
jbaileyNCommander, Yes and No.15:50
jbaileyOne of the ideas I had for the port when I started helping LaMont with it was to do experimental things on it.15:50
jbaileySince mostly noone was using it, it could be a good test ground for things like NPTL and such.15:50
jbaileyIn practice, the upstream kernel maintainer is an asshole so I lost interest in trying to help.15:50
NCommanderjbailey, I'm kinda reminded of glibc ....15:50
jbaileyActually, I don't mind doing stuff for Uli.15:50
jbaileyUli is pretty much always *right*15:50
jbaileyHe's abrupt, and rude, but there's a lot to learn there.15:52
NCommanderso more like Theo from OpenBSD than Drepper15:52
jbaileyRight.  Although Theo is harsher than Kyle.15:52
NCommanderTheo has admitted he's wrong before15:52
jbaileyKyle's perfectly fine in person, at least.15:52
jbaileyTheo not so much. =)15:52
jbaileyI also think Kyle will probably mellow as he gets older.15:53
jbaileyTheo, not so much.15:53
NCommanderjbailey, well, I planned to talk about lamont on what we're doing with HPPA at UDS15:57
lamontjbailey: you should so come to UDS and join the bof16:30
jbaileylamont, I think I would have trouble getting my employer to fly me on a last-minute notice to Spain to come discuss HPPA.16:30
jbaileyI'm having trouble justifying OLS, and it's in Montréal this year.16:31
lamontmeh.  you need a cooler employer16:31
jbaileyWell, the employer is great.  The department I changed to makes OLS somewhat non-applicable.16:35
lamontok.  find a cooler department then. :-p16:50
NCommanderlamont, personally, where do you sit on the HPPA fence16:50
jbaileylamont, But.. The IE Toolbar team is *cuddly* =)16:52
lamontjbailey: you're married16:55
lamontNCommander: I try to stay away from the fence16:55
lamontyou went and breathed new life into it...16:55
NCommanderlamont, then I learned HP killed it.16:55
lamontI was kinda figuring that if your energy carried us to the next LTS, then we'd be good for longer than anyone cares16:55
jbaileyNCommander, Last time LaMont peed on a fence, he discovered it was electric.16:55
lamontjbailey: so not true16:55
lamontI just avoid peeing on fences, period16:55
lamonttrees are safer16:55
NCommanderjbailey, it would have been a electrifying experience.16:55
NCommanderlamont, anyway, I've been looking at ia64/hardy16:59
NCommanderlamont, I can build images, but I can't sign them, which causes the installer to go OMG NO! and die16:59
NCommanderI'm going to try my hand at creating a live image instead17:00
lamontNCommander: yeah... what you do in that case is this:  make a derivitive ubuntu-keyring package with a new key in it, sign things with that key.  presto17:00
NCommanderlamont, I can't figure out how to inject that with ubuntu-cdimage17:01
NCommanderlamont, I might be able to muster a one off for hardy actually now that I think about it though if I play this right17:03
NCommander(build it the normal way, then tear the image apart and rebuild it via the wiki instructions)17:03
lamontand include that ubuntu-keyring package in the CD copy of the archive17:04
NCommanderyeah, thats just a PITA to do :-/17:04
lamontyeah - rip-n-stuff17:04
lamontNCommander: verily17:04
NCommanderlamont, you don't have access to antimony and can run a build can you?17:06
lamontNCommander: lets go with a simple "no" to that, even though it's yes, and the answer is no for other reasons17:06
NCommanderlamont, I thought as much, but it would be nice to make life easier ;-)17:09
lamontwell, I mean, I have root on antimony.  that of course doesn't mean that I necessarily have access to the key, nor would it be appropriate use of godhood17:10
NCommanderlamont, no, I know you have root, but I didn't know if you were also a member of the cdimage build team.17:16
lamontNCommander: I'm not #distro... so lump me in with the rest of the non-canonical core-dev population17:16
NCommanderlamont, I'll probably build the ia64 image sometime this weekend for your friend, I'm just heading towards OMG nervous breakdown thus week due to family issues17:16
lamontah... allhands is my OMG breakdown17:17
NCommanderlamont, if he wants an image now, have him install gutsy, and then hand upgrade to hardy->intrepid->jaunty17:17
NCommanderlamont, believe it or not, thats an improvement for me.17:17
NCommandera few thousand miles away from my family will be a massive stress relief bullet17:17
lamonthe's looking for something supportable to rub rhel/fedora's nose in17:18
lamontas in current iso installable17:18
lamontwith a little muttering about, you know.17:18
lamontso if we have a ppa with the kernel built for jaunty (such that debootstrap from jaunty + a little muppetry --> server iso and/or livecd), then we might be able to get cjwatson drunk enough to turn the crank for us at UDS :)17:19
NCommanderlamont, I can turn the crank easily enough17:22
NCommanderlamont, if you install gutsy, you can upgrade clean to jaunty, but you end up on a 2.6.24 kernel17:23
NCommanderwhich isn't an issue17:23
NCommander(I'm actually typing this from the jaunty/ia64 :-))17:23
lamontyeah.  I know that... did it, bought the t-shirt.17:29
lamontand upgraded to the jaunty kernel17:29
NCommanderlamont, probably a bad idea18:19
* NCommander believes the jaunty kernel has broken modules18:19
lamontLinux zx 2.6.28-6-ia64-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 08:31:56 UTC 2009 ia64 GNU/Linux18:22
lamont 11:22:34 up 21 days, 12:55,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00          18:22
jbaileylamont, I've been with cjwatson when he got drunk.18:28
jbaileyI was unable to move the next day.18:28
lamontjbailey: heh18:29
jbaileylamont, Were you with us in Paris?18:29
NCommanderlamont, and you have working modules?18:47
lamont lsmod| wc18:53
lamont     40     141    171618:53
NCommanderlamont, I'll be damned18:57
NCommanderlamont, that works :-/18:57
NCommanderlamont, ping23:34

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