
pwnguini would assume 0x000000, but surely the whitepapers address that00:38
=== sparq_ is now known as sparq
sparqAside from the Beagleboard, does anyone have a nifty ARM board?09:48
sparqI remember some years ago, there was a sort of nifty MIPS mini-desktop thingy (the Qube, I think), but they got bought by Sun and kind of vanished.09:51
persiaThe gumstix overo has gotten a couple comments lately.09:56
ograyou mean the cfobalt cube ... that wasnt a desktop machine09:57
suihkulokkisparq: sheevaplug ? there is also literally thousands of nifty arm boards out there :)09:59
persiaThere's also a heap of NAS boxes of various flavours, some of which have interesting features (e.g. RAM slot or PCIe slot).10:00
kbinghamI'm trying to use apt on an arm system but I'm getting : E: Unable to determine a suitable packaging system type12:38
kbinghamany idea what determines the packaging system type ? :)12:39
persiakbingham, I think it's Apt::System from the apt configuration.12:58
persiaI've just been looking in apt/apt-pkg/init.cc (which generates the error), but I can't really understand why it might occur.12:58
kbinghamyes - i've just got to init.cc after a google ...12:59
persiaI suspect that you're not running an Ubuntu rootfs, but I'm not cool enough to understand why it might fail.12:59
kbinghamno - i tried an ubuntu fs and too many things were getting in the way to boot up12:59
kbinghamso i thought drop back to the original fs - and just copy over the /etc/apt12:59
kbinghamidea being that i would be able to apt-get install packages ...13:00
kbinghambut allas i think i was trying to be too simple.13:00
persiaYeah.  Just a bit.13:01
persiaWhat sort of issues were you encountering trying to boot?13:01
kbinghamit was stopping during the rc stuff13:03
kbinghamso then i tried appending init=/bin/sh to the kernel line and it just hung13:03
kbinghamdm355 evm board by the way - 300mhz arm.13:03
persiaDid you construct an ubuntu initramfs, and feed it that?13:03
persia(and also, did you have a kernel that can use an initramfs?)13:04
kbinghamthis is a 2.6.18 kernel13:04
persia2.6.18 is capable of initramfs, but it's a compile-time choice.13:05
kbinghamwhere does the initramfs come in ?13:05
persiaAnd I'm not sure if that version has all the syscalls Jaunty might expect.13:05
kbinghamwhy does it need it13:05
persiaI'll take those in reverse order :)13:05
persiaIt needs it because the system is designed to come up flexibly to support lots of different use cases.13:06
kbinghamsounds reasonable :)13:06
persiaSo someone might need to get the network working before they have access to secondary storage, or someone might need to load special modules before they can access some device, etc.13:06
kbinghamthis is nfsboot by the way ...13:07
kbinghamso network is up before filesystem starts loading...13:07
kbinghamthe boot scripts wouldn't disable/reconfigure the ifconfigs would they perhaps ...13:08
persiaHow it works is that the kernel loads, and rather than trying to load some known device as root, it loads the initramfs as a ramfs, does more stuff (e.g. starting the network, loading modules, etc.), and then it does a pivot_root to some real root filesystem, and then completes the startup.13:08
persiaThis way there is a complete (if very minimal) userspace to handle special stuff before it starts mounting devices, etc.13:08
kbinghamhmmm - where does this happen - i  guess i can just strip it out .. ?13:09
persiastripping it out would be tricky.13:09
kbinghammy kernel has all drivers required for the boot built in13:09
persiaWell, except you get a hang with init=/bin/sh13:10
persiaWhich means something isn't there.  Hard to say what.  It's unlikely to be an actual problem with /bin/sh.  more likely something about loading the rootfs or initialising the console, etc.13:10
ogratry /bin/bash instead13:10
persiaogra, You think it's really a problem with dash?13:11
persiaI'd think it was more likely to be an issue with udev interaction and the console, or something like that.13:11
ograthere are some env vars that arent being hardcoded in dash iirc13:11
ograat which rc script does the normal boot stop ?13:12
kbinghamogra : that worked :)13:12
ograa normal boot should work as well though13:13
kbinghamperhaps its just hiddeously slow13:14
kbinghami'd left it for 5 minutes before thinking it had stalled -perhaps it needs longer13:14
ograi rather think your kernel might miss options13:14
ograor has some misconfiguration13:15
kbinghamogra: what comes to mind? my other filesystem boots fine?13:15
ograapparmor and procps are typical candidates13:15
kbinghambut of course that was designed for it :)13:15
ograwell, where exactly does it stop ?13:15
ograwhats the last message you see when booting13:16
kbinghamhangon - played round lots since then - i'll scan up the serial logs13:16
kbingham[ OK ]ivating swap...13:22
kbingham * Checking file systems...        fsck 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)13:22
kbingham[ OK ]13:22
kbingham[ OK ]nting local filesystems...13:22
kbingham[ OK ]ivating swapfile swap...13:22
kbingham[ OK ]figuring network interfaces...13:22
kbingham[ OK ]ting up console font and keymap...13:22
kbingham[ OK ]rting system log daemon...13:22
kbingham[ OK ]rting kernel log daemon...13:22
kbinghamthis was an ubuntu-minimal build from build-arm-rootfs13:23
ogramv /etc/rc2.d/S50klogd /etc/rc2.d/K50klogd13:23
ogratry that if you are logged in with init=/bin/bash13:23
kbinghami can do it on the host13:24
ograand then try a normal boot13:24
ograwell, then that13:24
ograif that works tickle amitk until he tells you why the kernel logging doesnt work :P13:24
kbinghamok - rebooting now - it wsa S11klogd though13:25
ograoh, k13:26
ograits 50 here13:27
kbinghamshouldn't matter too much though :)13:27
kbinghamsome of the stages are really slow ... wait ...13:27
kbingham[ OK ]rting system log daemon...13:27
kbingham[ OK ]rting kernel log daemon...13:27
kbinghamits in rc3.d too13:28
ogradoesnt matter, it defaults to rc213:29
kbinghamhmm ok - then i did something else wrong ...13:29
kbinghamtheres also S10sysklogd -> ../init.d/sysklogd13:34
kbinghamis that the same/different?13:34
ogramove it for a test :)13:34
kbinghamafter this boot cycle13:34
kbinghamit takes a long time on setting preliminary keymap :S13:34
ograsysklogd doesnt print the "Starting kernel log daemon..." msg though13:34
kbinghamand setting up console font and keymap also takes a long time ...13:36
ograthats normal13:36
ograat least on very low power systems13:36
kbinghamok - so this time definitely without klogd13:36
kbingham[ OK ]figuring network interfaces...13:36
kbingham[ OK ]ting up console font and keymap...13:36
kbingham[ OK ]rting system log daemon...13:36
kbinghamso i'm gunna say its whatever comes after the klogd :)13:36
kbinghami see S70bootlogs.sh13:36
ograwell, most of that are no-ops anyway13:38
ograoh, wait, you work on a serial console ?13:38
kbingham.... yes13:38
ogradid you configure upstart to spawn a serial tty even ?13:38
kbinghamon the basis of i don't konw the answer to your question - i'll say no :)13:38
ograwell, then move back your klogd ... it wasnt hanging13:38
kbinghamjust switchin to VT ?13:38
kbingham :)13:38
kbinghamok - where do i configure upstart ...13:38
ogracp /etc/event.d/tty1 /etc/event.d/ttyS013:40
ograedit the respawn line to point to your serial tty13:40
ograsomething like: respawn /sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt10013:40
persia(or whichever is your serial device: some people need /etc/event.d/ttyUSB0, etc.13:40
ograyour system was booting fine, you would have had a tty on a LCD screen or vga13:40
kbinghamttyS0 it is :) thanks :)13:40
ograjust not on the serial console13:40
kbinghamhmmm nope - no output13:40
kbinghami assume it goes to /dev/fb0 ?13:40
ograto /dev/console13:43
kbinghamhmmm yeah that probably doesn't go far :)13:43
persiaYou might be able to pass console= to the kernel on boot.13:43
ograyou indeed need the proper console line in your kernel args too13:43
kbinghammy console=/dev/ttyS013:43
ograno other console option ?13:43
kbinghamKernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200n8 ip=dhcp root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=,nolock mem=116M video=davincifb:vid0=0,2500K:vid1=0,2500K:osd0=l13:43
kbinghamcan i remove keyboard-setup and console-setup from init as they take >30 seconds to pass ?13:46
kbingham(ps... i now have console :) )13:46
kbingham[ OK ]rting kernel log daemon...13:46
kbinghamUbuntu 9.04 mpc-dm355 ttyS013:46
kbinghammpc-dm355 login:13:46
kbinghamhmm just need to fix up my users.13:51
kbinghamwould seem i used -l admin -p admin - and it didn't like that on the build-arm-rootfs script13:51
kbinghaminit=/dev/bash followed by a useradd i think :)13:51
kbinghamahem ; s/dev/bin/ :)13:53
kbinghameverytime i boot it tells me i have to change the password. How do i stop it?14:00
ograadmin is a reserved groupname14:01
kbinghamahh ok :)14:02
kbinghamhmmm no - every account is expiring passwords almost immediatly .. ?14:08
kbinghamohhh wait14:08
kbinghamthat might be becuase the time on the board is many years out or soemthing silly14:08
kbinghamjan-1 1970 :)14:08
kbinghamwould that make passwords expire?14:08
ogranot with the recent jaunty14:08
kbingham? you say that like it would have done before ?14:08
ograthere was a bug with the date and pw expiriy but that was fixed before final14:08
kbinghamhmmm am i maybe on an old version ?14:08
kbinghambecuase my init script files were different too :)14:08
ograyeah, smells a bit like, when did you bui#ld the rootfs ?14:08
kbinghamtoday :)14:08
kbinghami did a wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/arm/build-arm-rootfs14:08
ograthats fine ...14:09
ograits not the script that has the bug14:09
ograit was the passwd binary14:09
kbinghamdo you know what package passwd is in ?14:13
kbinghami'll try and see what version i'm on14:13
ograi think it was the shadow package, NCommander did the fix14:13
ograbut that package comes from the archive in the fixed version14:13
ogrado you use some local mirror ?14:13
kbinghami simply ran your build-arm-rootfs script14:13
ograyes, that defaults to ports.ubuntu.com14:16
ograit might be realted to you using the username "admin"14:16
kbinghamno - i've created a new user dm35514:17
kbinghamhmmm though ...14:17
ograafterwards you did :)14:17
kbinghamindeed :)14:17
NCommanderogra, yeah, it was a bug in how user creation is handled on misset clocks14:17
kbinghamanyway to analyse if this is it ?14:17
ograi havent had it on any of my builds, no matter how the clock was set14:17
kbinghamok - i think my user accounts are really scrwed :)14:19
kbinghamas user admin - i did useradd dm35514:19
kbinghambut of course dm355 isn't in sudoers and i can't su :(14:19
ogranever ever use useradd manually14:20
ogrause adduser14:20
kbinghamoh well - back to init=/bin/bash :)14:20
kbinghamogra: noted :)14:20
kbinghamis it possible to remove the password enforcment?14:26
kbinghamor remove passwords altogether14:26
kbinghamI don't need one :)14:26
kbinghami deleted the dm355 account and admin account - then re-created using adduser14:27
kbinghambut its still expiring :S14:27
kbinghamNCommander: even root is being told to change the password :(14:35
NCommanderkbingham, try setting your ARM's clock. This should be fixed though15:09
kbinghamhave set resolv.conf and added ntpdate-debian & to rc.local :)15:09
kbingham(clock isn't held through reboots)15:09
kbinghamNCommander: just to check the obvious - am I on the correct passwd (if that the app thats affected)15:10
kbinghame514c60293dad2e1ad0599950d250e39  /usr/bin/passwd15:10
NCommanderkbingham, I can't check at the moment, but as long as your running a jaunty newer than Beta 1-2, your ok15:10
kbinghamI haven't got a clue what jaunty it is - its just whatever was built with the build- script15:10
kbinghamno worries though15:10
kbinghamhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/armel/mjpegtools/1:1.9.0-0.0 seems to be stating armel supports mjpegtools - but it wasn't seemingly available by apt-get in my armel rootfs ... do I need to add a different repository other than ports.ubuntu.com to get this support ?18:05
persiakbingham, You need to enable multiverse in your /etc/apt/sources.list18:19
kbinghambah - easy as that - figures - thanks persia18:19
persiakbingham, On the LP pages like that, there's a "Component" entry.  Just make sure your components list includes it if you want to see that package.18:20
kbinghamahh i see it now :) thanks18:21
persiaBe aware that things in universe may have licenses that prohibit source modifications, prohibit commercial use, prohibit use for specific purposes (e.g. military), have patent restrictions in some jurisdictions, prohibit distributing compiled source, or many other things.18:21
persiaBefore using the package, you'll want to read /usr/share/doc/${packagename}/copyright to find out what license you're accepting when you use it.18:22
persiaAll of it is free to redistribute, but that's about the only guarantee.18:22
persiaErr, things in *multiverse*18:22
kbinghamahh free to distribute is different from free to use then :)18:22
persiauniverse is all free software.18:22
persiakbingham, Sometimes.  For example, I might write a program and require anyone who uses it to send me a postcard.18:23
persiaI can also allow anyone to distribute it.18:23
persiaThis is free for redistribution, so it can be mirrored, but anyone who actually uses it needs to send me a postcard.18:23
persia(most stuff of this class has been fixed to request that users send postcards, rather than require it, but there's still a bit left)18:24
persiaOr I might write a tracking and guidance system, and feel it should only be used for model rocket enthusiasts, and not for cruise missles.18:25
persiaThese are actual examples of licenses :)  There's all sorts of nifty stuff there.18:28
persiaOne of my favorites is an implementation of an old Atari Game, where the authors secured permission to use the original art & music, but were unable to secure permission to change it in any way.18:29
persiaSo it can be mirrored, and used, but the spelling errors can never be fixed.18:30
kbinghamoh i managed to get my apt-get working on my existing filesystem18:35
kbinghamcopied over var/lib/dpkg, var/lib/apt, var/lib/aptitude over whatever was already there18:35
kbinghamnow i dont' get the "unable to determine suitable packaging system type" error18:36
kbinghamif this works then no more crappy cross-compiler errors for me :)18:37
dmt0hi guys19:11
dmt0i got jaunty running on omap3evm19:11
dmt0what would be the simplest way to get some gui going19:11
persiadmt0, apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ?19:17
persiaOr kubuntu-desktop, or ubuntu-desktop ?19:17
persia(really depends on which gui you want)19:18
dmt0basically my goal is just to demo any gui software piece19:18
dmt0not necessarily the whole environment19:19
persiadmt0, Well, easiest way is to install one of the desktop metapackages.19:19
persiaHard way is to install the X server, and then install the stuff you want to demo, and then install whatever you need to make sure you get an X session.19:19
dmt0in my current setup i don't have enough space for xubuntu desktop19:19
dmt0i have a 2GB flash card here19:19
dmt0i see19:20
dmt0ok, let's try the hard way19:20
dmt0thanks persia ))19:20
persiaGood luck :)19:21
=== bradf is now known as bradf__afk
dmt0hey guys23:03
dmt0jaunty on omap3evm23:04
dmt0what should xorg.conf contain?23:04
dmt0i'm trying to startxfce4, get one error23:04
dmt0FBIOBLANK: invalid argument23:04
dmt0cursor appears, touchscreen works23:05
dmt0and than x freezes23:05
dmt0has than been seen before?23:05
MartynYep.  I have the same problem on my EVM board23:08
MartynBoth on the OMAP2 and OMAP323:08
MartynI'm working on the issue now23:08

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