
storrgieis there a way in bash to check to see if a specific process is started by name?00:18
storrgielike an rsync job?00:19
pwnguinps aux?00:21
pwnguina command00:22
pwnguin"ps aux"00:22
storrgiethats going to give me a list of them right?00:23
storrgieIm looking to schedule a cron job to see if a specific process is running, if not start it again00:23
pwnguina quick way would be to restart it00:24
pwnguinif it's got init.d scripts00:24
storrgienope, like I said, its an rsync job00:25
storrgiethese jobs will change daily00:25
storrgiei just want to make sure they run at night00:25
pwnguinwell, ps is your friend00:25
pwnguinit can list out running processes by command line00:26
pwnguinyou can grep for rysnc00:26
pwnguinor even the specific command line you're after00:26
storrgieprocs=`ps -ef | grep rsync | wc -l`00:26
storrgiebut if i am running multiple rsync's and one goes down...00:26
giovanithat's messy00:27
storrgiegiovani: I know :(00:27
giovanitry using pidof00:27
giovanithat's much cleaner00:27
storrgiecan you give an example?00:27
giovani#pidof apache200:27
giovaniread the manpage :)00:28
giovaniit's a useful tool00:28
storrgiesure but... lets say I start two processes like this00:28
storrgiescreen rsync --partial --progress --rsh=ssh dfh@dfhserv:/somefiles /somefiles00:28
storrgietwo different ones00:28
giovaniyes, and?00:28
pwnguinpresumably, you'd like to know which of the two fell down00:28
storrgieso any idears?00:29
giovaniyou haven't fully explaing what you want00:29
pwnguinim not entirely sure why you need to monitor rsync00:29
storrgieI have ATT DSL here00:29
storrgieI have a remote server in france00:30
storrgiehundreds of gigs worth of files00:30
storrgielike 5GB generated daily00:30
storrgieI want to get those files daily00:30
storrgiebut they are stored in multiple folders on the server00:30
storrgieso lets say I have two different dirs00:30
storrgie/files/a and /files/b00:30
storrgieI want to rsync both of them00:30
pwnguinis there a files/c?00:30
storrgieif my internet drops00:30
storrgieyes, however I dont want those00:31
storrgieso i cant just do /files00:31
storrgieif my net drops, rsync dies right?00:31
storrgiescreen rsync --partial --progress --rsh=ssh dfh@ DEST00:31
storrgiethats why --partial is in there00:31
pwnguinwhat you could do, is just script out all the rsyncs00:31
storrgieheres what I am doing right now00:32
pwnguinits not like this is going to be improved by parallelism00:32
storrgiewith 1 process00:32
giovaniwhy are you screening rsync?00:32
storrgieso i can see it00:32
storrgiesee if somethings up00:32
giovaniuse a log file man00:32
giovanithat's very much an inproper use of screen00:32
pwnguinkill -USR1 or something like that00:33
storrgieregardless, I want to run multiple rsyncs because the server will dish at 200k per connection00:33
storrgieI can do up to 3 connections with my DSL then00:33
giovanipwnguin: log file00:33
pwnguingiovani: does rsync log anything of note?00:33
giovanipwnguin: absolutely, if you want it to00:33
storrgiewould like to run two of them00:33
storrgiecron a check00:33
storrgiescreen is not the issue here00:34
storrgieits checking to see if they are indeed running00:34
giovaniwell that's not the "right" way to do what you want, is the point00:34
storrgieso if rsync dumps to a log00:35
storrgiecan I tail the log and check to see if it died recently?00:35
giovaniof course, but, that's not the issue that we're addressing right now00:35
storrgiealright im open to suggestions00:35
giovaniyou wanted to move on from that00:35
giovaniso I'm moving on00:35
storrgiewe can come back to it00:35
giovaniI'd write a wrapper for rsync00:35
storrgiei just figured that it might also be the answer00:35
giovanito check its exit status00:36
giovaniif it exits non-zero, then we know it failed00:36
storrgieso wait00:36
pwnguinwhile [rsync]00:36
giovanichecking ps with cron is MESSY00:36
giovaniand not proper for this00:36
giovaniknowing if an app failed for some reason is the reason we have an exit status00:36
storrgieok im very new to linux and bash, can you give me an example of this?00:36
giovanisure, I just found one on google, if you don't want to write one yourself00:37
storrgieyea i understand exit status I have been programming for a while00:37
pwnguinthen write a loop00:37
giovanithat script does things properly00:37
pwnguinthat checks rsync for failures, and repeats until it exits cleanky00:37
giovanino, a loop is going to be non-intelligent here -- that perl script is actually pretty decent00:37
giovaniit keeps track of the log00:38
giovaniand uses that to exclude transfers its already done00:38
storrgieim investigating it00:39
storrgiealright but wait....00:39
storrgiethis process just RUNS until complete right?00:39
storrgieI dont need to cron this calll00:39
giovanino ... no cron00:40
giovanicron is not appropriate for this00:40
storrgieso just run this sucker, in the way he said... lets say I loose internet for 15 minutes00:40
storrgieits gonna call rsync like 100 times during that00:40
storrgieor 10000000:40
giovaniso put a wait in there00:40
storrgiedoesnt matter, eventaully when internet comes back up00:40
storrgieit will call00:40
giovaniI thought you were a programmer?00:40
storrgiegiovani: I am, however Im wondering if the overhead is even an issue00:40
giovanioverhead of what, exactly?00:41
storrgienot a perl programmer00:41
giovaniif you're concerned about retry00:41
giovania wait/sleep function is not even close to perl-specific00:41
storrgiecalling rsync a hundred times a second for 15 minutes00:41
giovaniit's a general programming concept00:41
storrgiecompletely understand man, however I just wanted to ask00:41
pwnguinits unclear to me how you could have the question without knowing the answer00:41
storrgieyou guys have been a big help, thank you00:42
pwnguinyou're worried about it running too fast, sleep is the first, best and last option (unless it's called wait)00:42
giovanistorrgie: if you're concerned about extended outages like that (and not just connection drops) putting a wait/sleep function in there to wait a minute before restarting rsync will address that00:42
storrgieyep, I added a parameter to the call00:43
storrgieis wait for perl just 'wait(int)'00:43
pwnguini worry00:43
storrgiewhy not ask here and get a quick answer, if i wasnt on IRC i would be googling00:43
pwnguinwait might be some process thing00:43
giovanistorrgie: you should google a simple question like that00:44
giovanibefore asking00:44
storrgieim sorry are we making the IRC logs too long?00:44
giovaninope, it's about putting forth some effort on your own00:44
giovanithe perl function is sleep, not wait, as pwnguin brings up00:44
storrgieyep i see that00:45
pwnguinthen wait is probably "wait for this process to finish"00:45
giovanipwnguin: indeed00:45
pwnguini dont even need google to guess these things ;)00:46
pwnguinanything networking related with a loop ought to sleep or face someone's wrath00:47
pwnguinevery once in a while someone doesn't get that memo and our CS department subnet gets banned from google00:48
lovegrowsanyone running on EC2?02:28
lovegrowsHi Roak, these guys are quite in here02:35
owhlovegrows: Only if we have nothing to say :)02:36
lovegrowstrue, the other channels can get noisy02:37
PhotoJimquite quiet, even :)02:54
* genii quietly makes another pot of coffee03:07
owhgenii: That's two in less than 24 hours. Are you running a temperature?03:10
lovegrowsany thoughts on amazons EC2?  running ubuntu server03:11
geniiowh: Nah. Just like my coffee :)03:11
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owhYesterday I got asked about apache and the load balancer under 9.04. The only reason the person asking was leaving 8.04LTS on a production server was to get the load balancer. Is there any notion what would be involved to getting that under 8.04?03:14
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celephaisHi, i create a partition with cfdisk, it ask to reboot but after that the new partition disappear.why? ubuntu server 8.0409:14
acalvois there an easy way to migrate from desktop to server?09:52
blue-frogacalvo: a server is a desktop with server programs09:57
blue-frogand without gui.09:57
acalvoand that is what i need09:57
acalvobut I hope there is some metapackages you can install that will uninstall everything that needs a desktop09:57
blue-froginstall the programs and disable gui09:57
acalvoem, well, I'll try09:58
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ttxandol: do you still plan to handle the nagios3 merge ? I'm about to do it, but I can let it to you if you want to learn the process (and answer any question you may have)10:20
sorenI thought nagios3 was in main?10:22
ttxsoren: it is. Handle it doesn't mean upload it ;)10:22
sorenah :)10:23
andolttx: Yes, I would still like to do the merge. It is just that I have been rather busy at work lately and haven't really felt up to digging into new tasks.10:43
ttxandol: I'll leave it to you then.10:43
andolttx: Thanks. Actually, I have a day off tomorrow. I'll start looking into the merging process then.10:44
ttxandol: ok :)10:44
andolttx: Expect questions :P10:44
ttxandol: do you want to look at nagios-plugins as well ? I just looked at it, it's just slightly more complex.10:45
ttxthink of it as a level 2 exercise :)10:45
ttxif you don't think you'll have the time, I'll just do it now10:46
andolttx: Well, then I put it second on my list :)10:46
andolttx: Anyway, I'm off for work now. Thanks for the offer of help as well as the suggestions.10:48
ttxandol: you're welcome10:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #375939 in samba (main) "don't delete share directory " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37593912:02
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ehazlettanyone get xen running with 9.04?14:50
g33k_g1rl I am running an ubuntu server, with a windows share -- on the office WinXP machines, the winShare works just fine, but on the new Win7 machine, I don't seem to have write or execute permissions14:58
coffeedudeg33k_g1rl, Probably a better question for #samba (if I understand you correctly, that the ubuntu host is the Samba server)15:02
Lakotawhat is fglrx ?  is it open source for linux users to create a better driver or is it ati/amd try at a linux driver? and what is the future hold for this driver......?  I have a integrated ati 200m in my hp laptop with 64 bit amd possessor15:02
g33k_g1rlcoffeedude: thanks, will do15:04
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fevelI foound an entry on syslog:16:18
fevelMay 13 09:20:43 spyman syslogd 1.5.0#2ubuntu6: restart.16:18
MkJacksonHey Folks, I have a wireless network card on my server which doesn't seem to have been detected on install.  I was curious of how to get it upand running.  It's as simple as plug and play on windows but I'm a total n00b with this elegant beast... :-)16:19
fevelhow can I find out the reason for this strange reboot?16:19
MkJacksonFigure it would be good to know even for when I add another NIC in there for routing purposes16:19
MkJacksonStrangeness on this end, please excuse if this is a double post but I'm not sure if the previous two went through at all...16:22
MkJackson Hey Folks, I have a wireless network card on my server which doesn't seem to have been detected on install.  I was curious of how to get it upand running.  It's as simple as plug and play on windows but I'm a total n00b with this elegant beast... :-)16:22
MkJacksonFigure it would be good to know even for when I add another NIC in there for routing purposes16:22
MkJacksonAgain, my apologies if this had already gone through... :-(16:22
ballWill Ubuntu Server live happily within a Xen domU?16:23
sorenball: Yes.16:27
ballhello soren!16:28
ballbrb, rebooting16:29
wo0fis freenx joining the repo anytime soon does anyone know?16:34
orudiequestion. Can someone recommend a web based tech support system to keep records of tech support calls to my organization ?16:46
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sorenorudie: I only know of rt.16:56
sorenrequest-tracker3.6 - Extensible trouble-ticket tracking system16:56
summ1else1985Hey all17:00
summ1else1985I have some questions if anyone has time to answer them. I'm sure they're quick responses.17:01
ball!ask summ1else198517:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:01
ballsumm1else1985: what are your questions?17:02
summ1else1985well, I'm trying to set up a server at my workplace17:02
summ1else1985it's ltsp machine, but for the most part, that software all works fine17:02
summ1else1985the issue i'm having is whether or not I can create my network in the way I want17:02
summ1else1985Is there a better channel for such questions?17:02
summ1else1985Basically the server is statically assigned an address on eth117:03
summ1else1985and then passes out IPs as a DHCP server on eth017:03
ballThat makes sense.17:03
ballAre your terminals attached to eth0?17:04
summ1else1985the default subnet of the first network (the main one for our branch) is
summ1else1985subnet ID17:05
summ1else1985and for the DHCP server it would be
ballThat's a subnet mask.17:05
summ1else1985i would think the subnet mask was
summ1else1985for both networks17:05
ballwhy would you do that?!17:06
summ1else1985it wasn't intentional i promise!17:06
summ1else1985so where should I go from here17:06
summ1else1985the clients NEED to see things on the main network17:06
summ1else1985one thing to be quite precise17:06
summ1else1985I only care about them seeing one IP address (
ballsumm1else1985: what do they need to see?17:07
ball(and why?)17:07
summ1else1985err is the right one, it's a remote desktop server17:07
ballThey should get everything they need from the server.17:07
summ1else1985once they connect to that they will have normal access to the network17:07
ballsumm1else1985: why though?17:07
ballYour terminals shouldn't *need* access to the network17:08
ball(the non-terminal Ethernet that is)17:08
summ1else1985Well, the idea here is that anyone who plugs into the client side of this server (eth0) will PXE boot into an rdesktop session and connect to the Windows 2k Remote Desktop Server17:08
summ1else1985because the application they need to run must be in DOS (it will not run in an emulator for whatever reason)17:08
summ1else1985it's a nasty beast of a project17:09
summ1else1985if i can get it working... hey awesome and I'll tell everyone how17:09
ballI suppose you could configure your Ubuntu Server box as a router17:09
summ1else1985using iptables?17:09
ball(to just that one IP address)17:09
ballUsing whatever Ubuntu Server uses as a router.17:10
summ1else1985this particular machine is running Ubuntu 8.10 alternate17:10
summ1else1985I could have sworn this was supposed to be fun when I undertook it17:11
ballI probably would be if you were doing something sane with it.17:11
summ1else1985that much is too true17:11
summ1else1985so you're thinking if I foward everything to that IP address17:12
summ1else1985that I can see that machine and connect to it17:12
ballNot everything.17:12
ballJust permit the terminals to open a connection to that host if they request it.17:12
ball(for that protocol only)17:12
summ1else1985so it's definitely possible17:13
summ1else1985albeit complicated and ridiculous17:13
ballSounds possible, the tricky part is setting up routing on your Ubuntu Server, which in an ordinary ltsp environment you probably wouldn't need to do.17:13
summ1else1985I just wanted to know for sure before I spent any more hours reading up on how to configure the routing for such a thing17:13
summ1else1985that's what I'm finding17:13
ballThere are alternative approaches, but that's what I would probably try first.17:14
summ1else1985i'll be back if I decide that I need to destroy everything and start over17:14
summ1else1985As I understand it I could have probably just made it so the LTSP server handed IP addresses down from our main DHCP server too?17:15
ballWait, you said that your Ubuntu Server box had a static IP address on the (non-terminal) LAN17:16
ball...but that LAN has a DHCP server?17:16
summ1else1985well technically it could be DHCP if i wanted17:16
summ1else1985I sound stupid for not just using that don't i?17:17
ballNo, I would still hand them out IP addresses from the Ubuntu Server box17:17
summ1else1985That server is beginning to come into Lease problems, we recently expanded the pool17:17
ball...since they're on their own Ethernet17:17
ball...and you probably want to do that anyway to help with the boot.17:18
SFauconnierI've set up a DHCP server with eth0 distributing IP adresses into the network.. everything works fine, but how do I forward a port to my laptop? (with intern IP
SFauconnierI've opened the port with ufw, but how do I forward it?17:41
SFauconnier(yes, I'm a novice)17:41
ballSFauconnier: why would you?17:41
SFauconniermy bittorrent client on my laptop will go faster if I open up a port on my server and forward it to my laptop17:42
ballThat makes no sense to me.17:42
SFauconnierball: sorry, I'm really new to all this :) I'll try and explain it again17:42
keltorShould be an easy question ... I have a colocateed server that I wish to wipe back to stock & standard 9.04 server + openssh-server.  Is there any easy way of doing this?17:43
ballIf your laptop needs access to the Internet, why have it behind your Ubuntu server?17:43
=== keltor is now known as Keltor|Work
SFauconnierball: the server has dhcp installed and acts as a router17:44
ballAh okay.  An odd choice, but okay.17:45
SFauconniernow I need to forward port xxx to my laptop, so it can use bittorrent and battle.net, etc17:45
Keltor|WorkSFauconnier: why not use upnp?17:45
SFauconnierball: why is that an odd choice?17:45
SFauconnierKeltor|Work: what's upnp?17:45
Keltor|WorkSFauconnier: most windows software will try to have a port opened up via upnp from the router. that way it's automagical17:46
ballSFauconnier: most people (I'm assuming this is at home) would run an inexpensive (if hideous) off-the-shelf router that draws about 5 Watts.17:46
jdstrandthe ufw cli command does not support port redirections. you must edit /etc/ufw/before.rules. See /usr/share/doc/ufw/README.gz for details17:46
Keltor|Workufw works fine with linux-igd now i believe17:47
Keltor|Workno ... that's debian that it's fully integrated with17:47
Keltor|Workubuntu removed it entirely17:47
SFauconnierball: the server also acts as a local apache and svn server for my 'bussines', for learning purposes I made a router out of it, so I can drop the off-the-shelf one17:48
SFauconnierand well, learn17:48
SFauconnierKeltor|Work: thanks, I'll look into that17:48
ballAh okay.17:48
ballI have a server here too, but it's behind the router.17:49
SFauconnieralso, I only have a switch and a wireless router, if I were to put the server and the router both behind the switch, my computers and the server wouldn't be connected in a local network anymore (server doesnt have wifi)17:50
SFauconnierhence I installed dhcp and put the wireless router behind the server (but acting as a bridge, not a router)17:50
ballthe wireless router takes care of that for you.17:50
ballbrb, phone17:50
Keltor|Workusually best to get something like a wrt54g, have it do wireless, dhcp, dns, and those basics.  then it can port redir to your server17:51
SFauconnierbut there's no fun in that :o)17:52
SFauconnierI've learned a lot the past 2 days17:52
SFauconnierjust by messing around17:52
SFauconnierbut thank you for the advice, didnt want to sound cocky17:52
SFauconnierI appreciate it17:52
Keltor|Worki've gone through a lot of effort lately to reduce my power usage17:52
Keltor|Worki started figuring out my power utilization and realized .... I am wasting $100USD/month on nothing17:53
Keltor|Workmy server was aging so I bought a qnap17:54
Keltor|Workthe qnap is awesome actually17:55
Keltor|Work81W in full operation with 1.5TB drives17:55
chris_how can i launch my znc as my user (chris)17:58
Keltor|Workznc &17:58
SFauconnieranyone know how I can start/stop/restart upnpd in ubuntu server 9.04? can't find it in /etc/init.d18:14
chris_Whoops i mean how can i launch znc during boot :D18:14
gorgonzolahello. i have a tricky question: i have an old gutsy box (dont ask) and i want to upgrade it to hardy over the network. is it possible to a) reinstall the os over the network via ssh or b) upgrade to hardy using the install cd, as with alternate desktop releases of (k)(x)(ed)ubuntu, and how should t be done? thanks!18:17
MatBoysomeone using fuzzyocr here on Ubuntu ?18:57
chris_anyone know how i can launch znc as my user on boot?, rc.local is only for launching as root right?19:12
_rubencould try putting: su - youruser -c /path/to/znc in it19:15
ClaytonGHi, I'm running 9.0.4 with mysql-server-5.1, snort-mysql installed.  They are working just fine.  I also want to install acidbase but acidbase package has a depency of mysql-client which is the 5.0 client.  Any suggestions?19:32
mathiazClaytonG: you'd have to rebuild the acidbase package19:52
mathiazClaytonG: and modify the Dependency to list mysql-client-5.1 instead of mysql-client19:53
big_hamhey guys ... have a ubuntu server issue with both network adapters showing down19:54
big_hamthe server has ubuntu base running multiple Windows VMWare guests19:55
big_hamall I did was to change the IP address and put the server behind a router and now both interfaces show down no matter what I do ... changing it back to the prior config does no good19:55
chris_can i run a speedtest from the command line?20:27
LyonJTLHC hey20:35
LyonJTHow are you?20:37
LHCgd gd, tryin to keep busy haha20:38
LyonJTSound's good! What you trying to keep busy with?20:38
LHCahh Im settin up a dedicated server seller site20:39
LHCgoing to learn how to make lots of webhosts from one server20:39
LHCamm "podcast" host like libsyn xD20:39
LyonJTSound's good!20:39
LHCyeah hopefully itll bring in some money20:40
LyonJTBest of luck!20:40
LHCim sure if I do it good people will be willing to pay haha20:40
LHCwhat about u20:40
LyonJTIndeed they will! Just the usual! Trying to learn PHP at the moment20:41
LyonJTAnd ASP.Net20:41
LHCD: I heard of asp before, is it for corporate things? im not sure20:42
LyonJTIt's like PHP but microsoft implementation of it20:42
LHCdoes it suck? xD20:42
LyonJTHaha lol20:43
LyonJTNa i kinda like it!20:43
LyonJTTaking a course in it at the moment20:43
LHConline or irl haha20:43
LHCin real life20:44
LyonJTYes lol20:44
LyonJTIt's part of my university course20:44
LHCahh what is your course?20:46
LyonJTBusiness Information Systems20:46
LHCI do multimedia but may switch to finance or something. I can what the 4th year guys can do except they have a degree haha20:46
LyonJTFair play20:47
LyonJTYou enjoy it?20:47
* ball sighs20:47
LHCnot really its quite boring. I like the whole web startup company work place thing and conferences "vibe" but I would rather run the place and do design or dev work rather than be at the bottom haha hope that didnt sound bad20:48
LyonJTHaha lool i know what you mean!20:48
LyonJTvery true!20:48
LHCill just have to wait and see haha20:49
ballI need a job.20:49
LyonJTball what job you looking for?20:49
ballLyonJT: I don't know.  Something.20:50
LyonJTLol no idea at all?20:50
ballWell, if I could take my pick I'd probably work for an ISP20:50
ball"beggars can't be choosers" though..20:51
ballLHC: Torrents are a legitimate and sensible way to distribute medium sized files.20:51
LHCwhat sorta things do you need to work for one?20:51
ballmedium to large.20:51
LyonJTI love torrents20:51
ballLHC: a local ISP.20:51
ball...with an agreeable boss.20:52
LHCwhat sorta work can u do?20:52
* ball shrugs20:52
ballI've done hardware, software and liveware over the years.20:52
ball...so I'm fairly open-minded.20:52
LHCtell them lol say u are a jack of all traders and an essential tool for this economic hell20:53
ballI suppose I should set up my own ISP.20:53
ballHate to think how much AT&T would charge me for a T-1 line though20:53
ball...and PRI for the inbound callers.20:53
LHChaha cool20:54
LHCsetup one for data center20:54
LHCseems like a good customer? xD20:56
ballLHC: who me?  I suppose I could.20:56
ball...albeit a small setup20:56
LHCthey all start small man :P20:56
LHCplus everyone is talking about isps blocking certain things etc20:56
LHCand how they would switch to someone else if they could20:56
LHCBE THAT person xD20:57
LyonJT££££ money to be made!20:57
ballSuppose I need to sit down with a calculator and a telephone.20:58
LHChaha better than nothing?20:58
LyonJTHave fun!20:58
LyonJTBugger doing  that20:59
ballLHC: only better than nothing if it doesn't cost me my house.20:59
LHCyeah I suppose haha21:00
LHCdo something, could be like a major project for you, possiby millionaire xD21:00
NativeAngelshow do i change it so a user can access the /home/user/pubilc_html folder21:01
geniiNativeAngels: They should already be able to put whatever they want in there. Or do you mean by http://domain/~theirname               way?21:04
NativeAngelsatm when they login they go to the /home/user folder21:04
NativeAngelsbut theres a public_html folder inside that21:05
NativeAngelsso i want the user to also have access to the public_html folder21:05
geniiNativeAngels: if they: cd public_html                  they should now be in there21:05
NativeAngelsits so they can ftp pages to the folder21:06
geniiNativeAngels: By default a user has access to al the subfolders of their home directory21:06
NativeAngelsive setup proftpd21:07
NativeAngelsbut not sure how to let the user upload to that folder21:07
LHCI remember I spent 12 hours trying to set up a vhost, and all along it was one # keeping it from happening21:11
LHC xD21:11
LHCaka stick in there21:11
geniiNativeAngels: If they are using some graphical ftp client normally it will show them the subdirs of their home dir, etc and allow navigation there. If they rae using CLI ftp they can still use the cd command to change dir as well.21:13
LyonJT12 hours?21:14
NativeAngelsi did but theres a permisions error when i use the public_html folder for webpages21:15
LHClol well maybe 621:16
LHCnow I know to check everything xD21:17
big_hamanyone able to answer my eth down issue?21:21
geniiNativeAngels: I've setup my .skel file to auto add public_html dir for new users. The ls -ld looks like:drwxr-xr-x 2 Username root 43 2009-04-21 18:16 public_html/21:23
NativeAngelshow do i change the .skel file genii21:27
geniiNativeAngels: Actually it's a directory   /etc/skel                   If you put stuff in there it will be auto-made in new user's home directories21:28
loosepartsHello. I want to swap out a 10/100 nic for a newer 1G one, but the only way I know how to do that is to reinstall and let it be detected... (I know - I'm pathetic... ) What's the right way to do it? Thanks.21:29
geniilooseparts: There's a file to clean out the mac/ethX designation of the existing one, so the new will be again eth0. Give me a minute21:30
geniilooseparts: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules21:31
geniilooseparts: If the new card has a driver in *buntu it should auto load on boot and will be active immediately.21:32
loosepartsThank you! the new card works great if it's in the board when I install, so should be fine. what modifications do I make to the rules file?21:35
racecar56genii, guess what21:38
racecar56genii, i got a monitor to work on my server21:38
geniilooseparts: Remove from the rules file the line which has the mac address of the adapter you are removing21:39
geniiracecar56: Good :)21:39
loosepartsperfect, I see that. Can't wait to get home and try it - Thanks a million : -)21:39
geniilooseparts: This will prevent the new adapter from being eth1 for instance, when eth0 no longer exists21:39
geniilooseparts: You're welcome21:40
racecar56genii, i have a usb flash drive with ubuntu server 9.04 installer on it thanks to unetbootin21:40
racecar56genii, but i can't seem to boot from it...21:40
racecar56genii, i ran qemu -hda /dev/sdb and it works like it should, nothing wrong with the flash drive...21:41
racecar56genii, dd might save the day >:D21:48
garchotronhello ubuntu sysadmins out there22:10
garchotroni have a little question that is buggin me out22:11
racecar56waht iz it22:11
=== melter_ is now known as melter
garchotroni am mantaining a mirror in ubuntu server, i'm mirroring a couple of windows servers shares that comprise all mi office's data, we are in a stage of "pre migrating" all shares to samba authenticating against AD22:12
garchotronwhat bugs me out is this22:13
garchotronare there chances i'm loosing metadata (xattrs) by mirroring from smbmounted dirs? in ubuntu rsync is compiled w/o --xattr22:13
garchotronwill it cause trouble later?22:14
racecar56any virtualization things that can emulate x64 processors AND attach a real hard disk to a vm?22:20
sorenracecar56: I think all of them will.22:29
sorenracecar56: kvm certainly does. Xen probably, too. VirtualBox allegedly too.22:29
racecar56soren, just tried kvm and it reboots all the time... and idk how to use xen, and virtualbox idk how to make it use real hdd22:30
sorenWhat did you do with kvm?22:32
racecar56boot off a usb stick i made with unetbootin22:32
racecar56ubuntu server 9.04 64bit22:33
sorenI can't help you use it correctly if you're not telling me how you're using it now.22:33
racecar56im trying to get ubuntu on my hp mediasmart22:33
racecar56sudo kvm -hda /dev/sdb -hdb /dev/sdc -cpu qemu64 -m 51222:34
sorenAnd what is /dev/sdb?22:35
racecar56sdb is my flash drive sdc is my sever's main hdd hooked up on usb22:35
racecar56/dev/sdb1 is a fat3222:35
sorenAnd your flash drive is bootable?22:35
sorenOk. What exactly happens when you try?22:36
racecar56reboots every time it loads one of the kernel files... finding out now22:36
racecar56i think that is initrd.img in another name22:36
sorenHow did you make this USB stick?22:37
sorenFrom what?22:37
racecar56it was on a windows laptop22:37
sorenBased on what?22:38
racecar56ubuntu 9.04 64bit server22:38
sorenAn ISO?22:38
sorenWhy not just use the ISO?22:38
racecar56ummm... its a different computer22:38
racecar56im not on windows now22:38
racecar56im on ubuntu 9.04 desktop now... on my old laptop22:39
sorenI don't know, to be honest. I don't know what unetbootin does to make stuff bootable. I'm not sure it'll necessarily work as a hard drive (which is what it becomes when you specify it like that)22:39
racecar56basically all i want to do is get ubuntu 9.04 on my mss22:40
racecar56mss = mediasmart server22:40
sorenI have no idea what that is.22:40
racecar56hp mediasmart ex47522:40
racecar56i got it last december22:40
sorenI have no idea what that is.22:40
sorenDoes it matter?22:40
racecar56i guess not a lot...22:40
sorenI think you're better off with the ISO.22:41
sorenOtherwise, I need more info.22:41
racecar56how would i boot an iso on a real server?22:41
soren"ubuninit" is not something I've heard of before.22:41
racecar56it's a rename of initrd.img/gz or something like that22:41
sorenracecar56: That mediasmart thing is a real server?22:42
racecar56soren, real as in physical22:42
sorenDoes it have a CD drive?22:42
racecar56no, but i have a usb one22:42
sorenWell, that's one way.22:42
sorenDoes it have a USB port?22:42
racecar564 of em'22:42
sorenPut the USB stick in that, then?22:42
racecar56i tried...22:42
racecar56it won't boot it for some reason22:43
sorenHow did you verify that it's bootable?22:43
racecar56if kvm can at least load the bootloader on there.........22:43
racecar56then it has to.22:43
sorenErr... No.22:43
racecar56and it has boot flag according to gparted..22:43
racecar56take 2.... imma try booting usb on my sever22:44
racecar56uhh.. it still dosent see it22:44
racecar56when i first start it there isn't a boot logo thing22:45
racecar56then a phoenix award workstationbios screen comes, i hit DEL t get into setup22:45
racecar56there isn't a thing to let me boot off of something, no boot menu22:46
racecar56i set first boot device to be USB-ZIP...22:46
racecar56hey... i saw 'USB Flash Memory1.00' in the boot thing...22:47
racecar56but it didn't boot off of it :(22:48
blizzkidlo all. Seen the fact it's generally less crowded in this channel than in #ubuntu... Does anyone know/remember if shipit cd's were available at the time of 4.10 and 5.04?23:37
ScottKblizzkid: It being less crowded here doesn't magically change what's on topic.23:39
yann2I did get a 4.10 cd23:39
yann2and I've been deaing 5.04 cds at university by pack of tens :)23:39
blizzkidScottK: it's partially on topic, isn't it? ;)23:39
yann2aaaactually there wasnt a server versoin at that time23:39
yann2so it isnt :P23:40
blizzkidyann2: true, true23:40
blizzkidbut asking the same question in #ubuntu has the same effect as asking my cat :p23:40
blizzkidanyways, I'm looking for someone who has a spare cd (and cover ofcourse) of 4.10, 5.04, 7.10 and 8.10 left to complete my historical set of ubuntu cd's :)23:41
owhI was asked about Apache 2.2.10 which adds the "bybusyness" loadbalancer. It's available in 9.04, but not in 8.04. It is the only reason that they were going to upgrade their production servers from LTS to 9.04. Is this a big-never gonna happen kind of thing, or is this a possibility?23:50
owhI was provided with links to bug reports and even check-ins, haven't had the time to check yet, but I wondered if this might be added to the next revision of 8.0423:52
racecar56there was a serverr version.... in a way23:53
racecar56it was on the same cd23:53
* owh has at this time no idea what the difference in code is. I was assured that the loadbalancer itself was a separate kind of module, but it's not an apache .so as such.23:53

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