
ubottuunop called the ops in #ubuntu (jake_ flooding the room)00:10
ubottuunop called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:14
macodid jake get a ban yet?00:30
macohe's got one in #ubuntu-women for flooding and he's flooded in #kubuntu and #ubuntu. i saw floodbot hitting him in #ubuntu00:30
Flanneljake did in #u00:30
Myrttihe was kicked out of #u, but no ban00:31
Flannelyeah, he was.00:31
Myrttimight have been a mispaste though00:31
FlannelD-B-O hit him00:31
macoMyrtti: he was holding down a key on teh keyboard hitting enter after every few hundred char so that the screen filled with that letter for about 10 messages then he'd switch letters...00:32
macothats what he did in k and u-w before00:32
macoand then today he was pasting > 50 char of different channels into each other00:32
LjLgiven the *number* of times he got muted/kicked...00:32
macoer, > 50 lines sorry00:32
macoalright well just wanted to check. buh bye00:34
* genii goes for maco's cookies00:42
geniiPici:  :)00:42
ubottuError: You are not identified01:09
Am|Workyes I am01:09
Am|Work@login Amaranth01:09
* genii sips01:09
geniiAm|Work: Strangely you're +o in -offtopic too01:12
PiciAm|Work: I see no ban for 'Traveler', but note, thats the freenode java applet01:16
macojake #kubuntu01:20
geniiGot it01:21
macoi see that01:21
macohe's ban evading :-/01:22
macon=jake@216-188-236-30.dyn.grandenetworks.net <-- before01:23
geniiGuess we'll see if he re-appears after a while01:24
PiciI'm going to place a ban on freenode's java client in -offtopic.  Any complaints?01:25
macohe just came back into ubuntu-women again, but i caught him as soon as he joined. only got two messages in before the kick :)01:25
LjLugh, /whowas jake almost flooded me01:39
LjLPici: "Traveler" might not have bans on him, but i never thought he was up to any good01:40
PiciLjL: Agreed. If they want back in, they can use mibbit and be less anonymous.01:41
LjLPici: how anonymous is the freenode client?01:42
PiciLjL: er, I for some reason mistook java with a real web gateway... no matter though,, we have bans placed for that in #ubuntu too01:43
LjLi'd make that not very permanent if at all possible, keep in mind they can join with the same addresses using real clients, and keep in mind /who *java*user*freenode* has a few people01:45
PiciLjL: The #ubuntu ban has been in place for as long as I've been an operator01:47
macoLjL: dont forget jake_ ....which, by the way, has another IP address on it with a later timestamp01:47
LjLPici: it's been in place for as long as i've been an operator, too.01:47
LjLwhich might be part of why it's never been removed :)01:47
LjLstill anyway, the #ubuntu-proxy-users topic among other things mentions we're less strict about #ubuntu-offtopic access01:48
geniiHm. /whois I_Hate_Freedom shows #houstonhackerspace . <notes the single # >01:57
Picinot all hackers are bad01:57
geniiPici: This is true. Real hackers just want to know how things work.01:58
ubottuIn ubottu, LjL said: navit is <reply> Navit is a free street mapping and GPS navigation program with spoken directions, which can use data from several vector map formats - Ubuntu packages can be downloaded at http://wiki.navit-project.org/index.php/Download_Navit#Ubuntu02:03
ubottuIn ubottu, LjL said: !no maps is <reply> Street mapping and GPS navigation software available for Ubuntu includes !GpsDrive (GTK, raster maps, free), !Navit, !Roadnav (GTK, free vector maps from Tiger and OSM, free), !GoogleEarth (Qt, proprietary vector maps, proprietary)02:04
LjLuh oh, "another" "anyone need some help" fellow02:10
geniiLjL: I noticed he/she hasn't jumped in with any assistance yet though02:11
LjLgenii: they might be doing it in PM, which is what the last one of these did.02:12
geniiAh, OK. Yeah that could be bad, if they are inept/malicious02:12
geniiJake again in #k02:17
geniiMaking threats, etc02:17
geniiDo they ever actually come here?02:18
geniiPerhaps I should have just devoiced and referred here but he was 1) making threat to DOS  2)ban evading02:21
LjLso perhaps not02:22
LjLhey, i'm no one. i'm just sayin'.02:23
* genii prepares more coffee02:26
macogenii: in #ubuntu-women, i used *!?=jake@* ...maybe to be slightly more conservative than i am without just leaving it up to a router power cycle, you could *!?=jake@*.hot.res.rr.com02:27
geniimaco: Done now02:31
macomaybe that'll slow him down a bit02:31
LjLwho wanna start a "static addresses for the people (and especially the trolls)" campaign?02:32
geniiWhere do I sign up?02:35
LjLgenii: on this cheque. wait, it only looks like a cheque, of course02:38
* genii signs his life away02:38
LjLgenii: i'm afraid you've just renounced all ability to buy, possess or consume coffee.02:39
geniiI'll shrivel and die02:40
* genii sneaks some coffee04:21
screamsayonarahello i was wondering if i can be unbanned from the ubuntu offtopic channel04:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.04:38
* genii prods Pici04:39
Madpilotscreamsayonara, what were you banned for?04:39
geniiRepeated swearing :)04:40
screamsayonaraim a linguistics student ok, i like to push the boundaries04:41
screamsayonarait was a long time ago, im actually a really nice and intelligent girl.....04:42
screamsayonarai think i understand now that as much as i know about language, archaic attidues still prevail and im fine with that04:42
screamsayonarai wont swear :\04:42
screamsayonaraand i <3 ubuntu04:43
geniiscreamsayonara: The op responsible currently isn't here, unfortunately04:46
screamsayonaraok thanks anyway...04:49
geniiWell, it's a night for me. <brews a pot of coffee to keep the rest of the channel awake before /away >05:11
* jdong toasts a shot of bourbon to #ubuntu-ops :). You guys are in my heart on my 21st b-day.05:35
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:38
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:38
ikoniajdong: best wishes your way, what a great age to be06:42
jdongikonia: thanks man. I've heard every b-day from this point on is downhill :)06:43
ikoniajdong: nonsense06:43
ikoniait's all good06:43
jdongand rest assured I'm a good-behaved drunk person ;-)06:43
jdongikonia: well I'll take your words and soar with em :)06:43
ikoniaha, I have /kick jdong aliased ready for typcial druken abuse ;)06:44
ikoniajdong: are you doing anything special for your big day ?06:44
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:45
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:45
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:45
jdongikonia: I'm a tad antisocial. Nothing pleases me more than chatting with a handful of close friends and sipping a bit of whiskey.06:46
jdong:) it is my idea of a perfect b-day.06:46
Amaranthwow, no one caught by the exploit attempts06:46
Amaranthoh, only on the second one06:47
jussi01mornings suck06:47
jussi01why am I awake....06:47
ikoniayes they do 06:47
tsimpsonhmm, where's LjL when you need him06:48
ikoniaAmaranth: only caught after the warning06:48
jussi01ikonia: you are up early?06:48
ikoniaevery day06:48
* Amaranth goes to bed06:49
ikoniatime for work 06:49
ubottuh00k called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (brucelee)06:56
Madpilotdealt with06:56
ikonia!staff theunleet dcc'ing people in multiple channels #math #ubuntu ##windows ##linux06:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:57
ikonia!staff |theunleet dcc'ing people in multiple channels #math #ubuntu ##windows ##linux06:57
ubottutheunleet dcc'ing people in multiple channels #math #ubuntu ##windows ##linux: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)06:57
tritiumAh, so it was theunleet that took me out, eh?06:58
tritiumDarn this borrowed router...06:58
ikoniatritium: really ?06:58
nixternaluse port 8001 and you wont' have that problem06:59
tritiumikonia: yes, I'm now using 800106:59
nixternalif only freenode could figure out ssl and offer that already06:59
tritiumMy DSL modem/router went out on my last week, so I'm borrowing a WRT54Gs, which evidently is exploitable.06:59
Flanneltritium: Odd, it shouldn't be.07:01
FlannelMust be different firmware than what I have.07:01
tritiumLet me check...07:01
tritium Firmware Version:  7.2.03 build 007, Nov. 8, 2007 07:01
tsimpsonodd, I have WRT54GC, which is not vulnerable07:01
tritiumPerhaps I should update it for the person I'm borrowing it from.07:02
tritiumWell, if it's not the Linksys router, it's the Actiontec DSL modem I'm also borrowing.07:02
tsimpsonI have heard others say the WRT54G is vulnerable, but maybe the 'C' is magic :p07:03
tritiumhmm, don't know07:07
nixternal01:05:55 [     jun__] well first of all, i am just looking for mirc for linux, and then foun this konversation thing07:07
naliothtritium: 8001 is your friend07:08
tritiumnalioth: agreed07:09
jussi01popey: ping08:28
jussi01popey: can has powersave software? jussi01 at ubuntu.com :)08:29
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
popeysure jussi01 08:56
ikoniaCaptainMorgan: hi, what's up?10:02
CaptainMorganI'm not sure what's going on, but maybe it's solved now. I couldn't figure out why someone was forcing man pages down my throat -- and I when I agreed they were helpful, they still insisted I needed them... and then others gained up on the issue. Apparently, as it seems resolved, they were contacting the wrong person... still not sure how it happened10:04
CaptainMorganI'll leave now though since it appears squashed, thanks.  --Just wanted to make someone aware of it and Flannel didin't appear to be currently active in the regular channel. Thanks again10:05
elkycan someone please fix appeals to alias appeal?10:52
elky'forget' still locks the factoid up, unfortunately10:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about appeals11:06
jussi01!unforget appeals11:06
ubottuI suddenly remember appeals again, jussi0111:06
jussi01!no, appeals is <alias>appeal11:07
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0111:07
jussi01elky: ^^11:07
elkystupid bot11:08
=== SWAT_ is now known as SWAT
elkyresponse fired at flunkbomb11:29
elkyif he comes to complain nobody has responded, tell him to check his inbox11:30
tsimpsoncan we help you Bacta?12:31
BactaI would like to get my ban dealt with12:31
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:32
Bactabt? ;)12:33
elkyban tracker.12:35
BactaNot British Telecom, wayyy off12:35
ikoniaBacta: what is your current status with regards to the ban appeal 12:37
BactaWe went through this last night ikonia, I followed the first three steps namely contacting the banning op and discussing it in here12:38
ikoniaBacta: yes, you did say that, hence why I am asking how you've progressed it since then12:38
BactaI do not wish to send an email to the listed addresses as it's likely a mailing list and I would prefer not to have my message put in front of however many hundreds are on it12:39
ikoniaBacta: it's a small group of the irc council12:39
BactaNo I have not heard anything12:39
BactaHow small?12:39
ikoniaBacta: it really doesn't matter how big/small12:39
ikoniaBacta: if there is something that private - its best not to say it12:39
BactaIt does as far as my privacy is concerned12:39
ikoniaBacta: if you are refering to your pm conversation with me - it will not effect it12:40
BactaI also write my emails using my real name12:40
jussi01Bacta: 6 people. + the communty council (4?) - its a private list. 12:40
BactaLook I hope you can understand that I'm fairly active in the open source community where I am and I would prefer not to have people coming up to me personally, I know it sounds overly paranoid but maybe you might understand12:41
ikoniaBacta: no-one is coming up to you personally12:41
ikoniaBacta: if your active inthe open source community you should know the rules and not make the jokes about masturbating monkeys12:41
ikoniayou knew it was wrong and you - continued to do it12:41
ikoniayou've been banned for it at least twice 12:41
ikoniaso that's not really the best example of your activity in the open source or ubuntu community12:42
BactaIt was a dumb thing to say but "Masturbating Monkey" was a reference to something that came up on one of the security mailing lists I read12:42
BactaIt was in reference to Torvalds12:42
ikoniaBacta: you where banned once for it - you where told it was wrong - you did it again12:42
ikoniaso it wasn't dumb - it was intentional12:42
ikoniathe quicker you are honest about it - the easier we can progress12:42
BactaOf course it was intentional12:43
ikoniaBacta: right - so you knew it was wrong and did it again 12:43
ikoniawhy ?12:43
BactaWhy wouldn't it have been? I don't just say things like that by accident, there are obvious thought processes around it12:43
BactaBecause it was a joke but perhaps I misjudged the audience12:43
ikoniaBacta: ok - so you thought about it, knew it was wrong and still did it12:43
ikoniaBacta: you where told the first time you said it, it's not appropriate don't do it12:43
ikoniaso again - why did you do it a second time12:43
BactaI do remember saying it once before but it would've been quite some time ago12:43
elkyBacta, our channels are not for trolling, and that is all you ever do in them. Why on earth would we want to let you back in?12:44
ikoniaBacta: it doesn't matter how long ago it was - you where TOLD don't do it again, you thought about it and did it again12:44
Bactaelky: I've been in there a number of times to receive help and I have helped a number of people in there as well12:44
ikoniaBacta: how do I know if I remove the ban you don't do it again 12:44
BactaI may not know much about Ubuntu but I'm quite happy with the advice I have given people in there12:44
BactaYou don't, it's a risk 12:45
BactaAll I can say is I'll try my best12:45
ikoniaBacta: ok it's a risk I'm not prepared to take at this time12:45
elkyand maybe it's a risk we do not want to take.12:45
ikoniaBacta: so I suggest you come back in a months time when you've had time to think about what you did and how best to control your self12:45
BactaWhy would I take time out of my day to "think about what I've done"? It was a dumb thing to say, I'm sorry I said it but in the grand scheme of things it means practically nothing12:46
ikoniaBacta: because I don't want to risk letting you do it again12:46
BactaAll I can say is I'll take a bit more care in how I conduct myself in future12:46
BactaAnd I think you have far more serious threats to the channel than the occasional bad joke12:47
ikoniaBacta: because you've done this before and I don't want to risk allowing you back in the channel to do it again 12:47
ikoniaBacta: it's offensive and you've proved you can't control yourself at this time12:47
ikoniaBacta: so as I've said, come back in a month and we can re-asses it then12:47
ikoniaBacta: do understand ?12:50
BactaPerfectly but I do regret now being so honest with you12:50
ikoniaI don't think there is anything you've said that we didn't already know, so you've got nothing to regret12:51
BactaI could've come in here and got down on my hands and knees screaming to God how sorry I was12:51
ikoniaBacta: yeah, that wouldn't have changed anything12:51
ikoniaBacta: so if you'd like to come back in a month we'll re-asses with you then, 12:51
BactaMy past experience elsewhere has shown otherwise12:51
ikoniaBacta: well, that wouldn't have made a difference to me12:51
ikoniaBacta: so lets leave it there and speak again in a month12:51
BactaYou see we can't say that12:52
BactaIt's done, if I had said things differently there might have been a different result12:52
ikoniaBacta: I don't want to debate if's/buts - so lets talk again in a month12:53
BactaOne more thing12:53
ikoniayes ?12:53
Bactawhere would be my first port of call to get my DVD playback issue sorted?12:53
ikoniathis is not a support channel12:54
ikoniaBacta: lets speak again in a month12:54
bazhangserial, iirc12:54
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops bacta review ban on 14/06/0912:54
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:54
PiciOh, yes.12:55
bazhangseem to remember him from #freenode12:55
PiciIndeed. And #defocus12:55
elkyi remember him from the Linuxchix server.12:55
ikoniahe'll be back before a month12:56
ikoniaI'm a little dissapointed freenode didn't remove his cloak for his ban evasion antics, as he seems to value his privicy 12:57
ikoniaactions = consiquences12:57
bazhangin -ot and #k12:58
jussi01Im watching #k...12:59
ikoniaI'm sure he said he was using ubuntu when he was in #ubuntu13:01
elkyikonia, i'm pretty sure i dont trust what he says anywhere.13:01
ikoniaoh I know, just wondered if I was genuinly wrong13:02
elkynot worth trying to keep up with that kind of stuff13:02
ikoniano, just wondered13:02
* Hobbsee waves and issues hugs13:03
ikoniahowdy Hobbsee 13:03
bazhangHobbsee, !!13:03
elkyHobbsee, spotted bacta i take it?13:03
Hobbseeheya :)13:03
Hobbseeelky: hey, now there's a thought!13:03
Hobbseeelky: in truth, no.  But that could be extra popcorn material13:04
* Hobbsee is watching what's going on, and is avoiding her assignment13:04
ubottujumbers called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Leonheart)13:11
ikoniaspoke to hime13:12
ikoniahim even13:12
ikoniacan't say he wasn't warning13:15
bazhangtrolling continues in #k I see13:20
ikoniawell, he's just shown it's a hardware issue - so nothing to do with #kubuntu 13:24
ikoniaproblem solved13:24
Hobbseeelky: 13:33
jussi01and that was that.13:33
Hobbseeelky: got some popcorn ready?13:33
* Pici will stay quiet, too many chefs, etc13:33
Picior was it chiefs?13:34
jussi01in pm with bacta13:34
* Pici sighs at -ot13:35
PiciHobbsee :P13:35
HobbseePici: <evil grin>13:35
* ikonia takes his chef's hat off and hands it to pip13:35
ikoniapici even13:35
jussi01RE: bacta in #k13:38
jussi01[15:37:41] <jussi01> Ok, Im going to give you a 24 hour ban, thank you for your immediate apology. you can try join the channel again 24 hours from now. 13:38
PiciI turn away for real work for a few minutes and the conversation turns to pedophiles13:38
jussi01JUST FYI13:38
ikoniajussi01: is a troll, using caps now13:39
Picijussi01: thanks13:39
jussi01ikonia: shush13:39
jussi01so anyone feel free to remove his #kubuntu ban in 24 hours if I forget. 13:39
* ikonia makes a note to forget13:40
ikoniaI am kidding of course13:40
jussi01oh dear13:41
elkymy mum is a dork. she seems to have decided 'lok' is an acceptable way to say 'lol, ok.'13:41
jussi01elky: all yours in -ot13:41
jussi01you know its bad when the ot regs say to change the topic....13:42
ikoniaelky: she is l33t13:43
elkyikonia, dont make me stab you.13:44
ikoniatopyli: genius13:58
TheFunkbombYou guys gonna release my ban today?14:09
bazhangTheFunkbomb, the appeals process is still under way.14:10
TheFunkbombI already got my response14:10
TheFunkbombWho is Melissa?14:10
TheFunkbombactually, scratch that question.  I don't care.14:11
TheFunkbombInstead, answer this one.  Why do I have to continue to apologize?14:11
bazhangTheFunkbomb, coming here repeatedly wont help your case.14:11
TheFunkbombbut I get better answers here.14:11
TheFunkbombI have already apologized for breaking the CoC.  I have apologized for the misunderstanding of the whole ballbusting thing.  What else is there?14:13
Hobbseeis anyone actually asking you to apologise here?14:13
TheFunkbombYes, that would be the case.14:14
TheFunkbombI was told my apology was not sincere enough.14:14
TheFunkbombor that my apology was not for what I did.14:14
bazhangTheFunkbomb, you are on step 4 now, correct?14:15
bazhangTheFunkbomb, step 4 of the appeals process14:16
TheFunkbombI have no idea what that is.14:16
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.14:16
bazhangTheFunkbomb, check the above link then14:16
TheFunkbombPretty sure step 4 is over.14:17
bazhanga single response?14:17
bazhangthe irc council is more than a single person. give it some time.14:18
ikoniaif I can step in 14:18
TheFunkbombhow many responses should I expect?14:18
ikoniaelky: has responded on behalf of the council 14:18
bazhangaha, then step 514:19
TheFunkbomband who deals with step 5?14:19
ikoniaTheFunkbomb: elky is Mellisa14:19
TheFunkbombikonia, I don't really want to hear from you.14:19
bazhangthe list linked on that page14:19
PiciThis doesn't need to go past the IRCC.....14:19
bazhangokay sorry Pici 14:19
ikoniaagain the attitude14:19
TheFunkbombYou accused me of ban evasion14:20
PiciTheFunkbomb: Did you read the reply that the Melissa sent to you?14:20
TheFunkbombPici, I did.  I apologized.  I don't know what other kind of apology you want.14:20
HobbseeTheFunkbomb: if you are in consultation with the irc council, and dealing with this through that avenue, nothing you say or do here is going to make any difference, in a good way.  You may as well sit back, and continue to take anything else up with them.14:20
TheFunkbombIt's the same people!14:21
Hobbseeactually, it's a subset of those here14:21
PiciTheFunkbomb: The people in this channel are not all privy to the list that you sent your message to, they do not know what was said there.14:21
Hobbseeit's the equivalent of me calling Pici on a mobile phone, and him replying back by a loudspeaker.14:22
Hobbseeso, might not be quite what you want14:22
TheFunkbombSo, if that same subset didn't give a damn here, then why would they give a damn through the email?14:22
HobbseeTheFunkbomb: likely because email is asynchronous, and it's not very late night / early morning for most of them.14:23
Hobbseewhen they must reply14:23
PiciTheFunkbomb: I don't believe that you spoke to anyone here that is on the IRCC in this channel for any length of time.  14:23
PiciHobbsee: A reply was already sent actually.14:23
TheFunkbombYou know what?  I don't really care anymore.  I apologized.14:24
HobbseePici: I meant right now, but yes14:24
TheFunkbombYou guys have a spectacular day.14:24
PiciWell then.14:25
jussi01A spectacular day? nah...14:25
elkyelky was putting soup into the slow cooker14:27
Pici@mark TheFunkbomb14:27
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:27
Pici@mark TheFunkbomb14:27
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:27
jussi01sigh... either the listed md5 sums are wrong, or I just cant get a propper download... *grumble*14:27
jpdsjussi01: Or the image is wrong on the server?14:29
Hobbseejussi01: which image?14:30
elkygah, someone needs to bust open another spam racket so i can get slow spam days again14:30
jussi01Hobbsee: the unr one14:34
Hobbseejussi01: known bug14:37
* genii makes more coffee14:37
Hobbseejussi01: it's a truncated file names problem, pretty much14:37
jussi01Hobbsee: any idea of the actual md5 sum?14:37
Hobbseejussi01: not offhand.  There's a bug about it somewhere14:38
* Hobbsee sees it mentioend on irc every few days14:38
jussi01this is what ive got14:38
jussi01jussi@piru:~$ md5sum ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img14:38
jussi01ab19c88f7cf8d1d2b3de1aa26fd1c29b  ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img14:38
jussi01used the torrent for download, so hoping its correct14:39
jussi01oh ffs14:52
jussi01it must be wrong md5...14:52
jussi01I get a boot error14:52
genii"unsatisfying results" seems to be going around15:00
jussi01genii: feel like handling that? Ive a splitting headache...15:02
geniijussi01: I'm not up on flash in 9.04 yet :(15:03
bazhangnight all15:36
jussi01yay, finally it worked!!15:43
geniiWork, /away probably 20-25 minutes16:05
Myrttianything intresting going on?16:27
jussi01doesn anyone know if there is a UNR channel?16:28
Myrttimsg alis search unr ?16:29
* Myrtti pokes popey 16:31
* popey pokes Myrtti back16:31
MyrttiI can haz powersavings plz?16:32
popeyemail addy?16:33
Myrttime myself and I, that is myrtti meow ubuntu.com16:34
popeys/meow/@ ?16:35
popeyyour l33t code fools me16:35
jpdsjussi01: #ubuntu-mobile ?16:37
Myrttipopey, yes plz16:38
mneptokdo you meow know how meow fast you were meow driving meow?16:54
Myrttimrhgmhm. I haz a headache17:08
=== myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
geniiI'll be /away again about 20-30 minutes18:05
Seeker`Pici: why do you keep on muting people then just leaving them like that?19:23
Seeker`(I say "keep on", I've seen at least two like that)19:24
PiciSeeker`: Because I keep on forgetting about them :/19:27
Seeker`-21:28:36- ~s~ 233 - #ubuntu: ban %*!*@iestorreroja.xtec.net by Seeker`, 76501 secs ago19:29
Seeker`Pici: That is one of yours too; I removed it by mistake19:29
PiciSeeker`: Thats fine19:37
* Myrtti tries again19:48
Seeker`hi Myrtti 19:48
Myrttioh, right19:50
Myrttithere we go19:51
Seeker`oooh, shiny19:52
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:52
ubottuNo matches found for!*@* in any channel19:57
Seeker`@bansearch *!*@
ubottuError: Can only search for a complete hostmask19:58
Seeker`that is a complete hostmask!19:58
ikoniaMyrtti: a million chocolates for your scripting of that19:58
ikonianice job19:58
Seeker`one of my bans isn't in the bantracker :/19:59
Myrttiikonia: my aim is to make a script that will put all that into an html that would make the banmasks clickable searches to bantracker20:02
ikoniaI think sebsebseb is recruiting in #ubuntu again 20:06
ikoniaok - he has been recruiting again, I've seen him do it a few days ago and made it clear he needed to stop, now he's doing it again, what is the correct course of action to avoid an "emma" situation20:10
ikoniaPici: jussi01 elky ?20:11
jussi01ikonia: at very least ask him in for a chat.20:13
ikoniaalready done so yesterday 20:13
jussi01and again...20:13
ikoniachat again ?20:13
ikoniaasked him to join then20:14
jussi01ikonia: you got access to skype for a min?20:15
ikonianothing works on 9.04 on my laptop, I've got access to nothing, I'm burning an 8.10 cd as we speak20:15
ikoniaI've got no mic, no web cam, 20:15
ikoniahi sebsebseb thanks for joining20:16
jussi01Hi sebsebseb20:16
jussi01sebsebseb: I ve seen you helping a lot in #ubuntu and we thank you for that20:16
jussi01sebsebseb: However, Im a little concerned. you seem to have started your own channel and are inviting people into it?20:17
sebsebsebnot randomly20:17
jussi01sebsebseb: this is not something that is allowed in #ubuntu, to invite people to another channel. please dont do it. 20:18
sebsebsebso if someone  starts to pm for help,  and can't really help them in pm,   but  there's another person in another channel that can,   get that person to join #ubuntu ?   and if they don't,  tell the person im pm to try #ubuntu again?20:19
ikoniasebsebseb: people seem to PM you a lot and you don't seem to be able to help them a lot in PM and there is always someone in your channel that can help20:20
ikoniaconsidering there are only 2 regulars in your channel I find that unusual 20:20
sebsebsebikonia: yeah indeed, to small for there always to be someone20:20
ikoniasebsebseb: so if there isnt someone - why do you point them to your channel for support20:21
jussi01correct. Or redirect them to a loco channel that suits their locality, or to a specific channel for their issue, for example a quassel issue to #quassel20:21
sebsebsebikonia: ,because there was that time20:21
jussi01sebsebseb: the problem is, we need to redirect people only to official channels - so perhaps join your loco and help there also. If you cant help someone, leave it and try to help who you can.20:22
sebsebsebjussi01: why is it so important to only redirect to offical channels?   ,because they are monitored properly?20:23
jussi01sebsebseb: correct. 20:24
sebsebsebikonia: were you really only stopping by?20:25
ikoniasebsebseb: yes20:25
sebsebsebikonia: ok  thanks20:27
jussi01sebsebseb: so is that all clear now? 20:28
sebsebsebjussi01: yep20:29
jussi01sebsebseb: ok, thanks for understanding and thanks again for helping out. have a nice day :)20:30
jussi01sebsebseb: Ive nothing more for you at this time, so if you would, Id ask you to part. 20:32
jussi01Well that went well. lets hope it has the desired effect. 20:33
ikoniaalmost word for word the conversation I had with him yesterday20:34
LjLhave to say it's relatively common for people to say "join #blihblah so i'll help you there" when #ubuntu is busy20:36
ikoniaLjL: not for seb it's not20:36
LjLalthough it's usually random channels likely created by people who aren't quite familiar with privmsg20:36
ikoniaseb was activly messaging people for help to join his channel20:36
popeyi think he _means_ well21:33
popeyjust using a slightly misguided approach21:33
jussi01popey: exactly my thoughts21:34
* genii throws sebsebseb and eagles0513875 into a cage match with each other!21:35
geniiSorry, couldn't resist there....21:36
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)21:37
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)21:37
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)21:37
LjLd3adslave is d3adlin21:39
geniiNo egyhptian loco channel, I see21:42
LjLgenii: yes there is21:43
LjLalthough for support, -arabic will do fine i'm sure21:44
jussi01was the funkbomb allowed into #ubuntu ?22:09
Nafallowas he ever banned from #ubuntu?22:11
* Nafallo thought it was only -ot22:11
jussi01@bansearch  TheFunkbomb22:11
ubottuMatch: *!*@ool-4579de0d.dyn.optonline.net!#ubuntu-ops by ikonia in #ubuntu-offtopic on May 10 2009 14:06:17 (ID: 13340)22:11
ubottuMatch: thefunkbomb!n=thefunkb@ool-4579de0d.dyn.optonline.net by Pici in #ubuntu-ops on May 13 2009 13:27:23 (ID: 13453)22:11
ubottuMatch: thefunkbomb!n=thefunkb@ool-4579de0d.dyn.optonline.net by ikonia in #ubuntu-ops on May 12 2009 13:20:35 (ID: 13403)22:11
jussi01Nafallo: you are correct it seems22:11
jussi01Just checking22:12
elkyban evading?22:23
jussi01elky: nah, no ban it seems22:24
elkyah. misread. my router got disconnected again by something22:25
elkygotta go to work now, watch the loonies in -ot please22:38
jussi01Hiya maco22:48
jussi01ooh, tuhina has woken up :D23:00
Nafallosounds Finnish :-)23:05
mneptokit's a small Brazilian tuna23:07
jussi01Nafallo: tuhina is my hedgehog...23:07
jussi01mneptok: OUT!23:07
mneptokjussi01: SNUFFLER!23:07
* mneptok snuffles23:07
* jussi01 should go to bed... its 1am...23:07
Nafallojussi01: that was... unexpected.23:08
* Nafallo would totally have painted it blue and called it Sonic23:08
jussi01Nafallo: meh... old joke23:08
Nafallothat's because it is an old game :-)23:09
* jussi01 ->> bed'23:09
Seeker`how can we help you?23:37
BettyFord_failedim drunk23:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about moo23:46
PiciBettyFord_failed: Then may I suggest that you part this channel, as you've been fowarded here from #ubuntu.23:49

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