
thorwilhi. what a great day. just lost my job. well, in 4 weeks, to be exact12:46
andreasnthorwil, ouch, sorry to hear that12:48
andreasnwhere do you work?12:48
thorwilandreasn, a call center not worth mentioning12:48
andreasndo you do any graphics design freelancing?12:49
thorwilandreasn, no, last time it looked like i might, the client went away12:49
andreasnI get requests for various things from time to time from various people. I don't have the time or interest to do them myself12:50
kwwiithorwil: ouch, sorry to hear that12:51
andreasnand the gnome designers I used to forward them too are now fulltime employees or super-busy with their current freelance missions12:51
andreasnso if you're interested, perhaps I can recommend you next time something comes up12:52
thorwilandreasn, sure i am interested. always depends on the details, of course. thanks for the offer :)12:53
kwwiihttp://sinecera.de/theme2_carbon.png ...any ideas for improvement?12:53
thorwilkwwii, i'd flip the scrollbar, because as is it looks like the slider belongs to the right edge, not the actual scrollable area12:55
kwwiithorwil: hrm good idea...it was supposed to look like it comes out of the left part and extends above and into the window...that clearly didn't get through :p12:56
andreasnone thing I liked about the XP and OSX scollbars are that they seemed to be made out of the same material as the area that they are scrolling13:01
andreasnI'm not saying you should do this, but it might be worth considering13:02
andreasnin general, most GTK+ apps seems to threat the scrolling area as a completely different control than the window with padding and lines between it13:02
thorwilyeah, a mistake, i think13:03
SiDiI personnally find the osx ones ugly13:03
andreasnso the effect might be hard to achieve without a bunch of glade editing and possibly some changes to GTK+ itself13:04
kwwiiwell, if we would switch to blue everything would be much easier13:19
andreasnSiDi, ugly or beautiful, they get some of the physicalish design stuff right13:24
andreasnthorwil, I recall mpt was unhappy about that behavior as well, so maybe we should grab a GTK+ developer and look into how we can fix that (and how much work it would be etc.)13:34
thorwilandreasn, sure. i would add the bigger issue of hard-coded spacing between widgets. that just belongs to theming, especially with increasingly diverse devices13:36
andreasnI'm not sure how that is related. Shouldn't the space always be zero? Anyway, I think people are looking into the other issue already13:37
andreasnDavid Zeuten and David Madely (?)13:38
thorwilandreasn, well, having a gap or not having a gap next to scrollbars is related to spacing13:39
andreasnyou mean if some themes want to do it wrong? :)13:39
andreasnhm, yeah, sure13:40
thorwilheh, sure. the more wrong and terrible ugly themes can be, the better, as it likely also means there's space for good stuf :)13:40
kwwiiso, once again...http://sinecera.de/theme2_carbon2.png14:16
zniavrethe rebirth of ubuntulooks ?14:29
kwwiizniavre: nope, just some stuff i was playing with14:48
kwwiithorwil: can you take a look at the wallpaper brief? I think it is ready but maybe you can find something to improve: http://sinecera.de/karmic_wallpaper_notfinal.pdf14:49
SiDiCanonical should recruit thorwil imo :]14:50
thorwilwas busy, garden work16:18
thorwilkwwii, reads very familiar ;)16:21
thorwilkwwii, Implementation page could be a good place to point to the SVG and XCF templates16:22
thorwilkwwii, i'd drop the Color Palette page. it's so ingrained by now, many will conform, anyway. but you should embiggen the chance of pleasant surprises16:23
thorwilkwwii, but if you keep it, consider placing the palette image to fit with the "Use warm colors ..." paragraph from the previous page16:25
thorwilkwwii, don't you think the slogans should be in the brief?16:43
* thorwil -> dinner17:54

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