
=== xnox````` is now known as xnox
aboudreaultHmm, anyone know when we have to include the --sourcedir=debian/tmp ? I thought I have to add it when i was builder on hardy (debhelper 6). but I have a package that need it on  intrepid also00:30
aboudreaults/know/knows, s/builder/building00:33
* directhex waffles on a bit @ popey 00:42
* popey hugs directhex 00:42
* evanrmurphy good really go for a waffle00:43
directhexpopey, where to go next with my waffly blog posts? i have a post about hate, and a post about copyleft, on my TODO00:45
popeytwo eps in a row with directhex leading the blogs, keep it up and we'll have to tag you as "official mono-rispondant"00:45
popeyf-spot :)00:45
directhexi don't use f-spot00:46
directhexi'm a terrible photographer00:46
directhexand i mean conceptually, not just the quality of images. i never know what to take, and never look back at old pics00:46
kklimondahey, i need a sponsor for bugs 373845 and 37627101:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373845 in python-django-tagging "Sync python-django-tagging 0.2.1+svn154-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37384501:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376271 in python-django-filebrowser "Sync python-django-filebrowser 0+svn322-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37627101:20

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