
Riddellnobody brave enough to test the alpha then?00:05
* Vorian will00:05
RiddellVorian: able to do that now?00:06
Vorianer, in 30 minutes00:06
Vorian+ has to download00:06
Vorianor upgrade00:06
Vorianany preference?00:07
JontheEchidnakdeutils beta almost done compiling00:08
* Vorian downloads00:09
claydohRiddell: I am usually either  stupid or brave00:10
claydohquestion  from the forums: kde4.3 beta for 9.04?00:10
Vorianclaydoh: it will be in a ppa00:10
claydohthought so, just wasn't sure if a beta would be released for jaunty00:11
Riddellclaydoh: no timetable though, we're a bit behind because of getting karmic set up00:13
Riddelland for my part I'm away from this weekend00:14
claydohRiddell: thanks, starting to get restless over there :)00:14
claydohthe usual 'early adopters' ;(00:14
claydohoops ;)\00:14
claydohdarn full-sized keyboard!00:15
quassel208are you guys going pack kde4.3 beta ?00:32
Riddellquassel208: yes00:43
quassel208oh really? Can I test? Then I dont need to compile00:45
nixternalits more fun to compile though00:46
quassel208yeah I did it before :)00:47
quassel208but erased the stable with it00:47
Riddellthere's bits in the experimental PPA in ~kubuntu-ppa but not much of it for now00:47
quassel208santiago is holy...00:48
quassel208whats the ppa ?00:53
quassel208deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu  ?00:53
Riddellno ~kubuntu-ppa on launchpad00:54
quassel208deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main00:55
quassel208this one00:55
quassel208I ony find kde 4.2.3 in it01:01
quassel208deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/experimental/ubuntu karmic main01:07
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Riddellupdatedb can seriously harm your compile time01:38
xeeHi, I'm working on a Kubuntu derivative and I'd like to apply certain settings to new users(other than Kubuntu defaults), according to some forums this was possible in kde3 using /etc/kde-defaults but I can't find how to do the same in Kubuntu/KDE401:45
xeeI've tried /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/ but it doesn't work as expected, I change some settings then create a new user and it's the same01:46
Riddellxee: editing the files in /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/ should work01:51
Riddellor /etc/kde4 for that matter01:51
xeeI tried the former and it seemed like it didn't work so I'll try the latter, thanks01:52
Riddellxee: what's the derivative?01:53
xeeit's just a rebranded, customized version for a company01:54
NightroseJontheEchidna: any luck with the amarok package?17:48
JontheEchidnanope :(17:48
Nightrosehaving yet another beta without useful kubuntu packages is bad17:49
Nightrosewe did get close to no testing for beta 1 :(17:49
MamarokNightrose: the jukebox package did build fine and it's basically a 2.1 beta too, with some git merges from markey17:50
MamarokJontheEchidna: if you need the additional packages, they are in the gibson-DW ppa17:50
Mamarokjust don't use the amarok package itself :)17:50
=== cmvo_ is now known as cmvo
* Riddell uploads qzion qedje eet and kdepimlibs18:01
Riddelloh and kdelibs-experimental18:02
nixternalare people actually using the qedje widgets and what not?18:08
* astromme has no idea18:08
Tm_Tnixternal: I would atleast try18:08
* astromme uses python widgets for sure18:08
daskreechThey have qedje widgets?18:09
nixternalevolution has some cool widgets18:09
nixternalI have tried adding google gadget widgets, but it hasn't worked out well for me and I can't figure it out18:09
JontheEchidnaoh, google-gadgets failed main inclusion, so we don't support it18:09
JontheEchidnaif someone could take the plugin and put it in its own source package we could support it in universe, theoretically18:10
nixternalno, kde trunk18:10
daskreechHow long will that stand for?18:10
nixternalI build the google gadgets anyways because the version we have in the repos is crippled18:10
Riddelloh and akonadi uploaded18:11
nixternaldo people actually use akonadi? :p18:11
astrommeI use google gadgets widgets on my archlinux box18:11
Mamaroknixternal: I do...18:11
astrommeThey're great, except of course none of theme fit theme wise18:11
RiddellI did try to separate out google gadgets plasma support but failed18:11
nixternalhehe, I would hope everyone is using akonadi18:11
* astromme also uses Akonadi18:11
astrommeAkonadi and KDEPim are now linked pretty tightly18:11
astrommeeven more so for the 4.3 cycle18:12
nixternalthat is expected18:12
nixternalthankfully they seperated akonadi from pimlibs though18:12
Riddelldunno if qedje will be relevant any more once qt declarative is out18:12
nixternalwell I think it will because we are sharing stuff with the evolution community18:13
nixternalwhich is whicked cool18:13
nixternalman, I haven't used evolution in such a long time...I need to give it a look again18:13
astrommewait, what is evolution doing?18:14
nixternalerr, enlightenment18:14
nixternalI just read a post about "backing up evolution"18:15
astrommeyeah, I used e17 a very very long time ago18:15
nixternalI am a moron18:15
astrommeI did also use evolution a long time ago. Loved the "unified" concept and HATED the implementation18:15
astrommeIt was like a bad copy of outlook. I then tried Kontact and have been using it since, lol....18:15
nixternalevolution right now is great if you are working in a MS Exchange environment18:16
astrommeI assume so, I've heard a lot regarding that18:16
nixternalyou can say the same thing about Kontact and Outlook as well18:16
astrommebut I'm not, and never plan to be18:16
nixternalall GUI based email clients suck18:16
nixternalthat's why I use Mutt18:16
astrommeoh boy, dangerous territory!18:16
* astromme <3s his Kontact, don't take it away!18:16
* astromme just finally got kontact + gmail + google contacts + google calendar to play nicely and is happy18:17
nixternalRiddell: how are you liking Alpine? I wasn't ever a huge Pine fan back in the day, but have thought about giving Alpine a test run18:17
daskreechAnyone uses nepomuk ?18:18
Riddellnixternal: actually I went back to mutt, turns out alpine can't do stuff I need it to do18:18
nixternalright, that is what I have heard18:18
Tm_Tdaskreech: used when I had ability to compile KDE myself18:18
nixternaldo you use mutt-patched, or do you still run Mutt old school, without the folders list?18:18
daskreechHow long ago was that?18:18
Tm_Tdaskreech: 2 months or more18:19
Riddellnixternal: I've no idea, whatever is installed on the ancient debian machine I use for a server18:19
nixternalahhh, ya probably not mutt-patched18:19
daskreechTm_T: So you didn't try the virtuoso backend ?18:19
nixternalmutt-patched is pretty cool, as I can toggle a sidebar/folder list by hitting 'b'18:19
Tm_Tdaskreech: no, sowwy18:19
nixternalI like that feature instead of having to go into my folder list all of the time18:19
nixternala bit more efficient18:19
daskreechnixternal: tried nepomuk?18:20
nixternaldaskreech: ya, when it doesn't crash on my trunk build it rocks18:21
astrommedaskreech: I have tried it. It's better than the java one, slightly18:21
nixternalI don't build with sesame or virtuoso18:21
Tm_Tastromme: and RAM usage is on what level?18:21
nixternalredland is good enough18:21
daskreechnixternal: What backend ?18:21
astrommeTm_T: well, I'm a bit of an odd test as I have 100GB of stuff that is indexed18:21
daskreechAh Ok18:21
* astromme is _not_ a fan of redland18:21
daskreechastromme: it sticks for you?18:21
nixternaleverything uses redland18:22
nixternalsesame is actually really nice, but I don't think it would be good in a desktop environment18:22
astrommedaskreech: The nepomuk process itself uses a lot of ram. The virtuoso server doesn't seem to be using much18:22
nixternalI might be wrong though18:22
astrommesesame worked well for me, it was just hard to setup as it wasn't packaged18:22
nixternalI have actually contributed to sesame with my last job, as I used it for a backend for an ftp storage client for our grid18:22
Riddellsesame is packaged in jaunty18:22
astrommeredland has NEVER worked for me with strigi. Complete fail in my book, way too slow18:22
nixternalwhich was all java anyways18:22
daskreechstrigi has flat out never worked for me18:23
Tm_Tastromme: still, some comparison I would like to have18:23
Tm_Tastromme: as I am RAM limited18:23
astrommedaskreech: strigi is working generally, it just doesn't have as many (i think they're called stream readers?) as I would like18:23
daskreechMy friend is compiling from trunk and has been trying virtuoso since Monday. Anytime he sets the config to virtuoso as soon as nepomuk starts it switches it back to sesame18:24
astrommeTm_T: Well, with that 100GB of indexed files I was seeing high nepomuk usage, in the hundreds of megabytes18:24
astrommedaskreech: it will auto select virtuoso if it is installed correctly18:24
Tm_Tastromme: hmmm, still way smaller than sesame, isn't it?18:24
daskreechastromme: Ah so we need to figure out what counts as installed correctly :)18:24
astrommedaskreech: there is a tool... I forget... that tells you what nepomuk thinks is installed backendwise18:25
astrommeTm_T: yes, I think smaller. Definitely faster18:25
astrommeoh woah, that is so cool18:30
astrommeI started nepomuk on this jaunty machine and it asked to install sesame :)18:31
* astromme is a big fan18:31
Mamarokastromme: wait, my Strigi is indexing since days...18:31
daskreechMamarok: How much data?18:31
Mamarokif you have a lot of data you will need patience18:31
Mamarokdaskreech: like 580 Gb18:32
astrommeMamarok: have you installed the sesame2 backend?18:32
astrommeMamarok: ah, yes. That will take a while18:32
astrommeAnd you will end up with a very large db18:32
astrommeI have 1/5th of that18:32
Mamarokdaskreech: I talked to Trueg about it today, he can't do anything about it and suspects Strigi to hang sometimes on certain files, it should be faster18:32
astrommedaskreech: run "sopranocmd |grep backend -C 118:33
astrommeIf you see virtuoso the server is installed correctly (with nepomuk support)18:33
Mamarokastromme: yes, of course I have sesame218:34
astrommeMamarok: Just checking :). I've seen users who don't have it and are complaining18:34
Mamarokastromme: It never actually started without sesame anyway, s I read some Nepomuk blogs to get started18:35
astrommeoh, that's interested18:35
* astromme will brb, he needs to relog for nepomuk18:35
astrommeor I could just ... hmm18:36
daskreechIsn't strigi spawning multiple threads for that so one file hanging shouldn't really screw it up that much?18:37
astrommedaskreech: I think the one hanging goes to 100% cpu18:38
astrommeat least I've had that experience18:38
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
daskreechUgh can you see what file it's hanging on ?18:39
Mamarokdaskreech: well, I can see on which folder he is, but it's progressing, just very slow18:40
* ScottK has never once had sufficient patience to let Strigi finish indexing.18:41
daskreechRiddell: Does it make sense to follow you on identi.ca ?18:42
* astromme is a fan of Quassel. No disconnection ftw18:42
daskreechKonversation should have some quassel server support :)18:42
astrommeMamarok: did you do something special to make strigi start? I'm having no luck18:42
astrommedaskreech: no kidding18:42
Mamarokastromme: there is a missing java symlink you will have to set, found it in the lauchpad bugs about Strigi18:43
astrommeMamarok: that's silly, so small!18:43
daskreechsmall things cause the most emotional pain18:44
Mamarokastromme: I know18:44
Mamarokit buggerd my for quite a while18:44
Riddelldaskreech: no I've never used it18:44
astrommeThis, right? ln -s /usr/lib/kde4/lib/strigi/strigiindex_sopranobackend.so /usr/lib/strigi/strigiindex_sopranobackend.so18:45
ScottKSo I guess it makes sense if you don't want much distraction.18:45
Mamarokastromme: cause, it's one if the pilars of KDE, so it not working was very disturbing18:45
* astromme gets a "file exists"18:45
astrommeMamarok: exactly. Nepomuk + Strigi needs to start working out of the box18:45
Mamarokastromme: well, no the one I had to set was for the libjvm.so18:45
astrommeThat's the only way that it will solidify and actually start becoming indispensible18:45
daskreechRiddell: You do have an account though18:46
daskreechWill Aplha 2 be KDE 4.3 based ?18:47
Riddelldaskreech: only under duress18:48
astrommemeh, I"m getting... found no soprano plugin at  "/usr/lib/soprano/libsoprano_sesame2backend.so"18:49
daskreechRiddell: ha ha wonderful :) We should probably have a kubuntu account there though18:50
daskreechthere is18:50
JontheEchidnaharmph, kdeutils should be good now, uploading to the ppa18:50
daskreechand nixternal isn't following it18:51
RiddellJontheEchidna: kdeutils?  I just uploaded that to the archive18:51
JontheEchidnasdk, my mistake18:52
nixternaldaskreech: following what?18:52
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ^18:52
astrommeaha aha aha! "Converting Nepomuk index to a new backend"18:52
astrommeThis is a good sign I think18:52
* astromme still would love 4.3b1 for Jaunty18:52
daskreechThe kubuntu identi.ca account18:52
astrommeMuahahaha! and I have the nepomuk icon18:52
Riddellastromme: it'll come, but a few days yet18:52
astrommeRiddell: I'll be super busy until Monday, so I probably won't even notice after today :)18:53
astrommeEngin project, final paper, wedding, flying home, getting unpacked.18:53
JontheEchidnaoh, and I just uploaded kdeutils to experimental when I meant to upload sdk v.v18:53
JontheEchidnaoh well, it'll only clog the builders up a bit18:54
astrommeMamarok: Thank you for your help. I agree, this needs to just work. That'll certainly be something I poke around for in the Karmic alphas/betas18:54
ScottKIf it's just missing a symlink, we ought to be able to fix Jaunty in an SRU18:55
Mamarokgood idea, people expect it to work when they read the release notes for the KDE versions18:55
astrommeScottK: it looks like the java defaults selector should be setting the symlink, as it varies from jvm to jvm18:55
ScottKastromme: I see.  Perhaps you could take it up with someone on the Ubuntu Java team.18:56
* ScottK knows zip about Java18:56
astrommeScottK: where would I do that?18:56
ScottKastromme: #ubuntu-java18:56
astrommeScottK: this is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/soprano-backend-sesame/+bug/33418618:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 334186 in soprano-backend-sesame "soprano-backend-sesame requires missing /usr/lib/libjvm.so" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:56
nixternaloh cool, I had no idea that troubalex was the community web mgr for qt software...groovy18:56
astrommeThe last comment mentions that he did something relating to java-common18:56
Riddellnixternal: I've never worked out what a community web manager is :)18:56
daskreechSomeone who manages the community but never actually meets them :)18:58
RiddellI've met troubalex, although I didn't notice her managing me18:58
nixternaldo you need to be managed?18:59
nixternalno, you just need an agent you rockstar!18:59
astrommeScottK: I'm poking around a bit. Who knows....19:00
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
* ScottK is pretty convinced Riddell is unmanageable.19:16
daskreechhi smarter_ :)19:20
Riddellgroovy, kdebase-workspace done and uploaded19:28
Riddellwill dep wait on qedje though19:28
Mamarok is there a way to remove the password for kpackagekit once it has been stored?19:37
Mamarokas kpackagkit doesn't use kdewallet19:37
seelenixternal: no i just said "next slide" hehe19:48
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ghostcubeeverybody was kung fu fighting dabba dibbi20:09
ghostcubehelo humans and wannabees20:09
=== daskreech is now known as nooneelse
=== nooneelse is now known as dasKreech
dasKreechWho we gonna call?20:10
ghostcubehmmm elvis ?20:11
neversfeldebtw is eagles0815 banned again?20:11
dasKreechmost likely20:12
astrommeScottK: Mamarok: I'm working with the good folks in #ubuntu-java . There is a good chance that we can come up with a solution for jaunty20:13
ScottKHaven't seen him around lately now that you mention it.20:13
astrommeDo you know if virtuoso will be the default/packaged for Karmic?20:13
ScottKastromme: Excellent.20:13
astrommeApparently linking to /usr/lib/libjvm.so is a bad bad idea because you don't know about abi. However, in this case there isn't a good solution other than linking20:14
astrommeScottK: have you guys packaged virtuoso for karmic? is that the current plan for default?20:18
* ScottK looks over at Riddell20:18
JontheEchidnabug 33175720:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331757 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] virtuoso-opensource" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33175720:19
JontheEchidnait looks to be a huge job20:20
astrommeJontheEchidna: oh noes :( even just the db component?20:20
ScottKI'd hate to rely on it since it's just the freeware version of a proprietary product.20:20
* astromme mentions that it is oss20:21
dasKreechbut is it F ?20:21
astrommeyou mean L? :P20:21
ScottKIt is, but it's the non-commercial version of some closed thing.20:21
dasKreechWe can see the source can it be forked if needed ?20:21
ScottKIt may be like OOo and Star Office (OK) or something else.20:22
ScottKPersonally I'd be a lot more comfortable if more of these DB driven things were using postgresql.20:23
* ScottK waves to Sput20:23
astrommeLooks like gpl220:24
astrommeScottK: the problem iirc is that they aren't a RDF something or other20:24
ScottKRight, well Virtuoso also came in the context of Akonadi too20:25
astrommeScottK: aha, sparql, that's the magic word20:26
astrommeAlso, some packager notes are at the bottom of: http://trueg.wordpress.com/2009/02/27/are-we-there-yet-the-long-road-to-a-stable-soprano-virtuoso-backend/20:27
astrommeThe one great thing about nepomuk.... it supports multiple backends and seamlessly migrates data if a new one becomes available that is deemed a higher priority (or the users sets it as the first priority)20:27
nixternalnote to other devs: if you are a dev for a distro, do not comment on another distro dev blog calling it subpar20:35
nixternalI can't believe someone commented on my blog complaining that it is on planet kde and it is a subpar distro, when the person is a chakra developer, a project for arch that uses patches from so-called "subpar distros"20:36
nixternalie. the kubuntu karmic release post20:36
* Sput waves back to ScottK20:37
ScottKnixternal: Batteries Released.20:38
* astromme sighs20:38
dasKreechnixternal: Ah thought it was for your other post. In any case mud slinging due to inflated aggravated pride quotes are really not needed20:38
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siekaczare there any plans  to make KDE 4.3 b1 packages for 9.04?22:14
rgreeningwe are working on them now. its slow progress... but moving22:15
JontheEchidnargreening: we've started for 9.04?22:15
rgreeningbah.. meant kde b4 in general22:16
rgreeningbut it will be back ported22:16
JontheEchidnawe might be lucky enough for no-change backports22:16
rgreeningmaybe... here's hoping22:17
JontheEchidnasince debian-qt-kde.mk just includes kde4.mk in jaunty22:17
rgreeningthats cool22:21
JontheEchidnathank ScottK for that one22:21
* dasKreech itches to get back on KDE22:21
rgreeningty ScottK22:28
JontheEchidnaI read that as Scotty, too much trek22:30
neversfeldehum, is it really necessary to post youtube links in here. I do no want to klick on them...22:35
rgreeningI have to drop off for a while... I'll finish kdenetwork then.22:35
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dasKreechneversfelde: Don't klik then?23:05
neversfeldedasKreech: it is a little bit offtopic here, isn't it?23:05
dasKreechWell someone brought Trek and mentioned scotty23:06
dasKreechSo yes23:06
neversfeldesorry, I was in an offtopic mood23:06
neversfeldeit is hard to filter the important things23:07
dasKreech!kde && !kubuntu23:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde && !kubuntu23:10

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