
owhIt just occurs to me that it might look like I'm asking someone else to do the work. I'm prepared to do the leg-work, but I thought I'd ask about the size of the effort before I volunteered :-)00:05
* racecar56 is sick of trying too get ubuntu working on a hp mediasmart ex47500:06
ajmitchowh: adding new stuff to an LTS release is generally a not-going-to-happen00:06
ajmitchunless you could make a really really good case for it00:06
racecar56blizzkid, i didnt know ubuntu at the time :(00:07
racecar56blizzkid, i found ubuntu in june/july 200800:07
blizzkidracecar56: I've been using ubuntu ever since 4.1000:08
racecar56blizzkid, cool00:08
racecar56blizzkid, if i would have known of it i would have used it :(00:08
owhajmitch: At this stage I'm coming up ZIP with "a really really good case for it", other than "this should not be the only reason for a user to have to upgrade to 9.04", and that doesn't really cut it does it :)00:08
ajmitchI'd say 'good luck' if you were trying to convince those in control of stable release updates :)00:11
owhAs-in "Hell will freeze over, but if you manage to succeed I'll applaud"?00:11
ajmitchpretty much00:11
* ajmitch must go to meeting00:11
lwizardlwould it be wise to have your store web site and retail store database server on the same machine?00:51
yann2depends on load I guess00:53
yann2what point are you worried about?00:54
lwizardlwell I'm working on opening a local game store and the we site will be hosted inhouse using my local isp00:56
lwizardlbut I wasn't sure if I would bottleneck for sales and site on the same machine00:56
blizzkidlwizardl: I'd never install web and db on one machine myself01:00
blizzkidunless for testing/developing01:01
lolololoi need a little advice from someone using command restrictions in .ssh/authorized_keys201:04
owhlwizardl: Are you concerned about load, or security?01:07
* owh would be concerned about the latter :)01:07
owhAs in, retail store database implies suppliers, credit limits, prices, stock levels, etc. I'd not want that on the same device as the web server.01:08
blizzkid+1 owh01:08
owhUnless you're going to do lots of traffic, load is nearly always solvable with money.01:08
blizzkidowh: crossed cable between frontend and backend on seperate nicks...01:09
lwizardlok because I don't think i will be doing sales anywhere near levels of like bestbuy, walmart, etc01:09
* owh observes that that is an extreme simplification, but that's what it boils down :)01:09
owhmoney that is.01:10
owhblizzkid: That is one option. Another is to publish data onto the web server with no live connectivity between them. Another is to virtualize the lot and separate them that way, another is to host the web server with a hosting provider and host the retail database locally. Another is to put them both remote. It's impossible to make recommendations without information.01:11
* owh needs food.01:12
owhAnd sleep :)01:12
blizzkidowh: obviously there's diff approaches ;)01:12
lwizardlwell see my only problem is that my webhost doesn't allow direct access to the mysql db for security reasons01:14
lwizardlso i figured if it was locally here i could easy access it for the POS terminals01:14
blizzkidlwizardl: can't you install xen?01:14
blizzkidand then install 2 virtual servers?01:14
blizzkidor kvm01:14
blizzkidor virtualbox01:14
blizzkidor vmware01:14
owhFYI: virtualisation != security01:15
blizzkidlwizardl: owh is right, although it helps01:15
blizzkidif one virtual machine is compromised, the other is not by default01:16
=== yml_ is now known as yml
blizzkidbest option imho is 2 machines separated by a dedicated firewall plus a bunch of other configs01:16
owhVirtualisation is a means to abstract your problem domain, that is, break the problem into smaller chunks as well as manage hardware resources in a different manner.01:16
owhUltimately, the virtual machines are still running on the same actual CPU, so there is scope for transgression, ie. privilege escalation, DOS, whatever.01:17
owhlwizardl: Ultimately the question needs to be answered by doing research. Things like: "What will it cost the company if this data is compromised?" "How much will it cost if the server goes down?" "What fall back solutions are they and can I implement them in a cost-effective fashion."01:19
lwizardlI was thinking a single server for starting out would have been ok, and then add another one later after the business is starting to get stronger known01:19
owhYou need to think of it in terms of: "How much does it cost if this disaster happens?"01:20
owhSometimes the answer is a $1500 PC, sometimes it isn't.01:20
blizzkidlwizardl: I started a project for a customer of mine01:20
blizzkidsmall business to start with01:20
blizzkidbut I opted for 2 2-node clusters01:21
blizzkidone for the frontend, and one for the backend01:21
blizzkid$ 7K in servers01:21
blizzkidcost of not being online, or stolen data would be much higher01:22
blizzkidso was it worth it? No doubt01:22
owhA question in that scenario would be: "Does the business have a full-time IT person with a clue, or not."01:22
owhThe sexier the solution, the more skill is needed to fix stuff.01:22
lwizardlits just me in the business so i'm still new to this stuff01:23
blizzkidowh: they don't, but I do the support for them, and am (frankly) being quite well paid to do so ;)01:23
lwizardlmy first webserver was a xbox console running gentoo01:23
owhlwizardl: Well, it's a start :)01:23
owhAt least you've come to u-s :)01:23
lwizardlto this day i still love that distro but ubuntu is on all my computers now01:24
owhOne day you'll understand that optimized compilation is not better than apt-get :)01:24
lwizardlall 9 of them including the 3 that will be my POS01:24
blizzkidlol owh01:24
lwizardli use apt-get all the tim from bash i've always hated GUI configs01:25
owhThe biggest thing that most small businesses do is over estimate their income and under estimate their expenses. Unless you've got a pot of gold, spend less.01:25
owhThat doesn't mean, "be a cheap skate" btw.01:25
lwizardlyeah i've been buying used fixtures and such to save money for later use on bills etc01:26
owhIf today your web traffic is zilch, then spend $9.95 per month on a virtual server in the cloud. Get your systems working, make money, expand. Rinse and Repeat.01:26
blizzkidI don't completely agree with you owh better safe than sorry, even if that comes at a higher cost01:26
owhblizzkid: The road is littered with failed start-up companies. I'm still here after 10 years <grin>01:27
blizzkidowh: true, but what I meant to say it's all a matter of roi/tco and all that "crap" ;)01:28
blizzkidIf you know your data getting compromised will cost you at least $ 100K01:28
blizzkidwhat's an investment of $ 10K?01:28
owhThat's only true if you have $10K :)01:28
blizzkidobviously :)01:29
blizzkidand in my example (the 2 clusters) it wasn't a startup company, but a new project for a long-existing company, so that's slightly different01:29
owhYeah, different kettle of fish.01:30
lwizardland whats a good hardware firewall for server use?01:30
owhlwizardl: That's the same question really :)01:33
lwizardlI was looking for like brands. only kind of hardware firewalls i have used so far are Linksys routers and most have been flashed with OpenWRT or DD-WRT01:34
blizzkidlwizardl: for startup I'd go with an old pc and install some software fw01:36
lwizardlblizzkid, so basically IPcop01:36
blizzkidlwizardl: I don't know IPcop as such, but I'm sure there's some good software fw's out there01:37
lwizardli just know of 3 software firewalls all i think are linux based, m0n0wall, shorewall, and ipcop01:39
blizzkidI guess monowall is good01:39
owhlwizardl: Have you read the u-s guide? http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/index.html01:42
lwizardlI think so but I will look at it again01:43
owhIt all gets much more personal if you need to make it work for a business :)01:44
owhGotta run.01:44
lwizardlwell he left before I could thank him for his help01:46
lwizardlbut thanks owh01:46
lwizardland blizzkid thanks for you help also. this is the reason why i use ubuntu all the time now01:46
blizzkidsame here :)01:47
blizzkidI've done lots of messing up in the past :)01:47
blizzkidthe key is experimenting01:47
blizzkidOne advice I give you though: for production servers stick to LTS versions01:47
lwizardlso 8.10 over 9.0401:52
lwizardlk i always just go to the newest version01:53
blizzkidfor production servers that's not the best option imho01:53
ScottKThat's generally worked for me too.01:53
ScottKI have a test server that I verify everything with first.01:53
lwizardlbut all my servers are desktops being used as servers01:53
blizzkidScottK: I've messed up a software raid on a production server upgrading to jaunty... Not something you want :) Took me about 6 hours to fix that01:54
ScottKblizzkid: I did that once, but I'd taken a 4 hour maintenance window for the box, just in case.01:55
blizzkidlwizardl: that's not servers imho :p01:55
lwizardlyeah i know01:55
lwizardlservers are rack mounted cases01:55
blizzkidScottK: in this case it was one node of a 2-node cluster, so no real damage was done, but still...01:55
blizzkidlwizardl: not necesarily01:55
blizzkidtower servers are perfectly fine too01:56
ScottKIt depends.  I've been in situation where newer functionality was actually useful.01:56
blizzkidbut desktop os != server os01:56
lwizardlyeah but generally you see the 1U/2U type servers used01:56
blizzkidScottK: obviously if you need that newer functionality, it's reasonable to upgrade01:56
ScottKActually my oldest system is Dapper and it's a desktop (and used as such).01:57
yann2enjoying firefox 1.5?01:57
blizzkidnice, I didn't think those would still be in the wild :)01:57
ScottKyann2: It works well enough when I use it.  It still gets security support.01:58
ScottKI tend to use Konqueror more on and more on that particular machine though.01:58
yann2firefox3 still significantly faster on heavier webaps :)01:58
ScottKYes.  FF3 is the first FF I've liked more than FF 1.0.01:59
yann2Its still OpenOffice 1 isnt it?01:59
yann2sounds painful not to be able to open ODF01:59
twbI thought OO was up to 2.4 or 2.6 or something01:59
ScottKNo.  It's 201:59
ScottK2.4 I think.01:59
ScottKWorks fine with ODF.01:59
yann2sounds surprising  I thought it was 1.x or 2.002:00
Noah0504Does anyone have any experience with LVM and or software RAIDs?03:02
benspauldingI am trying to configure daemontools on Jaunty server and it needs to edit /etc/inittab in order to work.03:03
benspauldingBut my Jaunty install doesn’t have an /etc/inittab.03:03
benspauldingHas that been moved? Is there somewhere else I need to look? Or am I just doing my daemontools setup wrong?03:04
ScottKI don't think Ubuntu has had that since Dapper.03:09
benspauldingOh. Alright.03:10
benspauldingAny ideas how I can get daemontools set up then?03:10
ScottKWhat was your editing /etc/inittab intended to accomplish?03:11
benspauldingIt adds a line ``SV:123456:respawn:/usr/local/bin/svscan-start`` that scans to be sure certain processes are running.03:16
twbupstart replaces inittab with /etc/event.d.  upstart-sysv-init has partial compatibility with inittab.03:19
twbSorry, upstart-sysv-compat03:19
Mal3kohey folks, how do i disable users from making ssh tunnel?03:22
benspauldingCool. Thank you.03:23
Noah0504Bleh.  I'm trying to figure out if I should use RAID5 or LVM and and back up to NAS.03:29
twbWhere "partial" basically means "bugger all"03:30
twbNoah0504: as opposed to what?03:30
Noah0504Well, basically I have a desktop system that is going to aslo act as a file server.  I plan on picking up two more TB drives this weekend to make a total of four.  That would make a 3TB RAID5 system... but it seems a little confusing to set up as a software RAID.  I was ust thinking about not doing RAID and using LVM to have different partition on different drives.  Maybe one or two drives for /srv and so on.03:32
Noah0504Or maybe just / on multiple HDDs with LVM and backup as neccesary.03:33
twbNoah0504: then a failure of any one disk will lose ALL the data on that disk03:33
twbBut using a server as a desktop also is a Dumb Thing.03:33
Noah0504Ha.  I know.  It's a lightly used desktop.03:34
Noah0504Not a main machine.03:34
Noah0504But, it's the occasional file server, so I thought different partitions on different disks would speed things up a bit, and still add some protection.03:34
twbYou're hurting my brain with your pseudologic03:38
Noah0504Well, thanks for not offering your logic then...03:41
twbAs I said, 12:37 <twb> Noah0504: then a failure of any one disk will lose ALL the data on that disk03:48
Noah0504Would a BIOS RAID be any good?03:49
=== photon is now known as Guest52575
twbNoah0504: only if it's real raid and not fakeraid.03:57
twbNoah0504: did you pay at least $100 for your RAID card?03:57
twb(Oh, and hardware raid is usually more of a hassle to set up and maintain.  I would just put up with the slower performance of md RAID for a non-critical system.)03:58
Noah0504for md RAID, I would basically create idental partitions on n drives and go from there?03:59
twbThe ubuntu-server installer will help you set up md raid.04:00
twbBroadly, you will create partitions of equal size on each disk, then create arrays of those partitions (one for /boot and one for LVM), then  create an LVM PV on the latter array, then create volumes and filesystems on the PV.04:01
Yingying_ZhaoDoes Ubuntu 9.04 have IA64 build?04:11
twbScottK: an official one, or an unofficial one?04:12
Yingying_Zhaoofficial one04:12
ScottKtwb: Community supported, not by Canonical04:12
twbYingying_Zhao: note that 64-bit Intel systems are usually AMD64 architecture -- IA64 is for Itanium.04:12
twbScottK: righto04:12
Yingying_Zhaoi know. so only community support for IA64 distro, right?04:13
twbScottK: I suppose it doesn't matter much unless you were intending to buy a support contract from Canonical?04:13
ScottKtwb: It does matter somewhat in the focus during development.  Problems in community supported archs are by definition not show stoppers for release.04:14
twbDo community supported architectures benefit from canonical infrastructure, such as buildds and launchpad?04:14
twbScottK: ah, good point04:14
twbLike m68k on Debian04:14
ScottKAnd it's not like Canonical people don't care/work on problems with them, it's just not their priority04:14
ScottKtwb: No m68k isn't in Debian at all anymore.04:15
twbHmm, really?04:15
ScottKIt was dropped right after Lenny released.04:15
twbdnsmasq is available for m68k in sid...04:15
twbWhere "dnsmasq" is just the first package name I could think of04:15
twbOh well, it doesn't matter.04:16
ScottKSome of the tools still report stuff.04:16
sbeattieand indeed, I believe there may be installability issues around the kernel on ia64; Yingying_Zhao, you probably want ot ask around on #ubuntu-ports.04:16
ScottKJaunty was a good release for ports in general.04:16
ScottKI don't recall specifically about IA6404:16
twbDoes Ubuntu have anything like emdebian (an embedded / arm SIG)?04:17
* twb reads04:17
twbApparently Ubuntu Mobile is for atoms (i386).04:18
ScottKWe have an armel architecture, but nothing as extreme as embeddian.04:18
ScottKtwb: Actually we have a separate lpia architecture for LPIA.04:18
Yingying_Zhaosbeattie: Thanks for your suggestion~04:18
twbScottK: I thought that was deprecated04:18
ajmitchI'm fairly sure there's ongoing work on ARM04:18
ScottKNot yet.04:18
ajmitchwasn't jaunty officially released for ARM?04:19
ScottKIt was released, but as a developer preview.04:19
* ajmitch only read the subject line of that mail 04:19
Noah0504twb: So, if I make three partitions on each drive (boot, /, and a swap... will those be combined and synced?04:19
twbNoah0504: only if you make RAID arrays of the partitions.04:19
twbNoah0504: normally you would either put swap inside LVM inside the RAID5 (slow, but you can allocate more/less swap space as needed), or a separate swap partition on each disk (much better performance).04:20
twbI don't worry about swap too much because by the time my systems are swapping, they are already screwed.  Hooray for the 2.6 kernel....04:20
ajmitchor stuff just sits in swap for months on end04:21
twbIMO the main reason for a modern system to have swap is 1) suspend-to-disk; and 2) buffering of disk blocks.04:24
Noah0504Eh, my Internet cut out.  twb, is there anyway to just create the RAID array and have Ubuntu take care of the partitions?04:27
twbNoah0504: not really, no.04:28
twbNoah0504: setting up RAID still sucks on d-i (Debian and Ubuntu)04:28
Noah0504Well, it's no big deal, I'm just trying to get an idea of everything.  I still need to get the rest of the drives to complete a RAID 5 setup which will happen on Sat.04:29
twbThere really ought to be a guided partitioning choice like "Erase all my disks and use LVM and RAID", which would use RAID1 for a two-disk system and RAID5 for more disks.04:29
* twb goes to pester #debian-boot about it04:30
Noah0504That's what I was hoping would have been done by now!04:30
ajmitchtwb: it's on the list of things to do, I believe04:31
Noah0504It's not roo much trouble to make the partitions, I'm just working on the research right now.04:31
twbajmitch: yeah, I know04:31
* ajmitch knows how annoying it was to go through & setup this desktop with RAID & LVM04:31
ajmitcheven though I've done it several times before, it was just tedious04:31
Noah0504So, if I make a 10GB swap on a each of the drives in a 5 disk RAID 5 setup, is my swap partition going to be 40GB?04:33
twbNoah0504: if you make swap partitions outside the array, then you get size × number of disks.04:34
Noah0504If they're inside the array?04:35
twbNoah0504: if you make swap inside the array, then only size × 104:35
twbNoah0504: how big are your disks?  1TiB?04:35
twbYeah, so I would make (say) a 1GiB or 8GiB swap partition on each disk *outside* the array.04:35
twbThen tell /etc/fstab to mount them all with the same priority, so they are striped04:36
twbThis stuff is much easier in d-i than it is on an already-running system, I think.04:36
Noah0504The system will be reloaded.  So, it will all be done during install.04:36
Noah0504So, I should make a /boot, LVM (basically /) and a swap partition on each drive?  Then make the array on the LVM or / partition?04:37
twbLet me find the notes I wrote the other day for someone else04:38
Noah0504Thanks a lot.04:39
* ajmitch would do LVM on top of RAID rather than RAID on LVM04:39
twbajmitch: yes04:39
philsfisn't there a TUI that makes it all easy?04:44
* philsf thinks it's evms04:45
ajmitchI only care about it at install time, usually04:45
philsfexcept when something fails04:46
ajmitchthen I'd rather use mdadm & lvm tools myself than relying on evms04:47
philsfpacakges.u.c tells evms was dropped after hardy04:47
ajmitchevms had issues04:47
twbI thought evms was the opposite of lvm04:47
ajmitchevms was sort of all-encompassing04:47
twbi.e. you picked one or the other04:47
ajmitchI recall it & lvm disagreeing on the size of some logical volumes once04:47
ajmitchwhich worried me a little04:47
ajmitchI'm fairly sure you could have them both installed, it's been a little while since I had it installed though04:48
philsfI recall discovering about it when accessing my volumes wasn't possible with lvm tools04:48
philsfbecause the devices were moved to /dev/evms/*04:48
philsftook me some hair to find that out04:49
philsfbecause dapper installed and enabled it by default04:49
twbNoah0504: http://paste.lisp.org/display/8018404:50
Noah0504Thanks, twb.04:50
twbNoah0504: note that there I advocate swap inside LVM, but you can easily have separate swap partitions outside of LVM, i.e. sd[abc]3 4GiB swap04:51
twbWith 1TiB disks, permanently allocating several GiB to swap doesn't matter too much04:51
Noah0504So, sticking them outside of the array would be fine?04:51
Noah0504Faster even?04:51
ajmitchunsure if it'd be noticeable04:52
Noah0504Ha.  Well, like twb mentioned, you shouldn't need to be too dependent on it.04:52
twbIt'll be faster because swap will strip across the disks -- RAID0 instead of RAID504:53
ajmitchyes, I just setup 2 swap partitions rather than using RAID 1 on here04:53
twb(Note that you swap is RAID0 automatically -- do NOT actually create a RAID0 array.)04:53
Noah0504So, the /boot is actually being mirrored to each other, while LVM will actually stripe?04:54
Noah0504(With parity, of course.)04:55
twbNoah0504: /boot is RAID1 (mirror) because it has to be, for GRUB04:56
twbSo it's a mirror of three disks04:56
Noah0504Which will cause it to still boot upon fail...04:56
Noah0504I get it.04:56
ajmitchwhich is sort of important & all04:57
twbThe main LVM PV partition is a RAID5 array, which basically means it does the right thing, and you can lose up to one disk safely.04:57
twbIf you have *five* disks, you might want to consider using *two* parity disks, which will give you more safety in exchange for less storage space.04:57
Noah0504Great.  I think I have it all figured out now.  Doesn't seem like it should be too hard to get figured out when I actually go to do it.  I just need to pick up the extra disks on Sat.04:58
twbRAID5 with two parity disks is sometimes (incorrectly) referred to as RAID6.04:58
Noah0504I'll be going with 4 or 5 disks.04:58
Noah0504And then a couple eventually for drive failures.04:58
Noah0504Which hopefully won't happen soon.04:59
twbOh, and just to be clear: RAID5 doesn't mean 5 disks.  RAID5 works with 3 or more disks.04:59
Noah0504That I do know.  I'm not really a stranger to RAIDing... just software RAID with md.04:59
Noah0504I screwed myself though.  I'm locked in on getting this Seagate drives when the WD Greens are $90 now!05:00
Noah0504Oh well, these Seagates have 5 year warranties.  Which is why I ususally go with them.05:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #291987 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "mysql-server-5.0 installation fails" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29198705:01
twbMan, $90 for 1TiB05:12
twbRemember MFM?05:12
Noah0504I've been paying $99 for these Seagate drives... still not bad.05:15
Noah0504RAM and HDD prices have plumeted.05:15
ajmitchtwb: if only it were 99 AUD05:15
Noah0504I'm going to set up a test RAID of 0 on these drives.05:15
Noah0504I just have two... take it for a spin and make sure I have a grasp of it.05:16
twbajmitch: Seagate 3.5" 1TB 1000GB 7200rpm SATA or SATA II Serial ATA100 HDD Hard  AU$14405:16
ajmitchthat's pretty decent05:16
twbAU$139 for hitachi, meh05:16
Noah0504Not worth it.05:17
twbAU$197 for 1.5TiB seagate05:17
* ajmitch is still looking at over NZ$230 for 1TB drives on a local site05:17
twbajmitch: yeah, well.  I'm looking at the listings for "warehouse with an asshole and a desk in front of it" retailers05:18
ajmitchaha, I'm looking at a reliable site with free delivery in NZ05:18
ajmitchso I'd expect a little more05:18
Noah0504I'm just glad to have Newegg.com here.05:18
twbOh, of course warehouse-asshole does not do delivery at all.05:19
twbI mainly use his listings to find out what the lowest possible price is, so that I know what the markup of other retailers is :-)05:20
Noah0504ext2 or 3 for boot?05:22
twbUse ext3 unless you know better05:22
mib_a6s4uz3bHI, I have a Ubuntu Server 9.04 consisting of DHCP, NTP, DNS, OpenLDAP and SAMBA. I want to join my Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop. How can I do so?05:36
mib_a6s4uz3bI have configured this as per the server documentation.05:38
mib_a6s4uz3bBut instructions for joining a Ubuntu Client is not clear to me.05:39
mib_a6s4uz3bHey anyone around05:47
Rafaelhow can i see/check the size of the boot area05:51
mib_a6s4uz3bHi, anybody around05:59
dhrubaHi, anybody around?06:02
dhrubaI have configured a PC with NTP, DHCP, DNS, OpenLDAP and SAMBA as per the documentation of Ubuntu 9.04 Server. But I am unable to join my Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop with it.06:04
pteaguedo i simply need to do a `/etc/init.d/networking restart` after changing an ip address or do i need to do something else?06:06
dhrubaNo restarting the network through the command is sufficient06:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #376359 in samba (main) "Truncating NetBIOS name don't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37635907:26
Kamping_Kaiserjust over 100 5.04 cds. knew i had 'some' left, didnt know it was enough to start a company07:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #373736 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "Upgrade from Intrepid to Jaunty uninstalled mysql server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37373607:51
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[HU]gnanetHi, anyone got an idea how to downgrade rdiff-backup nicely if my backup server and the server i do my backups to are different versions of ubuntu?09:04
[HU]gnanetand therefore rdiff-backup is also different?09:04
[HU]gnanetok i read on forums its a rdiff-backup problem not the version diff (8.10 ubuntu and 1.1.16 rdiff-backup)09:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #376377 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.11-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37637709:11
andolttx: Believe I might have goten the hang of merging nagios3. Just have a few questions...09:14
ttxandol: shoot09:26
andolttx: Seems like the only Ubuntu changes which I might want to keep is the Maintainer field. Is that something we still want to keep, even if the rest of the package just is a copy of the debian version?09:34
ttxandol: no. You should keep it only if there are Ubuntu changes09:35
ttxandol: so in this case it should be a sync request.09:35
ttxand I can confirm it is.09:35
* andol starts reading about syncs...09:36
andolttx: So, what I do now is submit a sync request in LP, and subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors?09:39
ttxandol: yes. Manually or using requestsync -s09:40
Blackholdcould someone help me please?09:45
ttx!ask | Blackhold09:46
ubottuBlackhold: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:46
Blackholdubottu: gutsy repos don't appear09:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:46
BlackholdI have the system not updated about a 9 months09:46
BergcubeUbuntu 9.04 with zabbix-server-mysql and zabbix-frontend-php installed. Upon first connect from the webbrowser I get the error "Timezone for PHP is not set. Please set "date.timezone" option in php.ini." I have set the timezone in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini but that didn't help.  What should I do to fix this?09:47
twbWould that be because Gutsy is not a LTS, and it is no longer supported?09:47
twbBergcube: maybe you also need to restart apache or php?09:47
Bergcubetwb~  Well, I've even rebooted.  Sorry for not including that....  :-S09:48
twbBergcube: dunno, then.  Be patient and hope someone else knows09:48
Bergcubetwb~  Thx.09:48
Blackholdtwb: yes09:48
twbBlackhold: you should schedule an upgrade to 8.04 ASAP09:48
BergcubeHm, I guess there must be a PHP channel here too...09:49
Blackholdwich is the codename?09:49
twbBlackhold: hardy09:49
Blackholdtwb: then, where appears gutsy I should put hardy?09:49
twbBlackhold: I think you can change the sources.list to point elsewhere and still get gutsy, but obviously it won't be supported after it is EOLd09:49
Blackholdand then # apt-get safe-upgrade ?09:49
twbBlackhold: you should read the release notes09:49
Blackholdsorry apt-get update && apt-get safe-upgrade09:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gutsy-09:49
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading09:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #376392 in openvpn (universe) "Enabling VPN connection in NetworkManager messes up routing table" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37639209:52
andolttx: Since you seem to be around, does bug #376397 do the trick?09:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 376397 in nagios3 "please sync nagios3_3.0.6-4 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37639709:52
ttxandol: looking...09:56
ttxandol: adding the Debian changelog since latest Ubuntu helps in seeing the delta was merged09:58
ttxandol: see bug 372699 for example09:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 372699 in libcgi "Sync libcgi 1.0-7 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37269909:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #376397 in nagios3 (main) "please sync nagios3_3.0.6-4 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37639710:01
ttxandol: basically you have to say that the only Ubuntu delta was that prerm apacheconf purge and show in the Debian changelog that it was adopted in Debian10:02
ttxIt will help the sponsors job.10:03
andolttx: Got it, changing the description now...10:03
andolttx: better?10:08
ttxandol: looks good10:16
andolttx: thanks10:16
ttxnow subscribe the relevant sponsor team so that they ACK your conclusion10:17
ttxI can't do that myself for main (yet)10:17
ttxandol: cool, now, on to nagios-plugins for level 2 :)10:20
andolttx: Will do, just have to start doing some laundry first...10:20
ttxandol: bah, who needs clothes10:21
andolttx: Well, I'm going to ride the bus tomorrow. Not sure if that is kosher to do without any clothes on :-)10:22
sergevnhi i want to install IBM DB2 client for php5, is there any package or tutorial ?10:38
saflHey people, I'm used to having the output of cron send to roots mailbox, this is disabled by design in ubuntu-server, how can i "get it back"? I've tried installing mailutils, but i guess theres more to it than that... the $MAILTO var is still empty...10:49
andolttx: Since I assume you already know the "correct answer" of nagios-plugins... I take it that there should be a merge preserving 99_check_ntp_segfaults.dpatch as well as the structure of nagios-plugins-extra?11:10
ttxandol: I seem to remember we must also preserve usage of libradius1-dev as build-dep11:11
andolttx: You'r right, I missed that.11:13
andolttx: Anyway, seems like the merge-o-matic took care of all those things. So what I should do now is write up a merge request, explaining the deltas we keep and fix debdiffs to upload?11:14
ttxyou should also write a changelog entry11:16
ttxregenerate the source package to include that changelog entry11:16
ttxgenerate debdiffs from that11:16
ttx+ forward the relevant fixes to Debian11:17
ttx(if any)11:17
ttxandol: + also check the existing bugs list to see if any would get fixed by the new version12:33
andolttx: Don't see anything in the 1.4.12-5 changlog entry which matches current LP bug reports on nagios-plugins.12:40
ttxandol: me neither12:41
reya276How can I restrict users connecting through OpenSSH to only read,write and view to their home directories?12:53
andolzul: See you did the last merge of nagios-plugins? How did you handle/note changes in the ./po/ folder?12:58
zulandol: no i just woke up12:58
andolzul: Well, the second last I guess now when I take a closer look, but ttx refers the question to you. good morning by the way.13:00
zulttx: ok thanks..13:00
reya276How can I restrict users connecting through OpenSSH to only read,write and view to their home directories?13:01
ttxzul: you're welcome ;)13:01
reya276I tried changing the user shell to /bin/bash -s but that does not work13:02
zulandol: keep them and note the changes in the changelog13:03
andolzul: Specific po changes, or just refer to them as general changes to po/?13:03
zuljust general13:03
andolzul: That was the answer I was hoping for, thanks :)13:04
\shmoins guys...13:16
=== gaveen_ is now known as gaveen
andolzul, ttx: Any particular reason why the nagios-plugins package doesn't have any XSBC-Original-Maintainer in debian/control?13:28
zulnope just add it13:29
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andolttx: Before I subscribe sponsors to bug #376459, is there anything in particular wrong with it?13:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 376459 in ubuntu "please merge nagios-plugins 1.4.12-5 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37645913:56
ttxandol: looking13:56
ttxandol: looks ok, <nitpicking>You don't need to add a changelog entry about the XSBC-Original-Maintainer change because it is an implied change</nitpicking>14:01
ttxandol:  I'd say do not bother redoing the patches unless your sponsor objects to it14:02
andolOk, thanks14:02
henriquelmHello There14:09
henriquelmWhere are located the header files and libraries of the X window system un Ubuntu Server 8.04?14:10
W8TAHive a snort machien that i just moved to a new physical location -- stupid me forgot to mark the cables - -is there a way that i can have the box tell me which nick is which ?14:19
andolttx: Well, now it is time for me to enjoy some of that outdoors. Thanks for the help today. I've learned lots.14:19
ttxandol: you're welcome14:20
henriquelmCan someone help me out with the x11vnc installation? http://rafb.net/p/49hZC730.html14:22
sorenhenriquelm: Try in #ubuntu.14:22
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angelleyeI'm a PHP developer but my local test enviorment has always been Windows.  I'd like to get an actual linux dev enviornment up and running.  I just installed ubuntu 9 and lamp.  Now I'm sitting here with some questions.  Can anybody help me out real quick?14:36
ScottK!ask | angelleye14:38
ubottuangelleye: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:38
Hamziferkirkland: here?15:48
gourgihey guys, i have a problem with vlans in 9.04. same configuration is just fine under 8.1015:50
Hamziferkirkland: oh, heh, i've just seen bug #375309, will post on there instead15:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 375309 in byobu "attach to byobu crashes on hardy" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37530915:50
gourgiwhen i restart networking i get this http://pastebin.com/m17c7325b15:50
gourgihere is my interfaces http://pastebin.com/f7723677215:50
gourgialso i noticed that in 9.04 lsmod |grep 8021 give two modules:  8021q and garp, while in 8.10 only 8021q. is this relevant?15:52
kirklandHamzifer: yes, thanks.15:52
gourgianyone else seen this vlans problem with 9.04 ?15:53
gourgibtw i have no nfs mounts in me fstab15:55
moonpuphi, can someone tell me when setting up samba if adding the root user (smbpasswd -a root) is still a required step for functioning properly?15:55
moonpupfor some reason i can't get OS X to mount home directories although other shares mount ok15:56
reid_hmm.. x was just working on my server..  now when I startx, it says "Saw signal 11. Server aborting"16:20
ScottKIf it involves X, this isn't the channel for it.16:23
reid_fair enough16:23
big_hamanyone around to help with NIC issue in Intrepid?16:36
ivoksRoAk: there?16:41
RoAkivoks, heya master, how's it going16:41
ivoksi've talked with fabbione16:41
RoAkivoks, what he said?16:41
ivoksthere's an intention to merge rhcs and pacemaker16:42
ivoksbasically, heartbeat is a dead project16:42
RoAkivoks, so basically, they want to do: pacemaker + openais = rhcs16:42
ivoksno, merge them16:42
ivoksparts of rhcs + parts of pacemaker = new cluster stack16:42
RoAkivoks, I see then.. so what they wan't to do, is to create a new cluster stack and then rhcs and pacemaker will disappear as a single project?16:43
ivoksbut this will not happen in next year16:45
ivoksthere's no date when they will achieve this16:45
ivoksthat's the goal and they started with first steps16:45
ivoksso, what we should do is talk with debian-ha-maintainers16:45
RoAkivoks, yeah.. it will take time for them to create it, however in the link I can see that they'll keep the heartbeat subsystem16:45
ivoksparts of it16:45
RoAkivoks, i've been on that, and debian-ha-maintainers are only contacts of drbd8 and csync216:45
RoAkso it's a dead end, unless they start working on other package.. anyways.. we'll have to talk to them and see if they have something thought about HA16:46
RoAkotherwise, what do you think we should do? at least for karmic?16:46
ivoksi'll work on rhcs16:48
ivoksi think we should have both rhcs and pacemaker in main16:48
RoAkif we do so, we should also have heartbeat and openais16:48
ivoksopenais is in main already16:48
RoAkbecause, what i've been seen lately is that many people is now trying to use pacemaker/heartbeat16:48
ivoksrhcs depends on it16:48
ivoksthat's true16:50
RoAkso, pacemaker won't do any good if it works by itself, since it is intended to work with heartbeat or openais16:50
ivoksRoAk: i think we should stick with openais16:50
ivokswe should also join linux-cluster and linux-ha channels16:50
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
RoAkSoAxivoks, an what should be do about heartbeat (in my experience, much more people use heartbeat rather than openais)16:51
ivoksRoAkSoAx: make it usable and leave it in universe?16:52
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok then... so these new project is gonna have a little bit of everything, heartbeat, pacemaker, rhcs16:55
ivoksit seems so16:55
ivoksbut we will know more once we join linux-ha and linux-cluster16:55
RoAkSoAxivoks, i do think it is a good idea to take the best of every stack and make one single stack, which should work better16:55
ivoksthat's their plan :)16:56
RoAkSoAxk :)16:57
RoAkSoAxivoks, btw.. have you take a look to my latest merge?? I'm not sure if what I did is the right thing to do... I added quilt as patch system for the Ubuntu change...16:57
ivoksi haven't yet16:58
RoAkSoAxivoks, k, when you have a little time please take a look and give me some feedback about it16:59
ivoksi will today16:59
ivoksin couple of minutes16:59
RoAkSoAxivoks, now.. how's the process to work with FTBFS16:59
ivoksRoAkSoAx: bbl16:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #376250 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysql-server failed to install/upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37625017:13
* ScottK wonders if which mysql to use for Karmic needs a spec?17:16
ivokslet's move to MariaDB17:17
ivoksthat way we can still call it a LAMP stack17:17
mathiazivoks: did you get a change to test drbd 8.3 with 2.6.30 in karmic?17:19
ivokschance? not yet17:20
ivoksi could do it during UDS17:20
ivoksmathiaz: why do you ask? any problems with it?17:24
mathiazivoks: nope - just checking17:24
mathiazivoks: I know we run into problems in previous releases17:24
ivoks8.3.1 was the last drbd17:24
mathiazivoks: with issues between userspace and kernel17:24
ivoksit was tested with 2.6.2917:24
ivoksi know...17:24
mathiazivoks: yeah - since karmic is on 2.6.30 - thinks may be broken now17:24
ivoksi doubt...17:25
ivoksWed, 29 Apr 2009 14:06:04 +000017:25
ivoksthat's the last commit in drbd 8.3 :)17:25
mathiazivoks: and there is the ubuntu specific patch about CN_IDX_DRBD17:25
mathiazivoks: is this something that may have changed in 2.6.30?17:25
RoAkSoAxivoks, btw.. DRBD8 has not reached the archives yet, right?17:25
mathiazRoAkSoAx: the merge for karmic - no17:26
ivoksmathiaz: ignore that patch17:26
mathiazRoAkSoAx: I'm looking at it now17:26
ivoksmathiaz: it's just a number under which module is registred17:26
mathiazivoks: ? it's still in the merge though17:26
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, :)17:26
ivoksmathiaz: so, if you merge it, it won't work in karmic (i need to send in a patch for kernel)17:26
mathiazivoks: ok - so it's something specific to ubuntu and the integration of the kernel module into lum17:26
ivokseven the upstream knows that17:27
mathiazivoks: hm - I didn't understand - is the CN_IDX_DRBD17:27
mathiazivoks: hm - I didn't understand - is the CN_IDX_DRBD patch still needed in karmic?17:27
ivoksit is, but that change doesn't influence the drbd it self17:28
mathiazivoks: ok17:28
ivoksCN_IDX_DRBD is a number for linux's connector17:28
big_hamguys ... I had a VMServer running perfectly on Intrepid with a static WAN IP ... I went to put it behind a router and change to a static LAN IP and now both NIC's show down17:28
big_hamI changed everything back to the way it was and still everything shows down17:29
big_hamliterally all I did was to change the network file17:29
big_hamI am baffled17:30
ivoksmathiaz: you can sign it with you own key, you know that? :)17:47
mathiazivoks: I always sign with my own key - why do you ask?17:48
ivoksnever mind :)17:48
andolIf I want to merge packages related to the server team. Is there any reason why I might want to focus on packages in main or on packages in universe?18:11
mathiazandol: well - focusing on universe will help get you experience for becoming a MOTU18:12
andolmathiaz: That's a good point, thanks.18:13
mathiazandol: bug 376459 - could you please send the ntp patch to Debian?18:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 376459 in ubuntu "please merge nagios-plugins 1.4.12-5 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37645918:14
andolmathiaz: Yes, but before I do that I want to make sure the error also applies to a Debian system. Or is it obvious enough just to assume it does?18:16
mathiazandol: I think it applies to debian too - I haven't checked - but the patch is taken from upstream svn18:17
mathiazandol: so there is a good change it applies in Debian too18:17
andolOk, then I'll submit it to the debian bts.18:18
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dayoanyone know how to manually config a connection to an ADSL modem?19:00
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* gourgi is desperate , needs help with vlans in 9.04 !19:37
gourgianyone willing to help me with a vlan problem in 9.04 ?19:38
gourgihere i describe the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115928319:39
wizardslovakanyone has played with postfix here?19:42
ivokswhat's that? :)19:51
Vog-workwizardslovak: I do regularly but postfix questions are best made in #postfix19:58
Vog-worknevermind see you there now19:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #376459 in nagios-plugins (universe) "please merge nagios-plugins 1.4.12-5 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37645920:05
wizardslovakok so when i type "telnet localhost 25" i am getting "connection refused"20:07
wizardslovakwhat should i do?20:07
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, I added a new debdiff for openvpn :)20:08
ivoksgood night20:11
wizardslovak"apt-get remove "software"" will remove program , and if i want to remove file and config what should i erase?20:26
gourgiwizardslovak apt-get purge20:27
wizardslovak""apt-get purge software"??20:28
gourgiwizardslovak correct20:28
gourgiwizardslovak apt-get --help20:29
ScottKOr man apt-get20:32
=== ttx is now known as ttx_
=== ttx_ is now known as ttx
TimReichhartI need some help on getting my network to come back up and when I did the lshw -C network  it came up with network card disabled21:11
TimReichhartand I am using 3com 3c905b cyclone21:12
wizardslovakok when i type "netcat mail.domain.com 25"21:39
wizardslovakit doesnt show anything21:39
n0ahi kinda need the default php.ini that comes with ubuntu server 9.0422:31
n0ahmessed it up bad22:32
wizardslovakhow can i change server name?22:51
MTecknologyWhat do you guys think of this? http://pastebin.ca/1423111 - I'm going to build my own sexxy server. I don't think I'm missing any parts...23:02
* KaptenRodSkagg_ is away: Jag är upptagen23:22
Wiseguyhey guys, im lookin through my smb.conf file tryin to find where the default location for samba shares is located but cant seem to find it, does anyone know?23:42

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