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pittiGood morning06:59
crevettegood morning08:00
didrocksmorning o/08:15
seb128hello everybody08:20
didrockshi seb128, did you have a good night?08:21
seb128lut didrocks08:22
seb128very good, you?08:22
didrockslong one. So, yes :)08:22
seb128pitti: hey there ;-) libical sru got two comment saying that the update works, could you move it to -updates today?08:32
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pittiseb128: yay nice08:32
seb128it will make easier to sort issues that people are having because they didn't get the update yet and other crashers08:32
* chrisccoulson wishes he had more positive feedback on his tracker SRU08:37
robert_ancellhi all#08:53
pittihey robert_ancell08:53
* robert_ancell found totem very hard to merge with debian. So many changes...08:53
pittirobert_ancell: what are you looking at, the MoM output?08:54
pittirobert_ancell: I usually do interdiff -z -p1 debian.diff.gz ubuntu.diff.gz08:54
pittiand then see which of the delta is important08:54
robert_ancellpitti: it was more deciphering what the changes were, why they were done, and if they were debian/ubuntu specific08:54
robert_ancellI files a bug with Debian with the changes in Ubuntu that I think are applicable to them08:55
robert_ancellAnd I want to push the BBC changes upstream as there's at least 3 versions of that patch floating around08:55
pittioh yes, I guess that caused a lot of delta08:56
pittirobert_ancell: another major thing might be the codec install stuff?08:56
seb128hello robert_ancell08:56
seb128sorry I had to reboot to test changes08:57
robert_ancellseb128: hey08:57
seb128pitti: the codec install is upstream gstreamer code08:57
seb128pitti: we only customize the application called using a configure option08:57
pittiah, I thougth we needed debian/ubuntu stuff for calling g-a-i08:57
pittiI keep mixing that up08:57
seb128robert_ancell: I'm not sure about BBC plugin in debian, they don't have a good infrastructure for translations08:57
robert_ancellHey do you guys know why when I tried to put GDL in BZR I got the following error:08:57
robert_ancellbob@alchemy2:~/bzr/gdl$ bzr push lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gdl/ubuntu08:58
robert_ancellbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gdl/ubuntu": No such project: gdl08:58
seb128because there is no gdl project registered on launchpad08:58
seb128that's a stupid limitation if you ask me08:58
pittiat some time LP will grow package branches08:58
seb128but it's easy enough to register the project08:58
pittibut for now we only have branches on projects08:58
seb128we do it to be able to open upstream tasks anyway08:59
seb128just nobody came and did this one yet08:59
robert_ancellok, cool08:59
robert_ancellhow to register a project?09:00
seb128hum, maybe not wait09:01
seb128I think that's this one09:02
pittiright, it is09:02
seb128I've not done that for a while so I'm not sure now, but I think that's this one09:02
robert_ancellok, registering now09:03
robert_ancellthat seemed to work, thanks09:06
robert_ancellI'm heading off soon, anything anyone want to cajole me into doing tomorrow?09:07
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seb128robert_ancell: what did you do today? managed to get the totem updates done?09:08
seb128robert_ancell: do you still have things on your list to merge or update?09:08
robert_ancellseb128: yes, I've done all the merges/updates I had listed09:09
seb128did you get the gdm merge on your list?09:09
seb128I think I mentioned it the other day to do but I'm not sure if you are interested in that one09:09
robert_ancellseb128: no, when I asked you yesterday it sounded like we should discuss at UDS first due to the missing features09:10
robert_ancellI wouldn't say gdm excites me09:10
seb128that's the new gdm discussion09:10
seb128we might want to merge the current one with debian, ie rebase our version on their current one09:10
seb128ok so don't bother, it's a fairly non trivial one and I know the package I will do it09:10
seb128robert_ancell: I will drop you an email with some suggestions for tomorrow later09:11
robert_ancellseb128: ok, thanks.09:11
robert_ancellsee you guys tomorrow! (two days and then I'll catch you all in Barcelona!)09:12
seb128and we really need to have a team discussion about better workflow at uds09:12
robert_ancelltwo work days that is09:12
pittisee you robert_ancell, good night!09:12
seb128have fun, see you tomorrow09:12
robert_ancelllater pitti!09:12
* seb128 does some sponsoring09:14
seb128lut crevette09:15
crevettehi there09:16
crevettehey seb128, thanks for the kick in the butt on the bluez bug :)09:20
crevetteas I took a hal day off to take care of my son, I could manage to update to 4.3909:21
seb128you're welcome ;-)09:21
seb128ah good09:21
crevettehey new gvfs09:24
crevetteseb128: ah btw I had to sleep yesterday evening, did I answer to your questions?09:30
seb128yes thanks09:31
seb128didrocks: dunno how busy you will be today but do you think you can add "review bug #375843" to your list?09:39
crevetteokay great09:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375843 in anjuta "Update to 2.27.1" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37584309:39
seb128didrocks: that's a sponsoring request09:39
seb128hum ok09:56
* seb128 bounced robert_ancell sponsoring requests to "needwork"09:56
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seb128pitti: do we have karmic retracers yet?10:32
pittiseb128: ah, no, we don't (apport is not enabled yet)10:32
pittiwe need to build a karmic chroot10:32
seb128right, that's what I though10:32
* pitti adds to TODO list10:33
seb128I might have a look this afternoon if I'm done with other things on my list10:33
seb128I will let you know before starting working on that if I do10:33
pitticool, thanks10:33
didrocksseb128: ok. I do it just after lunch (but will be able to upload @home)10:39
seb128didrocks: don't bother if it depends on the new gdl I didn't check10:39
seb128that one is not ready for upload10:39
seb128didrocks: btw I comment on the gnome-python-extras bug10:39
didrocksseb128: ok10:39
didrocksah, looking at it10:39
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chrisccoulsonshould any application depend on a particular icon theme?11:04
chrisccoulsoni'm looking at bug 37591711:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375917 in cheese "Cheese should be dependend on gnome-icon-theme" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37591711:05
chrisccoulsonshouldn't it ship it's own fallback icons?11:05
james_wI believe so11:06
asacso from what i read in bug, it definitly shouldnt behave that badly if there is no specific icon theme imo11:08
chrisccoulsoni can't confirm it yet because i'm, at work, but if what the reporter says is true then it should ship it's own icons then rather than depending on gnome-icon-theme11:08
didrocksseb128: I answered on gnome-python-extras bug11:33
seb128didrocks: python-gnome2-extras-dbg has lot of .so in jaunty though for all the components11:36
seb128didrocks: your merge only has 111:36
didrocksseb128: I checked for gtkhml2. I thought it was related. Let me check the dbg package.11:37
didrocksso, gtkspell.so11:39
pittiseb128: looking into retracer chroots now; I'd like to have them anyway for checking some uninstallability bits11:39
didrocksis on its own package11:39
seb128pitti: ok11:39
didrocksthe package is not build with gda, gdl either, gksu is on its own package. I must have a look for trayicon11:40
didrocksseb128: ok, so. I have to find a way to include them in the dbg package11:40
didrocksand so, reshaping all in one.11:40
seb128I don't understand what you are saying11:40
seb128you didn't split all those dbg did you?11:40
didrocksno, but as thos libs are now in seperated packages and I didn't create one -dbg one for each, they are just not built11:41
didrocks(the debug version)11:41
seb128I would expect having all those dbg in -dbg though11:42
didrocksI have to make a trick in debian/rules so, gathering everything11:42
seb128ok cool11:42
didrocksI'm working on that right now :)11:42
didrocksI think it will be easy, regarding debian/rules11:43
Ampelbeinseb128: good day! have you had a chance to look at gnome-utils? I pushed the final change to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~amoog/gnome-utils/devel and I think it's ok now. I tested multiple times and it works.11:44
seb128hi Ampelbein, I will do that after lunch11:45
pittiseb128: karmic chroots created (i386/amd64), let's see how they perform11:53
pittiseb128: I expect that the existing karmic crash reports will just be invalidated11:54
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seb128pitti: you rock, yeah it's ok since are moving fast in karmic anyway12:19
didrocksseb128: I will do the change tonight as there is no hurry. I'm some kind of under fire today :)12:27
seb128didrocks: ok, good luck with the fire fighting then12:27
loolasac: Hey, I'm still running jaunty and I wanted to try out firefox-3.5; it segfaults after copying over my profile12:33
loolasac: Is this of any interest, or should I simply move on to karmic?12:33
loolsame thing without gnome-support12:42
asaclool: does it work better with a fresh profile?12:44
asaclike moving whole .mozilla away?12:44
seb128vuntz: so gnome-panel has 6 seconds of busy time on my laptop config13:25
seb128vuntz: when it's starting I mean, it's 1 second with empty bars, 3 extra seconds for the menu use and almost not difference for the other standard panel applets13:26
seb128vuntz: then some small bits for other applets13:26
seb128so half of the startup time is due to the menu applet apparently13:26
vuntzseb128: can you try something fun?13:27
vuntzseb128: sudo mv /usr/share/applications /usr/share/applications.test13:27
vuntzseb128: hrm. Actually, no13:27
seb128let's try13:27
seb128I'm using kvm for testing ;-)13:27
vuntzthis will break gnome-session, I guess13:27
vuntzit will look for gnome-panel.desktop and won't find it13:28
seb128the session components are in /usr/share/gnome/autostart13:28
seb128hum right13:28
seb128I can move everything which is not in the session though to try13:28
vuntzseb128: well, yeah, you get the idea :-)13:29
seb128hey chrisccoulson13:30
chrisccoulsonhi seb12813:30
pittikenvandine: if the applet never stops spinning, but syncdaemon.log is quiet, did you see that before?13:39
mnemopitti: that happens right now on my machine as well (for u1), it spun all night and I less less than 1mb of files13:41
pittiah, disconnecting and connecting seems to have help13:43
kenvandinepitti: yes13:43
pittiit might have gotten confused because I just switched networks several times13:43
pittithis needs network-manager integration13:43
kenvandinepitti: i don't think that is it..  my desktop box tends to do that13:43
kenvandinepitti: i think it does13:43
kenvandinepitti: out of 3400 files... right now 2 aren't in sync :)13:44
kenvandineso not to bad13:44
kenvandinepitti: yeah, if the network goes down the applet disconnects13:47
kenvandineand comes back when the network comes back13:47
pittithat sounds right then13:47
kenvandineand it rescans13:47
kenvandinewhich is slow now13:47
kenvandineso now when i bounce the network connection on my desktop, my disk churns for a couple minues13:48
kenvandineminutes even13:48
pittiseb128: retracer failure is a syntax error, my bad; uploading fix13:50
seb128pitti: ok13:50
pittiseb128: I'll restart them once it's in the archive13:50
pittiwell, I'll apply it inline, faster13:51
seb128vuntz: so moving the applications directory away change the busy pick from 3 seconds to 0.3 seconds13:51
loolasac: Sorry removed it in the mean time13:51
loolasac: I'm dist-upgrading13:51
vuntzseb128: cool13:51
asaclool: ok13:51
seb128vuntz: we need a .desktop cache ;-)13:51
vuntzseb128: yep13:51
asaclool: if it still fails in karmic let us know13:52
vuntzseb128: the question is: "do we want a per-system cache, or per-user cache"13:52
seb128I think I've already ready this question13:52
seb128ready -> read13:52
vuntzseb128: I would prefer per-system13:52
seb128can we get per directory?13:52
seb128ie the way the gtk icon cache is working13:52
loolasac: k13:53
vuntzseb128: oh, that makes sense13:53
vuntzmy main worry is that such caches are no fun for packages13:54
seb128we do it for icons already13:54
seb128so having the same logics for desktops is not going to make a real difference13:54
seb128pitti: I guess changing poppler soname now if the binaries stay in new is not an issue?14:13
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seb128hey rickspencer314:13
pittiseb128: that's fine14:13
rickspencer3hi seb12814:13
pittihey rickspencer3, good morning14:13
seb128pitti: ok, I'm going to upload 0.11 then14:13
rickspencer3buen dia14:13
loolvuntz: The main issue with the icon caches are the fact that the cache covers a deep hierarchy of dirs and files, so the mtime of the toplevel dir is not enough to tell whether the cache is newer or not than the latest installed files14:14
vuntzlool: yeah, but for desktop files, that's not that much of an issue14:15
loolvuntz: also in deb packaging we now have a facility to run commands when files are installed in specific dirs; if all the .desktop are installed immediately below one dir, it's easy to handle14:15
loolvuntz: Exactly my point: it was really a pain with icons, but for .desktop files it's probably ok, as long as you don't change the layout14:15
vuntzlool: (although you can have subdirs; but you generally don't have 10 subdirs... And then we can look at their mtime too)14:16
loolOne thing which would be nice is having the cache in the dir above the .desktop files; that way you can be sure that your cache is up-to-date14:16
vuntzassuming that listing the content of a directory that's not in the disk cache isn't too slow, of course14:16
loolvuntz: It's not good if you can have subdirs, because stating all files below a dir takes time (disk seeks)14:16
vuntzlool: hrm.14:17
vuntz/usr/share/desktop.cache? beeeeh :-)14:17
loolstating a single file + single dir is much faster than stating hundreds of files to check whether they are subdirs14:17
vuntzlet's do it in /var in that case14:17
loolvuntz: I don't have an issue with /usr/share/desktop.cache but you could easily make that /usr/share/desktop-caches/desktop.cache, /applications.cache etc.14:18
loolor /var if you like14:18
loolI don't think /var or /usr makes a big difference, unless your cache is arch specific14:18
lool(/usr is for package data files; the cache will match what's in /usr and only be updated when you install .desktop files to /usr, so usually during package updates; some people argue that this is a FHS violation, but this is IMO wrong)14:19
vuntzlool: it's likely to be arch-specific, though14:19
vuntzisn't the icon cache arch-specific?14:19
loolvuntz: That's to be avoided IMO; think of $HOME .desktop files14:19
loolvuntz: I think it's not14:20
loolIt's mmap-able and meant to work over NFS homes IIRC14:20
vuntzoh, then we can probably do it the same way14:20
pittiseb128: \o/ bug 37300714:21
ubottuBug 373007 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/373007 is private14:21
loolvuntz: Concerning hierarchies of .desktop files: the full hierarchy is never used directly, right?  I mean by default only the files directly below /usr/share/applications are used14:21
seb128pitti: excelllent14:21
vuntzlool: no14:22
loolvuntz: If you have to explicitely request the inclusion of e.g. /screensavers, then it's ok: we have a way to check the caches freshness with a single stat()14:22
vuntzlool: if an app requests gnome-blablabla.desktop and /usr/share/applications/gnome-blablabla.desktop doesn't exist, we can look at /usr/share/applications/gnome/blablabla.desktop (iirc)14:22
vuntzI'd need to check the spec again to be 100% sure14:23
loolvuntz: Then you could perhaps consider one cache file per real dir; before scanning a dir you check whether it has a corresponding cache file, if it does you compare the stats before using the cache, otherwise you scan the dir as currently done14:23
loolThat is, if you want to make sure your cache is really fresh; if you go for a single cache, you can't be sure I think14:23
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pittiseb128: I don't see testing feedback on bug 368508?16:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368508 in libical "don't crash on incorrect values or errors" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36850816:55
seb128pitti: comment #1016:56
seb128"FIX CONFIRMED here - Clicking onto calendar button no longer crashes evolution."16:56
pittioh, I see; thanks16:56
seb128comment #1316:56
seb128"If I have the expected version, I can confirm that the 'crash' of calendar updates no longer occurs "16:56
seb128pitti: you're welcome, sorry for the bug log being confusing16:57
kenvandinerickspencer3: ping17:05
rickspencer3kenvandine: 'sup kenvandine17:05
kenvandinerickspencer3: still having the evo/indicator problem?17:05
kenvandinequit evo, and run this17:05
kenvandinethen start evo17:05
kenvandineand send me the output of listen-and-print17:05
seb128did you try in a guest session?17:06
rickspencer3kenvandine: yes, but haven't had time to look into it17:06
kenvandinerickspencer3: yeah... and that too17:06
kenvandinerickspencer3: when you can, please do that17:06
rickspencer3seb128: yes, it sort of worked17:06
rickspencer3on call now, will ping back soon17:06
seb128"sort of worked" ;-)17:07
* kenvandine thinks it is pretty binary :)17:07
kenvandinethere or not...17:07
* kenvandine heads to lunch17:07
rickspencer3seb128: yeah, indicator-applet crashed on load17:08
rickspencer3but worked when it reloaded17:08
seb128the crash might be interesting to ted17:08
seb128but that means it's correctly installed and capable to work17:08
rickspencer3seb128: right, need to make time to follow up17:08
seb128which is already an indication17:08
pittibryce: wow, people say good things about -intel 2.7.117:11
brycepitti: sweet17:44
brycepitti: btw I've been getting questions about if 2.7.1 could be backported to jaunty17:45
brycepitti: I've been telling them "Against SRU team policy"17:45
brycepitti: but let me know if I should be thinking otherwise17:46
artirdoes it use UXA or EXA17:46
bryceit should support either17:47
pittibryce: nothing wrong with jaunty-backports17:47
bryce2.8 is where they're dropping exa17:47
brycepitti: not sure17:47
pittibryce: wrt. -updates, that sounds inappropriate, even more so at this time when it hasn't been tested widely yet17:47
artirok, thanks17:48
brycepitti: ok thanks for confirming17:50
darren8808what is the command to leave a channel?17:56
pittidarren8808: /quit17:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - would you object to uploading a snapshot of tracker from git master in to karmic? (there will be a proper 0.7.0 release later this cycle)17:58
pittichrisccoulson: no, that's fine18:00
chrisccoulsoncool. the only reason i ask is because libtrackerclient is not API stable yet, but there is only 1 package in the archive using that at the moment (totem-plugins), and it may be possible to disable that plugin for now18:01
chrisccoulsonit will need porting to the new API at some point18:02
pittiI'm off for today, see you tomorrow!18:48
chrisccoulsondoes devicekit have an upstream bug tracker?19:08
cjwhat's the notification tool called and how do I configure where it pops up the notifications?19:09
mclasenchriscoulson: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/19:13
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chrisccoulsonmclasen - thanks:)19:33
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* chrisccoulson wonders if his floppy drive is polled for long enough whether it will die a slow, painful and much needed death20:58
seb128chrisccoulson: hey21:32
chrisccoulsonhi seb12821:32
seb128chrisccoulson: is there any reason why we need that vala divergence over debian?21:32
seb128that seems not a good idea to me21:32
seb128we have no ubuntu maintainer for it and being in sync is handy21:32
chrisccoulsonseb128 - bug 37415121:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374151 in vala "MIR for vala" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37415121:33
chrisccoulsonthe changes have been sent to debian too21:33
chrisccoulsoni spoke to the debian maintainer and he's committed one of the changes already21:33
seb128chrisccoulson: I've notice the build-depends bug being fixed, will then change the | true too?21:39
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i spoke to elmarco who committed the build-dep fix, and he suggested to ping slomo about that21:39
chrisccoulsoni don't know where he hangs out though ;)21:39
chrisccoulsoni suppose i could just open another bug report in debian21:40
seb128slomo joins this chan regularly21:43
seb128ror: is that a question?21:45
rorsorry it was thinking out loud, wasn't really supposed to type that21:46
rorI once knew a coder who went by the name of slomo many years ago, but I suppose it's a fairly common name really21:46
chrisccoulsonthanks seb128 - i'll ask him about it when he's about21:47
seb128chrisccoulson: thanks21:47
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
* chrisccoulson is annoyed that some people prefer to write insults and criticisms on bug reports rather than actually be helpful22:42
mnemochrisccoulson: yea, especially when they _choose_ themselves to install this _free_ thing that _rocks_23:03
rorjust cos something's free it doesn't give it an excuse to be shit! (I think ubuntu has shown this enough)23:04
Ampelbeinseb128: hey, i've got some free time to spare, is there anything urgent you want me to do?23:11
seb128Ampelbein: do you want to have a go at merging abiword?23:13
Ampelbeinseb128: i can have a look at it, yeah.23:13

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