
seb128robert_ancell: hey00:16
robert_ancellseb128: hey! Reading through your feedback with totem...00:17
seb128robert_ancell: I didn't email you for tasks for the day but in a summary I bounced all your sponsoring requests with some changes to do00:17
robert_ancellyeah, you're mean :P00:17
seb128that should take a bit, especially the totem update which should switch to cdbs and stop building totem-xine00:17
robert_ancellyay! The death of totem-xine.  I tried to get it to work with DVDs but it wasn't working for me.  That may make some unhappy people00:18
seb128upstream decision00:18
seb128it's weird that you managed to still build a totem-xine00:18
seb128is it just starting totem gstreamer?00:19
seb128it probably ignored the configure option and built the same binary twice00:19
robert_ancellI'm not sure, I didn't install totem-xine to test.00:19
seb128anyway time for packaging simplification00:19
seb128you can probably clean the totem bugs specific to xine too00:20
seb128look for bugs which have a closed upstream task if you do that, upstream closed some already00:20
seb128(there is an option on the detailed search page on launchpad)00:20
seb128otherwise you can have a look to the merges list and pick some to help on that too00:23
seb128gnome-screensaver would be a good one00:23
seb128and the compiz stack00:23
seb128the mergings are not so fun but we are almost done, soon we can focus on GNOME 2.27 updates and bug fixing which will be nicer ;-)00:24
robert_ancellIs esound deprecated yet?00:25
seb128sort of since pulseaudio is used nowadays, why?00:25
robert_ancelljust noticed it in merges.u.c, it would be nice to get rid of it finally00:25
seb128there is a sync request waiting for it00:26
seb128I guess it will be synced after alpha100:26
seb128esound (the server binary) is in universe00:27
seb128but libesd is still used by quite some applications00:27
seb128(apt-cache rdepends libesd0)00:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - on the subject of totem, could we disable the tracker plugin?00:28
chrisccoulsonit won't work with the new version of tracker and will need some work on it00:28
seb128chrisccoulson: talk to robert_ancell he's on charge for totem now ;-)00:29
seb128I've no objection00:29
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell - would you mind doing that?00:30
chrisccoulsoni think it's enough to just drop the build-dep on libtrackerclient-dev00:31
robert_ancellchrisccoulson: no prob00:31
seb128ok, enough for today00:32
seb128good night or day respectively to everybody00:32
chrisccoulsongood night seb12800:33
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
artirbeware of the paella17:49
pittiartir: I will, no seafood for me17:54
artirpitti: paella also comes in the "arrow ibérico" (rice&meat) variety17:55
pittikenvandine: weird, can you see the three files in Allhands 2009 Presentations from LaMont Jones/SkillsDevelopment/ ?17:59
seb128pitti: where is APPORT_IGNORE_... checked?17:59
pittiit's now empty for me on the web ui17:59
* kenvandine looks17:59
seb128pitti: seems to not be working on karmic17:59
pitti./apport/ui.py:        'APPORT_IGNORE_OBSOLETE_PACKAGES' not in os.environ:18:00
pittishould work in all frontends18:00
kenvandinepitti: that isn't shared with me18:00
kenvandinebut... i think lamont was complaining about this a little bit ago18:00
pittiseb128: what are you trying to do?18:00
seb128pitti: apport-cli -c crash with some outdated packages installed18:01
pittikenvandine: I'm sure I saw the files there some hours ago18:01
seb128'APPORT_IGNORE_OBSOLETE_PACKAGES=1 apport-cli -c crash"18:01
kenvandinepitti: yes, the files disappeared18:01
kenvandinethey are investigating now18:01
pittikenvandine: I renamed my file some hours ago, only to find it renamed back ten minutes ago18:02
pittiI renamed it again now and wanted to check whether it worked this time18:02
kenvandinethey are investigating, seems all the files disappeared on the web end18:02
pittiokay, thank you18:02
kenvandinelucio is helping him18:02
* pitti -> off IRC for a bit to practice talk18:03
kenvandinethis is a good exercise for u1 :)18:03
pittikenvandine: yeah, lots of people banging on one folder18:03
seb128pitti: no, not working18:04
seb128grrrr I wanted to take a screenshot without dist-upgrading18:04
seb128ok, let's forget about this one18:04
chrisccoulsonis mounting all done via dk-disks in karmic now or is it still using HAL?18:21
pittichrisccoulson: this is somewhat unclear to me, since our current gvfs ships both18:33
pittichrisccoulson: my test package in the ubuntu-desktop PPA only had DK-disks18:33
pittiand in fact, I'll rip out the hal backend now18:34
pittijust finished my talk18:34
chrisccoulsonit was unclear to me too. i was going to look at updating ntfs-3g package and was wondering whether to drop the hal rules i added in jaunty to make auto-mounting work properly18:34
chrisccoulsonpitti - is nautilus working ok for you? i can't access computer:/// at the moment (timeout by message bus), but it's not clear to me what isn't sending a reply :-/18:36
pittichrisccoulson: it crashes often, but I can get to computer:/// just fine18:36
chrisccoulsonhmmm. i wonder whats wrong at my end18:36
chrisccoulsonnot sure how to debug that. doesn't gvfs use p2p dbus connections for a lot of stuff? it makes it difficult for debugging18:37
pittichrisccoulson: no off-hand idea, I'm afraid; I hope it's not the gdu and hal backends fighting each other or so18:38
pittichrisccoulson: try running the gvfs daemon in foreground debug mode perhaps?18:39
chrisccoulsonpitti - i can try that.18:39
pittimeh, disabling hal backend disables libgphoto and cdda backends, too18:40
artirthat should die!18:41
pittiartir: certainly not the libgphoto backend?18:42
pitticdda is quite neat as well18:42
pittialthough not nearly half as interesting as it used to be, with RB handling it very well now18:42
chrisccoulsonpitti - there's no debug output from gvfsd. but i notice that gvfsd-computer is not running18:43
chrisccoulsongvfsd-computer is crashing here18:43
chrisccoulsonthat's why it doesn't work ;)18:43
pittiif test "x$enable_gphoto2" != "xno" -a "x$msg_hal" = "xyes" ; then18:43
* chrisccoulson goes to debug gvfsd-computer18:44
artirpitti: the bug18:44
* kenvandine heads out for a doctor appointment18:45
chrisccoulsonpitti - gvfsd-computer only crashes when gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor is running19:00
chrisccoulsonif i chmod -x gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor and then restart gvfsd so it runs the gvfs-hal-volume-monitor, then it works ok;)19:01
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pittichrisccoulson: darn :/ that doesn't seem to happen for me then19:14
chrisccoulsoni'm just doing some debugging now19:15
chrisccoulsonit seems g_drive_get_name () returns a NULL at daemon/gvfsbackendcomputer.c:46119:16
chrisccoulsonwhich then gets passed to strchr, where it crashes19:16
chrisccoulsondoesn't do it for every drive though19:16
chrisccoulsonout comes the gio reference me thinks19:18
pittiwife alarm :) see you tomorrow, and good night!19:52
chrisccoulsonhey seb12822:37
chrisccoulsonabout the patch translations we spoke about earlier....22:38
seb128hello chrisccoulson22:38
chrisccoulsonit doesn't work so well. i just tried it here and the pot files don't get merged22:38
chrisccoulsonit creates 2 pot files instead22:38
chrisccoulsonso, i think i'll stick with the old way;)22:38
seb128chrisccoulson: yeah, that's what I did too for the merges I did22:41
seb128I commented on the rules line22:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i didn't do that with gnome-session when i rebased it a couple of weeks ago. i should check over it really to make sure any new strings were imported ok22:43
seb128if they were not they will be translated on launchpad22:44
seb128but it's likely that the gnome-session will go upstream this cycle anyway22:44
Ampelbeinseb128: hello there. was my abiword merge good to go? also, is there any other update/merge you want me to do?22:48
seb128Ampelbein: hi, sorry I'm busy working on slides for a presentation I've to give next week and on uds topics, I didn't have time for review or sponsoring today22:49
seb128Ampelbein: nothing special, just pick in the merge.ubuntu.com list ;-)22:49
Ampelbeinseb128: oh, ok. no problem.22:49
Ampelbeinseb128: well, there is a rather complicated thing i'm on right now, bug 368918 . just wanted to check with you that there is nothing urgent before working on that.22:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368918 in daemontools "Please sponsor 0.76-3ubuntu1 into karmic" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36891822:51
seb128Ampelbein: ok, no nothing urgent desktop is mostly uptodate, waiting for the next 2.27 round now ;-)22:52
seb128good luck with this one22:52
Ampelbeinthanks. have fun with your presentation next week22:53
* KaptenRodSkagg_ is away: Jag är upptagen23:22
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