jimi_hendrix | hi, how do i setup bzr locally so i can just push and commit code from a dir? | 00:11 |
maxb | setup? Just install and use. | 00:12 |
beuno | jimi_hendrix, https://help.launchpad.net/BzrHowto | 00:12 |
jimi_hendrix | ty | 00:13 |
jimi_hendrix | what do i do with my ssh key? | 00:15 |
mthaddon | jimi_hendrix: add the public portion of it to your LP account at https://edge.launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys | 00:16 |
jimi_hendrix | wait...how do i get my ssh key...i reinstalled linux and it is probably different | 00:17 |
mthaddon | sounds like you'll need to recreate your ssh key | 00:19 |
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Ryan52 | WTF | 00:45 |
Ryan52 | launchpad is really annoying sometimes... | 00:45 |
Ryan52 | so I have no clue why I'm getting these "build of blah" emails. | 00:45 |
Ryan52 | apparently since I'm the person who packaged something in Debian I now get emails every time somebody builds the package in their PPA? where the first P stands for personal!?!? | 00:46 |
* Ryan52 == confused | 00:46 | |
Ryan52 | does somebody understand why this happens? how do I turn it off? | 00:47 |
beuno | Ryan52, what's your launchpad id? | 00:48 |
Ryan52 | ryan52 | 00:48 |
beuno | Ryan52, and for what PPA are you getting emails? | 00:49 |
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Ryan52 | jeffreyratcliffe | 00:50 |
beuno | Ryan52, does the email explain on the footer why you are getting it? | 00:51 |
Ryan52 | http://slexy.org/raw/s20FTBW3vY | 00:52 |
Ryan52 | I don't think so.. | 00:52 |
beuno | Ryan52, this does look like a bug | 00:53 |
beuno | would you file it against: https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz | 00:53 |
beuno | please include a copy of that email | 00:54 |
Ryan52 | well, presumably it emailed me because the .dsc that he uploaded (I'm guessing) has me in the Changed-By | 00:54 |
Ryan52 | because he probably didn't change the changelog | 00:54 |
beuno | right | 00:54 |
beuno | which is the users' error, but it may be worth discussing how to prevent this | 00:54 |
beuno | at the very minimum, the email should explain why you're getting it | 00:55 |
beuno | and who to beat up :) | 00:55 |
Ryan52 | meh, so I guess I have to either suck it up or /dev/null mail from launchpad? | 01:00 |
Ryan52 | I hope this guy stops working on packages... | 01:00 |
beuno | Ryan52, no. File a bug, we can try and improve the situation | 01:00 |
beuno | we don't want Launchpad to be a spam vector | 01:01 |
Ryan52 | ok | 01:03 |
poolie | spm: this may be obvious but how about asking users to change their account first before disabling it? | 01:31 |
spm | poolie: works for me - I guess I'd assumed the CHR had explored that option already. assumption fail? | 01:33 |
poolie | i don't know | 01:33 |
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spm | Our understanding was that the chr would be the public interface - handle most of the lp user interactions. Once the chr/persons clear the Q/task/whatever, then it gets passed to us to actually "make it so". We act as a final sanity check in that respect as well. | 01:43 |
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jj_ | hello is there a ppa repository for gnomenu? | 05:22 |
jj_ | would be nice if there was | 05:22 |
jj_ | so i guess thats a no. | 05:23 |
spm | jj_: looks like it: https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomenu-team/+ppa-packages | 05:24 |
spm | jj_: you're more than welcome to create your own tho? | 05:24 |
firefly2442 | Any new details as to the open sourcing of launchpad components? I know the devs are striving for July. I'm specifically interested in Rosetta (the online translations tool) | 05:26 |
wgrant | firefly2442: Rosetta should all be open source on July 21st, I believe. | 05:30 |
jj_ | wonder why no ones created one so far .. but yea i guess i could but i dunno how to manage launchpad lol | 05:30 |
firefly2442 | yeah, I looked around a little bit for something similar to Rosetta for doing translations online but there really isn't much out there | 05:31 |
firefly2442 | well, looking forward to it | 05:31 |
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wgrant | spm: I just got a 502 from lpnet... that is meant to be fixed, isn't it? | 06:44 |
spm | wgrant: for values of fixed. yes. but I can see some repeat behaviour which may suggest it's not all fixed yet. | 06:51 |
spm | wgrant: the good news is that should have generated a backend oops, despite what you saw. | 06:53 |
wgrant | spm: Yep. Thanks. | 06:55 |
maxb | Hmm. I could have sworn that you used to be able to see a page with a list of links to the librarian for each binary deb produced by a build. | 08:18 |
maxb | Now it seems you have to browse to a separate page per binary for those links | 08:18 |
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poolie | hi | 09:19 |
poolie | BjornT: every gpg-signed bug mail i've sent in the last days has caused an oops | 09:20 |
poolie | like OOPS-1229CEMAIL3 | 09:20 |
poolie | is this a known issue? | 09:20 |
poolie | non-signed mail (with just comments) seems to go through ok | 09:20 |
lifeless | poolie: have you had a signing key expire/be replaced perhaps ? | 09:20 |
poolie | lifeless: yeah it's "bad signature" | 09:24 |
poolie | maybe whitespace mangling | 09:24 |
poolie | it was bug 375859 | 09:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 375859 in acr38 "Sync acr38 1.7.9+pristine-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/375859 | 09:33 |
poolie | bug 375879 | 09:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 375879 in launchpad "badly signed gpg mail just gives an oops" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/375879 | 09:34 |
BjornT | poolie: i looked at your mail in mutt, and it also says the signature is bad. it's a bug that you don't get a better error message, but i don't think it's LP's fault for not verifying the signature properly | 09:44 |
poolie | BjornT: i agree | 09:44 |
poolie | my complaint's only with the error message | 09:45 |
poolie | if gpg alone doesn't think it's valid launchpad can't be expected to accept it | 09:45 |
MaWaLe | hi all | 09:51 |
MaWaLe | can i have a brnch section on my project that is only accessible t the concerned development team? | 09:52 |
MaWaLe | s/brnch/branch | 09:52 |
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: gmb | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | ||
MaWaLe | can i have a branch on my project that is only accessible t the concerned development team? | 10:21 |
MaWaLe | gmb: can i have a branch on my project that is only accessible t the concerned development team? | 10:21 |
gmb | MaWaLe: You mean you'd like the branch not to appear to the outside world? | 10:22 |
MaWaLe | gmb: yup | 10:22 |
gmb | MaWaLe: I *think* that private branches are something that we only offer to commercial subscribers, but I need to check that; bear with me. I know that we only offer having private branches *by default* to commercial subscibers. | 10:24 |
MaWaLe | gmb: thanks for your reply. can you please pass me the link for the pratacing section of LP | 10:26 |
MaWaLe | i lost the link :( | 10:26 |
gmb | MaWaLe: Sure. It's http://staging.launchpad.net | 10:26 |
apw | anyone else seeing a broken link when clicking on "nominate for release" ? | 10:27 |
MaWaLe | gmb: one last question please : there isn't a way to have the LP installed on our own test server for offline work and workshops for our members? | 10:28 |
gmb | MaWaLe: No, there isn't at the moment. However, the majority of Launchpad will be released under an Open Source license in July so you'll be able to do that then. | 10:28 |
rion | "File was not exported from Launchpad.". how to fix translation file or better force LP to import it? | 10:28 |
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MaWaLe | gmb : thanks for all. if i have more questions i'll be back :) | 10:29 |
gmb | apw: Whereabouts are you seeing this broken link? | 10:30 |
gmb | MaWaLe: No problem. :) | 10:30 |
danilos | rion: the best you could do is download another PO file from Launchpad, and merge it with what you've got | 10:30 |
apw | gmb, the nominate link on this bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/357970?comments=all | 10:30 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 357970 in linux "No sound in Intrepid after kernel update to 2.6.27-11.31" [High,New] | 10:30 |
* gmb looks | 10:30 | |
rion | danilos, thx, i'll try:) | 10:31 |
gmb | apw: I see that too. That's very odd. | 10:31 |
danilos | rion: anyway, you should watch out not to remove X-Launchpad-Export-Date from the PO file header (some flaky PO editors do that), if you downloaded file from Launchpad; if you didn't, please merge it as suggested above since you don't want to overwrite work that might have happened directly over the web in the meantime | 10:31 |
apw | gmb, goes here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/357970/+nominate, which looks about right but it contains the 'are you lost page' | 10:31 |
gmb | apw: Give me a second to just check something out here... | 10:31 |
danilos | rion: np, if you've got any problems, feel free to ping me | 10:31 |
apw | gmb, launchpad is odd most of the time | 10:31 |
rion | danilos, okay :) | 10:32 |
gmb | apw: We're working on fixing that. | 10:33 |
apw | gmb, on my link issue, or that its odd most of the time :) | 10:34 |
gmb | apw: The latter :). I'm just checking that the link issue isn't *everywhere*. | 10:34 |
gmb | ... which it appears to be. That's worrying. | 10:35 |
apw | someone here reported it working on one of their bugs | 10:35 |
gmb | apw: Please file a bug about this on http://bugs.launchpad.net/malone; Someone from the bugs team will follow it up today. | 10:35 |
gmb | apw: Hmm That's even odder. Mind you, I've only tried it on three bugs, maybe there's a common denominator I'm not seeing. | 10:36 |
gmb | apw: Anyway, please file the bug and we'll look into it presently. | 10:36 |
apw | gmb on it | 10:36 |
gmb | Thanks. | 10:36 |
apw | gmb seems its the "i have no yellow box problem" | 10:40 |
gmb | apw: Can you elucidate? My brain isn't up to speed yet this morning. | 10:41 |
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apw | heh .. sorry ... the link there isn't a task specific link, therefore there is no yellow background entry in the task list, and its in that case that it breaks | 10:42 |
apw | gmb, using the nominate link on _this_ url works: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/357970/+nominate | 10:43 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 357970 in linux "No sound in Intrepid after kernel update to 2.6.27-11.31" [High,New] | 10:43 |
gmb | apw: Ah, right. Yes, ISWYM. We should be redirecting you to the right context, so that's definitely a bug. | 10:43 |
apw | will make the bug say that ... | 10:43 |
gmb | apw: Thanks. | 10:43 |
Brucevdk | Hi, LP complains that 'Not a branch: "http://nautilussvn.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/"' on https://code.launchpad.net/~nautilussvn/nautilussvn/devel -- are you supposed to be able to add trunk? | 10:43 |
* gmb looks | 10:44 | |
Brucevdk | it used to be set to branches/v0.12 but that got deleted | 10:45 |
apw | gmb bug #375912 | 10:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 375912 in malone "+nominate links producing the "Lost Something?" page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/375912 | 10:46 |
gmb | apw: Thanks. | 10:46 |
gmb | Brucevdk: I'm not sure why that's happening; it should be able to mirror trunk. Please file a question at http://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-code and I'll ask one of the code team to take a look at it for you when they come online in a few hours. | 10:48 |
wgrant | gmb, Brucevdk: Isn't that because it's trying to mirror a bzr branch, but that's a Subversion URL? | 10:48 |
wgrant | Brucevdk: I suspect you want to register an SVN import, not a bzr mirror. | 10:48 |
gmb | *facepalm* | 10:48 |
Brucevdk | heh | 10:48 |
gmb | wgrant: You're right. | 10:49 |
wgrant | https://code.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+new | 10:49 |
Brucevdk | wgrant: I didn't add the initial request for the import so I assumed it was doing an svn import | 10:49 |
gmb | Brucevdk: FTR, wgrant represents the part of my psyche that's actually awake this morning. | 10:49 |
* Brucevdk looks | 10:49 | |
wgrant | gmb: Heh. | 10:49 |
Brucevdk | gmb: :-) | 10:49 |
Brucevdk | wgrant: so wait, am I supposed to do an import even if we don't do any development on the bzr branch? Do I even need anything to do translations? | 10:50 |
Brucevdk | "to do translations" = to enable people to translate | 10:50 |
Brucevdk | I guess translations are associated with series so no... | 10:50 |
Brucevdk | may aswell dump it | 10:50 |
Brucevdk | can somebody link me to the documentation for project maintainers? | 10:53 |
wgrant | Brucevdk: help.launchpad.net can probably answer lots of questions. | 10:53 |
wgrant | And gmb the rest :P | 10:54 |
gmb | Don't bank on it. | 10:54 |
* gmb revels in knowing who *else* to ask questions of. | 10:54 | |
* Brucevdk tries to find where "series" are defined | 10:55 | |
wgrant | Okay then, s/rest/rest... by proxy/ | 10:55 |
gmb | Brucevdk: On the project front page, click "Register a series" | 10:55 |
Brucevdk | gmb: ah, thanks | 10:55 |
gmb | wgrant: Works for me. I am but a broker of knowledge. | 10:55 |
gmb | apw: Out of interest, how did you arrive at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/357970 in the first place? Did you follow a link? | 10:56 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 357970 in linux "No sound in Intrepid after kernel update to 2.6.27-11.31" [High,New] | 10:56 |
gmb | apw: The reason I ask is that you shouldn't be able to arrive at that URL by following links; you should arrive at a sane URL that lets you use +nominate. | 10:57 |
apw | our qa bug lists use that form | 10:57 |
gmb | Aaah. | 10:57 |
apw | but the link is clearly valid as it produces the contents of the bug | 10:58 |
gmb | apw: Right, it's valid, but the problem goes away if you link to http://launchpad.net/bugs/$bugnumber. That page should redirect you, true, but until that's fixed you should use the shorter bug URL form. | 10:58 |
apw | gmb, right, but i can see why they are using the direct link there. as we always need to see the last comments we asked them to add ?comments=all, so we get the full script when we hit the link. the bugs/NNNN link strips that modifier | 11:02 |
gmb | Ahhh. | 11:02 |
gmb | Yeah, I can see the problem. | 11:02 |
* apw realises he should file a bug to say that showing the first N is completely and always useless, that if you are truncating truncate the old info not the new | 11:02 | |
apw | i'll add the info on why we are using that specific link too | 11:03 |
gmb | apw: That bug's been filed already, FTR. We're working on working out the best way to do things (like loading the comments asynchronously in batches or somethign) | 11:03 |
gmb | apw: Thanks. | 11:03 |
apw | why did we even start limiting the comments included, given the latency of loading the page is about the same with or without them even if you are in the UK | 11:04 |
wgrant | Dynamically-extending pages bring out a stab reflex in me (see /., for example) | 11:04 |
wgrant | apw: Super-huge bugs were timing out, I believe. | 11:05 |
gmb | wgrant: Right, so we've talked about loading the first (or last) N comments with the bug and then batch-load the rest of them. Hard problem to solve, though. | 11:05 |
gmb | wgrant: Alternately, we just delete all the comments and add an upper limit of, say, 10 comments before the bug explodes. | 11:06 |
gmb | But I don't think many people would appreciate that. | 11:06 |
wgrant | gmb: Heh, no. | 11:06 |
* apw presumes that 'super huge' is >80 comments as that is the limit right now | 11:07 | |
gmb | apw: Bug 1, for example. | 11:07 |
apw | and i don't find a single one of those bugs explodes when i click through on them to the whole bug | 11:07 |
ValentineX | hi what is launchpad | 11:07 |
ValentineX | i cannot login easily | 11:07 |
ValentineX | i always get login page error | 11:07 |
gmb | ValentineX: What error is it that you get when you try to log in? | 11:07 |
ValentineX | gmb: like this since about one month Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. | 11:09 |
ValentineX | "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server." | 11:09 |
gmb | ValentineX: And you're still seeing that today? | 11:09 |
ValentineX | gmb: yes just now i was opening to check launchpad web address that got error again but i refreshing page helped | 11:10 |
ValentineX | Unexpected form data | 11:12 |
ValentineX | Launchpad doesn't understand the form data submitted in this request. | 11:12 |
ValentineX | that error message i get 90% times at https://login.launchpad.net/+openid | 11:12 |
ValentineX | but trying again and again sometime helps | 11:13 |
ValentineX | gmb: are u writing that my complaint on notepad | 11:14 |
ValentineX | sometime i get that login error too many times that i give up, first i thought for one week that site is down | 11:15 |
gmb | ValentineX: Actually, I'm wondering, how did you arrive at that page? Are you trying to log in to Launchpad itself or some other site that uses Launchpad Open ID to manage authentication? | 11:15 |
ValentineX | gmb: from shipit.ubuntu.com | 11:15 |
gmb | Hmm. | 11:16 |
gmb | ValentineX: Okay, let me just see if I can reproduce your problem. | 11:16 |
ValentineX | thank you :) | 11:17 |
gmb | Ahh. | 11:17 |
ValentineX | actually i am little old user to launchpad and in past launch login was too much fast. | 11:17 |
gmb | ValentineX: So, I can reproduce that problem if I go to a page in shipit and then hit the back button in the browser. | 11:18 |
gmb | ValentineX: If you go to shipit.ubuntu.com now and just follow the link to "Request a CD of Ubuntu Desktop Edition", what happens? | 11:18 |
ValentineX | gmb: request a cd opens https://login.launchpad.net/+openid | 11:19 |
gmb | ValentineX: And can you then log in? | 11:20 |
gmb | ValentineX: Oh, wait. I just got the "Could not connect to Launchpad" page again. | 11:20 |
gmb | Ho hum. | 11:20 |
ValentineX | gmb: cant , very rarely i can login in that got this error message again just now | 11:20 |
ValentineX | Unexpected form dataLaunchpad doesn't understand the form data submitted in this request. | 11:20 |
gmb | ValentineX: Well, I didn't get that error myself - I got "could not connect to Launchpad server". But either way, that's weird. I'll speak to a sysadmin, see if we can't work out what's going on. | 11:21 |
gmb | ValentineX: Out of interest, if you go to actually i am little old user to launchpad and in past launch login was too much fast. | 11:21 |
gmb | Eh. | 11:21 |
gmb | My highlight-to-read thing gets the better of me. | 11:22 |
gmb | ValentineX: What I meant to say was: | 11:22 |
gmb | If you go to http://launchpad.net/+login, can you log in there? | 11:22 |
ValentineX | gmb: http://launchpad.net/+login is little faster than of https://login.launchpad.net/+openid, both are slow to login and +openid cannot login mostly, on +login i also got "could not connect to Launchpad server" few minutes before | 11:23 |
gmb | Hmm. | 11:24 |
wgrant | Are the two SSO instances perhaps needing a kicking, but nobody has noticed? | 11:24 |
ValentineX | i logged is now easily at http://launchpad.net/+login in first try :) | 11:24 |
gmb | ValentineX: Okay, bear with me here whilst I speak to a sysadmin | 11:24 |
gmb | wgrant: My thoughts exactly. | 11:24 |
wgrant | gmb: I guess they rarely get used by anybody who frequents here. | 11:24 |
gmb | ValentineX: In the meantime, it might be worth you going to shipit.ubuntu.com and trying again; now that you're logged in it shouldn't ask you to log in again and you should be able to proceed directly to placing an order. | 11:25 |
gmb | wgrant: Yeah. | 11:25 |
ValentineX | gmb: yup, but i just wanted to kill bugs want faster launchpad services | 11:26 |
ValentineX | gmb thanks | 11:38 |
* gmb breaks for lunch | 11:42 | |
SanninMan | hi | 11:44 |
SanninMan | I try to get free ubuntu cd it says no -> launchpad | 11:45 |
SanninMan | what is up with that? | 11:45 |
SanninMan | hello? | 11:46 |
wgrant | SanninMan: Try logging in at https://launchpad.net/+login first, then try to order the CD again. | 11:47 |
SanninMan | ok thanx | 11:47 |
SanninMan | keeps skipping :/ | 12:01 |
wgrant | SanninMan: Skipping? | 12:02 |
SanninMan | yes sometimes says request fails | 12:02 |
SanninMan | maybe the problem is on my side. my isp sux | 12:03 |
wgrant | Is your browser generating the message, or is it coming from Launchpad? | 12:03 |
SanninMan | the website | 12:09 |
SanninMan | I gotta go. thanx for ur help WGRANT :) | 12:09 |
SanninMan | bye | 12:09 |
soren | gmb: Who do I poke this time of day if I want a private team set up? | 12:15 |
cjwatson | Hi, I'd like an admin to do some twiddling of an Ubuntu test rebuild that I've set up at bigjools' request | 12:27 |
cjwatson | the rebuild archive URL is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20090513; I'd like to have it (a) set to build on virtual builders (PPA); (b) enabled | 12:28 |
* wgrant has his first encounter with the new +filebug. | 13:01 | |
kiko | cjwatson, hang in there | 13:02 |
gmb | soren: Current procedure is to talk to bac via feedback@launchpad.net. | 13:02 |
gmb | wgrant: Plenty more where that came from. | 13:02 |
gmb | The current revision even does your dishes asynchronously. | 13:03 |
gmb | Shame that it has to pass a test suite before i can land it... | 13:03 |
wgrant | gmb: I can't get to the dupe listing on staging - it always times out :( | 13:04 |
gmb | That's a touch sad-making. | 13:05 |
gmb | wgrant: The find-dupes-asynchronously branch hasn't landed yet, otherwise you'd at least be able to file a bug, even if the dupe search timed out. | 13:05 |
gmb | wgrant: But I suspect it's as much because it's running on staging as anything else. | 13:06 |
wgrant | gmb: Yep. | 13:06 |
wgrant | Aha, I see the test rebuild is working! Excellent. | 13:06 |
wgrant | and the builds probably won't even fail to upload this time. | 13:06 |
bigjools | ye of little faith! | 13:07 |
wgrant | bigjools: They did fail to upload until 2.2.4, didn't they? | 13:07 |
bigjools | ach, details :) | 13:07 |
wgrant | Heh. | 13:07 |
bigjools | keep an eye on the "Archive build status", it updates dynamically | 13:07 |
bigjools | as does the "build status" | 13:08 |
wgrant | Yep. | 13:08 |
bigjools | noodles775 wonderful work in action | 13:08 |
wgrant | Indeed. | 13:08 |
wgrant | It works remarkably smoothly now. | 13:08 |
* wgrant watches the ticks appear. | 13:09 | |
noodles775 | :) | 13:09 |
* noodles775 hopes wgrant isn't watching the expanded section, as it won't (currently) update automatically. | 13:09 | |
wgrant | noodles775: I saw the bug on that... | 13:10 |
noodles775 | good :) | 13:10 |
kiko | cjwatson, d0ne | 13:10 |
wgrant | Now, I guess those binaries won't be published anywhere, so we can't get them without hacking URLs? | 13:10 |
cjwatson | kiko: cheers | 13:10 |
james_w | that's pretty cool | 13:10 |
cjwatson | wgrant: right, unfortunately | 13:10 |
wgrant | Much cooler than my rebuilds. Plus they won't die as much. | 13:10 |
cjwatson | wgrant: that isn't (IMO) important in itself, but it means that the builds can't use their own output, which is pretty unfortunate | 13:11 |
kiko | wgrant, no, you can click on the links to the packages | 13:11 |
bigjools | click the librarian links | 13:11 |
kiko | what good julian says | 13:11 |
cjwatson | well, ok, but still not published as an apt archive | 13:11 |
bigjools | cjwatson: yeah, we're going to need to get more disk space if we start publishing these! | 13:11 |
cjwatson | I can make an argument for it :) | 13:12 |
kiko | la la la la | 13:12 |
bigjools | sounds good :) | 13:12 |
wgrant | bigjools: *cough* diskless archives | 13:12 |
cjwatson | still, it'll catch quite a few problems even so | 13:12 |
wgrant | Isn't there this librarian wrapper thing that I've heard of that lets you do nice hardlinks to save space? | 13:12 |
wgrant | Oh. | 13:12 |
wgrant | But they're not the same file. | 13:12 |
wgrant | There aren't any librarian links that I can see... just "Binaries awaiting acceptance" | 13:13 |
bigjools | ah. Hm. | 13:14 |
elmo | publishing is not just a matter of disk space | 13:14 |
kiko | I think they will be accepted though | 13:14 |
elmo | it's resources as a whole | 13:14 |
wgrant | kiko: That's true. Just not published. | 13:16 |
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara | ||
cjwatson | PS all your buildds are belong to ME | 13:16 |
wgrant | But... there's bug #370529, so I don't think the links will show up unless they're published. | 13:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 370529 in soyuz "when binary packages in -proposed are "accepted", build page shows them as "Binaries awaiting acceptance"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/370529 | 13:17 |
cjwatson | elmo: surely it's essentially resources formerly consumed by the dak autotest framework | 13:17 |
wgrant | But URL hackage works. | 13:17 |
bac | hi soren. you have a project that needs some privacy features. | 13:17 |
soren | -> pm | 13:17 |
elmo | cjwatson: well. yes. assuming dak and soyuz are as efficent as each other, but yeah. | 13:18 |
elmo | we could certainly use mcmurdo for it, if the soyuz rebuild stuff is sufficently advanced to replace the dak one | 13:18 |
bigjools | I doubt it is yet, but we're getting there | 13:18 |
elmo | we could also probably co-locate them in the meantime | 13:19 |
cjwatson | elmo: the major thing the soyuz rebuild stuff is missing in order to be able to replace the dak one, AFAICT, is ... publishing :) | 13:19 |
cjwatson | elmo: i.e. it doesn't currently use its own output | 13:19 |
elmo | cjwatson: right | 13:19 |
wgrant | It would also need some kind of vague ordering for that to be useful, wouldn't it? | 13:20 |
elmo | wgrant: no,you just build twice | 13:20 |
wgrant | elmo: True. | 13:20 |
cjwatson | even with ordering you would have to stop and wait for publishing cycles all the time, and you wouldn't catch things like "gcc can't build with current gcc" | 13:21 |
cjwatson | so I agree, simpler and more robust to just build twice | 13:21 |
wgrant | Are the lines up the top of the copy archive page referring to the copy operation itself? | 13:21 |
cjwatson | "Completed"? I think that must be | 13:22 |
cjwatson | it switched to Completed about when I committed the populate-archive transaction | 13:22 |
wgrant | It was "Inprogress" for a couple of minutes after you asked here, so I suspect it is. | 13:22 |
wgrant | Aha. | 13:22 |
cjwatson | at least I think so, I'm assuming the info messages from populate-archive are in UTC ... | 13:23 |
cjwatson | 2009-05-13 11:55:46 INFO Done. | 13:23 |
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aboudreault | Does anyone can speak french? | 13:36 |
* wgrant sets up a cron job to render the rebuild results nicely. | 13:40 | |
gmb | aboudreault: Pas très bien. Do you have a question about Launchpad? | 13:41 |
aboudreault | Yes... it fact, someone have tried to explain to me the same question to me a few days ago... but i've not well understood. That's probably because my question was badly asked. | 13:42 |
aboudreault | So, if i could ask it in French... | 13:43 |
wgrant | Might it be a good idea to invert language pack and copy priorities? | 13:44 |
aboudreault | Else, i can try to reask it in English the best i can. | 13:44 |
gmb | aboudreault: Peut-être que Google peut vous aider à me comprendre. | 13:44 |
wgrant | Language packs are surely more important, but now will be blocked for a week. | 13:44 |
aboudreault | gmb: yeah, i can normally understant everything. but this time, i didn't. :P | 13:45 |
gmb | :) | 13:45 |
aboudreault | Do you want me to try to explain my "problem" ? | 13:46 |
gmb | aboudreault: Sure. | 13:46 |
aboudreault | Ok | 13:46 |
cprov | wgrant: good point, lang-pack as general build-retry will be blocked for a long time in the PPA domain. | 13:48 |
wgrant | cprov: *and* general build-retry, you mean? | 13:49 |
wgrant | That's a good point too; forgot about retries. | 13:49 |
aboudreault | gmp, The problem is that I don't really know how to deal with my packages repository (UbuntuGIS). It will probably has around 50 packages (different software), which a few of them have dependencies INSIDE the my repository. So, If I would update a package, which is a dependency of 5-6 other packages, I would have to rebuild all there 5-6 packages, if I what them to support the new version. But those 5-6 packages are ALSO depen | 13:52 |
aboudreault | other packages... so... you know what i mean :P | 13:52 |
aboudreault | How repository like KDE.. deal with that ? | 13:52 |
gmb | aboudreault: You're talking about your PPA here? | 13:53 |
aboudreault | yes | 13:53 |
cprov | wgrant: that probably means that rebuild scores should be a negative value. | 13:53 |
gmb | aboudreault: I honestly don't know the answer as I'm not a package-management expert. Bear with me a second. | 13:53 |
wgrant | cprov: Ewww. But I guess that actually makes sense. | 13:53 |
wgrant | It would also be nice if they didn't show up in the queue depth stats. | 13:54 |
aboudreault | the only solution i see is: make a script that check all package dependencies, increment it and reupload it to lauchpad to be rebuild. that's a mess. | 13:54 |
gmb | aboudreault: I've asked cprov to help with your problem since he knows a lot more about package management than I do. | 13:54 |
aboudreault | Ok, thanks anyway :) | 13:55 |
cprov | wgrant: yes, it's just noise for most of people. | 13:55 |
maxb | aboudreault: Just because one package depends on another does not usually mean that it needs rebuilding when its dependency changes. | 13:55 |
maxb | Is there something special about your packages which makes this necessary? | 13:56 |
cprov | aboudreault: large PPAs and the ubuntu distro itself, only rebuild sources when the new dependencies have something special. | 13:57 |
aboudreault | If they are Binary Compatbile.. that ok. (if it's only a bug fix or something). But in some package, we have #if PACKAGE_VERSION >= X .. do that etc.. | 13:57 |
aboudreault | cprov: And that cannot be done only in the launchpad web interface ? | 13:58 |
cprov | aboudreault: no, not yet. | 13:58 |
cprov | aboudreault: but we have plans for supporting no-changes rebuilds. | 13:59 |
cprov | aboudreault: is that what you have in mind, right ? | 13:59 |
aboudreault | Yes, that would be very useful. | 14:00 |
cprov | A depends on B and the new B can improve A | 14:00 |
aboudreault | So you'll reupload A after the B change ? | 14:01 |
cprov | aboudreault: there is a case where the new B makes A FTBFS ... and this is more complicated, IMO | 14:01 |
cprov | aboudreault: in this sceneario I'd upload a new version of A, anyways. | 14:02 |
cprov | aboudreault: no, it's hard to make it work as you suggested, 'automagically' (but checking reversed deps). | 14:02 |
cprov | aboudreault: no-change rebuild will be requested in the UI/webservices, in principle. | 14:03 |
aboudreault | Ok. Also, we cannot do a package which is a dependency of other packages.... if we are not sure they are Binary Compatible? right ? | 14:04 |
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aboudreault | s/"do a package"/"do a package upgrade" | 14:05 |
cprov | aboudreault: well, that's the case I pointed, isn't it ? if A depends on B and you upload a new B upon which A cannot be built, you have to upload a new A as well | 14:06 |
cprov | aboudreault: in other words, you *can*, but it will break your repository | 14:07 |
aboudreault | Yes, but if i forgot to reupload the A, everything is broken? | 14:07 |
aboudreault | ha, that's it. | 14:07 |
cprov | aboudreault: hopefully A binaries are fine, but if a user wants to rebuild A in their system it will fail | 14:10 |
aboudreault | So, what you are trying to told me.... is that it's a mess to trying to support 4 Ubuntu distribution with up to date packages in my PPA. :P | 14:10 |
cprov | aboudreault: it would be great if we could provide reports highlighting those issues for the PPAs in LP. | 14:10 |
cprov | aboudreault: that's for sure, a very complex task, and we could do better helping you. | 14:12 |
aboudreault | Yes. that would be awesome. | 14:12 |
cprov | aboudreault: bzr and landscape PPAs face the same problems | 14:12 |
aboudreault | Ok. thanks for the infos. will try to make a script to handle that. | 14:15 |
cprov | aboudreault: take a look at https://edge.launchpad.net/autoppa | 14:20 |
cprov | aboudreault: it might help you to automate multi-series uploads | 14:20 |
aboudreault | Great. will take a look | 14:21 |
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nmvictor | hi,i recieved a message after registering my open gpg | 15:20 |
nmvictor | unfortunately their aint a link inside to confirm that the key is mine,what do i do? | 15:21 |
gmb | nmvictor: Can you paste the text of the email please? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com . | 15:26 |
nmvictor | ok,i think i figured it out.im using gmail and i had not instaled firegpg on my browser.i just leant that i need that to decrypt the instructions. | 15:28 |
nmvictor | i'll be untouch though | 15:28 |
nmvictor | **in touch | 15:30 |
MacYET | hi, is it possible for having a mailinglist associated with a team/project that can be subscribed by anyone? | 15:33 |
gmb | nmvictor: Ok. | 15:33 |
MacYET | or asked in a different way: is it possible to setup a mailinglist for a bugtracker where people != team members can subscribe on their own? | 15:34 |
gmb | MacYET: I don't think so. Let me check for you. | 15:35 |
beuno | MacYET, not on Launchpad, no | 15:35 |
MacYET | :-( | 15:35 |
barry | MacYET: mailing lists are very closely tied to teams currently | 15:36 |
nmvictor | i think i made it,with the confirmations.im just a few steps to my goal | 15:36 |
barry | MacYET: but you can have an open team that anyone can join+subscribe to | 15:36 |
MacYET | i know | 15:36 |
MacYET | ok, tnx | 15:36 |
nmvictor | i made it.now an ubuntuero. | 15:42 |
liw | I've been getting "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server." a few times today; reload seems to fix it | 15:45 |
liw | not on edge; informing you in case it's a problem you want to hear about | 15:46 |
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gmb | liw: We've noticed the problem; one of our appservers had the hiccups and this should be resolved nowabouts. | 15:53 |
liw | ack, no worries then; thanks | 15:53 |
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=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | ||
FlyingSquirrel31 | How do I specify a bug tracker | 16:25 |
kiko | FlyingSquirrel31, in the +edit page | 16:26 |
kiko | for your project | 16:26 |
FlyingSquirrel31 | got it thanks | 16:28 |
FlyingSquirrel31 | is there a way to mass import a list of bugs I already have? | 16:29 |
FlyingSquirrel31 | Im using launchpad's bug tracker | 16:30 |
intellectronica | FlyingSquirrel31: import from where? | 16:31 |
FlyingSquirrel31 | intellectronica: csv? | 16:31 |
intellectronica | FlyingSquirrel31: you can use the webservice api and launchpadlib to write a script that would do that | 16:32 |
aboudreault | What do you add to the package version when you request a no-change rebuild ? Do you just increment the version 1.2~hardy1 to 1.2~hardy2, or you append a "build1" or something? | 16:46 |
FlyingSquirrel31 | the staging server had an option to import code from a git repo. Is this option not supported in the real server? | 16:47 |
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beuno | FlyingSquirrel31, we're still in s testing phase | 16:49 |
beuno | "in a" | 16:49 |
FlyingSquirrel31 | bummer | 16:49 |
beuno | so it will, as soon as it's stable | 16:49 |
beuno | should be soon :) | 16:49 |
FlyingSquirrel31 | beuno: I'll be waiting. Meanwhile I think I'll stick with my text file and get back to coding. | 17:00 |
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bogner | if i change my username on launchpad, how can i get my ppa to move to the new location? i think this page: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/RepositoryMoves is intended to say, but it's clearly not been filled out yet | 18:29 |
bigjools | bogner: we don't support renaming your username when you have a PPA | 18:29 |
bogner | bigjools: i see. it should perhaps say that somewhere, near the renaming widget | 18:30 |
bigjools | bogner: it will do quite soon, we're changing things to block the rename | 18:30 |
bogner | because if you do it, it makes everything a bit messed up | 18:31 |
bogner | oh good | 18:31 |
bogner | thanks for the help | 18:31 |
bigjools | yeah we know :( | 18:31 |
bigjools | bogner: the best advice I can give is to open another PPA on a new account and copy the packages over | 18:31 |
bogner | will deleting the PPA and recreating it work? i don't have very many packages yet | 18:32 |
bogner | oh, maybe deleting a ppa is impossible | 18:32 |
bigjools | bogner: that will work if you delete all the packages first, but when you do it please file a Question on Soyuz to clean up your old repo area | 18:33 |
bogner | okay, i'll do that | 18:33 |
bogner | thank you | 18:33 |
bigjools | np | 18:37 |
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* cody-somerville is starting to love launchpad again, yay! :) | 18:50 | |
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charlie-tca | spam in launchpad. bug 34508 | 19:20 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 34508 in linux-source-2.6.15 "2.6.15 kernel fails to boot on ppc machine" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34508 | 19:20 |
charlie-tca | can the name be banned? | 19:21 |
intellectronica | mthaddon: ^^^ | 19:21 |
mthaddon | intellectronica: you know the drill - we need a question asked on LP and then assigned to the LOSAs | 19:22 |
intellectronica | oh, sorry, of course | 19:22 |
intellectronica | charlie-tca: care to do the honours? | 19:22 |
charlie-tca | What do I do? | 19:23 |
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intellectronica | charlie-tca: file a question asking for the comment to be removed | 19:24 |
charlie-tca | I would be happy to. | 19:24 |
intellectronica | charlie-tca: cool, thanks | 19:25 |
charlie-tca | Thank you! | 19:25 |
intellectronica | charlie-tca: ho, it's more than one comment. you're right, he should be banned | 19:27 |
charlie-tca | It doesn't show up in his bugs page, either | 19:28 |
jmehdi | hi, I have deleted a package 5 hours ago (webstrict_1.4-0ubuntu1), but I still can see it here: http://ppa.launchpad.net/sabily.team/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/w/webstrict/, is it normal? | 19:36 |
charlie-tca | question created, intellectronica | 19:47 |
charlie-tca | do you want the number? | 19:47 |
intellectronica | charlie-tca: no, that's ok, someone will attend to it soon. thanks | 19:47 |
charlie-tca | Thank you | 19:47 |
maarons | Hi, I've tried to push my branch to launchpad, it took a lot of time so I killed it and now I can't push because of lock on repo... bzr gives me a command that should breach the lock, but it doesn't work. How can I remove the lock so I can push? | 20:34 |
Peng_ | maarons: It gives you an URL like lp-123:// or lp-hosted:// or something, right? It's lying; give it the correct URL, lp:~maarons/project/branch or whatever. | 20:39 |
Peng_ | Is it possible to push a branch to Launchpad bypassing the default stacking policy? | 20:39 |
beuno | maarons, what's the bracnh URL? | 20:42 |
maarons | bzr info shows bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eio-2009-4d/gdb-qt-gui/trunk/ I've tried bzr break-lock lp:~io-2009-4d/gdb-qt-gui/trunk/ but it throws an exception | 20:43 |
Peng_ | maarons: What would that exception be? | 20:43 |
maarons | bzr: ERROR: exceptions.TypeError: a float is required and in the end *** Bazaar has encountered an internal error. and so on | 20:44 |
beuno | maarons, what version of bzr are you using? | 20:44 |
maarons | 1.14.1 should I downgrade? python 2.6.2 if that matters | 20:45 |
beuno | maarons, no, 1.14.1 is fine | 20:50 |
beuno | maarons, sounds like a bug | 20:50 |
maarons | =/ I can file a bug report, but will the lock time out or something, so I can use it again? | 20:51 |
maarons | Ech, bugs about this are already posted, but they are not resolved.... | 21:02 |
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maarons | Hmm is launchpad ok? I wanted to make a new branch to go over this bug, but I can't. After pushing register branch page takes infinite time to load... | 22:32 |
lifeless | maarons: you don't need to register if you pushed straight to launchpad | 22:39 |
lifeless | maarons: register is to get launchpad to pull from somewhere else for you | 22:40 |
maarons | thanks, push created new branch but it hanged: [#########- ] bzr+ssh > 5KB 2KB/s | Fetching revisions:Inserting stream:Walking content 0/127 and it doesn't change | 22:44 |
lifeless | maarons: is the - rotating? | 22:49 |
lifeless | maarons: is this a large project? | 22:50 |
maarons | no it's a small project | 22:59 |
maarons | what is -rotating? | 22:59 |
ripps | 14860 ppa builds queued!!! | 23:06 |
lifeless | maarons: interesting. | 23:10 |
lifeless | maarons: can you strace it, see what its doing? | 23:11 |
wgrant | ripps: It's the archive rebuild, actually. | 23:17 |
wgrant | ripps: But those are scored less than everything else, so PPA builds take precedence. | 23:17 |
ripps | wgrant: cool, that just seemed like an outrageously large number of packages | 23:17 |
Nafallo | warming the DC for me. was a bit cold today ;-) | 23:18 |
wgrant | Nafallo: Heh. | 23:18 |
lifeless | Nafallo: and in spring, you poor adopted-brit | 23:18 |
Nafallo | lifeless: DUDE! how are you? and would you reckon they have beer in Spain? :-) | 23:19 |
lifeless | I certainly hope so | 23:19 |
lifeless | I'm good :), yourself? | 23:19 |
Nafallo | lifeless: I'm okay. recently picked up on some proper training again, so muscles are stiff all over ;-) | 23:20 |
lifeless | cool | 23:20 |
wgrant | Hmm, the rebuild isn't respecting ogre-model. | 23:20 |
Nafallo | not sure if that's the word I'd use... | 23:20 |
wgrant | And binary upload versions are checked against the primary archive. | 23:21 |
Nafallo | lifeless: got beaten up by one of the girls yesterday :-D | 23:21 |
lifeless | Nafallo: rule of nature I think | 23:21 |
Nafallo | haha | 23:22 |
* Nafallo still need to learn how to block | 23:24 | |
maarons | lifeless: I did the strace, but I don't know how to interpret the output=) It tells me more that I can't put this strace output on my server, maybe it's my connection, I'll try a restart | 23:39 |
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