.2.3) more stable than 4.0? Heck yes.  Moreso than 3.5?  Not yet00:36
tsimpsonand wait until 4.5 before comparing to 3.500:36
* genii sips his coffee and watches amused00:36
ign0ramustsimpson, agreed.00:36
Guest56170ok, so I'm the only outcast w/3.5 here huh lol00:37
crichardsoits not to bad only complant i have is dual screens arnt cofigurable completely00:37
ign0ramusGuest56170, not at all - plenty of people have stuck with 3.5.x for various reasons.  I just moved from 8.04 a couple weeks ago00:37
geniiGuest56170: I'm still running 3.5 also, actually00:38
tsimpsonbtw, you _can_ install kde 3.5.10 in Jaunty 9.04 via a 3rd party repo00:38
ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page00:38
curiouscuz4.2.3 rocks00:38
Guest56170:) I am not alone! ok00:38
geniiIt's .... meh00:38
* genii waits for 4.500:39
mark____i just upgraded to 4.2.3 two days ago and im still playing with it00:39
Guest56170well thanks everyone for the help :)  I may try the kde4 after all00:39
dwidmannAs far as dual screens go ... NVidia + Twinview isn't too bad ... Couldn't get satisfactory results with anything else though00:39
ign0ramusdid you guys running kde 4.2.3 use the kubuntu-ppa?00:39
dwidmann Hmm, I guess I should svn up now.00:40
Guest56170bye all, until another time :)00:40
crichardsodwidmann: ya i am using the generics i have intel vid and there is parts missing from the kubuntu realse for configing them the the monitor display app00:40
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
snaxhi guys & girls00:45
snaxis there any chance to get amarok 1.4 on kubuntu9.04 ?00:46
tsimpsonnot unless you try to compile it yourself, amarok 1.x is no longer maintained00:47
ign0ramussnax: there's a ppa for it00:48
tsimpsonis amarok in the kde3 ppa?00:48
tsimpsonerr, not ppa, repository00:48
alan_you can get VLC for linux it works very well and is free00:48
* kappa is back.00:49
ign0ramusamarok 1.4 for jaunty - https://launchpad.net/~bogdanb/+archive/ppa00:49
ign0ramusalan_, vlc is a great media player, but not a good library manager00:50
Fashionistciao qualche italiano?00:52
ign0ramus!it | Fashionist00:52
ubottuFashionist: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:52
snaxthanks guys00:52
verminwhat do i have to type to make firefox work right ?00:56
ign0ramusvermin, what do you mean 'work right'?00:56
khaije1is there a pastebin for pictures? i am getting randomly occuring visual distortions on jaunty that i'm hoping to get some help with...00:56
vermini'll have fire fox running for a few hours, and then youtube will be skippy.00:56
verminwhy does windows get the good stuff.00:56
ign0ramuskhaije1, tinypic or imageshack, for two00:56
khaije1k thx ign0ramus00:56
ign0ramuskhaije1, np00:56
jim_002khaijel:screen flickering?00:57
ign0ramusvermin, probably due to memory leaks, which occurs using Fx/Flash/Windows as well00:57
=== kappa is now known as tony__
verminthis happens to me everyday.  it never happended to my or my dad on our windows boxes.00:57
vermini dont care WHAT the reason is screwing it up.  i want to know HOW to make it work.00:58
verminwhat do i have to type to make firefox work right ?00:58
ign0ramusvermin, there's no magic command00:58
jim_002why not use konqueror?00:58
verminkonqueror sucks.00:58
verminit sucks with hotmail00:58
xjjkvermin: probably, I've not tried it... but maybe runnning through wine00:58
verminwhy would i have to go through wine00:58
xjjkit's a bad reflection on Adobe00:58
xjjkvermin: it's OSS end-to-end00:59
jim_002hehe, get yourself a real mail account like gmail :)00:59
verminwhy doesent these FSF guys make a good fire fox implementation00:59
verminOSS ?00:59
geniixjjk: I agree00:59
xjjkvermin: the problem is Flash00:59
verminhow do i make it work00:59
xjjknot Firefox00:59
verminlinux shit.00:59
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:59
xjjkvermin: and the FSF is heavily pushing a Flash plugin replacement00:59
verminwell whats taking them so long.00:59
xjjkit's not going as fast as everyone would like, of course00:59
xjjkvermin: I don't know00:59
ign0ramusvermin, maybe they need you to help ;)00:59
xjjkvermin: regardless, emulating all the graphics stuff and emulating it00:59
xjjkwith WINE00:59
xjjkso far I think actually works *better*00:59
verminwell whats their email.  i'll help by telling them to hurry !01:00
jim_002I find konqueror works nice in kubuntu. No need for firefox really01:00
ign0ramusvermin, that's probably not as helpful as you think01:00
khaije1hey ign0ramus, i'm bookmarking that one, way easier than i expected!01:00
verminwell it never happened when i ran Debian.01:00
verminwhy on the new kubuntu01:00
ign0ramuskhaije1, cool. glad to help.01:00
verminlinux sucks.01:00
khaije1anyway here is my screen, can anyone tell me whats going on or how to fix it?01:00
* vermin puts the xp cd back in01:00
ign0ramuskhaije1, intel graphics?01:01
ign0ramuskhaije1, bingo.01:01
khaije1known issue?01:01
ign0ramuskhaije1, this may be of interest: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113058201:01
khaije1right on ign0ramus :)01:01
ign0ramuskhaije1, oh yeah. BIG known issue01:01
khaije1all the kms churn? i know there is a lot of work (and resulting regression) coming from that team.. i guess im caught in the crossfire01:02
ign0ramuskhaije1, i would follow Part D for best performance01:02
jim_002anyone here tried kdevelop4? It seems to be bereft of project templates :(01:02
ign0ramuskhaije1, it's all reversible and you can always revert, but i've found nothing but gratification with this method01:03
ign0ramuskhaije1, otherwise, i got what you have, making the OS unusable01:03
mase_workjim_002: i'm using it.01:03
vonkleist_vermin, what does konqueror has to do with firefox? and what does the FSF has to do with konqueror?01:03
mase_workjim_002: seems ok for what i want but i haven't used templates much01:03
jim_002mase_work: oh. it's just i used kdevelop 3 and it has lots of nice kde project templates, but kdevelop4 seems a little bare.01:04
mase_workjim_002: you may need to download them or add the extra kdevelop package01:05
mase_workits called kdevelop-data i think01:05
polishpaulHelp... I installed Kubuntu 9.04 on my Lenovo T61 laptop, i've used various linux's on it... anyway, i can't get the wireless to work! :(01:05
khaije1the only issue is that i'm worried about losing madwifi support...01:05
kaddipolishpaul you might try wicd it works great for me :)01:06
khaije1ath5k is only 80% at most compared to madwifi on my wlan card01:06
ign0ramuskhaije1, then it's best to do a little research first, but there is probably a solution (if a problem even exists)01:06
jim_002mase_work: i installed kdevelop-data-kde4 but that didn't help. nevermind, thanks for the help though.01:06
andre_plI'm trying to transition from gnome to kde, i have some python scripts that tie into the notification system, how does it work on kde, my notifications aren't doing anything01:06
mase_workyeh i'm not really sure, the #kdevelop channel used to exist01:06
mase_workit may still be there01:06
khaije1ign0ramus: i like the idea of getting a new kernel though... i really can't resist :)01:06
ign0ramuskhaije1, and you'll still keep your current one, as well01:07
jim_002mase_work: i'll try there, thanks.01:07
polishpaulkaddi, what is wicd?01:07
andre_plI stand corrected, they work, but they're not the plasma notifications, they're something totally different.01:07
kaddipolishpaul it's a new network manager, it replaces knetworkmanager afaik01:08
ign0ramuspolishpaul, it's another network manager, that seems to work where networkmanager doesn't for some01:08
polishpaulwhat steps can i take to identify the issue?01:08
ign0ramus!wireless | polishpaul01:09
ubottupolishpaul: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:09
ign0ramusnp - if only all life's problems could be solved by invoking a bot!01:09
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!01:09
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.01:10
ign0ramushaha! is ubottu programmable like other irc bots, or is it restrics to ops?01:10
* genii makes spears from the snowmobile steering struts and waits for the weasels01:10
ign0ramus*restricted... don't know what happened there01:11
ign0ramusbrb rebooting01:11
polishpaul!makefix :)01:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about makefix :)01:11
jim_002networkmanager is really bad. I just disabled it and manually configured /etc/network/interfaces01:11
jim_002if you run a ping test while using networkmanager you will get consistant ping spikes every minute or two :/01:13
ign0ramusanyone else still having issues with shutting down, using the gui buttons? (hangs)01:16
ign0ramus"reboot" and "shutdown" commands still work fine... :/01:17
jim_002used to have that problem in 8.0401:17
ign0ramusjim_002, anything to fix?01:17
jim_002what version you using?01:17
jim_0029.04 works fine for me01:18
ign0ramussometimes it works and sometimes not... i'm sure it's getting hung up on a sigterm or something01:18
jim_002could be power management or something01:19
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ign0ramusno this guy again01:19
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ign0ramusjim_002, not sure... maybe just dumb?01:19
kaddiwho's going to call the ops? :p01:20
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jake[20:18] [MOTD] - CLARKE, SIR ARTHUR C. [1917-2008]. Born in Minehead, Somerset,01:20
jake[20:18] [MOTD] - England he served as radar specialist during WWII. The ideas01:20
jake[20:18] [MOTD] - of geostationary communications satellites and space elevators01:20
jake[20:18] [MOTD] - are credited to him. In 1956, he moved to Colombo, Sri Lanka,01:20
jake[20:18] [MOTD] - receiving his knighthood there in 1998 by proxy from the UK01:20
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jake[20:18] [MOTD] - since 1988. Among his several dozens novels and collections01:20
jake[20:18] [MOTD] - are 2001: A Space Odyssey, 2010, 2061, 3001 and The01:20
jake[20:18] [MOTD] - Songs of Distant Earth. He is currently the Honorary Board01:20
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jake[20:18] [MOTD] - notice in topic and perhaps as a on-join message).01:21
jake[20:18] [MOTD] -01:21
polishpauloh wow01:21
polishpaulwheee... not :(01:21
ign0ramusthanks genii01:21
geniiign0ramus: np01:21
ign0ramusgenii, is he using a different ip each time?01:21
polishpaulso with my wireless, i seem to fail at connecting to the router... it keeps asking for passphrase01:21
geniiign0ramus: No idea, I'd have to check logs or so01:21
macohe is01:22
macohe was *.dyn.grandenetworks.net before01:22
ign0ramusmaco, i don't understand why someone would flood a channel... there's nothing to gain :/01:22
maco(i know because i set his ban in #ubuntu-women)01:22
ign0ramusmaco, lol01:22
ign0ramuswait, there's an ubuntu women channel?01:22
macohas been for years01:23
ign0ramus<3 geeky girls01:23
jim_002ign0ramus: My hang problem went away when I installed 9.04, but I think it was something to do with apci. You could try adding acpi=off noapic to your grub kernel line.01:23
macoign0ramus: yeah uh...dont come in there sayin that, k?01:24
ign0ramusjim_002, i'm checking it out... apparently i'm not the only one with this issue in jaunty... someone wrote that the gui calls the reboot "-d" flag, which isn't supported.01:24
ign0ramusmaco, gotcha... i happen to like this channel01:24
jim_002polishpaul: that's the networkmanager for you, it really sucks. Best to use /etc/network/interfaces if you want stable wireless.01:24
jim_002ignOramus: oh01:25
ign0ramusjim_002, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/7100401:26
ubuntuif i have windows installed on a drive, and used gparted to resize the drive into 2 partitions, do i lose the windows data?01:27
polishpauljim_002, what needs to be in there? I tried adding auto eth0 and whatnots...01:27
polishpauli just turned off my wireless security.. still nothing01:27
polishpaulall other distros connect :(01:27
jim_002ignOramus: that makes sense.01:28
jim_002polishpaul: are you using encryption?01:28
polishpaulnot any more..01:29
=== ubuntu is now known as Mrunagi
polishpaulmy interfaces only has: auto lo; iface lo inet loopback;01:30
jim_002you need: auto wlan0, iface wlan0 inet dhcp01:31
polishpauladding wlan0 now01:31
polishpaulok :)01:31
polishpaulwas trying eth0 and 1 earlier.. i see now01:31
jim_002where the comma means another line01:31
polishpaulright right01:32
jim_002if you want static ip you need to use: inet static and provide gateway info etc01:32
polishpaulits fishing but not getting any dhcp...01:32
ZengolHow would i go about getting shockwave?01:32
geniiZengol: There is no shockwave for linux.01:32
ZengolYour kidding me....01:32
polishpaulok getting somewhere at leat.. ty jim01:33
ign0ramusZengol, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave01:33
geniiZengol: Not in the least.01:33
ZengolA linux program i am using say's i need shockwave.01:33
ign0ramusZengol, what app?01:33
ZengolLol, Dofus.01:33
jim_002polishpaul: you might need wireless-essid <ssid> also01:34
ign0ramusZengol, lol, is that like neopets? o_O01:34
ZengolNot sure.01:34
polishpauljim, my routers ssid?01:35
jim_002polishpaul: oh, you have to disable the network manager too. sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop && sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart01:35
ign0ramusZengol, from reading forums, it just uses Flash01:35
geniiZengol: Likely it means Adobe Flash and not specifically the Shockwave part01:36
jim_002polishpaul: your router usually broadcasts wireless ssid?01:36
ZengolNo plugin found for 'Shockwave Flash file'.01:37
ZengolDo you want to download one from www.macromedia.com01:37
polishpauljim_002 yeah, i have the router's ssid01:37
genii!flash | Zengol01:37
ubottuZengol: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:37
ZengolI have flash.01:37
ZengolNot sure which version, let me check.01:37
khaije1is there an equivalent to /etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default for kdm ?01:38
jim_002polishpaul: just put a new line in /etc/network/interfaces: wireless-essid <your access point's ssid>01:38
ZengolSay's  flashplugin non free version.01:38
polishpauljim_002 sweet, ty i got it on manual IP01:39
ign0ramusZengol, this will tell you exact version: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/155/tn_15507.html01:39
polishpauldidn't pick up a DHCP.. :\01:39
polishpaulstopping the NetworkMangler worked01:39
ZengolI guess i need a new one.01:41
ZengolCan't even see the video, so i must have an edition before version 401:41
jim_002polishpaul: cool. if you don't want NetworkManager to load at boot, you can disable it by doing: sudo update-rc.d NetworkManager remove01:41
ign0ramusZengol,  highly doubtful, but you can try anyway01:43
ign0ramusZengol, "flashplugin-nonfree" is the package (Adobe version)01:43
ZengolSays i now have shockwave flash 10.0 r2201:44
Zengolign0ramus: So far so good, thank's man.01:46
ign0ramusZengol, its the least i can do01:46
Zengolign0ramus: I would have never though to have looked on teh original Adobe website.....01:46
Zengolign0ramus: I figured i had to do EVERYTHING from terminal, haha.01:46
polishpauljim_002 just did it a moment ago :D01:47
ign0ramusZengol, well, there's a good chance when you do an "apt-get update", you will be prompted to install the (k)ubuntu version of the flash plugin01:47
polishpaulis there any linux distro better suited for virtualization than others?01:47
jim_002polishpaul: okie dokie01:47
Zengolign0ramus: I will most likely never do that.01:48
ign0ramusZengol, you don't update and upgrade packages?01:48
Zengolign0ramus: I have had nothing but confusion after updating through the terminal, i leave that one to Adept.01:48
* genii sneaks tsimpson a coffee and cookies01:49
jim_002polishpaul: It works ok in gentoo, but I haven't tried it in ubuntu/kubuntu01:49
ign0ramusZengol, it's all the same, except with terminal you have more control01:49
polishpauli'm test riding lots of distros etc... i wanna VR them now01:49
ZengolI was wondering what that little button did, haha.01:49
ZengolI guess i know now.01:50
jim_002polishpaul: vmware is pretty easy to use though01:50
polishpaulxen or vmware?01:50
jim_002I went for the easy option, vmware :)01:50
ign0ramuspolishpaul, have you tried arch?  that one really interests me, but it seems a little advanced... :/01:51
polishpaularch linux? or something virtualizationish?01:51
ign0ramusarch linux?01:52
ign0ramusyeah, that's what i meant, dunno why i put a question mark, lol01:52
polishpaulok so the vm player is a hardware hypervisor?01:52
polishpaulign0ramus yeah, i just recently stumbled upon it01:52
polishpaulsounds pretty interesting actually.. i think id' be overwhelmed by gentoo01:53
polishpauli got a life to live :P01:53
ign0ramuspolishpaul, it allegedly has the best implementation of kde ... (so i've read)01:53
polishpaulbut it doens't come with a default destkop right?01:53
ign0ramuspolishpaul, yeah, but ... http://kdemod.ath.cx/01:53
* astromme warns that while arch linux is very clean and well put together, there are many things that you may be used to 'just working' that don't 'just work'01:55
astrommei.e. hal, printer autosetup, XOrg autosetup, graphical update client (there is one, but you have to install it :P)01:55
ign0ramusastromme, that was what i meant by 'advanced'... but it is interesting01:55
astrommeign0ramus: absolutely. I run it on my desktop (and kubuntu on my laptop).01:56
astrommeBut I've found that on a laptop I just don't have enough time to configure arch01:56
ign0ramusastromme, i have too many versions of ubuntu/kubuntu/windows xp/windows 7 ... i have to get rid of some of these! :)01:56
astrommeI get better battery life, the aformentioned printer/etc... stuff, driver setup out of the box with kubuntu where it would take me hours if not days to get it almost working in arch01:57
WalzmynWhat's the xbuntu channel?01:57
ign0ramusWalzmyn, #xubuntu01:57
Walzmynoh, i left out a u01:57
astrommeign0ramus: if possible, I would already have standardized on kubuntu01:57
ign0ramusastromme, running kde4?01:58
astrommeign0ramus: I just don't find it as easy for kde development. I run arch linux with kde trunk packages and some manual builds of playground stuff that I work on01:58
astrommeign0ramus: of course01:58
ign0ramusastromme, arch is rolling, correct?01:58
astrommeyes, which is quite nice01:58
ign0ramusnot messy?01:59
astrommebut even rolling isn't enough for kde trunk of which I need some parts01:59
astrommeign0ramus: not so much. Every once in a while there are conflicting upgrades01:59
ign0ramusastromme, are you building a spaceship or something? :)01:59
polishpaulargh.. now why no DHCP?02:00
astrommebut like I said, so much is set up by the user anyways that when things break it's in a way that's at least fixable02:00
astrommeign0ramus: not quite!02:00
polishpaulmaybe i should turn the security back on first :P02:00
astrommeI've got some plasma widgets02:00
* genii sips02:00
ign0ramusgenii, you're never going to get any sleep02:00
geniiign0ramus: At least not until after someone wins the Stanley Cup02:01
astrommeAnd then i'm in the prototype stages of backup software (TimeVault), tablet pc notetaking software (Tote) and some other experimental ideas02:01
ign0ramusgenii, haha!02:01
ign0ramusastromme, you develop this on your own?02:01
astrommeign0ramus: well, other than the rememberthemilk plasma widget, none of it is near release. But yes, it's just me, for now at least02:02
astrommethe widget will be in KDE 4.3, I'm excited :)02:02
ign0ramusastromme, you did rememberthemilk?02:02
astrommeign0ramus: I did the kde interface. Not the service :). I'm just a user of the service02:02
ign0ramusastromme, still pretty sweet.  i was just reading about it on some linux blog :)02:03
astrommeign0ramus: probably mine :P http://blog.chatonka.com ?02:03
peachesElTimo: you on 9.04?02:03
ign0ramusastromme, no it was http://sheenonline.biz/2008/06/super-charge-remember-the-milk-with-smart-lists-and-tags/02:04
peachesElTimo: 9.04 isn't KDE 4.3 though02:04
ign0ramusastromme, i stumbleupon'd it and bookmarked :)02:04
ElTimoi know. i compiled it myself and i cant find the wifi plasmoid that came with 4.202:04
astrommenice, cool blog post02:04
peachesElTimo: ok can you load the plasmoid on the non compiled version and find the name?02:05
ign0ramusastromme, it's amazing the cool stuff you can find when using stumbleupon and the 'linux' channel ;)02:05
peachesanyone else in here know about kubuntu's wifi plasmoid?02:05
peachesElTimo: the plasmoid may well be a kubuntu thing02:05
astrommeElTimo: the plasmoid is a snapshot of the playground one02:05
astrommeElTimo: from a few months back (sometime in March/April)02:06
jim_002I was considering making a plasma widget. The lyrics one which I want to use is broken :/02:06
ElTimoastromme: whats the name? i have all of playground sitting on my drive at the moment02:06
astrommeElTimo: networkmanager02:06
ElTimothats what i thought. it doesnt compile. it doesnt do ANYTHING when i run make02:07
astrommeElTimo: After you install it you need to kquitapp plasma; kquitapp kded; kded4 &; plasma &;02:07
jim_002astromme: Are plasma widgets easy to code?02:07
astrommeElTimo: you need to cmake it first man... from the applets dir not the networkmanager dir02:07
astrommejim_002: Depends on your prior experience with programming02:07
ElTimoi did. i got an error that had nothing to do with it02:07
astrommeIf you're comfortable with C++ the native plasmoids aren't too difficult02:07
astrommeIf you're comfortable with a more scripting like language such as python, perl, javascript they're also easy. There should be tutorials on techbase02:08
jim_002astromme: I know c++ (although a bit rusty), but I'm kinda new to kde development02:08
astrommejim_002: that's alright, we all were at one time02:08
jim_002astromme: I'll take a look on techbase, thanks.02:09
astrommeIf you know python better than C++ I suggest starting there. Easier to fix the things that will inevitably go wrong02:09
astrommejim_002: see http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma02:09
astrommeand http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma/Python/GettingStarted02:10
astrommeoh, doh, that was the python one02:10
peachesit's in playground/base/plasma/applets/networkmanager/ . stop from the last child directory and work your way up the CMakeLists.txt till it compiles. if it doesn't you'll have to edit one or more file to get it to build. that's how playground goes sometimes02:11
jim_002astromme: Nice. Ye I know a little python, i'll try that first.02:11
astrommejim_002: If you want to do C++ programming and don't know any Qt/KDE specific stuff yet, you might want to start with basic concepts in place with Qt programming02:12
ElTimopeaches: im sol then. i dont know how to use cmake02:12
astrommejim_002: I.E. http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/how-to-learn-qt.html or http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials#Introduction_To_KDE_4_Programming02:13
peachesElTimo: you can probably get your compiled KDE to find base Kubuntu's plasmoid exporting KDEDIRS=/usr or something02:13
astrommejim_002: Things like signals and slots, event driven programming, QObjects are important to understand on a basic level02:13
astrommeElTimo: it's not hard. cmake /path/to/source/directory02:14
astrommeElTimo: so for example "cmake ." runs cmake on the current direcotry02:14
ElTimoi know that much, but i dont know how to edit cmakelists.txt and all that02:14
astrommeElTimo: After you run cmake, run "make" and "make install" as usual02:14
astrommeElTimo: You shouldn't have to. It should at least configure correctly02:15
astrommeThen you want to cd into the networkmanager directory02:15
astrommeand do the make, make install from in there02:15
jim_002astromme: I'll take a look, ty for the links02:15
astrommejim_002: no problem. If you need help, find me on irc or at astromme - at -  chatonka.com02:15
polishpaulok so i have my interfaces with this: wireless-essid myrouter; wireless-key mykey;  however, when i restart network it says invalid argument mykey02:16
jim_002astromme: cheers :)02:16
ElTimoastromme: yea, i did all that. i run make and nothing happens. i get literally NO output02:16
* astromme notes that #plasma, #kde-devel and #qt are also good channels02:16
astrommeElTimo: did the cmake work without an error? read the ouput02:16
jake_this is jake im am not going to flood anyone i want all my ip addresses unblocked or i will dos attack this system02:16
* astromme chuckles02:17
ElTimoastromme: yes it did. theres no errors02:17
astrommeElTimo: VERBOSE=1 make ?02:18
sergiocan help me?02:19
andre_plI've been trying to get some of my python scripts to use kde4's notifications instead of the uglier ones. i'm calling the Notify function through dbus on org.kde.VisualNotifications, but though it seems to work, I get no popup at all02:20
astrommesergio: just ask your question, you don't need to ask for permission for asking02:20
sergioanyone know any program i can use to see who is using my network the most?02:20
sergiolike a sniffer02:20
astrommeandre_pl: if you do the calls through qdbusviewer do things work? Have you established that you're calling dbus correctly via other dbus calls?02:21
sergioi just need to know the ip and then i can filter the mac on my router02:21
astrommesergio: wireshark? dunno02:21
andre_plastromme: can qdbusviewer make function calls? I've been looking for exactly that program i think02:22
andre_plcurrently using dbus-explorer but it only lets me view the signatures02:22
astrommeandre_pl: qdbusviewer lets you inspect the dbus tree and make calls02:22
astrommeit may not be the best gui, but it is a gui :P02:22
sergiowell thank you but wireshark is not actually the one i need, what im trying to find is a program that lets me know how much bandwidth its using not the protocols its using02:22
sergiobut ill keep looking02:23
astrommesergio: but you could probably see which one comes up more often. /shrug02:23
sergiojust hate people who abuses my network02:23
sergioinstalling wireshark02:24
andre_plastromme: yeah, I get nothing at all w/ qdbusviewer either02:24
ElTimoastromme: i looked in the directory and it doesnt even seem like theres any source files in it02:25
astrommeandre_pl: hmm, not working for me either. weird02:26
astrommeandre_pl: are you using PyKDE4? You could always use the KNotification API bindings in python02:26
astrommeElTimo: are you in the build dir? did you do a svn co svn://blash ?02:27
andre_plastromme: strangely enough, org.freedesktop.Notifications gives me an error in qdbusviewer method not found, but i'm able to use it from python02:27
andre_plastromme: I'm only using Pyqt4 for now, and I'd prefer not to pull in the kde libs if I dont have to02:27
astrommeandre_pl: understantable. Here it is if you decide to http://api.kde.org/pykde-4.2-api/kdeui/KNotification.html02:28
ElTimoastromme: o whoops :P my bad02:28
astrommeandre_pl: you could try dbus-send too02:28
astrommeandre_pl: http://forum.kde.org/control-knotify4-using-dbus-t-23580.html02:28
andre_plastromme: I Tried that but I wasn't sure how to get all the paramters into it properly.02:28
astrommeandre_pl: I'll look at my code (granted, C++), I use it02:29
astrommeandre_pl: for something simple I suppose you could use kdialog --passive-popup <text> --title <title> <timeout>02:29
andre_plthat might work. its basically just things like 'download complete' etc.02:29
ElTimook still, nothing is happening. it goes into the parent directory and says that theres nothing to be done. it sounds like an issue with the makefile02:30
astrommemeh, --passivepopup not --passive-popup02:30
andre_plastromme: lol, I just figured that out...02:32
astrommeElTimo: make sure you are doing all of these steps http://rafb.net/p/0tnqqY92.html02:32
astrommeand that NONE of them fail.02:32
andre_pltotally unrelated question about my transition to kde... I have a panel at the side, and a panel at the top.  the one at the side is perfect in that windows always go behind it.. the one on the top however, either makes the whole area unavailable to windows, OR lets windows completely cover the panel, but there is no way to make it behave like the one on the left.02:34
ElTimook still no luck02:34
andre_plhmm, scratch that last question, it pops itself up :)02:36
astrommeandre_pl: that seems like a bug.... I just added a panel to the top and I can drag windows above it02:36
astrommeandre_pl: it's possible that you have snapping enabled02:36
astrommeandre_pl: right click a window -> configure window behavior -> Moving 'tab' on the left -> Snap windows only when overlapping02:37
astrommethat's how I like my desktop.02:37
astrommeElTimo: same error?02:37
astrommeslash non error?02:37
ElTimoyup, or rather lack of one02:37
ElTimoit just flat out doesnt realize it has to build stuff02:38
andre_plastromme: yeah thats pretty nice too..02:38
andre_plgot any other tips? I've been in the other camp for a LONG time, but i was a bigtime kde user about 4 years ago.02:38
astrommeI have a number of things I do to each new machine... lemmy think02:39
astrommehow big is your monitor? I have a 21in 1680x105002:40
astrommeOn this machine I like to enable desktop effects, enable the "magic lamp" minimize animation, change the default alt-tab (window switching) mode to "Present Windows"02:41
andre_pli think the desktop effects were on by default.02:41
=== maria_ is now known as Jose
andre_plalt-tab gives me something like coverflow on an ipod02:42
astrommeandre_pl: oh goodie :). I also have a 80% width panel at the bottom, hidden panel on the left with launcher icons02:42
* astromme notes the oh goodie was in response to the 1920x120002:42
ElTimoastromme: any idea what i can do? any way i can compile it by hand?02:42
astrommeandre_pl: again in window configuration, desktop effects, "Window Swiching"02:42
astrommeElTimo: I just ran the code I gave you on my computer in a new konsole, line for line. It worked02:43
astrommeElTimo: I'm guessing your cmake failed but the error is higher up02:43
astrommeElTimo: run cmake again and look for errors closely02:43
astrommeandre_pl: my desktop http://blog.chatonka.com/Desktop-Normal-Overview.png02:44
polishpauldang, i'm having a rough time getting this wireless to play nice... :( installed wicd and its not starting... can't dhcp... can't add wireles-key.. :'(02:44
astrommeI suppose I also enable 4 virtual desktops and set up the keybindings (in system settings, use the search) to ctrl + alt + arrow keys.02:44
astrommepolishpaul: I haven't had experience with wicd. you had troubles with the built in plasmoid?02:45
andre_plastromme: I cant find window switching02:45
andre_pljust did02:46
mkassonhow can I change the font size of my folder view desktop icons02:46
astrommeandre_pl: on the pane where you enable/disable compositing, look for the one that is currently selected as "cover switch"02:46
astrommeoh, good02:46
polishpaulastromme, plasmoid? i coulndn't get network manager to work so i tried wicd instead. AFter reboot it seems to work now.02:46
polishpaulwow, ok wicd is badass.. :D02:46
polishpaulnow i can enjoy KDE02:47
tzangernetworkmanager does not work with kde02:47
tzangerwicd works great for me too02:47
polishpaulnow i know :) lol02:47
polishpaulwicd just made my freakin' day02:48
ElTimoo my god polishpaul i think you just made mine too02:48
ign0ramuswicd ftw!02:48
andre_plastromme: is there a way to have the system monitor visible in the panel? currently It just shows me a static icon which I have to click on to actually see the graph.. I'd like to embed that view in a panel, is that possible?02:48
ElTimolol agreed02:48
marcoHi, Anyonde know wheres it is Kde 4.3 beta 1?02:48
* astromme sighs. kubuntu tried to have a fully kde4 system, but it really hurt them in the experimental networkmanager widget02:48
astrommemarco: watch http://kubuntu.org and http://kde.org for the announcement, it's not ready yet.02:49
astrommeandre_pl: I think that has something to do with the size of the panel02:49
marcoso, aprox it's goign to be for tomorrow?02:49
astrommeandre_pl: if the applet set a minimum size and the panel is smaller, it shows the icon02:49
marcocause Tuesday 12 of may was supossed to be released02:49
mkassonah got it02:50
ElTimomarco: you could try compiling it like me02:50
ElTimoif you're into that kind of pain02:50
astrommeif you really want the bleeding edge, use project neon (google it)02:50
astrommebut I strongly suggest waiting for the official packages. And keep in mind it's a beta02:51
marcoElTimo, did you compiled Kde 4.3 beta 1?02:51
ElTimoyes i did. it hurts so good02:51
marcoany screeen cast?02:51
ElTimolol not yet, i have to get wireless working02:52
astrommeandre_pl: You could also thry the "System Load Viewer" plasmoid02:52
astrommeandre_pl: or the "System Monitor - CPU"02:52
marcoEltimo, what about performance?02:53
marcobetter than kde 4.2.x?02:53
ElTimomuch better for the most part, but the compositing is iffy02:54
=== maria_ is now known as Salcedian
marcoand, what about the lok and feel? does it look nice? better?02:54
ElTimoo my god yes. so much better looking.02:54
marcook, so kde 4.3 beta its released,02:55
marcobut there es no offical anuncemnet02:55
astrommemaco: no, it is not released until there is an official announcement02:55
astrommemarco: sorry, above for you02:55
astrommemarco: there may be a kde svn revision that says "beta 1" but that does NOT mean it is the official 4.3 beta02:56
marcoi want beta no!02:56
astrommemarco: don't worry! it'll be here soon02:56
JontheEchidnathere's always kde-nightly02:56
marcoanyboyd know what its going on with a kernel update for intel graphics cards?02:58
doleybWhy does dolphin block on firefox?  I mean, if I send a STOP signal to firefox, then the dolphin process stops working until I CONT firefox.03:11
prestonok i just installed jaunty and i cant install restricted extras03:11
prestoni find it and click apply but no go. any ideas?03:11
marcowhen kde 4.3 beta1 goes for release, it goign to be placed here?  ==> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main03:12
astrommemarco: I'm not a kubuntu packager, I don't know. Probably wherever the 4.2 for intrepid went, but for jaunty03:12
doleybpreston: You didn't give a detailed question.03:14
prestonive installed jaunty and updated now thru kpackagekit im trying to install restricted extra's and nothing happens03:15
prestoni click on restricted extras to set it to download and hit appy and nothing?03:15
marcohsien eres de chile?03:16
prestondoleyb: hmmm i tried installing something else and it seems to be something with the restricted extras package03:18
marcoi want kde 4.3 now!!!!03:19
doleybpreston: That's still not detailed enough for someone to be likely to answer.  Instead of "seems to be something", you could tell exactly where how it stopped working.03:19
geniimarco: Ninguna área de Chile existe. Usted puede recibir ayuda en la lengua del español en el #ubuntu-es       eg:  /join #ubuntu-es03:20
prestondoleyb: ok how about when selected and applied nothing happens at all03:24
marcoit was created (in blank)03:29
astrommelol, you are really waiting for this :P03:30
marcoso, i think it will be released very soon03:30
jimozanybody live?03:33
doleybwe are the undead03:33
jimozprove it03:33
doleybthere is butter on my head03:34
astrommewow, I look at the 4.2 vs 4.0 screenshots and I realize how far kde has come in just one year. stunning really03:34
jimozare you  a toast?03:34
JabberWokkyTake a look at 1.003:35
astrommewell, sure, but then we get into games.. "look at 1950s computer" "look at apple II" etc...03:35
JabberWokkySpeaking of which, there was one nifty thing from the 1.0 era that I miss, and I wonder if it's somewhere hidden.03:35
oobei just want to ask one thing what does ctl alt backspace do oh wait let me check03:35
JabberWokkyThere was something like "hold down alt, select a menu item and press a key and it assigns that key to that item"03:36
* JabberWokky should probably ask over in #kde.03:36
jimozI remember   FVWM time03:36
=== ramon is now known as rgarcia
rgarciaHii all...could anybody help me:03:37
ign0ramus!ask | rgarcia03:37
ubotturgarcia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:37
what_ifim having a problem removing my soudcard modules... see error here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/171220/03:37
JabberWokkyastromme: My first computer had a series of LEDs and toggle switches.  Go, go S-100 bus!  Hooked up to a Epson MX-100.  Rocked on... I wonder if it would run 9.04?03:37
rgarciaI'm using Jaunty, and someone disable or delete my desktop...Does anybody know how to enable it again?03:38
JabberWokkyrgarcia: How did they disable it?03:38
ign0ramusrgarcia, if it was deleted, you can simply "mkdir ~/Desktop"03:38
geniiJabberWokky: Probably not03:38
JabberWokkyOh, your *desktop*, as in the actual icons and stuff, or the directory?03:38
JabberWokkygenii: Well, the S-100 *was* CPU agnostic...03:39
rgarciano...you know it's kind of a window inside the desktop.03:39
ign0ramusrgarcia, the widget? right-click and add it back on03:39
rgarciawhich calls desktop...03:39
andre_plso, I'm trying to install some plasmoids and they're all saying 'installation failed'03:39
rgarciayep...how do i do that?03:39
rgarciaadd widget?03:39
JabberWokkyrgarcia: Right click... as ign0ramus says03:39
JabberWokkyrgarcia: Yep.03:40
ign0ramusrgarcia, "folder view"03:40
rgarcialet me see03:41
rgarciano, it's no the folder view03:41
JabberWokkywhat_if: Still having trouble?03:42
ign0ramusrgarcia, folder view is the widget that can display your desktop directory on the plasma screen.. isn't that what you want?03:42
JabberWokkywhat_if: A chainsaw approach (and it would be a good idea if you wanted it turned off forever anyway) would be to blacklist the module in modprobe.conf.03:42
JabberWokkywhat_if: man modprobe.conf03:42
rgarcialet me see if i find the figure on the web03:42
what_ifJabberWokky: the problem I have is that my soundcards swap randomly on boot. I must manually set the module load order. But right now I just want to disable one of the cards to use the other as default03:43
rgarciatake a look on this...03:43
ign0ramusrgarcia, yes, that is called *folder view*03:44
rgarciathere is the desktop which i'm talking about03:44
JabberWokkywhat_if: You can force the order by specifying them in /etc/modules03:44
rgarciareally...and how can i display it on my desktop?03:44
ign0ramusrgarcia, you add folder view, and set it to display desktop!03:44
ign0ramusrgarcia, "add widget"03:44
JabberWokkyrgarcia: Look at your desktop wallpaper, right click the wallpaper, go to "Add widget", and then scroll in the list to "Folder View".  Drag it onto your desktop.03:45
rgarciagot it...03:45
ign0ramusrgarcia, :)03:46
rgarciayes...i didn't notice that if i click on desktop is one thing, and if i click on the bar is other think...sorry....03:46
rgarciathanks a lot guys03:46
ign0ramusrgarcia, np03:46
JabberWokkywhat_if: You have to remove all the dependant modules for that sound card, then reload the one you want (since you'll likely have disabled it in the process).03:46
JabberWokkywhat_if: Honestly, I think it would be easier to specify load order in /etc/modules if you're having hardware problems, and I think (but am not sure) you can specify a sound card as default in your systemsettings -> Advanced -> Solid03:47
JabberWokky...or something similar (I don't have two cards, and am going from memory for the systemsettings)03:48
JabberWokkyAh, systemsettings -> Multimedia -> Music for me.03:49
what_ifJabberWokky: Solid only has halpower and networkmanager on my system... I will just remove all the sound modules then readd03:49
JabberWokky( 9.04, KDE 4.2.3 update... regardless, it's in there )03:49
JabberWokkywhat_if: That'll work.  I'd say that it's the hard way to do it, but it's how I disable and reenable my touchpad on my laptop, so if the "hard way" is good for me...03:50
=== ramon is now known as rgarcia
rgarciaguys another question...does anybody know how do i extract an iso file?03:52
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what_ifrgarcia: depends on what you mean by extract...03:53
what_ifrgarcia: if you just need every file on the iso you can loop mount it03:53
rgarciayes...i just want to see what is inside, and then copy it to my HD03:54
rgarciahow do i loop mount?03:54
what_ifrgarcia: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-mount-iso-image-under-linux.html03:54
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:54
rgarciamm thanksss03:54
* genii sips03:54
JabberWokkysudo bash -c "( if [ ! "$( ls *.iso 2>/dev/null | wc -l )" == "1" ] ; then echo 'Error: you must have only one iso file in the directory' ; else mkdir disc ; mount -o loop *.iso disc ; echo 'Press any key to unmount disc...' ; read ; umount disc ; rmdir disc ; fi )"03:59
* genii feeds the JabberWokky more cookies03:59
genii!hi | max_04:00
ubottumax_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!04:00
JabberWokkyI just tested it quickly, but that seems to solve that problem nicely.  Now I need to make a servicemenu for that and just say "stick this in your .kde/whatever"04:00
rgarciaguys, what does it mean??/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/171231/04:01
JabberWokkygenii: My wife went on a picnic with some friends today and I have a couple cookies here already.  She baked brownie batter as cookies.  That's hard to beat.04:02
geniiJabberWokky: I agree04:02
JabberWokkyrgarcia: You need to quote the file name.04:02
JabberWokkyTry going into the directory and running this:04:03
max_I was wondering if anyone could help me with installing Syntek drivers, as described in this guide (Spanish) http://crysol.esi.uclm.es/es/node/110304:03
JabberWokkysudo bash -c "( if [ ! "$( ls *.iso 2>/dev/null | wc -l )" == "1" ] ; then echo 'Error: you must have only one iso file in the directory' ; else mkdir disc ; mount -o loop *.iso disc ; echo 'Press any key to unmount disc...' ; read ; umount disc ; rmdir disc ; fi )"04:03
max_I fail when running "patch -i stk0408-1.patch"04:03
JabberWokky(And in the course of this I found that I've had kubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso sitting deep in a directory on my hard drive for all this time.)04:03
max_When patching the file stk11xx-v4l.c I get an error on row 48 ("Hunk #1 FAILED at 48.")04:05
rgarciasame problem!! :(04:08
davidjheinrichhi all04:10
JabberWokkyrgarcia: sudo mount -o loop '[Première Seeders]Victor e Leo-Ao Vivo em Uberlandia.iso' /Desktop/iso_file04:12
davidjheinrichI have two questions: (1) I somehow lost my KDE bar, and have put it back (KDE 4.2), and have put most hings back, but don't see apps like Amarok or Konversation when the window is closed but the app is still open (the little app icons); (2) Amarok says xine is unable to initialize audio drivers, and won't play anything04:12
JabberWokkyrgarcia: That assumes that /Desktop/iso_file...04:13
JabberWokkyI don't think you did that right.04:13
JabberWokkyTry this:04:13
JabberWokkyrgarcia: sudo mount -o loop '[Première Seeders]Victor e Leo-Ao Vivo em Uberlandia.iso' "$HOME/Desktop/iso_file"04:13
JabberWokkyAnd that assumes that "$HOME/Desktop/iso_file" exists, is a directory and is empty.04:13
rgarciammm just the file....04:13
rgarcia.iso...not the whole destination04:14
rgarcia[Première Seeders]Victor e Leo-Ao Vivo em Uberlandia.iso: No such file or directory04:14
JabberWokkyRight click the file name and copy it and paste it here.  (the filename, not the file!)04:15
JabberWokkyI have a feeling you're mixing up the directory it is in.04:15
rgarcialet me show you04:15
* JabberWokky envisions an impending accidental binary flood. 04:16
rgarciadid you see?04:19
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mds04:25
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:25
geniiMusic CDs don't have a filesystem as such.04:27
JabberWokkyD'oh... he was trying to mount a CDA, I'll bet.04:38
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
alidJaunty rocks! xD05:09
* Kasm279 idles05:13
=== Kasm279 is now known as slap_happy
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pentium05:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel05:16
faileasslap_happy: what do you actually need? the bot isn't omnicient05:16
slap_happyi was just seeing if the bot knew anything about that05:17
slap_happythats it05:17
Amarok__guys does anyone else think the new panel i kubuntu 9.04 looks a lot like vista's taskbar05:20
ginoAmarok__ not really05:36
ginovista can't do the whole cube and expose thing05:36
ginoactually it reminds me more of OS X than anything05:36
ginoslash windows 705:36
ginoKDE is really becoming very mac like, but it's better than the approach (at least in my opinion) that I've seen in Gnome05:37
Amarok__well ya kde is in my opinion much better than gnome05:37
OpenSorceI seriously need help, my Nvidia driver has decided I can only get 640x480 resolution. Even when I edit xorg.conf adding a Modes section it ignores it.05:41
Amarok__which driver did ya install05:43
superboyneed help my brasero burning software says "it is not posible to write with the current plugins "what does this mean?05:43
OpenSorceI've had 179.xx for awhile and it worked fine until today05:43
Amarok__well did ya try re installing it OpenSource05:44
OpenSorceIt shows the Nvidia driver is loaded, but only offers 640x480 or 320x200 resolutions05:44
OpenSorceI did, yes. did sudo apt-get remove nvidia-common followed by apt-get install nvidia-common05:45
superboyneed help my brasero burning software says "it is not posible to write with the current plugins "what does this mean?05:45
OpenSorcesuperboy, I'm guessing "brasero" has man page.... have you googled the error?05:46
superboylet me give that a try05:46
OpenSorceameyer, any other suggestions?05:47
OpenSorcestupid nick complete...05:47
OpenSorceAmar, anything else you can think of?05:48
OpenSorcenvm, he left :-P05:48
superboyin writing mode for k3b do i put auto?05:49
OpenSorceNo clue, I don't use it05:49
Amarok__how can i integrate kget into firefox05:52
p_quarlesAmarok__: with the flashgot extension05:55
Amarok__oh thanks p_quarels05:56
=== vital_ is now known as vital
Amarok__guys do i need a graphic card to enable growl like notifications in ubuntu 9.0406:10
binskipy2uhey guys, i have a perfectly working ubuntu gnome install 9.04, if i were to install kde.. or kubuntu-desktop, would i take a performance hit, having the 2 big desktop enviornments at the same time, with all the libraries?06:20
binskipy2uor wouldi just have extra apps in the menus that work/look better depending on what enviornment i'm in06:20
binskipy2uanyone see my question?06:23
binskipy2uor is everyone sleeping lol06:23
nixternalbinskipy2u: no performance hit...only kde stuff will start up when you start it06:24
nixternalyou will just lose soem drive space, that's about it06:24
binskipy2uok, if i have all the apps i want and dont "need" kde apps, but like the enviornment.. what command do i use, apt-get install kde06:25
binskipy2uor kubuntu-desktop06:25
binskipy2udont want many "doubles" of apps06:25
nixternalkde-desktop I think is what it is06:25
nixternalthat will be tough to avoid06:26
binskipy2uknow what i'm asking?06:26
nixternalif you just want the environment, install kdebase06:26
binskipy2ui know its not perfectly unavoidable.. but as few kde apps that do the same things as the gnome ones do as possible06:26
nixternalif you do kubuntu-desktop you will get more than you want it seems06:26
binskipy2uso apt-get install kdebase06:26
CarolusHello to all06:27
nixternalya, that will pull just the environment with minimal apps06:27
nixternalhi Carolus06:27
binskipy2uthatll get me the desktop evnironment, but w/o alot of kde stuff so i can use the gnome apps06:27
CarolusOpen source is awesome, by the way06:28
binskipy2uwow, kde installs 150, kubuntu-deskop installs 21406:28
binskipy2ukdebase installs 1606:28
CarolusI'm a recent convert06:28
binskipy2ui remember being a recent convert06:29
binskipy2ui bring live cds at work, dont want us doing certain things on the net06:29
binskipy2ui boot up a live cd..show it off06:29
nixternalw00t, someone from Illinois! howdy dan!06:30
nixternalwhere at in Illinois are you?06:30
nixternalalrighty then06:31
CarolusIts been a long time since I've been in a chat room.....brings me back to AOL chat rooms and Prodigy Pseudo-Chat06:31
nixternaloh lord :)06:31
nixternala) this isn't a chat room thankfully, it is a channel06:31
nixternaland you just showed your age talking about Prodigy06:32
CarolusIn Technology, that would be near pre-history06:32
CarolusBack in the day when I owned a Packard Hell.....it caught on fire a couple times06:33
nixternalI still have my packard bell from then, Pentium 75, and it still runs Linux to this day...it is in closet with a version of Debian from like 199606:33
CarolusI tried to mess with Linux at the close of the millenium, but it was still a little too complicated for me then06:34
CarolusI had my fill of Microsoft with Vista....what garbage06:34
superboyhelp it says "W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A06:35
nixternalsuperboy: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 2836CB0A8AC93F7A06:36
CarolusThe file system for linux is still confusing to me.....but then I had too many years thinking in MS-DOS language06:36
CarolusI'm really impressed with Ubuntu...especially the ease of use06:39
CarolusMakes the transition from Windows to Linux very smooth06:39
dsmith_Carolus: new user?06:41
superboythis is what is saying now "http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/171287/"06:41
CarolusA month into Ubuntu06:43
CarolusI've got the word too....the Ubuntu Bible as a guide and tutor06:44
nixternalsuperboy: you typed the command incorrectly06:44
nixternal--keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com06:44
pragad7i am dual booting xp and ubuntu 8.10 . i want to install kubuntu 9.10 without having to reinstall xp without losing any data.i have already downloaded kubuntu iso image.cant afford to download alternate image which is necesary to upgrade from ubuntu directly.i came  across this article http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p18.htm which gives me many choices.i am thinking of chosing  ms-sys to unistall ubuntu. just wanted to be sure so i place this before06:45
khensthothHi. My Kubuntu 9.04 autostarts program which are still active on the last shutdown. How do I stop that behaviour?06:49
tsimpsonkhensthoth: System Settings -> Advanced -> Session Manager06:50
tsimpsonchoose "Start with an empty session"06:50
khensthothtsimpson: Thanks! How could I have missed that!06:51
superboyhow do i upgrade to KDE 4.2.3 from the terminal?06:51
tsimpsonsee the topic for getting 4.3.306:51
superboyhow do i upgrade to KDE 4.2.3 from the terminal?06:54
nixternalsuperboy: did you add the experiemental repos?06:54
nixternalor did you just do that?06:55
nixternalya you did06:55
nixternalsuperboy: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:55
superboywhats expirimental repos?06:57
nixternalit is where the kde 4.2.3 packages are06:58
nixternaldont' think they have been backported yet06:58
nixternalnope. 4.2.3 is still in PPA06:58
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quinatasan
=== Quinatasan is now known as Quintasan
acer4920do you speak turkish07:35
xso232anyone here?07:40
jussi01!tr | acer492007:55
ubottuacer4920: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.07:55
alidI have added an entry to my fstab to automount a remote file system on my laptop, it fails to mount it though and keeps giving me question marks "???" when I get a list of the mount point. See: http://pastebin.com/d1f750dbd08:13
cosmohello, maybe someone here can help08:16
cosmowhen building qt4 deb package i get: dh_install: libqt4-opengl missing files (usr/lib/libQtOpenGL.so.*), aborting08:16
cosmois this normal?08:17
=== Me is now known as Guest59331
=== ubuntu is now known as megaribi
megaribiWhat is the easiest way to try kphone?09:10
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
=== DarkSmoke is now known as darksmoke
jodyhi everybody09:30
GeekThunderHello, should I download amd64 ISO file for inter 64bit cpu?09:57
GeekThunderscomar: so why it is called AMD while my cpu is Intel? :D09:58
scomarjust the name of the architecture designed by AMD. see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-6409:59
GeekThunderscomar: thx10:00
alidI want to stream videos from a website and my firefox is saying that I need to install a plugin for application/x-ms-wmp. Does anybody know which plugin I should install?10:00
||arifaXIs there a good gui ssh tunnel manager for kde like putty or is putty the one to use (looks not very nice under kde)10:04
=== ubuntu is now known as Niccolo
david_ithi, is there some repo with kde 4.3svn....?10:37
supert0nes||arifaX: just use konsole10:44
||arifaXsupert0nes: that was not the question10:45
supert0nesputty is so that you can use ssh with windows10:45
supert0nesa hurdle you don't need to jump in linux10:45
supert0nesespecially considering you can set up konsole profiles to connect to ssh10:45
Mamarokdavid_it: not for Kubuntu, no10:46
supert0nesand if you just need sftp just set up network folders10:46
scomaralid: I use mplayer-plugin10:46
MamarokI am stuck in a ssh session with aptitude running wild on 'trigger man-db' and I can't kill it. Any ideas?10:47
david_itMamarok: do you know when it would be avaible...?10:47
alidscomar: Yea. I found it finally. Thanks. By the way, do you know how I can embed the mplayer plugin within firefox?10:47
Mamarokdavid_it: no so soon, as the devs are busy on Karmic Alpha1 right now10:47
alidscomar: It pops up a new window other than the browser window, and I don't like it to be separated you know.10:48
=== ammar is now known as almutasim
scomaralid: this page works embedded for me http://www.freevideocoding.blogspot.com/10:55
alidscomar: Is it something other than mplayer plugin?10:57
scomaralid: nope just did apt-get install mozilla-mplayer10:57
scomarhave u got the codecs installed?10:58
alidscomar: No, I'm asking about the url you just gave me. I don't see anything in relation with mplayer plugin within it to embed videos in firefox. Hum?10:59
alidscomar: Yes. I can play videos, and everything is OK. I just need to embed the mplayer window within the firefox window. Now it pops up videos in a separate window.11:00
scomaralid: on that page scroll down to where it says "Windows (wmv)" and click11:01
weiserHe, I have an externel HDD when I plug it into my kubuntu 9.04 it only mount the ext3 filesystem as readonly, how can I change that?11:02
weiserHe = hI11:02
alidscomar: It's strange. In this page, all videos are being played embedded, in the website I am watching, it pops up videos in new windows.11:03
scomaralid: might be a bug in your webpage .. or something windows-specific?11:04
alidscomar: Maybe. In MS Windows it's just working perfect, in linux, though, it pops up a new window.11:05
alidscomar: It's not a big deal though. I'm able to watch videos anyway, and that's fine. Thanks buddy :-)11:08
=== forge_ is now known as ForgeAus
ForgeAushey all, doesn't adept do dist-upgrades anymore?11:13
NoisiaCan anybody help me with the update manager in Kubuntu 8.10, please?11:20
ForgeAuswhats your problem?11:20
NoisiaIs there a way to tell it, permanently, "no" to a 9.04 upgrade?11:21
ForgeAusuh not exactly, I think you simply just ignore it...11:21
NoisiaDevastating. :P11:21
ForgeAusactually I'm having the opposite problem, mine isn't telling me I can upgrade and I want to! lol11:21
oobeForgeAus, are you using intrepid11:21
ForgeAusyes oobe11:21
oobei was using hardy and upgraded hardy is lts and i had to edit a config before it would update11:22
ForgeAusI've been from edgy->feisty->hardy->gutsy->intrepid and now going jaunty11:22
oobei cant remember what it was but im sure it can be done using same config11:22
ForgeAusoopos I think I made a minor mistake in the ordering11:23
ForgeAusargh no firegl for Jaunty?11:23
oobeForgeAus, /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades11:24
ForgeAus(actually I don't think I should be using firegl anyway... )11:24
oobeedit that to be lts11:24
oobeor better yet  never  - never prompt for a new distribution version11:24
ForgeAusits set to normal I want it on normal but Noisia wants it on never11:25
oobewoops i meant to say that to Noisia11:25
ForgeAusor LTS (if you only want LTS upgrades)11:25
ForgeAusmine is already on normal tho so thats not whats happening11:25
oobesorry ForgeAus11:25
ForgeAus(acting like its on never tho)11:26
ForgeAuslspci says I h ave : 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AP [Radeon 9600] [1002:4150]11:27
ForgeAuswhich is correct...11:27
ForgeAusbut currently I could only get X working with firegl (which doesn't exactly fit that card but it seems to function... )11:28
jussi01Does anyone know where I can get UNR jaunty? doesnt seem to be on cdimage.ubuntu.com...11:28
ForgeAusJaunty drops FireGL, am I going to have trouble getting Radeon working?11:28
jussi01netbook remix11:28
ForgeAussorry no idea jussi11:29
jussi01oh meh, I was going too advanced :D11:29
jussi01its on the from of the ubuntu site11:29
ForgeAusthats the closest link I can find on google at a glance11:30
jussi01ForgeAus: thanks - its all sorted though - it could have jumped out and slapped me :D11:31
NoisiaOobe: Thanks for your help. Can someone explain what an LTS upgrade is, please?11:34
* ForgeAus unslaps jussi0111:34
ForgeAusLong Time Service11:35
ForgeAusLong Term Service ? something like that11:35
jussi01Long term support11:35
ForgeAusjust until the next LTS release (the cycle for them is longer than ordinary releases11:35
NoisiaOh, I see. Should have figured that out from the wiki. Thanks ForgeAus.11:36
oobeNoisia, you can just use never if you like or lts will be around ever 3 years11:36
ForgeAusbut does a dist-update between lts's work?11:36
ForgeAuswouldn't it be a pretty much completely diff OS? ...11:37
NoisiaNever will do. I'll probably end up at least taking a look at the Live-CD for most subsequent releases anyway.11:37
ForgeAusat least theres only 75 or so packages in the intrepid->Jaunty dist-update...11:37
ForgeAusactually I should fill in one of the liveCD's I might get the next one too...11:38
ravagerHello. New guy here.11:38
ForgeAus(I'm still back at Edgy and Feisty when it comes to LiveCD's!11:38
ravagerTried Ubuntu for a while but it just wouldn't behave.11:38
ravagerFirst time giving this a try and let me say, this is a SWEET OS11:38
ForgeAusreally ravager?11:38
NoisiaYou've got to keep the Gnomes chained down. :P11:39
ForgeAusKubuntu and Ubuntu are very similar ... the base packages are the same...11:39
ravagerOh no11:39
ravagerSo you mean my sound could screw up if I update?11:39
ForgeAusdepends on the drivers, ravager... possibly in your case, I wouldn't know11:39
ravagerI have onboard sound...Intel I believe.11:40
ravagerUses Realtek drivers..etc11:40
ravagerAll I know is, with Ubuntu it would work perfect until I updated stuff.11:40
ForgeAusyeah well Realtek drivers sound fairly common, I'd say they'd be supported more than likely...11:40
ForgeAusravager, doesn't sound right... upgrades tend to fix things for me not break them11:41
ravagerNo one seemed able to help, to me it seemed like everything was working as it should, just no sound was coming out.11:41
oobeForgeAus, no dist-upgrade doesnt work unless its set to normal or you have it set to lts and there is a new lts11:41
ForgeAusalthough this time Jaunty dist-upgrade gave me a note that fireGL isn't supported anymore, so I might have  a similar issue... (only GFX not sound)11:42
ForgeAusravager, it wasn't a volume problem was it?11:42
ForgeAusthey're the simplest fix for something like that11:42
ravagerNo, as far as I could tell I had no sound.11:42
NoisiaThe main reason I wanted to switch release-upgrade from "normal" to "never" is to get Adept out of the system tray unless there's packages to update - will that happen?11:42
ravagerSpeakers and settings full blast and nothing.11:43
ForgeAusravager I can't say I doubt I can help about that one...11:43
ravagerThat settles it then, no updating for me..lol.11:43
ForgeAusNoisia essentially yes...11:43
ForgeAusit should11:43
NoisiaOk, thank you.11:43
ravagerActually I might go through it one day and install things one by one till I find the culprit.11:44
ForgeAusnever will remove Adept from the System tray if there is no packages to update (unless it still has an "all current" mode like it used to but I haven't seen that for a long time... )11:44
ForgeAusused to be a green circle telling me that I had current packages, (ie no updates available)11:45
ravagerHmmm, most of the bug fixes seem to be things I don't care about.11:46
ForgeAusyeah same here...11:46
ForgeAusin general11:46
ravagerI would have used Ubuntu full time if it wasn't for that sound problem, and it seems pretty common11:47
ForgeAusUNR seems to have an alternate desktop but it looks like its all gnome-based...11:47
ForgeAusI wonder if theres a KDE version of that11:47
jussi01I dont think so ForgeAus11:48
ravagerThis looks like it will take me a while to figure out.11:48
* ravager feels stupid11:48
ForgeAusravager, whats stupid about asking a question?11:48
ravagerNothing at all I suppose, lol.11:49
ravagerWhat I do feel bad about is when I posted my problem on the forums when there were several others that were the exact same, only their fixes didn't work for me.11:49
ForgeAusravager don't give up this sounds complicated, I suggest you do the upgrade, if your sound still doesn't work then research it some more until you can find a solution...11:50
ForgeAusI'm sure its possible to fix especially if you ahve it working on initial installation11:50
ForgeAusI had a fairly unusual sound issue too, had to install some kernel modules for Cmedia sound11:51
ForgeAus(another Intel board)11:51
ForgeAuswait no Intel Chipset, ASUS board... my mistake11:51
ravagerSee? I have no idea about installing kernels and such, lol.11:52
ravagerI'll learn as I go along I suppose.11:53
forge_(sorry I got disconnected11:53
=== forge_ is now known as ForgeAus
ravagerHappens, lol.11:53
ForgeAusand as I was saying no I didn't need to install the kernel11:53
eagles0513875anyone use lemon pos before11:54
ForgeAus(with kubuntu you simply do that as a package anyway... no need to recompile it manually)11:54
ravagerAhh ok. That I understand.11:54
ForgeAusthis was just a kernel module for the particular sound driver I had, all I needed to do was follow the instructions ...11:54
ForgeAusonce I found what the problem was...11:54
ForgeAusbut that one wasn't so obvious at the time11:54
ForgeAusstill realtek is fairy well supported I find it odd this is happening to you11:55
ravagerI really have no clue what the problem could have been.11:55
zurditoalguien sabe como desintlar kubuntu y q me quede solo ubuntu 8.1011:56
ravagerWhat throws me off is when it LOOKS like everything is working fine. No visible issues.11:56
zurditointente y no se va  igual tengo la opcion de gnome11:56
ForgeAuswell there's plenty of people who know more than I do around here at some times, ask someone some other time, they may know how to help11:56
ravagerBut off I go, going to try installing the security updates 1 by 1.11:56
ravagerThanks for the chit chat :)11:57
zurditoalguien sabe como desintlar kubuntu y q me quede solo ubuntu 8.1011:59
zurditointente y no se va  igual tengo la opcion de gnome11:59
eagles0513875anyone here use lemon pos before12:20
eagles0513875pos (point of sales) to clarify12:20
sebr_I imagine that it's been asked a hundred thousand times - but is there an eta on KDE 4.3 beta1 packages for jaunty?12:27
eagles0513875sebr: best bet probably to ask in #kde12:29
JontheEchidnaeagles0513875: not for kubuntu packages12:29
sebr_really? i can't imagine that'd be so12:29
JontheEchidnasebr_: they're going to be a bit late, probably not wise to say when ;-)12:29
sebr_okay, thanks. love your work JontheEchidna12:30
eagles0513875JontheEchidna: normally if its beta upstream wont it get pulled and packaged downstream12:30
JontheEchidnaThe beta coincided with our merge from Debian and an upcoming alpha freeze for Kubuntu 9.10, so things have been really busy12:30
sebr_eagles0513875: depends entirely on the package12:30
JontheEchidnawe always package KDE betas in some form, eventually12:30
eagles0513875sebr: not sure if you fancy a challenge but you could always pull it from svn12:31
ravagerSound is still working after updates, yay!12:31
ravagerSo...how exactly do I add software to this? I see there is no add/remove like ubuntu.12:32
eagles0513875ravager: you on a clean install of kubuntu 9.0412:32
sebr_eagles0513875: i used to build kde from trunk (back in the day), but i really cant be bothered now adays12:32
sebr_i have better things to do that compile :)12:32
ravagerYes indeed. First time using it.12:32
sebr_generally - write code12:32
eagles0513875lol sebr12:32
ravagerQuite cool so far12:32
sebr_lets face it - which is why i dont run gentoo12:32
eagles0513875ravager: there is a package manager called kpackagekit that will list all packages in catagories and you can search though that12:33
eagles0513875sebr: if you wanna turn kubuntu into something like gentoo there is a tool for that12:33
sebr_yep, it's called "gentoo"12:33
eagles0513875sebr: actually apt-build is like gentoos emerge12:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-build12:34
eagles0513875!info apt-build12:34
ubottuapt-build (source: apt-build): frontend to apt to build, optimize and install packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.37 (jaunty), package size 35 kB, installed size 208 kB12:34
ravagerAhh ok, thanks :)12:34
eagles0513875ravager: no problem there is also a few things you can do to search for packages using command line as well12:35
Mamarokeagles0513875: what do you need lemonpos for, you run a business?12:35
eagles0513875Mamarok: a friends, friend has one and he is looking for a pos system so im testing it out might end up having to provide linux support and lemon pos support12:36
Mamarokeagles0513875: and what do you need to know about?12:39
eagles0513875right now i have the database setup but i am having trouble getting a user setup to access the system12:39
eagles0513875was looking for documentation seems like there is currently poor documentation on the program itself but its got lots of potential12:40
Mamarokeagles0513875: you can ask the developers12:40
eagles0513875i asked on the mailing list12:40
MamarokI don't think there are many people here who ever used that12:41
Mamarokeagles0513875: well, then be patient :)12:41
eagles0513875my other issue is plasma crashed on me and im trying to restart it and it wont start so im navigating without any menus on the bottom too12:41
Mamarokeagles0513875: check your isntallation, I haven't had a plasma crash in ages12:41
Mamarokalso there is the bugs database you know about, don't you?12:41
eagles0513875mine is more random12:42
eagles0513875also for some reason when i close outa programs it seems like programs say open in the bottom menu bar but actually have been closed12:42
Mamarokeagles0513875: use the command line then12:42
eagles0513875i am12:42
eagles0513875whats wrong ravager12:42
ravagerDo other browers not work well with this?12:43
eagles0513875they do12:43
eagles0513875there is firefox which is in the repositories12:43
eagles0513875ravager: what kind of browser are you looking for12:43
Mamarokravager work well with what? I didn't follow12:44
ravagerfirefox or opera, simply because they are familiar, everything seems very alien to me right now, lol12:44
eagles0513875ravager: there is firefox that is available12:44
eagles0513875Mamarok: hes brand new to linux and kubuntu12:44
ravagerok, nice.12:44
eagles0513875welcome to the world of linux btw ravager :)12:44
ravagerYes indeed, lol. I am worried I will mess something up12:45
curiouscuzthats how you learn ravager :D12:45
Mamarokravager: you can hardly mess up things if you don't use the admin features without thinking12:45
Mamarokravager: also, there are a lot of user guides around on the web12:46
eagles0513875ravager: i remember when i first started on kubuntu lol used to break things once every new release now i havent done that in a while12:46
* tsimpson thinks about the wonder that is commas12:47
Amarok__hey guys anyone know how i can register my nick12:47
Mamarokeagles0513875: about lemonpos: it makes not much sense to "test" it without data, you need a MySQL database behind to use it12:47
ravagerI did that with ubuntu :( Its cool if i can figure out whats wrong, but since I'm new I'm clueless12:47
tsimpson!register | Amarok__12:47
ubottuAmarok__: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode12:47
MamarokAmarok__: if it's this one, don't12:47
eagles0513875Mamarok: there is squeeze which is where you input the data into the database. its the gui friendly version of data insertion12:48
MamarokAmarok__: you should get yourself an original name12:48
eagles0513875how come ctrl+alt+shift+backspace doesnt restart x anymore12:48
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.12:48
Mamarokeagles0513875: still, you just said you had trouble with enabling a user for the database...12:49
ravagerslight confusion.12:55
Mamarokravager: tell me :)12:55
ravagerSound works, but I would like to use my usb headset. It's plugged in but no sound. It's detected in the mixer though12:56
BactaHi I'm getting poor DVD playback, I've checked my DVD drive and it is operating in UDMA mode12:56
BactaThings are very stuttery12:56
eagles0513875tsimpson: didnt know the new shortcut to restart x12:56
eagles0513875ty btw12:57
Mamarokeagles0513875: that's not new at all, that has always been the one :) it's just disabled now12:57
tsimpsoneagles0513875: it's not a shortcut to restart X, it kills X. the only reason X starts back up is because the display manager sees that X has died12:57
eagles0513875funny thing i did that and logged back in but plasma didnt start seems like something killed plasma good though12:58
BactaAny help?12:59
ikoniaBacta: you're using ubuntu not kubuntu12:59
BactaI'm using Kubuntu13:00
ikoniaBacta: oh, you're initial question was on ubuntu, I must have been mistaken13:00
BactaYou were13:00
ikoniaBacta: what playback application are you using13:00
Bactabut it happens across all applications13:00
BactaI even replaced the DVD drive but am still having the same issue so I'm thinking that it might be a lower level issue, but what could it be?13:01
ikoniawhat version of the kde desktop are you using ?13:02
BactaKDE 4 I think?13:02
ikoniadpkg -l | grep kde13:03
ikoniapastebin that please then we can know13:03
curiouscuzyou can even look at Help -> About KDE on KDE apps for KDE version13:03
BactaAh that's right, I just did the update to 4.2.313:03
BactaBut this has been going on long before that even on other distros13:04
ikoniaBacta: can you pastebin the output of dpkg -l | grep kde please13:04
ikoniadesktop is a good place to start as it's a common factor across all applications13:04
ikoniaBacta: have you got it ?13:07
BactaAm on the phone, bbiab13:07
ikoniaahhh yes13:07
ForgeAushow would I make a redhat (fedora?) subsystem for kubuntu?13:13
bazhangyou wouldn't13:13
ikoniaForgeAus: they are two different OS's13:14
ikoniaForgeAus: you can do virtualization though13:14
ikonia!virtualization > ForgeAus13:14
ubottuForgeAus, please see my private message13:14
ForgeAusI know about vmware, virtualbox, etc...13:15
ForgeAusbut wouldn't there be lots of redundancy?13:15
ForgeAusI already have  kernel and x-server...13:15
bazhangnot possible13:16
HobbseeForgeAus: what are you actually trying to acheive?13:17
* eagles0513875 quietly waves to Hobbsee13:17
Hobbseeeagles0513875: hi.13:17
peachesForgeAus: yes more than one distro is a redundancy in itself13:18
Bactaikonia: I've got someone on the phone who says differently since this was also an issue under Windows13:19
BactaHe's asking why you would need to know about the packages at all?13:19
jussi01Bacta: if its a problem under windows also, its likely it isnt os related - perhaps try ##hardware ?13:22
BactaOff the top of your head how low level would we be talking with this?13:23
BactaPerhaps a motherboard issue seeing as I replaced the drives?13:23
elkymore like dust.13:23
jussi01Bacta: Im not a hardware specialist, really, try ##hardware13:23
tsimpsonbetter advice will be in ##hardware13:23
BactaDusty SATA?13:23
ForgeAushobbsee compatibility is what I'm trying to achieve13:24
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)13:24
ForgeAusAlien I wouldn't recommend using13:24
HobbseeForgeAus: ie, something like ^ might be what you're wanting?13:24
elkydusty optics.13:25
ForgeAusAlien is an option, but no...13:25
HobbseeForgeAus: then you'll have to virtualise the lot.  There aren't any other optoins13:25
BactaThis is a brand new out of the box DVD-R so no13:25
ForgeAuswhy cant I use my current kernel and various directories to store userlands from different distros?13:26
tsimpsonBacta: this channel is for Kubuntu support, not SATA CD/DVD R/RW support13:26
jussi01Bacta: once again, this is not a channel for hardware issues, please take the problem to ##hardware13:26
eagles0513875there is also yum in the repos13:26
elkyBacta, then it has a warranty.13:26
ForgeAusand say chroot between them?13:26
ForgeAusi don't mind having a base distro...13:26
HobbseeForgeAus: if you can find software to help you do that, go for it.  As far as I know, such software has not been written13:27
Hobbseethe closest thing I can think of is smart, but that's mainly on opensuse and similar13:27
ForgeAusI can see if I were using a different filesystem or something it would make sense to use Virtualization13:27
ikoniaForgeAus: 2 distros's can't be used at the same time, you need to virtualise it13:28
ForgeAusie I run from ext3 currently, but if I wanted an XFS-based filesystem for another distro I'd at least have to create a hardfile or partition for that... makes sense...13:28
ForgeAuswhats UML btw? (User Mode Linux?)13:28
HobbseeForgeAus: true.  check out smartpm - it's the closest thing I can think of for what you're wanting to do13:28
Hobbseealthough support for it is likely much better on something like opensuse, i'm afraid13:28
ForgeAusKpackage is essentially same thing ...13:29
ForgeAusgentoo, rpm, port, etc packages... but thats just a manager...13:29
HobbseeForgeAus: which is a frontend to smart, yes13:29
g-hennuxdoes anyone else experience 100% cpu load in jaunty when the calendar plasmoid is put on the desktop?13:30
ForgeAusreally? kpackage requires smart? thats odd...13:30
MamarokForgeAus: UML = Unified Modelling Language13:30
ForgeAushehe Mamarok that too but thats not the UML I am talking about13:30
ForgeAusUML as in use cases and class diagrams is something different13:30
BactaUML = Total Waste of Time13:30
ForgeAusUML as in UserModeLinux uses stuff called honeypots... not quite clear on what that means tho...13:31
BactaAh :P13:31
ravagerHmmm question13:31
HobbseeForgeAus: i'd suggest the best answer to what uml is is "check wikipedia"13:31
ravagerWill I be ok if I don't bother to learn too much terminal stuff?13:31
Bactaravager: Why?13:31
faileasravager: you'll end up picking it up as you go along13:31
ForgeAuslol ravager I know how you feel there13:32
Bactaravager: I had that attitude once, I now do most of my stuff through the terminal - it's faster13:32
ForgeAusI was a consol-o-phobe too, once :)13:32
ForgeAusravager, stick to instructions from webpages until you learn what your're doing and then you should be fine13:32
ForgeAusterminal is quite handy actually...13:33
ravagerThat I can do, lol13:33
BactaAnd avoid rm -rf / as root ;)13:33
Mamarokfolks, give him a break, he is starting...13:33
eagles0513875hahahah Bacta13:33
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!13:33
ForgeAusbut I definitely do prefer GUI solutions where possible I must admit13:33
Mamarokravager: it will come with time and suddenly you find yourself using the command line all the time :)13:33
g-hennuxdoes anyone else experience 100% cpu load in jaunty when the calendar plasmoid is put on the desktop?13:33
ForgeAus(I have a terrible memory for commands and switches... and especially vi)13:33
eagles0513875g-hennux: nope i havent had that issue check out top and see what could be eating all your processing power that way13:34
ForgeAusg-hennux afaik your not likely to be alone there, I think I read something about 100PU on some plasmoids somewhere...13:34
ForgeAusyou might want to submit it as a bug?13:34
Mamarokeagles0513875: I think he just said it was the applet...13:34
g-hennuxeagles0513875: it *is* the calendar plasmoid, i just checked. just in #kde noone can reproduce so i thought it might be a kubuntu problem13:35
eagles0513875g-hennux: let me give it a shot hold on13:35
ForgeAusbut I think my console issues are partly because I have a mild case of Aspergers Syndrome...13:36
eagles0513875g-hennux: no issue here13:36
ForgeAusso if I can get used to it with all my problems I'm assuming pretty much anyone else can too... in time...13:36
Mamarokg-hennux: I can't confirm neither, are you using the default KDE 4.2.2?13:37
g-hennuxMamarok: yes, from jaunty13:38
ForgeAusyeah well for doesn't do that 100% thing for me either...13:38
Mamarokg-hennux: did you do an upgrade or a fresh install?13:38
ForgeAusso I can't reproduce it...13:38
g-hennuxMamarok: upgrade13:38
g-hennuxanyway, if i'm the only one with that problem, it's ok, i can live without13:38
ForgeAusits actually quite a nice plasmoid13:38
Mamarokg-hennux: did you run KDE 4.1.3 previously13:39
g-hennuxMamarok: oh... i don't think so13:39
Mamarokg-hennux: KDE 4.1.3 was the default in 8.10, unless you installed the backports13:40
spawn57hi, anyone know how I can my hands on kde 4.3 beta 1 on kubuntu?13:47
Mamarokspawn57: there is no repo for now, you can try Neon though13:47
Mamarok!neon | spawn5713:48
ubottuspawn57: The Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE/Info for more | Support in #amarok.neon13:48
spawn57oh wow that sounds a bit too intense13:48
Mamarokspawn57: well, you want a bleeding edge beta, don't you?13:48
Mamarokspawn57: also, it installs in a sandbox and doesn't touch your basic installation13:48
eagles0513875Mamarok: your tempting me lol13:50
spawn57I still want a usable system :P13:50
Mamarokspawn57: and why would your system not be usable anymore?13:52
Mamarokspawn57: as I said, it doesn't override your current installation, if a daily Neon build has problems, you can still use your other installation13:53
spawn57yeah but the chances are that I'll stay on the bleeding edge neon stuff..13:53
Mamarokspawn57: and why would this be bad?13:53
spawn57are you trying them?13:54
Mamarokspawn57: I have an even more bleeding edge Amarok local build from SVN here, yes13:54
Mamarokand will certainly install Neon to get KDE from trunk13:54
Mamarokspawn57: I don't understand your argument, didn't you ask for KDE 4.3 beta?13:55
spawn57yeah I'm confusing myself here too13:56
MamarokKDE trunk doesn't mean it's broken and unusable, you just have to know what you are doing13:56
Mamarokand as Neon doesn't touch your basic installation, you habe the fun without the risk :)13:56
spawn57but when you say know what i'm doing, what does that require13:56
Mamarokspawn57: it depends what you want to do with your computer in the first place13:57
Mamarokdepends on*13:57
spawn57mostly browse, pim, and, chat..13:59
spawn57some code, and draw using gimp.13:59
Mamarokspawn57: and what would you need 4.2 beta for?13:59
Mamarok4.3 beta I mean13:59
spawn57better browsing and pim.14:00
spawn57sometimes I vote for the bugs I notice.14:01
Mamarokspawn57: well, you must know what you need, can't take that decision for you14:02
Mamarokbut as the developers are very busy right now with Karmic synchronisation from Debian, the kde 4.3 beta is not going to shopw up that fast14:03
BluesKajGood Day all14:03
spawn57what's karmic synchronisation?14:04
BluesKajthey're reflecting and meditating in the debian Temple :)14:04
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
spawn57thought so.... :P14:04
Mamarokspawn57: Karmic Koala is the next version of K/X/Ubuntu, and the start is always coming from Debian Sid14:05
Mamarokwhich means importing a lot of packages and getting a first Alpha build14:05
Mamarokand that takes a lot of time14:05
spawn57ahhh I see14:05
BluesKajlevity Mamarok ,  little levity this morning/afternoon/evening14:06
MamarokBluesKaj: ;) levitating me would be too much an effort14:07
BluesKajMamarok: not you, just the conversataion14:07
Amarok__guys whats the best feed reader for kde14:08
BluesKajAkregator works well14:08
ravagerI think I will be forever tweaking this, lol.14:09
ravagerMy only issue would be my headset. Everything else...perfect14:09
linuxerson_ravager : hi...14:09
andre_pl_how can I configure my nvidia card to stop switching between performance levels? I did it a while back under gnome but since switching to kde its started doing its own power-level-switching again and it causes my display to ficker14:10
BluesKajandre_pl , which nvidia card ?14:11
andre_pl_BluesKaj:  its a 9600 I think, built into my laptop (dell M1710)14:12
=== atom32k is now known as atomekk
BluesKajthe spower settings are prolly affecting performance ,set your power levels to "performance" when pluggin and some powersave or such when on battery , unless battery life isn'r important14:13
andre_pl_BluesKaj: its already set to performance.14:14
BluesKajsorry i meant graphics set to performance , noe set your power supply to it'd highest level14:15
andre_pl_BluesKaj: I'm not sure where I can change that option14:15
BluesKajsystem settings /advanced/power management14:16
andre_pl_BluesKaj: I dont have any options here related to graphics. just general pwer settings.14:17
BluesKajandre_pl_: on jaunty ?14:18
andre_pl_BluesKaj: yes.14:18
BluesKajhmm,, give me a minute , I'll get the laptop turned  and take a look14:20
andre_pl_BluesKaj: much appreciated.14:20
andre_pl_BluesKaj: I found this post which seems relevant, I think I might have used something like that the first time I solved this problem, but iirc it was in xorg.conf maybe14:20
andre_pl_BluesKaj: I'll brb14:24
Mazugrazushi guys, i need help with iptables (just learning how to work with them doing university lab job) i have used iptables -P INPUT DROP14:24
Mazugrazusand how to make work only http?14:24
Mazugrazusif i write sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT14:25
Mazugrazusweb browser still isnt working and i cant go to any page14:25
Mazugrazusso any sugestions?14:26
andre_plBluesKaj: so far so good. after creating that file in /etc/modprobe.d my power level seem to be fixed at 2.14:30
Mazugrazushow to clear iptables?14:31
BluesKajok, great, you should have an option tab in system settings power management called "let power devil manage screen powersaving" ..think i'd uncheck that.14:32
jemandHi, any hints to get along with "the flash mess" under Kubuntu 9.04?14:50
andre_plBluesKaj: thanks for your help14:51
ravagerMy desktop went black14:53
ravagerAnd everything is fullscreen..14:54
BluesKajandre_pl: np :14:54
ravagerI can alt-tab, but that's it. No desktop except the mouse cursor14:55
jussi01jemand: care to elabborate some?14:55
jussi01ravager: tried restarting plasma?14:56
ravagerhow do I do that?14:56
jussi01ravager: alt+f2 - plasma <- that will start it, though Im not sure its running or not...14:57
jemandon 2 different computers (x64 AMD , 386 Intel) I can't get any satisfying results playing flash files14:57
jemand386: doesn't start flashes (Konqueror  and firefox)14:58
jussi01jemand: and you have installed flash?14:58
jussi01ie. installed the flashplugin-installer package ?14:58
ravagerwell that was quite terrifying14:59
jussi01jemand: what actually happens? please define what you mean by unsatisfying results?14:59
jussi01ravager: ?14:59
ravageri logged off and on and it seemed to fix whatever happened15:00
jussi01ravager: yeah, i suspect plasma crashed...15:00
jemandfirefox uses Swfdec 0.8.215:00
ravagerTrying to figure out something to do about the fonts...They seem a bit rough15:01
jemandshows the first pic of the flash but not more15:01
Mamarokravager: install the Liberation font15:01
* jussi01 waves to Mamarok15:01
* Mamarok waves back to jussi01 15:01
Mamarokravager: the package is called 'ttf-liberation' IIRC15:02
ravagerahh ok, thanks :)15:04
Mamarokravager: you then need to change fonts:15:04
Mamarokravager: SystemSettings -> Appearance -> Fonts15:04
konquiGreat site for helping install kubuntu and list of best apps linux.host22.com15:05
Mamarokargs, spammers...15:06
ravagerThe backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!15:07
ravagerthis is what i was told15:07
lucapappoci sono italiani?15:12
ravagernevermind, fixed :) Thanks guys15:12
lucapappoc'è nessuno?15:13
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:13
ravagerFixed my headset issue too15:15
ralmarHey guys. I installed the kubuntu-desktop package over my Ubuntu (gnome) 9.04 installation a few weeks ago. A couple days ago I noticed the bootup splashscreen said "Kubuntu" instead of "Ubuntu" so I used the " sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so" command and changed the default artwork from kubuntu to Ubuntu. However today when I booted up I saw the Kubuntu splashscreen again. And after entering that same command in terminal I saw that the15:23
ralmar UBUNTU artwork was set as default so I dont understand why the Kubuntu one loaded up. Any ideas? Thanks15:23
ravagerLovely, very lovely. At this rate I can lose windows altogether :D15:26
ravagerNow to sort out the email client issue15:27
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ravager1 question sort of. Do you think that anti-virus and a firewall is needed really?15:29
frank_____where can I ask questions about kubuntu? ..here?15:30
ravageryes indeed15:30
geniifrank_____: Yes.15:30
frank_____simple one: how can I tell which version of KDE I have?15:30
jussi01frank_____: open konqueror and click help -> about.15:32
frank_____thanks! .. KDE 4.2.215:33
dertesteris it possible to install beryl on kubuntu?15:33
jussi01!beryl | dertester15:33
ubottudertester: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz15:33
jussi01dertester: which version of kubuntu do you have?15:33
jussi01dertester: you can use the kwin desktop effects also15:34
Mazugrazushow to create rule with iptable? if i get ping i need to respond only if it comes from local network ?15:34
jussi01they are now pretty close to compiz in features.15:34
dertestercompiz works on my pc, but the cube effect doesn't seem to work15:34
dertesteri can activate it, but nothing happens if i press the shortcuts15:35
jussi01dertester: try asking in #compiz-fusion15:35
dertesterokay, ty15:35
konquiAm expreriancing very low sound15:58
konquiExpriancing low sound ouput can anyone help16:02
konquivery low sound output in 9.0416:14
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aishdasnikanyone have a recommendation for a cheap wifi card (PCI) that is easy to install on 9.04?16:21
zer0her0ok i'm a kde newb, i'm running kubuntu in vmware fusion on a OS X host, i'm trying to change the screen resolution, not evenn sure where to start looking, any hints, or URLs someone would be kind enough to direct me to?16:22
christophe__konqui: check the mixer. often the pcm is very low16:22
christophe__systemsettings and display?16:23
zer0her0christophe__: that at me?  I tried that, on reboot resets to some really high resolution16:23
zer0her0which is then scaled to fit my 15" display.16:23
christophe__zer0her0: hmmm. screen resolutions really are a mess. maybe with krandr16:25
zer0her0that a program?16:25
christophe__yep, in the systems menu16:25
christophe__or alt+f2 and then krandr16:25
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christophe__it will start a systray icon16:26
zer0her0hm ok.16:27
christophe__doesn't sound convincing?16:27
zer0her0we'll see, it took a sec, but then kicked into the rez i set last time just rebooting to see how it acts.16:28
christophe__ok. good luck16:28
zer0her0it doesn't change the login screen rez and stuff, i'm assuming/thinking i need to change a pref file or something16:29
christophe__i see, so its only the login screen that has the wrong resolution?16:29
zer0her0does kde use x.org or something(it's been a minute since i've played with Linux and WMs)16:29
christophe__xorg.conf is no longer used for resolution stuff16:29
zer0her0both login screen and then once i login doesn't keep the resolution, though krandr fixes the latter problem.16:30
christophe__everything is supposed to be automatic16:30
zer0her0...what i was figuring :)16:30
zer0ohi guys having difficulties finding my printer's drivers16:30
christophe__but you can still set resolutions in it and they will be used when an entry exists16:30
aishdasnikto rephrase my question (i'm feeling ignored)... does the latest CD include drivers for any wifi cards?16:31
christophe__zer0o: did you try the automatic installation?16:31
benbloomI need help with Java, Kubuntu8.04  and Firefox316:32
zer0ochristophe__: no i went on the epson support site and the downloaded file opens an html link to another page on which it says i'll find the drivers, but there arent for my model, how do i do?16:32
christophe__forget the site, start the printer configuration16:33
christophe__system settings --> advanced --> printer configuration16:33
christophe__aishdasnik: yes, it should16:35
christophe__mine was recognized and worked out of the box16:35
sandygwsHello everyone, I'd like to ask if you can suggest a guide to installing Kubuntu on a Dedicated server.16:36
christophe__the kde 4.3 beta 1 packages really seem to be a PITA. does anybody know how far we are?16:38
aishdasnikchristophe_: "it should" what? help.ubuntu.com tells me to go to my card using lspci, get the chipset, and do the right thing. i don't yet own the card. i am looking for advice on a card that you know (perhaps the one you have) is covered by KUbuntu out-of-the-box16:39
Mazugrazushow to make rule using iptables if user connecting with port 1111 and from ip let him to connect but to all other connections do not respond and dont let to connect ?16:40
christophe__oh, thats a different thing16:40
christophe__mine is build-in16:40
christophe__i once got a cheap 30 € stick that never ran in windows. was also recognized16:40
aishdasniku got a connection off a USB stick???16:41
Mazugrazusany ideas?16:41
christophe__a wifi stick :-)16:41
christophe__looks the same though16:41
christophe__u don't need  card. a stick is portable16:42
aishdasnikok, u lost me again. i meant -- a wifi board plugged into your USB port. that's what you're talking about?16:42
christophe__i dare to say that by now all wifi cards/sticks should work in ubuntu16:42
aishdasniki can give that a try without shopping, so it's worth a shot.16:42
christophe__thats true16:42
aishdasnikthe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported page was overwhelming to me16:42
christophe__just plug it in, wait a few secs and see what happens. no need to reboot16:43
aishdasnikthen use kwifimonitor or is there a better management tool?16:43
christophe__well, i guess its out of date. documentations usually are16:43
christophe__u are using kde 4.x?16:43
zer0her0christophe__: thanks for your help16:44
aishdasnikyes. just installed kubuntu last night.16:44
zer0her0i'll talk this a bit later in the day :)16:44
aishdasnikyeah, he appears to be a god-send16:44
christophe__zer0her0: sure. glad i was of use16:44
christophe__aishdasnik: thanks :-)16:44
zer0her0tackle not talk, stupid brain16:45
aishdasnikthe box is old, and i'm trying to keep it useful by dumping windoze for linux. i like kde, ubuntu is "install and not be busy on maintenance", so that's where i went. because the box is old, i'm not trying to spend money getting it running.16:45
aishdasnikincluding buying a wifi card just to find out its chipset wasn't supported. so you were reassuring. now, back to the question... which wifi management software do you recommend?16:46
podecoetAfter installing nvidia-glx under jaunty, my monitors native resolution doesn't come up (or even show up as an option), any ideas how I can fix this? i've been trying for over two hours :(16:50
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podecoetgetting 1360x768 instead of 1920x108016:50
benbloomI need help with Java, Kubuntu8.04  and Firefox3. can someone help me get it up and running? nothing I've found on google has worked (tried several methods that seemed to work for others)16:51
=== what is now known as manyfold
=== manyfold is now known as Manyfold
christophe__aishdasnik: u don't really need a wifi management tool16:54
christophe__plug it in, wait a few secs and than clcik on the network tool on the panel16:54
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=== b is now known as e-jat
christophe__u can also go into the console and type "sudo ifconfig" to see what is going on16:55
tzangerwow it looks like all of qt was updated last night16:57
podecoetFixed! Added "        Option "ModeValidation"         "NoMaxPClkCheck, NoEdidMaxPClkCheck"16:57
podecoetFullHD Jaunty FTW!16:57
InfernoLinuxHello Everyone16:59
InfernoLinuxI want to connect to my home computer from my laptop at school, Whats the best way to do this17:00
InfernoLinuxI have x11vnc and freenx already installed17:00
christophe__use the remote desktop connection tool from kde17:00
InfernoLinuxthat thing doesnt work man17:01
christophe__u will also have to configure your router to forward a certain port to your home computer17:01
christophe__well, it also uses vnc17:01
InfernoLinuxshould I have it foreward port 22 for ssh17:01
christophe__yes, if you only need console access17:02
aishdasnikthanks. (was afk picking up lunch order.) i think that's it for now.17:02
christophe__unfortuanetly it is difficult to test these things within your home network17:02
InfernoLinuxI just need GUI access to run an application from the desktop17:02
christophe__then ssh is not the way to go17:03
christophe__although, there is an ssh -x option which forwards the xserver17:03
christophe__aishdasnik: bon appetit17:04
ForgeAuswhats the package name of gdb?17:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdb17:05
InfernoLinuxsee my only problem is that KRFB likes to output a bunch of shi7 on the screen whereas x11vnc and freenx work awesome17:05
christophe__ForgeAus: maybe gnome-utils?17:06
ForgeAusgnome? no...17:06
ForgeAusits gnu compiler not g as in gnome17:06
ForgeAusactually its the debugger for gnu compilers17:06
christophe__well if it means gnu-debugger ?17:06
ForgeAus(generally the main compiler is known as gcc... but theres actually g++, gpc and a few others)17:07
InfernoLinuxchristophe do you have a suggestion of a port to use17:07
christophe__InfernoLinux: you should be able to configure a port in x11vnc17:08
christophe__i don't know the default port17:08
christophe__probably 590017:08
InfernoLinuxyes i use 5902 for x11vnc17:09
christophe__ok, try forwarding it, but as i said u need a computer outside of your network to test router settings17:09
InfernoLinuxyea Im about to go to school so Im trying to get it setup now17:10
christophe__InfernoLinux: Good luck. I tried the same a few years back, but the connections were so slow that it was barely usable17:11
christophe__usually the upload speed is the bottle neck17:12
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InfernoLinuxthanks christophe, hopefully it will be ok, I just need to start 3d fluid simulations so I dont need to send/recieve much information other than the screen grab17:14
christophe__keep us posted17:15
InfernoLinuxno problem17:15
QwertyiCoul'd somebody help me to get my memorycard reader workin in my laptop with Kubuntu KDE 4.2.2?17:17
christophe__well its not the kde version that counts there, more the kubuntu version. jaunty?17:17
Qwertyichristophe__: Well can't remember anymore.17:19
christophe__Qwertyi: start the terminal and type uname -a17:20
christophe__that should give us your kernel version17:20
christophe__otherwise check your sources17:20
QwertyiLinux qwertyi-laptop 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux17:20
christophe__hmm, jaunty is at 2.6.28-12 at the moment but there should not be a big difference17:21
christophe__i guess you are on jaunty since you have a 2.6.28 kernel17:21
christophe__is the memory card reader usb based?17:21
Picijaunty-proposed has 2.6.28-12, the regular repositories  only have 2.6.28-1117:22
QwertyiNo, its integrated (sorry if some terms are badly written).17:22
christophe__Pici: thanks. i always forget i run proposed17:22
christophe__Qweryi: check your dmesg log and see if anything looks like a card reader17:23
Qwertyiqwertyi@qwertyi-laptop:~$ lsusb17:23
QwertyiBus 001 Device 002: ID 0411:00db MelCo., Inc.17:23
christophe__if its internal it should be lspci17:23
christophe__i mean lspci as command17:23
mamrcan anyone tell me what to install in order to get vlc to decode mp4 audio?17:24
Qwertyichristophe__: 06:04.2 SD Host controller: ENE Technology Inc ENE PCI Secure Digital Card Reader Controller (rev 01)17:24
christophe__mamr: vlc has build in codecs as far as i know17:24
QwertyiThat was found with lspci17:24
mamrI see it's not only mp417:24
mamrvideo sound in vlc in general doesn't work17:25
mamrit's playing mp3s but no video file sound17:25
christophe__Qwertyi: ok, so the kernel has recognized it. what exactly does not work?17:25
christophe__mamr: tried another plyer?17:25
Gamarok__hey guys17:25
mamri'll give ti a try17:26
QwertyiWhen I put memorycard in, nothing happesn. Dolphin doesen't show memorycard.17:26
christophe__Qwerty: ok, check in your /mnt folder17:26
QwertyiAnd the card works fine with my eeePC and Xandros.17:27
christophe__so nothing in /mnt or /media ?17:27
Qwertyichristophe__: I assume i'll found it in root section?17:27
lain_hi all17:27
christophe__the / at the beginniing means root17:27
geniiQwertyi: After the card is in, does:  dmesg |  tail                      show something about it being inserted?17:28
Gamarok__hi ppl17:28
christophe__Gamarok: hi back to you17:28
Qwertyichristophe__: In /mnt theres a file called 512Mb.swap17:29
QwertyiType of the file is unknown17:29
christophe__Qwerty: don't know what that is but probably not the card17:29
christophe__try what genii: suggested17:29
christophe__or is it a 512 mb card?17:29
QwertyiNo. it's 1 Gb card.17:30
geniiQwertyi: When you insert/remove media the last parts of dmesg output will usually say something about it. Most notable to look for is the hard drive /dev designation, like sdc sdd or so on17:30
Qwertyigenii: dmsg | tail shows only some lines about WLAN.17:31
christophe__Qwertyi: just got my own sd card. lets see what happens...17:31
QwertyiI ment dmesg17:31
christophe__well, kde tells me immediately there is a card. i'll see where it is mounted17:32
christophe__mounted in /media and dmesg tells me about it17:33
QwertyiShall I try upgrade?17:33
christophe__thats propably not it. Any other ideas anyone?17:34
christophe__is it an sd card?17:34
benbloomI need help with Java, Kubuntu8.04  and Firefox3. can someone help me get it up and running? nothing I've found on google has worked (tried several methods that seemed to work for others)17:34
Qwertyichristophe__: This card is Kinstons 1GB MMC17:35
geniiQwertyi: Does result of:  lsmod| grep pci_hotplug                        show any result or just return to a command prompt?17:36
geniibenbloom: Did you look at the !java factoid here yet?17:37
xjjkbenbloom: what's the problem?17:37
* benbloom !java17:37
Qwertyigenii: Nothing happens.17:37
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper17:37
xjjkbenbloom: yep, pretty much just follow what those instructions say17:37
benbloomthanks guys17:38
geniibenbloom: You want the sun-java6-jre    likely17:38
Gamarok__hey guys17:38
benbloomaccording to adept it's already installed17:38
geniiQwertyi: sudo modprobe pci_hotplug17:38
xjjkbenbloom: you may not have the Java browser plugin installed?17:39
Qwertyigenii: FATAL: Module pci_hotplug not found.17:39
xjjkbenbloom: look for the sun-java6-plugin package17:39
xjjkbenbloom: it interestingly enough isn't mentioned on that wiki page... the plugin is new, though17:39
xjjker, sorry, no, it's not17:40
benbloomsun-java6-plugin shows no results17:40
benbloomI have all repositories open17:40
Qwertyigenii: When I reboot to Window XP the card reader works fine so it isen't broken.17:41
geniiQwertyi: Yes, seems to be some driver/detection issue (is my best guess at this time from info at hand)17:41
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benbloomso xjjk the wiki says to enable sun-java5-bin does that conflict with java6?17:43
geniiQwertyi: When you do: lspci -nn      ...for the card reader, what says the part which looks like:  (8086:1234)      ...this is device:vendor code17:43
xjjkbenbloom: no17:43
xjjkbenbloom: you can have multiple JVMs installed, but only one will be the default17:44
xjjkwhichever you installed last will probably be the default17:44
xjjksee that wiki page for how to select the default one17:44
xjjke.g. when you run "java", which version runs17:44
Qwertyigenii: There was line like this: 06:04.2 SD Host controller [0805]: ENE Technology Inc ENE PCI Secure Digital Card Reader Controller [1524:0550] (rev 01)17:45
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geniiQwertyi: In this case the 1524:0550 is the useful bit :)17:46
QwertyiI didn't find 8086:123417:46
QwertyiIs it? That's nice to hear :)17:46
christophe__Qwertyi: try lspci -vvnn, it gives more detail17:47
geniiQwertyi: Looks like this is a known bug :(    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/30384417:47
geniiQwertyi: Heh, 8086:1234 was an example...8086 is ironic Intel Vendor code actually17:47
geniichristophe__: Yup17:48
christophe__genii: following the same road17:48
QwertyiOk, so the problem is know so I can wait some update to fix this problem?17:49
christophe__Qwertyi: sorry, but i think we are at a dead end here17:49
christophe__maybe add a comment to the bug and see if somebody picks it up again17:49
lucaxwhen i use compiz to manage windows, cores go one to 100% of usage, is that a bug or something?17:50
benbloomstill getting "missing plugin problem"17:50
Qwertyichristophe__ and genii: Thanks.17:51
lucaxif someone finds a solution please le me know thruogh pm17:52
Mamaroklucax: if you are on KDE anyway, don't use compiz, use the desktop effects of Kwin17:53
lucaxCompiz works better17:53
lucaxKwin looks laggy17:53
=== dustin is now known as the_duchess
Mamaroklucax: which KDE version are you running? They work very well in 4.2.2 on Jaunty17:55
lucaxim on jaunty17:55
Gamarok__hi roby17:57
robyanybody aware of a netbook remix based on kde?17:58
christophe__they are working on it17:58
robyremember aaron wrote about it some time ago..17:58
robybut I can't find any schedule yet...17:59
mamrhow to restart sound, when it crashed?17:59
mamrdon't know what to restart18:00
christophe__check here for an interesting plasmoid:18:00
mamrtried restarting alsa, but this didn't work18:00
Gamarok__whot is it christophe__18:00
christophe__Gamarok: haven't tried it but looks interesting18:01
bmunger_can someone explain how I can update to karmic from jaunty, i know the alpha isnt out yet, but is it as simple as a modification of the apt repo list and change jaunty to karmic and then update?18:01
christophe__whot: anybody reads wheel of time (completely off topic)18:02
robychristophe__ thank you I'll give it a try...18:02
=== john is now known as Guest41587
christophe__bmunger: update-manager -d18:02
Mamarokbmunger_: you really shouldn't do that18:02
bmunger_i wasnt aware the update manager can do that but awesome i will try.. and Mamarok, this isnt on my main machine but a virtual machine just to see how it is18:03
robymaybe I can try with a live usb18:03
christophe__bmunger: Mamarok is right. anyway, u need to install update-manager first18:03
robyok guys thank you, have a nice time! bye18:04
bmunger_right its not intended for any production use.. i was just wondering how it was done for having a look.. rather bored some days and its just fun to check new things out on virtual machines18:04
geniiWork, /away a while18:04
christophe__have to leave. c y around18:05
Mamarokbmunger_: so far it will not look like much, as for now it's basically a Debian Sid18:05
bmunger_christophe__: looks like update-manager is a gnome/ubuntu tool, would this cause problems with kpackagekit or anything else?18:05
christophe__bmunger: no18:05
christophe__no problems or conflicts...bye18:06
bmunger_kde 4.3 beta was realeased i figured it would be included18:06
=== rolf_ is now known as rolf_etter
Mamarokbmunger_: not AFAIK18:08
Mamarokbmunger_: if you wnat to have a look at KDE 4.3, use Neon18:09
bmunger_what is neon?18:09
Gamarok__guys is there a way to make ipod touch to work on linux through virtual box or itunes with wine or anyother app18:13
jason_froebeGamarok__ - yes, you need to attach the usb to the virtual machine.  not sure if #amarok is able to work with ipod touch/phone yet or not18:14
jason_froebeI do the same with my Zune (wireless sync)18:15
BluesKajGamarok__ , have you tried amarok , I heard some ppl have had success with it18:15
bmunger_I havent found much on google about Neon.. some basic references to it but no url or instructions18:15
Gamarok__Jason_froebe you are sure that i can get it to work in virtaulbox18:16
Gamarok__fyi i had no sucess with amarok18:16
jason_froebeyup - just make sure you attach the usb to the virtualbox virtual machine18:18
Gamarok__thanks man god bless you18:19
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azizHi, I have Kubuntu 9.04, hibernating used to work, but after I enlarged the swap partition it doesn't work anymore. any ideas how to debug this?18:27
azizit just boots as normal...18:27
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MamarokGuest66485: hi18:37
dwidmannhmm, is it me or is the version number for kde 4.2.3 not updated?18:38
Mamarokdwidmann: why that?18:38
Guest66485Hey#! this new KDE is REEEEEEeeaallly good :)))18:38
Guest66485But - with freat power came great responsibility :(18:38
MamarokGuest66485: this is a support channel, do you have a question?18:39
Guest66485could anyone tell me how to get back the bit in the panel where the open windows are displayed back, please???18:39
dwidmannMamarok: for example, kde4-config --version says 4.2.218:39
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Guest66485sorry Mamarok, was excited!18:39
Mamarokdwidmann: I just checked with Konqueror, it says 4.2.318:40
dwidmannhmmm, maybe something went wrong, but I know I ran my update script before I built ... feh18:40
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MamarokGuest66485: you mean the Task Manager?18:40
dwidmannMamarok: I think he means the pager18:41
Guest66485i think so - not the one on the right, but the one for open windows... that task man? if so I was confused, sorry - I'll try it...18:41
dwidmanngoing to be one of those things anyway ...18:41
Guest66485Mamarok: cheers. stress over :)18:42
Mamarokdwidmann: the pager shows you the desktops, the task manager the open tasks18:43
dwidmannMamarok: but look more closely at the pager18:44
Mamarokdwidmann: what about the pager?18:46
dwidmannIt's like a simplified mini-screenshot of the desktop, showing you what's open on each one18:46
dwidmannThough, it more or less blanks the windows18:46
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=== someone is now known as Guest47062
MushroomKingdomIs there a way for me to upgrade from the 32bit Jaunty to the 64 bit without reformat?18:48
* jason_froebe MushroomKingdom++18:49
jason_froebejust means "important"18:50
MushroomKingdomOk.. But is there a way?18:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lista18:54
* galvanize is now a kde convert18:57
dwidmanngalvanize: that's what I like to hear18:59
galvanizewhat is the best mail application?19:07
dwidmann!best | galvanize19:07
ubottugalvanize: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:07
ubuntuwill kubuntu pack kde4.3 beta?19:07
dwidmannubuntu: probably19:08
ubuntuprobaly in 5 days orso ( I can compiled kde myself )19:08
ubuntudeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu jaunty main  ( in this repo will come it ? )19:10
sasaHi Lon19:11
inma_andres__: hola19:14
andres__que tal inma_ ?19:15
andres__inma_:  soy nuevo y no s enisiquiera que es eso19:15
inma_andres__: bien, aquí sólo en inglés, que te regañan, je je (just English here)19:16
andres__inma_: como puedo cambiar de canal?19:16
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:18
eagles0513875anyone have any idea why i keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/171829/19:25
wiremonkeagles> what are you trying to build there?  Have you installed build-essential?19:29
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wiremonk <eagles0513875>  what are you trying to build there?  Have you installed build-essential?19:35
inma_Hi, anyone here plays Kyodai Mahjongg? I am looking for a very nice one for Kubuntu, similar to this: http://cynagames.com/, which I think is the most beautiful of all... The one installed on Kubuntu seems a bit ugly compared to that one...19:36
ForgeAuskubuntu's mahjongg isn't bad but its relatively featureless compared to most commercial apps19:37
ForgeAuspersonally I'd like to see Mahjongg wall built into it19:37
ForgeAusand a more extensive set of tile layouts...19:37
ForgeAusthe KDE4 one is a pretty clean/professional looking app compared to KDE3.x versions...19:38
ForgeAusKyodai is 3D isn't it?19:38
inma_that one, yes19:39
inma_very beautiful 3D19:39
ForgeAusI actually didn't like that one all that much19:39
ForgeAusUltimate Mahjongg was ok... lotsa themes colourful and many tile layouts to keep you busy...19:39
ForgeAusmany of those reflexive Arcade/Big Fish Games shareware majhonggs are ok, It makes KDE's slightly dissapointing19:40
ForgeAusif you really want a true 3D mahjongg I recommend Maxxjongg!19:41
ForgeAusalthough I'm not so sure it has a beauty component to it...19:41
inma_ForgeAus: I'll try anyway, thanks19:42
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afeijomy kopete is broken :(19:46
afeijogood, it is back... just a broken theme19:48
JabberWokkyMy IRC doesn't work.19:49
wiremonk<JabberWokky> it would appear that it does now ;)19:49
JabberWokkywiremonk: Nope.  I can't read what you wrote.  Darn shame.19:50
wiremonk<JabberWokky> <drat>19:51
BluesKajJabberWokky: how do you know what wiremonk wrote ? m :)19:54
JabberWokkyBluesKaj: I'd answer you, but as my IRC is broken, I can't read the question.  Alas!19:54
robwlo531I'm experiencing a KDE 3.5 start up problem on kubuntu 8.1019:55
robwlo531kubuntu was installed from CD19:55
robwlo531after logging in on KDM KDE stops loading19:56
robwlo531restarting X server and system doesn't help19:56
JabberWokkyrobwlo531: Well it *should* eventually.  I assume you mean it stops before it is done?19:56
robwlo531no errors in var/log/messages and Xorg.0.log19:56
robwlo531I'm clueless19:57
robwlo531and it bothers me a lot as it's my father in laws system and I *just* got him to use Linux19:57
JabberWokkyWhere does it stop?19:57
robwlo531anybody any ideas?19:57
robwlo531well thats something I can't tell19:58
JabberWokkySo far, you haven't really described a problem.  "I start KDE, it starts loading, and then it finishes"19:58
JabberWokkyWhat does it do that isn't right?19:58
robwlo531the system doesn't show the ksplash so all "I see" is, you enter your name on the login screen, enter the password, hit enter, then there's only the background of the login screen (which happens to be the same of the desktop when it's loaded)19:59
robwlo531KDE stays in this state forever, until I turn of the computer or restart X20:00
robwlo531JabberWokky: it doesn't "finish" and that's not right, right? ;-)20:00
genii3.5.X on anything over 8.04 is unsupported anyhow20:00
pushraxhi all. does anyone know the repository kde 4.3 that was just released in beta 1 ?20:01
robwlo531well, then it's very likely not 3.5.x, it's definitely the one shipped with 8.10 on the download desktop CD, but with all updates applied20:01
robwlo531the hang up happend last weekend for the first time20:02
robwlo531being root on tty1 I stopped kdm, killed kded, removed .kde from the home dir, restartet the computer, and kde would start again20:03
robwlo531but not this tim20:03
robwlo531I'm wondering if KDE has written some error message in some log file, but I couldn't find such a log in ~/.kde/* nor /var/log/*20:05
robwlo531are there other places to look at?20:05
beatzzi have a usb drive thet not working20:10
sheep_post the output of "tail -f /var/log/messages"20:14
robinrkde also writes to ~/.xsession-errors20:14
robwlo531xsession-errors had nothing in it20:15
sheep_we plug it in, and it dose nothing20:17
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sheep_what should we do?20:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:18
rm_khi all20:18
omegariderI'm an utter newbie at ubuntu and looking for a bit of advice on a Flash issue, please.20:18
rm_kjust wanted to note that Kubuntu 9.04's default choice of window decoration and widget themes seems really unfortunate to me20:19
rm_k(and that's putting it as mildly as I can:D)20:19
hydrogenI have a Radeon HD 3650 card.... and Kubuntu isn't wanting to install any propriatary drivers...20:20
BluesKajomegarider:  pls describe your problem in more detail so someone can help20:20
omegariderThank you.  Adobe's Flash site says that my flash is up and running properly.  However, I can't watch the feeds on Zero Punctuation.20:21
omegariderAll I get is a white box that if I right click on it, says it is playing.20:21
BluesKajhydrogen: . prolly becauase the available drivers are ready in the repos20:21
hydrogenBluesKaj: hmm? If they're ready.. wouldn't they be available?20:21
hydrogen(I don't really understand what you said)20:21
BluesKaj!flash | omegarider20:22
ubottuomegarider: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:22
* hydrogen observes that kpackagekit is horrible20:22
hydrogenthough, I guess it's not much worse than adept ever was :)20:22
BluesKajyou have to choose the right driver by looking at the ati drivers listed for your card in the package manager20:22
BluesKajhydrogen install adept , it works fine on jaunty20:23
BluesKajhydrogen:  i agree about kpackagekit , it's awful and it's not working anyway20:24
solifuguskubuntu is installed on /dev/sdb1 -- has /boot in it.. but grub says: root (hd1,0)  doesn't exist..20:24
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/20:25
BluesKaj!grub | solifugus20:26
ubottusolifugus: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grub220:29
ForgeAusgrr... uh I guess I need #Grub for that :)20:29
omegariderBluesKaj: I'm capable of playing some flash movies, but not the ones on Zero Punctuation.  I am running an x86 platform.20:31
beatzzi got a usb harddirve not telling me its there20:35
beatzzany help??20:36
hydrogenBluesKaj: adept isn't showing upas being installable..20:36
BluesKajomegarider:  install flashplugin-nonfree , if you're using konqueror as a browser there are known probs with flash heavy sites20:36
BluesKajhydrogen:  sudo apt-get install adept20:36
hydrogenBluesKaj: also, running jockey-kde doesn't give me any options at all20:37
hydrogenBluesKaj: "Couldn't find package adept"20:37
beatzznot showing up20:37
BluesKajhydrogen : try synaptic20:37
hydrogenBluesKaj: that wants to install all of gnome :/20:38
BluesKajhydrogen:  also make sure you have all your debs in etc/apt/sources.list uncommented (no # In front)20:39
galvanizeis it safe to remove konqueror and use firefox instead?20:41
BluesKajhydrogen , also comment out the cdrom deb , cuz the package manger will look rhere first and ignore all other sources20:41
white_pelicanis there anyt plan on making kde 4.3 beta one available, and if so, when?20:42
BluesKajno need to remove konqueror , just install FF and make it the deafault with:  sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser20:42
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galvanizeBluesKaj: I've already done that, just was wondering if it was safe to remove konqueror now or is it file to file management?20:43
BluesKajIt will prolly try to remove the kde dektop20:43
BluesKajas well20:43
BluesKajit's vital tes20:43
galvanizeBluesKaj: oh ok, i had a suspicion that it was an important component. thanks.20:43
white_pelicancan someone answwer my question?20:44
JabberWokkygalvanize: You should be able to.20:44
BluesKajgo ask in #kde. white_pelican20:44
JabberWokkygalvanize: I just did a apt-get -s remove konqueror and it seems to not have dependencies20:44
JabberWokkygalvanize: You can remove it and reinstall if you run into problems.20:44
galvanizeJabberWokky: i did the same, i just thought it was a vital part to file system management.20:45
JabberWokkygalvanize: Dolphin may be, or possibly neither.20:45
BluesKaji like konq for some file management20:45
white_pelicanBluesKaj, why would the kde channel tell me something kubuntu would do? 4.3 beta 1 is out already20:45
white_pelicanit's been released20:45
JabberWokkyBluesKaj: I use it, my wife's taken to Dolphin.20:45
galvanizeJabberWokky: I think Dolphin is.20:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde4.320:46
JabberWokkygalvanize: I think neither is *supposed* to be, as there were some issues with dolphin being required that were seen by KDE as bugs.20:46
galvanizeJabberWokky: oh ok.20:46
BluesKajwhite_pelican:  this not the place to ask about beta releases20:46
Mamarokwhite_pelican: the devs are currently busy building the first Alpha of Karmic Koala, so KDE 4.3 has to wait, just be patient20:46
white_pelicanwhat is the right place, then?20:46
BluesKaj#kde-dev maybe20:47
Mamarokwhite_pelican: just be patient20:47
JabberWokkyBluesKaj:  white_pelican has a point.  KDE doesn't do binaries, the distros do.20:47
MamarokBluesKaj: I don't think they know about Kubuntu builds...20:47
white_pelicanok I will be patient20:47
JabberWokkyBluesKaj: If he asks there, they *will* send him or her here.20:47
BluesKajno matter JabberWokky , it's still in beta20:47
JabberWokkyYeah, it's not the best idea to be rushing a beta's package.  ;)20:48
BluesKaj#kubuntu+1 ?20:48
white_pelicans'ok I'm still using kde 3 in Jaunty :)20:48
MamarokBluesKaj: this channel is for support of all releases till Jaunty included, and KDE 4.3 might well end up in the backports, so it's the right channel to ask20:48
Mamarokwhite_pelican: why would you do that?20:48
JabberWokkywhite_pelican: You should be aware that some things are non-operational in the beta because they don't compile right now.20:48
MamarokKDE 4.2.2. works fine here, no need to be that nostalgic :)20:49
white_pelicanI think I'll wait till kde 7 :)20:49
BluesKajMamarok: ok then answer him :)20:49
JabberWokkyKDE 4.2.3, off the KDE ppa.  Works great.20:49
MamarokBluesKaj: I did20:49
JabberWokky(Kubuntu ppa, that is)20:49
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white_pelicanI already have 4.2.320:49
white_pelicanso far so good20:49
galvanizewhat do you use for video playback?20:50
white_pelicanstill can't switch to kde 4 though20:50
Mamarokwhite_pelican: then be patient, I'm sure you haven't explored all possibilities20:50
Mamarokwhite_pelican: please don't talk in riddles, why can't you use it that a 4.3 beta would solve in your opinion?20:50
JabberWokkygalvanize: Personally, I use either MPlayer or smplayer (because of the playlists... I even use it to listen to the radio and podcasts)20:51
hydrogenanyone happen to know where `keychain` went in 9.04?20:51
galvanizeJabberWokky: thanks for the info.20:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about playonlinux20:51
hydrogennvm, it appeared20:51
Mamarokhydrogen: what 'keychain' do you mean?20:52
dario_Il mio nome è Dario e ho ventidue anni.20:52
dario_My name is Dario and I am twenty-two years old.20:52
desuon my install of jaunty, mplayer hangs up after ~0.3s if the audio is in MP3 format... passing -ac as something invalid makes the video work just fine... any idea why this is happening?20:52
hydrogenthe "keychain" program20:52
hydrogenit appeared20:52
Mamarok!it | dario_20:52
ubottudario_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:52
Mamarokdario_: also, this is no dating channel, so no need to give your age :)20:53
MamarokLaeborg: what are you looking for?20:53
dario_I can speak English as well.20:53
Mamarokhydrogen: you mean kgpg?20:53
hydrogenI mean keychain :)20:53
hydrogendon't worry20:53
hydrogenI solved it20:53
JabberWokkygalvanize: I'm not sure how techie you are... mplayer itself is a fairly raw program that plays nearly every format, and there are loads of front ends for it.  SMplayer is a nice front end (IMO).  (And there are plenty out there, worth playing with them until you find one you like)20:53
BluesKajgalvanize:  personally I'd dump Dolphin in favour of Konqueror as a file manager ...but konq as a browser is a bit "past it" now.20:54
galvanizeJabberWokky: sounds interesting, I was using vlc on gnome and liked it a lot.20:54
galvanizeBluesKaj: I like Dolphin. Konqueror just wasn't for me.20:55
MamarokBluesKaj: you do know that Konqueror uses Dolphin to browse files in KDE 4, do you?20:55
JabberWokkyMamarok: This is most *certainly* a dating channel.  I see timestamps to the left of everybody's comments... it's not dating the chat for you?  ;P20:55
dario_My onboard soundcard does not work on Ubuntu. I have tried every troubleshooting procedure I could find on the Internet but it stops playing sound every now and then. I am frustated.20:55
Mamarokdario_: what card do you have?20:56
JabberWokkyMamarok: Not quite.  The file browser is loaded into either.  It's like saying Kate uses Kwrite to edit.20:56
dario_Mamarok, it is an AC97 onboard sound card.20:56
Mamarokdario_: that should work, definitely20:56
BluesKajMamarok:  I dumped dolphin in previous versions of kde4 without any probs20:56
Mamarokdario_: did you just say you use Ubuntu? with Gnome?20:56
dario_Mamarok, it is correctly identified but the sound hangs every now and then. I have used Ubuntu with Gnome. I am using Kubuntu at the moment.20:57
mkargarhow to install kde 4.3 beta1 in kubuntu 9.04?20:57
JabberWokkyBluesKaj: It's okay.  There's a bit of a confusion as the file browsing code is in the Dolphin source tree... but you don't need Dolphin, you just need that code to be loaded by any app, like Konqueror... or any other app that has a Save As... dialog, IIRC.20:58
Dragnslcrmkargar- very carefully20:58
Mamarokdario_: that might be the problem, as Pulseudio tends to be a bit of a problem with KDE...20:58
Mamarokdario_: there is a nice wiki page for sound troubleshooting:20:59
Mamarok!sound | dario_20:59
ubottudario_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:59
hydrogenwas there a metapackage for the needed kde -devel packages (to compile  kde software)20:59
Mamarokmkargar: there are no packages for KDE 4.3 yet in Kubuntu, be patient, it only just came out, the distributions still have to package it, and that's a lot of work21:00
JabberWokkyOh!  That reminds me about a problem that I have,  The first few seconds of a new sound stream has a repeating stutter in it every now and then.  I.e., if a new sound stream pops up after a long period of silence, I get a "Max Headroom" effect.21:00
Mamarokhydrogen: build-essentials and kde-devel21:00
JabberWokkySo minor, I haven't really bothered to look into it, but I'm about 90% sure it's Pulseaudio.21:00
LaeborgMamarok: I just wanted to see what ubottu had to say about PlayOnLinux :P21:00
MamarokJabberWokky: which mediaplayer?21:01
JabberWokkyMamarok: All of them.21:01
dario_I read all of it, Mamarok but I did not manage to address the issue. Thank you anyway.21:01
MamarokJabberWokky: do you use Xine?21:01
JabberWokkyMamarok: Mplayer, sox, etc.21:01
JabberWokkyMamarok: Nope.21:01
Mamarokdario_: did you run the troubleshooting script and send it as advised on the wiki?21:02
mkargaranother question!how to download Youtube clip by Kget!?21:02
MamarokJabberWokky: you should, gstreamer is buggy21:02
JabberWokkyMamarok: alsaplay, I think as well...  I have a chime play when unison finishes my daily backup.21:02
mkargaryoutube script not work in kget!21:02
JabberWokkyMamarok: Ah, you mean xine as a audio backend?21:02
JabberWokkyMamarok: I thought pulseaudio was the new 9.04 backend.21:02
MamarokJabberWokky: yes, phonon-backend-xine21:02
Mamarokpulseudio si not used in KDE at all, and it tends to make things worse21:03
Mamarokwhy add pulseaudio if alsa already handles things fine...21:03
JabberWokkyMamarok: I did a format, reinstall, restored my data, and it -- by default, without my changing any settings -- uses pulseaudio.21:03
JabberWokkyMamarok: Right off the Kubuntu 9.04 DVD.21:03
MamarokJabberWokky: yeah, but that's where the problems started21:03
Mamarokremove pulseaudio, remove the phonodevicesrc and .asoundconf and start KDE again21:04
mkargaryoutube script not work in kget!21:04
mkargarhow to download Youtube clip by Kget!?21:04
JabberWokkyI have no .asoundconf21:04
dario_Mamarok, PulseAudio is not used in KDE. That is why I tried Kubuntu but it has changed nothing at all. By the way, I do not see any troubleshooting script in the wiki.21:05
Mamarokpulseaudio is responsible for almost all "no sound in Amarok in Kubuntu" reports we have received so far21:05
JabberWokkymkargar: Install "clive".21:05
JabberWokkyMamarok: I don't use Amarok, and sound is working fine other than the occasional stutter a couple times a day.21:05
dario_I wish to stress that I DO have sound, but it "hangs" quite often, even if I am not doing anything besides playing a video or a song.21:06
JabberWokkyI'm kind of hesitant to change the backend from the default on a working system.21:06
mkargarJabberWokky:very very thx!i installed it!it's written by Python!21:06
Mamarokdario_: you did everything suggested here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting ?21:07
dario_Yes, I did.21:07
JabberWokkyI *have* however, copy/pasted your suggestion into my scratch.txt should an update cause my sound to not function.  I do thank you for the heads up.21:07
dario_Even more, I did everything they said in other troubleshooting guides. Nothing changed.21:07
MamarokJabberWokky: Xine is the default in KDE, no reason to use gstreamer just because the packagers of the underlying stuff ship it21:07
tsukasa_hello everyone21:08
MamarokJabberWokky: and gstreamer has improved a lot, it might well be usable one day :)21:08
Mamarokdario_: can you tell when these sound outages happen?21:08
JabberWokkyMamarok: No reason to change today it if it works for me now.  As I said, I did yank all your suggestions as a "well, here's what to do if sounds starts getting messed up for me"21:09
tsukasa_i new here if i can get some help with this V of kubuntu please21:09
MamarokJabberWokky: you are welcome :)21:09
Mamarok!ask | tsukasa_21:09
ubottutsukasa_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:09
dario_They happen in a definitely random fashion. For instance, while playing a video or a song, no matter the program I use (Totem, VLC Media Player, Kaffeine) nor the sound layer used (ALSA, OSS, PulseAudio).21:11
dario_I did not have this problem in Windows.21:12
Mamarokdario_: sounds very difficult to trace...21:12
JabberWokkyMamarok: Of course, I use ion3 as a WM, ditch plasma, have most of my action scripted via bash/qdbus calls fired off using funky key combos, and have otherwise mangled my desktop to what I like, so I get hesitant about messing with yet more things *underneath* that.  Makes it hard to debug my own changes.   :)21:13
Mamarokdario_: flashplayer could be a problem also...21:13
dario_I guess so, Mamarok.21:13
tsukasa_how i make kubuntu search for packets to update software21:13
Dragnslcrtsukasa_- you should get update notifications automatically21:14
MamarokJabberWokky: you should use Debian, not sure Ubuntu and variants are really made for Ion WM, even less use KDE 4 if you don't want to use plasma21:14
dario_Flash Player? I tought it did not have anything to do with the other applications.21:14
Dragnslcrtsukasa_- you'll see a small gear icon down in the system tray21:14
JabberWokkyMamarok: KDE4 and Ion3 work wonderfully together.  KDElibs are delightfully X standards compliant, which is what Ion3 needs.21:15
Mamarokdario_: well, flash uses the soundcard, no?21:15
dario_Yes, it does.21:15
JabberWokkyMamarok: Both allow you to script internal actions from the commandline and in any scripting lanaguge with an exec() call.  Nice.21:15
Mamarokdario_: hence it can bug your sound...21:15
dario_Even if I am not using Flash?21:16
JabberWokkyMamarok: Although I must admit I pinned my Ion3 awhile back.21:16
Mamarokdario_: if you have an open browser ...21:17
dario_I have read of an "evil" Flash Player package which screws up the whole sound system but I did not install it.21:18
Mamarokdario_: didn't read that correctly, then, sry :)21:19
afeijoI have no sound when I access youtube, damn.  Musics and videos (kaffeine) works21:19
dario_No problem.21:19
Mamarokafeijo: watch your language...21:20
dario_"Damn" is not curse language!21:20
afeijoMamarok: sorry, 'damn' is bad?21:20
* afeijo agree with dario_21:20
Mamarokafeijo: there are guidelines for K/X/Ubuntu channels, yes21:21
dario_Strict guidelines, I guess.21:21
Mamarokafeijo: you of course need flash for watching videos in youtube, so your problem might be different21:22
dario_I do not see any operator in this channel. Strange.21:22
Mamarokdario_: don't worry, there are here, just not marked as such :)21:22
afeijoMamarok: flash works, never saw it having problems with sound21:22
dario_Oh. Okay.21:22
BluesKajwhich browser dario ?21:23
afeijodario_: the op mark can be a pain21:23
dario_I understand, afeijo.21:23
dario_I use Opera, BluesKaj.21:23
Mamarokok, I'm off for tonight, gn8 all21:23
dario_Bye bye, Mamarok.-21:23
* genii sips21:25
BluesKajhmm , dunno if flashplugin-nonfree works with Opera , I see it works with FF and Konq now21:25
mmo|anyone know if it possible (or feasible) to switch to the gnome bluetooth in kubuntu 9.04...because the standard bluetooth is not working at all for me21:26
dario_Opera automatically provides the user with the download page for the plugin. I've used that.21:26
ForgeAusis kubuntu grub still or grub2 by default now?21:29
Dragnslcrgrub --version says 0.97, if that helps21:30
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DragnslcrI hope Quassel can fix that massive delay when switching to a high-traffic channel21:39
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mostafaالسلام عليكم21:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eg21:41
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ubottuLa comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe21:42
eagles0513875mostafa: you looking for the arabic channel right21:42
eagles0513875please stop spamming the channel wiht the link21:43
eagles0513875and that is in arabic so not for this channel21:43
eagles0513875genii: you an op21:43
geniimostafa: Please stop with the links.21:44
eagles0513875genii: he isnt understanding us21:44
geniieagles0513875: He's not from argentina, incidentally but from Egypt21:44
eagles0513875genii: thought that was the bot command for arabic21:44
genii!rabic | mostafa21:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rabic21:45
genii!arabic | mostafa21:45
ubottumostafa: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية21:45
JabberWokkyThere should be an !op like thing for !callsomebody-languagecode  :)21:45
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eagles0513875genii: O_O interesting21:45
BluesKajyup, mostafa is in cairo21:45
kaddihello :)21:46
JabberWokky!hi | kaddi21:46
ubottukaddi: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:46
BluesKajhey kaddi, WB21:47
desuthere seems to be some problem with ffmpeg in my jaunty install. mplayer pauses indefinitely when i try to play a video (seeking etc. still works, but no sound). however, if i switch off audio, it works fine... any idea why this is happening?21:49
desudragon player works fine, btw...21:49
BluesKajdesu install libxine1-ffmpeg21:51
desuBluesKaj: it's already installed21:51
BluesKajand of course kubuntu-restricted-extras21:51
desuso are they21:51
BluesKajdesu, try : reinstall mplayer and mencoder21:55
desudid that already :\21:55
BluesKajdesu, perhaps it's the video wrapper or codec is not coded properly ,not the player or ffmpeg itself21:58
stephanssoooooo.... the question is... when I browse to a smb share in kubuntu, and try to launch a movie... why does it insist on copying the whole think locally b4 playing?!? This violates an expectation set by: Windows XP, 2000, 98, 95, Vista, 7, 2003, 2008, MAC OS 10, Gnome etc.... can this behavior be corrected?21:59
desui've tried with quite a few videos and codecs, and it all seems to booil down to ffmpeg :/21:59
yamishidoes anyone plays mabinogi in ubuntu/kubuntu?21:59
BluesKaj!hi | yamishi21:59
ubottuyamishi: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:59
yamishi does anyone plays mabinogi in ubuntu/kubuntu?22:02
BluesKaj!patience | yamishi22:03
ubottuyamishi: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:03
BluesKajdesu, one more thing , install w32codecs to play windows media stuff as well22:05
desudid that already :\22:05
BluesKajall movies behave this way or just some, desu ?22:06
swattohello all22:06
BluesKaj!hi | swatto22:07
ubottuswatto: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!22:07
swattoIs anyone using Kubuntu 9.04 please because I have a question?22:08
BluesKaj!ask | swatto22:09
ubottuswatto: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:09
JabberWokky!ask | swatto22:09
swattoWell I have got Vuze installed which I did manually but can only run it from the terminal, I would like to add it to the KMenu but unsure of how to do it22:10
desuBluesKaj: it seems the problem is not with ffmpeg...22:10
BluesKajoh one more to consider desu, if you haven't already , libdvdcss222:10
desuwhen i run mplayer as root, it works perfectly okay...22:10
desui already have that, too :P22:10
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desuhowever, mplayer needing root to work is kinda odd...22:11
trappistdesu: stuff like that sometimes happens if you run it the *first time* as root, leaving config files and stuff root-owned22:12
trappistthat may not be your problem, but it's worth looking at22:12
desunever ran it as root before this22:12
Dragnslcrswatto- if you right-click the K, there should be an option for the menu editor22:12
BluesKajdesu, you prolly installed the source code right ? use dpkg -r  filename , and use the package manager to reinstall22:12
JabberWokkydesu: Try running: ls -al "$HOME" |grep root22:12
desudrwxr-xr-x  4 root  root        4096 2009-05-10 12:01 ../22:13
desuthat's it..22:13
swattoThankyou Dragnslcr :)22:13
JabberWokkydesu: Okay, then your problem isn't that. :)22:13
desuand, i bet /home is indeed supposed to be root-owned :P22:13
DragnslcrNo problem22:13
swattohmm just trying to think where to link the Vuze application to22:15
swattoHow can I find out what it points to when I type vuze in the terminal? as I think I need to add this to the shortcut22:17
WalzmynI upgraded to 9.04 over the weekend. Quickly I began experiencing file system errors. I reinstalled 4 times and kept getting the errors. I have installed Xbuntu now and it's working fine. Anybody know of KDE issues with the file system?22:17
desuswatto: which vuze22:18
swattoAhh think I have done it, I put /usr/bin/azureus in the command and in the work path I put /usr/share/vuze22:18
desuWalzmyn: can you elaborate a bit? what kind of errors? and which filesystem did you format it as?22:18
swattoIt is vuze 4.222:19
desuswatto: no, i meant, the command "which vuze"22:19
swattoahh ok sorry - ive got experience with windows and computers in general but linux is completely new to me, thankyou desu22:20
desunp, lol22:20
Walzmyndesu on origional update it was still EXT3, formatted to EXT4 when i reinstalled....22:21
swattomust admit im liking it alot though - loads to get used to, might buy a book22:21
desuWalzmyn: what kind of errors were you getting?22:22
Walzmyndesu I don't know how to describe the errors. Apps would stop working and when i would reboot i would be told I needed to fsck - one time it would be / the next it would be /home - and there would be a thousand errors22:22
Walzmynswatto,  don't buy a book, use google. There's much more online than any book can offer22:23
desuWalzmyn: i see...22:23
Walzmyndesu one bit that might be important, first 3 times I immediatly added the PPA for the 4.2.3 update - the errors came in about an hour22:23
Walzmyndesu 4th time, i did not use that PPA and the errors took 24 hours to show up22:24
swattoI like reading though - what ill probably do is buy a book (anyone got any good recommendations please) and read it through once to get a general idea of the whole os22:24
* desu has no idea :/22:24
Walzmynswatto there's a linux for dummyies book. Never read it so i don't know if its any good or not, but the series has merit22:24
Walzmyndesu I'm thinking I need to report all this. Do you know where I should?22:25
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:25
desu^^^^ there22:25
Walzmynah, thankyeverymuch22:26
Walzmynnothing against XFCE but man I want KDE back22:26
desu apt-get install kubuntu-desktop :P22:26
CQ2hello, i just upgraded to jaunty and now I don't get a graphical login anymore... any ideas?22:27
Walzmynno, i'll do a reintstall. I want it pure22:27
swattoIf I have installed Vuze manually how would I uninstall it completely if it isnt listed as installed in SPM22:28
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desuswatto: how did you install it?22:29
swattoI unpacked the tar file and followed some instructions to move the folder into /usr/bin and updated a config file22:29
swattowould just deleting the folder/files do the trick or would i need to use a command in terminal?22:31
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desuswatto: reverse everything that the instructions made you do22:37
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swattojust deleting the folders should do the trick then I think - just a bit confused as to how linux handles installed apps22:39
brunoqcI added the eclipse's ppa (https://launchpad.net/~eclipse-team/+archive/ppa) but I don't see the 3.4 version with apt and kpackage, only the old 3.2 version. Is there a way to find out what went wrong?22:39
gsteinerthey, im getting errors installing amarok22:40
gsteinert /usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qmetatype.h:189: error: ‘qt_metatype_id’ is not a member of ‘QMetaTypeId<QList<int> >22:40
gsteinertseems to be a qt problem22:41
swattoHmm whats the terminal command to delete a folder in a directory?22:41
gsteinertim using the qt packages from the kubuntu repo22:41
gsteinertseems to be an issue with the package rather than qt22:41
brunoqcswatto: to delete a folder/directory from the terminal, the command is : rm -rf folder_name22:42
swattothankyou :)22:42
luminosowith kubuntu 9.04 + amarok and scanning music over cifs i'm having this error: Taglib: flac file scan - flac stream not found. any ideia to solve?22:43
brunoqcswatto: you're welcome22:43
swattohmm now im trying to remove a file in the /usr/bin directory and it is saying it doesnt exit22:46
brunoqcswatto: why do you want to remove a file in /usr/bin ?22:47
luminosoanyone? please?22:47
luminososhould i go to somehere else ask this?22:48
swattobecause im trying to get rid of Vuze - the only way I can do it is to remove the stuff that I put there manually, there is a file that i put in /usr/bin called azureus that I want deleted22:48
gsteinertluminoso: try #amarok22:48
gsteinertluminoso: also, try to be more patient22:48
brunoqcswatto: maybe you put it in /usr/local/bin . or you can try to find it with : find /usr -name azureus22:49
swattoThankyou brunoqc, the search came up with: /usr/bin/azureus22:50
gsteinertswatto: whereis is a good command if you want to search your various PATH dirs22:51
gsteinertwhereis azureus22:51
swattoI removed it using the full path: sudo rm /usr/bin/azureus22:51
gsteinertwill show you where it is22:51
gsteinertas long as its in your PATH22:51
swattothanks gsteinert, Im just wondering why I had to put the whole path in if my terminal prompt is located in the /bin directory wouldnt it just look for the file in there?22:52
brunoqcyeah he's right, whereis is better when in PATH22:52
gsteinertswatto, yeah its odd22:52
brunoqc. /bin and /usr/bin are not the same22:52
gsteinertah yeah, i missed that bit =$22:53
swattoahh ok I see, thanks for your help I best be off - work tommorow, night all22:53
gsteinertnight swatto22:53
=== darksmoke is now known as DarkSmoke
susana_what kind of program is this22:57
susana_I just downloaded ubuntu and this came up to try22:57
_Whippersusana_: u mean irc?22:58
susana_it's cool22:58
luminosoi removed amarok from the tray. how do i restore? i already disabled and enabled it on amarok options. no effect22:58
susana_it's like a chat room22:58
gsteinertsusana_: yeah, exactly22:58
_Whippersusana_: oh, they've put in by default now ?-)22:58
susana_that is cool22:58
gsteinertsusana_: freenode is used mostly for technical help22:59
susana_I thought it was for programing22:59
gsteinertsusana_: ill find you some servers if you just want to chat =)22:59
_Whipperfreenode has a lot more too than just tech. support.. :)22:59
susana_it's fine22:59
susana_but anyway l love ubuntu22:59
gsteinertluminoso: again, try #amarok22:59
brunoqcfreenode is also very popular for developers23:00
susana_where are chating from23:00
luminosogsteinert, lol they are inactive23:00
susana_iam from ny state23:00
susana_i have the new upgraded ubuntu and I love it23:01
* _Whipper from FI, and testing out E17, and newest Kubuntu..23:01
LillymonWhat do I do when the upgrade tool downloads all of the updates, starts to install them, and immediately quits? Because that's what it just did. Twice.23:01
LillymonI now have my repositories changed from Hardy to Jaunty (yes, it's an 8.04 to 9.04 thing) and no idea what to do next.23:02
susana_restart your computer23:02
LillymonIt didn't install anything, won't rebooting just screw it all up?23:03
susana_and do more downloads23:03
LillymonIt's finished downloaded, it moved onto the install process.23:03
DragnslcrLillymon- if the apt sources are already changed, apt-get update and apt-get upgrade should get all of the packages updated23:03
susana_maybe you have too many of the same program installed23:03
DragnslcrAnd doing those from a terminal might show more error details23:03
susana_delet some of them23:03
Lillymonsusana_: Too many of what? How the hell should I know what program it's complaining about?23:04
susana_restart your computert on it ownr and normaly you have choose a program or sta23:05
LillymonWell I guess I'll try the apt-get update and upgrade thing, which I do hope will actually work.23:05
susana_and use the wire it's faster23:05
LillymonYou are making no sense to me.23:05
susana_inter net connection23:05
susana_when downloading23:06
DragnslcrLillymon- not making any sense to me, either23:06
LillymonI'm using a wired ethernet connection to a 6Mbit ASDL line. I could not possibly be more direct.23:06
susana_ohn than you must have too much crap23:06
DragnslcrLillymon- apt-get upgrade from a terminal might tell you exactly which package it's dying on23:07
groscheckjest ktos z PL?23:07
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl23:07
susana_go on the add remove console23:07
LillymonWell, here goes nothing...23:08
susana_be postive my system couldn't read ubuntu and had to install it23:08
BluesKajDragnslcr, upgrading from 8.04 to 9.04 is very iffy if not dangerous23:08
susana_no get rid of old programs that are absolet23:09
BluesKajLillymon,, upgrading from 8.04 to 9.04 is very iffy if not dangerous23:09
LillymonYeah, I have a second system waiting to rescue this one.23:09
LillymonI figure the worst that can happen is that I screw up root, and I have a separate /home, so why not at least try it?23:09
gsteinertLillymon: would a fresh install be an easier idea?23:09
DragnslcrBluesKaj- true, but s/he mentioned the upgrade tool, so I figured it did the 8.04->8.10->9.04 magic for you23:09
BluesKajLillymon, you shuol upgrade to 8.10 first then to 9.04 if you are doing by the internet23:09
brunoqcLillymon: did you mean the update tool quit after updating to Jaunty or everytime it install new packages?23:09
LillymonI can fresh upgrade if this doesn't work.23:09
ricardoesalguien habla español23:10
Dragnslcr!es | ricardoes23:10
ubotturicardoes: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:10
BluesKajupgrade tool , heh...good luck23:10
LillymonI would say it probably won't work, but I like adventure.23:10
Lillymonbrunoqc: It quits immediately after trying to install the first new packaged.23:10
BluesKajgo buy some rockyroad23:11
ForgeAusgrr is there no linux software that can create a subsystem from another distro?... (aside from VMWare, preferably one that uses local filesystem instead, just its own separate directory for userland/etc......)23:11
DragnslcrForgeAus- kvm, virtualbox, etc.23:12
DragnslcrThere are plenty of virtual machine programs23:12
ForgeAusno virtualbox afaik uses a hardfile/virtual disk just like vmware23:12
LillymonThis actually seems to be doing a lot of the same stuff the other system did when I was upgrading from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04.23:12
ForgeAusKvm my machine can't do no Intel/Amd VT support in the processor on this one23:12
LillymonExcept with more questions, which I answered with the default because I didn't understand them.23:13
LillymonWhy am I suddenly feeling more relaxed now?23:13
ForgeAusI already have an ext3 partition that I'm using... (I don't expect my say, for example Mandriva subsystem to be in / tho, I'd have to make a /mandriva or something)23:14
gsteinertLillymon: because the cammand line is strangely relaxing =P23:14
DragnslcrForgeAus- I don't think any virtual machines can use a specific directory from a filesystem as its root. Seems like that wouldn't be a very good idea23:14
ForgeAusDragnslc I wasn't asking for a virtual machine tho, just a subsystem23:15
macowouldnt that just be a chroot?23:15
DragnslcrForgeAus- a subsystem to do what?23:15
ForgeAusmaco, hows that work?23:15
ForgeAusto install a different distro to...23:15
Dragnslcrmaco- yeah, I was wondering if he meant chroot and/or jails23:15
DragnslcrForgeAus- that would be a virtual machine23:16
macoyou can definitely chroot other distros23:16
gsteinertForgeAus: dont quote me on this, but i think with a few tweaks to the install procedure (changing the root in grub perhaps) you can install gentoo into a subfolder within your existing filesystem23:16
gsteinertif thats what you were after23:16
macoive seen stuff on google for making a debian chroot inside ubuntu and things like that23:16
ForgeAuswell the linux kernel is the same for them all isn't it?23:16
snarksterdo any of you know if facial recognition has become a reality for security in linux?23:16
DragnslcrNot necessarily23:16
ForgeAusgsteiner you can install a gentoo prefix on just about anything anyway...23:16
macothey all use different versions with different patches and their higher level stuff is compiled with certain expectations for the kerne23:17
DragnslcrAnd if I remember correctly, even with chroot or jails, you can't have more than one operating system running at a time23:17
ForgeAusthat one I'm not worried about (in fact I don't even want one, besides gentoo prefixes are basically neutered anyway)23:17
macolike fedora's X will expect kernel modesetting, while ubuntu's won't23:17
DragnslcrSeems to me that a VM would be a lot easier to deal with than a jail23:17
DragnslcrOr just straight dual-booting23:18
ForgeAusDragonslcr I don't want the whole operating system, just its own individual package management system and a reasonably working distro subsystem23:18
macoum...you can install rpm onto ubuntu...23:18
ForgeAusyeah I guess you could use grub and just change the root ...23:18
DragnslcrYeah, I have no idea what "distro subsystem" could possibly mean23:19
macome neither23:19
ForgeAusyeah I know but you can't necessarily install rpm packages into ubuntu...23:19
macoyouve got to have the distro or not the distro23:19
jhutchins_wkForgeAus: alien.23:19
macoi dont think you can have half of it23:19
DragnslcrYeah, you could try alien if you really need to23:19
ForgeAus(the version differences with fedora/mandriva/whatever are probably comepletely different23:19
macojhutchins# that produces debs that MAY work IF theyre very simple packages23:19
ForgeAusalien isn't recommended...23:19
jhutchins_wkI totaled a machine installing Mandriva RPM's on a RedHat box - and that was back when Mandriva first forked.23:20
macojust like how debian debs on ubuntu arent recommended23:20
ForgeAusI know simple slackware binaries work directly in Kubuntu if you manually extract them from the .tgz23:20
macotheyre source compatible, not binary compatible23:20
jhutchins_wkI've actually used alien on kubuntu successfully.23:20
DragnslcrWe had a machine at work that was some bizarre Frankenstein of Ubuntu with Debian repositories23:20
ForgeAussource slackware packages don't work...23:20
macojhutchins# sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt, and sometimes it appears to have worked23:20
macothe latter is the worst situation23:20
DragnslcrI've had alien work on a couple packages, but it's definitely not guaranteed to work23:21
ForgeAusI'd rather not mess up my kubuntu with packages from other distros tho, I'd rather run them in their own userland23:21
DragnslcrForgeAus- that's what virtual machines are for23:21
ForgeAusDragnslcr why do I need a complete virtual machine tho?23:21
DragnslcrBecause that's what you're trying to do23:21
ForgeAusIt means making a hardfile (aka virtual disk) and way too much redundancy...23:22
DragnslcrYou can't have more than one operating system running at the same time. That just isn't how operating systems work23:22
ForgeAusI already use VMware/Qemu/VirtualBox for stuff23:22
ForgeAusI know I could do this that way, but I was hoping for a more, convenient solution (ie no need to reboot, etc)23:22
DragnslcrTrying to mix packages from multiple Linux distributions is going to break things23:23
ForgeAusI don't want the WHOLE OS running....23:23
ForgeAusDragnslcr tahts why I wanna put it in its own directory23:23
ForgeAusso it uses say /mandriva as its root23:23
ForgeAusor /zenwalk or whatever23:23
DragnslcrYou can try installing stuff in a chroot, but there's no guarantee that the operating system will be able to run the programs23:24
ForgeAusok why would that be a problem?23:24
DragnslcrPrograms may make assumptions about the OS that they're running on23:24
DragnslcrWell, I should say, programs from distribution packages23:25
DragnslcrCompiling them from source would probably work23:25
ForgeAusyeah, I get that, but if its a complete (minus whatever redundancy I can achieve) subsystem of that OS why should it matter?23:26
macoyou know subsystem means like "the audio stack" or "graphics" or whatever, right?23:26
macoi assume you want more than a single system23:26
maco*single subsystem23:26
macocuz just having sound drivers isnt gonna run23:26
ForgeAuswell in the windows world there is Interix and stuff like Andlinux or Cygwin which are all various methods of having a posix subsystem for Windows...23:27
ForgeAus(AndLinux uses a hardfile/virtual Drive too essentially .. but not quite the same as a virtual machine... kinda more like a linux emulator I guess... )23:27
DragnslcrWell, cygwin is essentially an emulator23:28
ForgeAusCygwin I'm no fan of, and Interix (From Microsoft themselves) is quite spartan... but you can install a gentoo prefix on that which essentially is a gentoo subsystem for it...23:28
snarkstercygwin kicks butt23:28
ForgeAusyeah cygwin is kinda like an emulator...23:28
ForgeAusbut it isn't abi compatible23:29
snarksternever had any problems with cygwin23:29
ForgeAus(application binary interface)23:29
ForgeAus(not like wine for example)23:29
snarkstergot x to work for those few apps that need a gui.. awesome idea23:29
ForgeAusI've had MANY problems with interix23:29
ForgeAusxming rox23:29
ForgeAustried KDE via cygwin but had nothing but headaches...23:29
ForgeAusunfortunately no KDE for interix yet tho...23:30
ForgeAusAndLinux was quite nice it practiucally functioned as an embedded Kubuntu23:30
ForgeAus(also used stuff like pulseaudio or esd for sound and xming for x server etc)23:31
ForgeAuswait Cygwin has a built in X-server (same as Xming anyway... or rather the Xming one seems to be basically a fork of the Xserver from cygwin)23:31
snarksterwell getting kde to work in cygwin isnt that easy, but X works just fine for sshing into a box you want gui on.. :)23:32
ForgeAusyeah snarkster, I get that, and that works...23:32
snarksterbut now since I dont have any windows boxes in my house i dont need cygwin anymore23:32
snarksteryah ok Ill shutup now.23:33
ForgeAusI don't like cygwin for the most part, but yeah for ur purposes I get how its useful...23:33
ForgeAusstill I'm looking more for I dunno whats UserModeLinux and/or OpenVZ?? would they do a distro subsystem?23:34
snarkstergood luck23:35
ForgeAusmaybe subsystem isn't the right word maybe embedded distro?23:35
puddleHi need a client that supports mirc scripts?23:36
puddleAny ideas?23:36
ForgeAusthere isnt one for linux afaik23:36
ForgeAusbut you could use wine and run mirc23:36
puddlewont work23:36
puddledoesnt allow ssl23:36
* Walzmyn shudders at ForgeAus 23:36
puddleAlso script edditor closes when opened.....23:37
ForgeAuswell you're going to have to convert your scripts to something like X-chat for example then23:37
ForgeAusthats all I can suggest...23:37
puddlehow though?23:37
_Whipperhuoh.. why use mirc, when u have loads of other clients..23:37
ForgeAusuh, I'm not the person to ask that puddle23:37
puddle_Whipper,  because i need aliases scripts23:37
jhutchins_wk2What other music managers are there besides amarok?23:37
puddleThats why23:37
ign0ramusjhutchins_wk2, songbird23:38
Walzmynwhat's an alias script do?23:38
ForgeAusaliases are just macro /commands23:38
_Whipperpuddle: write the scripts?23:38
ign0ramusForgeAus, doesn't konversation have that feature?23:38
ForgeAusany client you can write a script for should have macro /commands available23:38
ForgeAusign0ramus I wouldn't know...23:38
puddleits only alias i need23:38
ForgeAusit certainly doesn't have a cushy IDE to write them with lol23:38
ForgeAusyou might want to check into KVirc...23:38
ign0ramusindeed :/23:38
ForgeAusthat is a more featured irc client (not sure about scripting with/for/by it tho) its fairly mIRC-like too interface wise23:39
ign0ramusjhutchins_wk2, if you are looking because you're disappointed in amarok2, you can always still use amarok 1.4 for now...23:39
_Whipperxchat is a choise too..23:40
_Whippernot xhat for gnome that is..23:40
ForgeAusXchat is ugly in KDE for the most part, kinda disappointing23:41
_Whipperand isnt konverstation an irc-client too..?23:41
ForgeAusyes it is23:41
ign0ramus_Whipper, yes, and they have a kde4 port available too23:41
ForgeAuskewl KDE4 konversation finally? awesome I've been waiting for that23:42
_Whipperi thought i had it somewhere.. :)23:42
ForgeAusQuassel is another IRC client23:42
_Whipperquassel i didnt like so much..23:42
ForgeAussame here23:43
DragnslcrQuassel is usable. Few things I'm hoping they improve, but it works well enough for me23:43
thumpermy plasma just died23:44
jhutchins_wk2ign0ramus: No, I've got a new system, I thought I'd try something different.  I like Amarok just fine, only thing missing is "random fill" to grab a random playlist and fill a media.23:44
thumperwhat is the best way to kill it and restart it?23:45
Dragnslcrthumper- if you can, ctrl-esc to bring up the process list, find plasma in the list, select it, and press Kill Process23:45
DragnslcrIt may restart on its own when you kill the process23:46
thumperI didn't know that ctrl-esc did that :)23:46
DragnslcrHeh, yep, it's pretty handy23:46
thumperok, plasma killed23:46
thumperit isn't back though23:47
=== root is now known as Guest90672
thumperdamn it23:49
=== forge is now known as ForgeAus
thumperok, alt-run /usr/bin/plasma got it back23:50
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trappistanybody here got an atheros ar5001 chipset?  ever since I upgraded to jaunty, mine's *really* slow.23:56
ubuntuI have problem with kde system notifications, I can't hear sounds23:56
ubuntuI am on live system now23:56
ubuntubut it was the same when I had it installed23:57
ign0ramusubuntu, do you have PCM turned up?23:57
ubuntuI am on 9.04 kubuntu now23:57
ubuntuas I know23:57
ubuntuI will se it in mixer23:57
ubuntuYes it is turned on23:57
ubuntuI have Live! soundcard23:57
ign0ramusubuntu, have you tested your devices in System Settings > Multimedia?23:58
ubuntuAnd I can hear sounds when testing them on system settings-system notification23:58
ubuntuPlayer is set to kde-sound system23:58
ubuntuIn multimedia I have SB Live! and Pulseaudio23:59

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