
NCommanderthey are?02:43
andrewksPReP, CHRP and now 02:45
andrewksPReP, CHRP and now PAPR02:46
NCommanderTheMuso, welcome!12:52
TheMusoNCommander: heh thanks12:53
* NCommander grumbles about whacking the kernel12:53
NCommanderNeed to fix the ia64 kernel12:54
NCommanderIts suffering from a bad case of split personality over its name and its meta packages12:54
* NCommander actually has interest now that I have ia64 hardware12:54
NCommanderTheMuso, also in a time where I was blinded by insanity, I successfully setup a local ubuntu-cdimage instance12:55
TheMusoNCommander: heh its not insanity.12:55
TheMusoIts not hard12:56
NCommanderI had a few mindnumbing bugs12:56
NCommanderLike discovering you need a source mirror 12:56
TheMusoNCommander: SO do you have anything ports kernel wise to push to me, or will it be ok for me to upload later tomorrow after things settle for the alpha?12:56
NCommanderTheMuso, where's the current git tre?12:56
TheMusoNCommander: usual place, git://kernel.ubuntu.com/themuso/ubuntu-karmic-ports.git, although I need to push my latest changes there...12:57
* TheMuso does that12:57
NCommanderTheMuso, I'm not sure when I'll be able to get around to it. As it stands, SPARC is working, ia64 boots, but the modules end up in the wrong place12:57
TheMusoNCommander: right12:58
NCommander(the SPARC installer however is not happy)12:58
TheMusoI'll have a look at the last kernel log for ia64 an see if I can work anything out.12:58
NCommanderWell, we need to rethink the ports tree layout anyway12:58
NCommanderWe have a lot of kernel variants that we simply aren't using12:59
NCommanderAnd some that we should have that we don't (i.e. server, and MAYBE -rt)12:59
NCommanderand I need to backport the kernel for lamont, hopefully this week12:59
TheMusowhat kernel, and for what?13:04
NCommanderTheMuso, HPPA13:09
NCommanderTheMuso, a lot of the HPPA build failures is because the kernel for Hardy is crap13:09
TheMusoah ok.13:10
jbaileyNCommander, The HPPA kernel is crap at the best of times, really.15:13

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