
pace_t_zuluanyone here?00:11
pace_t_zuluhggdh: ?00:11
pace_t_zuluhey guys00:15
pace_t_zului have an old bug that appears to be fixed to me00:15
pace_t_zului filed it nearly 3 years ago00:16
BUGabundobug id ?00:16
pace_t_zuluand we need to mark it as fixed upstream also00:16
pace_t_zululaunchpad bug # 7365000:16
pace_t_zululaunchpad bug #7365000:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 73650 in evolution-data-server "Subscribed Calendars do not adjust events to local time" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7365000:16
pace_t_zuluthat's better00:16
pace_t_zuluyou guys looking at it?00:18
hggdh<sigh/> it *had* to be an e-d-s bug...00:18
BUGabundothat's hggdh field of work00:19
pace_t_zului know00:20
pace_t_zulubut he'll be happy to close one...00:20
hggdhhum. I *do* remember a change to the timezones, sometime ago...00:20
pace_t_zului check it because there was a libical update for jaunty today...00:20
pace_t_zuluthat's where the problem was... so i revisited the bug00:20
hggdhpace_t_zulu, what version of Evo are you running now?00:20
pace_t_zuluit could have been fixed 2 years ago for all i know00:21
pace_t_zuluhold on... i will be more specific00:21
hggdhOK. Since then, libical went from being an internal source (a fork of the libical project) to standard libical. It may have been corrected under libical itself.00:22
hggdhI will update upstream, and close it00:22
pace_t_zuluhggdh: thanks00:22
pace_t_zuluhggdh: how do i get privileges to modify the importance of a bug?00:23
hggdhpace_t_zulu, you have to be experienced on Gnome bugzilla; you are then given some more access, and monitored (yes indeed) for a while00:24
BUGabundopace_t_zulu: you became a an ubuntu-bugcontrol member00:24
hggdhoh, darn it, he was talking about LP :-(00:24
pace_t_zuluit's ok00:25
* hggdh was fully into bugzilla00:25
BUGabundoI though he was... he may not have been00:25
pace_t_zului know y'all don't give out those kinds of privileges like candy00:25
pace_t_zului am modifying launchpad bug #37130200:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 371302 in ubuntu "When I play AVI file, the system crashes immediately " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37130200:25
pace_t_zulumarking it incomplete00:26
pace_t_zuluhggdh: is that resonable? marking #371302 as incomplete?00:28
hggdhpace_t_zulu, I closed upstream fixed obsolete (the ICS issue)00:28
pace_t_zuluhggdh: thank you for your help00:29
hggdhpace_t_zulu, other questions that come to my demented mind: (1) "system crashes" -- the whole system, or just MoviePlayer?00:30
hggdh(2) can the reporter provide us with the AVI (if it is not copyrighted/restricted access)?00:30
pace_t_zuluhggdh: i didn't file it... just trying to help with triage...00:30
hggdhpace_t_zulu, yes, I understand. Just giving you some other things to look for00:31
pace_t_zuluhggdh: i added a comment with the questions you raised00:32
pace_t_zuluadios Sebastien00:34
pace_t_zuluhggdh: thanks for your help00:36
pace_t_zuluhggdh: i'd like to resolve all the bugs i've been involved in... (launchpad bug #36189 might be wishful though)00:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 36189 in gnome-panel "Applets do not scale well with changing resolution" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3618900:38
BUGabundopace_t_zulu: that would mean I had to kill 400 bugs!00:39
* BUGabundo brings out the big squatter00:39
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo: my list is considerably shorter... but i guess that is indicative of my limited contribution so far... i want to step it up00:40
cprofitthello all - is Brad Figg in the room?00:42
cprofittAny one else want to advise on this bug -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/36573300:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 365733 in linux "Jaunty - Wireless issue causes laptop shutdown to hang indefinitely" [High,Incomplete]00:43
cprofittBrad asked for information that was already provided so I am not sure how to proceed00:44
hggdhpace_t_zulu, with all due respect, the discussion should be carried upstream on 3618900:45
pace_t_zuluhggdh: i have carried it upstream...00:45
pace_t_zuluhggdh: they're mum on the issue00:45
hggdhthat happens. Getting hold of some developers to think on it is not easy sometimes. They may also be busy elsewhere...00:48
hggdhwe might as well bump the gnome version, if this still happens on 2.2600:48
hggdh(it is right now set to 2.7/2.8)00:48
hggdhone thing, though: the bug is in a NEW status, meaning it has been acknowledged as being real in b.g.o00:49
pace_t_zuluhggdh: thank you for bumping the gnome version on the "right stick" bug01:08
hggdhwelcome, pace_t_zulu01:21
cruisemaniacshoward: i saw the link you shared.  thanks a lot :)17:47
cruisemaniachey, is there a desktop application for launchpad which acts as the alternate to the functionality of the browser???17:53
cruisemaniacdid i just ask the question in the wrong channel???17:53
bencrisfordi dont know sorry17:54
bencrisfordbut you might want to ask in #launchpad17:54
cruisemaniacbencrisford: thanks... doing just that :)17:54
bencrisfordok :)17:56
bdmurraycruisemaniac: not really18:07
Ampelbeinbdmurray: thanks18:11
greg-gwhat happens to that project, umm, I forget the name, which was going to do just that?18:11
greg-gthats it18:11
bdmurraymaybe comatose?18:12
hggdh\sh said, sometime ago, that he was trying to get back to it18:18
Strider^hi there18:34
Strider^what's up with the hug day ?18:36
bencrisfordi forgot about that!  when is it again?18:37
Strider^i think it's today ^^18:38
bencrisfordlol!  :P  i completely forgot18:39
Strider^on the wiki there's hugday init --user LAUNCHPAD_ID --cookie PATH/TO/MOZILLA/COOKIE18:49
Strider^what's the PATH/TO/MOZILLA/COOKIE ?18:49
Strider^something in ~/.mozilla ?18:49
Strider^here, at the bottom of the page : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Tools19:04
pedro_Strider^: yeah, the cookies.sqlite file inside that directory19:10
Strider^ok thanks19:11
pedro_Strider^: the documentation says that btw :" COOKIE is the cookie.sql or cookie.txt of your mozilla browser profile"19:11
pedro_no problem19:11
bencrisfordif there are any bug control members around it would be great if you could review my application.  im just a bit worried about it being forgotten.  Thanks :)19:16
bencrisfordand another reply should reveal whether I am allowed in or not19:16
bencrisfordso im a little anxious to know :)19:17
andolbencrisford: Don't you worry, it me took a couple of weeks before I got my positive response. People simply have a lot of other things to do as well.19:18
bencrisfordyeah i guess :)19:19
bencrisford_soz just changed client19:21
askandAnyone knows about bug 349992 ? Will it not be fixed in Jaunty? >:o20:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 349992 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945 tiling] (Needs kernel 2.6.30-rc3) Low performance due to no A17 workaround" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34999220:13
charlie-tcaif it requires the .30 kernel, chances are good it won't make jaunty20:16
kklimondacan bug 371720 be set to Medium? It breaks scripts previously working in 8.1020:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 371720 in tix "_tkinter.TclError: unknown color name "{#c3c3c3}"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37172020:21
kklimonda(Unfortunately the only fix I know is upgrading tix to 8.4.3 and it won't make it as an SRU probably)20:22
hggdhaskand, the linux jaunty task is still open. It is the xorg intel driver that will not be touched, so far20:22
hggdhkklimonda, is there a workaround for this?20:23
kklimondahggdh: If there is I don't know it.. simple testcase http://bugs.python.org/file11493/test_combotix.py doesn't even use "#c3c3c3" string so it's something deeper..20:24
kklimondaalso no workaround was mentioned in a bug report I've linked to.20:25
kklimondahggdh: also nothing on fedora forum - The solution is to upgrade tix to 8.4.320:26
kklimondahggdh: the fact that bug 367214 is New on package and Fix commited for release means that it isn't fixed on KK yet, right?20:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 367214 in python-django-tagging "utils.calculate_cloud() can leave font_size unset for most frequent tag" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36721420:31
kklimondacan i set it as "in progress" if I've requested package sync? sync will fix it on KK20:33
BUGabundohi everyone21:30
bencrisford_hey bugabundu21:34
bencrisford_hey bugabundo*21:34
BUGabundobencrisford_: don't you know how to use autocomplete on irc?21:34
BUGabundojust push TAB key21:34
bencrisford_BUGabundo: Wow!  ice :D  lol cheers21:35
hggdhkklimonda, looking at it now. Sorry for the delay21:36
BUGabundohggdh: kklimonda: [[]]21:36
hggdhBUGabundo, [] [] []21:36
BUGabundohow are you enjoing your U1 kklimonda?21:36
hggdhkklimonda, the fix has been put available for jaunty-proposed -- this is one of the meanings form 'fix committed' on Ubuntu tasks21:37
kklimondahggdh: yes - i know21:37
kklimondahggdh: so there is no reason to mark package as "In progress"?21:38
hggdhyes, there is no reason. If the package will be sync-ed for kk, no.21:38
kklimondaI thought that two statues mean that the first one, package's is about fix for current development release21:38
kklimondaand the second one is about fix for nominated release.21:39
kklimondak, thanks21:39
persia"in progress" is best used when one is actually working on a patch.21:39
hggdhnote the *actually* part, please21:39
kklimondapersia: I'm working on getting sync done.. poking MOTUs ;)21:40
persiakklimonda, Right.  THat's a sync, not a patch.21:40
persiaYou might leave a note like "Will be fixed by a sync from Debian (see bug #747737) in a comment, but at that point, you can relax.21:41
hggdhBTW, there should be a workflow request opened for it, kklimonda21:43
kklimondahggdh: can you say something more or point me in the right direction?21:44
kklimondaI thought I've followed SRU closely..21:45
hggdhkklimonda, a sync request should have a description starting with "please sync blahblah from blehbleh", and it is opened as a bug on LP -- but it is *NOT* a bug, it is a workflow request. (there's more)21:46
kklimondahggdh: I'm using requestsync tool21:46
kklimondahggdh: I actually started using it after MOTU advised it instead of doing it by hand..21:47
hggdhoh, OK. Then all you need is to refer to the sync request on this bug, pretty much as persia said21:48
hggdhand unassign yourself from this one (and we mark it as triaged21:49
kklimondahggdh: also mark it as Low if you are there already :)21:50
hggdhheh. Will do it now :-)21:50
persiaAnd it's generally not best practice to sync for SRU.21:51
persiaBetter to extract the patch, and prepare a special SRU candidate.21:51
kklimondapersia: sync is for KK21:51
persiaOh, OK.  That's fine then.21:52
hggdhkklimonda, now the only thing that we need is a reference to the sync request, so that we can find this, and close it, when the sync is accepted & done21:53
hggdh(or make sure that the changelog for kk will have the (LP #xxxxx) entry)21:54
kklimondahggdh: it will need both?21:54
kklimondai.e. one for sync request and second for this bug?21:54
kklimondahggdh: as it's a sync we don't modify it in any way - I'll mark this bug as fix released (?) when sync is complete.21:55
persiaSometimes the Debian uploads have the (LP: #nnn) magic, and it just works, but this isn't so often.21:56
hggdhkklimonda, no, the sync reference is enough21:56
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mnemoogasawara: can this be a kernel bug you think? --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfree86-driver-synaptics/+bug/37445923:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 374459 in xfree86-driver-synaptics "touchpad can be switched off, but not on again" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:55
mnemoogasawara: the reason why i'm suspect this is because "modprobe -r psmouse; modprobe psmouse" makes the touchpad work again23:55
ogasawaramnemo: I'd seen a similar kernel bug that the touchpad was disabled after suspend/resume and you'd have to reload the psmouse module to restore it23:57
mnemoactually this is the opposite23:58
mnemotaking it to S3 and back makes the touchpad work again23:58
mnemoand it breaks just by itself after its been used a while23:58
mnemoso I think the S3 wakeup triggers some kernel code that sort of "re initializes" it23:58
mnemothats why I asked if that modprobe command fixes it as well23:59

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